co Customer solution dacoso data communication solutions

Trieste will then lie in Thuringia dacoso provides monitoring services for Italian solar plant by meridian

In times of global climate change, a German company tapping into Italy’s sun for solar power constitutes a -blazing idea. But how can meridian Neue Energien GmbH, headquartered in Suhl, Thuringia, maintain control over their photo- voltaics plant in Triest? dacoso will shrink the roughly 850 km distance between locations to just next door. Thanks to a sophisticated communication system based on optic fibers and the Internet, the North Italian data will appear on a screen in the meridian headquarters virtually immediately.

Remote control as a must

Customer: By summer at the latest, the sun will shine down on the roofs of the North meridian Neue Energien GmbH Italian harbor city with full force. This is what is necessary for the solar plant that meridian installed on 13 buildings in the Porto Franco Novo port on the Sector: Adriatic coast to produce full power. To achieve this, 44 000 modules in to- Energy industry tal were installed on an area of 90 000 m2. “The plant was designed, after the sterling efforts of staff during construction, to operate with a minimum of Challenge: on-site personnel”, explains Thomas Winn, Operations Manager at meridian. Data transfer between a Trieste “We intend to keep a close eye on the operation here in Suhl and to be imme- photovoltaics plant and the diately notified in the event of malfunctioning.” meridian headquarters in Suhl dacoso solution: Communication system via optical fiber plus Internet co Customer solution

Made possible by means of optical fiber and Ethernet

“As in most of our projects, the fundamental requirement is for fast and absolutely reliable transmission of data”, says dacoso project leader Christoph Sterzing. “Our solution is based on Ethernet connections via an er- ror tolerant optical fiber ring in the plant.” dacoso provided the Trieste photovoltaic plant with a fiber opticcom- munication ring and fiber optic transducers. Monitoring stations were installed at eight significant positions and linked via optical fiber. The team was supported during the implementation by Rosenberger OSIGmbH, an Augsburg wiring specialist. The data collected in the ring will be bundled before cost-effective transmission via the Internet to the central monitoring computer in Suhl. This is where an alarm will be triggered in the event of malfunctio- ning and a local solar technician will immediately be sent to the harbor.

Sunny results Meters galore After a construction time of only three months, the complete plant, including The monitoring system on the dacoso communication network, had been installed and connected to the Ita- harbor roofs required 10 000 lian grid. The result is impressive: The Triest harbor sun delivers a power of m of optical fiber lines, with 8 roughly 8.62 Megawatt peak. The meridian staff in Suhl know about every kW converters and routers in ope- generated. “Monitoring is working flawlessly”, rejoices Thomas Winn. “When ration. the plant had a few hiccups at first, we were informed immediately. It is there- fore quite immaterial whether we are on site or not.”

About meridian

The meridian group of companies develops, implements and operates trail-blazing projects for the exploitation of renewable energy. It focuses on photovoltaics and wind energy in particular. The meridian group of companies covers the entire project management value-added chain. The Group in this respect benefits from its experience in the acquisition of locations and from project development gathered since 1996, including statutory, administrative and technical planning and implementation of projects. Apart from the me- ridian Neue Energien GmbH headquarters in Suhl, the meridian group of companies also has offices in Berlin, Italy, , France and the .

About dacoso dacoso offers connectivity solutions for data centers and networks and deploys Cyber Defence for protection of data communication. The company will supply and integrate the necessary hardware and comprehensive services to ensure that the systems will keep on running reliably at full performance. dacoso offers its Cyber Defence solutions to secure and check networks, ensuring comprehensi- ve protection against hacker attacks on the data. dacoso GmbH is an owner-managed company headquartered in Langen, Frankfurt a.M., with a further 11 locations in , and . Banks and insurers, public utilities, trade and industry, public authorities and IT providers and carriers count among its customers. dacoso and its solutions are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified.

dacoso GmbH Deutschland l Robert-Bosch-Str. 25a l D-63225 Langen l T +49 6103 404 569 0 Schweiz l Riedstr. 1 l CH-8953 Dietikon l T +41 44 371 78 77 Österreich l Am Europlatz 2 l A-1120 Wien l T +43 1 717 28 324 dacoso KDL-meridian-EN-1808 data communication solutions [email protected] l