How to Merge PDF Files Adobe AcrobatPreview (Macintosh Only)SmallPDF (Online)Nitro PDFFoxyUtils Merge PDFPDFsam (PDF Split And Merge) Edited by Vivek Kumar Rohra, Nathan Wong, Master Tyler, Will and 36 others The big presentation is tomorrow, and you've got of the proposal, the architect's drawings, the engineer's report, and input from about 5 other departments, and you want to hand the board 1 file with all the information. No need to run to Kinko's and print everything out, then collate and bind. Instead, here are a few ways to accomplish this quickly, and easily.

Method 1 of 6: 1. 1

Install the full version of Adobe Acrobat. Most computers have Adobe Reader, but Acrobat was created specifically for editing and managing PDFs. Some computers come with the program pre-installed. You can use the Standard or Pro version for this method. Ad 2.

2 Click the Create PDF' button on the main toolbar. If you don't have "Create PDF" on your toolbar, go to View, then Task Buttons, then select Show All Task Buttons. 3.

3 Select Merge Files into a Single PDF. From the Create menu, choose the Merge Files... option. This will allow you to pull multiple files from your computer and merge them into one PDF. 4.

4 In the window that pops up, click "Browse." Locate the files on your computer. Once you click OK on a file, it will flow into the white box on the right. 5.

5 Order your files. Once you've pulled all the files you want to merge, use the "Remove," "Move Up," and "Move Down" buttons on the left to organize them in the correct order.

 Uncheck "Include all open PDF files" if you don't want Adobe to include a PDF file you might have open in the background. 6.

6 Click OK. Your PDFs will be organized in one file. Be sure to click "Save As..." under File and name your new PDF file.

Method 2 of 6: Preview (Macintosh Only) 1.

1 Select your documents. In the Finder, drag-select all the documents you want grouped together.

2. 2

Drag the files onto the Preview application icon. This will launch Preview, and open the files all in a single document.


3 Alternately, open one file in Preview. Launch Preview and from the Open menu, locate the file, or you can right-click (control-click) on the file and select Open With...and then Preview.

 Open the Sidebar. Click the sidebar icon at the top of the window. You should see a column open up on the left side of the window, with your PDF selected.

 Add a file. Drag the file you want to add over to the side bar, and then place it above or below the first document you added—depending on where you want it to appear.


4 Organize your pages. Once you've placed your pages into the document, you can click and drag them inside the sidebar to order them as desired.

5. 5

Save your file. On current versions of the Mac OS X (10.7), your file is auto-saved to the first document you opened. You can also save a version if you like.

Method 3 of 6: SmallPDF (Online)

1. 1 Visit Use your favorite browser to visit


2 Choose the files you want to merge. Drag-and-drop your PDF (or multiple PDF files) into the grey drop area on the site. 3.

3 Edit you files and rearrange the order. You see a of the files you dropped. In the file mode (1.) you have the option to change the order of the files and add new ones in the drop area. If you switch to the page mode (2.) you can delete single pages, rearrange them and add new pages by dropping a new PDF in the drop area. 4.

4 Merge PDF. When you are done and the upload is completed you can create the final PDF by pressing the button below the preview area. Your files will be downloaded and you can find it in the download folder of your browser.

Method 4 of 6: Nitro PDF 1.

1 Open NitroPDF. If you do not own NitroPDF, you can download the free trial here.It's free for 14 days; after that, you'll be prompted to buy a license.

2. 2

Locate the files you want to merge. Shift-click or control-click all the files you want to merge. If you move them to the same folder beforehand, this is much easier, and more organized. 3.

3 Open the files in NitroPDF. Still holding Shift down, right click (or CTRL click, for Macs) and select "Combine Files in NitroPDF." 4.

4 Organize your list. Your files should now be arranged in a list, with options to "Move Up" or "Move Down" individual files. Put them in the order you want. 5.

5 Set quality. Choose the resolution you'll need for your new PDF file. Print-ready is the highest quality, Office-ready is in the middle, and Web-ready will create the smallest file size. 6.

6 Save your file. In the "Save PDF to..." box, choose where you want your new file saved. 7.

7 Click "Create". This will open your new, combined-PDF file in NitroPDF.

Method 5 of 6: FoxyUtils Merge PDF 1. 1

Go to

2. 2 Click Browse.

3. 3

Select your files.

4. 4

Click OK.

5. 5

Reorder files if necessary.

6. 6

Click Merge.

7. 7 Click Download 7.

Method 6 of 6: PDFsam (PDF Split And Merge) 1. 1

Open PDFsam: PDFsam is a free open source and platform independent software. It can be downloaded from


2 Select the merge module by clicking on the left.


3 Add pdf documents you want to merge and make sure the order is correct. Use the button on the right if you need to set a different order or you want to add or remove documents.

4. 4 Set an output document and make sure you specify the full path.

5. 5

Click run to merge the selected documents


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 You can't merge files on the free version of Adobe PDF. Ad

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