23314 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 28, 2001 justice system, its rules of evidence and its I rise today to honor three heroes whom we recognize what her Presidency and overall constitutional guarantees. lost on September 11th. Dorothy DeAraujo, leadership has meant to the community. The creation of military tribunals would per- Christopher Newton, and Marie Pappalardo. A fourth generation San Franciscan and mit secret arrests, secret charges using secret Dorothy DeAraujo, was an aspiring artist alumna of Stanford University, Nancy Bechtle evidence, secret prosecutions, secret wit- whom I knew while serving as the president of comes from a family tradition which has nesses, secret trials, secret convictions, secret State University, Long Beach. She blessed California with its philanthropy and sentencing, and even secret executions. The worked as the business manager’s assistant civic involvement and she is passing this leg- Fifth Amendment to the Constitution estab- on campus, while she earned her Bachelors acy on to her children. Nancy Bechtle has lishes that ‘‘No person shall * * * be deprived Degree in the Arts at age 69. I remember been a member of the Symphony’s Board of of life, liberty, or property, without due process Dorothy as a delightful person who was al- Governors since 1984. Elected in 1987, she is of law.’’ It is therefore a matter of protecting ways painting. Dorothy was aboard United Air- the second woman to hold the position of our Constitutional rights that defendants in ter- lines flight 175 that hit the south tower of the President of the San Francisco Symphony. rorism cases receive full due process under World Trade Center. She was returning from a Mrs. Bechtle’s tenure was one of the most the law. visit with her son in Bedford, Massachusetts. successful in the Symphony’s history, high- Furthermore, failure to subject suspected At the age of 80, Dorothy was still an avid lighted by the appointment of Michael Tilson terrorists to the Constitutionally-based Amer- painter. She lived in the Naples waterbased Thomas as Music Director, the completion of ican system of justice will cause America to community within Long Beach. She spent her an acoustic renovation of Davies Symphony lose moral standing in the world. For years the time tending to her garden and painting vi- Hall, a major touring program that has taken State Department has strongly opposed the brant watercolor scenes. Dorothy often painted the Symphony throughout Europe, Asia and use of secret courts in countries such as Rus- famous Long Beach landmarks such as the the and the release of numer- sia, China, Egypt, Peru—and Columbia. Just Queen Mary. She enjoyed traveling to places ous Grammy Award winning recordings. Mrs this summer China held secret trials of several such as France, Australia, and Italy for their Bechtle, with her grace and strength, nego- US based scholars on espionage charges. scenery and museums. She will always be re- tiated a historic six year labor agreement One of the scholars was a U.S. citizen and membered by her friends and neighbors as signed in January of 1999. As a result of another two were U.S. permanent residents. ‘‘our artist.’’ these efforts, the San Francisco Symphony is We demand full due process for Americans Christopher Newton, a Long Beach native, considered one of the world’s premiere or- charged with a crime in a foreign country and was a passenger aboard American Airlines chestral ensembles. In addition, Mrs. Bechtle we should not set a different standard for our flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon. The has illustrated her commitment to the San non-citizens. morning of September 11th; Chris boarded his Francisco community by establishing annual Just days ago Spain announced that it will flight for LAX with two objectives. Officially he outdoor concerts as well as expanding the not extradite eight men charged with com- was on business, but he also was returning to Symphony’s education program for youth, Ad- plicity in the Sept. 11th attacks unless the southern California to retrieve the family dog. ventures in Music. Mrs. Bechtle has been rec- United States agrees to try the suspects by a Chris and his wife Amy had recently moved ognized with numerous awards for her out- civilian court and not by a military tribunal. Ac- their young family from southern California to standing service to the community. cording to an article in on his Northern Virginia headquarters. Friends re- I am proud to Join my constituents in thank- Nov. 24, 2001, ‘‘A senior European Union offi- member Chris as a devoted family man. He ing and praising my friend Nancy Bechtle for cial * * * said he doubted that any of the 15 also had a quick sense of humor. Chris valued her fourteen extraordinary years as President nations—all of which have renounced the family as well. An Eagle Scout at 13, Chris of the San Francisco Symphony. We have death penalty and signed the European Con- was both a Scoutmaster and Little League been truly blessed by her leadership, will miss vention on Human Rights—would agree to ex- manager for his children, 8-year-old Sarah, her as President, and wish her well in all her tradition that involved the possibility of a mili- and 11-year-old Michael. Parents reported that endeavors, including her continued service on tary trial. Chris was the kind of scoutmaster who treated the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Noted conservative columnist, William all the boys as if they were his own. Symphony. Safire, put to rest the erroneous argument that Marie Pappalardo was a passenger aboard f the establishment of military tribunals was the Los Angeles bound United Airlines flight consistent with military justice. According to FLOOR STATEMENT FOR REP. 175—the same flight that carried Dorothy Safire, ‘‘Military attorneys are silently seething ELLEN TAUSCHER DeAraujo. Marie was returning from her an- * * * The Uniform Code of Military Justice de- nual visit to Methuen, Massachusetts for her mands a public trial, proof beyond reasonable daughter’s 33rd birthday. Marie lived in the HON. ELLEN D. TAUSCHER doubt, an accused’s voice in the selection of OF CALIFORNIA city of Paramount with her husband Steven juries and the right to choose counsel, una- Santoyo. The couple worked together at ALA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nimity in death sentencing and above all ap- Foods and shared a love for horse racing. Wednesday, November 28, 2001 pellate review by civilians confirmed by the Marie’s family and friends remember her as a Senate. Not one of these fundamental rights Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, we have wonderful woman who was dedicated to her can be found in (the Administration’s) military mourned. We have remembered. And we family and her three teenage stepdaughters. order setting up kangaroo courts for people he have flown the flag. f We have done a lot to honor those lost. designates before ‘‘trial’’ to be terrorists.’’ But we can do more to honor the men and We can not, and should not, let the actions STATEMENT IN HONOR OF NANCY women who became some of the greatest he- of terrorists cause us to degrade our American H. BECHTLE roes in American history on September 11. system of justice. Many families are still searching for peace f HON. of mind and for how to explain to their children TRIBUTE TO THE VICTIMS OF OF CALIFORNIA that their moms or dads aren’t coming home. SEPTEMBER 11TH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES One of those people is Deena Burnett, who lost her husband Tom on flight 93. Another is Wednesday, November 28, 2001 Laurie Hart, whose husband John was in the HON. STEPHEN HORN Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to salute OF CALIFORNIA World Trade Center September 11. Nancy Hellman Bechtle for her longstanding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These two men are shining examples of the commitment to the San Francisco Bay Area American spirit, and of our bravery and values Wednesday, November 28, 2001 community. For the last fourteen years, Nancy as a Nation. Mr. HORN. Mr. Speaker, the tragedy of Bechtle has served as the President of the Nothing will ever bring back Tom or John, September 11th touched all Americans in San Francisco Symphony. On December 3, but we must do everything we can to help some way. Many of us in Congress lost peo- 2001, the Board of Governors of the San their families keep their memories alive. ple from the districts we represent. Some we Francisco Symphony, civic leaders, elected of- Deena Burnett would like to hear the record- knew personally. Others we wished we’d had ficials and friends and fans will gather for a ing from flight 93’s cockpit recorder. And I be- a chance to meet. tribute dinner and concert in Nancy’s honor, to lieve we owe that to her.

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