
32 Revista de la Asociación Geológica 64 (1): 32 - 42 (2009)



Laboratorio de Bioestratigrafía de Alta Resolución, Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires. Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to summarize the modern knowledge of the geology of the Piuquenes Pass, in the Main Andes of Argentina and Chile, and to describe a small fauna of Tithonian-Neocomian invertebrates mostly represented by ammonites. The present knowledge of the region is compared with Darwin's, as expressed in his famous book on the Geology of South America.

Keywords: Main Andes, Mesozoic, Ammonites, Piuquenes Pass, Darwin.

RESUMEN: Tras las huellas de Darwin a través de los Andes: invertebrados fósiles del Tithoniano-Neocomiano del paso de Piuquenes. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una breve revisión moderna de la geología del Paso de Piuquenes en los Andes Principales de Chile y Argentina y describir una pequeña fauna de invertebrados del Tithoniano-Neocomiano compuesta principalmente por amo- nites. Se compara también el conocimiento de esta región con la referida por Darwin en su famoso libro sobre la geología de América del Sur.

Palabras clave: Andes Principales, Mesozoico, Amonites, Paso de Piuquenes, Darwin.

INTRODUCTION scientific point of view as can be seen in thus: "I have just returned from Mendoza, the long and detailed letters he sent both having crossed the Cordilleras by two passes. During his 5 years' voyage around the to Professor Henslow and to his sister This trip has added much to my knowledge of world on board the HMS Beagle, Dar- Susan. The letter to Henslow begins the geology of the country. Some of the facts, of win spent more than 3 years on shore. This was most probably due to his inte- rest in exploring new regions, but also to avoid the strong sea-sickness that anno- yed him when sailing. During the Beagle years and some time later Darwin was foremost a geologist, though we are used to think of him as a pure biologist. Thus, his enormous collection of fauna and flora came second to his interest as can be seen in the fact that he gave most of it to different specialists after his return to England. In March-April 1835, Darwin undertook a long ride to examine the geology of the Andes. He started the journey in Valpa- raiso on the Pacific coast, crossed the Andes along the Piuquenes and Portillo passes, reached Mendoza city and went back to Chile by the Cumbre or Uspallata Pass (Fig. 1). This trip was probably one of the most valuable to him from a Figure 1: Location of the Piuquenes Pass in the Main Andes of Argentina and Chile. On Darwin's footsteps across the Andes: Tithonian-Neocomian fossil ... 33

Figure 2: Geological map of the region of the Piuquenes Pass, Main Andes (from Pángaro et al. 1996). the truth of which I in my own mind feel fully dary between Argentina and Chile in the rhyolitic tuffs and lavas of and convinced, will appear to you quite absurd & Main Central Andes (33°38'S, 69°52'W, age are unconformably overlying incredible", followed by several paragraphs Fig. 1). It reaches 4,030 m a.s.l., and the basement (Polanski 1964). The Me- devoted to the structure of the cordillera though it is the international divide, the sozoic sequences, which record a Pacific (Burkhardt and Smith 1985). highest pass is Portillo, located some 24 marine transgression, constitute different One hundred and sixty years later, in the km to the east, with 4,374 m a.s.l. stratigraphic cycles described by Groeber summer of 1995 one of us (BAU) follo- The geology of this part of the Main (1953), Malumián and Ramos (1984) and wed the steps of Darwin along the Piu- Andes was studied in detail by Polanski Riccardi (1983, 1988). quenes Pass, checking the stratigraphy (1964) as part of the mapping program These sedimentary successions are cove- and collecting . Thus, the objective of the Geological Survey of Argentina. red by extensive Cenozoic volcanic and of this work is to summarize the modern It is characterized by a normal subduc- pyroclastic rocks, including some Recent knowledge of the geology and palaeon- tion zone, where the oceanic Nazca plate volcanic centers, such as San José and tology of the region of the Piuquenes subducts beneath South America at an Marmolejo volcanoes. Isolated patches Pass, in the Main Andes of Argentina angle of 30° (Jordan et al. 1983). As a of colluvial and alluvial deposits are wid- and Chile, comparing these views with result of that the Mesozoic sequence is ely distributed in the region (Fig. 2). Darwin's (1846), as expressed in his fa- heavily deformed in a series of thrust sli- mous book on the Geology of South ces (see Giambiagi et al. 2009). These THE GEOLOGY OF THE America. thrusts produced an imbricated sequen- PIUQUENES PASS ce, where the strata are repeated several REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL times, creating a complex structure. A geological map of the Piuquenes Pass SETTING The basement of the Andes at this latitu- region is shown in figure 2 (Pángaro et al. de is composed of metamorphic rocks of 1996), where Darwin's itinerary is mar- The Piuquenes (Darwin always spelled it Precambrian age. marine ked, and the rock succession according as Peuquenes) Pass runs across the boun- successions devoid of fossils and some to Darwin (1846) is also shown. He des- 34 B. AGUIRRE-URRETA AND V. VENNARI

cribed the following: the Auquilco Formation of Argentina nes and black with riccar- "The ridge of Peuquenes, which divides the wa- (Río Colina Formation in Chile) of Ox- dii Leanza and Wiedmann, 1992 (Agui- ters flowing into the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, fordian-Kimmeridgian age, and T is rre-Urreta 2001), Protohemichenopus neu- extends in a nearly N.N.W. and S.S.E. line; again the Tordillo Formation. It is ob- quensis Camacho, 1953, Lucinidea indet., its strata dip eastward at an angle of between vious now that Darwin did not quite and callianassid crustaceans. 30° and 45°, but in the higher peaks bending understand the complex structure of the The fossils that Darwin collected in Q up and becoming almost vertical. Where the region, as can be seen in the geological and S (presently Lo Valdés Formation/ road crosses this range, the height is 13,210 feet map of figure 2, where a western back- Mendoza Group) were studied by d'Or- above the sea-level, and I estimated the neighbou- thrust puts the Auquilco Formation on bigny and cited by Darwin (1846, p. 181) ring pinnacles at from 14,000 to 15,000 feet. top of the and a as follows: The lowest stratum visible in this ridge is a red second fore-thrust repeats again the stratified [P]; on it are superimposed Agrio and Chachao Formations (Pángaro "The fossils above alluded to in the black calca- two great masses [Q and S] of black, hard, et al. 1996, Giambiagi et al. 2009). reous shales are few in number, and are in an compact, even having a conchoidal fracture, cal- A section was measured on the Argenti- imperfect condition; they consist, as named for me careous, more or less laminated , passing nean slope (Fig. 3), along the northern by M. d'Orbigny, of into : this rock contains organic re- bank of the Arroyo Piuquenes (Aguirre- 1. Ammonite, indeterminable, near to A. recti- mains, presently to be enumerated. The compac- Urreta 1996; see location in Fig. 2). The costatus, D'Orbig. Pal. Franc. (Neocomian ter varieties fuse easily in a white glass; and this top beds of the Tordillo Formation formation). I may add is a very general character with all the (Kimmeridgian) are interbed- 2. Gryphæa, near to G. Couloni, (Neoco- sedimentary beds in the Cordillera: although this ded with siltstones and green shales. The mian formations of France and Neufchatel). rock when broken is generally quite black, it Formation begins with a 3. Natica, indeterminable. everywhere weathers into an ash-grey tint. Be- few meters of limestone with algal lami- 4. Cyprina rostrata, D'Orbig. Pal. Franc. tween these two great masses [Q and S], a bed nation, followed in its lower part by black (Neocomian formation). [R] of gypsum is interposed, about 300 feet in papyraceous shales with abundant calca- 5. Rostellaria angulosa (?), D'Orbig. Pal. de thickness, and having the same characters as reous nodules with three fossiliferous l'Amer. Mer. heretofore described. I estimated the total thick- levels, from bottom to top with: Virga- 6. Terebratula ?" ness of these three beds [Q, R, S] at nearly tosphinctes aff. V. denseplicatus rotundus 3000 feet; and to this must be added, as will be Spath, 1931, Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burck- However, it seems that d'Orbigny gave immediately seen, a great overlying mass of red hardt, 1903) and Aulacosphinctes proximus Darwin slightly different information sandstone. (Steuer, 1897). These shales grade up- (see fig. 4). According to his notes, the In descending the eastern slope of this great cen- wards to dark grey, thinly laminated li- specimens collected by Darwin in the tral range, the strata, which in the upper part dip mestones, reaching more than 110 me- "Cordillera Centrale du Chili" comprised: eastward at about an angle of 40°, become more tres (Fig. 3). The age of the Vaca Muerta and more curved, till they are nearly vertical; and Formation in the area is Early to Middle- "617/792. Gryphaea - Voisine du Grypha- a little further onwards there is seen on the fur- Late? Tithonian. The Chachao Forma- ea Couloni, du terrain Neocomien de France et ther side of a ravine, a thick mass of strata of tion - 40 metres thick - is composed by de Neuchatel bright red sandstone [T], with their upper extre- massive oyster coquinas interbedded 613. Natica (indeterminable) mities slightly curved, showing that they were with shales bearing Parodontoceras calistoides 619. Ammonite indeterminable, voisine de l'A. once conformably prolonged over the beds [S]: on (Behrendsen, 1891) of Late Tithonian recticostatus, d'Orb (Paleont. française) Du the southern and opposite side of the road, this age in its lower part. The Agrio Forma- terrain Neocomien red sandstone and the underlying black shaly tion is some 120 metres thick in the mea- 614. B. Cyprina rostrata, d'Orb. Paleont. rocks stand vertical, and in actual juxtaposi- sured section but is incomplete, as it is franç. Terrain Neocomien (non Lucina) tion" (Darwin 1846, p. 179-180, pl. 1, cut by a thrust that puts the Chachao C. Terebratula ? sketch 1, see Giambiagi et al. 2009). coquinas on top of its upper part. The A. Rostellaria angulosa, d'Orb. Paleont. de The red sandstones of P correspond to lower part is mostly composed by inter- l'Am. Mer. Pl. 18 fig. 4 ?" the Río Damas Formation in Chile calations of massive and finely laminated (Tordillo Formation in Argentina). Q and grey and yellowish , bearing - d'Orbigny also listed : S of Darwin (1846) are the Lo Valdés in some levels- Steinmanella sp., Thalassi- "790. Arca peut être Arca gabrielis, d' Orb. Formation in Chile or the Mendoza noides isp. and poorly preserved flattened (Paleontologie francaise) du terrain Neocomien" Group in Argentina, where it is compo- ammonoids. In the upper part there are This fossil is not mentioned by Darwin sed by the Vaca Muerta, Chachao and non-fossiliferous olive green shales, li- from the Piuquenes Pass, and is almost Agrio Formations. R, the gypsum bed, is mestone with small oysters, silty limesto- certainly from Puente del Inca (Darwin On Darwin's footsteps across the Andes: Tithonian-Neocomian fossil ... 35

Darwin (Fig. 4). D'Orbigny assigned a bivalve to Cyprina rostrata d'Orbigny, 1853 pointing out that this is not Lucina Lamarck, 1799, which is interesting as here this fossil is referred to Lucinidae indet. (D. Lazo, oral comm.) (Fig. 5, p-q). He also added the figure of Rostellaria angulosa d'Orbigny, 1842 (d'Or- bigny 1842, p. 80, pl. 18, fig. 4) which was very helpful in the assignation of our specimens to Protohemichenopus neuquensis Camacho, 1953 (Fig. 5 o). It is worth mentioning here that, besides the ammo- nites that will be described in detail be- low, we have also found chelipeds of callianassid crustaceans in both the Vaca Muerta and Agrio Formations. Besides Darwin (1846) the other only pu- blished mention of fossils in the Piu- quenes range is that of Polanski (1964, p. 48) who listed the following Tithonian fossils: Corongoceras sp., Aulacosphinctes sp., Trigonia carricurensis Leanza, Lucina sp. and Exogyra sp.


Family Haploceratidae Zittel, 1884 Genus Pseudolissoceras Spath, 1925

Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt, 1903) Figs. 5 a-h

? 1897 Oppelia perlaevis Steuer, p. 73, pl. 6, figs. 7-9 1900 Oppelia aff. perlaevis Steuer; Burck- hardt, p. 46, pl. 26, figs. 5, 6; pl. 29, fig. 2 1903 Neumayria zitteli Burckhardt, p. 55, pl. 10, figs. 1-8 1907 Neumayria zitteli Burckhardt; Haupt, p. 200, pl. 7, figs. 3a, b, 4a-c ? 1921 Oppelia perlaevis Steuer, p. 102, pl. 6, figs. 7-9 ? 1921 Oppelia perglabra Steuer, p. 104, pl. 7, figs. 13-15 1925 Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt); Spath, p. 113 (Gen. nov.) 1926 Pseudolissoceras zitteli Burckhardt; Figure 3: Stratigraphic section of the Mendoza Group in the Argentine slope of the Piuquenes Pass. Krantz, p. 436, pl. 17, figs. 4, 5 1846, p. 193), as this specimen and the Couloni)" have a note in the left margin 1928 Pseudolissoceras zitteli Burckhardt; "792 (Gryphaea - Voisine du Gryphaea stating Cumbre, probably handwritten by Krantz, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 6; pl. 4, figs. 9a, b 36 B. AGUIRRE-URRETA AND V. VENNARI

1931 Pseudolissoceras zitteli Burckhardt; cimens figured as Oppelia perlaevis Steuer with only some minimum differences in Weaver, p. 401, pl. 43, fig. 291 (1897, p. 73, pl. 6, figs. 7-9; 1921, Spanish transversal section -which can be someti- 1942 Pseudolissoceras cf. Pseudolissoceras zit- translation of 1897 edition, p. 102, pl. 6, mes more inflated or depressed- or in teli (Burckhardt); Imlay, p. 1443, pl. 4, figs. 7-9) and Oppelia perglabra Steuer having a more or less acuminate or roun- figs. 1-4, 7, 8, 11, 12 (1921, p. 104, pl. 7, figs. 13-15) from the ded venter. In all cases, specimens are 1980 Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt); lowermost Middle Tithonian of Men- found in association with a similar fauna Leanza, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b, 2a, b doza, belong also in the same species. composed mainly of other haploceratid 2001 Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt); This is due to the fact that there is a ammonoids, from which they can be Parent, p. 23, figs. 3a, b, 5a, b, 7a-f strong similarity in general form, orna- generally differentiated by the absence of Material: 10 specimens (CPBA 20552.1- mentation, and line between them a marked groove on the flanks, as occurs 20552.10) from the Piuquenes Pass, and Burckhardt's original form. Never- in Hildoglochiceras Spath, 1924, or its roun- Mendoza. theless, we can not confirm this until we ded venter and lesser degree of involu- have the chance of comparing our speci- tion than in Parastreblites Donze and Enay, Description: Well preserved, small to mens with Steuer's holotypes, although 1961. medium size specimens (largest speci- we can confidently assert that they do On the other , many authors (Haupt men is 62.2 mm diameter); body cham- not belong in Oppelia Waagen, 1869 1907, Krantz 1926, Weaver 1931, Leanza ber occupies at least half a , usually because they show no trace of even a 1980) distinguish Pseudolissoceras pseudooli- laterally crushed. Shell discoidal, involute feeble keel preserved on the illustrated thicum (Haupt, 1907) recorded in the sa- (U c. 21% of diameter) with deep umbi- material. me beds that contain Pseudolissoceras zitte- licus, rounded umbilical border and an Specimens described and figured by li. That species never exhibits an umbili- abrupt umbilical slope on the outermost Haupt (1907, p. 200, pl. 7, fig. 3a, b, 4a- cal edge, it is only moderately involute, whorls while on the innermost it beco- c), Krantz (1926, p. 436, pl. 17, figs. 4, 5; and its flanks are more inflated with mes gently inclined. Subelliptic transver- 1928, p. 18, pl. 1, fig. 6; pl. 4, fig. 9a, b), whorls as high as wide in transverse sec- sal section with convex flanks converging Weaver (1931, p. 401, pl. 43, fig. 291) and tion. on a rounded and slightly acuminated Leanza (1980, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 1a, b, 2a, venter. Whorls always higher than wide, b), were all found at Cerro Lotena, Neu- Ocurrence: Lowermost Middle Titho- with maximum width near the middle of quén, although some specimens have nian. Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone. the flanks. Shell surface almost smooth. also been recovered from Picún Leufú Only where test is preserved is it possible (Weaver), Rodeo Viejo, Bardas Blancas, Family Steinmann, 1890 to distinguish extremely soft, falcoid ribs Arroyo Cienaguitas and from a locality Subfamily Virgatosphinctinae Spath, 1923 a densely packed, that start at the base of between Cajón del Burro and Río Choi- Genus Virgatosphinctes Uhlig, 1910 the umbilical slope. No dimorphic sexual ca, in Mendoza (Krantz 1926). Speci- structures observed. Suture line not com- mens studied by Parent (2001, p. 23, fig. Virgatosphinctes aff. Virgatosphinctes den- pletely preserved. 3a, b, 5a, b, 7a-f) are from Cañadón de los seplicatus rotundus Spath, 1931 Alazanes, a locality exposed at the Vaca Figs. 5 i-m Dimensions of specimens Muerta Range in Neuquén, while Imlay's Specimen Diameter U/D Whorl Height Whorl Width H/W ? 1890 Perisphinctes contiguus Catullo; Tou- (CPBA) (D) (U) (H) (W) cas, p. 581, pl. 14, fig. 4 20552.1 62.2 12.3 0.20 30.3 - - ? 1900 Perisphinctes contiguus Catullo; Burck- 20552.2 37.3* 7.4 0.20 17.9 9.2* 1.95 hardt, p. 45, pl. 24, fig. 1 20552.3 44.5 9.4 0.20 22.9 14.2 1.61 1903 Perisphinctes contiguus Catullo; Burck- 20552.4 43 9.1* 0.20 19.8 15.0 1.32 hardt, p. 38, pl. 4, figs., 7-10 20552.5 38.1 6.9 0.18 17.5 11.3 1.55 20552.6 28 6.1 0.22 13.0 7.8 1.67 ? 1931 Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus (waa- 20552.7 27.2 6.4 0.24 13.2 8.8 1.50 gen) var. rotunda Spath, p. 532, pl. 96, figs. 20552.8 20.5 4 0.20 10.3 8.1 1.27 3a-b; pl. 102, fig 4. 20552.9 32 6 0.19 12.6 - - 1954 Virgatosphinctes cf. denseplicatus (Wa- 20552.10 41.1* 9.7 0.24 16.4* - - agen) var. rotunda Spath; Indans, p. 106, * Indicates approximate measurement. pl. 21, fig. 1 Remarks: Specimens described above material (1942, p. 1443, pl. 4, figs. 1-4, 7, 1972 Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus Waagen; can certainly be assigned to Pseudolisso- 8, 11, 12) is from . In all cases spe- Fatmi, p. 346, pl. 8, figs. 5a, b ceras zitteli (Burckhardt 1903, p. 55, pl. 10, cimens are highly similar; there is a nota- 1980 Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus rotundus figs. 1-8), and it is also possible that spe- ble concordance in U/D and H/W ratios Spath; Leanza, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 2, 3 On Darwin's footsteps across the Andes: Tithonian-Neocomian fossil ... 37

Material: 6 specimens (CPBA 20551.1- 20551.6) from the Piuquenes Pass, Men- doza.

Description: Medium size discoidal phragmacone (largest specimen is 45.9 mm in diameter), body chamber not pre- served. Slightly involute (U c. 33% of diameter), with moderately deep umbili- cus and umbilical border not very incli- ned. Venter slightly planar with gently curved flanks. Whorl section somewhat inflated, slightly wider than high, with maximum width at umbilical margin. Fine, sharp ribs, regularly distributed, beginning at the middle of the umbilical slope, with a slightly prorsiradiate ten- dency and then bifurcate at the external third of the flank, crossing the venter without interruption. A slight weakness occurs in the ribs in specimens that are less than 38 mm in diameter. At least two shallow constrictions are observed in the last whorl preserved, parallel to the rib pattern and bordered posteriorly by a simple asymmetrical rib. Suture line not observed. Figure 4 : List of fossils identified by d'Orbigny for Darwin from his collection of the Central Cordillera Dimensions of specimens of Chile (from www.darwin-online.org.uk). sembles the specimens described above, Specimen Diameter Umbilicus U/D Whorl Height Whorl WidthH/W (CPBA) (D) (U) (H) (W) with similar rib pattern and alternation of 20551.1 45.9 18.7* 0.41 16.1 17.2 0.94 triplicate ribs on one side with biplicate 20551.2 37.8 13.7 0.36 13.9 15.0 0.93 ribs on the other; there is also a slight 20551.3 35.5 14.7 0.41 12.2 12.7 0.96 attenuation of the ornamentation on the 20551.4 28.6 10.1 035 9.8 11.4 0.86 venter of some specimens. Toucas' mate- 20551.5 18.0 5.1 0.28 6.3 8.8 0.72 rial comes from the Lower Tithonian of 20551.6 10.5 1.9 0.18 4.9 - - the Carpathians, the Alps, the Apennines * Indicates approximate measurement. and from Andalucia, while Burkhardt's Remarks: Specific assignation of the cross the venter without any interrup- specimens are from the Lower Tithonian specimens to Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus tion. It is important to state here that the from Casa Pincheira in Mendoza. rotundus Spath (1931, p. 532, pl. 96, figs. gradual differentiation from biplicate Virgatosphinctes cf. denseplicatus (Waagen) 3a-b; pl. 102, fig. 4) is quite difficult due ribs, into triplicate, virgatotome, and fi- var. rotunda Spath (in Indans 1954, p. 106, to the fact that ornamentation suffers a nally fasciculate ribs that constitutes a pl. 21, fig. 1) from Cerro Alto in southern radical change in the last whorl, just as diagnostic character of Virgatosphinctes Mendoza also resembles the studied spe- illustrated by Waagen in Virgatosphinctes Uhlig, 1910 is not evident in Waagen's cimens, as well as the specimen from denseplicatus (1873, p. 201, pl. 46, fig. 3a, b; illustrated specimens from the Lower Ti- western Pakistan identified as Virgatos- pl.55, figs. 1a. b), where the innermost thonian of Kutch. phinctes denseplicatus Waagen by Fatmi fine ribs become stronger over the inner Perisphinctes contiguus Catullo (in Toucas (1972, p. 346, pl. 8, figs. 5a, b). However, third of the last whorl, and then differen- 1890, p. 581, pl. 14, fig. 4, Burckhardt there appears to be a difference in the tiate in the middle of the flank into a 1900, p. 45, pl. 24, fig. 1, Burckhardt ornamentation pattern with the Argen- bundle of 4 to 10 secondary ribs that 1903, p. 38, pl. 4, figs. 7-10) closely re- tinian specimens, as there are simple pos- 38 B. AGUIRRE-URRETA AND V. VENNARI

Figure 5: a-h) Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt, 1903); a) lateral view CPBA 20552.1; b) lateral and ventral views CPBA 20552.5; c) lateral and ventral views CPBA 20552.4; d) lateral view CPBA 20552.3; e) lateral view CPBA 20552.2; f) lateral view CPBA 20552.6; g) apertural and lateral views CPBA 20552.7; h) lateral and ventral views CPBA 20552.8; i-m) Virgatosphinctes aff. Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus rotundus Spath, 1931; i) lateral view CPBA 20551.3; j) lateral view CPBA 20551.4; k) ventral and lateral views CPBA 20551.2; l) lateral view CPBA 20551.1; m) apertural and lateral views CPBA 20551.5; n) Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wiedmann, 1992, lateral view CPBA 20557; o) Protohemichenopus neuquensis Camacho, 1953, apertural and lateral views CPBA 20556.1; p-q) Lucinidae indet. lateral views CPBA 20555.1-2; r-t) Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer, 1897); r) lateral view CPBA 20553.2; s) lateral and ventral views CPBA 20553.1; t) Parodontoceras calistoides (Behrendsen, 1891), lateral view CPBA 20554. All specimens from the Piuquenes Pass, Mendoza. All natural size. Specimens coated with ammonium chloride. On Darwin's footsteps across the Andes: Tithonian-Neocomian fossil ... 39

terior ribs bordering the constrictions, Weaver, p. 413, pl. 44, figs. 301-303 Remarks: Diagnostic characters obser- not joining the immediately anterior 1980 Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer); ved in the specimens studied, such as biplicate ribs. Leanza, p. 44, pl. 6, figs. 2a, b, 4a, b, 5a, b degree, rib pattern and the pre- Finally, there is a strong resemblance bet- 1981 Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer); sence of a ventral furrow allow its assig- ween the specimens studied here and Leanza, p. 587, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10 nation to Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus rotundus des- 1897, p. 34, pl. 8, figs. 7-11 as Reineckeia cribed and figured by Leanza from the Material: 2 specimens (CPBA 20553.1- proxima; 1921 Spanish translation, p. 61, Lower Tithonian of Cerro Lotena, Neu- 20553.2) from the Piuquenes Pass, Men- pl. 8, figs. 7-11). However, in the same quén (1980, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 2, 3), though doza. publication Steuer describes another spe- his specimens show a more inclined um- cies, from Arroyo Cienaguitas in Men- bilical slope and a more subelliptical Description: Medium size planulate doza, and from contiguous beds. This whorl section. shell (largest specimen is 52.3 mm in dia- species, (Perisphinctes colubrinus (Reinecke) Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus rotundus is meter), body chamber partially preser- p. 62, pl. 15, fig. 11), is very similar to usually found in association with other ved, of at least 1/4 whorl. Strongly evo- Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer, 1897), Virgatosphinctes, like Virgatosphinctes ande- lute (U c. 45% of diameter), with shallow both in general form and ornamentation sensis (Burckhardt), from which it can be umbilicus, rounded umbilical border and pattern, but the ventral furrow is not visi- differentiated due to its whorl section gradually inclined umbilical slope. Sub- ble on the last whorl preserved, although only slightly wider than high, its softer quadrate transversal section with slightly it is present on previous ones. Neverthe- ornamentation and the lack of intercala- convex flanks and flat venter, whorls less the specimen illustrated is 83 mm in tory ribs and primary ribs describing an slightly higher than wide. Prominent, diameter, so this character may not be inflection on the middle of the flanks. fine, sharp and distant ribs start at the noticeable at that size, although it might base of the umbilical slope in a rursira- be quite important in smaller shells as Ocurrence: Basal section of Vaca Muer- diated mode, at the umbilical margin they can be clearly seen on the specimens stu- ta Formation, just above the biolamina- become prorsiradiated, crossing the died by Burckhardt (1900, p. 44, pl. 24, ted carbonate levels. Lower Tithonian, flanks in a prorsiradiated to rectiradiated figs. 5, 6; pl. 26, fig. 4) and Weaver (1931, Virgatosphinctes mendozanus Zone. pattern. Number of ribs decreases as dia- p. 413, pl. 44, figs. 301-303), from Men- meter increases; in a 52.3 mm diameter doza and Neuquén, respectively. Family Perisphinctidae Steinmann, 1890 specimen there are 25 ribs in the last Weaver (1931, p. 411, pl. 44, figs. 298, Subfamily Himalayitinae Spath, 1925 whorl and 20 in the preceding one. Ribs 299) also described a specimen that was Genus Aulacosphinctes Uhlig, 1910 on the innermost whorls are interrupted assigned to Aulacosphinctes proximus. How- over the venter by a narrow and shallow ever, his description does not mention Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer, 1897) furrow, which tends to disappear in outer any rib interruption over the venter at Figs. 5 r-t whorls although ornamentation there any shell size, an important character in may suffer an important weakening. the definition of the genus that casts 1897 Reineckeia proxima Steuer, p. 34, pl. 8, Simple primary ribs are irregularly inter- doubts on its assignation. figs. 7-11 calated with biplicate ribs that bifurcate Aulacosphinctes wanneri Krantz (1928, p. ? 1897 Perisphinctes colubrinus Reinecke; at the middle of the flanks without deve- 42, pl. 2, figs. 6a, b) from Arroyo La Steuer p. 62, pl. 15, fig. 11 loping any tubercle at the bifurcation Manga, Mendoza, closely resembles Au- 1900 Perisphinctes colubrinus Reinecke; point. Some intercalatory ribs are also lacosphinctes proximus. The development of Burckhardt, p. 44, pl. 24, figs. 5, 6; pl. 26, observed, not extending beyond the mid- a trifurcated rib is the only difference fig. 4 dle part of the flanks. Two wide but sha- between the two species, an unimportant 1907 Perisphinctes proximus Steuer; Haupt, llow constrictions occur near the shell character that may be considered as p. 192 end; they are posteriorly bounded by a intraspecific variation. 1921 Reineckeia proxima Steuer, p. 61, pl. 8, simple, acute and prominent primary rib. Finally, the studied specimens are com- figs. 7-11 Suture line not visible. parable with those studied by Leanza ? 1921 Perisphinctes colubrinus Reinecke; (1980, p. 44, pl. 6, figs. 2a, b, 4a, b, 5a, b; Steuer, p. 90, pl. 15, fig. 11 Dimensions of specimens 1928 Aulacosphinctes wanneri Krantz, p. 42, Specimen Diameter Umbilicus U/D Whorl Height Whorl Width H/W pl. 2, figs. 6a, b (CPBA) (D) (U) (H) (W) ? 1931 Aulacosphinctes proximus (Steuer); 220553.1 48.1 22.9 0.48 13.8 12.6 1.1 Weaver, p. 411, pl. 44, figs. 298, 299 20553.2 52.3 21.3 0.41 14.9 14.3 1.0 1931 Aulacosphinctes colubrinus (Reinecke); * Indicates approximate measurement. 40 B. AGUIRRE-URRETA AND V. VENNARI

1981, p. 587, pl. 2, figs., 9, 10) from the manner, then bend forwards at the umbi- bigny); Leanza and Wiedmann, p. 32, Middle Tithonian of Cerro Lotena in lical border describing an inflection, and figs. 6a-b Neuquén. then another inflection at the bifurcation 1995 Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wied- point in the middle of the flanks. These mann; Aguirre-Urreta, p. 407, pl. 1, figs. Ocurrence: Middle Tithonian, Aulacos- biplicate ribs are intercalated with simple 1-23 phinctes proximus Zone. ribs and some intercalatory ones do not 1999 Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and go beyond the external third of the flank. Wiedmann; Aguirre-Urreta et al., pl. 1, Family Neocomitidae Salfeld, 1921 All ribs are interrupted over the venter by fig. 4. Subfamily Berriasellinae Spath, 1922 a relatively wide and shallow furrow, 2005 Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wied- Genus Parodontoceras Spath, 1923 a which becomes less visible as diameter mann; Aguirre-Urreta et al., figs. 7 e-f increases until it disappears completely. Parodontoceras calistoides (Behrendsen, Suture line is very badly preserved. Material: 1 specimen (CPBA 20557) and 1891) several fragments and impressions from Fig. 5 t Dimensions of specimen the Piuquenes Pass, Mendoza.

1891 Hoplites calistoides Behrendsen, p. Specimen Diameter Umbilicus U/D Whorl Height Whorl Width H/W (CPBA) (D) (U) (H) (W) 402, pl. 23, figs. 1a, b 20554 97.2 21.1 0.22 43.2 19.7* 2.19 1897 Odontoceras calistoides Behrendsen; * Indicates approximate measurement. Steuer, p. 41, pl. 17, figs. 13-16 1921 Odontoceras calistoides Behrendsen; Remarks: Specific assignation of the Description: Shell small, involute (ap- Steuer, p. 69, pl. 17, figs. 13-16 specimen to Parodontoceras calistoides (Beh- prox. diameter 30 mm), with rounded 1922 Hoplites calistoides Behrendsen, p. rendsen, 1891, p. 402, pl. 23, figs. 1a, b) is umbilical slope and slightly rounded 184, pl. 1, figs. 11a, b quite safe despite its rather poor preser- flanks converging towards a curved ven- 1923a Parodontoceras callistoides Behrend- vation, especially taking into account its ter. Ornament is composed by ribs and sen; Spath, p. 305 (Gen. nov.) eccentric shape, rib pattern and ventral constrictions. The ribs are fine, arise 1925 Berriasella calistoides Behrendsen; furrow. This species is known from many from the umbilical slope and bifurcate in Gerth, p. 88 localities in Neuquén and Mendoza, the lower third of the flank where they 1928 Berriasella (Parodontoceras) calistoides almost always in association with Subs- curve into a falcoid shape. They cross the (Behrendsen); Krantz, p. 24 teueroceras koeneni (Steuer, 1897) characte- venter without interruption bending 1945 Parodontoceras calistoides (Behrend- rized by a finer and denser rib pattern slightly towards the . The cons- sen); Leanza, p. 41, pl. 5, figs. 5, 6 than Parodontoceras calistoides. Neverthe- trictions are less curved than the ribs and 1988 Paradontoceras calistoides (Behrend- less, they seem to be very close forms they dissect them. Suture line not preser- sen); Riccardi, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4 and only a future more detailed study will ved. prove if they are not just morphotypes of Material: 1 specimen (CPBA 20554) the same species. Remarks: Although the preservation of from the Piuquenes Pass, Mendoza. the specimens is rather poor, they can be Ocurrence: Uppermost Tithonian, Sub- assigned to Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Description: Medium to large phragma- steueroceras koeneni Zone. Wiedmann, 1992 due to the size, involu- cone (97.2 mm diameter), laterally crus- tion of the shell and ribbing pattern. The hed. Shell ellipticone, involute (U c. 22 % Family Spath, 1923 b studied specimens are comparable with of diameter), with poorly developed um- Genus Spitidiscus Kilian, 1910 those studied by Aguirre-Urreta (1995, p. bilical border and quite inclined umbilical 407, pl. 1, figs. 1-23) from Agua de la slope. Flanks are gently convex and ven- Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wied- Mula and Agrio del Medio in Neuquén ter somewhat flattened. Whorls are hig- mann, 1992 where the species has been studied in her than wide, with the maximum width Fig. 5 n detail. probably located at the umbilical border. The whorl height increases considerably 1992 Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza and Wied- Occurrence: Upper . Spiti- with diameter, resulting in an eccentric mann, p. 33, figs. 4a-b discus riccardii Zone. shaped shell. Ornamentation consists of 1992 Spitidiscus aff. S. rotula (J. de C. Sow- moderately strong ribs, regularly spaced, erby); Leanza and Wiedmann, p. 32, figs. CONCLUDING REMARKS that begin at least from the middle part 3a-b of the umbilical slope in a rursiradiate 1992 Spitidiscus aff. S. gastaldianus (d'Or- When one compares the geological sec- On Darwin's footsteps across the Andes: Tithonian-Neocomian fossil ... 41

tion of the Piuquenes Pass by Darwin advice. This fauna was one of the first to Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft 43 (1891): (1846, pl. 1, skecth 1) with the present be documented in the High Cordillera of 369-420; 44 (1892): 1-42. knowledge of the area (Pángaro et al. the Main Andes, which now we know Behrendsen, O. 1922. Contribución a la geología 1996, Fig. 2 herein), it can be seen that that also includes the Tithonian as seen de la pendiente oriental de la Cordillera Ar- Darwin was able to clearly identify the by the ammonites described above. gentina. Academia Nacional de Ciencias, succession of Meso-Cenozoic rocks and Actas 7: 157-227, Córdoba. some structural features. He only par- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Burckhardt, C. 1900. Profils géologiques trans- tially recognized the highly complex versaux de la Cordillère Argentino-Chilienne. structure of thrusts that affects the sedi- The authors wish to acknowledge Dario Museo de La Plata, Sección Geológica y Mi- mentary rocks, repeating parts of the Lazo for his information on the bivalves neralógica, Anales 2: 1-136. sequence. and Victor A. Ramos for his assistance in Burckhardt, C. 1903. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Regarding the fossil content, it must be the field and his advice on the structure Jura und Kreide formation der Cordillere. understood that Darwin just rode along of the region. The reviewers Estanislao Palaeontographica 50: 1-144. the trail, suffering the effects of high alti- Godoy, Héctor Leanza and Amaro Burkhardt, F. and Smith, S. 1985. The Complete tude and that he was being hurried by the Mourgues improved the original manus- Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 1. "baqueanos" who were afraid of bad wea- cript with their comments. 1821-1836. Cambridge University Press, 752 ther. He wrote to Henslow: "It was late in p., Cambridge. the Season, & the situation particularly dange- WORKS CITED IN THE TEXT Camacho, H. H. 1953. Algunas consideraciones rous for Snow storms. I did not dare to delay, sobre los “Aporrhaidae” fósiles argentinos. otherwise a grand harvest might have been rea- Aguirre-Urreta, M.B. 1995. Spitidiscus riccardii Revista de la Asociaci´´on Geológica argenti- ped" (Burkhardt and Smith 1985). He was Leanza y Wiedmann () en el na 8: 183- 194. able to collect the most common fossil, Hauteriviano del Neuquén. Ameghiniana 32: Darwin, C. 1846. Geological observations on his big oyster Exogyra (Gryphacea) couloni 407-410. South America, being the third part of the (presently Aetostreon), other bivalves, so- Aguirre-Urreta, M.B. 1996. El Tithoniano marino geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under me gastropods and ammonites. It is diffi- de la vertiente argentina del paso de Piuque- the command of Capt. FirtzRoy, RN, during cult to know precisely from where he got nes, Mendoza. 13° Congreso Geológico Ar- the years 1832 to 1836. Smith, Elder and co., his specimens, though it seems he stop- gentino y 3° Congreso de Exploración de 268 p. London. ped several times along the trail collec- Hidrocarburos (Buenos Aires), Actas 2: 185. d'Orbigny, A. 1840-1841. Paléontologie Fran- ting loose material, a fact that would ex- Aguirre-Urreta, M.B. 2001. Marine Upper Juras- caise. Description des Mollusques et Rayon- plain why the fossils were poorly preser- sic-Lower Stratigraphy and Bios- nés Fossiles. Terrains Crétacés. Masson, 662 ved. tratigraphy of the Aconcagua-Neuquén p., Paris. D'Orbigny (manuscript, see Fig. 4, and Basin, Argentina and Chile. Journal of Iberian d'Orbigny, A. 1842. Voyage dans L'Amérique also Darwin 1846) regarded the assem- Geology 27: 71-90. Méridionale. 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The Geological Darwin´s pioueering observations compared faunas of this age in South America, it Society, Special Publication 252: 57-81, Lon- with modern geology. Revista de la Asocia- should be emphasized that Darwin was don. ción Geológica Argentina 64 (1): 44-54. correct in assigning the whole succession Behrendsen, O. 1891-1892. Zur Geologie des Groeber, P. 1953. Mesozoico. In Geografía de la to the Neocomian, following d'Orbigny's Ostabhanges der argentinischen Kordillere. República Argentina, Sociedad Argentina de 42 B. AGUIRRE-URRETA AND V.VENNARI

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