U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SOUTH HARPSWELL QUADRANGLE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -CUMBERLAND CO. COUSI NS ISLAND-CHEBE 7.5-MINUTE SERIES AGUE ISLAND FRY AUSTI 70°07'30" 5' 2'30" N POI 100 70°00' 4 000m 4 4 4 Whaleboat Ledge 4 4 Barnes Island 4 4 NT RD 4 43°45' 10 E 11 12 13 14 15 17 2 990 000 FEET 18 19 43°45'


D Artist R

R T IN 100 T T Point Basin O

N Barnes Island P I H

D S P Whaleboat Island O Cove A


N R D Basion IP N I E R Merriconeag E S R T E O Cove P R T L T Harpswell Neck Sound O A S E Falls D N C G PR I N I G S 48 D E A I F B 44 V R I Ash Point ISI R D E O H 48 000m N O Goose 44 N U P SE T R Chebeague Island Nest RD D South Ledge Harpswell F HO D Graveyard G G U R #"! N SE I LN Potts K Point Cem 100 T C Bailey E E E Harbor N Island Cem M L 330 000 ROY HILL RD Birch Island Ledge EL W S Basin Point P FEET Central Landing Goose Nest R A H

D R 48 Great Chebeague Stockman T 43 N I O N RD Island Island 48 P 43 S T Pinkham Island T Horse Island O Thrumcap P R P W RD S UC IE Little Birch Island E V POINT

D R Potts

L L Torry Rock L Point A M Crow Northwest Ledge D 100 S R T T n N Island █ N H I Mackerel O O J Bangs P Cove R Merriconeag R O S E E Island PETIT MANAN N C P Sound B 48 H O A I 42 A N NATIONAL RL T 48 EST R ON D 42 R WILDLIFE REFUGE Great D Upper Flag Island Harbor Abner Waldo Cove Point Point

Stave Island Ledge

Haskell Jaquish D R Island Gut S S Jaquish 48 Johnson Jenks Landing Broad Gut 41 4841 Cove Ministerial Sound Stave Island Coleman Island Great Mark Island Cove Jaquish Sand Island Turnip Island Island Bennett Chandler Cove Landing Turnip Cove Haddock Rock Western Island Ledge Bates Eagle Deer Point Landing Island Island Imagery...... NAIP, January 2010 Deer Point Roads...... ©2006-2010 Tele Atlas Rogues Little Mark Names...... GNIS, 2010 42'30" 42'30" Hydrography...... National Hydrography Dataset, 2010 Island Island Contours...... National Elevation Dataset, 2010 Eagle Island Ledge

Hope Island Whale Rock

Mark Island Luckse Mink Rocks Ledge Sound 4839 Cliff Broken 48 39 Island Fishermans Cove Cove n █ West Brown Cow Y FR Y BA CO AS C Cliff Island Landing E V A D D N A L S 48 I 38 4838 Y FR Y BA Little Jewell Drunker Ledge CO AS Island C Bigelow Cocktail Punchbowl Eastern Cove Bight Drunkers Ledge

Jewell Island 4837 4837 Indian Johns Rock Ledge

4836 4836

40' Inner Green 40' Island 4835 4835

Green Island Reef Webster Rock

Halfway Rock 4834 Green 4834 Island Passage

Junk of Pork 4833 4833

4832 4832

Casco Bay

290 000 FEET 4831000mN 4831

43°37'30" 43°37'30" 410 411 2 970 000 FEET 4 413 4 4 4 4 000m 4 70°07'30" 12 5' 14 15 2'30" 17 18 E 19 70°00' ^ Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 ROAD CLASSIFICATION 2 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) 6 Expressway Local Connector 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 9 World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and MN 9

MAINE 1 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 19T 15° 44´ Ø Secondary Hwy Local Road 4

1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 2 10 000-foot ticks: Maine Coordinate System of 1983 (west zone) 280 MILS GN Ramp 4WD 0 0° 44´ 1 0.5 0 1 4 K

13 MILS 7 This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be MILES X Interstate Route US Route State Route . H 4 generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government W / 3 QUADRANGLE LOCATION reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 2 6 X entering private lands. UTM GRID AND 2014 MAGNETIC NORTH FEET 1 DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET S G 0

CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET 1 Yarmouth S Imagery...... NAIP, October 2013 U.S. National Grid 3


Roads...... HERE, ©2013 100,000-m Square ID 4 3 Orrs Island Names...... GNIS, 2013 4 Portland East 6 Hydrography...... National Hydrography Dataset, 2013 DJ This map was produced to conform with the 4 5 Contours...... National Elevation Dataset, 2005 5 Bailey Island 7 National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011. 6 Cape Elizabeth Boundaries...... Multiple sources; see metadata file 1972 - 2013 A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.16 6 7 8 7 Grid Zone Designation SOUTH HARPSWELL, ME 19T 8 ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 2014 *7643016370496* NSN. NGA REF NO.

Produced by the United States Geological Survey North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 19T 10 000-foot ticks: Maine Coordinate System of 1983 (west zone)

This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before entering private lands.

Imagery Roads HERE, ©2013 Roads within US Forest Service Lands...... FSTopo Data with limited Forest Service updates, 2013 Names...... GNIS, 2013 HydrographyNational Hydrography Dataset, Contours Boundaries...... Multiple sources; see metadata file 1972 - 2013


Expressway Local Connector Secondary Hwy Local Road Ramp 4WD WX Interstate Route /. US Route H State Route

FS Primary Route FS Passenger FS High

ª« Route ▬ Clearance Route Check with local­ Forest Service unit for current travel conditions and restrictions.