OPEN SESSION: There were five members of the public present, to speak on planning applications – please see P/4941 below.


Held on Friday 2nd March 2012 at 2.00pm

Cllr Mark Steele (Chairman) Cllr Sophie Burgess-Kennar (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Neville Chard Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine Cllr Stephanie Stokes Cllr Brian Terry Cllr Jacqui Terry Cllr Angela Wiseman

IN ATTENDANCE: Jo Stannard, Deputy Town Clerk Claire Perrens, Meetings Administrator Evelyn Robinson, Student Advisor Alice Waters, Student Advisor

There were no apologies for absence.


Cllr Steele declared a personal and prejudicial interest, and Cllrs B and J Terry declared a personal interest – for details see P/4941 Planning Applications, below.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd February 2012, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


Members considered the planning applications as detailed in Annex A attached.

As there were members of the public present wishing to comment the Chairman brought forward two applications, as below.

12/97130 - Unit 6 Forest Corner Farm, Hill, Forest Corner, Hangersley, , BH24 3JW:- Replacement of part of existing building with new offices to serve existing veterinary centre

Cllr Steele declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this application, due to a business connection. Cllr Steele left the meeting and took no part in the debate or decision made; the Vice-Chairman took the chair in his absence.

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The agent, Mr Davies, and one of the partners of Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists (SCVS) were present to support the application. Mr Davies said that following the previous refusal, they had had discussions with the National Park Authority’s planning officer in order to try to meet the NFNPA’s requirements. He commented that the replacement building would look more attractive than the current building. A traffic survey had been carried out but increase in traffic was minimal. He added that the purpose was not to increase staff, but to provide a better working environment for existing staff. It was noted that SCVS is an important employer for the area. After further discussions, Members agreed the observation shown in Annex A.

The Chairman, Cllr Steele, returned to the meeting.

12/98234 - 62 NORTH ROAD, RINGWOOD BH24 3LS:- House, access & parking.

Cllr B Terry and Cllr J Terry declared a personal interest in this application, as they live close by.

The Deputy Town Clerk said there had been eight objections from members of the public.

Mr Janes of 64 North Poulner Road circulated photographs which had also been submitted online. Mr Janes explained that his property was located side-on to No 62, and the proposed house would be very close to his front garden and front windows. Properties in the area were all either detached or semi-detached and he argued that to create a terrace in this location would be out of keeping and cramped as it would be compressed into an inadequate space. There was a lack of concern by the applicant for the impact this would have on the neighbours. With regard to parking, the garage would be removed, and there would only be one space for the new property. There were parking issues in the area, especially as it was near the school, which meant that there were times when there was a high volume of cars parking on the road side.

Mr Burrows of No 60 agreed with the points already made, saying the proposal would be out of character; there was no attempt in the plans to match the existing properties and it would cause the neighbours (especially No 64) considerable loss of amenity. He considered it would be overdevelopment of an already well-used site. He was concerned about the hazards of attempting to build in such a confined space and that the current soakaways would be inadequate.

Cllr B Terry said he had been closely monitoring this application. North Poulner Road is on a bus route and it is a busy road due to the nearby school, where events are held often at weekends as well as during school times. Although not something which could be addressed through planning control, he considered that should this development proceed, it would have a negative impact on the value of the adjoining properties.

After some further discussion, Members agreed on the observation as shown in Annex A attached.

RESOLVED: That the observations summarised in Annex A be submitted.

ACTION Claire Perrens

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The Committee considered the District Council’s Traffic Management Programme for 2012/13, attached as Annex B.

Cllr Rippon-Swaine commented that he regularly reports on progress with this programme through his county councillor reports at Full Council meetings.

With regard to 18 – RINGWOOD – Hightown Road Cycle Route, Cllr Wiseman said she still had concerns about the proposals.

Cllr B Terry suggested that there should be an additional proposal for a reduction in the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph on Gorley Road, where it is only one lane wide, between the junction with North Poulner Road and the Lin Brook ford.

RESOLVED: That the Traffic Management Programme 2012/13 be noted and that Members comments as shown above be raised at the next Ringwood Traffic Management Issues (Informal Local Members Liaison Meeting).

ACTION Jo Stannard


The Deputy Town Clerk said that Cllr Wiseman and other volunteers had tested various walks for the new Rights of Way leaflet. As reported in Annex C attached, it was discovered that it is not easy to follow the route of the Avon Valley Path across the Water Meadows. The proposed solution was to provide an information board detailing the route at the entrance to the Water Meadows. Further information about responsible behaviour required by walkers and dog owners could be incorporated on the board.

RESOLVED: That £287.50 be vired from the Built Environment budget towards funding for an information board for the Water Meadows / Avon Valley path.

ACTION Jo Stannard

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 3.20pm.

RECEIVED APPROVED 28th March 2012 30th March 2012


Note: The text in the Action Boxes above does not form part of these minutes.

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