
Lore Dump 99 Toss-Ups on the cultures, sciences, magicks, and histories within fictional franchises

Written and edited by Patrick Quion with contributions by Sarah Benner

Dedicated to the editors and contributors of Fandom Wikias, the unsung heroes of the Internet RULES: All toss-ups in Lore Dump are composed of in-universe clues from a single media franchise. Clues stick to an official canon if there is one. If there is not, liberties were in clue selection. Only a handful of franchises are represented more than once so expect a variety of different topics. This is intended to be slightly hard but mostly gettable. Have fun!

Big thanks to the Purdue Quizbowl Team for playtesting and contributions to editing.


1. The ability to recover wounds via regenesis is a skill of The Ravager, a combat-focused caste of these beings that can also come in “Colossal” forms. Cloned members of these beings were destroyed by a crash of the Auriga. A horizontal gene-jumping phenomenon called the “DNA Reflex” explains the general variety of these beings. These beings are called kiande amedha, or “hard meat” by another race who use the blood of these beings in their ritualized Hunts. The signature killing maneuver of these beings is called their “Headbite”. These creatures are the prized prey of the (*) Yautja. These creatures’ unique exo-and-endo-skeleton combination is named their mesoskeleton, which, along with their dorsal spines, are studied by biologists at the British-Japanese corporation Weyland-Yutani. These creatures have a second, extendable inner jaw. For 10 points, name this species that has larval stages of facehugger and chestburster. ANS: Xenomorph XX121 (prompt on alien, I guess)

2. One member of this group possesses the self-destructive Dead Scream attack. When at least five members of this group hold their hands in a circle they can cast their namesake Teleport spell that was used to enter Queen Nehelnia’s domain. The Space Sword, Deep Aqua Mirror, and Garnet Orb are possessed by members of this group who can combine them together to form The Holy Grail. Residing inside the Crystal Palace, one member of this group holds the key and stands guard to the (*) Space-Time Door. This group is divided into “inner” and “outer” members and during the Silver Millenium, this group served Princess Serenity. Along with shards of the Silver Crystal, this group was sent to reincarnate on future Earth, and they can transform into their former selves with Transformation Pens given to them by the cat Luna. Usagi Tsukino leads - for 10 points - what group of women named for the celestial bodies in the solar system? ANS: Sailor Senshi (accept Sailor Guardians or Sailor Scouts, prompt on partial, accept “inner” or “outer” guardians before mention)

2 3. The War of Unification prompted the creation of a destructive family of these objects by Consus and Hephaistos. Most of these objects are made of a material called “Pathorica'' or Adamant, an unknown metal similar to both gold and silver. A shard from one of these objects accidentally inflicted the memory-related Bleeding Effect on a lost princess when was exposed to the Precursor Box, which is powered by these objects. “Tainted Ones” are Hybrids with the power of Eagle Vision and increased mental resistance to these objects. A group of these objects are nanotech (*) “Shrouds” that bestow regenerative ability to its wearers. Another group of these objects are “Staves” which, when one was combined with the “Apple” type of these objects, opened the Vatican Vault left by their creators, the ancient alien Isu race. For 10 points, name these objects fought over by the Templars and Assassins. ANS: Pieces of Eden (accept Swords/Shrouds/Staves/Apples of Eden, prompt on partial)

4. The legendary Taronyu became the first tamer of these creatures, achieved by braiding razor palm leaves together to make a yìmkxa, a bola-like weapon. The “Forest” variety of these creatures are smaller than their cousins, but they are still the main predators of stingbats. Though they have a carbon-fiber structure like many fauna in their biosphere, these creatures of the genus giganteus have the very rare configuration of only four limbs. These creatures are the main prey for the large winged toruk, or “last shadow”. to the Hallelujah (*) Mountains is the first step in a ritual called Iknimaya, that centers on creating tsaheylu with these creatures via queues. These creatures, natively called ikran, are central to that rite of passage in which one of them must be bonded and mounted via the neural links in a hair-like braid. For 10 points, name these flying Pandoran creatures, who get their English name from their high-pitched screeches. ANS: (mountain) banshees (accept ikran before mention)

5. The only music this figure is capable of playing is the “empty chord” they will play at the end of everything, the music for when no more sound will be made after. This figure rhetorically asked one disciple to “Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder [...] and show me one atom of justice”. A minor version of this figure who can only communicate in mono-syllabic squeaks is accompanied by the talking raven, Quoth. Many cats roam around this figure’s domain, which has been served by Alberto Malich ever since he tried to avoid this figure by performing his summoning ritual (*) backwards. That ritual is the Rite of AshkEnte. This figure was forced to become farmhand Bill Door by the Auditors of Reality. This figure’s steed is the pale horse Binky, his apprentice was Mortimer, Duke of Sto Helit, and he briefly took over the role of Hogfather in order to maintain the beliefs of people on Discworld. For 10 points, name this figure who Discworld residents greet at the end of their lives. ANS: Death (accept Death of Rats)

6. The curse of the October Blood Moon created a powerful servant to the first person with this role, Scáthach. While suffering from consumption in this position, Prudence Mather conducted a ritualized suicide called The Sacred Taking which was also performed in an alternate timeline to cast a powerful Tempus Infinitum. Representing the other side of the Faction War, Marie Laveau holds an equivalent to this position as the Voodoo Queen while a male equivalent to this role is called the Alpha (*) Warlock. Upon ascending to this position after her mother, Cordelia Goode had her eyes restored. Concilium, Vitalum Vitalis, and pyrokinesis are three of the 7 Wonders one must master to attain this position. For 10 points, name this strongest witch and leader of a coven. ANS: the Supreme Witch (prompt on witch)

3 7. Despite being called “the nuke gun”, the M-920 Cain actually relies on this phenomenon powered by antimatter reactions. Conduit is one of the structures called “engines” of this phenomenon by Dr. Amanda Kesson, whose dust particle research dates those structures to be much older than assumed. This phenomenon functions via releasing dark energy and this phenomenon’s source is created when a star supernovas near solid mass. As a side effect of this phenomenon, ships using it for (*) FTL travel must discharge a build up of static electricity whenever they can find ground. Due to the nature of the planet Thessia, the monogendered Asari are all capable of controlling this phenomenon for feats like making kinetic barriers. Transport “Relays” and Bionics rely on this phenomenon, which is produced by eezo, or element zero. For 10 points, name this phenomenon that grants artificial gravity to the Citadel, the home of Commander Shepherd’s favorite stores. ANS: mass effect fields (accept eezo or element zero before mention)

8. One method to graduate into this profession is by reciting the entire liber Tenebararum verbatim, which no one has chosen to do. The “First Age of [this profession]” began after five of them set out on the Path from Castle Morgraig, where they would return every winter. Letho used monk disguises in his missions as de facto leader of a hired group of this profession called Kingslayers. Axii and Igni are two of the five low-level spells used in this profession called (*) Signs. People in this profession carry two swords, one of steel and one of silver. Members of this profession must pass the Trial of Grasses, an alchemical regiment that is rewarded with a magic-sensitive medallion and night vision via cat-like eyes. For 10 points, name this monster-killing profession of Geralt of Rivia. ANS: witchers (accept wiccan, hexer, vedymin, or witchman)

9. Note to players: A collection of names is acceptable. One of the few statues depicting these deities were only revealed in their true colors after all namesake Pearls were placed in their raised hands. This pantheon created the four Light Spirits to watch over the divisions of their world, such as Ordona. The central myth about these deities tells how one “gave the spirit of law to the world” and another “with strong flaming arms [...] cultivated the land and created the red earth”. After that labor, this pantheon departed to the Sacred Realm. In another myth, the failure of King (*) Daphnes prompts this pantheon to answer peoples’ prayers by telling them to escape to the mountaintops and then sending a flood that would form the Great Sea. These goddesses’ namesake Love, Wind, and Fire are magic skills bestowed by The Great Fairy of the Fountain. For 10 points, name these deities who created the Triforce. ANS: Golden Goddesses (accept Nayru, Farore, and Din in any order)

10. Residents of these locations would leave them for an annual pilgrimage to bow four times at a statue of Lady Tienhai. An exclusively male variety of these locations was built in the Patola Mountain Range. A modern one of these locations was built on an island outside Yue Bay. Sanctuary doors at these locations could only be opened by activating three spiral shaped horns simultaneously. Elevators and spark-powder based time candles were installed into one of these locations by The (*) Machinist. Two statues of Yangchen were built for these locations and one of these places was destroyed after flooding with Ghazan’s lava. These buildings were successfully raided in 0 AG despite their remote placement, with one of them being built on the underside of a cliff such that it appeared upside down. There were ones of these buildings for each cardinal direction that nomads traveled between. For 10 points, name these spiritual buildings one could learn air-bending. ANS: Air Temples (prompt on partial)

4 11. The immortal alchemist Shadow Lord worked with Bartholomew to write down this set of rules. One of these rules is “Any man who falls behind is left behind”. According to these rules, to become a “Lord” one must have killed a man in the past 7 years and been handed a piece of eight from their predecessor. A prison dog keeps the key to unlock the official tome of these rules, whose Keeper is currently Edward Teague. Following these rules, only the democratically elected (*) King may declare war but because the nine lords only ever vote for themselves, there has only been one king until the Fourth Brethren Court when a woman was elected and war was waged against Lord Cutler Beckett. Following these rules, one cannot be harmed until negotiations with the captain when they invoke their Right To Parley. For 10 points, give these rules that govern the criminals of the high seas. ANS: pirate code (Code of the Pirate Brethren, Code of the Order of the Brethren and Pirate's Code prompt on partial)

12. An old lady at the Union Station stop in Reindeer requested two boys to deliver a hat to a girl with this ability in Snowman. This general ability affords the use of moves like 4th-D Slip and BrainShock. The Star Master taught a prince from Dalaam a powerful technique in this ability after he completed his Mu training. After being abducted by aliens, Maria’s husband George researched their capacity for this ability, leading the aliens to send (*) Giegue to ravage earth. A girl with this ability was kidnapped to become the high priest of the Happy Happy cult. A young boy learned a special technique in this ability in a hot spring with Ionia, one of seven genderless beings with this ability known as Magypsies. Poo learned this ability’s “Starstorm” technique. For 10 points, name this ability possessed by Ness and Lucas which allows them to use fire and thunder attacks. ANS: PSI [accept psionics; accept PK or psychokinesis; accept specific answers like PK Love or PK Starstorm, prompt on “Teleport” α and/or β with “what is the general ability?”]

13. This company funded the social media site TinCan whose back-end function was running a hex-casting source code that maintained a portal to Earth. Every 75 years, a head of this company takes the form of a Kleynach to conduct a deadly employee review. The Circle of the Black Thorns covertly operates this company day-to-day which has existed since when the “caveman clubbed his neighbour”. This company’s medical department operated on Charles Gunn to implant knowledge of the law so he could work for this company’s prominent (*) legal department. The other-worldly Senior Partners who run this company are three animal demons that use their army of lawyers in their LA branch to control the outcome of the Shanshu prophecy, which centers on a vampire with a soul. For 10 points, name this company that targets Investigations. ANS: Wolfram and Hart

5 14. The third seal to this curse, a ring, was traded for an antidote to cure the venom of the Widows. The resurrected Rosalita Bustillos can only walk on ammolite rock since its properties on some of this curse’s victims were reversed after it was lifted. This curse does not affect one family member since she was revealed to be a Nephilim born out of an affair. In 1887, the angels Julian and Juan Carlo bestowed a man their flaming sword, creating this namesake family curse when it was used to kill Constance and Bulshar Clootie’s sons. On their (*) 27th birthday, a member becomes the Heir to this family curse, which also limits their enemies to stay within the Ghost River Triangle. Only the Heir to this curse can fire the gun called the Peacemaker, which is the only way to send the 77 Revenants back to hell. For 10 points, Wynona is a member of what cursed bloodline descended from a wild West sheriff of first name Wyatt? ANS: Earp curse

15. NOTE TO PLAYERS: two answers required. These two factions agree to the namesake Accord created by Chief Justice Tyrest, which banned the trade of their technologies to other civilizations. Due to a prejudice called ratioism within the Functionism caste system, one of these factions was born out of mistreated members of the other. One of these factions uses the mantra “Til all are one”, motivated to unify with this other rival faction. One of these factions controlled the city-state Iacon, which was blamed for bombing the city-state Tarn, who chose the leader of this other faction via gladiatorial combat. The civil wars between these two factions have led to battles between members like Barricade and (*) Ironhide. Tension between these factions exacerbated with the loss of the Creation Matrix and their conflict launched their homeplanet Cybertron out of orbit. For 10 points, name these two factions led by the rivals and . ANS: and

16. A people in this world hold an annual marriage festival called The Long Dance, in which seventy rafts are tied together in a circle to form a floating town. This world’s system of Hardic runes was used to write works like the 31 stanza poem The Creation of Ea, describing how Segoy created this world. A saying in this world claims “weak as a woman's magic, wicked as a woman's magic”. In a failed attempt to gain immortality, mages stole the area to the West of West from the Dragons leading to a curse on this world, in which dead people go to the Dry Land. This world’s school of (*) Roke is where the Nine Masters teach magic while magic is banned in this world’s lighter-skinned area of the Kargish lands. Dragons are powerful creatures in this world since they speak the language that forms the basis of magic, in which no lies can be told. In this world’s Old Speech, everything has a that holds its essence. For 10 points, name this archipelagic world that became a wizard of. ANS:

6 17. Ebling Mis added an axiom to this discipline that stated reactions must be constant over time. Attaining Speakerhood requires making an original contribution to this discipline. An axiom of this discipline is that its discoveries must be kept secret while its other main axiom is that the population of study must be sufficiently large, such as one quintillion. Speaker Red and Deviation Blue are standard colors used in a projector-like object that stores the equations governing this discipline, the Prime Radiant. This field is analogized to the kinetic theory for gas, which is poor at describing a single molecule but accurate at (*) predicting mass action. This science’s founder used it to create his namesake Seldon Plan, which mapped the course of the Galactic Empire and the creation of two Foundations at the ends of the galaxy. For 10 points, name this predictive discipline that combines elements of psychology and history. ANS: psychohistory (accept “the Seldon Plan” before mention)

18. One maneuver in this game has a flashy name calling it “Sublimely Magnificent” and “Mark III”, even though Marks I and II never existed. Expanding up to 8 players per team is one of the few rule changes to this game during the time of the Eternal Calm. The gesture for victory in this game is performed by holding parallel arms against your chest and cupping hands as if holding a sphere and bowing. Two triangle shaped goals are used for this sport and famous teams include the Kilika Beasts, Ronso Fangs and Besaid Aurochs. (*) Pyreflies are infused to maintain this sport’s stadiums which make a rare exception in Spira’s ban on Machina. The rare but powerful Jecht shot is used in this sport, which is played inside giant spheres of water. For 10 points, name this sport mastered by Waka and Tidus. ANS: Blitzball

19. This race builds Gargants, which serve as both war machines and idols of their twin deities. The Mobs of this race are below nobs, which are under the warlords for this race’s klans. The currency of this race is their own regenerative teeth and their major prophet is the leader of the Goff, Ghazghkull Thraka. The technology of this race is built by their genetically inherited class of Oddboyz. The ecosystem of Snotling cultivators and Squig food source also expands with this race whenever they reproduce via releasing fungal (*) spores. Because this race needs war just as humans need food, they engage in regular conquests called WAAAGHs. A psychic field that grows stronger through sheer belief surrounds members of this race and their technological feats that should not otherwise be possible. Spread across the galaxy by the 41st millennium is - for 10 points - is what race of green-skins? ANS: Orks (prompt on green-skinneds before mention)

7 20. Only users of this magic can utilize an Oath Rod, which is used to magically bind the Accepted to the Three Oaths when they make their vows while holding it. The mountain Dragonmount was formed in an explosion of this magic after a man realized he killed his family upon being driven insane. That man was Lews Therin Telamon. “Stilling” or “gentling” refers to the act of cutting people off of their access to this magic, a fate worse than death. One group could only freely use this magic in public if they have claimed themselves to be the Dragon (*) Reborn, since that group’s use of this magic is “Tainted” by the Dark One. This magic is practiced by threading weaves of the four elements plus spirit and its largest organization of users is the White Tower. This magic is split into Seiadin and Seiadar, the two practices split between men and women. For 10 points, name this magic that funnels the power of the True Source, the same energy that moves the Wheel of Time. ANS: channeling (accept word forms, accept the One Power, accept the True Source, seiadar, or seiadin before mention)

21. Senator Chris Travers was sent from a different timeline to prevent this government from constructing a Dyson Fence. This government, which hosts the headquarters of the Democratic Order of Planets, investigated The Anomaly by sending the ship Nimbus resulting in the death of one crew. This government sacrificed Bill McNeal to fend off an invasion from a planet designated Persei 8. Citizens bathe in Freedom Tubs during this government’s recognized holiday Freedom Day, which also includes proudly displaying this government’s flag called Old Freebie. Robot-human unions were recognized by this government with the passage of Proposition (*) ∞. This government’s constitution limits terms so nobody can be elected more than twice, which is a loophole exploited by a third-term President who won in the year 3000 because, just like the Supreme Court justices, he is a head in a jar. For 10 points, name this planet-wide government led by Richard Nixon. ANS: Earth government (accept answers like “the government of Earth”, prompt on answers like the “government in ”)

22. This cuisine’s namesake “terrine” is served in a brown mushroom broth that uses the byproduct fungus grown on condensation coming from a major industry. Bakkar, or simply The Butcher, is a chef of this place’s cuisine who runs the restaurant Ronto Roasters, serving ronto meat using the modified engines from his hobby as a grill. Grown in the Jundland Wastes, this cuisine’s Black Melons are culturally significant in a race that expects newcomers to drink from a Black Melon’s “milk”. Alcoholic cocktails in this cuisine include the Blue Milk Cooler, which is made from the blue milk of female (*) Banthas. Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, exemplifying the jizz genre, play at a bar that serves this cuisine and acts as a hotspot of mercenaries and scoundrels. For 10 points, name this homeplanet of the Mos Eisley Cantina. ANS: Tattooinian cuisine, or the cuisine of Tattoine (accept Jawan or Tuskan Raider or Sandpeople)

8 23. This man had a prophetic dream in which he wielded the Crown of Souls to prevent a Netherworld demon from rising on Walpurgischnacht. However, this man turned out not to be the One From The Great Prophecy to defeat the Bloodwolf, since he feared he who feeds off of all fears. This man’s sword fighting skills were taught by the master El Guante Blanco and after breaking the invisibility spell of San Lorenzo, he serves as the orphan city’s guardian. This man recovered the Heart of Fire from the Whisperer while he trained his disciples, the Three Diablos. This man became the hero of San Ricardo after defending the town from the Great Terror, a giant goose, though the battle resulted in the death of his childhood friend, Humpty Alexander (*) Dumpty. This man’s signature fighting move is performed by holding his hat in his paws and showing big, pleading eyes to lure in enemies. For 10 points, name this feline mercenary who was hired to murder the ogre Shrek. ANS: Puss In Boots

24. People stopped using this system for a short period after the notorious disappearing case of Violet Tillyman, who was merely living in secrecy. When this system was restricted to high-level employees, others were forced to utilize the Whitehall underground public toilets. An injury named after the use of a “faux” product in this system is reported at least once a year at St. Mungo’s Hospital. This system relies on the invention of Ignatia Wilsmith, whose only official manufacturer is a company that ends with (*) “-Pow” and who never answers their front door. As a Regulator for the Authority that manages this system, Madam Edgecombe monitored all connected locations except for one in the High Inquisitor's office. For safety reasons, using this system is preferred over apparition and because it is less likely to violate the International Statute of Secrecy, it is preferred over broomsticks. For 10 points, name this transportation system that uses a cold, emerald flame and a namesake powder. ANS: the Floo Network (accept anything regarding Floo powder, accept Faux Floo)

25. This town’s Poncotico Grove contains four white trees that can be controlled by a Sin Eater. Since it couldn’t be destroyed via a lightning-strike, the Gharom key was hidden in this town and is the only way to leave the maze of Purgatory without someone else taking your place. The telepathically linked witches, the Four Who Speak As One, are part of this town’s white magic coven, the Sisterhood of the Radiant Heart. The munition tunnels that run underneath this town connect the police department to the Masonic cell used to prison supernatural entities. George Washington’s bible was buried in a cave near this (*) New York town, alongside a man who was resurrected for his role as one of the two Witnesses, eternal souls that fight evil. The Horseman of the Apocalypse, War, returned to this town to retrieve his skull after he was decapitated as a Hessian in the Revolutionary War. For 10 points, name this town where Ichabod Crane resides. ANS: Sleepy Hollow

9 26. Taking the phrase “Speak only the Word'' literally, one faction of this religion only speaks in direct quotes from their central text. According to this faith, the Original Sin was when the second children started worshipping the first children. A schism in this religion split between the interpretation of the line “Magic must serve man”. This religions’ central text is divided into canticles, takes weeks to recite, and is sung straight-through annually at this religion’s center of Val Royeaux in (*) Orlais. This faith controls the trade of lyrium and its mining by dwarves. Exalted Marches were holy wars for this faith that forced elves into conversion. This monotheistic religion worships The Maker and because of his powerful prophet-wife Andraste, all Divines that lead this faith are women. For 10 points, give this religion that has dominated Thedas up until the present Dragon Age. ANS: The Chantry

27. One ballad among these beings recounts the story of the parrot Billy McCaw. The lightning-bolt-spell-casting one of these beings is more known for his magic “Conjuring Turn”. A telepathic pair of these beings are psychic twins called Coricopat and Tantomile. A Great Rumpus one of these beings breaks up the title event in a morality play put on by them, the “Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles”. These creatures “have been an alumnus of heaven and hell” according to one (*) song that also claims they are “blind when [they’re] born” and “can see in the dark”. These creatures often silently meditate on their secret name that “no human researcher can discover”. These creatures have three different names altogether, including “a sensible everyday name” and a unique name that belongs to no one else. Under a special moon, these creatures hold an annual Ball where one of them is chosen by Old Deutrunomy to go to the Heaviside Layer. For 10 points, name this junkyard-living, dancing type of cat. ANS: Jellicle(s) cats (prompt on cats)

28. Members of this clan worshipped two deities - the fertility deity called the Winged Goddess and a hunting deity called the Fanged God. A rite of passage into this clan involves subduing a tentacled beast called The Sleeper and bringing back one of its body parts to harvest into the Water of Life. According to legend, this clan’s foundational text, the Book of Shadows, was a restored version of the Book of Law, written by the exiled Allya. The eldest member of this clan, Daka, used a Chant of Resurrection to revive mummified members to fight off a CIS invasion. This is the most powerful of the clans to have achieved a symbiotic domestication of the deadly reptomammals native to their planet, the (*) Rancors. This clan draws power from a special ichor and Mother Talzin was the matriarch of this clan, whose magick is accompanied by a green mist. For 10 points, name this Dark-side female group of force-witches residing on the planet Dathomir. ANS: Nightsisters (prompt on Witches of Dathomir)

10 29. Note to players: specific answer required. General Brewster caused this event in an attempt to prevent a virus spreading across the CRS and sent one group to Crystal Peak to survive it. A “final offensive” against one side’s “central core” at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado leads to a series of operations centering on this event. The Rev-9 series is deployed after this event in the timeline where Legion causes it. In the main timeline, this event occurs on August 24, (*) 1997. Miles Dyson was most directly responsible for this event and blew up his own research to try to prevent it. This event kicks off with an attack on Russia, because the invention of Cyberdyne Systems accurately predicts that Russia would send missiles right back at the US. Resistance fighters like Kyle Reese use Time Displacement Equipment to prevent - for 10 points - what nuke-heavy day on which SkyNet becomes self-aware? ANS: Judgement Day (accept J-Day, accept Judgment after “day” is read, prompt on any answer indicating the “invention of SkyNet” or “the Future War” or the end of the world)

30. The name of these people means “desert-walker” in a direct translation from their native language Ta’agra. According to a creation myth of these people, Lorkhaj trapped Nirni into the world where she birthed all beings. Communities of these people are organized under a clan mother, while their highest spiritual leader is called the Mane. Azurah created the sacred (*) Lunar Lattice for these people, which separates them into different archetypes based on the phase of the moon during birth. Much of their southern population are “sugar tooths”, a slang term for skooma addicts because skooma is a derivative of their sacred sweetener called moon sugar. These people often speak in third person and form merchant caravans, resulting in the common phrase “[these people] have wares if you have coin”. For 10 points, name this beast race of cat-people. ANS: khajiit

31. Note to moderators: make sure to read the whole answerline for the prompt instructions. Note to players: description is somewhat acceptable. This device can only function with the aid of its “lifter”, which means that the 42" CRT in the Braun Tube Workshop must be running. Based on Viktor Chondria University’s research on Visual Rebuilding, the upgraded version of this device adds a headgear to monitor the CA3 region of the hippocampus as well as a hijack into SERN’s LHC. This device is Future Gadgets Lab’s invention #8 and its name is often followed by the parenthetical “(name subject to change)”. The basis of this device is similar to tachyonic anti-communication but instead relies on stable Kerr ring mini black holes created by a clash of radiation. The function of this two-device combination was discovered when bananas were put inside and underwent a green gelification. Since photons don’t have mass, this combination of two devices is able to send (*) text messages called D-Mails, named after Back to the Future’s DeLorean since they can be sent back in time. For 10 points, give this modified cooking and communication device that can send one towards the Steins Gate worldline. ANS: PhoneWave (Name subject to change) (accept any answer indicating it is a device made of combination of a phone and a microwave, accept the Time Leap Machine before “upgraded” is read, prompt on answers like “the microwave from Steins Gate” or “time machine” by asking “what is the other device combined with?”/“what two devices are combined?”)

11 32. One of these texts ponders the existence of the Crawlspace, a marketplace “where unusual business is business as usual.” One of these texts details a potion for curing zombification involving “cinnamon and a lot of formaldehyde”. One of these texts details how Unicorn Hair is only for the Pure of Heart. Another one of these texts has an attached monocle that doubles as a bookmark and was recovered from an underground (*) hiding spot opened by a metal hollowed tree. These texts are thrown into the Bottomless Pit after being apparently burned at the start of Weirdmageddon. Black light reveals invisible ink written on these texts including a warning against arranging these three texts in a specific triangular fashion to open up the Interdimensional Portal where Bill Cipher resides. Stanford Pines wrote, for 10 points, what generically named texts that document the oddities of Gravity Falls? ANS: Journals (of Gravity Falls)

33. Works in this medium can utilize plot twists called “jack-in-the-boxes”, a favorite implementation by the author Felix. One work in this art form focuses on the death of Jessica Bradley and near its end, Lt. McNary wonders if his coworker’s departure is “The Big Goodbye”. A didactic work in this medium centers on the armed mutiny of Maquis members. An initially anonymous work in this medium, Insurrection Alpha, was altered by Seska to become more (*) dangerous than Tuvok’s original writing. The 1960’s detective Dixon Hill book series was adapted for this medium that, at one point, malfunctioned its safety protocols leaving Picard stuck inside. For 10 points, name these interactive stories written for a certain part of a Federation ship. ANS: holonovels (accept holoprograms, accept things like “simulations for the holodeck or holosuite or holomatrix” but prompt on things like simulation, VR, or hologram by asking “for what device?”)

34. Despite sharing a body, the two personalities present in juvenile cherubs curiously do not share this trait. One group defined by this trait was hunted to extinction, possibly due to their exceptional ability as moirails (“mwah-rails”). Nightmare-inducing chucklevoodoos are available to one group defined by this trait, who worship the Mirthful Messiahs. Lifespan measured in sweeps depends heavily on this trait, and creatures for whom this trait is described as “rust” tend to have psionic powers. A descendant of the (*) Signless chooses to be anonymous with respect to this trait because of its “candy-like” mutant quality. It’s not a zodiac sign, but a caste system based on the 12 types of this trait dominates society on Alternia. For 10 points, grey-skinned Trolls are organized into castes based on what biological trait, as defined by the hemospectrum? ANS: blood color (accept obvious equivalents and prompt on partial, accept blood caste, accept the hemospectrum before mention, accept specific colors like “having purple blood”, prompt on “blood type” and prompt on things like “being a troll”, prompt on things like “caste” by asking “what defines the caste?”)

35. While pouring water on one’s head, a priest invoking a blessing from this deity says “bless him with stone, bless him with steel”. The Grey King, blessed by this deity, slayed the Nagga and built a throne of its bones on Old Wyk. The cloud-castle living Storm God is this deity’s rival. The right for men to have both Thralls and Salt Wives for companionship is part of the way of life this deity expects from his people called the Old Way. The priests of this deity hold the power to call a (*) kingsmoot to elect a new king. The “Kiss of Life” is the revival part of a near-death ritual for this deity which includes the common refrain “What is dead may never die”. Aeron Damphair became a priest of this deity after renaming himself from Aeron Greyjoy. For 10 points, name this ocean deity worshipped in the Iron Islands. ANS: Drowned God (accept He Who Dwells Beneath the Waves)

12 36. In explaining this faith’s approach to birth, one saying goes “Do not be trapped by the need to achieve anything. This way, you achieve everything”. People of this faith, who call themselves the Misr, claim to have originated in Nilotic al-Ourrouba, a probable reference to the area surrounding the Nile river. A sect of this faith became the basis of one culture’s riddle games used to train the young. A major schism in this religion was led by Maometh, the third of its major prophets. Escaping persecution from the Imperial Raiders, (*) “Wandering” members of this faith formed an offshoot that evolved to deify creatures called Shai-Hulud. For 10 points, name this faith that was foundational to Fremen culture, a syncretization of two Earth faiths that worships Buddallah. ANS: Buddislam (accept Zensunni, Zenshia, or Zensuffi, prompt on things like “the Fremen/Arrakis religion” by asking “what was the original religion?”)

37. A member of this race named Nestor the Wise theorized that a being called Argus created the Cage, which trapped this race’s Nocturnus Clan. Despite divorces still occurring, this race possesses a sense called their Soultouch, which makes them recognize their soulmate. A 4,000 year old prayer passed down by these creatures proclaims that seven servers are “power... enriched by the heart” and was used to stop the Space Colony ARK from crashing into Earth. In order to invade an altar, a war-hungry member of this race named Pachacamac ordered soldiers to trample his own daughter, (*) Tikal. A member of this race took over as leader of the Resistance in the War to Take Back the Planet after its original leader was defeated by a Phantom Ruby Prototype named Infinite. That member of this race, known for his strength, lives on the floating Angel Island and has devoted himself to protecting the Master Emerald. For 10 points, name this race of the Knuckles clan. ANS: Echidnas

38. Within a cave, this figure appeared as a black cat to tell a white cat the story of the universe when giant cats hunted humans. The aptly named Merv Pumpkinhead is the custodian of this figure’s domain. To avoid annihilation at the hands of the Furies, this figure sacrificed himself to the progeny of Lyta Hall, Daniel, who became his successor. This figure claimed “I am hope” to defeat the demon Choronzon in a battle of wits. Roderick Burgess cast a spell that unintentionally (*) imprisoned this figure for 70 years. Aftering being released, this figure regained his power by retrieving his three relics: his pouch, his helm, and his ruby. This figure is the 3rd oldest Endless Ones, making him younger only to Destiny and Death. For 10 points, give this figure who, in folktales, puts people to sleep with a magic powder. ANS: Sandman (accept Dream, Morpheus )

13 39. Note To Players: description acceptable This event created objects dubbed Kidney Bean and Mr. Potatohead while a massive, iron remnant of this event is the Cleft. This event happened at 5:03:12 UTC, a time later called A+ 0.0.0. The “rootstock” people who survived this event by burrowing underground or underwater are named diggers and pingers, respectively, while “spacers” are people who went to Izzy. Whatever theorized force that caused this event was given the name The Agent. Doc “Doob” Harris dubbed two Kessler Syndrome-like consequences following this event, first the White Sky and then the “Hard Rain” of bolides. Named after ISS astronauts, the Ivyns and Dinans are two of the seven human races that descended from survivors of this event. Humanity is genetically bottlenecked into (*) Seven Eves after - for 10 points - what cataclysmic event involving Earth’s natural satellite? ANS: the Moon exploding at of Seveneves (accept the Moon breaking up, shattering, blowing-up, disintegrating, and any word forms or synonyms involving the destruction of the Moon. It is not really known why it blows up - don’t accept things like “the moon is nuked” or “the moon disappearing”)

40. High Consul Duarte injected himself with this substance with the mistaken belief it would leave him immortal and not comatose. The term “brown zombie” is given to people affected by this substance during the stage in which they expunge a brown fluid. Children with Myers-Skelton Premature Immunosenescence were kidnapped for Project Caliban, in which research subjects had controlled exposure to this substance to turn them into Hybrid bio-weapons. The (*) Ring at the edge of the Sol System was built by a mass of this substance. Due to the Eros Incident, this substance spread itself over the surface of Venus after crash-landing there by this substance’s embedded consciousness of Julie Mao. This substance was first discovered by the Martian Congressional Republic. For 10 points, give this molecule named after the company Protogen. ANS: protomolecule

41. The Black Gift of Resurrection, one of the three of Destiny, is granted by the “Ethereal” type of these beings. Arcadia was the first of these beings, likely born from the Great Dragon. Higher forms of these beings can be achieved through personal feats like the Enchantix form requiring one to save someone from their homeworld. These beings are the common allies to the all-male recruits of Red Fountain, a school that trains the warrior-class called Specialists. These beings are the magical opposite of (*) witches, who feed off of negative emotion and examples of which include the trio Trix. Alfea College is the main place of study for these beings, and the current guardian of the eternal Dragon’s Flame is a student there named Bloom. For 10 points, name these winged beings that make up the Winx Club. ANS: fairies

14 42. These magic users have the mnemonic “Please Take My Drunk Aunt Home” to remember the minor inflections starting with Phrygian and Thracian. The rare skill of quaeromancy to find lost objects was acquired by one of these magic users, Shelia Cozener, who was awoken after the Great Blank Spot. A 250-tier power system of blue stars rank these magic users when they are not formally trained, who form groups called Safehouses and take the name hedge-witches. These magic users channel the power of the Wellspring. Aspects like the dew point and temperature are some of the (*) Circumstances that these magic users must account for. Physical Magic is one of the rarest of the Disciplines of these magic users, who utilize finger-tutting, or intricate hand gestures, to cast spells. The main institution of study for these magic users is Brakebill University, where Quentin Coldwater attended and discovered the land from the novels Fillory and Further is real. For 10 points, give these magic users who share their name with illusionists who pull bunnies out of hats. ANS: magicians (accept hedge-witches before mention)

43. The 2nd in command of one of these organizations has alleviated duties after he succumbed to the black-rash disease named tephrosis. The leaders of these organizations were summoned for a rare conference during the reign of Imperial King Raffles III. With the ability to amplify the rate of cell-division, Kayoko Huang runs one of these organizations that functions as a hospital, which is technically also a religious organization due to the belief that healing must only be provided by the (*) Holy Sol Temple. Nuns from that temple are also part of the other seven Companies of this type of organization, whose allegiances may also fall under Hajima Industries or Tokyo Armed Forces. Due to their glowing uniforms, members of these organizations earned the name the “Blue Stripes”. The goals of these organizations are to purify the souls of Infernals and investigate the phenomenon of Spontaneous Human Combustion. For 10 points, give this type of organization joined by Shinra, a powerful 3rd Generation Pyrokinetic with the “Devil’s Foot”. ANS: Special FireForce Companies (accept brigade instead of company, prompt on partial, accept the Blue Stripes before mention, accept Tokushu Shōbōtai, prompt on things like “firefighting”)

44. According to a ballad, the Rose of Red Lake was known for having this ability that she may have passed to her female . A king named after this ability ruled at Sea Dragon Point before being slain and having his women taken. A man performing this ability on his wife Thistle caused her to bite off her tongue and tear at her eyes, revealing her location to enemies. Proficiency at this ability gave Varamyr Sixskins his name. One of the three rules of this ability is to avoid the consumption of human meat and when users of this technique die they can enter a “second life”. Only one man in a thousand is born with this skill, and only one of a thousand with this skill can be a (*) greenseer. Another rule of this skill is to avoid performing it on humans, which was broken when it was done on the simple-minded Hodor. For 10 points, name ability to transfer the user’s mind into an animal. ANS: warging or skinchanging

15 45. Note to players: description acceptable One step in this process is likened to a Salusan mudspot. The bivalve cholisters on Buzzell were driven to extinction after an improved, water-based form of this process was created by Tylwyth Waff via genetic engineering. The crawler of Ajax Delta Nine was abandoned while performing one part of this process. It’s not a form of cloning but the Amal project utilized Axolotl tanks in an attempt to mimic this process and after 1,500 years it ultimately successful for the (*) Tleilaxu. Before a reaction with sun and air, this process includes a bubbling of carbon dioxide in namesake surface “blows”. This process begins with the mixing of water and the excretions of a “little maker”. In one part of this process, carryalls drop harvesters on the ground but due to their rhythmic activity, they are lifted once a spotter warns them of any wormsigns. For 10 points, give this process that relies on Arrakis sandworms. ANS: harvesting spice (accept either spice or melange) (accept the mining of (ultra) spice melange, creating, manufacturing, finding, or any reasonable equivalent)

46. A squadron activating a bomb on the planet Leera was able to avoid the explosion due to this technology’s “snapback effect”. Performing the Frolis Maneuver when using this technology combines two templates to create a unique one. While using this technology, reservoir mass is stored in the Z-Space and this technology functions through contact with an Escafil cube. Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul broke the rule called Seerow’s Kindness when he shared this powerful technology with another race. While using this technological ability, users can communicate via (*) thought-speak, just like the inventors of it, the Andalites. One can permanently become a nothlit if they overuse this technology’s two hour limit, a fate that befell the human teenager Tobias. For 10 points, name this technological ability to shift into an animal. ANS: morphing (accept word forms, accept Escafil cube or Escafil device before mention, generously accept )

47. Zonots are massive sinkholes in this city that lead to the Undersea that this city stretches over. This city’s Rubble Belt reaches out from its busy Tenth District and is ruled by a group who believes the boar god Ilharg will bring upon the apocalyptic Endraze. Parun Szadek, a founder of this city, planned a purposefully failed assassination during this city’s Decamillenial anniversary. The ensuing chaos was only fixed when an Implicit Maze appeared within this city and was solved. Biomancers are genetic of a (*) “Combine” in this city while chemisters are alchemists for another science-based faction studying the metal mizzium, named after Niv-Mizzet. This city became the major battleground of the War of the Spark, which prompted a concerted effort of this city’s factions including the Azorious, Golgari, and Boros. For 10 points, name this planet-sized metropolis that is ruled by ten dual-colored guilds. ANS: Ravnica

16 48. A low-budget dining spot in this structure is the Eclipse Cafe, which serves the soft green cubes called flarn. The Rush Act, granting the government power to end work stoppages “by any means necessary”, was passed in a response to a strike by the Docker's Guild union in this structure. Lower-class people called Lurkers reside in this structure’s Downbelow, which are mostly unfinished areas due to budget constraints. Residents often spend credits at this place’s central marketplace, Zócalo which is located in its (*) Red Sector. This structure orbits around the apparently devoid third planet in the Epsilon Eridani star system. Following the sacred rule that “Minbari do not kill Minbari”, Jeffrey Sinclar’s life was spared and following the Minbari’s surprising surrender, he became the first commander of this space station. For 10 points, name this last station of the Babylon project. ANS: Babylon 5 (accept 5 after Babylon is read, accept B5, accept Zócalo for the first line)

49. Note to players: description acceptable. One form of this magic relies on burning mallowsweet. Broderick Brode was shocked into thinking he was a teapot after holding an object used for this branch of magic. Long, white haired monkey-like creatures called Demiguises appear to have this ability. The note “S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D” was made in reference to an act of this magic, which was mastered by Tycho Dodonus. Firenze was a professor of this branch who taught the methods that (*) centaurs use when performing it. An act of this magic dubbed “The Big One” occurred in 1980 in a room above the pub Hogs Mead. Only those with an “inner eye” can master this branch, which is taught by Sybill Trelawney at Hogwarts. For 10 points, name this branch of magic that can involve reading tea leaves. ANS: divination (accept prophesizing, precognition, fortune-telling or any answer similar to predicting the future)

50. The cheapest metal on this body was gold due to the free-flowing magma of the Golden Volcano on this body’s largest continent, Lurva. Every 20 years, this body’s orbit would put it near the planet Dheron, which hosted a rival civilization that would ignite war whenever they were in range. The Daxamites originated on this body, as did the domed city Agor which launched into space due to a giant quake on this body. A “new” version of this body was inhabited by residents of Kandor, a city on this body that was (*) bottled up. Residents of this body used birthing-matrices to breed, after a major conflict was fought over the rights of clones. This planet’s core started fusing into a radioactive material after the efforts of the terrorist group Black Zero, causing a “green plague”. This planet orbits Rhao, a red sun. A green radioactive crystal mineral named after this planet was spread across the galaxy after this planet exploded, which prompted Jor-El to put his baby son into a ship. For 10 points, name this homeplanet of Superman. ANS: Krypton

17 51. Papa Tunde’s is used to keep one of these beings in a stasis. The soul of the Hollow was split into four and stored inside these beings. Using Freya’s blood and the blood of the seven werewolf bloodlines, the prophesized “Beast” was created and called an “Upgraded” version of these beings. An “Advanced” form of these beings was created to hunt them down by their mother, the witch Esther, who recast the Immortality Spell and bounded it to a (*) Petrova doppelganger. The spell that created these beings tied them to a white oak tree, the ashes of which remained one of the few ways to kill them. This family of creatures relocated to the French Quarter of New Orleans after small conflicts in Mystic Falls with Damien and Stefan Salvatore. For 10 points, name this family of first vampires. ANS: Originals Vampire (prompt on vampires)

52. A vessel that is part of this ship’s fleet is equipped with Rolls-Royce AF-15C axial fusion aero- turbine engines installed by Doohan. An amphibious towing vessel in this ship’s fleet is piloted by this ships’ captain and is the harpoon-firing Hammer Head. Because it ran out of fuel near Jupiter, the MONO capable zipcraft Red Tail was caught by this ship after escaping it. A fridge in this ship’s storage room was launched into space after a forgotten Rock Lobster was left inside it for a year, which evolved into an ooze monster. The weaponized racing vehicle called (*) Swordfish II is part of this ship’s fleet. This ship was originally a fishing trawler on the melted, ocean filled moon of Ganymede. This ship’s thrusters were damaged by a fleet from The Red Dragon Crime Syndicate who were chasing a member of its crew made of Inter-Solar System Police bounty hunters. For 10 points, give this ship manned by Jet Black and Spike Siegel, who named it after a genre of jazz. ANS: Bebop

53. With glass, this substance comprised the legendary ship Vingilótë, which carried the Morning and Evening Star across the sky. This substance is used to make ithildin, a material which can only be seen under starlight or moonlight and when a magic word is spoken. The beauty of Lothlórien was preserved by Nenya, a powerful artifact made of this substance. After a brawl at Cirith Ungol, Shagrat escaped with an object made of this substance which was taken from a prisoner. During the Third Age, the (*) wealth of the Longbeards amassed due to their access to this substance. Along with steel, the Great Gate of Minas Tirith was remade unbreakable with this substance. Also called Moria-silver, this substance was only available in veins at Khazad-dûm where continued mining for it led to awakening a Balrog. For 10 points, name this precious metal of Middle Earth. ANS: mithril

54. One of these rulers held court in the Cloud Arena while a rebellion against these rulers was first fought in the Ancient Sky Arena. Spider-legged palanquins were used by these rulers, one of which was recorded in the journals of explorer Buddy Buddwick. The symbol of loyalty to this regime is created by crossing one’s forearms and bending back straight palms so the fingertips are touching. These rulers launched the “Corrupting Light” at a former colony and their spaceships include two giant (*) arms that can combine with the others to form a giant mech. The conquest of these rulers relied on bacteriophage-shaped injectors, which sapped energy to grow new subjects in Kindergartens. One of these rulers masqueraded as a rebel with long, curly, pink hair and fell in love with a rock musician named Greg. These rulers maintained a strict caste system at Homeworld that forbade hybrid fusions. For 10 points, name this authoritarian regime that battled the Crystal Gems. ANS: The Great Diamond(s) Authority (prompt on gems)

18 55. After waking from cryo-sleep, the agents of the catastrophic Operation: SUNSPEAR were imprisoned since it mistakenly occurred after this conflict was already resolved. Admiral Preston Cole issued his namesake Protocol in this conflict, which forbade the use of directly vectored slipspace movement to prevent bases from being found. In order to maintain morale in this conflict, one side issued Directive 930 which changed all reported casualties of one of their forces to either MIA or wounded. A bombardment technique known as glassing kicked off this conflict when it was performed on the (*) planet Harvest. Truth, Mercy and Regret, were the High Prophets that led one side of this conflict that won a large victory with the fall of Reach, despite the defense of the other sides’ Spartans. For 10 points, name this conflict that had pivotal moments decided by Master Chief. ANS: Human-Covenant War (prompt on the Great War)

56. The Voliticus Biopsis are blue mosquito-like insects created to collect data for the creation of this device. A prototype of this device transformed itself into a human-like being called Eunice. While attached to this device, Skurd can transform himself into weapons like a Celestial Blade. The High Ecto-Lord of Anur Phaetos, Zs'Skayr, was trapped inside this device. After 4 years of stasis, this device glows yellow in its Recalibration stage, where it changed its primary playlist. The green lava flowing on the artificial planet (*) Primus serves as the Codon Stream where the data for this device is stored. After witnessing the destructive power of his sword Ascalon, Azmuth of the Galcin created this device to atone. Vilgax quests to take this device, which contains the genetic material of beings such as Stinkfly, Swampfire, and XLR8. For 10 points, name this device attached to the wrist of Ben Tennyson. ANS: Omnitrix (accept the Omnimatrix, don’t accept the Ultimatrix)

57. The birth-mark on the heel of a were-spider can be used to access this location. After erasing a magic painting that involved blood and flower petals, a pair of red-eyes was left to watch over a balcony in this place. The only entrance to this location is a door made of ghostwood with “Unfound” written on it. This location is represented by the Black Thirteen in Maerlyn's Rainbow, with the other twelve representing the guardian animals that were created after The Old Ones tried to destroy this place by unleashing The Prim. This location is surrounded by the Can'-Ka No Rey, a field of roses with an enticing smell. “All things serve the Beams'' that hold up this (*) structure, which is made up of the body of the primordial god Gan. As the ruler of the Red, or the Random, the Crimson King tried to destroy this structure. This black stone structure in Midworld has six-hundred floors and is the nexus of a multiverse. For 10 points, name this structure sought after by . ANS:

58. Arslycus, a point in space before planets were invented, is said to be where these beings were subjected to mind numbing tasks. The socialistic Marcab Confederacy operates a prison planet for these beings. The R2-45 is a process by which these beings can be exteriorized and while a few trained ones can miss the fate, most must go through an implant station once they “drop the body”. The (*) Operating level of these beings have control of MEST, or Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. That level is beyond the “Clear” level of these beings, who lack a “reactive mind”. An E-meter can be used to detect and dispose of the excess “body” type of these beings. During Incident II, these beings were paralyzed and dropped in volcanoes, after which Xenu launched hydrogen bombs to decimate them. For 10 points name these soul-like beings described in the Dianetics. ANS: Thetans

19 59. The quote “With the first link, is forged” was referenced by one man to defend his actions during this battle while questioned during a Board of Inquiry. The short transmission beginning “The fight does not go well” was the last communication sent by a casualty of this battle, Admiral Hanson. Soon after, this battle’s victor defeated a flotilla of sentry pods from the Mars Defense Perimeter. To avoid friendly fire, one side of this battle futilely sent ships in waves of skirmish lines, a mistake not repeated when a “swarm” approach was used 6 years later in the similar Battle of (*) Sector 001. The Saratoga and Melbourne were part of the casualties of this battle. Benjamin Sisko, a survivor of this battle, helped develop the more militant Defiant class of ships in direct response to it. Before the Dominion War, this was the deadliest battle in Federation history, largely due to one side being led by Locutus, an assimilated Jean Luc Picard. For 10 points, name this devastating battle at the hands of a Borg cube. ANS: Battle of Wolf 359

60. One theory claims this discipline is powered by the diastrophic energy from the movement of tectonic plates. In another nation, their fifty clans are taught a form of this discipline that channels the omnipresent Dragon’s Pulse life force. An array used for a powerful form of this discipline was (*) tattooed on the back of its inventor’s daughter, and later burned off her skin to avoid copying it in the future. Attempting a forbidden technique in this discipline will have one’s soul meet the deity Truth at The Gate and result in a rebound. The maneuver that forms the basis of this discipline follows the steps of comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction and it must not break The Law of Equivalent Exchange. Transmutation Circles are used in - for 10 points - what discipline practiced by Elric, a “Full Metal” user? ANS: alchemy (accept word forms, accept Renkinjutsu, alkahestry, flame alchemy, or bio-alchemy)

61. While aboard their ship The Floating Palace, this royal saved the mermaid Oona and subsequently gained the ability to shapeshift into a mermaid. Tilly passed down her role of Storykeeper to this royal, who must complete the stories within Library. This royal’s steed is the flying horse Minimus. This person entered royalty after her mother Miranda remarried King Rolland. After her parents are assassinated by Shuriki, Elena Flores was freed by this princess. Cedric The Sensational tutored this royal in magic at Royal Prep, which is headed by the fairies Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. This princess of Enchachia is the wielder of the Amulet of (*) Avalor, which grants her the power to speak to animals such as the bunny Clover. Past princesses such as , Belle, and can be summoned by - for 10 points - what other princess, the first of her name. ANS: Princess Sofia Balthazar the First

20 62. This word precedes “Killer” in the name of a serial killer who was known for leaving his signature objects in his victims’ eye sockets and with water damaged clothes. This word prefixes “Grenades” in the name of homemade explosives that contain turpentine and Abraxo cleaner. The Pack, the Disciples, and the Operators are the three factions of Raiders that dominate a “World” prefixed by this word. A pin-up blonde woman with a space helmet and Thirst Zapper serves as a (*) mascot named with this word followed by “Girl”. Strontium-90 gives the characteristic blue glow of a substance that begins with this word, that was developed by the world-class organic chemists called Bradberton's Beverageers. An addictive “Quantum” flavor was developed by a company that begins with this word that dominated America before the Great War. For 10 points, give this four letter word that prefixes a “Cola” brand. ANS: Nuka-Cola (accept Nuka-Killer, Nuka-Grenades, Nuka-World, Nuka-Girl, Nuka-Cola Quantum)

63. During a time of this bloodline’s absence, their duties and their sacred relic was bestowed to the Morris clan. Rinaldo Gandolfini used powerful alchemy to create that weapon passed down in this family, which was later powered up with the sacrificed soul of Sara Trantoul. To open a chamber’s seal, the Devil Forgemaster (*) Isaac required the blood from a member of this family. This family’s heightened magical prowess can be attributed to one member’s marriage with the priestess Sypha Belnades. This family was initially shunned by the Church out of fear of their power, but later sought a member of them out when Wallachia was invaded. Multiple generations of this family have been assisted by their enemy’s son, Alucard, and prominent members in their tree include Trevor and Simon. For 10 points, name this family that passes down the powerful whip called the Vampire Killer. ANS: Belmonts

64. Self-combining creatures called Puzzle Scorpions can be found inside this institution, as well as human headed manticores that repeat human sounds. Blue Gorillas serve as guards for this institution, who can be controlled by Saldeath’s flute playing. A sand-filled floor of this institution is made up of withered human remains and is heated by the boiling blood from the floor below. The phrase “demoned away” was made for missing residents who have actually gone to the secret, gender-swapping paradise hidden in between this institution’s 5th and 6th floors called New (*) Kama Land. Hannyabal became the head of this institution after the poison-controlling Megellan was demoted as warden. Located in the middle of the Calm Belt and surrounded by Sea Kings, is, for 10 points, what underwater World Government institution that was successfully broken into by Monkey D. Luffy? ANS: Impel Down (prompt on World Government )

65. The powerful Taulmaril, or Heartseeker, is a weapon used by a member of this class passed to him by his lover Catti-brie. Though rare, Dwarves in this class are called “cavers”. Part of the Companions of the Hall, one member of this class possessed the onyx Figurine of Wondrous Power that summoned the black panther Guenhwyvar. Misty Stepping other people is achievable by The Fey Wanderer subclass of this class. Other subclasses called conclaves include Horizon Walker and Gloomstalker. The legendary Drizzt Do'Urden was a drow member in this class. Members of this class are usually trained to be proficient at (*) killing a type of enemy called their Favored Foe. This non-Druid class can make animal companions when they’re in the BeastMaster subclass while their weapon proficiency is higher in the Hunter conclave. For 10 points, name this class that is often proficient in the bow and arrow. ANS: ranger

21 66. The major city of this race can be found in Ruddynip Valley, protected by the Sablestone mountain range. Celestial spells such as “Primordial Burst” were mastered by a lonesome, vengeful member of this race, who are corrupted if isolated from their peers. The mysterious writing of these people can be seen in a text originally owned by Norra called the Book of Thresholds. This race can disguise themselves as humans with a power called “Glamour” and their unique form of transportation called the “low roads” involves accessing gateways invisible to other races. With feats such as taming the gigalodon Longtooth, the semi-legendary (*) “Tidal Trickster” is an amphibious member of this race. Poisonous Puffcap mushrooms are collected by one member of this race who mainly reside in Bandle City. For 10 points, name this cute, short race with members such as Teemo. ANSWER: Yordles

67. A liquid but form-keeping substance called flux metal is used as a lock for this organization’s secretive Section 8. One branch within this organization uses the pre-op check of the Three W’s: wings, weapons, and a way home. The standard firearm for this organization is the Neutrino 2000. Relying on the element solinium 2, the “blue-rinse”, or bio-bombs, used by this organization are destructive only to living tissue. This organization’s main mode of transport utilizes titanium pods in pressure elevators, surfacing in numbered locations like E1 in Tara, (*) Ireland. The Moon, , and Haven City host the command centers of this organization, for which the centaur Foaly designed most of the advanced tech. This organization’s Recon unit, due to their green suits and ransom bags, gave rise to a human folktale about fairies with a pot of gold. Holly Short is a part of, for 10 points, what police force that has worked with and against Artemis Fowl? ANS: LEP (accept Lower Elements Police, accept LEPRecon)

68. According to one account, this process is caused by the bio-engineered Threnix virus and is triggered by the body flooding with the hormone lindos. The scientist Mawdryn tried to learn the secret of this process, only to be cursed to eternally undergo it. The was fused into another being during this process. An explosion caused by this process leveled the town of Christmas and during the State of Grace, an individual can choose to avoid this process. The Sisterhood of (*) Karn crafted elixirs that can invoke this process in a special manner that turned one being into his War version. Because she was conceived while traveling through a time vortex, River Song can undergo this process but she gave it up to save a Galifryen, who can undergo this process a total of 12 times. For 10 points, name this process in which a Time Lord reincarnates ANS: regeneration

69. On the Mystic Force team, the Power Ranger of this color piloted the winged Mystic Garuda zord and wielded the Magi Staff Crossbow. Native to the planet Mirinoi, the Galaxy Ranger of this color was an animal empath that could communicate with the Galactabeasts. With the MegaForce Rangers, Gia Moran was this color and wielded a “Claw” as her weapon of choice. During the absence of the Red Ranger Cole Evans, Taylor Earhardt, as this color ranger, served as the Wild Force Ranger leader. “Z” Delgato, who became this color ranger for SPD, had the genetic ability to create duplicates. Tanya Sloan served as this color ranger for three different teams, taking the mantle after Aisha Campbell decided to retire in Africa. The Upgraded Thunder Zord of this color was the (*) Griffin, while the original Mighty Morphin’ Zord was the Sabertooth Tiger. For 10 points, give this color ranger donned by Trini Kwan. ANS: yellow

22 70. Two pure types of these substances are named the “God” ones, which hold the body of the deities Ruin and Perseverance. Coinshots and Lurchers can telekinetically move these substances. Overconsuming these substances for a period can turn one into a “Savant”, the “Thugs” of which have a high risk of addiction. People from the Terris region called Ferrings, can store qualities like their strength or weight into one of these substances and access them again while wearing them. There are 16 of these substances categorized in four groups of four, with the first breaking down into Temporal, Mental, Physical, and Enhancement types. A magic that requires (*) ingesting or “burning” one of these substances is naturally enabled in people called Mistings, while people who can burn all of them are called Mistborns. For 10 points, give these generic materials used for the magic of allomancy, examples of which include gold and aluminum. ANS: Allomantic metals (anti-prompt on any specific metals)

71. Note to players: description acceptable. One of these conflicts was ended abruptly with the Cimtar Peace Accords and saw The Articles of Colonization quickly ratified to unify one side. In one of these conflicts, Operation Raptor Talon saw casualties to one side’s Raider Wings and revealed the existence of the Guardian class of ship. At the Battle of Ragnar Anchorage, a major ship penetrated a blockade during the 2nd of these conflicts which is more commonly referred to as a “holocaust” or (*) “the Fall” for one side’s devastating victory via genocidal nuking. In the first of these conflicts, U-87 Combat Units and Centurions victoriously inflicted major damage to cities where this conflict originated on the planet . The Final Five covertly helped end the first of these conflicts. These conflicts were between the Twelve Colonies of Kobol and the namesake machines of their own creation. For 10 points, the residents of the battlestar Galactica survived what conflicts? ANS: (First and Second) Cylon Wars (accept The Fall of the Twelve Colonies before mention, accept answers indicating the “conflict between humans and cylons”)

72. Following the rules of these events, a justified war broke out that was largely defended by Taven and the dragons Orin and Caro. Right before one of these events, one deity received visions along with “He must win!” sent from his future self to prevent the timeline leading up to the Armageddon War. Under deific guidance, a sect of the Order of Light formed The White Lotus Society to prepare participants in these events. Victors of these events are granted stunted aging and immortality until the next one in a (*) generation. To rein in the domination of Outworld, the Elder Gods created these events and ruled that after 10 consecutive Grand Champions, one could merge two realms such as Edenia, Earthrealm or the Netherrealm. For 10 points, name these fatal tournaments that Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero have competed in. ANS: Mortal Kombat Tournaments (prompt on things like “tournaments” or “fights”)

23 73. The AMBAC system was developed to enable precise movement of these machines in zero-G. The original charter between Earth Federation and Lagrange point citizens was secretly hidden inside the Laplace Box, which could only be opened by one of these machines named Unicorn. Luna Titanium Alloy was used to make the iconic RX-78-2 model of these machines. Helium-3 gathering on Jupiter is needed to power these machines because they utilize M particles with a Minovsky ultracompact fusion reactor. With the evolution of Newtype humans, the Psycommu system was developed for these machines to read human brain waves. Amuro Ray was a legendary (*) pilot of these machines during the One Year War against the Principality of Zeon. In combat, these machines often fight with beam swords. For 10 points, name these giant mech “mobile suits”. ANS: Mobile Suit Gundams

74. Note to players: a collection of names is acceptable. The Pale formed a group to worship these deities, organizing via the heavily ciphered newsletter The True Believer. The last breath of one of these deities created the seven types of sha which feed on negative emotions. Uu'nat serves one of these deities that created his matriarchal race, saving their people to form the city of Nazjatar. The n’raqi and aqir are two races born from the biomass of these deities, formed during their reign called The Black Empire. One of these deities released the Curse of (*) Flesh upon the creations of the Forge of Wills. Cho’gall’s cult, the Twilight Hammer, prophesied the return of these deities during The Hour of Twilight. The Titanic Pantheon overthrew these four deities, ripping one from the crust and creating the Well of Eternity. For 10 points, the corrupting “whispers” of what deities can be heard throughout Azeroth? ANS: The Old Gods (accept The Old Ones or Shath'Yar, accept C’thun, N’Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and Y’Shaarj in any order, prompt on partial)

75. A disease named for these features can be cured by the Seeds of Truth, which only bloom when “words true and pure” are spoken. The Staff of Sameness supposedly had the ability to replace these features and stored them in a vault in a village, called Our Town. A map named after these features is speculated to appear in every timeline due to its connection to the Tree of Harmony. Consuming the flower Heart’s Desire can cause a namesake “pox” of these features. Completing an incantation of Star Swirl the Bearded near the (*) Elements of Harmony caused these features to swap around. Namesake “-ceañera” parties are held to celebrate the appearance of these features and creatures lacking them are called “blank flanks”. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom form a group of “crusaders” who try to earn this feature. For 10 points, name these symbols that express a little pony’s talent. ANS: cutie marks

76. Lilly is one of two figures known to be able to use a powerful “burst” version of this technique, which she learned at Shintaro to defeat Grief-Bringer. A “Forbidden” variant of this technique, which can only be performed while holding a scroll, was used to defeat the serpent Aspheera. A man born in the Realm of Oni and Dragons became known as the “First Master of [this technique]” and would forge Scythe of Quakes along with the other Four Golden Weapons. That man’s two sons include the four armed (*) Garmadon and the man Wu, who would tutor the Elemental Masters in this technique. When Cole, Kai, and Jay combine this technique in order of Earth, Fire, Ice, and Lightning, they can form the Tornado of Creation. Lloyd is a green ninja of energy who is studying this technique. For 10 points, name this martial-art mastered in the realm of Ninjago. ANS: spinjutzu

24 77. This person saved the planet Spartax after the Black Vortex granted them the power to transverse multiplanes. This person attacked their mentor after being possessed by the ninja demon Ogun, which ended up bestowing them a lifetime of martial arts training. Magik’s SoulSword can injure this mutant, who is also one of the few people to wield it. For one period, this mutant was able to quasi-teleport East or Westward by de-synching with the Earth’s rotation. (*) Harpoon hit this woman with an energy blast that turned her power constantly active. This mutant’s power disrupts electronics, lets her walk on air and she also has a psychic link with the purple dragon, Lockheed. Assisted by Wolverine, this mutant was sent into the past to prevent the Age of Apocalypse. For 10 points, name this young mutant known for her ability to phase through solids. ANS: Kitty Pryde (Shadow-Cat)

78. The phrase “Ocean Bacon” reactivates one member of this group’s super-soldier ability to speak every language. After a bad arms deal, this group was pursued by The Black Cloud Pirates under the command of the gas-masked Boogieman. This group published the autobiography Rise of the Ogre. A zombie horde infested this group’s original HQ, which they founed in Essex on giganticdisused- hauntedstudiosinthemiddleofnowhere.com. After surviving a demon exorcism, one member of this group hosts the souls of all the gang members he saw be shot by the Grim Reaper, including (*) Del the Ghost Rapper. While imprisoned, the leader of this group was temporarily replaced by Ace, also the leader of the Powerpuff Girls’ rival Gangreen Gang. After the ruin of their HQ at Kong Studios, this group found a new HQ at the trash-filled island named Plastic Beach. The black eyed 2-D sings for - for 10 points - what band behind the hit Feel Good Inc? ANS:

79. Professor Thaddeus J. Pinchworm’s research on de-aging was conducted unwillingly on this man after he accepted and used his Birthday World tickets. This man was willingly abducted by Orgs because he did not know the length of one kreplick is equivalent to 3,000 years. A name given to this man comes from one of his costumes in which he donned a white shirt with the unexplained phrase the “Lone Jogger” on it. The pirate Captain Crook assists this man by translating his gibberish speech, though no known translation is given for this man’s common saying (*) “Robble Robble”. This man ended his suburban retirement and returned to his former ways after he heard about the Sirloin Third Pound version of his signature items. This man forms a trio with Birdie the Early Bird and Grimace. For 10 points, name this prominent thief of McDonaldland. ANS: Hamburgler (accept Hamilton B. Urglar)

80. One man joined the membership of one of these buildings in El Paso to remove the advantage of his enemies Buffalo, Billy, and Calamity. The pink-uniformed Accountants that assist operating these buildings use an outdated Commodore 64 computer system to avoid hacking. In addition to the Bowery King’s Soup Kitchen network, the service of these buildings is banned to those declared (*) excommunicado. The Adjudicator declared one of these buildings “deconsecrated”, which removed the main rule saying “Business” cannot be conducted on their grounds. Asking for a “dinner reservation” at these buildings code for dead body clean-up. In New York, Charon serves as concierge at one of them. For 10 points, name these buildings that are neutral spaces for the underworld of hitmen like John Wick. ANS: The Continental Hotels (prompt on just “hotels”)

25 81. Note to players: description acceptable To avoid the direct consequences of doing this action, the Brass Bishop, Benedicto de Vica Severtes, built his namesake armor along with the Tower of Babel. Hela freed Loki from the cycle of Ragnarok after Loki found her a new home by doing this action. After T’Challa discovered Achebe did this action to control Wakanda, he also did this action while avoiding the usual consequences due to his connection to all his ancestors. Cynthia Von (*) Doom enhanced her magic to massacre the Baron’s men by doing this action. Spider-Man gave up his marriage to Mary Jane and resurrected Aunt May when he did this action. In addition to curing Crash Simpson’s cancer, the demon Zarathos was bound to Johnny Blaze after he did this action. For 10 points, give this Faustian action involving a Hell-Lord. ANS: making a deal with (accept any reasonable equivalents as long as it includes Mephisto, accept answers selling your soul to Mephisto, prompt on answers like “deal with the devil or demon” by asking “what specific demon?”)

82. In revenge for being sent to an asylum and escaping the embalming room, this man crucified his rival, The Rattlesnake. For the Black Wedding, this man disguised himself as a chauffeur to kidnap Stephanie and forcibly marry her, eventually leading this man’s organization to merge with The Corporation. Yokozuna sealed the spirit of this man inside a casket. This man’s signature move became the Last Ride Elevated Powerbomb under his “American Bad Ass” persona. Kama Mustafa stole the source of this man’s power, a green-smoking urn, and melted it down into a gold necklace. This man is the founder and leader of the (*) Ministry of Darkness. This man’s series of twenty-one wins, simply known as The Streak, was ended by Brock Lesner. Along with his half-brother Kane, this man has a rare exception allowing him to perform his signature belly-to-belly reverse “Tombstone” piledriver. Under the manager Paul Bearer is, for 10 points, what undead wrestler? ANS: The Undertaker

83. The main purpose of these devices is to perform ósanwe and a method of security against the use of these devices is called shrouding. One of these devices that was so large it could not be lifted by a single man, was placed in a “Dome of Stars” and was lost during the Kinstrife. Because of its possible connection to Varda, pilgrimages to one of these devices at Elostirion were made by Wandering Companies including one led by Gildor Inglor. One of these magic devices at Elendil was separate from the other six of them and was oriented Westward to the Undying Lands where the Tower of Avallónë held the (*) “master” one of these devices. Two flaming hands were scarred on to one of these devices after Denethor held on to it as he was burned on a pyre. One of these devices of Orthanc was confused for a heavy rock by Grima Wormtongue who threw it away. Pippin held one of these device and caused an accidental vision with . For 10 points, name these orb-like “seeing-stones”. ANS: Palantiri

26 84. The blind Granny Blake temporarily has her vision and age restored by this man after he teleported her inside the Dead Zone. When granted powers by the Mother, this figure ascended to his winged “Divine” form and trapped God and Satan into a pocket dimension. The two cops, Sam and Twitch, served as the main city informants of this figure. This figure used shoestring to tie together a purposefully unhealed wound on his face that was left by a (*) Batarang. 6,000 souls who died around this man’s first death are trapped inside him, and he possesses green smoke-like blood called necroplasm to use his magic abilities. The Violator, also fittingly known as The Clown, was this man’s tutor and rival. The hell demon Malebogia made a deal with former CIA agent Al Simmons to resurrect Al on Earth as this figure. For 10 points, name chain-creating, black-suited hell demon with a controllable red cape. ANS: Spawn (accept Al Simmons before mention)

85. Note to players: description acceptable. Near the Great Hall in this game, giant pendulums were constructed out of the belief they would hypnotize a sky deity to sleep. Playthroughs of this game can end with carbon dioxide snow and they always end with a message written in the sky giving the Civilization number and how long it lasted. In this game, users can carry a large box of five containers that functions as intricate hourglasses measuring out 8 hours. A cast of characters in this game are named Von Neuman and Isaac Newton and Copernicus. Dehydratories in this game are where soldiers in skin-cutout-like forms can be resurrected. Qin Shi Huang serves as a major ruler in this didactic game with its main goal of surviving in a world that randomly flips between (*) Stable Eras and Chaotic Eras of extreme hot and cold. Designed as an ETO recruitment tool, for 10 points, is what VR game introduced to Earth to explain a title predicament plaguing the Trisolarans? ANS: Three Body (accept anything indicating “the (VR) game from The Three Body Problem”)

86. During the Battle of Stull Cemetery, this man was subatomically combusted after throwing a Molotov cocktail of holy fire. This was the first being to give blood and activate the “Bone of a Righteous Mortal Washed in the Three Bloods of the Fallen”, the sole weapon capable of defeating the Leviathans born from this being’s time as their vessel. The psychic Pamela Barnes contacted this man to learn his name but lost her eyesight upon seeing his true form. This man’s healing hand print was burned on the shoulder of another man who this man told “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition”. This man made a deal with the Shadow to spare the life of (*) nephilim Jack Kline, in exchange for this man’s Soul being sent to the Empty at the moment he experienced a moment of true happiness. That moment occurred after this man’s love confession to a human supernatural-hunter. For 10 points, name this angel who pulled Dean Winchester out of hell. ANS: Castiel

27 87. Gerald and Karen DeGroot founded this program as part of their research under the University of Michigan. Pneumatic tubes in one of this program’s facilities were said to send notebooks directly to headquarters but actually dumped them into a garbage heap. The main function of this program was to change the numerical bases for the Valenzetti Equation. The Hanso Foundation stopped funding this program after the gas-attack (*) Purge, in which most members of it were killed by the Hostiles. The intelligence of polar bears were studied at a station part of this program called the Hydra. Another research station in this program named the Swan, contained the Hatch, where periodically one must input the sequence beginning 4, 8, 15, 16. For 10 points, give this research program on The Island named after the Hindu term similar to duty. ANS: DHARMA Initiative (prompt on just “the Initiative”, accept the Department of Heuristics And Research on Material Applications Initiative)

88. The reign of this ruler brought upon the Age of Exploration, during which this ruler gave the name “The Silver Sea” to an ocean patch covered in white lilies. This father of Prince Rilian was betrayed by Nikabrik the Black Dwarf and ambushed by a hag and a werewolf. To break a sleeping curse, this ruler went on a quest to the End of the World by his future wife, the fallen star Ramandu’s daughter. The birth of Prunaprismia’s child sparked the War of Deliverance between this man and his uncle Miraz to rule over the (*) Telmarine dynasty. Doctor Cornelius mentored this ruler and bequeathed upon him a horn to blow in times of need. In search of the Seven Lost Lords, this ruler undertook a voyage on his ship named the Dawn Treader. For 10 points, the Pevensies assisted what prince ascend to the throne of Narnia? ANS: Prince Caspian X

89. The museum at Coleg Mwyngloddiaeth keeps a shrapnel of this weapon and has yet to identify the material it’s made of. The third rule of using this weapon is “Never use it for a base purpose” while the first rule is “never open without closing”. Philosophers from “The Tower of the Angels” created this weapon and this weapon shatters if one uses it while thinking about a loved one. The “mark” of becoming this weapon’s bearer is a person missing their (*) pinkie and ring fingers on their left hand, which Giacomo Paradisi lost due to this weapon as he fought for it. A name given to this blade is Æsahættr, or “God-Destroyer”. One side of this blade can cut any material in the world while the other side can create Windows into alternate worlds that were the source of leaking Dust. The armored polar bear Iorksen repaired, for 10 points, what blade that Lyra Silvertongue sought after to get back her “golden compass”? ANS: the subtle knife (accept Æsahættr before mention)

28 90. Note to players: description acceptable. Kosuke was killed while delivering the message of a surprise attack at this event, but his message of danger was still delivered because his name disappeared from a contract after death. Choza was critically wounded in a battle during this conflict, requiring his son to relay info on an enemy’s five-second window weakness. The Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists technique debuted at this conflict by one fighter who attempted to free another by destroying rod-shaped demodulators called (*) Black Receivers. A devastatingly large crater was created during this conflict by the use of the jutsu Shinra-Tensei. The central battle of this conflict was held between the Six Paths and a Sage Mode jinchuuriki. For 10 points, give this event where Leaf Village was attacked by a leader of Akatsuki. ANS: Pain’s Assault or Pain’s Invasion of Konoha (accept any answer indicating Six Paths of Pain attacking Konoha, accept Leaf Village instead of Konoha, and prompt on partial, accept Pain vs. Naruto)

91. Actions taken by this man caused Fritz Smith to be fired for clocking in for a night shift after his workplace had shut down. This man’s soul inhabits a “Virtual Experience” game, which he uses to influence a reluctant girl named Vanny. This man’s son had most of his insides removed in a process called “scooping,” so that his body could hide a composite robot made of several robots this man designed. The malfunctioning helper robot HandUnit believes that this man’s son is named (*) “Eggs Benedict.” This man was crushed to death after accidentally triggering the spring-locks in a yellow rabbit suit, but his spirit survived and turned the suit into Springtrap. For 10 points, name this man who murdered five children and stuffed their bodies inside animatronic suits at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, nicknamed for the color of his uniform. ANS: William Afton [accept Purple Guy or descriptions of a man who is shown in purple; prompt on the man behind the slaughter; do not accept or prompt on “Michael Afton”]

92. The face-etched Pillar of Souls trapped one of these beings inside while that being’s split-counterpart was trapped in Limbo. These beings are part of a sect called the Order of the Gash who serve the god of flesh, hunger, and desire called the Leviathan. Jacques created a servant out of the princess of these beings, Angelique, after killing the French toymaker Phillip LeMarchant. Worthy humans who have been turned into these beings include the British war veteran Elliot (*) Spencer. Frank Cotton summoned these beings and was subsequently left a skinless corpse that desired blood for consumption. These beings cannot tell the difference between pain and pleasure, and thus inflict torture on people that complete the Lament Configuration, a mystical puzzlebox. For 10 points, name these pale hell-dimension beings one of whom earned the name Pinhead. ANS: Cenobites (accept the Order of the Gash before mention, prompt on things like “demons from Hellraiser”)

93. This person assassinated an enemy commander in support of the rebelling colonists during the Antigan Revolution. At the Battle of New Gettysburg, this commander and their unit were abandoned despite a successful defence against purification. Zeratul recovered the Ulaan Prophecy that claimed this person was required to prevent Amon from ending the Infinite Cycle. On the planet Char, this person ascended to become a (*) Xel’naga. This lover of Jim Raynor had psionic abilities that were used as a Confederate Ghost and which manifested stronger after she was infested into the Overmind and sparked a civil conflict called the Brood War. For 10 points, name this Queen of Blades, a former Terran turned commander of the Zerg. ANS: Sarah Kerrigan (accept either, accept Queen of Blades before mention)

29 94. The Stewart Expedition was a theft by visitors to this country of a temple that held cursed artifacts with a symbiote that took over the Dr. Sarah Gardner as host. An Archaic Tel'tak ship was recovered from this country and enabled a man’s escape via Ori Transportation Rings. A scholar of this country and its history was hired by Catherine Langford and is able to translate the Goa'uld language and glyph script. A burial structure in this country was built for the landing of (*) Ha'tak ships by a people who were forced to migrate to the desert planet Abydos. Daniel Jackson decoded an artifact discovered in this country that, when properly aligned, opened an artificial wormhole device. The “alpha” Stargate was discovered in - for 10 points - what country’s Ghiza pyramids? ANS: Egypt

95. Oxford scholar J. J. Llewellyn hypothesized on the asymmetric molecular structure of this object based on his analysis of an Aughrian text. Every 991 trines, the Three Brothers align with this object in an event called the Great Conjunction. During the Garthim War, bat creatures were created as surveillance tools that projected what they saw onto this object. A blight known as The Darkening emanated from this object and prompted a (*) resistance army of seven clans during the Age of Division. This object was used to enslave Podlings and drain them of their drinkable life essence. This object contains the heartbeat of the three-sunned planet Thra. An attempt to refract powerful light through this object fractured it and split urSeks into the mirror species of the gentle urRu and evil Skeksis. For 10 points, name this purple gemstone that was restored by Jen, a gelfing. ANS: the Dark Crystal (accept the Crystal of Truth)

96. Wives in this organization are kept complacent via Corin’s power of “addictive contentment”. This organization enforces laws so secretive, one law states they can never be written down, and others include the regulation of Hunts and the allowance to communicate with shapeshifters but not true Children of the Moon. This organization rose to power after their Guard adopted the twins Jane and Alec, who possessed the (*) gifts of psychic torture and sensory depravation. Upon reports of the existence of an immortal child, the founders of this organization, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, left their Italian headquarters to confront the Olympic coven and planned to terminate the hybrid Renesmee. For 10 points, name this powerful coven of vampires that warred with the Cullen clan. ANS: The Volturi coven

97. This dragon was served by Channelers, or snatchers, who would kidnap maidens, many of whom transformed into Picassas. Only Vinheim blacksmiths can handle this dragon’s magic ember. Oceiros, the Consumed King, is a paledrake driven mad by the writings of this dragon. This dragon, the Godfather of Sorcery, was a research fascination of Big Hat Logan who discovered that this dragon’s immortality is connected to the Primordial (*) Crystal within his Archives. The name of this “Duke” dragon is derived from his lack of stone scales possessed by the other Everlasting Dragons. This dragon turned the tides of war by switching sides to join Gwyn and bring upon the Age of Fire. For 10 points, name this albino dragon who betrayed his brethren and was called “the Scaleless”. ANS: Seath the Scaleless

30 98. Major factions including the secretive Sway and undead Awakened fight on this planet’s ongoing Obelisk War. A game of Yooyuball is played for this world’s planet-wide annual competition called the Altador Cup. While researching for Shenkuu Lunar Temple, Clara Chatham discovered the magma city of Moltara near this planet’s core. Dr. Sloth planned to invade this planet with mutated Grundos from his Virtupets Space Station which still orbits this planet, alongside this planet’s moon Kreludor. Residents of this planet believe in a mythical (*) Jelly World where everything is made of Jell-o and A Giant Omelette is a popular attraction on this world’s Tyrannian Plateau. Roo Island on this planet is the native home of tail-bouncing creatures called Blumaroos. Residents of this world can spin the Enchantment Wheel in Fairyland with a chance to win make-over items called Paintbrushes. Shoyrus and Jubjubs are native to, for 10 points, what world that operates on the currency Neopoints? ANS: Neopia

99. A rare female member of this race called “Big Mama” displayed high tolerance for oxygen in spite of their methane-rich original atmosphere. The Hish-qu-Ten clan of this race have a “kill gland” that can send them into homicidal frenzies. The rank second only to elders of this race are Spear Masters who excelled at wielding their telescoping weapon called the Combistick. Members of this race can either be “blooded” or “unblooded” depending on their completion of the blooding rite in which they mark their clan symbol on themselves with the acidic blood of their most prized hunting victims, called kiande amedha, or (*) “hard meat”. This race, also called yautja, are usually equipped with plasmacasters on their shoulders. This race’s preferred melee weapon is their iconic wrist blades, and they hunt utilizing invisible cloaking devices and Biohelmet-enabled thermal vision. For 10 points, name this “dread locked” race that hunts Xenomorphs. ANS: Predators (accept yautja before mention)

THE END Thanks for playing!