(Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-06-13

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-06-13 NEWS CLIPS ail Serving the University of IoWtJ Iowan Chief Named and the l'eople of 10WtJ City WASHINGTON (II - Gen. John D. £ltabliahed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IJI 1868 10 cent.l a copy Iowa CIty, Iowa ~Friday, JUM H, 1V6\I Ryan, former boss of the Strategic AIr Command and of the Paciftc Air Force, was named Thursday to become the next Air Force chief of staff. A White House announcement saying New Government that President Nixon intends to name Administration Ryan to the post came shortly after his selection was learned unofficially at the Takes NLF Seat pentagon. Ryan is now vice chief to Gen. John P. McConnell, whom be will sue· ceed in the top spot. At Paris Talks Defend UI Policy Ronald L. Ziegler, White House press secretary, announced also Nixon's selec· PARIS (II - Without a word of protest from the United States or Saigon, the \ tion of Gen. Earle G. Wheeler for one more year as chairman of the Joint provisional revolutionary government of Chiefs of Staff, and of Adm. Thomas H. South Vietnam replaced the Viet Cong's On Paise .Alarms Moorer for two more years as chief of National Liberation Front at the Paris By DEBBIE JUNGMAN plinary Illell!Ures, bul no positive decl· peace talks Thursday. naval operations. Of .... I_a High Schell sions were reached. Ryan thus becomes the only new memo It was simply a case of the same faces Ml'nIllsm WOI'Itw, William Binney, Director of Campus ber joinIng the Joint Chiefs this year. with different hats. The new government "We have not taken It lightly and Security, maintained his department WQ Gen. William C. Westmoreland, the four· includes the Viet Cong and groups back· have had a definite improvement this "doing things right" and would continue th member, started a four·year term as ed by the guerrillas and North Vietnam. year," says Philip Hubbard, dean o( the same policies In the future. Army chief of staff only last year. By accepting the new delegation, the r. academic affairs, regarding the Univer­ "Wt ....,.... ... "'-'.... """" two allied governments averted what sity's attitudes and policles concerning tIMrt I.... larm," IIMey .~lnteI. * * * might have developed into a major con· false fire alarms. troversy. They declared that the change "We are In full agreement 'fitb the Harvard Blasted was one of name only and that it would His statement came in response to a Univenity'! actions to date," comment· statement by City Manager Frank Smll· ed Richard Trumpe, ualatant dean of CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (ofI - An expeUed ~ave 110 eUect on 'the character of the Harvard senior, allowed to address the talks. ey, who recently accused the Univer­ atudellt Iffaln. sity's policy on the matter .. being 318th commencement Thursday lIS a rep­ He pointed out that there had been Mrs. Nguyen ThI Binh, the 41-year~ld "substantially less than ntl5factory." resentative of the militant Students for foreign minister in the new government, a eo per cent decrease In the number , a Democratic Society, called the exer· took over the NLF seat as the head of No city representatives were present of false alarms this year In comparison cises atrocious and obscene and attack· the delegation. She succeeds Tran Buu at the meetinll . with last year, but, becaUM of a beavy ed Harvard and those who run it as Kiem, who is leaving to become minis· University dormitory and administra· concentratlon 01 IIUch prankl during the enemies of the poor. ter for the regime's presidency. tive personnel discussed at a meeting month of May, the Issue had been mag· ,.. The senior, Bruce C. Allen, 22, of Cin· nlfied. She formally notified the assembled Thursday a recent threat by Smiley to cinnati, who did not get a degree be· disconnect the dormitory fire warning Hubltinl ..III he thtutht tilt Unlver· delegates that the NLF had transferred ,ity', ."....,.. pollcitt cenc.rnlng lIN. cause he is under suspension, said, "Har· all its state functions to the provisional sysLem If the false alarms persisted. vard is run by the men who profit from v.ntlon If fa'" altrms IMMI bttft He- government, Including foreign relations "H.', not going to turn off tilt .1.,..,. quate. • ~ the things we oppose - the Vietnam war, and control of the Paris delegation . ,y.tem," com minted Gerald lurkl, ... racism, slums, the lies people are Il.tant director at Hillcrett. The installation of g1w protectors taught." She al ...tated, "Today .t this tenlon over alarm levers w cited by Tnlmpe To a chorus of boos and hoots , he said, our delegation .....llmnly declarel itl He explained that Smiley could not legally prevent the alarm from alerting a 8 "psychological deterrent to lOme "When we fight Harvard . we are will to continut negotiation. with t h • pranksters." other parti.s at the conf.r.nc .... dormitory occupants in case of an fighting to stop the very real and feroci· 1111$ is evident, Trompe said, wben Ambassador Lawrence E. Walsh, sit· emergency. ous attacks Harvard - in service to the He can, however, Burke continued, you compare 49 false reports during th men who run it - makes on the people ting in for the United States in the ab­ 1967.e8 academic year when the covers sence of Henry Cabot Lodge, also stress­ prevent the alarm from reaching the of the world every day." main station, and whether he would or were not In use, to 19 such incidenl! ed the need for getting down to give·and· during the past year, aft r the covers take discussions. will is his own personal decision. * * * Phil Connell, assistant to University had been installed. Highway Unit Hit ''WI .rt rudy to negotiate," hi Slid. Pres. Howard Howen, cited one of the Trulnpo al .. mentlontdthe poItlng .. The set speeches on the Midway Is· purposes of the meeting as being an wlrnl", II,nl In an the dorlnitory 11111. IOWA CITY (ofI - An Iowa legislator A S.n Fr,nclsco firem.n ...ms to be land meeting between President Nixon attempt to put Smiley's comments to ................ tt tffIt..... Thursday accused members of the Iowa and South Vietnamese President Nguyen trying • new ",.y to k.. p cool Thurs­ ,....,.It day, but actually h,'s jUlt trying .. the University "into a proper perspec· "Il is our intention that these sl8l15 Highway Commission of becoming mere· Van Thieu, and the usual restated p0- tive." Iy the front men for the private indus­ sitions on the withdrawal of outside subdue. gushing water hydrant In .... be adequately po ted," laid Connell. downtown ar ... Another fireman (not The University Is deflnlttly Iympa· tries they are trying to regulate. troops from South Vietnam, however, th,tic with the city r.. anll.. fal .. They are immediately replaced If mu· State Rep. Edward Mezvinsky (D·Iowa in picture) was trying to .hut off .... were overshadowed by the change at the Dry Was alarml, h, IBid, but he tddtcI he tilated or removed. City) said he would ask for public hear­ How I flow and didn't want to get wet, so thl. conference table. WIS ne.d .. 0 on will ever think th pre "I ings on the commission's decision to accommodating lire man rushed to hi' thought thert no to InnoVl" aid . Tht hydr.nt "'IS knocked off It, any ntw pollclo. conclrnlng the mat· poUcl are sufficient until there are n. rescind punishment of four truck firms ter. false alarms," noted Burke. I" with records of overload violations. * * * base by ,n automobilt. - AP Wir.photo Two or three new uggestlons wer Even the dllcDnnectlDn DI the warn· "The pub I i c should ask: why were made concerning po ible fulure disci· these truck lines not punished as provid· Discussions Start ing IYlttm would not .Htct the numbtr ed by law; why the reported p r i vat e 01 Incldonts, he m.lnl.lnteI. lunch meetings with the truckers and On Withdrawal "This phenomenon will happen in spit ,I their paid lobbyists, and who picked up Negative Income Tax Planned- of our efforts," he said. the tab?" Mezvinsky said. The contents of a po Ible reply to Of U.S. Troops Smiley were also discussed 8t Ihe me t· ing, according to Burke. 1i:lllmllmlmlllllllllllllmlllllllllllm~IIIII~lllllllmllIlmlmllmmmllllllllmlllllllll~ HONOLULU, Hawaii (ofI- A task force of military and civilian officials met with Strings Attached to Surtax Binney described thi particular seg· the Pacific commander Thursday to work m~nt of the dlscu: 'Ion as bemg confi· Apollo 11 out detaUs for withdrawing 25,000 U.S. WASHINGTON (ofI - Relief for lowest· that no family at the officially deter· But Boggs said a number of exc plions dential troops from South Vietnam by the end of income taxpayers was tied to a bill ex· mined poverty level would be liable to are under consideration . There has been Hubbard , who called the Thursday August. tending the surtax Thursday after a bid tax. For incomes above that level. the pressure for continuing some investment meeting , told The Daily Iowan Wednes· To Orbit Moon Representatives o[ the armed services, for quick congressional approval of Pres· allowance would scale down and disap­ credit for small bu ines e , for equip. day night that the press would be Ilel· · the Saigon command, the joint staff and ident Nixon's anti-inflation program . pear. come. transportation organizations opened the The House Ways and Means Commit· For example: A family. 01 four now-- I. HDwever, two admlnlltr.lor. ., tht tee agreed informally on the package , On Ju~y 16 three-day conference at Camp H. M. considered to be at the poverty It"'ll if Market Slides Again m.
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