European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Year Book 2015 Publisher and Copyright European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) aisbl Rue du Trône 62 1050, Brussels, Belgium +32 2 289 25 67, +32 2 289 26 90
[email protected] The Editors Nineta Hrastelj Majcen, PhD EuCheMS Secretary General Bruno Vilela EuCheMS Public Affairs Officer Every effort has been made in preparing this publication. Nevertheless, the authors, editor and publisher disclaim all liability for the accuracy of information, references and recommendations and for any printing errors. All rights reserved (including those of translating in other languages). No part of this book may be reproduced in any form – by photoprinting, microfilming, or any other means – nor trasmitted or translated into a machine language without written permission of the publishers. © EuCheMS aisbl Printed on acid-free, chlorine-free paper. Production: Printed in Germany ISBN 978-2-9601655-1-7 © Cover image: Syda Productions – Fotolia. All other images © EuCheMS EDITORIAL 1 Editorial Welcome to the EuCheMS Year- Federation of Chemical Societies of Africa, a new type of book for 2015, in which we tell meeting aimed at building connections between chemists you about some of the things we from around the Atlantic basin. have been doing over the year. We have run a series of Parliamentary workshops, which are As I finish my first year as Presi- detailed elsewhere in this yearbook, but these have allowed dent, I Iook back on what has us to further develop working relationships with MEPs, es- been a really exciting year for me pecially Julie Girling, Ian Duncan and Catherine Stihler.