May 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2525 Mr. FALLON. Madam Speaker, on ways has a smile. While we are sad to As you see, I am putting a compari- that I demand the yeas and nays. see her go, I can tell you with absolute son here of what the world looks like The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- certainty that no one is better pre- with America first and what the world ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution pared to fight for the working people of looks like with America last. 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Toledo than Theresa. Admittedly, we had the intermittent Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- Along with the entire staff, I wish reality of dealing with the pandemic. ther proceedings on this question are her fair winds and following seas as But just over a year ago, we were deal- postponed. takes her career in public service to ing with record low unemployment, f new heights on the ‘‘Good Ship To- record levels of employment for minor- ity communities in our country, a CONGRATULATING THERESA ledo.’’ I look forward to working close- booming economy, with strong eco- MORRIS ly with Toledo Councilwoman Morris as she ably steers her craft full steam nomic growth. America was leading The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ahead. and moving the world forward. LEGER FERNANDEZ). Under the Speak- Onward, Councilwoman Theresa Mor- Today, we have jobs that are vacant, er’s announced policy of January 4, ris. God bless you. not being filled. Small businesses com- 2021, the gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- ing up to me, saying: ‘‘Our whole liveli- KAPTUR) is recognized for 60 minutes as ance of my time. hoods are getting destroyed; we are the designee of the majority leader. f going to lose everything we have built, Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise because we can’t hire anybody.’’ today in celebration of the achieve- THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES OF I go to restaurants and I see ‘‘help ment and advancement of a longtime OUR CHOICES IN ELECTIONS wanted’’ signs. They are struggling to member of our Ninth Congressional The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under have anybody there to serve. People District team, Theresa Morris of To- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- are going back. It is not the virus. Peo- ledo, Ohio. uary 4, 2021, the gentleman from Texas ple are going back. They just can’t get Theresa is an intelligent, compas- (Mr. ROY) is recognized for 60 minutes service. Every businessperson I talk to sionate daughter born into a working- as the designee of the minority leader. in the State of Texas faces the same di- class family in Toledo. She is a true Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, right now, lemma, the same problem: They can’t public servant. Theresa has served as a we are facing a critical question for our hire anybody. congressional aide in our office for 27 country. It is a question about whether b 1915 tireless and honorable years. our country wants to be first or last. She has advanced her capacities A lot has been made, obviously, of Now why might that be? Could it be across a wide spectrum of duties, such the former President’s agenda, which that in the infinite wisdom of this body as outreaching to small businesses, co- he referred to as ‘‘America First.’’ that we have spent $6 trillion over the ordinating the district’s efforts on the I think, unfortunately, we are sitting last year—$6 trillion over the last Congressional Art Competition, serving here right now, and our country is now year—and that, as part of doing that, as a grants and funding coordinator, too often looking at America last. we have funded unemployment at lev- and being a dependable project assist- There are a number of issues that are els that is making it more attractive ant. facing the constituents that I rep- for Americans to choose not to work She developed firsthand experience resent, but I believe this is true for than to work. Americans are logical on a far-ranging set of issues relating people all across the country. I have human beings. When presented with to immigration, the State Department, spoken many times here on this floor that choice, they are going to make and Homeland Security. Her service about this. that choice. Some aren’t, but many do. has been invaluable to thousands upon In Texas, our border is under siege. And now, you are owning a res- thousands of our citizenry. In Texas, it is a very real impact on taurant and you are trying to have Theresa knows and loves our Toledo our life, our communities. I share that wait staff or people to bus tables or community as fiercely and as well as with my colleagues all across the coun- cooks, and you can’t hire them. You anyone. That is why I am thrilled that try, all 50 States represented here. are trying to run a landscaping com- she was recently appointed to serve on It is very real in Texas, but it is very pany, you can’t hire them. You are try- the City Council of Toledo, Ohio, tak- real in our country about the impact of ing to run a cleaning business, you ing her first step into elected office. I the broken border. It is very real right can’t hire them. could not be more proud of her, her now with people who run small busi- This is real, and it is happening right family, and all those who treasure The- nesses and need to hire people and they now in real time. The result, an econ- resa as a coworker, a friend, and a con- can’t because we are paying people omy stagnating. We are not taking off fidante. more not to work than to work. with growth. Now we have got infla- Theresa is a graduate of Start High It is very real when people are going tionary pressures because we just spent School in Toledo; Alma College in to buy gas at the pump, and it is well $6 trillion. You run the risk of stagfla- Michigan; and Lourdes University in over $3 a gallon. tion, low economic growth, higher cost Sylvania, Ohio, where she earned her It is very real when you try to buy a of goods, all while we are now dealing bachelor of arts and master of organi- house, and lumber is up 470 percent. with the uncertainty of a world in zational leadership degrees, respec- It is very real when you want to go chaos. tively. get the healthcare of your choice and A year ago, small businesses were Theresa has served on the boards of you can’t. thriving. Now, small businesses are the YWCA of Greater Toledo, the City It is very real when you turn on the getting crushed. A year ago, not too of Toledo Youth Commission, Team TV, and you watch what was Middle long ago, gas was $1.77 a gallon. Now Recovery, WGTE Public Media, and the East peace now turning into chaos as we are looking at gas over $3 per gal- Arts Council of Lake Erie West. our friends in Israel are being at- lon. As I said, lumber prices are up 478 Theresa received the 2018 Distin- tacked. percent; copper is up, I think, 50 to 70 guished Hispanic Ohioan Award. She There are consequences to our percent. has a certificate in Minority Executive choices in elections. There are con- My parents right now are trying to Leadership, and is a graduate of the sequences to the leadership you have in go through building a house, and they Toledo Citizens Police Academy. your country. There are consequences are not sure if the dollars they have Her interests are wide-ranging and to the decisions we make. got set aside to do it are going to work, unending. Some have observed she may I would think that all Americans, re- because all of these prices are going up, be the longest-serving Hispanic con- gardless of which side of the aisle you up, up at extraordinary rates. gressional staff member in United fall, whether you are in Congress or There is a cost to bad leadership and States history. Mark that one down for you are back home watching, you want bad decision-making. Our border was the record. America to be first. You want America well on its way to becoming secure. In Madam Speaker, Theresa is made of to succeed. You want America to do April last year, we had 20,000 apprehen- good humor, tenacity, and grit. She al- well. You want our allies to succeed. sions. How many apprehensions did we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00101 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.109 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2021 have this year in April? 178,000. We mala to America. She didn’t have a my good friend from Pennsylvania have had over 530-something thousand parent, didn’t have an uncle, didn’t should he wish to opine. apprehensions from January 1 through have an aunt, didn’t have a brother, Mr. PERRY. I would, and I thank the the end of April. We have had almost didn’t have a sister. She was by herself. great gentleman from Texas. I agree 600,000 apprehensions to date, based on The young man who was right next to with him on the position he is taking, the information I have through mid- her, I said, ‘‘Where did you meet this America first versus this America last May. My sources at the border tell me young girl?’’ He said, ‘‘Midway through agenda. that we have had 300,000 individuals Mexico.’’ She was 7, you-all, 7. I am from Pennsylvania. People say, who have gotten away or who have Depending on which nonprofit, non- ‘‘Well, what do you care? You are a been released. partisan groups you listen to, we know long way from the border.’’ And I will I went down to the border, one of the that upwards of 20 to 30 percent of tell you another great Pennsylvanian many trips I have taken to the border women that are on this journey get is now running for governor, Lou because the district I represent is abused. We know the cartels are mak- Barletta. He was just a small-town about 150 miles away. I went down at ing massive amounts of money moving mayor in Pennsylvania coal country, night, and I met with about 50 different human beings for profit. as far away from the border as you migrants who had just come across the We know that fentanyl, the most would have thought, but he realized Rio Grande. This was a group that I dangerous narcotic that is currently just over the course of a couple years just met with, and they are driving out there, or one of the most, we have his tax base stayed the same, Chip, back down the road. I actually followed now had more in 2021 in this calendar stayed exactly the same, but his popu- them in my truck with the headlights year in 41⁄2 months than in all of 2020. lation in his little town doubled. And on, so they weren’t just walking in the Fentanyl. Our kids are dying. There is the crime in his town doubled. He could middle of the darkness to go get over an opioid epidemic. no longer afford the police budget. to where the processing center is. What does this administration do? When a gentleman, one of the resi- America first looks like this. Signifi- Hey, I have got a good idea, let’s have dents, confronted a person who was a cant amounts of immigration. Legal processing centers in McAllen, let’s member of the Latin Kings and said, immigration hasn’t dipped below a mil- have all of the Border Patrol go down ‘‘Stop trying to sell drugs to my chil- lion per year in some 20 years. Amer- to McAllen and have to run processing dren,’’ and that man pulled out—the ica’s doors are open, you-all. The idea centers instead of actually policing our gentleman, not the gentleman, the car- that people want to say ‘‘Close our borders between the ports of entry and tel member, illegal foreign national, il- doors,’’ that is not the case. But you trying to stop the flow of fentanyl and legal alien pulled out his gun and shot want to have operational control of dangerous narcotics into our country. that man right in the head right there your border. There is a consequence to not doing in the street. I am going to talk about Israel in a your job. This administration is not And that started this movement that minute. Israel put fences in place be- doing its job. This administration, illegal immigration—it shouldn’t even cause they wanted to control their bor- worse than not doing its job, it is pur- be called that. Immigration is legal. It ders. You know what? They worked. Of posely harming our country in the is not illegal. It is not immigration. course they worked. false name of compassion. Instead of This illegal crossing into our country, We have fences in place in southern having secure borders, instead of allow- it is cultural piracy. It is piracy of our California. Illegal immigration in the ing people to come to our country le- country, of our economy, of our safety. 1990s, which was astronomical, over gally, safely, we endanger immigrants A lot of attention was drawn in the half a million, dropped to 40- or 50,000. and say that that is somehow being little town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, Why? Fences work. In Brownsville- compassionate. because of Mayor Lou. He said, ‘‘I am McAllen, there is fences and there is How is that compassionate? How is it not going to stand for it, and I don’t infrastructure around Brownsville. compassionate when the Gulf Cartel, agree with the Federal Government’s There isn’t in McAllen. Guess where the Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel policies, and we are going to fight right the traffic goes? McAllen. is making millions of dollars moving here in our State and end this cra- This is not rocket science. When you human beings for profit? How is it com- ziness.’’ Then, of course, they took him are putting America first, you put in passionate when the Cartel del Noreste to court. The United States Govern- infrastructure. Border Patrol wants it, of Los Zetas in Nuevo Laredo is mak- ment fought their own citizen to put they have asked for it. It works. Yes, ing millions of dollars moving human American citizens last and these other some people go around, yes, some peo- beings for profit? folks first. ple try to go over, but if you have ever When the district attorney in Ken- Representative ROY, I just came back spent a minute at our southern bor- dall County, Nicole Bishop, a county I from the border. You live close to it. I der—side note I would offer to the Vice represent, and I visited, and she talked go from Pennsylvania down to the bor- President of the United States, that about the nine illegal immigrants der. Some things that you know are should she actually wish to do her job found in an automobile being driven by true, but you have got to see them with in supposedly running this whole bor- an American citizen employee of that your own eyes. Maybe people don’t re- der security task force, come on down Cartel del Noreste. It had nine illegal alize. They think, Well, this is all poor, to Texas. So far she hasn’t. In the 2 immigrants in there, two tied up in the downtrodden, fearful people coming months that she has been allegedly in trunk, and they were being taken to a from Mexico or Central America. Two- charge, our Madam Vice President stash house in Houston, Texas, to be thirds of the people that we saw com- could come see that instead of secu- put into the human trafficking and sex ing across the border at that time, two- rity, we have utter chaos. trafficking trade. thirds were coming from other than Here is the thing. These are human America first is about jobs, economic Central America and Mexico. beings. These are not political pawns. growth, a strong border, standing with I have got a news flash for everybody. These are human beings, seeking a bet- our friends in Israel, affordable com- You can’t come to Mexico with a one- ter life. I don’t begrudge any one of modities like gas. America last is a way plane ticket. You have got to get these immigrants who are seeking to wide open border in which Americans your way in and you have to have a come to our country. God bless them. I are endangered, ranches are overrun, plane ticket to leave. So these people, would try to help any one of them that cartels are empowered, immigrants are they are flying into Cancun, they are were coming across to figure out where abused, prices go up, commodity prices walking up to the border, and they are they needed to go. They are human go up, businesses can’t hire people, and discarding their go-home ticket be- beings, all of God’s creatures, but they we abandon Israel. cause if the Border Patrol catches shouldn’t be endangered because we are America first versus America last. I them with that ticket, they can return sending up false signals that it is a have got more to say about this, which them to that country. So they leave it good idea for people like the 7-year-old will surprise no one. But my friend right there at the border. These people girl that I talked to on the border who from Pennsylvania is here, and I would are flying to Mexico to walk across our was all by herself coming from Guate- certainly love to turn the floor over to border. Two-thirds of them.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00102 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.111 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE May 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2527 So the last people I saw before I left our friends in Israel, and making our If you compare where we were with that trip, Chip, the Border Patrol was country safer, by the way, in the proc- respect to energy a couple of years detaining and processing, so to speak, ess in holding the line against Iran and ago—and I know that my friend has a Russian, Azerbaijan, and Cuban. All of our enemies, and now we have got heart for energy; obviously, it is very them flew into Mexico to cross our bor- Israel under attack and an administra- important to his State as it is to mine der. tion saddling up with our stated in Texas—that under the Trump ad- And the other thing we found on the enemy, Iran? ministration for the first time in near- other side of the wall because, as you Does the gentleman agree that all of ly 70 years, the United States became a talk about, and I know you have, the these are stark contrasts? net energy exporter, right? breaks in the wall where construction Mr. PERRY. I do agree. By the way, Mr. PERRY. Right. was stopped by the Biden administra- while I was at the border, individuals Mr. ROY. Making us freer, stronger, tion, so you can walk right around the from Iran illegally entered the coun- with more abundant, more affordable other side, not only all the little shoes, try. In 4 to 5 months in this country energy, we became the number one pro- the little shoes of little kids that they under this administration, we have ducer of oil and natural gas in the leave right there, it is heartbreaking gone back four to five decades in infla- world, ahead of Russia and Saudi Ara- when you see those. I have got chil- tion, gas lines, illegal immigration, bia. dren, you have children, those little and wide open border. Natural gas production reached a shoes. That is an indicator of all those I mean, everything is turned on its record high of 34.9 quads in 2019 fol- kids that walked the whole way up to head. Everything that was good about lowing record production in 2018 and the border. America 5 months ago is now turning 2017. The average American family But you know what else is heart- the other direction just because of saved $2,500 a year in lower electric breaking? The packages of Plan B left these policy changes. These are bills. Now, what do we have? A shutdown on the other side of the wall. You know changes made in this House of Rep- Keystone pipeline, and an administra- what that is for, right? Because all resentatives. These are made right at tion saying we can’t frack in Western these little girls and these ladies were the top by the President unilaterally abused coming up to our border by the lands. destroying the opportunity for Ameri- We rejoined the Paris climate agree- cartels. cans, importing unskilled, unprepared When I got there, of course we ment to have the United States foot labor. One of the places that we visited, watched people coming across the bor- the bill, billions to the United Nations Chip, was a food bank right on the bor- der, and the cartel members are stand- climate fund. der. ing right on the other side, waving to We have suspended the leases on Fed- us, giving us the old one-finger salute, b 1930 eral lands. As I said, a complete Fed- eral land ban would increase foreign making a joke of all of us in this coun- The Biden administration will say dependence by 2 million barrels a day. try and the people they just trafficked these foreign nationals, these illegal Gas prices are at a 7-year high. I could into this country. aliens, don’t avail themselves to the Mr. ROY. Is the gentleman aware go on and on. public largesse, that they don’t get Does the gentleman agree that there that the Vice President was tapped by money from the American taxpayer. the President to take charge of this are consequences to an agenda like the Meanwhile, they wanted to get rid of previous administration’s that puts the crisis? the public charge requirement. If they Mr. PERRY. I am aware of that. Of country first versus an administration didn’t care about it, why was it such a course, when I was there, at the time I that is perfectly fine putting the coun- big deal? try last in order to go achieve some think it was 44 days since the Vice Also, your tax dollars go to the food President was tapped to take charge of sort of, I don’t know, fealty to the Eu- bank. They don’t necessarily go to the ropean social welfare state and make the border. illegal foreign national. They go to the Mr. ROY. To your knowledge, has the yourself seem, I don’t know, welcomed food bank, and then the food bank Vice President visited the southern in Davos? gives the food to the illegal foreign na- border of the United States in the now Mr. PERRY. It does make you won- tionals. almost 2 months that she has been al- der, the good gentleman from Texas, They are taking away opportunity. legedly in charge? who these folks that get elected to of- Mr. PERRY. Not unless it was a se- They are taking away the labor that fice represent. Do they represent their cret mission. Americans need for their first jobs. constituents, American citizens, or Mr. ROY. When you think about the When your child gets out of high somebody else? various things it is impacting—you school, looking for their first job— You talked about closing the Key- represent constituents in Pennsyl- when I was 13 and got my first job, I stone pipeline. Now, what does that do? vania, and I in Texas—you talked didn’t have any skills. Do you know Does everybody think that we don’t get about the reach of illegal immigration, what I could do? I could show up on any oil anymore? No. We just pay more narcotics, cartels, and gangs into time with a good attitude. That is for it, right? Pennsylvania. what I could do. We put it on trucks. We put it on Does the gentleman agree, when we Well, if somebody is willing to work trains instead of through a pipeline. had the previous administration put- for half price and show up on time with Somehow, that makes us feel good. ting America first, does the gentleman a good attitude, guess what? This That costs us all a lot more money, agree that our economic situation and American citizen doesn’t get a job. and if you are not making much job situation and price of goods and That is what is happening in the last 4 money—first of all, I remember the services situation was far better and to 5 months. days when I couldn’t fill up my gas that small businesses were thriving Mr. ROY. I will be mindful of your tank. You would get five bucks, and versus today when small businesses time whenever you have to go on, but you would make that last all week. can’t hire anybody? would you agree that if you go back Those were the same days when me and Does the gentleman agree that com- and say, all right, let’s go look at how my boss—since I was underage, my modities—gasoline, wood, housing sup- the America First agenda was per- boss pumped gas with a firearm on his plies—were cheaper and more afford- forming a couple of years ago, that the hip because there were even and odd able, and today they are now sky- unemployment rate in April 2018 was days. You could only get gas, based on rocketing through the roof after $6 tril- 3.6 percent, that today the unemploy- your license plate, on an even or odd lion of spending? ment rate is 6.1 percent, that the pov- day because there wasn’t enough, and Does the gentleman agree that the erty rate in 2019 was 101⁄2 percent, that prices were going through the roof border was becoming secure under an the poverty rate today is 13.7 percent then. And we are back into it now. America First agenda, and now it is projected, that the Consumer Price At the same time, like I said, you wide open and being abused? Index in April 2019 was 2 percent, that wonder whose constituency is this. Is Does the gentleman agree that we today the Consumer Price Index is at this America first or somebody else had historic Middle East peace with 4.2 percent and skyrocketing. first?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:11 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.112 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2021 They closed the Keystone pipeline, els, what they call rare-earth minerals, So, we have to get real about what and then we talk about relieving sanc- that is another fallacy. They are not this is. I think the pipeline shutdown tions for Nord Stream 2. That is the rare. They are only rare in the United that you just saw on the East Coast Russian pipeline. Oh, well, I am glad States because we are not allowed to here is indicative of how important and we are happy to support Russia getting get them because we have laws that how tied to energy the vitality of this all the gas to where they want to get, preclude us from going to get them economy is and this America First to their market, but apparently, Amer- that makes them cost-ineffective, so agenda is. Tinkering with it even just ica is not allowed to do that. we have to import them from China or the slightest bit has drastic con- Whether it is inflation—oh, by the other places. sequences. way, you don’t see that happening ei- China does well. This is a China first My good friend, the gentleman from ther, as if it were true. There is noth- policy, not an America First policy. Texas, endured it. All of Texas endured ing happening at the border, and infla- This is coming from this administra- it this past winter. Their power got tion is not occurring. Go buy a 2 by 4 tion and other administrations or aco- shut off, and the backup power for right now. lytes to those policies. them, for their wind and solar grid, was Mr. ROY. Yes, a piece of plywood. Mr. ROY. I saw a photograph today natural gas pumps. Unfortunately, Mr. PERRY. Go by a sheet of ply- that had a person who was driving a they are electric-powered, and the rea- wood, right? Exactly. Tesla. And God bless Tesla for making son they chose electricity to power You are paying $100 for a three-quar- technology. I am all for it. But the per- their backup pumps is to come below ter-inch sheet of plywood, and you are son in their virtue-signaling, self-con- the emissions standards. Well, guess paying eight bucks for a 2 by 4, which gratulation of driving their Tesla is what? When your electricity is off be- 5 months ago was two bucks. That is driving around with a license plate cause the Sun is not shining and the inflation. that says: ‘‘NO FUEL,’’ right? Does wind is not blowing and everything is They can tell us all they want to that somebody want to go, ‘‘Wait. Hold on,’’ frozen up, the electric pump doesn’t this agenda that they have works for knock on the door and say: ‘‘Excuse work either. America. We are Americans. It is not me, where do you think the power is This is insanity. We are choosing working for us. coming from?’’ Is it magic power? this. We are doing this by design. Mr. ROY. I was just explaining, be- ‘‘Well, we just get power from elec- Mr. ROY. Is the gentleman aware fore the gentleman arrived, that my tricity,’’ as if the electricity comes that human life expectancy, if you parents are in the midst of building a from nothing, as if the Tesla is just track it on a chart, is almost directly house. They are beginning to wonder magically powered and suddenly just correlated to the availability of abun- now whether or not they are going to drives around without having abundant dant energy and that we have seen the be able to afford it by the end of the availability of energy. lifesaving advances that cause human build because of the price of lumber, Is the gentleman aware and would he flourishing, the ability to save people’s because of the price of concrete that is agree with me that China has about 70 lives, the advancement of modern tech- going up, because you have to have percent of the world’s rare-earth re- nology for medicine, to be able to forms for the concrete and you have to serves, and that when we are going spread that around the world? There are still 3 billion people in the have labor. down the road of solar panels and other world right now who are not living Now, we are having a shortage of alternative forms of energy—and, with abundant energy, and what do we labor because we are paying people again, Texas embraced wind power; want to do as the greatest country in more to not work than to work, in the Texas embraced solar power. We can the history of the world? We want to infinite wisdom of my colleagues on have these as part of our grid, but then what happens on a windless, cloudy slam the brakes on this great economy the other side of aisle who believe you day? You have China being empowered. with this magic unicorn dust of a view can throw $6 trillion into the economy One more question for the gen- toward how we are going to have our and not have consequences. tleman: Is the gentleman aware that energy policy while we throttle us Is the gentleman aware that it only we just saw a report that China is pro- back, empower China, allow China to took us $4.1 trillion in today’s dollars ducing more of the emissions and CO be able to continue to pollute what to win all of World War II from begin- 2 than the rest of the world combined? they want to in the atmosphere. Mean- ning to end? Yet, my colleagues on the My colleagues on the other side of the while, human beings suffer. other side of the aisle felt like it would aisle want us to join the Paris Agree- Mr. PERRY. It is not only just allow- be a good idea to dump $6 trillion into ment, which we were outperforming ing China to pollute at an unprece- the economy and believe that it without being a part of it. They want dented level. Maybe for people who wouldn’t have the consequence of infla- us to bow down to the altar of the Chi- don’t like colonialism and think that tion, that it wouldn’t have the con- nese and say: ‘‘Oh, please let us be a America throws its weight around too sequence of paying people more not to part of this whole exercise,’’ while much, maybe that is China’s business, work than to work, and destroy jobs, China is pumping out more actual pol- trying to lift their impoverished people destroy livelihoods, destroy small busi- lutants and more CO2 than anybody out of poverty and give them power. As nesses. else in the world. you said, not just hundreds of lives, not Now, we see the America First en- Mr. PERRY. I am aware, and I thank just hundreds of thousands of lives, but ergy policy under the previous admin- the gentleman from Texas for bringing literally millions of lives will be saved istration where we had abundant oil, it up. with power. abundant energy, and now an America We keep hearing about getting to But what is the insult upon the in- last where you have lines. I mean, who net-zero, net-zero carbon. What is fas- jury is the Paris climate accord, where is President? Is it Jimmy Carter or Joe cinating is, people don’t realize that we we actually pay China, which takes Biden? could do that. If we actually did that, your tax dollars to take your energy Mr. PERRY. It is Jimmy Carter, too, China would eclipse everything that we away and pay them so that they can right? It is not only the third term of just did by going from our current pollute even more while you can’t live Obama, but it is the second term of economy to net zero in a few weeks’ in the First World, in the 21st century. Jimmy Carter. time, literally a few weeks’ time. So, That is the insult upon injury here. We lived through that energy crisis, we do all that, take ourselves back to Mr. ROY. I heard the gentleman, who and we were told then that we were essentially the seventh century, and I should thank for his military service, running out of fuel. But that was yet China would eclipse it in just a few his long career in serving in our Armed another lie, and, of course, now we weeks’ time. Forces. I appreciate your service. I don’t have any jobs, right? First of all, there are not enough know the gentleman is concerned a lot Meanwhile, we closed down the Key- critical minerals. There are not enough about national security, as well. stone pipeline. How many jobs was mines on the planet to transfer this en- With respect to pipelines, you alluded that? And we are told that you can go ergy economy into a solely wind- and to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. I believe make solar panels. It is not America solar-powered economy. There is just today we learned that the administra- First; it is China first. Those solar pan- not. tion was backing away from sanctions,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00104 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.114 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE May 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2529 which is perfectly fine, having the Nord toric peace deals with Arab nations, northern Israel. By the way, the popu- Stream 2 pipeline funneling all sorts of working and interacting with Israel, lated area in that northern part of fossil fuels to Germany, but forsaking with direct flights from Arab nations Israel is about the size of a portion of our friends in Ukraine, by the way, in to Israel occurring. The Abraham Ac- the district I represent in that stretch doing so. cords, we had significant peace in the between San Antonio and Austin. You get a twofer out of this adminis- Middle East, yet what do we have I took a helicopter tour going up to tration: undermine our national secu- today? In a few short months under the Jordan, up the north side of Israel, rity while harming our friends in wisdom of the current administration, back down to Tel Aviv and back down Ukraine who are trying to push back we have massive attacks on our friends to Jerusalem in a few hours. against Putin. But, oh, by the way, you in Israel. Can you imagine? That is the size of Israel. are advancing a pipeline over there b 1945 while you refuse to have pipelines in And they have 150,000 rockets in Leb- the United States of America. We have massive loss of life. And God anon pointing from the north, and they Mr. PERRY. Yes. The gentleman bless the previous relationships with have got Gaza over here firing all these probably knows this, but Pennsylvania, our country and Israel to produce the missiles coming in from Gaza. Hamas of course, a great energy State, has technology that Iron Dome offers to launching them in at Israel, and they been for a long time—Titusville, you the people of Israel so that they are are actually benefiting from the tech- know the Drake Well and so on and so not getting slaughtered by the rockets nology we are providing. And now you forth, it goes back a long time for us. that are coming from Hamas, being have got Democrats saying they want We can’t get our natural gas to market supported, by the way, by the policies to pull that away. in New England because we can’t get a of this administration, in empowering Now, the good news is I also saw a pipeline through. They won’t allow it. Hamas to be taking shots at our story today with a couple of them So, where does New England get its friends in Israel, where our friends in starting to walk that back, because natural gas in the wintertime when Israel are under attack. hopefully they are starting to feel the times are tough? They buy it from Rus- Thank the good Lord above that we pressure the American people want us sia. Talk about a national security have Iron Dome and the ability to pro- to stand with Israel. The American issue. Again, more insult to injury. tect our friends in Israel and work with people want us to stand with our allies None of this is based on an America them so that we also have strong mis- who stand with us, and that is what First agenda. It is almost like every- sile defense technology. Israel has done. body else other than America is first. Would the gentleman agree that that And I would tell the gentleman, I am These are political leaders and policy- is the current state of affairs? sure he has experienced what I experi- makers elected by their American con- Mr. PERRY. This is one of the sad- enced when I was at the Sea of Galilee. stituency. You would think that they dest things we have seen in the few And I was on the floor the other night would want to support that constitu- short months of this administration. with BRIAN MAST, your fellow veteran, ency first, do what is best for them, The change of the Abraham Accords who lost his legs in service to our coun- ease their concerns when they have to and the lowering of tensions in the try. He also served 2 years in the Israel make the bills, pay the mortgage or Middle East between these nations and Defense Forces. Well, Brian and I were the gas bill, or pay for their child’s the resolve to be peaceful. The great both sharing the story about when we education. And the prices just keep track that we were on in just a few were sitting on a pier in the Sea of Gal- going up because of decisions that are short months, it goes from that picture ilee, and the Israelis, who were on that made based on politics, not based on ef- to the picture with the rockets being pier, stood up and looked at us and ficacy and what is good for people in sent to Israel. Of course, being deliv- they all sang ‘‘God Bless America.’’ America. ered—the explosives being delivered by And they all stood up and thanked us Mr. ROY. I know the gentleman prob- the technology produced in Iran, by the one by one for what we do in defense of ably has things he needs to do, but be- avowed enemy of Israel, Hamas, who Israel and our partnership with them. fore he leaves, I wanted to address one seeks not to find some resolution, but And this administration is walking other issue on national security be- seeks death. away from that. This administration is cause I know he has a passion for this, It is in their charter. So if you don’t hugging Iran. This administration as well. like what I am saying, I am just a mes- wants to cut deals with Iran, provide We have talked about the impact on senger. It is in their charter that their resources to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, our economy of America First versus job is to kill every single Jew. That is which undermines Israel and under- America last. We talked about the im- what they seek to do, in just a few mines our national security. And the pact on the border of America First short months. Everyone knew and ev- American people, when they know this, versus America last. We talked about eryone knows every administration they don’t want it. the impact on energy and availability will be tested by these foreign adver- Mr. PERRY. I will close with this, as of energy of America First versus saries, and this one is being tested I am sure the gentleman has much America last. right now. And, of course, in my opin- more he would like to talk about, and Now, let’s talk a little bit about the ion, and obviously from the photo- I have kind of interrupted him here a impact on the stability in the world on graphs, they are failing this test. little bit. Middle East peace, on our national se- Is the gentleman aware that there is Mr. ROY. It has been great. curity and the national security of our a proposal potentially coming to stop Mr. PERRY. But I’ve so appreciated friends and allies, and, in particular, the sale of armament to Israel to his work. our friends in Israel. rearm their missile defense system? Our relationship with Israel is much I know the gentleman, like I, has Mr. ROY. I saw the same stories that closer than just friendship. We depend traveled to Israel. I have been there a my friend from Pennsylvania saw on one another in so many ways that couple of times. I am sure the gen- about some of our democratic col- are unseen and unknown. And just one tleman has been there a few times. In leagues, I think here in the House and thing that had crossed my mind on my experience in Israel, it is an ex- in the Senate, who were starting to say many occasions—when you fly the traordinary place with extraordinary that we needed to back off of that and most lethal attack helicopter in the people with a pluralistic culture, a not provide the hellfire missiles or any world, the AH–64 Apache—— multifaith culture. But it is a bur- of the resources that we worked in col- Mr. ROY. You know something about geoning democracy, a strong economy, laboration with our friends in Israel in that? and it is probably our strongest ally in order to make sure they are protected, Mr. PERRY. You have a helmet sys- the world—if not in the world, cer- and particularly in the use of the Iron tem that is linked to the camera sys- tainly in the Middle East. The previous Dome. Literally protecting millions of tem, linked to the gun, that the place- administration was doing what for dec- people, by the way. ment of your head is followed by those ades previous administrations had said There is 150,000 rockets sitting in cameras so you can fly the aircraft, is was impossible and was striking his- Lebanon, sitting and pointing right at followed by that weapon system so

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00105 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.116 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2021 that you can defend yourself at a mo- 3,300 rockets have been launched by Iron Dome has intercepted 90 percent ment’s notice at all times. Hamas in the last 8 days. of the rockets. Hamas is trying to over- And that following that is done with Can you imagine what the American whelm the defense system and destroy that helmet—which is very expensive— people will be saying and doing if I was Israel. is made by our friends in Israel, be- sitting in San Antonio or Austin and Madam Speaker, 70 percent of Israel cause we are together. 3,300 rockets were coming at us from civilians have run into a bomb shelter Now, what breaks my heart, among Nuevo Laredo, from across the border this week. Parents and children were other things, is that there are people in Mexico? being woken up in the middle the night right in this body—I mean, I hate to Would we just be sitting back and by sirens alerting them that they have say it—they might as well be called the saying, well, I mean, I wonder what 90 seconds to get inside a bomb shelter. Hamas Caucus. kind of proportionate response should We had Esther Schlesinger huddled And I shudder to say that, especially look like? with her 1-year-old son on Tuesday. in terms of what I just said Hamas Or would you just be responding back When speaking about the event, Esther stands for: The death of every single with overwhelming force to say under said: I didn’t have time to grab any- Jew in Israel. That is what they stand no circumstances do you shoot one thing. I didn’t have time to grab my for, by their own accord, by their own rocket into our country, much less phone. We just ran into the shelter and account. That we would have people in 3,300? kept hearing explosion after explosion. this body say that Israel is an apart- Mr. PERRY. That is the fundamental I feel terrible for these parents who heid government and we should be sup- duty of those who take the oath of the have to try and explain what is going porting Hamas and what is happening, Constitution: Defense. Defense of your on. I literally was holding my son in what they are doing sending these mu- Nation. Defense of this liberty. the bomb shelter, and I am thinking I nitions over. It is an insult. And it can’t be defended if it is under am grateful he isn’t old enough to un- Arabs in Israel are the freest Arabs attack from a foreign nation. So, abso- derstand why I had to quickly grab in that part of the world. They serve in lutely, Israel has the right to defend him. Despite all this, I don’t doubt my government. They have their own po- itself and to respond to attacks. decision to live here. Even in these litical parties. They have their own Again, it is abhorrent and completely crazy times. It is so important for me free speech in Israel. It is an insult. insulting to refer to it as they do, and to be here as a Jew. Mr. ROY. Is the gentleman aware to take the side of the aggressor in this Madam Speaker, we are seeing the that a few of our colleagues actually regard and say that, well, the response result of a failed policy of this adminis- were lamenting that Iron Dome was is disproportionate. tration. When you think about it, preventing casualties in Israel because, What is the proportionate response President Trump called Prime Minister for some reason, that might be seen as when your innocent family is killed Netanyahu 2 days after his inaugura- disproportionate with respect to what- under the barrage of an unwarranted tion. The current President took over a ever damage and casualties might be unprovoked missile attack from across month to call the Prime Minister of occurring in Gaza? the closed border? What is the appro- Israel—arguably, our closest ally in the And it seemed to me that the simple priate response? world, certainly our closest ally in the answer—I mean, just color me crazy If it were your family, I guarantee Middle East. here, my friend from Pennsylvania— you, I would want a very robust re- When asked, President Biden’s sec- might be stop firing rockets from Gaza, sponse to stop,—to stop the missiles retary couldn’t even say whether Israel stop firing rockets at Israel. coming in. remains, ‘‘important ally of the United Would the gentleman also agree that Mr. ROY. The gentleman is welcome States.’’ our friends in Israel, the Israelis, call to stay as long as he wants, but I think The Biden administration has ahead, give them notice, tell them the he has other places to go. But I would emboldened Iran, the number one state missiles are coming in? just say that I appreciate the gen- sponsor of terrorism, dedicated to the They say, ‘‘vacate the block because tleman joining me. destruction of Israel in the United in 15 minutes that building is going to I know he agrees with me that an States, by restarting negotiations on be gone.’’ ‘‘America first’’ agenda that is pro- the failed 2015 Iran nuclear deal. They And then we heard our colleagues on jobs, pro-affordable prices, pro-border rewarded the PA by restoring millions the other side of the aisle lamenting security, pro-Israel, pro-national secu- of dollars in funding to the West Bank that somehow AP or Al Jazeera were in rity, pro-abundant energy is much bet- in Gaza; undermined Israel and inter- a building that was taken out. ter than an ‘‘America last’’ agenda in national organizations by restoring Yet there is ample evidence that they which we abandon our own allies, aban- $150 million in funding to the UNRWA knew full well that Hamas was oper- don our own national security, have and rejoining the Israel-hating United ating in that building. They knew it, wide open borders, have skyrocketing Nations Human Rights Council without yet they were doing it anyway and prices, inflation going through the much-needed reforms. they didn’t care. roof, and joblessness because people It is one hit after another, one punch Mr. PERRY. Is the gentleman from can’t find jobs, because people are get- to the gut after another to our friends Texas aware that Hamas routinely lo- ting paid more not to work than to in Israel, while we are funding Hamas cates their firing batteries, their muni- work. and their ability to fire rockets at our tion stocks in schools, in populated Mr. PERRY. The gentleman from friends in Israel. This is a pattern. areas with civilians, and fire from Pennsylvania does completely agree, I will just tell my friends on the those locations for multiple purposes, and I thank the gentleman from Texas. other side of the aisle, to ask yourself propaganda purposes? Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, I thank a question for the American people who That is the depth of depravity where the gentleman from Pennsylvania. are watching all of this: Do you want they would use small children as props, Madam Speaker, I would close a lit- America to be first? Or do you want even to have them killed in a response tle bit here out on Israel by saying just America to be last? as Israel defends itself. This is all a re- a few things I didn’t get into in terms Because the current administration, sponse to an attack. of the details, because these matters. the current policies of this body, the Mr. ROY. Does the gentleman agree These details matter. current policies of the Senate are tak- that Israel not only has a right to de- I said before, in the last 8 days, ing us down a road which we had long fend itself—and I was thankful to hear Hamas has launched more than 3,300 since left behind in the days of the Car- the President at least utter those rockets at our friends in Israel. Think ter era, in the late 1970s, when you had words, that they have a right to defend about that. We have had 10 people in long lines at the gas pump, sky- themselves. Israel been killed—both Jews and rocketing gas prices, inability to get Does he not agree with me that they Arabs. jobs, stagflation, inflationary pres- have a duty, a responsibility to defend I read a story of a young Indian sures. themselves in the same way that we woman, who was visiting Israel, who Most people today don’t really re- would if 1,500—well, actually, up to also lost her life. member. I remember when my parents

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.117 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE May 18, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2531 got their mortgage rate down from 14 the status of the border of the United ple have had it. The American people percent, 12 percent, 10 percent—man, States, and how it is endangering want sanity, they don’t want us talk- when they got to single digits. Today, American citizens, endangering ranch- ing about tweets and talking about all those rates have been hovering around ers, endangering border patrol, endan- the drama in this town and what posi- 3 percent. gering law enforcement officers, endan- tions people have or don’t have. They People don’t understand what they gering Texans, allowing fentanyl and just want us to lead. They just want us are facing, and they are going to see it dangerous narcotics to flow into our to come into this body and not be here, soon, as they are seeing these prices communities, empowering the sex traf- like I am right now, by myself, with all skyrocket and they can’t afford houses ficking trade and the human traf- due respect to the Madam Speaker, but and they can’t afford gas and they ficking trade, and empowering cartels by myself addressing an empty Cham- can’t afford basic commodities and to be able to carry out their heinous ber. goods and services, and they can’t hire activities. This is what debate has been reduced people, and their small businesses are They just uncovered a burial pit just to, and I have talked about that before, going out of business because of the across the Rio Grande, where these but I will keep talking about it. This is policies of this administration. dangerous cartels bury people that what debate has been reduced to. I America first. People have jobs, busi- they murder. Stories of people being chastised the majority leader earlier nesses thrive, gas is affordable, housing locked into bars, chained doors, and today because we were talking about a is affordable, our border is becoming the building lit on fire, people being bill that was labeled a hate crimes pre- secure. A border, by the way, that still hung from bridges, people being burned vention bill that came over from the allowed people to legally migrate to alive. This is all happening literally Senate, and the majority leader said: our country, but to do so in a much across the Rio Grande, and we are em- Well, if you are for this bill, you are safer way; without empowering cartels powering it. We are empowering it with against hate; if you are against this to be able to move human beings for an America-last agenda where cartels bill, you are for hate. And that is how profit, put them into the sex traf- are empowered, our borders are run by that is going to be seen. ficking trade, the human trafficking cartels, human beings are mistreated And I told the majority leader, I said, trade, make millions of dollars in the in the name of compassion. that is the problem. I mean, do you process. The American people are tired of all really believe that is true? That if I America first is putting our friends of the swamp drama. That is all we get have a different view about how in Israel first and standing alongside here is swamp trauma, every single divvying us up by race is a bad idea and them for their interest, yes, but also day. We have more conversations about how categorizing us in categories of for our national security interest. splitting us up by race. We have more race, and then creating thought conversations about January 6 com- crimes, and having government going b 2000 missions. We have more conversations around and policing our thoughts and One or two more thoughts on the bor- about masks or not masks. Meanwhile, go tracking us down, based on what we der because it has hit so close to home the American people are hurting. say or do, as opposed to: Hey, you com- in the State of Texas, which I rep- The American people can’t hire peo- mitted a crime. But if I vote against resent. ple. The American people are dealing the bill, oh, I am for hate. That is what Now, I have taken multiple trips to with wide open borders. The America we have reduced this body to. the border, and I have spoken about it people can’t afford goods and services. And, again, I get it, these are polit- many times on this floor and else- The American people can’t have their ical slogans to my left and right, right? where. But it is not just some esoteric kids in schools without worrying about There is a purpose to this. There is a concept that doesn’t impact our whole what is happening to their kids. All of purpose to me putting this up, and say- country, but it certainly impacts Texas the videos we are now seeing pop up ing, American first versus America very directly. with children testifying at school last. Okay. I would love it if we could I said we had 178,000 migrants appre- board hearings, saying, I have been sit here in this Chamber, and say, you hended in April, we are now over 600,000 spending a year wearing a mask, and I know what, maybe spending $6 trillion for the calendar year, 300,000 that have have been being yelled at, and I have is a bad idea. been released or got-aways that have been beat up because I am being told, Why don’t we rewind some of those gotten into our country. Those are real you know, I got to wear a mask, and dollars and see if we can tone down numbers, they are published numbers. shut my ability to see people. I want to that inflation? Why don’t we tighten Some of them are—the got-away num- see people’s faces. What are we doing to our belt a little bit. Why don’t we get bers are numbers you get when you our children? We are decimating a gen- the dollars flowing in for unemploy- talk to people who know what is going eration of Americans. ment that is crippling the ability of on who work in DHS or work down at The American people are tired of businesses to hire people? Why don’t the border. this. We spent $6 trillion in the last we pull that back a little bit? Why April’s CBP’s numbers show more year, you can’t really make it up. What don’t we just sit down at a table, roll fentanyl seized in the first 5 months in are we doing? I mean, with all due re- our sleeves up, and figure out how to 2021 than in all of 2020. Fentanyl is a spect to the Speaker, Speaker PELOSI, make it work? dangerous narcotic. Do we not care? I and the majority leader, and my col- Why don’t we say, Hey, wide open mean, it is a legitimate question. Do leagues on the other side of the aisle, borders being run by cartels is a bad my colleagues on the other side of the What are we doing? We are destroying idea. Let’s figure out how to secure the aisle, do they literally not care? I have the American economy. We are killing borders. We are a sovereign Nation, never once heard one of my colleagues small businesses. We are destroying that is not a crazy thought. Why don’t on the other side of the aisle address our own dollar, our own economy. We we say, Hey, what are we getting out of this issue, not once. are driving up the prices of goods and our relationship with Israel and peace I put something out on social media services. We are preventing people in the Middle East, and standing side the other day telling the Vice Presi- from being able to hire people. We are by side, and the strength that that dent that I would be happy to meet her scaring the heck out of our children. makes for our country and for them. anywhere, anytime, to debate the issue We are allowing our schools to shut Madam Speaker, I am nearing the of border security. She is allegedly in them down and not teach them. We are end of my time, and I have a colleague charge of it. Well, Madam Vice Presi- siding with our enemies in Iran instead over here that I believe is going to dent, I am here on the floor of the of our friends in Israel. We are allowing have a few thoughts to share, and so I United States House of Representa- wide open borders to endanger our peo- will wind down here in the next couple tives, Article I in the Constitution; you ple with fentanyl. We are empowering of minutes. I will alert my friend. are now serving in Article II as the cartels. But I would just say, you know—first Vice President, with a foot over in the How on Earth is the people’s House of all, let me just say, I appreciate the Article I Senate as President. I am allowing this to happen to the United staff who are down here and keep this happy to debate anytime, anywhere, States of America? The American peo- place running, and you have to sit

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:45 May 19, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.119 H18MYPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H2532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2021 here, and the stenographer is writing ised in the basin for the project. These After nearly 50 years of construction, everything down that we are saying are already big cuts to what the origi- the final piece of the project was com- and, you know, the clerks that keep ev- nal project intent was, with 390,000 acre pleted in 1964 with the Iron Gate Dam erything going. You are here because feet, and the amount that these folks along the Klamath River, one of four we are here, and I appreciate it. As a have endured in cuts in recent years. dams that are providing hydroelectric former staffer myself, we very much So when they made that initial power and are currently in peril, too, appreciate you all being here. March allocation, the Bureau followed due to a fish passage issue. It is an honor to serve in this body, up in April, cutting that figure another In total, the project allows for nearly but it is an honor because of what we 70 percent. Remember, 390,000 acre feet 600,000 acre-feet of water to be stored. need to achieve, not what we are doing. cut to 130,000. In April, they cut, addi- So the Bureau of Reclamation has It is an honor to serve in the House of tionally, 70 percent more down to 33,000 been making an incorrect claim for Representatives because of where this acre feet. So that is 8 percent of the quite a while to the Klamath project country can go, where it needs to go on water the irrigators would have been water. They have been involved, of behalf of its citizenry, not because of promised initially. course, since Congress authorized the what we are doing today. Because what Last week, another cut was made, project in 1905. Every year, the farmers we are doing today is undermining the now down to just 3,000 acre feet. An in the basin spend about $30 million to health of this Republic. acre foot, for those scoring at home, is maintain this project, paying the gov- I will just close by saying that one of about 326,000 gallons, or the amount of ernment for that. the things that I have been talking to water it takes to cover 1 acre with a The Bureau has acted and operated my constituents about when I go home foot of water. the project and the head works of the is asking the very simple question: Are At that point, the 3,000-acre delivery, irrigation systems. In 1970 and 1973, we free? Are we actually free? Are we the Bureau has decided, is not worth Congress passed the National Environ- free if we have $30 trillion of debt and the effort to deliver into the district mental Policy Act, known as NEPA, we are undermining our economy? Are into the canals, et cetera. and the Endangered Species Act, both we free if people can’t hire people in So basically what this means, in 2021, well-intended. This legislation effec- their small businesses in order to sur- no water would flow to the Klamath tively requires, according to interpre- vive? Project, this is for the first time since tation, the bureau to prioritize the en- Are we free if we have open borders 1907, the headgates of the A Canal vironment over the well-being and eco- that are being run by cartels? Are we would remain closed. nomic security of humans. That is not free if we are not standing with our al- b 2015 the original intent of Congress. This is lies, but instead, we are standing with what courts have ruled over the years. some of our enemies? Are we free if From June 1907 to May 2021, some amount of water has always flowed So the fish involved in the current China controls much of our supply issues are several species. The Lost chains? Are we free if the unborn never into the Klamath project. From the upper lake here to the A canal. I will River sucker fish and the shortnose get a shot at life? Are we free if our sucker only exist in the Upper Klamath children are being taught that America show you more pictures later, Madam Speaker, on how the A canal works to Lake. From 1984 to 1986, the sucker is evil in the schools? population began a steep decline head- I would argue that we are not as free feed much of the district. ing to their listing as endangered in as we ought to be. We are not as free as This area, of course, is populated by 1988. we need to be. And that we are not as Tribes, descendants of pioneers, fron- The biological opinions which heav- free as is necessary to ensure that our tiersmen, and veterans of World War I ily influence water decisions and allo- kids and grandkids can inherit this and World War II who quite literally cations coming out of the Upper Klam- great birthright of being an American won a lottery to homestead in the foot- ath Lake are the results of Interior at- citizen. I believe we should put Amer- print of Lake Modoc. torneys—longtime career attorneys— ica first. I do not believe that we The water hasn’t always been here in Washington, D.C. So the recent should have America in last place. enough, and a mountain of Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- unpleasantries have been shared over biological opinions put out in the end ance of my time. the allocation of this resource, but of the Trump administration were partly responsible for setting the f there has always been water at least. So, I would like to start the con- record straight and helping last year to THE DIRE SITUATION IN THE versation on the Klamath going back get a little bit more water to the farm- KLAMATH BASIN to the fundamental water rights. The ers, as we had to rescue that situation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under first private ditch in the basin was dug in May in order to have their alloca- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- in 1868, and the few irrigation projects tion kept at 140,000. uary 4, 2021, the Chair recognizes the that were there at the time were quite So when the Lost River sucker was gentleman from California (Mr. small. In 1882, the first bit of land with- listed, two Klamath scholars actually LAMALFA) for 30 minutes. in the current project was irrigated. noted that no one seems to anticipate Mr. LAMALFA. Madam Speaker, I Authorized by Congress in 1905, it is that the listing of the sucker fish am pleased to stand up here with my the second oldest project in the West. might have serious impacts on the op- friend and colleague, Representative There are several hundred miles of eration of Klamath Project, which the CLIFF BENTZ of Oregon, as we both go main canals, lateral canals, and drain- impacts economically to people are re- over in detail the dire situation cur- age ditches, and 200,000 acres of irri- quired as originally part of the Endan- rently happening in the Klamath Basin gated farmland across 1,400 farms. Ex- gered Species Act. That has all seemed in the area bordering northern Cali- cuse me, 27,000 irrigable land in the to have gone out the window. fornia and southern Oregon here, upper lower Klamath, and Na- Coho salmon is the other population Klamath Lake. tional Wildlife Refuge. of fish native to the Klamath basin and So this has been an ongoing problem Today, it is over $200,000 worth of adjacent rivers and rivers all up and over several decades, really. In March value in alfalfa, hay, wheat, and pota- down the West Coast. Salmon popu- of this year, the Bureau of Reclama- toes, including the ones you would get lations have followed a general trend of tion, which oversees the water in the at In-N-Out Burger french fries as well decline that is seen all across the Pa- Klamath Project promised that the as pasture. cific Coast. growers there in the basin would re- In 1917, the rock sill between Upper With all these populations, they are ceive 130,000 acre feet of water. This on Klamath Lake and the Link River was not just in the Klamath River, so year the heels of 2020 with a similar situa- lowered allowing more flows to agri- after year, extra water flows down the tion where the Bureau promised water culture areas and downstream basins. Klamath River have been used to deal to the growers in the amount of 140,000 In 1921, the Link River Dam was com- with what is known as the C. shasta acre feet. pleted allowing water to be retained virus. Now, this is of a total of a true water during spring peaks and increasing the Now, there is a lot of debate whether right of 390,000 acre feet that is prom- total amount of water in the lake. these flows are actually effective or

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