STONDON MASSEY PARISH COUNCIL “Westview”, Nine Ashes Road, Stondon Massey, Brentwood, , CM15 0EL Tel: 01277 822966 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2010 at the Village Hall, Stondon Massey. The meeting began at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr Pratt (Chairman), Cllr Mann, Cllr Woodburn, Cllr West, Cllr Cllr Paul Bonnett

Six parishioners attended.

Also present were the outgoing Clerk, Mrs A. Middlehurst and the incoming Clerk, Mrs Heidi Angove, Dr A Naylor and Ward Councillor Keeble

01/10. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from, Cllr Nye, Cllr Henwood

02/10. Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 19th January 2010

These were agreed by all and signed by the Chairman.

03/10. Declarations of Interest

None received.

04/10. Introduction of New Clerk

Heidi Angove introduced.

05/10. Public Participation/Open Meeting

Parishioners raised continued concerns regarding Clapgate and the HGV’s using the estate, particularly dangerous parking in Chivers Road. Chairman confirmed e mail response from Brentwood Borough Council and action to be taken during the coming week.

Another Parishioner raised issue that lorries are not permitted to collect recycling but large lorries are using Clapgate Estate. Chairman to raise with Brentwood Borough Council.

Chairman advised site meeting to take place regarding proposed bridleway from Kelvedon.

06/10. County and Borough Councillor’s Report

Councillor Naylor reported:

Leca Site – lorries are still using the site resulting in road needing repairs, Clerk to liaise with Epping Forest District Council.


STONDON MASSEY PARISH COUNCIL “Westview”, Nine Ashes Road, Stondon Massey, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0EL Tel: 01277 822966 email: [email protected]

06/10. County and Borough Councillor’s Report (continued)

Planning Permission runs out at Heatherland Greenwaste Composting at the end of 2010, a temporary licence has been granted from February to November 2010. Councillor Naylor to keep Stondon Massey Parish Council updated.

Councillor Keeble to speak to Peter Rose of Brentwood Borough Council regarding a possible width restriction on Chivers Road.

07/10. Clerk’s Report

Planning Update

Plans Approved

None received.

Refused by BBC

Plans Received by BBC

Grove side, School Road, , BRW/84/2010 Crawfords, Nine Ashes Road, Stondon Massey, BRW92/2010

Enforcements from BBC

Land opposite St Peter and Paul Church, Ongar Road, Stondon Massey ENF/BRW/28/2010

Possible harmful development on land within the Metropolitan Green Belt

Reports have been received indicating that this land had been sold for rapid development. It is a piece of open countryside adjoining a “listed” church. The church is listed as the equivalent of Grade1. The open countryside has a gently rolling character with fields divided by mature hedgerows containing trees. The area is lightly wooded. There is a scatter of dwellings but the overall character is of attractive countryside. The area is defined as a special landscape area. Officers are concerned that the potential development of the site could conflict with the desire to retain the openness of Metropolitan Green Belt land. This is an important attribute in relation to the Metropolitan Green Belt. Development which would otherwise be lawful could be part of an overall development which harms the character of the land.

Officers have acted under Standing Order 40 to place an Article 4 Direction on the land. This was issued on 5th February 2010 and will remain in force for 6 months until such a time as the Direction 2

STONDON MASSEY PARISH COUNCIL “Westview”, Nine Ashes Road, Stondon Massey, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0EL Tel: 01277 822966 email: [email protected]

is confirmed by the Minister. In the event it is not confirmed it will then lapse. The Direction requires planning permission to be applied for as to issues such as gates, walls and fences and controls other areas such as 28 day uses of the land, temporary caravan uses on the land and the creation of new agricultural or forestry tracks. This item is reported for information.

Appeals received by BBC

None received.

Other Planning Information:

None received.

08/10. Correspondence

EALC – Update No. 73.

Received letter from Brentwood Borough Council regarding Budget setting process 2010/2011.

09/10. Update on Parish Magazine and Youth Council

Youth Council –Councillor Woodburn confirmed she would look into Youth Bank Funding, as requested by County Councillor, Dr A Naylor.

Parish Magazine – this will be printed in the next two to three weeks. Cost to be covered by advertisers for this edition.

10/10. Update on Fete

Sponsorship – Councillor Blackmore requested a list of advertisers from the Parish Magazine. £105.00 has been received from Stall bookings to date. Flyers have been printed and distributed. Next fete meeting will be held on Thursday 18th February 2010. Expenses to date include £125.00 for Hawks and Owls and £85.00 for printing of flyers. Alan Bosworth from ASF Security kindly agreed to sponsor the Hawks and Owls.

Essex Hire Company have donated a 5KVA generator and will have a stand on the day.

11/10. Decision on the Grasscutting for 2010

After reviewing the three quotations, it was unanimously agreed to proceed with MD Landscapes for one year.


STONDON MASSEY PARISH COUNCIL “Westview”, Nine Ashes Road, Stondon Massey, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0EL Tel: 01277 822966 email: [email protected]

12/10. Village Tidy and Silt Clearance

A date of Saturday 13th March was agreed. Local Contractor Ricky Oliver volunteered to move silt. Chairman to provide black bags, high visability vests have been donated.

It was agreed to put posters on noticeboards, in Church and at Bricklayers Arms.

13/10. Presentation of Accounts

The following accounts were presented for payment:

1. A. Middlehurst – Clerk’s Salary February £401.50 2. HM Revenue and Customs – Clerk’s NI and Tax February £108.34 3. Acumen Wages Services – Clerk’s Salary Slip February £20.56 4. M Swaine – Shopping Bus, January and February £200.00 5. D I Lewis Stationery – Flyers for Village Fete £85.00 6. Brentwood Borough Council Membership subscription £30.00 7. Stondon Massey Village Hall – April 2009 – April 2010 Hire £198.00

The Clerk advised that Richard Morris had confirmed receipt of £149.01 from 2009 Poppy Appeal.

16/10. Matters for the Next Meeting

Councillor Bonnett requested a review of current street lighting arrangements.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 16th March 2010 at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 9.05pm. Signed……………………………… Date…………………………………