Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:00 Aerobics floor Water Fitness Water Fitness 9:15am Lap Pool Lap Pool Cycling Cycling Aerobics Floor Cycling HIIT w/ Lara* Cycling HIIT w/ Lara* Aerobics Floor 8:30 Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 - 5/22 - Lara -5/29 - Lara Cycle & Sculpt Cycling -6/5 - Kim Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor -6/12 - Lara -6/19 - Kim -6/26 - Lara Strength with Trish* Strength with Trish* Barre* Barre* CardioBlast* Aerobics Floor 9:30 Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor 10:30am Tai Chi Yoga1-2 Outside Classroom 1 Pilates Water Fitness Water Fitness 9:45 Classroom 1 Lap Pool Lap Pool Dance with Gwen* Dance with Gwen* Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor Dance with Gwen* Yoga 1* Yoga 2* 10:30 Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 Classroom 1 Stability Yoga for Athletes Classroom 1 Classroom 1 11:00 Cycling Cycling Aerobic Floor Aerobic Floor May/June 2021 Aqua Arthritis Aqua Arthritis Group 11:15 Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Silver Sneakers* Cardio Light* Core* 11:30 Classroom 1 Classroom 1 Classroom 1 RowFit RowFit 12:00 Multipurpose Gym Multipurpose Gym Sign-up is required for all classes. Stretch-N-Flex* Stretch-N-Flex* Stretch-N-Flex* Classroom 1 Classroom 1 Classroom 1 Sign-up starts 48 hours Chair Yoga* Chair Yoga* before the class. 12:15 Classroom 1 Classroom 1 Cycling Cycling Cycling Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor Aerobics Floor Classes and Instructors are subject to change. Aqua Arthritis Aqua Arthritis Aqua Arthritis Aqua Arthritis Aqua Arthritis 1:15 Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool Therapy Pool *Indicates the class is also Virtual.

Cycling Yoga 2 Cycling Yoga 2 Call 828-266-1060 for Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 more info or visit: 5:30 Restorative Yoga Zumba Pilates* Zumba Wellness.apprhs.org Classroom 1 Aerobics Floor Classroom 1 Aerobics Floor Class Descrip�ons

Cycling( SPINNING): Asmooth,safe 45 min cycling workout welcomingpar�ci pants ofall fitness levels. Please arrive 10 minutes early for your first class tolearn proper bike set-up and basic spinning techniques.P ar�cipants and instructors cans afely modify any class to the fit any fitness level.

Strength with Trish: This 45 min class will work each body part for one hour. In that hour you will challenge your body through endurance and .

ROWFIT: RowFit is a 30min class combining indoorrowing, running and other strengthening .

STRETCH AND FLEX:A4 5-minute class incorporating basic resistance and exercises. Perfect for the senior ci�zen or for the beginning exerciser.

YOGA: Yoga,the most ancient physical disciplinein existencetoda y. All instructors teach differently and each class can be modifiedto any fitness level. Classes are 60 min.

Zumba (Dance with Gwen) fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves tocrea teadynamic workout thatwill blow you away. Classes are 45 min.

Barre:Fuses the very best of pilates, yoga, aerobics, and strength training. The45 min class include modifica�ons forany fitness level, soyou can feelsuc cessful while achieving an amazing workout thatwill lengthen, strengthen and tone yourbody.

Chair Yoga:You will prac�ce yoga si�ing in a chair or standing and using the chair for support. You’ll learn many yogapostures, breathing techniques and ways of relaxation

Core:30minutes of work focused on thecore of the body. TaiChi:a 45 min workout thatf ocuses on connec�ng the bodySpecialty and mind through Class gentleDescrip� movements.ons Cardio Blast with Trish: This 45 min class will work each body part for one hour. In that hour you will challenge your body through endurance and strength training.

SilverSn eakers Classic: Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and ac�vities of daily living. The classis 45 min.

Stability:A 30 minute class that focuses on exercises deignedto help improve balance and stability.

Cycle&Sculpt: Acardio based class that combines indoor cycling and step aerobics.

Pilates: a method of exercise thatc onsists oflow-impact flexibility and muscularst rength and endurance movements.

Restora�ve Yoga: (Yin)Anall-level class combining a simple sequence of restful postures with the support of props for maximum relaxa�on. Through the poses and breath, thiscla ss serves to soothe the nervous system and promote relaxation and deep inner connection.

Yoga ForA thletes: An all-level class suited to those experiencing common tensions from workout rou�nes and/or sports. The class begins with a flow-styles equence towarm up the body, then progresses to deepst retches for major muscles used in fitness. The class also incorporates balance work to enhance yourathle�c lifestyle.

HIIT with Lara: High-intensityinterval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort throughquick, intensebursts of exercise, followed by short, some�mes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rateup and burns more fat inl esst ime. HIIT is a full-body workout.