NDSU University Senate Meeting Minutes -- 2005-2006
University Senate Minutes Fargo, ND 58105 North Dakota State University September 12, 2005 University Senate Meeting Minutes September 12, 2005 The University Senate met at 3:30 p.m. in the Peace Garden Room of the Memorial Union with Dr. J. Council presiding and the following senators present: T. Ambrosio, D. Andersen, I. Askelson, S. Balaz, S. Beck, E. Berry, K. Brooks, M. Christsoffers, V. Clark Johnson, D. Comez, J. Cook, J. Coykendall, W. Dai, D. Danbom, C. DeVuyst, Z. Duval, T. Esslinger, J. Filpus, K. Grafton, C. Gross, C. Gustafson, J. Hageman, R. Hall, W. Hannon, M. Harvey, H. Hatterman- Valenti, D. Hauck, D. Hopkins, K. Howatt, A. Kallmeyer, T. Knoepfle, L. Langley, M. Mallett, L. Manikowske, D. Miller, E.J. Miller, C. Peterson, R. Pinkston, C. Presser, B. Randall, J. Ransom, D. Redmer, D. Rider, M. Robinson, R.C. Schnell, D. Schwert, D. Scott, D. Sperl, D. Steele, K. Teigen, D. Terbizan, J. Trowbridge, D. Webster, and D. Wittrock Substitutions: C. Stevens for B. Bahrami, T. Barnhart for J. Garden-Robinson, J. Reimnitz for A. Montgomery, J. Pearson for T. Riley, K. Rodgers for S. Rasmussen, and V. Johnson for N. Rogers. Reminder: Current senators may not serve as substitute for other senators. Previous Minutes Minutes of the May 9, 2005, meeting were approved by consensus. General Announcements 1. Provost and Vice President Schnell: • Reaccreditation (NCA) – Out of nine chapters, four have been completed and are posted on the web. Senators and others are encouraged to review them and provide feedback to Steve Bergeson, chief editor, or Robert Harrold, committee chair.
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