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10-30-2013 The Beacon, October 30, 2013 International University

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This work is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections and University Archives at FIU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP nther Press (formerly The Beacon) by an authorized administrator of FIU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A Forum for Free Student Expression at Florida International University Vol. 25, Issue 32 fiusm.com Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Students falling victim WINE TO WATER to identity theft often JACKIE SKEVIN times through text message alerts manager for education programs Staff Writer – Jerez is not alone. at Lifelock, an Arizona-based The Federal Trade Commis- company that provides compre- Below the Gulf of Mexico sion reported South Florida as hensive individualized iden- deep in South America, someone the number one Metropolitan tity protection to customers in Brazil pays a $70 restaurant area in the nation for identity nationwide. bill. The prepaid card is theirs, theft and identity fraud in the last “They are often at [graduate] but the information is not. It was two years. school and job fairs which ask obtained by copying a different And federal authorities in for their social security number card’s data and saving it onto a South Florida recently charged on many of their forms, but just credit card machine, most likely 45 people, in 30 separate cases because they ask, it doesn’t mean at a gas station. of identity theft, responsible for you should list them.” “I’ve heard about this before, at least 22,000 stolen or compro- She advises students to protect but I never thought it would mised identities. The identities themselves by limiting the happen to me,” said Vanessa were used in attempts to claim personal information they give Jerez, a senior hospitality major. more than $38 million in fraud- out, never leaving their wallets Jerez was a victim of iden- ulent tax refunds. Authorities or personal information out on tity fraud last month, but her say many were insiders that used display in their dorms or apart- Margarita Rentis/The Beacon problem didn’t end there. Earlier jobs at places like schools to ments and running a yearly credit this month, a second physical gain access to identities. report on annualcreditreport.com Dickson “Doc” Hendley (above), founder of the non-profit orga- credit card was stolen and used “While baby boomers are through Transunion, Experian or nization and author of “Wine to Water” – this semester’s book to purchase $217 worth of items the biggest demographic to be Equifax. for the common reading program – spoke to students about his at a CVS in Maryland. targeted, college students are journey providing clean water to 16 countries, some of which are UN no-go zones. Her bank notified her both just as vulnerable if not more SEE CRIME, PAGE 2 vulnerable” said Paige Hanson, Campus State Farm Lab offers financial guidance

ADRIAN SUAREZ certainly ace a University-wide reading a basic sense of knowledge of how to sions among students on-campus, several Staff Writer test, the outcome measuring students’ build credit responsibly, understand the students who own one seem to agree that levels of financial literacy would be effects of student loans and gauge the they have difficulties when it comes to Anthony Da Silva, a junior majoring best kept out of transcripts for fear of consequences of defaulting,” said Deanne comprehending policies or simply paying in finance, said he invested over $300 in destroying a decent GPA. Butchey, senior lecturer in finance. for the cards on time. a stock that he said he was sure would “The reality is that students concen- “Students should have a strong under- “I am drowning in credit card debt,” skyrocket. trating in any academic area need to have standing of credit – how easy it is to said Xiao Liu, a senior chemistry major. “Unfortunately, my wallet has a $300- acquire and how difficult it is to pay “But it’s my fault because I didn’t even size hole today still,” Da Silva said. back,” Butchey said. know what I was getting myself into when Situations such as the one in which Da Credit is the building block of ensuring I got the cards.” Silva found himself are not uncommon possession of capital assets in the future Liu is not alone. in the lives of college students. Every I am drowning in after college, such as a car and house. Several of the students interviewed semester students agree to the terms and credit card debt. Understanding the importance of building shared the same sentiment, adding that conditions of loan contracts and some credit and how to repair a poor credit they would have appreciated some form bravely tackle the complexity of handling Xiao Liu score is essential to allow a student to be of guidance when taking out their credit stocks online without understanding the Senior financially stable in the future, according mechanisms. to Butchey. Chemistry major SEE FINANCES, PAGE 2 Although the student population can Though credit cards are popular posses- Panthers making an international difference in Nicaragua DESTINEY BURT graduate. Contributing Writer To alleviate the San Julia village’s quest for water, the society Women and children in El recently launched their campaign Crucero, Nicaragua, journey down One Student, One Dollar. The goal a steep hill with old containers to of this campaign is to raise money fetch green water from a reservoir from University students, in hopes to do their laundry. that it can raise a dollar for each Each spring break, students student enrolled – about $50,000 – from the International Busi- to build a well in San Julia. ness Honor Society take a week- San Julia is a small village made long trip to the town to help these of 300 people in El Crucero, Nica- people. Last year, they recognized ragua. The group that aids their the lack of clean water in the San village is made of 16 women who Julia village and the treacherous have been working together to fight three-mile trip people had to make circumstances of extreme poverty to retrieve it and decided to make it in the community of 63 families. their mission to help. A lasting visual that Luis Terron, “This is a huge challenge for senior international business major, Photo courtesy of International Business Honor Society a small organization, that’s why will never forget is the living condi- International Business Honor Society students say goodbye to the people of San Juan village in we are looking at it as a Universi- tions of the villagers. Nicaragua during last year’s spring break mission trip. ty-wide campaign,” said Maria Del SEE BUSINESS, PAGE 2 Caprio, an international business 2 The Beacon – Wednesday, October 30, 2013 NEWS fiusm.com

WORLD NEWS Identity theft growing concern CRIME, PAGE 1 and what specific part of their record Chemical weapons inspectors in they wish to release. Syria miss deadline However last semester, FIU Chief Cumulative Academic Records of Police Alexander Casas said that Students falling victim and Student Financial Aid records International inspectors overseeing the destruction in regards to petty theft on-campus are kept by the Office of the Regis- of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile have missed “people are just leaving their stuff to identity theft. trar and the Director of Financial an early deadline in a brutally tight schedule after around. It’s an opportunistic crime Aid respectively. Both are the like- security concerns prevented them from visiting two where someone will go use the bath- Vanessa Jerez liest to have the information needed sites linked to Damascus’ chemical program. Experts room and leave their laptops and Senior for someone to be a victim of iden- from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chem- stuff like [that].” Hospitality major tity theft. ical Weapons were to have checked all 23 of Syria’s Non-traditional forms of theft Hanson says if a student finds declared chemical sites by Sunday, but the organiza- can easily occur on smartphones and “The authorities can make this call, themselves in an identity theft or tion said Monday that inspectors have visited only 21 tablets. Websites like Amazon give fraud situation, they should contact because of security issues. While there are no conse- but many still don’t press charges.” the police, make a report and send quences for missing the deadline, the group’s failure them the option to create an account The Family Education Rights to meet it underscores the ambitious timeline as well and a credit card profile, but students and Privacy Act guarantees privacy a formal letter to one of the credit as the risks its inspectors face in carrying out their shouldn’t be so quick to do it even if of students education and personal bureaus explaining what happened so mission in the middle of Syria’s civil war. it’s one they use all the time. records including social security their score is not affected by possible “Your smartphone conserves data information, tax returns, addresses fraudulent purchases. and is always looking for a strong and phone numbers to all state or Afterwards, they should also Israeli leader faces uproar over wireless connection. You don’t know local education agencies that receive report it to the Federal Trade prisoner release if that network is secure and people federal education funds. Commission at ftc.gov so that law are always looking for ways to grab The University’s regulations enforcements can use these cases to Israel’s prime minister faced a political uproar your information anonymously,” said in relation to FERPA state: “The track future ones. from across the political spectrum on Monday over Hanson. University will not release or permit “After these incidents happened to the planned release of 26 Palestinian prisoners, all The Javelin Strategy & Research access to educational records and me, I researched what to do online,” according to authorities convicted on murder charges reported that familiar fraud accounts personally identifiable information said Jerez. “I was surprised how connected to deadly attacks on Israelis. Tuesday’s for 12 percent of victims – 12.6 kept on a student except as otherwise easy it is. Now I will make sure to release is part of a U.S.-brokered agreement that million cases. permitted by law and this regulation.” get an alert on all my accounts after a restarted peace talks with the Palestinians over the “Since close friends and family If a students wants to release their certain amount is spent.” summer. It is the second of four planned releases are often involved, many hesitate records, they must fill out a form at of the longest-serving Palestinian prisoners held by before reporting them,” said Hanson. their institution explaining the reason [email protected] Israel in the coming months. The overnight announcement of the prisoner names triggered a storm of criticism. Financially illiterate can now seek help Europe mulls sanctions against US over spying FINANCES, PAGE 1 loans my freshman year.” STATE FARM FINANCIAL LITERACY LAB The United States could lose access to an important cards. But fear not, Panthers: law enforcement tool used to track terrorist money Along with the issue of help is available. SCHEDULE flows, German officials said Monday, as Europe credit card debt, student “The State Farm Finan- weighs a response to allegations that the Americans loan debt seems to loom cial Literacy Lab is an Monday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. spied on their closest European allies. Spain became over students’ heads just open resource for students Tuesday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. the latest U.S. ally to demand answers after a Spanish as much. The idea of the to get assistance in making Wednesday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. newspaper reported that the National Security Agency college experience is so sound financial decisions,” Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. monitored more than 60 million phone calls in that enticing that students disre- said Katherine Grau, Lab 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. country during one month alone. The report Monday Friday: gard the fact of whether manager of the State Farm Saturday: 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. in the daily El Mundo came on the heels of allega- or not they’ll be able to Financial Literacy Lab. tions of massive NSA spying in France and Germany, Sunday: 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. pay off loans in order to “Although the Lab aims including Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own cell- Campus phone. With European leaders dissatisfied with the maximize their four-year to educate high school College of Business Complex 252 U.S. response so far, officials have been casting about enjoyment. students primarily on how for a way to pressure Washington to provide details “Getting out of high to become financially of past surveillance and assurances that the practice school, I was all about the literate, college students will be curbed. idea of going to college are welcome to come in and getting a dorm, without and receive guidance from Bloomberg database it has this will serve me greatly thinking about how I was the student interns.” available. when I am in the business For more world news, check out going to pay for it all,” According to Grau, “Because of the lab I world.” FIUSM.com. said Stephanie Borrelly, students are able use the know how to work with a senior majoring in reli- lab to conduct financial Bloomberg,” said Steph- [email protected] gious studies. “So I ended research and learn how anie Corteguera, a junior up taking out too many to navigate through the majoring in finance. “And

EDITORIAL BOARD CONTACT INFORMATION International Business Honor Society

Modesto Maidique Campus: GC 210, Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-4:30 PM Editor in Chief (305) 348-2709 students help Nicaraguan village Brandon Wise [email protected] BUSINESS, PAGE 1 went a long way in San Julia. they want to provide the village with Production Manager/ WUC 124, Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-4:30 PM “One little thing doesn’t seem like it business analysis. Copy Chief (305) 919-4722 “The houses had a huge impact [on makes a difference, but making a logo They want to help San Julia by Jenna Kefauver [email protected] me]– they are small, worn down and is easy for us and challenging for them, addressing one issue at a time and in they have to cook the old way with fire News Director Editor-in-Chief: so they were very appreciative,” Del order to do that, they need help from and black smoke filling up their house Madison Fantozzi (305) 348-1580 Caprio said. the University community to have the [email protected] from the burner,” Luis said. “They Working to harvest the coffee farm, funds to do so. The International Busi- Entertainment Director Advertising: brought their water up a big hill, similar the students saw scarcity of water in the ness Honor Society will be holding (305) 348-6994 Diego Saldana-Rojas to how they do in Africa.” village. three happy hour fundraising events [email protected] Last spring, the society helped San Julia, located in a rural area with next month. Sports Director The Beacon is published on Mondays, with a coffee farm the women created unpaved dirt roads, has a difficult trek “There are so many things to Francisco Rivero Wednesdays and Fridays during the Fall to provide for their community. The to access fresh water. improve in the village, that it sometimes and Spring semesters and once a week women of San Julia did not have coffee “The water source was very scarce gets overwhelming,” said Del Caprio. Opinion Director during Summer B. One copy per person. bags to sell their finished product and and rainy days often made it impossible Students can donate to the Interna- Junette Reyes Additional copies are 25 cents. The Beacon is not responsible for the content of ads. 70 percent of their profit would be lost for them to walk the three miles to go tional Business Honor Society’s cause Photo Editor Ad content is the sole responsibility of if sold raw. find water,” Del Caprio said. on its website at ibhs.fiu.edu. the company or vendor. The Beacon is an Stephanie Mason The society provided them with the The students of the International

editorially independent newspaper partially coffee bags and created a logo for the Business Honor Society want to help [email protected]

funded by student and services fees that are appropriated by Student Government. product to maximize profits. Though out the village of San Julia by doing that seems like a small difference, it something more than giving charity – Contact Us Junette Reyes Opinion Editor [email protected] OPINION The Beacon – 3 fiusm.com Wednesday, October 30, 2013 The perks of group work at the Traffic lights/parking University level and beyond problems need to be

MOISES FUERTES resources expert of the Society everyone relies on one another with the group, perform poorly addressed Staff Writer for Human Resource Manage- to get the work done. This in the work that they do and ment, “few understand how to type of group has the highest always disappoint everyone The University’s Department of Parking Most of us begin our create the experience of team- potential to become a team. involved. I think this type of and Transportation needs to reconsider who courses with a syllabus in work or how to develop an Incidentally, teams are known experience is why students handles its University-wide communication. hand which includes a group effective team.” to produce the best results in dislike group projects, as there Student Media has noticed the department project. There is, however, a very any work environment. is a chance of ending up with has failed to successfully and timely notify From my experience, the distinct difference between The key here is that a team member that is useless. the University of certain parking lot and majority of students dread the work groups and teams. In everyone must be a manager Here is some advice: let garage closures, especially during the of sorts while working with them sink. weekdays. a team. The playing field can A person that shows that Without proper and timely notification only be even if everyone is type of attitude in the work- of lot/garage closures, students are left at a responsible enough to work place would be fired. It’s that disadvantage when scrambling for parking Perhaps the most valuable, and real hard, swap roles on the go simple. Consider it a learning spots in the morning hours, trying to get to and emphasize the team above experience for that member class on time. This can lead to tardiness to world, experience our courses attempt their own ambitions. This is and move on. a class or exam. Should such an event occur the direction I believe our Inversely, I’ve had during mid-terms or finals, a student may run to emulate are those that revolve courses at FIU lead group members that rise to the tasks, the risk of missing an examination, all due to around groups. work, and each semester I communicate effectively and not being able to find a parking space. see groups struggle and some interchange their roles to fit Many times, students are never notified students fail miserably. all situations. In these cases, that parking spots are blocked off for special Students don’t seem to the experience has been posi- events on campus until they pull in. People realize that successful teams tive and fulfilling, and it has won’t find out until they reach the top floor assignment. a nutshell, work groups are create their reality through shown itself through the work of the parking garage before being directed They shouldn’t. classified as dependent or hard work. done. to go back down because of “X Event.” Perhaps the most valuable, independent, where the main I’ve had members who This too is part of the expe- Another area that the department also and real world, experience our difference is how much super- never communicate, never rience that these projects are needs to improve on are the traffic lights on courses attempt to emulate vision each member has from show up to the class and don’t meant to give us, all while 109th Avenue and University Drive. Despite are those that revolve around some type of authoritative even bother to come to team giving us insight that we will being present for at least a year, the traffic groups. The reality is that figure, such as a manager. meetings. These students likely use after we graduate. lights are improperly coordinated, leading wherever we end up working, On the other hand, the type all have one main thing in The lessons are there for to a daily morning traffic jam of vehicles we will have to do so with of group work that is done at common: irresponsibility. those who wish to see them. trying to cross the intersection. Even on the other people. Yet, according to the university level is inter- They all rush at the end weekends, the lights lengthiness creates lines Susan M. Heathfield, a human dependent, meaning that of the semester to try and get [email protected] of cars at a time of the week when vehicular traffic is considered to be at its lowest. While that intersection is very important for pedestrian traffic to be able to cross Deciding whether to eat in or dine out out of PG5 and Red Garage, drivers need to be given proper time to get through the ADRIANNE RICHARDSON not realizing how the dollar amount The only solution I can give to this intersection without wasting time waiting Contributing Writer slowly adds up. issue is to prepare food before going to on a red light. The lights should not take as If you buy food on campus you are class, whether you live on campus or off. long to change during peak hours as they “Money doesn’t grow on trees, and likely spending $5 or more, depending At least pack a granola bar. You’ll do during later less-congested hours of foot even if it did, we would spend it on food on where you go. need it or you’ll fall victim to the price traffic. alone!” For example, I love Subway but I had of food. While we do recognize that the My mother is infamous for this state- to cut back because $6 a sandwich made Every now and then you can buy department has maintained a good record of ment and, as I grew older, I began to it seem like there was a hole in my bank something, but not every day. That’s not warning housing students of lot closures due understand this saying – especially in account. a smart decision, unless you have money to football games, the same cannot be said college. Often, I complain about being hungry like Bill Gates. for special events that are dispersed during The love I had for food before I or not having enough money at the Nowadays, I find myself eating for the week. started college was irreplaceable and moment to splurge on food like I want to. substance and not for pleasure like I While we previously asked that the never ending. Since I don’t have a meal plan, I have used to. Times are hard and I appre- department improve the manner in which Food was my company all the time. to buy groceries nearly every two weeks ciate my parents more and more because it sends out communications advising the I would even make way for midnight so that I can cook for myself when I’m they provided food for me without me community of lot and garage closures, it snacks and go out to eat on occasion. in my dorm. knowing the difficulty of it. seems that a change is yet to occur. But, I wasn’t paying for food at the time Even though I have food, I have no In conclusion, pack those lunches and All community members should be and so I never really thought about the money for anything else. Sometimes I start saving your dollars until we find notified at least 24 hours in advance of cost of it. don’t even see my paycheck. money trees! To the freshmen, manage partial/full parking garage closures. We also Food adds up! If I am living on campus and am those Panther Bucks and share them with ask that time be taken to improve and Freshman year, I would long for my struggling because of the price of food, nice upperclassmen if you can find it in fine tune the sluggish traffic lights. The mother’s homemade food, but that was I know students who live off campus are! your heart to do so. The luxury won’t department should take the time to analyze just preference. “Rushing from home and driving to always be there and one of us may help when there is a high amount of vehicle traffic The meal plan included Panther school for class, I want to eat something. you when that luxury of a meal plan goes and when there isn’t. Bucks which made it easier to buy food I have money but sometimes the price of away. These changes may not be simple and on campus or go to Fresh Foods. Now, I food is ridiculous…. I end up having to Cheers to a full stomach and great quick to implement but we feel that they am a sophomore and I no longer have a buy it anyway because I don’t have time semester! are necessary in order to create a more meal plan. I have to pay extra to obtain to make something at home. This isn’t Thank me later! harmonious flow of vehicles throughout one and the funds just aren’t there. elementary school,” said sophomore campus. I used to purchase food on campus, nursing major Wedline Jean. [email protected]


Have something on your mind? Send your thoughts (400 words maximum) to The opinions presented within this page do not represent the views of The Editorials are the unified voice of the editorial board, which is composed [email protected] or drop by our offices at either GC 210 or WUC 124. With Beacon Editorial Board. These views are separate from of the editor in chief, management, and the editors of each of the five your letter, be sure to include your name, major, year, and copy of your editorials and reflect individual perspectives of contributing sections. The Beacon welcomes any letters regarding or in response to its student ID. The Beacon will only run one letter a month from any individual. writers and/or members of the University community. editorials. Send them to [email protected]. Contact Us Diego Saldana-Rojas Entertainment Director [email protected] LIFE! The Beacon – 4 fiusm.com Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Five movies to FIGHTING WITH FOOD watch this All Hallows Eve

COLUMNIST “Dark- rundown of Halloween ness falls movies to check out this across the All Hallows Eve. land. The midnight hour is 1) “Nightmare Before close at Christmas” MARTELL HARDING hand… The Tim Burton classic Crea- is a must see for anyone tures crawling in search of with little ones in their blood… To terrorize your lives. Although scares are neighborhood…” Most of still imminent this classic you are familiar with this Disney wonder covers famous monologue from the delight of not one but Vincent Price on Michael two favorite holidays. Jackson’s famous song This is always on my list that brings back memo- for the fact that watching ries of past Halloweens. the opening sequence still Jahrel Francis/The Beacon Terror and excitement are sends shivers down my Sigma Alpha Lambda looks to support the fight against breast cancer by selling goods, sharing pink near so prepare the candy, spine… from childhood the cheesy music, the memories, of course. ribbon pins, fluffy cotton candy and giving shirts to survivors. The cheer team and band visited as SAL costumes and the Thrillers. sold Publix sponsored baked goods. All quotations aside, 2) ”Frankenweenie” we’re not talking about If you haven’t seen this music here. Halloween hidden treasure, it’s time Burton film, so you should exposing any spoilers, I ably leave you crying to as “the best, worst movie is the season of slashers, to take a trip to your local watch it anyway. will say that ten people can mommy when the credits ever made,” Troll 2 will sci-fi horrors and para- video store. What makes watch this movie together roll. As far as remakes are leave you confused with normal activities. As we “Frankenweenie” essential 3) ”Cabin in The and each person will find concerned, this ghouling every plot turn, but that’s suit up to do some overaged to your Halloween expe- Woods” something to fear. experience takes the the glory of this dreadfully trick or treating, we watch rience is that it combines This is one of those cake. Be warned, DON’T awful yet hilarious horror old favorites in hopes of every classic horror film surprisingly great cult 4) “Evil Dead (2013)” WATCH IT ALONE. film. What will scare you reminiscing about love from the ‘50s in clever classics. What may seem to This one is for all you most is knowing that this at first fright but, let’s be “easter eggs,” which be your normal slasher or horror freaks out there 5) “Troll 2” movie was actually in honest, you’re bored with proves enjoyable for both zombie film quickly turns who were waiting for this “What the heck is ‘Troll theaters once upon a time. the cliché Jason, Michael adults and kids. Even if into something wildly article to get a little more 2,’” you ask? What about and Freddy. Well, I’m here you aren’t familiar with unexpected but extremely twisted. This film is dark, “Troll 1?” Sometimes it’s [email protected] to give you my personal the references, it’s a Tim entertaining. Without terrifying and will prob- better not to ask. Crowned On-campus residents encounter the paranormal ARIEL WEINSTEIN down however, both phones were on their just to scare us. It was just creepy.” hello. Contributing Writer beds. As time passed they grew more This year, the two girls live together When Rodriguez claimed she was curious and began searching for the source again on the tenth floor of University unaware of what she was talking about, As Halloween approaches, students of the vibrations. Towers dorm. Since moving in, they have as she had stayed the night at a friend’s, are becoming increasingly excited for the They realized the vibrations pulsed found unexplainable behaviors in Towers Garcia insisted the door never even festivities and ghostly atmosphere at the from in between their desks, and as as well, also witnessed by their current opened that night. University. they searched they found nothing. Soon roommates. After a long debate as to whether the How spooky can the atmosphere enough, the vibrations stopped and they One evening while Rodriguez was out door had opened, Gutierrez and Sanchez become, however, until things start to feel gave up with the thought that it must have and Garcia was in bed, Marisol Gutierrez, became frightened, believing some real? been someone’s phone who came over that a sophomore business major, and Caroline supernatural being had opened the door, Students who live on campus in several night. Sanchez, a public relations major, were swearing they heard a voice and the door dorms have reported unexplainable As time passed the mysterious phone watching a movie in Gutierrez’s room had opened. activity within their rooms. was not found or claimed, but it did ring when they heard the main door to the suite Sanchez exclaims, “I know the door Halloween is the time to be scared and again. A few weeks after the first event, it opened that night. Marisol heard it as well scare others – but when there is no one vibrated again; this time being more pecu- so we’re not crazy.” involved in the pranks being conducted, liar. For the simple fact that if the source Garcia, however, who insists she wakes maybe it’s time to start believing in ghosts of the vibration was a phone, or any elec- ...some up at the slightest footstep in the suite, for real. tronic, the battery surely would have died explains there is no way the door would Vicky Garcia is a sophomore majoring out weeks later. supernatural have opened and she not hear it – espe- in psychology. So, quickly, they followed the noise being had opened the cially if someone had called out, “Hello.” Last year, she lived in Panther Hall to the same spot and searched more fran- Once again the girls came to the with her roommate Sofia Rodriguez, an tically only to find nothing again. This door… conclusion that the only logical explana- advertising sophomore. Both Garcia and unanswered phone continued to vibrate at tion was that there was, without a doubt, a Rodriguez started to believe in a Univer- any given time, when they were together ghost within the walls of the dorms at the sity ghost on September 1, 2012. or apart, and the source of it was never University. On the eve of Rodriguez’s birthday, the found. two girls were relaxing in their Panther When questioned about the events open from the inside and close. [email protected] Hall double suite. both Garcia and Rodriguez agreed on the When, two seconds later, someone As they were focused solely on their creepy feeling as said by Rodriguez: “the yelled “Hello,” they figured it was Rodri- homework, a vibration occurred and their creepiest part was that the object never guez just getting back, and said they were attention was averted from their work. died, it just kept vibrating, and when we in the room. Nothing else happened or The vibrations continued, and they began moved the desks around we found nothing words exchanged until the next day when to question each other thinking that the – just nothing. It was really like there was Rodriguez walked in and Gutierrez asked other’s phone was going off. Looking a ghost in the room making those noises why she didn’t stop by the room to say fiusm.com LIFE! The Beacon – Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5 “Sky’s the Limit” fails to take off and impress COLUMNIST In the album “Sky’s the struggles of poverty and how the situ- The beats in this song are extremely Limit,” a superhero artist ation hasn’t changed since the times in bland. Overall, the song is solely compa- IN HER by the name of Capeech which slavery was prevalent. The strong rable to the noise created by an analog TV Cappuccino comes to the control the weak in this world where the He does not take risks or with no signal. WORDS rescue to save the masses weak are forced to live hard lives among The album has an excellent premise and from crime, villainous violence and gangs. The premise of this rap from the heart, instead does in fact have moments of greatness, fake rappers and oppres- song is solid and manages to work pretty he raps to however the overall quality of the album sors of the poor with well; however, the song is a bit lengthy for is mediocre at best. Cappuccino’s flow is ROBERTO his fresh flow, micro- a mostly strophic form. In addition, in the appeal “likes” on not fresh, but instead very predictable and TRIGO-LOPEZ phone of Mjolnir and superb song “Patty Cake,” Cappuccino speaks of Facebook, desperately awkward. beats. Robert Douglas (Cappuccino’s real the time that he was forced to deal drugs And as for poetic premise he leeches name) was born and raised in Toronto. The to make a living and that the act of making trying to get off the stereotypical conflicts of the ghetto album “Sky’s the Limit,” according to the drugs was like “Patty Cake,” a children’s attention. without creating any emotion or putting masked avenger, focuses on being close to game. the listener into his situation. The tragic God, rising above adversity and growing However, the rest of the tracks are hero “Capeech Cappuccino” falls to the up in the concrete jungle to become your whack. The beats in every track are uncre- temptation of fame and sells his soul own superhero. Douglas started rhyming ative except for “Patty Cake,” “Little out before actually creating any work of after his friend became the victim of gang Child” and “Sky’s the Limit.” The rapper to appeal “likes” on Facebook, desper- genius. Cappuccino comes dressed up to violence. does not seem like he is having fun or actu- ately trying to get attention. For example, the show as a superhero, but falls flat on The two songs that really stand out ally creating art, but instead raps in order the song “Tribute” is monotone throughout his face tripping over his own cape. on the album are the tracks “For You” to get to a life of fame. He does not take and the words are incomprehensible due to and “Patty Cake.” “For You” is about the risks or rap from the heart, instead he raps his bad articulation. [email protected] The unnatural feeling of becoming a naturalized citizen

COLUMNIST Becoming people in the room with me, rigorously, but because the disappointed faces of those that everyone is entitled to my life, I am officially an a natu- did not need a certificate to information that was going who had failed the exam, “life, liberty and the pursuit American. ralized feel like an American. to be asked is such that any and realized they were not of happiness.” It was a seamless tran- citizen of The process as a whole typical American would going to become Ameri- But for the 170 people sition, as I embraced this the United was a little out of the know. cans, at least for the time in the ceremony room with country and accepted it as States is a ordinary. After all, I am your being. me, this process was much my own 16 years ago. little like When I first appeared at typical American. See, it’s easy for me to more than passing a test. And on Oct. 25, 2013, turning 21 the immigration office to As I sat down, the immi- know that the governor of It’s about learning what it this country accepted me as RUBEN PALACIOS in that you take the exam that would gration officer in front of Florida is Rick Scott, that means to be an American. its own, too. die inside with the antic- determine my citizenship, me wasted no time asking the first Ten Amendments It’s about embracing new ipation, but don’t really I encountered many people questions. of the Constitution are customs and new ways. [email protected] feel any different once it similar to those at my “How long have you called the Bill of Rights and Today and for the rest of happens. ceremony. lived here?” This past Friday, I sat As I waited to be “16 years,” I replied, in a room with 170 people called upon to take my startling him with fluent from 38 different countries, exam, I observed these english. and we were all there for people in nervous states “Why do you want to the same reason: to become of mind. Their insecuri- become a U.S. citizen?” U.S. citizens. ties wouldn’t let them stop “Well, I’ve lived here all But, other than that, we flipping through their prac- my life. I think it’s time I had very little in common. tice workbooks. This was take the plunge,” I said. These people were all a big deal for them, and a “Lets get started then. much older than me. They lot was riding on that exam. First, I want you to write had lived the majority They reviewed the potential down the answer to this of their lives in another exam questions to them- question. Where does the country, and were now selves in butchered English president live?” beginning new endeavors and often answered in their “The president lives in here in the United States. language of origin. the White House,” I wrote, I, on the other hand, I was finally called upon feeling a bit demeaned. arrived here from Cuba to take my oral exam, and “Good, I can tell this is when I was five years old, felt no more nervous than going to be quite easy for and have lived the vast my last trip to the dentist. you,” he said. majority of my life in I was prepared for this It was very easy. America. I, unlike the 170 exam, not because I studied But I won’t forget the love to write? enjoy taking photos? Join The Beacon!

Pick up an application at MMC, GC 210 or BBC, WUC 124 or online at fiusm.com. Contact Us Francisco Rivero Sports Director [email protected] SPORTS The Beacon – 6 fiusm.com Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Coley carries Panthers despite rough start

second leading scorer for Sharks’s Jasmine Wilkins. “Karrah played a nice the Panthers, finished with “We did a much better ballgame, she had five a double-double, scoring 17 job, that number 35 rebounds and played some points and pulling down 13 (Wilkins) gave us a clinic really nice defense,“ Russo rebounds. The senior, along in the first half, but we did a said. “Nina [Todorovic] with Coley, helped spark a much better job in the second she did some nice things, 9-1 run that turned Nova’s half,” Russo said. got rebounds, played good largest lead of 9 into a 25-23 Wilkins tallied 17 points defense and she’s comfort- FIU advantage at the 5:40 with only two coming in the able with the ball so I was mark. After the Sharks led second half. real happy with her.” 17-8, the Panthers outscored Despite that, FIU’s Leading the way for Nova 35-17 and ended the missed free throws and fast Nova was the Sharks’s third half on an 11-3 run. break lay-ups in the closing leading scorer last season, “That team played for seconds, Nova pulled within Amanda Burakoski, with 18 40 minutes and we did not, four points. The Panthers points. It was Burakoski that I thought we dropped a little hung on for the victory and helped sparked a late game bit and didn’t execute well, despite the late game strug- push for the Sharks to climb we missed so much under- gles with free throws; FIU within four points at 63-59 neath the basket, but then finished 23-32 at the charity before FIU held on. it was about calming down, stripe. “I think we just lost focus squaring up and taking With it being first game and concentration, and we Beacon File Photo good shots,” Head Coach of the year and many players can’t do that,” Russo said. Behind 45 points from senior guard Jerica Coley, FIU was able to get a 75-69 Cindy Russo said. “I was seeing extensive playing for In addition to the victory, exhibition win over Nova Southeastern University. happy with effort overall, it the first time, sloppy play Russo was pleased with the was sloppy, of course, but was evident. The Panthers effort on the boards as the STEVEN ROWELL two of our guards are out turned the ball over 19 times Panthers racked up 21 offen- Behind 45 points from the end the first half including a that played last year, so we with 13 of those coming in sive rebounds and out-re- Staff Writer All-American point guard, buzzer-beating three-pointer are playing kids that never the second half. bounded the Sharks 52-33.

FIU overcame a slow start from the top of the key to played as guards, but I think For the Panthers, two The Panthers will host Senior Jerica Coley and defeated Nova 75-69 give FIU a 9-point lead we did a nice job.” freshmen saw their first one more exhibition game on didn’t even wait for the in the first of two exhibition heading to the intermission. The Panthers maintained action of on the Nov. 1 against Barry Univer- regular season to start to match-ups on Sunday at the Coley’s hot streak a steady lead throughout college level. Freshmen sity before FIU opens the erupt on a team. Like Coley U.S. Century Bank Arena. continued into the second the second half in large part Karrah Johnson played season against in-state oppo- did many times last season, Coley, playing the entire half as she scored 21 points of Coley and tightening 11 minutes grabbing five nent Florida Gulf Coast right she led her team in scoring game, started off shooting on 7 of 11 shooting in the up on defense holding the rebounds and Nikolina on the Panthers’s home court en route to an exhibition win 2 of 9 from the field before second half. Sharks to 13-36 shooting Todorovic played 11 minutes on Nov. 8. against Nova Southeastern heating up and making five Senior center Marita in the second half. Russo and grabbed three rebounds. University. of her next seven shots to Davydova, last season’s had particular praise for the Both were held scoreless. [email protected] Panthers fail to produce both on and off the field

COLUMNIST The presence The offense also seems to of the biggest struggle to find openings for running name to come backs Lamarq Caldwell and Silas out of the football Spearman, and as the backs fail, so program wasn’t does quarterback Jake Medlock. enough to help the The lone positive output from Panthers against Saturday’s game came as a touch- PATRICK CHALVIRE Louisiana . down pass from Medlock to Jonnu T.Y. Hilton, Smith, who led the team with 54 arguably the most successful yards, on two catches. For those Panther in the NFL to date, was who don’t follow the sport of foot- unable to attract fans or even what ball, two catches for only 54 yards looked to be some players to FIU to lead a team isn’t saying much. Stadium as the Panthers fell to the As the season continues, it comes Bulldogs 23-7. to question if and when the coaching Once again the Panthers failed staff will take some of the blame for to muster any kind of momentum the debacle of the team. Does Head coming off their second bye week Coach Ron Turner still fall under of the season. And such as previous the first-year coach excuse or has home games, you could have he been at the helm long enough to easily played connect the dots with take the bulk of the blame? the number of fans in attendance There just aren’t enough fingers Saturday night. on a person to point them to. It Jasen Delgado/The Beacon Mental lapses in judgment also doesn’t follow in rapper Drake’s contributed to the demise for the footsteps, because, in this case, it After collecting 197 yards of total offense and producing yet another mediocre showing, the FIU Panthers, giving up over 200 yards all started from the top. Executive football team now has a record of 1-6, and a conference record of 1-2. on seven penalties. It seems as if director of sports and entertain- this team is past the point of no ment has yet to come to continue to take a nosedive and Teams have been known to hit supposed to intimidate its enemy, return as it finished the game with out and speak to the fans, or what’s plummet to the bottom of the ocean rock bottom once they begin giving but these Panthers only seem to be 197 total yards, compared to the left of them, about the direction of floor and there doesn’t seem to be an away free tickets, example being intimidating people from entering 333 for the Bulldogs, a common the team. answer in sight. the Marlins down in Little Havana. the stadium. occurrence in every game this year. With a website calling for your Even the attempt to bring in But when tickets are already free for As repetitive as it may sound, The bye week also seemed to head, many people in favor of the one of the youngest stars in the current and former students alike, for those who have been following do no better than just give fans and site are questioning why Garcia has NFL couldn’t fill half of the stands. what more can you offer besides the this team since January, only time players a week to focus on studies, kept quiet during the whole ordeal. To give athletics the benefit of kitchen sink? will tell if the next game will bring or so you would think. The offen- New buildings are being built on the doubt, the game was during a So far, opponents have clipped back life to the corpse that is FIU sive line has yet to produce midway campus but maybe time and money weekend where everyone brings out the nails off the claws of the football. through the season, as they allowed should be placed on rebuilding the his or her inner fantasies through Panthers, who are now starting to five sacks in Saturday’s contest. football program. Ticket sales seem costumes. look more like cubs. A Panther is [email protected] fiusm.com SPORTS The Beacon – Wednesday, October 30, 2013 7 Post season nears for the Panthers; C-USA is watching 1000

COLUMNIST There is one game left. not because they play awful or the other One game to seal a divi- team steamrolls them. Any loss this team sion title in Conference has suffered since the win against Old USA. It’s been marvelous Dominion has been earned. to watch a group of girls The Panthers fight for every loose ball, who started the season every goal and every win. Nothing is given 2-7-0, lead their division. away with this team. If the Panthers lose, GIANCARLO NAVAS Heading into the another team earns it. Panthers’ season finale This team has improved and as much against at home, FIU criticism and questioning as it deserved has a chance to nab a number one seed in early, they have earned praised and cele- the conference tournament in Houston and bration today. Regardless of the outcome of make some noise in it. the Marshall game, this season has been a A win would clinch the number one seed success. the Panthers have worked all season for. One game should not determine whether The current number one seed, FIU, is only a season is a success or not. The Panthers separated by two points from the number did what they had to- make the postseason. four seed, East Carolina. The top four seeds And once in, anything can happen. in each division make the playoffs. A one and done playoff tournament From Ashleigh Shim to Nicole DiPerna makes for a sense of randomness. It isn’t to Paula Zuluaga to Johanna Volz to Kim like the NBA which does a best-of-seven Lopez, I could go on and on about the series to weed out the weaker team. It’s great depth this soccer team has. They have more like the . Just get into the caught everyone’s attention. postseason and anything can happen. If they pull a win this Halloween against The postseason can be cruel. You may Marshall (8-6-3) they could ride into be the best team, but you can still lose in Houston with a 8-10-0 record and with a the first round. swagger that is uncommon for a sub .500 Riding into Houston, the Panthers have team. a goal: to win a championship. It’s that If you give me the entirety of sports to simple. Win or go home. To go from 2-7-0 choose from, I cannot find a team who has to hoisting a trophy in their first year at parlayed a 2-7-0 record into a number one C-USA. If it was a storied program, this seed. It’s something surreal. Words cannot might have been made into a documentary. state how amazing that is. The story is extraordinary, and most Looking at that rough start, this team definitely not over. There are chapters had some deserved criticism. They weren’t left to write and scenes left to be directed. scoring and had a habit of getting shut out. Choreographed by coach Thomas Chest- Since losing to Charlotte 2-0 and having nutt and his FIU Panthers. four shutouts on the season, FIU has only The ballet of the playoffs will soon begin been shut out twice- a sample spanning on November 6th. A few more dances girls. over eight games. Your final curtain call is waiting. The biggest change I have seen tran- vs scends statistics. If the Panthers lose, its [email protected]

Beasley’s new start in saturday, has arrived november 2 nd 6 : 0 0 p m TIM REYNOLDS tough decisions,” Heat coach Erik Spoel- AP Writer stra said. “I sat in (Friday night’s meeting) for about an hour. They stayed there until at fiu s tadium For the first time this season, the Miami about 3 o’clock in the morning, talking Heat practiced Sunday with only 15 players about the roster and the last few spots. It on the roster. always comes down to it. I don’t know Michael Beasley was one of them. why. Now we’ve got our 15 and we’re game presented by The cuts have been made, the team looking forward to starting the next step.” for opening night has been selected, and Beasley played with Dwyane Wade, Beasley has his first victory of the season. Udonis Haslem, Mario Chalmers, James He’s still in Miami. There was no guar- Jones and Joel Anthony during his first antee that he would stick with the Heat, stint in Miami. Combined, they will have a even after he decided to accept a one-year total of 12 Heat championship rings by the non-guaranteed contract. But when the time Tuesday’s ceremony ends. Beasley is team’s braintrust gathered Friday night to still waiting for his first. decide how many and which players to But given the potential of this Heat keep, Beasley remained in the mix. team, albeit with Beasley in a far different So he’ll be there when the Heat get their role than what he had the first time around rings and see their championship banner in Miami, that wait could end about a year raised Tuesday night. Beasley won’t be from now. getting a ring, of course. What he said he “We can’t play 82 games tomorrow and will get that night is inspiration to be a real play a whole season in the next week,” part of one of those title-savoring parties Beasley said. “I’ll continue to work hard, sooner than later. continue to do my part, continue to gain the “Regardless of the year or who you trust of my teammates. If I get that chance, have returning from your roster and who I get that chance. Just trying to take it day you’re bringing in, it’s always so many by day.” Contact Us Madison Fantozzi News Director [email protected] THE The Beacon – 8 t ay Wednesday, October 30, 2013 A fiusm.com B World Hunger Day Dinner at the Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management ALEX BLENCOWE Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6:30 p.m., in whose class managed the restau- made him feel guilty sitting at the drives, I know I haven’t been Contributing Writer which three dinners were served: rant that night, said the experi- wealthy table and seeing the poor giving enough myself.” a three-course meal (consisting mental event is supposed to help table nearby. Lorena Garcia-Duran, 34, The signs are everywhere: of shrimp bean stew, chicken facilitate discussion about the “Think of the fact that who works for Ashoka Miami “Will Work For Food,” “Please with 40 cloves of garlic, cous- issue of hunger and encourage congress allows people not to and helped facilitate the event, help, need food,” “HUNGRY.” cous salad with cranberries, wine, others to change the way they have basic food. It is something says there is so much we can According to the CBS documen- bread and lemon tart crumble for do to make a difference and be tary, “Hunger In America,” there dessert) for the wealthy; rice and participants in our lives, in big were 20 million hungry in 1985, beans with water for the middle ways and little ways. 37 million hungry in 2007, and class; and stale bread with cold “We want people to find that this year there are more than 49 water for the poor. kind of courage, to buck the million hungry in the United Attendees of the social exper- system,” said Seema Pissaris, States—the worst in USDA iment were divided into three We want students at the wealthy who also organized the event and history. classes depending on colored table to say ‘Forget it; I’m going to is a professor in the College of USA Today says the govern- cards passed out to each guest. Business. ment-approved $20 million cut A guest of the middle class go sit with a poor person and share Pissaris encourages her from the reauthorization of the table, event planning senior Caro- students, the main attendees of farm bill has “taken away food line Hardenbergh-Perry, said with my food. the event, to think about how stamps from millions of poor income limits lowered, it has Judith Williams they can help inflict change. Americans [as well as] restored become systematically harder Professor The Chaplin School of Hospi- the eligibility requirements of for people to get social services Hospitality tality is also in the process of the food stamp program, ending and food stamps, especially in building a cabinet in the Restau- dramatic expansion in the Florida. rant Management Lab where number of people dependent on “It’s almost like the govern- students and faculty can donate government.” ment is saying, ‘These people see hunger. we should all be ashamed of,” food that will be available for However, due to the economic have no right to ask for help,’” “We want students at the Boyd said. Boyd’s wife, Therese, students who cannot afford food collapse of 2008, there are more said Hardenbergh-Perry, one of wealthy table to say ‘Forget it; is the director of Student Health on campus. people dependent on the govern- the millions of Americans in the I’m going to go sit with a poor Services at BBC. “Changing the world is ment now than ever. food stamp program, who has person and share my food,” said Ludovica Vigil, guest and not about giving money,” said To raise awareness about the boycotted against various multi- Williams. worker for Student Health Garcia-Duran. “It’s about taking increasing issue of world hunger, national food-distributing organi- After the dinner, a clip from Services, said the experience did action… It’s never too late or too the Chaplin School of Hospi- zations who throw away countless “Hunger In America” was played have an impact. soon.” tality and Management’s Restau- amounts of food every day, rather and a discussion about the event For her, being hungry and rant Management Lab held an than give the food to the homeless followed. sitting at the poor table made her [email protected] experimental event in partnership and hungry. For retired attorney and guest, realize: “Wait, I’m still thinking with the School of Business on Professor Judith Williams, Michael Boyd, 73, the event about me… When there are food

specific Psychic Medium’s thinks it makes sense to host said. “I’m curious about 12:30 p.m. in the WUC “Dead Connection” energy to work correctly,” this event on Halloween. the spirits around BBC and Ballrooms. according to Moon’s “Students should attend the history of this place.” website. whether they believe in The event starts at [email protected] to give a Halloween Carrasco said that he spirits or not,” Carrasco tour of campus BRANDON WISE will walk with him. Some Editor-in-Chief students truly believe in it and some want to be aware This Halloween, the of the history.” Student Programming According to Moon’s Council at Biscayne website, the psychic had Bay Campus will host his first personal experi- “The Dead Connection” ence at the age of 7. featuring psychic Chris “Daily occurrences Moon who uses a “Spirit from that time on included Phone” to communicate objects disappearing and with the paranormal world. reappearing; doors opening The campus is one stop on and closing on their own Moon’s college tour that fruition, strange shadows began Sept. 23, that will and light anomalies and not-so-coincidentally visit nightly haunted sonnets on the University for a tour the family’s one hundred of its history and ghostly year old grand piano,” his haunts on Oct. 31. biography states. During this event, Moon Moon uses his “Spirit will take students on a tour Phone” when conducting Problem: You can’t get the courses you need at your own school. of the campus to give them his tour of an area. a chance to hear what SPC The machine is believed Solution: Take ours online. Transfer the credits. Graduate on time. leadership director Joshua to be the completed version Carrasco calls BBC’s of Thomas Edison’s 866.771.2952 “eeriness.” legendary “Telephone to phoenix.edu/graduate “[Moon] will be walking the Dead.” throughout the campus, “This invention facil- hearing spirits and telling itates actual two way stories from certain time communication with the While widely available, not all programs are available in all locations or in both online and on-campus formats. Please check with a University Enrollment Advisor. The University’s Central Administration is located at 1625 W. Fountainhead Pkwy., Tempe, AZ 85282. Online Campus: 3157 E. Elwood St., Phoenix, AZ 85034. periods,” Carrasco said. spirit world. The Spirit © 2013 University of Phoenix, Inc. All rights reserved. | CONED02445 “Usually 30-50 students Phone requires a very

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