Modular Moonshine II. 24 July 1994, corrected 19 Sept 1995 Duke Math. J. 83 (1996) no. 2, 435-459. Richard E. Borcherds,∗ Mathematics department, University of California at Berkeley, CA 94720-3840 U. S. A. e-mail:
[email protected] Alex J. E. Ryba, Dept of Mathematics, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 53233, U. S. A. e-mail:
[email protected] The monster simple group acts on the monster vertex algebra, and the moonshine conjectures state that the traces of elements of the monster on the vertex algebra are Hauptmoduls. Ryba [R94] conjectured the existence of similar vertex algebras over fields of characteristics p acted on by the centralizers of certain elements of prime order p in the monster, and conjectured that the Brauer traces of p-regular elements of the centralizers were certain Hauptmoduls. We will prove these conjectures when the centralizer involves a sporadic group (p 11, corresponding to the sporadic groups B, F i0 , T h, HN, He, and M12). ≤ 24 Contents. 1. Introduction. Notation. 2. Cohomology and modular representations. 3. Vertex superalgebras mod p. 4. A vanishing theorem for cohomology. 5. The case p = 2. 6. Example: the Held group. 7. Open problems and conjectures. 1. Introduction. The original “moonshine conjectures” of Conway, Norton, McKay, and Thompson said that the monster simple group M has an infinite dimensional graded representation V = n ZVn such that the dimension of Vn n 1 ⊕ ∈ is the coefficient of q of the elliptic modular function j(τ) 744 = q− +196884q+ , and more generally the n − ··· McKay-Thompson series Tg(τ) = n Z Tr(g Vn)q is a Hauptmodul for some genus 0 congruence subgroup P ∈ | of SL2(R).