Société canadienne des études classiques / Classical Association of Canada Virtual Annual Conference May 25 – May 28, 2021 (all times in Eastern Daylight Saving Time / fuseau horaire : heure de l’Est d’été)

Programme (sans présidents de visioconférence) / Program (without chairs of the videoconferences)

mardi / Tuesday May 25 mai mercredi / Wednesday May 26 mai jeudi / Thursday May 27 mai vendredi / Friday May 28 mai 11 a.m. Roman Comedy and Poetry (Session) Late Antiquity (Session) Espace géographique et espace littéraire Greek Religion (Session)  Mazzara, Rachel (University of  Raschle, Christian, (Université de (Table ronde)  Canlas, Gino (University of Alberta), Toronto), Incest and the Comic Plot in Montréal) The provincial capitals and Anne-France Morand (Head of panel) Broken Anchor: the Failure of the Cult Plautus’ Poenulus their socio-political dynamics in the  Downie, Janet (UNC Chapel Hill) of the Mother of the Gods in Thessaly  Dunning, Susan (University of Later Roman Empire Alternate Cartographies in  Daniels, Megan J. (University of British Oxford), The Deifier’s Gaze? The  Lougheed, Christopher ( University of Xenophon’s Ephesiaka Columbia), Divinizing Death at the Gender and Power Dynamics of Winnipeg), Retrieving and misfiling  Voyer, Martin (Laval), Le lieu de la Sanctuary of Orthia: Rethinking the Divine Associations in Plautus’s state papers in late antiquity bataille : espace réel et imaginaire Corpus of Ivory Plaques Comedies  Watson, Cristalle (University of British dans la polémique engagée par  Giroux, Chandra (McGill University),  Hill, Jesse (), Columbia), Timaean Double-Circle Aelius Aristide contre Platon et ses Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, it Furius Bibaculus, Valerius Cato, and Spiral Structure in the Consolatio adeptes Grows in Herbs Picked by the Wisdom of Ennius (fr. 84 Hollis) Philosophiae  Morand, Anne-France (Laval), Galien Slaves: Money and Religion in et la ville de Pergame Chaironeia  Robert, Maryse (Laval), Une romanité grecque : l’importance de la cité d’Athènes dans l’avènement de l’empereur Julien

12 p.m. Classics and Comics (Session) Women's Network : CoViD-19 and Greek Law (Session) The Classical Tradition (Session)  Pistone, Amy (Gonzaga University), marginalized groups “roundtable” (Panel)  McLean, Laura (University of Alberta),  Weir, Robert (), Circe in Comics: Friend, Foe, Female Euphiletus the Guilty: the Use of How Shakespeare Read his Horace Empowerment? Torture in Lysias 1  O'Brien, Peter (King’s  Nugent, Mark (University of Victoria),  Parker, Edward (University of University Halifax), A Representation of Graphic Nostoi: ODY-C, Violence, Toronto), The Dikastic Oath and the Canada in 16th Century Neo-Latin Epic and the Politics of Gender-Flipping Construction of Piety in Athenian  Yuzwa, Zachary (University of  Kovacs, George (), Forensic Oratory Saskatchewan), In occiduis terris: Iphigenia and Rule 63  Mirhady, David (Simon Fraser Rewriting the Classics in Early University), Oath and Torture in the  Swain, Nathalie (University of Bristol), Canadian Minding the Gaps in Ovid’s Amores Doloneia 1 p.m. The Foremothers of Classics in Canada Luncheon : Annual Meeting of the Women’s Luncheon : Graduate Students Caucus Luncheon : Classics and Climate change (Panel) Network  Eleanor Irwin: Three little-known women Classicists in Canadian universities: Mary L. Macdonnell, Frances M.H. Norwood and J. Winifred Alston  Melissa Funke: Geneva Misener, Foremother of Classics in Alberta and Suffragette  Emily Varto: The Professor’s Wife: Women’s Unrecognized Labour at the Origins of Near Eastern and Classical  Lea Stirling: Women and Classics at the University of Manitoba, the first half-century

Victoria Austen (Head of the panel) 2 p.m. Is it just me ? How not to lose your mental Classics and Social Justice (Presidential Meet the Editors of Museion and Phoenix Let’s Drink ! Beer or Wine ? (Session) health in Academia (Panel) Panel) (Graduate Panel)  Romney, Jessica (MacEwan Allison Glazebrook (Head of panel) University) , What’s so Bad about Dr. Laurel Bowman (University of Victoria)  Blouin, Katherine (University of “Wine from Barley”? Moderator, Introduction Toronto), Doing Classics on  Solez, Kevin (Memorial University New  Dr. Debra Gilin (St. Mary’s University, Indigenous Land Foundland), A Late Antique Recipe for Occupational )  Murray, Jackie (University of Beer: Ethnographic Parallels from  Dr. Victoria Wyatt (University of Kentucky), Classics in Black Ethiopia Victoria Faculty Association)  Rabinowitz, Nancy (Hamilton  Dr. Rohini Bannerjee (Saint Mary’s College), Whose Classics? Or University Faculty Union president) Classics and Social Justice  Alison Barclay (Saint Mary’s  Suksi, Aara (University of Western University), Q&A moderator ), Homer's Iliad and the Politics of Anger: Experiential Learning in Public Humanities.  Respondant / répondant : Rick Castle ( University of California, Santa Barbara) 3 p.m. Thucydides and Xenophon (Session) City Life in Rome (Session) Archaeology (Session) Assemblée générale annuelle / Annual  Simonsen, Kathryn (Memorial  Naylor, Matthew (University of British  Stark, Taylor (University of Toronto), General Meeting University), ὀργή and θυμός: Violent Columbia), The ‘Being-Built’ Centring the Periphery: Passions in Thucydides Environment: The Impact of Reconceptualizing Mycenaean  Steinbock, Bernd (Western Construction on Lived Experience in Influence in Late Bronze Age University), Working through Trauma: the City of Rome Thessaly Thucydides and the Empathic  Sundaram, Mark, (Thorneloe  Haagsma, Margriet, et al. (University Unsettlement of the Reader University at ), of Alberta), Mapping Marginality:  Trépanier, Marie-Hélène (University Hinc maxima porro accepit Roma: results of the 2019 Central Achaia of Calgary), Xenophon in Spatiotemporal Metaphor in Latin Phthiotis Survey the Anabasis : "The" or "A" perfect  Davidson, Christine (McMaster leader? University), Least Cost Path Models in Landscape Archaeology  Harvey, Craig (Wilfried Laurier University), Opulence on the Edge of Empire: Imitation Marble Veneering in the Roman Fort at Hauarra (Modern Humayma, Jordan) 4 p.m. Teaching Classics (Session) Film discussion : Archaeology and Performance of Ancient Music  Reeves, Barbara (Queen's University Plundering Bettina de Joy Guzman Kingston), Queen’s University’s First Tim Slade, The Destruction of Memory USA Professor: Peter Colin Campbell, 2016 (Vast Productions USA Inc.) Professor of Classical Literature”  Higgins, Sabrina (Simon Fraser University), Peopling the Past: An Educational, Open-Access Resource Centering Real People in the Ancient Mediterranean  Furtado, Kat (University of Toronto), Playing with Dead Languages: Theorising Back-Translation in the Classics 5 p.m. Roman Religion (Session) Gender Studies (Session) Apotropeia and Revelation in the Garden  McCarthy, Matthew (University of  Racette-Campbell, Melanie (Session) Bristish Columbia), Ritual Innovation (), Roman  Ripat, Pauline (University of and Substitution Sacrifice in Roman Manliness After the Republic Winnipeg), Apotropaia and Human Africa  Poletti, Beatrice (Queen's University Property in Roman Society  Amiro, Fae (McMaster University/ Kingston), The Enemy’s Brides:  DeMone, Brittany (University of Crake Doctoral Fellow Mount Allison Diplomacy and Female Agency in Calgary), Moving Beyond Surprise: University), Sabina’s Assimilation with Dion. Hal. RA 2.30-2.46 (The The Shocked Satyr and the Isis on Alexandrian Coins Abduction of the Sabine Women) Revelation of Hermaphroditus  Meshel, Liz (University of British  Vasconcellos Amaral, Flavia  Hughes, Lisa A. (University of Columbia), Aplu: Etruscan God or (University of Toronto), Leaving Calgary), Dionysian Themes and the Commercial Translation husband and children behind – The Botany of Pompeian Theatre Gardens voice of the wife and mother in Greek dialogue epigrams 6 p.m. Roman Generals : Aemilius Paullus and Greek Literature : Sulla  Mattison, Kathryn, (McMaster  Brisson, Pierre-Luc (McGill University), Athens and Thebes in University), Aemilius Paullus Before Oedipus at Colonus (abstract | the People: Public Opinion and handout| video) Foreign Policy in the 2nd Century  Carawan Edwin (Missouri State BCE University), Rigging the "Judgment of  Dwyer, Justin (University of British Arms" (abstract | handout | video) Columbia), In Loving Memory of  Huard, Warren (University of Terence's Hecyra: A New Historicist Winnipeg), Ἀρετή and the Choice of Reading of the Comic Productions at the Choice of Herakles (abstract | the Funeral Games of L. Aemilius handout | video) Paullus  Glass, R. Gillian (University of British  Kleinman, Brahm (McGill Columbia), Des épées étincelantes : University), Pontius Telesinus, the le contexte judéo-hellénique des Samnites, and Sullan Ethnography scènes militaires de Joseph et Aséneth (abstract | handout| video)