Dr. Meenakshi Kulkarni  Asstt. Prof.

Paper problems and alienation because of her loneliness. Her Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) is a biological father, Cosway, indulged in sensual pleasures, postmodern revisionary perspective of Charlotte was a slaveholder. After the death of his wife, Cosway Brontë'sJane Eyre (1847) . In thisRhys has attempted a married Annette, a gorgeous girl, who was much younger deconstructionist purview of the voicelessness and than him.Their marriage in social hegemony hailing from savage madness of Antoinette. The novel tracks the the French Colony.She bore him two children, autobiographicalangst of a girl, which closely mirrors the Antoinette and Pierre. After the marriage, Cosway still authors own life. The parallels between the author and indulged in his bad lifestyle and made merry all day. the heroine are drawn from narratives of troubled Consequently, he died as a victim of the slave revolt.His childhood and struggle for identity.Rhys illustrates son, Pierre was born with cretinism which made him Postmodern Intertextuality in her usage of more than one stagger and incoherent. Later on, he died from a fire in his narrator in the novel, Antoinette, Mr., and Grace Poole. farmland when slave riot spread. After her son's death, She also interlaces her novel with Charlotte Bronte's Annette suffered from a breakdown and went crazy. story of , deconstructing Bronte's "madwoman A debauched father, an ill disposedbrother and of the attic". By making reference to another text, Jean an unstable mother were Antoinette's dearkith and kin. R hys toys w ith the post-moder n element of The disastrous fate of the family had great influences on intertextuality in her efforts to displaythematic little Antoinette's life. Since then, the whole family was relevancy throughout time, have a feminist revisionary cursed, even her neighbours and servants, agonized her of the highly acclaimed Pro- feminist novel Jane Eyre. emotionally. Her mother remarried Mason soon, a Post-Colonial issues regarding Colonial Power, marriage of convenience as they were totally broke and Suppression, Subordination, Identity Crsis, Madness, marriage could provide them a respectable life. She also Subaltern concerns are present in the novel. Rhys divides had an elder stepbrother called Richard Mason who Wide Sargasso Sea into three parts. The first and second played a key role in Antoinette's matrimony. part take place in colonized British West Indies and the The Creole status of the family added to the third part is set in England. The first part is recounted by identity crisis .Antoinette didn't get enough attention Antoinette, who portrays her childhood as being filled during her formative years. Her mother committed much with cultural conflictsand viscitude of Post-Colonial of her time to the sick son, looked after him and sent for a Power struggles in . She also at times wonders doctor, almost neglected the girl child. But she pushed me why her mother showers all her attention towards her son away, notroughly but calmly, coldly, without a word, as if she and not her.The second part is narrated by Antoinette had decided once and for all that I was useless to her Iwas a and Mr.. It is in this part of the novel that Mr. and little afraid of her (J. Rhys, 1966) (Pg 7) As her mother Antoinette's marriage takes place, and it is where both gave her a marginal place, she was more close to characters reveal theiranxieties,compulsions along with Cristophine, the maid. Antoinette's mother was reluctant their confused feelings for each other. The third part is to spend time with Antoinette, so Antoinette was always once again told mostly by Antoinette in England, where on her own, with no friends to exchange a few words and she is shunted away in Mr.'s attic, which is the much open her heart out so she became a recluse. Her maligned 'Mad woman in the Attic' in Jane Eyre. stepfather Mason was more conciliatory treated her very Antoinette's family relationship was far more well. He went to the cloister from time to time, paying problematicalwhich resulted in her psychological visits to Antoinette and bringing her gifts. When he was

Department of English L. A. D & Smt. R.P College for Women, Shakarnagar, Nagpur E-mail : [email protected] SANSHODHAN ISSN 2249-8567 134 on his death bed, he even left half of his bequest dissuaded him from , he should be servedupon, toAntoinette and another half to his son from his first Antoinette'sproperty is his ladder to Eliteness. wife RichardMason. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Mr. labels Antoinette as The tragedies as her brother's death and the colonial 'other'. He sees her as one who is unrefined, mother's mental illness kept her traumatized. As per the biased, and uneducated. Freudian Psychoanalysis,childhood has immeasurable Wide Sargasso Sea as a feminist critique is a influence on a person's life and is source of happiness and Patriarchal narrative ,Patriarchy is an arrangement painfulness in the future and her lack of family was a which controls and overshadows women where they are realistic source of her misfortune. Adversity coupled with unable to make their own choices about economy, calamity send her to lead a marginalized life and nearly sexuality, mothering, or childbearing. It emasculates trivialized her. women's identity, abilities and her potentials it is a system Marriage of Convenience: It was again a of oppression over the other gender. The woman are left marriage of convenience for Mr. , where he married voiceless and has to give in to all the fancies of her male Antoinette only for dowry, Mr.is a typical Post-Colonial partner and, women are constantly given roles to serve opportunist can be seen as a money digger he treats her the man. The female is first and foremost a daughter, a as colonial object and muddles her identity.The marriage mate and a nurse of the children who should only offer between Antoinette and Mr. rests on racial and gender her existence to serve the men (father, husband and inequalities. Antoinette status as a Creole is another son)in her life. During the industrial revolution, women, aspect of Post-Colonial Syndrome. For Mr. his exotic remained poor and they did not have as any rights as men. exposure is overpowering; their relationship was marital They did not have the right to own or keep assets or confrontation between the binary opposition, nature Vs property. All their property and assets became the culture. husband's after marriage. The exploitation of many Everything is too much. Too much blue, too women from the Orient by the wealth hunting much purple, too much green. The flowers too red, and perspective husbands from the imperialists occident. the mountain too high, the hills too near. And the woman Victorian woman had to rely on their husbands and were is a stranger (Pg, 42) not encouraged to work outside the home and were considered angels when at home. He was a gentleman belonged to the industrial town and Antoinette his total opposite found solace in Looking at this marriage from a feminist point the wild nature. Mr.is petrified by nature because it of view, one can see that there is an usurpation of wealth represents and signifies Antoinette and his failure to due to patriarchal norms and economic dominance control her. empowers Mr. He married her for the thirty thousand pounds, once the marriage consummated according to 'Antoinette re-enacts her mother's experience: the law, the money and property would be of the husband She marries an Englishman and is driven mad by the and the wife had no right over it. This economic tension between her assumptions about her and dominance leaves Antoinette helpless and her husband in demands on her and her precarious sense of where she charge of her life andresources limiting her options in belongs'. (Pg xiii) life.Helplessness and isolation lead to depression and The marriage of Antoinette and Mr. is a Schizophrenia. Madness and how it has been defined in a challenging one. As they both come from different patriarchal society has also been present in the marriage cultural background, Mr. dominates the marriage and of Antoinette and Mr. When Antoinette andMr. discuss marginalizes Antoinette treats her as a voiceless shadow, Daniel Cosway's accusations Antoinette becomes very because of his dominance and the meek subjugation of annoyed. Mr. interprets wrath and fury as a madness that Antoinette initially the marriage becomes a troubled is inherited from Annette, her mother. But the fury comes one.He dons the mantle of a colonizer and his wife is the from her resistance to her pathetic condition which he colonized.Mr.is Byronic Hero or should we look at him reduced her and she wants to revolt against it but left with sympathetically. As the second son, he inherits nothing no option.Mr. also labels Antoinette nutty. Here again, from his father's estate, and was compelled to marry Daniel Cosway's accusations of Antoinette's promiscuity, Antoinette for his own financial survival. Elite hypocrisy her desire for sex and her sexual conduct allows Mr. to

SANSHODHAN ISSN 2249-8567 135 think of her as a deranged woman as the women were not they are not English or European either' (Pg 40) to have a voice and desire leave aside sexual desire, only a Deconstructing the image of Jane Eyre: The women with low morals can exhibit her sexual desire, Victorian women were conditioned to be The Angel of which in contemporary times is very natural. the House, a phrase taken from the title of a Victorian CreoleCrisis:Antoinette was born in a slave- poem by Coventry Patmore. In the poem, Patmore owning family in Jamaica in the nineteenth century. At describes the perfect Victorian wife as a woman who is that time, the West Indies obliteration movement passive, submissive and always faithful. The poem also waspeaking, the uprising of the natives of the native black states that the purpose and contentment of women is to slaves rise to fight for their rights. Her father, a please men. Women under such popular patriarchial slaveholder, died suddenly. Antoinette and her family's narratives were treated as mere objects and child bearers. lives were in a precarious situation. As a white Creole in Women were primarily accountable for the delight of West Island of Jamaica, the intermediate between Blacks men and it was assumed that this liability that the female and pure whites, the heroine Antoinette was doomed to folk were supposed to do at any cost. This general attitude suffer perplexityof a mixed identity and hybridity. On toward women affected many aspects of Victorian life one hand, they were marginalized by the white rulers, and is relevant to the analysis of Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre, they alsofaced retaliation and hatred from the blacks. particularly this novel is hailed as one of the earliest They became realsandwich classunder pressure from portrayals in feminists empowerment. both the oppressor and the oppressed I never looked at Wide Sargasso Sea has created heated questions anystrange negro. They hated us. They called us white among these literary critics, resisting easy categorization cockroaches. Let sleeping dogs lie. One day a little girl within the context of twentieth-century fiction. As a followedme singing, 'Go away white cockroach, go away, go postcolonial work, the novel indicts England's away'. I walked fast, but she walked fast. 'Nobody wants exploitative colonial empire, aligning its sympathies with you. Go away' (J. Rhys, 1966) (pg9). The blacks called the plight of the black Caribbeans. However, Rhys's her white nigger or white cockroach, and toldher narratora white Creoleremains a step removed from nobody wants her. As a young girl Antoinette had so racial oppression, and in opposition to the dictates of much of raucous around her but did not get solace patriarchy. It is for this reason, the character is a anywhere, which affected her psyche and in turn dwarfed touchstone for feminist theorists. her entire persona. It's like a frustration that deeply Alienation and rejection of Antoinette is a sad rooted in Antoinette's heart. As the social conflicts were narrative, both within the Jamaican community where intensified, the white rulers chose to leave, but the native she grew up and later on when she marries an mestizo whites from Martinique had no way to go, most Englishman. She was not accepted with the locals, had a of them still lived there, she had a sense of belonging to rebellious attitude towards Tia (in the first half) and later nowhere, as the island which he thought her home, with Amelie. treated her as an outsider an intruder and the alien Bertha of Jane Eyre is caught in the double blind England she knew nothing about because he transplanted of imperialist bias and patriarchy. Jane although a victim her .She suffered the adversity and destitution of life of patriarchy cannot identify with the gendered at the young age. marginalized Bertha, whereas in the case of Antoinette , She had no friends, no one to confide in. Had inspite of her colonized status, she attempts to get rid of she not been born in the slaveholder family, it is a matter the shackles and bondage from her subaltern position of of introspection how her fate would have been, destiny silence and marginality. The Subaltern (Antoinette) got her at the wrong place at the wrong time.The people speaks, and when Mr. addresses her as Bertha she gets around her were hostile. Wherever she was condemned upset and reacts'Bertha is not my name. You are trying to to relocate If Antoinette was not born in this drastically make me into someone else, calling me by another name' changed society, ''Old time white people nothing but (pg 94) She asserts her identity and wants her respectable white nigger now and black nigger better than white position in society which is denied to her by her nigger' (Pg 10)The slavery is the root of disparity in the dominating husband. Renaming is emotionally West Indies in the nineteenth century. 'Long, sad, dark demoralizing and denying ones identity born with and alien eyes . Creole of Pure English descent she may be, but remoulding as per the male's whims.

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Mr. often echoes that Antoinette is nothing like shackles of the aristocratic culture, the adjustment issues him, and he has the superiority complex of the imperialist which the body facesand is transferred to the mind and white man and he openly declares that he sees nothing she undergoes psychological problems. that he loves about her. In one incident when the two Diaspora :When after marriage Mr. takes her to argue about Mr.Mr. spending the night with Amelie, England she feels uprooted as shefelt at home in her Antoinette questions her husband's love. Don't you love wilderness at West Indies and did not like the industrial me at all? she asks and Mr. replies firmly, "No, I do not" town of England and speaks of England as a land of (Rhys, 95).Such harsh words do not allow Antoinette to gloom and coldness to which Mr. becomes annoyed and feel loved or have a sense of felicity in her marriage. Such irritated . Her heart lies in the virgin islands where she was declarations however affect her self-worth and lowers her born and brought up. He replies by saying that her island deep into gloom and rebellion delusions.She feels is gloomy and dark. Mr. becomes irritated by her replies terrible. As she never got into any healthy relations with and questions how she can be ignorant of England. Mr. anyone, by the end of the novel, we can see Antoinette's c o m e s to t h e c o n c l u s i o n t h at A n to i n e tte i s state of mind. She understands that her marriage has not unsophisticated and crude. The English have the been a healthy union and only a marriage of convenience. colonizer mentality and perceived themselves as She really had high expectations from the marriage but controlling, cultured and morally virtuous. instead of prov iding the solace she only got In one scene when the couple discusses his disappointment ,a feeling of vacuum and marginalized . beloved home land England, Mr. notices that Antoinette Surprisingly it is noted that in this novel is not able to describe England or give any true facts of Antoinette's husband has not been given a name by the England. Mr. reflects: She was undecided, uncertain novelist, and is referred to as Mr.butin Jane Eyre he had a about facts any facthardly able to believe she was nameMr. Rochester, this reveals a feministique the pale silent creature I had married (Pg54). The perspective of Jean Rhys where she sides the marriage of convenience was not fruitful for either party , marginalized heroine and makes the Patriarchal husband the only outcome of the marriage was that Mr's status in nameless. society was saved by the amount of dowry. Anarcha Feminism; Rhy 's quarrel with Conclusion branding Jane Eyre is the earliest experiment in Woman That Wide Sargasso Sea is a rewriting of Jane Empowerment. Quarrel with Woman in the Attic and Eyrea text long upheld as a victory of feminist Heroic portrayal of Rocherster and ultimate freedom of liberalismconfuses the feminist debate.Mr. muddles Antoinette from all miseries is highlighted in the novel. It Antoinette's identity.She shows some spark of retaliation is apt to quote that woman are the enemies of woman as but she is subdued and has to be contented in the quoted byShirinEbadi'Women are the victims of this confines of the four walls of her claustrophobic home in Patriarchal culture, but they are also its carriers. Let us England. Rhys's text also invites psychoanalytic readings, keep in mind that every oppressive man was raised in the through its experimentation with narrative and confines of his mother's home'. As Antoinette was having exploration of the unconscious. In its formal techniques a troubled marriage, instead of providing solace to and thematic sources, Rhys's novel incorporates modern Antoinette, Amelie slept with Mr. creating more trouble and postmodern devices of fragmentation, while in their already troubled marriage. drawing, at times, on Romantic notions of sublimity, Mr. always wanted to have be in charge passion, and the supernatural. Jane Eyre the prequel to ofAntoinette and control her and always keep her tied Wide Sargasso Sea, draws out the revolt within down and wanted that as an obedient wife without Feminism initially she was meek and later on in the novel questioning abide by him and have no say in any matter she rebels . and only be objectified. She was just treated ad a pretty Mr. verbally tries to diminish Antoinette's body with no voice and no feeling of her own. identity by calling her different names. Mr. also describes 'The doll had a doll's voice , a breathless but her as a just a Creole who belongs to the island and is a curiously indifferent voice' (pg 110) part of it. The marriage of Antoinette and Mr. illustrates From the free wild nature she is set into the claims of postcolonial feminist criticism.

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Society, family and individual factors, all these Works Cited totally determine Antoinette's tragicfate. Antoinette as a 1. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Oxford. University child grew up in chaos. She is a tragic figure. She gets no Press, 2008. Print. love from her family at her young age. Being the daughter of a slaveholder, she is cursed and hated by the blacks. She 2. Rhys, Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. Cambridge. had no friends to communicate with. She is lonely. When Cambridge University Press, 1993. she has grown up, marriage is the only way to change her 3. Lewkowicz, Sherry. The Experience of life condition, so she has great expectation of her Womanhood in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea. The husband.Unfortunately, she marries a man who does not Victorian Web. 2004. Jan 5th 2012. Web. love her. Her husband is an English man and passes off as 4. Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. The a gentleman, but does not care for Antoinett'sfeeling, he Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the is a total worldly man.They are very different in all Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: aspects. They have racial inequality and gender Yale UP, 1979. Print. inequality. Thus their marriage was doomed to be a tragedy. After Antoinette finds that Mr. has an affair with 5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gayatri_ her servant, she thenlocks up in an attic all day and her Chakravorty_Spivak mentality is broken-down completely. Thus, abandoned 6. http : / / w w w.d i va - p o r ta l .o rg / sma s h / by her husband is the direct cause that makesAntoinette get/diva2:397432/FULLTEXT01 fall into despair and set fire to end her life. In the final 7. h ttp s : / / fil e . s c i r p . o r g / p d f / J S S _ attempt to break free all the bondages and forever 2014121510222187.pdf become free, which is her final bold step to freedom which shows that the mad woman in the attic of Jane Eyre now in the form of Antoinette is liberalized.