DONALDJ. PINKAVA Departmcnt of Botany & Microbiology Arizona State University Tempc, Arizona 85287


Towering limestone sicrras capped by conifer forests overlook a broad desertic valley studded with playas, streams, sub' artesian wells ani Thc flora study site of more than 2,000 km2 ranges in elevations from about te,1anean tubes, "ia""g"r. 740 m on the basin floor to morc than 3,000 m stop Sierra de la Madera. The vegetation may be divided iunong (l) sacaton grasslands on the saline basin floor, (2) aquatic and semiaquatic habitats, (3) gypsum dunes, (4) Eansition zone, (5) desert scrub on the bajadas, (6) chaparral, (7) oak-pine and oak woodlands, and (8) montane forests. The vascular flora consists of 879 taxa distributed among 860 spccies in 456 genera from I 14 families, a very rich assem- blagc in t5c (hihuahuan Desert Rcgion. Not only is the fauna rich in endemics but so is the flora. This study sitc is type locality for 49 taxa of which four are no longer recognized and of which 23 are cndemic. The once-landlocked arca now bears a town with its accompanying disturbances including farming, logging, removal of gypsum, mining, and canalization of thc water. There is sufficient evidence, botanically and zoologically, to warrant protec- tion of this unique array of habitats and their biota.


Altfsimas sicrras, formadas de piedra caliza con cimas cubiertas por bosques de corifferae, dominan la vista de un vallc a'cho dcdrtico, scmbrado de playas, arroyos, tuneles subter-aneos, pozos artesianos y cidnegas. El -area de investigaci6n bottanica cubre mae de 2,000 km2 y se extiende desde una clevaci6n de 74C m en el piso de la cuenca, a mas de 3,000 m de altura sobrc Sierra de la Madcra. La vegetacidn sc cncuentra rcpartida cntre (1) zaca(on en el piso alcalino dc la cuenca, (2) h6bitate acufticos y scmi-acu6ticos, (3J dunas de yeso, (4) zona de transici6n, (5) matorral defcrtico de las bajadas, (6) chaparral, (7) bosques de encino y montcs compuestos de pino-encino, y (8) bosqucs de montafra. La flora vaccular consistc de 879 taxa repartidos entre 860 especies en 456 g6nera dc 114 familias; un conjunto rico en la regi,6n del dcgicrto chihuahuense. Nol solo la fauna es rica en endemismos sino tambien la flora. Dicha regi6n dc investi- gacfon ee localidad tipo dc 49 tzxa de los cuales 4 ya no se reconoccn y 23 son endlemicas. El lugar, en otro tiempo aislado, ahora eosticne un pueblo con sus disturbios acompafrantes, los cuales incluyen agricul- tura, expi-otaci-on forestal, la extraccfin de ycro, er

INTRODUCTION.-The Bolc-on of Cuatro Ci6ncgas and ranges in elevation above sca level from about 740 m on surrounding sierras lie near the eastcm limits of the Chihua' the basin floor to morc than 3,000 m atop Sierra de la huan Desert in central Coahuila, Mdxico. The Bol6n ig Madera. North-ccntral in thc basin ig the town of Cuatro unique because of its varied aquatic featuree-lagunas, Ci'encgas de Carranza (26059'N, f 02002'\[). For detailed playas and associated gypsum dunes' rivers, subterranean descriptions of thc aquatic fcatures and of the flora and tubes, artesian wellc, pozos and cilencgae. This retting is vegetation of this region, see Gilmore (1947), Meyer suroundcd by stecp limestone sierras capped by conifer (1975), Minckley (1969, f 977), Minckley and Cole (1968), forests. Pinkava (1979-f 98f ), and Wood (1975). This Bols6n is an intermontane valley approximately The vegetation may be divided into the following 40 km wide by 25 km long (Fig. f ). It fu ncarly bisected major zones: 1) basin sacaton grasslands; 2) aquatic and from the south by the outjutting tip of Sier:a dc San scmi-aquatic habitats; 3) gypsum dunes; 4) transition zone Marcos. Bordering ranges are Sierra San Vicente and (between grasslands and the bajadas); 5) desert scrub (rictt Sierra de la Puifsima to thc east, Sierra de la Fragua (yet to in cacti); 6) chaparral; 7) oak'pine and oak woodlandg; bc studied) to the west and Sierra de la Madera and Sierra and 8) montane conifer forests. de la Menchaca to the northwest and northeast resP€c- ENDEMISM.-Thc Bols6n ie known to suPPort a fauna rich tively. Thc flora study sitc of approximatcly 2,000 km2 in endcmics (See Cole, Hershler, McCoy, and Minckley,

pinlava, D. J. 1984. Vcgetation and Flora of the Botr6n of Cuatro Ci€negar Rcgion, Coahuila, M'exico: fV. Summary, Endemism and Corrccted Catabgue. Journal of the Arizona-Nevadat Academy of Scicnce L9223-47. 24 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,.19

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.G uisuE l, l9E4 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF TTIE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 25 prescnt symposium). The very rich flora, one of the most find their type locality in the region (Table 1). Of these 45 n""i"a itt ttrc Cnnualuan Descrt, contains 49 taxa which arc currcntly recognized taxa and 23 are endemic, as far as Teble l. Vascular with type locality in Guatro Ci6negas Region. Those taxa endemic to the Region are indicatedby cxclanation points (l); those no longer recognized, by astcrisks (*).

PINACAE EUPHORBIACEAE Abies d,urangensis Mat{tnez vat. coahuilensis (1.M, lEup h o rb ia p ink aa ana M.C. J ohnston Johnrton) Matiinez RUTACEAE RANUNCULACEAE Choisy a katherinae Muller

c o Kerl Clem atis ahuilense GENTIANACEAE BERBERIDACEAE lSabatia tuberculosa J. E. Williams Berberis pinifolia (Lundcll) Muller var. coahuilensis HYDROPHYLLACEAX Muller Nama serphylloides Hemslcy var, confertum l. M. FAGACEAE Johnston *Quercus Muller (included m Q. pringlei filifurmis lP h a c e lia m ar s halli o hnsf o n dd Atwood & -Pinkava von Seemen) *Quercus greggii (DC.) Trcl. f. subglabrata Muller BORAGINACEAE (included in Q. greggi (DC.) Trcl.) lTiq uilia tum eri Richardson NYCTAGINACEAE LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE) Fowler & Turner lselinocarpus undulatus lP o lio rn intha m aderen s is Henrickson

CACTACEAE ! S atur ej a m aderen sis Henrickron lAncistrocactus breihamatus (Engclm.) Britt. & Rose SCROPHULARIACEAE (possible ncw varietY) lP en ste m o n h enrick so nii Straw lCoryphantha echinus (Engclm.) Britt. & Rose (pos' siblc new varietY) ACANTHACEAE lCoryphantha sp. (aff. C. chaffeyi (Britt. & Rose) Carlowrightia mexicana Henrickson & Daniel Fosberg) I u stic ia co'ahu ilana Daniel Echino c ereus freudenb ergerd G.R.W. Frank RUBIACEAE Opuntia ant e oi o en s is Pinkava Houstonia mullerae (Fosb.) Tcrrell CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex acanthocarpa (Torrey) Wats. (possble new (COMPOSITAE) subspecies) B ric ke llia ur o leP is Blake Aniplex prosopidutn I. M.Johnston C haeto pappo pu I ch e lla Shinners Suaed.a saffru'ticosa Wats. var. detonsa I. M. Johnston Cirsium coahilense G. Ownbey & Pinkava AI\,IARANTHACEAE lDy ss o dia gy P so P hila Turner lEr ig ero n cuatro ciene g en sis Nesom Tidestromia rhizomatosa I. M. Johnston I Gaillarid.a gy P soq hilo Turncr MALVACEAE lHaplo e sth es ro bu sta I.M. Johnston gyp |A butilo n P ink aa a e Fryxell lMachaeranthera sophila Turner r e Turner BRASSICACEAE (CRUCIFERAE) lMa chaeranth era stiformis Nerisyrena ttt ccza Rollinc (GRAMINEAE) Rollinsia payson ri (Rollinr) Al-Shchbaz *Andropogon tnaderensis Swallen (included in (Michx.) Naeh var. PRIMULACEAE Schizachyrium scoparium n e o m e xic anurz (Nash) Gould) Samolus ebracteatus H.B.K. vat. coahuilensds Henrick' Mu hle n b e rgia pub liglum a Swallcn 80n Sp o ro b o lu s sP icifu nnis Swallen CRASSULACEAE Stipa alta Swallen lsedurn paroum Hemsley vat. diminuturz Claugen AGAVACEAE ROSACEAE lAgaae scabra Salm-Dyck rep. maderensis Gentry lRosa uoodsii Lindl. var. madetensis Henrickson ORDHIDACEAE MIMOSACEAE *spiranthes emilbe M.C. Johnston (includcd in lMimo sa unipinnata Paditt & Pinkava Pelexia schaffneri (Rchb. f.) Schlu. 26 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA.NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,. 19

is known. An even greater number of taxa are found only tinue efforts in preserving all or at least a portion of this in the study area and immediately adjacent areas. Regions ccosystem beforc this important part of man's heritage is containing concentrations of endcmic taxa include: l) the lost. Endangerment to cndemic habitats include goat Leguna Grande-Laguna Churince complex, northward to and cattlc grazing, farming, harvesting of gypsum from Rio Mesquites, eastward onto the north tip of Sierra de San dunes, and the logging of conifers. Marcos (Figurc 1, area approximately from H to K and 20 to 23, excluding Highway 30 and perhaps Pozo Bccerra CATALOGUE OF VASCULAR PLANTS recreation area) for approximately 12 endemic ta:ra; 2\ canyons and bajadas of canyons of Sierra de la Madera, The known vascular flora of the Bol/on of Cuatro east-facing slopes to crest and partly down the west-facing Ci6negas and surrounding gierras currently consists of 879 (Canyons slopes Agua to Hacienda to Cf,rarretera; Figure l, taxa distributed among 860 specier in 456 genera from 114 area approximately from D'5-10 to D f 0-lg) for approxi- families (Tablc 2). Cultivars distant from habitation ac- mately 10 endcmic taxa; 3) south-facing bajadas and can- count for an additional 7 speciee, in 7 gcnera and 3 families. just yons above Pozo Anteojo (Figurc l, area from C to E The first significant collections of vascular plants from and 20 to 221 for an additional 2 endemic taxa. These Cuatro Cienegas basin were made by Ivan M. Johnston, axeas need to be conelated with the endemic fauna and 24-26 August 1938. Within the next three years, additional afforded protection, tempered by the rights of the people specimens were by Leroy H. Harvey, Emest M. now living there. Marsh, Jr., Cornelius H. Muller, and Stephen S. White, all in Because of the large numbcr of endemic taxa of both 1939, and again byJohnston in 1941. plants and animale, the unique aquatic habitats, as well as Nearly 25 years lapsed before thc vegetation and flora the region's scenic value, there is an urgent need to con- were again intensively investigated, notably by a team of

Tablc 2. Taxonomic compocition of the rascular flora of Guatro Ci6negas Region, Coahuila, M6xico.

Additional Divirion Families Genera Species Infraspecic Total Taxa Taxa Lycopodiophyta I I 3 0 3 Polypodiophyta 3 8 29 0 29 Pinophyta (Gymnoopcrmac) 3 6 13 0 l3 Magnoliophyta (Angiorpcrmae ) 107 441 815 19 834 Magnoliatae (Dicotyledonac) 90 351 680 l8 698 Magnoliidae 9 t4 0 t4 Hamamclidae c c 15 I 16

Garyophyllidae l0 44 99 I 100 Dilleniidae l6 47 65 0 65 Rosidae 28 94 t77 0 182 Asteridae 24 162 310 11 32r Liliatae (Monocotyledonac) t7 80 r35 I r36 Alismatidae 4 4 0 0 5 Arecidae I I I 0 1 Commclinidae 0 53 96 0 96 Zngiberidae 1 2 2 0 2 Liliidae 6 19 31 I 32 TOTALS 114 456 860 19 879 rssuE l,1984 VEGETATION AND FIPRAOF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 27

rcsc:rchers from Arizona State University (W. L. Minckley, Adiantum capillus-aenerds L. (A) myself, and our students), from the University of , Augtin (M. C. Johnston, B. L. Turner, and their students), Cheilanthes aemula Maxon (D, O) and from thc Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix (H. S. Gentry and Rodney Engard). Many ottrer collections C. alabamensls (Buckl.) Kunze (C, D, O) have bccn made, e.g., James Henrickson, A. M. Powell, N. Boke, F. L. Wynd, andJean Graber. C. castanea Maxon (D, O) Nomenclature and arangcmeat of taxa in the follow- ing catalogue follow Cronquist, ct al. (f966) for names of C. honidula Maxon (D) higher categories; Crabbc, ct d. (1975) for pteridophytes; and Cronquist (1981) for angiosperms. New taxa or new C. jarnaicensis Maxon (O) names for taxa since the original catalogue (Pinkava 1979- 1981) are indiiated by asterisks (*). Documentation refer- C. notholaenol'des (Desv.) Maxon ex Wcatherby (O) ring back to the original cataloguc are placed in brackets. Code lctters preceding collection numb€rs correspond to C. oillosa Davenp. ex Maxon (D, O) thc following principal collectors whose specimens :ue deposited in the herbaria indicated: ADZ = A.D. Zimmer- Notholaena aschenborniana Klotzsch (D, O) man (TEX-LL; none secn); D = T.F. Danicl (ASU;MICH, nonc seen); H = James Henrickson (and with others) (TEX- N. candida (Mart. & Gal.) Hook. var. copelandtt (Hall) LL); IW = I.M. Johnston (GH, TEX-LL); M = C.H. Muller Tryon (D, O) (TEX-LL); MCJ = M. C. Johnston (with others) (TEX'LL); P = DJ. Pinkava (and with others (ASU); R = Tim Reeves N. cochisensis Goodding IN. sinuata (Lagasca) Kaulf. var. (with Pinkava) (ASU); and W = Tom Wendt (with Emily cochisensis (Goodding) Weatherby entry] (D) Lott and others) (TEX-LL). Additional collectors with cpccimens dcposited in ASU are: E. Arnold, W. Brown, N. delicatula Maxon & Weathcrby (D, O) J. Lcwis, J. Landyc, E. Meyer, and W. L. Minckley; in TEX-LL are: J. Bacon, J. Garbcr, E. M. Marsh, Jr., A. H. N. greggii (Mctt.)Maxon (D) Schroeder, B. L. Turner, and S. S. White. Additional abbreviations used in catalogue are: C = N, incana Presl. (D, O) Cafr6n; CC = Town of Cuatro CiCnegas; L = Laguna; P = Pozo; R = Rancho; SM = Sierra de la Madera; SME = Sierra N. integenima (Hook.) Healy IN. sinuata (Lagasca) Kaulf. de la Menchaca; SSM = Sierra dc San Marcos. Vegetation var. integenima Hook. cntry; collection R4314 cited zones are: (A) = aquatic and permanent waterways habi- here is N. cochisensisl (D) tats; (B) = basin grasdands; (C) = chaparral; (Cult.) = culti' vars distant from habitations; (D) = desert scrub, bajadas N. lirnitanea Maxon var. mexicana Maxon (O) and flats; (G) = gypsum dunes and flats; (M) = montane conifer forests; (O) = oak-pine and oak woodlands; (T) = N. neglecta Maxon (D) transition zone between basin grasslands and desert scmb. For more details on ecology see original catalogue (Pinkava N. paraifolia Tryon (D) 1979-198 1). N. schaffneri (Fourn.) Underw. var. neallyi (Seaton) CATALOGUE OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS Weatherby (O) OF THE CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION, COAHUILA, MEXICO N. sinuata (Lagasca) Kaulf. (D,O)

LYCOPODIOPHYTA N. standleyi Maxon (D)

SELAGINELLIACEAE Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link (O)

Selaginella lepidophylla (Hook. & Grev.) Spring (D) P. intermedia Mett. ex Kuhn (D, O)

S. pilifera A. Br. [includcs S. nottoleonezsts Hieron. entry] P. ooata (Desv.) Weatherby (D) (o) ASPLENIACEAE S. wrightii Hieron. (D, O) Asplenium exiguum Bcdd (O) POLYPODIOPHYTA ADIANTACEAE A. resiliens Kuntze (M,O) 28 JOURNAL OF TrrE ARTZONA-NEVADAACADEMY OF SCTENCE vol,.19

Cystopteris cf . protrusa (Wcatherby) Blasdell (M, O) NYMPHAEACEAE *ll/oodsia mexicana Fee IW. plumrnerae Lemmon] (M, O) Nymphaea ampla (Salisb.) DC. (A)


Polypodium guttatutn Mo

PINOPHYTA (GYMNOSPERMAE) Clematis coahuilensis Keil (f 977) [Type is f/.l/SS0 (TEX- LL; isotype: ASUI (C, O) PINACEAE C. drummondr'l'Torrey & Gray (D) *Abies durangensis Mar(mez var. coahuilensis (I.M. John- ston) Martinez IA. coahuilensl's I.M. Johnston entry] C. pitcheri Torrey & Gray var, filifera (Benth.) (M) Robins. (C, O)

Pinus arizonica Engelm. in Wheeler (M) Thalictrum fend.leri Engelm. (M, O)

T. grandifuliun Wats. (O) *P. johannis M.-F. Robert s.l. - Add: SM: C. Desiderio W1816. See Bailey and Hawksworth (f 979). This is BERBERIDACEAE a pinyon of higher elcvations. [This and the following originally entered with P. cembroid,es Zucc.] (O) Berberis eutriphylla (Fedde) Muller (O)

*P. retnota (Littlc) Bailey & Hawksworth (1979) - Add: B. pinifulia (Lundell) Muller var. coahuilensis Muller (C, D) SM: C. Agua, near mouth (1500m) W1944 (TEX, COLO; not seen; Bailey & Wendt, 1979). This is a B. trifoliolata Moric. (D) pinyon of lower elevations. (O) MENISPERMACEAE P. strobiformds Engelm. in Wisliz. (M) Cocculus carolinus (L.) DC. (8, D) Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco vzr. glauca (Beissn.) Franco (M) PAPAVERACEAE

CUPRESSACEAE Argemone chisosensis Owenbey (D)

Cupressus arizonica Greene (M, O) A. sanguinea Greene (D) tuniperus-erythro carpa Cory including vat. coahuilensis Martinez (Zanoni & Adams, 1980) (O) ' FI.JMARIACEAE Corydalis pseudomicrunthc Fedde (O, M) J. flaccida Schlecht. vat.flaccid,a (O)


Ephedra aspera Engelm. (Dl PLATANACEAE

E. pedunculafa Engelm. (D) Platanus occidentalis L. var. glabrafa (Fern.) Sargent (D, O)

E. trifurca Ton. ex Watson (G) ULMACEAE



Anemopsis califurnica (Nutt.) H. & A. (A, B) Ficus carica L. (Cult.) ISSUE I,1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 29

URTICACEAE B. linearifolia Gray (D)

Cy phomeris gypsophiloide s Standl. (D) Parietaria flondana Nutt. (A, D) Mir ab ilis p s e ud o ag gr e gat a Heimerl ( M. c o ahu ile n si s JUGLANDACEAE (Standl.) standl.) (o) (D) Carya illinoensds (Wang.) K. Koch (Cult.) M. oblongifoliz (Gray)Heimerl Nyctaginea capitata Choisy (D) Juglans microcarPa Berl. (D) Se lino carpu s angustifo lius Torrey (D) FAGACEAE S, purpusianus Heimerl (G)

Qtercus glaucoides Mart. & Gal. (O) *5. undulatus Fowler & Turner (L977)' Basin: 6'4 km W ot CC IMJ7159 (type: GH); Shreae 8458 (ARIZ, US; grauesii Sudw. (O) Q. not seen). [Included here also ate P3744, 3908,5340 previously identified as S. angustifolrzs Torrey] - Add: Q. greggii (DC.) Trel. (M, O) SSM: N end.D512,533. (D)

Q. greggii (DC.) Trel. x Q pringlei von Seemen AIZOACEAE (includes Q. greggii f. subglabrata Muller). (O) Sesauiurn oerrucosurn Raf' (G)

Q. hypoxantha Trel. (C) CACTACEAE

*Ancisttocactus breoihamaitas (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose var. Q. intricata Trel. in Standl. (C) breaihamatus - Uncommon, bajadas and desert allu' road C. Pajarito P10447; Q, inuaginata Trel. - Add. SM: 3.7 km SE of R. Cerro vium. SM: desert flats, to Madera, road to C. Hacienda W 1846. (C, O, bajada between mouths of C. Agua and C. Hacien& eDZ1763; !7ats, road W to R. Cl.rarr.etera AD22080. (D) Q. muhlenbergri Engelm. (O) *A. breaihamotzs (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose possible new oblongifolia Toney (O) Q. variety - On gypsum/salt flats S of CC AD22081. (8, G) Q. pringeli von Seemen (includes Q. filiformis Muller). (C,M, O) A. uncinatus (Gal.) Benson (D)

Ariocarpus (Engelm.) K. Schumann var. Q. pungens Liebm. (O) fissuratus fissuratus (D) Q. pungens Liebm. var. aaseyana (Buckl.) Muller (O) *Astrophytim capricone (A. Dietr.) Britt. & Rose var. CASUARINACEAE crassispinum (Moeller) Okumura /Ec hino cactu s carpricornis A. Dietr. entrY] (D) Casuarina cunninghamianc Miq. (Cult.) *Coryphantha chaffeyi (Britt. & Rose) Fosberg - Uncom- mon,lower canyons. SM: C. Pajarito P10473 (in part); MAGNOLIATAE - CARYOPHYLLIDAE C. Agaa P 1 6 3 2 3 ; C. Hacienda A D Z 1 7 7 3 ; C. Desiderio, 1800 m AD22076. (C' D, O) PHYTOLACCACEAE - Phytolacca octandra L. (O) *C. echinus (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose possible new variety Locally common, limestone bajadas, hills. SSMI N end NYCTAGINACEAE P3989, 5143, AD22072. (D',)

Acleisanthes longiflora Gray (D) C. rnacromens (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose - Add: Basin: on gypsum at El Mesquite S of CC AD22082. (8, G) Allionb choisyi Standl. (T) C. poselgeriana (Dietrich) Britt. & Rose. (D, G) A. incarnata L. (D, T) *C. pseudechlnzs B6deker ' Locally common, bajadar and Anulocaulis eriosolenus (Gray) Standl. (D) (mostly) on rocky slopcs. SSM: N cnd'4.D. Zimmer' Boerhaaia intermedia M. E.Joncs (D) rzan l9E3 right rccordr (pcro. comm.). (D) JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,. 19

*C. rarnillosa Cutak - Common; bajadas, hills. Basin: L. Epithelantha bo&ed Benson (D) Juan Santos P3917; L. Ferrifio P4195; above P. Anteojo P3999. SM: near R. Mesquites P13017. (D). E. microrneris (Engelm.) Weber (D)

C. strobilifbrn rs (Poselger) Orcutt var. strobiliformis - Fero c actu s hatnatacanthus (Mtihlenpfordt) Britt. & Rose (D) Add: SM: C. Pajarito P10473 (in part). (C, D, O) *F. pilosus (Gal.) Werd. lF. pringlei (Coult.) Britt. & Rose *C. uiaipara (Nutt.) Britt. & Rose var. neomexicana entryl (O) (Engelm.) Backeberg (Nutt.) fvar,radiosa Britt. & Rose *Gymnocactus aguineanus Glass & Foster - SSM: N end entry] - Add: Basin: Lewis 20A,9 km SW CC of P s.n. (in part). To be transferred to a new later MC17626. (B,c) (A.D. Zimmennan, pers. comm.). (D) *C. werderrnanu'd - Bddeker Basin: near P, Anteojo P5529, Lophophora williarnsii (Lemaire) Coulter (D) 552eA. (D) *Marnmillaria chionocephala Purpus - SSM: opposite P. Los *C. sp. aff.. chaffeyi (Britt. & Rose) Fosberg - SM: above FresnosP6l34. SM: C. Desiderio, 2000 mADZ2079. (D) 2000 m to Douglas-fir forest at crest ff-l8868 (TEX, not seen A,D. Zimmerman, pers. comm.),AD22074, *M. 2078. (M) heyderi Mi.ihlenpfordt var. heyderi lM. gummifera Engelm. in Wisliz. entry] (D) *C. ,p. aff . Echinocactus salinensis Poselger - SM: between (D) mouths of C. Agua and C. HaciendaPl3660, M. lasiacantha Engelm. ADZ1761, 1762. (C,D,O) *M. tneiacant&a Engelm. (M. heyderivat. meiacantha (Engclm.) - *6'. sp. al.f.. zilziana Biideker - Uncommon in limestone Benson) SM: C. Desiderio, S-facing slope, 1800 Zimmerman (pers. crevices. SSM: N end, P5088 (in part), P (in part), m:4.D. 1983 sight records ADZ 2071. (D) comm.). (D) M. pottsii Scheer in Salm-Dyck (B, D) E c hin o c a c tu s h o riz o nt h alo mas Lemaire var, horiz o n- (D) thalonius *Neolloydia conoidea (DC.) Britt. & Rose - Fairly common, E. texensis Hoppfer (B, D) bajadas. Basin: 1.5 km NE of R. San Marcos, limestone MCJ7690; bajada above P. Antcojo P5502. (D)

Echinocereus enneacanthus Engelm. var. dubius (Engelm.) Opuntia anteojoensis Pinkava (D) Benson. Is included in typical var. by Breckenridge and Miller (f 982). (D, C) O. bradtiana (Coulter) Brandegee (D)

*8. freudenbergeri G.R.W. Frank (1981) lE. chloranthus O. imbricata (Haw.) DC. var. imbricata (B,D\ (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Riimpler entryl - SSM: 12 km S of CC along hwy, with Yucca and Hechtia, G. Freuden- O. kleiniae DC. var. kleiniae (B,D) berger (type: ZSS no. AA18-27; not seen).Questionably O. leptocaulis DC. (8, D, G) distinct from E. longisetus (Engelm.) Riimpler and E. delaetii (Guerke) Guerke (A.D. Zimmcnnan, pcrs. *O. lindheimeru'Engelm. var. lindheimen'- SM: C. comm.). (D) Agua, uncommon, oak chaparral P13621; C. Desiderio, 1800 m A.D. Zimmerman 1983 (pers. E. pectinatus (Schcid.) Engelm. var. pectinatu.s (C, D) sight records comm.). (c, D) *E. stramineus (Engelm.) Engelm. ex Riimpler fE. ennea- O. moelleri Berger (8, G) canthus var. straminezs (Engelm. ex Riimpler) Benson] - Considered distinct by Breckenridge and Miller O. phaeacantha Engelm. var. discata (Griffiths) Benson & (1e82). (D) Walkington (D)

*E, triglo c hidlafzs Engelm . vax. rnelanacanthus (Engclm.) 0. phaeacantha Engelm. var, major Engelm. (D) Bcnson - Uncommon, lower and mid-canyons. SM: C. Desiderio (approaching var. paucispinzs (Engelm.) O. rufida Engelm. (D) Marshall) A.D, Zimmerman 1983 sight records (pers. O. schottii Engelm. comm.). (O). ISpecimen number P529 7 of original citation should bc P52791 (B) * E c hin o m a s tu s m ar ip o s e n s is Hester (N e o I I o y dia m ar i- O. oiohcea Engelm. in Emory var, rnacrocenfra (Engelm.) posensis (Hester) Benson - Basin: 12.5 km SW CC of Benson (B) Gay U Gay 2962 (POM; not seen; cited by Benson, 1e82). (D) Thelocactus bicolor (Gd.) Britt. & Rose (D) ISSUE l, 1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 3l

CHENOPODIACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE Allenrolfea occidentalis (Wats.) Kuntzc (T) Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb. - Add: SM: C. Hacienda P13640; C. Desiderio W1819. (Ol Atriplex acanthocarpa (Torrey) Wats. possible new zub- rpecies (T) Dryrnaria laxiflora Benth. - Add: SM: C. Olmos WlZg7. (D) A. canescens (Pursh) Nutt. (D, G) D. lyropetala I.M.Johnston var. coahuilana I.M.Johnston A. rnuricata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. (D) (D, G) prosopi.dura A. I.M.Johnston (T) Stellaria cuspidata Willd.:(O, M) A. texana Wats..(T) POLYGONACEAE Chenopodiurn rnurale L. (8, D) Eriogonum jamesii Benth. in DC. var. undulatun (Benth. *C. neomexicanum StandT. fC. fremontiiWats. f.. farinosum in DC.) Stokes exJones (C, O) Aellen entry. SpecimenP5354 too immature to identi- rv.l (D) Po ly g o nurn hy dro pip ero ides Michx. (A) Meiotneria stellata (Wats.) (T) Standl. PLUMBAGINACEAE *Salicornia cf . utahensis Tidestr. sp. entry] (T) [S. Limonium limbatum Small. var. lirnbatum (B,T) Salsola iberica Scnnen & Pau (T) MAGNOLIATAE . DILLENIIDAE Suaeda mexicana Standl. (T) STERCULIACEAE S. palrneri (Standl.) Standl. (T) Ayenia tnicrophylla Gray (D) S. suffruticosa Wats. var. detonsa I.M. Johnston (T) AMARANTHACEAE MALVACEAE

Amoanthus blitoides Wats. (T) Abutilon hypoleucum Gray (D)

*4. uarnockii I.M. Johnston - Common in disturbed A. incanum (Unk) Sweet (D) limestone bajadas. SM: Tanque El Toro, 4.8 km A. malacurn Wats. (D) E of R. Charretera Wl761. (D\ *4. pinkaaae Fryxell (1977) - Type Froelichia arizonica Thomb. (D) [,4. sp.entry] is P13044 (ASU). (D) Tidestromia gerflmata I.M. Johnston (D, T) *Anoda thurberi Gray - SM: 6.7 km E of R. Charretera T. lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl. (T) w 1745 . (D)

T. rhizomatosa I.M. Johnston (G, T) Herissantia oispa (L,l Brizicky (D) T. suffruticosa (Torrey) Standl. var. coahuilanal.M. Hibiscus cardiophyllus Gray (D) (D) Johnston H. coulteri Harv. (D) PORTULACACEAE Malaa paraiflora L. (8, D) Portuhca rnundula I.M. (D) Johnston Malaastrum coromandelion (L.) Garcke (D) P. oleracea L. (B, D) Meximalua filipes (Gray) Iryxell (D) P. retusa Engelm. (B, D) Paaonia lasiopetala Scheele (C, D) *Talinaria coahuilensis (Wats.) P. Wilson includes T. palmeri *Rhynchosid.a Brandegee (McNeill, 1977). (D) physo calyx (Gray) Fryxel (f 978a) [Srda physocalyx Gray entry] - Add: SM: 6.7 km E of Talinum angustissimurn (Gray) Woot. & Standl. (D) R. Charretera W1744. (B,D\

T. aurantiacunz Engelm. (D) Sida longipes Gray (D, G) *T. cf.. calycinurn Engelm. - SM: Cafiada Los Pozos, 0.8 km S. neomexicana Gray - Add: SM: 2.4 km W of R. Cerro W of Tanque La Boquilla W1785. (O) Madre W1767. (D) vol,.19 s2 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

Nutt. var. wrightii (Gray) C.L. Hitchc. *5. Procumbeas Swartz (Fryxell, 1978b) lS. filicaulh Lepidium lasiocalpwn Torrey & Gray entryl (D) (D)

Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cav.) D. Don var. tngustifolit (D) L. oblongum Small (D)

S. endlichii tXbride (D) *Lesquerelh argyraeo (Gray) Wats. ssp. diffusa (Rollins) Rollins & Shaw IL. purpurea (Gray) Wats. ssp. folion VIOLACEAE (Rollins) Rollins & Shaw entryl (D) Hybanthus aerticillatus (Ort') Baill. vat, uerticillarlas (D) L. fendleri (Gray) Wats. (D) *Viola neuao-leonensrs W. Becker IV. loaelliana Brainerd L. mcaaughiano Rollins (D) entryl (O) L. purpu?ea (Gray) Wats. ssp. foliosa (Rollins) Rollins & TAMARICACEAE Shaw Tamarix aphylla Karst. (Cult.) Nasturtium officinale R. Br. (A)

PASSIFLORACEAE Nerisyrenia carnporun, (Gray) Greene - Add: SSM: N end P5070. Basin: 2.9 km SSW of P. Becerra P5211; Passiflora tenuiloba Engelm. - Add: SSM: N end D53l. (D) W side of CCP5372; nfo CaA-on P3911. (Dl

FOUQUIERIACEAE N. castillonii Rollins - Add: Basin: near P. Anteojo P5522. (c) Fouquieria splendens Engelm. in Wisliz. seP, splendens (D,G) N. incana Rollins - Add: Basin: dunes of L. Grande P5267; CUCURBITACEAE L. Ferrifro P4181; ca. 10 km SSW of El Ctriqueros P3954. (G) Cu curbita fo e tidissima H.B.K. (B,D) Iberoillea tenuisecta (Gray) Gray (D,G) Pennellia micrantha (Wats.) Nieuwl. (M) *Rollinsia LOASACEAE paysonii (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz (1982) [Thely- podium paysonii Rollins entry] Ceaallia sinuata Lag. (B,D,G) * S c ho eno cramb e line orifo lia Gray) Rollins ( I 98 2) [ Th ely - Eucnide bartoniodes Zucc. (D) podiopsis linearifolia (Gray) Al-Shehbaz'Add: SM: C. Desiderio Wl829. (C,O) E. floribunda Wats. (D) Sib aria aiere chi (Schulz) Rollins (D) E. xylinea Muller (D,O) Sirymbriurn irio L. (D) Mentzelia mexicana Thompson & Zavortink (D,G) Synthlipsis greggri Gray (D) M. pachyrhiza I. M. Johnston (D) Thelypodium longipes (Rollins) Rollins (O) Petalonyx fienatus GraY (G) T. unightii Gray ssp. ur$htii (Ol SALICACEAE

Salix nigra Marstr. (A) RESEDACEAE

Satrx sp. (M.C.Johnson, 1981b) [5. paradoxa Kunth entry] Oligomeris linifolia (Vahl) Macbr. (D) (c,D) ERICACEAE CAPPARACEAE Arbutus texana Buckl. (C,M,O) Koeberlinia sqinosa Zucc. (D) Arctostaphylos pungens H.B.K. (C,O) BRASSICACEAE (CRUCITERAE) * C o m ar o st aphy Ii s p o lif o lius (H.B.K.) Zucc. ssp. Q. & S. (M,O) p Cardamine flaccida c o ahuilen sis Henrickson ( 1 9 8 I a) [ C. ct. o lifu liu s (H.B.K.) Klotsch entryl ' Paratype is H13600 (fEX). *Descurainh pinnata (Walt.) Britt. var. p;nnata ID. obtusa Add: SM; C. Hacienda W1852. (M,O) (Greene) Schultze ssp. adenophora (Woot. & Standl.) Detling entryl (D) MONOTROPACEAE Eruca satiua Mill. - Add: SM: 7 km E of R. Charretera W1733. Monotropa hyPoPithys L, (O) (D) ISSTJE I,1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 33

SAPOTACEAE Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. (C)

Bumelia lanuginosa (Michx.) Pers. var. rigida Gtay (O) Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. vat, dumosus (Nutt.) Maxim. (M,O) EBENACEAE Lindleya mespiloides H.B.K. (C) Diospyros texana Scheele (C,D) P e tro p hy tu tn cae sp it o surn (Nutt. ) Rydb. (M,O) PRIMULACEAE hunus serotina Ehrh. ssp. ahens (Woot, & Standl.) Anagallis araensis L. (A) McVaugh var. oirens (O)

Sam o lu s e brac t e atu s H.B.K. v ar. co ahuilenrr's Henrickson Rosa woodsii Lindl. var. maderensis Henrickson (1983b) - (1983a) - f.Type is H7950 (TEX; isotypes ASU, GH, Type: C. Desiderio, HenricksonE Prigge 15296 (TEX; MEXU, RSA, TEX, US, etc.l (A) isotypes GH, MEXU, NY, RSA; none seen). Add: C. Desiderio W1812, 1826. C, Agaa M3237 (GH, LL; not MAGNOLIATAE - ROSIDAE seen); Picacho de Zozaya,2 km E IMI9026 (GH; not seen). (M,O) HYDRANGEACEAE *Sphaea paraifolia Benth. northffaftdd I.M.Johnston Fendlera linearis Rehder (O) [5. entry]. Henrickson (pers. comm.) plans to place this Philadelp hu s o c cidentalis A. Nels. taxon in a new genus. (C,O)

P. texensis Hu var. coryanus Hu (O) Vauquelinia corymbosa Conea (C,O)

P. texensk Hu var. texensis (C, O) MIMOSACEAE

CRASSULACEAE Acacia berlandieri Benth. (C,D)

Echeaeria strictiflora Gray (D) A. greggii Gray (T) (O) *.E. sp. (perhaps cf.. E. turgida Rose) - Basin: bajada ltW A. hhta Torrey & Gray of P. Anteojo P5466 (specimen too poor, but not *4. rninuata (|ones) Beauchamp ssp. densiflora (Alex. ex E. strictiflora Gray). (D) Small) Beauchamp (1980) [A. smallii Isely entry] (D) *Sedum paraun Hemsley ssp, nanifoliurn (Frod.) Clausen (1979) paruurn Hemsley [5. entry] . This subspecies A. neoaernicosa Isely (T) is on southern slopes of Sierra de la Madera; ssp. diminutum is on northern slopes (Clausen, 1979, A. rigidula Scheele (C,D) pers. comm.). (O) A. romeriana Scheele (D) *5. paraum Hemsley spp. diminutun Clausen (1979) - Desrnanthus airgatus Willd. varlg/andulosus SM: C. Hacienda, to 1860m elev., calcareous rock B.L. Turner (D) fissures Clausen 78-7 (typet CU;not seen). (M) Leucaena retusa Gtay (O) * wrightii Gray var. priscum Clausen (19i9) [S. Mirnosa biuncifera Benth. vax, lindheimeri (Gray) Robins. urightii Gray entry] - Add: SM: C. Olmos Wl79S. (D,O) (D) M. enr,oryana Benth. (D) SAXIFRAGACEAE *M. unipinnata Parfitt & Pinkava (1978) 1M. sp. entry Heuchera rubescens Torrey (M,O) Type is P13073 & Reeaes (ASU)I (D)

hosopis glandulosa Torrey vat. (Benson) ROSACEAE ton'eyana M.C. Johnston (B,T) Amelianchier denticulata (H.B.K.) Koch (C) P. laeaigata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) M.C.Johnston Cercocarpus mojadensis C. Schneid. (C,O) (r) C. tnontanus Raf. var. glaber (Wats.) F.L. Martin (C) CAESALPINIACEAE

C. montanus R:af.. var. paucidentatus (Wats.) F.L. Martin Cassia demissa Rose var. radicans Irwin & Barneby - Add: (c,o) SM: 3.2 to 4.3 km S of R. Cerro Madera D559. (D)

Cowania ericifolia Torrey (C,O) C. monozyx lrwin & Barneby (D) 34 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol.. 19

C. pilosior (Macbr.) Irwin & Barneby (D) ONAGRACEAE

Caesalpinia panyi (Fisher) Eifert (D) Calylophus hartwegii (Benth.) Raven ssp. hartwegii (Cpl

Cercidiurn texanum Gray (D) C. hartwegii (Benth.) Raven ssp. maccartii (Shinners) Towner & Ravcn (D) Cercis canaden slt L. var. rnexicana (Rose) Hopk. (O) Gaura boquillansti Raven & Gregory p) Hoffmanseggia glauca (Ort.) Eifert (D) G. coccinea Pursh (B,D) Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Cult.) G. part:iflora Dougl. (B,D) TABACEAE Ludwigia octoaalais 0""q.) Raven ssp. octooalais (!*) Astragalus sanguineus Rydb. - Add: SM: C. Desiderio W1807. (C,O\ L. repens Forst. (A)

Cologania angustifolia H.B.K. (O) Oenothera kunthiana (Spach.) Munz (A)

Dalea aurea Nutt. (C) Oe. rnaoosceles Gray (B,G) D. bicolor Humb. & Bonpl. in WiUd' var, argyraea CORNACEAE (Gray) Barneby - Add: SM: Cafrada Los Pozos *Cornus sericea L, stolonifera Michx. entry] (M,O) w1788. (D) [C. GARRYACEAE D. brachystachya &ay (D) Ganya ouato Benth. (C,O) D. formosa Toney (D) G. urightii Torrey (C,O) D. frutescens Gray (C,O) VISCACEAE D. greggi (Gray) Heller (C,D) *Arcelthobium aaginatum (WiUd.) Presl. ssp. ctyptopo- D. hospes (Rose) Bullock (D) dium (Engelm.) Hawksworth & Weins (1977) - SM: C. D. laniceps Barneby (D) Desiderio, south-most in range, on Pinus arizonica, Hauksworth 1511 (FPF;not seen). (M,O) D. lutea (Cav.) Willd. var. lutea (Dl Phoradendron bolleanurn (Seem.) Eichl. on Cupressus D. nana Toney var. canescens (Rydb.) Kearney & arizonica. (O) Peebles (D) P. lanceolatum Engelm. on Quercus. (O) D. neo-mexicana Gray vat.longipila (nydb.) Barneby (D) P. tomentosuzn (DC.) Engelm. ssp. tomentosum on D. pogonanthera Gtay var. pogononthera (D) legumes. (B,T) (D) D. wrightii Gray P. uillosum (Nutt.) Nutt. on Quercus. (Q) Desmodium grahamii Gray (O) CELASTRACEAE D. psilophyllun Schlecht. (C,O) Schaefferia cuneifolia GraY (D)

Eysenhardtia texana Scheele (C,O) EUPHORBIACEAE

Indigofera miniata Ort. var. miniata (O) Acalypha lindheirneri Muell. Arg. (O)

Melilotus albus Lam. - Add: SM: C. Hacienda W18474. A. monostachya Cav" Add: SM: 6.7 km E of R. Charretera (A,D) w1751. (C,D\

Medicago satiaa L. (B,D) Argythamnia neomexicana Muell. Arg. - Add: SM: 2.4 km SE of R. Cerro Madera W1844. (D) Nissolia platycalyx Wats. (C,D) Bernardia myricifolia (Scheele) Wats. (D) Phaseolus cf.. wrightii Gray ' Add: SM: C. Cesiderio, E' fork lll1836. (O) B. obouata I.M.Johnston (D) Psoralea melanocarPa Benth. (O) Croton fruticzloszs Engelm' (O) Sophora secundiflora (Ort.) Lag. (C,O) C. incanus H.B.K. (D) rssuE I,1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENECAS REGION 35

c. pottsii (Kl.) Muell. Arg. (D) R. senata Willd. ex Schult. (C,O)

C. saaaeolens Toney (C) R. standleyana C.B. Wolf (M)

Eup h o rb ia ant isy p hilitic a Zacc. (Dl Sageretia wrightii Wats. (D)

E. astyla Boiss. (G) Ziziphus obtusifolia (Torrey & Gray) Gray var. obtusifolia (T) *8. biforrnis Wats. - IJncommon, oak woodlands and lower edge of pine belt. SM: C. Charretera VITACEAE IMJ 9041; C. Desiderio W1839. (Ol Cisstts incisa (Nutt.) Des Moul (D) E. brachycera Engelm. var. brachycera (Ml Vitis arizonica Engelm. (C,D,O) E. brachycera Engelm. vat. greggii (Boiss.) M.C.Johnston (o) V. riparia Michx. (C,D,O)

E. cinerascens Engelm. (D) SAPINDACEAE

E. cf.. tepitafa Wheeler (D) Dodonaea uiscosa Jacq. (D)

*E. cyathophora Mr,:rray - SM: Cafrada Los Pozos,5.1 km Ungnadia speciosa Endl. (C,D) W of R. Cerro Madera, limestone hills, rare Wl777. (D) ACERACEAE E. exstipulata Engelm. (D) Acer grandidentatum Nutt. (M,O) E. fruticulosa Boiss. (G) ANACARDIACEAE E. pinkaoana (O) M. C.Johnston Pistacia texana Swingle (C,O) E. scopulorutn Brandegee (D) R hus aro matica Ait. vat. flab elliforzlds Shinners (C,D,O) (D) E. serpens H.B.K. R. miuophyllc Engelm. (D) E. serpyllifolia Pers. (D) R. ahens Lindh. ex Gray ssp. udrezs (C,O) E. stictospora Engelm. (D) Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze ssp. exirniun. E. aillifera Scheele (O) (Greene)Gillis (G)

Jatropha dioica Cen-. var. graminea McVaugh (D) SIMAROUBACEAE Holacantha steuartii Muller (D) Phylhnthus po ly gonoides Spreng. (D) RUTACEAE Stillingia treculiana (Muell. Arg.) I.M. Johnston (D) Amyris marshii (C,D) Tragia amblyodonta (MuelL Arg.) Pax & Hoffm. (D) Standl. Choisya katherinae (O) T. ramosa Torrey (C,O) Muller Ptelea trifoliafa L. ssp. coahuilensis (Greene) V.L. Bailey vat, co ahuilensl's (C,O) Ceanothus coeruleus Lag. (C,D) Thamnosma texana (Gray) Torrey - Add: SSM: N end C. fendleri Gray (C,O) D693. SM: 6.5 km E of R. Charretera W1753. (D)

C. greggii Gray (O) ZYGOPHYLLACEAE

Colubrina greggii Gray var. greggii (D) Fagonia scoparia Brandegee (D,C)

C. texensis (Torrey & Gray) (Gray var. pedunculata Guaiacurn angu stifo lium Engelm. (D) M.C.Johnston (D) Kallstroemia paruiflora Norton - Add: Basin N of CC: Condalia viridis I.M. lohnston (D) Loma Prieta W1870. (D) C. warnockii M.C. Johnston var. warnockii (T) Larrea tridentata (DC,) Cov. (D) Karwinshh hurnboldtiana (R. & S.) Zucc. (D) Peganum mexicanum Gray (D)

Rhamnus betulifulia Greene (O) Sericodes greggii Gray - Add: SSM: N end D523. (D) 36 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY Or SCIENCE vol,. l9

Tribulus terrestris L, (Dl APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE) OXALIDACEAE Aletes calcicolc Mathias & Constance (M,O)

Oxalis albicans H.B.K. ssp. pilosa (Nutt.) Eiten (D) Apium graaeolens L. (L)

O. alpina (Rose) Knuth (D) Hydrocotyle oerticillata Thunb. var. aerticillata (A) GERANIACEAE MAGNOLIATAE _ ASTERIDAE

Geranium atropurpureuzl Heller (O ) GENTIANACEAE

G. seemanni Peyt. - Add: SM: C. Desiderio, E. fork Centaurium calycosum (Buckl.) Fern. var. calycosum (D) w1830. (O\ Centaurium calycosum Buckl.) Fem. var. breaiflorum LINACEAE Shinners (D)

Linum /eardsdd Pursh (O) Eustorna exaltaturn (L.) G. Don (A) L. rupestre (Gray) Engelm. (C,D) E. exaltatum(L.) G. Don f. albiflorum Benke (A) (D) L. schiedeanurn Schlecht. & Cham. Gentianella microcalyx (Lemmon) J.M. Gillett - Add: SM: C. Desiderio Wl813,1831. (O) MALPIGHIACEAE *Sabatia htberculosaJ.E. Williams (1982) /S. tp.entry] ' Echinopterys safosa T.S. Brandegee (D) Endemic gypsophile - Add: CC, 7 km S (P. Mesquite) @ Prigge 15366 (qqpez TEX; isotypes: gracilis Gray - Add: SSM: N end D524. (D) Henrickson Janusia ENCB, NY, MEXU, RSA;none eeen);9 km SW Mascagnia cata Small (D) H12562 (LL; not seen); 12 km SWrf..E. & E.A. Wil' liarns 710 (LL; not seen); 17 km SSWP3833; rcad M. lilacina (Wats.) Niedenzu in Endl. & Prantl (C,D) 7.3 km SW of RR S of CG D618. (L\

POLYGALACEAE Sw ertia r adiata (KeUogg) Kuntze vat. rnacr op hy Jta (Greene) st. John (M) Polygala a/ba Nutt. (D) APOCYNACEAE *P. barbeyana Chodat [P. longa Blake entry] (D) Arnsonia longiflora Torrey (D) *P. lindheimeri Gray uar.lindheimerd sensu Wendt (pers. comm.)(C,D) Apocynum cannabinum L, vat. glabenimurn DC. (D)

P. macradenia Gray (D) Haplophyton crooksii Benson (D) P.minutifolia Rose [Omit: "TEXtype"] (M) Maoosiphonia maoosiphore (Torrey) Heller (O) P. nudata Brandegee (C,D) Mandeoilla karwinskii (Muell. Arg.) Hemsl. (D)

P. parasana Brandegee (C,O) ASCLEPIADACEAE

P. scoparioides Chodat (C,D) Asclepins e/ata Bentham (D)

P. sernialata Wats. - Add: SM: 4.8 km E of R. Cerro Madera A. macrotis Torrey (C) (D) w1760. A. oenotherol'des Gham. (D) shinnersii W.H. Lewis (C,O) P. *A. cf. sizdlrb Hemsl. - SM: C. Hacienda, riparian zone, P. turgida Rose - Add: Basin: Hwy 30, 7.3 km SW of RR rare P13642. (O) S of CC D679. {A) A. texana Heller (C,O) P. watsoni Chodat (C,O) Cynanclwm angustifolium Pers. (D) KRAMERIACEAE C. barbigerum (Scheele) Shinners var. breuiflorum Krameria glandulosa Rose & Painter (D) Shinners (D)

K. grayi Rose & Painter (D) C. kunthii (Decaisne) Standl. (O)

K. Ianceolata Tor:ey (C,D) Matelea reticulata (Gray) Woods. (D) rssuE l,1984 VEGETATION AND FIORA OT THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 37

Sarco stemrna cynanchoides Decne. vat. cy nanchoides Eaoloulus alsinoides L.vat. hirticau&'s Torrey (D) (A,D) E. sericeus Sw, f . pedunculata v, Ooststr. (D) S. torreyi (Gray) Woods. (D) Irnornoea cf . lindheirnerl' Gray (C,D) SOLANACEAE I. pubescens.Lam. (O) Chamaesaracha conoides (Moric. ex Dunal) Britt. (D) I. sagittata Poir. (A) C. crenata Rydb. (D) I. sescossiana Baillon (O) *Datura quercifolia H.B.K. - Uncommon bajadas and ,uroyos. SM: 6.7 km E of R. Charretera W1742. CUSCUTACEAE (D) Engelm. (D) D. wrightii Regel (D) Cuscuta applanata C. tnitraeformls Engelm. (O) *Hunzikeria texana (Torr.) D'Arcy (1976) [Leptoglossis ter.ana (Torrey) Gray entry] - Uncommon, bajadas C. untbellata H.B.K. - Add: Basin N of CC: Loma Prieta, and arroyos. SM: 6.5 km E of R. Charretera W1748. 2.4 km SW of Ocampo W1869. (D\ (D)

Lycium berlandieri Dun. var. parttiflorurn (Gray) Terrac. (D) POLEMONIACEAE

*L. Parishii Gray var. modestum (I.M, Johnston) Chiang Gilia incisa Bentham (D) (1982a) L. modestum I.M. Johnston entry] - Add: [ G. rigidula Benth. vat, rigidula (D) Bastnz H12545 (2n =24 (Chiang 1982b); not seen). SSM: N end D514. (G) G. rigidula Benth. var. acerosa (Gray) Wherry (D)

Margaranthus solanaceus Schlecht. - Add: SMM: 6.7 km G. stewartii I.M. Johnston appearing intermediaie to E of R. Ctrarretera W1739. (O) G. platyloba LM.Johnston - Add: Basin N of CC: Loma Prieta W1867. (D) Nicotiana glauca Gta}l,an (B,D) Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant (C,O) N. repanda Willd. (D) *Loselia caerulea (Cav.) Don - Common locally in lower N. trigonophylla Dunal (D) canyons, upper bajadas. SM: Caiada Los Posos, Petunia paraiflora Juss. (A) "La Boquilla" arcaWL772. (C,D) Physalis hederaefoli.a Gray var. hederaefolia (B,D\ L. scariosa (Mart. & Gal.) Walp. (C,O)

P. microphysa Gray (C,O) HYDROPHYLLACEAE P. uiscosa L. vat. cinera.rcens (Dunal) Waterfall (D) *Nama constancei Bacon (1981) [N. carnosurn (Woot.) Qrincula lobata (Torrey) Raf. [Physalis lobata Toreyf . C.L. Hitchc. entryl (O) See Averett (1979). (D) N. hispidum Gray var. spathulaturn (Torrey) C.L. Hitchc. Solanwn americanum Mill. (B,D) (D)

S. douglasii Dunal (C,O) N. palmeri Gray var. palmeri (C)

S. elaeagnifolium Cav. (B,D) N. propinquun Morton & C.L. Hitchc. (D)

S. leptosepalun Correll (O) N. rotundifolium (Gray) Macbr. (C,D) CONVOLVULACEAE N. serpylloides Hemsl. var. serpylloides (B'D)

Conaolaulus equitans Bentham (D) N. serpylloides Hemsl. var. confertum LM. Johnston (B,G) Cressa depressa Goodding (A) N. stenophyllum Gray ex Hemsl. (G) *Dichondra argentea H. & B. - SM: C. Hacienda, locally common neaf, aroyo W1851. (D) Phacelia congesta Hook. (C,O)

D. brachypoda Woot. & Standl. - Add: C. Hacienda, lower P. rnarshalljohnstonii Atwood & Pinkava (1977) canyon W1850. (D) IP. rp.entryl (G) 38 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA.NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,. 19

BORAGINACEAE V. neomexicana (Gray) Small var. hirtella (Dl *V. Antiphytum heliotropoides A. DC. (C,D,O) officinalis L. ssp. halei (Smafl) Barber (1982) fV. halei Small entryl (8, D) Cordia paruifolia A. DC. (D) *V. plicata Greene - Puerto Salado, ca. 3 km NE of basin Cryptantha cf . rnexicana (Brandegee) I.M. Johnston - Pl05258. (8,D',) Bajada, desert arroyo scrub area, rare. SM: 7 km E of R. Charretera W 1746. (D) *V. racernosa Eggert - Puerto Salado, ca. 3 km NE of basin P10525A. (B,D) C. palrneri (Gray) Pays. (D)

H e lio tro pium c onfertifo liurn (Torrey) Gray (D) LAMIACEAE (LABIATAE)

H. curassaaicum L.var. curassauicutn (A) Hedeoma costatum Gray var. costaturn (M, O\ H. glabrisculuzr (Torrey) Gray (D) H. costatum Gray var.pulchellum (Greene) Irving (O)

H. torreyi I.M. Johnston - Add: SM: 1.8 km E of Tanque H. nanurn (Torrey) Briq. var. nanum (Q,D) El Toro,6.6 km E of R. Charretera W1756. (D\ *H. patrinum Stewart - SM: C. Invierno W639 fPoliotnintha Lithospermum cobrense Greene (D, O) longiflora Gray entry in part] . (O)

L. airide Greene (O) Marrubium oulgare L. (L)

Omphalodes aliena Gtay. (D) Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Hudson (A)

Tiquilia canescens (DC.) Richardson - Add. SSM: N end Poliomintha glabrescens Gray - Add: SM: 3.2 to 4.5 km S D51e. (Dl of R. Cerro Madera D558, (C,D)

T. gosspypina (Woot. & Standl.) Richardson - Add: SSM: N '*P. mad,erensr's Henrickson (1982) [P. longiflora Gray errtry end D520. (B,G\ in partl - SM: C. Hacienda H13604 (typez LL; isotypes: MEXU, TEX; none seen); Mt. Anteojo complex Meyer T. greggii (Torrey & Gray) Richardson - Add: SSM: N end s.n. (paratype: ASU). [Specimen W639 isHedeoma D5t5. (D, G) pafirinum Stewart (f . Henrickson, pers. comm.)1. (O) T. mexicana (Wats.) (D) Richardson Salazaria mexicana Torrey (D) T. turneri Richardson (G) Saloia ballotaeflora Bentharn - Add: SM: 3.2 to 4.5 km S VERBENACEAE of R. Cerro Madera D558. (C,D) greggii - Aloysia gratissima (Gill. & Hook.) Troncoso var. schulzae S. Gray Add: SM: 3.2 to 4.5 km S of R. Cerro (Standl.) Moldenke (D) Madera D554. (C)

Bouchea linifolia Gray (D) S. lycioides Gray (O)

B. spathulata Torrey (D) S. moncloaensl's Fern. - Add: SM: C. Hacienda W 1854. (O) *5. reflexa Hornem. - SM: C. Desiderio W 1805; Cafrada Los Lantana macropoda Torrey in Emory (D) Posos l/I800. (D)

Lippia graueolezs H.B.K. (D) S. regla Cav. (O)

Phy no (L.) no (A) la diflora Greene var. diflora S. roemeriana Scheele [including S. sp. entry] - Add: SM: C. Hacienda P13653. (O) P. nodiflora (L.) Greene vat. reptans (H.B.K.) Moldenke (A) fis. sp. - SM: C. Agua, oak chaparral P13617. (O) P. strigulosa (Mart. & Gal.) Moldenke (A) *Satureja ntaderensis Henrickson (198lb) - Locally Tetraclea coulteri Gray var. angustifolia (Woot. & Standl.) common, conifer and oak-conifer forests, endemic. A. Nels & Macbr. (D) SM: C. Haciend,aH71888 (type: LL; isotypes: ASU, T. coulteri Gray var. coulteri (D) MEXU, etc.); C. Invierno W644A (TEX; not seen); c:rnyon just W of C. Hacienda I/endrickson & Bekey *Verbena canescens H.B.K. - SM: near rancho 18 km W 186 (TEX: not seen). (O) of Ocampo and Dolores roads jctn. N of CC P10491.(D) *Scutellarb hispidula Robins. - SM: C. Desiderio H15263A V. elegans H.B.K. (D) (not seen;J. Henrickson, pers. comm.). (C, D) ISSLJE I,1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS RECION 39

S. potosina T.S. Brandegee [includes S. tessellata Epling Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth. ssp. toneyi (Benth.) Keck entryl (C, D) (c, o)

P. henrichsondr' Straw (M,O) PLATAGINACEAE *P. Bentham - SM: 4.8 to 6.4 km W of R. Cerro Phntago inwlarb Eastw. (D) iamesii Madera, trail to C. Desiderio H15949 (not seen; M.C. P. tnajor L. (A, D) Johnston, pers. comm.);3.7 km SE of R. Ceno Madera, trail to C. Hacienda W1845. (C,Ol P. rhodospernra Decne. (A, D) P. lanceolatus Bentham (C, D) BUDDLEJACEAE Schistophragma intermedia (Gray) Penn. - Add: SM: 1.8 Buddleja marubifolia Bentham - Add: SSM: N end D507. km E ofTanque el Toro,6.5 km E of R. Charretera (D) w1747. (D)

Emorya saaaeolens Toney (C) *Seymeria bipinnatisecta Seem. [includes S. ghndulosa (Penn.) Standl. entry; see Turner (1982)l - Add: OLEACEAE SM: C. Hacienda H11938. (O) Forestiera angustifolia Torrey with intermediates to S. scabra Gray (O) F. pubescens Nutt. (C, D) OROBANCHACEAE Fraxinus berl.andieriana A. DC. (A)

C o n o p h o li s alp ina liebwrnn var. m e x i c ana (Gray ex F. cuspid,ata Torrey (C, D) Wats.) Haynes (M, O) F. greggii Gray var. greggdd (C, O) 't'Orobanche cooperi Gray - SM: 6.7 km E of R. Cha.rretera, F. greggii Gray var. nutnmularis (fones) Little (C, O) desert :rrroyo scr.tb W 1743A. (D)

Menodora longiflora Gray (O) O. ludoaiciana Nutt. var.ludooiciana (G\

M, scabra Gray nar. ramosissima Steyerm. (D) ACANTHACEAE *Anisacanthus M. scoparia Engelm. - Add: SSM: N end D526. (D) linearis (Hagen) Henrickson & Lott (1982) lA. insignus Gray entry] - Add: Basin: ca. 4 km W of Olea europea L. (Cult.) cc D538. (D)

SCROPHULARIACEAE *Carlourightia arizonica Gray - Basin: SW-facing slopes Puerto Salado D694 (Daniel, 1980a). (D) Bacopa monnieri (L.) l4rettst. (A) *C. mexicana Henrickson & Daniel (f 979) - Limestone Castilleja lanata Gray (D) canyons, lower slopes, uncommon. SM: Cafrada Los Pozos,4.8 to 5.4 km W of R. Cero Madera Henrickson C. neraata Eastw. (O) & Lee 16013 (type: TEX, not seen); C. Charretera,

H e m ic hae na sp inu lo sa (Wats.) Thiere t (B er end tie lh sp inulo s a "La Cueva" IMt & M637 (LL, GH; not seen). SME: . (Wats.)firieret) (O) Potrero Arnold 21. (D)

Leucophyllum candidum LM. Johnston (D) C. paruifolia T.S. Brandegee - Add: SM: 3.2 to 4.5 km S of R. Cerro Madera D561. (C,D) L. frutescens (Berl.) I.M. Johnston fCollection P4249 cited here is L. candidurn I.M. Johnston] (D) C. serpyllifolia Gray [including C, toneyana Wasshausen entryl - Add: Basin; ca. 40 km W of CC D539 (MICH; (Berl.) (D) L. frutescens I.M. Johnston f.. alba E.U, Clover not seen, T,F. Daniel, pers. comm.); 8.6 km E of L. minus Gray (D) Secci6n Divisadero D215 (MICH; Daniel, pers. comm.). SSM: N end, D221, 530. (D) Z. sp. (D) *C. texana Henrickson & Daniel (1979) - Puerto Salado, Maurand,ya antinhiniflora Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. - Add: 9.3 km S P5573. (D') SSM: N efi,D521. (D) *Dyschoriste linearis (Torey & Gray) O. Ktze. - Fairly M. erecta Hemsl. (D) common, bajadas. SM: 6.7 km E of R. Charretera w1732. (D) Mecard.onia oandellioides (H.B.K.) Penn. - Add: SM: 4.8 km E of R. Ctrarretera W1759. (Dl Holographh ilicifulb T. S. Brandegee (D) ,10 JOURNAL OF THE ARTZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,.19

*lusticia coahuilana Daniel (1980b) [/. sp. entry] - Mouth Randia pringlei Gray (D) of canyon, rare, andemic. Basin: 6.4 km W of CC Relbunium mioophyllum (Gray) Hemsl. (D) IMJ7162 (type: GH; not seen); Shreae 8456 (ARIZ; not seen). (D) CAPRIFOLIACEAE

Ruellia nudiflora (Engelm. & Gray) Urban var. nud'iflora ' Abelia corbcea Hemsl. (C, O) Add: basin: Puerto Salado, along stream P5879, (A,D) Lonicera albiflora Torrey & Gray var, albiflora (O) R. parryi Gray - Add: Basin: 8.6 km E of Secci6n Divisidero pilosa Willd. ex H.B.K. (O) D216 (MICH; T.F. Daniel' Pers. comm.); ca.40 km L. W of CC D542 (MICH; Danicl, pers. comm.). SSM: N Sambucus caerulea Raf. (O) end D502. (D) *symphoriocarpus palmeti G.N.Jones SM: 6'5 km w and t'siphonoglossa pilosella (Nees) Torrey - Lower slopes of l7 km S of Ocampo Graber 163 (TEX; not seen; M.C. canyons, uncommon. Basin: ca. 40 km W of QC D541. Johnston, pers. comm.). (C, O) SM: 3.2 to 4.5 km S of R. Ceno Madera D553 (MICH; not Eeen, T.F. Daniel, pers. comm.). (D) ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) PEDALIACEAE (including MARTYNIACEAE) *Acourtia nana (Gtay\ Reveal & King (1973) lPerezia nana Gray entryl (D) hoboscidea fragrans(Lindl.) Decne. - Add: SM: 6.7 km E R. Charreteta W1740. (D) of *A, nrncinata (Lag. ex D. Don) Turner (1978) lPerezia (D) BIGNONIACEAE runcinata Lag. ex D. Don entrYl *A. Reveal King wrightii Gtay Chitopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet (8, G) wrEhtii (Gray) & lPerezh entryl (O) Tecoma sfans (L.) Juss. var. angustata Rehd. (D) Aphanostephus ramosissima DC. (8, D) LENTIBULARIACEAE 'tArtemisia ludoaiciana Nutt. ' Scattered in limestone, U*icuhria obtusa Sw. (A) woodlands and conifer forests. SM: C. Los Olmos W 1 7 98 i C. Hacienda M et 945 1 I ; C. Gharretera U. wlgaris L. (A) rMleloo. (ol CAMPANULACEAE Aster sPinows Bentharn (A' D)

Lobelia strblibera Wats. (O) A. wbulatus Michx. (A)

RUBIACEAE Baccharis bigeloaii Gray (O)

Bouoardia temifolia (Cav.) Schlecht. (C, D) B. haaardii Gray (D)

Galium nelsonii Greenman (D, O) B. neglecta Britt. - Add: Basin: rcad 7 .2 km SE of RR S of CG D680. (A, B, G) G. oresbium Greenman (O) B. salicifolia(Ruiz & Pavon) Pers. (including B. glutinosa G. proliferum Gray (D, O) Pers.) (A, D)

G. uncinuhtum Gtay - Add: SM: C. Desiderio W1810. B. texana (Toney & Gray) GraY (D) (c, o) B ah ia ab sin t hifu tia Berrtll.. v at. d e alb at a Gray (D,G ) '*Houstonia ocerosa (Gray) Benth. & Hook. f . lHedyotis *Bidens acerosa Gray entry;Hed,yotis taxz in this flora are bipinnata L. var. bipinnalo - SM: C. Hacienda, oak- (O) all considered to be species of Houstonia by Terrell clrpress canyon bottoms' locally common W1853. (1e75)l (D) *8. longistyla Hart (1978, 1979) - SM: C.C. Chanetera (GH; (O) *H. fascicultata Gtay lHedyotis intticata Fosb. entryl (D) IMl8972 not seen). Bonichia (L.) DC. (B'T) *H. mullerae (Fosb.) Terrell (1979) [includes lledyotrs frutescens nigricans (L"*. ) Fosb. var. rigiduscula (Gray) Shinners Brickellia chlorolepis (Woot. & Standl.) Shinners (O) and Hedyotis sp. entriesl Add: SM: Q. Agaa M3234 (M,O) (type: US; isotype: GH; neither seen). (O) B. coahuilensri (Gray) Horcombe & Beaman - Loma Prieta, 2.4 km SE of *H. nigricans (L"-.) Fen. lHedyotis nigricans (La*.) B. coulteri Gray Add: SM: Fosb. var. nigricans entrYl (O) Ocampo W1858. (Dl rssuE I,1984 VEGETATION AI{D FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION

B. cylindracea Gtay & Engelm. (O) E. pinkaaii Turner (D,G) B. glutinosa Gray (D) Eupat or ium b e t onicifu lium Mill. ( C o n o c liniu m b e t o nici- (Mill.)King Robinson, (A) B. laciniata Gray (D) foliurn & 1970a) E, bigeloaii Gray in Torrey (D) B. cf,. lemrnonii Gray var. wootonii (Greene) Robins. (c,o) *E. flourensifoliurn Tvner (1977') (Ageratina flourensi- (Turnet) King & Robinson, 1981) B. urolepis Blake (O) folia [Specimen P6082 (in part) vnder Flourensia retinophylla Blake Calyptocarpus ufulds Less. (A,B,D) belongs here] (D,O)

Chaetopappa bellioides (Gray) Shinners (D) E. glischram Robins. (Ageratina glischra (Robins.) King & Robinson, 1970b) (O) C. parryi Gray (O) E. greggii Gray (Conocliniunt greggii (Gray) Small (King C. pulchella Shinners (D) & Robinson, 1970a)) (D) *Chaptalia nutanE (L.) Polak - Scattered in oak-pine can- E. haaanense H.B.K. (Ageratina haaanensis (H.B.K.) King & yons. SM: C,Desiderio W1808. (Ol Robinson, 1970b) (C)

Chrysactinh mexicana Gray (C,D) Flaaeria chloraefolia Gray (A) *Cirsiutn (Petrak) aoolepis G. Ownbey (1982) - SM: C. F. paltneri J.R. Johnston (A,B) Barrica, upper gorge, 2+m tall W1379, (O) F, trineraia (Spreng.) C. Mohr (A,B,D) iC. coahuilense G. Ownbey & Pinkava (1980). /C. sp. entryl - Type is White 1927 (MICH; isotype US; neither seen). Flourensia cernua DC. (D) Add: Basin: jctn. Rio Mesquites and road 9 km S of CC F. tnioophylla (Gray)Blake (C,O) P3668. (A) F. retinophylla Blake P6082 (in part) C. und,uhtum (Nutt.) Spreng. (O) [Specimen cited here is Eupatoriurn flourensifoliurn Turner] (D,O) Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist (D) *Flyriella panyi (Gtay) King & Robinson (1972) based on Dyssod.ia gypsophila Tumer (C) Eupatoriutn parryi Gray [Brickellia shineri Jones ex Flyr entryl. See Mabry, et d. (1931). (O) D. mitopoides (DC.) Loes. (D) Gaillardia gypsophila Turner (C) D. pentachaetc (DC.) Robins. ssp, pentachaeta var. beleni- dium (DC.I Strother - Add: Basin N of CC: Loma G. ruaais (Gray & Engelm.) Britt. & Rusby (D) Heta;2.4 km SW of Ocampo W1865, (D) Gnaphalium cf.. semiamplexicaule DC. (O) D, pentachaeia (DC.) Robins. ssp-,pentachoeta var. Gochnatia hypoleuca (DC.) cray (O) puberula (Rydb.) Strother (C,O)

* D. setifolia (Lag.) Robins.vat setifulia (C,D) G u tierr e z ia mi cr o c e p h ala (DC. ) Gray I X ant h o c e p halum mioocephalun (DC.) Shinners entry] (D) D. tenuiloba (DC.) Robins. ssp. tenuiloba var. texana * (Cory) Sbother (D) G. sp haero cep hala Gtay I X anth o c ep halum sp h aero c ep h a- lurn (Gray) Shinnersentry] (B,D) Ericameria triantha (Blake) Shinners (D) Cymnosperrna glutinosum (Spreng.) Less. (C) *Erigeron bigeloaii Gray - Ctraparral openings, common. SM: C. (trarretera, "La Cueva" 1M19000. (Cl Haplo e sthe s ro busta I.M. Johnston (C) Heleniurn *E. cuatrocienegensis Nesom (1981) [8. tp., first entry; elegans DC. var. amphibolum (Gray) Bierner (D) (ASU)I (D) type is P551 1 Helianthella rnexicana Gray (C,O) *8. chiangii Nesom (1979) /8. rp., second entry. SSM: Helianthus annuus L. (B,D) above P. Los FresnosP607lC-H,6120 arc atypically pubescent, poesibly hybridizing with another speciesl H. laciniatus Gray ssp. laciniatus (Bl - Common, limestone, oak-pine forests. Add: SM: C. H. petiolaris Nutt. (B) Haciend,a H 1 1 95 0 (LL; not seen) 1 2 0 0 0, M CI I 43 0A, 94518,10956. (O) Heliopsis paroifulia Gray (C,Q\ vol,. 19 42 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

*5. H I 1916 of S. cf' Heterotheca cf.. aillosa (Purstr) Shinners (O) cf . obooatus Muhl. ex Wild. ISpecimen hartmanii Greenm. entry] (O) H. tatifotia Buckl. var. latifolia (D\ *S. sp. [Specimen P10466 of S. cf. hartmanii Greenm. Hymenoxys scaposa (DC.) Parker var, argyrocaulon entryl (C,O) Parker (D,O) S. sp. (o) H. scaposa (DC.) Parker var. scaposa (Ol Simsia calua (Engelm. & Gray) Gray (D) Isocoma coronopifolia (Gray) Greene (B,G) *Solid,ago altissima L./S. sp. entry] (A) I. drurnmondl'd (Torrey & Gray) Greene (B,G) xS. sparsiflora Gray /S. cf. altissima L. entryl (C,O) Lactuca seniola L. (D\ Sonchus oleraceus L. (B'D) Lygodesmia texana (Torrey & Gray) Greene (D) *steaia rhombifolin H.B.K. - SM: C. Desiderio, E fork p (D'G) Ma chaeranther a gy s op hilt Turner W1832. This is var. stephanocoma Sch.-Bip. (no awns) f.orma glandulifer a (Schlecht.) B.L. Robinson ( 19 30 ) M. restiformis Turner (G) (corollas deep rose to purple). (C,D,O) Melampodium cinereurn DC. var. hirtellutn Stuessy (D) S. salicifulia Cav. var. salicifolia (C,D,O) Nicolettia edwardsii Gray ' Add: SM: 1 I km E of R. *5, serrata Cav. - SMr C. Desiderio, locally very common Charretera, bajadas W 185 6' (B,D) w1806. (C,O) Palafoxia texana DC. var. texana (D) Thelesperma longiPes Gray (O) Parthenium argenteus GraY (D) T. megapotatndczrz (Spreng.) O. Ktze. (D) P. confertum Gray - Add: Basin: 3.2 km NW of L- Tio T. simplicifolium Gray (C,D) . Quintero P4266;6.4 km S of Puerto Salado P5583. (D) T. subaequale Blake (O) P. incanum H.B.K. - Add: SSM; N end D5I3' (D) Trixis californdca Kellogg :i'at. califurnia (D) Pectis angustifolia Toney vat. tenella (DC.) Keil - Add: Basin N of CC: Loma Prieta, 2.4 km SW of Ocampo Varilla mexicana Gtay (G) w186e. (Dl Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Bcnth. & Hook.(A,B,C) Pericome caudata GraY (O) V. microptera DC. (C,D) Perityle coahuilensis A.M. Powell (C,D,O) *V. oreophih lrVoot. & Standl. (f . Henrickson' Pers. comm.) *Pinaropappus roseus (Less.) Less. - SM: Cafiada Los Pozos, [V."p. entrv] (O) limestone, brushy anea, uncommon W 1789. (C,O) Viguiera dentata (Cav.) Spreng. (D) *Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. [P. purpurascens (Sw.) DC. entryl (A) V. greggii (Gray) Blakc - Add: SM: 2.4 km W. of R. Cero Madera W1768. (C,O\ Porophyllum scoqarium GraY (D) V. stenoloba Blake var. stenoloba [includes var. chihua' PseudoclapPia arenaria RYdb. (G) huensis Butterwick inend. entry] (D) Psilo strophe gnap halo de s DC. (B'D) Xanthium strumarium L, sensu lato (A)

*sanaitalia angustifulia Engelm. ex Gray ' Infrequent on Zexmenia breuifolia Gray'Add: SSM: N end D517. (D) limestone bajadas. SM: Tanque El Toro, 4.8 km E of R. Charretera W1758. (D) Z. hispida (H.B.K.) Gray (C) (D) Sartwellia mexicana GraY (G) Zinnin acerosa (DC.) Gray (atypical form) (ANGIOSPE RMAE) S. puberula Rydb. (B) MAGNOLIOPHYTA LILIATAE (MONOCOTYLEDONAE) Senecio hartuegii Benth. [5. cf. hartwegdi Benth. entry] ALISMATIDAE (c,o) POTAMOGETONACEAE *5. cf . neomexicanus A. Gray [Specimen P6087 of S. cf. (A) hartmanii Greenm. entrY] (O) Potamogeton nodosus Poir. in Lamarck rssuE I,1984 VE,GETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS RECION

RUPPIACEAE Fuirena simplex Vahl (A)

Ruppia maritima L. (Al Schoenus nigricans L. (including var. plurisquamatus Kukenth. with light-colored, multiflowered glom- NA,JADACEAE erules)(A) Najas guadalupensl's Morong (A) *Schpus americanus Pers. 15. olneyi Gray entry] See N. rnarina L. (l*) Cronquist et al. (1977) for discussion of misapplica- tion of names involving S. atnericanus and S, pungens ZANNICHELLIACEAE Vahl. (A)

Zannichellia palustris L. (Al S. maritimus L. var. paludoszs (A. Nels.) Koyama (A) ARECIDAE POACEAE (GRAMTNEAE)

ARECACEAE (PALMAE) Agro stis se miu erticillafa (Forsk.) Christ (A)

Brahea berlandieri Bartlett (C,O) Andropogon glomeratus (Walt.) B.S.P. (D) *A. LILIATAE.COMME LINIDAE spadiceus Swallen [A. ternarius Michx. entry] . See M.C. Johnston (198la) (D) COMMELINACEAE Aristida adscensionis L. (D) Commelina erecta L. uar. angustifolra (Michx.) Fern. (D) A. glauca (Nees) Walp. (O) Gibasis linearis (Benth.) Rohw. (Aneilema linearis (Benth.) Woodson) (O) A. roemeriana Scheele (D) *Tradescanth breuifulia (Torrey) Rose ISetcreasea breoi- A. urightii Nash (C,O) folia ((Toney)Pilg. entryl. See Hunt (1975). (O) *Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter ssp. torreyana *T. naaicularis (Ort.) D.S. Lewis /T. brachyphylla Green- (Steud.) Allred & Gould (1983) [8. saccharioides man entryl (M) (Sw.)Rydb. entryl (D)

JUNCACEAE Bouteloua barbata Lag. (B) tuncus torreyi Coville (A) B. curtipendula (Michx.) Torrey var. caespitosa Gotrld & Kapadia (C,D) CYPERACEAE B. gracilis (H.B.K.)Lag. (D,C) Carex planostachys Kunze (Ol B. hirsuta Lag. (C) C. pringlei Kunze (A) B. ramosa Scribn. ex Vasey - Add: SSM: N end D503. (O) C. schiedeana Kunze - Add: SM: 2.4km W of R. Cerro Madera W1766. (D,O) B. trifida Thurb. (D)

Cladium jamaicense Crantz (including C. californicurn B. uniflora Vasey var. coahuilensis Gould & Kapadia (C,O) (Wats.) O'Neil) (A\ *Brachypodiurn rnexicanum (R. & S.) Link - SM: C. *Cypetas aristatus Rottb. - Common locally upper bajadas. Hacienda, riparian with oak, maple , cypress, juniper SM: 2.4 km E of R. Cerro Madera Wl843; Cafrada Los P13668. (O) PozosW 1786. (D,O) Bromus anomalus Rupr. ex Fourn. (O,M) C. odoratus L. (A) B.lanatipes (Shear) Rydb. (D,O) Dichromena coloruta (L.) A.S. Hitchc. Thomas (1982) Cenchrus places Dichrotnena as a section of. Rhynchospora. (A) incertus M.A. Curtis (including C. pauciflorus Benth.) (A) Eleocharb caribaea (Rottb.) Balke (A) Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (A) E. cellulosa Torrey (A) D i c h ant h e liu rn p e di c e llaturn (Vasey ) Gould (O ) E. monteuidensds Kunth (A) * Diplachne dzDrc (Kunth) Scribn. I Lept o chlo a dubia E. rostellata (Torrey) Torrey (A) (H.B.K.)Nees entryl (D)

Firnbr isty lis t h erm alis l{ats. (A) Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene var. stricta (Torrey) Beetle (B) 44 JOURNAL OF THE ARIZONA-NEVADA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE vol,. 19

Echinocloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. (D) Pipto chaetium fimbriatum (H.B.K.) Hitchc. (O) Enneapogon desaauxii Beauv. (D) *Poa inuoluta Hitchc. - SM: C. Hacienda, conifer-oak forcstP13641.(O) Er agro st is b arre lieri Daveau (A,B) Rhynchelytrun repens (WiUd.) C.E. Hubb (B) *8. pahneri Wats. /E. erosa Scribn. andE. silaeanc Swallen * entriesl (D) S c hiz a c hy r iurn s c o p ar iurn (Michx. ) N ash var. neo rne xicanurz (Nash) Gould (M.C. Johnston, pers' * Erioneuron au enaceu?n (H,B,K.) Tateoka lo nge aristatum comm.) [includes A. maderensis Swallen and S. scopar- (Kurtz) Beetle (1981) [E. grandiflorurn (Yasey) rzrn (Michx.) Nash entries] (C,O) Tateoka entryl . (D) Setaria geniculata (Lum.) Beauv. (A) E. pulchellurn (H.B.K.) Tateoka (D) S. leucopila (Scribn. & Men.) K. Schumann (D) Festuca sp. (O,M) S. macrostachya H.B.K. sensu stricto (D) Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. ex R. & S. (D) S. magna Griseb. (B) Leptolorna cognatum (Schults.) Chase (A,B) S. scheelii (Steud.) Hitchc. (D) Lycurus phleoddas H.B.K. (O) Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. (Cult.) Melica montezurnae Piper (DO Spartina spartinae (Trin.) Merr. ex Hitchc. (A) Metcalfia mexicana (Scribn.) Conert (C) Sporobolus airoides (Torrey) Torrey (B) Monantho chlo e littoralis Engelm. (B) S. uyptandrus (Torrey) Gray (B) Muhlenbergia arenicola Buckl. (D) *5. (Thurb.) Rydb. - Basin: 20 km SE of CC M. asperifolia (Nees & Mey.) Parodi (A,B) flexuosus H12555 (TEX; not seen; M.C. Johnston, pers. comm.). M. dubia Fourn. (O) (B,D)

M. ernersleyi Vasey - Addr SM: road to Cafrada Los Pozos, S. pyramidatus (Lam.) Hitchc. (D) brust hillside W1764. (C) S. spiciformis Swallen (B,G) M. ghuca (Nees) Mez (D) S. urightii Munro ex Scribn. (B) *M. lindheimeri Hitchc. - Basin: rtte, R(o Churince just Stipa alta Swallen (C,O) below L. Churince W. s.n.; 14 km W of QQ Reeder & Reeder 3954 (VS, YU; neither seen; Soderstrom, Tragus berteronianus Schult. (D) re67). (B) Trichachne californica (Benth.) Chase (D) M. monticola Buckl. (O) T. hitchcockii (C,trase) Chase (D) M. pantiglumds Vasey (D) Tridens muticus (Torrey) Nash (D) M. porteri Scribn. (D) TYPHACEAE M. pubiglurna Swallen (C) domingensrb Pers. (A) M. setifolia Vasey (C) Typha

Panicum arizonicum Scribn. & Merr. (D) LILIATAE - ZINGIBERIDAE

P. hallii Vasey (D) BROMELIACEAE

*P. pedicellatumnYasey - SM: C. Agua, oak Hechtia scariosa L.B. Smith (D) chaparral Pl 3605. (C,O) Tillandsia recuraata L. (D,O) Pappophorum bicolor Fourn. (B,D)

P. rnucronulafzzl Nees (B) LILIATAE - LILIIDAE

Paspalum pubiflorum Rupr. ex Fourn. (D) PONTEDERIACEAE

Phragrnites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (A) Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms in DC. (A) rssuE l,1984 VEGETATION AND FLORA OF THE BOLSON OF CUATRO CIENEGAS REGION 45

LILIACEAE (including AMARYLLIDACEAE) C. striata Lindley (O)

Allium kunthii G. Don (D) *Dichromanthus cinnabarinas (Llave & Lex.) Garay (1980) (Cutisis cinnabarina (La Llave & Lexarza) Balough, Cooperia drutnmondii Herb. (D) Greenwood & Gonzales in Balough and Greenwood, Mitta bryanii I.M.Johneton (C,O) L982) [Spiranthes cinnabarina (Llave & Lex.) Hemsl. entryl (C,O) Schoeno caulon coulteri Baker (C,O) Habenaria breaifolia Greene - Add: SM: C. Hacienda Ze p hy ranth e s longif o lia Hemsl. (D) P1s676A. (O)

IRIDACEAE Hexalectris grandiflora (Rich. & Gal.) L.O. Wms. in LM. Sisyrinchium scabrum Cham. et Schlecht. - Add. SM: C. Johnston - Add: SM: C. AgaaP13628. (O) H 1 5 W (O) Degiderio 2804, 1835. H. nitida L.O. Wms. in I.M.Johnston (O) (C) S, schaffneri Eats. Malaxis ehrenbergii (Reichb. f.) O. Ktze. (O) *5. - tenuifuliurn Willd. SM: 2.4 km SE of R. Cerro Madera, M. macrostachya (Lexarza) Kuntze (M. soulei L.O. Wms.). bajada, scattered W1842. (D) (o)

AGAVACEAE Microthelys rubrocallosa (Robins. & Greenm.) Garay (1980) Robins. & Greenm. Agaoe lechegurTla Torrey (C,D) [Spiranthes tabrocallosa entryl (O) *A. lecheguilla Torrey x A. scabra Salm-Dyck or its ssp. maderensis H.S. Gentry - SM: bajadas between mouths *Pelexia schaffneri (Rchb. f.) Schltr. (see Garay 1980) of C. Agua and C. HaciendaPl3603. (D) (Spiranthes erniliae M.C.Johnston, 1981c) - oak woodlands, canyons, rare. SM: C. Agua Lott g Wendt A. parrasana Berger (C,O) P-22 (type of S. emiliae: TEX; not seen); C. Los Olmos Wendt, Lott @ Mispagel 1793 (paratype: TEX). (O) A. scabra salm-Dyck ssg. scabra [A. scabra Salm-Dyck entry] - Add: Easin 2.9 km SSW of P. Becera P5223. (B,D) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS *A, scabra Salm-Dyck ssp. maderensis H.S. Gentry (1982) - oak chaparral, endemic. SM: C. AguaPl3625; C. I wish to express my thanks to several taxonomists for Hacienda Gentry 2325 I 8. Engard (type: DES; iso- their contributions toward this study. For their encourage- types: US, MEXU; toPotype: Engard k Getz 309 ment, advice, collections and identification of specimens, (DEs). (D) special appreciation is due Marshall C. Johnston, James Henrickson and Thomas Wendt. I am indebted to W. L. *A. striata Zttcc. ssp. falcata (Engelm.) Gentry (1982) Minckley, Department of Zoology, Arizona State Univer- [A. falcata entry] (C,D) sity, for the privilege of conducting botanical studies in the basin under the auspices of his grants (NSF GB-2461 *Dasylirion cedrosanutn Trel. - SM: C. Agua, pinyon- arrd GB 64774). I extend my gratefulness to officials of oak-juniper riparian zone W-P30, -PJI. (C,O) Mexico for permission to undertake this study. Most help- *D. heteracanthum I.M. Johnston ID, paltneri entry] (B, G) ful was Jose Lugo Guajardo of Cuatro Ci6negas during my visits. Hesperaloe funifera (Koch) Trel. (D) Since the original catalogue, those who kindly con- tributed to the study are: D. Bacon (Univ. of Texas, Nolina cespitifera Trel. (C,O) John Arlington) - Nama (Hydrophyllaceae); Robert T. Clausen Yucca carnerosana (Trcl.l McKelvey (D) (CU) - Sed,um (Crassulaceae); Thomas F. Daniel (ASU) - Acanthaceae; Howard Scott Gentry (DES) - Agavaceae; Engelm. (D) Y, rostrata Ctrarles Glass (Abbey Garden) - Cactaceae; James Henrick- (CSLA) Lamiaceae, Asteraceae and others; L.C. Y. treculeana Carr. (B,G) son - Higgins (WTS) - Boraginaceae; M.C. Johnston (TEX-LL) - SMILACACEAE Euphorbiaceae and others; Meredith A. Lane (COLO) - Gutienezia (Asteraceae); Gerald B. Ownbey (MIN) - Crl- Smilax bona-nox L. (C,O) sium; Tim Reeves (ASU) - pteridophytes, certain Orchi- daceae; Reed C. Rollins (GH) - Brassicaceae; Elizabeth A. Shaw (GH) - Brassicaceae; Terrence Walters (TAES) - cer- *Corallorhiza maculata Raf. - SM: C. Hacienda, oak-maple- tain Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae; Allan D. Zimmerman juniper riparian zone, uncommotP13676B. (O) (TEX-LL) - Cactaceae. 7


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