The Use of Moisture Flux Convergence in Forecasting Convective Initiation: Historical and Operational Perspectives

PETER C. BANACOS NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Storm Prediction Center, Norman, Oklahoma

DAVID M. SCHULTZ Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma, and NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma

(Manuscript received 27 October 2004, in final form 21 December 2004)

ABSTRACT Moisture flux convergence (MFC) is a term in the conservation of equation and was first calculated in the 1950s and 1960s as a vertically integrated quantity to predict rainfall associated with synoptic-scale systems. Vertically integrated MFC was also incorporated into the Kuo cumulus parameter- ization scheme for the Tropics. MFC was eventually suggested for use in forecasting convective initiation in the midlatitudes in 1970, but practical MFC usage quickly evolved to include only surface data, owing to the higher spatial and temporal resolution of surface observations. Since then, surface MFC has been widely applied as a short-term (0–3 h) prognostic quantity for forecasting convective initiation, with an emphasis on determining the favorable spatial location(s) for such development. A scale analysis shows that surface MFC is directly proportional to the horizontal mass convergence field, allowing MFC to be highly effective in highlighting mesoscale boundaries between different air masses near the earth’s surface that can be resolved by surface data and appropriate grid spacing in gridded analyses and numerical models. However, the effectiveness of boundaries in generating deep moist convection is influ- enced by many factors, including the depth of the vertical circulation along the boundary and the presence of convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN) near the boundary. Moreover, lower- and upper-tropospheric jets, frontogenesis, and other forcing mechanisms may produce horizontal mass convergence above the surface, providing the necessary lift to bring elevated parcels to their level of free convection without connection to the boundary layer. Case examples elucidate these points as a context for applying horizontal mass convergence for convective initiation. Because horizontal mass convergence is a more appropriate diagnostic in an ingredients-based methodology for forecasting convec- tive initiation, its use is recommended over MFC.

1. Introduction In view of imperfect scientific knowledge concerning processes related to CI, as well as inadequacies in nu- Convective initiation (CI) remains a difficult forecast merical guidance concerning, in particular, warm- challenge (e.g., Ziegler and Rasmussen 1998; Moller season convective storm evolution (Fritsch and Car- 2001). Predicting the precise timing and location of bone 2004), forecasters have necessarily sought a deep moist convection, even along well-defined surface variety of diagnostic measures to aid in forecasting CI boundaries (e.g., fronts, drylines), remains a hurdle to using derived parameters from both observations improved short-range forecasts of severe and and numerical model output. One such variable is mois- has been the subject of recent fieldwork such as 2002’s ture flux convergence (MFC). Reviews of the strengths International H2O Project (IHOP; Weckwerth et al. and limitations of surface MFC have appeared in 2004). Doswell (1982), Bothwell (1988), and Waldstreicher (1989). Corresponding author address: Peter C. Banacos, Storm Predic- Evaluating the utility of forecasting techniques is one tion Center, 1313 Halley Circle, Norman, OK 73069. role of the daily map discussions between Storm Pre- E-mail: [email protected] diction Center (SPC) forecasters and National Severe

© 2005 American Meteorological Society


Storms Laboratory (NSSL) researchers (e.g., Kain et al. condensed water immediately precipitates out (P), 2003c). During one such map discussion, the role of so that S ϭ E Ϫ P (e.g., Palmén and Holopainen x ϩץ/uץ ,surface MFC for predicting CI was questioned. After- 1962). Further, the mass continuity equation -p ϭ 0, allows (1) to be expanded and reץ/␻ץy ϩץ/␷ץ ,ward, discussions amongst our two groups continued leading to a more extensive evaluation of MFC, includ- written in flux form by effectively adding zero to both ing a survey of the available scientific literature. Impor- sides of (1): tantly, surface MFC was tested in the real-time opera- tional setting of the SPC, noting its successes and fail- Ѩq Ѩq Ѩq Ѩq Ѩu Ѩ␷ Ѩ␻ ϩ u ϩ ␷ ϩ ␻ ϩ qͩ ϩ ϩ ͪ ures. Because of our investigations, we believe we have Ѩt Ѩx Ѩy Ѩp Ѩx Ѩy Ѩp discovered some hitherto underappreciated, and unap- preciated, aspects of MFC. ϭ E Ϫ P. ͑2͒ The goals of this article are to 1) trace the historical usage of MFC as a forecast tool to understand the Ѩq Ѩ Ѩ Ѩ ϩ ͑qu͒ ϩ ͑q␷͒ ϩ ͑q␻͒ ϭ E Ϫ P. physical rationale behind its origin, 2) investigate hori- Ѩt Ѩx Ѩy Ѩp zontal mass convergence as a more appropriate diag- nostic in an ingredients-based methodology (e.g., Mc- Ѩq Ѩ ϩ ٌ · ͑qV ͒ ϩ ͑q␻͒ ϭ E Ϫ P, ͑3͒ Nulty 1978a; Doswell 1987; Johns and Doswell 1992) Ѩt h Ѩp for forecasting CI, and 3) raise awareness of elevated Ϫhorizontal sources convection. In section 2 of this article, we review the local rate MFC Ϫvertical and sinks of change MFC physical expression of MFC. Section 3 provides a his- of q torical account of forecast applications involving MFC, ϭ ␷ ץ ץ ˆ ϩ ץ ץ ˆϭٌ and traces the evolution of MFC into the arena of where i( / x) j( / y) and Vh (u, ). Specifi- short-range CI prediction. In section 4, a scale analysis cally, (3) expresses the moisture budget for an air par- demonstrates the similarity between surface MFC and cel, where the terms consist of the local rate of change horizontal mass convergence. In section 5, concep- of q, horizontal moisture flux divergence (the negative tual models of how MFC or horizontal mass conver- of horizontal MFC), the vertical moisture flux diver- gence can be applied to CI are constructed and are gence (the negative of vertical MFC), and source and used as a pretext for discussing an elevated (i.e., con- sink terms of moisture (specifically, evaporation and vective updrafts not rooted in the local boundary layer) rates). severe thunderstorm case study in section 6. Finally, By vector identity, horizontal MFC1 (often referred section 7 provides a summary and concluding discus- to simply as moisture convergence within the forecast- sion. ing community) can be written as

͒ ͑ ٌ ϭϪٌ ͑ ͒ ϭϪ ٌ Ϫ MFC · qVh Vh · q q · Vh, 4 2. Physical expression Ѩq Ѩq Ѩu Ѩ␷ MFC ϭϪu Ϫ ␷ Ϫ qͩ ϩ ͪ. ͑5͒ The expression for MFC can be derived from the Ѩx Ѩy Ѩx Ѩy conservation of water vapor in pressure (p) coordi- advection convergence nates: term term In (5), the advection term represents the horizontal ad- dq ϭ S, ͑1͒ vection of specific , whereas the convergence dt term denotes the product of the specific humidity and horizontal mass convergence. This terminology is used where throughout the remainder of the paper. This expression for MFC illustrates that horizontal MFC is only one term in the local tendency of water d Ѩ Ѩ Ѩ Ѩ ϭ ϩ ϩ ␷ ϩ ␻ vapor. Thus, MFC is not capable of acting as a suitable Ѩ u Ѩ Ѩ Ѩ , dt t x y p diagnostic for situations where vertical MFC and sources/sinks are occurring. Observations of surface u, ␷, and ␻ represent the standard three-dimensional moisture pooling (Johns 1993; Glickman 2000) demon- components in pressure coordinates, and q is the strate the importance of horizontal variations in verti- specific humidity; S represents the storage of water vapor, which is the difference between the sources and sinks of water vapor following air parcel motion. 1 Although mathematical terminology would refer to (4) as the Here S typically takes the form E–C, where E (C)is negative of moisture flux divergence, in this paper we follow com- the evaporation (condensation) rate into the air parcel. mon operational practice and refer to (4) as the moisture flux Studies employing (1) often assume that all the convergence. JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 353 cal moisture fluxes (e.g., from vegetation) and bound- ever, advances in numerical weather prediction almost ary layer mixing height in determining short-term certainly resulted in the phasing out of these attempts changes in near-surface moisture, and may be a more beginning in the 1960s, although the concept was theo- important factor than advective processes in certain retically sound (but also quite laborious). The case situations. studies referenced above showed that precipitation cal- culated from (7) reproduced well the observed spatial pattern of precipitation and the maximum precipitation 3. Forecast utility amount associated with midlatitude cyclones over the United States and the United Kingdom. For instance, The application of MFC in weather prediction has Fankhauser (1965) found that the area and time aver- focused on three general topics: 1) calculation of large- age of vertically integrated MFC over the domain of scale precipitation fields within extratropical cyclones a warm-sector squall line accounted for 80% of ob- during the 1950s through mid 1960s, 2) as an integral served rainfall over the region. With the addition of component in the Kuo convective parameterization vertically integrated local changes of water vapor with scheme developed in the 1960s, and 3) severe local time [first term on the left-hand side of (3)], 95% of storm prediction as a direct result of 2 (e.g., Hudson the observed rainfall could be accounted for. Limita- 1970, 1971). A more detailed treatment of the history of tions to the approach included the inability to sample each of these areas is included in the following subsec- small-scale horizontal mass convergence with the raw- tions. A chronology of observational studies related to insonde network, and the suspension time of these topics is summarized in Table 1. droplets prior to being released from the cloud as pre- cipitation, which could be as long as 12–18 h (Bradbury 1957). a. Calculations of precipitation in midlatitude cyclones Equation (3) can be solved for P–E, divided by the b. The Kuo scheme acceleration due to gravity g, and vertically integrated Kuo (1965, 1974) wished to quantify the latent heat over the depth of the atmosphere from the surface p ϭ release during condensation in tropical cumulonim- ϭ ps to p 0(Väisänen 1961; Palmén and Holopainen bus, the main source of energy in tropical cyclones. 1962), yielding He surmised that quantification of the water vapor bud- get might reveal the magnitude of the vertical mo- 1 ps Ѩq 1 ps tion and latent heat release indirectly. He derived the P Ϫ E ϭϪ ͵ dp Ϫ ͵ V · ٌqdp vertically integrated condensation minus evaporation g Ѩt g h 0 0 C Ϫ E as 1 ps Ϫ ͵ qٌ · V dp, ͑6͒ g h Ϫ ϭ ͑ Ϫ ͒ ͑ ͒ 0 C E 1 b gMt, 8 where the overbar represents a vertical integrated where b represents the storage of moisture and Mt is quantity. If one assumes that evaporation E is small in termed the moisture accession: areas of intense precipitation and saturation, and that local changes in water vapor content are primarily those owing to advection in synoptic-scale systems 1 ps M ϭϪ ͫ͵ ٌ · ͑qV ͒dp ϩ F ͬ. ͑9͒ (such that the first two terms on the right-hand side are t g h qs in balance; see references above), then 0

1 ps Moisture accession is the sum of a vertically integrated P ϷϪ ͵ qٌ · V dp. ͑7͒ MFC and F , the vertical molecular flux of water vapor g h qs 0 from the surface. Kuo (1965) assumed that all the mois- ture accession goes into making (i.e., b ϭ 0), a Thus, the precipitation amount is proportional to the good assumption where tropical cumulus form in re- vertically integrated product of specific humidity and gions of deep conditional instability and large-scale sur- horizontal mass convergence through the depth of the face horizontal mass convergence. Kuo (1974) found atmosphere. that b was much smaller than 1 in most situations and The earliest synoptic application of (7) was from could be neglected in (8), leading to a direct relation- moisture budgets to estimate the large-scale precipita- ship between the moisture accession and the conden- tion in midlatitude cyclones using rawinsonde observa- sation. Consequently, he argued that cumulus convec- tions (Spar 1953; Bradbury 1957; Väisänen 1961; tion in the Tropics would be driven by the large-scale

Palmén and Holopainen 1962; Fankhauser 1965). How- vertically integrated MFC. The use of Mt as a method to 354 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 20

TABLE 1. Chronology of published studies involving moisture flux convergence for applications of 1) estimation of large-scale precipitation amounts (P), 2) convective initiation or prediction of severe weather location (CI), 3) percent sky coverage by convective clouds in the Tropics (T), and 4) verification of divergence values used in the kinematic method of calculating vertical motion (D). Dominant Strength of Geographic Method of computation convective synoptic Author(s) Application Cases region(s) over analysis domain mode forcing Spar (1953) P 1 Lower Mississippi Integrated MFC in 50-mb N/A strong Valley to layers, sfc to 400 mb using southeast U.S. rawinsondes Bradbury (1957) P 3 Central and Integrated MFC in 100-mb N/A strong eastern U.S. layers, sfc to 400 mb using rawinsondes Va¨isa¨nen (1961) P,D 1 United Kingdom Integrated divergence term of N/A strong MFC in 100-mb layers, sfc to 500 mb using rawin- sondes Palme´n and P,D 1 Central U.S. Integrated MFC from the sfc N/A strong Holopainen to 400 mb, using standard (1962) isobaric levels and rawinsondes Fankhauser P 1 Central and Integrated MFC and local squall line strong (1965) southern Plains change of q wrt time in 50-mb layers, sfc to 300 mb from rawinsondes Krishnamurti T 1 NW Carribean Kuo (1965) scheme. Includes scattered cellular moderate (1968) Sea MFC integration in 50-mb storms and (easterly layers, 900–100 mb from storm clusters wave) aircraft reconnaissance data Hudson (1970) CI 9 Central and Integrated MFC (density various strong eastern U.S. included) from sfc 10 000 ft using rawinsondes. Integration interval unspecified Newman (1971) CI 5 Central and MFC at the surface, based on various strong eastern U.S. 3-hourly observations Tegtmeier (1974) CI 4 Southern Plains MFC at the surface, based on supercells moderate hourly observations Ostby (1975) CI 1 Southern Plains MFC at the surface, analyses supercells strong available to forecasters in real time Doswell (1977) CI 1 Southern Plains MFC at the surface, based on supercells moderate hourly observations Schaefer and CI 5 Central and MFC at the surface and using various unknown Doswell southern U.S. the antitriptic (1980) Negri and CI 1 Southern Plains MFC using surface q and sat- supercells moderate Vonder Haar ellite-derived boundary (1980) layer motions based on cumulus clouds Hirt (1982) CI 4 Plains Surface dewpoint convergence various weak Koch and CI 1 Southern Plains Surface equivalent potential supercells strong McCarthy (1982) flux Moore and CI 1 Southern Plains MFC at the surface, based on supercells strong Murray (1982) hourly observations Waldstreicher (1988) CI 1 Northeast U.S. MFC at the surface, based on bow echo moderate hourly observations Korotky (1990) CI 1 North Carolina MFC at the surface, based on supercells strong hourly observations Petersen et al. CI 1 Southern Plains Time series of MFC in lowest supercells moderate (2000) 5000 m based on Wind Profiler Network data and interferometer instruments parameterize convective clouds is thus termed the Kuo initially for tropical cyclone simulations, where the im- scheme. portant question is how much latent heat will be re- There are important limitations with the Kuo leased, not will latent heat be released. In contrast, the scheme, however. First, the Kuo scheme was developed latter is often of central concern to convective forecast- JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 355 ers in midlatitudes, particularly in thermodynamic en- face MFC. The majority of studies since that time have vironments possessing an elevated mixed layer (e.g., computed surface, not vertically integrated, MFC, to Carlson et al. 1983) and to some degree of CIN through take advantage of the better resolution (Table 1). In most (if not all) of the diurnal cycle. More formally, section 5, we consider situations in which surface the Kuo formulation assumes convection processes conditions may not be representative of data through moisture at the rate supplied by the environment [i.e., a deeper layer, as well as elevated CI, both of which statistical equilibrium exists, type I convection (Eman- limit the value of surface MFC in those specific sce- uel 1994, p. 281)]. Conversely, the sudden release narios. of a finite, and typically large, amount of CAPE that Hudson (1970, 1971) and Newman (1971) found the has been built up over time is a binary episode [i.e., best association between maxima of MFC and convec- “triggered” or type II convection (Emanuel 1994, tive storms occurred 3 h after the time of the MFC p. 281)] in which the timing, and even the occurrence of analysis. This lag time suggested that surface MFC the convection itself, remains a difficult and important could be used as a short-range predictive parameter, forecast problem. Raymond and Emanuel (1993) ar- and this has been noted in other MFC case studies gue that the assumption of statistical equilibrium is a (e.g., Doswell 1977; Negri and Vonder Haar 1980; flaw in the Kuo scheme, because convection is caused Waldstreicher 1989). These investigations opened the by more than just the supply of moisture on the large door for using MFC in real-time severe-weather fore- scale. The binary nature of CI is problematic for both cast operations. In the early 1970s, implementation human forecasters and numerical simulations, as was of surface MFC at the National Severe Storms Fore- alluded to in the introduction. These issues with the cast Center (NSSFC, now the SPC) started with a com- Kuo scheme help explain why well-defined maxima of puter program providing hourly printouts of gridded MFC or horizontal mass convergence may exist in a surface MFC plots 30 min after the hour (i.e., “data favorable environment for CI, but CI does not occur time”), which were then hand analyzed by duty fore- because of the presence of capping inversions. Sec- casters2 (Ostby 1975). Today, real-time hourly analyses ond, these problems with the Kuo scheme are mani- of MFC and other severe weather parameters can be fested by lower forecast skill scores compared to other found from a wide variety of Internet sources, including convective parameterization schemes in mesoscale nu- the SPC mesoscale analysis page (see online at http:// merical models (e.g., Reed et al. 1993; Wang and Sea- www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/). man 1997). Thus, these criticisms suggest the Kuo In a different effort, surface MFC and its time ten- scheme may not be an optimal technique for param- dency were included in screening regression procedures eterizing cumulus convection in midlatitudes, conse- (Charba 1975) for the development of an objective se- quently providing a cautionary pretext for applying vere weather forecast method devised by the Tech- MFC to CI. niques Development Laboratory (TDL) and transmit- ted to NSSFC and local NWS offices beginning in May 1972. Interestingly, surface MFC was typically the top c. Application of MFC to midlatitude convection predictor selected in 1974 and 1975 versions of the re- The emergence of the Kuo scheme for tropical con- gression equations that forecasted severe-storm report vection prompted testing MFC as a measure of the po- location (Charba 1975). tential for midlatitude convection, particularly storms Numerical weather prediction models began to be occurring in preconvective environments with high employed to predict CI in the mid 1970s. McNulty CAPE or strong vertical wind shear. Hudson (1970, (1978b) found the boundary layer MFC in the Limited- 1971) was the first to compute vertically integrated Area Fine-Mesh Model (LFM) noisy, although many MFC and to compare it to the amount of moisture re- maxima persisted from one 6-h period to another and quired for cloud development in the midlatitudes for were associated with severe weather. Charba (1979) produced multiple linear regression equations of sur- nine severe-weather events, interpreting the ratio be- face data and upper-air forecasts from the LFM. Fur- tween these two quantities as the fraction of convective ther studies with the Nested-Grid Model (NGM) low- cloud cover. He computed vertically integrated MFC level MFC (derived from the lowest four model levels, over a depth from the surface to 10 000 ft (3048 m) approximately the lowest 180 mb) by Nierow (1989), MSL because “most of the water vapor is in this layer Beckman (1990, 1993), and Fuhs (1996) also suggested and because loss of wind data becomes significant the utility of this parameter for forecasting convective above this level” (Hudson 1971, p. 759). Similarly, Kuo storms. (1974) employed the top of his integration at 400 mb because of the perceived poor quality of the upper-air data above this level. Newman (1971), however, ar- gued for using hourly surface observations to compute 2 H. Hudson’s move from NSSL in Norman, Oklahoma, to the MFC because of their higher temporal and spatial reso- NSSFC in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1971 likely aided in the imple- lution. As a result, he became the first to calculate sur- mentation of MFC into NSSFC’s operational analysis routine. 356 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 20

4. Scale analysis ing networks are unable to resolve storm-scale MFC, which is likely O(10Ϫ2 gkgϪ1 sϪ1) near robust up- Recall from (5) that MFC can be written as the sum drafts. Thus, the scale on which MFC and horizon- of two terms: the advection and convergence terms. In tal mass convergence is measured is typically not the this section we deduce the behavior of these terms un- scale on which convective initiation occurs, a con- der synoptic and mesoscale conditions typically found siderable dilemma for researching and forecasting con- with initiating deep moist convection. vective initiation (a point beyond the scope of this pa- per). The choices for the scalings above are not rigid, but a. Physical considerations depend on the synoptic situation. For example, very We note that in midlatitude convective situations, q finescale measurements along drylines (e.g., Ziegler Ϫ1 Ϫ1 ,( generally falls between 5 and 30 g kgϪ1; that is, q does and Rasmussen 1998) indicate ٌq ϭ O(1gkg km not vary by more than one order of magnitude. On the two orders of magnitude larger than that assumed other hand, horizontal divergence at the surface is above. Thus, the advection and convergence terms highly scale dependent (Petterssen 1956, p. 292), vary- along a dryline could be of comparable magnitude, ing from 10Ϫ6 sϪ1 for synoptic- and planetary-scale and might be most important when both terms contrib- flows to 10Ϫ3 sϪ1 near initiating surface-based thunder- ute to positive surface MFC in the case of a retreating storms based on data from research analysis networks (westward-moving) dryline, although this synoptic situ- (Ulanski and Garstang 1978a; Wilson et al. 1992) and ation is generally not favorable for CI. CI near drylines radar (Wilson and Schreiber 1986). For synoptic-scale has been the subject of extensive study and debate over features with a time scale O(1 day) and a space scale the years, and may be associated with processes other ٌ ϭ Ϫ1 ϭ Ϫ1 | | O(1000 km), Vh O(10 m s ), q O(10 g kg ), q than near-surface horizontal mass convergence along ϭ Ϫ1 Ϫ1 |ٌ | ϭ Ϫ6 Ϫ1 O[1gkg (100 km) ], and · Vh O(10 s ). the dryline boundary (e.g., Ziegler and Rasmussen | ٌ | Thus, the advection term Vh · q of the horizontal 1998). MFC equation is O(10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1) and the conver- From a forecasting perspective, the spatial distribu- | ٌ | gence term q · Vh is an order of magnitude smaller tion of surface observations near mesoscale boundaries at O(10Ϫ5 gkgϪ1 sϪ1). That the advection term domi- and choices in objective analysis procedures can nates the convergence term is consistent with Rasmus- strongly influence the character of the MFC (or hori- son (1967), who found that advection of moisture is the zontal mass convergence) field (e.g., Doswell 1977). dominant term in controlling the local change of mois- Such nonmeteorological issues can result in a poor ture on the largest scales, including monthly and sea- surface objective analysis, a problem improved by re- sonal moisture budgets. The importance of Gulf of mote sensing tools such as radar and visible satel- Mexico return flow northward across the Great Plains, lite imagery to better detect boundaries and low-level in advance of spring upper troughs emerging from the horizontal mass convergence in real time (e.g., Wil- southwestern United States, is one well-known ex- son and Mueller 1993; Wilson et al. 1998). Other ob- ample that emphasizes the importance of moisture ad- jective analysis procedures, such as the so-called tri- vection on synoptic time scales prior to convective angle method (Bellamy 1949), have shown improved events. performance in the calculation of derivative fields over | ٌ| On the scale of fronts, however, · Vh is an order finite differencing schemes, especially for marginally of magnitude larger, O(10Ϫ5 sϪ1), such that both the sampled phenomena and in spatially uneven data dis- advection and convergence terms are comparable at tributions (e.g., Doswell and Caracena 1988; Spencer O(10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1). For smaller mesoscale boundaries and Doswell 2001). Employing superior objective (e.g., lake/sea breezes, active or remnant convective schemes in operational forecasting environments would outflow boundaries), or strong fronts, horizontal mass likely increase the accuracy of analyzed surface kine- | ٌ| convergence · Vh would be at least an order of mag- matic fields used by forecasters in applications such nitude larger, O(10Ϫ4 sϪ1), implying dominance of the as CI. convergence term O(10Ϫ3 gkgϪ1 sϪ1). In a special observational network over south Florida b. Case example (horizontal resolution of 2.5 km ϫ 2.5 km and time | ٌ| resolution of 5 min), the magnitude of · Vh was To compare directly the relative magnitude and spa- measured as high as 2.7 ϫ 10Ϫ3 sϪ1 near develop- tial patterns of the convergence and advection terms ing convective updrafts (Ulanski and Garstang 1978a). with both surface MFC and horizontal mass conver- Observations of surface MFC of O(10Ϫ3 gkgϪ1 sϪ1) gence, surface data for 1800 UTC 4 May 2003 were are well documented in the vicinity of CI in severe- objectively analyzed at 40-km horizontal grid spacing storm case studies (Ostby 1975; Negri and Vonder (Fig. 1). This analysis is the operational objective- Haar 1980; Koch and McCarthy 1982; Rogash and analysis routine employed by the SPC (Bothwell et al. Smith 2000). However, most standard wind observ- 2002), which uses hourly Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 357

FIG. 1. Surface objective analysis valid at 1800 UTC 4 May 2003. Sea level pressure (thick solid lines every 2 mb), specific humidity (thin solid lines every2gkgϪ1). Shaded regions represent (a) the advection term in MFC expression (10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1), where positive values represent moist advection; (b) the convergence term in MFC expression (10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1), where positive values represent convergence; (c) the total moisture flux convergence (10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1), where positive values represent positive MFC; and (d) the horizontal mass convergence of the total wind (10Ϫ5 sϪ1), where negative values represent horizontal mass divergence. Thin dashed lines (thin solid lines) delineate negative (positive) values associated with shaded regions for each panel. Pennant, barb, and half barb represent wind speeds of 25, 5, and 2.5 m sϪ1, respectively.

forecasts (Benjamin et al. 2004a,b) as the first-guess 2100 UTC, south of the warm front along the axis of field. maximum horizontal mass convergence from southeast- At 1800 UTC 4 May 2003, a 990-mb low was centered ern Kansas into north-central Texas, just east of the near the northern Kansas and southern Nebraska bor- dryline. der, with a warm front extending east-southeastward Negative moisture advection (Ϫ2toϪ6 ϫ 10Ϫ4 into western Missouri and a cold front extending west- gkgϪ1 sϪ1) was observed west of the progressive (east- southwestward along the surface wind shift in western ward-moving) dryline, but positive areas of mois- Kansas and eastern Colorado (Fig. 1). A dryline, ex- ture advection of the same magnitude occurred in only tending southward from the low, was moving rapidly very small areas near the warm front in eastern Kan- eastward across central Kansas, central Oklahoma, and sas and along the cold front in west-central Kansas north-central Texas, with a narrow surface moist axis (Fig. 1a). The convergence term (Fig. 1b) was most (q ϳ16gkgϪ1) between the dryline and warm front. An coherent near the surface low, along the warm front, attendant strong 500-mb short-wave trough was mov- and along the cold front in western Kansas and east- ing eastward from Colorado and New Mexico into the ern Colorado. The convergence term was also large central plains states at this time (not shown). The up- along the dryline (Fig. 1b). The convergence term per-level forcing combined with instability and low- was relatively effective in highlighting the bound- level moisture resulted in the development of iso- aries of interest, with small-scale features (or noise lated supercells beginning around 1815 UTC near the from the RUC first guess) dominating elsewhere warm front in northeastern Kansas. Initiation of ad- across the analysis domain. The surface MFC largely ditional supercellular storms then occurred at 1900– reflectedthe convergence term, with the exception of 358 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 20 the strong negative area west of the dryline (cf. Figs. 1b,c). The scaling arguments suggest that surface MFC can serve as an effective tool to detect mesoscale bound- aries. However, surface horizontal mass convergence can serve the same purpose because it largely deter- mines the surface MFC field (cf. Figs. 1c,d). Forecasters may wish to compare MFC with horizontal mass con- vergence in convective situations to see these similari- ties.

5. Conceptualized variations of convective initiation

The necessary ingredients for deep moist convection (moisture, instability, and lift; e.g., McNulty 1978a; Doswell 1987; Johns and Doswell 1992) provide a framework for further discussion. Although surface MFC relates to each of the necessary ingredients in some way, problems can arise when surface MFC is FIG. 2. Schematic of subcloud horizontal mass convergence employed as a proxy for the ingredients. Because the (conv) as it relates to cumulus convection (represented by cloud spatial distribution of MFC closely matches that of outline). Arrows represent streamlines. Thick dashed line indi- horizontal mass convergence, we show how horizontal cates top of PBL. (a) Surface horizontal mass convergence maxi- mum is associated with a deep tropospheric circulation and deep mass convergence relates to the CI process and loca- moist convection. (b) Surface horizontal mass convergence maxi- tion in this section. A generalized discussion and a mum is associated with shallow cumulus development owing to brief example of elevated thunderstorm development midlevel subsidence and/or a capping inversion. (c) Surface hori- follow. zontal mass convergence maximum is located near change in boundary layer depth. Thin dashed line indicates isentropic sur- Updrafts leading to deep moist convection are nec- faces. (d) Horizontal mass convergence maximum is rooted above essarily associated with subcloud horizontal mass the local boundary layer. convergence owing to the constraints of mass continu- ity. This relationship, however, is only a diagnostic re- lationship that applies instantaneously. Thus, no prog- nostic information is included. Sustained low-level MFC case studies (Table 1) involve initiation of this horizontal mass convergence over time may eventually type. result in the cap being compromised and the initiation In Fig. 2b, the surface horizontal mass convergence of deep, moist convection, thus providing some fore- is part of a shallow vertical circulation confined to cast utility. Unfortunately, the uncertainties in the mag- the PBL, above which there is usually a spatially and nitude of ascent, the locations of ascent, and the four- temporally varying degree of convective inhibition dimensional structure of the cap are what makes (CIN). In the absence of large-scale forcing for ascent, convective forecasting such a challenge. One non- or in the presence of midlevel subsidence (e.g., meteorological issue that affects our ability to diag- Stensrud and Maddox 1988), convective develop- nose these features is that the scale of horizontal mass ment may be precluded. Even when CIN is small (in convergence associated with developing convec- absolute value), incipient updrafts may weaken be- tion may not be well sampled by standard observa- cause of entrainment of low relative humidity air tional data networks (section 4a). Other issues are me- into the updraft, particularly when forcing for ascent teorological, and are shown in schematic diagrams in is weak. These factors are difficult to quantify in Fig. 2. an operational setting and contribute in large mea- In Fig. 2a, surface horizontal mass convergence is sure to the uncertainty in short-range convective fore- part of a deep tropospheric circulation as might be ob- casts. served along a front with associated strong synoptic- In Fig. 2c, the surface horizontal mass convergence is or mesoscale forcing. These systems are efficient in representative of a vertical circulation with consider- eliminating convective inhibition through strong able slope. Such situations include, not only warm midlevel ascent, and the presence of moisture and in- fronts, but also subtle differences in boundary layer stability often results in the surface horizontal mass characteristics and depth arising from remnant outflow convergence (or MFC maxima) being closely repre- boundaries, differential cloud cover, or varying land sentative of the initiation location. Many published surface characteristics. In these situations, localized re- JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 359

Ϫ FIG. 3. As in Fig. 1, except for 1500 UTC 27 May 2004, and specific humidity contour interval is 1 g kg 1.

gions of warm advection can result in sufficient lift for occurs above the PBL, such that an association between convective development. Furthermore, convective de- the surface horizontal mass convergence/MFC and velopment may be horizontally displaced from the sur- CI does not exist (e.g., Schaefer and Doswell 1980). face horizontal mass convergence maxima and rooted Unlike Fig. 2c in which PBL air is displaced but still above the local boundary layer (and above a relatively processed as the main source of potential instability in cool air mass). Indeed, one of the anonymous reviewers a relatively undiluted fashion, Fig. 2d depicts a vertical noted that some forecasters look at horizontal mass circulation without direct connection to PBL for its convergence at levels above the surface, in search of source of potential instability. This situation is illus- areas where CI may occur. Such scenarios may help trated further using an example from 27 May 2004 in explain the observed displacement of storms down- section 6. stream of the surface MFC maxima (e.g., Hirt 1982). These four conceptual models in Fig. 2 illustrate the Severe hail and locally heavy rainfall are the most com- variety of different relationships between horizontal mon threats from such elevated storms, with the poten- mass convergence and convective development. tial for tornadoes and damaging winds reduced owing Clearly, a one-size-fits-all relationship between hori- to the stable near-surface stratification. The relative zontal mass convergence (or MFC) and CI is not pos- strength of surface-based CIN and the elevated storm sible. updrafts modulate the ability of the individual storms to become surface-based at some point after initiation. El- evated thunderstorms have been discussed by Colman 6. A case of elevated severe thunderstorms (1990a,b) and Moore et al. (1998, 2003). We believe the forecast community could benefit from additional re- The surface objective analysis at 1500 UTC on 27 search in this area because the timing and location of May 2004 shows a weak surface cyclone over southeast- elevated severe thunderstorm episodes are difficult to ern Kansas, with a surface boundary and associated predict. region of maximum surface horizontal convergence ex- Another example of elevated convection appears in tending from northeastern Kansas eastward across Fig. 2d. Here, subcloud horizontal mass convergence northern sections of Missouri (Fig. 3d). This boundary 360 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 20 was developed in part through outflow from early indicated broken clouds at 4900 ft (1493 m) AGL. morning thunderstorms across eastern Kansas and These observations were within 25 km of, and nearly central Missouri. Surface winds were generally south- coincident in time and space with, the initial devel- erly equatorward of the boundary, but became weak opment of deep moist convection. This cloud height and ill-defined near and north of the zone of maxi- corresponds well with the base height of the moist layer mum surface horizontal mass convergence. Surface spe- observed at Topeka at 1200 UTC. If the RUC sound- cific humidity values were about 12–13gkgϪ1 over ing from southwest Iowa (Fig. 5c) is modified by the northern Missouri and southern Iowa. Consistent with moist layer from the observed Topeka sounding (Fig. the previous example in Fig. 1, the convergence term 5a), the sounding that results (Fig. 5d) yields a CAPE dominates the surface MFC (cf. Figs. 3b,c) because the of 2100 J kgϪ1 without CIN for a parcel lifted from advection term is relatively weak (Fig. 3a). Likewise, 820 mb. Combined with ascent provided by the ap- the similarity of surface MFC to surface horizontal proaching short-wave trough, this moist layer con- mass convergence is quite striking (cf. Figs. 3c,d); sur- tributed to initiation of elevated supercells in pre- face MFC provides no tangible advantage to the fore- vailing strong westerly shear (the shear magnitude from caster over surface horizontal mass convergence in this the base of the moist layer up 6 km was 22.5 m sϪ1). case. The convection was quick to produce numerous re- Visible satellite imagery reveals that the initial con- ports of large hail and isolated damaging winds vective development occurred in southwest Iowa through 1900 UTC (Fig. 6). As the day progressed, around 1515 UTC, displaced about 130 km north of diurnal heating reduced surface-based CIN and ulti- the surface MFC maxima (Fig. 4), and collocated sur- mately allowed thunderstorm updrafts to become face boundary and surface horizontal mass conver- rooted in the boundary layer. Severe weather was pro- gence maxima (Fig. 3d). The near-surface stable layer duced as the thunderstorms tracked southeastward in 1200 UTC soundings at Topeka, Kansas (Fig. 5a), across the northern half of Missouri with up to 4-in and Omaha, Nebraska (Fig. 5b), is likely inhibiting CI (10.2-cm) diameter hail and isolated tornadoes (not in the region of the surface boundary. An essential fea- shown). ture of the Topeka sounding pertinent to this case is the saturated layer at 820–780 mb (Fig. 5a). Parcels within this layer are potentially buoyant (CAPE ϳ1500 J 7. Final thoughts kgϪ1), though capped above by the elevated mixed layer air around 700 mb. Additionally, the 780–530-mb The forecaster’s primary intent in the subjective use layer is much warmer at Topeka than Omaha (cf. Figs. of surface MFC is to infer locations of developing ver- 5a,b), with the temperature difference maximized tical circulations that might aid in the release of poten- near 700 mb (10°C at Topeka versus 4°C at Omaha). tial instability, allowing for CI. Successful use of surface This strong gradient in midlevel temperature was lo- MFC is limited to those occasions when upward vertical cated along and south of the upper-level cloud band motion associated with incipient CI can be inferred evident in visible imagery from south-central Nebraska through a depiction of the associated surface horizontal into central Iowa, which was associated with a compact mass convergence and subjective application of the short-wave trough across central Nebraska (not continuity equation. As such, the importance of bound- shown), likely aiding in synoptic-scale forcing for as- aries as a focus for CI cannot be understated. How- cent. ever, we show that horizontal mass convergence of the A sounding from the RUC initialized at 1500 UTC in magnitude found along mesoscale boundaries implies southern Iowa near the time of convective initiation is dominance of the convergence term in the expression shown in Fig. 5c (location of sounding shown by “X” in for MFC because the modulating influence of q and Fig. 6). The sounding was modified slightly for 1500 moisture advection is comparatively small. This argu- UTC surface conditions near the developing storms ment suggests that horizontal mass convergence will using a temperature of 70°F (21.1°C) and a dewpoint identify surface boundaries equally as well as surface of 62°F (16.7°C), yielding a surface-based convective MFC, if not better, and has a more rigorous link to the inhibition of Ϫ80JkgϪ1 (Fig. 5c). The RUC sounding ingredients-based methodology for deep moist convec- does not resolve fully the moist layer between 800–750 tion. mb. However, animations of visible satellite imagery The utility of surface horizontal mass convergence indicate a distinct northward surge of moisture and a for forecasting CI has been studied for numerous band of thicker stratus clouds (moving northward at years, with the earliest references extending back to the around 10 m sϪ1) into southwestern Iowa just prior to Thunderstorm Project (e.g., Byers and Braham 1949, initiation, invigorating existing weaker convective up- p. 53). Subsequent research also has shown a relation- drafts in the region. Additionally, the 1455 and 1515 ship between surface horizontal mass convergence and UTC surface observations at Clarinda, Iowa (ICL), in convective storms (e.g., Breiland 1958; Matsumoto et east-central Page County (see Fig. 6 for the location), al. 1967; Anderson and Uccellini 1973; Ulanski and JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 361

FIG.4.GOES-12 1-km visible satellite imagery for 27 May 2004: (a) 1515 and (b) 1602 UTC. Surface moisture flux convergence (dotted lines, 10Ϫ4 gkgϪ1 sϪ1, negative values only) from SPC surface objective analysis (Both- well et al. 2002) at (a) 1500 and (b) 1600 UTC.

Garstang 1978a,b; Peslen 1980). More recently, Wil- Wilson et al. 1988, 1998, 2004). Thus, the connec- son and collaborators have quantified the importance tion between horizontal mass convergence and CI of surface horizontal mass convergence to storms (as part of an ingredients-based forecasting methodol- through real-time forecasting experiments and field ogy) is well posed theoretically and empirically justifi- projects (e.g., Wilson and Schreiber 1986; Wilson able. and Mueller 1993; Wilson and Megenhardt 1997; We expect that forecasters who have used MFC for 362 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 20

FIG. 5. Skew T–logp plots of observed temperature (dark gray lines) and dewpoint temperature (light gray lines) for 1200 UTC 27 May 2004: (a) Topeka, KS, and (b) Omaha, NE. (c) RUC-2 0-h forecast sounding with modified surface conditions valid 1500 UTC 27 May 2004 near the Missouri/Iowa border (see “X” in Fig. 6 for location). (d) As in (c), except sounding is modified using low-level moist layer found on 1200 UTC Topeka sounding in (a). Horizontal bars represent vertical distribution of vertical motion (␮bsϪ1). Pennant, barb, and half barb represent wind speeds of 25, 5, and 2.5 m sϪ1, respectively.

years may be reluctant to change, claiming it has or ineffectiveness of MFC has been performed. In worked well for them in past forecasting situations. considering the construction of such a , To support or refute such claims, a comprehensive decisions would have to be made about the mini- climatology of MFC maxima and convective-storm ini- mum magnitude of a MFC maximum that should be tiation locations would need to be constructed. In- considered, how long a MFC maximum must exist deed, no such climatology showing the effectiveness to be considered related to convective initiation, the JUNE 2005 FORECASTERS’ FORUM 363

FIG. 6. Preliminary National Weather Service storm report data for 1600–1900 UTC 27 May 2004 across northern Missouri and southern Iowa. Location of RUC sounding in Figs. 5c and 5d is denoted by “X” in southwestern Ringgold County, IA. Clarinda, IA, is denoted by ICL. County borders are indicated by the gray lines with county names listed within.

distance criteria to be adopted for proximity to the of a vertical circulation associated with deep moist convective storm initiation, etc. Such issues have been convection may not occur at the surface, but aloft. Fi- discussed qualitatively (e.g., Newman 1971; Charba nally, such situations curtail the more general applica- 1979; Hirt 1982; Beckman 1990, 1993; Fuhs 1996), but a bility of surface diagnostics, either MFC or horizontal rigorous climatology would need to quantify these mass convergence, because the near-surface conditions numbers. Moreover, generating a climatology of hori- may not be representative of convectively processed zontal mass convergence would raise the same ques- air. tions. Instead, a more constructive research effort While these problems are not easily alleviated, alter- should be focused on the physical processes that lead to natives to traditional techniques such as surface MFC convective initiation. Such efforts should emphasize the are needed. There is still a role for intelligently de- advantages of an ingredients-based methodology, in signed, scientifically sound, empirically based studies in which forcing for ascent (and its related field of hori- this regard. Nevertheless, a thorough physical under- zontal mass convergence) serves as an indirect measure standing of MFC or any other diagnostic is essential for of lift. real-time forecasting, particularly for assessing its limi- Although scientifically more appropriate, application tations and quickly recognizing situations where alter- of horizontal mass convergence for predicting CI suf- native approaches should be taken. fers from many of the same problems as MFC. First, a Last, a sidelight of this paper is the importance of potentially unstable boundary layer air mass may be elevated convection. The version of the Eta Model with capped, and therefore the vertical circulation inferred the Kain–Fritsch cumulus parameterization (Kain et al. from surface horizontal mass convergence is likely in- 2003b) provides as one of its outputs the pressure of the sufficient to carry air parcels to their LFC (e.g., Fig. 2b). updraft source air (Kain et al. 2003a). Operational ex- Second, midlevel entrainment may curtail convective perience at the SPC with this field suggests that as many growth despite otherwise favorable conditions. Third, as 50% of convective storms have updraft source levels available surface data may be inadequate to resolve the above the surface (J. Kain 2003, personal communica- scale of surface horizontal mass convergence asso- tion). This observation is supported by the nearly even ciated with the upward vertical motion. 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