Conf ere nee Summary

D. GRANT MICKLE Executive Vice President Automotive Safety Foundation

WHEN the Steering Committee for this conference first began work on the program, our in tent was to xamine the possible applica­ tions and limitations of the multiple use of highway corridors. As the matter was discussed further it became clearly evident that when we talk of multiple use we must not only consider the immediate right-of­ way but also the people and environment bordering and affected by the transportation corridor. The more we considered the problem the broader the approach we had to take to get the proper grasp on the topic. In the presentation of this conference, it has been our aim to point out the necessity of viewing roads and rails as part of a total transportation system, and that the transportation system exists not only for its users but is part of the total economic and social environ­ ment in which community and non-user interests must be given equal consideration with user needs. The resistance of local communities to further construction of urban freeways can he sP.P.n in many of our cities. Recently a citizens' planning group held a conf ere nee at which one of the groups presented some resolutions relating to urban highways. I might give you a few excerpts: We recognize that the present course of federally-funded inter­ sta te hiRhway building through our urban areas is a policy of present and potential disaster which can no longer be tol erated. 'in accordance with this vi ew we propose: (l) a moratorium be pl aced on all federally­ funded fre eway building through urban areas until studies, local, regional

170 and national in scope, can determine the ecological and sociological damage of roadbuilding; (2) that true "citizen participation" in the plan­ ning as well as the governmental process be instituted; and (3) an im­ mediate stop to the misuses of the right of eminent domain in the con­ fiscation of homes and property for urban freeway and other such projects which serve only the interests of the few. I cite these resolutions not to attack or defend them but to indicate what those of us involved in transportation planning are up against. During the past two days we have heard how it has become increas­ ingly necessary to include nonengineering disciplines in the urban transportation planning process and how the community to be affected by the corridor must be brought into the deliberations at the very early stages of the planning process. The ground rules for the location of highways and rails have been changed. The mandate to the planner and engineer has been to create the most economically safe and efficient system within the available resources. We are now in the midst of a substantial redefinition of what and to whom economic benefits should accrue and what are the true costs; what is the acceptable level of safety and at what price; and what are the trade-offs between efficiency and other social and en­ vironmental considerations. This would be most difficult by itself but we must now in addition consider the needs, desires, and interrelationships of the total social and physical environment. I have no doubt that in the future we must also take into account not only the social changes but changes in life style and its effect on the urban environment and transportation systems. We already have many instances of multiple uses of rights-of-way. There are several hundred proposals that encompass the concepts of joint development and multiple use awaiting approval and funding. We saw how joint development, multiple use, and direct community in­ volvement offer hope for finding means of conciliating user and non­ user transportation interests. But while they offer hope they are not a panacea. They are not without their limitations and liabilities. There are engineering and design, economic and political constraints. Because of their greater cost and impact, once constructed, there is a greater commitment to such projects and there is less flexibility for change. The Bureau of Public Roads and HUD programs relating to mul­ tiple use and joint development have been presented. Perhaps the real value of this conference is that it has pointed to the fact that transporta­ tion planning, whether highway, rail, water, or air, cannot be done in isolation from the rest of the environment with concern only for the users. The participation of additional interests and groups in the plan­ ning and deliberation processes will cause a substantial increase in the time required for planning preliminary engineering, and design of projects. It will require patience on the part of planners and engineers to educate the public about technical problems. Many of us remember

171 highway programs over the past forty years that were run very much like military operations where the program was pushed ahead, and we got the nation "out of the mud" by responsible, decisive administrators. The world and the transportation problems have changed. Man­ agement is now changing through broad participation - and decision­ making is increasingly by consensus of those affected. The primary transportation problem is no longer to provide access and to design all-weather roads but how to move people by all modes through and within densely populated areas with as little degradation of the en­ vironment and dislocation of the population as possible. On the other hand, we can never lose sight of the dollar cost of any public facility. I hope that the concepts of joint development and multiple use will help us toward rational solutions to the urban transportation problem.

172 Conference Summary by Panel Members

MR. PIGNATARO: I would like to make a few observations. First, it was stated directly or indirectly by many of our speakers that there is a need to modify the traditional benefit-cost analysis to include the consideration of community values. We have talked of this necessity for a long time, and a current NCHRP study may provide some insights on how this may be accomplished in a systematic manner. Second, it would have been most constructive if more attention had been given to various procedures to minimize the undesirable ef­ fects of all types of pollution on many of the land uses that have been suggested for joint development and multiple use. Different forms of pollution are certainly incompatible with community values. Third, a thread of commonality that has woven through many of the presentations was the essential need for appropriate planning and community participation in any joint development project. Fourth, most of the projects discussed in the second session were associated to a greater or lesser degree with problems in ghetto areas. However, one notable exception was the many excellent examples in the Twin Cities that were presented by Mr. Jorvig. Mr. Levin also pre­ sented many examples of projects that were not intimately associated with social ills. Fifth, the need for advance planning is mandatory when considera­ tion is given to the number of agencies involved and the diversity of their interests. Since there could be duplication and possibly conflict of legal, appraisal, design, administration, taxation, and other com­ ponents of joint development and multiple use between the local, state, and Federal agencies, a statewide centralized authority with appropri­ ate decision-making powers might accelerate the implementation of projects. This was a recommendation in the report prepared for the State of California by the Real Estate Research Corporation, and I think it should receive serious consideration.

173 Sixth, it is unfortunate that time did not permit a further explora­ tion of how to involve the private investor and/or developer in early stages of the development, particularly with respect to air right projects. MR. HOLMES: I think we ought to remember that despite the dramatic problems and the critical nature of the problems in Watts and Browns­ ville, there is still opportunity for joint development in areas like the Twin Cities, and in this country there are still a lot more St. Pauls than there are Brownsvilles, so don't let's get totally pointed in thinking of our opportunities for joint development and multiple use of rights-of­ way into these areas of critical social impact on the country right now. Opportunities ahead are certainly much broader than those. We tend to concentrate on those, certainly, but let's not forget the others. MR. RUBIN: There are several points I would like to make. One, I think we should recall the caveat in Mr. Bridwell's state­ menl Lhal Lu assure Lhal mulliµle Jeveluµ1ue11L plans become multiple development projects, there must be legislation at the Federal and state levels that will provide the kind of assurances of long-range stable funding for education, renewal, housing, health, library, and other programs that have made it possible for the highway program to do long-range advance planning to get things done. Second, the interdisciplinary approach to the design of multiple development projects has to become normal routine procedure for highway departments, not just an ad hoc response to an occasional project that promises to cause trouble. Third, we need adequately staffed and funded local and regional comprehensive planning - social and economic, as well as land use and facility planning. This has to be encouraged in order to provide the framework of community goals within which multiple development transportation corridor planning can proceed. Fourth, citizen participation and community involvement are re­ quired if plans are to be responsive to the needs of the people affected and if they are to be politically possible to implement. But the profes­ sional cannot abdicate his role. He must somehow walk the razor's edge between planning by fiat and the complete abdication of responsibility. We cannot have romantic notions about citizen involvement and throw our own professional responsibilities out the window. People are much alike in many respects. Most respond to plans in terms of relatively parochial, narrowly perceived views of their own best inter­ ests. Highway planners have been forced for years to deal with, and often make compromises with, affluent white suburbanites; but they haven't turned over their professional responsibilities to those protago­ nists. There is no more reason to abdicate this responsibility because we are now dealing, as we should have been all along, with people who are poor and/or black.

174 So far as multiple use is concerned, we must recognize thal it has been occurring over the years, where existing and futurn uses and de­ mands were very intensive, creating unusual and dramatic competiLion for particular spaces. Since most, if not all, of the population increases in the future will be in suburban areas, multjple-use opportunities will continue to be limited. There a1·e many more than we have taken ad­ vantage of in the past, but where they exist they will be costly and dramatic. Most importantly, they are going to require degrees of in te­ gration and cooperation among governmental agencies and private in­ dividuals and institutions far beyond anything we have achieved in the past. MR. TABOR: I think one of the most exciting ideas I have heard in this conference is Lowell Bridwell's revival of what evidently was an old idea about acquiring more land for highway rights-of-way than you need for that particular project. r think this proposal has tremendous potential, and I hope that there is going to be a lot more discussion of it. I hope we don't have to wait another 25 years before it actually receives public acceptance. But if there are real problems in the use of highway user funds for purchase of this additional property maybe we should look to some other public mechanism for land acquisition, and I think Frank Turner touched on this in his remarks earlier this afternoon. Maybe we could set up a state land acquisition agency that could purchase property for state agencies and local governments for certain uses. This agency could resell the land needed for a particular project back to the state agency or local government that needs it for that particular public pur­ pose and then sell the remaining land for private development. This would prevent the charge that highway departments are getting into too many activities and it would keep the highway user funds untainted. It has been suggested, I think, by the advisory commission on intergovernmental relations that this should be one of the functions of their proposed urban development corporation. But I think we should be thinking more in terms of just a state agency that would have the sole function of land acquisition for public purposes. One case I have seen of an urban development corporation is in New York City. As it is set up it could go into or almost anything it wants to, and ii is almost an autonomous-type organization. Once the lerms have been set and appointments have been made by the governor there is not really going to be very much public accountability for what that agency does. In fact, Lhey can go into an area and decide they are going lo put up a housing pt'Oject. All Lhey have to do is jusl go to the local government and hold public hearings. The local govern­ ment officials come into the public hearing as everyone else, and at the end of that time they can say, "Thank you, gentlemen, for your views," and go ahead and put up the projec.:t as they see fit.

175 Somehow or other that goes against my ideas of what home rule is all about. I think that if we set up an agency wilh one sole purpose of land acquisition that this could hold a great deal of promise. At the same time we could avoid some of the problems that we anticipate such a program would have with the use of highway user funds and save money.

Conference Steering Committee

D. Grant Mickle, Chairman, Automotive Safety Foundation Frederick T. Aschman, Barton-Aschman Associates Bernard F. Hillenbrand, National Association of Counties E. H. Holmes, Federal Highway Administration A. E. Johnson, American Association of State Highway Officials Dick G. Lam, U. S. Department of Transportation David K Levin, Hureau of Public Roads Frederick A. McLaughlin, Jr., U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Roger F. Nusbaum, Illinois Division of Highways A. E. Pritchard, Jr., National League of Cities

Conf ere nee Advisory Committee

T. Layden Cook, Real Estate Research Corporation Robert E. Dudley, Tracey, Brunstrom and Dudley, Inc. Frank Herring, Port Washington, New York W. S. Hamburger, Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of California Norman M. Klein, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Mason Mahin, Automotive Safety Foundation L. J. Pignataro, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Ronald W. Pulling, Federal Aviation Administration Walter S. Rainville, Jr., American Transit Association Floyd T. Thiel, Bureau of Public Roads F. C. Turner, Bureau of Public Roads

176 Participants

Speakers D. Grant Mickle, Executive Vice President, Automotive Safety Foundation John S. Coleman, Executive Officer, National Academy of Sciences W. N. Carey, Jr., Executive Director, Highway Research Board Frederick T. Aschman, Barton-Aschman Associates David R. Levin, Deputy Director, Office of Right of Way and Location, Bureau of Public Roads Samuel H. Hellenbrand, Vice President, Industrial Development and Real Estate, Penn Central Company Milton Pikarsky, Commissioner of Public Works, City of Chicago Norman M. Klein, Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill Robert T. Jorvig, Executive Director, Metropolitan Council of St. Paul, Minnesota Stuart L. Hill, Senior Right of Way Agent, California Division of Highways Archibald Rogers, Rogers, Taliaferro, Kostritsky and Lamb Lowell K. Bridwell, Federal Highway Administrator, Federal Highway Administration Charles Blessing, Director, City Planning Commission Philip Hammer, Hammer, Greene and Siler Associates Roger F. Nusbaum, Deputy Chief Highway Engineer, Illinois Division of Highways Thomas W. Fletcher, Deputy Mayor Commissioner, Washington, D. C. Robert R. Wright, III, Director, Continuing Legal Education Program University of Arkansas Law School F. C. Turner, Director, Bureau of Public Roads Don Hummel, Assistant Secretary for Renewal and Housing Assistance, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Panel Members W. J. Burmeister, State Highway Engineer, Wisconsin Division of Highways Fletcher Krause, Assistant Chief Counsel, Federal Highway Administration Dorn McGrath, Chairman, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, George Washington University Louis J. Pignataro, Director, Division of Transportation, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Richard Ravitch, Executive Vice President, HRH Construction Corporation

177 Irving Rubin, Director, Detroit Regional Transportation and Land Use Study Ralph Tabor, Assistant Director for Federal Relations, National Association of Counties

Session Chairmen Richard J. Barber, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development, U. S. Department of Transportation C. Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee A. E. Johnson, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway Officials E. H. Holmes, Director, Office of Policy Planning, Federal Highway Administration

178 List of Attendees

Walter J. Addison Jerome F. Anderson, Chief Deputy Chief Engineer for Federal Coordination Division Planning and Safety Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Maryland State Roads Commission Interior Building 300 West Preston Street 18th and C Streets Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Washington, D. C. 20240 T. F. Airis Kenneth C. Anderson Director Architect Department of Highways & Traffic Bureau of Public Roads 14th and E Streets, N.W. 1717 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20004 Washington, D. C. 20591 Donald G. Alexander R. H. Anderson Legislative Assistant Vice President National League of Cities DeLeuw, Cather & Company 1612 K Street, N.W. 165 West Wacker Drive Washington, D. C. 20006 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Peter E. Allen Richard J. Anderson Commissioner of Planning Senior Transportation Planner The Borough of York Planning Board The Port of New York Authority 2000 Weston Road 111 Eighth Avenue at 15th Street Weston, Ontario, Canada New York, New York 10011 G. W. Anderson Warren T. Anderson Deputy Director of Planning Principal Planner Iowa State Highway Commission Baltimore Planning Department Highway Commission Building 1200 American Building Ames, Iowa 50010 Baltimore, Maryland 21202

179 F. L. Anthony Tridib Banerjee Deputy Regional Administrator Research Assistant Federal Highway Administration Urban Systems Laboratory 18209 Dixie Highway Massachusetts Institute of Homewood, Illinois 60430 Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Paul H. Arizumi Property Management Officer James J. Barakos State Department of Transportation Engineer Manager 869 Punchbowl Street Bureau of Public Roads Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 JFK Building Boston, Massachusetts 02022 Richard E. Arms Planning Director Richard J. Barber Arlington County Office of Planning Deputy Assistant Secretary for 2049 15th Street Policy Development Arlington, Virginia 22201 U. S. Department of Transportation 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Albert Arnst Washington, D. C. 20590 Division of Information and Education Charles Burnes U. S. Forest Service Vice President P. 0. Box 762, Ben Franklin Station Alan M. Voorhees and Associates, Washington, D. C. 20044 Inc. 7670 Old Springhouse Road Frederick T. Aschman McLean, Virginia 22101 Executive Vice President Barton-Aschman Associates D. J. Barney 1730 K St., N.W., Suite 712 McGraw-Hill Washington, D. C. 20006 National Press Building Washington, D. C. 20004 Norman Ashford Director Robert Barron Transportation Planning Program District Engineer Florida State University Bureau of Public Roads Tallahassee, Florida 32306 P. 0. Box 29 Olympia, Washington 98501 Joseph M. Axelrod, Chief Interstate Division for Baltimore W. E. Baumann Maryland State Roads Commission Engineer of Design 1001 Cathedral Street Illinois Division of Highways Baltimore, Maryland 21202 2300 South 31st Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 John E. Baerwald, Director Carroll G. Bayne Highway Traffic Safety Center J. E. Greiner Company University of Illinois c/o Urban Design Cum;eµl 418 Engineering Hall Association Urbana, Illinois 61801 1001 Cathedral Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 P. 0. Bailey, Jr. Director, Urban Planning Division Robert M. Beckley State Road Commission of W. Va. Associate Professor of i\rchitccturc 1260 Greenbrier Street University of Mir.hig;m Charleston, West Virginia 25311 Ann Arbor, 48104

180 Fred J. Benson Charles A. Blessing Dean of Engineering Director Texas A & M University Detroit City Planning Commission College Station, Texas 77843 Detroit, Michigan 48226 Fred P. Bosselman, Partner Vincent C. Berberich Ross, Hardies, O'Keefe, Babcock, Supervising Engineer McDugald & Parsons New Jersey Department of 122 South Michigan Avenue Transportation Chicago, Illinois 60603 1035 Parkway Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Charles N. Brady Director, Highway Department R. N. Bergendoff American Automobile Association Partner 1712 G Street, N.W. Howard, Needles, Tammen & Washington, D. C. 20006 Bergendoff 1805 Grand Avenue Lloyd M. Braff Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Executive Director Central Business District Association Carl Berkowitz 1610 Gulf States Building Associate Planner Dallas, Texas 75201 New York State Office of Planning Daniel Brand, Partner Coordination Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Co. 1841 Broadway 7 Water Street New York, New York 11414 Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Michael M. Bernard Austin E. Brant, Jr. Transportation Planning Consultant Associate Partner Administration and Finance Tippets-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton 44 Martin Street 375 Park Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 New York, New York 10022 Neal H. Bettigole, Owner Richard P. Braun N. H. Bettigole Company Assistant Commissioner 1465 Broadway Minnesota Highway Department New York, New York 10036 John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 William Bidell Director of Planning Dwight H. Bray Department of Highways President Province of Ontario Brighton Engineering Company Downsview, Ontario, Canada P. 0. Box 558 Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 J. K. Bilbrey State Right of Way Engineer Lowell K. Bridwell Tennessee Highway Department Federal Highway Administrator 1017 Highway Building Federal Highway Administration Nashville, Tennessee 37219 U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C. 20591 Joseph A. Bischof Expressways Engineer C. Beverly Briley City of Cincinnati Mayor of Nashville 801 Plum Street, Room 318 Courthouse, Public Square Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Nashville, Tennessee 37201

181 W . S. G. Britton Lloyd G. Byrd Director, Programming and Planning Partner Virginia Department of Highways Bertram D. Tallamy Associates 1221 E. Broad Street 1411 K Street, N.W. Richmond, Virginia 23219 Washington, D. C. 20005 Sandra Brooks Mike Cafferty Staff Writer Consultant Professional Engineering Magazine Mayor's Office 2029 K Street, N.W. 1200 Municipal Building Washington, D. C. 20036 Seattle, Washington 98102 Michael T. Browne Jo Campbell, Reporter Research Analyst American Public Works Association Cleveland Transit 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. 1404 East Ninth Street Washington, D. C. 20036 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 E. Wilson Campbell Stewart G. Bryant Director Planner Chicago Area Trnnsporlation Study Skidmore, Owings and Merrill 230 N. Michigan Avenue 1001 Cathedral Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 E.T. Canty David A. Buckley Transportation Research Department Yale University General Motors Research Labs 96 Bishop Street Twelve Mile & Mound Roads New Haven, Connecticut 06511 Warren, Michigan 48090 Robert D. Bugher T. L. Carlson Executive Director Director of Real Estate American Public Works Association Bay Area Rapid Transit 1313 East 60th Street 814 Mission Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 San Francisco, California 94103 M. Elliott Carroll, Administrator John Calbreath Burdis Department of Public Services Planning Director The American Institute of Architects Nassau County Planning Commission 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. 240 Old Country Road Washington, D. C. 20006 Mineola, New York 11501 Judson F. Cary Calvin Burkhart Chief, Design Division Research Engineer Federal Highway Administration The Franklin Institute Federal Building 1101 17th Street, N.W. 819 Taylor Washington, D. C. 20036 Fort Worth, Texas W. J. Burmeister Francis S. Chapman State Highway Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Wisconsin Department of Massachusetts Department of Public Transportation Works State Offir.e Builrling 100 Nashua Street Madison, Wisconsin 53702 Boston, Massachusetts 02114

182 Donald S. Cherpak, Associate 726 Jackson Place, N.W. James P. Purcell Associates Washington, D. C. 20006 643 Maple Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06114 Robert Conradt, Head Highway Planning & Design Robert R. Churchill Department Engineer of Road Design DeLeuw, Cather & Company State Road Department of Florida of Canada, Limited Haydon Burns Building 133 Wynford Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Don Mills (Toronto) Ontario, Canada Francis 0. Clark Robert L. Cox Urban Planner Frederick R. Harris Bureau of Public Roads 300 East 42nd Street 1717 H Street, N.W. New York, New York Washington, D. C. 20591 A. Kenneth K. Clark, Jr. D. Crosbie City Planning Director Director, Legal Branch Madison Planning Department Department of Highways 210 Monona Avenue Province of Ontario Madison, Wisconsin 53709 Administration Building Downsview, Ontario, Canada Thomas A. Clary Chief, Campus Planning Section Edwin Cuebas Office of Education Assistant Secretary, Technical U. S. Department of Health, Puerto Rico Department of Education and Welfare Public Works Washington, D. C. 20202 P. 0. Box 8218 Santurce, Puerto Rico 00910 Paul B. Coldiron Location and Design Engineer Calvin B. Dalton, President Virginia Department of Highways Dalton-Dalton Associates 1221 East Broad Street 979 The Arcade Richmond, Virginia 23219 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Leon M. Cole, Director George A. Dando, County Engineer Systems Research and Development Shelby County Division 161 Jefferson Ave. U. S. Department of Housing and Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Urban Development Washington, D. C. 20410 Harley T. Davidson Chief of Long Range Planning for John S. Coleman State and Local Roads Executive Officer Connecticut State Highway National Academy of Sciences Department 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. 24 Wolcott Hill Road Washington, D. C. 20418 Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Charles A. Conrad Norman Day Executive Director Associate Professor of City Planning National Capital Planning University of Pennsylvania Commission Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

183 Leo F. DeMarsh David Einhorn, Urban Planner Assistant Chief Engineer U. S. Department of Housing and Massachusetts Department of Urban Development Public Works 451 Seventh Street, S.W. 100 Nashua Street Washington, D. C. 20410 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 E. W. Elliott Tom Dickman Manager, Highway Safety National League of Cities Chrysler Corporation 1612 K Street, N.W. P. 0. Box 1919 Washington, D. C. 20006 Detroit, Michigan 48231 Jack H. Dillard State Highway Research Engineer Raymond H. Ellis Virginia Highway Research Council Senior Consultant Box 3817 University Station Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Co. Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 E. A. Disque Chief, L:mdocnpc Divioion Bureau of Public Roads F. E. Engelking 1717 H Street, N.W. Connecticut State Highway Washington, D. C. 20591 Department 24 Wolcott Road, P. 0. Drawer A Richard C. Dresser Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Director of Publications The Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute Building B. F. Everhart College Park, Maryland 20740 Urban Projects Engineer Ohio Department of Highways Robert Duckworth 25 South Front Street U. S. Department of Housing and Columbus, Ohio 43215 Urban Development Seventh and D Streets, S.W. Arthur L. Finkle Washington, D. C. 20024 Principal Planner Robert E. Dudley, President New Jersey Department of Tracey, Brunstrom & Dudley, Inc. Transportation 815 Northern Life Tower 1035 Parkway Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Thomas W. Fletcher E. M. Duffey Deputy Mayor Commissioner Chief, Right of Way Division District of Columbia Regional Office 508 District Building Federal Highway Administration Washington, D. C. 20004 1 nu Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Charles M. Fornaci Wayne 0. Early, Principal Right of Way Coordinator Western States Landscape New York State Department of Association Transportation ::l01 Tnrlifm Sr.hnnl Rmirl, 1220 Wrrnhingtnn AvP.mie, Suite 128 State Campus Phoenix, Arizona 85013 Albany, New York 12226

184 W. M. Foster 477 Madison Avenue Assistant Director for Highway New York, New York 10022 Development State Highway Department of Robert E. Giltner Washington Planning Office, Room 300 Highways-Licenses Building City and County of Denver Olympia, Washington 98501 1445 Cleveland Place Denver, Colorado Philip H. Friedly Economist Sidney Goldin U.S. Department of Housing and Asiatic Petroleum Corporation Urban Development One Rockefeller Plaza Washington, D. C. 20410 New York, New York 10020 Stanley H. Froid William R. Gomberg Vice President Program Coordinator Tudor Engineering Company Office of Construction Service 525 Market Street U. S. Office of Education San Francisco, California 94105 Seventh and D Streets, S.W. Miss Geraldine Galli Washington, D. C. 20202 Transportation Editor Engineering News-Record David N. Goss 330 West 42nd Street Urban Transportation Research New York, New York 10036 Engineer Battelle Memorial Institute John W. Gals ton Columbus Laboratories Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 505 King Avenue 1100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Columbus, Ohio 43201 Washington, D. C. 20036 Albert A. Grant John Gerba Technical Director Regional Planner Transportation Planning Board Office of High Speed Ground Metropolitan Washington Council Transportation of Gov'ts. U. S. Department of Transportation 1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 400 Sixth Street, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Washington, D. C. 20024 Marjory F. Gibson Sigurd Grava Special Assistant Associate Professor of Urban U.S. Department of Transportation Planning 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. School of Architecture Washington, D. C. 20590 Columbia University New York, New York William Gillitt Principal City Planner Baltimore Department of Planning William C. Greene, Landscape 1200 American Building Architect Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Bureau of Public Roads Federal Highway Administration Donald R. Gilmore Fairbank Research Station Senior Economist 1717 H Street, N.W. Central Business District Washington, D. C. 20591

185 Clint Gregory W. A. Hartig Urban and Traffic Engineer Chief Engineer, Development South Dakota Department of State Road Commission Highways 1800 Washington Street, East Highway Building Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Pierre, South Dakota 57501 John E. Hartley Elmer Haile Deputy Director for Traffic Highway Engineer Engineering and Operations U. S. Department of Transportation Department of Highways and Traffic 1000 N. Glebe Road 14th and E Streets, N.W. Arlington, Virginia 22201 Washington, D. C. 20004 Robert G. Hall George W. Hartman Regional Land Architect, Region 9 Chief, Economics & Requirements Federal Highway Administration Div. Federal Center, Building #40 Bureau of Public Roads Denver, Colorado 80225 Federal Highway Administration Washington, D. C. 20591 E. E. Halmos Civil Engineering Magazine Kevin E. Heanue 345 East 47th Street Chief, Urban Development Branch New York, New York 10017 Bureau of Public Roads U. S. Department of Transportation Donald E. Hammer Washington, D. C. 20591 Engineer-Manager Bureau of Public Roads Vincent J. Hearing, Acting Director 1717 H Street, N.W. Office of Urban Transportation Washington, D. C. 20591 Development U. S. Department of Housing and Philip Hammer Urban Development Hammer, Greene & Siler Assoc., Inc. Washington, D. C. 20410 1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 William J. Hedley Consultant C. S. Harmon Federal Railroad Administration Director of Research & Planning U. S. Department of Transportation Tennessee Department of Highways 400 Sixth Street, S.W. 805 Highway Building Washington, D. C. 20591 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Samuel H. Hellenbrand, Vice George K. Harris President Vice President Industrial Development and Real O'Dell, Hewlett and Luckenbach, Inc. Estate 950 N. Hunter Boulevard Penn Central Company Birmingham, Michigan 48011 466 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10017 William D. Hart Manager, Research Department Hugh B. Henry National Highway Users Chief, Design Division Conference Federal Highway Administration 202 National Press Building 222 S.W . Morrison Street Washington, D. C. 20004 Portland, Oregon 97204

186 Bruce A. Herman William L. Hooper J. E. Greiner Company Technical Assistant 1106 N. Charles Street Office of Science & Technology Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Executive Office of the President Washington, D. C. 20506 Gil Herr Market Development Division Richard W. Huffman Caterpillar Tractor Company Chief, Renewal Planning Peoria, Illinois 61602 Philadelphia City Planning Frank W. Herring Commission 21 Pine Street Philadelphia City Hall Annex Port Washington, New York 11050 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 John Hibbs Don Hummel Geometric Design Engineer Assistant Secretary for Renewal and Federal Highway Administration Housing Assistance 18209 Dixie Highway U. S. Department of Housing and Homewood, Illinois 60430 Urban Development Washington, D. C. 20410 Donald M. Hill, Partner Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Thomas F. Humphrey Company Program Officer 2050 Tower Building, Prudential Office of the Secretary Center U. S. Department of Transportation Boston, Massachusetts 02199 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Stuart L. Hilt Senior Right of Way Washington, D. C. 20591 Agent California Division of Highways Austin K. Hunsberger Director of Engineering P. 0. Box 1499 Sacramento, California 95807 Virginia Department of Highways 1401 East Broad Street Irving Hoch Richmond, Virginia 23219 Research Associate Resources for the Future James R. Hunter 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Yale University Washington, D. C. 20036 96 Bishop Street New Haven, Connecticut 06511 E. H. Holmes, Director Office of Policy Planning Donald J. Igo, Economist Federal Highway Administration Office of High Speed Ground U. S. Department of Transportation Transportation Washington, D. C. 20591 U. S. Department of Transportation Sixth and D Streets, S.W. Roger F. Honberger, Acting Director Washington, D. C. 20591 Division of Transportation Planning Coordination Lawrence Irvin U. S. Department of Housing and Planning & Development Director Urban Development Planning & Development Division Seventh and D Streets, S.W. 501 City Hall Washington, D. C. 20410 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415

187 Richard Ives Joseph S. Jones Director, Research & Technology State Highway F.ngineer Surplus Land for Community State Road Commission of Development W. Virginia U. S. Department of Housing and 1800 Washington Street, East Urban Development Charleston, West Virginia 25305 Washington, D. C. 20410 Thomas D. Jordan, Management John B. Jacka, Planning Consultant Engineer H. F. Wise and Associates, Inc. The Port of New York Authority 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 111 Eighth Avenue at 15th Street Washington, D. C. 20006 New York, New York 10011 John R. Jamieson Robert T. Jorvig, Executive Director Deputy Federal Highway Metropolitan Council Administrator 550 Cedar Street Federal Highway Administration St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Sixth and D Streets, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20591 Harvey R. Joyner Transportation Planner A. E. Johnson, Executive Director Barton-Aschman Associates American Association of State 1730 K Street, N.W. Highway Officials Washington, D. C. 20006 341 National Press Building Washington, D. C. 20004 George A. Karas, Chief Planning and Engineering Branch Dale W. Johnson, Vice President U. S. Department of Housing and Johannessen & Girand, Consulting Urban Development Engineers, Inc. 451 Seventh Street, S.W. 6601 N. Black Canyon Highway Washington, D. C. 20410 Phoenix, Arizona 85015 Floyd B. Johnson Mart Kask, Director Model Cities Program Coordinator Dayton Transportation Study 1100 W. Fifth Street 418 Third National Building Dayton, Ohio 45407 Dayton, Ohio 45402 Morgan Johnson, Professor Charles E. Keiser Department of Civil Engineering Chicago Transit Authority University of Santa Clara Merchandise Mart Plaza Santa Clara, California 95053 Chicago, Illinois 60654 Walter K. Johnson James H. Kell, Partner Executive Director Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Co. Delaware Valley Regional Planning 275 5th Street, Suite 301 Commission San Francisco, California 94103 1317 Filbert Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 A. B. Kelley Director, Public Affairs Allan Jones Federal Highway Administration Committee on Public Works U.S. Department of Transportation United States Senate 400 Sixth Street, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20510 Washington, D. C. 20590

188 David B. Kelley 10 N. Calvert Street Regional Design Engineer Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Federal Highway Administration 31 Hopkins Plaza Fletcher Krause Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Assistant Chief Counsel Office of Chief Counsel Wayne F. Kennedy, Chief Federal Highway Administration Right of Way Division Washington, D. C. 20591 Federal Highway Administration Abraam Krushkhov, Vice President 31 Hopkins Plaza Daniel, Mann, Johnson, Mendenhall Baltimore, Maryland 21201 3325 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90005 Jerry L. King Traffic Engineer Theodore H. Kruttschnitt, Jr. City Hall, Room 702 Assistant to Chief Engineer Houston, Texas 77002 Southern Pacific Company 65 Market Street Norman M. Klein San Francisco, California 94105 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill 1100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Herman A. J. Kuhn Assistant Professor of Civil Washington, D. C. 20036 Engineering George Kopecky University of Wisconsin Committee on Highways 2208 Engineering Building U. S. House of Representatives Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Washington, D. C. 20515 Wesley LaBaugh, Partner Edwards and Kelcey J. C. Kordella 8 Park Place Director of Public Works Newark, New Jersey 07102 Department of Public Works 108 South Perry Street Alvar K. Laiho Rockville, Maryland 20850 Senior Associate Planning Research Corporation Leo A. Korth Washington, D. C. 20009 Assistant Director of Operations Minnesota Department of Highways Dick G. Lam Highway Building, Room 413 Office of the Deputy Undersecretary St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C. 20590 Richard H. Kraft Urban Planner Thomas Lammers Bureau of Public Roads California Division of Highways Matomic Building P.O. Box 1499 1717 H Street, N.W. Sacramento, California 95807 Washington, D. C. 20591 Dennis P. Larkin Martin H. Kramer Division Head Senior City Planner Dalton-Dalton Associates Department of Housing and 979 The Arcade Community Development Cleveland, Ohio 44114

189 Kent R. Larrabee D. W. Lautzenheiser, Chief Environmental Development Highway Standards and Design Div. Bureau of Public Roads Bureau of Public Roads U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Washington, D. C. 20591 U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C. 20591 Leon N. Larson Highway Engineer Warren B. Lovejoy, Chief Federal Highway Administration Central Research & Statistics Div. Federal Building The Port of New York Authority Kansas City, Missouri 111 Eighth Avenue at 15th Street New York, New York 10011 Carl H. Lehmann, Jr. Special Attorney Glenn McCarty Maryland State Road Commission Senator 1001 Cathedral Street Minnesota Highway Interim Comm. Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Jack E. Leisch Edward E. McClure Vice President Associate Professor & Chairman DeLeuw, Cather and Co . of Department of Urban & Regional Canada, Ltd. Planning 1127 Leslie Street Florida State University Don Mills. Ontario, Canada Tallahassee, Florida 32306 John M. McCombs David R. Levin Associate for Planning Deputy Director Ralph Calder and Associates Office of Right of Way and Location 1600 Mutual Building Bureau of Public Roads Detroit, Michigan 48226 Federal Highway Administration U. S. Department of Transportation Monroe Mccorkle Washington, D. C. 20591 Assistant Director of Public Works Dallas, Texas 75201 Harrison Lewis Deputy Attorney General James McDonnell, Chief Department of Justice Travel Facilities Branch State Highway Division Bureau of Public Roads Highway Building, Room 236 U.S. Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Washington, D. C. 20591 Dorn McGrath, Jr., Chairman S. I. Lipka, Chief Department of Urban & Regional Division of Transportation Planning Planning Department of Public Works George Washington University 108 South Perry Street Joseph Henry Building Rockville, Maryland 20850 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20037 Joseph H. Looper Partner-in-Charge William R. McGrath Howard, Needles, Tammen & Traffic Commissioner Bergendoff Traffic and Parking Department 6413 West Capitol Drive 112 Southampton Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 Boston, Massachusetts

190 Frederick A. McLaughlin, Jr. William R. Marston Director, Plans, Programs and Deputy Commissioner Evaluation Staff City of Chicago Office of Metropolitan Development Chicago, Illinois 60602 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Richard C. Massell, Director Washington, D. C. 20410 Planning & Regional Affairs City Hall, P. 0. Box 178 L. V. McLaughlin Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Assistant to Chief Engineer Missouri State Highway Department J. 0. Mattson, President State Highway Building Automotive Safety Foundation Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 200 Ring Building George E. MacDonald, Partner Washington, D. C. 20036 Bertram D. Tallamy Associates 1411 K Street, N.W. John T. Mauro, Di rector Washington, D. C. 20005 Department of City Planning Public Safety Building Mason Mahin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Director, Laws Division Automotive Safety Foundation Robert L. May 200 Ring Building Assistant Minority Counsel Washington, D. C. 20036 House Committee on Publi c Works United States Congress Alger F. Malo, Director Washington, D. C. 20515 Department of Streets & Traffic W ater Board Building Edward W. Melchen, Jr. Detroit, Michigan 48226 Traffic Engineer M. F. Maloney American Automobile Association Office of Engineering 1712 G Street, N.W. U. S. Bureau of Public Roads Washington, D. C. 20006 1717 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20591 Thomas P. Melone Director Marvin L. Manheim Urban Planning, Research and Associate Professor Demonstration Department of Civil Engineering U. S. Department of Housing and Massachusetts Institute of Urban Development Technology Washington, D. C. 20024 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 M. Berry Meyer George T. March Counsel of the Committee District Engineer Committee on Public Works Illinois Division of Highways United States Senate 300 North State Street Washington, D. C. 20510 Chicago, Illinois 60202 Harold L. Michael George T. Marcou, President Professor of Highway Engineering Marcou, O'Leary and Associates Civil Engineering Building 1735 K Street, N.W. Purdue University Washington, D .C. 20006 Lafayette, Indiana 47907

191 D. Grant Mickle 12-14 Russell Road Executive Vice President Albany, New York 12206 Automotive Safety Foundation 200 Ring Building Charles M. Noble Washington, D. C. 20036 Consulting Engineer Cherry Valley Road David R. Miller, Vice President Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall 3325 Wilshire Boulevard Mohammed Noor Los Angeles, California 90005 Engineer J.E. Greiner Company Robert E. Molumby 1106 N. Charles Street The Perkins & Will Partnership Baltimore, Maryland 21201 309 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60606 R. Allen Norris City Planner J. Robert Moore John Graham and Company Harland Bartholomew & Associates 1426 Fifth Avenue 188 Jefferson Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 Memphis, Tennessee Doug Nunn Theodore F. Morf Urban Affairs Editor Deputy Chief Highway Engineer The Courier-Journal Illinois Division of Highways Louisville, Kentucky 40202 2300 South 31st Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 Roger F. Nusbaum Deputy Chief Highway Engineer Robert L. Munson, Partner Division of Highways Consoer, Townsend & Associates Springfield, Illinois 62706 360 East Grand Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 Edward K. Ochiai, Head Right of Way Branch Richard J. Naish, Associate State Department of Transportation Tippetts, Abbett, McCarthy and Highways Division Stratton 869 Punchbowl Street 375 Park Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 New York, New York 10022 Ross D. Netherton, Chief Thomas B. O'Connor Division of Research & Education General Manager Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Chicago Transit Authority U. S. Department of the Interior Merchandise Mart Plaza Washington, D. C. 20240 Chicago, Illinois 60654 R. L. de Neufville Jeremiah D. O'Leary, Jr. Associate Director Vice President Urban Systems Laboratory Marcou, O'Leary and Associates Massachusetts Institute of 1735 K Street, N.W. Technology Washington, D. C. 20006 77 Massachusetts A venue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Michelle Osborn Columnist James M. Newton Philadelphia Bulletin District Engineer 30th and Market Street Bureau of Public Roads Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101

192 Roland A. Ouellette, Assistant Wendell H. Pigman Director Consultant Highway Development and Traffic U. S. Department of Transportation Safety 4th & Independence Avenue, S.W. General Motors Washington, D. C. 20590 3340 W. Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202 Louis J. Pignataro Director, Division of Transportation Wilfred Owen Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Senior Engineer 333 Jay Street Brookings Institution Brooklyn, New York 11201 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Milton Pikarsky David Pampu, Transportation Commissioner of Public Works Planner City of Chicago, City Hall Denver Regional Council of 121 North LaSalle Governments Chicago, Illinois 60602 2475 West 26th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211 Robert J. Piper Associate Director - Planning and Lewis E. Parker Urban Design State Highway Urban Engineer The Perkins & Will Partnership State Highway Department of 309 West Jackson Boulevard Georgia Chicago, Illinois 60606 2 Capitol Square Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Fletcher N. Platt Frederick Pearson Traffic Safety and Highway Project Director, Traffic Improvement Department Gruen Associates Ford Motor Company 63330 San Vicente Boulevard The American Road Los Angeles, California 90048 Dearborn, Michigan 48180 Peter E. Pekkala Mathew Platt, Assistant Director Transportation Economist Office of Planning Automobile Manufacturers Washington Metropolitan Area Association, Inc. Transit Authority 320 New Center Building 950 South Building Detroit, Michigan 48202 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W. Stephen G. Petersen Washington, D. C. 20004 Senior Traffic Engineer Alan M. Voorhees and Associates Leonard Prosser 7670 Old Springhouse Road Associate Editor, Asphalt Magazine McLean, Virginia 22101 The Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute Building Henry Peyrebrune College Park, Maryland 20740 Principal Transportation Analyst New York State Department of James P. Purcell Transportation Partner 1220 Washington Avenue James P. Purcell Associates State Campus, Building #4 643 Maple Avenue Albany, New York 12054 Hartford, Connecticut 06114

193 Clyde E. Pyers, Technical Director Tippetts, Abbett, McCarthy Cleveland Seven County and Stratton Transportation Land Use Study 375 Park Avenue 439 The Arcade New York, New York 10022 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Arlee T. Reno William H. Quirk Research Assistant Editorial Director Massachusetts Institute of Contractors & Engineers Magazine Technology 757 Third Avenue 77 Massachusetts Avenue New York, New York 10017 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Walter S. Rainville, Jr. Don P. Reynolds Director of Research Civil Engineering American Transit Association 345 E. 47th Street 815 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. New York, New York 10017 Washington, D. C. 20006 G. M. Randich Homer K. Richards Urban Freeway Eugiueer DeLeuw, Cather & Company 165 West Wacker Drive Arizona Highway Department Chicago, Illinois 60601 206 South 17th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Gus Rappold, Planner Nassau County Planning Commission Frederick J. Richardson 240 Old Country Road Vice President Mineola, New York 11501 Dalton-Dalton Associates 979 The Arcade C. F. Rassweiler, President Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Rassweiler Consultants 9 Montview Avenue Lloyd A. Rivard, Chief Engineer Short Hills, New Jersey 07078 Office of Planning and Programming Department of Highways & Traffic Richard Ravitch 14th and E Streets, N.W. Executive Vice President Washington, D. C. 20004 HRH Construction Corporation 515 Madison Avenue E. Grover Rivers New York, N. Y. 10022 Director of Roadside Development State Road Department of Florida Marshall F. Reed Haydon Burns Building Highway Engineer Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Automotive Safety Foundation 200 Ring Building Louis P. Robbins Washington, D. C. 20036 Partner Grossberg, Yochelson, Brill & Fox Richard Reed 1707 H Street, N.W. Special Assistant to Federal Washington, D. C. 20006 Highway Administrator Federal Highway Administration Thomas H. Roberts 400 Sixth Street, S.W. Director of Regional Planning Washington, D. C. 20591 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Daniel M. Reisner 1225 ConnP.r.tir.ut Avenue, N.W. Project Engineer Washington, D. C. 20036

194 Carlton C. Robinson William J. Schneider Director City Planner III Traffic Engineering Division Dayton Planning Board Automotive Safety Foundation Third and Ludlow Streets 200 Ring Building Dayton, Ohio 45402 Washington, D. C. 20036 James R. Schuyler W. G. Roeseler State Highway Engineer Director of Urban and Regional New Jersey Department of Planning Transportation Howard, Needles, Tammen & 1035 Parkway Avenue Bergendoff Trenton, New Jersey 08625 1805 Grand Avenue Kansas City, Missouri 64108 J. F. Schwar Professor Archibald Rogers Ohio State University Rogers, Taliaferro, Kostrisky & Lamb 2070 Neil Avenue 806 Cathedral Street Columbus, Ohio 43210 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 B. H. Rottinghaus Carol Schwartz Partner Urban Planning Research and Howard, Needles, Tammen & Demonstration Program Bergendoff Department of Housing and 6750 France Avenue South Urban Development Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D. C. 20410 Irving Rubin Director David Scribner, Jr. Detroit Regional Transportation and Senior Appraiser and Market Analyst Land Use Study Real Estate Research Corporation 1248 Washington Boulevard 110117th Street, N.W. Detroit, Michigan 48226 Washington, D. C. 20036

August Saccoccio Thomas H. Sellew Highway Safety Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer National Transportation Safety Connecticut State Highway Board Department Normandy Building 24 Wolcott Hill Road Washington, D. C. 20591 Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Gilbert T. Satterly, Jr. Associate Professor of Civil James Selvaggi Engineering U. S. Department of Housing and Department of Civil Engineering Urban Development Wayne State University Seventh and D Streets, S.W. Detroit, Michigan 48202 Washington, D. C. 20024 G. I. Sawyer Peter Semrad, Head Deputy Director for Design, Department of Transportation Engineering & Research Planning and Economics Department of Highways & Traffic Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton 14th and E Streets, N.W. 375 Park Avenue Washington, D. C. 20004 New York, New York 10022

195 K. W. Shlatte, Director Robert C. Squier Planning and Research Bureau Regional Landscape Architect New York State Department of Federal Highway Administration Transportation 1720Peachtree Road, N.W. State Campus Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Albany, New York 12226 William Steger James L. Shotwell CONSAD Research Corporation Special Assistant to Director 5600 Forward A venue Bureau of Public Roads Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217 Washington, D. C. 20591 W. A. Siems William K. Stevens, Reporter Federal Highway Administration New York Times U.S. Department of Transportation 229 W. 43rd Street Washington, D. C. 20591 New York, New York 10036 Nelson S. Silver K. A. Stonex, Executive Engineer Principal Planner Automotive Safety Engineering Division of Slale aml Regiunal General Motors Engineering Staff Planning General Motors Technical Center 520 E. State Street Warren, Michigan 48090 Trenton, New Jersey Quentin Stringer, Chief, Right of Way James M. Smith Mississippi State Highway Vice President Department Wilbur Smith and Associates P. 0. Box 1850 4500 Jackson Boulevard Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Columbia, South Carolina 29202 Darwin Stuart Richard J. Solomon, Editor Research Associate The Journal of Urban Transportation Barton-Aschman Associates P. 0. Box 166 GCS 1771 Howard New York, New York 10017 Chicago, Illinois 60626 Clayton A. Sorenson City Engineer - Director John A. Swanson of Public Works Director of Right of Way and City of Minneapolis Location 203 City Hall Bureau of Public Roads Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 1717 H Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20591 William Sorrentino Program Evaluation Officer Ralph Tabor U. S. Department of Housing and Assistant Director for Federal Urban Development Relations Seventh & D Streets, S.W. National Association of Counties Washington, D. C. 20410 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 George C. Sponsler Executive Secretary Robert J. Tait National Research Council The Ohio State University Division of Engineering 2070 Neil Avenue Washington, D. C. 20418 Columbus, Ohio 43210

196 Charles H. Taylor F. L. Ventura Director, Tunnels and Bridges Transportation Research Department Department General Motors Research Laboratory The Port of New York Authority Twelve Mile & Mound Roads 111 Eighth Avenue at 15th Street Warren, Michigan 48090 New York, New York 10011 J.E. Vitt Floyd I. Thiel, Economist Transportation Research Depar tment Federal Highway Administration General Motors Research Laboratory U.S. Department of Transportation Twelve Mile & Mound Roads Washington, D. C. 20591 Warren, Michigan 48090 Don Tillman R. D. Wallace, Deputy Director Chief Deputy City Engineer Department of Highways & Traffic City of Los Angeles 14th and E Streets, N.W. City Hall, Room 800 Washington, D. C. 20004 Los Angeles, California 91403 Allen Weber Assistant Associate Director George E. Toth Research Engineering Chief Engineer 405 Hilgard A venue Transportation Administration of Los Angeles, California New York City 40 Worth Street M. T. Weinberg New York, New York Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. 4455 Genesee Street Richard W. Tupper P. 0. Box 235 Associate Director, Department of Buffalo, New York 14221 Public Relations American Automobile Association Foster L. Weldon, Director 1712 G Street, N.W. Transportation Research & Washington, D. C. 20006 Planning Office Ford Motor Company F. C. Turner, Director P. 0. Box 2053 Bureau of Public Roads Dearborn, Michigan 48121 Federal Highway Administration U. S. Department of Transportation Tom Wellman, Principal Planner Washington, D. C. 20591 Memphis & Shelby County Planning Commission George R. Turner, Jr. City Hall Chief, Design Division, Region 1 125 North Main Federal Highway Administration Memphis, Tennessee 38103 4 N ormanskill Boulevard · Delmar, New York 12054 George Weltmer Transportation Engineer Bill Utz Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Special Assistant to U. S. Senator Douglas Harry F. Byrd, Jr. 111 John Street Room 417, Old Senate Office Bldg. New York, New York Washington, D. C. 20510 Edward G. Wetzel, Associate Paul W. Valentine, Reporter Consultant Washington Post Edwards and Kelcey, Inc. 1515 L Street, N.W. 8 Park Place Washington, D. C. 20005 Newark, New Jersey 10707

197 Richard H. White, Representative U.S. Department of Transportation Minnesota Highway Interim Washington, D. C. 20591 Commission 610 Midwest Plaza James A. Wright, Planning Director Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 City of Birmingham 710 N. 20th Street Henry D. Whitney, Chief Planner Birmingham, Alabama 35203 Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton 375 Park Avenue Professor Robert R. Wright, III New York, New York 10022 Director, Continuing Legal Education Program Rex M. Whitton, Associate University of Arkansas Law School Howard, Needles, Tammen & Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Bergendoff 1805 Grand Avenue W. Wronski Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Commissioner of Planning Metropolitan Toronto Planning Carl R. Wilder, Manager Board Public Works and Transportation 19th Floor, East Tower, City Hall Section Toronto 1, Ontario, Cnnndn Portland Cement Association Old Orchard Road Henry M. Yamanaka Skokie, Illinois 60076 District Design Engineer Samuel B. Wilkinson 300 N. State Street Senior Project Engineer Illinois Division of Highways Pennsylvania Power and Light Chicago, Illinois 60610 Company W. Paul Yeager 901 Hamilton Street Principal Planner Allentown, Pennsylavnia 18101 City of Birmingham George Williams, Director City Hall Engineering & Operations Birmingham, Alabama 35203 Bureau of Public Roads 1717 H Street, N.W. Joseph Zitelli, Assistant Manager Washington, D. C. 20591 Project Engineering Division Tunnels & Bridges Department Neil H. Wilson, Chief Port of New York Authority Highway Needs Branch 111 Eighth Avenue Bureau of Public Roads New York, New York 10011