Epidemiol. Infect. (2013), 141, 1867–1875. f Cambridge University Press 2012 doi:10.1017/S0950268812002555

Environmental variability and the transmission of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in , People’s Republic of


1 College of Resources and Environment Science, Normal University, Changsha, China 2 Hunan Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Changsha, China 3 School of Public Health, Shandong University, Jinan, China 4 Changsha Municipal Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Changsha, China 5 Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China

Received 2 May 2012; Final revision 24 September 2012; Accepted 21 October 2012; first published online 19 November 2012

SUMMARY The transmission of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is influenced by climatic, reservoir and environmental variables. The epidemiology of the disease was studied over a 6-year period in Changsha. Variables relating to climate, environment, rodent host distribution and disease occurrence were collected monthly and analysed using a time-series adjusted Poisson regression model. It was found that the density of the rodent host and multivariate El Nin˜ o Southern Oscillation index had the greatest effect on the transmission of HFRS with lags of 2–6 months. However, a number of climatic and environmental factors played important roles in affecting the density and transmission potential of the rodent host population. It was concluded that the measurement of a number of these variables could be used in disease surveillance to give useful advance warning of potential disease epidemics.

Key words: China, environment variability, cross-correlation, forecast, haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), time-series adjusted Poisson regression.

INTRODUCTION cases reported annually, accounting for 90% of human cases reported globally [2]. While in Europe Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a and Russia, cases are infected mainly by Puumala zoonotic disease with fever, haemorrhage, headache, virus (PUUV), in China, HFRS is mainly caused by back pain, abdominal pain, and acute kidney injury. two types of hantaviruses, i.e. Hantaan virus (HTNV) The disease is caused by hantaviruses [1] and is an and Seoul virus (SEOV), each of which has co-evolved important public health problem in the People’s with a distinct rodent host [3]. Hunan province is one Republic of China with about 20 000–50 000 human of the most seriously affected areas in mainland China [4]. Changsha city has traditionally been the focus of HFRS epidemics and serves as a national HFRS * Author for correspondence: Dr H. Y. Tian or Dr H. Xiao, College of Resources and Environment Science, Hunan Normal surveillance site in Hunan province. University, Changsha 410081, China. Evidence shows that the transmission of HFRS is (Email: [email protected]) [H. Y. Tian] (Email: [email protected]) [H. Xiao] influenced by ecology [5–7], climate [8–10] and density # These authors contributed equally to this work. of host rodents [11, 12]. Previous studies indicate that

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Sampling sites W E


km 02550100

Fig. 1. The study area in China. Changsha (Changsha municipal districts/ county/Wangcheng county/Changsha county/). Crosses indicate rodent sampling sites.

climatic variables might serve as indirect indicators regard to the prevention and control of HFRS locally for HFRS transmission, since both the rodent popu- and nationally. lation and food sources for the reservoir host could be influenced by climatic factors. The inter-annual climatic events related to the El Nin˜ o Southern METHODS Oscillation (ENSO) have also been shown to be as- Study area sociated with outbreaks of HFRS. ENSO events can influence local climate, and further affect the food The study area covers Changsha, the capital city of production and plant growth, which may alter disease Hunan province in , located between transmission. Furthermore, the density and infection latitude 27x51k and 28x40k north, and longitude rate of rodents, and the contact rate between rodents, 111x53k and 114x5k east (Fig. 1). Changsha is about and between rodents and humans may influence the 233 km long with a total land area of 118 000 km2 and human HFRS infection rate directly [13]. However, a population of about 6 million in 2011. Hunan few studies have examined the relationship of these province has one of the highest HFRS incidences factors together over a long continuous period of in the country, often reaching epidemic levels [4]. time, or analysed the ‘environment–climate–rodent– Ningxiang county in Changsha has been designated human case’ relationship in an integrated fashion. as a national surveillance site to monitor the In this study, we collected monthly surveillance relationship between the epidemic situation between data on rodent hosts, the number of human HFRS humans and host animals. The highest incidences of cases, climatic variables and remote sensing infor- HFRS in Ningxiang was recorded as 101.68/100 000 mation. We examined the potential impact of en- in 1994 [14]. vironment, climate, and rodent host variability on the transmission of HFRS and developed a time-series Data collection adjusted Poisson regression model to quantify the effects. This study aims to examine the quantitative Data on notified monthly number of HFRS cases relationship between these factors and HFRS trans- in Changsha from 2005 to 2010 were obtained from mission. It is expected that the findings from this the Hunan Notifiable Disease Surveillance System study will inform the decision-making process with (HNDSS). All HFRS cases were confirmed according

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to the standard diagnosis specified by the Ministry of rodents captured divided by the number of traps and Health of the People’s Republic of China [15]. used as an indicator of abundance. We used the rela- Moreover, all cases met at least one of the laboratory tive rodent density to describe the combined effect of criteria for diagnosis. The HFRS data in this analysis rodents and traps. Relative rodent density=(number did not differentiate HTNV from SEOV infections. of rodents captured/number of traps)r100%. Local climatic data on monthly rainfall, mean temperature, relative humidity, and air pressure for the study period were obtained from the Chinese Statistical analysis Bureau of Meteorology. The multivariate ENSO in- We performed time-series analyses to characterize dex (MEI) [16] was used as an indicator of the global and describe the seasonal and long-term patterns in climate pattern available from the Earth System the datasets. Cross-correlation analysis was per- Research Laboratory of the National Oceanic and formed to assess the associations between environ- Atmospheric Administration. mental variables and the number of HFRS cases with Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images from consideration of lagged effects [17]. First, one of the January 2005 to December 2010 were acquired with a series was filtered to convert it to white noise. Then, spatial resolution of 30 m from the International the same filter was applied to the second series before Scientific Data Service Platform (http://datamirror. computing the cross-correlation. To examine any csdb.cn). Monthly normalized difference vegetation lagged effects, up to 6 months lag time was included. index (NDVI) values, an index of the amount and Time-series adjusted Poisson regression analysis productivity of vegetation, were generated from a [18, 19] was used to examine the independent contri- transformation of the near infrared (NIR, TM band 4) bution of environmental variables to HFRS trans- and red wavelengths (Red, TM band 3) using the mission. The primary Poisson regression model equation: adjusted for autocorrelation for this study was: NIRxRed NDVI= : (1) ln (Yt)=b +b Ytx1+b Ytx2+ ...+b Ytxp NIR+Red 0 1 2 p +b MTt+b MTtx1+...+b MTtxq We link the Changsha land-use map and the NDVI p+1 p+2 p+q b RD b RD ... b value by the pixels’ latitude and longitude. The land- + p+q+1 t+ p+q+2 tx1+ + p+q+r

use type data were obtained from the Second rRDtxr+bp+q+r+1NDVIt National Land Survey Data. The average value of the +bp+q+r+2NDVItx1+ ... NDVI for each type of land use was calculated. +b NDVIt s The absolute humidity (AH) was generated from a p+q+r+s x transformation of air pressure (AP), relative humidity +bp+q+r+s+1MEIt+bp+q+r+s+2MEItx1

(RH) and temperature using the equation: + ...+bp+q+r+s+uMEItxu b month AP(t) Á RH(t) Á E(t) + p+q+r+s+u+v AH(t)= , (2) Rv Á T(t) Á [AP(t)x0Á378E(t)] +bp+q+r+s+u+v+1year; (3)

. x1 x1 where Rv is a specific gas constant (461 5Jkg K ), where Y denotes the number of cases, b is the Poisson and E is the saturated vapour pressure of water at a regression coefficient, MT is mean temperature, RD is temperature T(t). rodent density, p, q, r, s, t and u are lags determined by Monthly surveillance on rodent hosts was conduc- correlation analyses [18, 19], and month is the dummy ted in Changsha, according to the protocol of the variable (the index v goes from v=1tov=12, so there Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. are 12 dummy month variables which are denoted as We conducted a survey of rodent density in residential month_1, month_2, …, month_12); the other vari- areas and fields where rodents were likely to visit each ables are continuous variables that were included in month. There were 19 permanent trapping sites in the the model. We used the stepwise method to include study area (Fig. 1), and at least 200 traps were placed variables as long as there was a significant improve- each night. The survey was conducted over three ment in model fit determined by calculation of the consecutive nights: one trap every 5 m in each row maximum likelihood [20]. Data from January 2005 to with 50 mm between rows. Relative rodent popu- December 2009 were used to develop the model and lation density [8] was measured as the number of data from January 2010 to December 2010 were used

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(a) 40 0·035

No. of cases 35 0·030 Relative rodent density 30 0·025 25 0·020 20 0·015 No. of cases No. 15

0·010 rodent density Relative 10

5 0·005

0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year (b) 40·0 2·0 Mean temperature (°C) Absolute humidity (g/m3) 1·5 35·0 NDVI MEI 1·0 30·0 0·5 25·0 0 20·0 –0·5 15·0 –1·0 value MEI, NDVI 10·0 –1·5

5·0 –2·0

0·0 Temporal variation (mean temperature, absolute humidity) (mean temperature, variation Temporal –2·5 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year (c) 1·8

1·6 Mus musculus Rattus flavipectus 1·4 Rattus norvegicus 1·2



0·6 Relative rodent density Relative 0·4


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year Fig. 2. Temporal variation in environmental variables and the number of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) cases in Changsha, 2005–2010. (a) The number of HFRS cases and rodent density. (b) Environmental variables and (c) the rodent species composition, 2005–2010. MEI, Multivariate El Nin˜ o Southern Oscillation index; NDVI, normalized differ- ence vegetation index.

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to validate the forecasting ability of the model. Model Table 1. Maximum cross-correlation coefficients of diagnosis was performed by pseudo-R2 value and monthly environmental variables and notifications of the residuals of the model. We used a significance level haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: Changsha, of 0.05 in all the analyses. We used Stata software China, 2005–2010 (version 10.0, StataCorp LP, USA) to perform all the analyses. Maximum Lag values Variable coefficient (month)

Mean temperature 0.316* 1 Rainfall 0.283* 2 RESULTS Absolute humidity 0.234* 2 MEI 0.397** 6 There were 387 HFRS cases in Changsha during the NDVI value study period, giving an annual average incidence of Rice paddies 0.321* 2 . 1 02/100 000. We observed a peak of HFRS in winter Orchards 0.346** 2 (November–January). Figure 2 shows the temporal Forest land 0.282* 2 variation in environmental variables and the distri- Residence 0.334** 1 bution of cases during the study period. A total of MEI, Multivariate El Nin˜ o Southern Oscillation index; 44 206 traps were set and 718 rodents were captured NDVI, Normalized difference vegetation index. from 2005 to 2010. The rodents, belonging to three * P<0.05, ** P<0.01. species, were captured in residential areas, industrial sites and in rural sites. Rattus norvegicus (55.58%) and Mus musculus (34.95%) were the most predomi- Table 2. Parameters estimated by time-series adjusted nant species captured, with R. flavipectus representing Poisson regression for haemorrhagic fever with renal 9.47% of the total (Fig. 2c). syndrome in Changsha* In the study area, mean temperature, rainfall, Variable IRR 95% CI P absolute humidity, MEI, and NDVI value for rice paddies, orchards, forest land and residential areas No. of cases, 3-month lag 0.927 0.884–0.972 0.002 . . . . were significantly correlated with the monthly notified Rodent density, 2-month lag 1 333 1 063–1 674 0 013 . . . . number of HFRS cases with a lag time of 1–6 months MEI, 6-month lag 1 664 1 315–2 104 0 001 Year of onset 1.158 1.026–1.306 0.017 (Table 1). The Poisson regression model showed that the IRR, Incidence rate ratio; MEI, multivariate El Nin˜ o occurrence of HFRS cases was third-order auto- Southern Oscillation index. regressive, indicating that the number of notified cases * Dummy variables for month were included in the final in the current month was related to the numbers of model. cases occurring in the previous 1, 2 and 3 months (Table 2). Season and long-term trends also made a contribution to the number of disease notifications. the 1-year forecast (Fig. 3a). Figure 3b compares After controlling for autocorrelation, seasonality, and observed numbers of HFRS cases with predicted long-term trend, relative rodent density at a lag of numbers from the fitted model; the pseudo-R2 value 2 months and MEI at a lag of 6 months appeared to for the fitted model was 74.09%. The mean relative play significant roles in the transmission of HFRS. prediction error of the model was 22.19% and the The final Poisson regression model suggests that a standard error of the model prediction was 1.48. In 1-unit increase in rodent density may be associated the diagnosis of the residuals of the model, a random with a 33.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 6.3–67.4] distribution was observed with no significant auto- increase in HFRS cases and 1–unit MEI increase correlation observed (Fig. 4a, b). Figure 4(c, d) shows may be associated with 66.4% (95% CI 31.5–210.4) the histogram and the normal probability quantile- increase in HFRS cases, respectively (Table 2). quantile (Q-Q) plots of the residual data. The Q-Q Only final parameter estimates of regression are pre- plot shows the ordered values of data vs. the corre- sented. sponding quantiles of a standard normal distribution, As shown in Figure 3, the estimated/expected i.e. a normal distribution with mean zero and stan- number of cases from the final model fits reasonably dard deviation 1. We used the Kolmogorov–Smirnov well for Changsha for the period 2005–2009, as did statistical test for normality of the distribution

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(a) 20 Observed cases January 2005–December 2010 Predicted cases 18 Fitted cases 16




No. of cases No. 8




0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Date (January)

(b) 20


10 Predicted cases


0 0 5 10 15 20 Observed cases Fig. 3. Observed vs. predicted haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome cases in Changsha: (a) temporal dynamics and (b) scatterplot.

(D=0.148, P<0.001), and the results indicated that the rodent host population that has the greatest effect the residuals were normally distributed. on HFRS transmission. The time-series adjusted Poisson model suggests that the rodent density [12] and the MEI are important predictors of the intensity of HFRS transmission in the study area. We also DISCUSSION found that the number of new cases in a given month Our study investigated the association between HFRS could be related to the number of cases in previous infection and rodent density. Findings from this months, which is of great importance in the prediction analysis indicate that although temperature, rainfall, of epidemics and for disease prevention by health absolute humidity, and NDVI are correlated with the authorities [19]. For example, our findings will be number of HFRS cases, the climatic and environ- helpful in providing an early warning system for con- mental variables may not have a direct effect on trolling rodent density and managing the high-risk HFRS incidence. It is likely that those variables play a population prior to potential outbreaks, once a po- role in HFRS transmission mainly through their effect tential increase in HFRS cases has been detected by on the rodent population and that it is the density of the HNDSS. Our findings also support the application

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(a) (b) 1·0 1·0

0·5 0·5

0·0 0·0

–0·5 –0·5 Autocorrelation function Autocorrelation Partial autocorrelation function –1·0 –1·0 12345678910 12345678910 Lag (month) Lag (month)

(c) (d ) 3 25 2 20 1 15 0


Expected normal –1 Frequency

5 –2

–3 0 –4·00 –2·00 0·00 2·00 4·00 6·00 –5·0 –2·5 0·0 2·5 5·0 Residuals Residuals Fig. 4. (a) Autocorrelation and (b) partial autocorrelation of residuals in Changsha, and the distribution of (c) residuals and (d) Q-Q plot of residuals. The dotted lines in panels (a) and (b) indicate the upper and lower 95% confidence intervals.

of time-series adjusted Poisson regression analysis to MEI was used as an indicator of the climate pattern better understand the complex relationship between in Changsha, an important variation for character- environmental factors and rodent-borne infectious izing changing patterns of epidemic situations diseases [19]. [29–31]. This result indicated that the epidemic in the Climatic factors affect the dynamics and activities study area may be affected by large-scale climatic of rodents [21] and infection by hantaviruses [4, 7, variation. A possible reason could be that MEI in- 22, 23]. We used absolute humidity, instead of relative tegrates the climatic information and reflects the humidity because the former can be of greater bio- cycle and nature of the climate in Changsha at a logical significance for many organisms [24, 25]. relatively large scale. MEI may be a good indicator Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual water va- for climatic variables, which may affect the intensity pour pressure of air to equilibrium or saturation of of epidemics. Furthermore, it can also reduce the vapour pressure of air, whereas absolute humidity is number of variations in the model, thus avoiding the actual water vapour content of air irrespective problems of collinearity [32]. of temperature. Absolute humidity and rainfall can The lushness of the vegetation may reflect the level affect the transmission of rodent-borne diseases of biomass and potentially impact the transmission mainly through their effect on the growth of veg- of HFRS [33]. The NDVI value is closely correlated etation [26, 27]. with the number of HFRS cases in rice paddies Climate in China, particularly southern China, is (r=0.271, P<0.01), orchards (r=0.346, P<0.01), the affected greatly by ENSO, which is the most import- forest (r=0.269, P<0.01) and in residential areas ant ocean atmosphere phenomenon [28]. In this study, (r=0.334, P<0.01). In our study although the NDVI

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is significantly correlated with the number of HFRS Science and Technology Planning Project of Hunan cases, it was not significant in the final Poisson model, Province, China (2010SK3007) and the Key Subject indicating that vegetation status may affect HFRS Construction Project of Hunan Normal University incidence indirectly through its effect on the rodent (geographical information systems). The funders had reservoir. no role in study design, data collection and analysis, Following the hypothesis that a greater number of decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. reservoir hosts may lead to higher HFRS incidence, due to the higher transmission rate to human [12], the monthly rodent density was shown to play an DECLARATION OF INTEREST important role in HFRS transmission in Changsha None. (Table 2) with a 2-month lag. Rodent dynamics in turn are influenced by many aspects in the environ- ment. Thus, by monitoring rodent density we can REFERENCES predict potential epidemics ahead of time thus allow- 1. Clement J, et al. A unifying hypothesis and a single ing opportunities for controlling the disease, and even name for a complex globally emerging infection: preventing the epidemic. The monitoring data show hantavirus disease. European Journal of Clinical Micro- that M. musculus and R. norvegicus are the predomi- biology & Infectious Diseases 2012; 31: 1–5. nant virus host species, indicating that by killing and 2. Luo CW, Chen HX. Study on the factors influenced controlling these rodent hosts in an area can reduce epidemic of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome [in Chinese]. Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control the disease. 2003; 14: 451–454. An advantage of this study was the integration of 3. Papa A, Bojovic B, Antoniadis A. Hantaviruses in Serbia climatic variables with other environmental variables and Montenegro. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2006; including data on the rodent host reservoir to give a 12: 1015–1018. more complete epidemiological analysis of the dis- 4. Yan L, et al. Landscape elements and Hantaan virus- related hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, People’s ease. Some potential time-related confounding vari- Republic of China. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2007; ables, e.g. seasonality, lagged effects, long-term trend 13: 1301–1306. and autocorrelation, have been controlled in the 5. Fang L, et al. Spatial analysis of hemorrhagic fever with regression analysis. We also recognize certain limita- renal syndrome in China. BMC Infectious Diseases tions of the study, including issues relating to poten- 2006; 6: 77. tial underreporting of cases, the use of monthly data, 6. Fang LQ, Zhao WJ, de Vlas SJ. Spatiotemporal dy- namics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, and lack of data on socioeconomic status, which plays Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Emerging Infectious an important role in the transmission of infectious Diseases 2009; 15: 2043–2045. disease. Furthermore, as a population-level study, 7. Wei L, et al. Using geographic information system- the potential problem of ecological fallacy is always based ecologic niche models to forecast the risk of unavoidable in a study of this kind. hantavirus infection in Shandong Province, China. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that 2011; 84: 497–503. antecedent patterns of relative rodent density and 8. Guan P, et al. Investigating the effects of climatic vari- MEI were the key determinants of HFRS trans- ables and reservoir on the incidence of hemorrhagic mission in Changsha. This method can also be ex- fever with renal syndrome in Huludao City, China: panded and applied to other new epidemic foci in a 17-year data analysis based on structure equation China and provide a predictive capacity for HFRS model. BMC Infectious Diseases 2009; 9: 109. 9. Bi P, et al. Seasonal rainfall variability, the incidence of epidemics. hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, and prediction of the disease in low-lying areas of China. American Journal of Epidemiology 1998; 148: 276–281. 10. Clement J, et al. Relating increasing hantavirus ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS incidences to the changing climate: the mast connec- This work was supported by the Key Discipline tion. International Journal of Health Geographics 2009; 8:1. Construction Project in Hunan province (2008001), 11. Zhang WY, et al. Predicting the risk of hantavirus the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial infection in Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Education Department (11K037), Hunan Provincial American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Natural Science Foundation of China (11JJ3119), 2009; 80: 678–683.

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