A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R Avenue C Avenue B Avenue G Avenue C Avenue B Avenue G Fouts Avenue Miller Fouts Avenue Miller Fry Street Fry Street West Hickory Street West Hickory Street West Hickory Street 1 TO UNT ON THE SQUARE FS10 Language RR Hickory Building 12 Science 13 FS Env Sci Chemistry Hall PARKING LOT AREA AND PERMIT DESIGNATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Research 14 11 Bldg Building Avenue A Avenue A Welch Street IT IS THE DRIVERS' RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THEIR PARKING PERMIT College Inn FS Building Welch Street OAK ST. ANNEX OAK ST. ANNEX TO MATCHES POSTED SIGNAGE FOR LOT. TO Stella Street FS E West Mulberry Street Auditorium West Mulberry Street 940-565-3020 |
[email protected] | transportation.unt.edu 12 Terrill 2 Hall Curry Hall Machine Shop RR E V FS General FS Avenue F Avenue F Avenue G Avenue G Avenue D Avenue D Academic 15 7 9 Building 51 FS E E 57 Legends Art NT Hall Building 55 Lofts North Texas Boulevard North Texas Boulevard Marquis Hall V Charlotte Street Physics West Sycamore Street 8 Khush West Sycamore Street Rhoti Building 3 McConnell Dance & E Theatre 17 Hall Building Pohl Sage RTVF & Speech & Recreation Chestnut Bruce Sycamore Hall Performing FS E Hearing Life Sciences Center Hall Hall Hall Arts A FS56 Clinic Facilities V 5 Complex Building 50 54 Louise Street complex FS West Hall E 4 Chestnut Street 2 Hurley Union Circle FS 18 Administration 3 Building Welch Street 53 Bernard Street 49 Union Matthews Complex 1 Chestnut Street RR Hall Annex East V Circle DISCOVERY PARK DISCOVERY PARK Chilton