THE NAVY WANTS 4,000 OPERATORS! SEE PAGE 8 communication Electronic aintenance SEE PAGE 12 DAVEGA * World's Largest Radio Dealer..Established 1879

Here's Sensational Value Finest McMurdo Silver Chassis Ever Bui't

TWO R.F. STAGES Built to Sell VARIABLE SELECTIVITY for $350.00 GIANT JENSEN 18" SPEAKER FINEST SHIELDING 34 WATTS UNDISTORTED 1895 Complete including 18" Speaker made by Jensen




Hallicrafter Hallicrafter S.20R SX23

R.F. stage, 2 I. F. stages, THE SET THAT HAS 9 tubes, noise limiter, EVERYTHING. WRITE band spread. F O R OUR SPECIAL PRICE. 49.5°

Federal Recorder GARRARD RC 50 RECORD Model P 12 CHANGER Professional 12" recorder, 15 watt audio public address, 25.00 MIXES mike and stand. Perfect record- 10" and 12" ings. RECORDS

List Price List Price over $90.00 39.50 $200.00 79.50

NEW HALLICRAFTER UNIVERSAL S -29 SKY TRAVELER 553 -9.85 USED RECEIVERS -ALL FULLY GUARANTEED METERS 60 HOWARD 430 $ AC -DC battery operation, self NATIONAL NC IOOX $65 HALLICRAFTER SX23. $ 19.95 charging unit built in. Self-con- McMURDO 5C 29.00 tained antenna, elec- NATIONAL FB 7 10 1939 SUPER PRO 100 MEISSNER TELEKIT .. 59.00 trical bandspread.... 59.50 SUPER RME HALLICRAFTER S9 ... 24 HAMM HQ 120X 99 SPECIAL 69 WITH DB20 RACK HALLICRAFTER SI I .. 39 HOWARD 438X 39 MODEL SPECIAL ... 125.00 111:11tEU41 AMATEUR DIVISION -63 CORTLANDT ST., N. Y., N. Y. A Reputation Round the World for Value November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 3 I WILL TRAIN YOU TO START A SPARE TIME OR FULL TIME

J. E. Smith, Pres. RADIO SERVICE BUSINESS National Radio Institute Est. 25 Years WITHOUT CAPITAL r---'------There Have Have TheSe Alen FULL T1y, TIME BUSINESSES --_ BUS SPARE . BUSINESSES I was on For [he sets when see how ness las t tw° Some Radio don't for years I repaired such making lesson. Much for iaveragein a year $ oasetl móñthif be e been in my tenth give so macle gb O y of start have busi- you can money. I made an in this R.I amount of haveust spare time. BStó t ankad ly°m and half. JERRY 17 ARLIE $10 1529 Arapahoe St., Room Colorado Goose Texas ÁHéER Denver. hour Ref°re C Texas leteda truck ddvabóú Course west p ]Oi2r abóutg the started1Qn I shop.000last s twoI lient; S¡ holding suce ss °wn in eari 'owave I now whileostilll mY Radió made .444. are timemachinist las M. KA own my to 5 a g Green St. KELLY NR.I Pe'Penna. Calhoun Bridgeport. Mág9nol á st. I and afteram Radio , ...... , Inge time S100 towo$gmu much aÌll ewñeñsé$ ee $30 am aver: so get - thanks eo a tars mean get- tó io and 80aa am suera;_ extra ijust barely 1.R can week Those between stY ely Ï take Year. differencen comáÖHe`vW A cáegóf, -the by ling Cranberry ring gazleton Penna. Kñá S. anSR (Above) Broadcasting Stations employ op- erators, installation, maintenance men and Radio Technicians in other capacities and The world -wide use of Radio has made many opportunities HOW I GIVE YOU PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE pay well. to have a spare time or full time Radio service business of ._. .:. your own. Over 28.000.000 homes have over 40.000,000 I send you special Radio equipment ; show you how to con- .: t. -.. S . There are more ]tadios than telephones. Every duct experiments, build circuits illustrating important prin- year millions of these Radios go out of date and are re- ciples used in modern Radio receivers. broadcast stations placed. Thes'e's an opportunity to earn good commissions and loudspeaker installations. You work out, with your selling new sets. Millions more need new tubes, servicing. own hands, many of the principles you study in our lesson I will train you at home in your spare time to sell. install, texts. (Above) Radio Job- fix all types of Radios; to start your own Radio service YOU ALSO GET A PROFESSIONAL ALL -WAVE, ALL - bers a n d Dealers business and build it up on money you make in your spare PURPOSE SET SERVICING INSTRUMENT. See the employ installation You have to up your pres- left -hand column on this page. and servicemen at time while learning. don't give good pay. ent job. or spend a lot of money going away to school to become a Radio Technician. YOU LEARN , "F -M," ELECTRONICS The N.R.I. Course is up -to -date. You are taught how to MANY MAKE $5 TO $10 A WEEK EXTRA install, adjust. service Television receivers and antennas. (Above) You learn about Frequency Modulation transmitters and Systems is danother IN SPARE TIME WHILE LEARNING receivers; you learn the principles of electronic control field for Radio Tech- nicians. I start sending Extra Money Job Sheets the day a student equipment, such as photoelectric counters. safety devices. (Left) Police. Avia- enrolls-start showing how to do Radio repair jobs. electric eye burglar alarms. etc. tion and Commercial I plans and direc- r e newer Throughout the Course send additional Radio a we tions for doing increasingly complicated. better paying jobs. FIND OUT HOW I TRAIN YOU AT HOME fields wich $10 t requiredqegui That's why many students make $5 to a week extra in Act Today. Mail the coupon now and I will send my book, knowledge of Radio. spare time: why many start building their own Radio serv- "Rich Rewards in Radio," and a Sample Lesson free. Find ice businesses while learning. out what Radio offers; what opportunities are coming in Television. Read the details of my Course in Radio and Television; read more than 100 letters from men I have I YOU FOR GOOD JOBS TOO Grained; what they are doing, earning. Read my Money TRAIN Back Agreement. MAIL COUPON BELOW in an envelope or MANY PAY $30, $40, $50 A WEEK paste on a postcard -NOW. Sly set. few can service one. Y tÿMENt es Pra be Anyone can tune a Radio but E. FE ,r,ltyour That's why many qualified Radio Technicians make such J. SMITH, President NStß nt móu and auto Radio G lave good money installing, fixing, selling home National Radio Institute, Dept. OMR slot Útbsp Sets. operating and maintaining Broadcast, Police, Avia- Shisilynssñ te ese tion, Commercial Radio stations; selling. installing. servic- d lt 'the n ing Loudspeaker systems. That's why many open their own Washington, D. C. Rd°ndaul Sdé°a á loneoress Radio sales and repair businesses and make $30. $40. $50 iaV es a week. Why others hold their regular jobs and make $5 tahariecpor aS time. la DGí5o to $10 a week extra fixing Radios in spare arn mult AC cn, bas a t r aguc r oslla°get.n band iog VOu a)ior n i get to kg ÿe ur rrrIr 9ág i Course' rrcrrr i. . President, Dept. 717upm C. . J. E. SMITH, Washington,OMR D. ) National Radio Institute, Cd sa -Page nook mail your Sample ch of Radio checker Without obligating me, interested in the 7' FREE. I am Particularlywill call. Write inly.j Installa below. (No salesman Systems. tSsOttactical, ands of My plainly.)Service practical, >~s p Radio Service Business Lions and and ives Own Auto Radio Installations Cott is easy tSample ee and Technician for Retail O Service out it DiY Cao p Service SMAPI.Eprove troubles Stores Television ¢Troubles---Their .. Time Radio Repair O All- around Servicing Technician Want Rn á tLocive ceivet O Operator O coupon now, Radio sets. (I BroadcastingByou have Station nag you prefer-mail ñet Receiver of Raersal, autel e which Age...... long list (If cide) a in otberoa the set r inÏOnnationotothelpeyou test, y` ;tD.C., batteryba a s tpees¢ gXenledY D.C.. a11ce system ive remedy receiver and Cog testing I ;S quick locateé devotedem Name...... `redo vgay trali2ln ' ...... Address . . . . State 1 4 X 1 ...... up' Now ìï:; Free City...... t lesson Mail L the oup0n You by mtling 4

Trade -Mark Registered BY THE EDITOR Including Articles on POPULAR TELEVISION SEVERAL of our columnists and au- The Magazine thors have expressed the opinion that for the radio amateur the radio operator shortage was acute, experimenter, serviceman & dealer and that Uncle Sam was doing everything in VOL. 24, NO. 5 his power to acquire more radiomen. To that end you must have read the story of the National Defense Net (RADIO NEWS, Sept. 1940), and the opinion of Mr. John F. Rider (RADio NEWS, August, 1940) as well Contents for November, 1940 as the lead article appearing in this issue. In a quiet way we investigated. Here is what we found. Each of the Government FEAT URES services which require operators were so short of operators that it was practically im- The Navy Wants 4,000 Radio Operators Alfred Toombs 8 possible for one department even to "bor- row" from another. There were too few Showing the steps being taken to secure more radiops. radiomen in the Army for the FCC to "bor- row" some, and the same condition existed Utility Amplifier Frederic U. Dillon 10 all around. Why? Well, we don't say that An excellent unit for the P.A. and serviceman to build. the following may be the reason, but it may be a contributing cause. As 1 Sc e It: John F. Rider 11 Under the Union Wage Scale, professional Should the manufacturer establish repair operators receive from $1,980 to $1,380 per stations in all cities? year. They also receive their board and lodg- ing and in some cases tips and extras. Board Communication .S Electronic Maintenance ...... W. H. Bohlke 12 and Lodging can be set at a value of $1,000 First of an extensive series for the progressive serviceman. per year to the average man. So these radio operators are receiving the equivalent of Aviation Radio Charles J. Schauers 15 from $2,980 to $2,380 per year. Now what A new department the does Uncle Sam offer these same ops? $1,800 devoted to radioman who flies. to $1,6201 In addition to that, the ops must have "Beer Mug" fS: lower Transceiver: 112 MC. . Oliver Read, W9ETI 16 been employed as a radio operator in the Two versions of a transceiver which saw actual service use. Government service for at least 1 year within the last 5 years. This last qualification can- Build Your Own Audio Oscillator Rufus P. Turner, W1AY 19 not hope but eliminate all extra -well trained Conclusion of the valuable on a operators. Suppose that you had worked article fine instrument. on a Government station for a year and ob- tained your radio training that way. Then Simple Beaus Antenna Nicholas S. Lefors, W2BIQ 27 you left the service and went into civilian A bamboo and pipe affair which is at once inexpensive but efficient. life. If you were a success, you would by now be receiving about $2,980 per year. Calibrated 40 Meter FCO Unless some excellent other reason exists, Henry Saborsky, W8IYQ & unless you have been "on the Beach" for a Paul V. Trice, W8QHS 28 With this unit, it will be possible to know exactly your own long time, you will not be too attracted by QRG. less money than you were receiving in civilian life. W9LTS11 Karl A. Kopetzky, W9QEA 34 At a time like this our country needs the How the hams provided the greatest communication net ever assembled. very best type of radio operator it can get. It is not getting them. The same condition prevails throughout the whole government - radio service. Positions offered to radio in- DEPARTMENTS spectors and monitoring officers carry sal- aries which do not attract our excellent Book Review 40 QRD? 38 Serviceman's Experi- radiomen. Anyone who could meet the re- What's New in Radio.. 30 Bench Notes 23 ences 33 of the position as offered quirements by our Radio Physics Course. 46 Manufacturer's Literature 40 Serviceman's Cases . 46 generally is able to earn much Government Hamchatter 36 For Immediate Release 32 The Video Reporter.. more in civilian life. Perhaps were the Gov- 41 ernment to add housing and board to the Servicemen's Legal Cuttings 20 Mikes -Heads -Pickups 29 salaries it is offering, -if it were to add Advice 24 Utility Radio 18 Ringing the Bell 25 some insurance feature, not obtainable as cheaply in civilian life, if it were to make Copyright, 1940 the proposition much more attractive in ZIFF -DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY every way, then more ops would respond. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation; * * * THE situation in Washington is tense, but not so tense that some of the appropria- RADIO NEWS is published monthly by the Ziff -Davis Publishing Company at 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., William B. Ziff, Publisher; B. G. Davis, Editor; J. Fred Henry, General Manager; Karl A. Kopetzky, W9OEA, tions for National Defense have not been Managing Editor; Oliver Read, W9ETI, Technical Editor; Herman R. Bollin, Art Director; John H. Reardon, Cir- turned into actual orders. In some regards, culation Director; F. L. Cahn, Advertising Manager. New York Office, 381 Fourth Ave. Subscription $2.50 a quietus has descended on the various pur- per year; single copies, 25 cents; foreign postage $1.00 peryear additional, Canada 50c additional. Entered as se- cond class matter March 9, 1938, at the Post Office, Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Contributors chasing agencies who are skillfully going should retain a copy of contributions. All submitted material must contain return postage. Contributions will be about replenishing the nation's stock of radio handled with reasonable care, but this magazine assumes no responsibility for their safety. Accepted material is equipment. subject to whatever adaptations, and revisions, including "by -line" changes, necessary to meet requirements. Payment will be made at our current rates upon acceptance and, unless otherwise specified by contributor, all (Continued on page 43) photographs and drawings will be considered as constituting a part of the manuscript in making payment. November, 1940 RADIO NEWS

EASY TERMS service to make HADIO great AL LIED receivers ALLIED. voother Hallicrafters ave pay purchase don't your there are no large as atALLIED,and carrying excessive all cashczs or ppurchase is down Ppayments Your Payment delay FOR Time a minimum of HERUQIIARTERS quickly with the llic handled tape. Select us lÓ% and red want -then send You Yyou with your and pay receivercash price the balance of th% charg $ 12 months. carrying 6, or only read out over planla1 saved You is 'S Time Payment for you to get hallicrafters makes it easywithout delay. moneyand you want the equipment OF Whether you are an Amateur, Experi- STOCK. menter. Serviceman, Engineer, or just LARGEST interested in Radio as a hobby, you E®i1PN1E1T need the greatest guide to radio ever IJR gXperi published -the 1941 ALLIED Catalog p1M A ana boast from cover to of Amateurs a idle -212 pages-packed Thousands it's the largest cover with thousands of radio parts, s know thatstocks s areworld! We at supplies and equipment. And you'll we our the to find the latest in communications say ete xclusively equipment by Hallicrafters, the world's care devoted tiallicrafterssvelyo largest builder of communication re- pALLIED the latest for 2P2 ge ceivers. The ALLIED Catalog in- Radio. All here ready P cludes a complete listing of up- to-the- is the big new buying minute equipment, developed and per- equipment and Catalog isRyadio. fected in Hallicrafters' world -famous shipment, 1941 Catalogin laboratories -and EVERYTHING IN ALLIED RADIO -right at your finger tips. guide to Send for your copy now!

HALLICRAFTERS SKY -BUDDY S19R improved model of the famous SKY CHAMPION The latest POPULAR HALLICRAFTERS 6 -tube SKY -BUDDY. Tuning range is bands with full receiver that's a "world - 545 KC to 44 MC in four A 9 -tube communication bandspread. Small and compact, ! KC to electrical beater" for performance Tunes from 545 Beat oscillator helps in 4 bands. Large calibrated main tuning with built -in speaker. 44 MC you tune in weak signals on SW Broadcast dial . with full electrical bandspread and separate speaker or is ideal for copying "code" signals. bandspread dial. Built -in high quality -no doublet or single wire external accessories -complete, compact, and ready Antenna input for performance any time and anywhere. antenna; headphone jack automatically for tip-top mutes speaker. Also has provision for use Has Automatic Noise Limiter, two IF Stages, with Pitch Beat Oscillator, and with batteries if desired. Complete Inertia Tuning, Variable tubes. provision for operation from batteries or vibrapack. AMATEUR NET $29.50 AMATEUR NET $49.50f+ down, $4.43 monthly for 8 months. Time Payments: $4.43 Time Payments : $4.95 down, $5.90 monthly for 6 months. FAMOUS HALLICRAFTERS SUPER -DEFIANT SX -25 Only Hallicrafters could produce a 12 -tube communication receiver with so many de- sirable features at so moderate a price! Outstanding in design and unsurpassed in ALLIED performance. Features: Two Tuned RF Stages, Drift Compensation, Frequency Meter Tuning, Calibrated Bandspread, Calibrated "S" Meter, Automatic Noise RADIO Limiter, 4 Band Tuning Range, 540 KC 19 41 to 42 MC, Six -step Selectivity with crystal filter, Break -in Control, and 10-in. PM speaker in metal cabinet to match. Corn- plete, nothing else to buy ! AMATEUR NET $99.50 CATALOG' $7.91 monthly for 12 months. 3 fYï Time Payments: $9.95 down, ° : PAES ; -;- SENSATIONAL NEW HALLICRAFTERS SUPER -SKYRIDER SX-28 ) r; Fog 1 Designed by 600 engineers -and built to sow conform with U. S. Government specifi- cations! Here is a 15 -tube receiver that in will set up new records of performance BIGGEST EVER every type of communication service. dials; Calibrated main and bandspread 100% RADIO Tuning Range, 540 KC to 43 MC, Two Tuned RF Stages, Adjustable Automatic Noise Limiter, 6 -step selectivity, Tempera- ture compensated, Inertia tuning, High fidelity push -pull audio with bass booster, Calibrated "S" meter. Bass -reflex speaker ALLIED RADIO CORPORATION available to match. AMATEUR NET, $159.50 Dept. 1 -FL -1, 833 W. Jackson Blvd. LESS SPEAKER Chicago, Ill. Time Payments: $15.95 down, $12.68 monthly for 12 months. Name


City State


The Sky Champion (S -20 R) The New 1941 Super Skyrider (SX -28) D esigned to Govern- 9 tubes -Complete Cov- ment Specifications erage (545 kc to 44 mc) 15 tubes, 6 bands All the essential covering 540 kc to controls for good 43 mc, 2 stages of amateur reception; pre -selection, high RF gain, tone con- fidelity push -pull trol, phone jack, audio, band pass AVC switch, send receive switch, audio gain, pitch audio filter, highly control and 4- position band switch, inertia tuning, efficient crystal filter circuit, an additional and com- separate electrical bandspread, beat frequency os- pletely effective noise limiter. Hallicrafters Jensen Bass Reflex cillator, built -in speaker, battery -vibrapack DC speakers available, $159.50. operation socket. Cabinet size 181/2" x 81/2" x 93/8 ", The Sky Buddy (Model S -19 R) $49.50. An Excellent Amateur Receiver in every The Portable Communications respect Covers everything Receiver (Model S -29) on the air from 44 The New Sky Traveler mc to 545 kc, in- cluding the 10, 20, Operates on 110 40, 80 and 160 volt AC or DC or meter amateur from self -con- bands. Features - tained batteries. Electrical bandspread, broadcast band, BFO, AVC Covers from 542 switch, phone jack, pitch control, built -in speaker, kc to 30.5 mc (553 6 tubes, DC operation socket-battery or vibrapack. to 9.85 meters} on Dimensions, 171/2 x 81/2 x 81/2 ", $29.50. 4 bands. Built -in The Super Defiant (SX -25) collapsible an- tenna 12 Tubes - 2 stages extends to 3 of pre -selection feet. Battery life prolonged An overall range of through self- contained charging circuit. 540 kc to 42 mc in Automatic noise limiter, electrical bandspread, 9 4 bands. Amateurs tubes, built -in speaker, $59.50. acclaim this new de luxe receiver the finest ever developed at anywhere near this price. Each part is placed for peak performance. Tuning is effortless and controls are all conveniently located. Dimensions 191/2 x 91/2 x 111/8 - com- plete with speaker, crystal and tubes, $99.50.



FOR the past three months there have teurs are very necessary, and will aid the with our Government as a patriotic group been repeated statements not only in FCC in cleaning up the bands. Under of trained radiomen who are actually serv- RADIO NEWS, but in the daily papers, and Group 2 will also be listed those members ing the National Defense. The equipment of other periodicals, that there was, and would who are willing to spend time listening to the membership will also be listed, and from continue to be, a great shortage of radio code transmissions of foreign stations to this latter list the Government will know operators. To some extent, the Conscription make sure that the transmissions are not what type and amount of equipment will be Bill, recently signed by the President, will intended for reception by spies, and subver- available should a NATIONAL EMER- alleviate this condition. But there will al- sive elements here. GENCY aris.?. ways be a necessity for radiomen of all Group 3 will be one of the most useful of The RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA kinds, not only in the Armed Services of our all groups. Here, for the first time, the will be a vast voluntary organization of country, but in, civilian life as well. Short -Wave Listener will be able to be of trained radiomen dedicated to "the preserva- Senator Claude Pepper, of Florida, in an service to our Government. It is estimated tion of our democracy." It will be the duty open letter published last month said : that there are several hundred thousands of the MINUTEMEN each to improve his "Briefly, this country needs ap- of these Short -Wave Listeners, and they code speed, if he is an operator, and his proximately 100,000 trained radio signal service technical knowledge if belongs men. It also needs many thousands should be able to render he under of patriotically minded citizens who by keeping tabs on all foreign long wave Groups 3 and ,. From time to time, the will spend tine at their radio sets and short wave transmissions. It is known MINUTEMEN will be advised of the latest listening for any dangerous or sub- that there are transmissions which are corn- improvements to military radio so that they versive material in communication ing over intended for espionage work in can study them and can be ready, at a channels. We know that there are cL these United States. It will be the work "minute's" notice to assist in the mainten- great number of broadcasts in foreign of Group 3 to try to ferret out the trans- ance of such equipment. Remember that a tongues and our patriotic foreign -born mitters, their location, their times of op- foreign air corps was organized along just citizens could perform a real service eration, and wherever possible, to whom these lines and became the most feared and by listening to these broadcasts in the transmissions were intended. most powerful air armada that the world languages which they understand." Group 4 will be comprised mostly of radio has ever seen. There is no reason why the It is response to this letter, that the servicemen, who from their contacts with United States, which has always fostered in- RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA are customers and the trade, hear and see many vention and innovation, as well as initiative being organized. There will be no dues, nor things. It was a serviceman who uncovered should not be able to pro - will it be necessary for any who joins to among radiomen, subscribe to this or any other magazine. a vast Bund organization in the East. He duce the greatest, the most perfectly trained, The sole qualification will be a desire to help had been called into repair an all -wave set and the most alert group of RADIO MIN - our Government, coupled with a certain and noticed a complete broadcasting outfit, UTEDIEN the World has ever known. amount of radio training and suitably owned ready to go. That coupled with the Nazi How to join? Just fill out the attached equipment. insignia aroused his curiosity ; and, on re- coupon and send it in. You will receive It is proposed that the RADIO MINUTE- porting to the FBI, an under-cover trans- full instructions. There is no cost or ob- MEN OF AMERICA be divided in to four mitter was discovered and "neutralized." ligation to you, beyond that which you as- groups. These are : (1) the professional The work of Group 4, therefore will be of sume voluntarily, to be ready to help this (paid) radio operators ; (2) the amateur greatest value to our Government. great country against those whose philoso- (licensed) radio operators ; (3) the short- Finally, it is intended to list the members phies and "isms" are prejudicial to the con- wave listeners with equipment ; and (4) all of the RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA tinuation of the American Way of Life. others including servicemen and engineers will be for a who want to serve. It possible ! it MINUTEMAN to be a member of more than Obey that urge to be patriotic Do now! one group at the same time. As the organ- ization grows, suitable membership certif- 1 icates and pins will be provided. RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA, Now, just what will the MINUTEMEN 2217, 608 Dearborn do? They will follow the government sug- I Room South St., gestions, Those in Group 1 will report any- Chicago, Illinois. thing that they may think is non -American You bet I want to loin the RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA! Count me in under Group(s) which they may hear or see. These reports Please send me full particulars, but I understand that there are will be in writing and will be forwarded to (Insert numbers of groups) the proper authorities. All and any action no dues, and I won't be asked to subscribe to any magazine. For a starter I give the following in- which may be taken against 5th Columnists formation about myself: or Subversive Elements will be taken solely through the regularly authorized U. S. Gov- I speak the following foreign languages ernment channels. Protection to informants will be the same which is afforded to any- I read the following foreign languages body by our Government. Group 2 will-patrol the amateur air lanes, I write the following foreign languages listening for violations of the Federal Com- I a of the I am willing to spend munications Commission Orders against I was born in the U.S.A. am naturalized citizen USA communicating outside the United States hours per week in work in the RADIO MINUTEMEN OF AMERICA. and its possessions. They will also report I any communications of a suspicious nature. Name A;3 These reports will be forwarded to the recognized authorities. From the list of Address amateurs who compose Group 2, will come Call (If any) members who are willing to assist local FCC Radio Inspectors in the trapping of "boot- Phone number Licensed radio operator' leggers of radio amateur calls." These ama- yes or no 8


The Navy makes a magnificent sight as it goes into battle line. But un- heard of radio ops are the key -men. by ALFRED TOOMBS, Special Washington Correspondent for RADIO NEWS

THE United States Navy wants 4,000 young Americans who are Such a shortage of radio operators exists interested in radio to join the Naval Reserve and take a four months in the Navy, that the training course in radio operation and Government is plan- maintenance. The Navy will pay these young men while they are in school - ning to school 4,000 young men in radio. then give them the chance to take a three months cruise, at full pay, aboard Naval vessels. called to active duty. Upon comple- warned that if they make any mis- The details of this plan, which is de- tion of their course, they signed to create a vast reservoir will be rated statements in their request for enroll- of as Radiomen and Signalmen -petty ment they will be liable to dismissal. trained radio men for national defense, officers in the Navy. The Government have just been announced in Wash- When the application has been ap- will pay the cost of transportation proved, the reservist will be sent to ington. Navy Department officials from the applicant's home to have been toiling over it for weeks the the school where he is to be trained. and school in his Naval District. Those There he will be given room, board and are prepared to induct the new reserv- who are taking the course will be con- ists almost immediately upon applica- uniform -along with the items of sidered on active duty status and will equipment which are necessary. The tion. be paid at the rate given regular Seven schools are being Navy pay he receives will depend upon the established men of their class. qualifications he has upon enlistment. in different parts of the country to Applications will be received from train the radiomen. The reservists Men who hold first or second class men between the ages of 17 and 35 commercial radiotelegraph licenses or will get practically the same course in years. They must be of good radio that is given regular charac- a commercial operator's permit will be Navy radio ter and be in good health. Those who rated as first class seamen during operators and then will have the op-. the have had some experience in radio, training period. They will receive $54 portunity to serve with the regular particularly those who men on ship and shore stations. hold commer- a month. Amateurs who hold Class A cial or amateur licenses, will be given or Class B licenses will likewise be The 4,000 who will be accepted in preference. Those under 21 years the service will be classed of rated as First Class Seamen, and re- as V -3 in age must send a letter from their par- ceive the same pay. Amateurs hold- the Naval Reserve, and when their ap- ent or guardian, signifying plications have been approved approval ing Class C licenses will be rated as will be of the enlistment. Applicants are Second Class Seamen and will be paid 9

In the foreground, cadet officers are decoding the mes- Philadelphia Navy Yard scene with naval reservists sages which were received by the ops. Norfolk, Va. at practice drill in the Control Station. Looks fine.

$36 a month. Those who hold no li- trict includes the New England states, and such western states as Nevada, cense will rate as Apprentice Seamen with headquarters in Boston and the Utah, and Colorado. Another will be and will get $21 a month. Third District- (there's no Second at the Naval Radio Station, Puget Upon completion of the training District) -includes New York and Sound, Washington, for students from course, those who pass the examina- parts of Connecticut, with headquar- Washington, Oregon, and the other tion will be rated as Radiomen or Sig- ters in New York City. These two Northwestern states. The location nalmen Third Class, and will be paid Districts, along with the Fourth - for the third has not yet been deter- $60 per month while on active duty. which includes Pennsylvania, Dela- mined, but it has been established for If they go into the regular service ware and New Jersey -will have a training reservists from the Eleventh after this they will be given a chance school, the location of which has not Naval District, which has its head- to advance to higher rating as Radio- yet been settled. quarters in San Diego and includes men or Signalmen, with more pay. Reservists from the Southern states Southern California and the south- Those who do not pass the qualifying -included in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh western states. examination, but who show promise and Eighth Districts -will probably To obtain application blanks, pros- and are recommended for further be assigned to the school in Charles- pective reservists should address a let- training, may be transferred to sea ton, S. C. These Districts include ter to the Commandant of the Naval duty. They will be given not less than states as far north as Maryland and District in which they reside. A letter three months to nick up by first -hand as far west as Texas. There will be to the Commandant at one of the cities experience what they did not master two schools in the midwest, one in mentioned above will get results. Or in -school. Then they will get another Chicago and one in Indianapolis. Both it may be easier to obtain an applica- chance to qualify for their ratings, cities are in the Ninth District and to tion from the Naval Reserve activity working under actual service condi- these schools are likely to go reservists in your city or one nearby. All Naval tions. from that District, which includes the Reserve Armories or headquarters will The school to which an applicant is midwestern states. be able to furnish the applications. sent will be determined by the naval Three of the schools will be located The questions asked are routine - district in which he resides. There are on the West Coast. One will be on the name, age, were you ever in jail and twelve naval districts in the conti- Receiving Ship in San Francisco, for why, etc. -and the applicants must nental United States. The First Dis- reservists from northern California (Continued on page 42)

From this "raw" stock will come the future naval In tropical "whites ", the reservist stands watch in radiops. Recruits beginning a 16-weeks radio course. Jacksonville, Fla., while a cadet officer stands by. 10 HANDY UTILITY AMPLIFIER av FREDERIC U. DILLON Hollywood, California

Here is a unit which can be used with RF tuner, with high imped- ance input, or a 500 ohm input. While it is not necessary to build the amplifier as high as that (above) of the author, it does make a nice unit. HE experimenter often has use By simply changing switch No. 2 to is inflammable, but the discs them- for a small amplifier. In this the "Record" position and taking your selves article the author explains how choice are not dangerous, it is the T of a radio selection or an orig- threads which are collected when cut- to build such a unit. Its features are inal selection using the mike, you are ting many. By the use of a three point ready the discs. These should be put to make a recording. Duplicate in a tin can, an excellant container is selector switch (S.W. -1) a choice of records may be made by placing the a two any one of three services can be in- mike pound coffee can, painted red close to an electric record player and kept handy for disposal of said stantly chosen, namely they are : No. and playing the first record cut or any threads. 1 input for -any r.f. tuner, also power one that is to be duplicated. It is un- Not all discs on the market are in- for this tuner may be had from the derstood that two turntables are flammable, amplifier by plugging it is well to know which a five wire needed to undertake this type of work. are and which are not. However, the shielded cable into a socket provided Just a word about recording discs, nitrate discs for it on the rear of have less surface noise the chassis. No. it seems that the term "acetate" has and are good for hundreds of playings. 2 input for high impedance velocity been erroneously used as there are no microphone. These are by far the best. No. 3 input for special true acetate records. What they real- When recording it is best to monitor five hundred ohm magnetic phono- ly contain is cellulose- nitrate, which (Continued on graph pick up, which is also designed page 57) to be used as a recording head. With the selector switch in No. 2 position and switch No. 2 in the play- back position this unit will make a fine public address system for small halls, dance bands, etc. The speaker is a Magnovox model 112 and has twenty - five feet of shielded cable to allow the speaker to be placed at a distant point PHONO o from the amplifier. SW.2 J3 - MONITOR

a J4 MI


.001 rÙ 41 YQQYI SPK. SOCKET FIL FUSE R.F. TUNER d POWER SOCKET SW.3®I I5V. A C C -.1 mf. 600 v. paper. Sprague R8- 50,000 ohms, pot. Centralab C1 mf. 25 v. electro. -10 Sprague R10 -150 ohms, 10 w. Centralab C3--.5 mf. 200 v. electro. Sprague T1 -Input Trans. Hadley 5562A C3 -8 -8 mf. 450 V. electro. Sprague To -Push -Pull Input. Hadley 55464 C4 -.05 mf. 600 v. paper. Sprague T3 -Plate and Fil. Trans. Hadley C5-50 mf. 25 v. P656A electro. Sprague Speaker -2.500 ohm field, 4.5 ohm voice coil. C0 -8 -8 mf. 450 v. electro in can. Sprague Magnavox R ohms potentiometer. -2500 Centralab Meter- General purpose volume indicator. Simp- R1-500,000 ohms, pot. Centralab son 45 R3 -2,000 ohms, I w. Centralab SW1- Singe -pole -3 position switch. Mallory R3-2 megohms, 1 w. Centralab SW3-3 pole -double -throw switch. Mallory R4- 250,000 ohms, 1 w. Centralab 11, 12, 13, 14- Midget jacks. Bud R5-50,000 ohms, I w. Centralab Chassis -Bud. 13x7x2 ". R0- 500,000 ohms, I w. Centralab Cabinet- 15x15x8 ". Bud 1194 R7-1500 ohms, 1 w. Centralab Nameplates-Bud Rear view of the amplifier. R8 ohms, 5 w. -4000 Centralab Tubes- 2 -6S17, 1 -6B5, 1 -83V. Sylvania T AS I SEE IT! by JOHN F. RIDER Dean of the Servicemen A rari- colored discussion of timely items compose the au thor's article for this month.

No Fewer Models jobber, who is stocking radio receivers, finance his serviceman customers %WHAT with the story making the to of the who wish to sell radio receivers. rounds that as a result hitch needs of the National Defense Pro- There is however one possible gram, the automobile manufacturers in this form of set distribution and it models lies in the lap of the parts jobber. do not intend bringing out new to in 1941, some people in the radio busi- Will the parts jobber in his effort ness have discussed possibilities in the move these receivers attract the pub- radio manufacturing industry. Will lic to the store and sell direct ? It John F. Rider the radio receiver manufacturers bring will not mean very much with respect models for the to loss of service work, that is, get- out many different ting the customer into the store, for -41 season ? . . . That has been a terances. I positively resent it and 1940 it is a well known fact that the public frequent question. . . . Not knowing you might just as well know it now as the answer, we asked the receiver does very little service of its own, but later, for I expect to spend some time manufacturers. For the present there it is apt to influence tube sales, for with you." to be any sign of a let- Mr. John Public can easily assume the Not having been subject to a tongue does not seem role of Mr. Serviceman, and after all up. The prospects , for at least the lashing of that character for quite same number of different models this is said and done, a sale is a sale. . . . some time, we felt somewhat abashed year as last year are good and in a Maybe it's not entirely orthodox, but and hurriedly apologized. Thereupon few isolated instances, where some of it's a sale. And then again, the same Punky with the utmost of dignity ac- the manufacturing organizations are applies to the sale of the receiver. cepted our apology and continued, expanding in certain directions where Maybe John will not get the same dis- "You might be interested to know that they were not so active last year, the count as Service Mike, but a sale is a I've traveled a bit among these radio indications are that the number of sale! repair establishments and as you can models in the line will be increased. It seems a bit strange, we admit, to readily understand, could not help but This is not such a bad thing at that. place so much stress upon keeping overhear some of the comments. These The competitive situation existing in Public out of a jobber's store, but all repair gentlemen seem to be irked, and radio receiver sales makes it necessary of us know that it is the best idea. to me it seems rightfully so," he con- for engineering organizations to em- Fortunately, the majority of the parts tinued, "at the fact that adequate re- ploy every artifice to provide perform- jobbers do make an effort to protect pair facilities do not exist for test ance, therefore preference in sales. their servicemen customers so that equipment. The purveyors, jobbers to This means progress in receiver engi- fears along the lines mentioned need you," he injected hurriedly, "do not neering and wider knowledge and ex- not be overwhelming. . . . It might, seem qualified to make repairs and perience in service practice. however, be borne in mind for future entirely too much time is lost in trans- reference. porting such inoperative equipment to Set Sales by Servicemen Be that as it may, it really would and from the factory of manufacture. IT has been a general opinion for be sinful if the serviceman muffed this Do you agree ?" he demanded. many years that a certain amount opportunity of utilizing the parts job- "Yes, I'm afraid you're right," we of set sales activity can be expected ber as his set supply. Maybe the serv- said, "but what do you suggest ?" . . . on the part of the radio serviceman. iceman is not commercial minded; "Suggest! Why it's obvious," ex- Not the word of mouth recommenda- maybe only one out of every five sales claimed Punky, "the test equipment tion form of selling, but actual sales talks materialize-but it pays to try. manufacturers should provide repair side of receivers. Due to the financial . . . Wotta ya gotta lose ? facilities in at least the major centers of the picture such sales, where con- of shopping, or trading areas, as you what we Meet Punky summated, were as a rule on call them. . . . What made your motor call midget sets or at least low- priced got to meet Punky. He is (Continued on page 47) sets. With servicemen as natural `7OU'VEour pet ant. He came back in sales outlets of these small receivers, Janet's duffle bag. She spent the sum- a few receiver manufacturers thought mer up in camp and Punky was in it advisable to utilize the regular parts Janet's nature book. . Quite an jobber, catering to the radio service- ant. Oxford accent 'n' everything. men as a set jobber. This year we He parked himself upon the left rib- note the entry of one of the larger bon spool of our typewriter and eyed receiver manufacturers into this field us with a critical stare. "Beg your and it seems logical to say, although pardon," said Punky, "what are you we do not speak officially, that before supposed to be doing ?" . . . "What do many months pass, one or more other you mean, what are we supposed to manufacturers will be selling receiv- be doing ?" we said. "We are writing ers the same way. a monthly column for RADIO NEws." This form of receiver distribution . . . "Oh, really!" said P., "about seems perfectly in order and places what ? And incidentally, you do not into the hands of the serviceman a seem to be much of an expert at oper- very convenient, basically financial, ating this machine." . . . arrangement for securing his receivers "We are writing about the radio to sell to the public. In the past many serviceman and the servicing indus- servicemen wanted to sell radio re- try," we replied, "and by the way, why ceivers but could not make the proper don't you go away. You're annoying!" financial arrangements with the regu- . . . "Piffle," says Punky, "you cawn't lar set jobbers. Since time payments mean that. Why, I'm very, very fa- have become quite customary be- miliar with the gentlemen who repair tween jobber and serviceman for radios. As a matter of fact, I have equipment which the serviceman buys incontrovertible evidence to corrobo- for his own use, there certainly can be rate my statement and I refuse to "Say, how can I repair this using no objection on the part of the set have you doubt the veracity of my ut- Signal- tracing if I ain't got a map ?" 12 Communication & Electronic MAINTENANCE by W. H. BOHLKE Director of Test Equipment Merchandising, R.C.A. Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J. The first of a series which will show the serviceman how and where to make use of his test equipment to improve his income. and to reduce his overhead.

Part 1.

GENERAL development in the the public address field, but with all much like those with which the aver- communication field well as as of these suggestions, a definite ten - age radio serviceman is familiar . . . the gradual growth of the use dency to narrow down radio service These words, however, are not intended of electronic equipment in industry, activity to a certain sphere seems to to convey the impression that every during the past few years, has given exist and there is where we feel that radio serviceman is capable of embrac- rise to much thought concerning the the servicing industry is not growing ing other communication fields -that possible expansion of servicing activity. with the art of radio communication he is technically equipped -that he at least enlargement of the zone of and its allied activities. has the business -getting ability -that operation of the average radio service In making this statement we appre- he is of such temperament as to be shop in the United States. ciate that some men will be tempted able to make the desired contacts It is not idle chatter to say that the to criticize us on the grounds that the that he has the proper equipment -in radio serviceman has been operating present status of the radio servicing his shop. in somewhat of a small world. In fact, industry may not be sufficiently high Any one or a number of these limi- the simplest of investigations shows to justify such expansion; that suffi- tations might tend to prohibit expan- this to be true. Glance back in the cient profits are not being generally sion of the radio service shop into files of radio literature -as far back made; that any concentrated effort to other branches of the communication as you wish to go -and you will find improve conditions in the service in- field, but it is also true that there are that in the vast majority of instances dustry should be made along existing many men in this country who are suggestions concerning service activity lines. With that we cannot agree for able to fill all of the requisites -if not on the part of the serviceman were a number of very sound reasons. First, immediately then by dint of effort in along the lines of home or auto radio the personnel of an industry must ad- the near future. It is also necessary receivers. Here and there we find vance with the industry and such pro- to realize that the communication field some suggestion along sales lines, serv- gress is taking place every day. Sec- requires men of this calibre because icing of home electric appliances, and ond -and this is very important -such it needs the proper maintenance facili- expansion does not entail unnecessary ties . . . Perhaps this need is not so financial expenditures or any elaborate tremendous today, but it is growing by preparations of any kind. This is so leaps and bounds and the wise man is because the well- equipped radio serv- he who looks towards the future and ice shop which in the past focused all builds the roof over his head before of its attention upon home and auto the winds and the rains come. And radio receivers can with very little ad- above all it is important to understand ditional apparatus embrace virtually that this idea of expansion does not all of the other communication fields take the man out of his regular field wherein radio is used. In other words, of duties; it simply makes him spread this shop originally founded and equip- his operating arms so as to embrace ped for modern radio receiver servic- more . . . It does not mean the crea- ing is actually a communication sys- tion of a service shop which is so spe- tem service shop. Every indication points to the fact that the radio servicing industry does not realize the full significance of communication and electronic main- tenance . . . The possible field of ac- tivity of a well- equipped service shop is tremendous -if only the individual makes an effort to comprehend what exists and what is in the process of growth. The majority of radio service- men feel that all the branches of the communication field, except home and Control panel of the RCA AVR -8. auto radio as we understand it today, are beyond their province -that radio communication as employed in other fields is bogged down with so many technicalities and complexities that they cannot hope to derive any income from such fields or even remotely as- sociate themselves with such opera- tions. To a certain extent the belief has some foundation, but only a meagre one; for strange as it may seem, serv- ice requirements in many branches of radio communication, other than com- The Hallicrafters S-30 Radio compass. mercial broadcast reception, are very The RCA AVR -8 superhet for airplanes. 13

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w.aaTO. COL a.

L. -CT[M CONNECTION T.lC r Circuit diagram of the RCA AVR -8 superheterodyne receiver. It is used by planes. Figure 1. cialized in character that unless im- more and more each day because of sands of pilots, which no doubt will mediate action is secured outside of the increased growth of private flying, result in the sale of many thousands the normal radio broadcasting field all marine radio, public- address operation of planes, we can say without fear of work and income ceases. Just the con- and electronics in industry. contradiction that while somewhat trary is true; the design of the service Take, as an example, private air- limited today, the future will witness shop is such as to embrace as many craft radio. Although the details to many tens of thousands of radio sys- branches of the electronic art as can be given in this, the first article, are tems in private planes and there is no be covered by the technical capabilities not as complete as the information we reason why a competent radio service of the staff. This does not mean that have on hand, it will nevertheles suf- shop, properly equipped for radio re- a man becomes a jack of all trades and fice to show that this branch of com- ceiver servicing, should not be in a a master of none, because an analysis munication is within the province of position to service these aircraft radio of the communication field shows con- the capable radio serviceman. So as systems. Such a shop will eventually clusively that many branches are alike to avoid confusion we will dismiss com- appear in every town where a private in so many respects that there is no mercial air -transport radio with the landing field exists, or one such shop reason why one organization should statement that servicing of these re- might serve a number of towns within not be able to function in a much ceivers by individual radio servicemen a radius of perhaps fifty miles. broader sense than heretofore with is out of the question, because each Perhaps some of the men who read virtually the same equipment as is airline maintains its own service or- these lines already have thought about needed for commercial radio broadcast ganization. But in the case of the ra- the servicing of private aircraft radio receiver servicing. dio equipment designed for private but have discounted the possibility of It is our intention in this series of flying, the good radio serviceman is successful operation on the grounds articles to present just such a service the logical man for the job. that the equipment is special in nature, shop -a shop founded upon the idea The private flier travels over what- highly intricate and different from that its technical capabilities are suf- ever route he desires -sometimes he that found in the home radio field . . . ficiently broad to encompass all of the flys the beam and in the majority of It is true that the equipment is special branches of the communication field instances does not. In fact, because in nature, but only from the viewpoint and its allied lines. This means the of the numerous times when his trips of physical construction. It is also regular broadcast field, private air- call for flights out of the zone of the true that a two -way system incorpo- craft radio, private marine radio, pol- beam, radio equipment manufacturers rates a transmitter, a radio system ice radio in many sections of the coun- have developed radio apparatus of with which the average serviceman is try, public address work and elec- such character as to permit accurate not generally familiar, but the assimi- tronics in industry. navigation on such flights. Today the lation of knowledge concerning the op- Many of these fields have been con- radio repair facilities are pretty mea- eration of a comparatively low -pow- sidered taboo by the majority of serv- ger, usually only found at the larger ered transmitter is not replete with so icemen. Because of lack of informa- airports, but how about these private many obstacles as to make successful tion, it was felt that these fields were flights which are made between small servicing a feat of legerdemain. so full of complexities and the need airports ? Never knowing when As to the receiver, while it may be for specialization that even the cap- weather conditions will change un- known by many peculiar names asso- able, well- equipped serviceman did not expectedly, no sensible private flier ciated with direction finding, weather chance. That is an erroneous travels without his radio equipment in reports and beam flying, it still re- have a receiver. Strange as it may thought ... The well- equipped serv- good working order . . . Does it seem mains a ice shop -the capable serviceman does illogical to say that radio repair fa- seem these receivers may even be sim- have a chance and a good chance, for cilities should be available in every pler in circuit structure than many of he is the logical individual to do the town where a landing field exists ? the large commercial home receivers, work. In fact, if a substantial number Radio equipment is essential to the because of the effort to ensure maxi- of radio service shops appear across private flier and while he has a choice mum reliability of operation. Natu- the face of a nation, broad of experi- of one -way or two -way systems today, rally such an aircraft installation is ence- capable of rendering service in there is every likelihood that before different from a home installation, but will be wel- much time elapses every private plane even that is not a major problem. We the fields mentioned -they we comed by the manufacturers of appa- will require two -way radio communi- live and learn and if can learn the the tremendous details associated with car radio in- ratus . . And once more we cannot cation. Considering help but return to the same fundamen- strides being made in private flying, stallation, those facts required to do tal thought -these men are needed the effort to train many tens of thou- a good aircraft installation also can be 14

C31 12MMF 1ST DET- OS[. EI.-26D7 6K0 L3 II/L4 ET IST AUDIO-OUTPUT /fI 131(LS 6F7 D T C11 9.. TS F A MMF. C26 CS OI MFO. 3-30 MMF. C21 01 30 q - C22 M F - 12.1$ AI F. C4 L 1 3-20 Cq CJ MMF. 220 IS-310 MA1F. C 1 MMF. .OJS 2 L 2 2.2 MEC. MFO C14 e C C2e y v çÇ óeo 6,1 0 ág yMMF 6NeT 4lCMMF TOM VIEW OF SOCNE75-

gTA C]2 R9 6M 6FT .01 MFa R6 C9 6F =-I.F C16 62.00011. 1000 mow 2211 ]-3OMMF 0021 6F1 -AF / C le R 19 I S O pñ O TOMMF 56,000,1 - R I I CREEN Jce c3s rn 33011 / UO 5 "2069.F ISMFD. -IS-]10MMF 6 VOLT C32 SI C IS CONNECTIONS .OI WIS. YELL C2S 2T4004n .OI MFD. C]6 12 VOLT SMFD. CONNECTIONS


supply, but this is nothing unusual in the life of a radio serviceman. Mil- lions of auto radio receivers have been in use and servicemen have secured much experience on vibrator -type SHIELO-_--J power supplies. E%T INTERCONNECTING CABLE P-71422a-0 -, Of course, a great deal of the suc- Circuit diagram of the RCA AVR -15 Aircraft Receiver. Figure 2. cess in operating upon such receivers depends upon the individual who is doing the maintenance. One cannot learned. Anything associated with the receivers are of the three -band variety just step into a new field by merely installation and operation of the sys- so as to embrace the weather, beacon walking into an airfield office and tem can be learned! and general communication frequen- soliciting business or advising an air- These aircraft receivers are invari- cies and are also equipped for compass craft receiver manufacturer that serv- ably of the superheterodyne variety flying. Some of these compass receiv- icing facilities are available in such and are classified in accordance with ers are novel in design in that they and such a town. It is imperative to the service they are called upon to are arranged to be utilized in conjunc- know the requirements of such equip- render. One group is intended for use tion with regular broadcast transmis- ment -what such receivers do -how on the weather station bands and for sion. The idea is that the pilot sets they operate. . . . receiving beacon signals. For exam- his compass antenna towards a known The repair of such private aircraft ple a typical radio beacon and weather broadcast station and simply rides the receivers is not abundant today, as you broadcast receiver is shown in Fig. 1. wave towards the transmitter, thus can well understand. . . . It does how- If you examine this receiver schematic finding his way home. A general idea ever exist -and will grow and all of you will find is that it not very much of a three -band aircraft receiver can us must build for the future. . . . We different in circuit structure from be had from Fig. 2. This will suffice must study -we must make it our many of the receivers which come into to show that the schematic design of business to learn! It might appear as the average radio shop, so that it is these receivers is very much like if such expansion calls for the burn- entirely within that reason to say that such of a good multi- waveband home broad- ing of much midnight oil. . . . That's equipment comes within the capabili- cast receiver. . . . It is our intention right, it does, but that is nothing un- of ties the good radio serviceman op- later in this series to consider various usual in any field. . . . Study is some- erating in a well- equipped shop. There types of these receivers, operating fre- thing that can never cease, no matter is nothing in this receiver which rep- quencies, and operation in general, at who the individual, providing that his resents new theory, and while this is greater length in conjunction with the occupation is such that it is contin- the product of RCA, other receivers of formation of our ideal communication ually in a state of flux and developing. other aircraft radio manufacturers are system service shop and the applica- . . . Such is radio! of the same character. tion of these service units to these re- The shop that handles such aircraft The second classification of aircraft ceivers. radio receivers in addition to regular receivers (generally known as commu- As is evident in these illustrations home broadcast receivers must be ca- nication receivers) utilized for private the receivers are battery operated, pable of establishing definite stand- planes are of like simple nature, al- that is the storage battery on the ards of reliability, but that is nothing though it is true that some of these plane is the primary source of power new. Such standards have been the keynote of success in the present serv- ttiMmIN, Ye. ice shops and if improved for aircraft SCHEMATIC D1AORAN 01 THE MOCEL I -10- RAOIOCOMFSO receivers by the acquisition of reliable

65117 6507 6;07 6G6.0 test equipment cannot help but reflect advantageously upon the normal rou- 6-íi1 tine home radio 1 operations. The de- T S ficiencies in home radio receiver 7-- serv- --t TT. =T. icing which might be tolerated, for all that it can mean is a return call, can- not be permitted in aircraft receiver te I servicing. The lives of the passengers in the plane are at stake. As close an approach as possible to faultless operation is imperative. 1 As to the transmitters used in two - way private aircraft radio equipment, we will discuss them later in this series and for the present we will con- clude the subject of aircraft equip- toe. Sote ment. Let us now consider the second di- vision in this expansion program, namely private marine radio. This is of interest for as we have stated it is

VP -I POWER SUPPLY our belief that it represents a source .1104e /Os of future income for many radio serv- icemen. Unlike private aircraft radio, Circuit diagram of the Hallicrafter's S -30 Radiocompass Receiver. Figure 3. private marine radio is subject to two 15 limiting agencies, namely the seasons and also location. Both of these can easily be understood, for private ma- rine radio flourishes during the late AVIATION ADIO spring, throughout the summer and the early fall months, that is, during the months when boating is popular. by CHARLES J. SCIIAUERS As to location, this is important for embracing boating of fool -proof installa- only those areas CONTACT ! Switch on ! something in the way are generally located upon the sea- NEWS instigates a tion and operation. How- This month, RADIO coast and upon the Great Lakes. new column on aviation radio, thereby add- The weight of the entire unit is 13 pounds, ever, despite the limitation of seasons useful information that including batteries and microphone, and is is of ing to the wealth of and location, private marine radio has always been found in its pages every 8 inches wide, 7/ inches deep, and 5/ importance to very many servicemen. inches high. long month. The United States has a very This column, with the assured cooperation The unit utilizes nine tubes ; four being coast line and quite a few large cities of aviation radio equipment manufacturers, used in the transmitter and five in the re- are located upon the Eastern, Western will supply the latest information to the ceiver. and Southern coasts. Further quite a readers every month on every phase of the The current drain for the entire unit is the 1 l 1 C5G, few large cities are located upon aviation radio industry ; and will present very low. because it uses G1G. G6G. Great Lakes. timely "spot news" gleaned from the most The registry of pleasure boats suit- reliable sources. It will also present, from able for private radio compass instal- time to time, information pertinent to the lations is sufficiently high to justify installation ; maintenance ; design ; opera- not only investigation but also actual tion ; and sales of aviation radio equipment ; effort to secure such business. There both aircraft and ground aviation communi- was a time in the past when just a few cations equipment. isolated cases of radio compass instal- It is sincerely hoped that the readers will lations were heard of, but today many take advantage of the service offered by this such installations are being effected new column and they are cordially invited and if we realize that this radio com- to send in questions concerning any phase munication service shop can take these of the aviation radio industry. installations and repair in stride, the Those questions which are of general in- field certainly deserves marked atten- terest will be answered in the column, and those questions coining from readers who de- and l'l'4 as receiving tubes. tion. A superheterodyne receiver is used in con- Included in these pleasure boat list- sire personal replies should be accompanied self- addressed envelope. junction with a crystal controlled transmit- ings are all those small cruisers which with a stamped, mile range and is readily realized that the `new,' ever ter which has about a fifteen are used for deep sea fishing along the It a frequency The expanding industry, the aviation radio in- more than I watt output with Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts. coverage of from 3,000 to 5,00 kilocycles. last two years has witnessed much ac- dustry, offers many opportunities to the of ship -to -ship radiomen who have been trained ; and now, tivity in the installation full op- KIEL of the Aviation Sales De- and ship -to -shore radiophone installa- with defense preparations going into LARRY Since fishing eration, these opportunities are more appar- partment of the American Phenolic Cor- tions upon these boats. much emphasis cannot be for tuna, marlin, sword fish and sail- ent than ever before. poration says, "too out into laid on the insistence of quality component fish calls for extensive trips will withstand the vibration en- the ocean, out of sight of land, weather THE Douglas Aircraft Corporation of parts, which are vital Santa Monica, California, will soon need countered in aircraft." We agree with him, reports and compass bearings and add, that during the past five years to the safety of those on board. Ship - more trained men. toward supplying the Due to the expansion necessary for the a noticeable trend to -ship communication is important aviation radio equipment manufacturing con- boats which comprise the accommodation of new orders placed by the between aviation firms, cerns with high standard quality parts by fleets from certain cities. It is impor- government and civilian has been fully nearly every aircraft concern is taking imme- component parts manufacturers tant when such ships work together realized by those engaged in the maintenance good of the fleet op- diate steps for adding additional space and for the common installation of accessory and installation of equipment. out of a town that the captains equipment for the in aircraft has erating equipment. Vibration as encountered know the location of fish schools. In very undesirable effect upon tubes, plug function of such Many radiomen who do not find their a fact that is a vital and ad- and socket connections, radio receiver fre- radio. The captains op- present positions offering security delicate ship -to -ship vancement should contact personnel man- quency adjustments, and the many erating from one fishing town plot a parts which must be utilized in modern of the ocean, or at least agers of the various aviation concerns and certain area place their applications for future consid- equipment. their general fishing grounds, and Even though shock absorbers are provided into a school eration. when one captain runs Aircraft manufacturers are always inter- with nearly all equipment, there still remains of fish he advises the rest in a special an immense amount of vibration which is information ested in obtaining trained men, and those code, thereby keeping the the qualifications necessary should inherently detrimental. secret from the captains of other fish- possessing "Pre- flight" inspections of the radio equip- towns. have no trouble in obtaining employment ing boats operating out of other the gigantic expansion is completed. ment installed, and associated electrical that after by a visual inspec- It might seem at first thought Our aviation radio manufacturers are also equipment, accompanied both installation and maintenance of insure no leakage of in- tion of manual parts which are subject to taking measures to much such private marine radio equipment formation pertinent to sets that they are vibration should be made, and too inclusive of radio compass apparatus utilization. stress cannot be laid upon the tightness of manufacturing for government bonding connections, is quite complicated, but once more We are more concerned in this column connections, clamps, without in any way belittling the im- with the radio equipment aspects of our and terminals. portance of the apparatus, we say with industry, but after all is said and Commercial Engineer for RCA's Aviation aviation DeVer K. Warner, all confidence in the accuracy of our done, our manufactured aircraft do have a Radio Sales Department, words that any competent service man the consequent design of tells me that, "the selection and installation direct bearing on types of air- who puts his mind to the work can our radio equipment. One has a direct re- of proper antennae for various is important topic." learn the requirements of such direc- lation to the other. craft radio reception an tion finding equipment and do a really With the advent of new types of military good service job. as well as civilian aircraft, the aviation radio HOW possible is it for radio manufactur- In a way, the equipment is very industry has taken many progressive steps ers to manufacture aircraft radio much like that used for radio compass forward, and this progress is also very evi- equipment on a mass production basis in work on private aircraft and since the dent by the many new appearances of better case war were declared tomorrow ? This is, similarity of such apparatus and reg- designed equipment. and has been a topic of discussion between ular home broadcast receivers has The Harvey Radio Laboratories, Inc., of aviation radio men for the past few months. been discussed earlier in this article, Cambridge, Massachusetts, give us infor- It is well known that the receivers and further elaboration is not necessary. mation this month on one of their new air- transmitters as used in aircraft have to be Of course the installation of such craft radio receiver -transmitter combinations designed from so many "safety" standpoints equipment upon a boat requires that which they call the "IMP." that the actual design of equipment would certain special tests be made in order This little unit is highly recommended for take quite sometime -but-a word from one (Continued on page 56) small aircraft, and for those who desire (Continued on page 62) 16

The "Beer Mug" which uses an acorn tube in The "High -power Baby" using an HY75 transmitting tube in the the transmitting position. It did 38 miles dx. receiving position with considerable success. It is AC powered. "BEER MUG" POWER TRANSCEIVER: 112 MC by OLIVER READ, W9ETI Technical Editor, RADIO NEWS

Two and a Half meters males strange sets. First we used an acorn tube as a transmitter and then we turned to a high powered triode for receiving. B o t h w or k e d well.

SOME months ago, several entirely "acid test" in the field. The "beer type of work, besides being inexpen- different models of 112 mc. trans- mug" unit has performed successfully ceivers were sive. Microphones are available that constructed in an from a glider in flight at altitudes up are especially designed for close -talk- effort to find one most suitable for to better than 7,000 feet -and its sig- ing. general communications These are recommended wher- with a com- nals were copied clearly 37 miles dis- ever the transceiver is to be operated pact unit that would include as many tant by a casual listener. in features as possible a moving vehicle such as an auto- in an inexpensive In order not to confuse the reader, mobile, airplane, glider or boat. Much rig. The two models chosen from the we will discuss each transceiver group are illustrated, as a background noise can be eliminated together with separate unit. The circuits are very and the general results will be more schematic diagrams for both. One is much the same in fundamental design operated entirely satisfactory. from a 115 volt -60 and in general layout. The principal AC Operated 112 MC Transceiver cycle line, while the other operates difference lies in the power rating from self- contained batteries. be- The complete transceiver for oper- tween units. In each case, tubes were ation in the 112 mc. band from the a.c. A unique feature of the a.c. operated chosen for maximum high- frequency mains uses model is the use an HY75 oscillator, a RCA of a transmitting tube performance in the oscillator section. 6J5 audio amplifier, and a 6V6G modu- of considerable power capabilities in The modulators were selected for both the "transmit" most lator-or power amplifier. Loud- and "receive" po- economical operation at the plate speaker operation is furnished with a sitions. With this combination a voltage available. self -contained strong carrier is effected unit on the chassis. at an in- Both units are designed for single - Any small p.m. speaker may be used. crease in general efficiency. Both of button microphone input as they had the transceivers have The one illustrated is a Utah 3P. undergone the been found to be most suitable for this More than sufficient volume is fur- 17

Under chassis view of the power unit. Topside view of the power unit. nished by the 6V6G on the weakest phone, and another for the plate cir- signal. cuit when the HY75 is operating as a In the "transmit" position the HY75 super -regen detector. A resistor is is a powerful plate -modulated oscilla- shunted across the secondary of T1 to tor, capable of putting out a signal stabilize the grid circuit and improves that will override the super -regen hiss the performance. Note that the cur- on a receiver of that type, should one rent for the microphone is taken from be in use at the receiving end. There the cathode of the 6J5GT in order to is nothing particularly complicated eliminate a battery supply. No hum is about the switching method used to developed in the primary, nor is any transfer from "transmit" to "receive." feed -back introduced into the circuit In the former position, the following to cause any difficulty. connections are made : The audio from Regeneration is controlled by the the 6V6G modulator is transferred to potentiometer R4, placed in the pri- the plate circuit of the HY75 where mary plate circuit of the detector. R3 modulation of the tube can be accom- is used to limit the range of the con- plished at medium -level. Too much trol. Adequate bypassing is used Rear view of the "Beer Mug." The audio will cause a wide variation in throughout the transceiver and in all case fits over the entire works. output frequency and is to be avoided. cases these condensers- are located as The second switch section places the close to the socket terminals as pos- The shaft is cut off close to the mount- microphone into the circuit and sup- sible. ing shank and a flexible coupling at- plies current for its operation. Note The most important condenser in tached. This coupling is most impor- that in the "receive" position that all the entire setup is the C3 grid con- tant and must be used in order to elim- voltage is removed from the micro- denser. This must be small physically inate any body capacity. phone. The third switch section is and be able to withstand more than The coil is self- supporting and con- used to change the value of the grid the full plate voltage from the power sists of 4 turns of No. 12 or 14 wire- - resistor to the correct point for maxi- supply. One of the new silvered -mica /2" in dia. Turns are spaced so that mum performance and output when condensers is well suited for this ap- the overall length will be about 1 ". the tube is used as an oscillator. Like- plication and is recommended. After the transceiver is operating, wise -the opposite is true when the rig The Ohmite high- frequency radio - these turns are spread apart or is in the "receive" position. The grid frequency chokes are designed for 5 pinched together so that the band will resistance is increased to a satisfac- meters, but may be used at 112 mc. be covered completely within the tory value for reception. with equal effectiveness. The tuning range of the tuning condenser. The fourth section on the switch is condenser is a Cardwell Trim -Aire, An ordinary bakelite socket is used optional and serves only to limit the and may be mounted with the brackets -as the grid and plate connections are amount of audio gain when the set is furnished or by any of several ways. both made to the top of the tube en- being operated as a transmitter. In other words -the volume is preset in ce the "receive" position so that control of the R8 potentiometer need not be TO changed for each standby. ANT. -A+' The input transceiver transformer is C2 a Thordarson T- 72A59. Two separate RFC primaries are used; one for the micro-

C H.I J On \- 5Z4 RII

The "Beer Mug" Transceiver. O TT /S ,' S R s C1 -lo mmfd. midget condenser. Cardwell SW.I ------i o, 00 C2-3 -15 mmfd. ceramic padder. Meissner T3 C,3- .00025 mf. ultra -midget mica. Sprague FIGURE SW.2 C4 -.006 mf. mica. Sprague 115V. AC C5 -.1 mf. 400 v. paper. Sprague The "High- Power" Transceiver. C8 -10 mf. 50 v. electro. Sprague C mf. 400 v. paper. Aerovox -.5 C1 -5 mmfd. midget tuning cond. Cardwell R0-1,000 ohms, 1 w. IRC C8-.01 mf. 200 V. paper. Aerovox C,--15 mmfd. ceramic padder cond. Meissner R- 100,000 ohms, 1 w. IRC R1 -5,000 ohms, 10 w. Mallory C;3-.0001 mf. Silver -mica. Sprague R8- 100,000 ohms. pot. Mallory R2-500,000 ohms, 1 w. Aerovox C4 -.01 mf. mica. Sprague R -500 ohms, 10 w. IRC R3- 100,000 ohms, 1 w. Aerovox C5 -.25 mf. 200 v. paper. Aerovox R10 -8,000 ohms, 10 w. Mallory R4-500 ohms, 2 w. Aerovox C0-8 mf. 250 v. electro. Mallory R11- 50,000 ohms, 100 w. Mallory T1- Ouncer type Mike -to -Grid. UTC A -10 C -10 mf. 50 v. electro. Mallory R, -100 ohms, center -tap CH1-30 hy. 75 MA choke. Thordarson C8 -.04 mf. paper. Sprague T1- Transceiver Trans. Thordarson -T -72A59 SWt -3 pole -double throw rotary. Mallory C8 -10 tnf. 50 v. electro. Mallory Tÿ- Pentode Output -Voice Coil. Thordarson SW., -SPST Toggle switch. Arrow Ç,0-8 mfd. 450 v. electro. Mallory Ta -Plate and Fil. Trans. Thordarson T13R14 A Battery- Burgess. F4PIX R1 -7500 ohms, 10 w. Mallory SW1 -4 pole -2 position rotary. Mallory B Batteries -Burgess Z3ON (4 required) R2-- -1 megohm, 1 w. IRC N SW2 -SPST Toggle switch ^-neplates- Crowe. Dial -Crowe R3- 150,000 ohms, 1 w. IRC Speaker -Utah 3P 3" PM speaker RFC -Ohmite 5 meter RF choke R4- 50,000 ohms pot. Mallory RFC -Ohmite 5 meter chokes L1 -3 -4 turns No. 14 wire, 1/2" Diam. R5- 100,000 ohms, 1 w. IRC L1- 4 t. No. 14 wire, 1/2" diam. 18 velope. The output choke is mounted directly back of the speaker and in front of the modulator. A pilot lamp is included to indicate when the power supply is in operation. An extra con- UTILITY trol may be seen in the illustration. We intend to add a tone control to offset some of the hiss found in this RADIO type of equipment. The condenser C2 must be adjusted carefully in order to achieve maximum DEVELOPMENTS performance. This is set when the transceiver is operating in the "re- ceive" position. Coupling may be varied so that the greatest capacity possible may be used and still have the set super -regenerate over the entire semble. assures lower contact póint resistance band. The loading in the "transmit" Announcements and better alignment of the brush contact surface position will be entirely satisfactory AS of August 22, 1940 the firm of Doolttle with the points. Properly aligned square brush Falkner, Inc., of Chicago. has been re- faces provide extremely smooth action, eliminat- when the condenser is set as recom- named, Doolittle Radio Inc. There has been no ing the tendency to click between contact points. mended. change in policy, procedure nor personnel. Brushes are carefully lapped -in before delivery to THE Hollywood Transformer Company, Holly- assure full and even contact pressure. There is The a.c. power supply is purely con- wood, Calif., has just released several catalog actually i. lb. pressure at the contact point of ventional and needs no explanation. sheets describing tapped equalizer inductors, in- each brush to assure firm contact and good The rectifier tube is a 5Z4. This was put transformers, and similar items. The sheet cleaning action. is yours for the asking. Address. Norman B. Contact points are precision ground to flat sur - chosen to cut down on the overall Neely, 5334 Hollywood Blvd.. Hollywood, Calif. faces after all other assembly operations are physical height of the power supply NORMAN B. \'EEL)', West Coast manufac- complete. Extensive research and long experi- turers' representative specializing in tech- chassis as that tube is quite a bit nical equipment announces the addition to his smaller than the glass type 80. A technical staff of Tom Bissett. Mr. Bissett for- merly operated his own radio service and sound center -tap resistor is used in prefer- equipment business as a part time venture while ence to the tap on the filament wind- attending college. ing as the two units are in separate compartments. Broadcast Radio Equipment Unfortunately type of trans- THE Hewlett- Packard Company of Palo Alto, -this California, has just released their 320A Dis- ceiver, like the ones commercially tortion Measuring Set. This unit was designed available, have a characteristic that is to meet the demand for a reasonably priced item to allow radio stations, laboratories, public ad- rather annoying when two receivers dress operators and maintenance men to make are operating in close proximity to one distortion measurements quickly and easily. The 320A may be used with any signal generator and another. They transmit "birdies" to oscilloscope to give distortion readings at two form interference when in the "re- different frequencies. Frequency Range: The instrument is designed ceive" position. This is seldom con- for measurements at 400 or 5000 cps. Filters fronted however and should not be of for other frequencies can be supplied on special order. any great concern. The chassis and Input Impedance: The input impedance is at cabinet may be any suitable dimen- least 20,000 ohms. A bridging transformer may ence in the design and manufacture of precision be used to increase the input impedance. attenuators indicates that polished contact points sions that will allow plenty of room Distortion Range: The filter circuits will pro- are not conducive to the most satisfactory and without crowding of parts. The an- vide more than 60 db of attenuation of the dependable operation. Precision design and as- is a 46" rod. fundamental. Distortion values as low as 0.1% sembly of the brushes, full sleeve bearing, ground tenna steel of the fundamental may be measured with a de- shaft. and precision grinding of the contact Battery Operated 112MC. Compact tector of sufficient sensitivity. points make it unnecessary to polish or round Transceiver Detector Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the off contact points or the brush contact surfaces is instrument is determined by the detector. The to secure reasonably smooth rotation. This little rig very simple to con- NEW line of speech input equipment, cus- struct and will appeal to those who tom-builttom -built to meet the individual needs of wish broadcasting stations or motion picture studios. an ultra- compact transceiver regardless of size or operating requirements, has that may be easily carried about like been announced by the Western Electric Com- pany. According to F. R. Lack, manager of the a "talkie -walkie" as used in the U. S. Company's Specialty Products Division, the new Army. It is capable of high perform- equipment achieves this flexibility of function ance and possesses excellent tone by employing the principle of unit construction qual- in both its electrical and mechanical aspects. ity for a unit of this type. The one The new system begins with a simple table illustrated was recently used that provides housing for pre- amplifiers and sup- at the panel on the rear of Third National Soaring Contest held detector should give a readable indication on ports an inclined control 0.1% of the fundamental if harmonies of 0.1% its top surface. Where space is limited or where at the Lewis School of Aeronautics at are to be measured. The detector need not be the main amplifiers are installed remotely, this Lockport, Ill. It was placed into a calibrated because it is used for comparison only. The usual oscilloscope with a one stage amplifier glider and used for two -way commu- is sufficiently sensitive to measure 0.3% of a 30 nication with the ground station, volt fundamental. For proper operation of the instrument the input impedance of the detector where it was also heard by the audi- must be 100.000 ohms or greater. An amplifier ence over a P.A. system. The quality may be used between the instrument and the detector to increase the sensitivity. The only was considerably better than most of requirements on such an amplifier are that it the commercially built transceivers must pass the highest harmonic which is of in- terest and that it have a high impedance input. available. It need not be free from distortion otherwise. The circuit is a simplified version of Mounting: The Model 320A is mounted in an attractive oak cabinet with the panel finished in the a.c. operated unit described above. wrinkle grey. The Model 320AR fits the stand- An RCA 955 triode is used as a super - ard 19" relay rack with Wyk" spacing. The panel in basic unit answers, efficiently, every speech input regen detector, or (believe it or not), is finished wrinkle grey with machine engraved need. As studio requirements grow in com- as a plate- modulated oscillator. This designations. plexity, the table may be flanked on either end THE Cinema Engineering Company of Burbank. by a dust -proof cabinet of the pedestal type. tube is of the "Acorn" variety having California, has just announced their Model Each of the pedestals. in turn, is designed to act extremely short connections to the ele- 1658 attenuator. This unit, although in the as a support for an electrical transcription turn- lower price brackets, has 2% wire wound resis- table. Thus a single centralized unit embracing ments. A special socket is used to tors, reamed sleeve bearing and ground shaft any combination of standard Western Electric further simplify the layout. and precision surfaced contact points embodying apparatus; from a simple channel to an elabo- the same precision and careful workmanship rate control system. such as demanded by FM Only two tubes are required, the 955 found in the higher- priced C -E controls. The broadcasting plants of the highest quality, may triode and the 6G6G pentode. These 1658 control is available as a 20 step ladder at- be readily assembled on a "custom built" basis. tenuator to all standard specifications. A simi- tubes are of the heater type and op- lar unit is also available in a potentiometer con- erate directly from a six volt minia- trol. Aircraft Radio The brush construction on Cinema Engineering ture battery. Microphone current is attenuators is especially worthy of mention as AMULTI -CHANNEL radio telephone for air - supplied from the same source when careful design of the contact springs is an im- craft. which provides for dial -switch selec- portant contributing factor to the superiority and tion of any one of ten pre -tuned frequencies. has the selector switch is placed in the long, trouble-free life of these units. The three been announced by the Western Electric Corn - "transmit" position. laminations are of spring brass with an un- pany. The new apparatus was designed pri- usually high degree of resiliency. Springs are marily for use by airlines and private planes. The cabinet measures 6 "x6 "x10" and individually formed and carefully checked before To meet the need arising out of the long -range an ornamental handle is attached to assembly. operation of modern airliners, the new transmit- All brushes have square corners rather than ter develops more than twice the power of con- one end by machine screws. A piece the usual rounded corners. This construction. ventional equipment. (Continued on page 56) although more expensive and difficult to as- (Continued on page 50) 19


by RUFUS P. TURNER, W 1 A Y Cambridge, Massachusetts

In this concluding article the author intimately describes the construction and advises how the unit is calibrated.

Part 2. Conclusion

month the complete Oscilla- the fixed oscillator tube or components. cathode connection. It is a matter of tor was described, together with The demodulator is resistance - great convenience that the pi -wound general operating procedure capacitance- coupled to the push -pull National R300U r.f. choke has an in- and tuning. audio output stage. A prototype r.f. ductance of exactly one millihenry and How the foregoing principles are filter (C18- RFC -C19 and C20 -RFC- can be used in this circuit position. The applied to the writer's version of the C21) is inserted between each 6L7 choke, which has a very low distributed beat frequency oscillator is best re- plate and 6C5 grid to prevent any r.f. capacitance (1 Aufd.), is wound in vealed by a detailed description of the voltage which might have passed three pies so that it is simple to make instrument and reference to the through the demodulator stage from the tap by soldering a lead to the con- schematic, the layout drawings, and reaching the a.f. grids and causing dis- necting wire between the bottom and photographs of the completed instru- tortion. These filters are individually middle pies after the insulation has ment. shielded and mounted above chassis. been cautiously scraped from this fine The fixed oscillator is operated on Their round shield cans may be seen wire. The 6 -32 screw which is moulded 350 kc. in the arrangement used here, near the right -hand end of the chas- into the bottom end of the choke can while the variable one is tuned from sis in Figure 2. be used conveniently for mounting 350 kc. down to 335 kc. to provide The output of the instrument is con- purposes and for the coil ground con- audio -frequency coverage from 0 to 15,- trolled by means of the dual, ganged nection (the last pi is connected to 000 cycles. potentiometer, R15, which allows this screw). It may seem odd to tune in this di- simultaneous adjustment of the a.f. The pickup coils, L3 and L4, are rection, it being customary to think of voltage amplitude at each amplifier wound on 3/4 o.d. Victron forms (Na- the variable oscillator as being tuned grid. tional type PRF -2) which are slipped from the fixed oscillator frequency up, A rectifier -type a.c. voltmeter is per- over the oscillator coils, Ll and L2. rather than down. But that is readily manently connected across the output L3 contains 97 turns of no. 36 d. s. c. understood when it is learned that our winding of the special transformer, T1, wire closewound, and L4 50 closewound special tuning condenser, C9 in Figure to indicate zero beat when the dial is turns of no. 28 d. s. c. wire tapped at 5, has its slowest capacitance change being set to zero and to show output FREQUENCY F when the rotors are being turned in voltage amplitude at all other times. FIGURE 4. from minimum (high- frequency set - The Special Oscillator Circuits FIXED ting). And since it is in the lower re- At first glance, because of the cath- OSCLLATOR gion of the frequency scale where this ode- tapped coil, the circuit employed F O -20KC very slow change is required, the mini- in the fixed and variable oscillators A. F. 1UTPUT DEMODULATOR mum capacitance, rather than maxi- (see Figure 5) appears to be electron AMPLIFIER mum, must be used as the starting coupled. But on closer inspection, it point. will be observed that energy is taken VARIABLE The two oscillators are inductively from the tank coil by inductive coup- OSCILLATOR coupled to a balanced demodulator em- ling instead. Electron coupling, while FREQUENCY RANGE ploying two 6L7 tubes. Mixing is elec- very desirable for reasons of stability, F TO F tISKC tronic, the signal from the variable is not used here because of its pro- Block diagram of the oscillator. oscillator reaching the No. 1 grids of nounced ability to transmit harmonics. FIGURE 7 the 6L7's 180 degrees out of phase The circuit is made equally as stable as through the center -tapped coupling an electron -coupled system by auto- RCA coil, L4, while the fixed oscillator out- matically regulating the B -plus volt- POWER o OUTPUT put is applied to the No. 3 grids in age, obtaining screen voltage with a TRANS. TRANS. phase by the coupling coil L3. voltage divider, use of the 6SK7 tube, Rz3® A 1000 -ohm potentiometer, R9, per- and employment of high -grade air - mits adjustment of the fixed oscillator tuned and silvered mica condensers in output amplitude to establish the the tuned circuits. The writer was ®R 9 VAR.OSC. proper ratio of fixed and variable oscil- surprised to find the circuit so C4 stable ®C 3 ® o lator voltages reaching the demodula- that while listening to its signal out- 6L7 tor. Once set for minimum distortion, put on a c.w. receiver, the 6SK7 tube Cs SHIELD this potentiometer will generally re- could be hammered to FIXED OSC. C9 the point of HOUSING o quire no readjustment unless it has ac- breaking the tube without so much as cidentally been disturbed or the r.f. disturbing the frequency! voltage applied to the No. 3 grids be- The 1- millihenry tank coils are CHASSIS SIZE 14 X 10 X 3 comes reduced as a result of aging in tapped at approximately one -third for Chassis layout details. 20 the 25th turn. Both coupling coils are tion since their capacitance undergoes assembly to one side of the shield box thoroughly impregnated with liquid only an infinitesimal change with tem- by means of the R300U mounting Victron immediately after completing perature variations. screw. All wiring within the box is the winding. In addition to this low -drift fixed done with heavy rigid bus bar (with Copper -foil electrostatic shields are capacitor, the fixed oscillator tank the exception of the heater leads). placed between each oscillator coil and circuit includes a ceramic -insulated The variable oscillator stage shield winding, as shown in Figure 100 -µpfd. variable air -tuned condenser. is seen directly to the right of the its pickup in Figure 6, to reduce capacity coupling and ac- C3, (National UM100) connected across previously- described shield cordingly attenuate harmonics. the entire coil, and a similar 35 -44fd. 3. This box is made of the same thick- Observe that this shield is not a midget (National UM35) connected be- ness aluminum and measures 33/4"x complete cylinder, its sides not quite tween the cathode tap and ground. 41/2 "x3 ", and its bottom plate likewise meeting. This type of construction The variable oscillator tank con- is removable, being also held in place destroys the "series of shorted rings" denser complement includes the two by eight self- tapping screws. The effect of a complete cylinder and the variable condensers listed above and, variable oscillator shield houses C2, attendant eddy- current losses and their in addition, the special tuning con- C4, C6, Cll, and C23, L2 and L4, and effect on the Q of the oscillator coil. denser, C9 which is RCA Stock No. R4, R5, R6, and R8. The National The fixed and variable oscillator 31333. midget trimmer, C6, is used here as coil units are assembled as shown in All condensers and coils associated the "correction control" for use in set- the exploded view in Figure 6. After with the oscillators are mounted un- ting the dial to zero, is mounted on connecting the cathode tap, several derneath the chassis, away from the the inner side of one of the shield -box layers of Amphenol polystyrene rib- heat of tubes, in shield boxes made of walls, and is adjusted through a Na- bon are wound around the R300U 1/16" aluminum. tional TX -11 flexible shaft terminated wound Special Shielding at the control end by the correction choke and the copper -foil shield in on top of the insulating cylinder pro- The fixed oscillator stage shield box control dial (left -hand small dial vided by the ribbon. Enough of the is visible prominently in the upper Figure 1). The flexible shaft assembly ribbon is then wound on top of the left -hand portion of Figure 3. It is and its relation to the stage shield and shield to give a tight fit when the coup- constructed of 1/16" aluminum and the front panel is clearly seen in Fig- ling coil is slipped on. measures 3"x51/4 "x3 ". The bottom ure 3. After assembly, each entire coil unit plate, directly visible in the pho- The leads extending from the varia- is impregnated with liquid Victron to tograph, is removable, being held in ble oscillator coupling coil, L4, do not render it impervious to moisture. The place by eight self- tapping screws. leave the shielded territory but pass unit should be given several separate This box, which is mounted under the through the chassis through midget rub- dippings into the solution, allowing chassis so as to receive the bottom of ber grommets into the 6L7 shield box ample time for drying between each the oscillator tube socket, houses Ll, where they attach to the top -cap ter- dipping. The final result will be a L3, Cl, C3, C5, C7, C10, C12, C22, R1, minals. This scheme is illustrated in coil unit "moulded" in a solid mass of R2, R3, R7, and R9. The National the x -ray layout sketch, Figure 8, and hardened Victron. midget trimmers, C3 and C5, are the 6L7 shield box is visible along the The fixed tank condensers, C7 and mounted on the under side of the chas- center front of the chassis in Figure 2. box in Figure 2 C8, are each 100 -pµfd. Cornell -Dubi- sis with their adjustment screws ex- The left -hand shield lier silvered mica models and are tending up through clearance holes houses the RCA tuning condenser and ideally suited to this circuit applica- (see layout in Figure 7) and the coil is 31/4"x234 "x3" in size. It is made of


R21 R22



( OOÓÖÓÖI r.v. 110 V. A.C. L J R2;r--15,000 -ohm heavy -duty wirewound poten- Ct, C -.001 mfd. midget mica. Aerovox C25-.002 mfd. midget mica. Aerovox National UM100 C2. -.01 mfd. midget mica. Aerovox tiometer. Mallory C3, C4 -100 mmfd. ohms, 1 watt. IRC mmfd. National UM35 R1, R2, R:;, R4, Rs, R,3-.1 meg., 1/2 we IRC R24 -5,000 Cr Ce-35 L1, L2--I millihenry tapped at approximately one - mmfd. silvered mica. Cornell - R7, R8- 50,000 ohms, 1/2 w. IRC C7, Cs -I00 R0-1,000-ohm tapered potentiometer. Yaxley third. National R300U r. f. choke with Dubilier tap made between bottom and middle C0-Special BFO, 5 -58 mmfds. RCA 31333 R10- 50,000 ohms, I w. IRC ohms, I w. IRC pies Cao, C11 -0.1 mfd. 400 y. tubular. Aerovox R11 -1,000 coupling coil (see text) C12-- .00005 mfd. midget mica. Aerovox R15-Dual 500,000 -ohm potentiometer. Yaxley L;,-Fixed oscillator ohms, I w. IRC L1- Variable oscillator coupling coil (see text) C13 -25 mfd. 50 v. electrolytic. Aerovox R14)-500 1 10,000 -ohm non -inductive precision resistor, RFC -250- millihenry r. f. chokes. National -10 C14-0.1 mfd. 400 v. tubular. Aerovox R1- C. LS -51 v. Aerovox type WW4. IRC T1 -U. T. C1 1.0 mid. 400 paper. 350 -0 -350 v., 95 ma.; 5 v., 3 a.; 6. 3 v., 4. C16i C17-.1 mfd. 400 v. tubular. Aerovox R1s- 250,000 ohms, 1 w. IRC T_- -ohm wirewound, center- tapped 5 a.; 2.5 y., 5 a. U. T. C. Type R3 C18, C16, C20, C21- .00005 mid. midget mica. R16 -60 henries, 100 ma. U. T. C. R19 v. Aerovox R20- 50,000 ohms, 1 watt. IRC CH -15 C.0-25 mid. 50 electrolytic. -1 d. c. Milliammeter. Triplett Model 221 v. tubular. Aerovox R_,- 10,000 ohms, 2 watts. IRC M -0 Cs3 -.1 mid. 400 REC- Triplett C -4 copper oxide rectifier C_4, C25 -16 mfd. 450 y. midget electro. Aerovox R22- 25,000 ohms, 2 watts. IRC 21

1/16 -inch aluminum and is provided with spade bolts for mounting. A large clearance hole in the chassis within the condenser box admits the stator bus which passes down into the variable oscillator shield box under the chassis. The 6L7 shield box measures 2 "x 43/4 "x3 ", houses only the two tubes, and like the condenser shield is pro- vided with spade bolts for mounting on the chassis. The upright chokes and condensers of each 6L7 plate- circuit filter are housed in the round shield cans seen adjacent to the 6L7 shield box in Fig- ure 2. These are regular coil shield cans, two inches in diameter and two inches high, each provided with two spade bolts for chassis mounting. Their arrangement on the chassis is also shown in Figures 7 and 8. Modern Power Supply It will be observed from the schema- tic, Figure 5, that a full -sized voltage - regulated power supply is used. This is a decided advantage, as the circuit is entirely foolproof and really delivers the goods. The constancy of operation it imparts to the beat frequency oscil- lator is worth several times its cost. From Figures 2 and 7 it will be ob- served that the power transformer is mounted in the left rear corner and the other power supply components near- Notice the extremes to which shielding has been made in the unit. by along the rear edge of the chassis. latively heavy in weight, The the trans- paper scale that was executed in India special above -chassis socket for former is not too large in size for corn- ink and cemented to the dial face the RCA 991 neon voltage regulator pact assemblies. Its electrostatically - while the writer was waiting for the tube is mounted adjacent to the trans- shielded coil structures are novelly ar- regular engraving job to be done. At- former, and the filter choke below ranged to neutralize voltages induced tention is particularly called to the chassis almost directly beneath this by hum flux. pleasing separation socket. The of the various fre- 5W4 rectifier tube and The unit, housed in its heavy alloy quencies. Note that the 1 -kc. point 2A3 voltage regulator are mounted at shield may be seen in the right rear is quite half -way up the dial. the very edge of the chassis since they corner of the chassis in Figures 2 and Mechanics run hotter than any others in the in- 7. A 2 1/16" hole cut in the chassis All the rules of good building apply strument. The potentiometer, R23, is with a circle cutter clears the numer- with double emphasis to the beat fre- mounted through the chassis between ous terminals. quency oscillator. In an instrument of the 6SJ7 and 2A3 sockets and its shaft Output Meter this type, almost imperceptible move- is cut off and slotted for screwdriver The output meter, represented by the ments of chassis, parts, or wiring cause adjustment. combination M- REC -R17 in Figure 5, noticeable frequency shifts. It there- The a.c. line cord is made removable is a 0 -10 a.c. voltmeter with a 0 -1- fore becomes imperative to employ through the expedient of an Amphenol milliammeter as the basis. This device good solid construction throughout, to flush receptacle seen to the right of is most helpful in indicating zero beat use a chassis of heavy stock, only parts the filter choke in Figure 3. Directly to when the dial is being set to zero prior of superior mechanical construction, the right of this part is seen one of the to use of the instrument. and to do all of the oscillator wiring 16 -pfd. midget tubular filter con- While it is of considerable advantage with heavy, rigid bus bar. The instru- densers. to use the precision non -inductive re- ment is built on a 14 "x10 "x3" cad- Special Output Transformer sistor specified for R17, the meter is mium- plated steel chassis which is Notwithstanding the inclusion of a adversely affected by the higher audio 0.060 -inch thick. The edges are folded gain control in the instrument, the frequencies, so that if it is used as an to receive a steel bottom and the output voltage curve of a beat fre- output meter as well, it will be neces- corners are spot welded. quency oscillator should be kept as flat sary to plot a correction chart for the All of the components within the os- as practicable to insure even output various frequencies and voltage read- cillator shield boxes are fastened down over the entire dial range. Inordinate ings. firmly to avert movement. The tuning output variations entail unnecessary It is strongly recommended that all condenser, C9, and the trimmer con- work at the gain control to maintain who have the opportunity include a densers, C3, C4, C5, and C6, are all a constant output level. vacuum -tube voltmeter as the output equipped to receive four mounting The output voltage curve can be no indicating device, since this instrument screws and must be so mounted. The better than the frequency response will not be affected by the frequencies trimmers are built on small rectan- curve of the output transformer, hence within the range of the beat fre- gular Isolantite panels held below the there is no alternative but to employ quency oscillator. chassis by four 6 -32 screws which are a transformer of superior frequency Special Dial characteristics. There can be no skimp- It is highly desirable to have the C9 BOX 6V BOX ing in this matter; the transformer dial read directly in cycles per second FILTER selected must be of broadcast studio and to have it as large as possible for quality. ease in manipulation and reading. The The high -fidelity unit, UTC type LS- knob drive should be a smooth acting 51 (T1 in Figure 5) is particularly CHASSIS -. vernier. FIXED O5C VARIABLE O5C. suitable. Shown here, the 500 -ohm The dial shown in Figure 1 and BOX BOX output terminals are utilized, although recommended particularly for this in- FIGURE 8 this transformer is a "vari- match" strument is a National Type NW. This Chassis parts placement diagram. job and will provide output impedances is a six -inch German silver job with a of 50, 125, 200, 250, and 333 ohms as variable speed vernier. It can be ob- well. tained on special order without figures Its response is flat within plus or of any kind and may then be engraved minus 1 db. from 30 to 20,000 cycles by a local machine shop equipped with and it is a hum -balanced job with dual dial engraving gear after the builder alloy shield. (This relative hum -pick- has marked off his calibration points. PIG:AE 6 up reduction is -74 db.) . Although re- We originally used a temporary Coil construction diagram. 22 passed through short spacing sleeves. The mounting hardware is supplied with the condensers. All resistors and condensers in the . ,amiiuiimiiiiia oscillator and demodulator circuits are i mounted at both ends with as little _: pigtail length as necessary. In some cases this mounting can be achieved simply by fastening between the ter- minals of two other parts. In all other cases, it will be necessary to fasten in- sulated terminal strips to the chassis for the purpose. be Power transformer leads should Manufacturer's Specifications tention to small details usually overlooked in with stout cord and some models we have tested. laced together Radiotone. Radiotone, Inc., Holly- as shown in Make: First of all ; the entire assembly is un- clamped to the chassis, wood, Calif. Figure 3. usually rugged. This means that records can NW dial, in- Model: HR-8T be turned out that will possess true fidelity The National type Motor: Heavy -duty, constant -speed. and freedom from any turntable rumble or dicated here for tuning, is of excel- Turntable Speeds: Standard 78 rpm and distortion caused by mechanical vibrations. lent mechanical construction and has 331/3 rpm. The turntable is of sufficient weight to ride four-screw mounting to hold it firmly Cutting Head: High grade Magnetic. through heavy audio peaks without the to the front panel. The center hole Pickup: High- Impedance crystal. slightest waver. These features, together for clearing the shaft should be drilled Microphone: Crystal. with a heavy -duty motor, insure satisfactory the rotating Amplifier: Self- Contained. performance under all conditions met in the large enough to prevent Radio Tuner: Built -in. art of instantaneous recording. shaft from rubbing against the panel Control Panel: Sloping type with controls. A high -fidelity radio tuner is provided in during any portion of its revolution, Feed: Undercarriage drive. some models to make records of programs and the dial must be mounted exactly Table: Heavy weighted type. coming into the home. Unlike some tuners in front of the tuning condenser to Speaker: Furnished in case cover. we have seen and heard, the one furnished prevent stresses and displacement due Case: Reinforced -fabric covered and water- with these particular units are especially de- condenser proofed. signed for wide band width for maximum to misalignment. The tuning Remarks: Cuts all types of instantaneous fidelity. Accurate tuning is simplified by is mounted straight on the chassis for discs of 6 ", 8 ", 10 ", l2 ", 13%" diameters. the tuning eye provided on the tuner panel. the same reason. It will be noted that Description Stations may be set accurately and maximum the tuning condenser box is mounted -ST portable recorder fidelity attained. The Radiotone HR is quite close to the front panel to make will make a professional record with high Mixing of microphone and tuner pos- possible the shortening of the shaft quality and fidelity. Even the smallest model sible with the controls provided. Further- reproduce records having diam- more, tone correction can be made which is coupling to minimize torsion. will cut and recording at the transcription Tighten all screws to their limit and eters of 6 ", 8 ", 10 ", 12" and 1354" masters. essential when are easy to operate and so flexible that speed of 33/ rpm. This type of recording use lock washers liberally. Employ no They requires treatment of the higher audio fre- single-hole mountings wherever it is quencies in order that best fidelity be real- possible to use a number of screws for ized. The Radiotone provides this equaliza- the purpose. After completing the tion in an efficient manner. w o r k, it An equalizer control is furnished in order "screwdriver- and -wrench" that the high frequencies may be boosted should not be possible to work any when recording at 33%3 rpm. Due to this part of the foundation unit loose. In- slow speed, the higher notes are not of suffi- deed, complete "battleship" construc- cient amplitude to be etched on the record tion should be achieved. and it is necessary that they be increased in Output leads are brought to a Na- amplitude so that these notes will not be be- FWH terminal assembly, low the normal noise level of the disc. The tional type equalizer is also helpful in making correction seen in the lower right corner of the to commercial records for certain applica- front panel, Figure 1. This unit is tions, and in this service, much can be ac- mounted with g r e at mechanical complished to enhance their value. Either solidarity, since half of the R39 -in- the high's or the low's may be attenuated in base block is on the front; the order to compensate for any loss that may sulated in playing the record. other half on the back of the panel. any amateur can make professional records occur in cutting or attention. The playback pickup is of the crystal type A matching National FWA binding with minimum and of good grade. Needles may be inserted is mounted directly to the right of A weighted turntable is used to insure may be post tone reproduction without any au- into the cartridge easily as the head the FWH board for ground connection. accurate lifted so that the underside is in full view. dible waver or "wow." This table is accu- to the equip- The three binding posts shown here rately machined to perfect balance. A felt The pickup is matched properly on a test in- ment and is capable of excellent tone re- are particularly useful top is provided to cushion the disc and to volume strument, accommodating as they do protect it from scratch. sponse. The amplifier has sufficient to those who wish to enable the recorder to be used as a pub- either banana plugs, plain wires, stan- A radio tuner is offered in small halls and the like. tips, to make records of their favorite radio pro- lic address system dard test tips, phone tips, spade case The cutting head is of the magnetic type - type FWF grams. This is built into the carrying ability to with- or the companion National as shown on the illustration. A tight fitting noted for its ruggedness and dual conductor plug. closed. stand excessive audio peaks without distor- cover permits the compartment to be on the head Calibration A high grade crystal microphone is fur- tion. Adjustments are provided so that various discs may be cut properly, Several methods of calibrating audio nished as standard equipment on all models. in needle is thus afforded in making and also to allow for variations oscillators have been advanced from Pleasing response "stylus" length. This adjustment is rather time. By far the best would "direct pickup" records. rely too much time to The control panel is laid out in such a important. Some recorders be to compare the home -made beat on the cutting arm assembly to automatically manner that all controls are easily identified. avoided when frequency instrument directly by the Push buttons are used to select the various do the adjusting. This is to be with a freshly -cali- is of accurate cuttings are to be made. zero -beat method functions that the recorder capable was put through which might be set handling. These are clearly marked for The Radiotone Recorder brated instrument a series of tests. These included frequency - at dozens of points throughout the proper identification. response measurements and playback re- most Four control knobs are used : Tone- Equal- spectrum. This is likewise the Mike Vol- sponse. The net results were very satisfac- ac- izer -Phono -Radio Volume, and of easy cutting and difficult method, insofar as gaining ume. Each of these perform important func- tory from the standpoint cess to the commercial instrument is tions in making and in playing recordings. faithful reproduction. concerned. However, it is certainly to Operates either at the standard speed of The Reader Asks be recommended in every case where 7S rpm or at Transcription speed of 331/3 Whenever I make records the distortion is high there is a "friend" in a laboratory or rpm. Will cut from outside -in, or inside -out. and I hear an echo when the record is played back. What causes this to happen? broadcast station. Discussion ANSWER: This is due entirely to the use The second best method of calibrat- This recorder is not particularly well of too much volaroue when cutting the disc. ing the instrument described in this known in the states west of the Mississippi It also indicates that too deep a cut is being article consists in checking the fre- but is well accepted in and around California. made and the walls of one groove are forced quency of harmonics of the variable It is a pleasure to present this line to our toward the walls of the adjacent grooves. readers and to acquaint them with some of The small spacing between grooves actually oscillator in the following manner : features to be found in this merchandise. wiring is cor- the moves and vibrations are picked up by the 1. Assuming that all The manufacturer has taken great pains to pickup and are reproduced. rect, allow the instrument to heat up turn out a unit that is foolproof in design 43-6- (Continued on page 44) and workmanship and to pay particular at- 23 B NCH NOJTE:

by ROBERT KEldDALL Service Manager, Indianapolis, Indiana A short discussion of service responsibility; plus the Ward's awards of the Riddle No. 7.

Shop Gymnastics Unfortunately radio customers do a non -technical customer the function AN otherwise dull day may be en- not run to one uniform type, and all of a coupling condenser, so that he will livened and a certain amount of too soon Mr. Davis's customer appears get a clear idea of its duty in a re- exercise obtained, if a finger is on the scene, a few weeks after the ceiver, so explanations of this char- clamped down on the plate of a power first repair to his set was made. After acter are usually valueless. It is cer- tube, while turning over a live chassis some probing around a new defect is tain that the average customer has on the bench. found, and the service man announces only the vaguest idea, if any, of the that "this and that is shot, and it will Service Responsibility large number of parts that go to make cost so much to fix it." There is a up a radio receiver, and it would seem IN a recent issue this magazine pub- slight pause while the customer recov- that it is here lished an interesting the service man has a letter from ers his hat, which he has jumped out good opportunity to attempt a little Harold Davis of Jackson, Miss. Of from under, and the fight is on ! The "consumer education," and impress the particular interest to this department service man will begin to pour out his customer with the was a small paragraph fact that there are near the end, explanations, mostly of a technical na- a hundred places (more or less) in a where Mr. Davis remarked: "But the ture, of his reasons for considering this receiver where man in trouble may develop. the small town knows that his a new job, and the customer 'will stick This does not call for a long oration reputation is his fortune, and even if to his main guns "You told me you and lengthy he replaces demonstration, but may only a quarter -watt re- would fix the set" and "You guaran- be done quite simply by turning over sistor . . . he has married that set, teed the work." When this point is the chassis in the if customer's presence, and anything happens to it within reached, the service man might as remarking that it may be "condenser the next year it is his fault." well save his breath and make a deci- trouble." The condensers This may then trenchant comment alone is sion. There are two courses to pursue, be pointed out one by one, counting enough to mark Mr. Davis as a man of neither one of which is profitable -the them at the same time, and announc- experience, and what working service service man can either say, "Okay, I'll ing the total with a remark that "any man did not murmur to himself as he take care of it," and make the repair one of read them can cause trouble in the it, "Hiyah, pal," or words to that at no charge; or follow his natural in- set's operation." The resistors can be effect ? Not only the men in small clination and say, "This repair does dealt with in the same fashion, and towns, but in larger towns as well, for not come under my guarantee, so nuts the same suspicion cast on them. This the larger towns, outside the main to you, my fine fellow." simple lesson may be given in a few business district, are essentially a What is responsible for this unsat- minutes, and may save an hour wasted number of communities or small isfactory state of affairs ? It is most in futile argument later on. Although towns closely linked together, with one unsatisfactory to the service man, as most customer's noggins tend to be- . or more radio men operating in each he must either waive a legitimate come more solid than ever when any- community, and many of their prob- charge for the second job, or antag- thing more complicated than a can - lems are identical. Mr. Davis' slight onize the customer by attempting to opener is presented for their attention, touch of misanthropy is not entirely justify a charge for the repair. The there is a fair possibility that some unwarranted, as any service man of service man is usually secure in his results may be obtained from this experience will agree, for he describes feeling that the first job was done cor- method. All but the most stubborn a type of customer that is not un- rectly, and the second failure has no can see that if two condensers have usual, but on the contrary is encoun- relation to the first -therefore it been replaced out of a total of twelve tered with distressing frequency. seems logical that the root of the trou- previously pointed out to him, that ten For a number of years the service ble lies largely in the customer's ig- old ones have been left, which at least man has been exhorted on all sides, norance of the large number of poten- gives the service man a toe -hold to as to the wisdom and necessity of es- tial trouble- makers in a modern re- swing from. If nothing else, this dem- tablishing minimum charges, profit- ceiver, and his pre- conceived onstration may cause the customer to able labor rates, notions and an adequate regarding radio service. These ideas regard the service man with some re- mark -up on material' used. All this is are usually most spect as a fellow who can find his way very admirable, and erroneous, and if the most service men service man expects around in the jumble of small parts that are in business any length of time, to make any re- duction in complaints of this and wiring. sooner or later formulate some sort of type it is In reviewing up to him to attempt to correct these a number of these policy along these lines, that is in- cases, the service man will mistaken ideas, and the time to do this find that tended mainly to be profitable to the many have one point in common, i.e. service man. Under these neat little is when the first repair job is accepted the will customer's conception of the scope formulae business rolls along smooth- -it be too late when the second of the service man's guarantee. Their ly as long as that ideal customer is breakdown occurs. ideas on the subject are quite liberal served, who pays full rates for labor, First, it is obvious that a major dif- and optimistic, in that they feel any and list prices for material, without ficulty in such cases is the difference repair, however trivial, insures perfect any excessive yelps of anguish when in "language." It is an exceedingly operation of the receiver as a whole the bill is presented. difficult job, for instance, to explain to (Please turn the page) 24 for the guarantee period. Why does the customer get this mistaken im- pression ? It can only be because the guaranty is not specific enough to reg- ister definitely on the customer's mind the limit of the service man's respon- sibility. A number of guarantee forms have been prepared and supplied to the service men from different sources but most fail to impress the trouble mak- ing customer on this important point. IN the concluding article on Bills and of the principal and with the consent of the Notes appearing in the September issue, agent. In other words, an agency results and Many of these forms are typical sales- we discussed the liability of a person signing arises out of a contract between the principal man's guarantees, in that they are a negotiable instrument as an agent. We and the agent. There must be a contract of worded more to impress the customer commented further on the fact that the au- employment, which must possess all of the thority of an agent should be strictly inter- elements of every contract. Frequently, the with the fact they are getting a guar- preted and that a third party should not rely relation of agency is implied from the words antee, than to clearly define the serv- upon an agent's mere assumption of author- and conduct of the parties existing under ice man's limited responsibility. There ity. Since radio servicemen frequently re- circumstances of the particular case. An is no need for the service man to be ceive orders from a person who represents agency may arise from a single transaction, another, we feel that a discussion of agency but may be more readily inferrable from a reticent about his policy in this re- is in order. series of transactions .5 For instance, where spect, and we feel that a lot of grief Agency is the legal relation which arises one is put in possession of real property, or may be avoided if the guarantee is when one party, called the "Agent," is au- put in charge of a business, or given money thorized to represent and act for another to invest or to pay over to another, are all worded to leave little room for doubt party called the "Principal. ' instances in which the inference of an in the customer's mind. An agent should be distinguished from a agency may be implied. Also, an agency may As an example, a guarantee along servant. An agent is vested with some dis- be implied from prior dealings between the cretion, while a servant usually acts under parties, or where the alleged principal has the following lines is suggested : expressed direction from his master. A previously employed the alleged agent as GUARANTEE servant is primarily employed to do an act such in a transaction similar to the one in The work done, and material used for his employer not resulting in a contract question.° Also, where one, with full knowl- between his master and a third person, while edge, allows another to represent him as his as shown above are guaranteed by the main office of an agent is to make such agent and remains silent on an occasion (name) for a period of ninety days contract, or to aid in bringing the contract when it is his duty to speak, his silence may from the date of this bill, provided the into existence.' give rise to a situation from which an agency been in full. The relationship of agency is created as a may be implied. charges shown have paid result of conduct by the parties manifesting As a rule, no particular form of writing is This guarantee DOES NOT cover that one of them is willing to have the other necessary to create the relationship of the possible future failure or break- act for him, subject to his control and that agency. It may be oral, or partly in writing down of any parts not listed on this the other consents so to act. The word and partly oral. There are, however, cases "principal''_ describes a person who has au- where a statute may require an agency to bill. thorized another to act on his account as an be in writing and, in such case, the require- The guaranty should be printed on "agent" and subject to his control. There- ments of the statute must be fulfilled. each bill, and a bill rendered for each fore. in any transaction involving an agent. Sometimes, an agent may act beyond the the serviceman dealing with the agent should scope of his authority. Where an agent has job. The one shown above has been ascertain who the principal is, and learn done so, it has been held that his unauthor- in use for a number of years, with whether or not the agent claiming to repre- ized act is voidable and has no effect on the definitely known beneficial results, and sent the principal has such authority to do person in whose behalf it was made, unless so. and until the act is ratified by the principal. at this writing no customer as yet has Agents are classified under the following In general, any act which is done by one complained about its terms. As a mat- two headings : general, and special. party on behalf of another without prior ter of fact, most customers will agree A general agent is one who represents his consent is capable of ratification by him on the terms are fair enough, if the principal in a particular line of business such whose behalf the act was done. For in- that as the manager of a store, or one whose busi- stance, a principal who gives an agent au- matter is called to their attention. ness or profession it is to transact for any thority to sell land, may ratify a sale, al- The methods outlined in the forego- or all persons as, for example, a lawyer.' A though the sale was made by a sub -agent ing are not infallible in effect, but are special agent is one who is authorized to do who was appointed without the knowledge of some particular act or to act upon some par- the principal.' Where the act of an unau- at least a step in the right direction. ticular occasion that is usually in accordance thorized agent is ratified by a principal, the It is up to the service man to take ac- with specific instructions. For practical pur- act of the said agent becomes the act of the tion along these lines, as no one else poses, however, it is best that these terms be principal as though the act had been previ- disregarded as the liability of a principal for ously authorized. Ratification is a substitute can do it for him. No doubt other men an act of his agent, as far as third parties for authority. have worked out practical methods of are concerned, depends upon the apparent Ratification may be oral or in writing, or dealing with these cases, and we authority conferred upon the agent. It is a it may be expressed or implied. An implied would be glad to hear from them. general rule of law, that whatever a man ratification is usually recognized by the adop- may do for himself he may have an agent tion of the act of the agent. Ratification is Ward's Awards do for him.' This rule, however. is subject a question of fact, and in the majority of REPAIRMAN'S Riddle No. 7, hav- to certain exceptions as there are acts of a instances, depends on the conduct of the do with a radio store own- personal nature which cannot be delegated, principal in relation to the alleged contract ing to such as the making of a will, or the making from which the principal's intention may be er's fruitless dealings with a crackpot of a contract of marriage. If, of course, a reasonably inferred.' Where a principal is customer, elicited divergent opinions person cannot lawfully do an act himself, he informed of the unauthorized act of his from the various servicemen who an- cannot confer authority upon another as his agent and does not within a reasonable time swered. Most agreed "The Customer agent to do such an act in his behalf. repudiate it, but acquiesces in what the agent Is Always Right," even though the It is a fundamental principal that the re- has done, the principal will be held to have had dif- lation of agency can exist only by the will ratified his agent's act. "Acquiescence, al- store owner gets left; but they though it may not in itself be ratification, is ferent ways of interpreting this policy. nevertheless evidence of it. "9 "The silence Scoring was done on the following 1 Keyser vs. Hinkle, 127 Mo. A. 62. of the principal, after receiving notice that 2 Wakefield vs. Fargo, 90 N. Y. 213. basis : his agent has assumed to bind him by an 8 vs. 3 Wend. N. Y. 83. Jacques Todd, authorized act, may be a fact to be weighed Kane's Technical Concepts: (points) 4 Freeland vs. Hogan, 120 166 A. 109. on the issue of whether the principal rati- 1. A spherical antenna does not ° Hermann vs. Niagara Falls Ins. Co., 100 that "improve N. Y. 411. fied the act, or may raise a presumption necessarily tone he ratified it, according to circumstances. "1Q quality" (1) 6 Dickinson vs. Solomon, 36 Misc. 169. I Lowenstein vs. McIntosh, 37 Barb. 251 The rule is elementary that when an agent, 2. A soldering iron does not N. Y.). in contracting for his principal, exceeds his heat up more rapidly on d.c. 8 Oregon R. Co. vs. Oregon, etc., 28 Fed. authority, the principal, upon being fully in- than on a.c. Iron impedance, 505. formed of the facts, must, within a reason- for all practical purposes, is ° Allen vs. Corn Exchange Bank, 87 App. able time, disavow or disaffirm the act of negligible; and the suggested Div. 335. his agent, especially where his silence might use of a d.c. line for the iron "0 Louis Gunning Adv. Co. vs. Wanamaker, operate to the prejudice of innocent parties, alone is, of course, foolish (1) 115 Mo. A. 270. or he will be held to have ratified and af- 11 Reid vs. Alaska Packing Co., 47 Or. 215. act." 3. An ordinary water bucket is firmed such unauthorized ''- McCollough Iron Co. vs. Carpenter, 67 The life of the agency may be expressed in made of metal. If filled with Maryland 554. 54) (Continued on page 62) 13 Burke vs. Priest, 50 Mo. A. 310. (Continued on page 25

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by SAMUEL C. MILBOURNE Expert Serviceman, Greenwood, Miss.

are happy to report that sidered two swell ideas combined in RECENTLY we received a letter WEseveral servicemen were in- one form. from Serviceman Boudreaux of terested in the set of books His invoice blanks are made up in Delcambre, Louisiana, who requests used by the author, which form the duplicate and bound in pad form with that we write on the subject of Free basis of a previous series of articles on an extended cover which folds back Estimates. Serviceman Boudreaux bookkeeping. We will be glad to ad- over the top invoice. Fig. 1 shows a feels that, vise although he has operated a others regarding a source for picture of this invoice pad. The in- radio service shop for 10 years and these books upon request. This in- voice form (shown in Fig. 2) serves during that time shows has never charged for terest a definite need for a rea- six purposes : an estimate, the practice is wrong and sonably simple bookkeeping set -up for 1. Invoice (itemized if desired). that a system of a minimum charge the average "one- horse" or "two - 2. Cash should horse" Receipt. be substituted. radio shop like ours. How- 3. Monthly statement. His main objection to the "free es- ever, when you consider the purchase 4. Flat rate offer to new dealer timate" situation is the time lost in of one of these systems, be sure that accounts. estimating repairs which do not ma- it is applicable to your business, that 5. Duplicate record of all trans- terialize, and he feels that as "profes- it is reasonably simple and that it is actions. sional" men, complete. service men should charge We started out with one 6. Cost per job on back (more a minimum of 75c to $1.00 for this which, to our great dismay, didn't have about this later). service. a ghost of a form for Accounts Pay- Let's examine able, or Inventory. We'd On the inside cover of this pad is a Serviceman Bou- like to see form for recording the cash and dreaux' problem (and the problem of someone who could use a bookkeeping charged all of us). First, he system like that. Apparently, was sales (see Fig. 3) and also a admits that, al- it form to list the checks received (sec though he has repaired radios for 10 a question of everything coming in Fig. years, he has never and nothing going out. 4). In this manner, an elemen- charged for an es- tary bookkeeping system can be set timate. Why ? Is it because he feels in It's a good trick if you can do it! up, through which this information his own heart that it isn't correct pro- can be fed. cedure, or is it because WHILE we are on he feels reason- the subject of Note the printed prices for parts as ably sure that his customers will not bookkeeping systems, we received given stand for it ? Probably a letter from our good friend on the invoice form. There is a the correct Quincy certain psychological reaction, Serv- answer is neither of these. Serviceman Gibbon, Rolling Fork, Mississippi serv- iceman Gibbon Boudreaux is a normal human iceman which included what we con- writes, to these printed being prices which forestalls any kick by the and as such, instinctively shrinks from customer on parts or labor estimates. Clarhedale. Miss 193_ In other words, the customer believes what he sees in print -and he also D1.. feels that if $0.75 is what the other Why It Costs The Average Service Residence -Shone fellow paid Mao $4.33 To Repair The for a resistor, $0.75 is the Average Radio Business Phone correct price. You will Monthly Overhead: Radio Model please note that nowhere in 1 Salary (300 @ RADIO CITY this form is any mention of 50 -cent hours 50c) S 150.00 repairs, 2 Where Your Music Begins cut -prices, or any other profit - Automobile 60.00 258 DELTA ST. PHONE 1380 losing offers. The prices asked are 3 Rent 20.00 QUINCY GIBBON substantial, yet reasonable. 4 Lights 10.00 Service Call @ $1.50 The method used by Mr. Gibbon to get across to a 5 Telephone 10.00 Shop Labor @ $3.50 customer that radio 6 Heat service men have expenses, is rather and Ice 10.00 Trips @ $ .25 clever. On the back of each invoice 7 Stationery and Postage 10.00 8 Advertising Resistors @ s .75 he has a printed message as shown in 10.00 9 Instruments, Tools & Service Manuals 10.00 Bypass Condensers @ $ .85 Fig. 5. Note that he shows his salary at only 50c per hour and 10 Interest, Insurance and Taxes 10.00 Filter Condensers @ $1.45 an average of only 3 repairs a day to arrive Sub Total 5 300.00 - Audio Transformera @ $1.75 at the $4.33 average cost per job. Of course, Tubes, Batteries and Parts A Plenty L F. Transformers @ 82.25 many service men may feel that this Grand Total 'foo Muth Volume Controls @ $1.25 is all wrong, but the purpose of the PROFIT NONE Pilot Lights @ $ -25 form must be remembered before tak- Knobs @ 8.40 ing Serviceman Gibbon apart and SO WHAT? Tubes feeding him to the lions. This service Here's What! Batteries man wants to impress his customers }fis cost per job, Other Material with the up -keep of a shop. Naturally assuming 30 work- he isn't going to show a salary of ing days per month and material costing Complete Overhaul TOTAL $300.00 because neither he nor any $1.00 per job and an average of 3 jobs On Contreµ Pries C. O. D. per day will be: $390.00 -:- 90 8 other service man = $4.33 actually makes that actual cost per job. J By Cash $ much. $150.00 is a fair monthly salary Balance Due - Please Remit $ and as the usual work day is 10 hours, Dana Wood {4vaa, Chimp Dealer's Flat Rate: 300 hours per month is correct. $2.00 per Job Plus Material at Wholesale Cost. All in all, we think Serviceman Gib- bon has a good idea which might be Quincy Gibbon's clever invoice blank. well worth copying. The other side of the Gibbon invoice. 26 making any radical changes in his way of life. Otherwise, he would have found out long ago whether the idea would or would not work in his lo- cality. Please don't feel that we are censoring Serviceman Boudreaux for his unwillingness to try out something new, because we most certainly have no such intention. We are in exactly the same boat, because we have never made a charge for an estimate and, as by ALFRED TOOMBS far as we know, we have no intention Special Washington Correspondent for RADIO NEWS of doing so in the future. More Power to U. S. as an example of their method of operating. We can all sympathize with this The station was broadcasting an hour -long his hours THE outcome of various phases of this service man and unprofitable in the air Nazi program, which drew hundreds of com- time, but can we war have been decided -and plaints. Washington let the station operator of unpaid estimating airplanes have not been the only weapons. do anything about it ? know that the FCC was interested in hear- Washington is keenly aware of the use of Nazi some localities, the answer is yes, as a decisive factor ing transcripts of the program. The In radio, in all its aspects, hour was dropped a few days later. but in other localities, the answer is in battle. The is similarly resisting de- no. At the present We are preparing to defend the Western Commission a most emphatic in the mands that foreign language stations be shut time, varying servicing techniques and Hemisphere against all corners and down. These stations have a value, because struggle to come Federal officials are deter- the slap -happy methods used by many in the through them you can reach people who mined that we will not be outstripped English. All their pro- service men in running their business ether salient. Behind a recent quiet an- don't understand preclude hard- and -fast rule from Communications grams are recorded and heard at the FCC any nouncement by the Federal by experts in the language spoken. Wash- applying universally. Commission lies a significant story illustra- ington isn't missing any bets. Let us look for a minute upon the tive of the preparations we are making. made by service men For a long time, Washington has worried statement often because our broadcasts to South America Big Orders that because they are professional have been ineffective beside those of Ger- GREAT secrecy surrounds the big orders men like doctors, dentists and lawyers, many, Italy and Spain. The dictators' sta- which the armed services have been they should be paid for their advice tions, equipped with the best directional an- placing for radio equipment recently. Most whether it is used or not. tennae, had been throwing propaganda at our of the contracts are being negotiated directly southern neighbors with power that ranged between the Army and Navy and the manu- We always feel like an old meanie facturers- rather than being cleared through boy or girl that from 10 to 100 kilowatts. We had only two explaining to a little stations whose power even approximated the National Defense Commission. This is there really is no Santa Claus, every this. to make certain that nothing leaks out on the time we insist that radio service men At the State Department's request, the FCC size or the nature of the orders. are not professional men, but trades- took a look around at the international sta- One secret order, at least, has gone to men -shop- keepers and artisans! We tions which were carrying our story to the RCA. This is for a large quantity of ultra- most of the equipment high frequency equipment, which will do always wondered who started this south. They found have just service men, was in deplorable condition and that the things that most radio engineers "professional" idea among broadcasters, who get nothing much out of been dreaming about. General Electric because to our way of thinking, it just the work, were going about it in half- hearted turned down a similar order. doesn't fit. fashion. Graybar Electric Co. has landed the big- Professional men ? Shades of every An order was drawn up requiring that all gest of the few orders that the Defense Corn - stations engaged in international broadcasts mission has negotiated for the Army. This manual worker from Adam on up! contract is for $2,004,930 for radio sets of kidding us into believing use a minimum power of 50 kw's. The out- Who's been moded antennae which some stations had secret design. GE signed an order for $836,- we are professional men ? A profes- been using must be replaced with new direc- 061 for transmitting equipment ; the Julian sional man may be defined as one who tional antennae having a ten -to -one power P. Friez & Sons plant in Baltimore will turn has obtained a liberal education and gain. out $67,893 of airplane radio equipment ; and whose work is more with the mind Within a few days, nine American stations the Karp Metal Products Co. of Brooklyn hands. had been authorized to increase their power has negotiated two contracts, totalling $226,- than the which 471, for radio cabinets. Now, no one will deny that all radio or modernize their equipment. Those has have so far complied include National's But the National Defense Commission service men have received a liberal WRCA and WNBI; Columbia's WCBK; not been idle, either. It has just awarded education. This may not have been Electric's WGEA, WGEO and the following contracts : General Electric General Company, $5,750,000 for transmitting equip- acquired in a university, but every KGEI ; Crosley's WLWO ; Westinghouse's service man worth his salt has a de- WPIT and World Wide's WRUL. Three ment ; Allen D. Cardwell Mfg. Corp., $247,970 for frequency meters : same company, $90,019 gree in P. E. (Practical Experience) . more stations have been given until January air. for telegraph equipment ; Fred Ehrlich Co., man ? A thou- 1 to step up power or get off the for Army But, a professional This means that the United States will be $20.282 for panels and cases ; and Federal Telegraph Co., sand times no! We are artisans - able to lay down nine beams, at least, in Equipment s k i l l e d workers -artists with our least 500 kw $112,161 for radio replacement parts. any spot to the south with at we reporting hands! power, because of the antennae power gain. In these two paragraphs are worked on are plans whereby a total of $9,355,787 for radio in National After wrestling with a recalcitrant Secretly being That's a few bucks in any man's dial cable, playing hide and seek with arrangements would be made with South Defense. American stations to rebroadcast U. S. pro- language, and reaffirms our contention that an intermittent and giving the chassis way the United States cannot be beaten in the grams -which is really the only effective money, and of a final alignment, haven't you snapped to the job. matter of production, of the switch, tuned the set to a local do equipment, IF we only get down to cases . it seems that we are ! . cocked your head on one side Plus Foreign B.C. and station, 50 KW and Up It does not appear likely that any of the and, with a pleased expression, softly XsT the saine time steps are being taken large manufacturers, working on secret con- said, "Yes sir, that's got it!" ? strengthen our position on the domes- tracts, will be hard put to meet the dead- Haven't you ever flicked the last tic radio front. The Army and Navy have lines established. They have plenty of floor speck of dust from a freshly refinished unostentatiously installed officers who could space-left over from the pre -depression radio cabinet, stepped take command of all commercial broadcast- days of optimism -and can go into produc- and polished ing facilities in case of emergency. Men Washington whispered, "Just like new!" ? tion quickly. What does worry back and from the industry have been enrolled as re- is the possibility of bottlenecks in smaller After struggling for days selling and serve officers and are being trained in Wash- plants which manufacture such parts as con- installing a P. A. system, haven't you ington for the work in propaganda, civilian densers, etc., on a sub -contract basis. How turned up the gain and warbled sweet- protection, etc., which would be the job of much the production of commercial sets is the semi -commandeered stations in time of pro- ly into the mike, "One . . . Two . . . going to be affected by the rearmament war. is impossible to say yet. But if any . . . FOUR . . . sounds pretty gram Three Chairman Fly of the FCC revealed that log -jams develop in the industry, hams and good, huh ?" ? consideration was being given to the estab- servicemen can kiss their dreams of replace- Yes, you've done it, we've done it -- lishment of more clear channel stations for ments goodbye. For defense comes first. every service man who's really been domestic broadcasting. There is the likeli- mill has done it! hood that the present ceiling of 50 kw's will Checking Army Personnel through the 50 was not You've used your brains, that's true be raised. He stated that kw THE Army Signal Corps is giving its per- really enough to establish a clear channel very thorough once over. . you've used your "liberal" educa- station. sonnel a book also Shocking reports from Army intelligence in tion- practical or -that's Meanwhile. there is much behind the Europe revealed how traitorous soldiers had true ... but most of all, you've used scenes agitation for a law to bar communists, worked into the communication arms of the your two hands to create or re- create fascists and other espousers of foreign phil- Dutch, French and Belgian armies and osophies from the air. The FCC insists that for the Nazis. The Signal Corps something! You feel that you've done it has the situation well in hand and pri- worked (Continued on page 62) vately cites the case of WHIP in Gary, Ind., (Continued on page 45) 27

Several views of the completed bamboo rotary antenna. It's quite strong. A SIMPLE BEAM ANTENNA

F much consideration, a two by NICHOLAS S. LEFORS, W2BIQ, element rotary beam, antenna A and director, had been decided Yonkers, New York upon at this station. In the interest of economy, bamboo for element sup- Bamboo appealed to the author as the right port was the first idea. After review- ing several articles on the use of barn - material for a rotary beam. How he solved boo for this purpose, it was found that much could be done to simplify con- the struction. problem should guide other hams well. In reference to the illustration, it will be seen that 3/4 " galvanized pipe the bamboo similar to stringing a bow. since no two installations have the is used to separate and support the It will be found bamboo. The vertical three foot piece that the bamboo now same physical surroundings, no diffi- within has the additional support of the wire culty will be experienced in cutting of 3/4" pipe rotates a four foot element acting as a truss guy and the bamboo and wire elements since piece of 1" pipe, both these pieces be- raising the natural drop of the bam- the taped wire now supports the barn- ing steel conduit. Black or galva- boo considerably. boo. Merely cut the wire an inch nized pipe of this size will not fit to- Starting three feet each side of the longer than the bamboo and hook the gether. The bamboo was purchased center insulator, the wire is taped di- wire into the end of the bamboo. For at a local fish and tackle store, were rectly to the bamboo each foot and a those installations where it is imprac- twenty -four foot lengths and cost half to the ends. The bamboo struc- tical to prune the antenna and di- $1.50. The bamboo was fitted into the ture is then given a coating of water- rector for the greatest front to back 1 "x10" pieces of pipe and pinned in proof varnish. ratio, the following lengths place with '/4x20 brass screws. In the for 14,200 The rotator is a 10" pulley consist- kc. will prove highly satisfactory : middle of each outside 1 "x1 "x3/4 " T, a ing of 3/4 " waterproof plywood with Antenna length 33'0" 2" standoff insulator is mounted and the pulley edge consisting of 11" di- Director length 31'8" used as center support for elements of ameter tempered masonite. Spacing between elements 7'0" No. 10 wire. This pul- ley is slipped on and up the 3/4" verti- To prevent swaying of the elements The wire is then cut for the approxi- cal steel conduit a light cross mate element length per A.R.R.L. An- and fastened to the -brace of %"x% "x7' pine horizontal 3/4 " pipe with homemade was inserted either side of the pipe T, tenna Handbook data. Now here is pipe straps of 1/4"x1" strap steel. The eight feet out. the unusual feature of this beam. As bearing plate, which bears on the edge Reviewing the construction of this the description progresses, it will be of the 1" pipe, within which antenna, we find that this bamboo seen that the No. 10 wire is taped di- the ver- tical 3/4" pipe rotates, is '/s "x3 "x5" structure is exceptionally light and rectly to the bamboo. This is entirely steel with a 1" hole. This is mounted can be handled by one person. Note possible, considering that the bamboo on the bottom of the pulley and bolted may be also made of the fact that a is cut the same length as the No. 10 in its four 2 "x3" wood mast guyed wire and to a large extent may be corners to the pulley with near the top 1/4 x20 supports compared to a self- supporting brass bolts. The idler pulley the entire structure. Fur- element. arrangement is constructed of % "x1" thermore-this antenna presents a This feature is accomplished by cut- strap steel as illustrated. more finished appearance than some of ting the bamboo the same length as The bearing pipe is bolted at the the usual bamboo structures that máy the wire and doubling back one inch bottom have by wire hook. to the 2 "x3" mast with a %" been constructed a protege of of the in the form of a bolt to ( Continued on page 55) is into prevent slipping of the bearing The wire inserted the end of pipe and clamps used at top and mid- dle. The feed system which lends itself quite applicably to our purpose is de- scribed in detail in "Radio" June 1938. It is a quarter wave matching section of E01 cable 11' long, into a quarter wave 350 ohm line, constructed of No. 10 wire spaced 1'/4 " -16.5' long, to the regular 600 ohm transmission line. As a point, it might be interesting to note that the length of the elements is quite critical and has been reviewed 10 "GAL PIPE-I DUPLICATE ON in previous SIDE articles. It is worth put- OPPOSITE ting the extra time in adjusting the

OCTAL OF PIPE SUPPORT element lengths for proper perform- ance. If it is necessary to prune the Beam construction details. elements, which no doubt it will be, Rotary head construction detail. 28

need for a variable fre- TIEquency, stabilized exciter unit for operation in the 40 meter band prompted construction of the unit about to be described. Since cost was an important consideration in the de- sign of the unit, many of the parts were resurrected from the junk box. However, although a few of the con- stants will have to be duplicated in order to achieve proper results, most of the parts will permit substitution, if necessary. It can also be stated here that since the rig here described was designed and built, a few possible changes for its improvement have been worked out. Chief among these suggested changes would be to build the rig with the oscillator and amplifier directly behind the panel and the power supply at the rear of the chassis, rather than that shown on the chassis diagram. The reason is that it will permit shorter leads, which in turn will tend to eliminate the possibility of para- sitics, which were encountered here and had to be cured. Another sug- gested improvement, not yet incorpo- rated in this rig, would be to mount The calibrated ECO with chart in front. the oscillator on some sort of live rub- ber supports, in order to minimize fre- quency variation due to vibration. Needless to say the constructor can, and usually does, incorporate his own CALIBRATED ideas in laying out and wiring a unit. However, it should be borne in mind that the rig as a whole should be me- chanically strong and the grid leads should be as short as possible and as far from the a.c. leads as is permissi- 40 M. ECO ble, in order to obtain a good, stable note. The heart of the unit is the oscil- by HENRY SABORSKY, W8IYQ lator. HI -C is here achieved by the Farrell, Penn. use of large capacity and insures against frequency variation due to and change in voltage, vibration, etc. If the callibration curve which was PAUL V. TRICE, W8QHS obtained in the original unit (and Sharon, Penn. which is almost a straight line) is to be secured, it will be necessary to du- The E.C.O. is fast coining into its own as a plicate C2, C3 and C4 as given in the simple means of rapid and sure -fire band -QSY.




TCIT C8T COIL CONNECTIONS Tal -TET -L2 E. C.OSC. LI Under chassis view of the unit. k P FT 170 V. A.C. F2 o Fi SW A. v. G.) F I


C1 -85 mmfd. padding cond. Hammarlund CTS C,5--.006 mfd. mica. Solar 85 Cm- Neutralizing cond. (NC -600 or equivalent) C2-140 mmfd. Star midget variable cond. C1 -8 mfd. 600 volt filter condenser. Sprague CI -100 mmfd. variable cond. National ST -100 C,8 -8 mfd. 600 volt filter cond. Sprague CA -350 mmfd. Ceramic capacitor-Zero coefficient R1- 50,000 ohms, 1/2 w. IRC Centralab 816Z R2- 25,000 ohms, S w. IRC C5 -.002 mica. Solar R3- 25,000 ohms, 5 w. C6- .00025 mfd. mica. Solar R4 -5,000 ohms, 25 w. C -.002 mfd. mica. Solar R5-500 ohms, 10 w. variable. Mallory C8 -.002 mfd. mica. Solar T1 -800 volt c.t., 6.3 volt; 5 volt. Kenyon C9 -100 mfd. midget. Hammarlund CH1-30 Henry 200 mil. choke. Kenyon C10-.006 mfd. mica. Solar RFC1 -2.5 mh. R.F. Choke. National C11 -.0001 mfd. mica. Solar RFC2 -2.5 mh. R.F. Choke. National Cl2 -.002 mfd. mica. Solar SW-110 volt toggle switch C15 -.002 mfd. mica. Solar COIL FORMS -Hammarlund 6 -prong XP -53 or C14 -100 mid. midget. Hammarlund equivalent Notice shielding! It', nece,ar. 29 parts list. Also, the winding of the coils will have to be closely followed. Due to the HI -C tank circuit, final ad- justment of the coils should be made by spacing the top two or three turns of the coil until the band is located and then cementing all turns in place. The cathode tap on the oscillator Manufacturers Specifications amplifier or other amplifier with an input im- coil can best be located by experimen- Make: Shure Brothers, Chicago, Illinois. pedance of 100,000 ohms or more. For best tation. This can best be done by put- Model: 55C. high frequency response, the total cable length should not 25 ; 12 Type: Dynamic (Cardioid exceed feet longer type). cable lengths loot Range: 40- 10,000 cycles. may be used with some loss of 11O V. high frequency response. The additional to O INOUT Impedance: High Impedance (100,000 ohms). loss at 5,000 cycles is of the order of 2.5 db for an additional 25 ft. length of cable (50 Sensitivity: 55 db below 1 volt per bar when loaded with ft. total) and 6 db for an additional 50 ft. 100,000 ohms or more. length (75 GIG This is equivalent to 1.8 millivolts per bar ft. total). across 100,000 ohms or more. The microphone should be placed in its operating position before turning up the vol- z ume controls of the amplifier. Jarring or ex- Remarks cessive moving of the instrument should be High quality recording requires that the avoided while the system is in operation in t %TeA co,'. microphone possess characteristics that will order to prevent the spring- suspended micro- insure accurate results from the sound phone unit from touching the inside of the COOK* source. This microphone will appeal to those case and producing undesirable noises. that have high grade equipment and are con- No special precautions beyond ordinary stantly seeking better microphones as acces- care are necessary in the operation of 55 sory items. The home recorders, as a rule, Series Dynamic microphones. They will op- use one of the most inexpensive types of erate efficiently and dependably under all or- crystal units. We have seen many cases dinary conditions in hot and cold climates. CHASSIS where great improvement can and has been To retain the full strength of the highly effi- Chassis layout. made by making use of this particular type cient permanent magnet and to maintain of microphone as a replacement. alignment of the structure, dropping or other ting a dropping resistor in the plate severe mechanical shocks should be avoided. lead to the oscillator and if by cutting The expression "cardioid type" response this resistor in and out of the circuit, simply means that the horizontal polar char- the frequency increases with a drop acteristic approximates a cardioid of revolu- tion. There is a wide, useful pickup angle at in plate voltage, the cathode tap on the front of the microphone while the re- L1 is too high and should be changed. sponse at the sides is down 6 db from the The correct point for the tap, how- front response. The rear response in practi- ever, is not too difficult to find. cal cardioid type microphones is down of the The condenser C7 is quite important order of 15 db from the front side response. as it will be noticed that it minimizes The Unidyne fulfills these requirements over a broad range of frequencies. The true uni- frequency drift with increase in tem- directional characteristic of the "Unidyne" perature. The condenser C5 and the should not be confused with the relatively r.f. choke in the keying circuit are slight directional effect at high frequencies necessary for good, clean keying. A only which can be produced by baffle effects metal shield should be used over the in the conventional pressure microphone. oscillator coil and a metal 6L6 is rec- The result of this unidirectional charac- teristic is a complete elimination of acoustic ommended in the oscillator stage due feedback at volume levels which would cause to its shielding. considerable feedback with conventional The Amplifier is straightforward in semidirectional microphones. In practically design except that it is left running at all cases it is possible to increase loudspeaker all times and acts as a constant load levels when a Unidyne is installed. By di- on the power supply which also helps recting the dead side (rear) of the micro- to keep the plate voltage at a fixed Description. value. The only critical adjustment is Models 55A, 55B, and 55C are cardioid the variable resistor R5, which is ad- type unidirectional moving coil dynamic mi- justed so that the plate current re- crophones providing wide -range high quality mains constant with the key up or reproduction of sound. The true unidirec- tional characteristic of the " Unidyne," ob- down. tained by the "uniphase" principle provides Neutralizing is the same as in con- highly satisfactory operation under adverse ventional rigs and will not require ex- acoustic conditions where a conventional mi- planation here. crophone would be practically useless. In the power supply, the power The microphone has a specially designed transformer and choke were moving system containing a new type mov- taken ing -coil element, operating in conjunction from an old BC receiver, but any suit- with a high flux magnet in the magnetic cir- able substitute will suffice. If desired, cuit providing high efficiency and smooth an additional section of filter could be peak free response from 40 to 10,000 cycles. added but is not actually needed as The rear response is down approximately 15 reports indicate it is properly filtered db due to the "uniphase" unidirectional as shown in the diagram. A red pilot acoustic network. The case is modern in design with attrac- light on the front panel is used to in- tive streamlining and grille treatment. The dicate when the 110 V. a.c. is turned head tilts through an angle of 90° to permit on. aiming at the source of sound for best pick- o. 30* A shield plate is bolted to the bottom up. A built -in cable connector is provided moo__... 5000... 10.000.., POLAR CHARACTERISTICS MODEL 55 M ICROPNEHO of the chassis and final adjustments on and a 25 ft. shielded rubber -jacketed cable HORIZONTAL PLANE the rig should be made with it in place. with microphone plug attached is included. All are suitable for high quality public Directional characteristics. It should preferably be of some non- address, broadcasting, recording and similar magnetic material such as stainless applications. The true unidirectional charac- phone towards the audience or other source steel. teristic of the "Unidyne" provides an easy of interfering sound, pickup can be concen- Tuning Up solution to the feedback problem in rever- trated on the desired source. Reverberation After the unit is finished and berant locations, facilities orchestral place- energy pickup is decreased approximately ment, permits best utilization of space in two -thirds. The microphone can be placed checked, a trial operation can be made. small broadcast studios, and allows practi- close to reflecting surfaces without objec- The preliminary step is to remove the cally complete exclusion of unwanted noises. tionable effects if the rear side of the micro- plate voltage on the amplifier and the The swivel allows the head to be tilted phone is toward the reflecting surface. This 80 meter coil should then be adjusted through an angle of 90° permitting the mi- is particularly valuable in small broadcast 3.5 mc. is crophone to be aimed at the source of sound. studios. until the band located with It is desirable to experiment with C3, which, if the constants as given The instrument is unusually rugged and is micro- practically immune to the effects of moisture. phone placement and orientation in order to are followed, should be about mid -scale temperature and mechanical vibration. secure the greatest benefits from the unidi- on the condenser. L3 -C9 should then High impedance model 55C (or 55C -7FT) rectional characteristics. (Continued on page 59) may be used with any crystal microphone 30

N A new, modern, general -purpose dynamic mi- plastic provider electrical insulation and cuts weight but extraordinarily accurate. It reads crophone is announced by Shure Brothers, Micro- down on the number of parts needed in assem- in ounces and has a hook for speedy connections phone Headquarters, Chicago. This new Series bly. The base is molded by Gorham Company. which enables the recordist to see the weight "508" Dynamic has a .smaoth wide -range fre- on needle or stylus. Besides use with servicemen quency response for voice and music -no an- RCA Manufacturing Company announces the new and recordists. the advent of home recording has noying peaks or distortion. Recommended for RCA -8255. It is a new type of multi -electrode made such a device necessary because manufac- Public address, remote broadcasting, recording. tube in which the electron stream is inductively turers recommend a certain weight limitation. call systems, and other general -purpose applica- coupled to the output circuit. The 825 is de- It will be available thru usual dealer and job- tions. Moving- conductor type. Very rugged. signed for use as a power amplifier at frequencies ber channels. Not affected by heat or humidity. Built -in high above 300 megacycles and in such service is quality transformer. Swivel head for semi -di- capable of handling power outputs up to 35 The problem of energy absorption by radio rectional or non -directional operation - easily frequency chokes when used in transmitting cir- aimed at source of sound for best response. Die cuits has been materially simplified by a new cast case richly finished in Satin Chrome. Built - and radically different transmitting r.f. choke, in cable connector. Locking plug attached to now available. It is known as the Type R -175 cable. Standard %"-27 thread for stand mount- and is designed for use on the 1.7, 3.5, 7.0, 14.0 ing. Available in 35 -50 ohms. 200 -250 ohms. and 28.0 megacycle bands. and high impedance models. Permissible cable It is particularly well suited for parallel as length practically unlimited with low impedance well as series -fed circuits employing a maximum models. High impedance models may be used d.c. plate supply of 3.000 volts. and is probably with crystal microphone amplifier and other am- watts depending on bandwidth and type of serv- the first wide -band choke to operate successfully plifiers with input impedance of 100,000 ohms ice. Because of its high transconductance and its in parallel -fed circuits without appreciable en- or more. adaptability to tank circuits having low effective is ergy loss. The Shure Series "508" Stratoliner Dynamic capacitance, the 825 especially suited for It has the following characteristics : Maxi- Microphones, complete with 25 foot shielded wide -band services, such as television and fre- mum d.c. plate voltage, with modulation, 3,000 cable. list at $27.50. quency modulation. The 825 may also be used volts; maximum d.c. plate voltage. without mod- Shure Brothers, 225 W. Huron St., Chicago, as an oscillator and harmonic generator. RCA ulation. 4.000 volts; inductance. 225 microhen- Illinois. Manufacturing Co., Inc. ries; distributed capacity, 0.6 micro- microfarads d.c. resistance, 6.0 ohms; direct current, .800 Allied Radio Corporation, Chicago, is currently Talk-A-Phone 111g. Co., 1219 W. Van Buren. milliamperes. It is manufactured by National featuring a new 6-tube, 3 -way portable radio, Chicago, anncunce:. a new, unusually low -priced Company. Inc.. Malden. Mass. Model B10563. This new set is light in weight. Complete Home Recorder. It is actually three easily portable. and will operate from battery instruments in one: (1) an easily operated Re- A new series of Amphenol microphone switches or any 110 -volt, 60 -cycle a.c: d.c. light source. corder: (2) an efficient Record Player; (3) a for crystal. dynamic and velocity microphones The latest 1.4-volt low -drain multi -purpose tubes complete Public Address System, including am- is announced by the American Phenolic Corpo- are used in an R.C.A. and Hazeltine licensed cir- plifier. Crystal Microphone, and special heavy - ration. of Chicago. Illinois. cuit as follows: 1P5G. 1A7GT. 1N5GT, 1H5GT, duty 61,4" Dynamic Speaker. Plays back the The No. MC1S crystal microphone switch is 3Q5GT, 117Z6GT. Outstanding features in- recordings it makes, or plays any standard 10- part of the well -known MC1 group of microphone clude: r.f. stage for extra sensitivity; connectors, and couples directly to the micro- built -in "Magna- Beam" loop antenna; slide rule phone. Switch is of the "Press -to -Talk" type. a slight downward movement of the thumb locking it in the "On" position. Has a coupling ring at one end, with coupling threads at the other end. ma- chined to fit standard MC1 microphone connec- tors. Switch spring is silver -plated for low re- sistance contact and continued noise -free opera- tion. Two and three contact switches fit the MC2 and MC3 series of microphone connectors which are so widely used on dynamic and velocity microphones. The increased tendency in the design of r.f. amplifiers toward compactness and the elimina- tion of large and bulky parts has created a need for transmitting components of small size. In keeping with this trend and in order to fill the need for neutralizing condensers of small physi- cal size, Bud Radio Inc., of Cleveland, Ohio, has introduced a new line of Compact Neutralizing Condensers. Three types are made in this new series. All inch and 12 -inch commercial phonograph records with the cabinet lid closed. When used as a Public Address System. develops full three -watts power output. Employs five tubes, including Rectifier and Electric Eye Volume Indicator. The Talk -A-Phone Portable Recorder is housed in a . 'ti -: k -°; durable, attractive carrying case finished in striped airplane -luggage cloth. Size: 16" long. 16" deep, 14" high. Weighs approximately 45 dial; A.V.C.; heavy -duty, rubber mounted 3- lbs. It's the last word in an exceptional qual- gang condenser; 5 -inch p.m. dynamic speaker, ity, low- priced Complete Home Recorder. etc. The battery pack is good for 200 hours of service. Tuning range is from 535 -1730 kc. Universal microphone Co.. Inglewood. Cal., is The case is of grained leatherette and has con- now distributing its new weight scales for serv- venient carrying handle. name ta, and disap- icemen, recordists, and others who need to quick- lid. Size. 1214 ?x11 ;42"x71,42". ly determine the weight on pickups or cutting pearing protective heads. The tiny instrument is small and light- The McElroy Oscillatone is an electronic in- strument for reproducing the dots and dashes of radio telegraphy. Housed in lustrous Monsanto plastic, the Oscillatone may be hooked up for practice or plugged into circuit for actual re- are tubular in design and have a single hole for ceiving. The staccato flashes, which sound off mounting. The capacity is adjusted by means of through slots molded in the front of the housing, a small screw driver and may be locked at any are controlled by switches which regulate tone desired setting. and volume. No. NC -1998, using ceramic insulation, has a The compact case is injection molded of Mon- capacity range of 25 mmfd. to 4 mmfd. and is designed for use in stages operating with 1,000 volts or less. It is particularly useful for neu- tralizing the various popular beam power tubes. No. NC -1929, using Lucite insulation, has a ca- pacity range of .25 mmfd. to 4.75 mmfd. and is designed for use in stages operating at 2,000 volts or less. No. NC -1930, using Lucite insu- lation, has a capacity range of 1 mmfd. to 9.5 mmfd. and is designed for use in stages operat- ing at 3,000 volts or less. Further information on these items may be had by writing direct to Bud Radio Inc., Cleve- land, Ohio.

The American Television cE Radio Co., 300 East Fourth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. have just announced a "B" Battery Eliminator for Portable Receivers, which operates from flash- light cells or the storage battery in the car. This new ATR development is so designed and constructed to eliminate two 45 volt "B" batteries, such as Eveready's Mini -Max type or santo cellulose acetate for T. R. McElroy by their equivalent, and delivers 90 volts at 10 Gorham Company. milliamps, operating from a 71,4 volt source of Companion to the McElroy Oscillatone is the supply, consisting of five No. 2 flashlight cells Streamkey, a fast. well -balanced radio sending connected in series. instrument. The metal parts of the key, finished The chief advantages of this arrangement are in gleaming chromium. are mounted directly on that flashlight cells are obtainable in the re- the base which is injection molded of Monsanto motest territories from garages, filling stations. cellulose acetate. Use of this non - conducting hardware stores, etc.; whereas, expensive "B" 31

batteries, generally considered special, are hard this unit can be used either in the supply line of 80 ohms resistances. With standard winding to obtain; and the investment in flashlight cells to the radio set or in the line to a noise -creating the inductance is 76 microhenries. whereas, with is approximately one -sixth that for "B" bat- electrical appliance. the Ayrton -Perry winding this is reduced to 0.3 teries. Also, this ATR "B" Battery Eliminator This unit is applied by plugging it into the line microhenries. is designed for operation from the six -volt stor- and in turn plugging into its receptacle the de- All features of standard IRC Power Wire age battery in the car, thus permitting further vice which is to be filtered. It may be mounted economy in use. in or on the radio or appliance, or where more The total weight of the ATE, "B" Battery convenient it may be mounted directly on the Eliminator, including the flashlight cell container wall or baseboard. The neat appearance of its and flashlight cells, is approximately 3 lbs.. Bakelite case (ivory or walnut) makes conceal- which is approximately one -third less than ment unnecessary. Mounting flanges at each equivalent "B" batteries. The list price of the end provide convenient mounting means. complete unit less cells is $6.95. Dimensions of the Bakelite case are 5x3 :)'.r x Further complete information may be obtained 2 % ". The unit comes complete with 6 -foot line by writing to the American Television d Radio cord and plug and is for use with any 110 -volt Co. line, alternating or direct current. A ground ter- minal is provided for reduction of radiation. A new ceramic trimmer capacitor has just Cornell- Dubilier Electric Corp., South Plain- been announced by Centrolab. Fixed plate bonded field, New Jersey. to the ceramic base. eliminating the usual vari- able air film. Variable plate rotates on a ground Clarion announces the release of a newcomer Wound Resistors including the famous climate- ceramic surface. Equally stable at all capacity to its line -the Model CS -45, 31 -watt sound proof IRC coatings are included in the new non - adjustments. Provides negative temperature system. inductive units. IRC Resistance Data Bulletins This system, complete to the last detail. in- IV and IV -A will gladly corporates an individuality of styling entirely be sent upon request. new to the sound industry. Its striking ap- A complete line of Mallory Noise Filters, sci- pearance, coupled with the many operating fea- entifically constructed to combat the particular tures. such as four inputs. built -in phono mech- type of man -made interference for which each anism, master gain control, bass and treble is recommended, has just been introduced. Heavy duty filters in standard cutout boxes,

for use with equipment that is permanently connected to the power line or which draws a minimum of 10 amperes or more, are included. Type ZA1 is a capacity and inductance com- bination using house wiring as an antenna. equalizers, V.I. meter, (or optional monitor Field -tested recommendations in technical data compensation of .0006 mmf. /mmf. / °C. Power speaker), dual speaker outlets, 12 inches heavy folder NF 100 tell the correct type and size of factor less than 0.1%. Capacity change with duty dynamic speakers. indirect lighting, remote Mallory Filter to install in order to overcome humidity or temperature cycling less than 0.5%. control and many others, makes the Clarion a given character and intensity of interference. Available capacity ranges 2 mmf. to 6 mmf., 3 CS -45 the outstanding contribution to the P.A. mmf. to 12 mmf.. '7 mmf. to 30 mmf., 60 mmf. field. The new model CE Capacitor "EX-AM-ETER" to 75 mmf. The amplifier has a. rated output of 31 watts just developed by Solar Mfg. Corp. of Bayonne, Manufactured by Centralab, Milwaukee, Wis. and a peak of 42 watts. Tubes used are 2- New Jersey, is claimed to be the simplest, quick- 12SJ7's; 3- 6089's; 6L6G's; in push-pull est and most complete capacitor analyzer on Insuline Corp. with inverse feedback, and an 83 rectifier. Fre- the market. Measures condenser both in and out The of America is introduc- quency response is 40- 1.000 cps. Hum level of circuit. Tests for shorts, opens. high r.f. im- ing a completely new and improved line of metal -20 db below .006 milliwatts. Output trans- cabinets, chassis, amplifier chassis, etc. They former is tapped at 2. 4, 8, 16 and 500 ohms. are all streamlined and are embellished with Microphone gain is 118 db. The CS -45 system complete with two speakers. baffles, heavy -duty floor stand, choice of one of four popular microphones. remote control and V.I. meter, all cables and plugs, ready for im- mediate operation. lists at $19:1.91. Complete catalog and further information is available by writing Transformer Corporation of America, 69 Wooster St., N. Y. C. A radical improvement in scratch removers has just been perfected by the Walter L. &bolt Company of Los Angeles, manufacturers of 11-al- no Products. The new ll'aisco Scratch Remover is shaped like a fountain pen and has a clip on it, so that it can be carried most conveniently. Be- ing made of plastics it is unbreakable. pedance and intermittents. A capacity and re- On one end of this new scratch remover a sistance bridge. A megohm meter and a milli - cap covers the liquid used for light scratches ammeter. Measures power factor. Both d.c. which has been especially prepared for quickly and a.c. vacuum tube voltmeter. Also performs many other services, thoroughly diagnosing the capacitor and saving much grief for the service man. Moderately priced. . . . Literature may be had chrome moulding and chrome air -gate ventila- fro u the maker. tors. All are finished in marine gray ripple enamel. Ilil of maintains its leadPrshin in improved Complete catalog No. 207 now ready for dis- radio servicing equipment with this wide band tribution. A radio noise filter which lends itself particu- larly for use in the home is the Cornell-Du biller removing scratches on radio cabinets or other universal "Quietone," Type IF -18. Both in- pieces of furniture. The cap on the other end covers the stain filler which has been prepared to match standard radio cabinet finishes. The Tralsco Scratch Remover is available on an at- tractive card holding six. A companion item to the 'raisco Scratch Re- mover is now also available. It is the new li'alsco Refinishing Kit which sells for less than a dollar to the trade and is ideal for use by the smaller radio stores and service shops. This kit contains alcohol -soluble refinishing materials; two shades of ivory enamel, stain, spirit lac- quer, French varnish, etc. It is so easy to use that even inexperienced men can do an excellent refinishing job with this kit by following the simple instructions supplied. A complete line of commercially non- induc- tive IRC Powei Wire Wound Resistors. from 10 to 200 watts and with any type of mounting, has been announced by the International Re- sistance Co., 401 N. Broad St.. Philadelphia. These units utilize the Ayrton -Perry type of ductance and capacity are included in its spe- winding which assures full wattage ratings as cially developed internal circuit with the result compared to multiple -layer windings which may that its filtering action is unusually thorough result in a reduction in the wattage rating of and it is highly effective even under conditions a unit of given size; eliminates large differences of severe noise. It is rated to carry 5 amperes in potential as well as high capacitances which and is therefore suitable for use with any radio may exist between adjacent turns on windings Universal Crystal Controlled Signal Generator set or any electrical appliance normally used in of other types. specifically designed for Frequency Modulation t the home. The degree to which inductance is reduced is and Amplitude Modulation servicing. The universal feature is found in the fact that well illustrated in the Type DG 1000 -watt unit With frequency coverage on fundamentals 32

from 100 ke. to 133 Megacycles the 12 output selections include: Electronic controlled wide band frequency modulation output with 750 kc. sweep for alignment of frequency modulation and television receivers. Frequency modulation output, modulated internally, at 400 cycles with F.C.C. standard frequency modulation sweep (150 kc.) for servicing and checking F.M. receivers. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE... Amplitude modulation output as well as narrow band frequency modulation (30 kc. sweep) for servicing amplitude modulation receivers. Au- dio frequency outputs of 400 cycles fixed and 50 to 10,000 cycles variable are available. Crys- Hot & Spot News will be found in this tal controlled outputs. modulated and unmodu- lated, with accuracy better than .01 per cent are included with frequency coverage from 100 column every month. Don't fail to read it! kc. to 10 megacycles in 100 ke. steps and from 1000 kc. to 150 megacycles in 1 megacycle steps. by faithfully discharging its obligations, has Also furnishes synchronized sweep voltage for HOW NBC IS AIDING NATIONAL DEFENSE oscillograph use. won the confidence of the public who listen, not The Oscillator includes a complete built -in Wriften NEWS from duress, but of their own volition and de- power supply consisting of transformer. recti- Specially for RADIO sire. fier and filter. It is standard for any 110 volt by Because radio is an integral part of our de- a.c. line, 40 to 65 cycles. All necessary cables are furnished. Also com- Niles Trammell, President mocracy, we in the industry have swung into plete manual and instruction book. For further National Broadcasting Company action and willingly and wholeheartedly have details write The Hickok Electrical Instrument joined forces with those agencies contributing Co., 10514 Dupont Ave.. Cleveland, Ohio. The radio industry today is playing and will to national defense. Whatever the future brings A new Preamplifier recently placed on the play a vital role in national defense. Because to America, radio will stand prepared to do its market by Jlontponiery Ward is. according to all of its ability to command the immediate atten- part. reports, one of outstanding quality and per- tion of our entire population, the American sys- Recent Changes in Personnel formance. It is known as the Professional Air- tem of broadcasting provides a means for im- line and designed and built by Lyon & Healy RALPH P. GLOVER has joined the staff under 31ontpoìnery Ward specifications. mediate exchange of information, essential for This model is claimed to be the most. quiet national preparedness. of Jensen Radio Manufacturing Com- Radio has always fulfilled its duties and re- pany, according to a recent announcement by sponsibilities to the American people in times Thos. A. White, Vice -President and Sales - of crises. It rallied the nation's aid to the dis- manager of that concern. tressed Ohio River flood and devastated New O. E. White of Rockford, Ill., a veteran in England hurricane areas. It has brought into the electrical and appliance field, has been millions of American homes the fireside chats appointed as Stromberg- Carlson's manufac- of the Chief Executive, stirring developments in turer's agent to handle their radio line in our national capital, and the proceedings of the nine counties of Illinois, it was announced great political conventions. It has followed by H. T. McCaig, Manager of the Chicago closely events abroad, bringing daily first -hand Division of Stromberg- Carlson. descriptions of the Sècond World war to the listening audience direct from Europe. Stromberg- Carlson Puts FM Production on Because of their close association with na- 24 -Hour Basis tional and international developments and with ROCHESTER, N. Y.- Production of FM the millions of Americans who are the "listening radios that receive the new "staticless" public," there is probably no body of men and type of broadcasts as well as standard and women in this country more acutely and patri- short wave programs has been stepped up to otically aware of the import of the phrase "pub- capacity at the Stronzberg-Carlson plant, it lic service" than workers in the broadcasting was learned from E. A. Hanover, vice -pres- and versatile amplifier at anywhere near its price. field. That is why leaders in the industry are ident in charge of production. "Three 8- Its six channels permit the use of four addi- cooperating enthusiastically with economic, so- tional microphones at one time, with two extra hour shifts daily were put in effect in order phonos, though not both at once, and it can be cial and governmental agencies in the promo- to meet the large demand for both consoles onernted up to a mile distant from the amplifier tion of our national defense program. and radio -phonographs that employ the new itself. The National Broadcasting Company, for ex- FM band," he said. its extreme flexibility is made possible by a ample, as well as other networks and individual system of simple, yet most efficient controls. Tone Boosters to emphasize stations throughout the United States, has been Experimental Television for Cincinnati They include two presenting public either the low bass or high treble tones. or both; service programs intended to its bow in Cin- and four microphone input controls for regu- disseminate information on all phases of nation- TELEVISION will make lating volume in each individual mike. There wide preparedness. The I'M AN AMER- cinnati and vicinity when the Crosley volume control and series, are also one master phono ICAN, broadcast over NBC in conjunction with Corporation., operator of WLW, starts work one master gain control for overall volume con- on a station authorized by the Federal Com- trol of both phonos and all mikes. the U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Serv- It operates on 105 to 125 volt 50 to 60 ice, has brought before the microphone distin- munications Commission. The construction cycle a.c., and draws (30 watts. permit stipulates that the new station will is fully in Mont- guished naturalized Americans to demonstrate This Preamplifier described the privileges, responsibilities and possibilities operate on television channel number one gomery Ward's new catalog. "Simplified Sound (50,000 to 56,000 kilocycles) with visual and - of the democratic way of life. Again, THIS, Systems," and may be had free by writing Mont A3 A5 gomery Ward & Co., Dept. RN -39. Chicago. Illi- OUR AMERICA, produced in cooperation with aural power of one kilowatt, and and nois. the National Resources Planning Board, in ten emission. successive weekly programs dealt with the re- The license granted to the Crosley Corpo- Alden Products Co. have just completed the ration was among the applications tentatively design of two new items which answer a long - sources of the United States and their relation- to fe.t need in the radio field. ship to National Defense. approved in June, subject proper showing One is our jewel pilot light assembly, our of programs of research and development, 440JL and our fuse holder. 440 -FZS. Important as this activity is, however, radio including engineering experimentation tend- The jewel pilot. light assembly was developed has extended its public service into a more far - after receipt of many (omphnints on the ordi- reaching field. Radio recognized the value of ing to develop uniform transmission stand- creating good -will with our South American ards of acceptable technical quality. The new station will work with a trans- neighbors years ago, and undertook to estab- is lish regular shortwave service to European and mitting system in which the picture com- Latin American countries. Time, money and posed of thirty frames per second interlaced. effort has been expended voluntarily by Amer- Tests will be conducted with 441 and 507 lines, as well as an intermediate number of ican broadcasting companies in the production on wave and transmission of international programs. lines. It also contemplates research on types of The success of shortwave service cannot be forms, and experiments various antennae, and the effect of vertical and hori- doubted. NBC's International Division is now zontal polarization. engaged in presenting such broadcasts 16 hours per day, seven days a week. Programs in Eng- The initial cost of the station is estimated lish, Portuguese and Spanish are devoted to to exceed $100,000. subjects of interest to our Latin American neigh- Its Finances bors, with particular emphasis on the "good Zenith Reports neighbor" policy of our government. ZENITH RADIO CORPORATION re- Thousands of letters have been received by ports a consolidated operating profit for NBC from all parts of the world praising our the first quarter ended July 31, 1940 of its entertainment features, expressing appreciation current fiscal year, amounting to $651,135.99, for a better understanding of American institu- after depreciation, Excise taxes and liberal tions and thanking us for our straightforward reserves, but before provision for Federal and unbiased presentation of the news of the income taxes, as per the company's books. day. Shipments for the quarter were, with one nary type of indicating pilot lamp that upon un- In the face of new problems the American exception, the largest dollar volume of any screwing the jewel to replace the bulb, the en- system of broadcasting is measuring up to first quarter in the company's history. tire assembly became loose from the panel and shipments were made during it was necessary to gain access to the interior standards of a true democracy. In America, as Substantial of the instrument to again make it secure. opposed to some countries, this cooperation be- August and unfilled orders on hand for Sep- This assembly (photo of which is attached) tween government and radio on one hand and tember and October delivery give promise fastens to the panel with either eyelets. rivets, radio on the other is free and of a satisfactory volume of business for the or screws through the two holes in the mount- the people and ing plate thereby making a secure and perma- voluntary. Here radio is not told what it must current quarter. nent mounting as well as lending itself well to do by any dictator nor on the other hand are Collections have been unusually satisfac- (Continued on page 59) citizens ordered to listen. Radio in this country, (Continued on page 53) 33 SQAvimwü [xp2AthftcQA. by LEE SHELDON Chicago, Illinois Remember a eu.stoner's home, to keep it in good shape, is an axiom every ser ,iceman should know.

THE whole thing started inno- is, I thought it was the hall, but it all those little things that help keep cently enough : a Mrs. Larsen wasn't; it was a linen closet. I put a customer? The minor duties, aside 'phoned for repair work on her my foot on a pile of sheets on the bot- from merely filling the repair con- Zenith. I came into her house as I tom shelf, slipped so that my chin hit tract, that all set owners see and ap- come into all customers' houses; but the third, and dumped the chassis on preciate. Do you clean the inside of from then on, things began to be dif- the second. Then we cascaded to the the cabinet before you install the chas- ferent. floor together - pillow- cases, sheets, sis ? Tie up slack power cords ? Staple Identifying myself as the repairman set, towels. When I found the right lead -in and ground wires ? Tack down from Salutary Sales & Service, I door, I was glad to get out of that window strips ? Make sure control strode into the living -room. I noticed house! shafts don't scrape ?" some junk on top of the console as I Al sensed something unusual when "Sure," I said. "I also walk dogs, pulled one end of it out from the wall. I entered the shop. and do the week's wash!" "Oh!" said Mrs. Larsen, "do be care- "Have a nice dinner ?" he asked, "I'm not kidding," Al replied. "Those ful!" pulling a napkin from under my coat. things are the ones that hold custom- I paused for a moment and turned Then he noticed an 8 -mike electrolytic ers; if you neglect them, you lose good to question her with my eyes. will. I'll bet more repeat calls "The vase, the vase!" she an- have come as a result of a little swered. "Look - watch out - furniture polish on the front of catch it -" a console than any good work I grabbed, but the thing al- put behind it!" ready had smashed. After she "Nonsense!" I argued. "When saw it had broken, she took her a customer calls a repairman, he hands from her ears and put wants his set fixed -quickly. Let them over her mouth; then sat 'em take care of their own furni- heavily in a chair and leaned ture!" back with her eyes closed. "That's a good attitude to take "Has it ever been broken be- with you," Al declared, "when fore ?" I asked, while I picked up you're going out of business. the pieces. There were quite a Look here, fellow : I'm going to few of them, and naturally I was teach you a lesson. I'm going to a bit self- conscious. deliver the Zenith - you come She raised her head slowly, but with me and watch. In spite of said nothing. When her eyes the bum start you made with opened, they had a strange look Mrs. Larsen, I'll show you how to -and it wasn't love. It made me regain their goodwill - if there nervous, though, and I began to ever was any!" unload the top of the console He wasn't fooling. After he'd very carefully. repaired the set, we drove to "Don't mind the rest of it," she Larsen's house together. When said, " -none of it's worth any- he stopped the truck he handed thing!" Then she jumped up and the speaker to me. left the room. "I'll carry the chassis," he an- There was a little business nounced. "And always remem- with a soldering iron before I ber - the speaker and chassis removed the chassis. When I fin- should be carried separately, ished, I laid the iron firmly even though it means making across an ash tray, on the floor. two trips to or from the truck. Somehow it rolled off, but I C'mon!" didn't notice it was burning un- We rang the bell and I fol- til I smelled the carpet. "Hello, Radio Repair? Why is it that after lowed him upstairs, feeling sort Mrs. Larsen must have smelled six trips my radio still doesn't work well ?" of foolish. Al greeted Mr. and it, too, for she came back into the Mrs. Larsen pleasantly. room. This time she held her throat had rammed through the speaker cone. "I have my junior partner with me," and pointed. "How many times," he began, "have he explained, tilting his head back- "Pardon me!" I said lightly, picking I told you not to pile -" ward as he entered. Mrs. Larsen up the iron and rubbing the burned "I know, I know," I replied, "but screamed as soon as she saw me. place with my foot, "I thought it was this was an unusual trip. I was in a "There he is again!" she shouted to something you were cooking!" great hurry." her husband. "The boy blitz! Don't She sat down again, breathing heav- I knew a confession coming from me let him in -lean against the door!" ily, and waved toward the door. I put would sound better than a complaint "You'd better stay here on the land- the speaker, face down, on the chassis, from Mrs. Larsen, so I told him every- ing," Larsen said, smiling. "For some and walked to the hall. Opening the thing that had happened. reason, my wife seems to be nervous. door, I looked back at her. "I'm ashamed of you," my partner What say to a little drink while you're "Sorry about the vase and carpet," declared. "Be careful in the custom- waiting ?" I remarked sympathetically, "but it's er's home! To think that you, after That was more like it! a small world, isn't it ?" all these years, would neglect to clear "Sure," I said, tickled to think Al There was no answer, and the set the top of a console before moving it! would have to do all the work while was getting heavy. And to put a soldering iron anywhere I enjoyed a highball. The door closed "Well," I said, "let's let bygones be but back in your toolbag!" for a while and then opened about six bygones. I'll see you Thursday eve- I settled back for a long siege. inches. A glass appeared; I took it, ning." "Tell me," he continued, "how long and the door closed again. I stepped briskly into the hall. That has it been since you bothered to do (Continued on page 44) 34

Johnny Novak, the Flying Birdman, (he makes bird sounds) demonstrating glider flight. LffsI* THIRD OPEN AMERICAN SOARING CONTEST LOCKPORT AIRPORT, LOCKPORT, ILLINOIS by KARL A. KOPETZKY, W9QEA, ex -W9USB Managing Editor, RADIO NEWS, and Chief of Communications, ,ßrd Open American Soaring Contest

ASSEMBLING what has been termed the and 437 on 275 kc. for aircraft weather, a Halli- greatest amount of equipment ever used crafter's 5 -10 on 28 mc. phone, the WOETI unit for so short a time, and certainly the on 56 mc. phone. the Abbott on 112 mc. phone, greatest communication network ever to be used the National HRO on 14 mc. phone, and the Hal - in connection with a Glider Meet, WOUSB went licrafter's SX25 on reserve. all band duty. on the air for the ten days starting August 24 On the field were two and sometimes three through September 2. at Lewis School of Aero- "Prairie Dog Specials," home built affairs, on nautics, Lockport Airport. Lockport. Illinois. 160 meter phone transmitting and receiving. The The main station, which was given the name "Prairie Dogs are a subdivision of the "Ham- of Radio Central for easy identification, was lo- festers Club" of Chicago. engaged in A.E.C. work. cated in one of the class rooms fronting on the Also there was WOPSP with a 28 mc. portable airport. On a "U" shaped series of tables were transmitter and receiver, WOETI with a 56 mc. placed 5 transmitters. 9 receivers, 2 P.A. units transmitter mobile and a 20 -160 meter Howard and a interconnecting board. The units were in built into his car as a receiver. W9QEA had use for an average of 10 hours per day on all his car as an Emergency Mobile with a duplica- phone frequencies from 160 meters down to 112 tion of W9ETI's equipment plus an RCA AVR -15 megacycles. aircraft receiver for immediate weather and In Radio Central were 2 Hallicrafter's 100- beam reports from Chicago Airport on the Lock- watt transmitters, one 450 -watt Hallicrafter's port Field. In addition to this, there were never transmitter. one 56 mc. WOETI unit, and one 112 less than four and sometimes as ninny as six 112 mc. Abbott "souped -up" unit. In the receiving mc. transceivers and one or two 56 mc. trans - department, the RCA AR77 stood watch on 160 mitters and receivers on the field occupied in W9JU tunes the freq- meter, W9RRC gets meters, Hammarlund HQ120X on 75 meter one duty or another. phone and 3105 ke. itinerant aircraft patrol. an It was the work of WOUSB. whose call - letters out trfc, while W9VSX qso's the field. RME 69 on the broadcast band, and special How- were specially granted by the Federal Communi-

All 160 meter traffic was handled with the Hallicrafter Moving along left hand side, the 75 -M & 3105kc Hammarlund xmtr, Triplett modulation meter, and the RCA AR 77 rcvr. standby, the BC RME 69, and the WX Howard 437 receivers.


zzr Jc)

W9JID poses for his pix during a quiet moment at W9VSX who handed W9ETI his business card just before Radio Central. Every op had a chance to work USB. 011ie was about to go up in a glider. VSX is a mortician.

ALL COMMUNICATIONS cations Commission, to coordinate the various names of the pilots, and the BY PRONE phases of the meet. In this capacity all manner numbers of their respective of traffic was handled over the station. from a ships, and forwarded that in- Disaster Flight, similar to that one done in the formation to Mr. Lawrence Law - East by WUSA, to finding mothers and fathers ver, Executive Assistant of the for lost children. Airplane Owners d Pilots Ass'n.. Although it rained sufficiently for four days sponsors of the Disaster Flight, to turn the Airport into a sea of mud in which via W9IMB- W9REA- W9USB. more than one radio car got stuck, over fifty Special QSL cards were printed amateurs turned out over the air and in person for the occasion and they were to make the radio end of the meet a huge and distributed to all hamops who gratifying success. Most active in participation were contacted. An interesting was the Hamfester's Radio Club of Chicago. sidelight on the QSL's is that whose members were rounded up by Warren H. they were "glider flown." We Heller, WfRRC. believe that this is the first time It is Warren's picture that graces our cover that any ham QSL's have so been this month. Not only is he fond of radio !he's treated. Each QSL bore the im- a licensed ham) . but he bore such a striking re- print of the Lockport Dedication semblance to President Roosevelt in a character- Stamp, which will make them istic pose, that we thought it too good to pass rare keep-sakes. Special Certifi- up. Incidentally, Warren has worked in Presi- cates of Meritorious Service were dent Roosevelt's old law office. and is many times also presented radio GEOGRAPHICAL to those op- LIMITS mistaken for the Chief Executive whenever he is erators who were instrumental in OF in Washington where his work as a Certified making W9USB a success. These \LICENSE AREA Public Accountant occasionally takes him. W9- are personally signed by the LEWISO SCHOOL RRC is 41. a native of Chicago, and -believe it Most Reverend Bernard J. Sheil. AERONAUTICS or not- that's his own cigarette holder ( which Senior Auxiliary Bishop of the Warren says he was using long before FDR's be- Archdiocese of Chicago who for came so famous) and his own hat. Warren the Catholic Youth Organization states that he doesn't mind being the President's was one of the sponsors of the double, except that some times it annoys him to Meet. Sketch showing the field positions which were in have people stare at him . and another thing, While the work was gruellingly use at W9USB. It looks -and was -quite complex. he's a Republican. At the Glider Meet everybody hard at times, and specially at affectionately called him "Frank." the time of the Disaster Flight In the Disaster Flight, W9USB was the key when five transmitters and seven receivers were it was possible to put any receiver on the P.A. station assigned to clearing planes from the "out- going at one time at Radio Central, there were System and the glider pilots made use of this side" into Lockport which was the scene of the pleasant moments for all ops. Almost every- in getting their weather reports, as well as or- "simulated disaster." Planes came in from as body had a chance to fly, and some made their ders which might have been originating any - far away as 300 miles, having first cleared first "hops" at this Meet. 011ie W9ETI Read where's out in the mile - square airports Contacts through local hams with Radio Central. They distinguished himself by being one of the few through the loud -speaker system and the "Prairie were then instructed to land at Joliet. Illinois. hams who has ever had a glider flight. On sev- Dog Specials" was excellently done, and handy in where through W9REA they were routed, one eral occasions 011ie took up a 112 mc. transceiver emergencies. Even 112 mc. was pushed through group at a time, to Lockport with their precious with him and spoke to W9USB from heights of the P.A. System: and on one occasion W9QEA bundles of "Simulated drugs. simulated blankets, over 6,000 feet. His conversations were heard spoke to W9ETI via a route that went like this: and simulated nurses." Enough credit cannot be in Chicago, over 38 miles away. Through the W9QEA (on 112 mc.) to W9USB, W9USB to given to W9IMB in Chicago who spent many interconnecting board his conversations with W9- W9ETI via the P.A. System, W9ETI to W9USB hours standing watch on the frequency of W9- QEA at the mike of W9USB were put on the via 56 me., W9USB to W9JU via the PA. Sys - USB, keeping it clear, and rounding up hams in field's P.A. System and the crowd that attended the outlying districts. These hams obtained the were treated both ends of the QSO. Incidentally, (Please QSY to page 61)

Field end of the Radio Central. At left is the W9ETI Right hand side of Radio Central. Transmitter is for 14 unit used on 56 MC. Center is patch- board; right, Abbott. MC with the HRO as receiver. The SX25 is reserve. 36

Iowa's hamstation w9ctq. The beautiful layout of w3edc. HAM * Fll 44E

far better knowledge of the condx tell us in all sincerity that there is danger. Let's believe BREATHES there a man who said, them, lest like the dog who had a bone. and Hamop w8jfe es his fb rigs. had a seeing what he thought was a better bone, let "I never chance. the one in his mouth drop, and had nothing, be- To get the CQ's out of my fist, cause he was chasing an image. National se- And to a super curity without adequate defense is an image. go fb dance "I Let us not drop our good common sense in chas- ing the will -o -the wisp. Breathes there such, Then mark that ham well, ON Sunday, September 8, Arthur Cann, oper- ator of W1AJJ, working portable on top of Grasp his droopy code -cut ear, Mt. Washington in the state of New Hampshire. AND YELL contacted W1COO in Exeter, New Hampshire. a distance of some ninety miles. THE CHICAGO AREA RADIO CLUB While W1C00 and W1JK had established com- munication between these points on July 13, the COUNCIL IS GIVING ITS FALL DANCE, same was accomplished from two fixed positions, AT THE BAL TABARIN ROOM, Satur- W1C00 at the time operating- from the Mt. day, October 26th, at 8:30 P.M. Music Washington observatory. As W1COO's 124 meter transmitter was dis- by Cy (W9AA)Read and his 8 men & mantled, W1C00 transmitted in the 5 meter a girl Band. Sponsored by Bill Halligan's band. The frequency at W1AJJ was 233 mega- cycles. Duplex operation was possible and em- firm, The Hallicrafter's, Inc. Any ham ployed. within driving range of the Windy City The transmitter operated from the automotive electrical system, employed a Hytron HY75 os- will miss a swell evening -with vaudeville cillator with an input of approximately 20 watts. 'n everything, including prizes worth The HY75 was modulated by an HY31Z and a half -wave radiator Zeppelin -fed was employed. while, if he does not go! Ask any ham The receivers at both ehds were National 1- who attended the last CARCC Dance! 10's. In the Essex County, Massachusetts area, ITS TERRIFIC! IT'S STUPENDOUS! IT'S W1BVL. W1DWL, as well as W1AJJ, are playing YOUR DANCE! FOR HAMS! BY around with 1%, 2 % meters, using HY75 tubes HAMS! and OF HAMS! Bring your YL, in medium power transmitters, and HY615 type in the transceivers on 2 y, only. your XYL or come stag . . . BUT BE SURE TO COME!! EWS items from RXP: N Mae (WORFS) won the grand prize at the i recent hamfest held in Phoenix, Arizona. It was one of the new Thordarson transmitter kits, 100 Watts phone and c.w. cathode modulated. SO very many of you hams wrote in to us Since he already has 400 Watts he's going to complaining that in the August issue of swap the rig for a new receiver. Hamchatter we had a pix of W3drz leaning The U. S. Forest Service Fire Control Net against "a vertical 40" meter antenna, and also went into full swing with the arrival of sum- a pix of W3ggw leaning against a "vertical 20" of w 1 gbw. mer fire season. WSGPV, Net Control Station, Hamstation meter antenna, and that the two (so it seemed) and Max Gardener (W6NRI) of the U.S.F.S. antennae were one and the same sky -hook. We were in charge of the net. W6RXP (Flagstaff, pondered over the sicheeaytion fer a while, and Arizona) is a new addition to the net. Each came to the obvious conclusion that the sky - station in the net sent in a daily report on piece is a % wave vertical on 40 when w5drz local fire conditions in their vicinity compiled uses it, and a full wave on 20 when w5ggw by local Forest Service officials. These reports sloes his stuff. Logical? Yeah, very! Any - were assembled at the re °ional office of the hoo, we hereby call on w5drz es w3gow to ex- U.S.F.S. in Albuquerque, New Mex. plain. if they will. please. W6GUZ of Phoenix. Arizona, was in Flag- FCC note: The paw- printing of the ops has staff for two days supervising the installation off 15. Seems a been pushed till October that of the new police station (KQOJ) . bunch are having trouble in finding birth certifi- cates. One ham told us that he had always known that there would be some trouble about W8AM "Keys" the following dope: his birth certificate. and that he welcomed the Horace Greer. W6TI, and his monthly FCC regs requiring him to file his. because now section meetings, have built up an organization he had to get it straightened out. highly satisfactory in all details. Another ham wrote in from some gosh -for- The Bell Club continues to run the largest saken place up in Idaho that he couldn't see the and most active radio club on the Pacific Coast. sense in being paw- printed. etc.. etc.. because he Recently, Frank Feay, W6EJZ, had a naval was no crook, and that the paw -printing and communication reserve meeting with many offi- birth -snooping was just another way of regi- cials present. menting the hams, and the beginning of dictator- W7KV was expected at the combined Pacific ship in these United States. Well, brother, while and Southwestern Divisions Convention, Long France argued as to how long an ammunition Beach, over the Labor Day holidays. Mike hadn't factory should stay open, and whether a 48 hour told us that he was coming. but somehow or week was legit, the Heinies went right ahead other, he managed to drop in at all the im- and busted the whole shebang wide open by con- portant conventions on the Pacific Coast. quering the place. Now there just ain't no ar- KE6SRA. has put in for a transfer to an guments as to how long the work -week is, nor Asiatic location. Those of us who have been as to what stays open and for how long. They working him on 14,300 kc. hate to see him do exactly as they are told. leave, but we all will be glad to see him start What we need in America is loads of less ar- up again. gument and talk -talk and oodles of more do -do Herb Becker. W6QD. thought he would have and let's not worry too much about being regi- more time for radio when he became a manu- mented. It's better to be a regimented free de- facturers' representative. So far however, has mocracy, than to be a beaten nation any clay. been true, as Herb is so busy getting his new The time has certainly come when we should business started. "This is my new invention to off- no longer tolerate those among us who would W6GG, flew to Hartford for the directors' set all hand capacity when tuning." turn our liberties into license. Those who have meeting. î

R b!d

?& A h , S0,-r r4,5 ,r tEn-7s n'1,C1 . C't,,.

Prewar British SWL station. Hamop and station of wßugz.

W6BKY, now has his pole replaced, so that W6WB certainly gets out fine with his 100 his big diamond is in working order again. watt phone. and has been making a substantial Lew Cartwright, of La Jolla, was one of the impression on the group. very active Hams aiding in the earthquake crisis W60MC is still going strong on his frequency in Imperial Valley. 75 meter phone seemed to modulated transmitter. be the most useful band. for all the Valley con- tacts, for all the hams helping, as the distance was great enough so that the maximum num- Hams in this vicinity are still talking about ber of contacts could be made on that band. the wonderful hamfest they had in San Diego. We noted that Director Charlie. visited just Three hundred were present. about all the stations in the valley immediately The Fresno Hamfest was also a huge success, after the quake -on the job as usual. although quantities of hams which attended The Pacific Division Director, W6EY, in an- came from the North, whereas the San Diego nouncing the joint convention with the South- Hamfest drew the Los Angeles crowd in large western Division, indicates that this is not neces- quantities. sarily an annual procedure. Because of the big The Associated Radio Amateurs, Long Beach. Treasure- Island Convention up North last year, are meeting twice a month, on Thursday night it seemed advisable to join forces with the in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, the Southern Group this year. first and third Thursdays, at 8 p.m. This twice Certain indications are that the San Diego a month meeting will continue right up to the group will want the Southwestern Division con- Labor Day Convention. vention next year, and Phoenix has already When Clark Rodimon, W1SZ, was out here, spoken for it many of the fellows got a chance to meet him, in 1942. and see what a dyed -in- the -wool DX Hound he is. W6GRL, has, if such a title were to be given. A YL owns all this nice gear! the title of "World's Champion Amateur." He Let consistently stays on top of the DX Century him who has not sinned . . . Club listing. IN the October issue of Hamchatter, we KG6MV furnishes a new country to anyone published a letter from an observer of working him. conditions in the 160 meter band during KC6 is now well represented on the map. so the S. Carolina hurricane. In it there were those that are worrying about the loss of Euro- some remarks as to what went on by sta- pean Countries, have simply to get on the air, tions jamming the QRR work. It seems and they can get just about as many new that we "struck oil," and the boys are up countries per month. as any time before. in arms about it. They are even threat- We are looking forward to the day when ening a boycott of the magazine on account KONYD will jump into his plane, and hop to of the letter. another island, so that we can all have another Well, so be it; but if those guys really country. wanta fight, remember that we have most If the amateurs will censor themselves, no of the calls which were involved, and while National Censorship is to be imposed by the we had withheld them because we felt that FCC. The broadcasting stations work much the incident alone, unidentified, would serve under the same plan. Present rules provide that to show all hams why they must be care- no furriner should be worked by anyone under ful with their QSO's, we can let the guilty any conditions. ones have it with both barrels. A number of the West Coast Boys will re- Some time ago we had occasion to talk member, Elmer Lamplugh, W1LWD, who lived with Chairman Fly of the FCC, and, the in Long Beach for quite a while. and was on reaction of hams to complaints such as the air here, before he went to join the Byrd have been published in HC, and which have Expedition, and to operate KC4USB. "burned" the amateurs from a prominent Our good old friend WOCIN is operating in mid -Indiana city so much, is just the rea- Manila. as KA1GC. w2gj, Oyster Bay, N. Y., in 1928! son why the venerable chairman told us The rotary beam at W6GCT, is surely doing that he was worried about the situation. its stuff. and Henry is working more DX than The surest way to get all of us taken off ever before. the air, is (1) to jam a real QRR situation An interesting combination of calls down in so that everyone will know we are not any San Diego is W6JMH (the Mrs.), and W6JMI good even in an emergency, and, (2) belly- (the husband) . Note that the last two letters ache and get nasty about things when some make "HI !" one calls your attention -in a nice way - W6NAT has some good frequency modulated to your errors. The man who wrote the equipment on 21/, meters. 21/2 meters has cer- letter is NOT a ham, and his word carries tainly been doing its stuff out here, with the more weight with the powers -that -be than San Diego gang really going after it in a big a whole lot of hams. He represents the way. because they find that they can work great non -ham public. We ought to be Santa Barbara. some 200 miles away. kinder to him. and less vindictive. W6LYY certainly has his full load of visitors Above all let each ham observe his own at his new location in San Diego. He puts out conduct carefully, to see that it won't be an interesting reception for those who drive him who gets the rest of us "into the the extra four miles out to his place. soup." W6JRM seems to do something toward the The Hamchatter Editor. betterment of his Ham rig every day. Statistics released by the ARRL indicates that there is almost as many Class A amateurs in the United States as Class B amateurs in the The EARN-Edison Amateur Radio Net United States. 3030 kc. and 7260 kc. is an interesting emer-- W6USA was not in operation at the fair gency net, inasmuch as all of the men under- this year. although the Forest Service did have stand power lines and power line operation. a display that will be interesting to the Hams. Those of us who had been working XU8RA, W7BAH and his 175 watts certainly comes 1939 -1940 ORS winner, w7gpp. did not realize that he was but eighteen years in fine in this area. old, until he wrote us so. He was on 14,300 KC Chuck A. Houge of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and phone. his telephone Second ticket, is just about ready Some of the XU stations talked and acted as if to have his Ham ticket. they might be Japanese, using portables in W6ILC is traveling and does not get on the newly acquired areas. air as much as when he was in a permanent The Associated Radio Amateurs of Long location. Beach had been offered by Capt. Dick Loynes, W6BIP is still working the Yacht California the use of the yacht Contender which is now on schedule daily. docked by the Ford Plant in Long Beach Har- W6MZ is on 20 CW these days. bor, for Field Day. Fourteen of the amateurs The ARRL Copying Bee list showed good ac- were on hand, to run the 600 watt transmitter. tivity in copying difficult material. W6ZS and as a Field Day Emergency station. W6CIS combined their stations and equipment The Oakland Radio Club certainly has a strong for the transmission. Board of Directors. They are W6BF, W6PLX, Someone heard W7BB on phone -what is W6KZN. W6KTI and W6EY. going to happen! The Placer Radio Club has disbanded.-and is WEDGE and W6DEP with their Dual Deluxe joining up with the Sacramento Valley Amateur Mims Antenna are certainly going to town these Radio Club, meeting the first Friday of each days. month at Hart's Restaurant in Sacramento. W6DX and W6LA are both working out of Stations working Byrd include W6BSV, the FCC office, Los Angeles. They certainly W6EQW, W6KW. gave themselves some beautiful calls, didn't CEZBX passed information into the sixth dis- they? trict, that during the DX contest, he had W6RI is working out of San Francisco at worked 420 stations, and 84 sections out of the the FCC Office. "As long as we can't use it fer dx, possible 96. These FCC Hams are real old timers. I thought . I'd let the XYL use it!" 38

K6OWR, is now back from the Howland Is- lands. Quite a few of the boys worked him while over there. E. E. Sutton, W7AXR, worked 40 states from his mobile car, 10 meters. Included among the DX cards on his car roof, are 3. K 6's. It is certainly an interesting car, having QSL cards plastered all over the inside top of it, just as if it were a full fledged Ham station at home. W6TT is certainly "knocking them dead" for the time that he is on. He is on CW mostly. W6KEW, is all well again. He doesn't seem to get on the air as much as he did. W6FEX used to put over a fine broadcast. over KRKD about amateur activities. Perhaps you will find time for that again. too. WEDEP. has now worked XU1, XU2, XU5, XU6, XU8. W7EZL, is president of the Oregon Amateur for next year. Radio Association WELL, this new gadget called Televi- distinctly recalls a similar shortage last year means "Hen pecked hus- sion seems to really be getting under at this time. It must be realized that prac- W7HPH sez -(HPH receives an annual band ") . way after many months of conversation, ac- tically every radiop now W7ERH is trying cathode modulation and cusation and prognostication (how'in ah vacation with pay, whereas this was not a when he gets the bugs out of the speech end gone by. and the rig balanced up should go to town. doin' ?). First came the FCC partial -com- fact in years Good luck, Ken! mercialization, then repeal. Then carne hear- Admiral Wiley stated emphatically, how- W7EYR is also playing with cathode modu- ings, many inches of publicity, a broadcast ever, that the Commission would proceed lation. Fly, some more publicity with its present plan to train 300 radiops . by FCC Chairman W6MAV is working portable in seventh dis- from any source. It trict, using a 10 P kit. Sounds fine biz, Jack. and finally the RMA convention, at which regardless of protests W7GPM and W7HWN are among those using time the big boys said in effect, "Put on your was stated, however, that it was not the pur- E.C.O. and now. like the soldiers' cooties, you belt, daddy, we'll be good." So standardiza- pose of the Commission to use these newly never know where you will find them. Nice trained men under normal employment con- going fellows. tion is expected shortly with commercializa- W7HPH worked W7HRV recently Q5 -R9 at tion naturally following. And when that ditions, but only in case of emergencies. 9:30 to 10:06 P.M.. M.S.T., when the band was happens, gentlemen of the glass wrist, look They are to constitute a reserve force for most crowded time. A real QSO. 95% in the future . . . at its out ! A publicized gold strike won't hold a any national contingency complete. W7HRV is in Oregon City, Oregon, unquote. and was using a Karr transmitter at only 131iß candle to this ! Television station applica- tions will pour in, technicians will be at a CTU-Mardiv sez . . . quote . . . it is diffi- premium and television servicemen and in- cult for us to restrain our belief that Fifth stallation men will do a landoffice business. Column Radiops are doomed for a purge, at This will be one time when radio manu- which time an "emergency" will arise, and facturers will go to town in a large way, the Commission's student radiops will be SogRyI knocking sign posts down along the road. made available. But the Commission is si- cA YT RE5 lent on this contingency. We are not op- CvE You! WE Hesitation about future developments won't be considered in the mad rush to sell the posed to the training of such radiops pro- ARE I1I A HuRRy vided we are assured by the Commission that TO 4o TO THE television- conscious public a receiver that'll get a picture onto a kinescope. And the these newly trained men will not be used to ßtc1 COUNCIL defeat of the union. Whether YA.rCE AT THE public will buy because manufacturers have the purposes already cut down the cost of sets so that radiops receive their training in the Army, SHERr1A/J HOTEL., Navy, Coast Guard, CCC camps or in pri- CHICA4o OCT, $100.00 will purchase a good five -inch scan- 26- ning aperture. If radiomen don't get in on vately -owned radio schools doesn't matter. You HAD BETTER. But what does matter is whether these men SWIr't THERE/ the ground floor of this new industry, they 4uiv . forever and are used as a potential menace to the high To BE A Saver. may just as well remain radiops AFFAIR ever. wages and good working conditions estab- lished by the Union. We refuse to believe BROTHER ROGER J. HOGLUM. head like we understand our ACA brothers be- of the Radio Department of the Eugene lieve, that the US Maritime Commission is Public School in Eugene, Oregon, opines determined to abolish the maritime unions quote ... The emergency training pro- and revert back to the "good old days" of gram which the government is actively spon- $75.00 per month. It appears more likely soring will definitely affect all of us who that the Commission is bent on a Fifth Col- earn our living, wholly, or in part. by com- umn purge for the safety of the nation. If mercial radio operating. Increased employ- that is its purpose, CTU offers no objections. ment will perhaps be the most obvious and On the contrary, we urge the Maritime Com- pleasant result, but other outcomes may not mission, and all other governmental agencies be so satisfying. to weed out the Fifth Column subverts im- ;.. ' For example, there will be quite a few of mediately ... unquote . . . ';(f ff;',,.'`: l;l us who, through no fault of our own, will lose our operators' licenses because our serv- BROTHER HAROLD CRAIG was or- ices are needed more urgently elsewhere dered back into Chief Radiop's uni- watts. Nice going, Carl. and hope to see you than in the operating field, as in the design form by the Navy t' other day whilst he was again. and construction of acutely needed radio holding down a $9.70 per day billet on the W7CJK is also a motor boat fiend and was equipment, and its subsequent installation. SS Cabrillo which does ferry work between working on a portable 10 meter receiver and in the training of new radio operators transmitter for both car and boat. We looked Or Catalina, Avalon and 'Pedro. Now some of forward to working him in the Spring while he to staff the communication services of our youse guys and gals might think he was sat around the lake here. Came the new regs- army and navy. In other than times of na- peeved being yanked back into mufti, espe- and blooie went the rigs and skeds. tional emergency, the automatic expiration cially from such a nice soft and lucrative W7HOV, while fixing up his shack for the license may have indicated of an operator's But not HF ! A week previous to winter, fell while nailing up siding and broke and persever- billet. two or three ribs, also hurt his right knee and that he lacked the initiative his recall Ye Ed was discussing just this was tied up for about two months. He had ance to get and hold a job. But in times like he so got to do a possibility with him and was as tickled just finished a 260 watt r.f. end these, lack of enough operating time on the as a kid about the prospects, even going to lot of hamming. Sounds bad, Bill, that's one service record may indicate that the licensee way to get in a lot of hot licks anyway. the expense of ordering himself a complete has been performing a more valuable service outfit of uniforms. We believe that if all W8PVL. Joe, finding too much interference for his government than had he remained ops and American youths felt HF's way, with 160 fone decided to go dwn to forty c.w. at his operating berth. Well, he put his 38 watt Collins there'd be no need for the Conscription Bill. one evening. his 160 wave My suggestion would be that the govern - We know where HF is to be based, but 32B dwn there. attached it to half op- don't antenna. gave one short CQ and a J5 came back ment grant a "blanket" extension of all wherever he gets berthed we know he'll be wid RST 589X. After that he wrked a K6 for erator licenses for the duration of the emer- a credit to the radiop profession. Good a RST 599X. Well I Bess that ought to make gency. Or. if feasible. permit the licensee the forty meter boys DX conscious. Luck, OM. wid low pwr. to count all time expended by him in emer- W8URO is on 160 gency governmental service in lieu of actual The Motor City Radio Club is getting their iNCIDENTALLY, Brother Craig tells us portable equipment ready for the next A. R. R. L. operating experience . . . unquote. field day. They have a generator that delivers that Brother Bob Herzig just recently over five KW. our good friends at CTU - returned from a Vladivostok trip and is now W8RLT. ten meter man, is building beam No. BUT, say not enough fer Mordiv, quote Brother L. J. Klein - holding down a billet on the SS Texas of 3. It seems that two beams is ... Dawnic Lieues running between New him. Hi! kaus, GST, had a lengthy talk with Admiral the W8SWA of 160 fone is gg on 10 if he can get H. A. Wiley, during which a protest was York and Los Angeles. That should be parts from his junk box. kinda prosaic after Russian caviar, etc. . . some his first boy after having five lodged against the present radiop training W8CXT has the Commission. The Commission He also mentioned that Brother John Sol - girls. plan of a W8SQQ. Bob, wrks 160, 80. 40, and 20. Rig believes that a serious shortage of radio offi- dan is on the SS Illinois, Texaco tanker, is a 6L6 osc. running at a cool 80 watts. cers prevails today which will become more working out of Port Arthur to North At- W8TNU didn't like 10 condx and is back on lantic ports. Soldan sez the tankers are high pwr. acute in the near future. The Civil Aero- 160 fone wid his nautics Authority and the various airways great stuff, an opinion which seems to be Lou, W8SZE. is gg back on 160 es 23/4 meters companies have taken a considerable num- shared by many others, especially Brothers a long absence from ham radio. He tells Chilson of the SS Topila and Stephenson of after rcvr fer Xmas (Oh ber of experienced marine radiops during me he wud like a 16 tube the past six months. But the CTU believes the SS Kekoskee, both Richfield tankers. hum, nice wz ain't it). Hi have been doing duty on these Bob, W8R IG, is back on 160 after a long ab- that the present apparent shortage is due They boats (Continued on page 63) more to vacations than to anything else and (Continued on page 60) 1"' VOall.teirriit4 rL y(t{.t? COS 17" IMTKt1! i'+(E a`'.wstMIU6te

PfE ("'""


...The All -Metal Cabinet is Included -AT NO EXTRA COST! Now, for the first time, you can purchase a stock of only 18 Controls, 6 switches and 5 special, extra shafts ... and be pre- pared for quick, efficient service on more than two -thirds of the to ) l radios you are called upon repair! You save time, because it is no longer necessary to order a `T l control every time you need one ! You simplify installations be- SHA;St5t!TS / cause IRC Type D All -Purpose Controls with their Tap -in Shafts are easier to install and can be used universally to replace Type D All- Purpose Controls are exact reproductions of the larger midget size or larger, old -style controls! You save money -and IRC Type CS Controls, with exactly the same design, exactly the same features and with the added convenience of Tap -in Shafts. you assure your customer of a first -class job ! Just pick the control you need, select the proper shaft, tap it into Best of all, you pay only the standard price for the controls, position in the cone -shaped control receptacle following simple switches and shafts. The handy new IRC Master Radiotrician's instructions enclosed with each control, and the job is done. The Control Cabinet, as illustrated, is included with your purchase shaft won't pull or vibrate loose -and you're sure the quality of the control is the highest money can buy. at not one cent of extra cost. The Cabinet itself is of all -metal construction. Attractively decorated, it is an HERE IS WHAT YOU GET! asset to the appearance of your shop. It is 141/2" x 71 /8' x 4 ", weighs approx. The IRC Master Radiotrician's Cabinet is factory -packed with 6 lbs. complete. IRC Control numbers are marked underneath each compart- the following 18 Type D All- Purpose Controls, switches and special ment so you can tell at a glance just what values should be reordered to keep shafts of the most popular types shown by records to be capable of your stock complete. Three drawers supply ample space for shafts, switches or handling the big majority of all control replacements. other spare parts. Front metal cover snaps securely shut for carrying, or may be removed when Kit is used in your shop. The regular net price of the 18 Con- IRC Control Type Ni. Resistance Porpore IRC Control Type Ne. Reslstaece Perpese trols, 6 switches and 5 special, extra shafts is $14.97 -and the Cabinet is in- 2-013-133 500,000 . . . A 1 -D13 -133 X . . . . 500,000 . . . F cluded for not one cent extra! . . . B 1 -D11 -116 10,000 1 -DC13 -133 X . . . 500,000.. . G 50,000 . . . C I-D11-123 1 -D13 -137 1.0 . . . A 1 -D11 -128 100,000 . . . C 1 -D13 -137 X . . . . 1.0 . . . F 1-D11-133 500,000 . . . C INTERNATIONAL RESISTANCE CO. 1 -D13 -139 2.0 . . . A 1 -D13 -123 50,000 . . . D 401 N. BROAD ST., 1 X 2.0 . . . F PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1 -D13 -128 100,000. . . A -D13 -139 1 -D13 -130 250,000. . . A 1 -D14 -116 10,000 . . . H Attached is $14.97, check, f money order or send C.O.D.} one IRC Master Radio. 1 -D13 -130 X . . . 250,000 . . . E 1 -D16 -119 20,000 . . B i trician's Control Cabinet complete with the 18 Type D All- Purpose Controls, 6 switches A or Audio Circuit Control E -Topped for A. V. C. -Tone and 5 Tap -in Extra Shafts as described. It is understood that, if this does not meet my full B -Antenna Grid Bias Control F -Tapped for Tone Compensation C -Potentiometer Voltage Divider G -Friction Clutch Auto Rodio Type approval, I can return it in good condition for full credit within 5 days. D Tone Control H -Antenna Grid Bios of 2 Tubes NAME Switches: 5 -No. 41 S.P.S.T.; 1 -No. 42 D.P.S.T. Shafts: 1 -Type B Auto Radio; 2 -Type C with slotted, knurled terminals; 2 -Type D with slotted, unknurled terminals. STREET

Dealer Net on above controls, 6 switches, 5 shafts . . . 4.97 CITY STATF. THE CABINET IS INCLUDED FREE!

Name of your regular jobber City iO

TECHNICAL BOOK MANUFACTURERS' & BULLETIN REVIEW LITERATURE TELEVISION BROADCASTING. By Lenox R. Lohr, former pres. National Broad- casting Company, Inc. 269 pp. Price $3.00. ALLIED CATALOG, published by and call letters, has been prepared by the Published by McGraw -Hill Book Co.. New Allied Radio Corporation, Chicago, has broadcasting division of the General York. A full and understandable discussion just been released. Planned to include Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. of television broadcasting for all interested Everything in Radio, the new Allied Cat- The book is being offered gratis to lis- in it- economically, technically, or generally. alog is the largest and most complete in teners of the company's international Authoritatively discusses all aspects, includ- the history of the company. Direct color stations and since the first announcement ing the efforts that have gone into and the photography is used with striking effect, less than one month ago, more than 2,000 experience that has come out of television especially on the front cover featuring requests have been received from Latin development ; operating techniques and Elmer Davis, popular CBS news an- and South America. equipment ; program considerations, with an nouncer, in a full -of- action "On the Air" The guide also includes operating eye to economic, legal, and technical prob- scene. Eighty pages of rotogravure em- schedules of stations and a world -wide lems ; the precise and detailed coordination body the latest techniques in photography time map comparing times of the world required to put a program on the air ; and and layout. with Eastern Standard Time. It is the advertising potentialities of television Carefully arranged, this new 212 -page printed in English, Spanish and French. broadcasting. The book is well illustrated catalog features each radio field in mdi- Free. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -103.) and many actual television setups are shown vidual, clearly defined sections. Each in complete detail. Chapters include : The section and each piece of Radio Equip- WALSCO CATALOG No. 41. The Wal- Television System ; Television Programming ; ment is precisely indexed for speedy ref- ter L. Schott Co. of Los Angeles has just Studio Programs ; Motion Picture Film Pro - erence. had printed a thoroughly illustrated and ; 40 grains ; Outdoor Pickup Broadcasts The The big special -page radio section completely descriptive catalog of all Problem of Network Television Broadcast- introduces 83 new radios featuring new Walsco Products. ing ; The Sponsor in Television : The Tech- style plastic and wood table models, lux- This catalog includes information about nical Elements of the Television System ; urious consoles, "Camera" and 3 -way their famous new time -saving Staple Summary of Regular Service Operations, portables, newest 1941 low -cost phono- Driver with illustrations of its use on dif- and Rules of the Federal Communications radios and phono- radio -recorder combi- ficult-to- get -at places. It also gives com- Commission Governing Television Broad- nations, auto sets, record players, and a plete information about their Refinishing cast Stations. Price $3.00. large, complete selection of phono and Kits and Materials, which are most help- recording accessories. ful to Radio Dealers and Servicemen. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S HAND - In the big 35 -page Public Address Sec- Also described is their new Walsco BOOK, how to make, operate, and repair tion are featured 24 complete new Sound Scratch Remover which looks like a foun- your own radio. Written by A. Frederick Systems of the latest 1941 design. There tain pen, is unbreakable and really takes Collins and revised by E. L. Bragdon. 328 are systems ranging from 7 to 75 watts off scratches. The catalog also describes pp., plus index. Price $2.00. Published by and incorporating many new features the Walsco Radio Cements, Lacquers and Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York such as new illuminated panels and the Paints used for radio repairs, and many City. Illustrated with numerous diagrams exclusive "Safused" speaker development. other Walsco Products. and photographs. For more than fifteen Also listed in this section is a complete This catalog is now available at job- years this has been a standard book on prac- line of the latest P.A. accessories. bers or may be obtained from the Walter tical radio. It has been reprinted many times Of special interest to the Serviceman is L. Schott Co. of Los Angeles. Free. (RA- and constantly revised to keep it abreast with the big 128 -page section devoted to all DIO NEWS No. 11 -104.) new developments. Now they present the the new test equipment and more than Eighth Edition, which has been wholly reset 15,000 quality Radio parts. There are in every sections devoted to photo -cell equipment, RISSI CATALOG. With the opening and brought absolutely up -to -date of a new 1112 detail. Again the keynote of the book is its to bargains in brand new merchandise, and larger store at West Written by experts. it and to the latest books, manuals and lit- Warren, Detroit, Michigan, Rissi Broth- practical usefulness. erature covering every Radio field. ers announce the publication of a 200 is decidedly for the Amateur- presented in page such a way that he may build, repair, and For Experimenters and Builders, net price catalog. Price $3.00. whether beginners or old- timers, there is Now the entire trade is assured of bet- operate his own set. an unusually complete section featuring ter service having both our branch store the latest in kits, accessories, projects, di- in Grand Rapids as well as the main UNDERSTANDING RADIO. A guide agrams, and the new revised 6th edition store in Detroit at the command of every to Practical Operation and Theory -written of Allied's "Radio Builder's Handbook." dealer in the Michigan territory. by Herbert M. Watson, Herbert E. Welch. Amateurs will find a special large sec- The new catalog will be sent free to and George S. Eby. Published by McGraw tion devoted to the latest Communica- anyone requesting a copy on their letter- Hill Book Co.. New York. 586 pp., plus in- tion Receivers and Transmitters and head. Write to the store nearest you for dex. Price $2.80. Radio sets have for years parts of every description for "Ham" use. a big catalog listing thousands of items, been constructed of a simple assortment of This section is really a catalog within a illustrations and net prices. The index parts by persons handy with screwdriver. catalog. in the rear makes it very simple to refer soldering iron and drill. These experiment- A copy of this new 212 -page Radio Cat- to any item you wish. Keep this book ers have proved that the field of radio is not alog -the largest in Allied's history -may as a handy reference. Free. (RADIO limited to mechanics or persons who are al- be obtained free of charge from Allied NEWS No. 11 -105.) ready familiar with electrical and radio prin- Radio Corporation, 833 W. Jackson Boul- ciples. This means that the reader can have on a set evard, Chicago, Illinois. Free. (RADIO PRECISION TEST EQUIPMENT CAT- the fun of receiving distant stations NEWS 11 -100.) that you have built or that he can have the No. ALOG. Published by the Precision Appa- satisfaction of being able to operate equip- ratus Co., 647 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, New ment he has purchased. Radio is essentially NEW AMPHENOL CATALOG. An in- York. This catalog describes the com- simple if its fundamental principles are teresting new 40 -page Blue Book Catalog plete line of Precision Test Equipment learned in a logical order. Such a learning No. 62 for the Radio, Electrical and Air- for 1941. Many new items are included order is followed in this book by combining craft industries has just been released by for the first time. This company spe- set construction, practice in operating basic American Phenolic Corporation, 1250 Van cializes in the manufacture of all types radio circuits, and a thorough study of radio Buren St., Chicago, Illinois. In addition of test equipment for the radio service- principles. Price $2.80. to a complete listing of this company's man. Among the items described are: many products such as sockets, plugs and Dynamic Mutual Conductance Tube connectors, coaxial cable and connectors, Testers, Dynamic Electronometers. Tube ANSWER MANUAL, written by Paul materials, this merchandisers with multi -range testers. H. Nelson. 37 pp. Book 1 -Laws. Price insulators and insulating Publications, new catalog also contains a great deal of Counter -type tube merchandisers with upon application to UHF information on properties of insulating 7" instrument, AC -DC multi -range set Merchandise Mart, Box 3890, Chicago, tester. resistance This book consists largely of di- materials, fabricating methods, etc. Free. High- voltometers, and Illinois. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -101.) portable instruments galore. Free. (RA- rect quotations from the Communications DIO NEWS No. 11 -106.) Act of 1934 (as amended) , the Interna- tional General Radio Regulations WORNER PRODUCTS CATALOG, (Cairo) , and the various Rules and Regu- Worner Products Corporation, 1019 W. INSULINE CATALOG 207. Published lations of the F.C.C. Lake Street, Chicago, have made avail- by the Insuline Corporation of America, able an interesting catalog covering their 30 -30 Northern Blvd., Long Island City, MOTOROLA SERVICE MANUAL, line of Photo -Electric operated relays for New York, is now ready for distribution. published by Supreme Publications, 3727 the Electric and Radio Jobbers. Write to This concern specializes in the manufac- W. 13th St., Chicago, Ill. 96 pp. Price the above organization for this catalog. ture of radio parts, chassis, and accesso- postage. This up-to- the -min- Free. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -102.) ries. Hundreds of items are listed in this $1.00, plus new 43 -page catalog which may be ob- ute manual will tell you how to repair tained from the Insuline every Motorola auto radio. Includes de- AROUND THE WORLD. A new 16- Corporation, or, tail, schematics, service notes, alignment page short -wave station guide which lists Free. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -107.) data, parts lists for all of the 72 models. several hundred stations throughout the world, together with their frequencies (Continued on page 55) November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 41

4.1114MIENIIIMIA T H 1H; V 0 Attention C -W Men! R I i1 P T R SHIP OPERATORS - AMATEURS by Samuel Kaufman LTHOUGH television has yet to make A initial commercial headway, the employ- ment side of the video art already offers promising opportunities to capable men. Even at this early stage of the new industry, the call is for "experienced" men in key television positions. And it is surprising at the substantial number of experienced tele- vision men at hand. As a matter of fact there is a small group that may well come under the heading of television veterans. Two of these television veterans recently figured in important job changes. William C. Eddy, until recently with the New York RCA -NBC set -up and formerly with the old Farnsworth laboratories in Philadelphia. was named to an executive post with the forth- coming Balaban & Katz video station in Chi- cago. And the second change involved Mar- shall P. Wilder, the ace television engineer formerly with the National Union Radio Corporation and, more recently, for a brief period, with the American Television Corpo- ration, who is now assigned to the RCA - NBC television staff. The Video Reporter saw Bill Eddy for the first time on a television receiver in Phila- delphia several years ago. Bill. a tall thin lad, was standing on the side of a group in a Farnsworth experimental telecast. It wasn't until I met Bill a few minutes later that I realized that there was no distortion around the picture edge at all, but that his tall frame, by contrast to the shorties form- ing the rest of the group, was his actual, real -life build. Bill is a retired navy captain, well- versed in radio, who has the rare knack of being This Is the New Meissner `IINI- SIGNAL SELECTOR" Most Revolutionary Development in Amateur Radio Since the "Rock- Crusher" Was Discarded! Provides 100% readability -a combination electrical, mechanical and acoustical filter -this amazing device takes up where crystal selectivity leaves off -25 -cycle band -width gives super selectivity to any receiver. World's Fair Setting of a modern Connected in place of a regular speaker, it eliminates living room with a television set. the interference without reducing the signal! Tube Hiss is completely gone-QRN, no able to tackle program problems from an longer troublesome! QRM is practically obsolete -cuts right through those engineering angle and always finding a solu- South American phones! tion. He pioneered both at Farnsworth and RCA -NBC in television studio lighting and Can not be used on phone reception in the use of miniature sets which gave the -cut over switch on Selector illusion of mammoth landscapes and sea- connects standard speaker for phone reproduction. With Selector "ON," scapes. you never know the phones are on the air! Peaked at 1000 cycles, all sig- Wilder's television career goes back be- nals come in yond his association with National Union, with the same clear, ringing tone. Absence of back -ground but it was with that firm that he gained his noises makes the weakest signal quite readable. greatest trade recognition. He helped de- velop the short "Stubby" cathode -ray tube Get yours now and begin at once to enjoy REAL C-W Reception! Only used in many of the television kits marketed $13.75 net -once this good news gets around, every C -W Ham will have the past two years and developed many other one. See your Meissner improvements in use today. We're told that Parts Jobber TODAY! ! one of his first assignments at W2YBS will GET THIS be to formulate service plans on adjusting INSTRUCTION BOOK 1941 CATALOG JUST OUT See your Jobber the early 441 -line RCA receivers to the at once or send 50c direct for Don't Delay! Send a Postal Card TODAY your copy of this big 168 for forthcoming 507 -line standard. -page Meissner Instruc- your Free copy of the new 1941 Meissner Gen- tion Manual. Contains schematics and pictorial eral Catalog. diagrams, complete Lists hundreds of items of interest /WHERE are some lively arguments instructions on all Meissner to the serviceman and experimenter. You can't in New kit receivers including F -M, Television, etc. York trade circles as to just how much afford to be without it. Get yours AT ONCE!! better an image will be obtained when tele- vision resumes on higher- definition stand- ADDRESS DEPT. N -11 ards. Actually, the very term of higher -defi- nition means the picture will be an improved one. But the arguments center about whether the average eye can observe any added quality in the increased number of picture lines. These impromptu debates (Continued on page 48) 42 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

end of this time, and the weeding out it back together again well enough to Navy Operators and assorting processes will begin. do it blindfolded on a foggy night. Certain of the students will be selected Those who go to the Signal schools (Continued from page 9) as Signalmen, but four out of five will will not receive this instruction, but continue as radiomen. Intensive train- will learn about flags, lights, etc. pass a physical examination. Those ing begins at this point, with instruc- The Navy will make available much who hope to qualify as Signalmen - tion not only in operating but in main- of its modern equipment for the stu- operating blinkers, semaphores, etc., tenance. dents. This will include anything must possess perfect vision, but the With the fifth week of study, the from the Naval transmitters, audio - radiomen can get by with "satisfac- reservists will begin taking down oscillators, receivers, direction finders, tory" vision. Morse messages on their typewriters etc. There will be studies in radio The training begins with a four and will study machine transmission. theory, carried into practice with ad- weeks course, which all successful ap- Machine transmission, because it is so vanced work on Navy ultra high fre- plicants will take. This includes in- steady, is used to instruct students in quency and other equipment. struction in Morse Code and visual Navy schools. After eight weeks, the Instructors will include regular signals, typing, spelling and composi- reservists will get instruction in ad- Navy officers, plus a number of reserve tion. During the first week, students vanced communications procedure - officers. It is expected that the large will be taught Navy regulations and such as the methods to be followed in schools will be under the direction of will learn the Naval communications mobilizing a fleet for battle action, etc. about five officers and 25 instructors. system -location of shore stations and After three months in school, the Men who are members of the Naval operation of the Naval nets. Instruc- students begin their practice work un- Reserve now and who hold ratings be- tion will be given in elementary com- der actual operating conditions. They low that of Third Class Radioman are munication procedure and in the inte- are to handle actual messages and are eligible for the schools. rior communications set -up. allowed to work on a circuit, etc. Dur- After the class work has been com- During the second week, the stu- ing the last month of instruction, the pleted, those who pass the examination dents- continuing in code, typing, etc. students will stand watch for six hours will be given a chance to make a -will learn the duties of petty officers every day in the District communica- cruise. They must agree to serve for (the rating toward which they are tions office. They will learn about the at least three months and may sign working), the general Navy organiza- forms on which messages are handled up for longer periods. They will be tion, how routine matters, such as cor- and the methods of distribution. rated as Radiomen Third Class, at a respondence, are handled and will be After 16 weeks of instruction, stu- pay of $60 per month during this time. given a demonstration of the electrical dents will take their final examination. The strength of the Naval Commu- equipment on a ship. During the next During the last 12 weeks, they will nications Reserve at this time is about two weeks, they will study guns, have had 70 hours instruction in typ- 6,000, including officers and men. The charts, navigation, ship's logs and ing; 146 hours in Morse (machine) and training program, it is hoped, will al- range finders in addition to radio work. 26 hours in Morse (hand) ; 30 hours most double the enlisted strength of At this time, they will also begin to experience in practical operating; 53 the reserve. The time may be coming study the Navy's secret codes. These hours in procedure, and 120 hours on when we will need a lot of radiomen four weeks will provide students with watch. in a big hurry. And you can't pull about 28 hours in Morse, the same During this period they will also them out of a hat. This is the chance time in typing and with 16 hours in have received a thorough course in the Navy is giving a lot of young fel- English. The total study period dur- maintenance. Every man who quali- lows to enter the radio profession. ing the four weeks is about 130 hours. fies as a Radioman must know how to And a chance to serve the country. An examination will be given at the take Navy equipment apart and put {30E-

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New business promotion plans and new member-helps spell increased profits for RSA members at the start of the new season. Watch for the RSA Replacement Parts Guide - New Broadcast Promot.ons - New Member Helps ! Don't be the last man in your neighborhood

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am interested in RSA Membership. Tell me about it. RADIO SERVICEMEN

Name OF AMERICA, Inc. Reliable Service Assured Address JOE MARTY, JR., EXECUTIVE SECRETARY I City State 304 S. DEARBORN STREET, CHIC AGO, U.S.A. RN -740 MI November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 43

who can best serve his locality. That the to make their appearance on time next year For the Record FCC is not taking sides, cannot be doubted as in any other year. in view of its attitude towards the a.m. boys * * (Continued from page 4) in raising or proposing to raise their power THERE has been a summer lull in servic- level. and at the same time giving the f.m. ing. This was more than likely due to lads all the encouragement possible. Clearly, the fact that the foreign war news has de- Most of the armed service orders are being the FCC is staying out of this particular fight. creased in pace, and that the idea of half the negotiated directly between the Army and * * * world being at war had lost its novelty. But Navy and the manufacturers, rather than be- THE story making the rounds among the the requests by the public that the sets they ing cleared through the National Defense Automotive manufacturers is that there have give excellence in tonal qualities did not Commission. This is to avoid much publicity will be no new 1942 models in the interest of diminish. Many a serviceman was being that attends the placing of orders through National Defense. Some servicemen have called in to correct the tone of a radio where- the National Defense Commission which applied the same reasoning to the manufac- as before it was only required that the set re- while doing a splendid job. may still develop ture of receiving sets. From actual inquiry ceive the station regardless of the tone which into a political foot -ball by the Administra- we find that there is not the slightest sign came from the loud speaker. The public has tion. The worst that can be said against the of any let -up, and new models are expected (Please turn the page) National Defense Commis- sion. is that it is a "front," designed to throw the unwary off the correct track as to just where and when the real de- fense measures are being taken. Some at Washington think that the National De- fense Commission is one of the slickest measures of coun- ter- espionage that has ever been invented by our Intelli- gence Department. * * * ELSEWHERE in this issue is the statement that "there is a serious shortage of sockets." A letter arrived from a well -known socket manufac- turer saying that his firm had millions of sockets available for Government orders. The firm stated that it was already furnishing these sockets to most manufacturers engaged in Government business. From this letter one must come to the conclusion that while there is no bottle -neck in sockets, there is a serious traffic problem. It will not be any good to have the sockets available at the source, if the ultimate destination is not re- ceiving them. We were defi- nitely assured that a large manufacturer of sets was having difficulties in getting sockets. and in face of the socket manufacturer's letter, we cannot understand why this should be so. Unless we have guessed right! * * * ALL in all, the optimism we expressed last month about an increase due to the War orders and the National Defense orders seems to be more and more substantiated. * * * LOOKING towards the es- tablishment of clearer channels on the domestic F you want to be up -to -date during the coining season, Join the thousands who have already proved that the "HQ- front, Chairman Fly of the 1. the "HQ- 120 -X" is your best bet. Not only does the 120-X" is an outstanding amateur receiver. "HQ" have all "modern improvements," but it has had See and hear the "HQ" at your jobber's and ask about the FCC said that the ceiling of them for over a year. Therefore, these new features have easy time -payment plan. 50 kw. for our own radio been tried and proved, which doubly assures you of com- broadcasters will shortly be plete satisfaction. Those who already have "HQ- 120 -X" MAIL COUPON TODAY! raised. What effect this will receivers are now reaping the benefit of Hammarlund's advanced engineering. They do not have to buy new re- HAMMARLUND MFG. CO., INC. RN -I have on those stations who ceivers in order to obtain calibrated band spread, variable W. 33 New York City are counting on f.m. to give crystal filter, antenna compensator, and the many other 424 Street, features which go to make up the "HQ." them a clearer channel than outstanding Please send "Super -Pro" booklet. is now possible with the low Canadian Office: Name power the a.m. stations are QROOliCTS Address using. is hard to evaluate. 41 West Ave., No., One thing is clear. We are Q o Hamilton, Ontario City State co Ó on the verge of a terrific fight a between the f.m. and the a.m. d cr o. boys for the mastery of the Bit` air. Such a mastery includes ' OR the receipt of the advertising HPARLUflD revenue which comes to him EXPORT ADDRESS: 100 VARICK ST., NEW YORK CITY 44 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

become keenly music conscious, and this peered into the cloud of dust that rose Avoid a run-down battery change reflects in the manner in which it is about me at the foot of the stairs. becoming accustomed to hearing its musical When I stopped coughing, I replied : programs. "It's only me!" Perhaps it was my * * * bad English, but . . . with a MALLORY THERE is less and less tendency to hook "Good- bye," said Larsen, deliberately the record player to the audio output of pushing the umbrella stand off the the radio as was prevalent years ago, and landing. "Take this with you, old man BATTERY CHARGER more and more tendency either to have a -wherever you go, there's bound to be separate record player with its own amplifier a storm." system, or at least use one of the phono os- It hit me squarely, but you can't cillators. Either case is resulting in increased hurt a man who is insulated by twelve sales for the set and phone serviceman. turns of * * * stair carpet. They attended Mrs. Larsen, who had ARECENT squib in RADIO NEWS that been screaming hysterically, until a the military radio was a fine field to doctor came; then they looked after learn the trade elicited over a hundred in- me. They found I was so heavy I quiries. That is but an indication of what couldn't be rolled back upstairs, and we may expect should conscription take they couldn't extract me because I was place. That there will be many more trained in too tight. Finally they had to cut radiomen with conscription than there are the bottom of the carpet and carry now, is a foregone conclusion. But what me outside the house, where they un- will be of particular benefit to the industry wound me by kicking the roll along will be that the conscripts, once they are the sidewalk. They seemed to enjoy it. relieved from Army -Navy assignment, will Perhaps Al is right when he says I make a vast pool from which the hard - should be very careful with other peo- pressed manufacturers can draw their trained ple's property. I wouldn't be surprised personnel. Since it is supposed that the Na- if we'd lost the Larsens as customers. tional Defense Commission is planning a long -range buying program which will take up to seven years to complete. The con- Build Your Own Oscillator In your rig, automobile, plane, boat or lab- scripts will be out of the Army and in the (Continued from 22) oratory apparatus, a fully charged storage factories in time to take up the duties which page battery is your best insurance against shut- those who are subsequently called, will leave open. This means a constant for two hours after having set the B downs, delays and loss of service. Battery turn -over in labor, and a corresponding even level of em- voltage to 250 by manipulating R23 charging is easy and inexpensive with a Mal- ployment wage. Wages figure heavily in the and checking with a 1000 ohms per lory Battery Charger. There is no need to matter of profits and taxation. The radio volt meter. disconnect or remove the battery -just plug industry should welcome conscription and 2. Provide a receiver (with c.w. os- cillator switched on) the Mallory Battery Charger into the easily not fear it. which has been * , carefully calibrated with 100 -kc. os- installed special receptacle. WATCH radio for some of the most cillator-10-kc. multivibrator frequen- cy Mallory Battery Chargers are available in astounding inventions of all times. standard between 1600 and 1800 kc., The War, the heavy competition, and the and allow this set to heat up 2 hours. three standard types: increased tempo all are giving radio "the 3. Set the fixed oscillator exactly to needle." We freely predict we are on 350 kc. in : Maximum Tapered that this manner Place the vari- the verge of seeing radio and electronics able oscillator out of operation by Type tem- Charging Rate Charging Rate make as great a change in our lives as did porarily grounding its control grid, 3C 4 amperes 2 amperes the advent of the automobile. There will be and provide loose coupling between 5535B 6 amperes 4 amperes one compensating factor in radio that was the fixed oscillator and the receiver by not apparent with the auto. . . . 107 10 amperes 7 amperes looping a piece of insulated hookup Son Willie won't be able to take his best wire around the No. 3 grid lead of one Mallory Battery Chargers are protected by girl riding in it and dent its fenders. -K.A.K. 6L7 and the receiver antenna post. built -in thermal circuit breakers are Set the receiver exactly to 1750 kc. -there (fifth harmonic of 350 kc.) and tune no fuses to blow. The Chargers are designed Serviceman's Experiences the fixed oscillator to 350 kc. by ad- for use with a 3 -cell lead -acid battery, but (Continued from page 33) justing C7 and C5 in that order until can be used with lower voltage batteries by its fifth harmonic is zero beat in the simply inserting resistance in the DC circuit. The first swallow surprised me. Root receiver. The fixed oscillator will then beer! I looked at the glass incredu- be set exactly to 350 kc. and the coup- Airplane and similar 12 -volt storage bat- lously, and noticed a drawing of Pinoc- ling lead may be transferred to the No. teries can be serviced by using two chargers chio on its side. Junior partner, eh ? 1 grid of one 6L7 for the variable os- with DC outputs connected in series. I swung my foot angrily, and it caught cillator adjustment and the ground on something. I looked down and saw clip removed from the variable oscil- The heart of a Mallory Battery Charger is I had torn the top edge of the stair lator control grid. the rugged Mallory Magnesium Copper Sul- carpet from its moorings. 4. With the BFO dial set at zero, ad- phide Dry Disc Rectifier, operated with a My feelings changed suddenly from vance C6 to half capacitance and set transformer having a separate, insulated anger to panic. This was no house to its dial to zero at this position (it is do further damage in! Perhaps, I assumed that a dial is obtained with secondary. There is no danger of shock, as thought, I could tack the carpet back zero in the center of the scale). With might occur if an auto transformer were used. into place before Al came out. the receiver still set to 1750 kc., adjust With this in mind, I poured the root C4 until the fifth harmonic of the Trouble -free service is yours by using a Mal- beer into the umbrella stand and pulled variable oscillator is zero beat. The lory Battery Charger. See these units at your a few tacks from the floor. Muffled variable oscillator will then be set to dealer or write for a descriptive folder. sounds of a successful installation 350 kc. which is "zero" audio cycles were still coming from the apartment per second. while I worked feverishly on my hands 5. By advancing the BFO dial in a P. R. MALLORY & CO., Inc. and knees, hammering with the bottom counter -clock -wise direction, the fre- INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA of the empty glass. quency of the variable oscillator will be Cable Address- Pelmallo Just then the door opened behind progressive -and continuously lower- me, and something struck me. ed, the various frequencies indicated on "Who's knocking ?" I heard Larsen the receiver dial (which is now rotated Use ask as I rolled downstairs. Before I to follow) being divided by 5 to obtain RR MALLORY a CQ.Inc. started down, I had grabbed the only the audio settings of the BFO dial. For thing handy -the top edge of the car- example : 1750 kc. equals zero cycles. ALLOR pet. As I rolled, it had wrapped around 1745 kc. equals 1000 cycles. 1740 kc. APPROVED me, and I reached the bottom landing equals 2000 cycles, etc., etc. A large PRECISION looking like a crepe suzette. number of points can so be checked to PRODUCTS Al and Mrs. Larsen came out and afford a large number of dial mark- November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 45 ings or to clarify: when the receiver A conversation followed. Later, on the frequency is divided by 5, the figure Washington same frequency, the monitor picked up a Communication voice calling Rome. Agents got busy and obtained will represent a frequency a traced the station down by triangulation. certain number of cycles removed from (Continued from page 26) The voices claimed to be coming from a 350 kc. (350 kc. corresponding to zero portable, but the FCC men had no trouble audio frequency, as it has been shown) did a little checking and found some inter- finding it. and it is this frequency separation in esting things. One soldier in the Signal They discovered, not a nest of foreign is Corps, it was discovered, had joined the force agents, but a pair of fuzzy -faced kids who terms of which the dial graduated. at the request of Nazi Bund leaders. thought it was very funny. They were just After the various points have been The Signal Corps would be an ideal spot joking, talking back and forth over their marked on the dial (we suggest, with for a Fifth Columnist. Officers admit pri- ham stations in Tampa, Fla. a sharp scratch awl), the condenser is vately that there unquestionably are a num- The investigators took a serious view of the rotated all the way to maximum ber in the service, but say they know they stunt, rightly enough. The incident was capacitance, turning it fully home, an can trust all the men who handle confiden- brought to the attention of the full Commis- tial material. And they say the boring from sion in Washington. The licenses of both index inscribed on the dial to indicate within would stop in war -time -if a few of operators were suspended for six months. its setting with the condenser in this them were shot. The boys didn't laugh at that. position, and the dial removed from Kid -Spy Stuff Hams also got a warning from the FCC the condenser shaft. It may then be TLIE operator of one of the FCC monitor - that when it had ordered portable mobiles delivered to a shop set up for dial en- ing stations in the South jerked to atten- put away, it meant it. During the summer, graving where the figures and line tion one day this summer when he heard a some hamops made a habit of taking their if voice say : sets off on week ends or vacations with them. graduations may be cut in. Or, the "Hello, Berlin. Hello Berlin. Agent 75 The FCC warned that this would not he al- builder is sufficiently adept at letter- WX 3 calling." lowed. ing, he may Duco cement a ring of white Bristol board to the dial, as shown in Fig. 1, and execute the gradu- FOR UNMATCHED QUALITY.. UNBEATABLE LOW PRICES! ations in black India ink, later cover- IT'S RCA ing the cardboard with a protecting face of transparent celluloid. The dial is reinstalled with the tun- BEST ing condenser again set fully to maxi- Your Bridge Between mum capacitance and the dial rotated to the index point determined at the time of removal. Amplifier and SOUND! When the instrument is subsequent- ly placed into operation, it will only be necessary to set the tuning dial to zero and adjust the small frequency cor- rection dial (controlling C6) to the QUALITY SPEAKERS point where the output meter stops pulsating and rests at zero, to estab- lish the original calibration. This con- trol permits zero correction within the YOU KNOW ... and we know .. . limits of plus or minus 1000 cycles, that sound reproduction quality ample leeway for the aging of tubes is more often marred by the speaker and components and "settling" of the than by any other element in the sys- instrument during prolonged standby tem! That's why good speakers are will your best Sound Investment! periods. The pointer of the meter Who makes the best speakers -? pulsate between a little under 1 cycle Power Sound Projector. Handles 100 Watts - RCA. Why- ? Because the extensive per second to a little better than 30 projects to 4,000 feet. research of the greatest name in radio cycles, and above this top frequency M1-6256. has found the best answers to prob- will assure a steady voltage indication. lems of speaker design and manufac- These actual pulses may be counted ture. When you buy a modern RCA High Output-High against standard time to check the Speaker, you buy low distortion -for Quality! 15" Permanent extremely low frequencies. extra clarity in speech and music.You Field Dynamic. MI -6237. Should it become necessary to pro- buy uniform, extended frequency - vide output impedances other than response -for higher -fidelity.You buy those supplied by the LS -51 trans- higher audio -to -sound conversion effi- former, an external matching trans- ciency-for greater coverage with former with a 500 -ohm primary may smaller amplifiers ... for more actual be used. It is recommended that this Decibels from your Watts! auxiliary transformer be of the same And because of the tremendous good quality, that it be well shielded, mass -production facilities of RCA, and that the leads be kept short. prices are pleasingly low! Believe your ears -hear RCA Speakers at Performance 12" P.M. Dynamic your RCA Distributor's this week! Handles 10 Pull Watts- As an example of the performance with high quality. M1-624'7A. Auditorium Wall Speaker to be expected from a beat frequency Cabinet -for MI- 6237. or oscillator of the type described, the other 15" P.M. Dynamic. following results obtained by the MI -6223. writer are listed : Frequency Coverage. 30 to 15,000 cycles. There is some dial space below 30 and above 15,000 cycles which might be marked off, although this is not a particularly facile operation nor is it mechanically tractable to reset to those frequencies. Voltage Output. 7 volts r.m.s. across Directional Sound Baffle. Revolutionary! New RCA Wide Angle Baffle. Efficient. Wide Angle. Accordion Edge Speaker. Efficient. Wide Angle. 500 ohms, corresponding to 98 milli - Speaker. "Bellows Action." MI -6234. MI -4420 for 12" Speaker. watts. Variation is within plus or MI -4423 for 12" minus 1 db. from 100 to 10,000 cycles; slightly more than plus or minus 2 db. from 30 to 100 cycles and from 10,- 000 to 15,000 cycles. Distortion. At maximum output, slightly under 5% between 100 and 15,- afixotaa,/fatold 000 cycles; slightly in excess of 5% be- RCA Mfg. Co., Inc., Camden, N. J. A Service of Radio Corporation of America tween 30 and 100 cycles. At 1.5 volts output. Any Sound System Sounds Better Equipped with RCA Radio Tubes 46 RADIO NEWS November, 1940 SERVICEMANNS' RADIO PHYSICS COURSE by Alfred A. Ghirardi fifIGMES/, CASE HISTORIES (Continued from October, 1940) After the tube has been sealed off, it is Reprinted with permission, from RADIO cemented to the Bakelite base and Trouble Shooters Handbook. Copyright. the lead -in wires are soldered to the 1939, Radio & Technical Publishing Co. *Men with radio training are lucky today! Great op- Copyright in Canada and Great Britain. and tube prongs. These are made of hollow portunities bave opened up with the National Defense all countries subscribing to the Berne Con- brass tubing, plated to prevent further activities -more radio Jobs in industry -more work for vention, by Radio & Technical Publishing service men -and best of all, thousands of new radio Jobs Co. All rights reserved. corrosion. The tube is then tested and that are provided for in the Army expansion plans. aged by operating it at definite fila- ARMY PAYS A PREMIUM! ment voltages K -41 for certain lengths of *In the Signal Corps. Air Corps, Mechanized Cavalry. GENERAL ELECTRIC Coast Artillery. Field Artillery. Infantry, Tank Com- (Use same chassis as R-17 -M receiver.) See time until the filament emission be- panies-in every branch of the service men are needed the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -17 -M re- comes stable and constant. A rough with radio and electrical training. These men command ceiver a premium in pay and in rank. In fact, those who reach test for gas content is made by bring- top rank as non -commissioned officers get 6 times more GENERAL ELECTRIC K -43 than a private's base pays ing a high- frequency spark coil up as RCA -100 receiver.) See *Think that over -a knowledge of radio fundamentals (Uses same chassis near to the glass bulb. If the tube con- means MONEY and RANK to you, whether you are the Case Histories listed for the RCA -100 receiver planning to now or wait enlist for conscription. K -50 tains an excess of gas, it will be ionized GENERAL ELECTRIC by rapidly PREPARE NOW ! Uses same chassis as RCA R -28 receiver.) See the alternating field of the the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -28 re- coil and the characteristic blue glow *With these 2 famous Ghirardi self -training books, you ceiver can quickly and easily get this valuable background that due to this ionization will be produced. will mean so much to you. Right now in your spare K -50 -P time in your own home you can- GENERAL ELECTRIC The actual measurement in finished (Uses same chassis as RCA R -28 -P receiver.) See the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -:28 -P vacuum tubes consists in measuring receiver the "inverse" current that flows in the LEARN RADIO GENERAL ELECTRIC K -51 grid circuit under some standard con- Low volume ..1) defective series padding con- dition of operation of the radio tube. and SERVICE denser in the type '2A7 cir- WORK with cuit. Replace By "inverse" current is meant a cur- 2) defective type '2A7 tube (even though it may test rent which flows in the grid circuit O.K.). Replace when the grid is negative with respect 3) oscill. and i -f circuits out of BIG Z alignment to the filament, that is, a current GENERAL ELECTRIC K -51 -P which flows in the sense of grid to fila- RADIO PHYSICS COURSE (Uses same chassis as RCA R -28 -P (A to G) ment in the exterior circuit. It can be receiver.) See the Case Histories listed for the demonstrated that this current origi- BASIC FUNDAMENTALS TO RCA R -28 -P (A to G) receiver ilere's your start in Radio! If nates from the ionization of the gas you are a beginner, the one START GENERAL ELECTRIC K -52 tube, and is therefore largely propor- big. all- inclusive, short -cut, (Uses sanie chassis as RCA -110 receiver.) See self - instruction book of nearly UP for the RCA -110 re- tional to the gas content of the tube. 1.000 pages with over 500 the Case Histories listed illustrations will give you a ceiver In the common types of radio tubes, thorough training in the im- portant Fundamentals of Elec- GENERAL ELECTRIC K -53 the magnitude of the grid current is tricity, Radio. Sound. Televi- (Uses same chassis as the RCA -111. ) See the sion, Cathode -Ray Tubes, etc. Histories listed for the RCA -111 receiver from a few hundredths of a micro- -all the essentials, all the Case ampere to several microamperes, de- radio background you need for K -M a complete radio knowledge. GENERAL ELECTRIC -53 See pending on the excellence of the vacu- No math -no previous training (Uses same chassis as RCA -115 receiver.) necessary. It starts at the the Case Hi- tories listed for the RCA -115 receiver um in the tube and the test conditions very beginning. teaching you of size repre- all about Electricity first. And GENERAL ELECTRIC K -54 chosen. Currents this you can learn it all easily by (Uses sanie chassis as RCA RAE -40 receiver.) sent about the lower limit of sensitiv- yourself at home in spare for the RCA RE -40 time, checking your progress See the Case Histories listed ity of the very best portable electrical with the 856 self -examination receiver 972 PAGES measuring instruments that can con- Review Questions. GENERAL ELECTRIC K-54 -P USED BY ARMY AND NAVY SOS ILLUS. veniently be used in factories and fac- 856 REVIEW (Uses same chassis as RCA RE -40 -P receiver.) Because Ghirardi makes every- -40 -P thing so crystal - clear and QUESTIONS See the Case Histories listed for the RCA RE tory laboratories. easy to understand. this very receiver is made to not same Radio Physics Course is used by the U. S. Army Every possible effort and Navy, Marine Corps, CCC Camps, and by more radio GENERAL ELECTRIC K -55 only produce as perfect a vacuum as schools and students than any other radio book! (Uses same chassis as RCA -210 receiver.) See the Case Histories listed for the RCA -210 re- possible in modern vacuum tubes, but ceiver by means of the heating of the metal GENERAL ELECTRIC K -60 parts and the flashing of the "getter," (Uses same chassis as RCA R -37 receiver.) See to eliminate even the small bubbles LEARN HOW the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -37 re- with this! ceiver of gas and water vapor absorbed in This famous Ghirardi book will K the microscopic pores of the metal and teach you how to test and serv- GENERAL ELECTRIC -60 -P ice all types of electronic and (Uses same chassis as RCA R -37 -P receiver.) glass parts. The exhausting apparatus radio equipment. It's an illus- Histories listed for the RCA R-37-P trated 1300 -page "gold mine" See the Case consists of mercury vapor pumps in of servicing knowledge. 420 receiver pages explain all types of serv- series with ordinary rotary or recipro- icing test instruments-how they GENERAL ELECTRIC K -62 cating pumps. Gas pressure is usually work, how constructed, how to RCA R-11 receiver.) See build them, how to use them. (Uses same chassis as of column Then 900 more pages give you the Case His tories listed for the RCA R -11 re- measured by the height the a complete step -by -step proced- ceiver it will support. A micron ure course in trouble -shooting, of mercury testing, aligning and repairing GENERAL ELECTRIC K -63 of pressure is equal to that exerted all makes of radio sets and other electronic devices. The v e r y (Uses same chassis as RCA -120 receiver.) See by 1/1000 of a millimeter of mercury. latest advanced, scientific Fac- the Case Histories listed for the RCA -120 re- tory Methods of trouble -shooting ceiver The average new vacuum tube has a and repairing are explained throughout. You learn service vacuum of 2 or 3 microns, a micron work easily at home with 720 1300 GENERAL ELECTRIC K -64 self -examination review ques- PAGES (Uses same chassis as RCA -121 receiver.) See being one -millionth of the usual atmos- tions to check your progress. 708 ILLUS. the Case Histories listed for thé RCA -121 re- pheric pressure of 15 pounds per sq. in. Send for these books now -you can return them and your ceiver money will be refunded if you're not completely satisfied! An incandescent lamp has a vacuum GENERAL ELECTRIC K -65 150 Special long -life tubes F -MAIL COUPON TODAY!" '1 (Uses same chassis as RCA R -38 receiver.) See of micrones. RADIO & TECHNICAL PURL. CO., Dept. RN -110 the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -38 re- are being made with a vacuum of less 45 Astor Place, New York City ceiver Send postpaid, with 5 -Day Money Back Guarantee: than 1 micron. RADIO PHYSICS COURSE $4. ($4.50 foreign) GENERAL ELECTRIC K -65 -P A "soft" or low- vacuum tube cannot MODERN I.ADIO SERVICING $4. ($4.50 foreign) (Uses same chassis as RCA R-38 -P receiver.) See the Case Histories listed for the RCA R -38 -P withstand the high voltages necessary Name receiver for amplification, although it may be Address GENERAL ELECTRIC K -66 used at low voltages as a detector. The City...... State...... (Uses same chassis as RCA -220 receiver.) See life of a tube is largely dependent upon Please send FREE Illustrated descriptive literature. the Case Histories listed for the RCA -220 re- An in MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED m J ceiver the degree of vacuum existing in it. November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 47

and aural indications of the signals another type of tube becomes an item As I Sege It! ahead. of interest. (Continued from page 11) It has successfully been applied Speaking about photoelectric pick- to office intercommunicating systems, ups of sound recording, we do not carrier telephony and electronic equip- think that the sound on film attach- cars so successful ? Indubitably the ment used in various industries. May- ments to home movies are so far dis- fact that maintenance is available in be we have a one track mind, but we tant. Since these units employ equip- virtually every community in the na- still reiterate "The Signal's The ment of the type utilized in receivers, tion. Is that not so ?" Thing." namely the audio amplifier, it is with- "Punky, you're right," we replied, Photo Cell Pickup in the province of the radio service- "maybe some of these manufacturers THE photoelectric record pickup man. And as far as sound -on -film re- will get wise to themselves and even system announced by a major re- production is concerned, there is no use that as a sales argument. Who ceiver manufacturer is casting the doubt about the fact that the future can tell ? . Say, where are you go- shadow of coming events. Heretofore will witness the demise of the familiar ing ? Don't leave so soon, let's talk photoelectric cell apparatus has been disc record and its replacement by some more." "No, I'm afraid that will pretty much foreign to the servicing sound on film. have to be all for today," replied industry, being used in special appara- So when you see data on photoelec- Punky, "I must converse with Janet. tus, but now that it appears among tric pickups, don't just pass over them She seems to have a problem with her equipment which radio servicemen as being of no interest at the moment. postage stamp collection and I used will or may have occasion to service, At least take a good look and read the to be a philatelist. Good day to you, sir." Vocational School Teachers ANUMBER of experienced service- men with high school training and well versed in radio are finding posi- GET THIS BOOK OF tions as instructors in vocational schools. This National Defense pro- gram is embracing more and more of the educational institutions with the jLUES hope of producing the required num- RADIO ber of skilled people. Much of the in- NOW! struction is night work, several hours a night, several nights a week. Since THE ALLIED CATALOG SHOWS the conditions are different in different cities, we cannot state the require- EVERYTHING IN RADIO ments set forth by the educational bodies in each city. However, it might be a good idea for those well versed . service technicians who feel that they are capable of such instruction to look into the matter and not only help the 1941 Radio nation, but earn money while doing style plastic Hits! New table and wood it. Consult your local Board of Edu- models; world_ Place your name on file; you wide sets; "Camera" cation. and 3 -way never can tell when you'll be needed. Phono- Portables; Combinations,Radio -Recorders, Sets Auto Of Possible Interest to Tube Manufacturers etc. -all at amaz- ingly low prices 83 NEW big -in a WERE it not for the fact that MODELS special 40 -page many servicemen build public - RADIO'S GREATEST CATALOG dio set section! ra- address amplifiers we would not bring FOR SERVICEMEN - DEALERS - this to the fore. However, since they SOUNDMEN - AMATEURS! 1941 P.A. desi do build such units and need further every Sound gn-for data, the following is suggested. Ac- If you're in Radio, you can't tion. applica- cording to comments heard, tube 7 to 75 watts-newnew Systems- afford to be without the new tures throughout! fea- specification charts published by the 1941 ALLIED Radio Catalog! es Prices! Low- tube manufacturers do not contain PaymentAttractive It's the biggest ever-212 value - *and 15 ayment Plan sufficient data concerning operating packed pages -and the best Complete rial Offer. conditions of a -f pentodes. That which NEW P. pA. actes_ Shows everything in Radio. SYSTE MS line- is given in the tables now available is ever. 35-page section! special all right as far as it goes, but does not Send for your copy now. You'll represent the actual conditions expe- see why it's universally known as in construction. This is par- the one reliable Radio Guide More rienced - than 120 pages, ticularly true in the case of the screen the most complete index to all value- packed voted to -de- operating voltages, which, as can be Everything in Radio you'll find Equipment, influ- ice tos, Serv- readily understood, materially anywhere. A copy is yours, More ence the performance of the tube and than 15, FREE for the asking! Parts for the system wherein it is used. purpose--allevery radio that Prices What seems to be needed is informa- BIG save You tion concerning the application of SERVICE SECTION money! these tubes with effective values of 15,000 PARTS Radio's most screen voltage between say 30 to 70 Catalog -with complete or 80 volts. This reference does not for everything everyone in mean that the information given in Radio. FREE Depend on ALLIED -the World's Don't miss the the tables is wrong. It is correct as Builders' special SEND and Experiment- Largest Exclusive Radio House! far as it goes, but does not go far ers' section COUPON enough. It would be more helpful to and the com- plete Amateur .111 AMINO the man who builds p.a. systems and communications selection of also mean more frequent reference to sets, etc. ALLIED RADIO CORP. charts. 833 W. Jackson Blvd., Dept. 1 -L -1 these Chicago, Illinois True to Its Name Send me your FREE 1941 Fall Radio Catalog WE have just received word that showing Everything in Radio. tests made to check the efficacy of signal tracing on railroad signaling ALLIED RADIO Name systems has proved successful. Tests were made on equipment installed in Address the engine for the purpose of giving CHICAGO, ILLINOIS City State the locomotive engineer both visual 48 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

captions underneath the pictures, if not the paragraph headings. Video Reporter Note to Magazine Editors (Continued from page 41) MORE VOTES THIS is written in a sincere desire to correct not necessarily an evil, but more of an oversight. Every so parallel the current word duels regarding often articles appear which provide just how much better the average ear finds frequency- modulation broadcasts than am- constructional information covering plitude- modulation programs. SHURE CARDIOIDS test equipment. In a number of in- At NBC, where the video lads seemed con- stances the information given, partic- tent to stay on the 441 -line standard, the ularly the schematic and the constants opinion seems to be that there won't be of the parts, shows immediately that much noticeable difference on live pick -ups KILL FEEDBACK! the performance cannot be all that is when the standard is stepped up to 507. claimed for it. As a of fact, However, a substantial improvement will be matter noticed in film transmissions, according to in many instances certain definite de- our NBC informant. fects exist. Construction of the de- Feedback kills votes! Shure Car - vices substantiates these beliefs and dioid Microphones give candi- the suggestion is made for the benefit 911HE British Scophony Company, pioneers dates the volume they need with- of all, that is the readers as well as in big- screen home and theatre television out vote -killing feedback - cut the magazine, that such constructional on the British Isles may soon realize the down pickup of background articles submitted to magazines should launching of an American affiliate. The firm noise - give speakers more free- be accompanied by the finished prod- had representatives in New York about two dom to move about -and save uct. More than likely some editors years ago to help start an American corpo- valuable time in setting up your ration to market models similar to those that will tell us to mind our own business were a mild sensation during England's brief sound systems and perhaps they are right, but it is period of television program activity. There by solving your exasperating to build equipment and was quite a bit of publicity on the American acoustic prob- then find that it does not perform as Scophony plans two years ago but the whole lems. Put a stated. thing was soon forgotten. It seems that the Shure Cardioid war clouds that hung over Europe in 1938 on the platform We do not doubt the sincerity of the caused the idea to peter out and, when the -every time. authors and constructors, but it is true war actually started in 1939, plans to or- that there is more to the design of a ganize a U.S.A. outlet seemed definitely piece of test equipment than just con- shelved. struction and during the construction, But, now, with the war still raging at the the replacement of one constant by time of this writing, another Scophony rep- Shure Uniplex another, because the exact required resentative is in New York with plans to Cardioid Crystal introduce the big- screen television receivers part is not available. Proper presen- on the U.S.A. market through a new firm Microphone. (Il- tation of such construction articles said to have the backing of some prominent lustrated above). should include certain definite tests Americans. List Price $32.50 made to establish the correct operat- Television transmitting is also in the ing conditions with proper laboratory Scophony plans and this angle would neces- Shure Unidyne sitate that the company be American -con- equipment. trolled inasmuch as licenses cannot be Cardioid Dy- Another criticism which has been granted to aliens. This latter point was dis- namic Micro- voiced generally and which might be covered by the British Baird firm many years phone (Illustrat- of interest to editors is that sufficient ago when it attempted to set up a video ed below). stress is not placed upon those of the station in New York. constructional features which are crit- The suggestion has been weighed by some List Price American promoters to import the large $42.50 & $45.00 ical in nature. Very often the original quantity of television receivers that were model is built with complete success completed in England before the suspension during the initial effort without reali- of telecasting and to dump them on the SEE THEM AT zation that some points in layout are American market after revising the stand- critical. With the layout details miss- ards to conform with domestic transmissions. YOUR JOBBER ing, the reader builds and because he However, the plan was shot to pieces by the reduction of American television prices Shure Patents Pending. Crystal Micro- employs his own layout ideas, strict which made it more practical to buy domes- phones licensed under Brush patents. adherence to the original not having tic merchandise without the high cost of MAIL COUPON NOW! been stressed, trouble is encountered. war -time trans- Atlantic shipments, plus the Still another point of interest in con- incidental shipping risks. On top of this, nection with tube voltmeters in par- the lull in American telecasts had such an SHURE BROTHERS 1 adverse on i 225 W. Huron St., Chicago, III. ticular is that associated with tube effect the television equipment 1 market that the same promoters would have 1 Send me free Bulletin 164N types. In many instances the author been entitled "Goodbye, Feedback." interested in a plan whereby they could 1 1 in building his original model did not find foreign outlets check the full for American merchan- 1 Name 1 operating limits of the dise. tube types suggested with the result With the exception of opportunists' view- 1 Address 1 that the constants used work well with points, the American trade seems to concur 1 City State 1 the particular tubes used in the model that television will be a closed domestic market in the U.S.A., im- 1 but not with with barely any I Occupation other tubes available ports or exports of video equipment. And, upon the open market. it is believed that this will hold true even LEARN TO SEND All of this is not intended to reflect when the European war is over. There may either upon magazines or the editors, be some indirect international trade through AND RECEIVE CODE for both have to depend upon state- the establishment of foreign subsidiaries. But, like the radio receiver business Learn to send and receive code signals, like operators on ments made by authors, but it would in the ships at sea, commercial and amateur land stations. In- be a good idea if such equipment were past few years, the only way American tercept distress signals, news flashes, bulletins, and brand -name receivers can be sold in bulk in many other kinds of interesting radio communications. sent in with the article and a routine England -and many other big markets in MASTER TELEPLEX teaches you to receive code ex- were if actly the way the world's best operators do-by sound. test made to see the equipment normal times-will be to build factories in A heavy waxed paper tape, running through a machine. as built would operate with the gen- the respective foreign nations. The differ- operates an automatic key which sends messages to you, ence in is at any speed you desire. As eral run of components available upon standards a small thing as com- you improve, t h e machine the open market. If this is not feasi- pared with growing barriers of merchandise sends faster, gradually pre- quotas, high customs taxes and mounting paring you f or top - speed. ble, then it might be a good idea if the With the new all Electric shipping costs. MASTER TELEPLEX y o u authors stated definitely the operating learn to send by sending and characteristics of those components the signals you send are re- SUSPENSION of peated back to you, exactly which, if not exactly duplicated, may television programs in as you sent them, thus en- be productive of trouble and the type the New York area brought surprisingly abling you to correct your few squawks to the headquarters of W2XBS, o w n errors. We furnish a of trouble which might be expected. complete course, lend you the the RCA -NBC station. As a matter of fact improved All Electric MAS- -taking the word of an RCA spokesman TER TELEPLEX a n d give not a single complaint reached his - you personal instruction with firm's a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Send for our new executive offices. And the complaints reach- TELEPLEX FOLDER Il Nil today. IT'S FREE. First with the News: ing NBC, we were told, were of such a mild TELEPLEX CO., 67 -69 Park Place, New York nature that they were actually more in the In Canada write: Read RADIO NEWS! class of inquiries as to when the service will CANADIAN ELECTRONIC INST., TORONTO, ONT. be resumed. But we can't help having our November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 49 doubts about the absence of squawks. Deal- ing out of FM is probably more than a whim. cians might be monotonous-could be ob- ers and newspaper offices received stiffer It is believed that RCA is pretty well burned tained by using the audio channel of the comment on the suspension of telecasts than up over the FCC boost given FM at about television set -up without picking up the pic- NBC. If the complaints were actually few, the very same time it shelved commercial ture. the Video Reporter believes that trade esti- television. Television receiver production at 4UITE a few popular and technical books mates that about .l.000 video receivers tc'ere Camden is at a standstill pending further on television were released in recent in use in the New York area were excessive. FCC action on video matters. However, the seasons. And, from what we hear 'round the Video Reporter was told that RCA is count- trade, about a dozen or so authors are busy ing on merchandising the high- fidelity sound DETERMINED to show results and of its television on forthcoming video books. The one thing prove that its efforts are not merely receivers to compete with most television books seem to lack is the perfunctory gestures, the National Television FM. The effort will probably be based value of long life. Many of them are out Systems Committee has plunged into its around the thought that the television set of date as soon as they're published. On buyer gets high -fidelity sound in his instru- the other hand, a few technical volumes is- tasks with vigor and the general trade feel- ment-phis sight reception ing is that some material results will soon facilities. sued several seasons back. still offer valuable be revealed. In line with the suggestion to merchandise study material for the television enthusiast. of cooperation the sound qualities of video receivers, Highest mortality is in the non -technical, There is a splendid spirit W2XBS has already experimented in the committee's undertaking. Getting a with the reportorial classification ; these video books batch of competitors to sit around a confer- use of the television frequency for sound in the lighter vein have a habit of popping programs sans pictures -something like be- up on drug store bargain counters shortly ence table and iron out industrial wrinkles ing entertained is a real achievement -as we said before. by a talking picture with the after publication. --a- And best of all is the cooperation extended screen darkened. The first experiments to the RMA by the FCC. along this line were conducted in England where it was felt that high -quality musical Latest Television News is in RADIO NEWS But even with the best of intentions, plans reproduction can go astray. And that's as true of tele- -in which watching the musi- vision as anything else. It is evident that, despite an effort for speed, the committee's work will take considerable time to complete. BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND SAVE And therein lies the threat to the entire set- up. Announcing First Time The New The Video Reporter, from the outset, was for the - enthusiastic over the committee's formation and work. He still is. And insofar as the committee's endeavors go there is little doubt that the desired results will be ob- DYNAROMETER tained. And there is every reason to believe that FCC Chairman James Lawrence Fly will Features New Giant 81/2t" Double Jewelled Meter cooperate with the committee. However, it must be remembered that there's a Presidential election coming up and This amazing versatile instrument is a change in the Administration will most our answer to the demands of radiotri- certainly entail a new FCC setup. Of course, cians for a combination instrument there is no reason to say that a new com- which, in addition to making the usual mission named by Mr. Willkie, in the event V.O.M. measurements, will also permit of his election, will retard any constructive DYNAMIC D.C. VOLTAGE MEAS- television plans laid by the industry. But UREMENTS without interfering with a new commission -and a new chairman - may have ideas entirely different than those or upsetting delicately balanced cir- of Mr. Fly and his aides. cuits, such as tuned circuits, electronic Completing its task swiftly may enhance apparatus, control voltages, etc. Ac- the real value of the committee's aims and tually, as you will note from the speci- labors. But it hardly seems that speed can fications listed below, the DYNA- be made once the vital issues reach the con- ROMETER is a combination Vacuum - ference table. There are too many clashing viewpoints represented in the individuals on Tube Voltmeter and V.O.M. besides the committee's panels. Just who will give permitting additional measurements ground on the various problems remains to such as Capacity, Decibels, Inductance, be seen. etc. All calibrations printed in larg At the time of this writing the RMA re- easy reading type on the giant 81/2" ports "rapid progress" on the committee's double jewelled meter. The Input Im- work. But virtually all of the work to date pedance for the V.T.V.M. is 11,000,- has been on the organizing of nine subcom- mittees-or panels, as the NTSC prefers to 000 ohms with 2,000,000 ohms per call them -and the real tasks lie ahead. volt on the lowest range. The 4 V.T. One of the most vital jobs is in the hands V.M. ranges are 5, 25, 100 and 500 of the newly launched panel on coordina- Volts, and because of the zero center tion of transmitters and receivers. This no attention need be paid to polarity subcommittee is to delve into essential fac- since the meter will read either in the tors in the design and operation of trans- mitters and receivers. Ironing out these in- plus or minus direction, depending on dustrial problems before the mass commer- the position of the probes. cial launching of the video art will be one of the greatest merchandising boosts any in- dustry ever obtained. HAVE YOU EVER I. J. Kaar, of General Electric, heads this Tried to measure Control Voltages such as A.V.C., A.F.C., oscillator, etc.? panel which includes the following members : Impossible with the ordinary V.O.M. due to loading of the circuit BUT the II- megohm input E. F. W. Alexanderson, General Electric; impedance of the DYNAROMETER enables measurements without molestation al any point F. J. Bingley, Phi/co; N. P. Case, Hazeltine; in the receiver. M. Cawein, ; J. N. Farnsworth Dyer, CBS; Tried to locate distortion in the audio section of a receiver? T. T. Goldsmith, Du Mont; Herman Green- A long tedious job with the ordinary V.O.M. but almost instantaneous with this new DY- berg, Fulton; D. D. Israel, Emerson; A. G. NAMIC method of testing. Jensen, Bell Labs; R. D. Kell, RCA Victor; Paul J. Larsen, Baird; H. R. Lubcke, Don Tried to isolate the cause of trouble in an intermittent job? Lee and Towne, Carlson. Not only is this possible with the DYNAROMETER, but because of the extreme sensitivity George Stromberg- and flexibility measurements are possible at points usually impractical with a V.O.M.

ALL the fuss and furore over frequency- SPECIFICATIONS: modulation has temporarily -at least - stolen the spotlight from television. Many 4 D.C. VOLT RANGES AT 11 MEGOHMS INPUT: D.C. CURRENT MEASUREMENTS IN 4 RANGES: persons who were reluctant to scrap their 0- 5/25/100/500 Volts 0 -I, 0 -10 /100 /I Amp. /I0 Amp. old broadcast receivers for a new one be- D.C. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS IN 5 RANGES: 4 OUTPUT RANGES: cause they were (at 1000 ohms per volt) 0- 15/150/1500/3000 Volts "waiting for television" are 0- 10/50/250/500/5000 Volts 2 CAPACITY RANGES: now being told by the high- pressure FM A.C. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS IN 4 RANGES: .0005 -I Mfd. merchandisers that they need wait no longer (at approximately 800 ohms per volt) .05 -100 Mfd. inasmuch as FM is the big improvement 0- 15/150/1500/3000 Volts INDUCTANCE: that's already here while television is a RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS IN 3 RANGES: I H. -70 H. thing still in the distant future. And quite 0 -1,000 Ohms, 0- 10,000 Ohms, 0 -30 Megohms. 7 H.- 10,000 H. a few manufacturers were quick to fall in The Dynarometer operates on 90 -120 Volts 60 cycles A.C. Comes complete $1 the FM line. But there is one outstanding with test leads and all necessary instructions. Shipping weight 20 lbs. Size 875 holdout -RCA. And an RCA spokesman told 1 3 1/2"x10"x81/4". Our net price us that not a single FM set will be included in the firm's line next season. Li .RN RCA has been known to change its mind SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS CO .136 ertyORKDept. before. And it may happen again. But stay- 50 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

ing final tune -up, can be made without entering the cockpit. L:tilél3 Radio The new equipment meets fully the require- ments of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. (Continued from page 18) Specifications of the transmitter: Code Designation : 27A. Frequency Range: 10 spot frequencies; 2000 The equipment is extremely simple to operate. to 15,000 ke. Both the transmitter and receiver are simulta- Power Output : 125 watts -reduced power: neously controlled from a small switching panel 10,000 to 13,000 ke. located on the plane's instrument panel. The Power Supply: 12 -24 volts dc. control is accomplished electrically requiring no Frequency Shift: remote or local. mechanical cable or rotating shafts. One dial Emission : phone, CW, MCW, facsimile. on this unit gives the pilot a choice of any one of ten pre -tuned frequencies. A second dial con- verts the equipment for telephone. telegraph, modulated telegraph, or facsimile operation. An "on" "off" switch. and a. toggle switch for "send" "receive" when employing telegraph, complete the controls. Although the transmitter and re- ceiver are designed to be used as a two -way system, either may be employed alone. When so used, a separate electrically-operated remote con- trol panel may be supplied for each unit or local control can be employed. Other features of the transmitter inclnde pro-

Western Electric Power Unit.

1 he the nee Western Electric 29 Receiver. let r instru ,e =

A copy- in Western Electric 27 Control Unit. your . from s Jobbe Weight: 60.28 pounds, one frequency; 1.31 music store rend the coupon pounds each additional frequency. Dimensions: 17 %0" wide, 17 %" high, 127/n" deep. Specifications of the receiver: Code Designation : 29A. Frequency Range: 2000 to 15,000 ke. Power Output Per Audio Channel: 300 milli - wa tts. Power Supply: 12, 24, 110 volts dc.; 400 -800 cycles a.c. Frequency Shift: remote or local. Weight: 18.31 pounds, one frequency, less FIDELITONE power supply; .33 pound each additional fre-

STYLUS REPRODUCING EPEE > LI quency. Dimensions: 10%x" wide, 71%x" high, 191/2" re than \''ill play more í1ñ4,O00 ' deep. = discs,;..,,hosne record discs? APPROXIMATELY 250 filter units, which in Western Electric 29 -.A Receiver. conjunction with special radio receivers now PERMO in use will enable airline pilots to spot landing field . approaches through thick weather, have been ordered from Western Electric Company by r. ..,rew...... ,.._.. Aeronautical Radio Inc. The new units will be POINT PERMO PRCORPORATIONit installed in the 27A marker receivers which are now standard equipment on practically all of the 6417 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, tll. transport airlines in the United States. Flt:ase RUSH me a FREE copy of "Perm¢ The 3000 cycle filters originally installed limit the receivers to a periodic determination of po- ll";tt'cs on Better Recordings.- ;°.sá sition along the line of flight between airpo 1s. With the addition of the new filters. which cover the 400 cycle band, pilots may materially shorten the flight around an airport preparatory to land- ing since in bad weather the exact edge of the airport may be picked out unerringly by means of a flashing signal light that is actuated by the

City, . State_, receiver. NEW YORK'S bid for the best equipped mu- nicipal airport in the world was consider- ably strengthened recently when it was an- nounced that 13 IVestern Electric radio receivers. Amazing Dew "WALS[0" interference -free to a degree unprecedented in aviation radio, have been installed to serve the newly opened LaGuardia Field. In the con ti of 5TAPLE DRIVER tower of this air terminal for the nation's big- for radio men, electricians or anyone doing stapling. Makes wire and gest city. dispatchers are on the alert, day and cable installations twice as easy-much neater -sanes half the time. night. to receive calls from airliners of five great Wires can be stapled m corners. behind pipes, into moldings-places systems. the flying units of Uncle Sam's Army. r accessible with a hemmer and ordinary staples. Drives staples and private airmen. even into walls. brick, mortar. etc. Magazine works automatically and The ears of dispatchers are spared the sound holds strips of staples which come in several colors. Ask your jobber of receivers constantly turned on by a device for demonstration and catalogue 4t -C of all WALSCO PRODUCTS known as an automatically operated "codan." or write WALTER L. SCHOTT CO. In the absence of a signal the receiver appears Western Electric 27-A Transmitter. "dead." As soon, however, as the carrier wave 5264 W. Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, California from the plane's transmitter comes in, the re- vision of special condenser combinations to match ceiver "comes to life." practically any type of antenna or transmission Day and night channels are assigned to United line; forced draft pressure type ventilation Air Lines, T.W.A., Eastern Air Lines, and for through a spun glass filter; self -contained MCW the regular and southern routes of American GOLDENTONE -.50% OFF oscillator; and side tone on CW or MCW which Air Lines. A receiver is constantly tuned to for Army aircraft. DEAL DIRECT.. FACTORY PRICES.. enables the pilot or radio operator to monitor 4495 KC, the frequency The Over 60 modela to choose from 71/ket his own transmission. The audio amplifier has voices of private fliers come in over a daytime -4 to 12 tubes. Portables ue sufficient gain to permit the use of either carbon frequency of 310:1 KC and a nighttime frequency $8.08 up. Form sets $8.98 ssp. The two additional receivers Car sets $8.98 up. Foreign or dynamic type microphones. Careful attention of 6210 KC. are band seta $8.08 ssp. Samples has been given to those design details affecting maintained as emergency spares with the pos- 50% off. Quantity dis- For all connections sibility that additional channels will be allocated counts. Free 1941 Bargain maintenance. example. are catalog gives details of 10 made through plugs mounted on the front panel. to them in the future. day FREE trial. agent's prop- and test meter jacks. also on the front, give These receivers are similar to those employed osition and discounts. No ready access to those portions of the circuit re- at many of the Bell System's coastal radiote :e- obligation. Mail postcard to serve vessels off YEAR GUARANTEE GOLDENTONE RADIO CO.. quiring measurement. Where the transmitter is phone stations which operating Dept. R. N. DEARBORN, MICH. installed remotely. all maintenance work. inelud- the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards and in the 51 November, 1940 RADIO NEWS erating conditions to which they will be sub- 5" wide. depth 2 ". Dynamotor: 81/2" long. inspected waters of the Gulf. wide. 5" high. jected. Individual items are rigidly The receivers and antennas for the Municipal 41/2" Dyna- both before and after assembly to detect the on Rikers Island in New Weights: Transmitter Unit 181 lbs. tested under Airport are installed motor 131/2 lbs. Microphone 10 oz. Head Con- slightest flaw. Complete units are York's East River, whence the signal is trans- and Main Fuse extremes of temperature, humidity and vibration mitted over wire lines to the control tower at trol Unit: 1.06 lbs. Cables more severe than those ever encountered in (coded types 23 -A Mount: 6 lbs. Remote Antenna Control Unit far the field. The new receivers 5 lbs. actual tactical operations. and 23 -AB) were manufactured in the Specialty (optional) Os- All tubes are supplied with transmitter, are of the Kearny Works of the West- Tube Complements: 1 RCA 6L6 Crystal available for re- Products Shop at cillator; 2 Raytheon RK -39s as class -AB" the standard type and readily ern Electric Company. as Power Amplifier: placement in most cities. Our Radio Equipment modulators: 1 RCA 814 meet the CAA type certificate require- stand by current 11/2 amperes; transmitting cur- is built to THE Waller Communicator Line. manufactured rent demand 25 Amps., 12 Volts. ments. by The Spartan Aircraft Co., of Tulsa, Okla.. Model B -11 -813. Model AB -39. B -11 -813. Features: Same as given on 5 lbs. Dyna- announce three transmitters. the Model Same head control used on all transmitters. All Weights: Transmitter Unit: the Model AB-39 -814 and the transceiver Model crystals furnished with transmitters. Remote motor 12 lbs. Head Control Unit: 11/2 lbs. Mi- AB -39. be used with both crophone: 10 oz. Cables and Main Fuse: 2 lbs. B -11 -813 are as antenna control unit may 111,2" long, 71/2" Specifications for the Model 150 and 50 watt transmitters. If not desired Dimensions: Transmitter follows: from price listed. wide, 8" high. Control Head 5%" high. 5" Transmitter 101/2" long, 9 %" wide, 10 %" deduct $50.00 substantially to the wide, depth 2 ". Dynamotor 41/e" wide. 5" high, shock - Our equipment contributes high. Over -all dimensions including successful completion of the pilot's mission by 81/2" long. Shown above. mounting and cable plugs 13" long, 9%" wide, de- Tube Complements: 1 RCA 6L6 Oscillator; increasing his facilities and safety without -39 1:21/2" high. manding an undue amount of time and attention 2 RK -39s class -AB" Modulators; 1 RK as Control Head: 5 %" high, 5" wide. depth 2 ". reliability of perform- power amplifier; frequencies 3105 and 6210 KC. 71/2 wide, high. to its control. Maximum -by 4 Amps., sending 16 Dynamotor: 10%" long, 84" ance is achieved with minimum size and weight: Current demand: stand Total weight: 62 lbs. is with sim- Amps. Crystal Os- flexibility of operation achieved Tube Complements: 1 RCA 6L6 plicity of control. extremes of climatic and at- Model B. cillator; 1 RCA 6L6 Speech Amplifier, driver: conditions are anticipated in the selec- The transceiver is the ideal unit for two way 2 RCA 811s class "B" Modulators; 1 RCA 813 mospheric communication on light planes and auxiliary am- tion of materials. is a standard su- as Power Amplifier; stand by current -2.5 The equipments are small, compact and rug- equipment on large planes. It peres. to withstand the rigorous op- perheterodyne receiver covering the beacon and Outstanding Features: Telephonic communi- gedly constructed cation 100% modulation. Interphone system for intercabin communication. Excellent side tone. Full floating approved Lord shock mounts. MANUFACTURER AND SAVE;, Transmission and reception on both long and BUY DIRECT FROM THE THE NEW MODEL 1240 TUBE TESTER Instantaneous snap switches 1 reduce actual testing time to absolute minimum. Tests all tubes 1.4 to 117 volts. Sockets for all tubes - No adapters. Superior is proud to offer the newest and most practical tube tester ever designed. Unbeliev- ably low in price - unbelievably high in performance. * Tests all tubes. 1.4 to 117 volts, in- cluding 4. 5. 6. 7. 71.. octals, loctals, Bantam Jr.. Peanut, single ended, floating filament. Mercury Vapor Recti- fiers, the new S series, in fact every tube designed to date. * Spare socket included on front panel for any future tubes. emsin * the lity. short antennas. All crystals furnished with on the GOOD ? BAD scale of the transmitter, 3105, 3120. 6210KC. Special Air- meter. craft Anti -noise microphone. Ruggedly con- * Jewel protected neon. welded aluminum. Fre- * Tests shorts and leakages up to 2 meg- structed, chassis of ohms in all tubes. quency stability within .01 % (FCC Tolerance) . * Tests leakages and shorts in all ele- Complete remote control from a single control ments AGAINST all elements in all tubes. panel. All adjustments made at factory and * Tests BOTH plates in rectifiers. locked in position. * Tests individual sections such as diodes, triodes, pentodes, etc., in mold- purpose tubes. This unit provides transmission and reception * Latest type vo'tage retaliator. on both long and short antennas, providing au- * Features au attractive etched aluminum panel. loading. when Works on 90 to 125 volts CO cycles A.C. tomatic insertion of the proper * every known transmitting on short antenna. This feature Model 1240 comes complete with instructions and tabular_. data.. for.. prevents over modulation, maximum efficiency type of receiving - - - _ 45. on short antenna, and insures longer tube life. Our Net Price The "Waller Communicator" assists you to Portable cover 51.00 additional meet the CAA's requirements relative to aircraft flying "on instruments." It provides you with THE NEW MODEL 1230 that dependable. constant air -to- ground commu- nication so desirable on those "cross- countries" where weather or field conditions are doubtful. From its very inception. Spartan has concen- SIGNAL trated on the design and construction of appara- tus to meet the rigid specifications necessarily imposed by these services. Through years of GENERATOR service in the Aircraft Radio field, our personnel are fully cognizant of the space and weight lim- WITH itations, climatic and atmospheric conditions. and other factors influencing the operation of air- FIVE STEPS craft radio equipment. Our Radio equipment must operate "on" the air and "in" the air. Our OF transmitters are flight tested under all possible conditions to check and obtain perfection in SINE -WAVE AUDIO transmission and reception. Complete and rigid prove the efficiency and SPECIFICATIONS tests are applied to RADIO FREQUENCIES from 100 K. strength of all circuits and parts. 7 bands by front AB -39 -814. C. to 90 Megacycles in Model 9.%" panel switch manipulation. All direct Dimensions: Transmitter 101/2" long, reading and accurate to within 1% on wide, 10 :yi" high. Overall dimensions including I.F. and Broadcast bands, 2% on higher frequencies. The R.F. is obtainable sep- arately or modulated by any one of the five Audio Frequencies. AUDIO FREQUENCIES: 5 steps of SINE -WAVE audio 200, 400, 1000, 5000 and 7500 cycles WITH OUTPUT OF OVER 1 VOLT. Any one of the above frequencies obtainable separately for servicing P.A., hard -of- hearing aids. etc. ATTENUATOR: Late design, full - range attenuator used for controlling either the pure R.F. or modulated R.F. positive CI RCUIT: The Model 1230 employs an improved electron coupled oscillator circuit for the R.F. affording protection against frequency drift and a Hartley oscillator circuit for the A.F. section. DIAL MANIPULATION: Large 5'/z' dial etched directly on front panel, using a new mechanically perfected drive for perfect vernier control. APPEA RA NCE: The front panel is etched by a recently perfected process which results in a life -long attractive finish and the instrument comes housed in a streamlined shielded CURRENT SOURCE: The Model 1230 operates on 90 to 130 Volts A.C. or D.C. any frequency. The Model 1230 comes complete with tubes, shielded cables, moulded carrying handle and In- structions. Size 14" x 6" x 1l ". Shipping weight 15 pounds. ONLY

136 LIBERTY ST., Dept. RN -11 shockmounts and cable plugs: 13" long, 9%" SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS CO. NEW YORK, N. Y. wide, 121/2" high. Control Head: 5 %" high, 52 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

weather band 200 to 400 KC. Transmitter is Burgess No. 5DA60. Dimensions 7"x51/2"x2 of the standard master oscillator power amplifier weight 4% lbs. 5(3", type. crystal controlled on 3105 KC or any fre- The standard transceiver chassis is also avail- quency desired. It has a total of ten tubes oper- able in a special portable aluminum case housing ating from a single dry battery supply. the transceiver, The case and chassis is battery and speaker. Dimensions of welded aluminum 11 %4 "x7 "x81, ", weight 14 lbs. This unit will also accommodate two pairs of headphones. The portable transceiver is the ideal unit for WALLER cGm-'4tria;t,A"t'GR ferrying Purposes and may .:rT.;'d 5°'í:^ ^r Acc; 1A;.7TfC:: be placed in any posi- ; tion in the plane. Only necessary to ground to 1 tiíS ^-, CKI.. metal structure of plane and connect trailing antenna to antenna post. Tube Complements: Receiver: 1 RCA 1N5 as R.F. Amplifier and Pre -selector; 1 RCA 1A7 as Oscillator and translator; 1 RCA 1N5 as Inter- mediate frequency amplifier; 1 RCA 1H5 as diode detector and 1st A.F. Amp.; 1 RCA 1Q5 as tet- 4 rode power output; Output to 500 Ohm Phones A,+7fAE7Eft may be used with range filter. ,olt Transmitter: 1 RCA 1Q5 as Crystal Oscillator on 3105 KC.; 2 RCA 1Q5s as power amplifier. All tubes GTs; 2 RCA lators. 1Q5s as push -pull modu- Police Radio ANEW radio transmitter of 100 -250 watts A serviceman has to "keep tip" with the new develop- output, designed expressly for use in sta- ments these days, if he wants to hold on to his business. tions where limited technical personnel requires These books will give you an understanding of subjects the conservation of man -power, as in local 7t,?14 reC plants. vital to the success of your business . . . today! Start K 47t3 broadcasting police work and the emer- now! Turn your spare time into usable, money-making 3193 gency communication services, has been an- knowledge. nounced by the Western Electric Company. Economy of both operating and maintenance Rider's Latest Book time. therefore, keynotes the new design. All electrical components in the new unit, for ex- FREQUENCY MODULATION ample, are assembled on a central member which is built of vertically- mounted steel plates. An The most talked of subject of the moment, Rider of- ingenious arrangement of fers this introduction to frequency modulation with the vital transmitter special attention to F -M receivers and the problems they will present to the serviceman. Get this now - be ready. 136 illustrated pages -only $1.00.

SERVICING BY SIGNAL TRACING By John F. Rider . .:.. Use the system of servicing which is proved and endorsed , -fastest -most modern -the system you can apply to all receivers regardless of age. type or make. Servicing by Signal Tracing operates independently of every limiting factor heretofore encountered. In this new book you learn how all receivers are brought to a common servic- ing level. You learn how components receive a functional check while the circuits are in an operative condition. Over 360 pages -hard covers -only $2.00. NEW! By John F. Rider OSCILLATOR AT WORK Don't guess- KNO«'I This new book tells all about ALL oscillators. Explains theory by means of simple illustrations. diagrams and curves. Gives you practical facts. Get your copy TODAY! 256 pages- Illustrated- $1.50. AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEMS With Automatic Frequency Control Circuits in most new higher priced models. knowledge of "AFC" means money in your pocket! Learn the practical facts. from these easy -to- understand explanations. Get your copy today. Cash -in on profitable "AFC " work. Hard covers -144 pages -$1.00. THE CATHODE RAY TUBE AT WORK By John F. Rider This is the most complete and practical book ever writ- ten on the subject -the only one prepared especially for the radio serviceman. New applications of the cathode ray tube during the past five years require that service- men know its operation. 336 pages -over 450 illustra- Left, WE 450 -A. Right, H -W 50 -TC. tions- $2.50. AN HOUR A DAY WITH RIDER BOOKS elements on this member permits each part to be serviced freely without interference from any On Resonance and Alignment . . On Automatic Vol- other part. The wiring, too. has been assembled ume Control . . On D -C Voltage Distribution in Radio on the flat structure. Each wire. therefore. is Receivers ... On Alternating Currents in Radio Re- individually accessible. Much consideration also ceivers. 60c each. has been given to the method of fastening the JOHN F. RIDER PUBLISHER, Inc. apparatus to the mounting plates for quick in- terch a nge. 404 Fourth Ave., New York City Export This guiding principle of extreme utility has Div.: Rocke -Int. Elec. Corp., 100 Varick St.. also been carried over into electrical design. All N. Y. C. Cable: ARLAB tuning and operating controls, together with a BANISH BEWILDERMENT- INCREASE PROFITS test meter and its associated transfer switch, are mounted on narrow side panels which flank the front door of the cabinet. Operating controls are divided into three groups. according to function, Read and a distinctive type of knob or slot is used for RIDER BOOKS each group in order to eliminate confusion. Controls that are rarely used and require, in ad- dition to their operation. the opening or closing of link switches within the cabinet, have screw- driver slots. In the second group. consisting of the plate and grid circuit tuning controls, round knobs are used. Those designed for routine operation constitute the third group and have rectangular knobs. Clear, simple. fascinating lessons -prac- The central structure, together with its vital tical work with experimental kits -make electrical elements, is essentially independent, training easy A. G. Mohaupt, and fast. Up to date R.T.A. both electrically and mechanically, from the B.A., M.S. methods, under personal guidance of cabinet. The installation may in fact be com- Well-known prominent engineer and Radio Con- educator. highly pleted entirely before the cabinet, which serves sultant and endorsed by leaders in radio industry. merely as a protective device, is placed around Lecturer. Spare -time profits soon pay for training. Forced Directing it. -draft ventilation cools the unit. Engineer, have your own busi- Code Number: 450A -1, 100 watts. 451A -1, R.T.A. START NOW ness or fit yourself 250 watts. for well paid work with radio dealers, Output Power: As above, in factories, police, marine or television fields. DON'T except those sta- DELAY! Send AT ONCE for complete BOOK Various Waller units. tions operating 250 watts daytime may desire information and Big Opportunity FREE! optional gear for shifting to 100 watts at night. Frequency Range: 550 -2750 kc. depending RADIO TRAINING ASS'N. OF AMERICA construction, case is finished upon coils and condensers 1559 Devon Ave. Dept. RN -11O in a platinum gray installed. Chicago, III. baked crackle, head control is grained in natural Dimensions: 30" wide by 28" deep by '76" wood patterns. It may be obtained in any de- high. sired color combination. Head panels available Weight: Approximately 1000 pounds. The for mounting in either position. Voltage Regulation: Manual. Will accommo- perfectly balanced radio Weights: Transceiver, 8 lbs.; Dry Battery, date primary voltages from 200 to 240 volts. 4% lbs.; Headphones. % lb.; Microphone, 1 lb.: Audio Frequency Response: Flat within plus magazine: RADIO NEWS! Total, 14% lbs. or minus 1.5 db. from 30 to 10,000 cycles per Size: Transceiver Case: 11" long, overall second. 12" long. 8%" wide. rear 4íe" high. Head: Distortion : R -m -s audio harmonics show less At All Newsstands 25c 8 % " long, 2 1/4 " wide. Battery : 10 "x2 t4 "x5 ". than 3% below 5.000 c.p.a. at all modulation The battery dimensions given are for the Bur- levels to and including 100% and less than 5% gess No. 6TA60. It may be substituted for the from 30 to 7.500 c.p.s November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 53

Modulation Capability: Stabilized feedback lieved to fairly set forth the extent of the amplitude modulated transmitting equipment and other developments enable modulated ampli- for the period. They would be needed. fier to carry over -modulation without damage to company's progress equipment and without sharp increase in distor- are, however, subject to verification by our General Electric equipment was chosen tion. auditors when they make their annual ex- after Maywood officials had made examina- Noise Level: R -m -s noise level 60 db. or bet- amination at the close of our fiscal year. tions of existing AM installations and had ter unweighted. 70 db. or better weighted, below discussed with radio engineers the advan- signal level at 100% single frequency modula- Two -way General Electric FM tages of frequency modulation transmission. tion. impression was made by FM's Harmonic Radiation : Not greater than .03%. Communication for Maywood, Illinois Particular Method of Modulation: Grid bias last radio area to ability to practically eliminate natural and frequency stage. community in the Chicago man -made interference and increase the Carrier Stability: Quartz plate controlled FIRSTadopt frequency modulation for emer- within 10 cycles. gency communication purposes is the Laty service area considerably as well. Power Supply: Input voltage: 200 -240. Fre- of Maywood, Ill. Early this fall, a new two - With the new equipment, Maywood joins quency: 60 cycle (50 cycle can be supplied on General Electric FM communication the fast growing roll of progressive com- order) . Consumption: 450A -1 -1250 watts. way Maywood will go munities turning to frequency modulation for 451A -1 -1750 watts. system for the police of emergency communication. fARVEY- WELLS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., into operation. of Southbridge, Mass., announce the 50 -Tc The transmitter, located at police head- Communications Transmitter, high fidelity com- quarters, will make possible constant contact CBS Clarifies on Color Television munications unit. designed in the modern manner with patrol cars in the field. It will have a :TIBIA'S recent announcement of its and embodying the latest technical improvements 25 a service COLLlaboratory success in developing color to insure fine performance and economical opera- power output of watts, allowing tion. area many times that of an equal power television has been misinterpreted as a fore- The 50 -TO Dial -Tune Transmitter is recom- amplitude modulation transmitter. To cover cast by this company that it planned to mended for all high frequency services even a service area equivalent to that provided by broadcast color television programs by Jan- is actually employed. where only one frequency 250 1 next. This misinterpretation appar- The Dial -Tune device adds only a nominal amount the 25 -watt FM transmitter, at least -watt uary to the cost of the equipment. Only the best component parts have been used in the fabrication of this equipment. The trans- formers, coils, resistors and condensers, even the AND SAVE smallest parts, have been carefully selected to BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER assure of an adequate safety factor. The 50 -TC is rated for Continuous Commercial Service, built to withstand tropical climates and give long. trouble -free life under the most adverse condi- tions. Practically all high frequency transmitters are TNN MODEL 1280 SET -TESTER required to operate on more than one frequency. Widely different frequencies must be chosen to effect best transmission at different distances and A complete testing lab- at different times of day and night. Frequency oratory all in one unit. changes are required for traffic routing and for tactical reasons in military communication. Most Tests all tubes, reads modern transmitters have so many tuning con- A.C. volts, D.C. volts, trols that rapid manual or automatic frequency changing is a major problem. A.C. current, D.C. cur- The Harvey -Wells Dial -Tune device has proved rent, High Resistance, to be a simple. direct and complete answer to the Low Resistance, frequency changing problem. High The 50 -TC is furnished with a Local and a Re- Capacity, Low Capacity, mote control unit. Each control unit is pro- Decibels, Inductance, and vided with a telephone dial. By means of this dial unlimited combinations of circuits can be Watts. selected. * Instantaneous snap In the case of phone operation. plate voltage switches reduce ac- is applied by the "Press to talk" bar on the tual testing time to crystal microphone. absolute minimum. The most important feature of the Dial -Tune * Spare socket, and mechanism is the use of but a single 500 ohm filament line between the transmitter and remote control voltages unit. Multiple lines and their high cost of rental up to 117 volts and maintenance are completely eliminated. make the Model The cabinet and chassis are constructed of 1280 proof against heavy gauge steel. well protected against corro- obsolescence. sion by means of a zinc chromate rust- resistant * Latest design 41/2" finish. The cabinet. measuring 67 % "x22 "x1ñ" D'Arsonval t y p e deep is modern in style and pleasing in appear- meter. ance. It is finished in grey crystalline enamel * Comes housed in with a zinc chromate undercoat. The chassis is attractive, leather- finished in baked grey enamel. ette covered carry- Marine Radio ing case. R1DIO MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS. Pe- * Sloping panel for oria. Illinois. have just completed a new rapid, precise serv- spot -fixed tuned receiver. Model SPD -11. The icing. unit is a superheterodyne circuit employing 10 * Works on 90 -125 tubes, crystal controlled on any of 5 frequencies volts 60 cycles A.C. selected from 2 to 3 megacycles. Two tuned radio frequency stages precede the first detector. The primary function of an instrument is, of course, to make measurements accurately and and the unit incorporates a QAVC circuit for when designing test equipment this is our first thought. However, we also appreciate the im- quietness during standby periods. Any of the 5 portant part the appearance of an instrument plays in the impression a serviceman makes on frequencies may be selected by means of a his customers, especially on home calls. We have, therefore, paid special attention to the switch. A 6th position has been left blank so outward design of all of our new instruments. For instance the panel of this Model 1280 is that with proper coils and crystal another f re- made of aluminum and etched by a radically new process, which results in a beautiful, con- fidence- inspiring appearance. SPECIFICATIONS * Tests all tubes, 1.4 to 117 volts, including Complete A.C. and D.C. Voltage and 4, 5, 6, 7, 7L, octals, loctals, Bantam Jr., Peanut, single ended, floating filament. Current Ranges. Mercury Vapor Rectifiers, the new S se- D.C. Voltage: 0 -15, 0 -150, 0 -750 Volts. ries, in fact every tube designed to date. A.C. Voltage: 0 -15, 0 -150, 0 -750 Volts. * Spare socket included on front panel for any future tubes. D.C. Current: 0 -1, 0 -15, 0 -150, 0 -750 ma. * Tests by the well- established emission A.C. Current: 0.15, 0 -150, 0 -750 ma. method for tube quality, directly read on 2 Resistance Ranges: 0 -500 ohms, 500 -5 the GOOD ? BAD scale of the meter. quency channel may be added. Although adopted megohms. may be changed * Jewel protected neon. for 2 to 3 megacycles. the unit 2 meg- to any other ranges up to and including the ultra * Tests shorts and leakages up to High and Low Capacity Scales: .0005 to 1 high frequency police bands. Naturally, the re- ohms in all tubes. mfd. and .05 to 50 mfd. ceiver must be used only with fixed -tuned trans- * Tests leakages and shorts in all elements mitters, since there is not any way the receiver AGAINST all elements in all tubes. 3 Decibel Ranges. can be tuned outside the incorporated crystal * Tests BOTH plates in rectifiers. -10 to +19, frequencies. The first of these receivers is oper- * Tests individual sections such as diodes, ating on the Mississippi and adjacent rivers in triodes, pentodes, etc., in multi -purpose -10 to +38, -10 to +53. the hands of a well known Barge Line. tubes. Inductance: 1 to 700 Henries. * Latest type voltage regulator. * Features an attractive etched aluminum Watts: Based on 6 MW. at 0 D.B. in 500 panel. ohms .006000 MW. to 600 watts. Iniinediate Release Model 1280 comes complete with test leads, tabular charts, in- ONLY For structions, and tabular data for every known type of receiving (Continued from page 32) tube and many transmitting tubes. Shipping weight 18 lbs. PORTABLE COVER $1.00 ADDITIONAL $19.9: tory for this period in the year with the re- sult that the company's cash balances in banks are more than ample for its current 136 Liberty St., Dept. RN -11 requirements. SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS CO . NEW YORK, N. Y. The figures submitted herewith are be- RADIO NEWS November, 1940

ently arises from the company's employment gentina is in excess of a million. About of the phrase "commercial use" in apposi- 200,000 sets are sold annually, more than Complete assortment of tion to "laboratory development." It was half of the sales being in the metropolitan Columbia's intention to use the word "com- district of Buenos Aires." mercial" in reference to the manufacture of receiving sets and transmitting equipment by Non -commercial Educational FM TOP QUALITY commercial producers in those fields. In that sense, Columbia does hope that January Broadcasts Proposed by San Francisco 1st will see the beginning of, or at least sub- Public Schools TypeMP stantial progress toward. the manufacture of IRST use of FM broadcast in the non- such commercial equipment. Since Colum- commercial educational field is proposed DRY ELECTROLYTICS bia is not itself a commercial manufacturer by the Board of Education of the San Fran- of television apparatus, it is not possible for cisco Unified School District as a result of in various capacity and voltage ratings this company to say how long it will take to being granted a construction permit by the . sufficient to care for practically all begin actual marketing of the necessary de- Federal Communications Commission for a replacement requirements. vices. new station at 22nd and Bartlett Streets, that It should further be pointed out that while city, to operate on 42,100 kilocycles with 1 production of commercial equipment would kilowatt power, unlimited time. enable numerous television broadcasters to It intends to use radio for instructional, avail themselves of the Columbia develop- administrative, supervisory, and other func- ment, this does not necessarily mean that tions in the local schools. Thirteen studios television broadcasting would be commercial are planned for high schools and colleges in in the sense of carrying sponsored programs, that area. They will be connected with the since no date has yet been set for such broad- broadcast station by means of leased wires. cast service. In this manner it is expected that a greater number of teachers and pupils will be en- Painstaking care in the selection of raw abled to participate with less effort and ex- Philco Farm Radios Advance pense of transportation. materials plus exclusive M I C A MOLD The processing make these MP DRY ELEC- ALES of Philco farm radios are more broadcast programs will cover nearly than 50 per cent ahead of the total at all of San Francisco as well as the East Day TROLYTIC$ outstanding for their elec- this time last year, according to John F. Gil- area which includes the cities of Alameda, trical qualities and extra -long life. ligan, manager of specialty division. Oakland, Berkeley, El Cerrito and Rich- Attractively priced . . . too. The tremendous potentialities of the farm mond. The Board of Education, which is market are the objective of an advertising the governing body of the San Francisco Available in standard lug mounting; campaign in more than 22 farm publications Unified School District, has allocated $9,000 wiFh both 3 and 4 terminals; I inch and reaching an audience of more than 10,000,- for the station, and an additional amount of 3/8 inch diameters. 000 a month. $42,000 has been made available. Two themes are being emphasized in the Three other institutions were previously Made -n servicing requires up- to -the- sales and advertising program -the impor- licensed to use AM on the channels set aside minute replacement components. Ask your tance of keeping in touch with European af- for non -commercial educational purposes. distribu or to show you these MP's as well fairs and the extraordinary interest in the They are the New York City Board of Edu- as the complete line of MICAMOLD 1940 presidential campaign. cation, the Cleveland Board of Education, "money- makers." As a direct merchandising effort, Philco and. more recently, the University of Ken- dealers are being enlisted to exploit the pos- tucky. sibilities of their state and county fairs. Special broadsides have been made up with MICAMOLD RADIO CORP. outline suggestions for exhibits, stunts and premium Flushing and Porter Avenues offers. Servicemen's Legal Advice BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Du Mont Line Now in United Catalog (Continued from page 24) Du Mont line of cathode -ray oscillo- THEgraphs, electronic switch and cathode -ray tubes, is now listed in the United Catalog. the writing creating it. In the absence of Catalog sheets covering those cathode -ray any definite period of time, the provisions of items of interest to the general trade are the contract or the circumstances may be available from the United Catalog Publish- such as to imply a definite term. Where the ers, Inc., New 'York City, to jobbers handling hiring of an agent is indefinite, it is the rule this line. In addition, the Du Mont organi- that the hiring is at will." zation is cooperating with its jobbers in the Of course, when an agency contract has compilation of their catalogs, by supplying expired, it may be extended or renewed by wood -cut electros and concise text for an agreement between the parties, or by cir- printed catalogs, art proofs for photo -offset cumstances from which it may be inferred reproduction, and bulletins for inclusion in that an extension has come into existence. loose -leaf catalog assemblies. Of course, where the agency is created by An Ohio serviceman -one of thousands of satisfied the principal for a definite purpose, or for the purpose of doing certain acts, the agency Lafayette customers - drops us a line. He sold a Argentine Competition 704-T Mobile Sound System at o profit of expires upon the completion of the acts for clear following report on radio sales in the which the agency was created. Generally, $38.05, plus installation. Similar letters come in THE every day. Argentine Republic, received from the the principal has absolute power to revoke There's more money for YOU in Lafayette Sound American Consul General at Buenos Aires, an agency at any time, at its mere option, was in 25 Equipment- whether you sell it, rent it or use it your- published the July issue of the with or without reason. The reason for this self. Attractively streamlined, top quality, it prac- World Market Review of the U. S. Bureau rule has been set forth as, "The authority of tically sells itself. Built to endure of Foreign and Domestic Commerce : the agent to represent the principal depends at peak perform- is ance, Lafayette builds prestige and good will -every "It reported locally that the Dutch radio upon the will and license of the principal. is installation creates new sales. Thousands of service- manufacturing company, Philips, is consid- It the act of the principal which creates a further its ; it men can tell you -"Lafayette means the MOST for ering extension of manufactur- the authority is for his benefit and to the LEAST, for you and your customer." ing activities in Argentina to compensate subserve his purposes that it is called into for its being ; There's a Lafayette Sound System for every purse the disruption of production facilities and, unless the agent is acquired with and purpose- permanent installations, in the Netherlands. The expanding activi- authority and interest in the subject matter, multi -purpose Philips company is it is in portable sets, mobile units -all at LOWEST PRICES. ties of the one of the the principal's interest alone that the (Time payments if you wish.) chief factors in the declining Argentine de- authority is to be exercised. The agent has See for yourself the mand American no right to money- saving facts in Lafayette's FREE catalog. for radio materials. Prac- insist upon a further execution Tear out and mail the tically all receiving sets now sold in the Ar- of the authority if the principal desires it to coupon NOW. gentine market are manufactured in this terminate. "" Where an agent fails faithfully NEW YORK, N. Y. country, United States trade consisting of to perform the duties conferred upon him by 100 Sixth Ave. component parts and tubes. Exports of his principal. the agency may be revoked. CHICAGO, ILL. 901 American radio materials to Argentine dur- Also, an agency may be revoked GmetWOrer& W. Jackson Bbd. on the ATLANTA, GA. ing 1939 were valued at $1,376,264, compared ground that the agent is unsatisfactory to 265 Peachtree Street in the the To SOUND BOSTON, MASS. with $1.859,216 preceding year and principal. constitute a revocation, SYSTEMS BRONX; N. Y. $2,621,806 in 1937. it is only necessary that it be made clear that NEWARK. N. J. American -made tubes in the principal has withdrawn JAMAICA. L. I. "The position of his power from the Argentine market has been declining as the agency. The revocation may be exer- a result of a number of factors, including in- cised in writing, or it may be oral, and an LAFAYETTE RADIO CORP. creased domestic production, the growing oral revocation may be effectual although DEPT 2LP 100 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. demand for receiving sets requiring Euro- the authority was originally conferred in - pean type tubes, and the intensified compe- writing. An agency may also be terminated Please Rush FREE Catalog. tition of Philips tubes. In the opinion of by operation of law. For instance, war ter- authorities in the local trade, the Philips minates an agency existing between persons NAME ...... company accounted for approximately half of hostile countries to the extent that fur- of the 2,000,000 receiving tubes sold in the ther discharge of the duties involves com- I ADDRESS Argentine market during the last calendar munication between the lines of the two year. countries and is therefore contrary to the CITY STATE "It is reliably estimated that the number policy or interest of either of the belligerant of now Ar- awmlmmilot receiving sets in use throughout countries. --LD_] -- November, 1940 RADIO NEWS

Simple Beam Antenna "AIR- WOUND" (Continued from page 27) Rube Goldberg. The question may COILS arise as to the effect of wet weather upon the operation of this beam. The BUD "Air- Wound" induc- no tances are made in a variety author's observation has been that of types and sizes to meet all appreciable detuning is noticed what- transmitting requirements. soever. As far as results are con- There are 50 watt oscillator cerned, the fourth contact after the and buffer coils with fixed final erection of this beam was end links and fixed or adjust- KC4USA, with apologies to the De- able center links; 150, 500 partment of Interior. and 1000 watt coils with In conclusion, may we state that if fixed or adjustable center anyone is not satisfied with the invest- links; 500 and 1000 watt ment of approximately five dollars in antenna matching network this antenna, all is not lost, as this coils with adjustable taps for arrangement will make an excellent all -band operation; 50 watt fishing outrigger for a fishing execur- band -switching units in three sion. types for capacity, end or center link coupling and 100 Manufacturers' watt band -switch units with Literature either end or center link (Continued from page 40) coupling. SPRAGUE 1940 -1941 CONDENSER For efficient, economical op- CATALOG. This latest printing of the Write for your free copy of the eration, use BUD coils in Sprague Condenser Catalog is now avail- new No. 141 BUD Catalog your transmitter. able to those servicemen and manufac- turers interested in all types of radio condensers and testers for condensers. Twenty pages full of new items are illus- CLEVELAND JD RADIO, INC. OHIO trated showing the complete line of Sprague products. Copies are now avail- able to those who wish them. Sprague Products Company, North Adams, Mass. REI)-CAPS (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -108.) Smaller Diameter Dry Electrolytics HICKOK RADIO SERVICE EQUIP- NEED EXTRA CASH? MENT CATALOG No. 120, is now off the presses. This features a very complete line of radio test equipment of all types. See Page 59 Among the instruments described are: Write for Catalog Signal Generators, Vacuum Tube Volt- MFC. CORP. Bayonne, New Jersey meters, Oscillographs, Traceometers, ,SOLAR Combination Tube and Set Testers, Vi- Actual Size 41/2' by 91/4" brator and Substitute Speaker Testers, -272 fact -filled pages. Zero -Current Set Testers, Volt- Ampere- Wattmeter, Appliance Testers, Radio Set Testers, Volt- Ohm -Milliameter. A copy of this new catalog may be had by writ- ing to the Hickok Electrical Instrument GET YOUR COPY OF THE BIG Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Free. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -109.) SERVICING BY SIGNAL SUBSTITU- TION, by G. N. Goldberger. Published Company, 647 SYLVANIA by Precision Apparatus Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. 119 pp. Price 35 cents. The purpose of this book has been primarily to acquaint the radio service engineer with the vast pos- sibilities and wide scope of application of cue qa.,,,t,e0.0,4 purely basic test equipment. In other words, it has been felt that regardless of what extraneous apparatus the service engineer may be fortunate enough to 272 own, he has not, in general, obtained Pages of Vital maximum utility from those instruments, which may be classified as purely basic Tube Information test equipment; that is, the tube tester, the multi -meter and last but most impor- Including tant of all the Signal Generator. These three instruments alone are capable of Operating Conditions forming the basis of a complete syste- matic dynamic approach to receiver ad- justment problems, and it is with this Tube Characteristics & thought in mind, and its value to the radio service industry, that this book has Circuit Applications on been written and is dedicated. Price 35 cents. (RADIO NEWS No. 11 -110.) 374 HYGRADE SYLVANIA CORP. Tube Types Emporium, Pa. RN110 RADIO NEWS, Catalog Dept. Enclosed is 35c. Please send me a copy of the latest edition of the Sylvania 608 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. Technical Manual. Please send me the literature I have checked USE THIS COUPON TODAY below. If there is any charge I have en- Name closed the money. ...11 -loo ...11-102 ...11 -104 Address ...11 -101 ...11-103 ...11 -103 ...11 -107 ...11-108 ...11-109 ...11 -110 SYLVANIA City State Name Set -Tested Radio Tubes Serviceman Experimenter P. O. Address Dealer Amateur 56 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

plants, because in too many instances Electronic Maintenance too much time elapsed between the failure of the equipment and the ar- (Continued from page 15) rival of the factory man to make the Buy par -Metal repair. that when the final compass indica- By making this statement we do not tions the direction indicated mean to imply that every factory When You Build are taken, where electronic equipment is used is is correct, but even this operation is waiting with open arms for the local P.A.._ not replete with tremendous complex- serviceman. But we do mean to say ities. By no means, is it beyond the If you make this your that many manufacturers of electronic watchword, the job capabilities of the serious minded serv- apparatus intended for industry would you build will be ice station operator. welcome contacts with local service- modern, smart in ap- In order to give you some idea of pearance and have the men upon whom they could depend to look of commercially the nature of these private marine do their maintenance work -and we produced equipment. radio receivers, the types being manu- emphasize the word depend. Whether you want a producers, "standard" job or a factured by radio receiver Electronics in industry is still in its DeLuxe job you'll find we show in Fig. 3 a typical marine infancy and we repeat that the radio each part accurately radio compass receiver. This one is serviceman of today is the logical in- machined for easy as- sembly if you specify made by the Hallicrafters. As you dividual to do that work. We believe `Par -Metal' when buy- can readily observe this is a three that all those who feel that radio serv- ing band receiver, battery operated and icing can become a lucrative source of equipped with a compass calibrated income can seek expansion. Most cer- CABINETS loop pickup. The three bands cover tainly it will be hard work because CHASSIS the marine beacon, weather and regu- the finances are not as plentiful as lar broadcast frequencies. Special they could be, but very few things RACKS comment is not necessary to show the have been accomplished without hard PANELS similarity between these receivers and work and often times privation. those which have come into the hands Perhaps this first article of a series of radio servicemen for many years. is a strange approach to the problem All of the receivers intended for ma- of creating an ideal communication rine work are not identical to that service shop capable of embracing a shown in Fig. 3, but a number of radio reasonable portion of the radio com- Our Catalog 40 receiver manufacturers are making munication field and the electronic lists our com- compass units which are like that one field, but we feel that this subject of plete line. Get In of more elabo- is a copy at your shown. the event expansion vital, particularly today, jobber or write rate installations, the decision to do and justifies the space devoted to it. us direct. maintenance work or to embrace the This ideal service shop is the nucleus marine field depends entirely upon the of the expansion program and if as we individual. As in the case of aircraft believe it can be arranged to provide receivers, some of the service work is the required maintenance facilities for PAR -METAL PRODUCTS CORP. outside of the zone of the radio serv- the radio broadcast field, private air- 3262 49th St., LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. icing . industry, but one thing cannot craft and marine radio, public address Export Dept.: 100 Varick St., New York, N. Y. be ignored and this is the fact that the work and electronics in industry, it marine radio field is growing; that ra- might prove to be the key to the man- dio receivers intended for marine oper- ner in which the financial status of ation are being brought out at prices the radio servicing industry can be which will permit the purchase by the elevated to the level where it belongs. owners of small powered and sailing To be continued. craft; that the radio receivers utilized for this work are little different from that used in the home and it behooves "Beer Mug" Transmitter the radio serviceman to expand his (Continued from page 18) field. We have spoken sparingly about the equipment used in the aircraft and of aluminum or other non -magnetic marine radio fields. We are reserving .material is shaped to fit inside the much data concerning operation in cabinet for mounting all of the small these fields for future discussions con- parts and tubes. One edge is turned cerning the application of the appara- down to act as a self -supporting tus in this radio communication serv- bracket. The controls are mounted ice shop. As each piece of test equip- directly on the case. A lever type ment is described, we shall show how knob is used in preference to a con- its electrical characteristics lend it- ventional knob for the send -receive self to use for the servicing of all radio switch as it is a bit easier to handle. communication apparatus within the The microphone transformer is of province of the radio serviceman. We high grade and is, in part, responsible hope that by the time this series is for the excellent quality of the unit. Designed for finished, not only will this ideal service It is well shielded and small in size, shop be completed, but those of you besides being light in weight. The Application who have read this series of articles value of the modulation choke is not will have some idea of what is em- critical, but quality will be best if this braced by private aircraft and private is kept to around 30 henries. The Outstanding features of the MILLEN of need not be transmitting condensers include: rugged marine radio, frequencies used, man- rating this choke more right angle self ner of operation, service procedure, than about 30 ma. cast aluminum frame, The condenser C8 across mike locking worm drive, center fed rotors etc.... the heavy round -edge polished The same applies to electronics in helps to cut down on the super -regen and stators, industry. There are in use today hiss. The value of the condenser is aluminum plates, and genuine Isolantite pieces which not and may be chosen from dielectric. Available in capacities of 35, many of apparatus do critical peak special work in industry, yet which trial if more treatment is required. 50, and 70 mmfd per section with when dissected are found to be com- The condenser C7 must be high in ca- break down voltage rating of 3000. monplace radio equipment. We have pacity and we do not recommend that had more than one conversation with any substitution be made in this posi- Catalogue Upon Request men in industry who expressed them- tion. selves to the extent that they wished A single "A" battery is used and will they could locate a serviceman in a give some 25 hours of service before JAMES MILLEN MFG . CO. INC. nearby community upon whom they replacement is needed. The plate sup- 150 EXCHANGE ST. MALDEN, MASS. could depend for the maintenance of ply consists of four 45 volt "B" bat- electronic apparatus used in their teries connected in series. Both types November, 1940 RaI)IO NEWS 57 of batteries are very compact and fit nicely into the cabinet. Automatic "MARVELOUS, ME EYE! ", SAID bias is used on the 6G6G modulator, while the cathode of the 955 is grounded. PROFESSOR OSWALD SQUEEGEE The coil is self -supporting and is wound four turns /" diameter of No. PROFESSOR OSWALD Z. SQUEEGEE, me how marvelous it was." 14 wire. Turns are spaced to cover Phd., ABC, PDQ., etc., turned an austere eye "Marvelous, me eye ! The only thing mar- The condenser on the eager, upturned faces of his class in velous is that some resistor manufacturer the full 112 mc. band. industrial engineering. Then, in the simple didn't do it sooner -that it took a condenser C2 is a small 15 mmf. ceramic padder dignity becoming to a great man (which manufacturer to figure out how much sim- condenser and is adjusted so that the everyone, including himself, pler it would be to insulate set will "hiss" over the entire range admitted he was) the Profes- the wire itself, instead of try- when in the "receive" position. This sor spoke : ing to insulate the resistor condenser should have the highest ca- "Listen, you dimwits," he after it is wound without be used without stop- thundered. "If there's one shorting a lot of turns, or pacity that can thing I want to p o u n d without having a coating that ping superregeneration. The loading through your thick skulls, it's will crack, chip or maybe will then be correct for transmitting simply this : The easiest way even peel like a banana. Now as well as for receiving. of doing any job is generally hand me that crowbar and The antenna used is a 46" steel rod the complicated way. The cold chisel and I'll show you mounted by means of two brackets on hardest way is to keep plug- something real." insulators shown. ging along until you've devel- After 15 minutes' hard the feed- through oped the simple way. That work and 3 skinned knuckles, The length may be anything from 43" takes time. It takes the Professor pried the outer equally well at patience to 46" and will load and -ahem ! -it takes brains." ceramic shell off the Koolohm. either length. An 8' horizontal wire Here the Professor paused, "There it is," he beamed, antenna attached to the underside of reached for the glass of wa- "a practical example of a lit- one wing with scotch tape was used ter on his desk, got the ink by tle simple simplification that with excellent results in the glider in- mistake, and sipped it calmly. meant a whale of a big im- Then he cleared his throat and continued : provement. Larger wire. No danger of stallation. Reports were somewhat "Some of the world's greatest inventions shorted turns. More resistance in less space. better than with the 46" rod used in have been so simple that everyone wondered So moisture -proof a duck's back would turn earlier attempts. why Noah hadn't thought of them while he green with envy. So well designed it runs Considerable care is needed if all of was sitting in the Ark. cooler than any other resistor of equal size to be included in a small "What, for instance, was more logical than and rating. The only resistor with an auto- the parts are indicator, and the first area. A bit of crowding will save con- putting an eraser on the end of a pencil? matic overload ..." slight effort What was more logical than the safety Just then the 'phone rang. It was the siderable space and the razor ? What was more logical than, instead Professor's wife telling him he was already in compact wiring is really worth of making nuts to fit the wrench, to make three hours late for lunch. Without even while. Like its bigger brother a flex- the monkey fit the nuts, I mean -ahem -the waiting to bid his class goodbye, he laid a ible coupling is used on the tuning monkey wrench." handkerchief carefully on his head. crammed condenser to eliminate body capacity. Fishing through the pile of notebooks, his hat into a pocket, shut the door and The by -pass condenser below the coil overshoes and chewing gum wrappers on his walked calmly out through the open window. desk, Professor Squeegee found a Sprague is also of a small size. This trans- SPRAGUE PRODUCTS COMPANY a one tube affair Koolohm Resistor and held it up. ceiver was originally "Now here is a practical example of sim- North Adams, Mass. and the 6G6G modulator later added. plified improvement," he bellowed. "One of P.S.-See Koolohms at your Sprague job- This was placed in the only room you clucks brought this resistor in and told ber's. Free catalog on request. available. (Advertisement) A half -inch hole is drilled in the front of the cabinet -directly in front of the adjusting screw of the C2 con- denser. A metal plug is inserted into this hole after the proper operating point has been determined. This keeps SETTING A NEW RECORD out dust and adds to the finished ap- pearance of the set. A reasonable amount of care in con- in hav- pe'jcz'ma#we aid 4 struction will insure the reader an ex- ing a transceiver that will give Hytron U -H -F tubes are the amateur's first choice for account of itself. cellent 3 both receiving and transmitting. WORLD'S RECORD ON 11/4 METERS

held by W I COO, and WI AJJ using HY75 tube in Utility Amplifier transmitter. (Continued from page 10) n 6;04 104.0 p ausera ' a z 'zeal f2au.Le2 your signal by means of headphones, HY114 HY615 6J5GTX HY75 $3.75 net regulating the volume control by the $2.00 net $2.00 net $0.95 net (illustrated) swing of the d.b. level indicator meter, which is a Simpson model 45. The HYTRONIC LABS., 78 Lafayette St., Salem, Mass. scale reads from minus ten to plus six d.b. It was found that if a variable control potentiometer is used in series with one side of the meter, see sche- matic diagram, that sufficient volume RADIO OPERATORS' can be given the signal, and by regu- control (R) and the main LICENSE GUIDE BOOK lating the This one on 1200 big book serves your volume control to keep the needle Here's a new Guide Book that contains over entire radio needs. which will you pass the sets, parts It includes scale. About three d.b. was ample for questions and answers help and supplies, pub. new six element examinations for a commercial radio lic address systems, most recording work. However, no set equipment, amateur operator's license. I t correctly answers all questions fluorescent testers, kits and rule can be offered as each application contained in the study guide that was lighting. You'll find the nationally is different and is a case of experi- recently released by the Federal Corn - known favorites at ment, cut and try. By monitoring all munications Commission for the useof the lowest possible work and keeping a check on those proposing to take its examina- prices. Get your your copy of this big of the controls a standard tion. It will not only see you through FREE the position examination, will also serve CATALOG fit your need. your but today. can be worked out to as a valuable future reference book. This must be done, for if you have too $3.00 postpaid. Refunded if not satis- CATALOG ...... much volume it will cause over -cut factory. Send check or money order. nn - grooves and ruin your recording. ONLY BURSTEIN- APPLEBEE COMPANY be kept in Postpaid 3 uu WAYNE MILLER The tone control should Chicago, Illinois 1012 -14 McGEE STREET, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI the "treble" position for all recording Suite 200, ENGINEERING BUILDING, 8 RADIO NEWS November, 1910 work except when recording "off -the- air" a slight advance towards the bass Pocket Tester will cut out some of the static and back -ground noise. The amplifier should be thoroughly checked for any FOR THE AMATEUR signs of hum before any recordings are attempted as this hum will be re- corded on the record and will over- Ai7,1f9)1.;;:r ride everything and make good rec- ords impossible. For the DX fan who desires to burn Model 66 N the midnight kilowatts searching the air lanes for some illusive signal, this amplifier is a honey. He can listen - in on the phones with full power or as much as he needs. Then when he makes the catch it can be recorded with everything right in the same po- sition, no switching being necessary. $14.50 Thus the signal won't get lost in Net Price switching over. All you have to do is size: to start your turntable with a blank 31ín "X disc on it, place the recording pickup 57/8"z on it let ride. 21/e" and 'er A glance at the schematic wiring diagram will show that the amplifier BLILEY ELECTRIC CO., ERIE, PA. 5000 VOLTS SELF -CONTAINED! is a three stage resistance coupled Model 666 -H Volt- Ohm -Milliammeter is a com- of 6SJ7's plete pocket -size tester -with AC and DC Volt - unit employing two stages age ranges to 5000 Volts (self- contained). AC- in casade, the second having its screen DC Voltage at 1000 ohms per volt 0- 10- 50 -250- 1000 -5000; DC Milliamperes 0- 10- 100 -500; Re- and plate tied together thus making it RADIO OPS sistance 0 -300 ohms; shunt type circuit, 10 ohms a high gain triode suitable to be trans- reading at center scale; 0- 250,000 ohms, series former- coupled into push pull 6B5's. type circuit, 3700 ohms at center scale. Higher WANTED! resistance measurements available by using ex- The output transformer has a tapped ternal batteries. Selector switch for all instru- voice coil In recent months the newspapers have run many ment readings. The ideal Pocket Volt- Ohm -Mil- secondary to match the and articles about the Navy. Coast Guard and the the special pick up. The input trans- Army looking for trained radio operators. It is liammeter for amateurs, radio technicians, in- a very interesting career for the expert radio- dustrial engineers, research. Black Molded Case former is a straight line to push pull man! and Panel- completely insulated ... with RED DOT Lifetime Guaranteed Measuring Instru- grids, the center tap is not used. The You can qualify for your commercial license and a good rating by taking CANDLER TRAINING ment. . . . Dealer Net Price $14.50 primary of course is 500 ohms to in your own home as thousands of Amateurs and match the pickup. ]radiotelegraph operators have done in the last WRITE FOR CATALOG! twenty -live years. You will get the same in- Section 1511 Harmon Drive The power transformer specifications structions as McElroy and McDonald. the must be watched closely and should WORLD'S CIIA\I1'IONS, received! The New 1100K OF FACTS gives you the story THE TRIPLETT ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. not vary. The selector switch (SW -1) of the champions and many is a single deck three point rotary. inside tips that will help Bluffton, Ohio you. It is FREE. a postal The triple -pole -double -throw switch will bring it to you. No (SW -2) enables the operator to switch obligation. the pickup from the input of the am- plifier for play -back, to the output for RADIO TRAINING recording at the same time breaking the circuit of the voice coil. A sepa- CANDLER 95 AMAZING rate crystal pickup may be used for the play -back and thus overcome the SYSTEM OFFER DEPT. N -11 POSTPAID constant changing of needles when re- Your chance to get cording and playing back. If you have ASHEVILLE, NO RTH CAROLINA exact reprint of reg- be fed ular $39.00 It a d i o just a record player, this can Technical Institute into the amplifier in place of a radio course for only $1.95, the full price. This tuner. Radio and Television A few details pertaining to the con- Course. reprinted in LANGUAGES 1040, is complete in struction of this amplifier. The chas- every way and ex- actly the same as the sis is a Bud measuring 8x13x2 inches, Made By higher _C!..1 much priced layed out and drilled as shown in the original lessons. illustrations. The front panel of this ABOUT RADIO unit is the back of a 15x15x8 inch port- LINGUAPHONE EVERYTHING able speaker cabinet. The chassis is The training is remarkably complete. You quickly learn This amazing new Method enables you, radio work from simple circuits to advance servicing. You fastened to it and fits inside of the in your own home, to speak and read any really get three courses in one: (1) Elements of Radio case when being transported. and Electricity. (21 Practical and Applied Radio, and of 27 foreign languages in an incredibly (3) Advanced Training. From the very start you are in- Looking at the illustration of the short time. Endorsed by leading university troduced to real radio equipment and methods. Special professors and thousands of men $1.95 price course can be made on the very front of the amplifier we have : first and $ spare-timeor the entire D.B. women as the quickest, simplest and most the Simpson meter, monitor thorough language method. REVIEW COURSE phones jack, green pilot light, selector SEND FOR FREE BOOK GOOD switch. To the left is the power cable This complete. low- priced course will give you all the training needed to get ahead in the growing field of Radio. going to the radio tuner and on the LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE Many active servicemen have found this reduced -priced course excellent for brush -up and study of new develop- right is the line cord. The bottom 83 RCA Building New York City ments. 'The streamlined lessons are clear, interesting, easy to master and use. Fellows Just like you used this row left to right is the volume control- course as a stepping stone to better radio jobs and higher pay. A final examination and and line switch, radio jack, mike jack, diploma available after course is finished. One of the BEST playback- record switch, phono pick -up RADIO COURSES can be yours 61tarantee for only $1.95, complete. You must be satisfied jack, tone control. or your money will be EASY TO LEARN CODE refunded immediately. This little unit is the last word in NEW LIMITED EDITION It is easy to learn or increase speed with can give construc- an Instructograph Code Teacher. Affords Rush your order to us today. Only a small quantity of portability and the the quickest and most practical method yet courses reprinted to sell at the reduced price. You are variety of is developed. Available tapes from begin- protected with our money -back guarantee. Send coupon tor a large services and ner's alphabet to typical messages now and begin studying radio this week. a one can hardly be without. on all subjects. Speed range 5 to unit 40 WPM. Always ready -no QRM. MACHINES FOR RENT OR SALE FREE EXAMINATION COUPON The Instructograph Code Teacher literally takes the place of an operator -instructor and enables SUPREME PUBLICATIONS, 3727 W. 13th St., Chicago, III. anyone to learn and master code Ship the complete Radio Course at the special price. without further assistance. Thou- I must be satisfied or will get my money back. sands have used and endorse the I nstructograph System. Write today I am enclosing $1.95. the full price. send postpaid. Covering every field of technical radio and for full particulars and convenient Ship C.O.D. I will pay the mailman $1.95 and postage. - ^t .nd rental plans. giving you the latest news is RADIO NEWS. INSTRUCTOGRAPH COMPANY Name 25c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Dept. NR, 4701 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, III. Bp ;rese,datives for Canada Address 234 Radio College of Canada, 54 Bloor St. West., Toronto. November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 59

What's New in Radio TURNER HAN -D (Continued from page 32) Double Threat Microphone production methods of assembly. The indicating jewel is made from a translu- That Does Two Jobs for You cent thermosetting material which is available in a large variety of colors. Being a thermo- setting material. it is unaffected by the heat of at ONE LOW PRICE the lamp inside. This is also available with a "U" shaped bracket on the back which mounts the lamp Use the Han -D in car detachable from the mounting plate if preferred. or sound truck, where On the other models, the two parts are spot - it's dependable in spite welded permanently together. of rough handling, and especially timely with A complete new series of console and table election c o m i n g up. model RCA Victrolas embodying many impor- Then use it on desk or tant advances which improve tone quality and floor stand, indoors or performance to a degree never before achieved. out. Good for voice or has been announced by E. W. Butler, Manager of music, with surprisingly the RCA Victor Radio, Phonograph. and Tele- little feedback. Built - in off -on switch works vision Division. A principal feature of the series quietly and positively is advanced cabinet styling in the famed Vic - without thumb fatigue. trola tradition. Rich brushed chrome Greatly increased power output (push pull finish, with 7 Ft. remova- amplification), improved circuits, larger and ble cable set. Suspension better loudspeakers. automatic tone compensa- h o o k, and provision for tion, and a "Tone Guard" which cancels out mounting on s t a n d a r d virtually all the extraneous noises of mechanical stands. 9X Crystal, List... $22.50 9D Dynamic, List. . 25.00 TURNER "Challenger" Mikes Yes, sir! I'm free of worries when Utmost in Quality and I install Appearance at Low Cost Ohmite Parts-'cause I know Rich bronze enamel fin- they stay at work through thick ished models you can bank and on every time. Crystals thin!" complete with shock proof It's proved by leading manu- cartridge, barometric valve. moisture sealed crystal and facturers of commercial, amateur and windgag. to prevent blast- ing. broadcast equipment who specify Dynamics give clear -cut results on voice and music. Ohmite units for their products. And and are very rugged. Each complete with 7 ft. removable by the many cable set employing amphenol Servicemen and Amateurs, connectors. CX Crystal. Range 50.7.000 curie$. too, who make it a habit to say "Ohm - List ...... $15.00 CD Dynamic, in 200 -250 ohms. 500 ite Parts for Me Every Time!" ohms or hi- impedance. Level 32D11. Range 50 -7,000 cycles. List.S16.50 See Your Jobber for: * Adjustable Write for Full Details Crystals Licensed Under Patents of Dividohms- Easily adjusted to resist- The Brush Development Co. operation which is present in all phonographs ance you want - or tapped where are among the more important improvements introduced in the new instruments. Automatic needed. * Brown Devils -10 and 20 tone compensation and the "Tone Guard" make watt vitreous enameled resistors for it possible for the first time to reproduce rec- ords faithfully at low volume without hearing voltage dropping, bias units, bleeders, Cedar Rapids, Iowa objectionable noises or distortion of the tonal etc. range. A home recording mechanism utilizing * Cordohms- Replace internal a special chassis is incorporated in three of the voltage dropping resistors in A.C. - models. The instruments also use new 12- and 15 -inch D.C. radio sets. Tapped Cords for loudspeakers which utilize a new principle of pilot light also available. cone suspension to provide response over a wider audio range than ever before. Not only is bass range improved, but changes in treble response have increased musical brilliance and reduced surface noise. Oversized turntable mo- tors are also important contributors to higher fidelity of reproduction. Model V- 302, is the most luxuriously- housed instrument in the line. The cabinet is a regal "Dividohm" 18th Century design in Sheraton style, with front doors concealing Victrola compartment and radio controls. Expensive stripe and feather crotch mahogany (or walnut) veneers are used. Model V -301 is 18th Century design in Chip- pendale style A divided lid conceals the Vic - Easy, trola compartment, and a front door closes on an the radio controls. A decorative inlay adds to Neré S the attractiveness of the front panel. to -136- l *ay ! "Brown Devil" ?Wool t40 ea" Mo or even Calibrated ECO $25 add $o linen (Continued from page 29) SXIRlike your your W °ua am°nt tom ey b ágpfOá tuR t be checked with a wavemeter and ad- $50 G\u ten "Cordohm" friendly, justed for 40 meter output. The final theNEWS BC dollars amplifier should then be neutralized a aeut the and the plate voltage applied. During Senten RONEWS tell you about these operations the key should be kept rePr friends closed. community a PaEWs -MAIL COUPON TODAY d servicemen full be, A 25 Watt lamp should then be con- - - coupon 1 nat1 nected to L5, the output link, and if OHMITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY advantagesdvsfof the á nOol 1 paarPasteostal an the amplifier is working properly, it 4884 Flournoy St, Chicago, U. S. A. subscription.onte SEND FREE CATALOG 17 lars at P should light up to about three- fourths on a penny brilliancy with the full input of 30 watts. (If a 6F6 is substituted for the Name 6L6 in the amplifier, the input will be Address SEND COUPON TODAY! only about 20 watts). Adjustment can now be made on the cathode coil for City State 1 RADIO NEWS Boosters' Club lowest variation in frequency with 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. variations in Occupation Please rush subscription supplies together with information voltage. Also, at this RN-11 I on how I may turn my spare time into cash. time, a test can be made for parasitics. With the key open, tune C14 through NAME its range and note the 25 watt lamp ADDRESS connected to L5 for any indication of output during rotation. RHEOSTATS RESISTORS TAP SWITCHES C11Y t STATE. If the bulb does not light, it is rea- 60 RADIO NEWS November, 1940 sonable to assume that parasitics are IT'S LIKE HAVING not present. Another and perhaps YOUR OWN BROAD- much better check would be to listen MIKE VR"k" in on wave receiver for a rough STATION MASTIC CASTING an all Now! This perfected Mystic Mike Wireless Outfit, with variable fre- quency control, enables you to do your own broadcasting from any part note as the condenser is rotated. If of your home, office or store WI'T'HOUT the use of any inter- connecting wires. NO WIRES CONNECTED TO RADIO. parasitics are present, they can be Simply plug this unit into any AC or DC electric socket, speak or play music into the microphone and your voice, or the cured by the insertion of Rx and Lx. music. will be picked up by ANY radio ANYWHERE with- in the same building. Use it at home for entertaining .. . Calibration Use it in your office or store as u public address system ... . for auditions . . for rehearsals. in fact it can serve you hundreds of ways. Order today. For the calibration curve, ordinary in FREE BW RITE RN -u MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Add 25c graph paper with 20 blocks to the inch OLSON MFG. CO., 362 Wooster Ave., Akron, Ohio Postage should be used. The size of the paper in margin, send cash, money order, or order C.O.D. and we will send outfit at once. used here was 3" x 4" and after the Tear out this ad, write name and address the curve was completed, it was mounted on the panel with a transparent cellu- RADIO COURSES loid shield to protect it from dirt and RADIO Classes Now Starting a metal collar to hold it in place. RADIO OPERATING -BROADCASTING The frequencies are listed on the RADIO SERVICING -a practical course ENGINEERING, RADIO AMATEUR CODE TELEVISION Ordinates and the dial numbers on the broadcasting, aviation and police radio, servicing, marine ELECTRONICS -1 yr. day course, 2 yrs. eve. radio telegraphy and telephony, Morse telegraphy and Day and Evening Classes. Booklet Upon Request. Abscissa. In locating points for the railway accounting taught thoroughly. 48 weeks' Engi- York Y.M. C. A. Schools calibration curve several methods are neering course equivalent to 3 years of college radio work. New available. is All expenses low. Catalog free. School established 1874. 7 W. 63rd St. New York City One by checking with Dodge's Institute, Oak St., Valparaiso, Ind. various Amateurs worked who use crystal control; another would be by the use of an accurately calibrated re- What is the correct stop ceiver. However, a still better way Let's see, now! Which opening for this shot? which was used here, is the use of a filter should I use? 100 kc. frequency oscillator which was placed at zero beat with WWV on 5000 kc. and the 100 kc. points located in the 40 meter band. These points were then transferred to the calibra- tion chart and an almost straight line for the operating curve resulted. The accuracy of calibration is plus or minus 5 kc. and with this in mind the operator should never operate at the extreme band edges. Calibration should be made with all shields in place in order to insure accuracy. Once the adjustments have all been Why my negatives made and the rig is operating properly, are so the entire band flat and dull looking? can be covered simply by turning C3 to the desired frequency. However, variations of over 100 kc. from one tuning -up ad- justment will require that C14 be peaked again for greatest output. This unit can also be operated as ,yt,14U1111 î#M#f crystal controlled simply by selecting the proper coil and tuning up as a regular Tri -tet Oscillator. The coil to every Photographic Problem! for crystal operation is shown on the chassis layout as EXTRA COIL. It is NO longer is it necessary to grope for Each easy -to -read, easy -to- understand chap- plugged into a blank socket in order guidance, camera fansl No longer need ter of every volume is bulging with up -to- that it may be available at all times. you fail to get the complete enjoyment out the- minute photographic information. The crystal can be left in its socket at of your hobby] Here, in 20 informative Beautifully printed and richly bound, each all times as it is only brought into use pocket -size text books, are all the answers book is complete in itself, authored by an when the proper coil is placed in the to every photographic problem. Yes, with outstanding photographer, and chock -full of oscillator socket. the Little Technical Library PHOTO- brilliant illustrations. This authoritative Coils GRAPHIC your fingertips you Length SERIES at photographic library, so popular with of wind- No. wire are assured of unprecedented counsel in camera fans everywhere, is yours for a Coil ing turns Remarks Size every phase of photography. well- rounded photographic education. L1 -3.5 mc. 16 Turns evenly ; 18 ECO spaced. Cath- ode tap ST from ground end L2 -7 mc. Tri- 1.5" 22 Turns evenly = 24 20 POCKET -SIZE TEXT BOOKS tet spaced COMPLETE No. I -YOUR CAMERA AND HOW IT WORKS L3 -7 mc. Osc. 2" 18 Turns evenly r18 AUTHORITATIVE Plate Coil spaced ILLUSTRATED INFORMATIVE No. 2- DEVELOPING, PRINTING, AND ENLARGING No. 3- FILTERS AND THEIR USES Wire No. 4- COMPOSITION FOR THE AMATEUR Size L4 -Arnp. Plate 1.5" 15 Turns spaced r18 No. 5 -MOVIE MAKING FOR THE BEGINNER Coil evenly No. 6 -COLOR IN PHOTOGRAPHY L5 -Two turn link around L4 No. 7 -CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY L6- Neutraliz- 15 Turns =28 DCC No. 8-HOME PORTRAITURE AND MAKE -UP ing coil scramble wound No. 9- TRICKS FOR CAMERA OWNERS at gnd end of L4 & in same No. 10 -A GLOSSARY FOR PHOTOGRAPHY direction No. II-OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY Enameled wire is used for all coils except L6. No. 12-INDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY No. 13-FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY No. 14- PHOTOGRAPHING ACTION No. 15- MANUAL OF ENLARGING QRD? de Gy No. 16- MINIATURE CAMERA TECHNIQUE (Continued from page 38) No. 17- PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES AND SHUTTERS No. 18 -PHOTO TRICKS AND EFFECTS No. 19- SELLING YOUR PICTURES for more than four years. Which is a recom- No.20- DARKROOM HANDBOOK AND FORMULARY mendation in any country, eh. Library WELL, Brother Dr. Lee DeForest is Little Technical getting the spotlight aplenty these days PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES with transcontinental broadcast hookups, San Francisco World's Fair honoring him AT ALL LEADING BOOK AND CAMERA STORES with a "Dr. DeForest Day" and Congres- November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 61

sional recognition. A bill is now up before 1 the House which proposes to sponsor a Na- NEW! tional Radio Day in his honor. During his recent visit to Chicago, I'VGN gave him a mike reception at which time it was stated quote ... Since this is National Radio Day, we take pride and pleasure in having with us Dr. Lee DeForest, "The Father of Radio, because today we celebrate in his honor his 67th birthday. Forty years ago today, in Chicago, he con- ceived the novel idea which led him to the Radio Tube. which made the whole radio industry possible. If it were not for this invention, the radio in your home and auto - bile could not exist. His invention is offi- cially credited by the National Mannfactnr- crs' Assn. as being one of the greatest in- ventions in American history, ranking with that of the telephone by Bell, the incan- descent lamp by Edison and the telegraph by Morse. May we congratulate you on your birthday today, and express the hope that you may be granted many more years of MILLION health and activity for invention and re- NEW DF TUBE CHECKER search to which you have contributed so immeasurably . . . unquote . To which TESTS THE NEW 7 PIN all Ye Ed can add is "Amen." MINIATURE BATTERY TUBES, BALLAST TUBES AND OZ4 GAS RECTIFIERS. A. Sanabria, President of the Ameri- ij can Television Laboratories, who has New, with wider application range. Tests emis- contributed sion of all tubes. Twelve sockets cover all types such outstanding inventions in from the new Raytheon "hearing aid" tubes and the television field as "interlaced scanning'' RCA 7 -Pin battery types to new loktals and S and "intermittent scanning," the systems series. Filament switch covers 1.4 to I10 volts which are now being used by practically all with spare positions for the future. Gives instant telecasting stations in this country, has been "good -bad" readings on oversize D'Arsonval working with the U. S. Army on his latest meter. Makes neon short or leak test with tube invention, hot. Tests by -pass condensers, etc. Literature the Television Torpedo Plane. He on request. states that this device would provide the U. S. military forces with an inexpensive MODERN means ACCURATE of obtaining information by aerial 95 surveys and also would act DEPENDABLE S1 as a robot bomber. The flight of the Torpedo Plane is ECONOMICAL NET 6 directed by radio from a mother ship 10 or IF YOUR JOBBER CANNOT SUPPLY, WRITE more miles distant. Television cameras, op- US DIRECT -GIVING THE NAME OF YOUR erated by radio, would be placed in JOBBER. the nose of the torpedo plane and a bomb could be carried beneath the fuselage. Right now MILLION RADIO AND TELEVISION tests are being conducted at Wright Field 577 No. Union St. Chicago, III. to prove its efficiency and practicability, al- though Mr. Sanabria, who recently cele- VIII rlrrlr/1/11/1t1Iri N1 brated his 32nd birthday, stated that his 11111.1WRII 111111/ 11111t1A1 brain -child has already proven itself in many 1\ trials and under trying conditions. When the new Type "S" Pert - Dynamic Projector was in- ND so, me hearties, another issue gets troduced at the June Trade put to bed as well as us -all. And an- Show, immediate and wide ac- other chapter in radio and television history ceptance throughout the public GCIENCE is made. Today, more than at any other address industry was prophe- time, radiops are sitting pretty with knowl- sied. All of these predictions edge of a subject that will give to them the have now materialized with greatest future conceivable. But it is not only the knowledge even greater emphasis than that is necessary. It is was prophesied. also the ability to know what to do with High power FICTION that handling capacity (15 to 25 knowledge. Start thinking. nee lads. and begin burning the midnight oil so as watts), low cost and outstand- to be ready when things start popping. So ing ability to reproduce both

with . . . . speech and at its cheerio and 73 ge . . GY. music with a crisp best! clean cut quality fully -{30H justifies sustained leadership in this For sheer enjoyment and a com- new product. Public address «9USB dealers and engineers plete relief from the war, politics, (Continued from page 35) who are or daily problems plunge into not familiar through experience ... with this new product will do the AMAZING tern. W9JU spectacular to W9QEA via 160 Meters. Some of well to place STORIES Quarterly! Here, in over the hookups were complex to the extreme. all as their orders im- the occasion might dictate. mediately. A steady increase 400 pages, are 17 outstanding The hams who participated and who were in factory awarded Certificates production permits stories selected from the world's of Service were: W9 =CNM, prompt delivery. most famous science fiction maga- JID, ZKQ, VPO. AEG. DAA. DAB. CWP, ENX. ETI. FIB. HOD, HTI. HXO. 1MB. IMN, IWZ, IZI. Dealers' price, zine, AMAZING STORIES! This JJP, JU, KBO. KKT. MTW. NIL. ONR, PEQ, Type "S" Peri- gigantic package of reading PPQ, VRP. RRC. PSP. QEA. QPW. QYJ. RBR. Dynamic Projector (No. SPH-81) enter- REA, SAQ, SXZ, TAL. TDF, TJD. VEZ. VRS, complete with Permanent is VSX. WZG. Mag- tainment the biggest quarter's YZV. ZHR. ZYL, AVE. RDD, QGG, net Speaker installed, worth of science fiction MKW, VFW. and WJU. $31.20 ever offered! The following radio firms lent their equipment Net (mounting standard extra). It's yours for refreshment and the and helped to make the W9USB end of the Meet Dimensions: 24 inch bell; 30 pleasantest sort of relaxation. a success: Allied Radio Corp.. Chicago; Amper- Get ite Company. N.Y.C.; Bliley Electric Co.. Erie. inches overall length. your copy today! Pa.; Browning Laboratories. Winchester, Mass.: Bud Radio, Inc.. Cleveland; Burgess Battery Company. Freeport. Ill.; The Hallicrafters, Inc., Chicago; Hammarlund Mfg. Co.. N.Y.C.; How- ard Radio Co.. Chicago; The National Company. Zeo Malden, Mass. Newark Electric Co.. Chicago: 4ØA Pioneer Gen -E -Motor Corp., Chicago; Presto Re- cording Co.. N.Y.C.; RCA Mfg. ,Co.. Camden, N.J.: Radio Mfg. Engineers, Peoria. Ill.; Radio .5TOR/ES News Magazine, Chicago, Shure Brothers, Chi- cago. and Triplett Electrical Instrument Co.. QUARTERLY Bluffton. Ohio. From the reports trickling back to us. the pilots of the gliders as well as those who put on $ SOUTH tARAMìE AYEri.ëE £tlt£ALO `:. AT NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE -25c the Meet. were pleased beyond words with the $l.E ADDRESS: operation of ham radio. We believe that the ERAp, £HICA&O presentation which was given to the public at the Amax 1111111 Meet. of what ham radio can do. was excellent />SII IIII111.11.1111I1111, publicity. and did much to raise the esteem in I 11111111111.1111111 111<1R612111i11,1iQDt1 which the public holds the ham. 62 RADIO NEWS November, 1940 since there are so many pos- Radio sible current paths, the re- Aviation sistance would probably be (Continued from page 15) infinitely small, varying in inverse proportion to the sur- of the aviation radio field's largest concerns face of electrode which was tells us that the equipment now on the mar- immersed. Briefly, it isn't a ket and on the drawing boards would fill the good rheostat (1) bill in just a very short time ; and that the 4. The correct name is Dr. G shortage of equipment for our military air- S. Ohm (1) craft would be non -existent . . . manufac- 5. Current does not flow back- turers are planning. wards through a meter. Its markings merely indicate to MANY servicemen are not aware of the which side of the line each fact that they must possess licenses post should be connected to issued by the Federal Communications Com- obtain needle deflection in FULLY A-U-T-O-iifì-A-T-i-C; mission after passing an examination, before the proper direction * Remember how you were going to dress up and they are able to legally tune an aircraft radio' snap up that rig? Well, the opportunity still holds 6. An 80 has one, not two, fila- good . and with only 10 out of 49 zones still transmitter. ments; witness the 5Z3 open, there's no alibi for not making your rig the best Let us say here, that this is another 'must' 7. All radio signals do not take in the district. Besides, you need an excuse for staying and those who attempt to do this work the shortest path between up these nites. the proper license are liable to a without transmitter and receiver. .. . (1) Low - Priced RELAYS by Guardian fine imposed by the Coniiiuissioii. So, beware Customer Handling: Can help your dream of a new, fully automatic rig of testing without a license ! Comments, judged for practi- come true. shops have on hand Standard A -100 and A-100-C Most aircraft radio cability and value in a radio Antenna Relays AlSimag the necessary 'phantom' or dummy antennae store, and compared with the insulated operate on 110 V. for properly testing transmitters, but this 60 cycle A. C. bad handling of trade in RR _;..:.._. . doesn't necessarily indicate that servicemen No. 7 (7) Amateur List Prices: may perform the testing in aircraft with the A -100 Double Pole Double antennae connected, even though the trans- Total 14 Throw Relay 5.9 5 mitter has already been bench tested. The Winnahs! Model Single A-100 {30 Pole Double A. First Prize, choice of either a Trip- Throw Relay... . 3. 3 0 lett Model 426 0 -1 d.c. milliameter; a R -100 -G Triple X insulated 5.00 Bench Notes Simpson Model 29 with the same range, $ or any other meter of the same retail Write for New Bulletin "N" and Free Circuit (Continued from page 24) Diagrams. Order Today! value, goes to O. K. Powell of Ains- worth, Nebraska -amateur W9FMW. salt water, the resistance be- Okay, Powell! From now on, you'll be GUARDIAN tween two immersed elec- entitled to sign "Fine Meter Winner." trodes decreases as the dis- Second prize, a copy of Ghirardi's tance between them in- famous Radio Trouble -Shooter's Man - ELECTRIC creases, since more current ual, was won by David Gnessin of 3444 1630 W. WALNUT ST. CHICAGO, ILL. passes through the sides of Resier Ave., S.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. the bucket. In practical use, Calvin Brainard of Walker, Arizona, and H. P. Zum of 736 Madison Ave., York, Pennsylvania, tied for Third Prize. (Third, Fourth and Fifth Prizes are one year's subscriptions to RADIO NEWS, or extensions to present subscriptions.) Fourth Prize was won by Percy Kuhl, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada, and two contestants tied for Fifth Prize -Hugh Linebach, Siloam Springs, Arkansas, and Uriel J. Theriot, 2643 Jasmine Street, New Orleans, Louisi- ana. Honorable Mention goes to Harvey Heaverlo of Eddyville, Iowa; Martin C. Rose of East Falls Church, Va.; Vin- cent M. Poll of 1201 Wood Street, Du- buque, Iowa; E. G. Roundtree of Cen- tralia, Ill.; Leo B. Hill, Box 94, Mc- Kinney, Texas; Everett F. Dagle, of 412 W. Madison,- Lansing, Mich.; an unsigned entry from Lamont, Alberta; and E. H. Wolfe of Lynden, Wash. Congratulations! HERE'S an outstanding collection of L. W. authentic air war pictures ... dra- {301 matic shots captured right at the scenes of action in England and Germany! Big, powerful British bombers and fighters . . . Ringing the Bell Swastikaed war -birds ... Royal Air Force (Continued from page 26) pilots ... Hitler's men of the air! Don't miss this big, exclusive, 6 -page camera cover- age of the English -Nazi air war ... one of a good job -you're pleased and satis- the many great features on flying you'll fied with the results. find in the Thus, you are an artisan, not a pro- NOVEMBER ISSUE fessional man. Be proud of it! Don't ever let you sell you that you're not a whole lot more than just a profession- FLYtikl .G AND al man -yours is the heritage of gen- erations of creators and builders. Don't ever let them take away from you that inner satisfaction which comes as a result of skilled manual work well done! NOW ON SALE At All Newsstands Now that we have that off our November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 63

chests, let's see how other artisans report on the condition of the set. If handle this "estimate" business. the customer wants to know the why The watch repairer. Does he charge and the wherefore, charge him for the for an estimate ? The bicycle repair information. man. Does he charge for an estimate ? Thus, your conversation with the The garage repair man. Does he customer should run along these lines : charge for an ? estimate Customer : "Well, did you find out According to our information, the what was wrong with my radio ?" answer is no, except in the case of the Service man : "Yes sir, the set can garage man who must tear apart the be fixed, the repair charge will be car to find the trouble. A charge is $4.50, and the set is worth repairing." made at times when a good deal of Customer: "$4.50! What was work must be done to establish the wrong ?" All the latest developments in cause of the repair. Service man : "If you would like a nationally advertised radio Thus, we can make this general report on the condition of your set, we parts, plus many items out of statement. If the estimate of a radio make a nominal charge manufacture. repair will of 75 cents for Everything you take an appreciable length this service. The estimate of the cost need in radio, now within of time and will entail a good deal of which we gave you is, as we adver- "hunting," then a charge is in order tise, free, arm's reach. Easy to order ... - but this does not include the easy to have what you otherwise, a free estimate is in order. report. Of course, the parts and labor want! Coupled with this, it must be strong- will be itemized on your bill and if Choose your favorite ly suggested that on free estimates, you give us an O.K. test on the repair, we'll equipment here. Enjoy the service man should tell the cus- be glad to give you this report at no real tomer the cost of the repair only, not extra charge and right now." savings. Every known name is what is wrong with the set. In other If the customer appears not to un- represented. Stocks are always words, limit the free service to the derstand the reason for this action, complete and up -to -date. estimate of the cost of repair-not a Order by catalog you may explain as follows : -it's quick Service man : "You see, we are al- and it's thrifty. ways glad to examine your set at no charge and tell you the cost of repairs. More models to choose from However, the information regarding and more P. A. for your the exact cause of the breakdown, its money! In features, perform- location and the exact parts necessary to make ance and watts -per -dollar, Complete Radio Engineering Course in 96 the repair is a part of the Lafayette leads. Three corn. weeks. Bachelor of Science Degree. Radio (tele- service we sell you. This knowledge plete lines of portable, vision, talking pictures and the vast electronic is our stock in trade which we per- field) offers unusual opportunities for trained ra- do not manent and mobile sound dio engineers. Courses also in Civil, Electrical, feel obligated to give without a small Mechanical, Chemical, Aeronautical Engineering; charge. In any case, whether the systems. A model for every Business Administration and Accounting. Tuition, cause is a condenser, transformer purse and purpose. living costs low. World famous for technical two - or year courses. Special preparatory department for some other part, it is really of little those who lack required high school work. Stu- moment to you. What you want to Compare Lafayette Radio fea- dents from all parts of the world. Enter January, know is whether ture for feature, line for line, March, June, September. 57th year. Write for the set can be fixed, catalog. how much it will cost to fix it, and and dollar for dollar. Why 1611 -0 COLLEGE AVE. ANGOLA, IND. whether it is worth the repair. This pay more when Lafayette information we have given you and all offers all the wanted features TRI -STATE COLLEGE that stands in the way of returning and beauty of styling for so your set to you in first class condition is your O.K. much less? In this book, 64 of the estimate." beautiful When you hit a customer who models to choose says, from. 30-day Home Trial. "What ? $4.50 to repair that radio ? Intensive, specialized course, including strong basis I can get a new one for $9.00," your in mathematics and electrical engineering. advanced Nowhere else will you find so Radio Theory and Design. Modern laboratory. Low reply should be as follows : tuition. Self -help opportunities. Also 2 -year courses complete an array of nation- in Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Me- "You can ? Then the difference be- chanical Engineering. Participation in Civilian Pilot tween ally- famous amateur transmit- Training Program. Enter December, March, June, the repair charge and the new September. Catalog. set is $4.50. Will you sell this set for ters, receivers and ham equip- INDIANA TECHNICAL COLLEGE $4.50 ?" ment. It's a catalog within a 7110 E. Washington Blvd.. Fort Wayne, Ind. You will find that the customer al- catalog, and low Lafayette ways backs down and many times states prices make it a book you'll LES Correspondence Courses In that his set is worth more than $4.50. want. Time payments. You should immediately follow up this RADIO and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING opening by pointing out ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING to him that, gGetrasp w;d: in BIGGER IN Be sure to see the corn - electrical field. Prepare yourself st Low Cost. fori secure that case, the present set is then future. Modern ourse. So simplified anyone can understand quickly. worth a lot more $9.00 EVERYTHING! plete line of low- priced, RADIO ENGINEERING Extra fine aurae in radio, public than to him and address. photo- electric work. Trains easy -to- attach auto radios, you to be super- service man, real vacuum-tube technician. Experimental that this, then, makes the set worth the newest rec- kits furnished. Diploma on completion. ord players, radio tubes, Either course. only 325. Deferred payment the repair. You should also point out tools and guide plan available. Write for free copies of school to him books. They're all here and priced LOW AS s25 catalog,, student magazines, full details. that the set failed because of to save SEND NOW! you real LINCOLN ENGINEERING SCHOOL, Box 931 -R 23, LINCOLN,Nsbr. a defective part or parts. You desire money. to replace these parts with first -grade RIGHT NOW send for material designed your copy of the RADIO TECHNOLOGY to withstand wear greatest catalog in radio -this year bigger much better than the original part. than ever. The coupon below, RCA Institutes offer an intensive course of Therefore, when the is high standard embracing all phases of Radio set repaired, it mailed at once, will bring a RUSH and Television. Practical training with mod- should be worth as much as or more FREE copy to you_ ern equipment at New York and Chicago schools. Also specialized courses in Aviation than what it originally cost. COUPON Communications, Radio Servicing and Commercial Once more, may we caution you to Operating. Catalog Dept. RN -40. use only the best replacement parts NOW RCA INSTITUTES, Inc. and back them with a 90 -day guaran- A Radio Corporation of .-I mertca .Service tee. It pays! 75 Varlok St.. Now York 1154 Merchandise Mart, Chicago LAFAYETTE RADIO CORP. - Dept. 2L Ham 901 W. JACKSON BLVD., ILL RAD10TELEYI51011 Chatter CHICAGO, (Continued from page 38) or 100 SIXTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Oldest, largest Radio- Television school in West trains you Rush FREE Catalog for good pay job. Complete instruction including Radio No. 82. Construction and Service. Broadcast Operating, Sound. sence also. It seems everyone around here gets Talking Pictures. Television. Public Address, etc. Flexible on when the QRN gets hvy. Bob is using plan to meet specific needs of those with or without jobs. W8SHS's rig which has pp HK54 final Transportation allowed to L. A. Earn room and board running at a cool 250 stage, while learning. Request watts. He is also on 2 l/._, Free Catalog. wid a low pwr job. and he also wrks as a side line- having 5 meters Dept. RN -11 watts input. wrked a W5 wid five NATIONAL SCHOOLS Los Angeles W8OTE expects to be on ten vy soon. He R.CITY STATE I 64 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

doesn't have a rig as yet, but he just put up a Visited W9EGQ, Herb Brier, a shut -in who beam. FB, Mac. gets a big bang out of amateur radio. Herb's W8SZS. Blackie, is gg on 160 wid a 10 final rig, with a 812 in the final, gives him 150 to 200 modulated S.B. mike and 6C5-6L6 modu- watts on all bands. Preference is given to the wid a 20 meter band (c.w.) where he has made many lator. world. He started out to Put Radio W8TLG is on 160 wid 200 watts and he has friends all over the Your don't believe work a country per watt with 5 watts but after a very strong god wave. If you '72 confirmations found that he had set too high me just ask his neighbors. a goal. Since that time, in addition to the in- Experience To W8MYZ. Frankenmuth, Michigan, is one sixty creased power, Herb also has a peachy 3 ele- wid 500 watts and also has a high pwr rig on 5 ment hasn't used it much because meters. He has a special home -made "super" rotary but He one of the elements was loosened during erection E. II. MetzLe Profitable Use ! coaxial vertical antenna on that bnd. can and blew off in the first high wind. "Extra Pris. (1'EI wrk 25 miles wid the antenna on the gnd. Good Quality" earned his slogan with his 5 watt W8IIP is really wrking out wid his multi-bnd "puddle jumper" on 160 lone. Hi. W9EGQ has antenna. It is a forty meter center fed job that been licensed since 1931. Change over to 60 Your Experience PLUS Techni- wrks betr on 20, still btr on 10, and does a FB cycle is being made within a block of Herb's job on 75. QTH. He's snickerin' up his sleeve waiting 'ti! cal Training Prepares You for a W8TQR. Marv. is on 20. 75. and 160 and is they have to climb up to change the motor on wrking out fb. He wrks for the Detroit Board the beam. of Education as a teacher. Thanx a lot. W4:ARX, fer the tip on how you Good Engineering Job! . . . W8PSV who went to Albion College has just do it. Always did spend more than I made but Wake up the opportunities that Radio graduated and is on the air agn from his home it's the time factor that slows me up, now. -to location. Congratulations OB. Can't even find time to cram on the ticket exams. has to offer men who are equipped to com- Y'know, I had a mental picture of you as a petently qualify for important engineering The gang at the Motor City Radio Club slender. peppy. efficient ham -op; after that crack equipped a trailer with all the necessary gear about fried chicken, I betcha you're as rotund jobs! You have "a jump" on the other fellow, for portable operation on all bands. They had as Santa Claus. Too few chicken coops & too because your present experience is a valuable installed a high power generator supply and many shot guns. here. Well, we know you read in time whole HC colyum. now. asset, if supplemented by CREI training in they expected to have the outfit working the for the Field Day. My brother. Claude. LaPorte, Ind. serviceman - Practical Radio and Television Engineering. W8UAS after working on 20 CW has moved aviator. sez there's a coupla hams in his neigh- up to 160 where he can now be heard chewing borhood and quite a few RN subscribers in the Our training brings results! CREI graduates the rag with the rest of the gang. county seat. Wheck. Sez they give my stuff the are recognized for their high calibre through- WBAIZ had the msifortune recently of his an- double O. Haws about sum dope on the rigs es operations. eh. boys: is why so many of our tenna mast giving away, but to make matters out the industry. That worse it had to take a part of the garage roof Marvin Peterson. W90CP. has been transferred men are holding important jobs in aviation with it. by his company to Cleveland, O. Congratula- radio, manufacturing, operating -and why W8MXU is another one of the 20 meter CW tions. Marv. but we hate to see you go. Cleve- fellows who have moved up to 160 fore. also land welcoming committee please note. there are CREI men in more than 350 broad- understand that he expects to have a 112 me Fred Allen, W9ETE. is now located perma- casting stations. Our job is to train ambitious for his runabout. nently in Michigan City. having- moved from portable Gosport, Ind. He's living near W9OZZ. men for these good -paying positions -your W8MYP will be missing on the halted .11i1k Net (160 fone) for a while. as he and his sweetie job is to do something about it! decided to say "I do" to each other. Well good Dr. Hotchkiss, W9GTH. just received his new luck Jim and congrats. ticket and was assigned the call W9LUA which Write For Facts Today! W8RLT can be heard with a fb signal on 112 was first issued him about 8 years ago as a me and he has only 3 watts. portable call. He intends to work 10 -160 fone Our free booklet and personal W8SPF has finally settled down on his new and 20 es 40 c.w. His former station. QTH recommendations may hold the QTH and he has the 20 meter rig ready to go being Colfax. Iowa. he would like to hear from answer to your future success. just as soon as he can find the suitable antenna. his old Iowa gang. In your inquiry, please state W8UPZ is another new call heard on 160 briefly your background, edu- fore, he is running 65 watts to a half wave GREETINGS from the King of Happiness. fel- cation, present position -and antenna. Expects to increase power soon to sev- lows: The 10 meter band is not up to par whether you are interested in eral hundred watts. yet this year. it has been very cool out here and Home Study or Residence train- W8QZZ is building a high power rig for 5 maby that has something to do with conditions. ing. meters. expects to be quite active on that band. The 160 meter band has been fine though as W8HEF has began operations on 10 after in- the cool nights omit the QRN. stalling a 3 element array antenna to his com- we held the first meeting of the Chair Warm- RADIO mercially built 125 watt rig and he sure is get- ers Club. on 1850 kc.. Monday, May 6. All CAPITOL ting out, working some fb dx. shutins are welcome to join this new net. and if W8TMS is also building a 112 me transceiver, interested write myself or W8ROA. W8RGV ENGINEERING INSTITUTE that is, if he can find all the odds and ends, hi. calls the gang together at 11 p.m., C.S.T. every DEPT. RN -11, 3224 -16TH ST. N. W., WASH., D. C. Monday night. At the first meeting the QRN was very bad but I gave and received reports from W8RGV. W8REQ. W8ROA, and W9CGX. So come on all you shutins and let's make this a real roundtable, you can surely stay up late one night a week. W9IJR is putting a fine sig. in from K.C. Give Alice a call boys she is a FB Op. Ivan. W9KKR is sure putting a wallop in here with that 10 watts too he is a new addi- tion to the 160 meter QRM. W9DKQ just got on the air with one of the Stancor lop transmitters. Charles is on the farm with 32 volts current and sure does a swell job. W9SWT has a HT 4 rig like mine and we had a swell chat on 10 meters recently, nice sig. there A.J. W9VEJ does not have a lot of power but is one of Chicago's most consistent sigs here. Call us again, Harry. W9AG is a newcomer to the 160 meter clan. Welcome. Red. hope you like the gang. W9AIF has increased power to 200 watts and is now one of the outstanding signals in the middle west. There's rumors of a 600 watt rig. but Johnnie is wondering about the light bill, Hi. W9QUV is spending most of his time on 10 meters. and says he is doing all right. Glad to hear it. Ivan. W9BMA. W9IJR and other amateurs in Kan- sas City had a fine display and handled several hundred messages at the Hobby show there last week end. W9VZQ was home from college. John was working this summer as a printer for Summers Studio. of this city, a large mail order Kodak SAY M XmaS WITH YOUR CAMERA! firm. W9APY also works for this Co. [Ed. Note: Is this a plug? No adrt. please. Hi!] With the holiday season "just around the corner" ... now is the time to think W9WHG sure has .things fixed up convient. Leo has a separate transmitter and also sepa- about your Christmas cards! If you want to send out unique personal greetings rate receivers for each band, and is active on this year, then why not plan to make your own photographic cards. Let POPU- most of them. show you exactly how to make them. You'll save lots of W9WAK and W9CAF operating close to the LAR PHOTOGRAPHY same freq. are both doing a fb job on 160 money, have an opportunity to create something that is truly personal, yes, meters. and have heaps of fun besides! W9DMR is a new ham down at Maysville, Mo. Give Herschel a call when you hear him. fel- lows. W9MTS is the well known Rug Cutter from Kensett, Ia. Iry can really do the Big Apple up in Minn. from what I hear. All I know is he sure has a sig. way down here in Mo. WBGHV puts in a fb sig. on 160 meters, and last week I had a swell chat with him on 10 meters. Nice going Lee. WOLMX lays a good sig. during short skip on 10 meters too. W9IQJ is also a new ham. Does a fine job with 15 watts. and uses a Bretting 6 as in- haler on 160 meters. Welcome Darrell. W9NIP has a nice rig on the air now at Co- lumbia. Mo. W9RHC of that city will vacation at his home here in Unionville. NOVEMBER ISSUE Now on sale at all Newsstands and Camera Stores! W9LVA is the first ham to appear on 160 November, 1940 RADIO NEWS 65

meters from Sedalia, Mo. Hope you like the 80 but hopes to get back on fone soon. band Orville, your rig sounds great. W9GWD is busy building a fone rig for port- YOU CAN BECOME W9WEM is back on the air at Kirksville. Mo. able use. At least that is what Al planned it A MONEY- MAKING RADIO EXPERT Louie likes to chew the rag, boys, so watch for for. but the new FCC ruling will change that. WITHTHE him. He will have to call it a 'stand -by' xmtr now. W9DMK traded his small Stancor rig for a W9DVP is a member of the Burlington unit Ne W SPRAYBERRY rig giving him more power, mighty fine sig. of the Naval Reserve and he is busy helping get there now Olin. their new radio equipment set up and ready for )9Qteona /i3 aá So long till next month. fellows and if you operation. Uncle Sam sent them some real fb hear the `King of Happiness" on 10 meters. or stuff and they are anxious to get going. HOME TRAINING in 160 give us a call. W9BHW is planning on getting a Stancor 10 -P xmtr so he can give his big rig a rest in the You daytime. He will use it on 160 fone and possi- Learn Easily in AT a recent meeting of the Iowa- Illinois Ama- bly on 10. too. Your Spare Hours teur Radio Club we experimented with a W9ETS swapped his Ilnllicrafter receiver with By Doing Many Experiments with balloon supported antenna. It seemed to sup- W9BHW for a home-made super that was orig- Up -To -Date Equipment 444, port the wire pretty well, but bobbed around a inally built and owned by W9TMY. lot due to shifting winds. After the meeting. W9TMY. the old crystal grinder. donated a I lere's a r e a I l y fine, up -to- the -minute W9ALC took the inflated balloon home with him AT cut blank for a door prize at a recent meet- ltatlio and Television Training that's spe- for some private experiments and as he tells it, ing and the lucky winner was W9HQO. Charles cially designed to give you quick results. he "laid" it on the ceiling over night. Hi! does things up right. TRAINING PREPARES YOU FOR GOOD even furnishing carborun- RADIO JOBS . - - W9ALC built a swell 5 meter converter to dum and a piece of plate glass. AT EXCELLENT PAY. work into his SX -24 receiver. He has heard My training starts right at the beginning W9WTD. who was building a 10 meter mobile . able to of Radio . unfolds each subject in a several signals on it but hasn't been job is changing it over to 5 for obvious reasons. simplified, logical, understandable style. identify them as yet. W9PBV has made plans to run his generator You easily learn Television, Electronics, W9HIM graduated from High school and was off of his Ford and intends to work in the ART?". Facsimile Radio, Radio Set Repair and named for membership in the rational Honor field day. Installation work. etc. Society. fb Bob. & Congrats. He has been A number of Burlington hams, including W9- NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NEEDED 11, working 80 CW but the rig won't perk on 40 PJR, Iowa's SCM, attended the hamfest Cedar It makes no difference what your education and at has been. can fit so he is going to completely rebuild it. Rapids, June 16 and report a very fb I you for a good- paying TELEVISION time. Radin .job. Your success is my full W9000 rewound a Dodge generator for 110 We were glad to see in July RJ' that our old sponsibility. re- a.c. and has it mounted on the motor of his friend. Rich. is still among the living out in the wilds of Nebraska, YOU GET PROFESSIONAL TEST EQUIPMENT PLUS Chevvie where it works very fb. and still helping the boys EXPERIMENTAL OUTFITS W9WNL is a working man now and doesn't on theory, etc. He always told us that theory Includes 146 Radio Parts (to build complete Re- get so much time to spend on the air. He still was his favorite subject and it must be. 'cause ceiver), Tools, All -Wave, All- Purpose Analyzer, and Ex- operats 80 CW and has a very low powered 160 you can't stump him. I sure hope you get on perimental Outfits for conducting actual experiments with meter fone rig. 40 sometime. Rich. and look for me. your non hinds, W9QGU is enjoying his summer vacation from ( Note to W9BDO. You wrote about Rich I Supply EARN WHILE YOU LEARN getting one of Grand Islands "Irish Valentines" My BUSINESS BUILDERS show you Junior College and is heard on 160 fone very how to put your Equipment to practical often. and boy. if he told you guys what to do about a use in handling actual money -making situation like that you can sure believe him. Radio Service Jobs shortly after W9RZV says, "Boy, wouldn't it be tough now begin training. you if I called CQ on 160 fone in the evening and a because you got the (lope straight from the voice half dozen foreign stations came back at me? of experience himself. Hi ! ) SERVICEMEN I wouldn't be able to Emil isn't W9KYR is moving all his stuff to an extra answer them!" room in the house and will have a regular I offer Advanced Training worrying about it very much tho, because he is studio for those already in Ra- only running about 20 watts. when he is finished. dio. Get complete details W9FSH has plans for a 20 meter beam; he is in my FREE 52 -page Book. W9LAC has his new TW -73 perking on the 20 heard now --- meter fone band and is getting excellent results. on 75 tone. ='-= The Sprayberry Course I sure was glad to run across my old pal Bill. RADIO TOOLS is Sold Under a Money - Doc is experimenting now with an ECO. W5GZN on the air recently and now we are hav- back Agreement W9IBH is working only CW lately on 160 and ing lots of fb rag'chewing QSO's. He told me that he and WSFXP built a 500 watt 20 meter RUSH COUPON 1( BIG FREE BOON CW rig and during the last year each of them SPRAYBERRY ACADEMY OF RADIO had worked over 50 countries with it. F. L. Sprayberry, Pres. I wonder what's become of W9UCJ. He and 325 -L University Place, N.W., W5GZN and I used to have lots of fun during Washington, D. C. Please send me FREE copy of our three -cornered round- tables, but Bus hasn't HOW TO been heard from for months. How about it OM? MAKE MONEY IN RADIO." Arkansas has been well represented in my 40 Name meter low for the last week. what with WSHTX Age.... Rate I5c per word. Minimum, I O words. and W3BVT of Springdale and W5GNF of Fort Address Smith across the river from Van Buren, where City.. State. is, of course, Bob Burns home town. John. Tear off this coupon, mail In enve- WSBVT works nights and I sure don't envy him lope or paste on penny postcard. CORRESPONDENCE COURSES sleeping in the daytime during this hot sum- Servicemen -Check here O men wx. I also enjoyed another QSO with WSTEL. the USED Correspondence Courses and Educational old "prof" of Wilberforce. Ohio. School is out Books sold or rented. Inexpensive. Money -back now so Frank will have lots of time for ham guarantee. Write for Free Catalog listing 4000 radio. He has been very active all winter with 1941 bargains. (Courses Bought.) Lee Mountain, traffic handling% originating much good stuff /NEW Pisgah, Alabama. from his college and pushing it on FTS and PROFIT CUIDE ARRL trunk lines. CORRESPONDENCE courses and educational books, slightly used. Sold. Rented. Exchanged. Oin4 it All subjects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cash paid FRM ur East Coast DX'er: for used courses. Complete details and bargain DX activity at the end of the month was RADIO, catalog free. Send name. Nelson Company, at an all year high with several African stations 500 Sherman, Dept. K -237, Chicago. and many new stations in the American posses- sions in the Pacific Ocean making their appear- ance. Complete Selections During the month of June, however, DX went PATENT ATTORNEYS into a slump that it will probably not come out Guaranteed Quality of until the end of the present conflict. With the U.S.A. hams banned from contacting all Replacement INVENTORS -Before disclosing your invention foreign stations excluding our continental pos- Parts to any one send for Form "Evidence of Concep- sessions, many of the outstanding DX stations in tion "; "Schedule of Government and Attorneys' Everything you need in the neutral countries have quit the band leaving the way of exact duplicate or uni- Fees" instructions. Sent free. Lancaster. DX portions entirely vacant. Many of the Con- versal replacement or repair Aliwine & Rommel. 414 Bowen Building, Wash- tinental stations advocating that allotments be parts. Tubes, condensers, re- ington, D. C. made that will allow them to operate in those sistors, transformers, hard- vacated frequernies, so as to be able to make ware, tools, etc. Leading Advice and booklet free. better and more reliable contacts with the states. brands. Every item guaran- PATENTS- Highest The 10 meter opened teed. Prices are low. Clean references. Best results. Promptness assured. band up at the beginning fresh Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawyer, 724 9th of the month with the South Americans putting stock. Street, Washington, D. C. in real strong signals on the coast and several Latest Radio Sets KO sigs and an occasional signal from Little A model for every purse and America. purpose. Midgets, Battery RADIO ENGINEERING Here are several of the more active and con- Portables, Table Models. Consoles, and Phono- sistent stations on 10 fone: PY5AQ. PY2AK, Radio and recorder combinations -for operation on PY2AC, CE3CZ, LU8AD, TI2RC, K4GPS, PY1BS, AC, DC, or battery power. CE1AC, RADIO Engineering, broadcasting, aviation and XE: ?AF, K3AP, PY2DS, HC1JB, CE3DG, Public Address Equipment servicing, TGf1AA. LUBAB. K4FOW, K4FKC, KIlPUL, police radio, marine and Morse teleg- K6MVV. K6OQM, KOBNR, K4ENT, KA1ME, A complete line of amplifiers, microphones, speaker raphy taught thoroughly. All expenses low. Cat- XE'2FL, and YV1AQ. baffles, recording equipment and accessories for every alog free. Dodge's Institute, Elm St., Valpa- type of installation- permanent, portable and mo- Ind. During the latter part of the month the band bile. Amplifiers from 5 to 100 watts. raiso, closed up completely with hardly a signal from outside the states. Auto Radios & Accessories Complete auto radio section -lists the latest and RADIO finest auto radios, aerials, vibrators, custom panel K4FOW planning on controls, suppressors, padding condensers, pilot and coming to Boston in time dash lights, WE buy and sell used radio testing equipment. to take in the Hangfest in October. K6OJI also etc. Inc., will pay a visit to the Boston hams shortly Harold Davis, Jackson, Miss. while on New Electrical Appliances route to see his family in Newberry - Extra profits for you! Standard Brand Electric port. Irons, Grills, Toasters, Percolators, Waffle Irons, If some of u other DX hounds wonder why Vacuum Cleaners. Clocks, Mixers, etc.. at lowest MISCELLANEOUS some time u en get a swell rept out of Little prices. America & sum times u can't, the reason is tt due to the freak wx SAVE MONEY AT RADOLEK TRADE SW3 complete for CD condx the direction in capacitor analyzer which u point ut' beam vary with the time of or Aerovox LC Checker. P. J. Rumbol, 14 N. clay. spot Wood, Greenville, Pa. sun activity. and the antenna used by the KC station. Very rarely will 2 contacts be MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY made on different days at a set time with the antenna in the same direction. The RADOLEK CO. PHOTO FINISHING Best wishes to The Funny Old Woman of 10 601 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Dept. B -47 meter fame for a speedy recovery frm her ill- Send the New 1941 Radio Profit Guide FREE. ness. which has limited her activity on the Name ROLLS DEVELOPED, two prints each and two very greatly. band free enlargement coupons, 25c. reprints, 2c each; Address Dealer" 100 more, PY7AI is running 750 wts to a singl Amperax or lc. Summers Studio, Unionville, HF300 into a 3 el rotary. Experimenter" Serviceman" Amateur" Mo. VK4HN, the op of PK6XX is nw in the states ti 66 RADIO NEWS November, 1940

on the W. Coast & will shortly come East. 2% excluding all stations known to be bootlegs. C060M will come up to the coast next sum- The flutter tt many hams hve noticed on 10 mer for a visit. meters is also prevalent on 2% meters but not CO2HY did not visit the states this summer to such a great extent. because of an extended illness from which he is Just as a matter of interest to the local 2% now recovering. Bernard had a pretty close call meter band, we hear tt a romance is budding-. WIticIt one & tells the story tt he went up to those pearly As yet we are not at liberty to divulge the 2 gates & asked the fellow if he was eligible to stations calls, but rest assured tt ye of reporter go in but the caretaker answered back, "No. u will bring u the news as it happens! big bum. we don't want u arnd this place, so u W1IXL is down on 20 fore for a while frm better go back where u came frm." So now '75. Jim is running 400 wts to a concentric fed his on 20 fone agn causing a lot of QRM. doublet.. The rig runs 806's in the final & mod CE3DG is a new ham on the air & is operat- wid 276's in class B. for your job? ing on 10 fone. W1AJA has rebilt his rig & nw uses 812's. Some of the new stations in the Pacific Ocean Wid the help of W1DNL he nw has a vy fb Islands that have appeared on 20 fone the past 10 & 20 fixed beam tt really puts out a swell month are: KH6AHS frm American Samoa, this station W1JDE's xyl Ellen, says the om's so lazy tt can be wrked frm the East Coast in the very she cleaned the whole house & even dusted off These two Aerovox molded mica capaci- early mornings arnd 2 to 4 a.m. Signal strength the om & he was still sitting on front of the tors are as alike as two peas in a pod usually rides abt Q -5 R7toO. rig tring to get a contact on the 10 meter band. - KBßSRA is a nw station in the Virgin Isles. W1MIF of Beverly has wrked 28 stations in except for color -One is yellow, the He comes in R -6 plus wid sum fade. The op the Boston area up to date. other brown. Why? Here are the rea- of the sta is wid the US Navy station. The W1MNK also of Beverly is on 2% running ham station runs 150 wts to a long wire directive a pr of 45's. sons. And be sure to remember this . array. W1AXX has come down from 20 to 2% fone. added service offered by Aerovox, the KF6JEG on the Canton Isles, on 14,280. He Frank is an old ew man, but cum dwn just to rides a gd R -9 & is on both fone & c.w. in the see wat the fone boys get a kick out of. next time you need a mica capacitor. early morning. He skeds W1FH of Boston. W1LDD is nw active on 20, 40, 80, 160 cw. Mass., almost daily. KB6CBM is another newcomer in the past few W°MQI Union City, New Jersey, is off 160 months but has not bn putting in vy gd sigs. phone and now on 40 and 20. Thinking This sta always when hrd has a vy bad fde. of going on 10 phone with 811's. Best time to get him is arnd 6 to 8 a.m., E.S.T. W2MAJ is not so active. Is he sore. Ex- KBßILT also of the Virgin Isles has been W3FK is waiting for his license. They both rather active of late on the 20 meter band. His live in the same house -both going on with freq is 14,168. Sigs are vy strong. over 300 watts ! Wat a mess. KGßMV from the Jarvis Isles is a new sta. W2JQV Weehawken, New Jersey, is the proud It is generally believed that this is the first KG papa of a baby girl junior op. He's on with 600 sta on 20 fone. His freq is 14160. He is on watts on 40 and 20. regularly from 2 to 4 a.m., E.S.T. Sigs are Larry Quinlan is waiting for his ticket and fair. little fde. wants to know why it takes so long. He's going Another one from the Virgin Isles is KB6CBN. on 160 and 80 with 70 watts, then on all bands The rent is R -8 no fde. with his 242's Class C. He's getting- an Sx24 KC60QS of Wake Island is another new ham rcvr. on the band. His signal when hrd was weak. Boys of Union City and vicinity are going He is not vy active so not much info on him is on % meters soon. Also organizing a 160 available at present. meter net. Frm the Philippines signals are much weaker W2MWH is on with pp 6L6's and does o.k. this month with quite a bit of fade. Not very Has Sx24. many of these stations were logged this month W2MRJ and W2MTO are always on 160 cw because they r no longer hrd with any strength chewing the rag about nothing in particular. LOW - in the late mornings and late afternoons. They About this time of the year (spring) ham LOSS peak abt 3 to 4:30 in the a.m.. all average abt activity decreases about 50 %. Why? Remem- R -5 to 6. Here are a few of the newscomers & ber Tennyson's famous lines -"In the spring a BAKELITE sum of the stronger & consistent VA's coming young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of All Aerovox molded-bakelite mica capacitors, of thru hr: KA1LW, KA1HQ, KAACH, love." which there are over a dozen different basic types KA4RP, KA3KK. KA4LH. KA1MM. Á A ME, for transmitting and receiving applications, are KA1GC, KA1LZ, KA1EM. KA- now available in low -loss Bakelite casings as well KA1PI. KA1SH, THE Philadelphia Wireless Association whose as the usual standard bakelite. The suffix L. UH. KA1ZL. and KA1BB. usual club call is W3GAG, is composed of mostly such as Type 1650 -L, etc., is added to any Aero- The Hawaiian Isles have bn putting the most DX vox type number to designate low -loss or yellow strong signals with more and more new stations radio hams. This club enters of the bakelite. for those ultra -high -frequency applica- ones continue to and QSO contests and usually rates high in tions where r.f. losses must be watched. The appearing on the air & the old scores. It is the only radio club in Philadelphia cost is no more than 25c added to list price, and active. as little as 10e, depending on type. R that has been in constant operation for 5 years. st nay few days: H K6TEJ, K6KOK,I;ßO(E. 11ßKO- The club has a fine station and also expensive PUL, K6PAD. K6BNR. R6LTV, KßPTW. portable equipment. If, in the case of emergen- KGA. KßNYD. and K6PHD. cy, it can readily operate under self - supplied power using a gasoline generator. The one aim W1FHW is at present on 20 fone running of this club is to promote fraternity and friend- about 2.20 wts to HK -54's & 203A's in ship between fellow hams. Members who are class B. Steve is planning to gg dwn to 21,4 to hams are: W3BYB, W3FYC, W3DVY, W3DVG, experiment on beams. W3GUV, W3FXG, W3HLZ, W3HRD, W3IDR, W1CVC usta be in the sound motion pic biz. W3EFH, W3ETM. W3IJN, W3DFJ, W3HIO, At present he is wid RCA. W3GYK, and W3HGE. The club meets every W1AOZ is operating- port marine on 2% frm Friday night at the Germantown YMCA. The Boston Harbor. Philadelphia Wireless Assoc. prints a monthly W1MKW has changed his QTH & is nw re- newspaper with all the club gossip. Incidentally, siding on Cape Cod. several of the members have commercial "tick- W1KVQ & W1MON will sn be on 1% me- ets" and work at commercial station WIBG, Glen- ters. side. Pa, Attention local Vigilante Committee. There are 3 sta on 1% meter fone tt hve bn on daily W4BOL recently gave the natives in Monte- fer abt 8 mo. These stations never sign call zuma a few thrills with his airplane. letters & never discuss radio. W4EEZ at Athens, Ga., has recently rebuilt W1GAC pt mobile on 2% running a 37 -41 his rig. trans. W4GHU at Albany says that he has a new W1IGA has a new harmonic. apartment and has more room for a shack. W1MCB, W1MUB, & several other N. H. r W4RM is the champion guzzler of Ga. hi. putting in fb sigs dwn into the Boston area W4GJR of Monroe, recently paid a visit to on 21,4 fone. your scribe and reports that all is well with W1KNZ formerly of Dorchester is nw W3IIL his 600 watter. in Wash., D. C. Lefty is riw in the Army Radio The Valdosta, Georgia, gang have reorganized STANDARD Dept. at Boeing- Field. He tells tt he is hying their club and are planning- a hamfest there a fb time & frm the pics (abt 150 fotos) he shortly. BAKELITE showed to the boys they proved it without doubt. W4EFD at Montgomery, has promised us a since he left. QSO and in meantime The usual standard brown bakelite is still the His ew speed has improved slightly personal this summer the popular choice for usual radio circuits. The Aero- his speed (he sez) is abt 72 to 75 per. (not hr our hair gets grayer. vox line is divided Into heavy -duty mica capaci- but. minute.) W4AUO is planning on a two and a half tele tors for transmitting and certain electronic appli- ZS5BE cations, and normal-duty units for receiving cir- W1CIB is nw showing off his erd frm rig. cuits. tt he recently received. George is on 160 fone A postcard from Brunswick, Ga.. states that running abt 200 wts, while ten meters is in its mebbe the reason Brother Irvin isn't on the air 10 yr slump. (W4FPF) is that the Georgia Peaches on the WIHNR is a devoted R.N. reader & wants to beaches there are worrying him considerably know how cum we didn't give him a little (Hope the XYL don't see that FPF) . Heck credit for pioneering the 21,4 meter band. boy-run out and find out the fare to the beach. W1MMG is on 7150 kc & is wr -king out swell Hi. wid low pwr in all prts of the state. But the W4FFI's xyl has recovered from her recent Ask for CATALOG .. irony of it all-he called W1KVQ who is located illness. but a few hundred yards away & KVQ cudnt W4GHW is visiting W4EDD in Miami. Florida, Latest edition lists several new types of mica pick him up. and postcards back that he is having swell time. capacitors such as the silver mica and the W1KBN, club station of Northeastern Univ. is Says that W4EDD's rig is really FB. meter- bracket units. Ask jobber for copy - nw active on 112 Mc. The members r building W4EEE of Athens, Ga., was recently married or write us direct. Also ask about free sub- several beams to overcome the drawback of to Miss Helen Woods of same city and they are scription to Aerovox Research Worker. being located in downtown Boston. honeymooning in Miami at present time, after W1EYR of Sharon, one of the 5 meter pio- which they will be at home to fellow hams at neer's. is nw dwn on 2% playing arnd wid rotary Athens. Congrats OM. beams. The annual hamfest sponsored by the Crisp They'll do it every time: Abt 2 yrs ago the County Radio Club of Cordele. Georgia, was "Roxbury Radio Twins," W1GDS & W1IBK, quit held July 4th at Flintsidé, a summer resort near ham radio. So last week when we hrd their that city. W4FCW was in charge of arrange- squeaky voice bust thru super hiss on 2s we ments assisted by W4FFI and W4GFF and the were vy much surprised. They're both operat- Xyls. The crowd began to come early in the ing port mobile using Abbot DK -2 trans. Wel- morning and the fun really started in earnest. come back fellas. & get on a little more often. At noon a wecome call to dinner was sounded W1JLI & sister Norma recently pd a visit to and the hams as per usual did justice to the CORPORATION W1LEM in Southie. fish and other items on the menu. W1LEM is all set to go on "one sissie" but After dinner. Dave Traer called the meeting NEW BEDFORD. MASS,;, lacks a xtal. to order and prizes were awarded. W1PI is the most active ham on 21/». He IN CANADA: AEROVOX CANADA. Limited Hamilton, Ont. has up to date wrked 190 different stations on Printed in U. S. A. SAVE UP TO 50% O/i /91 TUSE



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* Unmatched Stability Highest Signal -to -Noise Ratio Finer, Noise -Free Reception * Higher Fidelity Reproduction * Foreign Reception at its Best ere is a receiver that looks different and is different - just the thing for the short wave listener, amateur or radio fan who wants a radio capable of bringing in those hard -to -get signals or giving superlative short wave or It is the finest, most sensitive and most stable receiver broadcast reception. from of its type RCA has ever made - bar none! Read these Comments Radio Men Who Know The band- spread dial of the AR-77 calibrated band -spread for the 10, makes the tuning of foreign stations 20, 40 and 80 meter bands. Reliable reception under all conditions is a "must" for remarkably easy. Once you've tuned As illustrated here, the AR -77 is with the RCA MI-8314 Ex- operators of the well -known a broadcast it "stays put." "Drift" is shown Amateur stations. What these tended Range Loudspeaker. The to a minimum. As fornoise, prominent operators say of the reduced unusually wide frequency range, the AR -77 tells its own story of outstanding dependability. themanually- operatedNoiseLimiter tremendous power handling capa- "It beats receivers costing twice as much!" says of the AR -77 is a feature that has perform- Thomas A. Consalvi (above), owner of world- famous bilities and outstanding the brought high praise from all sides. ance of this Loudspeaker combine W3EOZ at Bryn Mawr, Pa. "In many features, actual test, peak noise voltages AR -77 is superior to any other I ever tried at any price. In with the AR-77 to produce reception In every way, it matches the performance of my old hundreds of times higher than the that is amazing for clarity and faith- receiver costing more than twice as much." to signal have been pulled down fulness to the original broadcast. "The AR -77 is even finer than your announcement signal level, so that the signal could Bear this remarkable outfit per- led me to expect," states Dr. Burton T. Simpson, be clearly heard and understood. form at your nearest RCA Amateur W8CPC of Buffalo, an old - time amateur and still one of Frequency coverage is from 540 Equipment Distributor's store. You the best known voices on the air. to 31,000 KC in six ranges, with be the judge! Descriptive folder free. "The Noise Limiter is particularly valuable because of its manual adjustment which can easily be AR -77 Receiver, $139.50 net, f.o.b. factory. 8" Speaker in regulated to meet local conditions matched cabinet (not shown above) $8.00 net, extra. in separating signal from noise. I am more than pleased with the out- AR -77 Receiver and MI-8314 Extended Range Loud- fit and believe it is the last word speaker $154.50 net, f.o.b. factory. in receivers."