Iglesia Cristiana Josué Central, A.D. Family Devotional


Text: : 8-9


“Zarepta: foundry,“ a metal smelting and refining workshop ”, a small Phoenician town, now Surafend, a mile from the coast, almost halfway on the road between Tire and . Here lived with a poor widow during the "great famine", when "heaven was closed for three years" (Information taken from: “Easton’s Bible Dictionary”)



A. THE DRY STREAM OF CHERITH 1. Elijah had been in loneliness 2. Elijah had been fed by impure animals- ravens 3. Elijah had been sustained by water by the stream of Cherith had dried up as a result of the same judgment that he had pronounced against the nation of Israel — because of their idolatry.

B. PARTICIPATION TIME 1. Comment: What do you think of the geographical place where Elías was already, as a consequence of fulfilling his call? 2. Comment: How would you feel in their place? Why?

II. THE IMPERATIVE ORDER RECEIVED IN THE MIDST OF QUERIT'S DRYNESS “8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” (NKJV)

A. COME OUT OF CHERITH 1. A place that had become a safe haven for Elijah 2. Leave the comfort of the creek of Querith on a new adventure of faith a) The provision ended (1) Of water (2) Of daily food by means of crows b) The safe place became unsafe (1) Hidden but without provision (2) Scarcity became an opportunity to receive direction from God

B. GO TO SAREPTA 1. Sarepta of Sidon Note: "Zarefath, or Sarepta, now Surafend, to which he was directed, was far off the western coast of Palestine, about 14 km south of Sidon, and within the domain of the impious father of Jezebel, where the hungry."” (Information taken from: “Comentario Exegético y Explicativo de La Biblia. Tomo I del Antiguo Testamento. Por: Jamieson, Bobby, Brown, David, Fausset, A.R.) a) He was sent to an idolized land abroad (present-day , formerly Phenicia) b) He was being sent to a land that was also in need.

2. Where was Elijah sent in Sarepta of Sidon?(vrs. 9) a) To a widow (Lcs. 4:25-26) b) To a foreign widow-of Tire and Sidon c) A widow in extreme poverty(1 Kings 17:12)

C. REFLECTION TIME 1. How would you have received the order of the Lord, after having been in the stream of Cherith, and now being sent (a) to a foreign land, and where a widow? 2. Would you have thought that you were "wrong" and it was not the voice of the Lord that you heard? 3. Would you have tried to ask the Lord to send you to someone else?

III. THE LORD’S RESPONSE (vrs. 10a) “10 So he arose and went to Zarephath.”

A. IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORRECT ANSWER TO AN ORDER FROM THE LORD: 1. Inmediata response“entonces…” 2. There was no argumentation on the part of Elijah with the Lord 3. He obeyed without question “Entonces él se levantó…” 4. Immediate and exact obedience “Entonces él se levantó y se fue a Sarepta.”

B. REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. Do you want to imitate the example of Elijah the servant of the Lord? 2. Are you willing to commit to obey the Lord unconditionally and at all times?

CONCLUSION: Church of Jesus Christ, your Lord's call today is a call to unquestioned obedience; an obedience based on your Faith in Him and your rest in His Love and Goodness, knowing without a doubt that if he asks you for something, it is for your good. The question is: will you trust and obey?As always, the decision is yours. -Conclude by praying together. Iglesia Cristiana Josué Central, A.D. Familiar Family Devotional

“The Price of The Calling” THEME: THE CALLING: REQUIERES TO FACE THE NEEDS WITH FAITH. Texto: 1 Kings 17: 10-16


"VESSEL. The most frequent Hebrew term, sir, means a container, large or small (2 Kings 4:38), made of earth or metal (Ex. 38: 3), for many different uses, such as cooking meat ( 16: 3; 2 Chron. 35:13; Job 41:22; Ezek. 24: 3–5); there were also vessels for washing (Ps. 60: 8) and for honing metals (Pro. 27:21). The term dud undoubtedly designated a similar container (Job 41:11; 1 Sam. 2:14; 2 Chron. 35:13), or a pot. This is also the approximate meaning of kalahath: crucible, pot, cauldron (1 Sam. 2:14; Mi. 3: 3). The water that was needed in the houses was kept in stone vessels, stoneware jugs or other materials (Jn. 2: 6; cfr. Odyssey 13: 105), which could also be used for other liquids and solids. A pot of fired clay, which usually had two handles, was used to draw water from the well and to carry it from the well or fountain to the house (cf. Ecc. 12: 8). In general, it was the women who fetched the water for the house; they carried the vessels on their heads or backs (Gen. 24:13, 15, 16; John 4:28); men wore them occasionally (Mark 14:13). The wine was kept in earthen vessels (Herodotus 3: 6), which were often large (Odyssey 2: 340). Cooking oil or flour was also kept in them (1 Kings 17:12). “(Information taken from: “Nuevo Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado”)

This was the vessel that the widow had with barely a handful of flour and oil, to make herself the last meal, and then allow herself and her son to die… when Elijah, the servant of the God of Israel, arrived.



A. OF ELIJAH, THE SERVANT OF GOD “8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, indeed a widow was there gathering sticks. And he called to her and said, “Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.” 11 And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, “Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.”” (Vrs. 8-11)

1. Need of a roof 2. Need of food 3. Need of a safe haven

B. OF THE WIDOW OF ZAREPTH OF SIDON 12 So she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a [a]jar; and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.” 1. Need for food for her and her child 2. Need for financial income to support her and her child 3. Need of hope 4. Need for Faith in the God of Israel, the True God 5. Need of Salvation

C. PARTICIPATION TIME 1. Comment: What do you think when you see the double need of both Elijah and the widow? 2. Comment: How would you have faced this situation in the place of Elías? And in the widow's place?


II. THE REQUIREMENT OF FAITH “13 And Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son. 14 For thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth.’ ”


1. Faith that the Lord Whom he served would continue to sustain him - even against all human logic. 2. Faith that if the Lord had used ravens to feed him, all the more reason he could use a poor widow as well. 3. Faith that the Lord Who had kept him in the stream of Cherith, would keep him in Sarepta of Sidon-land ruled by the father of Jezebel and father-in-law of .


1. Faith in Jehovah God of Israel - of Whom she had heard (because she says to her: "As Jehovah your God lives ...") a) Is an expression of knowledge - “heard of" - of the Lord. b) It is an expression of certainty that just as Jehovah is God, so her situation was true. 2. Faith that by giving everything she had to Elijah was: a) An expression of absolute Faith in the Truthfulness of Jehovah the God of Israel b) An expression of absolute Faith that Jehovah the God of Israel is Truthful and Faithful (1) Therefore, He would fulfill what Elijah was telling him (2) She and her son would not be left homeless 3. Saving Faith a) She believed therefore salvation came to her life b) Therefore, received hope C. REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. ¿How are you facing your needs? With Faith in Jehovah the God of Israel? Or in disbelief? 2. Do you want to cast off fear and ask the Lord for forgiveness for not trusting His Love and Tender Care for your life?


Church of Christ, the call for your life this day is: face your crises, face your needs with Faith in Jesus the Christ of God. Jehovah of armies is with you as a mighty Giant. He has never forsaken you and never will. And if you have to go through any need, there will be a greater and glorious purpose unfolding in your life. Therefore, believe, and praise. Don't let go of your Faith. Keep going. Christ comes.

The question is: Will you believe in the midst of your need? As always, the decision is yours. -Conclude by praying together. Iglesia Cristiana Josué Central, A.D. Family Devotional

“The Price of the Calling” THEME: THE CALLING REQUIERES PREPARING FOR MOUNT CARMEL Texto: 1 Kings 18:1-19


Historical context of this passage:

I. I. The sad situation of Israel at this time; this for two reasons.1. Jezebel destroyed Jehovah's prophets (v. 4), killed them (v. 13). Being an idolater, she was a persecutor, and in both things she infected her husband. Even in that bad time there were some good people who feared the true God and served him, and some good prophets who attended them in their devotions. The priests and Levites had all gone to Judah and Jerusalem (2 Chron. 11:13, 14), but instead God raised up these prophets who read and explained the Law in private meetings or in families who had kept their integrity; They did not have the spirit of prophecy as Elijah did, they did not offer sacrifices or burn incense, but they taught the people to live righteously and to maintain communion with the God of Israel. These were the ones Jezebel wanted to extirpate, and she killed many of them, which was a public calamity as well as a public iniquity, and threatened to wipe out what little religion was left in Israel. The few who escaped from the sword were forced to hide in caves where they remained buried alive, because they could not fulfill their ministry, which is what gives encouragement and comfort to the lives of God's servants. (A) There was a very good man, who held a high position at court. His name was (Hebrew, Obadyah), and he was worthy of his name, which means “Jehovah's servant”: God- fearing and faithful to Him, even though he was a steward in Ahab's palace. "He was greatly in fear of the Lord (v. 3) from his youth" (v. 12). (a) It is very strange that such a wicked man as Ahab should have promoted him to such a high office. He certainly deserved it for his honesty, industry, competence, and loyalty, in whom Ahab fully trusted (v. 5). It is not uncommon for those who hate religion to put their trust in people who precisely that religion makes trustworthy. (b) It is also strange that a man as good as Obadiah should accept promotion in a court so addicted to idolatry and all kinds of wickedness. Obadiah could not have accepted that position if it meant bowing the knee to Baal. Assuming he could avoid it, he could also stay in that position with a clear conscience. Those who fear God do not have to leave the world, no matter how bad it is. (B) This great and good man used his power to protect the lives of God's prophets. He hid 100 of them in caves, when the persecution was red hot, and provided them with food (v. 4). See how marvelously God raises friends for his ministers and for his people, to help them in difficult times.2. When Jezebel put the prophets of God in distress, God put the country in distress through the drought. Perhaps Jezebel began to exterminate the prophets, blaming them for being the cause of the calamity, since Elijah had predicted it. But God let them know otherwise, as the drought continued until the prophets of Baal were exterminated. So great was the water shortage that the king himself and Obadiah himself went all over the country to find grass for the horses and mules (vv. 5, 6). Ahab was not concerned with the loss of his soul, but with the loss of the beasts. He took great pains to look for grass, but he did not bother to seek God's favor, so he wanted to attack the effect without asking how to remove the cause. The territory of Judah was bordering that of Israel, but there was no shortage of water in Judah, because God still ruled there. “ (Information taken from: Matthew Henry Commentary)


I. THE NEED OF COMING OUT OF THE SAFE PLACE “And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.”

A. TO CONFRONT AHAB “17 Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?”18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals.

1. Elijah had to have:

a) An unshakeable Faith in the Perfect Care of the Lord God of Israel

(1) Así Just as He had cared for him in the creek of Cherith (2) Just as He had provided for him, the widow, and her son (3) Just as He had heard their cry and raised the widow's son (4) Likewise, He would take care of him by ordering him to go out in search of Ahab-the one who sought to kill him

“9 So he said, “How have I sinned, that you are delivering your servant into the hand of Ahab, to kill me? 10 As the Lord your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom where my master has not sent someone to hunt for you; and when they said, ‘He is not here,’ he took an oath from the kingdom or nation that they could not find you. “

b) A Firmness in Obedience to the Lord no matter the price

(1) The important thing was to fulfill in fulness the Calling (2) He was going to fulfill the mission given by The Lord of hosts (a) Even though presenting himself before Ahab could cost him his own life (b) Even if it meant that coming out of the safe place, involved verbal attacks from all the people by blaming him for the current situation i) By them not recognizing their sin ii) By them being spiritually blind

2. Elijah resisted the temptation of disobeying

a) When he met Obadiah - Ahab's steward (vrs. 3) b) Being Obadiah a man fearing of The Lord (vrs. 3-4, 13) c) Despite Obadiah's fear(vrs. 7-15) (1)Fear of giving the message to Ahab that he had found Elijah (2) For Obadiah knew that the Lord could transport Elijah at any time to another place (3) Obadiah knew that the Lord was with Elijah and not with Ahab (4) Elijah stood his ground and assured Obadiah that he would be there -Therefore, that he would give the message to Ahab -This tells us that he was resolved in obeying The Lord.


“19 Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of [c]Asherah, who [d]eat at Jezebel’s table.”

1. He had to confront Ahab, the king that was seeking him to kill him 2. Cuando confrontó cara-a-cara a Acab: When he confronted Ahab face-to-face: a) He held the same position as years ago when he had given him the Message of Judgment about the drought b) He did not hesitate out of fear for his own life c) He remained faithful to the Message and the Call d) He was willing to keep paying The Price of the Call until the end

C. PARTICIPATION TIME 1. Comment : What would you have done in Elijah's place if you had received the same order from the Lord? Why? 2. Comment: How would you have confronted Ahab? Why?


II. THE PREPARATION FOR MOUNT CARMEL “19 Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of [c]Asherah, who [d]eat at Jezebel’s table.”

A. ELIJAH WAS PREPARING TO PREACH A MESSAGE TO THE WHOLE NATION “19 Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel,

1. Elijah spoke imperatively to Ahab that: a) Give the order that all the People would gather in Carmel b) He did not ask Ahab if he liked the idea c) He gave him the plan and expected Ahab to execute it (1) Esto como resultado de ‘el saludo’ que Acab le dio a Elías cuando lo vio And this was as a result of the ‘greeting’ that Ahab gave him when he saw him “17 Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” (2) Therefore, Elijah, confronting Ahab once again for his sin of spiritual infidelity towards the God of Israel: “18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals. “

2. Elijah spoke with that assurance because he had the Authority and Anointing of the Holy Spirit over his life and ministry a) Because of the call he had received on his life b) Because of his life of unwavering obedience to the Lord God of Israel


“and the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of [c]Asherah, who [d]eat at Jezebel’s table.”

1. The ‘meeting’ on Mount Carmel would be full of witches, sorcerers, idolaters

a) Baal's prophets b) The prophets of Asherah c) Jezebel herself d) The very demons behind all that desecration and idolatry

2. It would be a battle not of egos between Elijah and the false prophets, but: a) A spiritual battle b) A battle where the struggle would be the spiritual life of the Chosen and Beloved Nation of the True God, Jehovah of armies c) It would be a battle that Jehovah had won before it began d) But Elijah had to prepare himself spiritually to: (1) He had to strengthen himself in his Faith (2) For him to testify with property of his Faith and Trust in the One True God (3) So as not to be intimidated in his humanity by seeing so many false prophets and he being the only one at that time who was fighting for the spiritual life of the Nation of Israel


1. How are you preparing for the spiritual battles that you still have to face? 2. Do you want to ask the Lord to help you have faith as strong in the God of Israel as Elijah did? CONCLUSION Church of Christ, the call for your life this day is: it is time to prepare for your own ‘Mount Carmel’; strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ, the God of Israel, and cast off fear, for the Lord of hosts is with you. You, seek the Lord, obey him no matter the price, prepare yourself spiritually, and await the Salvation of Jehovah.The question is: Will you prepare?As always, the decision is yours.-Conclude praying together.