Bizwest | | 2019
BizWest | | 2019 BOULDER VALLEY AND NORTHERN COLORADO Economic Profile & Market Facts QUICK FACTS DEMOGRAPHICS COMMUNITY PROFILES INDUSTRY PROFILES BUSINESS RESOURCES A SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF: ;ϴϲϲͿϳϭͲZK,Ȼǁǁǁ͘ƌŽĐŚĞĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌƐ͘ĐŽŵȻZ ŽĐŚĞŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌƐ Respect . Responsibility . Relionships ECONOMIC PROFILE & MARKET FACTS 2019 | 1 Boom continues PUBLISHER’S NOTE in Boulder Valley, Northern Colorado The numbers speak volumes: Low unemployment, strong population gains, surging bank deposits, growing economies. These are just some of the trends that can be identified in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado by perusing the 2019 edition of the Economic Profile & Market Facts, an annual publi- cation of BizWest Media LLC. Almost without exception, communities in the region added population in the most-recent period available, but that hasn’t Christopher Wood Jeff Nuttall done much to alter the low unemployment rates that prevail in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties. While low unemployment is good, it also points to widespread labor short- ages. Strong gains in gross domestic product point to a regional economy that shows few signs of slowing down. This publication provides insights on local communities and dominant industries such as aerospace, agribusiness, bioscience, clean tech, energy, natural products, the outdoor industry, tech- nology and other sectors. This year, we’ve added extended profiles of some of the re- gion’s fastest-growing communities, with statistical information provided for other communities of 5,000 population and up. As always, readers also will find a wealth of resources, includ- ing contact information for chambers of commerce, economic- development agencies, Small Business Development Centers and workforce centers. As always, we welcome your ideas for new features, charts or statistics and hope that you enjoy this overview of a very special region.
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