Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171


Anggita Rachmanantya1, Sari Wahyuni2*, Andi Nurrohman3, Anansya Ralia4, Aniek Martono5

1,2,3,4,5 Universitas Indonesia


Leaders are very important for organizations and businesses. The various characters of leaders can determine the success of an organization due to their role and responsibility for planning, organizing, and decision-making of organizational strategies to achieve their goals. One of the leaders whose characteristic is quite interesting and possibly become our role models is , a co-founder of Inc. The researchers used qualitative research methods by descriptive research in explaining Larry Page style of leadership in leading Google Inc. Result of this study shows that Larry Page has a very open and equal way of leading, making him a democratic and transformational leader for an instance Larry believe in crazy ideas of their employees since he believes that insane ideas could change the world whereas not all the leaders can trust their subordinate. To hear the ideas, Larry always encourages his subordinate to speak up at every opportunity and instantly give them constructive feedback.

Keywords: Larry Page, leadership style, transformational, democratic, Google Inc., organizational behavior.

I. INTRODUCTION businesses for planning and organizing their Leadership is defined as a process activities to achieve their objectives. The whereby individual influences a group of success of an organization mostly depends on individuals to achieve a common goal the capability of leaders to lead the (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010). It also defines as organization. Learning more about some of the ability to influence and motivate people the things that make people become strong within organizations (Dorfman and House, leaders is one way of potentially improving 2004; House et al., 1999; Javidan and Carl, our skills. In the globalization and modern era 2005). Leadership also can occur at multiple where everyone is connected, in the sense that levels in an organization such as at the everyone can always communicate and individual level, for example, leadership exchange information, and at any time involves mentoring, coaching, inspiring, and changes can occur in the world, our motivating. Furthermore, leaders also build organizations and businesses must have the teams, generate cohesion, and resolve right leader. conflicts at the group level; finally, leaders This study is trying to portray the role of a build culture and generate change at the leader who has successfully led his organizational level. Therefore, leaders are organization and develop a sustainable very important for organizations and competitive advantage for their company. We

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Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

choose Larry Page, a co-founder of Google Inc., through motivation to encourage followers or a leading multinational company in the field of workers’ satisfaction in carrying out their job. Internet services and products such as search In the other words, leadership is a skill that technology, web computing, software, online involves a process of influence (House & advertising. He is constantly on the go waiting Mitchell, 1975). The process of influence will to change Google for the better. have resulted in followers’ performance. Some Google's success is inseparable from its experts argued that the process of influence leader leadership styles, including Larry consists of the influence to the organization or Page’s style of leading. Larry Page's leadership corporate culture which had implications for style and skills may not be fully able, followed, employee commitment, job satisfaction and and applied in our organization or company. thus affected employee performance results At least Larry Page's profile and track records (Morales, Barrionuevo, & Gutiérrez, 2012). can be an example and reference for us as Therefore, leadership is considered as the key leaders. Its application is relative and element that determines the results of situational following our culture, organizational performance and success organizational or corporate conditions, (Wang & et al, 2005). environment or market, and the resources, Other studies suggest the process of how also much depending on our personality as the leadership can influence their followers. The leader. first stage is choosing the right people for the organization. Choosing the right people means choosing people who fit the organization's II. LITERATURE REVIEW values (organization fit) and people who are To analyze Larry Page’s style of leadership, we compatible with the job/position that will be conducted a literature review as the basis of their responsibility (Collins, 2002). Choosing our analysis. This literature review consists of the right people is a very important step in a discussion about the concept of leadership determining organizational success. The next as well as the leadership style that has been step is providing other means and resources identified by the experts and exists for the for followers to complete their jobs. Also, current years. leaders may hold training to improve the followers' skills as well as building followers' The Concept of Leadership self-efficacy (Winston & Patterson, 2006). The The study of leadership has captured the leader will have the power or ability to public's attention, especially the attention of influence their followers to achieve the experts for several centuries. It means that the organization’s goals when the followers have study of leadership has become an important inline values with the organization and have discussion in human life. This is a form of the means to improve their skills and self- public response to the assumption that efficacy (Hersey, 1997). Leadership then can leadership is the key element of business or contribute to building followers' positive organizational success. Therefore, some thoughts towards organizational goals experts try to define the concept of leadership. through these steps (Capezio & Morehouse, However, there is no permanent consensus on 1997). However, the leader’s role in the definition or the concept of leadership. influencing followers is also determined by According to House and Mitchell, leadership is the leadership style of the leader. a skill to influence others or the followers


Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

Leadership Style Idealized influence means that Each leader has their leadership style. transformational leaders can engage According to Puni, Ofeo, and Okoe, leadership followers for aligning their interest with the style can determine the organization’s leader and organization’s interest voluntarily performance and success through a process of (Bass & Avolio, 1994). It will build influences on companies’ culture and commitment as well as confidence in both the interpersonal control through the application leaders and the followers to achieve the of reward and punishment system as well as organization's objectives. Inspirational by giving motivation to individuals to motivation shows that transformational influence their performance (Puni, Ofei, & leaders can communicate the leaders' and Okoe, 2014). Transformational leadership is organization values to the followers through one of the leadership styles that is widely inspirational and motivating ways. In other discussed over the past twenty years (Zhu, words, transformational leaders can be Song, & Johnson, 2019). Transformational inspiring role models for their followers. leadership is considered as the effective Intellectual stimulation means that leaders leadership style to create positive can stimulate the followers’ intellectual performance output from their followers abilities covering creativity, innovativeness, through inspirational ways, motivation as well and the way of thinking on handling as intellectual stimulation (Bass, 1990). Also, challenges and solving problems (Nging & Bass assumed that transformational Yazdanifard, 2015). It can be held by leadership is an accommodative leadership providing certain tasks or challenges to be style for organizations in the globalization era solved by the followers to improve the (Bass, 1997). followers’ ability in problem-solving. A leader with a transformational Meanwhile, individualized consideration leadership style identical to the change. In means that transformational leaders involve other words, transformational leaders are the process of individual analysis and adopt usually like in various levels of the non-judgmental principles in treating their organization that leads to the achievement of followers. It means that transformational organizational goals. The changes are leaders treat followers equally and provide conducted by influencing their followers fair opportunities for individuals to develop through motivation to align vision and values themselves (Bass & Avolio, 1994). Thus, between followers and the organization. The alignment between the leader's vision and motivation can be built by giving fair values with followers will be formed treatments and appreciation for all followers. voluntarily. Even according to Colbert, Kristof Thus, motivation will encourage and support Brown, and Bradley & Barrick, the the process of developing and empowering implementation of cohesion and motivation every follower positively (Carless, Wearing, & instruments can produce an organizational Mann, 2000). Therefore, Bass and Avolio performance at the highest level (Cobert, identify the four main characteristics of Kristof-Brown, Bradley, & Barrick, 2008). transformational leaders, which are idealized Another leadership style that can be influence, inspirational motivation, paired with transformational leadership is intellectual stimulation, and individualized democratic leadership. The basic assumption consideration (Bass & Avolio, 1994). of this leadership style is that every individual is trustworthy and likes challenges and is


Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

responsible. Thus, Jones et al (2016) and III. METHOD Raelin, identified the characteristics of This study was conducted by using democratic leadership with friendliness, qualitative research design methods. helpfulness, and encouragement of According to Wahyuni (2019), qualitative participation (Fiaz, Su, Ikram, & Saqib, 2017). research involves an in-depth understanding Democratic leaders will build a collaborative of human behavior and the reasons that work atmosphere by involving followers in govern human behavior. Yin (2016) stated the decision-making process to encourage and that qualitative research most of all involve develop the followers’ capabilities, studying the meaning of people’s lives, as innovation, and creativity in solving problems. experienced under real-world conditions. This behavior is identical to the intellectual Unlike quantitative research, qualitative stimulation behavior of transformational research relies on reasons behind various leaders. In this way, democratic leaders can aspects of behavior. Simply put, it investigates share their visions and values with their the why and how of decision making, as followers and this situation can build compared to what, where, and when of inspiration and motivation for the followers. quantitative research (Yin, 2003). Hence, the This is in line with the inspirational need is for smaller but focused samples rather motivation characteristics of transformational than large random samples, in which leadership. qualitative research categorizes data into Leaders with a democratic leadership patterns as the primary basis for organizing style also treat their staff/followers fairly by and reporting results. giving individuals the freedom to mingle with This study will compare literature review one another to develop ideas for achieving related to leadership and organization with organizational goals (Chukwusa, 2019). This some secondary data about Larry Page. In this attitude has a relationship with the attitude of case, we are going to answer Larry Page’s style transformational leaders, namely of leadership and its impact on Google. There individualized consideration. Those actions were several steps we conducted to complete will create good relationships between the this research. First, we gain much information leader and their followers and also build about Larry Page, how he leads, and how his followers' respect for their leaders so that leadership style. The data collected through leaders can become idealized influences for literature study by secondary data. This step their followers (Chukwusa, 2019). Based on is aimed at adding our insight about Larry those discussions, we can conclude that Page. Second, we were looking for relevant transformational and democratic leadership leadership concepts or theories as a basis of has four main similar characteristics, those our analysis. Third, we implemented the are idealized influence, inspirational theory of leadership to analyze Larry Page’s motivation, intellectual stimulation, and style of leadership. Fourth, we present our individualized consideration. Therefore, it can analysis result in this research about Larry be analogous that a leader with a Page Style of leadership in leading Google Inc. transformational leadership style can This method was chosen because of the simultaneously concurrently a democratic accessibility problems, where the world is leadership style. going on pandemic COVID-19, and our limited access to Larry Page.


Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION choosing the right people. Therefore, Google Larry Page was born on March 26th, 1973 Inc under Page’s leadership also implemented in Michigan. He grew up around computers this process where the intellectual stimulation and his passion for invention, technology, and process began from its recruitment process by business. He was once Google’s CEO before “choosing the right people.” Choosing the right 2015, an American multinational technology people is conducted by hiring candidates company that specializes in Internet-related through consistent recruitment procedures, services and products, which include online hiring candidates from various backgrounds advertising technologies, a , with a wide range of experience, and cloud computing, software, and hardware. considering the geographic and social- Leadership skills in innovation, patience, and economic aspects (Google, 2020). In other situational approach to employee words, all structures and elements of Google empowerment have helped Larry Page Inc. are constructed to be the representation successfully design Google's governance of the best and chosen global talents to enrich structure (Elmer, 2011). Google’s culture as well as Google Inc.'s The page also acknowledged that he performance. entered the Leader Shape program. It was a On the other side, Larry also provides University Michigan personal development means for the employees or subordinates to program that originated in the early 1990s in improve the process of employees’ the College of Engineering where he went for development. Based on Nging & Yazdanifard college. Page stated that it was an amazing (2015), Larry needs his employees to believe experience that helped him a lot when he in crazy ideas and to accept all ideas because started Google. Leaders might need to take on he believes those ideas could change the one or more approaches to handle world. As a result, he is more likely to hear and organizational changes, in this analysis, we’d include other people’s creative ideas. This like to focus on the transformational & could be one of the forms of intellectual democratic leadership of Larry Page. stimulation since Page encourages their Consider the literature study, one of the subordinates to bring up every little idea they main characteristics of transformational have. On the other hand, gathering insights, leaders is that they like changes. However, ideas, as well as participation from his Larry Page often said that he always wants to followers, are such a way for Larry Page to change the world (Flammang, 2008). This avoid an autocratic leadership style, which is mission is implemented through some the contradiction of the democratic leadership behaviors of transformational leaders. One of style. Therefore, we can say that this character the behaviors of transformational leaders is covers Page as a transformational and intellectual stimulation. However, this democratic leader. Kim Scott a former Google behavior was also adopted by the democratic executive mentioned that one of Larry Page's style of leadership. methods is encouraging employees to speak Intellectual stimulation is defined as up in meetings and offer her constructive having a leader who encourages innovation feedback because honest conversations could and creativity, as well as critical thinking and increase the productivity of team members problem-solving. Consider the literature and leaders could be more informed (Ward, review, the first step of a leader to influence 2017). This might imply Page as a democratic their followers is through a process of leader since he constrains his people to


Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

participate by building comfortable individuals to develop themselves. However, environments such as honest discussions. this individual consideration by upholding Google Inc., under Page’s leadership also equality and avoiding hierarchical systems is constructed an open working environment by also part of the democratic style of leadership. designing its offices, namely Larry page also motivates his employees without cubicles and divider walls between by his actions. Page always shows an divisions or departments to build honest inspirational attitude towards his employees. discussions, encourage participation and Although Page holds the status as the Google therefore build strong teamwork among all Inc. CEO, Page shows a humble and relatively layers of the organization. Google Inc. also simple lifestyle. Other than that, Page avoids built a comfortable working atmosphere by being much exposed. However, Page will providing free lunch, health, and dental care, eventually show up with casual outfits, also some kind of entertainment for wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers in some employees such as football and puzzle playing events. Page even sometimes dressed and facilities. These are intended to make the acted funny in front of his employees by employees more comfortable to spend their wearing capes and leaped onstage time at the Googleplex, therefore, it will (Flammang, 2008). This can foster a sense of increase the communication, sharing session, close relationship with his subordinates and and discussion intensity between all indirectly foster an inspirational motivation employees (Flammang, 2008). High intensity role to the leader as Larry Page did in this case. of honest communication and discussion will Also, Elmer (2011) stated that Google’s lead to the stimulation of creative and success depends upon the following innovative thinking as a part of intellectual leadership strategies of Page that brought stimulation. On the other hand, these systems Google Inc. announced as the best workplace also intended to implement equalitarianism, by Fortune in 2016. Those strategies are: (a) non-elitism, and non-hierarchical principles. To pay attention to the innovative ideas and It means Larry Page treats his employees use the best opportunities to implement them; fairly and equally. (b) To concentrate on teamwork; (c) To avoid As a transformational leader, Page also the use of bureaucracy; (d) To adopt a quick motivates his team with both financial and and concise work structure; (e) To recognize non-financial motivation. Page treats his the importance of small changes within the employees equally and he gives them the organization. freedom to do anything to increase their The motivation theories that Larry Page creativity and productivity. For example, Page uses are Mayo & Herzberg’s theory and provides his employees a program called the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Participative practice “20 percent time”. It's one day in a management is way more encouraging and week to work on projects employees are Page believes that behaving and treating interested in and may benefit the Company. employees is way more important than According to Google Inc.'s philosophy, the making money. On the other hand, in the end, “work should be challenging and the challenge it increased Google's services and protected should be fun” (Flammang, 2008). It shows employee happiness. that Page also puts attention on individual Therefore, alignment between Larry Page consideration in managing his subordinates as a leader and his employees’ interest could because Page provides fair opportunities for be created, then the leader became an


Jurnal Bisnis STRATEGI ● Vol. 29 No. 2 Desember 2020, halaman 134 – 142 P-ISSN : 1410-1246, E-ISSN : 2580-1171

idealized influence for the followers (Bass & leaders are successful and have Avolio, 1994). Besides, according to Keskes transformational and democratic leadership (2014), the adoption of the leadership skills styles. like empowering of employees, situational Larry Page is one of the founders of a approach to innovation and a high degree of world-famous company, Google Inc, he is one patience has helped Page in successfully of the many leaders who use transformational designing the management structure of and democratic leadership styles. Many things Google and has fetched him the title of “50 in his leadership that we should emulate. His highest rated CEOs” by Glass door’s annual transformational and democratic leadership CEO survey. style made him always open with ideas developed by his employees, he also never V. CONCLUSION discriminated against his employees to listen Leadership is a very important thing in to their ideas. Also, with this leadership style, determining the success of a company. A good he can motivate his employees to continue to leader must be able to adjust to the innovate in thinking and finally help Google organization and be able to help his Inc., grow even more. organization to achieve success. In leadership Based on the discussion above, we can theory, many leadership styles that can help conclude the transformational leadership someone to lead the organization, among style and democracy is a good leadership style these leadership styles are transformational if applied in the right organizational culture. and democratic leadership. Leaders with Many people have proven successful in transformational and democratic styles are bringing the company forward and leaders with the ability to influence their developing with this leadership style, one of employees, and they can motivate the which is Larry Page. employee by inspiring them. Many leadership


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