,. Boer Fail. ' "11 Fair, Warmer Tu Answer Bell IOWA-Fair alUl "'1Ir_r I.od.a y; Fur Seven'b l\ollnd haOfTltW parUy clolllly See Slury on Pale ~ ail» a». warmer, d~mage C80e a Ciey'. Mornin, rYe •• paper l'ounty district court --= : '0. aveI'd ict tor fiVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDA y, MAY 24. 1941 The VOLUME XLI NUMB~R 2 :; ~ menl of ~ IOO fu r da mages I'e.m IlIng {rom lin auto­ coll ision, Juiy 26, 1940, Was lhe piainurt. Evans handed the case Ir, a t 9:30 a,m, and the va,. returned

Violence Marks Fourtee~l Miners Killed ill Coal New Onslaught Com,pany Blast Inaugural Ceremonies Begin at 2 o'Clock

BICKNELL, Ind., May 23 (Ai» ByGerma 8 f1 - The Bicknell Coal company's Knox Appeals *** *** *** Colorful Academi(· Pa autry English Claim Complete Panhandle mi,ne, two miles south­ west of here, gave up the black­ For Immediate Will Highlight Day' Ev(~nt. Destruction of Large ened bodies of 14 mIners today, Nazi Troop Convoy victims of a terrific explosion that German Defeat d"opped them in their tracks 325 Henry C. Shull WiD Deliver Formallnductioll 111 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS [cet underground, Charge; Harry G. Dames to Act The British claimed at least Ii Seventeen other miners work- Control of High SellS Master of Ceremonies tiJOl1It!ntary edge in Crete last tng on the same levei, but 2,500 or Needed for Secnrity, night in a battle of still rising more feet from the center of last By JEAN DA VI • Por full infottnttiea ... Says Navy Secretary PRBS IIlultral.d 10·"... violence whel'e wOI'ships and dlVl' night's blast, struggled through Dally Iowan Campu Editor bookJ..t " 0 nC .rio W,I. ('0101'­ I'OmuYou", ,.,ith OIidil bombers (oughl out their bittel' dust and debris to safety. They WASHINGTON, May 23 (APl-· Inauguratioll day at the University of Iowa- and in Road M.p. wnl. to ful academic pageantry outlined against traditional ld Gold Onurio TrIWel at: Publ­ rivalry and desperate men strug· walked two and a half miles In a fervcnt appeal tor stronger city Bureau. 000 PuJit. ~ed mea&ures to de f eat Germany. and Black, Iowa-born. Iowa-educated, Virgil M. Hancher will mmt Build;",., T~ toe to toe upon the island's through side passages to avoid gas- OntarIo, Cta.d• . northern coast, tilled corridors. Secretary 01 the Navy Knox de­ be formally inducted into t he presidency of Iowa'/! Hta tp uni­ The allied ground furces, '!lngag- As the bureau of mines and state clared today: "This is a fight 101' versity, inc the Germans in hand t,u hand inspectors opened an investigation, control of the high seas, and God The 44-year·old president. who returned to his alma Ill'lt ('1' combat that seemed likely to add wives and mothers prepared to­ Mlp us If we don't bear our share as chief executive last Nov, 1, and who received two oPj{recK I new legend to the history of night to bury the dead, Whut in that fight (or the control of the from the University of Iowa, has turned to the field of euu­ war, recaptured Crete's middle caused the explosion may never sea and against human slavery." cation after success in the legal profession, Following up his recent denun­ alta, the British command an- be known: Ceremony At. 2 0 ' lock ciation of the neutrality act as :1 fl9Unced Crom Cairo, and the The formal induction charge at this afternoon's il1lHl)I'ltl'al For Thuse British navy was declared to have terrific blufldel', Knox told the ceremonies, to begin at 2 o'clock in the fieldhouse, w!ll he back every German at- Society 01 Naval Architects and tempt to di:ocmbark troops from Asks Use Of Marine Engineers that ' lf toe na­ • • • • • • • • •• delivered by Hent·y '. Shull the sea to support the aerial in- tion is to keep its sell-respect It of Sioux City, PI', idcnt of must "recapture a principle for Three Famous the tate board of educatiuJI. Force in Strike which we.lought twice, the prin­ last night of one assault Hundreds ot prominent cd~l .. a- ciple of the freedom of the seas." B huge German convoy-this tors are on the campus to partiCI­ ",lurll.lrnJar one was on We",r,esday Ncar the l1aval secretary as he Educators Will naval oWcers said If Necessary spoke sat Lord Halihlx, the BritiSh pate in the ceremonle,. S!'lIior tn\h'e line of shi~s wa des­ ambassador. Halifax did not make Open Pro!(ram students in the claSl of 1941 , mrlll­ troyed or dispersed; that tho'J­ an add,'css, but received a rising bel'S or lh unl" rslty faculty and sat)d~ ot German soldiers were Rear Admiral u-nd ovatioh' as he was escorted into btatt, nnd ~cores ot ufCidal d ,1(,­ VALUES· •• Ulroivn scre~ mlng into the wate l Testifies Before the MayClower hotel b(tnquet hall to die, and that of all nazi de­ by Rei/I' Admiral Emory S. Land, Aydelotte, Embree, gates and replesentative woll taehments headed fOI' Crete not Senate Conun.it~~ chalr\Tl.cn the tIluullUntl ,'UII ­ "ders both at Candia li nd Retimo Land told the committee that "successfully nchieve world domi­ dent Lee p , Sieg, rormer Iowan vocation. Iud to have been brought down Ule dispute was an "outlaw" strike nation without II cumbination of to a Ilait only In the area o[ Md­ in which t,700 machinists had those powers, and at the base, sca now of th - University o[ Wash­ The nution»1 hymn, "Anwllw" lern l airdl'ome - just below the ltoppcd the work of 17,000 per­ power." Ington, Scatlle, rep"escnting state will be sung, and Prof. M Willurd universities, ' Lampe, director of the school or Crete capital 01 Canea - by thr ;ons and had tied up $500,000,000 On the other hand, he said, the sudden descent from thc skies of )t merchant shipbuilding and na­ world could not achieve peace un­ lOWJ\' NEW PRESIDENT SPEAK. 'EdllcaUoll ror Future' religion, wlll preent th(' invoca­ fresh nazi shock troop-. The al­ ~a l orders, til America was "prcpared to put The conf[ rence will follow the tion, lied assaUlt, re-formed witb tank. "1 believe there is justillcation," behind our devotion to peace the theme o[ "Education tOl' the FU­ At the conclusion or th!' in­ and field guns, was then renewed. he said, "for every possible steP power that we SII Hl 'lot demanded posseSSIon ot the are 280 oCficial deiega tes "nd I'ep- was a facuity member in the will conclude this ~ftcrnoon' ~ pro­ \\fa hable. Pyroxylln rrench fleet, colonial cOl')cessions I _____ I'escntatives. Ohio Wulf'Y&.1I Unlvcrlllt) (IX _:}, lip. '1'IIIHnll'''11i physics depllrtment betwten 1920 gram. F hi · bert John ..QUrrltlff:hler. Alii .. II J~ .. r r 1 lA I Wheeler Joins \I' a ren~ dec sratlon of wal' FO~T STORY, Va., May 23 The complete list of delegate~ Theolojlloa l So,"llI~ry or lho 1>1>11001,.1 "'H,.~"n ,,, -•• I .•• ), Rn ""I' and 1924. lie has also served on From the fieldhousl', tloe cene OlLM'R"~ tion, has specialized in study of tors, students, faculty, St.11( and . . d lth G b t t t' C h d ,MacMlfrray Co lleare for W('lllflU fl 8 l ft). ItIIX'Tl Co l1 f"tf' (13:;1), ./\1'(,), L . )lac· 3.19 Ntw YORK, May 23 (AP)­ Je mg ma e w erma ny, u Closely luarded (or months, the resen II lves 0 t e stu en t body, ~" ., Mary R , Parker. n"wall. (See CONF~ENCE , Page 3) friends. Charles A.. Llndbel'gh and Selllltol leclared they presented a choice new devk-e was given its first arc listed here. Dates listed are Moun, UIlI .. " Colle ... Cl8.01 , WIII,er Unlve,,",' or MI"""".I,, CI8~I) . G UY J . l ' coaled, Bllrton K, Wheeler joIned tonigh' >etween life and death and the beach test here, aiming shells from those of the lounding of the in- UniverHlt)'e' er" ut Hurlu10 (UU), h arlu ~lanlu"','un, ColI"tit!:rQrd (I U). c.arence Edwin canvas, 'rweed' D. call lOI""ad quate leadel'ship' French government had chosen a 37 mm gun at a 40-mile-an-houl', stit uti on~ represented. A . Win'". f'ou.'"o, life. radio-controUed boal zig-zagging H lt-r vunJ Cnivt"fllily (111:1") . II f' nry tJlI · C",ltege (If ~h" Cll y ur New Yul'k \Yf't'ltnlhllfll' r (IHleg,. (18:'::) . John A . b I' 0 W n; contrasUPJ keep the nallon out or th Euro· IlInn, (1847). Jl el'ln!rL O. Lyl... Md:aoch. An Unusual Situation: Four n war. In brief se nten~-es suitable to in Chesapeake bay almost a mile Val" nIYN.I,,' (17011, "'UI' Bnoll "-u, I .. wro.c. College or W'''·o".'" 11 8471 . IInt,'enlt y .. r nUbUf,U_ It r.t), Dalo '. the quarter-deck, he stated: Crom shore. ohOO'e, lJcr~.rl ~v. Bohl""n. 1) W.,ell With the declaration Ihat Ameri UIIIVfil'1111y ..~ l· t~nll!4Yh: l'l.hl flHlll. O tterbein CulluJe 1 18 47) . W If C"l1lral l'ulll"t;fI: fI i.:n. H enry ,-VII1I8..tT'I could be the " (rongest anc "The chancellor (l;litler) did All that can be said of the new ~'rK III ( t), lIonwk. Cooyer. I' lotelll.ol, Iowa Presidents Are LiviD(1 I inlluenlia\" counlr'y In thr not ask me to hand over our fleet control is that it reduces the hu- P"vo l"n ' ·nlv",.IIY 111111" "'1hll' nookr"ru 'ull e¥e (U lll, MII~r ..1 ¥·r.· I'ornell ,'"II'". CI'~lI. J"IIII lIenJall"1I Puc. bu rs Berry. Mallf'e. t orld, Lindbergh asserted lh ol lo hi m. man element, and consequently W." h ITlgll1l1 alllJ 1.1'(1) lInh'(,III\ty {1TUl, Muhle nberg CQ ll el'eI (I, 4IJI. llut.lolr MOnll'Hlllh ''''ulh·gfll (USl)' J8f11f!18 Unique in the a nnals o( edueD- .duties as dean and profEssor of , e lack only 11 leudcl'ship tha "Everyune \j.now&-und .the Enr- cuts the chance for error to a Anu row II. Wo/),I.. I [(o'ler. lI a!!)"r I)'·"'r., , COhllll l,l!L Unlve, "IIY fln~) IlIulI'I'I II ,,- HlrR..tn Col lege (I8(tO). RJ f"1I ur,1 t;I,IK'I'n', ' nlv(' r61Iy o t fllorltls. II .,:n. A,lI eu ,.- uonal institutions is this 'situation the locat college Of commercE'. ces America first, Q Icadcl'sh h Ush better than anyone-that J minimum and that it is an im- II II I ,lone. ' McEvoy. . 0'1'." . • ~ , . at does lor 130 mUll on pcopl' .vIII never hand It over, provement of the directors, really BruwlI Un lv.rolly (175') . L. Chari.. Un' v... 'l y or Ml chlorRn ( 1811) , Hay C. _ "'OIl .. " rollc~" (18.31, Barbar .. at the University o( Iowa: The P resident-elEct JS Presi- 'Th h II -.) IlHlron l . CO Utl8, I Eal e hbn h fl ak"'", dent Virgil M. H ancher, who will ,hat Washinlton dId tor U8 wher METAL , e c ance or aid not ask me lIihtnlni calculators, that have !lUl~ ." U""'.r. "y (11';"1, "'O ,g. WII _ Indiana Unlvero"y II :ftl, 11"""." 11 I w •• h.ln.,QII Unlverally (18.31. JO •• Db Th!l'e are living today 0 presl- be ina ugurated this afterroon. Were only threc million peopl~ [or any ~'Olonitll territory. He did given the army such faith 1n the I.rll Marllll . Well, 0\ , MeCluln ,lr • k d I ba I ffi ' h Otlrlmoulh ,'ol1t' J{f'l 117(9), .\Vf!' I Y 1-";1 - Am'hent Cu ll c.,o (1 ~ I l. BCIIJamJn W e" llUh\ ~ 'f' r "Cul1(!18 (1353). Olll, )I. dent emeritus, a former presi­ leadership that tells what I' • • • E no. ati I\)e to ec are war on 8 c e cleney of t eir anti-lIir- doru. (A,",I .. " . I'ranklln KaulCn.on W,'I.,. dent, a fomer aeUnl-president Olher presidents or. th<: unlvrr­ En,llInd. craft batteries. "ilfl1verelty or PlIt l! l)ul'vh (1UT). Ru- (J eorg(1 W klf h ln'l~n tlh en,lIy (I :1). . Crnlral (,,()11t~.'a fljUi~), Victor Brewe-r ellt:; and mean whAt it ays," and a PTl!8ident-etect of the uni­ "w, I h ter.ull Culleae Hel1ry Ma.ulli. a nd A ll pllrd Sclen ',. (t .. r.). Ralph C. President Emeritus Walter A, Nathan R. Leon;lrd (acling PIC~­ Blu b 9 k e d- 'thla situation came about, It It alone lIIalDit no matter what rectors transmitting firing com- (1780) . Willi.", I. " "hi . 11I1"ul. CoIIOi" CI8 U), Ray Her n"," II U.' Ok" · I' I I 8<1 H Jessup, who prEsided here from IIti tall ti Iv 1 th f t ~' I 'a nkll" Uld M."hllll Cull Age 117 1), Bracewell. I.. C ''''Col' n Y", Iy CI • I, .r· ident), 1867-1868; J a mes Black, , n It 111 1 finish , and. an explanation of what cOl on. PU ons con nuous...." 8 e Be J Olfe l)h ~1 ~ Newj(urd. Den illun UnlverallY ( .18 31), Jamea bert McComb ..nool' e. , 1916 to 1934, Is now p.resident of 1868-1870. "At no moment In the conver- lhit a battery of the Hth coast William . Co ll eB' (193), Henry H. HOUti lon MoO.n"oll, . Uoo.r lowo n,v .... ,ly (I8U). Vlvl .. 26x8x 15 inches, at the elecllons last N')­ the Carnel(ie Foondation for Ihe Nathan R. Leonard (actirg It demands an account­ satton. was there all)' question of artillery reliment here PUt two Ha,,,llI on , . W • • 'enn Unl . . ..lly (l 8~I) , ~omu. , rhulll •• Slll lth . ~lIer, Marlel t8 t'?Q llpge ( 17 81), ('''arlell )fur- Nowell Sleven ' Iowa StAle Colle Ke (lU ), Chltle. BI. Advancement of Teaching in ~"'esldent) , 1870-1871 ; Georgc =iii! from a government that has Franee abandonllll In 1111 way holes in the tarlet boat In the old McClOy. ' 1'I.w Y.ork Un've,.',y (1 83 1) , JOleph ~-r~I'.Yil I C II (18G8) fll )I) ' I New York. Thacher, 1871-1877: Christian ... .. to war whlle il promised her IOverelanty, . first 111 rounds of firlni, J a~~~ U"IYUI'.", !l80q, lI . r"",,, O. J . ,~i~":.~Y ' Colle.. e (1831), Wil liam 1:". DI:r~ •.O d "e.o , mer.r 0 P'ormEr President Eugene A. W. Siagle (president pm tem­ -1IIIce." "France freely II ehOOlllll the H,,,,"'ull CO II "Jo IIU Z), 8.~II\Ou , ' SIlI I'I.y, Wh It", U II COllo,," (UU), Ed ..... r4 Gilmore, {93~-39, is at present on pore), 1877-1878; Josi/lh L. Pick­ road she II takllll, BrUl1Ia 80m) BoIIletne )r.ltl.nd PI 'cher. Havertor4 CO li .... (1831) , wtlliam 1". FII •• ~"80n , ~Ior Wlueler, Montana .. - her :.. L.o rB-1I o ll('gC ( I :J~). J"I11" j! .1 . OO I H' ~ Me ntrert AU&UlltaIUI. u lle ge. and Theolollc.al the law faculty at the Un Iverslty ard, 1878-1887; Charles A, Schae[­ It, dellllNlded that Presi­ "On her dapen... present LONDON (AP)-Bridsh bomb- hue, Oberll~ Coll e.. . (113 3). Ir. J.~ lin",. Seminary (18!O) , ';o"r"d .a.'aen401l. of Pittsburlh, fer, 1887-1898; Amo N. Curriel and her future, ers roared over the Dover straits UnlvenOly 0' .\II ..o url (I 3U) , 'EO", ... ,d Ion "A"ber Co ll cRe Cl86Il, O. J . li, Preu •. , I ftooaevelt "rid him elf of Former actlor Prealdent Ches­ "S". will '-·ve the pI8ee in the early today to blast Bouto.ne, oc- wtl.o ll Chi ' lIu pn unl •• ,·. lIy ve D. '""". (IU3) , J"hn North (".n'rlll ". '1 '80 C1861). gd .... ,d (neUng president), 1898- 1899 ; War mallen lhal surround n. lUI ... I OWA Weilleyan Collc.-e (1 Ul, Stanley II HopklJ1 a EvereU llall. ter A, PhlWps, who tEmporarIly George E. McUran, 1899-1911; ... who refuse to undersland orlanlzation of Europe which 'he cupled France, in an attack cleal'- D, Nile., 'Tulane U~'Y.nIlY 0' ....,,1f1 ..n. (l 3' ) , Slm p.olI olle.o (116)), ~·r ...c1. I. 11lled the vacancy left by Pres­ III d t h If" Iv !sIb! f th K t.lsh Miry Bu ,ll"'n Co lI 'M. (tSH), )lra Marlon V, Smith, MOIl," John G, Bowman, 19U- 19 14 , aocl , -. or the people," W have IRII e or erae , y v e rom e en shore, 1\.. " ,11 "'. O•• rh"ll. \"beatuu C.Uo,. (1811), BlanQbt ! (See DELEGATES, Pale 3) ident Gilmore, haa resumed hl$ Thomas H. Macbride, 1914-1918 THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDA Y, MAY 24, i9(2 PAGETWO / ' Battle :of. I?r;oduction Is 'Won-- OFFICIAL DAilY BULLETIN .------• THE DAILY IOWAN Publlllhed every morning exeept Monday • PIClying Second Fiddle by Student PublicatioDl Incorporated at To the Jungle Snakes­ 126.130 Iowa avenue, Iowa Oity, IOWL CUO ON YOUR RADIO DIAL BY RobBIN COONS HOLLYWOOD-This iJl the tale UNIVERSITY CALE'NDAR Board of Trutte61: Frank L. Mott, 0& of the flappy Herpetologist who I ~ I K. Patton, A. Orai8 Baird. Kirk H. Porter, TOMORROW'S PROGRAM Mond"y, May 25 Monday. June 1 , became by accident a movie star Deming Smith, Ted Welch, Jamea Kent, 7:30 p,m.-Engineering lecture 9 a.m.-Second hydraulics COlI· I, -and remained,1irst and foremost, I Glenn Horton, Frank Burge. by Dr. Phillips Thomas on "Dem­ ference, sponsored by Iowa Insti· 8- Morning Chapel a Happy Herpetologist. onstration of Recent Scientific tute of Hydraul1e nesearch, ~natl • No Other System Can t:4ow Match Fred M. Pownall, Publisher 8:15-Musical Miniatures Mr. James Dannaldson, 27. a big Developments," auditorium, Elec­ 8:30--News, The Dally Iowan chamber, Old Capitol. America's Industrial Avalanche- John J. Greer, Busineaa Manager strapping fellow with a grin on trical engineering building. 8:45- Keep 'Em Eatinl1 8 p.m.-Universit;r pIa)" Uoiver Tuesday, June 2 Loren L. Hickerson, lilditor his lips and !\ gleam 1n his eye, \VA HT G'J'ON-'1'he battle of production 8:55-Service Reports is like no movie ~ctor I've e'ver sity theater. 9 a.m,-Second hydraulics con·· has been )von. Entered 'IS IiIcond cla88 mail matter at the 9-Salon Music ' met. That's why r like to think Tuesday, May 26 ference, senate chamber, Old Cap. pOIItoffice at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act 9:I5-The Woman Next Door of him as the Happy Herpetologist, 6:30 p,m.-University club Sun' Americlln industry went 0\'\'1' the top in set supper (formal), UniversitJ itol. of aongreaa of Karch 2, 1879. 9:3Q-Music Magic though strictly speaking the Wednesday, June 3 Ap.ril, out or the preparatory orllarizin~ 9:50-Program Calendar gleam in his eye Is tor a Jl tOI'ms of club rooms, Iowa Union. 8 p.m.-University play, Uni­ 9 a.m,-Second hydraulics con· phase, 8ml into the great Amel'ic/lu stride of . BubicriptiOD rates-By mail, .6 per year; 10-It Happened Last Week animal life a,nd shines just as by earrier, 15 centl weekly, $5 per year. 10 :15-Yesterday's Musical Fa- brightly over a beetle as for a verSity theater. ference, senate chamber, Old Cap. mils!! proQlH)tion \\:hich no one can equal 8n~" The Al80Ciated Prell is exclusively entitled vorites snake. Saturday, May 30 itol. where. From floW on the production line on 10:30-The Bookshelf MEMORIAL DAY Thursday, June 4 to use for republication of allnews dispatehea • • • 6:30 p.m,-Triangle club annual 9 a.m.-Second hydraulics con· our charts will go nl'81'1y straigbt up. credited to it or not otherwise eredited in thill I I-Waltz Time It is a strictly scientific gleam, ll:I5-Travel Radio Service banquet, Triangte club rooms, ference, senate chamber, Old Cap. We rl'8ched tbe producing rijte of.$40,000,. paper and also the Ioow news published and has been there for years, Mr. Il:30-Southern Airs Dannaldson, Omaha-born, came to Iowa Union, itoL 000,000 a ycar in April. It wiU be up an01her herein. I I :50-Farm Flashes Los Angeles when he was seven, (For IJItonna~loD relardln, dates beyond thIs IIChedllle .... 25 per cent to $50,000,000,000 i~ Jnne and TELEPHONES 12-Rhythm Rambles later attended University of South_ I 12:30-You Can't Do Business Wythe Williams, noted news reservations In the office ot the PresldeDt. Old Capitol.) $70.000,000,000 - nearly double April - be. Editorial Office ••• , ...... 4192 analyst and foreign correspon­ ern California \Vh re his 194 With HiUer dent, famed for the startling' ac. pounds ' were lent to track and fore the end of the year. Bocfet7 BditOr ...... 4198 12 :45-Views and Interviews field sports but his mind to science. GENERAL NOTICES BuBinell Offioe . : .... : ...... 4191 curacy of hts predictions over As war producer Donald ~elson told a I-Musical Chats fie wound up as curator of the Mutual in 1940 and 1941, returns MUSIC ROOM SCHEDULE Saturday, July 25. The class tor SUNDAY, 24, 1942 2-Greek Drama Review snake museum. friend the other day, the. nl'Otamorpho. is ()f MAy 3-Adventures in Story land to the network. for regular Sun· day (5 to 5:15 p.m. ) newscasts. Al­ When he read in the paper that SundaY', May 24-4 to 6 p.m" 7 Children from tirst through sixth that. great economic gi811t called A mericnn in· 3:15-Melody Time Clyde Ell iott, the film· explorer, to 9 pm.. grade will meet on Tuesday and 3:30-A Better World For Youth most one year before Pearl Harbor, dnstry was as ya t find yiolent /IS the clHmge Williams predicted a sudden attack was taking a crew to the Amazon Thursday afternoons from ont • Health, Welfare Legislation 3:45-You Never Know jungles, young James (visions of 8ADMINTON wl)ich took pla ce in th,e oil anel RutO industri~s by Japan. until three, and on Saturday 4- Elementary Spanish dancing beetles and giant croco­ Any student or faculty member in 1914·15 when Henry Ford discoveI'cd thc Widespread in This Emergency- 4:30-Tea Time Melodies diles no doubt making him dizzy mornings from nine until eleven. * * * with delight) applied for a job. who wishes to play badminton 01' conveyol' belt and started turning Ollt modI' I Emergency heultll and welfare legislation, 5-Children's Hour The class for junior and senior 5:30-Musical Moods "1 had hoped to go in some tech- table tennis may do so any ar­ high school students will meet '1' '1'1 like 11118 of corn. including statutes on def(>n~e housing and 5:45-News. Tbe Dally Iowan nlcal capacity," says the academic !.erlloon eJCcept Saturday and Sun· Monday, Wednesday and i'rldsy Grcat a~ our peacctime prodt~tion Rta nd· venereRI disease und prostitntiol1 control, hil S 6-Dinner Hour Music James, "but they gave me a screen day from 4 to 5:30 at the women's afternoons {rom 1 until 4 o'clock, al'd WfiS before we entered upon defense, the been enacted thus far this yeur by 11 of th 7-United States in thc 20th test which turned out not so badly gymnasium, With the exception of expansion which ha~ been piled on top of it Century, Prof. H. J. Thornton as I tenred it WOUld. They made Jane Seavey, art instructor in the 14 state legislatnl'cs meoting in r eg-ulm· 01' me an actor." badminton birds, all equipment is DOW is great er still. 7:45-Evening Musicale university schools, will be th~ !urni s he~. , special sessions, the ouneil of St ute Gov!'rn· B-Cooversation at Eight This, of course, is scientific BEJtNICE COOPER teacher. The tuition is six dollars. .. 8 : 30-St~ry · of a Hymn Practically I'very phase-airplanes, tonk mcnts reports, modesty. James Dannaldson is Enrollment cards should be se· 8:45-News. The Dally Iowan the star of "Killers of the Amazon," Women's Physical Education and guns - is ahead of thol>e stupendous cured at the elementary school FoUl' states - Illinois, New York, S01,th He plays the American hunter who office. schedules which l\f r. Roosevelt laid hefore RECREATIONAL SWIMMING Carolina and Virginia-authorit!:'d establish· THIS AFTERNOON trails the bJack caiman '(CI'OCO­ All women, staff. students, grad­ EDNA PATZIG congress at the outset of our defense effort, ment of special I'mergency health and sanita· NBC·Red dUe), the anaconda, the gia~t ant· uate students, wives of graduate Department of Art. schednles thllt many doubted could bat. wno (1040); WMAQ (~10) eater, the jaguar, and othel' quaint students and administrative stair UniversIty Schools tained. tion areas and gave the state defen, e council and lovable critters of the Ama­ may swim in the women's pool PAN-AMfiRIC~N CLUB 'llh'c I'C/I, on wO are ahead is the ame one or department of health authority to make 2-Music For Neighbors, H. Leo­ zonian wilds. The animals, of daily <\ to 5 p.m., Saturday morning pold Spitalny. course, are the fell I stars, Young 10 to 12 and Tuesday and Thursday Pan-American club will have I whieh is now he!;inning to show itself on the and enforce rules and regnlations within the picnic Sunday evening, May 31. fighting front - superior American ingt'lj' 2:30-3:30-The Army Hour James, recognizing the fact, al­ 7 :30 to 9 p.m. Students should pre­ areas, according to the Conncil's report, based 3:30- Listen, America- John B, lows that movie-acting is not so sent their identification cards. All AU membel's should notify Mary uity. New techniquE's were discovered. Mercer or Florence Leaf by Friday on a prcliminary sl1l'vey of state \VOl' Jegi~. Kennedy bad "as long as thCJ'e are animals others pay a $1.50 fee and a $1 Sobednle fOI' a wcst coast plane fajltory, for 4-Post Of The Pacific Bea WaIn to cover you up," noon, May 29. The group will metl lation. deposit for padlock at the business on the steps of Old Capitol and in~tnnec, was 50 planes a mont.!-l. 'rhe factory 4:30--Plays For Americans- A Sunday songbird is Bell. Wain, The troupe settled on Marajo office. is today tUl'Iling out 150 planes a montb. • • • Arch Oboler above. Her voice is heard on the island, in the mouth of the Ama­ will leave at 5 p,m. PROF. MARJORIE CAMP FLORENCE LEAF When the production line was E't up thero, The Winois law applies to I'l/I'a~ at·r(1.~ 5-Catholic Hour "l\lanhaUan Merry • Go - Rouna" zon, an equatorial spot, (or its WOlDen's Physical Education both industry and labol' began finding day only-mul1icipalities Ca1~ be inc//(drd at 5:30-The Great Gildersleeve program over tbe NBC Red net. daJlyings with the caiman. This, Acting PresldeDL after day ne \' ways to speed it ~lP IIntil they fheil' own request, howevel'-'a1ld Cm1 be 6-The Jell-O Show work at 8 tonigbt. the Happy Herpetologist relates, CO-ltECRE~T1(}NAL t l'ehled it. inlJoked by the state health depal'tment to 6:30-Fitch Bandwagon is the most treacherous and dan· SWIMMINL J * * * .~(£fegttat·d aI'cas bOl'dm'il1g at'my ealltp.~ 7-Chase and Sanborn Program I :30-Will Osborne's Orcbestra gerous of crocodiles, from 8 to 17 Co-recreational swilTlmml!; will • • • -Edgar Bergen feet long, with 5-inch teeth and be offered tit women's pooi for the and defense indusl1·;es. Undel' Ihe bill tilt 11 :55-News Mass production never remains. taUc. ;:;01all 7:30-0ne Man's Family meanly playful habits. summer session, Tuesday and II ['ms production is anywhcre from 25 per stat,e health depal'tm ent con set up bO(f1'l?s 8- Manhattan Merry-Go-Round • • • Thursday evenings, 7:30-9. Women, rent up ohelld of its bluepl'ints, bee,\llse of of health in the (tl'eas and l)I'w:' I'ibe tlteil' 8:30-American Album Of Fa- CBS The troupe ran out of SIJ Pplies staff, students, wives of faculty technical advancements. ]n shell. pl'odW!tion, powel's 1111d (blties . miliar Music WMT (600); WBBM (780) on Maralo, and Charlie Ford, tlje I and g.t'aduate students, and admin­ WIIS 9-Hour Of Charm producer, went to the l·cscue. Mr. Istl'alive sIn£[ may bnng their hu s- • Making Corn Pay it, di~covel'ed steel conld bc , ubstihlted • • • 2-Columbia Broadcasting Sym- 9:30-The Jergens J~ urnal with for bras~ (copper) on shells of less than I). Venereal cli~eas e anel prostitntion control phony Ford had quite an epic voyage bands, Without a Still- i~ch. calibl'<', a.nd $iM~ tl~en this liue ~11!l been act were adopted by Arizona. Kcnhleky. WalJ.er Winchell I ;,., I himself during a tropical storm Each individual pays a $2.50 3:30-The Pause That Refreshe.s but he hadn't a camera along. It fee at the business office, $1 will NE"BY GERORGBE 817.7.lIng. . l\Uchigal1, :liississippi and South Corolina. ~:45-The Park ~r Family TkU~KER 100News 4-Prudential Family Hour was Mr. Ford who told me such be refunded when padlock for .. W YO K-:- ac 111 the pro· Under Arizona's new law, enacted to further Airplanes hllve tllJ'ell llUsatisfactor)' fllc· 10 :I5-Cesar Saerchinger-Story 4:45-William Shirer-News items as the natives' fondness fpr locl'er is returned. I hlblh~n day~ If anybody asked tory spots, mentioned in this <)olumn pl'C\'· joint action by civil and military authorities 5-Ed Murrow Broadcasting _ t . t a hou eh ld JI1ARJORIE CAMP you If you d have some corn Behind The Headlines b oa cons riC ors s so . 'd "Th k .. d iOIl~ly but. all others are now ahelld. Diffi· in cal'J'ying ont health and morals campaigns, 10:30-Three Sheets To The From London guardians against rodents and Women's Physical EducalioJl you dsal I an h t~OU, k~~" failUl'e to a~atc health and mOl'l\ls mennc('s 5:15-Thl;! Moylan Sisters , . . ' passe your g ass. T n s one I,,,, culty now is the, npply jl~ processed maiCl'ials Wind of young James near fll~J3h when Ph.D. READING TEST of corn. Then there's the kind ot constitntcs a misdemeanor. l1-War News-Alex Dreir 5:3Q-Young Peoples Church of like alllminulI'l castings ancl forgings. How the Air an anconda read the ~crlP t wrong The Ph.D, reading test ill Ger- corn that grows in Iowa and higb prod notion will go, will apparently de· Penalties for comiction of prostitution 11:05-Francis Craig's Serenade and nearly choked him to death. mall will be given at <\ p.m. Thurs- makes the little pigs fat. That's 11 :30-Teddy Powell's Log eabin ~Modern Moods pend on how this !!hOl·tage is worked out. were increased by the South Carolina, Ken. 6:15-Charro Gil Trio Young James got hiS nose badly day afternoon, May 28 in room another kind of corn. But 011 Farms Orchestra slashed when a~ obstreperous 104, Schaeffer haJJ. Candidates are Broadway we have an entirely Among the aviation factories which hllve tucky, and Mississippi lel;islatures. SOllth 11:55 to 12-News 6:30-Spirit of '42 done an ontstanding- job al'e the COI1~oli. Carolina's new pc'nRlties I'ange from fine of 7-World News Tonight cam:an sent a native and the na- requested to bring dictionaries. different kind of corn, Sometimes dated four·motor bo~b!lr plant on the Pacific 7:30-Crime Doctor ti~e s bamboo pol~ flYIng: a,:d l"RED L. FEHLING it's spelled korn. It it's just ordi· $100 and, 01' 30 days iu jail for the first of· 81ue y ung Jame?-evel the sCientist nary corn, meaning lousy. it's no coast and tl1(\ Ourti. s·W right plant in lIppt'r fense to fine of $1,000 and from six months KSO (1460): WENR (890) 7:5Q-Elmer Davis, News B-Fred Allen -doctored himself so that he n~w ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS good. But if it's real korn, if it's New Yol'l{ state. ' to three years in prison fpr the thirp oFfpnse. 9-Take It Or Leave It bears the mel'est of scars. Toe Dr. Phillips Thomas, research so corny it hurts brother that's Sper~'y gyro, cope i getting It pl'ivate pat Com'iction of prostitution in Kentucky now 2-Wake Up, America choklng anaco.nda was ,hIS closest engineer, Westinghouse ElectriC korn. " 3- National 9:3Q-They Live Forever from heajiql1artel's hel'l' for whut it hilS clon!:' can hring a maximum fine of $200 and a year Vespers 10-01d Fashioned Revival Hour ca~, but his biggest tht'lll-well: and Manufacturing company, East That's why I want you to mett in instruments, and ational Cash Register in jail. 3:30-This Is The Truth One evening on the boat a Pittsburgb, Pa., will present "A the Korn KobbJers. Are they 4-Matty Malneck's Ambassador ll-Keep 'Em Rolling has distinguished itself ill fire control eqnip· Mississippi '8 prostitution eontml program 11:30-Neil Bondshu's Band I ~warm oC beetles descended-and Demonstration of Recent ScientifiC corny? Yes, brother. Their ide! East Hotel Pump Room Orchestra In fOllr hours 1 ~?lJected 1,500 Developments" at a joint meeting of a sweet zephYI' is a curdled ment (shooting stuff), also calls for It detention farm for women in · 4:30-Musical Steelmakers 12-Press News Chrysler has clistinguisllCd itself greatly in fected with venereal disease. Michigan en· different specimens.. of the Iowa section of the Ameri- cow horn of the 1890 variely, 5-Sweet And Low, Mark Ken- The Happy. Herpetologist beams can Institute of Electrical Engin- 'ijbey have warts on their fingers orellting tbe tank arsenal in Michigan, Gen· acted a law allowing hospitalization at pub­ MBS ny's Orchestra WGN (120) and sparkles ,It tHe memory. eers and the university student from playing tunes on wash. eral Motors product ion r igmes in dollal'l'! (for lic expense ror syphilis treatment. 5:30-Pearson And Allen branch Monday night, May 25. The boards, I thiok one of them owns ihe sake of military secrecy) show it the Si....: states enacted la,ws governing'defens(' 5:45-Ink spots 2:30-Hickham Field Glee Club lecture will be heard at 7:30 p.m. a dinner jaCket ·but he has neyer mass stage in April, Plltting $112,000,000 of housing, zoning or rent control; the Rtlltes al'e 6-Blue Network's Weekly War in the auditorium of the electJ'ical had it on. They weal' just what Journal 4:30- Halls of Montezuma war materials for thllt lnonth, ~IP $]7,000,000 Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, 7- American Forum ~f The Air engineering building. they happen to put ~n when they Rhode Island and Virginia. Mississippi, Rhode 6:30-AJias John Freedom MAKE EVERY from March. 7-Sunday Evening At Tommy 9:15-W. A, O'Carroll get up in the morning And th~ • • • Island and Virginia authorized housing au· 9:30-This Is Your Enemy- PAY DAY SUMMER ART OLASS make money, They just finished Dorsey's Premiere FOR CHiLDREl'! one transcription series that paid There al'c still some bad lines, mainly mel'· thoL'ities to develop or administer projects to 7:30-Inner Sanctum Mystery Special art classes for children 10:3 0-Answering You-Leslie them $26,000. Th is dOUih WIS chant ship building. Warship building is O. assure sanitary dwelling for defense work. 8-Jergens Journal with Walter BOND DAY of the elementary grades and for K, except in one small·boat Fhasc. l\lerehant ers. Virginia in addition authorized estab· Howard whacked up six ways, becaUlt Winchell junior and senior high school stu­ there are six Kobelers, and \her ships are only slightly bJh incf seb dnle, .but lishment of state ret1l. control boards. giving 8:15-The Parker Family. JOIN THE PAY·ROLL dents will be held for a sil{ weeks's are a cooperative outfit. They ~overnment economistl! figure that if the the governor Rutbol'ity to set up the boards. 8:30-Ilene Rich summer session, starting Monday, , A dim. out of 'Vlry * SAVINGS PL~N * share everything from piccolo April rate of ship sinkings is suffel'ed the . ' 8:45-Raymond Clapper June 15/ lind continuing through reeds to underwear. · . : doll.r tcII1I 9-Good Will Hour w. remainder of this yea I', the 8,000,000 ton goal }\[ai1J/l '$ lI~W law pel'1nits sq,vings banks Last year the Kobblers openfd 10 in home building during the wm' 10-News of our construetion (even if it is reaeht'd) assist 10:15-Bob Chester's Orchestra IS OUR QUOTA a "two-weeks'" engagement al will be 2,000,000' tons short of what L llI'l'oed. b!J allowing them to illVest up to 75 1Jel' 10:30-Buddy Franklin's Orche· the Flagship, a Jersey niaht spo~ '. I for VICTORY with The first three mO,ntlts of t'l1e year, deliver. cent of deposits in til'st I'eal estate mod­ stra and stayed el.~ven months. They'lt ies of steel plate to shipyards were bell ind, gages, provided at least 75 pel' cent are 11-War News ~ back there again. They have a, U. S. WAR IONOS prize collection of 26 automobile but this condition is now bei ng rcmedied by in 1JtOl·tgages insltred by the FHA. M1'ch­ 1l:15-Harry James' Orchestra horns, one sto~e n from a Pari! diver, ion. '11ho bottleneck here now is in the igall broadened its connty zoning la ws to hack. These horns go back to snpplies of pipes, engines, seacocks and snch. perm.it rOllnfin to l'llguwte b71ilding COli· assistant examination, filings for 1900. Do these horns sound sweet In fact, things are going so well ou thL strltetion . • College-Trained which closed April 27. Here is Wh:!t to the Kobblers? Yes, brothtr primary baUle line, WPB bas curtailed its • • • Scientists Needed happened to the examination re­ When they crack loose with the!! new pll!nt building IlI'\d is, switching. the. raw AlT)ong other healt~ m~sures ~g(ml](Lw~.J:(> JOBS .. ,. sults. out-moded relics, of a foreot\t!l materials into actl,lal productiou of tAnks, those of Arizona, appropriating $15,000 for a WASHINGTON (ACP) - Gov- The list of "eligibles" will be civilization, tears come to the~ ships, etc. . survey to deterlfline prevalence of occupa· ernment war agencies arc wor· sorted into occupationul fields, lind eyes. Long ago they Ilahled tltIf Foolish 8toricS are being spread al'ol1nd thot, tional diseases among Arizona workers; I1li· ried sick about the growing short­ civil service will draw on the list you didn't have to operate a stiD age of college-trained physicists, as needs occur in various branches to make corn pay. this change WRR effl'ctrd ' heeanRf' WPB nois, providing 1hat any pllrson u ing bacterin ' chemists, engineers and other of the government. There's Nels Laakso, truln", thought the war might soon end, but, the real cqltures' to poison Poer ons 01' anima!s shall 'be Students who passed a similar player, malTied, who ~ liable to one to ]0 years in pl'iso!1; MieHigali, techTlicians. As quickly as experts reason is plain enough. 'fhere is no use in in these fields ate hired by some examinatiOn given last January from Wakefield, Michigan, : . ~ " pushing iron ,"nd. ste~1 into new factories allow;ng the state health department tQ dis: eager government department, will get first chance at jobs; con­ There's Stan Fritts, trombonist. when your existing capacity can make more tribute drugs free to combat communicable Selective Service steps in to divert sequently, the April applicant3 of Lyons. Neb. Stan is a r!lls' tanks and guns with it. At hand i ~ May 111, diseases, including 8ulphanilimidp rof pnln. them to some OTIC of the military cannot expect lightning action . tered barber. He has a child and the date for tlte end of , most COil, Itmel's duro monia trea tmcn I. branches. Junior professional assistant jobs wears hornrim specs, but onb' • able ~oods production, and fhese old refL'ig. Because of a pos.~.ible shorta~e of bospital The problem of Short8~es in pay $2,000 unless i\n applicant de­ a part of the act .. . Harry TurtII. I'rator and radio factories also ,viIL be avail· facilities in emergencies, Maine adopted a cl·iticaJ occupatipns is two-headed, cides he's wiJling to take Jess. , also of Nebraska, was once. able for wflr production thereafter. melL~ure permitting the forming of corpora· At the same tilrle that war agen­ WAR ... printer's devil .. ,He plyS' cWi· tions for establishment of llOspitals. cies find themselves unable to hang The office of price administra­ net and sax., . , Chief Mac IIro7, orgl • • • FDtulnatioln and lI'rassachusetts ' legislature authoriz~d t 11 e on to what men they lire able to tion's consumer division wishes the the drummer, looks more lib; Now thi~ does not mean th e war iR over. It cOllnh'y ot targe had the enthusi­ priest or a school teacher th .. a for the j state department of public health to order in· hire in scientific and engineering noes mean the battlp on the' 'important initial fields. younl{ college men are apa­ asm of college students for conser­ Kobblel·. He us~d to play itt I in the com front has been won. 'rroubles on that front, stallatiou of new treatment works for local thetic about appl)'fng fOr such jobs vation-I.e. saving. burlesque theater pit·band, pi Professor W Q( of Ilonrse, are not ended. 8hot:ta~rs of mater­ wRter supply systems or make neceRRory lid· becau~e they figure they soon will For example, the university of he still cracks the' gags he leantll opportunity ials lie ahead. pact.icu18 rly for the period of ditions if the department considers this IIC· be drafted any ilY. Wisconsin has a "repuil' clinic" from the tramp comedians. , , ,'. il»nomlsts to v. the end of this yeu·. tion necessary. The new Wl\(' Manpower com­ where students may swap knowl­ Marty Gold , the only New y~ III civic and WE Factories yet are far from a thl·ce·~hift, missIon, headed by Paul V. Mc­ edge of fll(-it techniques , .. At in the outfit, gave them thti Red CrOll capacity basis. They arc beyond the one and a new il1\'8Riol1. Bnd the boys sllOwei! when a Nutt, probably will soon take a another school, dining room sugar name-the KOrn Kobblen. tIt~ . ~resenting ' crack at solving the dilem"'la, Look bowls suddenly blossomed Ameri­ the band's arranger, He is ._ III\PorIBnl contrl on!l and a hulf shifts, but thet~ yet some large ~onvoy wa~ landed in lrelaud witl},ont 's ror the comthlsslon to attempt to clln !lags to give students u means l?oser, . , . Charles KoetIlg,' .. aline agencIes : I()CW8~r 101' 8(hancement Oll t,hi~ lingle, Ilnd seeing It GermAn flltb, It shows what Aplet'i. work out With Selective Servlce of measuring how tast sugar bowls bass player, Is the onlY blll:hdr lUtrition pro,ra others. CRn ingenuit.y e~n do when. it gMs into .lIg· an improved system of occupa­ were being emptied . , , At still in the group. aetlvitles and '!lho important thing now is thllt it was won grell!live aetion. tional defermepts in fields where another, the dormitory superin­ O! course, Q¢neath the.­ lrition cou.rse, lly the HaOle 80rt of stuff. Doolitt.le Rhow d No otber notion, no other system, politicol the most pre~s\ng needs OCcur. tendent who fed a litter of pigs shucks, the skUnk-skin dnIII in the fw over.' Japan, l\IlacArtTlllr and the navy ex.· or economic; hall ever' heen able', to tic' it, in ·oJ • o' from dining room wallte had to and the tub.thumpin., thtte .­ were eXj bibited whlln they ~nooked tho .r apR off in wll r or peace. Here is the first war' victorY' for f.. totol of 28,800 college people change the porkers' diet, so small are musicians, l'hey could • DaWll. Completion 0 jhe Ooral sell befol' they could get RtRrted on onr democratic way of life. filed to take th~ jun,ior professional had become the amount ot garbage, with any outfit. 1, atandard nutriti .1.-,. ..-. ..., .... _--- ..=r-r_- , " ZO-hour cantee lAY, MAY 24, i942 .. PAGE THREE LLETIN SUNDAY, MAY"24, 1942 TBE DAlLY IOWAN.. IOWA CITY. IOWA 'FRILLS ARE OUT/ SAYS WPB , ...... I. ta. oc-.. I~. OIlHlaJlL HOftOIi ference TealChemistry Department Petit Jury for MilY • o.u, .0""'" ., .., .. I.C. Merchants "U I. ,.. 0111_ ., '" " a' T... DaII, t.... _ To Report Tomorrow •• , ••1.Iee. .11I . ~~" oa UOIBL' WRnIIt lunday, May 24, ltu 2• Day To Aid Special ~:~~~n=w~~:rse Maurice Klein Seeks MAY 2 Judgment of $18,000 IDAR ion Meel Explolives 'Scheduled WEDDING l For 12-Week Sellion Bond Day Sale Againlt Ray Anciaux Iday, June 1 REVEALED Authorization has just been re­ ~ond hydraulics COo. The petit jury for the May term ,ceived by the. chemistry depart­ Iowa City retail merchants were sored by Iowa I!!!\i. 125 Home Economists, or district court will report tomor­ ment to offer a 12-week summer asked yesterday by the United JUlic Research, senate Dieticians Convene course in the chemistry of powder row, at which time a jury of 12 States treasury department to c0- I Capitol. and explosives. The course is a will be picked to try the lirst case. On University Campul sday, June 2 part ot the engineering science and operate in a special effort to sell Ju~e Harold D. Evans reported wnd hydraulics con •. management dcJense training pro­ war savings stamps and bonds yesterday. A tea in the home economics gram under the general direction The first case to be tried will be te chamber, Old Cap. July 1. roOm of Macbride hall cli­ of Dean i'. M. Dawson of thc col­ Chamber or commerce oUicials that of Klein vs. Anciaux. Maurice the two-day nutrition con­ lege of engineering. P. Klein, pla.intiU and administra­ esday, June 3 The course is designed to enable received a lelegram from the de­ tot' of the estate of Louise Klein, (or more than 125 eastern Individuals to qualify as inspector partment stating that "all retailers seeks judgment of $18,000 agaLnst ~ond hydraulics con. home economics graduates te chamber, Old Cap- of powder and expl9sives as out­ are beinll asked to co-operate In a Raymond Anciaux, deJendant. dieticians yesterday a{ternoo~ . lilled in the United states civil nation-wide tribute to American The petition states that on the ,day, June 4 The conference, the first of its service announcements, or to ob­ war clrort on July 1 lit 12 noon by nl,ht of Dec. 31, 11141, Louise tain similar positions in industries suspending all sales of merchan­ Klein was struck by a ear driven cond hydraulics con· 10 be held at the university dise for 15 minutes and devoting te chamber, Old Call' having ordnance contracts. by Anclaux while she was walking professional home economists, Prof. George H. Coleman. with this brief period to the sale or war down highway 216 four miles north designed to bring delegates Robert L. Sundberg as assistant. sa ... ings bonds and slarnps exc1 us­ of Iowa City. The petition further to date in nutrition for volun­ both of the chemistry department, Ively." states that injuries resulting from ~Is IChedule, ... Mrs. John Havens or New\On announces the marriage at her , Old OapUoI.) work with Red Cross and com­ will give 4 hours of lecturc and 9 The wire explained that the de­ the accident cllused Mrs. Klein's null-ilion programs. hours of laboratory work each parlment was seeking 100 per cent daughter, Gayle Gross, to Dr. C. H. Mill Ik.an , son of Mrs. Louise death. week with schedule arranged to unity In Ule launching of a na­ Millikan of Parsons, Kan. . The ptaintiU was the husbarld meet opencd with a Dr. and Mrs. Millikan were married May 2 in the Methodist par­ : ES by Prof. Peal'l J ans~en of suit tl:le class as much as possible. tion-wide July campaign of "Re­ of the deceased. Anciaux, 28, is A pre!eJ:ence tor holding the tallers 10r Victory." sonage lit Cedar Rapids. from Coralville. home economics department AJter being Ift'aduated lrom Kansas City, Mo., high school and Ily 25. The class lor the TechniQS of Teaching Nu­ lectures and labor

• fa 4~!. ,~~~!"' Yankees Scsre Four in 9th to Sock Senators, 8 lices during $1.87 per 1esterday JJI(lCiation. Alsab Wins Withers Charles Comiskey Blue Devils Annex Major Pow-Wow Polk county THE DAILY IOWAN ure with $32 Stakes Plus $15,500, Big League Bigwigs per person Future Sox Owner State Interscholastic ,Marn5 county Confer on War of $30,459. In 2nd Straight Win 16·Year·Old Athlete Track Championship The cost of Also Has Makings By DAVE HOFF ties in all CHICAGO (AP)-BasebaU's 996, an III''~l~"U'~ Finishes 3 lengths Of Major Leaguer State Indoor Champs 1939 SPORTS visory council-Commissioner 1 Take Outdoor Title Ahead of lochinvar; M. Landis and President WIllIhr· By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN Many Stars Missing With Points to Spare ridge of the Disappointing Crowd CHI C AGO (Wide World)­ They call him "the young Roman," BY L. E. SKELLEY Ford Frick of the national lealll BY SID FEDER Witnesses Benefit Tilt this strapping 16-year-old young­ AMES, la. (AP)-Davenport's -came face to face yestcrday wit For Army-Navy Fund Juries' Homer NEW YORK (AP)-Alsab won ster who in 1947 will become own­ Blue Devils, presenting a squadron two new major dftCiculties tOlllt the ancient Withers' stakes and er of the White Sox baseball or­ of fleet runners, rambled to the up by the war. WASHINGTON (AP) - After picked up a $15,500 pay check yes­ ganization. state interscholastic outdoor track • • • spot.ting the Washington Senators terday with extreme ease. He's Charles A. Comiskey II, and field championship here yes­ Conterrl".. here Monday iii four runs in the third inning yes­ Helps Giants The glamor boy from Chicago, reared in the biggest backyard in terday. emergency sessilln, the ieII .. The Blue Devils, winner of the terday, the New York Yankees back on the same track where he the nation-Comiskey field-amid of baseball will lan,le willi I pulled even in the seventh and the tobacco-juiced and arnica­ indoor title after a close battle co uple of matters as serlGa •• staged a four-run rally in the ninth scampered to a world record last scented atmosphere of the major with their old rivals from East the earlier war Imposed problew that was good for an 8-4 decision Beal Dodgers tall, romped home in the 67th run­ league clubhouse. Des Moines, came up with points of selectiVe servIce's Inroads. in a game played for army-navy ning of the mile classic for the sec­ His classmates at De LaSalle to spare yesterday. Coach Jesse pla;yer material and the er. ond straight important stake vic­ high school know him as a regu­ Day's kids got off to a winning .. tension of Ihe player limit deai· relief. NEW YORK (AP) - Timely start when speedster Wa11ie Peter­ A disappointing crowd of 9.320 . tory since he started' his "come­ lar guy who plays football, bas­ line. blows by Billy Jurges and Johnny back" ill the Preakness two weeks ketball and hockey and would like son flashed to victory in the 100- • • • sat in on the proceedings and Pres­ Mize helped the New York Giants yard dash and were never headed ident Clark Griffith of the $e1)3tors ago. very much for the school to in­ 'rhey must (1) unravel a trallt sink the Brooklyn Dodgers, 5-2. Better Threats Scratched clude baseball in its sports pro­ as they piled up an impressive ar­ port situation created by a bit blamed the unexpectedly small at­ ¥esterday as Tom Sunkel. rookie ray of 52 points. tendal'\Ce on the starting . time, With all the better til rea t S gram. on the night-lime staging of tilt liouthpaw, limited the national among the three - year old set Nowhere in sports, perhaps is East Des Moines again was sec­ New York All-Star game 'July I which was moiled back to 4:45 p.m. \eague leaders to seven hits in his ond, but the scarlet-clad youngs­ purposely In the hope of attracting scratched from the big heat by there anything comparable to the and (2) act on an office of def first start oI the season. "leg trouble," Al Sabath's flier had deep sentiment and tradition sur­ ters were 12'h points behind Dav­ transportation request that differ· a large turnout. The defeat was the third in a enport with a 39 point total. Roose­ ent daily game times be arran The total recipts were $9,825.26, the time of his life before a crowd rounding the Comiskey dynasty, row for the Dodgers and their founded by Charles A. Comiskey, velt of De.s Moines galloped into so homeward-bound lans Willi a check tor which was turned of 30,521. second straight loss to the Giants, It was such a cinch coming home carried on by J. Louis Comiskey, the third position with 34% points add to already clogged tra over immedlat~ly to the army­ but it failed to disturb their five­ three lengths on top of James M. whose death in 1939 passed it on and Ames, the defending champ­ facilities at peak traWc hours. navy relief fund. ion, and the 'roledo juvenile home game lead since the Boston Braves noebling's [ast-c1osing Lochinvllr to Charles A. n, his son. , This is the All-Star game ~ Two veterans, Buck Newsom or lost to the PhilJ. tied for lourth with 18. Central of piem: the S1. Louis Browns the Senators and Lefty 'Vernon and another head on top of Fair­ • • • JUI'ges smashed a home run with aris, R. S. McLaughlin's Canadi!:1n A husky 170-pounder, six feet Sioux City pulled into sixth with Chicago White Sox tll'e blUed fa Gomez of the Ya'nks, started out two mates on base, his !irst cir­ tall with l'almleaf hands, young 16 points, a point ahead of Cher­ pouble-headers in Chicagb Satur· as pitching opponents, but neither dark horse, that jockey Bas i 1 cuit blow of the year, to bring the James admitted "The Sar" even Chuck wa.nts to be a. first base­ okee. day and Sunday, July oj and 5, ~ was around at the finish. Giants from behind in the sixth wanted to loaf the, last eighth of man, a position his grandfather For the first time In many the Cardinals and Cubs tor Ilt Gomez gave away to a plnch hit­ innin~ and Mize's seventh-inning a mile. -"the old Roman"-played be­ years there wasn·t a new record bills those days in st. Louis. Ittlt ter aIter six rounds al)d fireman single with the bases loaded pro­ Alsab had absolutely no oppo­ forll rounding the Sox and build­ posted in the books. but some of All-Star game were playe!i Milo Johnny Murphy took over to gain Ihe lads came close all Ihe fast vided the clincher. sition. As a result his lime oC Ing Comiskey field. Chuck start­ day night, July 6, members ~ credit for his first triumph o( the Kirby Higbe held the Giants 1:36 1/5, while regarded as snap­ ed out as a pitcher in grammar track at Clyde Williams field. those IoUl· clubs would be III! Harry Covey of Roosevelt, Des year. scoreless on three hits fOI' live py, was quite a bit off the J :35 2/ 5 school, getting valuable tips to reach New York by game tillt The Yanks peclced away at New­ Moines tore orr a .50 flat quarter frames, but Jurges' homer tagged world recorcl 101· a two-year-old he from agcless Ted Lyons. • • • som's tour-run margin, scoring him with his fourth defeat against posted over this same course a year • • • to come within seven-tenths of a But tile IIlght &'lime Is oull once in each of the fOUl·th, fifU" two wins. Higbe stepped out I01' ago. "But no matter how \ong I second of the stote record and Fred the contest Is played Molldal sixth and seventh innings, then Eno of Villisca was only a tenth a pinch-hittel· in thi! seventh and Sevcral1\lIsslllg prMticed with Ted ~Iter school," dayt.lmc the athletes In the well drive him to cpver when they the Giants notched up their last Knocked down to $3.50 lor $2, recalls Chuck, "I just couldn't get of a second away from the 120- couldn't get to the Polo Groan6 exploded lor five hits in the ninth. two tallies of[ reliever Hugh Casey. he should have been one-to-one- much control. yard high hurdles mark with a in time. It was Newsom's sixth loss com­ Willard Marshall, who was hundred in this field. MiSSing were "I've also played in the out­ :14.9 race. • • • Horace Peeples, Davenport hur­ pared with four victories. He hurl­ forced from the game br an in­ Shut Out, the Kentucky Derby Ifield, but I want to be a first base­ A second All-Star game, ed hitless ball lor three innings, jury in the eighth, opened the winner, who is being pointed lor man like grandpa. You remember dler, was just two-tenths of a sec­ tween the winner of the New Y the last of which saw the Sena­ Giant rally in the sixth by doubling the Belmont Stakes, Devil Diver, he was considered one of the ond above the 200-yard low hur­ game and a picked service tors hop on Gomez for Iour hits w~th two away. Higbe walked Mrs. Payne Whitney's "big hoss," game's greatest early first sack­ dles record with a :23 flat per­ is sillted Cor Tuesday, Jilt':! 1, and all their runs. Leiber on a wila pitch thal sent who turned up wit h a quarter- ers. He was said to have revolu­ formance and his teammate, John Cleveland, with Wednesday - Baxter, retained his mile champ­ open date in the major lea New York ABRHPOAE Marshall to third and Jurges lofted crack and Texas Ben Whitaker's tionized first base by moving aIr the ball into the upper tier of the Requested, dbwn with a feverish the bag." ionship with a 4:32 mark, :02.6 sec­ The advisory council may dec' Crosetti, $b .... ,. 4 0 1 2 1 0 lert field stands. ankle. Chuck, who is steeped in fam- onds off the record figures. io play the New York game Ju Hassett, 1b ...... 6 1 2 9 1 0 Casey walked Dick Bartell with Then, this morning, Sun Again, ily baseball history, meant that 7 and the Cleveland tilt July Henrich, rf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 one down in the seventh and Mick­ big-quartered successor to Whirl- the old Roman was among the During the summer he goes along but if they do they will be chane DiMaggio, cf ...... 5 1 1 4 1 0 ey Witek dropped il double into away as the head three-year old iirst to rove around the base. Un­ with the team on a couple of its further postponements due to Keller, If ...... 4 2 3 0 0 1 right field. After Mel Ott was of Warren Wright's string, was til this style was adopted the eastern swings. favorable weather which woo Gordon, 2b ...... 5 2 3 4 3 2 Cards Grab Second wa Iked purposely to fill the bases, stricken again with his old leg player remained glued to the bag He is perfectly willing to siart upset the ensuing regulm'-sea Dickey, c ...... 5 0 I 5 1 0 MAJOR LEAGUE Mize singled to I'ight for two more splint trouble and was a lasi min- on defense . from scratch and work his way playing schedule. Rizzuto, ss ...... 3 1 1 1 3 0 runs. ute withdrawal. Nothing rna k e s Chuck any up as a major Jeague player, a~k­ Gomez, p ...... 3 1 I 0 3 0 By Trouncing Reds A two-baggel' by Joe Medwick prouder than his grandfather's ing no favors. The Sox take him Ohio State Wallops SNATIONAL LEAGUE On Musiar s Blows lyn score. Marshall attempted to of million of kids over the coun­ proving grins every time he poles Totals ...... ~ ... 40 8 14 27 14 . I play the ball off the left field wall a long ball or makes a fancy catch. COLUMBUS (AP)-Ohlo 3 L Pet. GB try, think about his 1uture? x-Batted for Gomez in 7th. W ST. LOUIS (AP)-Stan MUSIal and was struck in the head. The Drop Cleveland, 2·1; "I will be proud it I'm given There's no such thing as hand- university's baseball team Brooklyn ...... 25 11 .694 added some. weight to his bid fOT ball broke his sun glasses and cut a chance to sit in the same chair ling him with kid gloves, fOl· Pittsburgh 1n two ~""'''''··\''~i''' Washlngtoh ABRIlPOAE St. Louis ...... 19 15 .559 5 No. I rookie of the year honors a gash over his left eye . where grandpa and my dad sat. Chuck isn't that kind of a fellow. games yesterday, 13 to 0 and yesterday by punching ~he St. Boston ~ .... 20 16 .,556 5 Bagby Hurls 1-Hiller I hope, too, that J immy Dykes is He seems right at home with the to O. Estalella, 3b ...... 5 1 1 1 0 1 .. LOllis Cardinals into second place Spence, cf ...... 4 1 1 6 0 0 Pittsburgh 19 18 • .514 6'1.r Late Rally Gives the manager and that Ted Lyons gang and they in turn miss him In the opencr, Ohio started in the National league. CLEVELAND (AP)-Jim Bagby is still around." when he's not around. ing in the secOnd, Chartak, rf ...... 3 1 2 2 0 0 New York 18 19 .456 7 '1.r Coming up with two men on base Campbell, If ...... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Bues 5·4 Victory gave SI. Louis only one hit in eight Chuck maintains that when he And they'll lell you that Chuck runs off pitcher Vitumae Cincinnati 15 19 .441 9 in the seventh, the young outfield­ PITTSBURGH (AP) - Rookie innings he pitched last night, but becomes president of the Sox at has the makings of a fine ball Ranii was called to the Vernon, 1b ...... 4 0 0 6 0 0 er smashed out his fifth harpe run Repass, 2b ...... 2 1 1 1 3 0 Chicago ...... 15 20 .429 9'1.r Cully Kickard's SIngle in the eighth it was a home run by Harlond 21 he will leave the executive du­ player. One day maybe you'll see allow one hit and two to give the Cardinals a 6 to 3 the young Roman out there hold- fielderMcKee then took over Pofahl, ss ...... ~ .. . 3 0 1 2 2 0 Philadelphia ... ~ 12 25 .324 14 inning drove in two l'uns alid en­ Clift and the Browns beat the ties to his mother, Mrs. Grace victory over the . ing down iirst base-the Sox gang pitching duties, but the BOcks Evans, c ...... 3 0 0 7 0 0 YESTERDAY'S RESUL'l'S abled the Pittsburgh Pirates to Cleveland Indians in 10 innings, Comiskey, while he learns the I The triumph vaulted the Card­ come from behind and eke out a 2 to 1. Johnny Niggeling held the business from the spikes up. is sure he'll make the major lea-I six more runs betore the Early, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 4 inals into second place over the Newsom, p ...... 3 0 1 0 3 0 $ to 4 victory over the Chicago Indians to th"ee scattered single.l. At De LaSalle, he is attending gue grade. ended. St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 3 Basion Braves, five games behind Cathey, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cubs yesterday. Only the fourth-inning circuit the sal)1e school where his dad Philadelphia 6, Boston 5 the leading Brooklyn Dodgers. Both starting were drive which was almost foul as it played center and captained foot­ Ortiz, zz ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Cardinals used three pitch­ ------New York 5, Brooklyn 2 pounded hard, the Cubs scoring went into the left field stands at ball in 1905. ers, Ernie White, who was driven all four runs oil Bob Klinger in the Cleveland stadium kept the tall "I would like to go to Notre Totals ...... 31 4 7 27 8 1 out during a 3-run Cinclinnati ENTIRE NEW SHOW TO·DAY z-Batted for Evans In 9th. AMERICAN LEAGUE second inning. The Bues nicKed right-handel' from a good chance Dame," he says. "Knute Rockne rally in the second innin~ , Murry zz-Batted lor Cathey in 9th. W L Pct. GB Paul Erickson for 11 hits before he of entering baseball's no-hit hall and dad were close friends." - 5 BIG DAYS - ENDS THURSDAY - Dic~son and Howard Krist, who departed in the eigh tho of fame. Chuck is making certain that he New York ...... 000 111 104-8 New York ...... 23 9 .719 received credit for the victory. Washington ...... 004 000 000-4 Oleveland ...... 22 12 .647 2 As it was the Indians were be- keeps his amateur standing so he Runs batted in-Spence, Re- Boston ...... 17 15 .531 6 Rockwell City Dumps hind and h'e was removed for a can compete in college athletics. pass 2, Pofahl, Keller, Jiassett, Detroit ...... 20 18 .526 6 Phils Nip Braves pinch hitter in the eighth when • • • Dickey 2, Gordon, Crosetti 2. Two Philadelphia . 16 21 .432 9\~ On Pitcher's Balk Anthon, 6-0, to Take the Tribesmen tied the score with "I oncc considered going to a .,000000 qase hits-Dickey, Rizzuto. Three St. Louis .. _...... 15 21 .417 10 PIflLADELPHIA (AP) - '('he State Baseball Crown a walk, a stolen base, a wild pitch, Sox farm t~am to play, but I !;lase hits-Estalella, Chartak. Stol­ Washington ...... 13 21 .382 11 Phils turned back the Boston and an error. have decided against it because America's Prize Zanies! en bases-Vernon. Double plays­ Chicago ...... 13 21 .382 11 Braves yesterday, 6 to 5, when The Browns pushed across the I don't want to sactltlce my Repass, Pofahl al')d Vernon; Riz­ YESTERDAY'S RESULTS MANSON (AP)-notdlD, An­ winning run in the lOth when amateur standing," he says. "I Surrounded by sweet senoritas and song ... Johnny Sain balked in the ninth then to four -scattered hits while ~uto, Gordon and Hassett 2. Left on New York 8, Washington 4 inning to send Dannr Murtaugh Roy Cullenbine led olf wit h a plan to go to Waterloo, of the sweet senoritas and fiesta, sweet senoritas and his teammates collected halt a double, took third on an infield out Three-l!;ye league for several laughter and sweel senoritas . . . Bud and Lou bases-New York 12; Washington Philadelphia 4, Boston 3 home with the winiling run. errors, "Iron Man" Den Car­ 5. Bases on balls-off Newsom 6i St. Louis 2, Cleveland 1 (night The Braves rall ied in the ninth and scored on Wally Judnich's weeks this summer just to work are simply terrifico in this musical magnifico! son pitched tlookwelJ City to a single. out'vith Manager Johnny Mos- off Gomez 4; off Murphy 1; struck game) to tally two runs and d~a dl


Why not rent a room or a garage. Many students need rooms for the summer. Do BOOM AND BOARD you have a stove br a Haover that you JU~T A WAlU N-lD HAVE 'lOu GOfI'lG Tl'lRU to pgy you cash for it now that they can't THE HOOP UKE HE HAS ALL OF US HERE! -_ .. HE~ THE PlWING Y()U l:XECIJTIVE TYPE', AND EVEN get new ones, If you have anything HAIi OUR HOUSE-CAT TI'II(ING would like to rent or sell-- NAPS oN THE ~NE.AK WITtl ONE EYE OPEN!


FlOS~ W,TGI-t,£ ""N,..~PO"' IS ~ M INN

DEAIC!.. NOAH~DO EL-EPHANTS PACio<: T~EIR. OW"4 ~UNJ£.S I,WHEN TRAVEklNG 'N/"n-I A C I RCuS"? 0>« ..... c. ..~_ .. I • ..AHA "'t&.M). GlNtO ' DEAl;! ~OAH '" wr-fo G~S£S • GIO! EA SED -I-IGHININ(; ? DoN GOUct.T.AO u,...... SN"I~'" o . I' PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITT, IOWA- .... SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1942 The Listening Shakespearian Learn to Read Military Language-::- All Institutional Users -Pool Conference Meel Endorses ~islinguishing Of Sugar Must Serve • • .: • Post-- Naval Insignia Drama to Open -Of Men Stationed at Pre-Flight School Four Meals a Week SWlmml~g as Defense Effo~ FlYECENTs, Churches, lodges and other priv­ It = By JACK TALBOT The final session of the Iowa·------­ COMMISSIONED*** OFFICERS SLEEVE *** INSIGN!A • ate organizations not scrving al swimming pool conierence held at Monday Night Our entry into the war has re­ college of engineering acted as least four meals a week, will nol Ihe engineering building yester­ chairman al thc session. LOIlEN awakened a ~ationwide interest in be pcrmltted to register as institu­ day was highlighted with discus­ BlCUIlSON Shakespeare's "As You Like It," all things military, an interest that tional users of sugar, Ihe Johnson sions on pool sanitation and Ihe Philip S. Hopkins of the DIs directed by Prof. Vance M. Mort­ has been dormant since the end of counly rationing board announced importance of swimming in the Moines Y.M.C.A. explained at tile hostilities in 1918. The man in uni­ on oC the speech department, will yesterday. defense effort. start of the program thai varsilJ WAR AT HOME- form, when he goes to town, or By this act, such organizations be pr~ented on the stage of the With A. H. Weiters, director of swimming sports have not be!IIo This column on numerous oc­ anywhere else among civilians, is will not be able 10 receive sugar University theater tomorrow and the engineering division or the fitted entire stud.ent bodies and casions has dealt with inlonnation the center of one great concerted under the rationing program. Ac­ Iowa state department of health, -at llrst hand-about war abroad, Tuesday nights. The play will be gaze, nol to be rude and call it a cardin" to Ule national ruling have thus led to the present in­ stare! presiding, the program opened viewed through the eyes of those the only production of the interim "sugar for meal service of those with a panel discussion on the de­ ab ilily of OUI' armed forces to organizations which can nol qual­ who've gone through it . . • preceding the eight week summer Furthermore, unlcss he 10rtifies velopment of a full activities pro­ swim. • • • session. himself with a Scrooge-like scowl ify as institutional users under the gram at the swimming pool. U's dlrtlcult for the land­ and wraps a coat of artificial re­ requirements may be obtained Chemical EqlllpmeDt Frank Barnhart is collaborating Dr. M. E. Barnes, director of the * locked mid westerner to realize serve tightly about him, at least through contributions by co n­ R. Rupert Kountz, assistant di· with Professor Morton as assistant sumers," state hygienic laborawty here, lhat much that same kind 0; every tenth civilian will blilhely rector, water division of the slate 1 accost him and open lire with a pointed out that the pool is a po­ war, minus the actuality of director, and Dwight Hook Jr. de­ tential reservoir of infection, and hygienic laboratory, demonstrated enemy bombs, has come to signed the costumes for the pro­ bal'rage of questions concerning with chemical equipment the test the What, why, and where of this InterpretlOng- discussed the hygienic rules which Amerlca.-to lhe people aloD&' duction. Prof. Hunton D. Sellman for chlorine, P.H., which showstbe and that. All in all, the sailor should be enforced to make swim­ couts which look out over HBS ming a healthful sport. acidity or alkalinity of water, and 0 of the speech department has di­ In which real enemies are ope­ today is an object of universal (Continued trom page 1) the bacterial test. ratln&' •.. rected lighting effects. The slage From the Pulpit--- scrutiny once he leaves the naval geographical sense alone. The Prof. D. A. Armbruster, univer­ sity swimming cOaCh, cxplained The conference was closed b7 -e- set, conslructed as a modified ver­ post. coastal and hinterland provinces C. A. Hyatt. swimming pool sani· the importance of end u I' a n c e We have read accounts, a bit sion of the Globe theater, was dc­ Highlights From the Sermons The interest, of course, is whole- of China in the eastern bulge south tarian of the IlUnois state depart. awed the whlle, of Broadway's S9me and· natural. Every man, wo- of Shanghai represent an enol"­ swimming, especially in view of signed by Prof. Arnold Gillette, Of Local Ministers the recent torpedoing. Pr'ofessor ment of health, who warned blackout .. , But to us out here, also of the speech department. man and child in the country has mous swcep of territory. To clear against the expected shortalle.ol Armbruster ~eported Ihat al least most of whom have never seen The university cast which wiD a relative, close {I'iend, or at least it all of Chinese resistance or po­ chlorine. Hyatt said tbat hil la­ Broadway, Broadway might very First Christlan (Jhurch SI. Mary's Church an acquaintance in the naval ser- tential allied air bases would Te- 50 per cent of our armed per­ boratories were now working on open in "As You Like It" tomor­ sonnel cannot swim, due to Ihe well have been London ... 217 Iowa Jefferson and Linn vice. The sallor knows that, and quire a gigantic expansion of Ja- the use of bromine, which Ia not row night has been rehearsing the lack of instruclion in carly years. • • • play for a period of dilly 10 Rev. Raymond Ludwtnon Rt. Rev. Carl H. Meinber&" Pastor does not object to being the object panese control. on the priority list, as a sub.U· But we were duly impressed days, as Ihe cast was not chosen Supply Pastor of the gaze of his fellow passengers The greatest threat implied in Swltnmln&, Illstruction tute for chlorine. because Broadway is so thor­ until May 15. 9:45-Sunday school. Masses-7:30, 9 and 10:15 a.m. in public conveyances or of tbea- American bombing of Japanese "The Current Need for Aquatic ou&'hly American, and we shared This is Ihe third time "As You IO:40-Morning worship. Ser­ Student mass-ll :30. ter audiences as he endeavors to cities, assumlng that Doolittle's Instruction" was the tOPic of a Townsendites Endorse the wistfulness of the New Like It" has been presented at mon, "A Christian's Relation to 7-Evening devotions. go unobtrusively down the aisle planes took of! from China (as the talk by Commodore W. E. Long­ Yorker's own attitude as we the university. In 1926 it was pro­ God." Daily' masses at 7 :30. to his seat. Japanese arc convinced they did) fellow, assistant to the national Willenbrock Candidacy ima&'ined the Quit;t bllDkl1l&' out duced by a college cast, and sev­ Unllarlan Church CurlosUy or Cl\lsenry , is to Formosa, a target Ihe Ameri- director of first aid, water safety of the &,reatesl display of lI&'hts eral years lIgo was performed by First Presbyterian Church The sailor himself p~oibly 's can flier passed by. It lies in the and accident prevention service o( The candidllcy of Mayor }JCIll1 Rev. Evans A. Worthley, Pastor ' V~ " in 1ho world • • . an all-state cast of high school Dr. nlon T. Jones, rallior only a few months or even weeks China sea just across narrow For- the American Red Cross. F. Willen brock for congressman students in an out-ot-door setting. 9:30-Church school. I 1-8e rmoo , "Belie( and Action removed from civilian li!e, and mosa strait trom the southeastern The commodore declared that {rom the first district rcceived the Broadway's -blackO\~t.- was pre- The speech department has made lO :45-Service of worship. Ser­ -8 Resume of a dl'cade of Preach- he can uncterstand the curiosity of bend 01 the Chinese mainland the 1,486 water safcty programs wlanimous endorsement of the cautionary, however ... It serv­ it a custom to produce at least one mon, "Whal! No Iqeals?" ing." the citizenry. H~ khows thilt just coast. in the United States will be ser­ Townscnd clubs of the Ilrst con· ed a vilal purpose, but the pro­ Shakespearean play a year since 6:30 - Weslminster Fellowship as military language strikes the Changa-Sha, deep in the heart iously hampered by the lack of gressional district. tection of seamen alloat isn't the theater began. "Winter's Tale" vespers service. civilian ear with the ring of some of the Chinese eastern bulge and Zion Lutheran Church suj(able instr(lctors. He emphasiz­ The meeting of over 200 dele­ quite the same as the protection was presented in 1941 and "The slrange patOis, so naval uniforms scene of Japan's most recent set­ ed the need for efficient swim­ gates fro m Townsend c I ubI of yourse!! and your next door l\lethodlst Church Johnson and Bloomln&,ton and the distinguishing insignia baCk, is not much more than 600 Tempest" was acted the year be­ Stapley H. Manln Rev. A. C. Proehl, Pastor ming teachers in schools and col­ throughout tJle district was htld neighbor ... And there was none fore. The complete list of univer­ worn thereon appear to the civi- all' milcs Irom Formosa. That po­ Minister to Students 9:15-Sunday school leges. recently in the C?mmunity build· of that in Broadway's blackout. , . lian eye as a complicated system of werlul island nerve center 01 ~he sity performances of Shakespeare 9:3O-Church school. 9:30-Teachers' training class ProI. E. L. Walerman 01 the ing. • • • includes most of his important signs and symbols calculated to whole southw(lrd push of the Ja­ Nor In those accounts we read 10:45-Morning worship. ' Ser­ 10:30-Penlecost festival service, defy interpretation. panese is reachable by air from works. mon by Dr. Harry DeWitte Hen- Sermon, "The Work of the Holy WESTINGHOUSE ENGINEER TO SPEAK .HER~ , was there any indication thal Major roles in tomorrow night's As a matter 01 fact, the naval almost any part of the mainland lhings happened which might ry of Winona, Minn, Subject, "The Spirit." play will include Barbara Hudson Business of Good WlIl." officCl'S uniform, prQvided only ~e provir)ces west of it, have Intensl(ied thc feelln&' of has h is overcoat Off, hilS written NlpPCUlese landing operalipns as Rosalind, John Boyt as Duke The Llttlc Cbapcl war's presence, which had been F'rederiQk, John Buzzard as the SI. Paul's Lutheran Ch&pel all over him practJcally everything below Foochow to attack that cily created hy sheer darkness ••• Clinton and Jefferson one could wisn to know about him, clearly represent Japanese con­ banished Duke, George Anderson Rev. L. C. Wuerffel, Pastor Open daily from 7 a.m. to 5 as Ol'lllndo,. Ted Ritter. as Touch­ 9:30-Sunday school. p.m. lor all sceking God's guidance. in language simple as a.lirst reader cern over the air vulnerability of Bul here's -something*- Ihat may stone, Alice Orsborne as Celia, 10:30-Divine service. Sermon, The experienced eye can tell at Formosa. Foochow is only 250 set you thinking. This was written (The Little Chapel is a commu­ a glance the rank oj the indivi- miles from the northwestern tip Lowell Malson as Oliver and "Ye Are the Temple of God." nity religious sanctuary open hy a l' e sid en t of Los Angeles, Francis Robbins as Adam. dual observed, his branch of ser- of Formosa, 400 miles from the who also looks out daily upon blue every day to pcoplc of all faiths First English Lutheran Church for meditation and prayer.) vice and often his organization. extreme southeastern tongue of waters which shield a well-known Dubuque' and Market NavaLPenonnel the big island, which Japan took enemy ... Thc time was several Rev. Ralph M. Kruea-er, Pastor United Gospel Church It s h ou ld b e reme rob ered fi rst in the !irst Sino-Japanese war. weeks ago . .. SUI Graduate of '39 9:30-Sunday schooL -lBJ- 918 E. Fairchild that there are, in general two 10:45-Morning worship. The Rev. J. L. Masemore, Pastor classes of naval pen,-onnel-ofIicers four narrow stripes and a gold star "The eight o'clock patrol Is catechetical class will have its just now flying overhead and, To Be Ordained Here 9:45-Sunday school and enlisted. men: Here we will denote a captain. public examination. Sermon, "Vic­ ll-Morning worship. Sermon try to make It eaSIer (or the Iowa Ranlt of Admiral ~e, it really gives a gUY a tory in Defeat." creepy feeling at first ••. and Edward J. SchaUt, gl'adualr: of "Elisha at JericQ." ' ..City citizen. to ,distinguish among The highest rank possible fOI' a 8-Evening service. the dilferent l'a~King naval officers commissioned (If!icer is admiral then yoU listen lor the air raid Ule UnivCl'.5ily of Iowa in 1939, wiII First Church of Christ, Scientist warnln&' and when It doesn't be ordained in the First Presby­ Wednesday, 8 p.m.-lYIid-wcek that are stationed here at the pre- and thc lowest is an ensign. A 722 E. Colle&,e service. flight school. . student of Ihe United States naval come you know lor sure that terian chul'ch of Iowa City Thurs­ 9:30-Sunday school. they are really your own planes day at 8 p.m. Dr. Ilion T. Jones, The naval oHieer has three dif­ academy at Annapolis is commis­ Il-Lesson-sermon. ferent colored uniforms In his sioncd as an ensign in the United and YOU don't have to worry ... pastor of the church, will deliver Wednesday, 8 p.m.-testimonial the ordination sermon. Dr. Willard wardrobe - kakhi, which is the States navy UpOn bclng gl'aduated, • • * meeting. 7 Traffic Fatalities worl, unilorm and is WOIn during "The night of the last lll'lckout M. Lampe, director of the school Three narrow stripes and a gold was really something. I had gone of religion, will deliver thc charge the day, and white, which is con­ star indicate the of(jcer 10 be a Trinity Episcopal Chllrch . sidered Ihe summer dress uniform, commander; two stripes and a star to bed about 11 and was sleeping to the minister. 3ZZ E. CoHelre In County Last Year Schalk entertct Ihe universitJ at and which we have not as yet seen denote a lieutenant and one stripe the sleep of a tired babe when ~ev. Richard E. McEvoy one of the guys woke me up ... Ihe beginning of his sophomore on Ihe Iowa campus. The of!icers and a gold star indenliiies the of­ 8-Holy communion. Seven traific fatalities resulted will probably be wearing this about ficer as an ensign. • • • year. During his junior year he 9:30-Church school. in Johnson counly during 1941, ac- June 1. The third uniform is the "At first It sounded like a was received as a candidale £01' These few signs, symbols, and 10:45-Morning prayer and ser- cording to an Iowa department o( so calJed navy blue and is the win­ Identifyjng marks will bring the bunch of nrc-crackers explod­ the minisl1'y in the Presbylerian mon. public safety report issued yester- tel' dress uniform worn during the In&' out in front of the house, but chUl'ch. He was admitted to the civilian into much closer contact Phillips Thomas, research engineer of Westinghouse Electrle •• Tuesday, 9:30 a,m.-Holy com­ day. day and evening. with men in the naval service. To 1 ManufaeturiJlg company, Plttsbur&,h, Pa., will lecture tomorrow nlrW wh!:n I went out It sOllnded like Princeton seminary, Princeton, munion. Only Mitchell and Humboldt The officers cap is changed to the real McCoy, and It was .•• N. J., in the fall of 1939, Irom know the meaning of these in- at 7 :30 In the electric cn&,inecrlng auditorium on "A Demonstnlllll Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.­ counties can boast a perfect rec- match the color of the uniform, signia requires a minimum of ef- of Recent Scientific Developments." Under the auspices of the IoWI At least It was real anti-alr­ which he graduated this spring. The Red Cross group. ord. Ten counties reported 0 n e Schalk will hegln his regular f l ·t! t ff' 'h ·th except in the late spring and the (ort and will repay the civilian section of the American Institute of Electric li;nglnecrs, his .C\dM cralt fire ... Wednesday, 7 a.m.-Holy com­ a t a. I ~ rom ra lC mls ~ps WI early fall the white cap is worn pastorate June I in the .Lakewood many times over In a ready aware- will leature movies' and demonstra.tions of vortex rin&,s, Belli".. munion. a SimIlar number reportmg only with the navy blue uniforms. ness and undel'standing of the lI&'hls, switch-gear sub-zero testing laboratory, slverstat, photo.elecCrtl "The sky over- *- in the southwest Community Presbyterian church, Wednesday, 10 a.m.-Holy com: two deaths. Th~ee deaths resulled . Sleeve. Marked over Santa Monica and Hunting­ Cleveland, Ohio. pOSitions of the commissioned of- fire fighter and the WeSUt1&'house laboratories, atom smasher uI munion. (rom aCCIdents m 16 co.unties. The slecves of the coats of the f1cers in the navy. personnel. ' ton Park and Inglewood and Bal­ Polk county I~d the field with a oHicers are so marked that the boa Beach looked likc the coli­ To Be* Ordained* * Flrsl Baptist Churoh total of 43 traCf~c deaths. Dubuque civilian can easily recognize the seum on the Fourlh oI July ... Rev. Elmer E. Dierks, PBlltor was second WIU~ 2? The total rank of the commissioned officer I could see a 11 the searchlights 9:45-Church school. ~umber of fatalltl~s m Iowa dur- of he takes notice to count the shooting up into the sky like 10:45-Service pf worship. Ser- mg 1941 numbers 601. stripes and watch Ihe width 01 great pointers reaching out to mon, "A Personal Pentecost." them: Rcally that's ali there is to point out the Big Dipper ... 6-Young People's meeting. • • it. If you remember the counl • • * Saturday, 4. p.m" choir rehear­ vern Noll to Attend I you will be out of the dark and "Then all around the Junction sal. Des Moines Meeting stop wondering what all the braid of those lights were f1ashea of I is for . .•--- ~ the A.A. shells explodln&, • • • Firat Coqre&,atlonal Church Vern W. Nail, president of the Starting from the bottom of the Sometimes the fiashes of the Clln19n and Jetfenon Iowa Automobile Dealers' associa­ sleeve and with the highest rank, shells would come rt&'ht In the Rev. James E. Waery, Pastor tion, will attend a meeting spon­ one wide stripe and three narrow middle of thc bl&' ball formed 9:30-Church school. sored by that group in Des Moines stripes topped with a gold star by the Jighl8 mergin&, at ODe 10:45-Service of worship. Ser- tomorrow to interview mcn for denotes the rank (If admi.ral; one point .•. mon, "The Church Looks For­ officers to serve in thc 302nd ord­ wide chevron and two narrow ward." nance maintenance regiment. topped with a gold star indicates "Whether there- * was- anything in 5-Young people's picnic. There is a need for 46 officers, a vice admiral; one wide stripe that ball but the light and the to be selected from Iowa, Minne­ and ooe narrow also topped with explosions r couldn't tell . . . I st. Patrick's Church sota and Missouri. a gold star denote ~ rear admiral: was 100 far away. But one thing , 224 E. Court. I could see and that was Ulat the ~t. Rev. MslP". Patrick J. O'Reilly, boys running the searchlights Plllltor knew how 10 clamp ontd some­ Rev. Francia E. LolJlch, AlI8lstant thing and hold it ... EDWARD L. SCHALK P&IItor • • • 7-Low mass. "Slowly the li6hls moved the work - bound youn&, men 8:30-Children's mass. across the sky, and as one would wUhout the KCUSIn&, tone of 9:45-Low mass. &,0 off, another In a dllf~reDt voice that ways, "Beat II, Daily mass at 7:30 a.m. locale would come on, but they v 0 Ice thai II&Y8, "Beat It, didn't have to &'ropo lor lhe lar­ and nol a few heanaohes • st. Wencellaus Church let, whatever It was . . . • • • 630 E. DaveDport • • • "Some heaped abuse upon the Rev. Edward W. Neusn, Paslor "Suddenly a long Ii nger would heads of the air - raid wal'dens ReV. James F. Falconer, Assistant shoot up from the ground and while from others, these men who P&IItor ' Wham! There il was blended in had been up all night because they 7-Low mass. with the rest . . . And as the felt It their duty, there wl\I'e words 8-Low Jl1ass. IT TAKES GOOD lighls moved down the coast they of praise . . . And it woke Los JO-Last mass. never wavered, never lost their Angeles up ..." Daily mass at 7 a.m. COOKING TO WIN mark; just moved with a sort of precision that was at the same t"'------"""t A WAR! time eerie and remarkable ..• THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE • Prop.r prep. ration 'f meat and VI.,tabl,. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa pruerv.. tho •• vltlmln ••0 " ..ntlll to the . "Maybe It-*­ was a fake ••• School of Fine Arts f.mlly'. health. It and many servf I Maybe was Just a hoax . . . • Cooking In covered ut,n.U., with IIttl, 0' 110 • •• more like hio.- But we don't like to hear some water, and minimum .tlrrlnl "due.. vitamin , nOlY bl&, Ihot In a plush-bottom AS YOU LIKE IT lOll. chair back in Washiqton &ry A Comedy . • Low t.mperature oVin cookery IIV.. IIourl.h. Assoel~ted Press newspapers lo tear our first real alr·rald Ing food ,I,mlnto-r.duo" m•• t ,hrlnka._ , I apart with that "Wolf" cry ••• by and ",Ike. Intxpen,lv, out. of m•• t t.lld,r We IIk~d It . . . 1\ made Los William Shakespeare and t,.ty. For his ~overag~ of the British fleet in Allen is typical of AP war corftlpoa" Angeles human for a while .•• the Mediterranean, Larry AUen of The E.,.nlnqa 01 May 25 and 28, 1942 the 'World over. They are Ignori." aU .. IOWA-ILL,NOIS GAS Aesodated PnN hp 'Won journalillm'3 cov­ ner of penonal dan,er and hardahip ," "It caused -.-people to be late to Season Ticket Coupon Get Tickets at: AND ELECTRIC CO. work in the morninj( because the eted a"ard, the Pulitzer prize for intema­ or Whetstone's No. J bring the news to you in theee p.,.,.. They street cars wercn't running; It Sluj(le Admission ...... $1.00 WlIliam's Iowa Supply donal I'eportJnl in 1941. Jle becam.e the prompted millionaires to pick up are writing brilliant new chapten •• ~ Federal Tax ...... 10 Campu, Supplle~ filing clerks who were waiting in a-A Schaeffer Hall fifteenth AP man to receive a Pulitzer cila­ aervice that haa kept AP newIJNlpen !» I the cold of the early morning for Total ...... '1.10 Phone Ext. 2.46 dOD for dil\iDflliehed ne'Wlpaperin,. pi the Fronl for a Cent!!O'. the street cars and busses that were an hour lale ... Summer students who present Identification card at Uleatro • • • ticket office, Room 8-A, Schaeffer Hall, will be liven reserved ."It caused Iinely drtHllllld Ilrll seats without additional cost. This charge has been paid by each siudent wilh the rej(ular university fees. THE DAILY IOWAN Ie IllS w~r the !!'!~A:lJY. wQrda of ~ ..... c. ' 'If.' II .:~ ', ' • •J • . '=" ,~I"'iIII_ •• ".,9 .ffft+ •• f.Jf\.'A~
