Vienna City 17. April 2011 run vienna – enjoy classic

PRESS-RELEASE 21 December 2010

Haile Gebrselassie to run in Vienna


Haile Gebrselassie will run a unique chase race in Vienna on 17th April 2011. With great proud organisers of the Vienna City Marathon announced the signing of the world’s greatest long distance runner.

It will be Haile Gebrselassie’s first race in Europe after the Ethiopian decided to continue his career, following his original withdrawal from the sport in New York in November. “We are honoured that Haile has agreed to come to our race. Besides his legendary victories and records it is his extraordinary and charming personality, which makes him the most prominent face of our sport. Haile is the perfect ambassador of running,” said Wolfgang Konrad, the Race Director of the Vienna City Marathon.

Veranstalter: Enterprise Sport Promotion GmbH, Gußhausstrasse 21/19, 1040 Wien Pressekontakt: Andreas Maier, Tel. +43 650 350 14 88, E-Mail: [email protected]

Vienna City Marathon 17. April 2011 run vienna – enjoy classic

The Vienna City Marathon is Austria’s biggest one day sports event. In 2010 a total of 32,940 runners from 108 nations had entered the race through the picturesque capital. Online entry for the 2011 race is available at:

While the marathon is the main event there are other races staged parallel. Among them is the half marathon in which Haile Gebrselassie will compete.

Running the marathon in Vienna was no option since Haile Gebrselassie had already agreed to compete in on 27th February and additionally the budget would not have been big enough for such a signing. That is why organisers looked for alternative options. They finally created a special race just for Haile Gebrselassie, which will have the motto: ,Catch me, if you can’. The 37 year-old will not only run the half marathon but he will also chase the elite marathon runners, who will run on the same course and who will get a head start. The time difference between the two starts will be determined nearer to the event. “We were able to convince Haile of our city, our race and our plans,” said Wolfgang Konrad.

“I look forward to running in Vienna and expect this to be a thrilling race for the athletes and the spectators,” said Haile Gebrselassie, who will celebrate his 38th birthday in Vienna on the day after the event. The world marathon record holder (2:03:59 in 2008) said that he would prepare seriously and “as usual I will give my best” to put in a great performance. “It was probably our last chance to bring Haile to the Vienna City Marathon and give our spectators the opportunity to see the world’s greatest long distance runner in action,” explained Wolfgang Konrad. “Our whole organising team is really happy that we succeeded and that Haile will come to Vienna. I am sure he will get a great reception by the people of our city.”

During his unique career Haile Gebrselassie won two Olympic gold medals in the 10,000 m (1996 and 2000) and was world champion at this distance four times in a row (1993, ’95, ’97 and ’99). Additionally he was the world half marathon champion in 2001 and established 20 official plus 7 unofficial world records. The Ethiopian won 9 of his 13 marathon races so far.

28th Vienna City Marathon

17th April 2010 – A quick overview

Competitions Vienna City Marathon (42.195 km): Fascination in the world capital of music. “Haile: Catch me, if you can!” (21.0975 km) Anker Half Marathon (21.0975 km): Half the distance – the full experience. tele.ring Relay-Marathon (Teams of four runners: 16,1 km / 5,7 km / 9,1 km / 11,295 km): The largest marathon relay in the world. Coca-Cola Run 4.2: For children aged 10-18 years, 4.2 km Coca-Cola Run 1.0: For children aged 6-10 years, 1 km

Pink Ribbon Run: 2.5 km for a good cause – A Charity Run without timing for the Austrian cancer trust for Pink Ribbon on Saturday, 16th April.

Information & Online Registration on

Veranstalter: Enterprise Sport Promotion GmbH, Gußhausstrasse 21/19, 1040 Wien Pressekontakt: Andreas Maier, Tel. +43 650 350 14 88, E-Mail: [email protected]