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Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers

12-24-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Christmas Letter From Viet Nam (Editor 's Note: This is a There was a handful of ceived the small, less-expensive forces radio station told of I started getting dressed for Christmas letter jrom tone of American children — mission- presents. I asked one little 10- chestnuts roasting over an open bed when I noticed an un- the 20,000 U.S. servicemen aries, dependents and children year-old girl how she liked her fire and "yet in the dark street marked envelope on my pillow. on duty in Viet Warn . It was of the American civilian doctors present. shineth the everlasting light." The houseboy must have put it k written, from the war-torn who spend two or more years 'That la rat dep," she said. I picked up the Christmas there while I was at the party. Mekong delta by Army Copt. working with the Vietnamese in I frowned. * cards I had received. . Don Musters to his wife Ann . . Scrawled in a halting hand- their hospitals. The American "That means it is beautiful," There was a card from Mr. in Aus-tin, Tea-., and made children stood side by side with an American child said. writing were the words: "You auaitable to The Associated the little brown Vietnamese "Oh," I said. Yen, a Vietnamese combat pho- have left your country and your Press.) children whose parents work The little American girl tographer. 'Merry Christmas family to come here and to inside the compound. leaned over and whispered, "I and a Happy New Year' written stand with us in the fight for CAN THO, South Viet Nam in Vietnamese, English and freedom. We are very grateful I couldn 't swear that behind asked mommy to save the big

Decreasing Cloudiness For Best Results And Much Colder Use Daily News Tonight, Friday Classified Ads

Two Americans Killed, 50 Hurt in Saigon Blast SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) - said two Americans—an Army Americans during the holiday. its surrounding concrete park- 1 bulances to a walk. The most powerful terrorist officer and a civilian — were ing lot was encircled by a con- Among other things, the bomb Up to Five blocks away, win- bomb ever directed against killed and 50 injured. Also re- ] crete wall some 15 feet high. demolished the U.S. armed forc- Americans in Saigon ripped ported injured were an Austral- dews were shattered and last- 1 The building is in the heart of es radio station , which operated through the main U.S. officers ian officer and 15 Vietnamese. minute holiday shoppers j the city. on the ground floor of the build- downtown part of; billet here this Christinas Eve The blast was probably the thronging the^ ing. The station provided enter- and there were scores of casu- work of the Communist Viet the capital were spattered with \ The huge bomb apparently tainment and news for troops alties. Cong, who had threatened out- blood. i was brought right into the build- throughout South Viet Nam, Advices sent to the Pentagon breaks of terrorism against The bomb exploded on the ing undetected. There were es- and also served for relaying ground floor of a seven-story timates that up to 500 pounds general information to Ameri- building called the Brink Hotel, of high, explosive must have can troops. where several hundred U.S. of- been used. • • • • ficers live. Screaming, bloody Vietnam- The bomb apparently wu The timing—fl p.m—was such ese children stood on sidewalks placed in a generator room that most of the Americans liv- near the building. Many of the next to the* station. ing in the building were prob- wounded, screaming civilian! Fire trucks brought the rag« Viet Leaders were leaping into taxi cabs tc ing flames more or less under ably at home. TRYING TO BEAT HIS OWN HECORD trying to break his own world record for A witness said "seores of seek treatment since the traffic control a half-hour after the ex- . . . Max Conrad, America's 61-year-old fly- •light planes by flying non-stop to the Louisi- Americans are killed or in- jam slowed movement of am plosi6n. ing grandfather, waves from cockpit of his ana city. He is due in Louisiana Saturday. jured." light plane as he takes off from Cape Town , (AP Photofax via cable from Johannesburg) Defy US. Fire fcroke out along the ground floor of the Brink offi- South Africa, today for New Orleans. He is a few SAIGON, South Viet Nam the crisis is settled within cers' mess, which is beside the (AP ) — Neither &*«*! United days. Continental Hotel and opposite States nor Vietnamese military Sources on the Vietnamese the Caravelle Hotel. Chr istmas Joy side said the defiant officers leaders showed signs of yielding were considering an anti-Ameri- Smaller explosions continued today in their showdown over can campaign that might in- after the huge initial blast Wet and Homeless military interference in South clude street demonstrations. which caused p art of the offi- Viet Mam's government. The removal of U.S. Ambassa- cers' billets to collapse and Only a Hope dor Maxwell D. Taylor was re- smashed windows in every shop On the U.S. side, informed ported to be an objective. along fire blocks. The lesser sources said that the United explosions sounded like explo- Holiday for Some States would probably withhold Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, the sions of small arms ammuni- important new aid expected in commander of the Vietnamese tion kept by American officers BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The savage Pacific storm sent been declared disaster areas. appeared to hold in their rooms. In Many Areas Saigon for the Vietnamese war armed forces, Thousands of victims in five dozens of mountain rivers spill- Air Force, Navy, National effort in about a month unless undisputed control over his offi- The wounded were being laid By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in the jungles of the Congo and flood-stricken Western states ing into scores of cities and Guard, Red Cross , Coast Guard , cers. There was no indication outside the building awaiting Christians around the world Viet Nam in the Christmas of were homeless on this Christ- towns in California , Washington , and Civil Defense units were that Khanh planned to ac- ambulances. prepared today to celebrate the 1964. Yet most parts of tha mas Eve, and more joined in Oregon , Nevada and Idaho. working around the clock with quiesce to U.S. demands that Thick black smoke billowed joy of Christmas but in many Christian world were at peace, the exodus to escape new flood- At least 28 persons have died local officials to rescue thou- the military end interference in above Saigon as the building areas troubled by controversy however uneasy it might be. ing as rain pounded the afflicted and rrrore than 5,000 left home- sands stranded by high water , the civilian government. burned. and fighting, joy remained only "We must prepare ourselves areas for the third consecutive less. Damage has been so great slides and snow. Rolvaag Picks U.S. policy makers in Saigon The dead American civilian a hope. well for Christmas, rekindling day. that officials have stopped esti- Rain and winds slackened lived in the building. He died in Men were fighting and dying in our hearts the desire, th» mating, reportedly feel that Khanh Soiled Christmas trees floated briefly Wednesday but another U.S. Navy Hospital , an Ameri- thirst, the anxiet for the living Parts of every state have' low-pressure system moved in should step down because they y among tJe surging debris. can spok esman said. God and the from the Pacific and the heavy Mattson for feel renewed cooperation with blessed certainty of downpour resumed. The Weath- him probably is impossible. Of the Americans wounded, 29 finding Christ, the God-made B RAG OF ARMING CONGO REBELS er Bureau forecast rain and Khanh was clearly working to were U.S. Army officers, 11 Missing Plane man," said Pope Paul VI in an strong winds from Northern achieve Taylor's recall. were with the U.S. Air Force, audience at Vatican City. California to Washington Atty. General Taylor was known to believe 13 with the Navy, 2 were U.S. From Washington, President through Friday. ST. PAUL (AP) - Gov Karl that while the crisis should be Marines. Two of the wounded Found Wrecked, Johnson sent "warmest Christ- . who In California ' s rugged north Rolva ag picked 40-year-old Rob- settled as quickly as possible, were American civilians mas greetings" to the 22,000 live in the quarters. country, entire communities ert Mattson of Minneapolis to- the United States must make a U.S. servicemen who are spend- US.-Nasser were cut off by merciless tor- day to be Minnesota's new attor- firm and determined stand Vietnamese police reported 3 Aboard Dead ing the holiday in Viet Nam rents that tore out at least 15 ney general. against military interference In they had rounded up several (AP) fighting a war against commu- bridges , MANKATO, Minn. - knocked out telephone the civilian government. U.S. suspects in the bombing. Wreckage of a missing twin-en- nism. limes nnd washed away huge Mattson , onetime deputy un- der former Atty, Gen. Miles officials contend that the gener- Most of the officers living at gine plane was found on a farm Most of the men there will eat sections of high-ways. the Brink were majors and colo- Relat ions Slip Lord, will take over the office als have been unwilling to south of Good Thunder , Minn., a sumptuous Christmas dinner Hundreds of persona were assume the responsibilities of nels. this morning. All three men despite the war, but for others (AP ) - Relations be- U.S. Ambassador Lucius Baltic next week when Walter F. Mon- CAIRO I , government business on the The Brink was one of the aboard were killed, in the field Friday will be just tween the United States and the of trying to put economic pres- trapped without food or medi- dale becomes U.S, senator. cine , right to overturn the govern- most heavily guarded buildings Victims of the crash were another day of war. United Arab Republic deteriora - sure on Egypt and declared : clinging to rooftops or Rolvaag earlier had named perched on islands awaiting res- ment when things do not go as in Saigon. Set back from the Walter Chesley, 43, Montevideo, Comedian Bob Hope evoked a ted further today in the wake of "Anyone who does not like our Mond-ale to take the Senate seat street on all sides about 50 feet , Minn,; ( eup. they wish. Harold Reichert, 51, wildly enthusiastic welcome n speec h by President 'Jama I altitude can drink from the sea. being vacated . by Sen. Hubert North Mankato , and John Den- Abdel N asser tolling America in And if the Mediterranean is not Every town along the Eel Riv- Humphrey's elevation to the with a surprise visit to an air er in northwestern California Adcl, 41, Oskaloosa, Iowa. base in Viet Nam. The troops effect to take ils aid and "go to big enough , we will (jive him the vice presidency. The craft disappeared Tues- hell. " Red Sea to drink , too." was Inundated. In the hamlet of were told Hope would arri ve Rio Dell city officials ordered day night on a flight from Os- only a few hours before he en- Speaking in Port Salri To "drink from the sea " is the Mattson, a native of Virginia, Family knloosn, Iowa , to Manknto. It Wednesday, Nasser accused Egyptian slang equivalent ol lo phone and power poles toppled Minn. , was designated to fill Johnson tertained them . to convert lhe main street into landed nt Jefferson , Iowa , on "go to the. devil or " go to hell." Mond ale's spot at an early-m or- schedule nt 7:.10 p.m. but failed Morn fortunate American an emergency landing stri p, ning mews conference called by servicemen elsewhere In tho (MUCHU u.ii. cwminrni wnn to make its scheduled arrival at Goodfellows Fund l\o About 2,000 refugees w-aited for Hoiva«g. However, news of the nvaihihle immediately in Wash- Mankato an hour later. world were not engaged In open helicopters to . rescue them . choice had pretty much leaked Hangs Stockings warfare. Previously listed $4l ,fi81,2fi ington. U.S. officia ls indicated , The entire population of Wil- out Wednesday, Wreckage wan strewn over n In South Korea , howe ver , that a request by Nas- low Creek and Hoopa , in the JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) if they follow t heir usual cus- wide area on the Walter Hipps another divid- The Twinn . S 2.50 Now in private law practice , ed nation , U.S . servicemen ser for $35 million worth of sur- heart of an Indian reservation , — Christmas stockings marked tom , they will wait until Friday farm about 5 Vie miles south of will Mom 2,50 plus food would be shelved be- Malison 's state work included light a 20-foot cross on a hill A Friend ,S took refiiRe in the high school "Daddy," "Mother ," "Lynda" morning to open their other Good Thunder. Bodies of the vic- cnuso. of hi.s aid to the Congolese gymnasium on high ground. investigation of the Sister Kenny packages. overlooking Communist posi- Milt Knutsnn .1 and "Luci" are hung by the tims were Inside the plane, a rebels. Peppcrwood , populat ion 500, Foundation scandal and the chimney with care. The Johnsons plan to attend yellow Seechcraft. tions across the demilitarised Wiiioiui Monument Co, „ Nasser's outburst apparently Stillwater Prison food diversion rone. ( Continued 2) Christmas services nt St. Bar- The three men were officials Mr. and Mrs. A, ('. was touched off by U.S. accusa- on Page 14 Col. case. Colorful decorations of nn In West Germany, FLOODS nabas Episcopal mission , 15 of Nationwide Motor Club , an au- Lt. Gen. Rasmussen S tions that he is aiding the Con- eight-foot balsam tree sparkle William W. Quinn of the U.S. 7th rvlattfion s appointment will be miles awny In Fredericksburg. to owners association operating Carleton Wendell Fish r> golese rebels and Intimations in tho President's library-office, there Army urged his men to madi. effective when Mondale For the holiday dinner in five Midwest slates, DonAdel pause In Memory (if Mrs. that U.S. aid would bo curtailed | and the Johnson family is ready ¦will and nil the trim- nnd " reflect upon resigns which probably will be he turkey was president of the club , Reich- the ancient Joseph Miller . , 5 br-cuusc of Ihls. i No Paper , for the excitement of Christmas Christ inn message on Dec. IH) , next Thursday. mings. ert nnd Chesley were officials ol of peace on Mrs. J. 11. Itrnkken. Spnaking lo a rally celebrat- at their ranch home, earth and The; governor said present There are a t Inst the Minnesota branch. good will toward our Harmony, Minn, . . , 2 ing I lie end of the l!ir>B Isr aeli- I Friday hand-made or- The .kilinKoii N alHo spoil fellow man." f' plans call for Humphrey to re- numental angel , pine cones and Christmas at the ranch nnd en- nrl and Ray mond 2 British-French invasion of the The U.S. Army 's ji Suez , sign as of the close of business boughs of balsam on the man- tertained 27 kinfolk nt Christ- WEATHER Berlin bri- Wliioii Fire Fighter* Nasser declared : As hns l>p,cn its cus- gade Is playing host ' ii., Dec , 29, with Monclnle assum- tles and stali-ways, a Nativity mas dinner in the President's FHDKRAL FORKCWST to mere Asfi Loral 575 -II tom (or many years, the than 2,000 needy persona In J. It. UatkliiR Founda- "We have Kent arms to tlif ing oifice the next day. scene. 12-room stone and frame home . WINONA AND VICINITY - B«r- Winonn Daily News will lin. In return, more than 200 tion Stilt Congolese rebels and we will Mattson was graduated from Last year's Christmas was far Decreasing cloudiness tonight continue to send not be published Friday, Mrs. Johnson snys the ornam- American soldiers hove been RMLK 5. arms because Virginia High School and Junior from n relnxing one for the with low temperature of zero • <) the rebels need them nnd need Christmas Day, thus al- ental angel which she received R below. Occasional Invited to share traditional rout In Memory of Dr. F. College, He holds a law degree ehlef executive. Ho kept busy on cloudiness the support of the honest nations lowing employes to spend from a friend in Germany is n goose In Berlin homos. ('. B e r from from the University of Minneso- the holiday inspecting his cattle , Friday and high of 20. Temper- R of the world, The U.A.R, cannot tho holiday with their special favorite of hers. The atures below normal , no snow Thousands; of West Berlin«m grandchildren R«g- ta. Mattson left the nttorney delivering poinsutlias to his watch aggression against the First Lady did most of the de- and Inking n speed- Saturday. passed through the Berlin wall er, Jean, Doug nnd families. general's office in 10(H). He lives neighbors , Congo and stand handcuffed . corating of the ranch home her- nearby lake. LOCAL WFATIIKIl to spend the holiday with Julie S Regular publicat ion will in Bloomingtoii. boat spin on a rela- "We, do not accept any words self. , He even took time last year to Offici al observations for the tives in the Communist lector of Doug nnd Bowser , r> he resumed Sunday, against us niiil we will cut off i Matlion will .serve tho two Tho President , Mrs. Johnson, lease- 4(i acres more of "stomp- 24 hours ending nt 12 in. to- tho divided city. The Commu- lhe tongue of anyone who uses i years- remaining in the term for and their daughters, Lynda , .20 ing ground" to jidd to the John- day: nists permit tho croaning Total to dale ... .$5,277.26 I (ClirtnliituH , by them , We do not need their iflrrni which Mondale was elected. The and Luci , 17 will open their gifts son hold ings of 400 acres along Maximum , an; minimum , 11; special agreement with " the CTolhliiK-Friend. I money ." I post tinys $1(1, 000 a yeiir, from each other tonight. Then, tho Pendnniiiles River . noon , 11; precip itation , trace. West Berlin government. for sizable fare cuts and result in a "great stimulation '' of trav- Car Hits Hydrant Two Collisions 750-Passenger el, chiefly to Europe. THURSDAY Fulbright Balks "But there would be offsets to Af ter Skid on Ice DECEMBER 24, 1964 economies of size, he added. "Great improvements vould be Glare ice claimed a collision The Daily Record Cause Damage Airliner Would required by such a huge plane victim in Goodview Wednesday Af Sponsoring in ground handling faculties, at 6 p.m. At Community Two-State Deaths WEATHER * Michael Curran, 16, 4419 W. Exceeding $350 Change Business He mentioned eitremely 7th St., Goodview , was driving OTHF.R TEMPERATURES heavy demands on facilities fox Memorial Hospital Mrs. Willijm Hyilop Two traffic mishaps in Wino- NEW YORK (AP) - A 750- west on 6th Street, 100 feet in- )-Mrs. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS food service, baggage .handling, Vlfltlng. hourt: M*-dic»l and turflcal OSSEO, Wis. (Special na Wednesday caused more than Foreign Aid passengeV commercial Jetliner , side the east village limit, when pituntj. J lo »nd to l:J0 p.m. (No , Osseo Rt High Low Pr. sanitation, boarding and ticket- * ' William Hyslop , 71 . $350 damage to the vehicles and WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. if jn economic version ever ap- he hit a patch of ice and went etii!rjr*n urvder 1J.I 1 , died Wednesday afternoon at Albany, cloudy .... 40 38 .. ing that today's airports are not M»!»rnlly ojtitntf. J to 1.10 and 7 to one minor injury. W, pears, would revolutionize to- Into a skid. $ 30 p.m. lAaulli onlv I the home of her daughter in Al- Albuquerque, clear . 58 35 . J. Fulbright, D-Ark., «ays he equipped to cope with. An accident at Broadway and day 's scheduled airline opera- Airlines official , His car only stopped after toona after a long illness. Atlanta, cloudy .... 63 62 ,01 in- will no longer steer the admin- An American WEDNESDAY Winona Street al 1:30 p.m. tions. attra ctiveness hitting a fire hydrant broadside. The former Mae Kennedy, she Bismarck , clear ... 10 -6 .04 volved two cars, only one of istration's foreign-aid bllla asked about the was more than $300 dam- ADMISSIONS was born in Minnewaukan. Boise, raid 56 44 ,46 However, its debut is unlikely of a 750-ton behemoth in New There which was damaged. through the Senate, The Wash- before the mid-1970s. Its most , ob- age to the front right side of Regina C. Pasksewicz, N.D., Dec. 14. 189.1, to Isaac and Boston, cloudy 40 38 Bernard W. Arenz Jr 19 309 York-Los Angeles service Mrs. ., . ington Post reported today. exciting possibility then: sharp airlines flying Curran's car , but he was not E. Broadway. Ethie Kennedy. She was mar- Chicago., rain 50 46 .02 Howard St ., was driving east served that three 907 Fulbright, as chairman of the fare cuts for long-hop travel , roughly 1,- Injured. Daniel J. Hellerud , Wino>na Rt. ried Nov. 15, 1913. in North Da- Cincinnati, cloudy . 65 57 on Broadway and attempted to the route now carry kota. She had lived in this area Foreign Relations Committee, greatly stimulating coast-to- 5O0 persons each way spread The sheriff's office investigat- 2. Cleveland, cloudy .55 49 .10 make a left turn north onto Wi- c jast and overseas passenger many years. Denver, clear 71 46 nona Street. He was forced to has t>orne the major responsi- among two dozen flights. ed, Gerald F. Speltz, Rollingstone, husband; traffic. Survivors are : Her , cloudy . 59 24 slam on his brakes , however, bility in the Senate for legisla- Minn. one son. Robert , Los Angeles , Des Moines DISCHARGES Fairbanks, snow -7 -18 T when a car driven south on Wi- tion on the nation 's international That , in t nutshell, was first two daughters, Mrs. Carl Hoh- undertakings, including military Leslie Sim, Rushford . Minn . Fort Worth , clear .. 81 59 nona Street by Thomas Sherby, airline reaction to a prospect man, Altoona , and Mrs. Harris , Mo ., proceeded out and economic aid to other coun- Daniel R. Moore , 8fi6 E. San- ( ) , Helena, snow ... . 46 -1 .11 Columbia raised by government plans to Gloria Johnson Osseo: six into Broadway. tries. born St. grandchildren; five great-grand- Honolulu . .cloudy ... 75 73 .48 pour $750 million into develop- David J. Ramer . 631 E. Belle- children; one brother, William. Indianapolis , cloudy 59 53 THE Sl'DDEN application of The Arkansas Democrat taid ing a giant military-equipment 000 view St. Des Moines. Iowa , and one sis- Jacksonville, cloudy 72 64 brakes sent Arenz' car skid- in an interview in the Post that and troop carrier with 250, John F. Czaplewski , 160 High ter . Mrs. Ora Gifft . Vancouver . Kansas City, ra in 63 35 T ding into a light pole- on the he is out of sympathy with the pounds of pay lift . Forest St. Wash . Los Angeles, cloudy 60 58 .01 northeast corner , causing more way forei gn-aid bills are han- A regular transatlantic jet Conrad A. Dahle, Rushford, Funeral servi ces will be at 2 Louisville, cloudy . . 63 58 .. than $200 damage to the front dled. handles 45 tons of cargo on a expire Minn. p.m. Saturday at United Church Memplus . cloudy .. 71 67 of his car. Sherby told police "If they want to pursue that standard fltghi , or 120 passen- U^'erg ^ow <'^0^\ , John v'W llJ 1 \ \ Mrs. Lawrence Welter and of Christ here the Rev . Miami, cloudy 77 68 that he did not notice Arenz same kind (of legislation), they gers. Economy flights can take Morrison officiating. Burial will III 1 baby. 851 E. King St. Milwaukee, fog . . 37 35 signaling a turn. oughl to turn it over lo someone as many as 170 passenge rs. /^C^'ll VI' I an f k"rr dim, "iv', ;V'''i Mrs: Robert M. Welch. 510 E. be in Osseo Cemetery. Mpls.-St. P., cloudy 30 14 .05 Patrolman Willis H. Wogan else, The government s announce- ^'' ^ Friends may call at Oftedahl someone who is fresher Howard St. New Orleans, clear 76 67 investigated. and more enthusiastic than I ment Tuesday stirred specula- 1 UowgooJ wieh.. fS Robert E. Shaw , 719 Main St, Funeral home here from noon New York, cloudy . 42 39 .. A collision cn Grand Street. am, tion of a commercial sequel , | J ! |j Friday until noon Saturday, then " he said. J | | i J Mrs. Charles Lowe, 1255 VV. Okla. City, cloudy . 66 50 10 feet north of Sanborn Street, even though Defense Secretary 2nd St. at the church. caused more than $150 damage If Fulbright should relinquish ( ur y Omaha, snow 65 19 T the Door managership of the RoAert S. McNamara said there """ H Mrs. Clara Hansen , 605 E to two pickup trucks. \ r J llr 1$$^' Sister rA. George Phoenix , cloud y .. . 67 4R always controversial forei gn-aid were no thoughts along that ' w°aron^ remain^ °^ ' Mark St. Michael Finney, 25, Lake line. ^, | U _ZjS_,Mi ^5^/f ' ROCHESTER , Minn. — Sis- Ptlnd . Ore., rain ... 56 38 .75 City, and Robert G. Dybevik, bill , the next senators in line Mrs. William V. Hinton , 411 ter Mary George Brown . 77, a Rapid City, clear . .. 60 5 .15 VV. Sanborn St. 24, Eyota , driving a telephone would be Sen. Mike Mansfield, Major airlines sidestepped on- * untouched L ffl S? j(/ Minneiska native and a former St. Louis , cloudy ... 61 47 D-Mont., who already has his U H InE rTr BIRTH company truck, were both mov- the-record comment beyond M$$# teacher at Cotter High School , Salt Lk. City, rain . 57 36 1.18 ing north on Grand Street . The hands full as majority leader, general expressions of interest, YI IJ«W mil1 L - TO»" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meier , died Wednesday at the Francis- San Fran., rain . .. 62 59 .29 collision occurred when . Dybe- and Sen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore., citing the many "ifs" involved 409 VV. Broadway , a daughter. can here after a Seattle , rain . 40 35 .22 vik slowed down to look for a who has contributed his share of on operating characteristics, long illness. Washington, cloudy 43 36 house number. criticism of recent foreign-aid operating costs and purchase L \J Drs. DeBolt BIRTHS ELSEWHERE Born Anna Urown Oct. 25. Winnipeg, snow .... 9 2 .42 Finney, folio-wing, was unable legislation. pri ce. 1887, she entered the postulan- T-Trace to stop in time, and ran into Selig Altschul, an aviation and HUNTSVILLE , Fulbright Indicated he does Ala. — Mr. cy of the Third Order Regular Al RPORT WEATHER the rear of Dybevik's truck . A financial consultant, said if a JL^. Kollofski and Mrs. David J. G arney, of St. Francis. Congregation of (North Central Observations) passenger in the pickup driven not oppose the general principle ' of foreign aid and has no com- commercial version met severe *AW.: a daughter Nov. 29. Our Lady of Lourdes, in 1906. Max. ternp. 32 al 2 p.m. Wed- by Finney, Michael Hahn , 16, demands of economic operation , ^ OPTOMETRISTS LAKE CITY , Minn. (Special) She received the Franciscan nesday; min. temp. 9 at 11 925 43rd Ave., Goodview, com- plaint about the administration 151 Main Street a.m. of the/ program. it crobablv would open the way —At Lake City Municipal Hos- habit Aug. 13, 1907, and , after today; 12 at noon today : broken plained ot pain alter the collis- pital: completing her novitiate in cloud layer at 1 .8O0 feet; vis- ion. But he said he thinks the ad- Mr. and Mrs, Milton Eggen- 1908, was assigned to teaching, ibility 10 miles; northwest wind ministration should separate the berger, Millville , a daughter a work in which she remained DAMAGE WAS more than aid bill into functions — mili- at 15 m.p.h. with gusts to 23; $100 to the rear of the Dybevik Dec. 15. active until 1961 . barometer 29.52 and steady ; tary , economic, loan, gxant, Mr. and Mrs. Florian A graduate of the College of truck , and more than $50 to the humanitarian and so on. Reding, humidity 60 percent. front of the Finney vehicle. Mazeppa , a daughter Dec, 17. Saint Teresa , Sister George's "Why should it all be in one Patrolman Herbert R. Kant- big conglomerate mass?" he SPRING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- last teaching assignment was at Cotter. hack investigated . asked. cial) — Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Finney forfeited $15 today in Sand a daughter Dec. 15 at She served as religious super- ior and as school principal in Eyota Hoping municipal court on a charge He said he is not a fraid of Tweeten Memorial Hospital. of driving without a chauffeur 's skyrocketing costs if the Penta- Mr. and Adrian and Caledonia and in Mrs. Gerald Kroshus , license. gon were given responsibility a son at St Ironton Ohio. She taught also . Francis Hospital , at schools in Waseca , .Austin, To Factory for military aid — "The mili- La Crosse. Get tary gets all it wants anyway." Adams, Owatonua , Sleepy Eye, EYOTA . Minn. (Special) - ' Mr. and Mrs. Gary Berland at Wells, Ellsworth and Easton, It s Anniversary There have been suggestions in Shenandoah , Iowa , a daughter H yota anticipates having a ven- the past that the military part Minn., as well as Winona, and tilator and dairy equipment fac- Month for Mondovi Dec. 12. The Victor Berlands, in Ashland, K_,\ , and Ports- of foreign aid should be handled Spring Grove, are grandparents. , tory by next summer. ; Veterinarian in connection with the defense mouth, Ohio. A concrete block building. 120 , Wife ARCADIA, Wis. (Special ) budget. -j In the summer of 1958, Sister by 32 feet . will be constructed by At St, Joseph's Hospital here : MONDOVI , Wis. - Dr. and Fulbright said he had not ified George observed the golden jub- the Eyota Industrial Develop- , , Mr. and Mrs, Cleon Fernholz, Mrs. A. L. Trusler Mondovi Secretary of State Dean Rusk j ilee of her religious profession. ment Corp. north of the high- may celebrate Arcadia , a son Dec. 17. a few anniversar- by letter of his feelings. j Survivors are : One brother , way, directly across from Ron 's ies during the holiday season if Mr. and Mrs. Arman Conrad , : , , Francis Minneapolis and one Service Station. It will be leas- they have time. Galesville, a son Sunday. sister Mrs. John Arnoldv Chat- , . ed to A. C. Podein , manager of Dr. Trusler is field. winding up 60 Janet Gaynor to the projected factory. years as a veterinarian, a job IMPOUNDED DOGS Funeral services will be at The development group or- Be Wed Tdnight 10:30 a.m. Saturday in the which continues to keep him on ganized during the last year call 24 hours a day. This wee! HOLLYWOOD (AP)-Friends ^o. 2249—Female, brown and Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes and will incorporate soon. Po- white, third day. in the Rochester mother-house. they had their 57th wedding an- say Janet Gaynor, the first ac- dein is a local businessman ; niversary. Jan . 12 will be his No. 2250—Male , black Labra- Burial will be in Calvary handling bulk milk coolers. tress to win an Academy Award, j will be married in Las Vegas, dor pup. third day. Cemetery. Friends may call at ¦ I 83rd birthday. No. 2254 — Male , brown and the motherhouse Requiem ELK CREEK MANAGER The veterinarian has served Nev. , to producer Paul Gregory black part beagle, third day. Chapel. INDEPENDENCE . Wis. -1 area farmers since corning here tonight. Available for good homes: from Duluth in 1906. The Elk Creek Cooperative | ¦ About 15. Peter Canam Creamery has a new manager. ! pay John Van Winkle, 411 |^/ T j v\ , w f//A //^^R^^^B BP|\\^1 v« MONDOVI Wis. (Special! - Charles Patterson , North Bend. ; Franklin St., for the repl ace- ^ ^ Peter Canam , 81, Mondovi Rt. Fie and his wife have lived ,' ment of four fence posts knock- * -/ r M TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS Winona n Admits Haw /rv/// ////A I W//< V if/ ' /Jf/J/f/Jw //f AettBm * $" W'C^^^^^^' k «I _^»_____|__MkKvi \w.\ %VA / NL \ x\N^ \\ J\\i«a_ 4, died Wednesday evening at at . Hillsfcoro 11 years. Patter- ed o-ver when he lost control of A fy /if Iff Xi* , } ¦ , »f«— \v\ \\\ \M f\\ \\ \l__i ; ' m////// \ wmm ' < v\ James Luther Olness, 1559 W. his home. He had been ill four son replaces Melvin Bloom , who Hitting Fence his car on a road in rural wW/f rl y k V/f /Jf rf ///WW WM\\^ % N I \\\ Hi King St., 5. days. moved to Eau Claire. Stockton . Kimherly Ann Landro , Me- He was born Feb. 28, 1883, Nea r Stockton Van Winkle complained Sun- nomonie , Wis., 1. in Denver , Colo. He lived in Rev. Msgr . John Gengler , Wa- ; day morning to Sheriff Fort this area since he was about 9 basha , officiating. Burial will Merlin Duellrnan. 460 E. San- about the damage. He said that j , v ¦ CHRISTMAS BIRTHDAYS years old. He never married. be in Calvary Cemetery here. \ born St., reported to. Sheriff in addition to the damage , his v '- r '* ' , He farmed south of Gilmanton Friends may call at Steffen j George Fort today that he is horses had gotten loose. A sher- Michael Dean Sholes, Winona five years and in Town of Funeral Home, Caledonia , Sun- ; the driver who ran into a fence iff' s deputy was unable to find Rt. 3, 4. Drammen the last 24 years. day afternoon and evening. The ' near Stockton Sunday, doing the "guilty" car in a search He has no kno-wn survivors. Rosary ivill be reci ted Sunday about SIC damage. made Sunday in the Stockton Funeral services will be at 2 at 8 p.m. I Duellrnan said that he would area. Munici pal Court p.m. Saturday at Colby Funer- al Home here, the Rev. Lloyd TREMPEALEAU COUNTY Denzer of Evangelical United i WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) Brethren Church , Gilmanton , of- ; — Traffic court cases heard ficating. Burial will be in Gil- j by Trempealeau County Judge m anton Cemetery. A. L. Twesrne Wednesday morn- Friends may call at the fu- ing , all forfeitures: neral home after 3 p.m. Eri- Harold S. Instefjord , Osseo, dav. charged by Patrolman Maur- ice Scow with driving without Mrs. Rose Napier McDonalds ; f a driver 's license in the Town CALEDONIA , Minn. < Special i MmmMM/MMMMMMW of Sumner . Nov . 17. $i:t. — Mrs. Rose Napier . 84 , for- tZlvin C . Erase , Osseo . Rt. 1, merly of Caledonia, died Wed- ^^MMmmmmmmW______> charged at Osseo Nov . 25 by nesday at 10 p.m . at Oaks Nurs- Police Officer Ociean Robert- ' ing Home, Evanston , 111. son with failure to stop for She was born at Glenview , stop sijm ,-ind nn driver ' s li- III , Jan. 30, 18R0 , to Mr. and cense <;:!'! Mrs . Anthony Schopen. Follow- * ^mmWMm mmmW '• ' Archie M IViterson . Hlair , ing her marriage to Joseph MM \W¥ Rt I . charged in the Town of HHh , she lived in Caledonia. ' \ Ettrick . Dec- 10 by Patrolma n Some years after his death W K. • ' | Willard Knutson with failur e tn she married Thomas Napier have ' veh icle under control . and resided here until follow- J1K ing hi.s death a bout 15 years Robert S llein . Osseo , Rt. 2 , ago , when she moved to Wil- cha rged In Police Chief Clint on mette , III . Christianson Dec 1.1 with speed- Survivors are: Three daugh- ing . S2S', ters . Mrs. Peter (Bernice i Stif- Albei t ,1. Stony, Elevn , Rt. l , fen and Mrs John < Alice ) Eroe- charged ar Elcva Dec In haw: 1-iK i etia , Rochester; two sons. veil. * !c unct' i control , <\n Arthur, v 'nrlos , Minn , and Harry, Caledonia: lfi grand- i¦"irti-: CALL fhi ldren : 12 great -grancU'hil- WE WISH i YOU ili iMi . and one sister, Mrs. Kate 'ill! , Evanston. 11 .'.2 p ni .'nil ami Walnut The funeral service will lie Mice ' s. Muli ind Mniiutacturi ng Monday at 1(1 a.m. at St I' e _ Co N o p lant , leak in the lei ' s Catholic *. 'hurrh , Cale- i-pnnklei' syslein , r\u ine donia , hei nephew, the Rt . THE HAPPIEST s S /Samv\— :-'•-/"* FOR UNT0 US t ' ti_k. chi ld k°rn un ul * OF i\\ ' M" HOLIDAYS 4 T«AB' » i i ^/i _3_K___ \ *^°'J b» called Wonderful, Covjfl- ::: 4 ¦ 3 ^ _ \ \^_FPfl W \ , r Th m 1 / G d Th KVACl'ATKS HOSPITAL . . . flooded the hospital ba sement. Here , a mem- Membe rs of tlif Oregon National (Jimrd nnd ber of the National Cluurrt wades through $ ^ ) • » \ oluntctTs evacuated .."» patients from Salem floodwnter s carrying an infant in his arms. (Oathfiiral iif tltr ftarrrft ffirarl Mernorml Hospital Wndnc.sday ' ^s • ^s after flood ndovi 17 at Foun- And traffic authorities tain City and 20 at Alma were of both states urged holiday temporarily rejected for health trav- elers to use the utmost care, reasons. allowing plenty of time The Burgs just missed the to get to destinations without the need naif-gallon family goal because for fast driving. one member was rejected. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schaffner and son DECREASING cloudiness is Bruce, rural Cochrane, were a predicted after light snow today three-pint family. for Winona and vicinity. A re- There were 17 first-time do- turn to cold weather is forecast nors at Alma. Notable among CHRISTMAS CARD ... The large pic- motorcycle . The pictures used in Morgan's for the area with minimum tem- them were three family sets of ture shows a horse and "buggy on the old wag- 1964 Christmas cards date from the period peratures tonight expected to b« two: The Rev. Eugene Antri m on road between Lamoille and Twin Bluffs , when Morgan was sending som» of Wino- in the ?ero to 8 below range. and son David , Sue and Tom Occasional now U. S. 61, about 1905. The inset shows na's first holiday greetings by card. cloudiness is th« Bjork , and Sue and Tom Lerurn, prediction for Friday with the the latter of Nelson. Allyn S. Morgan Sr. and a friend on an early high in the afternoon near 10. "The younger people clearly Temperatures will continue demonstrated their interest and below normal Saturday but no support ," Burg commented. further precipitation is expect- Two-gallon pin winners at ed. Alma were Jerome Baecker, Christmas Card Pioneer The temperature rose to S3 in Kenneth Berger , Pauline Poeh- Winon a Wednesday afternoon, ler and Fred Schneider. Con- allowing cars to cut down some tributing the pint that made of the glaze ice on streets. Side- them one-gallon donors were walks remained slippery from Gerald Brecker , Mrs . Emil Likes Memories on His the freezing rain on -which a Brommer , Alvin Gleister, Earl By TERRY BORMANN ing to say that he doesn t be- of it , making happy memories. light snow fell this morning. Hetrick , Arthur Hitt Jr. and Daily News Staff Writer lieve in living in the past. Although he has been a jewel- The overnight low for the city- Mrs. Harvey Ruff. "Allyn Morgan wishes you a Indeed , Morgan has a lively er all his life, he started a was 20, but by noon the reading: Of the three comm unities vis- sense of humor and believes in restaurant 26 years ago and was only 11. very Merry Christmas and a motorcycle business ited , Fountain City showed the Happy New Year—190S-04." sharing it with his friends at entered the Highways in this immediate largest percentage of improve- Christmastime. Last year's in 1946. Wheeled vehicles have area are reported to be in gen- PLEASE TAKE ME HOME . , . This who apparently was not expecting such This was the simple message card reproduced a summons to been a great love, and they ment. printed by a Chicago engraver erally good winter driving con- puppy, one of 15 dcgs impounded at the Wi- friendliness, didn 't take a dog home with her, Detroit municipal court charg- play a prominent part in the on a plain white card for Mor- ing Morgan with speeding —on pictures he chooses for Christ- ditions, although Winona County nona dog pound , will have an unhappy Christ- there are 15 dogs available for the asking. gan , who wanted to keep in sheriff's deputies say there ar» mas Friday as it his bicycle. mas cards. will be spending Christmas One of them might just make that extra touch with prep school chums The summons is dated May scattered slippery spots. in the pound without a master. This little guy Christmas gift you have been looking for. Mondale Names from the Detroit area . 13, 1901, while Morgan was at- MOTORCYCLES and his first The same is true of most displays his friendly qualities to Lisa Laak, ( bicycle find their way into many highways in the southern part of The pound will be open Christmas Day. Daily BL'T MORGAN, who lives on tending a Detroit prep school ; 4-year-old daughter of T. Sgt. and Mrs. Wil- News photo) and the "defendant' ' said that pictures of Morgan 's "life Minnesota, according to reports Lake Boulevard in semi-retire- story." the card he sent out received by the American Auto- liam Laak , 262 St. Charles St. Although Lisa, St. Mary's Grad ment from his jewelry business, the judge set the price of speed in 1956. Edsel Ford was one of mobile Association here. Senator-designate Walter Mon- has a different purpose in mind at $5. the younger students at Mor- Slipperiness in the south is tha dals has named a St. Mary's for his 1964 holiday card , It YOU CAN understand why gan 's prep school, so perhaps College honor graduate a.s his features a reproduced photo- result of icy spots , the AAA Morgan has many happy me- there is the motoring connec- said. More general slick condi- legislative counsel. graph of the old , dirt river road mories if he is able to com- tion , although the Winonan 's He is Philip B. Byrne , 26. between Lamoille and Twin memorated speeding ticket in choice of a Cadillac bn 1905 tions in the north are caused St. Paul, a special examiner in Bluffs , with an inset of Morgan a Christmas card for his own probably wasn't Ford's idea. by packed snow. Goodfellows Make and a friend on an early motor- Wisconsin highways are gen- the state attorney general's of- enjoyment and that of his In any event, Morgan still fice. Mondale will resign as at- cycle. friends. rides his two motorcycles in erally clear in the south ami torney general to take over the These pictures "bring back In the 61 years between send- good weather; and he' s still east, the AAA said , although Senate seat now held by Vice memories, " Morgan said Tues- ing his, and possibly Winona 's, making happy memories as packed snow has caused slip- President-elect Hubert H. Hum- day. "As you grow older , life first Christmas card and the well as recalling them in Christ- periness north of a line that — 400 Children Happy phrey. is an accumulation of happy sending of this year 's edition, mas cards. in this area — passes through memories." he added, hasten- Mondovi. Some 400 Winona children this nearly a month of providing for of _ good used clothing from Byrne was graduated from St. Christmas Eve are enjoying the Mary's cum laude in 1960. He the clothing needs of children Goodfellows donors. min- A YEAR AGO today the Wi- warmth that comes from good The office will be open again majored in philosophy and from kindergarten through high ored in English at the Winon a nona high was 23 and the low clothing and from the happiness on Tuesday to assist those who -12 with five inches of snow o=n of gifts received — all as a re- school referred to the office school . He also was graduated were ill during the pre-Christ- ' Yule Cards the ground. All-time high for sult of the generosity of Wi- through the Christmas Bureau from Notre Dame University s of the Winona Council of So- mas season and unable to come law school . this day was 61 in 1889 and tho nona and area residents who re- downtown and to provide for cial Agencies. I low -37 in 1872. Mean for the sponded to this year's Goodfel- the needs of pre-school children About 100 1 24-hour period was 28 , contrast- lows fund appeal and the volun- PURCHASES of new clothing and infants. l ing with a normal of 18. teer workers who administered were financed from a fund that "We emphasized to each child Mondovi Lightin g Although Edmondton, Canad a, the program. today reached $5,277.26 in cash who visited us this year that Years Old had a low today of -33 and Fa r- Mrs. Thomas Lightfoot and donations, a bit larger than the this is not charity ," Mrs . Harris Winners Named Christmas cards were "in- go, N.D., -1, the lowest Minne- her assistant, Mrs. L. R. Harris, figure on Christmas Eve a year said this morning. "We impress- vented" by an Englishman sota temperature was 2 at Be- MONDOVI". Wis. (Special) - more than 100 years ago— closed the Goodfellows office ago. ed upon them that the clothing Winners in the Mondovi Busin- midji. Rochester had a morning they received were gifts of the and came to Winona some- over the J. C. Penney store to- Also distributed by the Good- essmen's Association home dec- low of 17 after a Thursday high day for a Christmas Dreak after fellows workers was a quantity people of Winona and in this thing over 40 years later. of 35 and La Crosse posted fig- orating contest were: Allyn Morgan, Lake area who contributed to the Galen Sather, first , $20 ; Her- ures of 27 and 34 for the sam e Goodfellows this year. " Boulevard , thinks his 1903 No City Delivery man Dehnke , Rt . 4 . $15: Low- times. Saturday ell Serum , $10. arid Donald greeting to old school chums The weatherman did little to DURING THE past few weeks have been Miles, $5. Honorable mention in Detroit may add to WISCONSIN'S Christmas younger childre n were taken on the first Christmas card holiday cheer today. shopping trips to Winon a stores went to Dr. Roy E. Lee, Char- les Smith and Howard Peck. sent out of Winona. Snow, freezing rain , drizzta — where special discounts were Suitably enough , Henry and heavy fog combined to Mail Volume Down given to augment funds — while Glen Bratberg, Miss Margaret pro* , ' "inventor ," duce a dismal weather picture the older children who might Morton and Mrs. Don C. Lei- Cole the cards belt were judges. had hit the idea of sending and strand motorists and air be more sensitive about receiv- travelers. ing the gifts were told to go out engraved cards instead of At City Post Office written letters to sortie of Freezing rain fell Wednesday The volume of m.ail handled i volume• was up 42 ,400 pieces on their own to be fitted for afternoon and early evening un their clothing. Peace on Earth - his friends at Christmas- during the Christmas rush at the I jfrom that for the previous year. time. He and Morgan seem the central and nothern sections In 196:5, the increase occurred The number of children who of the state. The snow was con- post office here is down about : benefited from Goodfellows con- to have had the same idea in incoming mail categories , Even to Judges fined mainly to far northern tributions this y ear was approxi- in mind. 15,500 pieces from last year's while, outgoing mail volume de- ) regions, Superior reported i an mately the" same a.s last year , ALMA. Wis. (Special — The idea of " compulsory " total. clinedi . , I,a , additional five inches of snow, although a final tally won't be Robert D. Frank Crosse Christmas - card sending The over-all decrease was the While today remains of the available until after the post- mailing a $30 forfeiture to built up only gradually, how- raising the total on the ground of result a drop ot about 71,200 pre-Christmasj rush period , the Christmas operations next week Fred Glander, Alma police- ever. The custom didn 't to 24. > , of pieces in the incoming mail to- mail flow is traditionally lighter are completed. man on a charge driving reach America until 1875; "IRON-OIN " CHRISTMAS CARDS . , . Allyn S. Morgan | 2r>-mile A COLD front, meanwhile, lal. Tt occurred despite rises in than during previous weeks, and 40 m.p.h. in a zone but six years later, the origi- Sr. likes to include photographs with pleasant memori es on | here Dec. 1, enclosed a nol«* started to push into Wisconsin all categories of outgoing mail . the number of pieces sent and DOVKR-EYOTA TFACHKIt of Christ- ; to Buffalo Count y J iidg* nator of a "line" his Christmas cards. So he takes a card with a conventional from the west this morning, The total rise in the number of received here will not affect EYOTA , Minn. (Special ! — mas cards was printing five outgoing pieces , , was I extort, Gary B. Selilosslei ii wishing scene on the front and a conventional greeting inside and puts causing a gradual drop in tem- however totals to any great .Janice Sc hreiber, Winona , yearlv. about 5fi ,00O, not enough to bal- Mrs. him "A happy Christmas million an unconventional Christmas picture on the page facing the peratures below the freezin g ance the incoming mail def'ril . THE POST OFFICE will be has been hired by the Dovcr- and a Merry New Year." That five million figure is greeting. A special mucilage on the back of the pictures is mark. closedi all day Christmas. There FJyota Board of Education as in- punj- compared with lhe activated by the iron. (Daily News photo) Top temperature Wednesday THE FIGURES , furnished by willi be no window service Sat- structor to succeed Mrs. Ann lege , taug ht in area schools the three billion cards A.meri- was 43 at Beloit , with other postal officials , cover the per- jurday , and deliveries — except Hacker , who resigned beginning last six years. In addition to cans sent each other this highs ranging down through the- i«)d from Dec. 7 through 2:). forI special deliveries nnd perish- with Christmas vacat ion. Mrs. teaching she will direct the jun - year. Among tr >m were on a farm , and held for Fill- 30s to 28 at Park Falls. Super- Winona 's decline in mail vol - able; items — will not be made Hacker has he-en with the dis- ior class play and aid as ac- Morgan ' s , hi.s fi 1st year of PoKce Expect j more County Sheriff Nell Hau- ior had the low of 17 during time during this period is typical ini the city. Rural patrons will trict 2' _ years. Mrs. Sc-hreiber, companist in the music pro- remembering friends wilh gerud. the night. of business at post offices in Ihave deliverv service, however. graduate of W inona St ate Col- gram. cards at Christmas. Thieves Outside \ I his region , C. L. Wood , assist - The regular Saturday col- ant postmaster here. said. Ilections will he made , Wood Churches Tonight The l%4 Christmas rush fig- said. Assistant Police Chi r f ures arc a revci'sul of those A detailed report of the mail Marvin A. Meier warned for ltlli.'l , -when over-all in nil volume here follows : midnight Christmas church- ADDENDUM goers today that thieves OUT<; OIN < i MAIL In tlie rush of Christmas G reeting adver- IRfi l i%:t have no scrup les about tak- ing advanta ge of others' tisements for Wednesday 's issue of the Machine cancellations (182, 414 1157, 100 soii . r.ii 4113 , good feelings. Daily Mews, vie inadvertently omit ted the Meter cancellations 300 Ivock your ear if you hnvr , :tr» ,aT9 30,700 names of two of our valued employes in Parcels . presents in it while attend- ?Over-all 1 , 312, 904 1.256 , 900 ing church services tonight , the full page greeting ad for this new s- INCOMIN C; MAIL Meier said. In the pi»st , paper. Had t hey heen included they Letters 1 , 172,94,1 1 ,2:10 , 400 thieve* have heen only 1<»o would have a ppeared as follows: Parcels . 21, fill 29,700 happy to steal presents al- ?Over-all 1 405 , 177 1 ... . ,476 , 700 ready gift -wrapped. TOTAL MAIL ll,\NOLEI> Dec. 7 tinough 2:i . 2 ,71H, OR7 2 ,733 , 600 •Includes nil forms of mail -- magazines and bulk mail in addition to the categories listed above. Two Nonsupport Cases Hea rd in Fillmore Court l'KKSTON , Minn. --In m unic- ipal courl before .Midge Ceorge 1 ANNOUNCEMENT Murray here Wednesday, l.a- i Vt'iuc I'riiku , Winonn , pleaded I Th* illy to 1 MM - support o>( his XszL not MU l/J<^ wife and one child livin g at Canton , lie w»s represent ed by Attor- We trust thov will forgive this oversight I WINONA CLINIC ney Williiiin A. I.indipiist . Wi- and wish to assure you that they are hard noiiii . The jiid e,e loo k the matter 1 YOU ('II KI'iKLO niKM . . . Miss Agnes chester , and Anthony, Clarence ond Earl , Red nt work each day, helping to produce this will be clov-id on Saturday, December 26 under advisement for 30 dav .s. , Houndby, llli , Wabasha , left. Mrs. Augusta Wing. "Willie ," a bachelor , has a stepmother , W;iym: Hurled , 21 , I' t cstim , is top-ra t etl newspaper. Mrs, Lena Multbaup, in Winona. 1 1 1964 , except for emergencies. Our switch- Kenit z , M . Rett Wang, and William Mul- sen in/, a HO d;iy sentence in Ihuup, «2 , Winona , Uwli ov»«r greeting cards Some 200 greeting cards were re-ccived Filmorr . Comity jail , for imn- I hey recdvrd nt Jlncn« Vista Rest Home, by the 50 residents nt Ruena Vi.sta in the re- supporl of his family res iding board and Pediatric Department will be H'ounli'iln He pleaded not Winona Dail Wahnsha . Miss I'toundy, lifelong resident here , memher-thfr-lonely-nt- Christmns campa ign of at . y News guilty bul wars found guilt y by open imd Mrs. Mary Sclnriit , Wahnsha, are dau gh- the Winona Dail y News. Wabasha Girl Scouts . ( JuiJ^r Murray, He was appre- ters of an e^irly-ilay stenmhoj it captain. Mrs. :!(» strong, sang carols for them. . Joyce Lund hended Dec. \ hy Winona County Kenitz , confi ned lo a wheelchair because of a photo ) Sheriff (ieoi'Ke Fort at St. W inona Sunday Ne,ws

1 ___ . ¦ , L ¦¦ ¦ * leg amputation , has four sons: Edward , Ro- (Iiai'lc.i, wlici't lie was wo rking | ence. Hl£ economic report in- DEAR ABBY: Houston Township cluded shifting of population from rural to urban areas, They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmie Hatlc Slavery Still Officers Hear Elling Solum, chairman of the planning board, was intro- Planning Repo rt duced. Nels Gulbranson, asso- ciation chairman, was master Bit Too Late -The Practiced in SPRING GROVE, Minn. of ceremonies, introducing the Houston County Township Gffic- other officers: Arthur Whea- era Association heard a progress j ton , vice president; Roy Ask, For This News report of the county Pl anning | secretary ; Homer Stelplugh, African Areas treasurer, and Lloyd Welke, Commission at its sixth annual | LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - By ABIGAIL VAN BURELN Roy Walters, Arnold Gillen, Lutheran Slave ships no longer lurk off DEAR ABBY: Our daughter is 17 and a senior in high banquet at Trinity j Frank Uaar and Burnell Mun- we Church, Spring Grove, recent- 1 the Nigerian Coast waiting to school. We have ne^ier had any trouble with her but have kel , directors. never told her anything about the facts of life, either, so we ly- Rolf Hanson gave load human cargoes for the Russie of the law The Rev. can 't be sure what she knows and what she doesn't know. She A. Clare invocation and Mayor Bur- Americas, but slavery is still firm of Nason, Law, Wehrman I the and her girl friend were invited to a university for a college nell Onsgard extended the wel- very much a part of the African weekend. It is about a two-hour ride on the bus from here. & Knight, Inc., Minneapolis,! , come. A sextet from the Bible scene. If you have a book on ALL the facts of life for girls that hired to do the survey work j of plan- : school entertained. The ALCW age . please send it C.O.D. right away because she is leaving discussed all aspects The former slave shipping which involves the physi- served. port of Badagry , 50 miles from Friday on the 4:00 bus. I thank you. WORRIED MOTHER ning, j directed by nat- The association is a member Lagos, now has television and cal landscape J DEAR MOTHER: I could send a book, but even if it ural forces plus human influ- i of the state group. Peace Corps teachers. Its barra- , it would be approxi- coons are tourist attractions and were to arrive before the bus left four years too late. You had better have a mother- — Cont/nimui Chrltlmn Day— the slave chains are rusty rel- mately 12:« daughter chat with her before she ¦ MH BV B ^ ^^ ;J:«M:SO-7!00»il» ics. But hardly a week passes W -1 M ¦> aJ -J -FKJtur.t At- boards the bus. ¦ »:45-2;*, Ever you have, and enjoy it." the newest and nicest thing I had, and that was it. a ii(iii Liuui . though it continued illegally for ugly remarks made to me by my "I don't think you could have since then I have liad This was the philosophy of another half century. family. We are just poor f olks. I am the only one ot nine made it any faster with eyes, " TE ^ "* i,SJ______P^^ $__ _& »__¦_____ ..ij ^ty^^S Dolores Hope as she faced an- "No organized slaving gangs children who went to college. (I went on a scholarship and Shearing cheerfully told me al married. My mother told me that other Christmas without her his hom e here. Christmas-shop-: are active in Nigeria. It is all in graduated.) I am 38 and I Reynolds May my Daddy's funeral I disgraced husband, the ubiquitous Bob. ping alone for the first time, the hands of small, independent because of what I wore to dealers," said John Lynn , dep- the family. Please give me your opinion. While he is entertaining Ameri- he had one difficult moment. ^ _ __ "$_ .Jit / «v NORTH CAROLINA ¦—Sir s & 3VVS r *_itf^Pl______P^_-__PRP* > 7 __r^i____. uty commissioner of the Niger- v can soldiers in South Viet Nam, "A guy came over and start- _____r * ^_l!__£j_ ^ ^S_)__I____-_M___-____IB * «_K 3_____L, ______Aakr • ____, ed talking to me in the store," ian police. the will be spending Christmas Be Appointed DEAR NORTH : I believe that you meant no dis- George said. "I thought it was "Wealthy men find it safer to respect by wearing red to your Daddy's funeral. When a Day at their home in North Hol- the manager, but it was a nice use a middle man instead of person is upset, he doesn't think of clothing. How come, lywood. man who handed me 50 cents. directly negotiating for slaves . I -wonder, if the other members of your family were in I said, 'Oh, no thank you,' but Federal Judge The average price for a grown su ch deep mourning, they noticed what you were wear- tony debbie i pat There will be no sighs, no re- boy in the Lagos area is $1,110 he s8id, 'Yes, please take it. ! WASHINGTON (AP). - Sen. ing? Don't let it bother you , Dear. The Lord knows your ; grets. Merry Christmas.' " to $1,260. heart was pure. eurtis reygolds; boone "Our holiday has pretty much i Gaylord A. Nelson, D-Wis., said "The slaves are almost never Shearing got his guide dog Wednesday he has recommend- fallen into a routine," Mrs. last year (he'd moved here from kept in chains and most could CONFIDENTIAL TO '.'AN ATHEIST IN ANAHEIM" : ed appointment of «ither Gov. ¦¦ ' Hope explained . Tappan, N.J., before)— escape if they tried. But they What a sad day it will be for you when your heart is full Continuous Sunday titoooB~~~^ v•» ~e•? shortly John W. Reynolds of Wisconsin From 17:45 The routine is this: Before his and soon they'll probably be are usually eating as well as of gratitude and you have no one to thank. _P-I_fl____^ A _* departure overseas, Bob spends or James Doyle, Madison, Wis., they would if they were free but 1 W playing jokes on what George Box 6970O, Los Angeles, --—7-—" W ^K4_L-L_ a half-day selecting gifts of fruit attorney, to be judge of the unemployed ," he added. Troubled? Write to ABBY, JoamaBarnes j Laura Devon C_ v __?i ^t__ i calls "the sighted world." reply, enclose a stamped, self-ad- * ^_ to send to friends all over the federal district court for West- Calif. For a personal For, when somebody says, Two broad kinds of slavery envelope. United States. A"bout 10 days ern Wisconsin. dressed waiter matthau .- "Have you been blind all your ' The senator said h« had made exist today , accord ing to a Unit- before Christmas, he departs life?" George is likely to reply, NOTE: "GOODBYE CHARLIE" NOT SHOWN his recommendation to Presi- ed Nations report. One is the their parents or tribal chiefs. with his troupe. Mrs. Hope com- "Not yet." In his middle 40s , ists among people who belong to SATURDAY MATINEE DUE TO: dent Johnson. slavery found in primitive socie- civilized society pletes the shopping, has Christ- Wind since birth , he seems one a consciously One journalist reported that ties, where it has been part of and who know they are buying mas Eve dinner with the chil- of the happiest men. He has Reynolds lost out Nov, 3 In his so open is slave trading on this the social pattern from time and selling people as a com- dren. In recent years, eldest son his shirt pockets initialed — in try for another term as gover- immemorial. pious journey that wealthier KIDS! ATTEND OUR GALA Tony also* has been on the trip Braille. nor . modity. pilgrims tak e a stock of slaves ¦ In this category are boys ¦ with Bob. «*• Nelson said in a statement the about six or seven years old One of the great annual reli- with them to be sold en route- something like human travelers HE'S A SPEEP demon, and, White House had suggested that who are personal chattels of the gious events provides a setting CARTOO N CARNIVAL The stay-at-home Hopes at- with stairways that are famil- (King) for some of this human bond- cheeks. tend midnight Mass and in the "we make another recommend- oba of Benin. Bronze iar, he takes the steps two or anklets are insignia of their age. The Haj, the holy pilgrim- In 1955, the last year for morning open a few of their ation " for the judgeship . SAT., DEC. 26 — 1:30 three at a time. In a restau- bondage to the man who is a age to Mecca , attracts tens of which reliable figures are avail- gifts. Then they have Christmas That apparently means John- rant In London where he ap- son no longer is considering an- descendant of the rulers of the thousands of Moslems . able, 23,000 pilgrims from form- dinner with close iriends. peared, he knocked over more old Benin kingdom. These chil- er French West Airica were 15 • CARTOONS - 15 "Last year it was the Cros- | other appointment for David African slaves have tradition- waiters bearing drinks that I Rabinovitz, wno was nominated ren function as messengers and known to have crossed the Su- ALL SEATS 25c bys," Mrs. Hope said. "They ally been valued in A.rab coun- dan from west to east. Only 11 , way. | twice for the job, first b chore boys in the oba 's palace in menial tasks - wanted us to come up to their y the tries to perform 000 returned. Not all of the re- "They finally warned me that j late dusty Benin City, now capital Arabs are less inclined to home at Burlinga me this year , president John F. Kennedy that mainder became slaves, but the I was endangering people who i and again by of Nigeria's midwest region. EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE but it was too far for us." Johnson. His nom- handle. migration from poor and heavi- can see!" he says, I inations never were confirmed They are well fed, seem con- Bob often calls home during ten t and clearly are leftover Som e pilgrims make the trip ly populated black Africa to the his trips, but seldom on Christ- You should see him sit at his , by the Senate . from black Africa with little comparatively wealthy Middle T.A.M.I. SHOW desk , whip out (In ¦ componen ts of an ancient socie- TUES. AND mas Day. "That's his busiest file cards ty. money and fall prey to slavers East helps explain the economic WED., DEC. 29 30 Braille ) , dial , day ; he does tibree or four phone numbers Woman promising work in Arab lands. base on which Arab slavery ex- MATINEES 1:15 MIDNITE SHOWS AT 11:30 shows in widely separated punch out some notes on the [Area Gets A second type of slavery ex- ' Others are sold to traders by ists . places," his wiie explained. card on his Braille machine — Post in Embassy "The time difference and return the card to the file. also , makes it difficult. " Sometimes he punches out | HOKAH M inn. — A Hokah spicy limericks on those cards I girl will live in Rome, Italy, He returns a few days after —he's got an enormous collec- j the next two years as secretary Christmas and then the celebra- tion . in Lhe American Embassy. tion real ly begins. Assorted [ This will be the first foreign GOOD Hopes come out from Cle-veland SHEARING LOVES to ride In ( assignment of Miss Charlotte ER^DO LITTLE GIRLS to join the festivities. Last year fast cars, and he can guess the | Heintz, daughter of Mrs. Ma- I I the crowd for dinner numbered speed of the car (from the vi- thilda Heintz , since she chose a I^ M M GO 32, only two of them non-Hopes. brations and noise of the mo- j career wilh the U.S. Depart- The family celebration contin- tor) within about 3 miles, he j menl of Stale foreign service. WANT "ip HAV ues until Epiphany, .Ian. 6. says. Graduate of Rochester Junior flWHEN Tr^Y E FUN I asked Mrs, Hope if she "In 1952," Shearing snid , "I College , she -w as employed in ? didn't repret not having her was on a concert tour with Billy La Crossp prior to undergoing nil husband Siome for Christmas Eckstine , and he asked how a period nf orientation and some year s. fast I thought he was driv- training at the foreign service 1 "Not any more, " she replied. ing. "I said, 'Probably between institut e in Washington , D.C. "I used to — until I went along 70 and 7.1.' It was so close ¦ that BID OI'F.NlNCi on one of she lours, "Since then he said , 'O.K., George , you can I've had no reservations — as I open your eyes now. You 've CALRnONIA , Min n . - The long as Rob is up to the tri p. fooled us long enough. " " Caledonia Village Council at its 7 meeting .Ian II and " Regrets Not a one. God has , TODAY'S HKST I. A WC II : will open bids firiMfce_1r«s in the WO RLD to prt- ~- S*TURDhy SUNDAY ^V"^ on No. l XJAmrWmmk * ^AW/lM ? been awfully Rood to us. We've | Things arc getting out of hand fuel oil; No. 2 fuel oil for had a wonderful life. " | when the kids of America spend deliveries in transport 1 "THE PLEASURE SEEKERS Ii a 1 ! ,,,» , . „ .. , , more for guns , tanks and air- and less than transport lots; f 1____B'MMWMMMM0______U #i> 1 A ¦ Il I rVAs>rv S\ rv svr« < regular .tory of 3 Am.ricn ,irl. in M.drld , j U " planes than our Secretary of De- grade gasoline , price / ] ft? «" ' MM-MODfiDPT without federal for FUN, LOVE AND ADVENTURE f MmmmmmW M iW Berg land Appointed ' fense does. — Hay Rieves tax; sand for brought 1o ( / MATINEESMA-riTiCPQ If lflllIIH1 I IdKuKUIMI\V|\U I general street use, . . . you by th. dir.ctor / ^^^^^ V #' / with quota- ot "3 COINS IN A FOUNTAIN" ; / MM^MW / p 25*-5(M5# Kormit H. Rer£l;inrf , vice WISH I'D SAID THAT: Vour l ions by lln> cubic ya rd and ^— f TONY daughter' de- president , Fir si Nntinnnl Hank , ' s growing up when she livered to the village stock pile Winona, has hr-r- ! no longer wants to n appointed write to San- or nt pit or hopper , and crush- chairman of Financial Public , ta — she wants to phone him. I ed rock aggregate Ttrlalions Association's rlevel- REMEMBERED QUO T Iv. opmonl roni nnflop for Ills st ate . " You 'll never get indigest ion grow up to be cowboys, nnd Thr association is n from swallowing your pride oc- ; sump want to become president. ©rfi;ini/«tio n made up nf mnrc casion/ill v . " ¦- A non I.M.I has mad e it possible for than 3 ,000 advert ising, puhlir KARL'S PEARLS : If yoii rcal- lliem lo ho lirTth . That ' s relations and business develop- ! ly wiint lo get even wilh the ear), brother , m*>nt exec utives of hanks nnd ! nasty kid next door , give hini i other f inancial institutions . ^ nn electric train and 10 feet of WINONA DAILY NEWS Borland will be responsible j track — all straight. - Hob lor FPHA' s )!ir,.l new member- Orben IMUKSOAY, DtCIMIM I' !( , I9A4 ! ship drive in Minnesota In America .some k ids want t 0 VOI UMt: l(W , f/i: J» **— - . P U MISIIMI rlnlly •xr«nl Snlu r(i«y and holl day» by ncpuhlknn and M«r«lnsfR /pTioN R^rrs CHRISTMAS DAY & SATURDAY lln(jl« tony - lOc D.illy, IV Sunciny Outvied hy Cfin l ei Trr Afrk SO ffnh Jri wriflKl IIJM \T vsrflkl 131 VI _LMWJ_ _!/ ____ J ^Of} ! 0°(? f° __| <"*''¦ ^ * '°^ lly mill slrlrlly lr> ndvnnroi p»p»r 1 »|op «ri nn expiration ctnla. i In Hlllmorc llmnion, Oln, Mrr), Winonn, I " vVnh.ishn. Miiffalp. lurk inn , I' npln nnd ^ I rrnipnrtlwfli, foil'lf t r", c , Wk Gj&m MMmmffB¦__ Bf G 1 yr. ir M . n find nlh.r • iDisB9Ri«i«coiiiw S«nit I I\ IMI|J«I nl ml rfiriv nnilrnv nrvlnllv P.S .: THC MANA&EMEMT runil limn tn wii>nn/> 11/illv Nrwi, f O. T K linn /l\ l".inr,nn, M inn p 5 D SUNDAY — ''W TTAVA WAY TO GO" Y0W LL F v E R E L R,SNCEI HAV E VE?N -^ME ¦ ¦ K —— ¦—•¦—• - - -- GIRLS „ _ _ II r HE S SEMSATIONA i _ . _n rr. . . _ ._, .. xi i U • TI II . . in'i i ...... I L. _ n ii'fonrf rlmi pn\Ma« paid «r Wlrtrvx. VlE-? sFMArM. t r OIRLS IM MADRID" wW^a*^______, , , ______, ¦ ' "" "" M -- mn iiriiiimnn i n i il BILL MERRILLS I Machines Ettrick Legion Post Ealing Champ Erects Welcome Si gns Cut Corps ETTRICK , Wis. (Special) - Of Sweden Wins "Welcome to Ettrick" jigns have been placed at the four approaches to the village by the At Polls By Quarter Pound Rurnestrand-Pederson Ameri- Their numbers sharply reduc- STOCKHOLM, Sweden UP) can Legion Post. Lorence Sten- ed from other years, a new list — The table was piled high with sven was in charge. an oversized Nordic Christmas of judges for coming city elec- Commander Elmer Evcnson CTRANGE thing about feast and a pair of 200-pounders certain types of hardship. As long as tions has been approved by reports that with tm enroll' ^ it a ffects large numbers of people, sat down for a two-hour battle it lends itself to a City Council. ment of 107, the post has ROM common mind that has a way of passing the whole thing off of the gluttons to determine the With the city 's switch from eating champion of Sweden. over the top In the member- ship campaign, Recently I awoke , pulled paper ballots to voting ma- On one side sat defending Maurice Dahl the light cord, and nothing happened. proced- Jr. was chairman of the I flipped another light switch chines, new selection champ Sten-Ake Cederhoek 52, drive. with the same nothingness. As a followed, State , result , l went to the window and ures are being weighing 233 pounds. On the Legionnaires and Auxiliary found a certain darkness pre- law requires that election vaUerl m the immediate area. Then I dialed the police station other was challenger Ake Eriks- wiLl hold an oyster stew sup- end learned a large portion of boards be made up of equal son, 33 and per Jan. 18. Food will be pro- town was without power. The numbers of Republicans and 229^. weather was unusually severe. Before them was a huge vided by the men and prepar- Democrats. Thus, names of pre- ed by the women. All our modem conveniences — cinct judges were supplied by smorgasbord : six varieties of the furnace, radio, TV, electric EAGLE SCOUT AWARD . . . Gary Gra- post at Central Lutheran Church. He attend- fish , including raw halibut in chairmen of the two parties bow, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Grabow , 1336 ed the 1960 national jamboree and participated range, were as dead as a tomb, rather than through aldermen mayonnaise; reindeer steak , Earl Larimer na-val and a candle was an item to be as before. Parkview Ave., pins a corsage on his mother in the Philippine cruise in 1961. Partici- pork back stuffed with plums; cherished. Adventure filled the Double shifts of judges will after he received the Eagle Scout Award dur- pating in the cerem ony Wednesday were, left pressed calf's brain ; ox tongue; Duke Faces Quiet air, as we hurried around try- no longer be necessary since in- ing a court of honor ceremony at his home to right, Jerry Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Grabow , varieties of pork, beef , chicken , New Highway ing to make like pioneers will- stant totals can be taken off the Wednesday afternoon. Gary recei-ved the Gary and Robert Thaldorf , adviser for Post turkey and duck , as well as sau- ing to rough it. (As long as this machines when polls close. In award while on vacation from Baylor Univer- 2, Central Lutheran Church. (Daily News sage pies, salads, vegetables, Christmas Eve was only a temporary condi- precincts using paper ballots, sity , Waco, Tex. Gary was a member of a photo) sauces and assorted cheeses, tion . > fruits , nuts and raisins, coffee, HOUSTON . Tex. (AP) - Tha where there are more than 300 Cub Scout pack , Boy Scout troop and Explorer Doke of Windsor , with thre« It wasn 't only my family that voters, an extra shift of judges beer and water. Safety Chief reacted with an air of adven- exotic Christmas trees of vary- must be on hand after 8 p.m. In the end it was a dainty pas- , ST. PAUL - The Minnesota ture. It was the people on the ing size is spending Chri stmas to count votes. try that meant the difference Eve reading, walking and rest- Highway Department today an- street. Weather was the topic Judges and substitutes are: of the day, and the power fail- between victory and defeat. ing.' nounced that Earl M. Larimer 1ST WARD Challenger Eriksson started i ure ran a close second. Wise- HI Precinct - Judges: Mn. Eloyd He also is checking a number has been appointed director of ! cracks were prevalent , and in Carney, Mrs. John Qulnlen, Mrs. Arvld At 86 She Wins Contest out heavy stuffing down about of an estimated 3.000 Christmas safety to Papenfuss. VV. A Crltchfleld. SulKlitules: By MRS. VERNAL SOLBERG A tiny person , she was born a pound of meats and vegeta- replace Garnet E. Hall ( general, the people seemed to Mrs. Merle Nyselh, Mrv Everett Wise. cards nnd greetings received Daily News Correspondent , bles. The clamp coasted with who is retiring Jan . 5 under , riseMo the occasion well. 2nd Precincl — Judges: Mrs. Georoe Feb . 25, 1878 in the Town of from friends and strangers Boiler, Mrt . Paul Sanders, Albert Miller , ARCADIA. Wis. (Special) - Glencoe to Mr. and Mrs. John three-quarters of a pound. around the world. operation of the law governing I hardly remember the de- Mrs. T. J. Burke. Substitutes: Mrs. In the second round Eriksson gression days, Robert Metilke, Welter Hoppe. It was a double celebration Sun- Bev«ridge. When her pareats the Highway Patrol. but as 1 recall , 3rd Prec ;net - Judges: Mrs. F maintained his offensive but the rMclhodist Hospital spokesman , . C day for Mrs. Helen Zindel. took: over the Commercial Ho- Larimer has been acting j to a degree this same spirit Schroder, Airs. Lllfymae Somers, Mrs. $160 in lhe champ met him in sharp in- sard the former British king, prevailed. Songs would refect John Luebbe, Mrs. Colter Stan-Ion. Sub- She had just won tel in Arcadia , she assisted safety director stitutes: Mrs. Alden Meynord, Mrs. R. Winona Sunday News Prizeword fighting at the bread and beer no-w 70 , is making an excellent for several j it , jokes would reflect it , and therm in its operation . She was months while Hall F, Forsylhe. Puzzle, and three of her four married to Bernard Zindel June counter. Eriksson kept the up- recov ery from a Dec. 16 opera- has been on I living still is the phrase , ?ttl Precinct - Judges : Mrj. Melvin extended sick leave. Plelmeier, Mrs. Conrnd pre- per hand with a one-two com- tion for removal of an ane-urysm He joined | "Brother , can you spare a Schacht, Mrs , children were having a 20, 1898. He died in 1949. A son , the Minnpsnt a lliahuj'i v Puiml Caslmlr Libera, Mrs Gladys Comctt. Christmas dinner with her be- Addison , 24, was killed in 1929 bination of pig's knuckles. from an abdominal artery. l dime," characterizing the at- Substlfufes: Arthur Scherborth, Mrs . Sari Round three was wild. The in 19.'10 and ! mosphere of that era. Welly. cause they wouldn't be able at St. Paul, where he was em- Hospital spokesmen said worked his way 2ND WARD to come Friday. ployed. A daughter, Edna; died herring dishes disappeared , fol- Wednesday the duke now is sit- up to become lit Precinct — Judges : Mrs. Donald of polio in 1945. lowed by tie spare ribs and tin g up as much as four hours a THE BEAUTY of the thing Is Oostomskl , chief in 1945. In Mrs. Clem Rozek, Mrs. J. B. MRS. ZINDEL. who will he reindeer steaks. day and is spending much of his that in the case of each emer- Compton, Mrs. Nell Steele. Substitutes: 1954 he Mrs. Henry Vt/elmer . 87 Feb. 25, works the puzzle SHE HAS three daughters, time reading hooks on various was gency, be it severe weather , Both fighters shed their jack- appointed the Ind Precinct — Mrs. Russelt Xerbjrt, each Sunday afternoon for pas- Mrs.. Ross s'Ona) Hunter, To- ets for the fourth round. phases of Texas history. , Mrs. Ernes,! Yeske, Mrs. J. W . Dugan, departme power failure, a depression or time. She's probably the oldest mab; Mrs. Woodrow (Millicent) n t ' s even a war , people do do some- Mrs. Marvin Meier . Substitu tes: Mrs. Mrs. Zindel and $160 As the bel l went for round Hosp ital officials were silent first safety di- Donald Dournas, Mrs . Marcella Jennings . person working them, and def- Hill , Stevens Point, and Mrs. five , the challenger stayed in in 3rd Precinct - Judqes: Mrs. William on Christmas Day plans but rector. In • 1956 thing about it as they rise up initely is the oldest winner. Katierine Dean , Harvard , 111. ; force to correct or meet the Sllsbee, John J. Waters, Mrs. J. J. his corner c omplaining of stom- there was no indication either he resigned to Merles, Mrs. Gladys Gallien . Substi- Last week she sent in two cards She crocheted for pastime for one son. Jack , Wisconsin Rap- ach pains. Both fighters had the duke or duchess will leave situation. My point is, as long tutes: Carl Hengel, Mrs. Harry Kindt. with the puzzle because a friend years, but because her eyes ids, and four grandchildren. All enter private «1h Precinct - Judges: Mrs. Harold passed the ft-pound mark. their six-room fourth-floor suite. business, but re- as everyone's in the same boat , gave her another copy of the have failed somewhat, she were present Sunday except so to speak, they laugh about Eastman, Mrs. Leona Fischer, Arthur But valiantly Eriksson hung turned to the M. Bard, Catherine Martin. Substitute: Sunday News. spends most of her time now Mrs. Dean. on , weakly sipping coffee. The There were unconfirmed re- Larimer department on it and face it, at the same time Mrs. E. M. Hannnn. Curiosity has kept her work- resting in her apartment. It's Incidentally, she didn 't know ports the couple may move next with some concrete action . mn WARD champion saw the opening and Jan. 23, 1963 lo take the newly 1st Precinct Judges: Rev, W. W. ing the puzzles. She always won- above the Kostner department until she opened the magazine moved in for the final kill . or- weekend to a nearby hotel for created position of assistant Now stop and think. If some- Shaw. Mrs . Thomas DeGrood, Mrs. Ev- dered how close she would get store on Main Street . She plays Sunday morning that she had dering a pastry with jam with on-e or two weeks. was how — just if somehow, the in- erell Kern. Mrs. Dennis Challecn. Sub- Now cards "with women friends. safety director . Larimer stitutes: Mrs. David Henderson, Mrs. to the correct answer. some won the contest. A friend had his coffee. The challenger crum- Letters , cards and telegrams born in Jackson , Minn ., is mar- dividual against odds could cap- Donald Bender. that's settled. Two years ago With her $160 prize money told her Friday there'd been a pled. ha ve been coming in daily. ried and lives at Turtle Lake. ture this same atmosphere — Jnd Precinct - Judges : Arthur Kern, she came within three of the she'd like to purchase a small winner, but she didn 't know sle "it's unbelievable, the mall, , Mrs. Arnold Sreneh|em, Mrs. Robert The referee marked up anoth- He served in the U.S. Marine if his family could share this Ollins, Mrs. Joseph Richardson. Sub- correct answer. television set . was the lucky one.n just is fantastic. " a h ospital stitutes: Mrs. Richard Cook, Mrs. Rob- er quarter ounce for Cederhoek Corps from 1924 to 1928. "We 've got it tough, but we said. ert Goss. and declared him the winner. sp okesman Hall , who was born in Still- will make it" attitude — and 3rd Precinct - Judges: Mrs. Robert then form a brain trust to fig- But Eriksson refused to give in One letter was signed W all 35 water , Minn., joined the High- Fl.cher, Mrs. Raymond Holubar, Mrs. pupils of a class at a local el- way Patrol in 1933 and worked ure the next move, hardship Wilton Dahm, Gerhard Frey. Substitutes: and was allowed an extr a (and there will be hardships) Airs. David Sauer, Mrs. John Wendt. Pay , round. ementary school. his way up. He was appointed Vh Precinct - J udges: Mrs. Waller Increase Few Volunteers safety director in 1961. Hall is would be easier to cope with. Williams, Mrs. M. R. Glverson, Mrs. He lashed out with a stinging Anlhony Palublckl, Mrs. Richard Jani- bottle of mineral water. The a retired lieutenant colonel in kowskl. Substitutes: Mrs. Clinton Kuhl- Cederhoek the decision by a DID YOU know the difference man, L. F . Jasrewskl. champ coolly came back with a the U .S. Army. He served 4V2 | mere quarter of an ounce — the World War II in the ; between a hardship faced by the 4T1I WARD High Postal glass of ice water, downing it years in In Viet Fight p uffy pastry with jam. African and European theaters masses and a hardship faced by 1st Precinct — Judqes: Mrs Harry superbly, while glassy-eyed Er- j Zywlckl, Mrs. Sylvester Modleikl, Mrs. (AP) as a combat commander in the the minute family or individual Dan Sadowski , Mrs. Ralph Wieczorek. WASHINGTON - The personnel in Viet Nam are eligi- iksson managed only a small sip The final score: Cederhoek During the Ko- within the masses? Outside in- Substitutes : Mrs. F. R. Rost, Mrs. Harry Pentagon says the big bulk of ble for the extra $55-a-moiith in his last stand. put away 8 pounds. 15 ounces. 34th Division. Czarnowski . conflict he commanded a fluence — that's it. People you Rates Studied the approximately 22,000 Ameri- combat pay. This goes to volun- The referee gave champion Eriksson 8 pounds 143 . ounces. rean Snd Precinct — Judges: Mrs. Marcel unit in the 43rd Division in Ger- may not know personally, but Cyert, Mrs. Howard Goss, Mrs . Frank JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (API can military men serving in teers and nonvolunteers alike in many. He is married and lives faced with the same problems, Ramer, F red Mnroushek . Substitutes: South Viet Nam are there be- both South Viet Nam and Laos. Mrs. M. T. Voelker , Mrs. George Lu- — President Johnson has at Forest Lake. ; will not admit d efeat, so they binski. cause they were ordered there 3rd Precinct — Judqes: Mrs. Raymond That directive specifies tkat Hall is retiring at age BO ; not only put on a good front, but decided to ask Congress for — not because they volunteered. Thllmany. Mrs. Walter. Banicki, Mrs. for men to qualify they must under the regulations of the [ they contribute to your ability Roy Kukowskl, Mrs. Eugene Olson. Sub- higher rates on second and third- It adds that "no formal in- which require ! to adjust as you also bolster up stitutes: Mrs. Frank Wineskl, Henry Ol- be: Highway Patrol , son. class mail and is now reported | ducements" are being made to Russ & Berty Wish before the next an- your morale. And thus, a chain George "Subject to hostile fire or ex- f N^^JTJTMIT I retirement | 4th Precinct - Judges: Mrs. giving serious consideration lo get -volunteers to sign up for / Their Customers & I niversary. j reaction as individuals help Heflman, Harold Schultz. Mrs. Frank duty there. plosion of hostile mines or in an IrlUwIV I Jcreczek, Mrs. Johin McDonald. Sub- asking pay raises for Civil Serv- area in which they are in immi- The position ol assistant safe- ' each other. Mitutes: Mrs. James Cisewski , Mrs. S. When the United States began Friends a MERRY I i (il DAD I ty director being vacated by J. Petlersen. ice and postal workers. nent danger of being exposed to But when the problem sols giving military aid to South Viet UA C HRISTMAS and a A I D#III I Larimer will be filled through you aside from the rest , one The decision on pay increases ! Nam four years ago, a substan- hostile fire or explosion of hos- regular Civil Service procedure. has a tendency to sulk and feel for Uncle Sam 's 2.46 million ci- tial part — if not an actual ma- tile mines; and in which during HAPPY MEW YEAR fjl I "? the period he was on duty in \^V* Sky.^ -Vu" The»fru « I ¦ sorry for himself , and a bad vilian workers is one of the poli- jority — of the American mili- ^A£f I Recreation Area j that area , other members of the I situation gets worse. So , what cy questions still facing Johnson tary men who went over to help to do? First , remember the key in the war against Communist uniformed services were subject j in the final stages of his work on ' Pocahontas j — outside influence. Talk your guerrillas were volunteers. to hostile fire or explosion of lhe federal budget. OIL TREATED | problem over with the minister, Status Slated hostile mines." CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY I boss , or someone of responsibil- Budget Director Kermit i In answer to a question, the The standard tour of U.S. i ity, and be determined to take Gordon said Wednesday that Defense Department said today servicemen in Viet Nam is 12 Live Music Saturday and Sunday words, that now most people of all BRIQUETS I advice. In other do For Review work on the budget was "over j " months when unaccompanied by something about it. Don't just services are assigned as indi- , 24 months for those Sat.—Winona Play Boys Controllable , ! dependents ^r A Perfect, suffer it out without seeing the COCHRANE , Wis. - A meet- the hump. " He steered clear of , viduals, with few exceptions." witJi dependents. Sun.—The Challengers Solid Fuel whole situation with its advan- ing of Farmers Home Adminis- specific figures, but said the I ic tration officials is slated Jan. 8 These exceptions include, in No minors allowed — you will bi cirelutly chicked. tages, as well as disadvantages. budget would be "very, very addition to the individual volun- No matter how tough you have at the FHA office in Alma to Bid Opening Set _¦«)¦/5 TON review the status of Buffalo Val- substantially below " the $108.5 teers, units which are deployed $ j it , chances are, someone has it to the war zone. These include At- $1.00 Discount , J Tonj or More , take courage and ley, Inc., the non-prcfit group billion originally asked by de- Caledonia ! tougher. So Army Special Forces outfits and see solutions , not escape. endeavoring to develop a 700- partments and agencies for t he , CALEDONIA, Minn. — The ¦ acre recreation area between fiscal year which starts next i crews of Marine helicopter units Houston County Board of Com- which are rotated on Viet Nam Cochrane and Alma. July 1. I missioners "will open bids Jan. | CHRISTMAS DANCE The word came to Jake duty. 5 oil printing and petroleum p ro- WESTERN ! A' Red Cross Christmas dance Zechos, president of the board Asked If the total would he The Pentagon said that when ducts. volunteers for Viet Nam duty IT Live Music l|f ! for all Winona 8th nnd 9th grad- of the non-profit promotional kept under $100 billion , (ionlon Bids will be opened at 10 :30 "Cloan to HandU . . . ers will be held at the , VMCA group. Henry Palm of the na- said he couldn 't give precise are qualified and there is a need a.rn. on printing official pro- Clean to Burn" Monday from 7 to 10 p.m. Ad- tional FHA office will he here , figures. Spending this fiscal for military occupation special- ceedings of the county boa rd , I SATURDAY, DEC. 26 / ! mission is 50 cents. and perhaps Sen. Gaylord Nel - year is estimated at $97.2 bil- ty, the volunteers are assigned board of equalization and no- * " son. The officials plan to spend lion. before nonvolunteers. tices required to be published; §1 KENNY CARL 4 HIS BAND | l two days in the area prior to The President has been dis- official paper for publishing the the meeting, Zeehes said. cussing the budget with various Presumably, there are sever- annual financial statement in al reasons for the emphasis on Little action has been taken Cabinet officials here this week . newspaper and book form; mis- 1|§|1 Season' s Greetings to All! ARE YOU GETTING He h.icl no official appointments orde ring men to Viet Nam and cellaneous notices not required WsM since July 24 when a loan of the de-emphasis on relying on $589„r)00 was approved by the today and planned to spend a by law to be published in the of- All the Heat You Should From FHA contingent on the local relaxing day-before-Christmns volunteers. ficial paper; job printing, let- the committee securing some $100, - wilh his famil y at their ranch The U.S . effort to assist terheads and envelopes, and ()O0 in memberships as the lo- home. South Vietnamese government publication of the delinqu«nt YOUR FUEL? cal contribution to the ski hill , One of Johnson 's decisions has been expanded several fold tax list. three golf cou rses, clubhouse , Wednesday was to ask for the since 1901, Volunteers would be j Ilids will he opened at 2 p.m. trCOVE V H ighway 41 at Minnesota City X I ^VVVWVVVkA/UVVVVVVVWVVUVVtAAAAAfVVVVWVWI Barl nnd other developments. higher rates on second and insuificient to provide the num- on diesel and heating fuels and veSsA V l Now Ov/n«d and Operated _ _ third-class mail. Second-class bers nnd specialized skills re- gasoline nt the Caledonia , ^ V\N \SSS §» Does Your Burner Perform The board of directors ap- mail includes newspaper and C "X by JOE &USH n C vxv^§SS§SSS^ pointed O. J . Solirwei WAN T TO HAVE SOME IfftWWNCf overtime and increase efficien- ^¦¦¦¦¦¦ BHMBw - ¦ BEFORE I WNC£» LIKE T HAT . cy, lie did not say how big the TEAMSTERS' JOSWICK'S increase would be, \ TEEN DANCE ] DANCE The iiosfiuaMcr general nlf ,fl | i Saturday, Dec. 26 FUEL & OIL GO. rlie closing down of the j SATURDAY NI TE ( £n?t End Coal & Fuel Co) snid DANCE DANCING » WINONA .smallest post offices - fourth AT THE NEW Johnny nnd Tho Ravan* j ® «^ _^ •» tit« Call Us For "PERSONAL AUTOMATIC CARE" class - would be stepped up. In SATU RDAY NITE LABOR TEMPLE » Dancing 8 to 11 p.m. j EAGLES recent years t hese offices have at th» ^MW • KEEP FULL SERVICE • BUDOET PLAN INSURANCE been closed nt the rate of 400 to ORCHESTRA LEGION CLUB C UB 500 a year. ~ TEAMSTERS CLUB !i i • GUARANTEED PRIC E • ftURNER SERVICE f mmz\ f" . (ironouski said offices would 208 Efl»f Third St. Every Sat. Night » Sponsored by j M«inl>«rf mGfllSfjJ Mualc by tha be closed only in cases where » Tin? /tii f/ (i(/i» 'i .f nnd conl AGENCY Mutic by Mmnosotfl Ranch Hundt j "J y '* ,u 1" e<|unl or belter services could i 'The I. ejets \WiLNr,WJ k '" PHONE 3389 be provided hy rural or star Swii< Glrlt' Or chflitra j B«n4* ' Phone 3366 «j M _¦__¦ ¦ H _¦_¦_¦_¦ _¦¦r ¦ routes. I ^ ¦ ^ y: - Ttoe Evergreen Ttee- TODAY IN N AT! ON AL AFFA I RS : vf a^^ ROBERT C. WJARK V/ithput It; Nothing Parties/ veeqf / THERE STANDS THE f r»; glorious in its shimmer of baubles and lights. It is this that jve see —~ the jewel colors, the glisten- A Voter Issue ing silver ot tmseV the:quairit and beautiful .By DAVID LAWRENCE ; .objects: cherished &bm year to : year and WASHINGTON - Most of therdialogue: going gleaming again now in the soft iglo\y. One on now among Republicans as to how to re- ISEW YORK — One of the things which hai It^ed m« tends ; to forget; that beneath all these shape their party seems to, ignore the moods about the myriad African politicians is their^^ ihsiateftce ¦¦ ¦ most bonders, beaxihg them up to be seen, is th e and desires of the American; viner,¦.' ¦ '¦- '. '" ,' on demandiug the best of two worlds; living tree itself. A lot of talk is being hearil, for example, : They seeni^ desperately ; tc be striving for supen-equality of in about a ''positive'* program! or platform, the in the white world they have just invaded. They want no ; Therie is kind parable: -this; The ¦ chosen role as independents. But, W ^. ^ assumption being that everything that's 'nega- slur cast upon their outward trappings Oof /Christmas 4— the tive - ' is •ba4-; yet ..' the-;siiw.ple ' .'-trtth';- 'is;'' tJiat-the. a pbrasei they want to; wear tribal; robes and flourish fly. gifts, the seasonal delicacies, whisKs, spoit leopard skins and monkey Hides and beaded scurrying for. American Voter often wants to express his neg- ' ' ¦¦ " ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' the feasting and parties V- can be thought ative attitude in V way than mod- hatshate , asac someanrn* sortwirt otinf paagehfldfffi . . -¦ . ~T! ; v ; . ¦ • .- . . - '. - ' ' .. ' . "r~ of as corresponding to the decorations on erates or -middle-of-the-roaders seem to real- of superiority which reflects Goodt Health They; can- be a source , of pleasure ize, Likevvise; a campaign that is confined to on the: self-lmposfed infer- To Your the tree. they flee. and joy .that makes the Yuletide ; worth- cliches arid th. language;, of the highbrow:.and iority from which the. intellectual becomes ! neither'; positive nor They like their Mgf fat while for this aloive. Vet beneath it alt there limousines, but >they raise yp ^r stands; the evergreen . tree of God's grac^ negative but; simply incomprehensible : to the ^n voter himself, :.- all manner of ruckus if the and God's love for mankind; aspersion is raised Elections are riot won by conaplex proposals faintest : '; against African tribalism. , . :'/This is the thing- to bear in; mimd at this that spell out . in "positive" or explicit terms They will talk hig in the tieel f e unique time in the calendar of VGhris- the promises that are offered. Whatever pledges mora- ¦ United Nations about tefidprii.• ' •.¦It;.'. is' a time for worship and of a Utopian;natiire are made in politics are toriums on honest debt; thanksgiving. It is a time for renewing usually in general and vague terms, such as Quaison-Sackey* tlie new : ¦; one's own inner; sense of dedication, a time the "great society" or the "new: deal;' ' which president of the United N a- By JOSEPH G. MPLNBR, M^. present rather than a program. ; for reflecting on the . Nativity and on its an .ideal tions General Asembly, is ever ; without his Dear DrT Molner: po^a message for : the human racei POLITICAL history shows that uri cam- hardly a sibur pecut oiriyon the ; chief's carved walking stick, paigns affirmative Issues are rarely emphasiz-: Kehyatta is never ¦::¦¦' • heel? Could too .much ox WITHOUT THE TREE' there ir noth- ed. The strategy which seems always to be suc- as Joriio too little of something, ing. Without the tree, the baubles shatter without his flywhisk. : cessful is to knock down the opposing party ;in the diet cause It?~ andvthe lights, go out;- . Without the; tree, as likely to' bring hu- I AM TALKINO symbol- :. ms,:;H.:M . :, : .o- ¦ ' and paint its proposals . . v there is no Christmas;: " - . m/an disaster or financial bankruptcy oi* a hor- ism here, Airica wants all '¦ ' " ' ' ' ¦¦ " ' ' ' ' " . ¦ • -¦ '. } : - • ¦' ¦ • ' •¦ ' \' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ; candy and none of • Dear' Doctor:-Is t^ere . * . • • . .. . . rible; wan; ; ' ;<; - ^' - : ' .. of the " . -/ the bellyaches. And, large- a cure for " spurs in the Conversely v a party in power resists such has earned heels? They are very attacks by picturesijue words that try to pqrr ly Africa little of ^the sugar .which goes into painful. I have been talc- tray the other party as likely to bring depres- • jng ultrasonic treat- Out the candy-making. ;¦ sions and other inconveniences and losses.. The new countries merely meiits which dp not of every hundred voters, for instance, how many demand. They as yet can- ," seem to help. I have Of Christmas remember the 1964 campaign speeches of either not create, but they demand them in both heels and party, and how many today , can recall what . ' ¦ very well. I am reminded . they seem to be on the . THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE vocabu- 'positive'' proposals Lyndon Johnson made in of a woman in Kismayu, in bone right where I walJc. , ¦" , ' lary of Christmas reflects the antiquity .of the recent campaign? How many more on the Somalia, Avho came up to :;;—Biv M. -^.'^. , . other hand, recall the words ''trigger-happy'' in a dreary the observance, though at the same time me one night :; f spur" - refers toacalcl?L^ or "reckless" or "dangerous" and the :charge hotel in a very dreary town A ' documenting modern additions to the syrn- about "wrecking your social security'' and said: fication or hardening of the ¦ tendon the: heel,;undterr holism of ;the time; .' Personalities have something to do with the "Give me a shilling.¦" of outcome of campaigns -biit. not always. Some Said t: "Why?" .;- • " ' ,. :¦: .. . neath the foot; where it • Christma* itself , is Old English ChrUj es the bOne. !¦ ';' oiE the most able men in America; running oh THE WASHINGTON "Because I am black," ' maesse, the mass or festival of Christ. an excellent platform and making good cam- MERRY-GO-ROUND said she. ;:¦ " Such spurs can occur in Holiday\was compounded even in Old^Eng- paign speeches, have been defeated by oppon- "You're in the majority," tendons elsewhere — but ¦ ¦ they aren't; where your lull lish ' .. ;—H." ..Kaligcfaeg,.'.;.though it was hot until ents of mediocre quality and of lesser ability. said I."And ; I don-1 :;have¦ that many shillings; ;;. weight comes oh them. That the 16th century that the sacred meaning If the voters are in; a mood Of resentment, ¦ ^ is why we hear a lot about of the word had be eh: so huffed under the it doesn't ntatter to ihem how truthful; the WITH THE exception of heel spurs but rarely of idea of suspending ordinary work that a characterization of a candidate's merits may ;i.f<|^6/|S^ a very few countries pf the ¦ '' -: ¦ ¦¦: ' ' them otherwise. jieed be . . . . r :- . ' newly emerged nations, "was felt for "the modem expression, al- PUT IT THIS Way : A day bankruptcy is practiced "holy " tp convey the original;sense. ONE REASON for the mistakes of many pol- most as a hobby. ;; mighty small pebble in yciir iticans, is that; they really dp not understand , ; of . shoe: can be painful becaiise ;. . ' _i' ' ' ' Not only hahkruptcy Also pid- -:Englis :i$:Crniey'ry,. ,derivfid by grass-roots sentiment; TJiis is particularly true money, but of government, . your weiighf presses on it. studentsi of prehistoric language from a of political leaders who; emerged frorri the so- By DREW PEA.RSON \ tion. Therefore, Lorentz in- ers have refused to serve of civil service, of national The same pebble would hot foot meaning; tp shorten, presumably in called intellectual centers where the exponents terviewed Maddox in his •¦ ' resource, of general know- matter much in a -. glove. WASHINGTON — At least Negroes; V. . :.. recognition that happy tirries pas$ quick- ; ot party philosophy vie with one another in Atlanta restaurant, saw his Bob - Montgomery, the ac- how. But the uneasy arfb- Diet has nothing to do ¦¦ • four military bases are gance^remalns; with formation ot spurs, :. ly, MUt letoa and holly are ancient words expressing their respective ideologies. opening liquor stores in desk piled high with: naail tor who used to coach Presi- ¦: straight put of Old English, too, the former The average man is interested in the reten- containing contributions to dent Eisenhower for his TV A swift review : of the Rather, the calcification : time for the brass to buy Congo over four years is a (think of It as an accurnu-. . . venerated by Druids, the latter;with Celtic tion of his job, in higher ineojhe, in better tax-free liquor for Christ- help him battle integration. appearances, las been pres- ¦ , , 'the; Na-yy to suppress fine example. The; one ex^ lation of scar tissue;; that cognates of its owtu ': ¦/. living conditions in education for his children mas;..: ' " . - .- He gets three to> : four thou- suring• . is>w is) and in keeping out of war. He; isn't concerned ' week. The the new movie. "The Ameri- ception in the Congo was hat it forms because It's against regulations for sand dollars a Katanga; which existed on the tendon has been damiag- YULE HAS MORE of a foreign *«ns« over whether the candidate dresses weft or FBI has been checking on canization of Emily." It's a , ¦:;" a military installation to rollicking fairce on the Navy the activity of the mines : ed in some way. The heal- to it, perhaps" hecause it survives as the has many cOUege degrees or can make a good sell liquor, unless the base out-of-state licenses to see run by the Union Miniere. ing results ) in this lumpy;' ;; principal name fOf Christmas in Scaridinar speech or has a glamorous personality. Seventy how much business Maddox which ; pokes a little fun-at controlled by the ' .;- ,:;.' '¦ " is isolateid from civjliaii i ; - ,;¦ ¦: Which is >. hardness.: in which it was pre- million voters today do not differ from - the 40 , is doing interstate; and as the brass hats . big octopus which dwells; in Repeated pressure c an vian languages, iii ago; supplies.. Nevertheless the long as he feeds Georgia Montgomery was so per^ : ChristianS times the^^ name of a heatheh or 50 million of a few decades •Air. Force base at Home- iBelgium. . cause;it1,: or injury (such as; Perhaps the best proof of the superfluous na- customers only he; figures sistent that finally the Navy "' feast lasting 12 days. Though the word stead, Fla:, has opened two Mbise Tshombe, who has jumping and landing: with'- ' ture of the intellectual type of party campaign- he can stay in business. yielded. It has banned "The been accused by the fellow your weight on the heel > or sounds somewhat artificial in modern Eng: liquor stores. Americanization of ¦ Emily'' ing is to be found in the casual way in which The naval experiment sta- African states of being a infection. Bursitis is an ex- lish;,yule is; a genuine ancient of our lan- national platforms are treatesd. Few papers SOME restaurants have in all Navy . stations and pawn of the colonialist •;¦¦ ample of the latter. ' tion at Annapolis, Md., has turned their lights low so ' ¦ guage;, - blderS than Christmas itself , With print thern. in full test. They are rarely heard bases. •.• < • ' ' v. enterprises — a collaborator : Depending on the precise ¦' ' also gone into the liquor bus- vvhite customers can't tell However, the Arrny and noel; (in Chaucer 's time, .;. nowel) genuine of in the weeks after the party convention has iness; - '*'*-: with the man — has just location and size, some non-Germanic influence appears; the word adopted them. Occasionally one or two planks whether the place is inte- the Air Forc«, which don't "natiohalized". ;the Union spurs are painful,; others Two more liquor stores grated or not. There afe-al- ¦' ¦¦ ' ¦ is-;' -French, originally, a joyous exclama- are emphasized in a political campaign, but always agree with the Navy, Miniere/: . • - are not " .;. ' . are in the process of open- so instances of waitresses are ; continuing to show the but lib tion: Jits use as a syjionyrn for carol «f by and large even the candidates for Congress, ing at McCohhell Air Force This is nothing . Careful cushioning of the : p6unng; coffee on Nejgro cus- picture and getting a big service to grease himself foot, with an innersble course followed introduction ' of. that other if suddenly quizzed, would hardly be able to Base in Wichita;. .Kan:, arid - - ' , remember exactly what was in their own ' par-, tomers ;6r putting them off kick out of iti . with , the-. frateViiity of Afri- placed so: as to take pres- French word , which began as the nanie of Griff is Air Force Base iii in a corner where they - are can governments. Whether: ty; platform. . Rome, Ga.V- . '•; SEN.vJQHK' Williams, R- sure off the painful spot * is a song to which people danced in . a ring; not served. But , in general, Del., the Senate's one-man it is a; separate deal with in general the best solutibn. ; with Christmas dates from Meanwhile, the Fort Bel- there has been compliance. the usual kickback can best association UNDER THESE eircuriistances. those who voir, Va;, PX has stopped FBI, is investigating anoth- i/LTRASQNlC treatments medieval times. would reorganize the Republican party will be Attorney General Nicholas er of Matt McClbskey-s' gov- be reflected in the stock buying beer from local deal- reports; (actually a method of ap- wasting time if they confine themselves to such Katzehbach has reported to ernment construction eon* market plying; ers and is trucking in cheap- ' 1 heat inside the tis- ¦ The authoritative image of Santa Claus words as "exclusionary" or '"'extremism" or er •'supplies'..Army. ' truck G- President Johnson that most tracts. " .: EVENTS OVER the past sues, rather than just to the ' ' is barely a hund red years old , though "moderation" or even "positive" or "nega- 159, driven by an enlisted restaurants, hotels and thea- McCloskey has just com- few weeks are also much surface) can, reduce inflam- ": tres ih; the ¦ ¦ Dutch children knew Saint Nicholas long tive. They would be better advised to go to man. has been used to haul South have now pleted a House office build- in point. The Belgian para- „ matiori if it is present, and some book of simplified English for words to compiled with the civil ing with a three level under- troops come in to save the thus be helpful , they before that , arid Longfellow used the word the beer at the taxpayers' ¦ but as early as 1828 (spelling it SanticlaunjV tell the voter that what they do is to rights law. Less than 700 ground garage, a full gym- white civilians, and are cannot remove the "spur; 1* exnense. complaints hav« been re- , Santa 's reindeer go back ; ultimately ; to. ah enable him to . get higher wages, to make it : Thus the Arm\' violated nasium and an Olympic- summarily dismissed, while Consider them, rather, as possible for ceived from N«groes who size imming pool for the Stanleyville area slumps an adjunct in Old Norse word , h reindyri. The first .sylla- his dollar to buy more than ever ;a Virginia state law which sw the acute cases. before, to build more and better roads; to forbids other than bonded claim they were refused congressmen. once again into disaster , as Unless you provide effective ble is as much a noun as the second; in win the war against crime and render the city service — a surprisingly The building cost ^86,4(10,- all of the Afro-Asian-Com- cushioning; you will simply , for.a t ime rein English- name distributors from transport- ' fact was a" streets safe aga in , to provide tuition grants to ing more than a gallon of small number. Even -in em- 000 — four times more than munist bjocs set up an an- keep on irritating the area. for the animal. educate all children in both public and private battled McCornb , Miss., the new Senate office build- guished howl. Occasionally painful spurs untaxed alcoholic beverage. white man , schools, to build an armament program that Under the law , the Fort Be 1- most public places are com- ing, which was completed "Kick out the have to be removed sur- MOST RECENT newcomer among the will require fewer and fewer soldiers plying with the law. Only a six years ago for $21,100,- get rid of the imperialist gically, but the cushioning ' and de- yoir beer could have been " scream Tangan- 12 words of Chris! ' canvassed here is pend more and more on appara tus, and to make confiscated and the GT driv- few workmen s lunch count- ooo. troops!" should be tried first, plus poinsettia, coined-inyl lKJtt in honor of J; H, yika , Kenya and Uganda. such additional '¦: temporary sure that our defense is sufficient to deter any er could have been tossed in And then, at the first sign measures as Poinsett , America n minister . to Mexico, enemy and keep us out of war. the klink for bootlegging. your doctor ¦' ¦ ' of trouble: "Bring back the believes may be helpful in who introduced to ,Us; north of the Rio J/UL $VdL British!" To solve a tiny your particular case-ultra- "known in Britain as the LESTER MADDOX. Atlan- Grande what was ta 's segregationist restaura- internal problem of rebel- sonic treatments, soaking Mexica n flame-loaf or lobster 1'loweK teur, is doing so much bus- lious local troops. the feet in hot water, and Africa can't control even trying ' IN YEARS GONE BY iness that he can't take care to keep off your feet, Though in Roman Catholic churches the such a simple thing as a giving the inflammation a {representations of customers — despite the use of Christmas creche? fact that he lost his case police force. What it can do chance to subside. of ' the nativity scene) goes hack to the 1:3th Ten Years Ago .. . 1954 with production , with ex- Mrs. Oscar Hydman was Heeled president befo re lhe Supreme Court. port-import , with the protec- chieftain 's badge , the cere- century.. ohly recently has the creche come Madilox has changed the monial stick. ¦widely- -into ' use. cls 'e\vheri\ Tho English hail uf the Woman 's Relief Corps , Auxiliary to John tion of its own people, with Hull Post ,CAR , lo succeed Mrs. Henry Ma- na me of his restaurant fro m the preservation of civilized The whole picture leaves a word , cratch , parallel to French creche "The Pickwick' to Ihe "Les- relationship with the for- me more than a little cold. .become ' obso- tUIS. ter Maddox. " The Suprem e or mangel'. But cratch has Patrice Munsell , wile of Robert Schiller, 'fo 'r- eigners in its midst , — who A man who is locked out lete and creche, visibl y ' French , now holds Court helped to make his knows? of his own rooming house nier Winonun , will he seen in a telecast of "The name famous. He has built has the field. Merry Widow " from New York City. They kick out a couple no business telling the a wishing well in the middle more newsmen from Kenya , world how to run a hotel . SO THERE ARE some modern thread* of his restaurant where throw out a few hotelmen . Knglish -speaking Twenty-Five Years Ago . . . 1939 thousands of pennies have from Tanganyika, national- * in the old fabric. But our "' ' ' would The Rev. Louis O'Diiy, St. Thomas Pro-Ca- been tossed in under the ize n major interest in ancestors to remote generations , thedral, sign , "I wish for segrega- "Happy will he the principal speaker at the an- Katanga , knock oft three know what we mean when we say, nual banquet of the Cathedral Alumnae As- tion. " million acres of other peo- [ FOR SAFETY'S ^ (a venerable word, though more Old Norse sociation . Outside the restaurant he ple's developed land in < than Old English> liolidnys ," or "Merry (he , ' has built a SO-fool tower Kenya , and in the Congo ir- ? SAKE Soloists for oratorio llu> "Messiah. " to , Now That Christmas. " be presented at St. Paul's KpLscopal Church, inside of which is a black responsible ruffians murder ? Your Car A k Wlndowi Art Cloitd . . . ^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ will be Mrs coffi n encasing a copy of women and children, . James MoConnon «nd Mrs , Horace [ Have MUFFLERS i Seaton, .soprano; Mrs , George Kissliruj, alto; the civil rights act; t and TAIL "Heboid, a virgin shall rowel v«- anil l>t*ur Pare Lorentz Jr., THIS IS scarcely a way PIPES A Julian Neville , tenor , and Carlton Neville, ban- discover- to inspire confidence in a Checked and Raplactd l a son, and his name shall ho railed Emmanuel tone. ed some of these things \ j (which means, fiori with us> ." INIatl . 1:2.1. world fraternity, when he went south to film new president of the lhe progress of integration The ^Jrs. Auto Service^ Fifty Years Ago . . . 1914 General Assembly is un- 111 for Gov . LeRoy Collin 's doubtedly a smart fellow , y Franklin 4 Winona merchants are well satisfied with oommunltv relations serv- A .?. .Jk A. A. _L. __. _L. __ _.4 the business done this Christmas , which is most- ice. who emerged as a lawyer WINONA DAILY NEW S ly reported to have been decidedly in advance from Lincoln's Inn in Lon- II was Gov. Collin 's plan don. But he represents a F*»»w»iww nna_w)D^jyDi An Ind epeudi -itl f lnaspaper — Kslahluhed 1855 of a year ago. lo report on . both the pro- "Why is it the people you forgot to send cards to Prizes in the state one-man. no-vote communi- START YOUR DAY W. F. W HITE G. R. CI .OSWAY C. R. LINDP 'M 1914 a'Ward yield corn gress and the lack of pro- always send you one when it's too late to send ty in his native Ghana. And ; j Piiblnlicr Krec. Director liu.sines.i Mgr. contest saw Winfieki Kaiulall of Kyota get sixth gress In community coopera- them one?" he still wears his tribal ' place in the southern section . | . ' with ' . -; and Edit or & Ailv, Director " The cold wave that swept orer this section o< THE WIZARD OF ID By P.rk.r .nd H.rt OLE DOUMI IILM 'KR 'H YMKS W. J. C V A -B H.G. the county struck Winona with force and the ¦¦ >¦ " r- i' i ' - Bill Managing Editor Ci ty Editor Circulation Mgr. official tube of mercury registered 25 below. Merrill's B. 11. HAnrcK F. II. K LAOCB L. V, A LSTON Composing Supt, Prea Supt. Engraving Svpt . Seventy-Five Years Ago ... 1 889 Cake ice was floating down the river in large "Something to W ILLIAM H K NOLISII (J OHDO N HOLTE quantities today, Comp/roflfir .Sinidn^ Kd .ilor Miss Carrie. V. 'Smith went to Muntorvill e tu w present the M_MlUCIt or Tilt ASSOCIATKU I'ltKSS normal music cou rse to tlie teach- ' Live By ' ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ers of Dodge County. ¦ ¦ !¦ ¦ ; •a^jjjSS?** t 6;50 Each Morning ! ' " One Hundred Years ¦ Ago... 1864 " ' ' The Associated Press is entitled exclusivel y ¦ ¦ ¦ • - to the use for republication of all the local The weather is fnvorable for bringing pro- ! duce iiitfl market , news printod in this newspaper a.s well as nil although the roadsis in are not A,P. ncw« dispatches, in ver^y good condition , Poultry request at fi cents and fl cents per po*ind for chickens B Thursday, December 24 , \%\ and 9 cents and 11 cents for turkeys. ' KW: NII¦ ' ' :¦- ^mA was even more obvioua that Burch was on the •¦spot. iti essence, the three men who Political Storm have carried the COP presiden- tial banner in t|ie. last three elections , agreed that ' Burch must have widespread support Raging Around in order to pull the party togeth- er from; its shattering- defeat, A J-U14 UJ UUUUUUU , UU JUUUUULJUMiim simple majority ; of votes on the fa*~mm^m'nmmaaa**Jm~'a*< '^* mmmm*^~'*~* *m~~t*m 'a^**mama*»>^»Maa VaW * GOP Chairman Republican National Committee would not be enough, they indi- By HARRY KELLY cated.' -;' . AP) W^SWNGTON f - The The national committee is sound and Jury of a violent po- scheduled to meet;Jan. 22-23 in litical storm ragew over the Chicago to \ consider the problem of its leadership. As the situar head of a young naan who was tibn stacks up how, the vote, 'almost,, urijoribwn , a year ago — would be extremely, close, beari: Burch r chairman of the Republican National Commit- AA/isconsin Traffic tee. :;\ f STARTING SAWRbAYl ^V It'a an imposing .. title that Deaths Up ta l;0 l8 < , Burch, 341, ¦; '. ea^.^:', But- '::.vhat' ¦¦ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS '> : ' doles It¦' '•; mean? is the; party /\ .; :.;-;'JMPfc ANI> ::MRJ8. " : PA11L . WNC!E_VT flALVEBSQN are at Wisconsin's 1964; record-shat- / horiae near; Wlialan, Minn., where the grown is engaged in chairman ¦*. man o»f power — a tering hig&way death toll :has -:- - , ™-? *™™?- *r ™ ^-^ J.' V.}'. m . -.W, W>y> soared to 1, compared with . i* -r^^ following marriage Dec. 5' at Highlahid I»rairje pray eminence lurking behind 038, ' farntingi their^^ or is he simply Mr. and Mrs. Allan Thompson ' -.' - . - r. ' Lutheran Church. The Rev. I. R.: Grottlid, Peterson, Mhin. the throne ^- an 883 on this date one year ago. ;(C»mtr« Art photo) -^ adrninistrator pr f igureliead ?. Glenn Hostettler, 33, of Beav ______; . and the Rev. D. J. Brake Houston ^ r , er i)anv a member of the fac- l^s. ; One : former national chair- l ants were Giea^ ma_i, ; Seh. . thruston B. Morton ulty at WaylMd Acadenoy, was New yweds . ter of the groonii ^5s matron of. honor, apd Dennis Gravos, ; of Kentucky.; sees the national killed Wednesday night when a Whalan, host mam A. receptioh Was held in the church, par- cbrnmittee chairman as a party car struck a: guard riil and Will Reside S lors,: The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obert HEalyerson, housekeeper and not worth any jumped a river bed on Highway In Rpchestei Petersph, were hosts at a rehearsal dinner. The bridevis the \ "bloodletting" in the Republi- W south of Beaver bam- An- ' former Miss Faye Audrey Unnasch, daughter .Of Mr. and Mrs. can; dispute; ; " other teacher at Wayland Acad- ALTURA, Minn. — Following Merton* Unnaschj Houston. She is a graduate Of Houston Not so, says Go»y; , Robert : E; emy, Richard Boya, 37, of Bea- a wedding trip to Northern Min- ; ver Darn, was injured; High School and her husband, of: Peterson High School. (Cam- Smvtie of Idaho. One of the ! nesota, Mr, and Mrs. Allan era Artv photo) leaders of the Burch-must^go Miss: Frances Yauman, 78, of Thompson will be at home in Watertown die d Wednesday ¦ forces in tlie GOP. Smylie says 'Rochester. .;' - _; the way? things are now the na- . riijght Of injuries suffered- 24 They were , married' Saturday tional chairman is neither "a hours earlier when she was at Jehovah Evangelical Luther- mere figurehead, lior a house-; struck by; a car at an Hitersec- ¦ ¦ : : an Church here; The Rev; Alvin keeper,''' ': .- .' -- tibn in 'Watertown. , Werre Officiated. Elmer Simon 26,837 "Sinylle d»e«n't know ahv- and Miss- Susan Ties were solo- $ #w ¦¦ thjjig ists. . •;, ¦ ". - about the national cbair- ; mah's job.'- retorts William E, ,The bride: is the former La Barry Gold- , iWHler. ¦who was Loni Buck daughter of Mr. and water's ':¦: running mate and \ \ tttgs "a f oys \ owr enHre quality ifoek at Mrs. Orville Holtegaard, Eyota, On NewPurnpei'Burch*s oredecessor as party Minn^, and the groom is the The Fjre ; and Police Board He said that the parts chairman,;'.;- ' - son of ;Mr.; and Mrs. Ronald manual ; great roductions^shop Thompson, Altura;: has deferred action on four bids sent by the company is v . . "no fTenerally, the : job of chair- ! CLEARANCE •arly MARGO) Mrs. Roger Harcey, St. Char- for a fire department pumper more ' than ; a pamphlet";; and man is to keep tlie partv ma- MISS DUBBS' ; chinery oiled and humming be- eiigagement; to Jrlaynard les, Minn,, was matron of hon- to a special meeting Jan. 6. wouldn't enable hhm; to make Bids received Wedh e s d a y necessary repairs. The commis- tween eleetionSi to see tp it that jFtustad, son Of Mr and Mrs. or and; Mrs. Edward Mathees, , money raided, to off oar- , ranged from the low ef $26 837 sioners; delayed purchase of the is con' - Clarence Rustad Peterson, ; Winona, and Mrs. Sharon Welch Howe Fire Apparatus Co., tv feuds and to rally the troops > St. Charles, bridesmaids. Doug- hy unit until a suitable: parts rnan- Minn., has been announced Anderson, Ind., to the high of uel is supplied by the Minrier during campaigns, by : her parents, Mr. and • las Thompson, Altura, was best $29,000 bid; fcy the Seagrave man; and apolis company. ; Many chairmen have been ; Mrs, Maynard Dubbs, Rushr and Larry Gensmer Corp. through Its Minneapolis little more than front men who; ; Gene; SUirgis both of; Altura, ¦; ALTHOUGH - . - ' fofd; Mining The wedding ; f representative. the Howe eonir have tuxedo, will travel. Most ISiB groomsmen. Ushers were Arvih pany bid ldy on the new pump- have been noted political figures will- be Feb. 14 at Rushford Holtegaard, Eyota, and David THE BOARD ' decided not to ebtruck, it did hot promise the Lutheran Church. ; working part time at it Burch, ' accept ahy tidjinJtiLJliiey rre^rer ' ' ' ; Matzke; Minneiska. • ' ' ' ' ' _ earDestde' livery;date; - •:• ¦;¦: :¦ ¦' " Donald G. protege of Goldwater, is a full- . • - ¦ • -, . vJe>ed-1ryCSieFJohh L; Steadi- Beck ; of Americanj-La ; France; ,000-a- THE^BWBE-^rw^TTTl^ man: / : : : ' . -? '; -' • tirne chairman with a $30 . ' ' ;:¦ said that his compajiy is willing |- : salary. - ' - '\?: ' -f .WIIITER^' :-| _ gbwn over Vear ; \ /. ' .: '^ | ('¦:-; /. i_____,______,______. . .. " •¦ John -Mahthey$^_^_ iength^acT taffeta Representatives of three of to enter a perialtjr-clause con; .( with a sabrina neckline, fitted the bidders argued for their . One thing to ke*p iii mind hi Note: 25th^TearS: " The : Howe said tract to deliver wijtriin 150 caleh- trying to. define tft 'ei duties of a. % bodice arid , a bouffant skirt Erbducts. . - tnan dar.idays of the contract signing. which ended in a brush train e hoped Winona would - add to chairman, is. that timie. events, LAKE CITY, Miiin; : (Special) the Howe equipment already / HcweV.. 'pronii_es delivery; in the pressiire coofeer : of politics --¦Mr. and Mrs. John Manthey with tiers pf lace. A crown of crystals her owned by the fire department; VIS- i&y\.with no; mention .*£ a and the man: himself all hiave a were honored guests at a dinner- pearls and. held penalty-clause; Beck, -in addi- '¦• ' silk veil, and she carried a . Representatives of Peter h?nd in molding tlie .iob: -: •., party at the Idle Hour Cafe, bou^ Pirsch & Sons, Kenosha, Wis., tion, said.. - that his company's For instance, the' chairrnan of *quet of red and ^hite rpses and ; ; ¦ Wabasha, in observance :: of (bid of $27,981) and Aiherican- pride woddl be $300> lower if tho a party out of power, such as;'|p;/^ ;3- :/;; ;¦; /:- their silver; wedding anniverr carnations. La France, Elmira, N.Y. (hid fire department ajgrees to have Burch. niust function differehtty aarK3^::^ f W^ Her attendants: wore floor- 590) : 6ary. About 30 relatives; were of $28, both pointed out that the ; pumper, driven the 1,000 froni the chairman of a party in .'present ^"-. '-;. ';: ¦ .;;, :; . :- -\; length red brocaded gowns, with their products are band-made miles fromi Elmira rather than power, such as the Democrats' • -: . . round necklines. Their head- ¦¦ " ' Mr: Manthey: .;;' ; ; toi specifications, : ;-. r, •; shipped by boxcar. .J«hn-.M ;- ;"Bailey/ ---; ;' 5p:|in^j k*j i^ and the forv dresses were of hrocade and net commission, mer Miss Inez Geppert were red They urged the "The Pirsch eomp any. promises J and t^ey: carried and' white ers to check: the bid specifica- " '" '" : Bailev must labor in the shad- :• December 26 : § delivery • .yrithihI 365 calendar married Dec. 16, 1939,.at the ; ' ; tions carefully,, arguing ; that ow and under the orders of the farhr hofne of Mr. and Mrs. carnations. . days of the contract signing, and ftii-TRiM A; reception was held at the their companies are better able unquestioned supreme ' com- Elriier Geppert, SeagraVe sets a 210-to 270-day mander of the D>emdcratic parr American Legioii Club. Music to meet individual requirements delivery period.;; : ivas furnished by the Al Gens- than companies like . Howe that ty, President Johiison;: mer musicians. ;;;'.; "job out'': their fire:rigs, Chief Meier said that the new And this is a key to the Alma Auxi I i a ry Ford patrol car bought earlier present GOP battle crackling The bride is a graduate of IJV OTHER actios, the board INTER HoJds:;Ylile Parry : was shipped from an assembly around Burch. W Lewiston High .School and Ro- approved license renewals for , plant Wednesday. Delivery is ex- With no president to answer ALMA, "Wis . (Special) — The chester Junior College She was the city's lone pawnbroker and pected early next week . formerly: a secretary at the Ro- for three city junkyards. ;: to; will he step into a vaciium Of annual Christmas party of Alma Ieadershiip, tighten his control of American. Legion Auxiliary was chester State Hospital. Her hus- The commissioners question- THEI ASSISTMT police chief band is a graduate:of LHS arid ed Assistant Police Chief Mar- also noted that the department's party machinery and reinforce gs I GOATS held . in the Legion Clubrooms, Col- a conservative inhage that GOP Savin following the December meet- attended Mankato State vin A.¦ Meier concerning opera- new pistol range pear the Hol- lege; He is . currently attending tion •; of Neumann's Bargain ziriger Lodge :-'.i_ :' i partly com-: liberals ?»nd moderates feel will ing. The refreshments table destroy tlie party ? ' I *' - ' ' . 1 , Rochester Junior College. Store, 121 E. 2nd St., the pawn- pleted. Its ; ;- : ; *] : awarded. prenuptial showers given by 3rd St.; William Miller Serap' aged in a storm, he said. Denver , Colo., "the present !J > '. ¦ ¦: ' *\. During the business session Iron & Metal Co.* 222 W: 2nd chairman will tend ever more Mmes. Al Gensmer,. Elmer Si- Meier said that tlie new range strongly to create and solidify before the party , it was voted mon and Urban Matzke, at the St., and M. AW. Iron & Metal accommodates 25 men firing 7 to buy Christmas plants for , ' Co., 207 W. 2nd St., are , the the image of a party that the Altura grade school arid Mrs. simultaneously, double the ca- people would not use." i Girls Coals Gold Star Mothers, to purchase Roger Harcey , at her home." junkyards whose licenses were pacity of the old range at the | A president nrovides most of ¦ ' Christmas seals and gifts for renewed without comment by r ' ¦ ' WVVWW . '.. ' .4 . airport ; i . the board. the image for the party in pow- shut-in¦ Veterans and needy fam- NO DANCE SESSION The board unanimously ap- ilies. , -; . J' ;- ' - er.: He has that -magnificent fo- Park-Rec Squares will not MEIER said that a check of proved fire department expendi- rum of tlie White House, under Mrs. Cyril Reidt reported that hold their regular dance session police sick leave records reveal- tures of $1,498 and police de- 49.95 an electric knife had been pur- the concentrated glare of inter- Coat Sets j ! to 59.9S at the lincoln School Saturday ed no "malingering." The check partment expenses of $1,552 plus national publicity- . I chased for the clubhouse kitch- L I " . ' rf^*^^^* N*S^ ' . . evening. was made on request of the $197 in overtime pay. ^ ^ , Who provides the image for en The Sunshine report was commissioners. Board members , given. the party out of power in this WENDEL OPEN HOUSE agreed with Meier that his de- case the" Republicans? The na- Mrs. James Schoenberger won SPRING GROVE, Minn. 'Spe- partment's attendance record tional chairman certainly con- Car Coats j l the hostess prize. Thirty mem- cial) — An open house honoring is, in fact , outstanding. tributes to it , for his finger is on jf UNTRIMMED bers were present. , Alfred Wendel on Commissioner Rudy Edel ask- ¦ Mr. and Mrs Laird Offers j ? ' *VHA*V^VX% . 4'. : the party's propaganda button. - ¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ . • their 25th wedding anniversary ed Meier about the rash of The niimeograph machines MEW DOVKR-EVOTA BUS will be be held at their home Christmas bulb "snatching." He . grind at his command. r 5 p.m. No cards J EYOTA . Minn Special) - are being sent. ; geous." Meier said that his de- To Run for Newsmen rash to him when A now 54-passeng«r school bus, ~ partment Is having trouble solv- WINTER they want the GOP position on , will be de- Snow Suits j | ordered in August SPItING GROVE CLUB ing the problem because most this or that. He «an be on cam- II livered by the low bidder, O & SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Spe- of the thieves are juveniles, era and in the news daily. By J Motor Co,, St. Charles, Wed- cial) — Chautauqua Study Club some as young as 5 and 6. House Leader his control of the propaganda nesday. It will be used on tho will meet Monday evening at Frederick Picha, -who main- organs it is possible for him to northwest route out of Dover, tho home of Mrs. Vernon Awes, tains police and fire department WASHINGTON WV-Rep. Mel GOATS help one politician , hurt anoth- with Tony Biirgdorf as driver. with assisting hostesses Mmes. electronic equipment, told the R, Laird of Wisconsin is expect- er , boost himself . ; Boys' Parkas i The district now has no buses Clarence Ulven, Ronald . Thomp- board that the low bidder on a ed to let it be kmvwn next week , Thus "Who will be the voice In regular operation more than son and Ellsworth Ulven. A radar unit for the police depart- that he is interested in becom- of the GOP?" is at the heart of 1 i I eight years old. Most ot them Christmas theme will be pre- ment had not yet met specifica- ing chairman, of tlie House Re- 1 * $ the Republican battle over the BOYS' WOOL have been purchased since 1059. sented by Mrs. Gordon Pitel. tions. publican Conference. chairmanship. j j ! \\ That high policy job in the Those who wottt Burch ousted 39 party's house organization is be- argue that he would create too ing vacated by Rep. Gerald R. conservative an image of the \ Car Coats i J ,. ,. Ford of Michigan Republicans, that he would be a ^ ..— ,..i ,.. ,,. , who is seek- ¦ I All Sizes ;! . . — . . l^wn ^OT MM M ^^ ing to unseat Rep. Charles A. constant reminder of Gold- ] MMW^ Halleck o>f Indiana as House water's campaign and crushing GOP leader. defeat. Although Laird is not expect- But others arjfue that the par- 29.95 to 35,95 ^ ed to announce formally that he ty image will be made on Capi- ! SPECIAL FOR i is a candate for the chairman- tol Hill , not in trie offices of the ship, it was learned that he national committee. plans to inform all Burch and Goldwater say the the other Pre-Teens• i| 139' .House Republicans by tele- GOP leadership — and thus is% > graph or telephone that he is in- most of the image-making — WINTER terested in the position. will lie securely in the hands of laird, Al, the Republican leaders in Con- was chairman of gress, as practically always is Wool Coats : the platform committee at the the case for the party out of I Republican National Convention power. in San Fr-ancisco an July, There CAR A spokesman described Burch Car Coats i : had been some talk that ho as feeling that his role as chair- I might seek Halleck's job but he man would be an administrator has mnintnined that ho is not a — more of a creative adminis- 25% OFF || candidate for the House Republi- trator than a homsekecper, how- | can leadership. ever, 11 She* 8 fo 14 j | COATS Whatever the varying views ' Eyota Skating Rink on the national chairmanship it I'l| ¦ apparently is important enough . j ! EYOTA , Minn. (Special! - to fight over — and be the cen- Members of Eyot a Comittercial tral issue of a G-OP summit con- Togs 'n Toys Club will sponsor n skating ] jj $22 ference of Goldwater, former rink for the village. An area President Dwlfiht D. Eisen- j ] ! for Girls and Boyi < ! will be flooded oft grounds ad- hower and forrnor Vice Presi- ' J jacent to the elementary school dent Richard M. Nixon. I FOURTH and MAIN¦ \ building. There will be a After their meeting Wednes- Ml' . ' ' ¦¦ ! > ^ luyby . charge . extended pla n warming house and lighting, day, Dec. 10, ia New York it

i, « :M Oosm Wetit With 6oa !l Tff lt JandOou _»«______to Chtm\ GENTHAL METHODIST GRACE PRESBYTERIAN * * and Mltnt LAKESIDE! ET ANGELICAL iWlit Broadway The Rev. William T. King FREE CHURCH Dr. E. Cliyton Burgets iFranklin and Esroadtvavi Grand) (West Sarnia and The Rev. William Hlebert, ,9 i.m—Church ichool. 10:10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon, "Dis- —Sunday ichool cJasses tor Assistant Pastor t:30 a.m. patched." Taxi i LuM 3:33-40. Anthtm, ¦ ¦ II ag«». ill ages collet hour after atrvleaf nuriary pr» 10:41 a.m.—Worship, Mr. A. K, Und- » :30 i.m.-Church ichool for vlded it both lervlciai orgaralit, Mil l ifrom, For«iron, Minn., simt sp»ikar. I yian through high ichool is*. Nuriary tor Jonalla Mtllamt choir dlrtclo>r, Hlnry 7:» p.m. — tvWilnB »WvlC», Llndstrom 10:41 a.m. - Wonlvlp. church iqhool Hartien. speaking. children utvdar 1 ind ¦ Thursday, p.m.—New Year 's Eva :li»ai for y, 4- ind S-yaar-old chll- * organist, watchnight service. iren. Mn. William ferguion ¦ itnlor choir directed by Meryl Wlchois will ilng . Student Recognition Service SKVEVTH DA\ with iiv iril of thi Central Mathodlsl ADVENT1ST(E Sanborn ana CHURCH Chlstnut) CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH :ol!egi young paopl* participating In the («7e W. Sarnia St.) -on Eartlr 1 service. Pastor F A. 8ick*tt The Rev. N. E. Hamilton Monday, r a.m.—Meisi'j prayer fellow- ship. 1:45 p.m. - ¦ Sabbath school Lesson 1-.4S «.m.—Sunday icfiool, Brmer Mun- 7 p.m.—Boy Scouts, study, "Review Book of Galatlans. " ton. suparlntandant. Thursday, 9 p.m. to mldnlgh.1—New 2:45 p.m.-Worship. Sermon, "Sinner 10:45 «.m.~Worihip. ; Year ' s Eve Sacrament ef Holy Commun- r-1 cy Seal. " 4:30 p.m. — Youth fellowship, Jet Peace ion, Norton Chapel. Cadets. ¦ ¦ 7,30 p.m.—Rvanlng Gospal service. ...and Happy Birthday, to our Lord. Thurtday. 7 p.m.—Choir. EVANGELICAL UNITED I D.m.-Blbl» »fuay. » It is traditional "but more significant than BRETHREN CHURCH Area Church I any birthday in human history. (Weil King and South Baker) The Rev. O. S. Monson Services Lutheran Services A There is tnore to Christmas than tinsel and 9 ».m.—Worship, termon, "A New ALTURA Year's Confessional. " Selection by la Jehovah Lutheran worship, 11:13 a.m. glittering gif ts. On that day, the word dies trio, "Sleep, Child Dlvlm. " Or- ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN B Moravian worship, »:15 a.m.; ganist, Mils Margiry Rand. Hibron (Wisconsin Synod) Sunday school and adult study elm, became flesh and dwelt among us. Love 9 a.m.—Junior boys and girls fellow- Watssha and Hloh) g of God 10:15 a.m. Tuesday—mlsilon strvlu il rW*l> sh Ip. Bethany, 8 p.m. Thursday-Iolnl New The Rev. A. L. Mennlcke 10 a.m.—Sunday scho-ol, a class lor ev- L f literally came down at Christmas... a new 's Eve service al Bothany, 10 p.m. Vicar Douglas Bode M ery age group. Year cheer and redeem. It is the birthday 7 p.m.—Junior and senior high youlh BITHANY birth to Moravian Sunday school and adult I a.m.—Worihip. Sermon, "God'i Reve- Jf fellowship. ^ fellow- study, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m. lation to Man." Miss KlthlMn Skttls, ¦— Tuesday and Wednesday—Winter of the greatest teacher the sublimest ship rally at the teobblntdala Evan- Tuesday—mission service, I p.m. Thurs- erganllt. kj % / Year' s Evt Mrvlce, —lunday ir_hocl and tibia gelical United Brethren Church . day-lolnt New IB 9:13 ¦.m. preacher — the "Good Shepherd," the p.m. classes. \d A ¦ v^ CBDAR VALHY 10:30 i.m. —Communion. Sermon and ] ," Lutheran worship, sarmon, "When la music same as earlier. Senior choir, f "Son of God the "Saviour of Men." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE directed by G. F. Schapekahm. will sing, -^^p (Weif Sanborn end Main) He?" 11 a.m. : ELEVA "Adesle Fldeles." j Then, let us not disgrace this Holy *%r~j 10:50 a.m. Thuri- Tuesday, »:30 p.m.—Finance commit- m% »:30 i.m. —Sunday ichool. Lutheran worship, 's Evi nrvlct, • p.m. tee. JF Day, Christ's Birthday, through ...^a 11 a.m.—Service. Sublect, "Christian day-New Year Thursday, 7:10 p.m.—New Vear'i Eva ^SJa Science." FRENCH CRIIK Communion service. Sermon, "The Year sinful celebration or 'cheap' 4 Wednesday, » p.m.—Testimonial meet Lutheran Sunday school, t :30 l.m.i •f Our Lord 19M." * ^-2MR Ing. worship, 10:45 a.m. Friday, 10 a.m.—New Yiar'i Day «rv- living. Happy Birthday, Jesus? Reading room open Tuesdays, Thurs- HARDIES CRBEK Ice. Sermon, "Harden Nor Your |^ .^^ ^SS^Mi days and Saturdays from 1:30 lo 4:30 Lutheran worship, 9:30 a.m . Sunday Hearts. " Miss Jane Hllke will sing, p.m. scfiool, 10:30 a.m. "How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them," HART from the Messiah. Lutheran Sunday school, 9> :J0 a.m.,- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST worship, Missionary Richard B ode, guest (Wilt Broadway ami South Baker) speaker, 10:30 a.m. GOODVIEW TRINITY LOONEY VALLEY * :4$ a.m.—6lblf ichool, classee for Lutheran worship, sermon, -"Where Im LUTHERAN CHURCH all ages, nursery through adult. He?" 9:30 a.m ; Sunday school, 10:33 (Wisconsin Synod) 10:45 a.m.—Worship. a.m.; Sunday school Christmas pro- 6:30 p.m.—Teens for Christ. gram, 6 p.m. Wednesday—choir, I p.m. Tbe Rev. David M. Ponath 7:30 p.m.—Evening service. MINNEISKA Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Midweek serv- Sunday Masses, ( and 10 ». m.i week- —Worship. Strmon, 1:30 and 11 a.m. ice. day Masi, 7:30 a.m. First Friday Miss, "A Greet And Mlchry Wonder. " ¦ 8 p.m. Holy Day Masses, i:30 a.m. and »:45 a.m.—Sunday ichool, 1 p.m. Tuesday, 7 p.m. —LYPS tobogganing UNITARIAN UIWJVERSALIST MINNESOTA CITY party. . St. Paul's Catholic Masses, H and Wednesday, 3-4 and aV7 p.m.—Commun- FELLOWSHIP 10 a.m.; dally Mass, 7:45 am; Holy ion registration at parsonagt. (Winona Hotel iJ I lohnson St.I days and first Fridays, 5:40 p.m. —New Year Thursday. 7 p.m . 's Eva Dennis Challeen. CTiairman First Evangelical Lutheran Sunday worship with Communion, S ermon, "I school, 8: 45 a.m. ; worship, « :45 am. Way." I)onet Walk in Danger All the Dr. M. H. Tuesday—LY"PS tobogganing pairty, 7 p.m. —Confirmation Instruc- Saturday, • a.m. Progra m Chairman Wednesday—Communion reglslrallon af tion at First Lutheran. ¦ parsonage, 3-4 and e-7 p.m. Thursday- No Sunday service. New Year 's Eve worship wlths Commun- ¦ ion, 8:30 p.m. Saturday—confirmation REDEEMER EV. LUTHERAN instruction at First Lutheran, » a.m. . ( Missouri Synod ) MONEY CREEK Methodist Sunday school, 10 a.m. ; The Rev. Louis O. Bitttier Catholic Services Christmas Communion service, tf:lfl (1700 dV KVabsin* it J CATHEDRAL a.m. NORTON —Sunda-y school and adult •:ll a.m. OF SACRED HEART Trinity Evangelical Lutheran worship Bible class. . (Main and Aast Wabasha) without Sunday sch ool, 10 a rm. Thurs- —Worstilp. 10:30 a.m. The Rt. Rev. Msgr . Harold day—New Year ' s Eve service with Com- Monday, 1 p.m.—Scouts. munion, I p.m. Friday—N«w Year ' s Thursday, p.m.—New Veer's Eve j. Dlttman • Day service,' 10 a. m. Communion service. The Rev. Robert H. Brom PICKWICK The Rev. Donald Connelly No services Sunday al SI. Luka't Church. g ST. MARTIN 'S LUTHERAN The Rev. James Fitzpatrtek RIDCEWAY (Mls8oari Synod ) Sunday Masses—J: 4V '• a. *:3fl and I Methodist Christmas Communion ier\»" (Broadway and Liberty) i.m and 12:IS p.m. Nursery provided Ice, 9 a.m.; Sunday school, 10 a.m._ The Rev. Aranin V. Deyt af 9:30 and IT a.m. Masses. SILO Weekday Masses—) au * a.m. ano Lutheran Sunday school and adult Bible The Rev. M Wegener 5 :15 p.m. hour, 9:43 a.m.; Worship, 10|15 a.m. Assisting, the Rev. R. Horn Holy Day Masses - 1 ti and N a.m STOCKTON and 12 IS 5-15 and ' :30 p.m Grace Lutheran worship, 9 a.m.; Sun- Contessions - Monday througri • rlday —Matins. Sermon, "Israel' day school, 10 am. I a.m. s ol this week, 4:4i to S:15 p m.i Saturday, Clory." Text: Gen. 31:MJ. Methodist worsh ip, 9:15 a.rei.; Sunday i to 5:30 p.m. end 7:30 to 0 p.m. MJ and 10:45 a.m.—Worship and itr- school, 10:15 a.m. mon same as above. SOUTH BEAVER CREEK Lutheran Sunday school, 10 a.m.; wor- 9:15 a.m.—Teen-age Bible class . and ST. STAN 1SLAUS Sunday school. Communion al all three (East 4th and Canmonal ship, 11 a.m. services. Organists, Miss Mary Mesen- The Rt. Rev. Msgr. N. F. SOUTH RIDGE bring and F. H. Broker. Knthtm, "A Evangelical Unlled Brethren Sunday Branch So Fair Has Bloomed," mall Grulkowski school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Thura- chorus at 10:45 service. The Rev. MUo Ern^t«r day—choir, 8 pm. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. — Service, Com- The Rev. Paul Brer a STRUM munion. Lutheran worship. 8:30 and 11 a.m.; Friday, *:13 a.m.—New Vear 's Day The Rev. Leonard McNab Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Monday—Bible •ervlce. stud y leaders mpeflnp. Sunday Masses 5 JO, i \S. a -30, »:4f TAMARACK and 11:15 a.m and 9:is p.m. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Lutheran Weekday A/asses - e:30. 7i30 ana 11:15 CENTRAL LUTHERAN worship, 11 a.m a.m. dn school days TREMPEALEAU Holy Day Masses - 5:30. 4:30. a, »:3( (Tbe American Lutheran Federated Sunday school lor all igea, a.m and 5:15 p.m. t:U a.m. ; Worship, 10:30 a.m. Church) Conteisions—3-5:30 p.m ano l-tt pm Mount Calvary Lutheran worship, L. E. Brynestad , Pastor Thursday before first Frldayi day Detore 9;J0 holy days o« obllqatlcw and Saturday aJn i Sunday school, 10:35 a.m. W. C. Frlesth. Assistant Pastor WE/VERc ST. MARY'S Methodist worship and Sunday school, 9 am,--Communion. Sermon, "Hope 10:45 n.m, Fulfilled." Mrs. T. Charles Green, or- The Most Rev. George WILSON ginlst, "In Dulci Jubijo," Rohlig, and II. Spelte, D.D. Trinity Lutheran worship, 10 a.m.; "Lei All Together Praise Our God, " Sunday school, II a.m. Bacli. Nursery for toll, The Rev. Donald Wlnkela Immacu late Conception con fessions, » I a.m.—Sunday ichool, 3-year kinder- The Rev. Richard Englei a.m.; Sunday M«"s , 9-30 a.m. garten through l?th m lory, "How the Old Ycnr Halt) Passed, " 10 am - Children ' s Bible I . c service will utt end. The public i.i invit- ¦ ! " ! Holy Day vsassei—t and » a.m. ano llncli. Postludc "Tractltionn I Christmas FIRST liA I'i lSl ('III CTIl 'RCII OF I UK .NAZAKK NK ¦ 5:15 p.m ed. Carols. " Srrilor i ho,r anlham, "Lai All KC1I URA <: K HRIOTHRKIN CUVM U , (American Baptl. l Convention) lOirh' SI and nrw Hkjliway ft I) ' ¦ Mtn Slno Cod ' s F' rnlses, " arrangtd by ¦ HVl'Sl llniMllw.iy and ^Vll iinl The lU v. I'hll Williiu.i s JKHOVAH 'S WITNKSSKS Ouentln (VlattlicH. I'dstor ' Rledfl . 8T. CASIMIH'S RIOV. ANDKRHON (;HKCTKI> («S3 Siou x St I 'W »V .IP,I MI ^ ind CwinO' ' 7:30 p.m. Chrl:, Im-a*. caroting hy (tie The Rev. Itussrll M. Diicken WliNONA (iOSI'IC L CHURCH (West Broadway near Swing) TRE1MPRAI,KAU , (S 9 4s A in Ssmciay sctxiol il.s - Wis. pe- choir ftnil I ullmr t.emgur. . - rs tnr Henry llottting U filler ,irn) S„nl)/ irn Slreels; all ,i 10 ,i ni Sunday school. Adult lesson, ! The Ht. Rev. MaRr. cial) - A Inrge Monday. B p rn. Martha C in It On 111 (41 I in l.und.iy sihool, Mr' I) . |l crowd attended IVosiilinp MlniHlfr I "lhe Anointing With Oil. " ' I). I M iK'lilcnpml) . (Minister CoinACll, Mipri T tciulrril (Jr .itlcd lessen. 10 Mi ,i in vV Julius VV. IIimn mas meeting. ruihlp Seiinon . ' I lie t I) in Wor -.hJn Sermon, " rSJurnher the open house here Su nday aft- 30 rn lor (.l.ilarin, sliul C JI ^rp -, VSii .li' * Wednc^drty, 7 p Senior choir y in . Inr adoll ' i nl TirtK- " ' J p m. Puhlk talk. "Scienue Upholds Om Days " • 30 a.m. - Sunday sch ool. The Rev. Kobeii Stamschrnr ernoon for the toMt'(|«: .n)c cl.l- . . rua y - .cr vice. Ilov. and Mrs, rrhejrial. ' si'i 6 ID p.m Fellowship group s rrir -ill Is ihle Trutli " | 7.:i0 p ni. E" veninil se rvice. Tnpic, ! II n.m, -Worship, Sunday Maisis—I and IO am 'tnuriday, • p.m, — New year ' s Eve 10 4S a.m. yvsirshlp. Sermon , ' i )i,) i, ' George Anderson. Rev . Ander- J 15 p.fri - Watchiow er study , "fasslng "The Crent Deliverance . " ] 6:30 p.m, - Choir Wiekday Manes-7:15 am •fivire Sermonefte, "Thy "years Have Paths frr a Nrw Wnlk " Tent , ii'irrn.nn I 10 lie ( veiling srivur .ei ninn, ¦' Over Irom Dtalii lo Llle " WedncMlay, / .in p.m. Blhle sludv 7:30 p.m. - Evangelistic service . Holy Day Mosses-M30 and V am son I K the new pustor at Feder- :I6. Choir, "VVIial It It Weir u, 'Rel.'onu Iht usjQU mid T In (ivnjh Mn Ind " • liieMlay, 8 oni Croup Bibli study. al Itie home nt Wr», Cniisliansen. 710 Tuesday, 7 .30 pm. -Prayer and nihle Confessions—3-4:30 and >tX pm Sat ated Church. II 30 pm Yonna adults «>id youth rlay '"' OnMiiist . Vis (,lrn rischcr Hiii - silay. si ; pro >. -,' ,Hi limohr sfi vj Thursday, / 10 pm MlnMers training Washington St , Pastor Anderson. ' ¦ study urday, vigils ol feast nayi and Thursday Itf.v Yeai s I: Vf pm ly. ft .10 p in K' u'ii-i Willi,mi' meet s id' A vsi r -di ,f i i'i vh e M„] ( oni,minion wi».s transferred scnool. | Ihuradny. B p rri WaTr.liniuht serv- Friday, /:J0 p.nv-liutiby and youth before first Fridays. here- from 11:30 p.m. Watt l\ mold - .r rviri. lolly Ci.imvcll das lhe les son I Will i lose llu , SI I vice I ' ft .10 p rn S. 'i vile ru-elMMl. ' ile rtt the home ol Willia m Rolh. ' clubs. First Friday Masses—ails and fist. Schofield , Wis,

Ministers of All Faiths and the Sponsors Below Share the Cost and Invitation of This Page. They Urge You and Your Family to Attend Church Regularly. S, Culligan Sof1 Water Servk© East End Coal Fuel Oil Co. Dunn Blacktop Co, Madison Silos Winona Delivery •> Tranifor Co. P. Earl Schwab Co. t ,AII* Allen rsnrl fc mployi-* M r M'.vvii h ,md I nuiii yr\ fc' .,| , nt\(i *, M C>A VIB\ Mrtlf Dlv nl Mrtitlri Mrr-ilflln Cn A A Snllstni'y *• P«rl Schw/ih Lake Center Switch Co. Bau»r EUctric, Inc. Burmoistor Oil Company Country Kitchen Drive-In Watkins Producti, Inc. Warner & Swasoy Co. I irn ISwrrnelsUr Ruisall Bauer nnd Sufi Ruth's Restaurant l>r>!> M»Mlf and Slviff «nniingt!mi>nl nnd P«riOnn«l Hadji- r Division ernplovd' I) nth limning nnd i'SH Wast«rn Coal & Fi*al Co. Th« Oaki Cone'i Ace Hardware Crtrl Krop p and Fmplnyts Brom Machine A Foundry Co. S prlmgdale Dairy Co. Mr vn» Mn Carl Geflrnftrtner Pnui II- om rtrul ( i-iplnve* All C-mployttt Winona Metal Productt Afirrru s, I 'lcltter and i II i I i ,, lirr F.mployat William* Hotel & Annex Siebrecht Floral Co , Polcich«k EUctrlc Wny M«y*r ana itnli Whittakar Marine & fV\fg. Bob Solovor Rea Chat Slebiccli) anrl ( mplnyat ltor* R D /vinliokrii anil Rolliaigjtone LOnibar Yard Will PolacliH. a nrl Ininlly Il nl, ^Hnver nnrl _lnM fcninlnvn Winona Eledrlc Construction Co. Roll) noilona, Minn. Vulcan Manufa» & Service Waavor i Son*. Painting Con. State* W»n»garrirni «nd Parionnai !. I I' vllnr MM m>l Unipi, vr\ Mr rtnrl \li^ Krii=k Kirtlllnu Goltx Pharmacy Normon Unit nnd Arum \Hrnvrt Hossfeld Manufacturing N I Colli and Staff Co. Hl-Way Pure Oil Servica Station Reinhcird Winona Sales. M,iiM(j,:,iwlll fli»o I rn|)ltivc> Bunke ' i APCO Servica lakonido Cit i«s Sorvic« Station I I I .ind K lj< I UfllnlliMIl Hoyr« ShairiKs lit Hunl-e nnd I rn uloy»* i Peerlost Chain Co. Wohrr' K noinYtn n on0 l-rert Stl*« # Britttath'i Shell Service Station Winona Furniture Co. WlriDiia, MlnrmoU Botton Cafe ft Bakery I<16 .Mrtln Sf iff) Harold flrlfialfi and Emil fov<* Thorn Mnchinas Co. Mr and Mr» LM Cflboi W. T. Grant Dopt. Stor* Mi anrl KAt -% Ij Ih«tn Mis Manilla i Irom anrl Stafl Morgan Jewttlry Storo Fidel ity Savinfl* & Loan Ati'n. Winona Reud y-MUed Concrete ¦ '.. Irvr Mm Uflii .mil M.iM I rril I, >, lillhr>a ind Still Mum y (umiinr i nnd t mOloyas Fawcett Funeral Home , Inc. Winona Auto Sales, Linahan't Restaurant Kn Comtruction Co. Marigold Dciirie* , Inc. Curley ' i Floor Shop Boland Manufacturing Co. DaU'» Hlway H, Choa te A Company (>>oiu* Kor>l«n Il»n,pi i|i I I.IKI I, Mgr Shed Serv. Station (•tl« * n(S Riclinil Silvio holrtml Ariel 1 ryinloytii Dal» Glf'drum nrm .mp'oytn O W Or«y anO ^irmlnyts. New Tree Decorations-Chrismon All Officers In Army Get Ranger Training Lets Get Gwinq \ By A. F. SHIRA \ WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Army now assigns officers Some Influences of FlowfrrShows on a "non-volunteer" basis to our thoughts revert to the past growing Mason and we the highly dangerous work of AS ponder over the events that transpired, the impression the much publicized counter- left on us by the flower shows were many and varied. As we guerrilla Special Forces, proud considered them further and attempted to analyse them, they wearers of the green beret. seemed to have two general effects on gardennera. The firit of All enlisted men -within the these is the influence on the exhibitors themselves and second Special Forces still are volun- on the visitors to the shows mostly of whom are gardener, as teers, however. well. The Army said officially that the assignment of non-volunteer Let us first take up the ex- officers was "a matter of poli- hibits as they have been ob- cy. This policy has been in ef- served at various ahows in the $92,716 Low fect for a number of years and area over a period of years. is followed to provide Special We will confine ourself in this Forces training and experience for a larger group of officer! respect to the specimen blooms For Dredging within the Army." only, omitting the artistic ar- This policy has never been rangements, potted plants and publicized. other features of the usual flow- Another scarce said the er and garden show. Pepin Harbor younger officers in the Army of specimen PEPIN, Wis. UP THEY GO . . . Three women of Grace Lutheran The number - Th« U.S. Just were not volunteering be- blooms of a particular variety Army Engineer District, St. Church at Stockton hang Chrismons. Left to right, Mrs. "too many have been ' CHRISMON WORKSHOP . . . Members ornaments on it. Making the ornaments, left cause are usually reflected in the flow- Paul, has awarded River Con- Theodore Benicke, Mrs. Alvin Burfeind and Mrs. Leo Gaulke. reading the casualty lists of of St. Martin's Lutheran Church worked to- to right, Carol Deye, Mrs. A. U. Deye, Mrs. er preferences of the gardeners struction Co., La Crosse, th* Several different symbols used for decorating a Chrismon Special Forces in Viet Nam." of contract to dredge the gether to make the styrofoam decorations. St. Merlen Wegener, Mrs. George Acheff and who exhibit them. This, small tree can be seen on the tree. (The Rev. Clarence Witte photo) As late as 1960 Lhe men in course is what might be ex- boat harbor at Pepin. Martin' (Daily photos) , s tree has more than 30 Chrismon Mrs. Roy Burmeister. News Special Forces were all volun- pected. It is more pronounced in By FRANK The La Crosse firm was low BRUESKE teers. The Special Forces mis- a general show covering all of four bidders. River Construc- Dally New* Church either behind enemy lines Editor sion, varieties than in a specialized tion 's bid was $92,716.10 for Ihe Christmas trees at a Lutheran or in counter - guerrilla activi- one such as a rose show , or one job estimated by the govern- Church here and one at Stock- ties, was considered above and limited to only two types such ment at $102,815.50. ton have taken a new appear- Christmas Is beyond the ordinary call of as an iris and peony show . The ance this year. duty. Other bidders were: A. Kertz- emphasis here is "being placed man Dredging Co., Changing from the This apparently still applies to Lamoille, traditional on the general shows, $94,930 ; E. C. Schroeder Co., Christmas trees with lights and enlisted personnel. Wedding Time "Enlisted personnel In opera- For example, if there are one Inc., McGregor , Iowa , $120,277.- commercial ornaments, St. Mar- or more members of a flower 50, and Janke Construction Co., tin ' tional detachments are volun- s Lutheran Church , Winona , club who favor the gladiolus and Inc., ALhens, Wis., $158,955. and Grace Lutheran Church , teers," the Army said. "There has been no difficulty in obtain- exhibit them to the same de- The harbor at Pepin will con- Stockton , have presented the gree in the group's local show, sist of a breakwater and man- Chrismon tree to their congre- In Peace Corps ing volunteers for such assign- ments," the glads may be expected to euvering channel 50 feet wide , gations. LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - be the dominant flowers. We 600 feet long and five feet deep Christmas is the marriage sea- officers CHRISMON — taken from the . All Army are now have seen this at one of the in Lake Pepin. Cost lo the vil- son for the Peace Corps in Ni- required to take either ranger shows held by the Lewiston lage will be approximately words Christ-Monogram—is one geria. way the churches are attempt- —commando-type training — or Flower Society, Lewiston, Minn.. $24,000. An appropriation of It is also a time for travel and airborne training, which is ran- at one staged by the Garden $1,600 for the first payment was ing to rescue the country's most such special projects as inspect- common Christmas decorations ger plus parachute training. of Eden Club, Galesville, Wis., placed on the 1965 tax roll. ing shrimp. i Special Forces training in- and by the Winona Flower and An easement has been se- from materialism and commer- Five marriages were sched- cialism. cludes airborne, ranger, guerril- Garden Club, Winona. cured from the Burlington ORNAMENT . . . This is uled within a week of Christmas la and counter-guerrilla training Railroad for land needed for Chrismons were first made WE CAN RECALL a display a close-up of an orb with Day. Four united Peace Corps plus special courses in working the harbor. as tree decorations by members volunteers. The fifth joined a of many and beautiful mums at a cross on top. It represents of the Lutheran Church of the with what the Army calls indi- Latest plans for the harbor former corps member, Cather- genous personnel. a fall show at Peterson , Minn., provide for enough fill below Christ's dominion over the Ascension, Danville, Va., in ine Zastrow of Fort Thomas, a few years ago that was out- 1957. The Anny spokesman said the tracks to build a road paral- entire world. This Chrismon Ky., and a Nigerian , Clement assignment to Special Forces is standing. Also, an unusual ex- lel to them. The top of the pres- is on the tree at St. Mar- The monograms, chiefly age- Onyemeukwe. hibition of dahlias was seen at old symbols of Christianity, ire considered essential to the ent pier will be surfaced to tin 's Church. professional development of of- a show held by the Houston provide a stone walkway for sawed or carved from white sty* Most Nigerian schools close Garden Club, Houston, Minn. rofoam. Special effects may be ficers. fishermen 500 f eet long and 6 for at least a month of yuletide petunias zin- ¦ made with the use of pearls vacation. Since more than 50O of This means that the man who Such flowers as , feet wide. , nias and marigolds, which are ' mesh and beads. Only combina- the 6O0 volunteers in the country turns down Special Forces work The L-shaped breakwater will may jeopardize his professional three of the leading annuals, ! be approximately 300 by 650 Peterson Choirs tions of white and gold are used are secondary school teachers, late summer ; to they have ample opportunity for career as a regular officer. Cer- often dominate the feet. symbolize the purity and ma- bearing and early fall shows because : jesty of God . The sightseeing and parties. tainly it would have a completed on selection for promotion. they are usually in their prime , ornaments range in size from Wearing white safety helmets, To Give Concert at that time and most gardeners j 3 to 12 inches in diameter. COMPLETED TREE . . . This completed Chrismon tree the young Americans are a Those in Special Forces now common sight this week buzzing 000 although grow them. They are easily cul- ' PETERSON , Minn. (Special) The women of Grace Lutheran , number close to 7, and withstand is at Gra«e Lutheran Church, Stockton More than 75 hand- over bUBh roads on their motor the official strength figure is tivated, reliable, Cargo Plane —A Christmas concert entitled, Church accepted the Chrismon unfavorable conditions better tree as their project. Working decorated symbols were made by the church women and scooters. classified. When it WBS an all- "Living Pictures, " will be pre- hung on tlie tree. The church will be open to the public from than most other flowers. sented by the choirs of Grace long hours several days, the In the corps' Lagos headquar- volunteer outfit, Special Forces women completed about 75 7 to 9 p.m. Christmas Day so people will be able to view the ters is a Christmas tree com- probably numbered no more Of course, weather conditions Lutheran Church Tuesday, at 8 have a great influence on the Falls, 3 Die band-decorated symbols. Tn* tree. plete with dabs of imitation than 1,800. 1! p.m. at the Peterson High number and quality of a partic- auditorium. The public is invit- tree has 170 white lights to sym- snow. The temperature is in the There are specialists wearing I SAN" BRUNO , Calif. (AP) — A bolize the joy and hope radiat- 80s and the tree is an evergreen the green fceret who are not and ular variety of a flower at a four-engine Flying Tiger Air ed. show. If growing conditions J ed through the coming of Christ bush from, the front yard of the have not been volunteers. They .' Line Constellation cargo trans- Musical selections will be have been unfa vorable for sung by the senior , junior and says their pastor, the Rev. Clar- office. are known as special action port crashed minutes after tak- ence R. Witte. forces and include such support glads, this may account for their eoff today, k illing the three children 's choirs under the di- "We call ft African pine. It At St. Martin 's Church Chris- groups as communications ex- lessened numbers and poorer crew members aboard , the air- rection of Mrs. James Asp, Mrs. has a proper name but nobody quality at a particular show, Eugene Hanson and Miss Odella mons are used in conjunction perts, medics, engineers, psy- line reported. can remember it," said Dr. civil even though many of them are Mateo Olson. Accompanists will be with other decorations. The Rev. chological operations and A deputy from the San William G. Saltonstall, the corps grown in the area. This is true, sheriff's office said the Mrs. Maynard Thompson Miss A. U. Deye, pastor, said there affairs experts. County , director for Nigeria. this special also, of specialized shows such crewm en were the only ones Joan Benson and Miss Ange- are about 30 symbols on the At last report, tree at his church. The Beds are scarce in the nearby action force numbered about 1,- as a rose show when both the | aboard the New York-bound la Asp. Background organ mu- church Peace Corps hostel as members women at St. Martin 's made the 300 men. numbers and quality .of the . transport, which took off from sic will be played by Mrs. Rob- pour into Lagos from posts in blooms may be adversely ef- San Francisco International ert Thoreson. symbols and the Walther Leag- Originally, the Special Forces uers decorated the tree, the bush. Volunteers are in fected, i Airport at 12:29 a.m. The bodies The pictures portray the more than 30O Nigerian commu- were designed to operate in 10- he said. lines ONE OF THE pronounced In- ; have been recovered , Christmas story, bringing to life THERE ARE two seti of sym- nities. man teams behind enemy several fluences of flower shows on the . The plane crashed the great works of artists made bol for the trees: The mono- Volunteers are expected to to organize and train dissident ¦ airport off Sky- fighting members of garden clubs is the ¦ miles from the meaningful through song and prams of Christian symbols and undertake a "project" either groups into irregular San Francis- and creation of a desire on the part ; line Boulevard and story. The script is taken from the liturgicaL year symbols. during the Christmas or end-of- forces to carry out sabotage , the deputy attacks. of members to excel in the ! co County Jail Road the Bible which will be read. Most common symbols on the term vacations. Most take these conduct hit-run said. The area is unpopulated , In January 1961, the Special growing and exhibition of flow- tree are for the Greek letter up after classes end for the j he said, about 20 miles from San symbols: Chi Hho (Christ); IHS year , but several weTe busy this Forces mission was enlarged to ers. First, of course, they | well-grown and great Francisco. Philippine Missionary ( Jesus ), and m crossed Iota Chi week. embrace counter-guerrilla ac- must be Bureau at the enlargement was a strides in this is becoming more ! The Weather (Jesus Christ). Some symbols of tivities. This at the time of the To Speak Sunday Corps members in Itiadan or- Communist Viet evident each year as gardeners airport said Christ's redemptive work in- direct result of -visibility was three miles ganized an elaborate art exhib- Cong operations in South Viet improve their cultural practices crash At Rushford and Hart clude the circle (eternity), it. One volunteer answered an ' with light rain and fog and a 1,- (Na- Nam. and grow more of the new crown (Kingship), and rose appeal to inspect shrimp being 000-foot overcast . RUSHFORD, Minn. - Mis- tivity). By September 1962, the Spe- and better varieties . Then , an sionary Richard Bode of Leyte prepared for export to the Unit- cial Forces had been enlarged increased knowledge of the re- This is a step forward into ed States under a U.S. aid pro- Island in the Philippines will be putting Cla-ist back into Christ- three time s and, apparently,, its quirements necessary for the Club at Monroe gram. strength could guest speaker at the Sunday mas, SYMBOLIC . . . This Chrismon ornament Is symbolic of ¦ required officer best selection , conditioning and services in Rushford Lutheran the Greek CHI (X) , the first letter of Christ, and is combined no longer be met on a volunteer grooming of the specimens ac- Robbed of $1,000 basis. counts in large measure for the Church at 8:30 a.m. and Hart with the cross. This is one of many Chrismons which can Conscience Finally MONROE , Wis. W - Two church at 10:30. Methodist Students better quality of the blooms be made . for a tree, seen on the show tables. masked gunmen held up the Missionary Bode, on furlough Catches Up With Man Modern Club "Wednesday ni ght now , To Be Rocognized Choir Takes Carols The majority of the visitors to toured the Holy Land and ) and escaped with $1 , 000. Aft- NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP - flower shows may attend only Kurope on his return homo. In Churches Sunday Boy Cashing in To Dean in Hospital Harold Pilz , the operator of er taking some courses at Con- 2 Blair Students An unidentified senior citizen to view the exhibits and revel sa id one mnn car- cordia Seminary , St. Louis , the Student Recognition Day will On Yule Custom has faced up to the challenge of SEATTLE, Wash. (AP) - in the beauty of blooms that are the tavern , next few months , he plans to re- bo observed in Methodist Attend National Christmas and faces 1968 con- The Very Rev. John Leffler , grown as near to perfection as ried a p istol and the other a ATLANTA, (in. (AP ) - Bob- turn to the Philippines. churches Sunday. science free. dean of St. Mark's Episcopal possible in the home garden. shotgun. He said that when the by McEver is only 10, but he is Missionary Bocle's parents are At Central Methodist Church Youth Semina r Thirty-five years ago the Cathedral , isn't going to be able However, very few leave the bandits demanded money, he re- several college students will par- ensiling in on an amorous man , hard hit by the depression, to attend Christmas services show room without taking with fused the shotgun at. first but Mlnnesotans , living at present ( Spccinl)-IUch- , where ticipate in the 10:45 a.m. serv- BLAIR , Wis. Christmas custom. filed a claim with Aetna Insur- this year. them a greater realization and complied when Wiclder fired a in International Falls rural Blair and hi.s father Is pastor. ice. They include Curl Van urd Anderson , , Hobb y took his rifle and shot ance Co, for the accidental So, Wednesday night , part of understanding of what consti- blast at a beer sign in the es- a Lutheran Ronald Bieri Whitehall , will at- Thomrnn , Michael Thorn , Bruce , branches of mistletoe out of burning of _his Model-T Ford . the service attended him . The tutes a -well-grown flower and tablishment. Hubbard, Nancy Hedlund , Geor- tend the fi rst national Lutheran trees at the McEver p lace. The company paid him $225 some may even resolve to grow One of the men was described SKHVICKS AT VVIIITKIIAL L Youth Seminar in Chicago next cathedral choir went to a hospi- glannii Loornis, Brent Rossi , Then he mude some signs: damages. tal where the dean is recovering better flowers in their own gar- ns of average height and the WHITEHALL, Wis. (Spociah Jr, week. The man walked int o th« of- John Sanders ami John Duel "MissiiT Your Kissin '? Mistle- from serious injuries suffered in dens in the futu re. other more than six feet tall, —First Baptist Church here given by The study conference will be fice of Aetn a agent James L. The sermon will be toe 25 cents ," '¦'Kissin' Licenses a traffic accident and sang car- will conduct a New Year's Eve? Robert Minnrd and Larry Schil- the first to bring together the Husky Wednesday, announced Sold Here." He also put young ols. service from 9 p.m. to Mid- ler, national and regional youth lead- friends to ringing doorbells. the 1020 fire was no acc ident night. A film will be shown. St. ¦ ership of the three Lutheran and offered to return the mon- KU AT SI'IMIN G C.ROVK At. last report , tho youngsters' John's Catholic Church will con- bod ies in .American. sales were more than $40. ey- duct New Year 's Day Masses SPRING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- Richard is attending ns a "He paid us $225 cosh nnd Michigan Woma n nl 5:30, 8 and 10:30 a.m. Our cial) — Tho Farmers Onion will member of the Internat ional Lu- seemed grea tly relieved that we 106 on Christmas Saviour 's Lutheran Church wil l hold it.s Christmas party at tho ther league board of the Amer- Farewell S unday for would accept the money," Bus- NOTICE have a party for Its Luther IiCft- legion clubrooms Monday at ican Lutheran Church. Honald by snid. BATTLK CREEK , Mich. (AP) Ruers nt the church New Year 's- 7 p.m. beginning with a potluck will represent Ihe ALC's North- Rev. Friedrieh Family — Maggie Rozlcr will celebrate supper, There will bo ft gift ex- on Christmas Our Retail Yard Eve. Assembly of find will have ern Wisconsin dist rict. HART , BLAIR AREA SKRVK'KS her lOfith birthday change with a short business Minn. — A farewell n watchnight service at ft p.m . Meetings in tbe Conrad Hilton party for the Rev. and Mrs. Ed- Day with an open bouse. meeting and a program, Hotel begin Sunday night and BLAIR , Wis. (Special) - Fag- Mrs. Ro/ior, who lives here New Ycar'.s Eve. win Friedrieh . pastor of Hart continue tlireo days. ernes Lutheran Church will her daughter , Anna Sears , Lutheran Church , will be held 's Eve with Richard , son of Mr. and Mrs. conduct a New Year r recipe for a long life jMmmmMMmWMMmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmma%. Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. (lur- service at 8 p.m. New Year's 72 , Kuid h*a Will Be Closed John II. Anderson , graduate of was , "You must have love in MM ing nn open house. Pastor day services will be nt 9: IS a.m. HHp.. ———— " Mlli *Atfe* q*i Blair lligli School , is a sopho- Friedrieh has accepted a call your heart for everybody. " more at St. Olaf College , North- at First Lutheran Church and to St. Peter 's Church , Hel vi- at 11 nt Heaver Creek Luther- Mrs . Sears is the only one of SAT., DEC. 26th Held, Minn. Ronald , son of her eight children still .surviv- (lere , near Lake City . an. Zion Lutheran will have a an cl Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bieri , is a ing. senior at "Whitehall High School. STHUM SONr. KHIIVICK service New Year 's Day at II a.m. Faith Lutheran's congrega- Horn in Dublin , p.»». _____ service. It Is sponsored by tbe ¦ [•| *: '*; y The nttv name for llotrtford Ltmber Company S; ,mlay lo ,2 :,(1 ^^ft Luther league. Mr. mid Mrs. ST. niAHLER CKF.AMKRY D R . M AX L. DE BOLT Norman Oroodt will speak and DOVFU , M inn. (Special) - " ° show HllnVs of their recent trip The SI. Charles Creamery • t~P \ai*tmr'irl>tiK ' board members, milk haulers UNITED BUILDING SmmmimiiininTiT_._ ^!^^ to Kuropv. Menilioi s from the m >sr C.H.'.o - :ili:il Our Saviour 's Lutheran Church and wives hel d their Christmas T HIRD ANI I M AIN Sir.. I' CENTER of Ricoford also will partici- dinner party Jit Holiday House , pate, Dover , Tuesday night. Winona County Farm Calendar More Tuesday. Dec. 29 Price of Milk Involves HARMONY, Minn., 11-30 p.m. ( —Fillmore County 4-H achieve- Developing ment day , elementary school. ZUMBROTA, Minn. - Good- Than Just Butterfat Content period , the nonfat hue-Wabasha County Guernsey MADISON - Tlere's r , says Truman Graf . Graf , in a new publication , the same , Wis. , tu e U.S. milk dropped Breeders Association, Tally Ho University of Wisconsin agricul- traces the development of the solids of ACP Program more in a glass of milk than 1 percent. Cafe. tural economist. Froker-Hardin plan and other less than LEWISTON, Mian . . - Meet- butterfat, although early milk BLAIR, Wis., 7:45 p.m. — component pricing plans pre- SITUATION h»« not re- ings have been held for develop- pricing policies were based sole- SINCE THE EARLr lMOs. THIS Trempealeau County 4-H junior sently being used. He explains charges in ment of the 1965 ACP in Wino- railk pricing policies h been sulted entirely from leaders banquet. ly on this milk "component." ave the need for component pricing, The 4-H'er of Week na County and signup will begin , ! fo effect in many areas of the pricing plans, Graf says. , its DURAND. Wis. - One of the In the last couple of decades, its development to date change from straight fat pricing after the first of the year when country that have attemped to i d top 4-H'ers in Pepin County is . pricing policies have been de- effect on tlie dairy n ustry, has served to emphasize to pro- I the program has been approved recognize and pay farmers for change • || Susan Vradenburg, the 16- | and the prospects for ducers the declining demand for at the state level , says John F. veloped which recognize other the nonfat solids portion of milk in the future. it year-old daughter of Mr. and Papenfuss. chairman of the Wi- Managing Future nonfat milk solid components as well as the butterfat por- milk fat and the increasing Vradenburg, Dur- Back in 1890 when Babcock Importance of the non- It .Mrs. Everett nona ASC County Committee. such as protein and minerals. ! tion. One of the earliest and economic and. / developed the butterfat test, the fat solids port'0 Since 1947-49 , |i |i A.t a meeting at Lewiston Vil- The influence of these pricing most su ccessful of these plans "- A nnember of the Every Hap- straight fat payment became U.S. per capita consumption of % lage Hall Dec . 14 recommenda- To Be Discussed polices have dramatically affect- was the Froker-Hardin milk 1 py 4-H Club. Susan won a trip the dominant system, for paying milk fat declined 1$ percent. tions were made for practices to ed some parts of the dairy in- : component pricing plan rievelop- to Milwaukee after capturing producers. Under the straight Butter dropped 30 percent. !> be used in the county for 1965 dustry and are likely to have I ed at the University of Wis- § honors in the county dress re- ; fat pricing structure, the same Meanwhile, the per capita con- ir was and changes in the National even greater effects in the fu- I c-onsin. vue 1962 and she a re- At Five Meetings price was paid per pound of sumption of nonfat dry milk and State programs for 19«6. ^sl porter for the club the same LEWISTON, Minn. - A prac- fat regardless of the fat test increased 88 percent. The county ACP development of the milk, Graf says. i yearIn . tical educational workshop for This change in consumption 1963 she was secretary of group met at the ASCS county system was a is reflected In the rel- the farm family on "Managing This pricing patterns : | ^: her club and in 1964 attended 4- office Dec. 17 and recommen- vast improvement over the for- ative value of the fat and non- Our Future" will be offered to 1 H Club Week at Madison and dations were made in final form mer system of paying for milk fat components of milk. - Tha I was a junior leader delegate. to be sent to the Minnesota ASC Winona, Houston and Fillmore on a weight basis only, but it nonfat solids portion of milk | | She won a second trip to Mil- State Committee ior approval. County farm families, John S. had one major dr awback. It accounted for 27 percent of tha waukee with her dress revue When the 1965 program is ap- K&ikmjpfailed to recognize the value total value per hundredweight 1 Halvorson , assistant Winona | | project and was elected club proved , a public announcement of other components in milk. of milk in 1959, compared to 18 County agent, said. By FRANK BRUESKE | | president. She is vice president will be made of practices avail- percent in 1950. Daily New. Farm Editor of the junior leaders , and is sec- able and beginning of signup. The course is designed to help EVEN THIS early straight As a result, producer! ara p Farmers worry about two kinds of prices — the prices ac- | Susan Vradenburg | retary of her junior class at Principal changes for 1965 are answer various management fat payment would be an switching to cows that produce they get and the prices they pay. It isn't Durand High School. She is ac- the elimination of the drainage questions. Some of the ques- enough for their ceptable measure of milk value with a ., | own prices to go up. If the larger volumes of milk L 2? tive iii the high school music de- practices from those recom- tions to be considered are: Will cost of the goods and services if the dairy cow would coop- they buy goes up faster lower fat test. Farmers ara mended, inasmuch as it felt that our present farming operation , farmers still wind up with few dollars erate by producing nonfat solids ] partment. to live on . . . Although breeding for total production these practices should be no permit us to achieve our family the volume of purchased goods and in direct proportion to butterfat. services used in farming and total solids, rather than part of a conservation program, goals? Would improved efficien- has increased since 1957-S9 , the But she doesn't. For example, use of nonpurchased fat alone , Graf says. Sale Reports says Papenfuss. The cost share cy or a change in enterprises imputs I largely unpaid operator and a cow that has a 4 percent | New Tax Guide family labor) Total solids production per rate for contour stripcropping, help us to better meet our continues to drop ... At the recent Naples- butterfat test will produce 1 Mondovi Farmers Union cow increased from 678 pounds as in 1964 , was Teduced from goals? How do vie effectively meeting MARTIN HEIKE was pound more butterfat but only Now Available make the necessary changes on elected president ; CARL PABST, vice president, and MRS. .4 pounds more nonfat solids in. 1950 to 800 pounds in 1959 Required Under $4 to $2.50 per acre. All wildlife — an increase of 18 percent. conserving practices were rec- our farm and in our home? RANGNAR SEGERSTROM, secretary-treasurer. per hundredweight of milk than LEWISTON, Minn. - The At the same time, the fat test ommended. They are wildlife Sessions will be conducted at • * • . a cow with a 3 percent butter- ; 1965 edition of the "Farm- dropped 5 percent . food plots, shallow ponds and Golfview Restaurant, Rushford, The 1965 Farmers Tax Guides are now available at your fat test. The nonfat solids con- Emergency Feed ers Tax Guide" is available Graf cites other results of deep ponds. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., one day county extension office. Pick up your iree copy . . . Now is tent of milk does not increase LEWISTON, Minn. - "Farm- to help farmers figure their a week. Scheduled dates are a goop-^_.' i t,s FOR ALL YOUR FARM MEEDS \ Or Number ¦•»* Hiri <1 Milk FIP paid lo Strontium li'.i and Stront- W-r * "¦ ¦ ¦ «HS5 fea^-^ -J^, ' " ' ' ' ' '" '•' ""' ' ' ir " Wl i r. -r. . , ¦• ''• •.<¦ Hi'iMi l K ii - n- ium 110 for September and those ' " < Mi ilicln t . ,, ,-' . l,'|, '. - rvf in Mnl1 ¦¦' I .(llTlniliK - ' ¦. FARM MACHINERY SEEDS FEEDS I' *U •,,, s, ' I.M . ; ,.; for IoUine KU for October. • • • ..ill ttO., l|u PRODUCT NEWS OF INTEREST TO FARMERS ' 't A. 'wl'.', ( rtlrlllHltrt ,'J- , -fl !,, , I ; „, ;, I' m.I II. > , i ,i. 'l A. «,, .„ (,il,.„ini , AmoriK stations which |i „d an F-17 ,, „, l h„ v l ,, ,„ - ,J at one con-venlont location A F-30 , '"Old v,\ ,„„, . of 10 ^^ '"'" "' nn k- ,1 . „. ,.'s ,'M ,„ , ,,, ,,.,„ , , B , rivera^e daily count puo !"' ' I''"I !'•>! ""'I il' I. Ilnuili :' (-• li„Hi I!,|1 curies were Minneapolis and _ Rom-embcr . . wo ft/itur* Nutren I :TI :IU . I :\ TS AUK ewy othe t ^ M.liiilil l.-ln-in. S |.i nn Lion- <;,, „ „ , , . I limn MAM Wu.hf.inl ,),, ,; . , Si;W.\(,K 1 '¦ v „ ,. , IMtOlil.KM pump on the market A • ¦ ! Li^ ^ <""' i" »• «'""• «nv "u, i. I "in..' >n. » „.; , ,\ , HJ- lirn.on- S. -ultin.-I,-, ,,„ , , „ , I I We Are Now Headquarter* for: W „ , , UKHANA . Ill AI' I)e j Your vacuum imnip must TO i' Kivy. cows li'i|;eiits and their inability tn haro W/1 , 11- , .1 |l. Ml .,, .| ( 1 ,- . I I. | |, I,,. the capacity lo rhpidly remov "'¦" til eak down in sewage <|ispo.s..l <-'iP±r~ Mallard Travel Trailer* o M"" N. u I . M ; r,4.- r\ - • : Pflyiti, i HI II. 1,1! ^ ^ .in.) I ii „, , | u I inn.. r-yslems have scientists search ' nir from your milkin K H .VHtem. 1 (" t) T ravelmastar T ravel Trailer* '"""- "" no i; ,- , ,i H Olil t—"ft • , . n>r »A (n This is 1 I i S. hull,',,,,^, (.,,, ,, n„ |( „,u ui« for ways to solve the prob , 'snerilial for stable vno , ,,, ; C overed Wagon Truck 1 '" >'' ''¦"' l"'i"M' s »t ' ,| r N v , ,, , , |V" d • . . . i ,,. s leiii. / P7 mim, efficient A ' | milking and tho ' ' ¦" "¦ ' ¦ " " '-" v. - • ,., 4. ,, „ , ' ,•; IRON-Gro! - '' 4> C »inper« •" "" ¦' M . M ,IH ,„,. Studies show that , in addition Triwa* ¦k-JL '-L- lL» TONTROL „f Now oral wr<¦ vt-nt flti "' "' ' " ' "' I ,. „ „' . „, . ,„ ,„„ 4, 1. MASTITIS. b y I" i i" l'"l .ii..! . • II. , i| ,. ^^^ ' ' lo iheir failure to lie digested ( » • T rade Wind* Camper* Pig Anemia without injections. 1 Ml' .1 the petroleum-based detriments I Ask for ,7 TCP Kivt: UKUl.S FREE ¦ ¦ • interfere with the ' ' ¦ I' • .V, i i. . . i .„ normal pro ' . II . ' I ! ,„ | 4, I ' ' ' ' ' ' diulion of ' " ¦ '" ¦ I Has during tlie sew ONE LITTER , " ' ' ' TREATMENT . . . _ DEMONSTRATION $1.95 ,. , " ' " ,' ii^e digestion .,' . '"" ,, ' , ' ' ¦" " • ' ' f the Caledonia Dennison and Clarence Nielsen , Dwyer, first secretary of the your bells, they mjght feel bet- Bays Henry Haugland, 57, rural Masonic lodge have been install- senior and jun ior steward; Wil- Communist party. Spring Grove. "That's why I ed by Ted Erwin, marshal, liam Lockhart, tyler; Edward ter. And, if they did , we would. , Right now it's as ii the mail like painting — it breaks the Frank McNalley, and Albert AI- Deters, chaplain ; Edward Rice, And, while you're at it we'd , appreciate it if you could give stopped and the wires were routine of day to day chores bee, outgoing master. treasurer ; Donald F. Schroeder Robert Lewis is worshipful secretary, and Jamess King, the politicians in this country down. We don't seem to get aiid field work, though I love ¦ i some of your jolLy feelings. through to them. farming." master. Other officers are: Ro- i marshal. . As a youngster, Haugland en- joyed drawing and sketching during grade school which he %mU attended in the rural area where he lived. At 18, he took a cor- respondence course in cartoon- ing and did pen and ink sketches. He started painting with oils a few years later. In 1938, he took over the manage- PICTURES ment of the home farms so his hobby was set aside for several years. | With encourage ment from his wife, friends and neighbors he started to do cartooning for 4-H fo r Eve rybody |4 meetings and other community events as entertainment. This led to simple chalk illustrations with a short message, the nar- rating done by his wife. FARMER-PAINTER . . . Henry Haug- cartooning course and started oil painting sev- Starting this work, he became interested in new books on chalk land , Spring Grove area farmer, and his eral years ago. He and his wife present talks ano1 other aids to this in- wife, display one of his paintings in their chalk talks for church groups and 4-H' ers. terest, resulting in the begin- farm home. Haugland , who started sketching (Mrs. Lsfhswerk photo ) ning of illustrating hymns for during grade school , took a correspondence church presentations and com- munity groups. This past year , the Hauglands lave given 21 Business Mirror •\\y, chalk illustrations for various ^^MaMm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M groups. Two Killed In 1960 their home which was built in 1923 was completely re- modeled . With the ample living room wall space, Mrs. Haugland In Minnesota Santa s Sleigh suggested it would be a perfec t place for an oil painting. As a Christmas gift that year, she re- ceived a 24- by 60-inch picture Road Mishaps Is Jam-Packed of the H augland farmstead. This By TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK (AP ) - Santa's ing their return to .higher picture was admired by many sleigh will be more jam-packed ground of volume of business friends and neighbors who vis- i A Minneapolis man and a su- tonight with goodies than ever and profits , after years of being ited the re and , as a result , he burban Minneapolis girl were before. There will be one or stalled in the lowlands. painted four other large farm- killed in traffic accidents Wed- more economic gains for almost , The scores of pictures we have taken si ea _ oils. nesday ni^ht. every American — workers, Airlines with most of their 3J|B Last winter Haugland attend- Henry Stenson , 57 , was hit by investors , merchan ts, consum- jets now paid for . are reccivins ed a course in oil painting al j a car while crossing r.i street on ers, manufacturers , taxpayers the fruits of traffic growth rnd throughout this area have provided %4 the Coleman Vocational School Lyndale Avenue Nort h , authori- — to mark a year that has been revenues in the form of profits in La Crosse and this past fnil ties .suid. He died at General more than usually kind to most. instead of losses. many treasured moments for relatives attended a short course in oil Hospital about two hours later, Wa if Srreeters are happy with Manufacturers, as a whole, 0* painting at the Winona Art Cen- from a skull fracture and intern- Ihe biggest volume of stock are doing more business and ter. Th is has led to a varied al injuries. trading ever. For many broker- hiring more workers and plan- and friends. To our many customers we A4 number of techn iques , oil , chalk ning larger and faster expan- Mary fioed liin , ,r> , was killed age house workers there arc and water paints wilh brush and visions of big yearend bonuses. sion than they were last Christ- knifo. when she was .struck by a car mas time, And m any are taking extend heartfelt thanks and convey to while playing; with a sled on a Main Strecters are rejoicing ^H Many of his friends have urg- in record retail sales — with no advantage of relaxed deprecia- ed him to make oil painting his street near her borne in Burns- tion rules that can sweeten villc. letdown yet in sight — and with vocation. customers upgrading their pur- earnings now, instead of some you "I'll stick to funning, " he The victim 's brother , Itonald chases this year. time in the future . || comments. "That's where I gel John , 9, was foiled and critical- Millions of taxpayers are hap- most of my ideas for paintings ly injured. The driver was iden- Consumers arc <' ..: . ..: .•. . . . -. ,. - •. Dear Santa: Tor Christmas, Could You Bring.. .' Augsburg Dee. 15. Dear Santa : schedule. the Redmen gave him against ' , Keith Hanzel—last year he wanted ice and got it now and As usual , we're late with our Christmas g ift list, but we Cotter s Booster Club—a great tournament Bob Gunner—cont inued success during 1965 wrestling then. How about an arena this next year? -^^know you won' t m ind, we 've been late before and you 've always the Lyman Maloney and the Arcadia CC directors—better golf come through. season. competition than the Fearsome Fivesome offers, So would you stuff the following things in your tag for: Bob Campbell—Eino Hendrickson. Bob Wittig—a two-point victory. Greg Green—a trip to Madison as coach of a state tourna- nog csiugen — a Dave Moracco—a healthy wrestling squad. ment team. McCown ladder , two rolls I R Biltgen step m ) . \) # M*JT 7*m Vam ¦ -.»-¦¦ *«" •.**¦'*¦ r/¦ "****%» f Irlene Trimmer—a 600 series. , 's pretty hard to complain or ask of gauze bandage and I mm mm m 9. •^- . ';, • ( \ \ Carl Richards—actually, it , one that satisfies 48 dozen band-aids. Jinn Elliott—just the right kind of house for anything after last year , Santa. ' daddy and daughters ! Joe Grease — a TALK x±f mommy, Luverne Scanlan—another chance at Chatfield. pair of size six and Pat Brang—a chance to bowl in the 19&5 city tournament . Ches Modjeski—two boxcars full of Tiparillos. Ga ry Baab—a nine pin. one - half b o w 1 i n g Ed Kauphusman—less bother from the mysterious not* Bill Hargesheimer—a new win string for St . Mary's grade shoes. fe . writers. n^SPORTS school. John iSett — a >——— ¦—-— —* Hal Biltgen—the chance to complete a nap, Ed Spencer—a berth in tlie state baseball tournament. Cotter IrnitationaL Tournament championship. John Gannon—continued good luck with the Swami's predic- John Kenney—a seat in row one ( the one for players, and Marv Gunderson—12 football linemen averaging 210 pounds , tion s. coaches ) at Williams Arena March 25, 26, 27. mobile , agile and hostile. Dan Glubka—a set ot pens in case his run out of ink filling Maurice Godsey, Leon J. Wetzel Post and all the Winona Max Molock—a successful Southern Minnesota Baseball people—the state Legion tournament for Winona. League season. (Continued on Page 13) ( Elliott 5§ Hanzel Bob Welch—a smoot h road through a tough 1965 football Ken Wiltgen—the same kind of effort minus five minutes) DEAR SANTA .^ (&;:'- - y ™y >:.-'- .yy-svW^^ IN NOR TH-SOUTH ALL-S TA R GAME FRIDAY Who Says Bearcats Win 5th Straight Lead South The Fellas 4 Quarterbacks Don t Have As Present to Coach Junker B MURRAY CHASS ceiving his first crack at major Ion , Orange and Sugar Bowls y )• THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ball coach at the "University of Philadelphia also stayed in the competition. set for Friday and the Gator ( Associated Press Sports Writer Cincinnati unbeaten class and upped their Bowl and East-West game This will be a happy Christ- . j; Wayne Hardin and Ara Par- _ His Bearcats, who won the records to 7-0. Villanova The North spent 1' hours scheduled for Saturday. Much Fun? las for Ed Jucker, the basket- seghian have their Heisman Wednesday on ways of stopping national collegiate champion- . crushed St . Francis, Pa. 101-58 at Altoona and the Hawks Basketball Trophy winning quarterbacks — tlie double gold medalist. ship in 1961 and 1962 and just ; "They 'll complete some pass- missed an unprecedented third downed Bo-wling Green 60-54 in Roger Staubach and John es on us, but our main concern straight crown in 19. :}, are on the opener of a douhleheader at Scores Huarte — for one more game, is to stop them from getting the the way back. They didn't quali- Philadelphia. Temple whipped r COLLEGES but Hardin and the .South have long bomb. " Parseghian said. fy for the NCAA championship ' Pennsylvan ia 7:i-.i!l in the night- EAST ' Bob Hayes and Jerry Rhome, Dietzel and Parseghian hope tournament last season . cap of the twin bill at the Pales- SI Joseph's 40, Bowling Green U. tra Villanovi 101, St . Francis. St. too. to offset Hayes' potential with . 73, j Jucker' (heir fift h Templt Penn 59. Herman Johnson ol Michigan s boys won Army, on its way to next SOUTH I That added duo could provide straight Wednesday night with a Louisville II, Bellirmint 71. State, a defensive specialist who week's Far West Classic at the difference Friday in the MIDWEST has range, speed and size need- 71-56 home-court victory over Portland, Ore., Was booed at Michigan »», Butler 11. Oregon State. Five baskets in Cinci nnati 71, Oregon Stitt Si. North-South all-star college ed to stop the Sout h end. Dayton. Ohio, in losing to the Dayton 41, Army 33. quick succession by sophomore ; The Cadets played i football game at Miami , one of Georgia will have a problem Flyers 4m. DtPaul fl, Seattle 77 . Jerry Couzins broke a 41-4 1 tie i a ball-control game that Ohio II. IS, Morrluvestern tr . three pos t-season , contests of its own in the Sun Bowl. The SO UTHWEST and the Beavers never caught ; aroused the fans ' ire. scheduled for this holiday week- Bulldogs must stop Donnie An- New Mexico Hi, H. Payne 31. "P. Arliona 77, Texas Western 40. derson , third-best rusher in the Taylor Locke, the Army SMU 7», Miss-ourl 73. end . The Bearcats now boast a 6-1 FAR WEST n ation who also caught 32 pass- , said afterwards that he record. They beat George Wash- coach Sen Francisco 16, Utah Stale 71. Georgia and Texas Tech clash es for 396 yards. He ran for 966 sympathized with the fans be- Los Angeles State 104, Boston CM- in the Sun Bowl at El Paso , yards, an average of 4.6 yards ington in their opener, then lost leg* tl. to Miami of Ohio. Since then cause "this type of game is no Southern California , it, Santa Clara U Tex., Saturday while the Blue per carrv. fun to watch." lie explained he TOUR NAMENTI and the Gray all-star teams they have swept Louisville, eWO VALLEY— employed the ball-control tactic Georgia has no one to match Kansas, Centenary , Denver and Murray 77, Western Ky. 41 (cliim meet at Montgomery, Ala . the injured ankle pi onshlp). Anderson . but quarterback Oregon State. Their next game to hel p protect Hardin , who recently resigned of Mike Silliman , the Cadets' as coach at ZVavy where he had Preston Ridlehuber nkes to run is a first- round game against with the ball. In fact, he set a Temple Monday night jn the star. Staubach for three years, is one The Murray State Thor- of the coaches of the star- school record this season for Holiday Festival at New "York , a yards gained rushing by a T tournament in which they might oughbreds, beaten last week in Cappelletti studded South squad. the final of the Sun Devil Clas- formation signal-caller. encounter top-ranked Michigan. Parseghian, who helped pull sic at Tempe, Ariz. , won the The Blue and Gray squads, Huarte from the ranks of obscu- Michigan warmed up for its Ohio Valley Conference holiday meanwhile, finished up their rity to the Heisman Trophy, first game against Man- tournament by defeating West- workouts today with Blue Coach Leads Assault coaches the North along with hattan by crushing Butler 99-81. ern Kentucky 77-68 at Louisville. Paul Dietzel of Army, Hardin's Murray Warmath of Minnesota A crowd of 8.000 packed the ¦ archrival for three years. and Gray Coach Paul Da\is of Vost Fieldhouse at Ann Arbor to Sta ubach, along witb Tulsa' s Mississippi State both optimis- watch the Wolverines chalk up Sporfs Scores On AFL Marks Rhome, will have an unusually tic. their sixth victory in seven speedy target in Hayes, the The bi g bowl weekend comes starts. Cazzie Russell scored 21 NRA NEW YORK (AP) - Gino j WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS ' Florida A&M flash who is re- next week with the Rose , Cot- points and Bill Bimtin 19. Cappelletti, Boston s premier j Los Angeles 135, Philadelphia 117, FOOTBALL FUN ... The TODAY'S GAMES pointnaker, and the super- ! The fifth-ranked San Francls- Mo games scheduled. charged Houston battery of collegiate football stars | NO COMMENT Cv- Dons , the only other team in ; FRIDAY'S GAMES George Blanda and Charley don 't (AP) 5t. Louis at Cincinnati. lead a drab life of LOS ANGELES - The The Associated Press Top Ten j Detroit vs. Bolton al Now York. Hennsgan led an assault on the [ practice and classes — es- Los Angeles Lakers declined to see action, made it six Baltimore at New York. American Football League pecially when nominated immediate confirmation of a straight against no defeats by record book in 1964. NHL for post-season attractions. television sportscaster's report defeating Utah State 86-71 . Big Cappelletti, The Associated '\ WEDNESDAY'S RESULT At top, I that they had acquired Wilt Ollie Johnson , with 28 points ' Press ' AFL Player of the Year, Tom Urbanik of Montreal j, New York 0. '(The Stilt) Chamberlain from and 22 rebounds, led the Dons in TODAY'S GAMES broke his own all-time scoring Penn State persuades his 1 the San Francisco Warriors. their easy victory at San Fran- No games scheduled. mark while Blanda 's pitching reluctant wife , Patty, to go ! ¦ : FRIDAY'S GAMES cisco. | Montreal at Detroit. and Hennigar's catching estab- for a dip in the ocean. Tom Registration of racing boats New York af Boston lished three single-season aerial ; is a member of the North j rose in 1964 from 4,594 to 4,747. Villanova and St. Joseph's of ' Toronto at Chicago. records , final league figures ' far the Shrine All-Star game revea.1. to be played in Miami's The Patriots' place kicker- Orange Bowl Christmas pass receiver scored seven Day. At left , Roger Stau- touchdowns, booted 25 field bach of Navy ( left ) and Exclusively on KWNO goals and accounted for .17 George Tech's Dave Sim- points after touchdown for a mons huddle with Elien total of 155 points , eight more Fl ambers of New "York City. than his previous league high , set in ].%]. The boys are on the South team for the benefit Hennigan 's 101 pass recep- game. tions topped by one the all-pro (AP Photofax) mark set by Denver 's Lionel Taylor three years ago. Blanda, the Oilers ' :ifi-year-old signal caller , smashed season records BASKETBALL! for pass attempts, 505 , and com- Scoring Lack, pletions , L'fi_. Denver passer Q\ Frank Tri pu cka had set marks ' of 478 and 24a in 1 !>(>(> . "FOLLOW THE Kansas City 's Len Dawson Dribbling Cost tfP (1 threw less than Blanda but made hi.s tosses pay off in the BOUNCING BALL" MB \l league ' s efficiency ragings. Dawson received the top grade Warriors Wins of 5ft points , based on comple- MILWAUKIW itf -- Marquette AT 12-3-0H RADI O tion percent age, yards gained , jX basketball coach l-'iA. touchdowns , etc.. and won the .Al McCluire passing crown for I lie second blames his Warriors ' t roubles on FOR COMPLETE time in three seasons. Baylor Looking a lack of scoring nnd too much MM -/J ^M dribbling. He paced Ihe league with H "We 've got lo get 5fi. _ completion mark and more punch into our offense , " BASKETBALL COVERAGE flipped ;!ft scoring passes , one Like Old 5elf Mct lnire s<-ii^ I .os Angeles I,;ikcis to a nf, I 17 points per Rami- u riil e allowing Ii") I . The Warriors N'alionril Bii.skrtb all Association have won 10 a.m. 'ti l closing -) onl y three of eight starts . __ (V _'A^ > \iclory o\er the 1 'liihtd cI ph ia Wed., Dec. 30 r k ^ ( Vtirrs ¦Mrdiiirr Is thinking of Mini- MWi VISF mi; Dan Anderson (' II u .is Ins best pei (01 in a iu i- , « . foot »i Winona State in Carleton Tourney yslfl sophomore from Su perior , in an K \ m PLAN A since March of |%;| when he ell oil to holster lite offense ^>: •If, ^«A conli ibuted points to the l.nk against Loyola at Chicago Sin New Year's Eve Bowling Party , li er can-M- diinn Sntnnl.'iy nighl Anderson ^o/ ile g season. KWNO PRESENT: MESSRS. MET . RANGE *. KNICK, JET , GIANT Li. Classic Loser's Club Meeting Will Come to Order! To Provide "U Bill Vogel Rips 634 NEW YORK (AP) - Time: back a member of our club who saw your last game and the : get this fellow Bill Bradley from don 't even have one. Christmas Eve, Place: The cel- has gone astray Mr. Met : Well, that's life in the last three chances are good. It grows onjj Princeton next year. lar ot Madison Square Garden. seasons. I the cellar. Them as hasn't, Tough Tests mean, of course, the you down here. Look at me, ijj "Mr. Jet : You dope, he's going Sue Czaplewski 't get. Now it's time to 551 Gathered are all the members good old doesn MINNEAPOLIS (AP) —There football Giants, who haven't been in the Stanley Cup !to Oxford. pass around the presents. Winona kegiers wound up RITAIl of the New York .Loser' is little douht that the Los An- Hal.Roue '& PLAINVIEW - Ph. KB 4-tOM go Bears but ho has denied $ 403 WW Third Stroot them. !&^_^.^»MK_* _jn_ _«fts__w _fi_ v^ MARK TRAIL By Ed Podd Young Farmer Steel To Be Selected Rally in FLOODS Air Reserve (Continued From Page 1) At Spring Grove is gone — nothing visible but a SPRING GROVE, Minn. (Spe- Stocks Perks few tree tops above the sea of cial) — The outstanding young water, air observers reported. farmer of the year in the Spring will be announced And Guard to In Garberville, three pre gnant Grove area at a Jaycees farmer recognition Up Yule Market women were reported in labor program Jan. 13 at 7:30 p.m. YORK (AP)-A rally by and in need of medical care. NEW in the school auditorium. stecis perked up a mixed and Civil defense officials have Merge, Too Work on the project has be- dull pre-Christmas stock mar- written off the flood com muni- appointment of a ket early this afternoon. By FRED S. HOFFMAN ties of South Fork , Myers Flat , gun with the committee including Luverne Steels came to life on newi WASHINGTON (AP) - Air Stafford and Weott, whose resi- Schroeder, chairman, Dr. Rog- that U.S. Steel had raised pric- Force recommendations on dents fled Tuesday. Jetsam, Mer- for galvanized sheet prod- Air Reserve and er Bender , Harold es merging the Since 5 a.m. Wednesday the 2.- Todd John- ucts and is revising some other the Air National Guard are due lin Omodt and Dr. 500 inhabitants of Guerneville They will interview farm- charges . Jan. 25, it was learned today. have lived on an island in the son. between 21-35 and from U.S. Steel advanced a full midst of the swirling Russian ers This is only six days before Yule Services their reports a panel of judges point. Lukens Steel rose ittora retirement of Gen. Curtis E. Le- River. In the Little Stork Club the winner. than 2. saloon rescuers and flood vic- Court Asks Overhaul will select May as Air Force chief of staff. tims stood knee-deep in muddy The local winner of this proj- A highlight was a 4 - point LeMay is reputed to favor com- importance bining the 72,000-man Air Guard water toasting each other and ect to recognize the spurt by Merck which raced to in the local econ- into the 182,000-man Air Re- making jokes about the sign Planned of agriculture to a new high on a published re- reading "No Dancing Allowed. " omy will compete in the state that it had received feder- serve. Of Property Assessment win- port Jaycees contest . The state al approval to market an anti- But there appears to be con- Further north , near the coast- nesota Supreme Court called to- sessed, but sent the case back quate, but also because its bas- ner will progress to the national siderable high-level sentiment cancer drug to hospitals. al city of Eureka , about 1,000 day for a complete overhaul by to the district court for applica- ic requirements have to a great Church Frame awards program at Fort Col- drug, an antibiotic named to accomplish the merger in the , The refugees including women and the legislature of our "antiquat- ; tion of a different assessment extent been ignored . RIPLEY, Miss. (AP) - There lins, Colo. April 11-13. actino-Mycin-'D' ", ha$ long other direction — to eliminate small children , " stood on high ed and inadequate" property as- j ratio which will result in lower will be biracJal Christmas serv- been used in cancer research. the 4\ir Reserve and leave only sections of U.S. 101 waving to sessment system with the aim of i refunds. "Instead of using market o>r ices Friday in the raw shell of a the Air Guard. true and full value of property Another feature was a S-point helicopters that rushed in with eliminating confusion and in- It was not immediately clear new church rising on the ashes DuPont. relief supplies. to be assessed as the basis for rise by This was the pattern set for equality. what effect the decision would of one burned in racial anger. Changes were small and tha For many children it will be a its taxation as the statutes re- Expected the Army on Dec. 12 when Sec- The suggestion came in the have on other tax cases now quire, each assessor has estab- "We won't have it finished U.S. general pattern was irregular retary of Defense Robert S. Mc- sad Christmas. Trees and gift s ," in the list. became unessential court's decision in what has be- j pending in courts around the lished a formula under which and we might not have a roof elsewhere Namara announced that the baggage in said Prof. Paul F. Schmidt , Press the flight from the rushing come known as the Dulton case. ! state, only a percentage of such value The Associated averag* Army National Guard would wat- "but we're going to have two at noon was off .1 ers. Hundreds will spend In that case, the St. Louis ! "Solution of the problem be- is used for assessment purpos- of 60 stocks Increase to 550,000 men by ab- it in services Christmas Day, no To Escape industrials off .1 high school gymnasiums County District Court found that fore us is difficult ," said the Su- es." at 322.4 with , sorbing about, half of the 300,000- . Red matter what. " utilities up .8. Cross shelters or sharing it with commercial property in down- preme Court in a decision writ- rails off .3 and Army Reserve. The court said a study in 1956 man organized strange families. town Duluth owned by the Dul- ten by Associate Justice Thom- The professor headed the The Army Reserve will disap- shdwed that these percentages The Dow Jones industrial av- California's 14 flood-stricken ton Realty Co. and eight others as Gallagher , " not only because group of 31 Oberlin (Ohio) Col- , except for a reiniorce- varied from 16.91 per cent In Flu Epidemic erage at noon was up 1.67 at pear counties, with their total popula- had been unfairly assessed in our statutory scheme of assess- lege students who formed the ment pool. Koochiching County to 51.99 in WASHINGTON (AP ) - The 869.69. tion of 558,200, cover 37,802 1958 and 1959. ment is antiquated and inade- "Carpenters for Christmas" Sources said studies on unify- Red Lake County with a state- church rebuilding project. Public Health Service predicts All securities and commodi- square miles — most of it wood- The court ordered refunds to- will be closed for ing the j\ir Reserve and the Air wide average of 35.99 per cent. the nation will escape any big ties exchanges ed , mountainous terrain that taling $158,941.72 and the state the three-day Christmas week- Guard still are/iot finished . To correct the situation, the The Antioch Baptist Church flu outbreak this winter. makes rescue operations and appealed. end. Most commodity exchang- The Reserve Officers Associa- court offered these suggestions went up in flames shortly after There have been only a few I communications almost impos- The high court agreed that the es closed early today. tion , which is fighting ob litera- to the legislature: it was used for a rally of the local concentrations of Asian or sible. properties had been unfairly as- Saint Teresa Mississippi Freedom Demo- Prices were generally higher tion of the Army Reserve and One suggestion is to specify a other types of influenza so far The Red Cross beefed ' cratic party. It is one of at least in moderate trading on tha the Air Force Reserve, has con- up its definite number of years during this year. There probably would tended that the administration forces in key areas to supply ! 30 destroyed by fire or explosion American Stock Exchange. which all assessors be required ) in Mississippi last summer. The have been many more if a ma- Corporate bonds were mixed is waiting for LeMay to retire clothing, bedding and food. , Gets $7,000 to use a fixed percentage of full I site is about six miles east of jor epidemic were imminent and dealings in U.S. gov ern- before acting, Police from as far south as San the service noted. Francisco were flown in Winona Co. and true value in determining Ripley. ment bonds were at a mini- to re- The agency again recom- Informed authorities chal- lieve exhausted sheriff' the assessed value of property. Two walls are standing and mum, s depu- , especially lenged this, saying that LeMay ties in northwestern Humboldt others are taking rapid shape. mended vaccinations Near State Lecture Grant "Possibly the average percent- for those in "high-risk" groups had informed top officials that it County . age prevailing throughout the But Schmidt does not expect to GRAIN would be impossible to finish An aircraft carrier steamed I A $7 ,000 grant from the Lee complete the work before the — pregnant women, the elderly MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - WTieat studies by state, if it can be ascertained, and those with heart trouble or the Reserve-Guard toward Eureka today to add and Rose Warner Foundation would suffice for this group must return to Oberlin receipts Wed. 61; year ago Holi- Jan. 1 and that LeMay himself Standards ; ," the deci- other chronic diseases. its 20 helicopters to those of was received Wednesday by the sion said. Jan. 2. They travel by car. day ; trading basis unchanged ; held to the Jan . 25 objective Winona County formulas for 3 the Coast Guard. College of Saint Teresa. "It may be," said Schmidt, In response to questions , prices 'i lower; Cash spring date. figuring assessed valuations of This is the sixth grant the "It might further provide that A large food chain ordered 40.- "that five or six of us might health service officials said all wheat basis, No 1 dark northern The sources said the studies property conform reasonably foundation has given the college, at the end of the prescribed pe- ^ 0O0 pounds of canned goods and have to com e back later to do signs indicate no widespread 11 to 17 protein 1.78M>-1.85% ; were ordered five or six months well to uniform standards now according to Sister M. Camille. riod, all assessors thereafter be some of the brick w ork. produce flown from San Fran- " epidemic will hit the country, Spring wheat one cent premium ago and the deadline assigned cisco to Eureka and being sought for the state. president. required to take the true and promised City Assessor Donald O'Dea "We can although there is always the each lb over 58-61 lbs; Spring at that time. unlimited credit to victims. The foundation-supported lec- full value of propertyias the sole 't hope to have the and County Supervisor of As- possibility of localized out' wheat one cent discount each V. At LeMay's insistence, a A 20-man search party plowed ture program was initiated at basis for assessment as required roof on until sometime next lb under r>8 lbs; sessments David Sauer said to- week but we' breaks. board which determines Air Re- through dense underbrush 20 the college in 1961, Lecturers by the Constitution . ve got the back- No 1 hard Montana winter serve policy decided about a day that they fix true and full brought to the college since then bone of the thing built ," he add- The present situation , they miles north of Eureka toward value of real estate at 331. . "It would also seem essential l&y-k-WV:*. year ago that the Reserve and the wreckage of a Coast Guard have been heard by students that tax rates be adjusted so ed. said , bears out forecasts made Minn - S.D. No 1 hard winter the Air Guard should be com- percent of current market value. last summer by an advisory helicopter downed Tuesday. Assessed value of the property and faculty members fro>m other that this latter requirement The Christmas Day service 1.69i „-l,75Vi. bined and that one organization A search plane spotted the Winona colleges, by alumnae would not increase taxes to the will be open to all races, said committee to the surgeon gener- No 1 hard amber durum, should remain. The board did then is a certain percentage of al. wreckage late. Wednesday , but the full and true value , depend- and by members of the general point of confiscation in areas Schmidt. choice 1.73-1.75; discounts, am- not take a position on whether community, as well as by Tere- there was no indication that the ing on the property's classifica- where valuations have been low. "I don 't expect any trouble , ber 3-5; durum 7-10. the Reserve or the Guard should san students. In general those forecasts three crewmen had survived . tion: homestead, farm, commer- because of this, " he said. "We were that the 1964-65 winter sea- Corn No 2 yellow l.I9%-1.20%. survive. Only one known death has "Whatever formula is arrived cial or other. THE FIRST have been working together on son shapes up as a compara- Oats No 2 white 59V8-67Vs ; No been reported in the state, and lectures in the at , it should be such that if its the project all week and 56f>. , Officials who have been work- series were concerned with the nothing tively light year on flu for two 3 white 's-64 /H: No 2 heavy that came Tuesday when a TAX COMMISSIONED Hol- use is required uniformly has happened yet." 6618-685 ing on this problem said they 1 _ culture and civilization of the reasons: white 8; No 3 heavy wh Montana man's car plunged off land Hatfield has set the 33 . throughout the state, equality in 64'/8-665 _ . had been unable to detect from figure as an interim standard non-Western world , with, empha- taxation will result." 1. As regards Asian, or type LeMay any leanings either way. a bridge into a river. Barley, cars 46, year ago for all state assessors to shoot sis on Asia and Africa. Among The court enunciated these A-l flu —n the newest and most The Air National Guard Yuba City, in the area where guest lecturers were Peter Mel- Blair District, Hoi; good to choice 1.02-1.34 ; at , O'Dea and Sauer said. The principles: feared type in recent years — low to intermediate 1.01-1.28; earned considerable praise dur- 38 persons drowned in the 1955 ultimate objective is the same lish Reed, professor of Asian the nation suffered widespread Taxes must be feed 94-1.00. ing the Berlin crisis when it sent Christmas Eve flood , was at the as that outlined by the Supreme studies at Sarah Lawrence Col- uniform upon Council Buying outbreaks in 1962-1963; and the the same class of property. Rye No 2 1.18%-1.22%. 218 fighters and reconnaissance brink of evacuation Wednesday Court : Making full and true lege ; Dr. Paul J. Bohannan , pro- West Coast and parts of south- supporting ele- Flax No 1 3.22. jets, plus their as the Feather River rose 76 value the same as current mar- fessor of anthropology at North All property must be assessed Additional Land em Minnesota were hit hard by ments, to France and Germany Soybeans No 1 yellow 2.79. feet above its bed. But a break ket value. Western University, and Harold at full and true value in money BLAIR , Wis. (Special)-Land the same virus last winter. The within a month of being called in the storm lessened the threat One reason for the wildly R. Isaacs, political science and — with full and true value de- Into federal service in October purchase and option are in the experts feel the betting aver- WINONA MARKETS and the city's 11 ,000 res idents varying percentages by which research associate at the Cen- fined as market value. ages are against another major 1961. "full and true " values are news at Blair. stood fast although warned they ter for International Studies . Any formula for evaluating outbreak so soon after those. Swift & Company McNamara's emphasis, so far might have to leave if the storm found is that these formulas are Massachusetts Institute of Tech- The school board has agreed Buylnq hours are (rom 8 a.m. tt 4 as the Guard and Reserve are not actually legal. The consti- real property for assessment to purchase approximately four p.m. Monday through Friday worsens. nology . purposes which results in dis- 2. As for influenza "type-B" There will be no calf markeli during concerned, is on quick reaction. At Yosemite National Park tution makes no provision for Speakers on religion came to j acres from Wallace Lovberg for — another major form — wide- the winter months on Friday?. crimination against individual school site expansion. The prop- These quolatlont apply as lo noon 800 persons prepared for an ex- them and considers that there the college during the year's spread epidemics are relatively today. The Air Guard and the Air j property owners is invalid. erty is adjacent to the present tended stay after all roads be- is no difference and that there program concerned with ' 'Dyna- ; rare anyway. The United States All livestock nrrlvlnq niter closing Reserve are in a somewhat dif- Counties are not assessment building on the south side time will be properly carerl for, w«lQh«d came submerged by water and should be none. mic Forces in Cultural Patterns ; . ¦was hit by a tough one as re- ferent position from their Army The percentage formulas are districts. An appropriation of $5,000 was and priced Ihe following morning. counterparts. All Air Reserve logs. — Religion." They included ; cently as 19B1-62. Hoqi In Oregon, Gov. Mark Hat- simply informal devices of as- Douglas Hyde, a form er Com- The Con stitutioh requires made in the 1964-65 budget for Top butchers. 190 220 . 15.(15-16.JJ considered The American Medical Asso- Top sows . 1.100-13.J5 and Guard units are sessors to combat in part the equality of assessment through- the expansion. More playground .. high-priority outfits and are field warned that the state " still munist journali st, and the Very i ciation gives this advice regard- Cattle effects of inflation . Market val- out the state. space is of particular impor- The cattle market is steady, all claijai. equipped and staffed according- faces critical times in the next Rev. Msgr. John M. Oesterreich- ing flu: 36 to 48 hours" despite a gradu- ues of real properties have bal- er, director of the Institute of tance, school officials say. and High choice "2. .75 ly. The Army Guard and Re- looned in most cases, to the "Exercise general health pre- Top beef cows 1J.35 al receding of most flood-swoll- Judaeo-Christian Studies at Se- expansion of the physical plant Canners and cutlers 1075down serve have considerable num- point where a 50-year-old build- cautions. If the flu breaks out in Veal en rivers. lon Hall University. is in future planning. bers of men in low-priority units ing now often sells for twice or your neighborhood, do not enter tJo vpfll niarkel until Monday . The 1962-63 program empha- Blair City Council voted at which , under present circum- At Grant's Pass, thrice its original value. Mondovi Lions any place where crowds congre- Frocdlort Mall Corporation the Rogue , Hours: 8 am stances, would not be ready for Instead of computing assessed sized are literature and music its last meeting to take an op- gate. Dress warmly for ex- . to 4 pm.; cloned Saturday! River dropped eight feet in 14 a.s cultural forces, and brought tion on Hanson Bros, land east Submit samplo belore loadlna use in much less than a year value from the current sale val- tremely cold weather and keep (Mew crop l>arley) hours but new rains left nearby such lecturers as writer Barba- of the Tappen Coulee after being mustered into feder- ues , assessors arbitrarily (and Back Student Plan road and your bod y Mo. I bnrtfy .. II .| | residents without hope of relief in shape so you can ) fo ra Ward , ballerina Dame Alicia south of Mrs. Aimer Olsen's Mo. 1 biuley .. . 05 al service. extra-legally started use (Special) No. 3 hnrley ., .95 from flooding. ^ Markova, John Ciardi of "Sat- MONDOVI . Wis. — property for the ridge and fur- resist a virus infection . Finally, The entire 72,000-man Air National Guard and Air Force percentages of market values Mondovi High School may have if you do get sick, call your No. 4 hnrk'y .. .»« pay and urday Review" and Bosley row sewage treatment plant ap- Winona Egg Market Guard is drawing drill personnel were sent, to North as the actual—not the inflation- a foreign exchange student next doctor at once." training regularly. Only 54 ,00(1 ary -values of properties. The Crowther, movie motion picture proved by voters Nov . 3. Those quotations eipnly al of Albany 25 miles south of Salem year as the result of help from 10 30 am today reservists are critic of The New Yorlc Times. The option runs until April. Air Force ready early today to begin evacuating practice is universal but, since the L ions Club. Grrtde A Murritm/ .j| in the same status. Another 128.- it is not legall y prescribed or Included in the 1963 -64 pro- Exact needs will be determin- PRODUCE Grnrtr* A (I.V(-jo) ji, some 200 families. The board of directors , in ses- Ornito A (medium) 000 are in the ready reserve but regulated , the percentages vary gram were Zia Moh yedriin , Pak- ed when final plans for the fa- NEW YORK A (small) . u do not get drill n.iv. according to loc.-il conditions , in- istani actor; Dr. Alain Renoir . cility are ready, Agreed price — Butter offerings adequate; Grnil n I) jfl flooding Mill Creek endangered French-bom English professor , regular meeting, planned the is $150 an acre. demand fair; prices unchanged . Grade C . u a hospital and 100 patients were dividual assessors, boards of re- view and other influences and writers George (Irim ancf annual pancake breakfast Jan. Cheese steady; prices un- Bay Slate Milling Company among the thousands forced tn . No. 1 northern sprlnfl wheat COIW'TIKS adjoining Winona John Howard Griffin. 31 and . voted to give half the changed. \.i* higher ground. Mo. 7 northern sprlnfl wheat \ 67 Dance at Blair proceeds to the student council Wholesale egg offerings short tin ;i northern - .. County also are attempting to Carrier Appointed . .print) wheat ,. I HI The death toll climbed to 10 "TllE IMPACT of (he person- for this purpose. on large; more than ample on tin 4 nnithern *.prlno wheat I 19 establish the 33' a percent stand- No. 1 hard winter wt-r-M Saturday Night when a car plunged 140 feet off alities and authorities that have Board members decided on an ,,, , \ ^ ard . The upward revis ion was mediums and smaller sizes; de- No. 2 turd winter when! I a washed-out bridge over the On Mabel Route 1 57 sparked by an order from Hat- been brought to the campus and auction in the spring. mand active. Mo. 3 hunt v/intcr wheM i.n John Day River Mo A hard winter wheat 1.49 To Aid Shelter . 120 miles east field' s office in 1962 , when the the community through this pro Charles Scharf was reappoint- MABEL , Minn. (Special) - (Wholesale selling prices of Portland. It carried two Ru- Mo. I rye ] \j ( Dulton case was tried in Duluth. gram of lectures cannot at this ed to represent the Lions on Postmaster Paul Norby an- based on exchange and other ""¦ 7 r V ...... 110 BLAIR , Wis . Special) -The , Ore. , fus iron workers to their The order , based on t he prin- time be equated or evaluated , " the Mondovi youth camp hoard. nounced Tuesday that Alton An- volume sales.) second nf two holiday season deaths. dances for the benefit of the ciple that discriminatory assess- Sister Camille said. Reporting was Del Soholt , who derson has been selected for ap- New York spot quotations fol- as (Lilly steady; V? 7OV .20 Ih barrowi Near the Washington-O regon "We believ e this prog ram has and gilts |M0. most 13 HO JM Ih I7?sj Lions Club shelter house fund ments are unconstitutional , in- attended the Public Service pointment as carrier on Kurnl low : mixed colors : standards 31- rnlKe-tl n u>o ?40 ih i_7VW.0 0 border 3O0 persons were strand- ; me- will be sponsored Sat urday structed assessors to bring their added stature and dept h to our Commission hearing in Eau Route I commencin g Jan. I. He XJ'L-; checks 25-26. dium 1 I 1VO 740 III U/5 1/00; me. ed for the second day aboard educat ional program and has en- Claire on the Chicago & Nort h dlum 12 UO IW Ih IS /VI/OO; II 370- night in Blair City Hnll by districts into conformity or have will fill the vacancy left by Whites: extra (ancy heavy 300 II) »nws .1 25 II /', (Moire. 120 160 Ih Knudtson - Mattison Post 2:11, I wo trains when slides b locked it imposed upon them by the riched the culture of Hit- Winonu Western Railway System 's ap- I/Conard .1. Johnson , who retired weight «47 lbs min ) 38-^9' .; fan- fcertrr pins UOOU'.n the tracks. The Air Force air- state Department area ," she dee hi red. ShMp ',(Ki ; sUiiuhle. lamln Heady American Legion . of Taxation . plicat ion to limit freight service earlier this year . cy med ium (41 lbs average) 29- lo SO cents lower , other r.iasses steady; lifted 1 ,000 pounds of food lo the choice Arnold Thorpe , who heads to Mondovi and eventually re- A veteran of World War II , :i6 ; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs and prime no 110 w>ol«d scene. Railroad officials could BIG G EORGE (he slaughter Ininh, 20 (rO-21 00; gnoct anr/ the committee in charge , an- move depot Anderson is a native of Mabel. min) 35'/_ -37; medium (40 lbs choice ,0 HS to liwiu, 1(l |||tv „„,( not say when the passengers (joocl wooled nounced that music will be by Soholt said informat ion nt the At present he is farming;. He average) 28>A-2»1/ _ ; smalls (36 ilauuhlrr ewei 5 5(M 50| might be rescued choice nnd tamy isO fio Ih wooled feed- the Rhythm Playboys anrl danc- hearing indicated depot agent and his wife, the former Ixir- lbs nverago) 27 1, _ -2fl' _ ; peewees er lamln VOOOJIon will be from 9 p.m. to i a.m. service will be discontinued inc Fnfitern Washington continued here raine Wel per of Uesper , have Ol Ibs average) 23-24 . ((' IrM Cub I.eginn officials were disap- in several months and freight . Tliiii'.dny. ni>c 17, l?A4) to bear the brunt of tbe floodin g five children: Danny, I>avid , Browns: extra fancy heavy COUNTy pointed in the pre-Christmas service within 10 NOTICI At Asotin on the Washin gton- years, Leonard Craig, Colleen and Kevin. weight <47 lbs min) IMPi ; fnn- PROPOSALS SOLICITED d.tnrc because only a few local Zmolrk . manager of the (41 Idaho border where ,\snt in Rat h cy medium lbs average) 31- 5 Ihit pulilli ' Mercantile Exchange — Butter nitmi (if th. offlrlol Strommen s Juniper 48 motorists and truckers New member s appoint ed to com- chased b\ the Spring (Jrove „| u„ c ounty Hoard. steady ; wholesule buying prices (?) mitters are: 1/141 (ii/lillcn|inn of tht of»lcli>l stranded for 24 hours between board of education , which au- pr(.ci»i-(|,n,|v RILMNf.S . Mont . (AIM—Steve Mtiticl Hiunc.nn ntlrminn i » Anil inpni unchanged; 93 score A A 57-^.; nf tt.« c . omily IMiBid r) of l. „ two huge snow slides The\ es h'V.l.if Din I i-i|>i'lt , agr li illturf. I gvi thorized $l , !ri). for them in this rhinll/ntln,, r M , ,„|>,t Ml,„ Si roinmon hit a short jump shot 5)2 A 57U; 90 B 5f>U; 89 C 56',/,, (3- Hi« rrnir l.mlr., yrfter , Rkharil lohmrwi, ' Pulling!,,,, of tin, Annual enped without injury, but n hull year s budget and the same f-lnnnt lnl with two seconds to RO lo give Kinuriiiiiwi mill (limine: Monuld Odrgur ,„ , BgRs (i -.r tin.. i„, 1V(,„ of GranRcville , Idaho , perished iT- cim. ,du( .i l uin , / MMI U-V . jtM>lnii, nrii! Tbe hoard granted am in- v i-onleience basketball victory ing pri ces unchanged ; 70 per H> lha pi.Mu „!!,.,, „, in H fresh slide IU< 11\ V-n-in, | 'ii/ini e crease in pity for hoi lunch „|| ,n|u „| |„ rl>. over Ka.stcrn Montana Wednes- at cent or belter grade A whites ;{,'); '" '' »"'"'•' rn ./-'mi |,y it,n ( ,Hjn. Heno , Nev. , escaped i es cook s of $10 a month effective ty lln.,.,1 day nitflit. j srs.w i..\\( r. M \ RCIU :S mixed 33; mediums 2B; stan Mi..n „. ¦Ian "' "'" l'"»l'. ,,.,,,i| r ,r , llv, |idents feared would be it> mo-l . I. Carl Doely was engag- H„. Kastern scored two field P1.AINV 1KW , Minn -¦• dards 2fv' > ; dirties unquoted , '»" "I ,1.11,1,,,,1- MI tn. MM floals Susan nl Ainu,. | disastrous flood when rain li.ilt ed a.s cust odian at $:t ,7f>0 a ,, , „„„| V| AmnnfMiln , flirt with .10 seconds left to sd early in the dnv ami the year and bus driver at ff!»1 4.1 nn' l.i.iiiij II, ,. ,l, ,|i„ ,,„,. ,,, im sWiHe for St i om men 's winning Plainview resident , is a mem- In in- I„. ,,, |v M i Truckee River ' « month. The boa rd approved lit l,i,n s rush through rn-y |„ i„r i,,, w ,,„| r of „lt shot . ber of Ihe Inglowoo d lllg;h LIVESTOCK g ii. ' l ho city slowed somewhat salary deduetions 1in lux -shel- "'"M.iii n.iy „»,, „, „„ y , („„ |, „,„,„„, AiiKsliurK led :{«i-:i!> at llir half Schoo l Kami which will maivh ",011(11 M PAUl , Minn (AP) "It looks like ' re in tered annuities. M C.OA ' Mill- 1.000 ; inlvi 100 , we goinj! in the Rose Howl pmade . The ' ' Aftei K.iKtfrn l ied it nt 4;i-all (j*-nerally itenUy cti»(inup trnda on v«r y ¦"«• I M .I I I H in squeeze our way throug h , '' said |,„, fm„ r /|( , ,, hand marched in l ht> Holly- SPUING CltOVK COI.I.KCriON »rnnll ii/ti|>ly llauQlitar c»tlle; »>»l»n lr with Ihrre minutes Rone an the a Civil Defense " Cdlv«^ «1*4Kly : worker wood Christmas 4>nt) «(»»uM»r <«f<1*n Z1 'r ' \T,, ni 1 ' ""» "»«'<•' « hecond half, ¦ parade and JII SPUING GiROVK, Minn. (Spe- ic/»rc«) cl>olr» »l/»uohUr »I»«M n /V " " « '"""i. *¦".. !- hin .,,,,,1 the lead changed ;V"" I, hands a do/en | lhe Disneyland parade . Susan is cial * - Khvtrlcnl . water and :100 . Qrrort I9 7S 7J O0 ; rholct t'«l»rr • "' «" "l"l'» 'I n ,,.,„llr,l r ,„.,-„ imes Manager Dave Hris Nd' s 1%-t 7? DO ?M0 (incvl IBSO 'JI OO; ulilily nnd the daughte r of Mrs. !Neil ""¦'"» '"' ' i"v I II.Il,| , , |-0/'l| Ijoh ./rnsen led K/i.sierrt wild Lance sewer bills henceforth wi ll he er>mrrif I Ml m*l IJiVM*-!) l|n/»J , San Diego Padres won the M pninl. Don M>ers nnd S-lronv 1^ 00. b-rjh fhnlr* v«««l»r* , "" Western Divisio n title then mill- .M ,,, ,, , : . " " " '";¦• .•"- -«" >"* with her mot her and two brot h- stead of the i ccrcrjl ion confer. ty.oil cliolc H 00 )? Mi fhoicn CA IVIM I ;, „;",. nu-n, ivitli III each , led lhe Min- ed the Pacific Coast "Now pleaso try to wait til daylight befo ruih ir» * League r* you ers went lit California last KUJ »I- Mrs . V.Wcn Olson , 16 00 I? Oil " »; -I .'..,..„::>,";. ...*, . neapolis college. new deput y ; (tllx*; h»rroA> »nd uilM ' ) play - off crown . " Minii J, IOC '<" MAUI) !,( IllinHOVI W , to opo n your pr«««nt». incr. clerk, JO cunt! o»h»r cl«i> will have her office there. moitly hian«<< •" ( 'iiinly Auditor. Porsonali 7 Held Wanted—Famal* 26 Farm ImpUmantt 48 STRICTLY BUSINESS Thanday. December 24, 1964 WINONA I)ATLY NEWS II » "I Want MADf IT MYSELF", Ihe hoslesi »K- MIDDLE ACEO to elderly lady for light Ads eielmed proudly ai itie ptned her houttwork in tinier clilism tiom«. REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS Trucks, Trad'*, Traitors 108 Used Cars 109 beautiful MOMK tray. Har some of ie- about 20 mll«> Irom Wlnone, room end eonriiilishment was compui* a* har Dally 12 lbs TRUCK HOISTS INSTALLED AT PLVMOUTH- 1»55, good, T«t friend board plut wage*. Write E-e3 See the PowerLlte, ., s admired the Mosaic book ends, Newi, roll nose bar. On BERG'S Start Here •sb Irayi, erxiifen, trivet she had also 17-lncb 3?50 Af. 4th, Gd vw. Tel. 4?3J fashioned. " Kite are available for your- EXPERIENCED WMTBEMBt di»pUy now at Mli or friends at lhe PAINT DEPOT, OAKS BLIND ADI lifJCAUBD FOR- ' 1»7 Center. E-)li 33, 41, *t, «4, «. I " FEITEN IMPL. CO. MERRV CHR.ISTMAS ~ ~ '61 r-ORD 6 \^amaa\a\a\Wa\\ ^Ea\\mma *awE MBRHY 113 Washington , Winona , Minn. CHRISTMAS to al7of you »n e Htlp Wanted—Mali 27 Lott and found N«vv Veir frtal'i bright and cheerful, Econoline Van ond 4 too. W. Betslngir, Tellor , W/t Vw. 3rd. for Sale 57 tOST-«OW With calf, V r" T( NONA Artlclaa 1500 lb. pay bad. Completely HAPPY NEW CUtTund _ bt)lri ?.eA,.r rUBl r l»M ,heV" biTiT^llliw T AREA YEAR tan, Andrew Rsdormkl, Rl, j, BOX If cluned with ' experience enclosed cargo compart- J8JS Blue Lustre. Rent elec- No travel^ r»etei»ary. Sam JOHNSON ICE SKATB8 - man't figure, Arcedli. Ms. ' tric thampoo*r, Com- 11. R D. Cone Co. dealreble but not required. size 11, like new, 111 SO) alto .101 Win- ment. New paint. Ready to " ~ pany will train rlrjtit men. Liberal ammunition. Ttl. MINNOW BUCKET found AMONO Chester ctfti ind 745*. go to work. We've sold a near emit OUR ASSETS we l\l* \77wn\ guarantee and future Income »«p- NYSTROM'S Ll»r». May have by paying lor lhe only ad. Tal on* that money cannot buy, denial. Send reiurne to E-67 Dally LIQUID WOOD trans- great many of these new; 37BJ. Your OLD MASTERS good will . .. end to at ttili Newi. forms old drab tn Ismslch Inn pieces ol CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Holiday Seawon we extend this is the first used one. to you, nol turnltur* »nd woodwork inlo beautiful es a tmtom*r Horn, but at a trlini moder n wood. PAINT DEPOT, 1*7 Cen- Open, Friday NighU Panonala . ¦ . oor bkit withes 7 for the coming Monty to Loan 40 ter SI. r ,y,r $1195 "' lrnkMP f W,L" rA» H .T^ ' ' ' _. Me Adve-rtlee Our Prlisa WHEEL CHAIRS—for avery price range- BURNINO furnace. 171, 40) E, . ^ ^ OIL «d|ust»ble walkers. For rent or salt tin . Tel. 6-3453. Here Are Flnt two monthi rental trcdilrxl to. TRUSSES—ABDOMINAL BELTS SACROILIAC SUPPORTS wards purchase price. Crutches , wood GE UPRIGHT Vacuum cleaners. Factory or adlualatJla aluminum. ¦L^' TED AAA IER GOLTZ LOANS special, 129.95 SCHNEIDER SALES, DRUGS. E- i-d PHARMACY PLAIN NOTE-AUTO-FURNITURE g) 2 3930 ith 5f.. GocxJvlew. (graD < 3 Tal. ^ 2S47 ' ^ I/O E. Jrd Tel. ins 40 Years in Winona LOSS WEIOHT lately wilh DVx A^Otel Hn. • a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. » a.m. lo noon ICE SKATE Exchange, nr>w and UMd . tablets. iV»#l<' to choose from s supply only «gc a| Transportation 8 Sk«te» sharpened. KOLTER Bicycle Ted Meier Walgreen Orugi. Lincoln-Mercury-Falcon with ov<>r Real Estate - Loans (hop/ 502 Mankato. Tel . Uih. LEAVING FOR St. Petersburg, Fla, be- Comet-Fairlane A VHRV MERRV CHRl STtAAslrTyoiTail tween Chrlnlmes and New Years. Life Insurance BURN /AOBIl FUEl OIL and tn|OY ttw from ail ot ui at RUTH RESTAURANT Would like someone lo help drive and comfort of automatic p«rsonsl car*. Closed Sat., Dec. 26 30,000 We wlU bl closed from ihare FRANK WEST AGENCY 4 p.m. chrltt- expense*. Write Box 242, Lewis- Kltp lull service - complete bU'nef and Sat., Jan. 2 mm £v» unfll 4 a.m, Monday Dec }8 ton. 175 laleyett* 51. Tel. SJ40 care. Budget punned and guaranteed miles left on new car factor/ Join ui again at 126 E. 3rd St. on Mon- (Next to Telephone Office) prlct. Order today trorn JOSWICK'S ~~ warranty. day for tine rood and frlondly nrvlci. Business Servicas EAST END COAL (, OIL CO., 101 E, 14 llh . Tel . 3389. Used Cars 109 ARE YOU A PROBtEr^DRTrTicER?- Horns, Cattle. Stock 43 SMALL APPLIANCE Main or woman your drmklna crtalei repairing if l7i STORE 1964 DODGES numerous problems. If you best. Appliance Service Shop, 41S w OKTUSED FURNITURE nead and 273 E. Jrd St. REDUCED $200 want help, contact Alcoholics llh St. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES, from 5 "Excuse me, Santa, but that's one of our walkin g dolls AnnonV' We Buy We Sell 330 moua, Pioneer Group Co General De 10 4 week s old. Frey Bros., Rl. I, which happened to stroll over here." For Quick Sale livery, Winona, Minn. 5 STANDS FOR SANTA, and snow ind Winona. Tel. Rollingstone 689-2182. Furniture—Antiques—Toolt <4-door sedans, 6 cyclinder soot and slush. If your carpeting Is and ofher Itema. Was $895, now $695 automatic transmission, ra- showing Ihe effects of too much snow, RUSHFORD Little F»lg Sole at Leg ion Tel. 1-3701. Like sifts from Santa are the profitable results of a D-ally News (Flret Pub. Thursday, Dec. 17, HM) soo t and slmsh save this ad. WINONA Park, bee. 36, 8 to 11 a.m. Contact ~ Classified Ad. Call 3321. 1957 Bel ALr 2-door hardtop, ci i o, heater, windshield RUG CLEANING Slato af Minnesota ) ss. SERVICE, 116 W . 3rd Casper Ladsten, Tel. Rushford 864-7463, STEREO V-8, automatic transmission, washer. Tel . 3722. lor Information. County of Winona ) In Probate Court BEAUTIFUL MUSIC by a Motorola radio, tinted glass, new File No. 15,955 stereo- hi-fi . -We have the- finest selec- Apartments, FI«T _ 90 Houses for Sal* 99 HOME DALE Polled SJiorthrjrnt, bulla and In Re Bifefe of Plumbing, Roofing tion and largest supply ol sets In Ihe white sidewall tires, beauti- 2i females, lorqe type; cattle, all ages; 3 Leo R. Smith, also known et Winorse area. Come In or call WINONA THREE-ROOM heated apt., no children. THREE- Of* FOUR-berJroom house, cork INON horned bulls. Kaehler Bros., St. Char- and carpeted, bull Mitt, new furnace, ful condition inside and out. A UTO Leo R, Smith Sr., Decedent. FIRE 8. POWER CO., 54 E. 2nd. Tel, 16» E. 3ra. Tel . 2737. " ELECTRlc5" les, Minn. gas water heater, central sir condition- RAMBLE/—\ DOD <;« Order for Hearing on Petition tor Proem ROTolwofER 5065. (Across from Ihe new parking, Fenske Auto Sales W For clogged sewers and drains lot.) ing, J car garage, screened patio. 1 of will. Limiting Time to File Claim REGISTERED Hereford Telj 9509 or i '.Zi I year guarantee calves, also Business Placet for Rent 92 lot for sa'e. Tel. 6.059. 46-0 E 2nd and (or Hearing Thereon. Herelord bull, serviceable age. DHbert . Wayne Smith having filed » petition CALL SYL Kahoun, Rushford, JVUnn. Tel. 864-7403. SALES KUKOWSKI Re- ~~ £ i ? for tha probate ol the Will ol said de- PRIME DOWNTOWN LOCATION - " Christmas Specials Available now. Open Mon. & Fri. Eve. cedent and tor the appointment ol ' QUAL ITY DUROC boars, weight 273-300 tall and office space. 1963 PONTIAC Wayna Smith as Executor, which Will Ii Jerry s Plumbing Ibs Irvin Scherbrlnp, Minnesota City. We can save you money on Stirnernan-Se lover Co. Lincoln Agency, Inc. Bonneville Srd & Mankato Tel. 8-M49 on file In this Courl and open lo in- M? E. 4lh Tel. 9214 Tel . Rollingstone 689-2555. for Christmas. 52'i E. 3rd spection) that new gun Tel. 6066 or 2349 Real Estate—Insurance 4-d o or hardtop, SATIN GLIDE Ijathroom ¦ Mobile Homes, Trailers 111 IT IS ORDERED, That tha henrlng appointments SPOTTED POLAND AGENCY E.M.O. R^ncli, "Sv/ecle Mclver . owner; State of Minnesota I ss. $200 MORE " " J ohnson „ Murray. ,iuctioneer_; Gatt- County of Winona ) In Probate Court TED MAIER DRUGS wiy Credit . Inc., clerk. SLAB WOOD 1 INC No. 15.94B An imal Health center .rW-^Tel M . EACH MONTH Good dry oak slabs. Z349 m. Surplus CCC In Ri Estate ef ¦%: C^\" *w$> ee w. 4th WALZ DEC. 29-Tu es. 1:30 o. Does this BRUNKOWS SAW MILL ¦ Tel. Teres* S. J ames, also known at amount (and PP^fr 6431 Bin Auction, west ec_ge ol St. CharlM, & LUMBER YARD "* 120 Centex St. J Information con- Tracy S. James, Decedent. more ) added to Poultry, Eggs, Supplies 44 | Minn. For additlona; your pre- Trempealeau, Wis. Tel. 534-ttlrl Office. Tel. Order for Hearing on Petition for Admin, t act V/inon a ASCS County sent income interest you? 3-141. titration, Limiting Time to File Claims 'Me r ry Christmas Lewiston and for Hearing Thereon America's oldest and finest DEKALB 20 week old pullets, fully vac- Furn., Rugs, Linoleum 64 cinated, tight controlled, raised Wanted—Real Estate 102 W . Douglas James having filed herein reference work — Encyclo- on slat Holiday Specials a petition for general administration floors. Available around . SPELTZ TABLE LAMPS, S3.«; pole lamps, pedia Americana CHICK HATCHERY. Rollingstone, Minn. From All of stating that said decedent died intestate — is en- 55 95; kilchen step stools SI 1.98. BOR- Three-bedroom brick, NEED LISTINGS on farm! end water HAVING AN Tel. 8689-2311. A. and praying that W. Douglas James be tering the small town and ZYKOWSKI FURNITURE, 302 Manka- near Lincoln Scho-ol . »15,50O frontage 'ots. Qualified buyert. appointed administrator; rural market for the first to Ave. Open evenings. CORNFORTH REALTY IT 15 ORDERED, That the hearing B. A.par1me_t House. L» Crescent, Minn. Tel. 695-7104 Us to All time in its 135 year history! Wanted—Livestock 46 SU.9 S POLE LAMP IKVOO AUCTION? thereof be had on January 7, 196J, at Cenrtal location Polished brass llnlsh 10:45 o'clock A.M., before this Courl But ! . . . this will be ac- WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES The saLe of the lifetime ac- with walnut trim. C. New three-bedroom, con- FOR YOUR CI"TV PROPERTY In the probate court room In the court HOLSTEIN SPRINGING COWS and heif- complished and controlled Last minute special . . . $9.95 tempora ry good, of You. cumulation of goods is a house In the City of Winona, Mlnneiola/ ers wanted, also open and bred heif- BURKE'S, 3rd & Franklin "HANK" JEZEWSKI that the time within which creditors of exclusively , by a responsible outlying location $11,500 serious matter . You want ers. E. E. Oremelsbach, Inc.. Lewiston, CWInona ' s Only f*eal Estate Buyer ) said dacedent may tile their claims be Minn. Tel. 4161. individual already living in Good Things to Eat 65 D. Three-bedroom, fi replace, Tel. 63B8 eri 7093 P.O. Box 345 WE WILL BE your sale conducted in an limited to four months from Ihe date lamlly room, In V/lncrest . SH.W0 . Thorp hereof, and that the claims so filed be a given area, contacting our LEWISTON LIVESTOCK MARKET efficieat manner clock A real good auction market Inr vour ' Company, through heard on April 14, 1965, at 10:30 o ' national leads, etc. LARGE selection of apples $1.95 bu. and E. Good west locatlonVthree- Accessories , Tires, Parts 104i C LOSED S a 1 e s A.M., before this Court in the probate You will fee interviewed livestock. Dairy caltlo on hand all up. Christmas candy and nuts, mixed bedrooms, two ceramic their many representatives, and week, ho>9» bought ever y day. Trucks court room in the court house In the fruit baskets. Winona Potato Market, baths. Pine paneled completely trained locally. available. Sale Thu rt. Tel. 2667. FRIDAY, is ready at all times to dis- City of Winona, Minnesota, and that 118 Market. amusement room .. .. $25,652 notice hereof be given by publication This work requires no fi- cuss with you the complete of this order In the Winona Dally News nancial investment It will 2-LB. FRUIT CAKE F. Downto'A/n duplex- low down Ne lson Tire's SATURDAY, I handlin g of vour sale. and by mailed notice as provided by . Farm Implements 48 In metal container. payment- 56,500 law. require a minimum of a day Special Christmas price—59c SUNDAY Dated December I , 19M. or two each week. Your BAAABENEK'5 H. Collegeview, three-bedroom, THORP SALES CO. E. D. LIBERA, S 8. H Silage CHIpper, aood condition, 9th & Mankato rwo baths, family room, Co.) customer relations will be (Formerly Minn . Sales Probate Judge. reasonable. Oak Ridge Sales & Service, knotty pine kilchen with Bargain Center 120 Miracle Mile Off. Bldg. (Probate Court Seel) as refined and enjoyable as Charles Schell, Minneiska, Winn. Tel. Household Articles 67 bullt-lns $24,900 Brehmer and McMahon, our product. Altura 7884 . Rochester , Minn. Attorneys for Petitioner. KEEP your carpefs beautiful despite con- t. Assume Gl loan, pay down only Off. Phone—AT 2-7463 Write IMMEDIATELY See the new 12 lb model XL13. $400 on this threes GREAT B UYS ON: to stant loolsteps of a busy lamlly. Get RES. PHONES : (First Pub. Thursday, Dec, 24, 1964) HOWELITE CHAIN SAWS Blue Lustre. Rent electr ic shampooar. bedroom rambler $17,500 WALZ Mr. Myers, Americana AUTO ELECTRIC SERV ICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS $1. H. Choate & Co. *fo Passenger Tires Merle Moehnkc AT 9-3239 Corp., 7738 Morgan Avenue Ind & Johnson Tel 5453 K. Story arid a half, three bed- BU1CK-OLDSMOBILE-GMC Clark Vessey AT 9-8750 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT South , Mpls., rooms, oil heat and garage, ¦&¦ Minn. 55423, Musical Merchandise 70 900 Truck Tires Open Friday Nights No. 859, RIDGEWAY, giving a brief resume of Terrarnycin Goodview $10, Of WINONA COUNTY, ¦& Houslon, Minnesota yourself A/D Fortifie d Crumbles AFTER HOURS CALL: Tractor Tires . We Service and Stock W. L. (Wlb) Helzer 8-2181 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thnt 50-Lb. Bag Leo Koll 4581 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , - ¦¦'¦ ___M______H > :--!< ______| ,:•¦ BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR: sored Stenographic course New Model MAC 15 Light- FRANK LIU A «. SONS. 761 E. 6th MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS !¦ ~ , '¦ ¦ General. Open evenings. SERVICE : mm\WMmmmmmmaW\y ^^ ' ___HkHH^____ ^______ei^HL Mi______^He^L^L^L H ^H< PARTS «, ¦'¦¦:• ^^L^L^LHHLSHs^Bs^L^L^Hi^L^DLlBc¦¦^ ,, ¦¦ ¦ Electrical. is scheduled to start Janu- Robb Bros. i^______&i______D____D______- K'' 4H______H ' VrnlllafInrj. weight 17-inch bar . $124.95. Plumblnfl, Heating & ary 4 , 194)5, in Winona . Motorcycle) Shop 57 3 E. 4th Well Sewing Machines T3 Domestic ; Kltrhen Equipment . This will be a highly con- FEITEN IMPL. CO. Ys _____e______j______B ':'' Viking automatic ^ ' RIDS WILL HE MARKED: USED FREE ARM Trucks, Tract's, Trailers 108 centrated course. You will 113 Washington , Winona , Minn. hke npw. WINONA SEWING Bid lor a Grade Sr.hnnl portable, be a first class stenographer CO., 551 Hull SI. Tel, 9348. BIDS SHAL L BF ADDRESSED TO: ; ¦ Robert fAcNMly, Clnrk after completion of the s v .*"' ;< • ' " : , al- Wish to Extend I •- p , '«t » < Independent School District training. Specials the Store 74 We 1 957 International ;V . ' *} No. B59 FREE ' Route ?• Houston, M'niinsntn The demand for well quali- HERE'S HOPING your Christmas will To You Vi-TON PICKUP V PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CON fied stenographers is strong, KNIPCO H EATER ba as shiny and gay as the ornaments 6 ply snow tires, 6 cylinder , I k y>aa r ' . TRACT DOCUMENTS- of your Christmas tree. B & B Elec- * : tE ^^ ^^^^'^'. ''l '"mi '" M>iii*«e>^isi^^ nlar anw uli i ,;. The plans, spccllirallon s ,,nd mntrart ;ire available in Wino- tric Co., 155 E. 3rd. OUR B EST WISHES springs. Jobs was won by overloa d lociimsnt'. are on file rfl Ihe Archit ect' s na for graduates of the nfOco and may bn exnmli>rrf nl lhe nfllcr IV 1965 Console TV Sets, For a " 1 >f: course. MAURICE FENTON $169.95. No trade nneded. I W-SmMh This is a government train- 1 Only Phllco Stereo Console, W INON A UTO Architecture K Engineering Rollingstone, Minn. $159.95. Floor model. BLESSED and HAPPY -* *" | See our selection ot portable TV RAMBUR/ DODGE Auction Sale Services ing prog ram. There is no \ I Sf!fs and Phonographs r M5 Junction Street charge to the cnrollce. Thanks to .ill HOLI DAY SEASON SALE OF SURPLUS CCC BINS . Winona. Minno.snta TAKE .MONTHS TO PAY" I ' If you want to become a who participated. M : i Builders E«chapge NO MONEY DOWN ' r-i ™ ¦fr SALES Minneapolis , ap- w^Wff i^®"'*' ^>FtT*- * £ 1IJ1 Gl.'nwood Avenue- first class stenographer FIRESTONE STORE Minneapolis, Minnesota M405 ply immediately at phl ij tatif ijt. Open Mon , & Fri. Eve. I Tuesday, De cem ber 29 ¦* JO Q W. 3rd F W. Dnripe rnrpnrat lon Mm^l'»^rM»Mm:'4'^^ ¥!f '>Mi, 191 1 NIcolM Avenue Minnesota Stale FEITEN IMPL. CO. 3rd & Mankato Tel. 8-3M9 , wc:,l oduo of St . ("h;irlos, Stoves, Furnaces, Parti 75 601 Main St. Tel . 21149 v- At the St. Chnrles bin silc MliMsee-paH'., Mltmotot « Employment Service , Winona Minn. v Minncsnt ii. comniPiiciiig al. I:: > <) I'M , lnc'il tirno. In thn nchnnge 113 Washington , Fan Claire llnllilrrs r. FAMOUS ALADDIN blue flame kerosene ; of stormy wc'iHn-i' the s.i lc will he ciarcllfMl nnd .Ill's, South Fnrwell Mi eel Ifi.'l Walnut Street event, Closed Sat ., Dec. 26 heaters. No smoke, no smell, hums 35 . 'hiMluJed Inter . ^ Eau Claim. Wisconsin Winonn , Minnesota hours on 1 gallon . Also ranoei, o»< or ..-. reM. £' haiK oil hrntors Service end parl«, RANGE ¦ 5>l Pnul ntilVdnrs L¦ wood bins , 11x^4 ft , i St. Paul, Minnesota .15101 . j-/ fp^ \S>- - > 20 2J100 bushel (MpiK'ity nrtniiLiular : y j ¦ creeled mi concred' liiix'ks . Klucks snli I willi bins . TIIT.IC ;.; Rochester Plunders F or ono of vttfm C :;. 'I'he grain bins may lie iiisjicel ed mi Mniiday, nncemlier : , MS fslnwhiir n llull'flnri these new Smith Corona electric add- « Ka^^visimas \ ' en d:iy of sale, La Crosse, Wisrnnsln 5-l«M Ino «nd suhslractlna machines. Start- 5 21-., I'.H)4 , between H A.M. nnd :'. 1' M . «»' V| ing 41 low as S89. WINONA TYPE- < Harts and spoclll rnllens ami prnpnsnl ^ ¦? Each pu ri'liaser nf n bin mus* ceil ils that l>in will be WRITER SERVICE, 161 E. 3rd. Tel. of fm ms ihoiild be (itiMln.'il nl I' MS I seven slora^p ;»i:rieui tuial enmmnililics. S 330O, i usit-d for handling or ¦ II) <1eyi p.lni In hut ttntn hy rlr|>n'.illnri ;: baser may lin.iiiee providing ho 135 DO Willi w Smith. /Vnliili rtural K TKHMS : Oisli or pure TYPEWRITERS and adcllnd rnachlnes I , J*Vcrt' s to A Merry CfuistmAS... \ .' . Junction Sl.ert. pT e([tiireineril s fur lhe l- 'arin SlornRC I nqtneeriivi Services, ' ." lor sale or r'nt. Rea-,nnab|e rates, meets all eligibility i Hie drpmil will bn Wnnna, AAiiinr- .nla. dee delivery. Sen vis lor all your ot I,onn rotjram The ft il lowinp, inuvir.Hins apply: -hn snhmll r> bone the healthiest :j K acilily l' returned lo hidden v. lice supplier, deskv files or olflce 0] the jolIUst/ \' lans and ipe- lido bid end r«-linii hnth p chairs. Lund TyrHiwrlter Co. Tel. 5211. 1. Cash on day of sale for all bins mil financed by n nol later ' cllicetlom In ijond ronrtllion y and fri- r »«'*¦ Scn" CO. p*Y* hi«t"iesl prices lor »crap MAj Bto k (^ tiilily from Ins local couiuy conunittcc , a deposit of Iron, metals, hklrn, wool percent of cost ol e.ieli bin must be paid on day of - > I nch bid shrill lie ai curinianled hy bid m »W. Jnri. aW MwF J Imnil, wrtllled ihcck, r . n- .lnm» clink , cn Closed Saturdays sale, Ualance of the portion not eligible for finane inn vi nl you've c-v ' whlfli WAN TED SCR/V C IRON a MFTAL. lea't ', '/„ of Ih'- aninunl el lhe hid shall ha forfeited In tin. < >wn-r. In lhe COW HIDES, WOOL, RAW FURS. N Infoi inat ion on eligibility under Die Far m Sloraee Faei lity ij n r 1 MICHES1 PRICES PAID ¦ event the auccrnslul lndd"r. Inll ' " ''' ¦ lie olilani ed Iroim tlie local county IRON AND I\AE TAL CO. ' Loan Pr-o^iani may jjj In ' o a rnntrac . f MAW ! * 1 Wi F«OM AM. THK PKHSONNKL jy,' a.ser resides rospeet Ivo Ihe Owner crserves lhe riflhl I" '• J07 W. 2nd, across Spur Oas Station ' ; A SCS of fice where the piuvli I' ft tain the depo slls nl the linee lowest For your convenience t purchase r:, .should ivs|abli:,h tlie ir elinlUility al their local K huldei s for a peniHi not to a,feed duly, We Art New Again Op-en on Snta. [ ¦ anil time ' ci iuiity ofi'lice prior lo tht' sale The sl iit-cnioil! of eligibility i;^ five days MM eillec Ilia it air ¦ set tor thi np. nlnil nl tlia hills tin hid HIOH6ST PRICES PAID should IKI pi'esenlpil al tlie liinr Hie de posit is made , if Inr scrap Iron, melali, r«g >, hides, ^ may be withdrawn wllhoirl the tmimiril nl is to be Iniainvd hv a (arm .sltiraiT fa c ility lo-an. h forty-live row Inn and wnoll purclue.e tne Owner for a period o' ; RKMbVAl, OF I'KOrisII'IT: Mills must bn removed US) d«ys alter Ihe dale a nrl Hml i°l Sam Wcisman & Sons QUALITY | | npenlnni ef hlds (id date of sale, .-.s other airaugfl- N fni the INCORPORATED t within day. from unl«' reserves 1'ir right to re ^% The Owner <50 W. 3rd Tel. 31(47 incuts are made led any and ill hlds. anil lo *«•»• " \. tj reoularitlos and Informall'las tmrtln, ami ! ; BIDS: CoiiiiiioilMy Cred it ('iii )io! alion reserves tho ri ght 0 award CHEVROLET tn Jh» Rooms for Housekeeping 67 fnrthir reseivri Ihe rlcjht any or nil otfers. M tnnlracl lo the b"«l l"l«'i«, » lh* Q to reject "' :\ | Owner. R00M3 FOR WM N. with or without For additional information , eont.icl Wimoiia ASCS Cou nty p Pldgeway Grade Srhool hnusarteepln. pi Ivlleoes . !«l. JIBS'?. y. ' ; () . dill , Tel ,MI1 inrlepen.lrnl ichonl OHIflfl Mn »" v.-.v f| ice , l.cU'l' loil, MillDC' . |< r' oiinlyi /* Jf, Vs. ^ ^L-' v\ Rldgawny nl Wlnon» A partmonti, Flats 90 i Clerk : (lo\ eninicmt binpli >>eis: W Houilcui, iVMnnnsnla W "imllli >; /Mictioiii-er: Alv in Koluwr FJ FOURTH W ' ,17 '!, J rooms arid linlh, AcchllBCK/ral I!(i(|ln«*> li>« »»rvlc«s *. 'imn ' oil nintr htmler luml',t>«l , AvnUntile S»rrra| mr MS Jum'lnn nwM wctnm mw Jan. I. let. 3'M 5 or 606/ . Winona , Mmn»%ola BUZZ SAWYER »* Rey Cr* M ¦ ¦ '

DICK TRACY BY Chester Gould —¦ ¦« I ¦» '¦¦! _ ¦¦ "' '¦¦*"¦' ¦'¦"' ¦ 1/" ""' ' ' " " ' __* ¦¦ — -¦ M 111 HJ M' JI' J - J 1 • """ ^* ' ' ^


______¦ fl .fl ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ « ».l irt, V 11 l ' I .e..- ¦ , ¦ I i ——J— THE FLINTSTONES By Hanna-Barbera

DAN FLAGG By Don Sherwood

a__ __ ¦ ^ — — ¦ i ———¦ a ______B_aaBBHaiaMaaaaaihn4 Kt__an____ _>i^_a_ ___ri lmi^ra4___i a___»__WM M BLONDIE By Chic Young


STEVE CANYON By Mil-ton Canniff

.WL. .. »¦ M« L^s^^-m p Hi ,M ».^—P-3——__—^__ip ^______ps=X^_e___^_M_____V_BB____M_^K_J e______^ ITU f I | 1 ' W ¦ ^e«___iV_^____|l__BI|__HaeVe^>i^e1e_^^VK=W_____a______^_____HeV

APARTMENT 3G By Alex Kotiky JttBB f Invest Your Christmas Cash in a W DllOi

REX MORGAN , M. D. By Dal Curtis 7*' .' ronri Q^o^anxipm &gj m 4 market ^

Diamond climbing !! j^P^^_^^k Tlw is steadily, anrl it's expected ,! / __^______^'?SP55'*5s^ WW^^/M!MI^^k. '° r 'se evcn n 'K ne1" - ^^^^^ '''I I I «_i^_f|^ A nrtr an( ar cr are now sold yJr/sfr' />)3t *^mS ^ ^ ' 8 diamonds being wa)b the are ^ I / fy/y ^Veh result that many shapes and si /es are now scarce. Diamond owners reappraisin g their valuable M t^__H *^l stones , and notv m\.,/A $W. owners are contemplatin g the security of diamond owner- |^MMM |

ls IS TIME W1,EN HEPI TATION is mmL $f lf ak ^ T" A can IMPORTANT ! mmw ^gf tfj mmm / an s 0 select a dimon d hacker) by a family ______jMk \» ^' '^0I'R V " ____¦ ^ _^*_J______/';•• ^^Hf f'A m tradition , the pride of an established reputation . . . .since ___E_ij______i f

vs ran count

'Exerrpf from the 9t^0nds ^______K___B \ I PII / / I Mm * K KW YORK TIMKS . \ " & Uf fc ,A ^" ,h ^ r Friday, Deccmhc r 11, // " Vnrflr, ' *C3 /

r * **' e .v ,,„.,'™; ";« „, I . / • ""'" MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ern*t

"" "'' -«' ' ' " ' '' I ^_&^'?T''i__ / '"'"' w ?' '""' *¦ r, ,, " ''" » • / ,"!, / ('/ MP G^^1Z: f Q^nmgtmAp' m____ !,*

'7U l/ir Xiyti o/ (hr Street C'lnefc" ¦Cli^_^^^^5j ^2Ne^|PP*_|J2j fSi^'^