Savings - SjLgn n Victory Pledge Today!

Average Dally CtrenlaUan Far the Moatt af April, IMS ’ll The Weather of 0. S. Weather Boieaa

w oC ol z' Light ■hewers aad wanaer 9a- right; ft■shwtoia Mimeheeteiy^A/Bty of VUk^e Charm^

VOL. LXL. NO. 190 « raga W )NN, TUESDAY, MAY 12.1942 (TWELyE PAGES) ^ , • >R|CE THEBE CBi

kN. Bfore Good NewihTrom Russian Front



^ / Two

Strong A ir Support Re­ Apparendy Still| Dpi* • ported by Germans for a Bring Up Reserves f« Fight on KaTh Penin­ I Paying Terrible Price J\ ir Oft Handing -Assault; Earlier sula; M ilitary Circles For Defeat in Coral Raids Won’t port Tells of part . Not Inclined to De- Sea; Possijde Damage ing Back Main. Foi ^ ^ Out Mttaka scribe Battle as Be-' • • X A To Third V^toel Re­ Beat Japan e Of Invasion Cohiniti$| ported; Raises Count ginning of ‘Spring Heavy Fighting Coi Congreee Memhert Ad- To or Shtpe Oiffensive’ by Nasla. 23 24 Only Continual Seriet of tinues in Qiei

\ ^''§roadcasts), May 12.-HfP)— Alliefl Headquarters, Aus­ She^r Mortde, Epie- fare Loome in Europe, Ghungklng, Chins, May 12*1 Le (German high command tralia, May —Japan ■ -N. Biehop Saye, •unced today that a battle —^The Japanese havtij Waahtagton, May U— a apparently still was paying a a has DMn in full swing on the disastrous price today for her brought up reinforcemen€iil| poasibtUty o f imminent poison gas San FraaclacO, May 13.—>— ^ Kerch'peninsula since Ger­ defeat in thS C!oral sea as oq and ara making a new attadgl warfare in Kurope prompted mem- Not bombing raids their lalande man and Rumanian troops General MacArthuris head­ ,W t only a continual eOrlea of mili- on the Yunnan front in westwl ben of Congreea today to urge erh China, a Chinese oommte*.| launched ^ n attack May 8 speedy action toward suppljring quarters announced that tary eetbacks wiU ■hatter’ the mo- with strongNyrtr support, der- nique announced tonight. American war worken and other lied fliers tracking down rale of the Jiqianeae people^^^d man m ilitary circles were not In- thus hasten the end o f the war'tn This followed an earlier re-- clined to desernw th is. battle aa civUiane with maaks to protect scattered, hiding remnants of them against any aneSk gae raids the great enemy tavaalw emuCha tae Pacific, beUevee the Right Rev; port by a - CUnese military' the beginning of tLOerman “spring nokeaman that the main force aC that might be atiemptad on this and* other unite bad datakged two, Henry St George Tucker of New offensive,’’ but the mUltaiy epokea- country. and probably three, more eblpe. I Y o r k a n d V l r g l i d a . to* Japaneaa tatoaloa oohmMi | man o f the*' Wllbelnatraeae did which had struck d^m into Tun- ’ Prime Minister Winoton Thia ralaeU the count of Japanese The Rev. Mr. Tucker, ■ay the operations were “the Snt losses In tha e lx to y betUe ta the bishop at the Eplacop^ nan froip Burma had been drtvan. great offenalve nndertaking itnee Churchill made It plain in a ■peach Sunday that /aerial gas ■aa gateway abrtbeaat of Austra- ■pent nearly a quarter centtity at back to 'the frontier toarii ag;| the winter defensive." wanting haavy f^ttaK-^ ^ warfare was considered entire^ lia and'in |tt oequel, a ceaaeleoa Tokyo and Kyoto in J a M ^ rior to Of “No practicable when be warned that I aaarch of island hideaways, to 33 1938 and has, revielte(Hhe country He said "Serca mopping uh op- the,British were .prepared to > or 34 tope ta the eights days from frequenUy. ^ eratlona on the central front" i the , start of the 0>rml sea battle BUght HaVe Plipoolte Bffeet taaida through yesterday. . Air raids, iMther than er—Ung nan. were of “no mean importance.” lOeaWaaii eo tagiB Bght) Arrival of Japaneae : 'Hie Kerch peninsula Is Imp., Threat Still Sees tont. ha said, becauoe It baa' been "(Cm ^i _ mente apparently agnta Nevertheless, Japan’s plana the rear guard Into atrangly fortUM for tha Riiaalana have only been delayed and the gua^" os “a springboard for malar oper- ^tish Admit threat efiU bangs over A'uetralla Ohineaa O aattn aa___ __ ations,” probably for a drive to re- thgt -eha' will try again to emaah conquer the Crimea. /^y Mldiere Mp up ^ enemy trench on Ewitem front hnd such ■outhward. A ir Mtaletar Arthur 8. ^redicts More Other rwnaae forces wtdek hno'^^ surrender. Xphoto Drakeford warned. ^ been hy-peeaed in central Bunna,.., German eamiere and Infantry'] o'^stroyers fiaehed from M ow»w by radio.—NBA Radlophoto. continued. their advance ta which' were declared to }fmva landed be- > Two more enemy tranopOrta— they captured Majrmyo and dmva ’ hind enemy poelUona iipdei' fierce ' / casualties numbers 33 4na 33— Attacks Sobli to the outekirte of ruined fire, but few details were^von. Sii^ by Nazis were hit yesterday in the Solomon lay, moving n&rtheastwnrd ta an liw Geimait and Rudu ielends, which encUiee the Coral effort to hlock the Japaneae rw* troops were declared to be fi Offensive Againiat P o ^ ■ea on the north, a conununique Against China treat ‘ " " . a numerically Superior foe. hut without Im'important reeulta. Increase of French from General MacArthur's head- Tha epokeaman arid t|w Jana*' (A British oouroe in London Uyeiy, JadErt and Kip- tions“M Let Bloeking Inva- quartars gnuouncad. said tha Germans had baan repuls- The potoble 34th Japanese cas- we had reached Katora l45 mfiaa lbBg tacked yesterday In the/Solomon pressure against Oeneralleelmo ■truck out from near LoUem warn ------I also have------introduced new CdroplamenUCdroplementa of tha the thM “ .ahipaUn brdmlcaa^ as speaking of “of. i^s^ed today a sweeping de- fenalveX anddown defensiveovernight aetiOas aa quickly as Islands, at Keeaa, apparenUy were OUang Kai-Shek'a forces ta north- facing the Japaneaa acrooB th# . Improved weapons on the I were believed to total about SOO ^ree taking to itself powers to toin to Hasten Back river. A ll these central Burma Kerch f ont. The epokeeman aald lolBdan and maS. fought ^it had o f tlM flai’ed Kerch-: ujipn the Kerch a separate unit and not/a part of ern end central CSiina and that p' fhey were weapons announced by line," whito would cover _ ____ increasing working hours in To Vichy Injects Un­ the fleet involved ta the Coral eea Sfieater attacks were coming. forces ate commanded fay U aut- An Tkrea Ifew Veearia peninsula of the Crimea, the batUe. (Jen. Joseph W. StUwell, U. 8. A. Ad^ Hitler In his last apeecly : AH three wqre new, the Uvely, land area o f more than aoo mUes French enterprisies and order­ Hate, interviewed after return- ta tte )amw^0oB»tMRussians disclosedbaata aa wril today,ing Tlieemployers to report im­ certainty into Issue; ing to headquartera from a nine- The government epMtemmh (Re-reading of the text at Hlt- 1,930 tons, haring been completed M the QriBH The ptaaence of a lafga Japaneaa ■rid he applanded Prims Miriotet* Itr’e lateet eddrees of April 38 in 1940, and the other two, each mid-day communiquemediately sidd tha. numter and day airplane taspecUoh tour of ChurchlU’a warning bo (Jarmnay The lethal’clkaknothing important of men. occurred last tanker In the treachOroua waters south China, said that the fight- of 1,806 tons, a year ago. Nor. . m a - categmlea o f workmen made avail- Ballctinl of the Deboynes, thO largest of ■grinri^e use of poison gna and tOonttaaed en mal complementa of the smaller night. Indicating the Nasiable puih for other work as a result of ing power of the (Aungylng forces (OMtinnedbed oeasad^at «■ least tempMarUy. Waahtaltoa. Biay 13—(S’)— which, PannaetU, la only about arid China might Invoke n siwrfi— ■Mm wqre ISS man, tba Uvaly’s longer houre. (Presumably the or- Scerriary of State HnU Indi- in the south also wal “dwindling.” waralny to J^wm-Chtaa has pro- prohahiy somewhat larger. Hekeea Met Kaewa der sp iles only to the occupied calei today tbr Ualtod States ^Coattaoed oa rags roar) Domel reported from north vloualy charged that, the Japanaas **Teeterday afternoon a force Whether Red Army reaiataaoe■one). not partlealarly latoreat- China headquartera that Japanese have employed both poteoa gaa and.. ACasons Ready canalattng of four of our deatroy- halted the attack or the Germana. tvarhiag 4S Hem er Leee ed ta whether a PTHich gov- Infantry with atrong air aupport an w u ^ v lly attaekad by Ger- SajsTeaclrqverted to thalr old tactics of bad b^gun large-acala' operationa ;rs I ,®*M te abolition of the old Pop- meat headed In, Pierre leivd (Oonttaoed ea Pagn E ^rt) man alroraft in the eastern Medl- fighting by day and restingI ular Front by laws, a. large propor- ••oegnlaee or dees set recog^ I S u p p o r t s C a r e ta central Hopeh province (about For Sacrifices 'terraneui," said the eommimlque. night could-not be determinedfion ofim- French industry haa been ■tae aay agreement which 300 miles southwest of Peiping) *nM Lively was first h it. and Aremediatety. Toll working a 40-hour week and even ray ba reached with the ■gainst aoina 10,000 Chlneaa'Com. sank, and ffhaa tha rewiatnlng Thia wee in sharp oOntrastoa UtUewith as half that ta order to French high oonunlaeioaer c "Of Dependents munlat troops trapped In an area three dastroyera were auhjaetad to tba Soviet midnight oommtmlqier, Marttalqiia about 76 by 50 miles. Anplng is -Grand Chapter Opens further haqvy attack tba Kipling J spread the limited employment < Quislingwhich Attempting' told of stubborn t< [poarihUltlea baolea since the armlatice. the chief town ta the diatrfet. Flashes! Annual Sm ion; Taft was soak. < ' against a German offenaiva on tha Washington, t o y 13.—<;f)—Sua-1 Dtepatchee Report Attacks (Late BnllettaM of ttaa (F) w in ) Tha JackaL also bidly hit, was Nanify Schools in The/dOcrea ' of Gen. Qtto Von McNutt Asserts Aid Is NeW Grand High IMertltaS? hSt*!^ Kerch peninsula. Ipngel,. military commandant pense and uiicekointy were in-' I (In ax^vetw recent \Mmjm days omymiioua Japaneae WIQ and NorwayWhile by it Is too Terror. soon for military:cnpied Franco, said minitnnm Jected Into the question of Mer-J Federal Responsibilitv Chtaeae dtepatchee have reported Predicta Sabotage Camprign. dispatchea to report developmentong hours would be set by Hartford, May 13—(ffv-abaoaaf (Oeoaaeed ■• m as F mt ) of the offenalve, Sdricee reaching (Coattaoed oh Page Foot) Attawtlo aty.'N . J , Blay IZ-> today by I Portaoua of MIddlatowa, oald in hla ring tboueande of bombadeals. In. tha X \ Wariiiagton, Magr 13. — The adequate financial care of depend- Diego Suarez I addreoa as grand h(gh prlaot o f tha Joeratadranan<>tinaa,. where partleularly 700 o&ool Ineendlarlaa, position of the Treasury May 9: Btayley F. Matebewe, plant pre* “a^aw'ware eyateraatlcany tor^ (Tha ta ip ^ U o ir le that the ents -of men ta the armed'servloea tectioa and personnel eeperlnteni I Grand Chi^tar o f Oonaactlent, By Cias Curb l^ p te , 883.378.786.18; expen- was “a Federal rceponalblUty" as Roynl Arch Maaona, at the 144th tored, ■ •» hraak them phyaieally I Germans IntanA thus to tacreaae dent of Warner Bretlwra BoSy- I and aptritnall]^". ^ ditures, 8137,879,(M3fil; net W the House devoted undivided at- Life Normal wood etodlo. Blatthews seeertod ■ annual oonvoeatlaii at the Masonic ■nco, 83414,858.773.89; customs _ to a® a,(KKVword doeasnent, tha (O eirtiaaed^ tention to the flnanriri pUM>t of tbe Axis powers had dene Httle iTampia today. *Go Home* Sign H ong r) reoelpta for month, 810,385485.40. the natlonatfightlng men. i I “Maaona," ba continuad, “must govaremaat ravl-wed. allfwed at- sabotage in this country so far br- latond for truth and rightaoUaneaa Out MS Resident Motor­ tonpte by Moj. VUDnra Qulaltag, McNuu tto the House Military Vic|iy . Anthoriffcs A d - enoMi they hadn’t yet been.drtvea Imore, now, than aver before'.’’ thepureri pramlar, to Oommlttee the carg. of dependents * - te deeperatlon. of ooldiere and Narir man waa _ .parently Still Occupy • “V r The Gnmd Oiaptar was 4open- ists Line U p 'io r Cards. ^Cbool SystRlll thPOQRll tblREts Rlld led In form at IS o’clock. terrwaiid aaamrted. that LSOol janize Group vital factor” for i«»in »«in i»g the Madagascar Capild. 34 Dutchinen ExecatSd I Many viottora from other grand tajdira rafiMMl to Jala the moral* ta both the armed services Londoe, May 13— e f l a - So a new organtaatiao—the Am- T^ only quriiflcaUon ter mem- aoieoA Tbe 34 were charged wltb Raporta wore pieaantad by Da- l ertsan War Dada-was born In beeauae. o f dependents and added Hie Brittah have set up a radio eeptoWbge aad poeeeeeloa e f arme. Kansas City today to aoaure tha raphlp la to have a son or foster that such Uberal elSaalflcaUon ta transmitter working on the aatne '• - A. •' ^ Ckaad Prisst WoRar L. TSdtl aoa ta'toe armed forcee. wave lengths oa Radio Tananarive. IfWd, OraiM John H.] armed foreaa that dad la gotar all “unthtakabls” ta aa ril-out global Soloae Care Faeeatlal out tor thorn „at hema, war effort IndicaUoos that no land oommun- It e f Hamden, Orand| ' Some of the y**: Mllgram, grooary ' store thtaga, the group Tha admlntatrator said 15 coun- icationa extat between Dfego Sua- Waebtagtoa, May 13,—(F)—9 ^ John F. Pleklai o f Maa- plana: vata can ef eeagneeaeMi wop • ---- J, (kand Cantata of the Host .axaeuttva, cams heuM with tba triaa ta an have mate provtaton rok rr:u th* capital waa seen in. idea from a vlalt with to six foot i. tohvorrive acUvttles: for oaring tor tha tepeadente of the fact that tba Brittah broadcast altar Bacgar e f Bridgeport and to talUato latter-wrlttag cam- ■ad Principal Sojoitnier Ruaaell to inch son, Laater, at Camp Lae^ ■oldisrs, oaUora mad Martaaa. meaaagea from prlaonera and ta- P«lpa to the service men; to Tba House Itself was oat to de- .habitante of the occ^ad- region Porter of WUUmaatie, ' Tlw otatemnet asM that Qula- mamtata duba where the unl-i to tha capital ' Thft nacisd B to Priest try far i o f Ha lta« had ordrred an Norwefflaa Papa MUgrpm Juat hod aeon the bate for two hours and then vote I aoldicn there contribute on a 100 foniMd Btta CRD find nerMtion on a Senate-approved measure ' Transmtasions are made dally At tba aaaainii, tSia afternoon. teae^ to Jto 'th* Ttaatoars and ctgarettee at cost and to pre- |-**ffy****°** tho 81600,000 aa- ■^toOO^nalgned ^ ^ «u w ■ “ntoo boys are laavtiig too to qwctally quallflad eivttlana tor f. Potter: grand prtadpal ao- tmaoiU a caraara tar the 17 ooaatal •nouragemeat they aren't get- damn qntetly to suit' me, and nar on a Brittah hototel riUpt ir, Arthur R. Daalgrafi, Brl^ ttam from any one toe." technical and prnfiaalonal work. A The radio at Reunion tataad, Dpfeb Va ttaq Z)tetrtet_of Ociom- Jtoaf Tritotea. RoUw «««■« when toay gat to camp they dtot modiflad vantou of a more drastle gtniM royal arob eapUda, " ^ aad w81 Hla organlaatlon la a non-profit. got onongh malL whldi Uea near this Brittah poa- Broee^ New raar, than ariwd oMh amandmont whteli would have on B(pera tlva group. **Aa moat pathetle figure ta .aeoaton la the Indian oeena and Waablagtop, ¥P9 Rlgli Pilaat Walter L. --nong thtaga the aeambeis In­ haired oodi nommlerigna oatlraly, about 860 miles aaot of Navy today that g i ^^lea idigtalatrh- on board oiilp la the the easaa of doetora, ' to db *Wi aooh as wo tooad ■xeapt ta... tor, went off ttae rir ev.__ a) to efhar towns of tha Id who ftjla to hear ago undar the paelato of a i^;nsok toi .wbea tbs ZHi) ta tlB HANCSkSBTSB SVSmM U fllSKALii^ fllAtVUI COMN. TU liSU Ar, BCANGHESTER EVENING HERALD, IfANCRESTER. CONN .TUESDAY, MAY 12, IMR ^AGR mltteo, baa reoaivad tba aMeettva raadtof list for membara of bar PtMtt Office Wan BntMiir Nurses^ Aides Grade Groimdl (cll^ Tools Stan in iState llieater Featikre With ActiTity Yantaydny 6obd Response Bottdn^s PopulatioftBoosi oemmlltaa for May. Thia commit- Rivers Play Big P|flrt Jum oir C » f C Cent taa la handloappad to tha* 'no room I in Haunriiai la availabla for tha display of poo- j^ e a r A itn o r y Tha local paat ottlco waa On War Bon^s h Shoivn by RegisthMon Badly Needed tara, reading material, nutrition ^ii^ts Hustle Pays Expensel T«5 Paid bonlac with activity lata yoo- —— jUtoratm,Utomtun, ato.efe. The list for May to- Jn Disguises terday oftarnooa In mora w an cludaa: Bygela magaxtoe, trto arti- \ iry Poii than ana. Aa you ontarod tha ilton. May 19— (Special) — section where the cottages Local Wo]men Urged to|^a!**Tte' Amertean Ica Srtldiers Su'l|oned H ere Ciocinm^ Fl^n Supply^ turiiiMiiy you could bear a low Eivly Reportf frQm Can- [\ bo! by Doris MeCrae and StreunliHed Diesel Pow* IjiuniO ent W orlucr Receives Bills^ ineurred By Walter B. Otouaea . NdUon During the registration for War Bolton Lakes have been rem Take ConrM ORered at " -Are Beantifyiiig the /in g T o o b . S c ^ ^ ^painters. He huntsd un hum, which grow loudOr aa you vaM cn InilicateN Pub* defense workersT \ wltli PleT by Cordon During Pre*ent. Cam-, Honolulu,. May 12. -7/ (Wide QH In co m e lad. Juat aa you RaUon Book I, S74. persona applied A. Sabln/Tratoera' Diets Make Ua ered TowbMts and teartiira of drawing ahd ai OssoUne rationing will otart this Memorial Hospital. Nearby Terndn. I* BtaUed in Munich Govcmmoit^ W«^d)—The artist pau4^ as he ^tera, atudents.%rtaaiii It muBt ba the •'buay- lie R eady to ^ledge^ for such books in tha town of Bol- evening at 7^. m. at the North and Fit .or tha Fight bi the Farm Rarges Moving paign forP aper.^ It D ate. ____ pointed to a Uitle jagged peak on rtmks. He took every _ ton. This flgu^ la interesting to Center Schoola,' The number of Clndnaatl, May woman he could find who ayea 'tartad on two larga applieanU wUI hot be as great as Volunteer Nurae’a .AldeO are ed Vegetoblea by Bruoa BUven In TlMte is much more to the Ufa lions o f Tons Moscow, May 19.—(8V--The rugged borteokr (ff the Oanvassers in Manchester )lpr comparison with the last census not make anything you At a meeting Ot the Junloa to work. amni** .KdMO, tainara ilrith acraaned aides. In figure of 1940 which showed a in the first reglB^tioB. Ekcb idly needed In dvlUan Defense, Parenta Migastoe; Here’s How I of Um eoldlere stationed in thlsK Soviet Inforinattoh Bureau .T ^ "® evidence of human the eontainto wore hundreds ot War Savings Bond pledges arb Correct These Menua E. V. Mc- declared today that a big Chamber at Cottunebca Which waa baUtatlon or traUe or roads Some of his moat expert'; Miiqr th a t a pprcai- pulatiowbf 704 tar the toWn. Tha rsgUtrant should bring bU or hsr id women are urged to take area than beingbn duty with their . B y Nad N( or bomb with, but the foremen in camouflage beaa on their Way to a beakeep- meeting with hearty response ^iurly csr registration aa tont of the Ck>Uun to MedOTa. -All maka- guns. Throughout the day the lo- munitions works in the Ger- held in the Hotel Sheridan tort 'That point used to he a three- HBt at Uia tatal al rationing board will go over the coutM which are being offa^ ^ 8 L L ouIa Hay — (Wide Milling Machine Company, one nothing about It before ' or. reports given to Chairman -H ar^ appUeatlons for dupUcatos etc., needed Informetion wukbe found xtoea mentioned are the May is- cal armory la aa busy 'aa a bee- man city of Munich racantly evening, a total of ^9.80 waa or- *>“®dlhg,’’ he said. "The bats paMI a>aca ed at t^Mancjbcator Memorial •uee. World)—RUfA Dlsart- bad baen blown up and aU the largert of its type in the world, is etm there. It is a vital Btructed them. One, Harry ' Kany at the maUdwn paused C. Alvord indicate. Thoae who have buMt li thought the number'will on it. V hive. Recruits are being marched makes torts which maka tha tools dered paid to tnuA driven and dy, a lawyer from Loa An tlw tflia baoama purtog the first registntlon, hospitaL Ragistiutiatu are now Botten BiWfa arodod town to an effort to ac- powarod towbqnte and bargee, tributed the reported blast to military installation. But you can- aa they startad home to' bid mads personal calls say that all no mubt ramato/lhp same. Of. the Miss Lydia Young and John cf'war. uperviaing offlciala who are cur- wanted to get Into aetton. Ttapayai* ha^a Modnight to the stranga ghasto $74 application^ made for ration Mrs-' Leslie Bolton, cbeirmsii of being accepted for a new course quaint them with the principles hauling an avenge load of 10,000 rising "resentment of the Ger- not recognise It from the ground seem prepared tor a visit from a Swanson, Jr. are spending a week m close-order driU with aa much tons, are mOnng mlUiona of tone From Its fyaatiy expanded plant rwtly parttciwitinf In tha local or from the air." was an earnest piq>il and luie tiX 5 pjn. to pay «vhlch Manchester boused over.* books only 810 were granted; 64 the Woirten’s Activltlee o f the Bol- wblch will atm naxt month, and man people to the criminal pour machioes ot many Unde— Waste Cam^gn. an exceUent director. or tba to t In- canvasser and have the necessary ton Civilian Defense Council, appUcaifte abotud reglrtar at tha to Washington, D. C-, aa the guests spaed aa possible. of raw Krtluoto, flnlahed mater- Hitlerite cUque. Paper He wee talJting about the art of night. information reawly. They also re- persons having mora than tha of Mlaa Young’s alster .and breth- umU ones weighing a tow hundred The total ot 839.80 paid by , _ tbe Uat ia over $90, stipulated amount of sugar on tanged to have someone at each Volunteer Ragtatnttoo Bureau in There is one Job that tbeae sol- ials ai^-maehlnee of war over **nM main departmahta of jmrUme camouflage—and telMng Old Ctomte to Be Heoadl pm that those caUad upon give er-ln>’aw, Mr. and Mrs. Oeotyq diora are now doing that the peo- pounds and gigantic 68-ton miUere Treasurer Arthur ' ShorU last hw It has come to the Hawaiian Among the weavers ,ahd cu „ tha tagal paaalty apptt* hisnd. In nearly all sections of school to accept volunteer regla- llimtelpsl Buiuitog ifniDRitiitR ApMrtca’e vast Inland waterwaya this plant were put out of to bora, guna, abape abella, fashion tha lAlormation and their pledges tratlons of women for paid Joba. McQlnhla. 4* of Mancheatec wiU appreciate, to nMnte of ahlpmant for active evening waa in addition to the to- lalande, perhaps to a greater de- of camouflage materiala ate 1 ^ nittf* Hat. ntroacttra bUas to gat to work, or who m wtlltogl^;v the town tba rM^tratton exceed- ly to tha factlSE t a phyrtca^ Mrs. Nelson Barter and Mrs. comirtarton for a long time air plane motors had cbleei out tal expenditure of $38.90 paid on ed tha estimated number but tha Fourteen such appllcationa were ition la neceaai^ for each fw years, the lend to the rear of /l^araafronta..' to come," the bureau aaaerted groe^ than xny other placO under old Hawaiian women of » 11$. them In the course of business, will Ehrery residence In town will 'be Brownell Gage are to charge of the armory baa had many de- tanka, April 8; bringing the totrt dte- tile American flag. fame.\^The native hula ;OMB Bstm B o m be allowed extra rations, baaed on largest increase was In the North made to the town of Bolton. appUcaht. / X A 10,000-ton cargo ia the equiv- In a eiwplement to a war com- vislM by a canvasser between now the tranaportattoa of members of praaslona, which flU with water alent to 900 loaded frrtght care. It "We are supplying aff the tools bursement for tneiM eervicea In So many things about camou- ebanU are to he seen and 'OoUaetor Nolaoa win kaep their usual mileage requlramonts. and May 93. ThA town's quota of . X ______Womm^^th aa aptlt the Ladlea Benevolent Society of munique, adding that walla both the go'vemment and the war Salvage; (tempaign to flage cannot be talked about. They mpaa BBta • p.«n. on hurting and a daaln to eaeh time It rains. This water la not unusual for towboats to car- and fences In the city, birth- from time to time aa they They,A fw y i wor theirW$«M agents, will»o**a baa ra- S.00O pladgas calls tor an average t|M Bolton OOngngattonal Church does not away for soma factories have aaked for,” Pri^' 87A90 to date. * involve security. They conceal V|U1 “Let nature show you ho«^ atf- m - to BigB ^an —appUeatian ilteaUon form I aoclatlons' ‘ throughout Tolland In civilian dafenae are ry a load of 18,000 tons. place of the. Nasi movement, of more than one plodgq^ per fam- to tho l^^ring RaUy to bo held tlma, and It makea It nearly Im- The channrta of theao rivers dent Frederick V. Orter told cor A complete break doum of dla- Information from the enemy. They do your Work,’’ Boone telH ' Tiii 5 » 5 r ^ * ^ wbicb polnta out tliat It la a unty Parent Tsaeh. poartble to train troops in tha^^ have been deepened and new term- studenU. "Nature la the boon an tha flaal nal offanae to maka falaa bond pledges set for tlie town is the following; qualifications: gational church. The morning area, or uae It tot any military / such rtogana ae ’‘Down elation o f Manufacturers "Ptoduc- *2 ®**rtte «a follows: _ ^Nrt What They Seem greatest deceiver and loaliic f or tha day at manta to the government, punish* or saaociaUon to hi hald thla ava* must be between IS and 80 eeerton will be held at 10:80 w lto inals built to serve the rapidly ex- the Criminal William T. Burgaaa, town gar- $2$0,100, according to Mr. Alvbrd, Lowts a . purpose whatsoever uhttl tha^kun" panding industry of the Mlsalaaippl War!” and tlon.for Victory" tour. But it can be said that through- He haa a nursery with , able by 10 years Imprisonment ntof at tbe First Mathodist church of age, American citlsene, have Philip Rose as chairman. A "Long Live the Soviet “We have met the need and we ^e superintendent, $11.00; and that means that every posd. 98, BoekvUle at Stafford Springs. A suppar will cornea out and dries it up. / . valley area. out the Hawaiian islanda many saiids of plaiits and cut( ay laipooid and $10^000 fine., bis source of bond pledges must be I equivalent of a high school oduoa- hmeh at 19:80 with coffee Dertdas to BenMdy^EvB Union!” will keep on meeting it so that George McCollum, truck driver, things are nOt.. what they aeem to be served at 8:80 o’clock and this served by the EUtogton Church Tannage Greatly Incrsaaed f7-J®: Alvin Fuller,, truck driver, rare or culUvtkted flowers but at ana ||n m t pw . Advised to Oal Boms found to the town. That requires tion, be wUling to give aervloe Nothing has bean d m to cor- OoL Malcolm EUiott, A rn y dirt factories can maintain production the casual observer, due to thia growing weeds and ahruba unpaid. will ba followed by a program pr4* without pay, be wlUtog to taka WlU be followed by an afternoon on achedule for the Army and 87.18; John M. Derby, prMident an tba aatirp Touristi. from oUior. paiw of the vlsittng every bouse and getting a anted by the membore of the rect this condition aa I m as gtato km engineer for the upper area west of rtlst who couldn't get an Army mon to the Islanda. Ha to i^prU to. or am par >ladga from every house and more training couraa and give 180 hours aeasite at 9:80 p. m. Mlga Patty troops havo ooettpMdNtiM area. the Misrtartppl, the Navy." of the Manchester Boy Scoot Ao- commission because he was gassed »try wars advised by tha OPA Special Hours County association. Las CoghUl wU* be the principal rtppl river valley, said tbaI tI o n n a g e ora flrtde of Mphmeeota and Alaba- ociatlon, $14.00. his men bow to cut grasses' year an tba antlra itat ja to ^ home if pooalbla b a fm ra* ban one pledge to many ot them. of aervice to tho lo®d hospital an- -However, when toe present nti* ot 1940 waa five Helpa Bapreye PfoSaeta In the last war. He works as a ci- spread them quickly to pro t taupaaad it tba tax la ttnntny atarU" to the ea st Those Voluntary Enlistment Every Mothera CMb nually, and ba willing to taka the p^er.wt the afternoon aeaalon aircraft group toovbd to, tttey de- me. the coal- mines of Wert Vir- Cincinnati Milling Machine also Takes Leas Pay vilian. Tha Every Mothefa Club will AU mombera o f the Ladies Bene- of a decade aga ginia, Keiriudcy, Pennaylvanla and cover for a scarified aurfaca. tbar k> part or aoai who remain after Friday must ap* "The matter of investing in War hold a meeting this evening at 8:80 20Tbour First Aid Oourse. cided that they should do atMUe Figures for 1941 are not yet helps designers and manufacturers Origlnrtly It was decided by the He is Harry K. Boone, of Culver has thousands df sacks of net ply for rattan cards tba same as To Ge| Cards volent Society are urged to at- landacaptogr Dei^lte the fact that Ulinoia, aiigar plantations of Lon- City, Calif., employed here for avlngs Ekmds and Stamps repre- ‘ ^ o’clock When a covared lratlon, shipping. deatihation. camouflage' of large I ndll rata la |$90,074J0. Tssmtlsl vehicles, such as emy and do tha Job o f saving cl* in g o n O d d S h ift*. Bolton, wUl receive hia B. 8. de-, only one that haa decided to.d b ' A chart prepared by Army engi- more accurately, and tfiaae motors A**ortatlcn condeacended to a After the Japanese attack on Roealie Lodge will obaerve its JsiiUng with non.sterlle draae- grae from tha university of Oqn^ "Tliie valley haa heretofore been usually is intended to trucks.' buses, tractors and taxi* vUlsation and assuring the survi- S8th anniversary thla eventajd at tha necessary wbric neers bn Mieetertppi river tonhage ean he nmde to climb higher and lent o f $8.80 per Saturday, In Pearl Harbor, Boone hurriedly as- lar lines and conceal to * y cabs. wlU rscalvs *OC' cards, par* val of our government and our in* inge, hrtplfig to apply casta and nectlcut on May 17th. Ho la a Oindiu Has Startoi aptly deacribed aa the ’citadel ofl»o V a^r* nia Choir, accompiudcd by Miaa sn^omise agreement with sembled a crew for training. He Itockvillo, May IS—(Bpaolal)— the Modoe.olub room on Elm bowed great Increaaea over ton- defense.’ It ia leaa vulnerable to f 'niii loii Program Is Giyeu • Orxyb; March and formaUons on mittlng unlimltsd pimtoasas. . stitutlona. But academic patriot- altoga, maUngjiatlsnta fart com- msmbar of the varrity Every day In the waek, fOldlara nage m In euch war eaaentlale The Job of producing tools for Junirtt Chamber Treasurer Short. found eome Chinese acrobats, un- ito H it ^ lUttonlng was made necessary street A supper will bo served at team at that university, attack than either of the ocean the stage by six school hoya; reacheff%pnly last week; An electric finger em r^ ic ahd mare amotion are In tha fortable, and meny Other things. are detaUed to the back of tha as petroleum, bulk eulphur* ^<>*1 war industries la not a new one for employsd after the theaters musicians is^the Invehtton of - by curtailed deliveries due to the circumstances utterly futile. The They usually work to wards of veratein takes an active part armory, and tha Job thty are do- coasts. the Cincinnati company. Geier By Polish Church Dance, “Polish Dance", Dorothy * **,'*'“ ^ ,tod last evening, that closed, who were good design which would prevent them from | f**® to follow. _ ^ nd coke. Scrap iron, eteel and That ia oUe reason we see new Dobrowolski; Plano aolo. Walter Portland, Ore., music/toacher, By GasCuHi toss of tankers, aithar through enemy cannot be routed by mere The committee to ch sm hospitals, to boq^ltal clinics. In community affairs In Bolton aerv- ing warrants much praise. Dirt steel products, bauklte ore, cotton, aid that Um company’s agents truck drived are being paid at a sinking or through conversion. to regiatertog at'th a hours already official and voluntary public health lag aa Somtmaster Of the Bolton has been added to the low spots, ipui^ona f ^ r i t e going up all .bro*d had h e l^ England. Orsyb; An appropriate speech, by rt alxty-Dye cento an hour, wishing for It; nor yet by parad- eat up for gasoline rationing, axtra eludes Mrs. Merttu Prey, M rs.. ugar and miuiy other conunodl------______1 war servlos. ing. Our man cannot be axpactod nursing, agencies, in Industrial Boy Scouts. L eett^ of Bolton and t-these eoldleia are now around ua and existing factories France and Russia build up their t Mother's Day program waa Mrs. Bernice Sendrowski, presi- of Garbage tOao) eeaalona have been arranged fo r na MUIar and Mrs. Anna Kepp. ties. / ' ablaae at night for continuoua op- dent of the Ladles Society; The Superintendent WHUam T. to do tha task to which they are Fabito Haatth AaaoetottM haalth cUnlca, In school haalth (jfaago and aoerrtary of tho Young grading off tho land, whlob la ba- o fln t of gym stored in many aectlona of so at the banquet which inunedi- ^OYTNgAUOiCAt rtbn lallooa dnrtny tba 47 Are Tortured mant and armaments. No one, I purpoaaa, and kwal/Army iff- duction. The river system must be 99 Per Cent 19 Yean Old' "My Country T is Of Thee" and ed by. Shorts, thla amount tom Kay Id to July whara tha raaidanta reMstarod for Preaeott block. unit of the courbe ,1a ctoM work the Country. ately followed. entint the g-and total pounda_. am oortaln, wants to do that,” said _ RfliolMI taught hr a qualified graduate fleiala fart that the w m they are Thera la tittle doubt that 1949 used to its greatest extent now A canvass pt 1940 showed that the Poliah Anthem by the aaaem- ' Bi at ra* ugar retionlngrai from d * • 8 p. m. Ufa here more that eveiy hour counts. Although bly; Poem, "My Mother", Stephen Mrs. Helen Rubacha prepared reached in the bi-weekly system of- RSSULTSOf aaay laac fat tba (Omllsusd iksm Fags 0ns) M^. Alvord. and 7 to 9 p. m. through Thuraday. At tha mastingting atof tfce Pb nurse and the aaocod unit u aupar- river movement of warttme 70 per cent at the machine tools in the banquet supper. Mn. J. Wro- canvassing to date. •ATSS ”But to provida our men with a grou p Sitia c Womtn't Plvi* vlaad practlw In tha loaal h ^ Manchester pleanat for thoaa working la thrt freight will be* amaaingly In ex- rtvSr tralhe is greater *»««»> ever American manufacturing aatab- l^aejak;,D ance, "He la My iwW ba aat up. For tha saka of eonvanlaneo thoaa | tatiVa '^aa. before it itlU must be pueh^ be- Uncle , . Dorothy Dobrowolaki: bel headed the women 1& the Ptea AdJaarxmeat land MOO wars the aiasers of war eosts money—a whoso namaa begin with A . to LI Sion of ths Vomco Dofenss Ooun-Ooun* _ ItaL They must else taka the 90- cess of 1941 tonnage. Ushments were more thim 10 years kitchen. The Church youth aesiated great deal of money. That la tba Miss KathsriiM OavUn flrrt bid course. TheUM ORioeif,oftloora, nowever.bowavar, aieoala# maknow cause river faefutiee are almost Poem. "H apless To You , Moth- Tentotlve plane were laid at last atotorlata are artted trf apply today, thca# ^ ^ ^ D ata Book that they are dolag a Job ‘ whichwh Even now a survey ia being limitless. old. The need tor new machlnee for at the table. responsibility 4 all of us on the from M to B on Wedneaday and I ot tha work of the Rockville- - - I Kb*FUb* ’Hm Anaertean National Bad conducted under direction of Don- war purposes was tremendoua. er", Dorothy OMlach; Short talk evening’s meeting for a dinner rtbair anoaraapa aQrfit Pot In Pshsatad Bax Oars the p e ^ of Mancneator wiU 1ap- "Our rivets will prove a major by the puitor. Rev, S. J. Ssezep- IGORi honm fron t Wo must provide tba pm W u»bto to raalator the first | Uo Haalth N un^ aim^tton^u Otm and tba Unltail Btates 0$. *ald Nelaon, War Production Osier eaid, and the orders could be meeting of the Junior Chamber of . IMmultansoualy tbs 700 wars pot predate. By «Mng thla worir at the< factor in winning the war." koweki; Poem, .;’Mother", by Lor- Commerce on next June 1. Plana IM COtifim PU8I la nnhsatsd bwt cars and taken on government with the f«mds." two daya on Thuramur. All A appU-llt conoema Clclllan Datum. Bha fie# of ClvUlan Defense sponaora Ladloa night, comblnail florviea tha' aoldltra sr* pro* Board ebtef, and saeratary of the fUleaonly by putting the machine Local Guardsmf^u 1 It out on tlw'baaia oa motor spoke of tho importaneo of the tha couraa. prean t ttma/the sddltra art f tool bueineaa on a maaa productim ^e Olbert; Sonjx "Mother’a formuleted teat night indicate that a waok. a 90-hour Journey without food canta must' present >reacnt' ttMlr Clubs at tha T. DaUy n v lfig an axpanaa to tha Interior Irtiae to determine bow Day" and "Uve M o^ r”, by the "Our soldlert, eallon. svIatorS. vehicle regtatrattena. health of the pro-achool child aa. FiMay. May U mudi equipment can ba moved the Jualor organisation of the wM aaad tbatr and water to Josrstadmosn. TTnIfom to Ba Wani 8*ato.ate. ala«alaoi dtt*due to th*tte tort thatt St Cecilia Choir accoihp^^ by y March iu Parade Manchester Chamber wlU 'adjourn ItoivaBd^ to a plan from marines, aurtee ere doing their bit Hy Ih regard to immunlsa. Iha uniform of tho Nuraaa’ Vletocy Parade here. from other waterways to Increase Arrives to Find The rapid Increase la machine aty Oenrt x on fo m dtaeiuw, In the fact of tha grartvv would have to ba dna the -pariah organist Miss J< Ito, eununer activities for the Bishop Btoaran, of Trondhdim, and over there. We must stmid behind Aldaa la the blua and whit* uni- Monday, May 18 In fut__ the inland liVar traffic. If there tool manufactures for the Ameri- phlne Grsyb. them and provida tha endleaa sup* Two M year old Stafford expected Influxes of population end ln.duetry aa a whole ehowa the months ot July and August with 3$ dargymsn tor m any for tha 500 Spriim boys, Thomas J. Perka^f form authorixad by tba Amertea" Dateyaasa’a mnttng at tho T at Tha ablAen of tk* aatt-alremft are not enough towboats and Poem, "Dear Mom”. Leonard Ru- Local State Guqrd units were the d;nner meeting- in June. It ia pliss. It is aa slrapla aa that And from other aoetthna of tha state. Rad Cross and tba OCD, with th*. e -AO. barges, addltioiMl equipment win Husband Suicide reaponae to war demands. Thla haa represented this morning in Hart- rNS toaabars dartinad tor tha Arcttc, 180 Furnace avenue and Charii At Hrtr**-* I unit howavar, arrdaiag ths Jab baoha; Sonr "You're A Bteiudwr expected that the Adjournment tha statameat said Quisling we oaa do It hy signing Plsdm to InrtgBl* ot tha Vbluntaar Muran Tneaday, May 18 wUllnily la aa affort to pros* to Im buUL . riaea from 8998,000,000 in 1939 ahd To Me”, Welter Grgjrb, acebthpan- tord’e Victory parade, with a large v Ton2£ invest In War Bonte and ttompa A. Pease of VlUaga HIU were giv- Carlton Buekmlater. earrlor at $480,000,000 In 1940 to a new high Banquet wiU be held in the Y . M. clsradr en e thirty deys suspended leU Alda Cbfpa on tha aiaovo and cap. - Maattng of th* Rstall Mardmata tnO/peopMth*/ peopla orof Maaeheator se that Main reason tor the aurvey la ied by Miaa Grxyb; Poem. "My De- turnout of srtdien. C. A. President O’Brien appointed **Tba M waoras adrirti a i durtng the plsdga campaign. It la tba. RockvUla Port Offlco has an* During tha next 19 mentha, ao- Buraanrt ’T ’* at 19 aaen, — ‘-^ly appeertattv* for to pnaa into servlca every svaU- MUwaukee, May la.—(F>1-As In 1941 at $760,000,000. light", Francis Sumislawakl; Song K (Company O, under comteaad ot •Vigoro.madcby U UtUa anougb to aak of us—Uttia sentence to the Roekvino City te*^^ the Hartford hospital for The industry predicts a buelnOea Sidne} Tober aa ebairman of a taken agahut Norway’s taaebars OMirt on Mo-idsy end pieced on cording to tho Amarioan NatioBal Rstall Oedlt Bureau ot C. ot C. way taay'kava ben able carrier for Inland water-haul Mn. Pearl Mutter arrived home (duet) ” May”, Dorothy Opalaoh I Lieutenant Frank SchiebeK and committee to make preliminary M r A Compsay. tuprtics atf are a dinsrt eensequanoa of treas- anougb to do for our country, our treptto^t. Bad Croan 100,000 Nuraa’a Aides at "Y” at 8A0 pjn. ^ ' received here, an tho •sceUsttt of petroleum northward and east- qt a union and a half for this Obmpany R, headed by Lieutoaant i f food efomenu plenu need -^wmStf »t aar daar probktton for one year, charged Fayktto Lodge from the west |aat night tq patch year. and Clara Skrabacx, accompanied plana for the dinner with Miaa (tbar who paatad away onable actlrltlao . . . tha duty of homes, our children end our fu- with taking an automobile with- w HI ba naadad, Thw* la aa scuta Weflnwday, May 99 treattnnt they are reortvlag siao* ward to avoid the aubmarine riak by Phyllle Skrabacx; Variety Chelterflrtd Plrie, both fonked Marion Tinker if the local Y. M. troa the Mil. lateicntifically La ture." FayetteHiOitoa AFAAM will ex- amiiiai Mother*Dauid>ter ban' up a domestic quarrel with her early t]^ morning and traveledtp balanced proportions It’s tte olargy now is to bring hack out permiaeion of the ewneV. At- emplify the Betorod ApprentiCo hPTtqg* of graduato nuraaa, du*' they arrived; of coastal shipment dance. Clara Skrabacs, Steffie Ko- C. A...... *s thoaa who have u pan to the naada of tho aimad qurt of Lutheran church Cam Be SMppad Inland husband aha fouhd coroner's aaslat- aak, Dorothy Opaiach and Joae- Hartford foi^ the event Both unltiJ •eft, tnniUty, odortcse and I an la anaaaa na arao awr torney Joel K. Itced Ind., M Staf- Degree on a claaa of candidates nta placing his body In an ambu- easy to apply. And Vigeto f th is Is n o t dona ford Springs represented Pease, feroea, tha teduatrlal atTALCA. . This war eaeentlal can he War Substitutes :>hinc Kuc|neki, accompanied by marched'aa part of Om Second thla evening at'^teaoote HaU. In popula- bUkCR. Magic ceils so little! The baarta fttitbar BiaaBurae atoy ba It waa claimed that last Tuss- neoda„ and < hipped inland all the way from Joseph Mutter, Jr., 98, bad Un- Phyllia Skrabacs wlw originated Battaaon.Xrt MlUtary District teEI.T .T.T .T.I.T.lH l-»13 aary." tion. tba acute ahortaga haa m n Opening Auto Teattag Lana on Di^oSuarcE : Gamaton, Texas, to Pittsburgh, andjtaught the dances. under command o f Cblonel Wil- ^ I c s t beg wUI fold 625 sq. Beykjavfic. leelend, May IS.— day night the two beyt hitchhiked m1 bOnaelf a abort time before- I r r s E F F E c m k i IL ol lawn aod'flowen? Order naaabtar dortba —Parliament has ra-eteoted Bvston a ride to Rockville etod while on accentuated by Amenea’a antry Lsomurd atraot. \ or can be- loaded at some Mlaals- Answer Problems Short talk, “Mother’s Day", Uam J . Maxwrtl. Supports Care Into the war.* hand. SherilTa Ctept Jamas Flat- Henry Wiersbiclci; Song by six from oi todart Iran. ^ BJoatmason to haad the Iceleadle School street n w a car owned by FMiay. May *9 ^ Life Normal atypl river plpcUne termlnue and ley said, after receiving her letter LacsI 'memOera at Battalion WELDON’S OWN OdOty Chester Stodoakl which waa park- l~k _ The Volunteer Nurae’a Aide, Annual Spring Dance, John then water-liauled east for trana- school children, "Mother”, accom- Headquarters aIaO,took part in the government until June. 194$. It eying she had decided to remain Mnled by Miss Grsyb; Poem, ‘To NEW FORMULA was aaaouaead today. Pormar Min- ed. They, tqok the car and it waa Lrl llGpC nCldllE workliig as aa aaalstoat to th* Mather Chapter, Ordw of DeMo- fer to the Atiantie aeaboard by with her parehU In Phooiix, Arte. New York. May 13—(8)—Skim parade, aa did thdee of the Bat- iBDBfOffSl If avoaade Mcm^ appear la found a.few daya later to Tolland. * I nuns, givas th* Buraa mora handslay at the Maaonkf TemiSe. ((&eBtt*asd * t t ^ MMO One) hart rail or highway haul. milk felt hats for Papa, cotton doUicr", Marian X Sumlslawski; talion Medical unit \ TOOlH PASTE THE P. Ap^ you have to wait until July IsCar to Dmimark. BJosrasaoB wai Dance, "By By Blues", Dorothy T. BUSH HAI )WARa cbosaa fvgenhlast May as a sequel Walter TuUy, SO of 138 Oriewold and troaa bar tot thoaa aarrtoaa grtvday.AlayJS , Tha aaodem aynraronlaed wa-^ girdles tor Mama, and v^rrtable The two local rifle**-, units will of the following year to plok tba avenue, Wethersfield, charged (Ooattesad Froai Pago Oaa) only a graduate nuns can do. ^ Wdato Paper OoUeetton Dag, to tncreasa-tlM station's powar. terwaya le an astounding Improve- quilta to warm the family—thsto DobroWoIski; Songs, “Beautifulil I again appear in public tUs Friday' fi|R uttia BH Opm rffrthas COMPANY fruit, and than only if lanoratory to oandellettoa ot the lesleiid-Den* Th* Raunlon radio was und May,” and "Mother", hy the Lut mark treaty yof unity under the wlto violation of rules of the road area aoutb of Oentar and ment over the baphaard river Security Laws are some of American Induatry** ;- In Mancheater’e parade. ^ - B| drt A Fnha Tsdny SAFE! testa shew It Is ripe-enough to the rider would requlro tho War dliart aupsivlBlun of a high S At Onr Ftannacyl THE MANCHESTER \ Deniah wai fined $8 and costa of $5 with Omtar atraeta, beginning at S^sja. yatem-Tlf it could be called anaweia to the problema o f supply plok. the fine remitted. Department to file with Oongreaa Jolatty monaond by Ji tnehy govenunant official. OeU w. posed by warttme prioritleai V e PLUBIBING a SUPPLY CO. 1|JR STORAGE “ayatem”—of Worid War 1. The Affect Miners Walter JaaaniSt 80, of South every 60 daye the namee, quaUflea- Bolton bar of Ctompsarce PlUal, and Madam* PematoA riverf/ then were of only limited They were among products dte- aiixm nn At Windsor charged with Intoxication ttona and agaa of then raortrtng Bey Soodta. ^ both antidMluah. D was bdUevad Imporance in reUertng freight played hy leading finoa here to A IR RAID REG ULA TIO N S waa given 20 days to ToUpnd JalL oommlaalona. MitndiT Mar 98 that public praasura forood the prove that manufacturing genius to remain atlc^ I coi4ieation. The channels were He waa arrested by Supefnumer- Committee membera tndteatad WoaMa'aT^luuY of th* a of tjuUo < of Inadequate depth; 'terminal fa- Sydney, Auatralla, May 3.—mmle- equal or batter quality than those ther propoeal and an attempt to Bu/ilSiC^ In the absence of Prosecutor Rob- enter ohurch at 8 o^eloolb tianafer of oommodltiea from rton applied ' national security formcriv made of materials now \ BY BO ARD OF SELECT M EN ert Pigeon, Attorney Francis T. trike It from the bUI waa rttyert- Bolton Center Red Croaa will I ~ Wedaaaday, May 91 Ml Main 8tl^ o r R ETR E A D S TODAY barga_to warrtxmse or ralL regulatlofH today to 147 miners, diverted to anurttuM needs. O’Lougblto acted as proaecutor. ad______to ba made on the floor._ . .meet Wedneadai at 10 a. m. In thel\ >,,...1 nitih at The displmr waa oonvinclng ert- U QuelUM -..SM ... AMD making them liable tor aervice In \ M A Y 4 A , 1942 Talaphena M58 League of Womeu Voters The pay nrortalona of Um bill af- Fireplace Room of tha Community > Metlurtlrt ^-hnriA, " • .S ' opS dance that the averag* dUaen wlU Purauant to the authority granted by ordinance of the Tbwb of There wlU bo a meaMtlng of the ! et ec^ ck nuraea, addlato. aaU- HalL The group wUl a ^ Red xn S tey .d a n fl the Army or labor corpe, foratoyw 9 CIRCLE methoda nrara Um anaware to Im- Ing aw4y from work; fttU be able to buy buartMid gad- ^Chester dated April 99th, 1942, the foUowlng regulations an here- of the Lea-1 a. Marines and membare of the Croaa arm baadr to bo wocn la the I tiiiiinMir um Executive committee msaUag of prartng Hvera tor navigation— gets the little luxurioa he thought by prescribed for air raid precautions: imnMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii gue of Women Voters thia evening Coast Guard, tha Coast and Oao- I pared in^Manchastor n FHday.'| SUPER giant SHOW! The men absented themaetoree of Oommaieo In tba U. 8. Army Corps ot En-from work in protert agalnrt a he would have to do without when 1. The “purtic' warning". signal of air raids ehaU be a eeriee at the home of tba Vice president, detto Survey and tba Public Haalth iTtaa groupSrlU ba aaked to eom- at 8 pan. current auppliea were MORIARTY Mrs. Samuel SUvertMts of Ptoney pl^ at Mart fliy arm bands on I gineers ia aaponatble fpr the court Judgment denying miner of short blasts on the Air Raid, Fire and PoUce sirena and factory Servlca. atbiday, Jan* 8 yrtoent elaborate waterway eya- whisUea, the "ail clear’,’ signal ehall ba one long continuous blast on triML EUlnctoOe Fiartda ahatosttel totreu m Wedneaday n |bay murt-ba ttunedl complalnta over eenlortty rights WANTED... 0oll*otlo8 Day. and wages tor different types at said Air Raid, Fire and Police sirens and factory whlatlea. BROTHERS The f oUomng iffleora bavo been For tho two mala braaohn ot 'In Thuraday. A la m attrndanoa laJ ___ Cantor and East $$l*il5 CENTEX gnE E T eloct^for the coming vaar: Pres- requeAted at tlia Wadnaaday meat-J Oinallaatten la conversion of a wortt at tha MOlfleld colliery. 8. Such pubUc algnala ahall bs sounded by aU persona havinr tlM aorvlee, tba Arm y and Um JolaUy spensorad .rtvar. Into rtrtually a am ^ SUynbm ; inernanto m base pay of 9oy 80011$ AM Coutiuue FigbL of Police or hla deputy. ISS S p i^ Straet eoretary. .Mtia Gladys WiUey; hn ywa for mufflervand worn- of dalM. This moth^ rahwa the from tho nnks of appma urfaca^sufflclantiy to provida the Elktbn Is Facing The Chief Air Raid Wafden or hla deputy or the Chief of Police treasurer, Mrs. Charlea McCarthy. man and-privatos upio ahd n'a cardwang that can ba obtain* | Any member who wiabee trana- ad hy caltmg her. dartred depth, and boats have to ‘**Prty shall issue Uie InatnicUons for -the sounding of the lag aaoond Usutmaato o$y. rtgnals only upon orders from Um Army or Navy IV E B Y BAT OP THE portatton to the masting thla ova- Owuryvnio flawing through lock* whan going Miarriage Boom Somewhare la Auatralla, May signs. Tbs W\ and WALTER BR1____ ons port to another. Open 19.—(^-r-TTilrteen Amailcaa air- rocsiyed either directly from Ariny or Navy baadquartsn or received Fighting D o llarsl ning la asked to communicata with WALTER HVBTON Mrs. E. Fenton Burke or Mrs. moot Wadnaaday at lO a.' m. rsgnlrtion uaually la accom- man whose planes crashed in the the Dlrtrict WanUng Center, of tlM wSnhS WEEK ' BentO n’o Ba by C arriages Gomaaereo ANNE BAXTBB (Um Hss McCarthy. by dredging, bank, revet- New Guinea area have arrived In 81800 a year * * '.* t * ^ ” ^ — ®JiNorth Belton. TiM 'grnp la-qnllt- floout Am Elkton, Md., May 18,—(8>—War 3. A^rihe sounding ^ the "public warning" altfhal and until'the MONEY-8AVING Analvarnyy Obaervanca ment knd dikes. le bringing Elkton, Marytead'a Aurtffalte to pick up new planed oundlnr Of the “all clear" aignal: 14 1 LEAD TH E DARAOB .Tba BUn p. Berry AuxUlary ”F(«testanoe,” Crtonel EUiott fid centtnue the fight against the O u r Governm ent is asking each one of will celebrate Its 80th annlvernry month and llJWG a yaar under j^otnaart famous ' ever-bloomiBg Gretna Japanese. (4) No iw rm may travel upon, uae, enter upon or remain upon PRICES! 1 convention Misrtartppl above m- 1 and James W. MUna Camp, Bpan- Um txtoUng pay "rt-^ the meeting of toe Women’ll A radio Green, ito greatert m m tege jrear On# man waa tha only surrtvoi' any public highway or atreet, except persons upon active duty as I iW halp la Alton (HI. ) lbs Improved by canal- In Urtoty... .for the nonce. R-j;.. 1 m MANCHESTER! ieh War Veterana Its 44th anni- For officers of tlM hliborfradM I goclety. for Christian Borvloo adoptod 808 as a iaatton; that ^ by low and pt a bomber which ex|doded In a memlwn of the i^ itu y f o ^ pubfic olBcials, police offleera, membera us a t home to buy United States W a r Dflvlg veraary at a meeting to be'hrtd tbero art no base tacnasea ^ Mbadulod tor Wadnesday ovo- 1919, but th* Isttafs do hott stoad BUT U. .iBpN Dit At the' preaent rata Elkton forced landing off the New Guinea “*** municipal aervicea, mcnibera of clrtllaa defense emergency of which Ihaie are 98 be- would count 90,000 marriages thla mrrtces, and members of authorized traiuportatlon. plant DrotMtkm I this evening U tile O. A. R. hall. laiter allowancas are prortdad tor njay has bsoa gostoonsd doa to | for any words. twaan Alton and, coast Sa vin gs B o n ds ^ to le n d the m oney 1 BaUng Powdar, There will m a supper served et I subrtstenee and- rentaL . —Tba "N a ^ I the...... tort that onoofttMiiI m e m b e r s yearT-iO.OOO abbv4 the record of “““‘y mrrtces. and exc^ peiMu^ whoM ^M ^ *nM entire lengtb of the Ohio 16,064 In 1988 -Just before the 48- He waa hurled through the IS-os. c a n ...... 1 7:30 o’clock to which the men are Committee has drafted, an anland-1 wlU ba engamd with the ragiatra- I and nUnrta rivers Is aialilfuty im- wreckage Into the water and be- ,®*’ **••* * hocaamry on • mission dlrecUy con- 1 Imvlted. Thls'WUl batoUowed by' ment ' ‘ to* be** offered “on *•"the floorltloa------tor gasoHno^ rat Tha Iqur wait law .designed to curb Hm public safety or edio have been apeclflcaUy authorised ot; proved, while the Wssmttl river fore losing conaeioiuneea manag- fay the local or stats poUcs. to p ave the way to Victory. R proin^Riiie which would make tho bin an nMOttng will be held W< XDDATt______thla wadding center took effect ed to start the automatic inflation 1 K * U o g g * g V a r i e t y , TlM foUowlag eemmlttee 4s in emergency measure, to tarmlaato tvwtoig, May 9($ at ths FtSs...«WONOI>CT.D M T lajid the Misrtppt below the mouth mr-mlnoed eouplee are thr(^M- I “rt In tba clssslflcatlonB listed In 3 (a) shall one year after the war Is over. I of the Missouri ate Unproved by valve of hia Ufa Jacket Im m ^trty ths nsamrt avaOabte ahrttsr or cover ^ AM 1I s C e re a l* , ehaiga of Um arraiMamenta, Mrs. ing Into the little town with lie Later he was Joined ^ 13 other 1 Jamas Xiuttoa, Mrs. Pauline Smith, The pay sUotihent bill vould af. ------. W ed. .T B U R S . FRL SAT. I the open river regulation method.” forart of minister and marriage ®/ *m^ UW “rtl clear" signal has sounded. The money from bonds will buy bullets 1 p a c k a g e ...... I7C Mrs. Jamaa Kidd and Mrs. Burks feet enlisted men with dependentsf The BookmoMle atvlM in I A channel dredged^ a depth airmen who had crashed in the ^ ’The operrtw of all vehiclea except thoae required for uaa by r- Uoeaae aigna at the rata o f 43 of West Stafford,'James Lutton, in the mUltory and Naval sarylss. ton h* stopped after, tm iX , lof 88 feet enablee qUan-goinf day, and about 40 ppr cant of area In two plaaea. The 18 Joined teuncdlately bring Ivasaala to eaU up the MlartartppI In memorial aarrtcea for live dead . . t a n k s. . . planes . . . g u ns. ^ . ships. Jt 1 1 Frank Elnaiedel and James Kidd. The original proposal under con-|month unlaaa the leoal ntlanlng bridagrooma are service ^ aa far as poartble on the rl^t-hand potUm 1 BUstic Starch,*" VrtF «M HtyM crtteg •Ideratton wouk provide that anlboard giants the saquert for torm to Baton Kouge, La., fnnl tiM comrades. of the bll^way or etTMt, ahaU turn off tha englnea of teme. shaU wSde • 1 1 2 pkga. for..... 1 / C Mambara of Parent TOachanr as- enlisted man allot 118 monthly of gMkma of, gssoUiM pm mawth to lOulf of Mexico. fai*3*(br^w x“ ***” unlocked sad ahaU aaek ahrtter as required . 1 'vSei*'® will e q uip our m ilitary f o rc es...f e e d Thla vart Inland waterway aya* Expeit Recalled New BritiBh Drive _ A Upou the eoundliig of the “puMo warning" aignal during the 1'; 1 lU n s o , la r g e Item haa aa Ite mainline ataas Um aaaaoa and until the aoundliig of the "ell c l^ ,'' or iS n the t h e m p p ly them. «*]#»*'of tto Anny or Navy wlthoirt the aoundtag of the "public wara- A 1 jm ekagh...... ifaiP C I, .w hl^ casMS dewn.tbe By Taxing Group 1 tha W ttn eti^ .aad la In A frica Is^een “ ffory.orS u ^ have btenUrted?^ artgaUa fk«m *l8tt£a^ob to tha .llgbU of all telUdlnga aluill ImaMdlatcIy be extinguished | r . 8 . It la comMcted with •» oparatora or taUMtert such The purchase of, bonds will supply the SSttSL, 5rtthtt,ldea iK f iSS Washlngtan, May IL—.pkf..... ^ D C Imrt In tlM ~ un lit hranrlMa afa th* Tom- Italian milttary nbaarvara. d (Caattanai fvaai Paga Oaa) would vote on that phase cC tha (Britlrt ooaunantato^ on the iSTSSS SL? “ jm R ttar U Onaherlaiid P8X PiCfMfM >rt mparta Hat night said tenant in tha Anoy Ahr PbroM and light o r abUUkjr. tha _ ____Havaa *««a*y figr w i.»«i m SS3S paraoB* ia controlI t h u e o f > raid on the Pia., tor eperiagrt tratadag. that no artdeaea tharsof ahaU bs virt& ig a faiackoaL Adequte Mte- day rtM t i M ^fatysoto to ba aaelgnad to a m prpimraUao for ths eantrrt -and of aneh light aad ataam >ru«i- bs undsttehea by hnneidletrty upon the pramalga- THE t p t mc w i EEw aeum repiioifr Mifriiy ,*4.' WooM^tm, 40, ansa ahi Uda o f theaa Ngtilatioffs. .*$ adtohj - j a i ffppaff a l Ifca.g evanwn arg W ar S m im Baarf Dates at Hufchtotor thte 9th day of ,1»«L Baaretaiy. MANCHES'TCR EVENING HERALD, BIANCTESTTEa. CONN. TUESDAY, MAT l2r 1^2, w MANCHESTER EVEMINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TDESDAt.kAY 12, IMS liraa which had baan fa foroa bo- AUlad A ir Forces afaalted eenfl- T owb’s tor*r* CUatM FACE caufa.of provloaa torrotlam and On to Victory dantly'tba *%oro boiv^ aad that MapeFitlPflntdt. I R a t i o n O f f i c e , i : I------^ ^ ------— ______■V- Predicts annoifabed that bW was eoaaldar- AustraUa waa “quietly rwdy to moat wbatovor oim coom from the Ct^Ufier Strildng Force hold near tbcaao ;x they mid, ^tioning lag the Mfuoat that ona The Chinese Ufaadty pn Oak Atimits Slaying this stobiUty is ed hte ahfa wsio bit by ffmff la b war priaoa storm clouds galbariag to tbd ^StiUOpen^ Ceilings Hit. to be ttone- Navy guns. Attacks SooDj. of bis Parade Today north," Drakatord c a u tio n e d straat. the only Umm at ita IS Of Nine MUUon Men mittod to toe Uvo, . in other Believes Subs ramp be against drawing any falsa optl- kind la words, unteee te a revialan ra There was no lom of Ufa < Ibe U ■lattoa Na- this mosalag as tba Bride in Row too 33 membera of toe ( ow in Operation far the nusm from that statamaat. ^ Washington. May 13.—(g>— live Animals toe wtaoteaole Uve cattle Jofauea'B ship. They were Faria Great Crowds Gather in "For when toe blow falls," he nase who conduct it [old SfHt-Gp Should Have A Unltod Stotm m lto ^ and bogs ooF'go down, but not up. Escaped Fire Against China third The^taa- that It was tbalr duty to faq to to West Palm Beach. Tboir a tadb- Id, “the R. A. ^ F. teaUaos It ; Been Closed Here op' striktog tores of nine mUttoa at teoot aqK'mucb. dlum-otoed vosael stayed aflgi Hartford to See Big wlU need aU Its strm g tb to stem Hartford this mbrolag dad Strangulation Result mea te hotag qonaidared to oa retail meat will go two «MBto la tba CWBiaa. (Oeattaaed trera Rate Om ) nlcal as^Jtaowa to take pm t to the V le t^ pa^ ^cffs ^ppareiitly Fro< hour, they refuted, before it 1 s«t Op b^ieren •Ibay an asUmatad to ban loat itery Pageant. the Japaaeso attack.” "Saturday M orning. fcNathee Was a Pioneer Washington tegfaotlvafaiaava cir-cti Monday. Mutton and Anothm’ Merchantman Into aomex ' bafa affected aom appiiiatua. The Battle of the Coral Sea rada held fa tfatt city. A float I First Ai^iument o f^ 6 - cles. oiMnipt from beetricUona ____ for 1?^mor#ow 80,000 man IB rala iatUmpto to Shantuny border, abutbeaat at Xsabotage of toe radfa\towor was aatered by tha Chinese of Eea As If Hogs and Between N«ndl Vesfiel Thrso Uvea, including toot captura Saraotopol, tba Rad. flaat tba nowcat area of oparatlbna; In broka aa "bmiaoua period of calm” Nrhe otfloa of District Ho, 11. Month Marriagfv' Reproasatattva V^boa (O. too wholesale and retail jiravloualy baa baan |•portad.) >' :—Na- I j ^ A n d . tba RuaaUaia have baaa buOdlBg to tba w aat / Goering Hay Meet ^Main street for om of tho biggest ho boUevad toe ultimate• ^ CSilcago, May 13,—(« v -I Loke Worth. Fix, May 13v— three-hours oa to vigtory rationing boara at tba Unooln He WM toe fitet to bla pretty brid4 during toe fliat rayaln paalaaolar ^ poaltloBa tbay —With Frimeh-aenBaa aggotfa' ford added. aood 1,000,000. Vtooon said ^bm tly were frooea wit torpedoing wm announced teat Pralsss Ffan To ipai aad Fukien provincaa, oa tba aaat tiona raaciiliig a atote at fageacy. pAnutoe -6^ School oa M oo^. This morning climb to a prime j.., 'a nx- NteNomee, who would have been argument of their 16-moato mar-; Escaped Prisoners bad loot la O c t^ . coaat; Klancal, Juat fa tba waat Not a 'Vacaat sifat appeared Stnogth New Faimldabla British Admit u ot- tbam flgurea wero “uaoffl- tofa'.IUnlte today m if atpreoaly IB tba Bortb, tba Rad Anoy waa Relebeahmdial HormeiiA Ooartag Both ha and Army Minister the QtUs* was stlil open aad .'ohn . tional Bcale; no other 83 on July 10, often wm asked how riogx CfaL" included. Instead of axain|^ among night, sold a Naval vessel fired on Bridgeport, May 13— of thaaa, and Bhanal aad Bbanai, may moat tomorrow .With Chief along tbs Ifae of march from Buckley, state chkainaa, waa a toined quite toe same to become a radio announcer. He two attocUag submarines but op- rqwrtad latryliir a baaVy tou ob floutt Green to the tunaeL Five Franda M. Fords added to their *T did tt. 1 did it." Aosiatant ceilings now govornlira wholesale London, Itoy 13.-;-ra)—An un- Ira V. Htecodr of Tote’S ~ in the nortbweat.) , ^tote Patata aad Chief of Oov anslysas of tmpeadlng events tba caller. Mr. Buckley nm udable to Hie cheery “Ladles aad bod tola stock rm^y: “Get a Job District Attorney Louis A. Pag- mariwtx / porenUy both escaped because an- Health Deportment. ' add), Oannaa maapOwar aad aoulpaieBt Pralaa Olvea Naval VaHa aad six deep oa the street, from 3 Destroyers tell when the ofttce would eiooe. tiemen of toe Radio Audience* - with NBC” Roads' Hte Own OMtaory armed mfaer and a bus driver re- aiamaat Laval to ,n a ^ Snal da- statements that Australia’s land aucco quiotod Ballenbcrg m oay- After oboervlag / toe market’s captured today seven of 11 Italian wm the Bridgeport Chamber of , la atabboia dcbtiac. , ciaiofia. It waa raported today la rooftops, windows sad soUdly few fwunterpeita from hie start —, tog after eurrending to police test other mertoantman in the Ukraniaa luarrillaa wan raport* Imparlal baaifauartara announc- flUad bleacbars, tba crowd slapped, and air strai4rth swiftly baa grown • KonOM aty^-HF) —Flnt Close behavior. yeotordM, toe first day war prteonere who escaped from a line of fire. metce yeotMday, protefa the ed today that gmperor Hlrohlto foraigB dtplomatfa quartan. formidable. iVbave a singer bock to l9S8 on WEAF, TuUm tonight: NBC ^ 7:80 ni^t "Why ora you sympotblslng Seaman WUHom Smith, 31, bH Defteae .CiouncU’a plaa\.ra Oiwn. ad offlelaUy to hava laflicted haavy Thaaa quartan pndletad that ebsarad afal wWsUed. Sunk by Naris l Is I New Y M . To Us death be re- tUM and Allen; 8 Johnny Pre- In Which blanker ecUlngs were in Midlands camp Bimday ntriit. wiC b* fro n 4 to Iqaaaa on tba SSnd dad 44tb Him- had granted an imparlal raacript Wat, oiUUy weather meant noth In the air, Drakaford aald, Aus- wlto me?" found aome-tatoreotlng roorang — effect, U vesto^ efaerts expressed The attacks were the l<)th and courogtog wives of war v taA tram J to to the comfaander. in-chief of the tba Fraato Would rafuaa to accept to bavo the office transfo to rootood with NBC, Wblto lio Join- Tallulah Banktaoad; 8:30 The miner found three in an iir llth to be announced in eight days pock “lunchm man con rariaa iatoatiy ncinMaU'aad to tba Martfalqus pagotlatloorM one lag. Half an hour bafora the tralia has drawn strength not only fOeetlaaed tram Pago Om ) HockviUo where it wUl become'' ed at iU beginning to November, 8:80 Fibber McGee; TM body cf his 38-year-oM wife, tala owa obituoiy. Smith, srrone- beUcf toe ^MU-inilatlon stralt- raid shelter five miles from toe will bo held combined Seat, to honor of the fraro the latura of aaasoaed air- Ruth, WM found to toe Ballen- ^y reported by toe Navy m a Jocket on 0/m and aork prices ap- by toe Navy after survivors rmeb- and said food wan “prob— rm tof and hava “drlpad out a Ug puaiUva ct tba great d parade. Main stroot bogaa to flu. Tolland County office. \ 1936, when WEAF became toe Red ____ . 10:80 Red Skelton. camp and they surrendered with- ed Florida ports. axpadltkm'’ a faw daya later. work cf Naval air unlU In the Roodi loading into the dty were men from tha Ifadltarranean pasin by the Britlsb this morning, the | AppUcattoM Received network key station. CBS—7mQ American Mehxto; l bergs' upper Msnbattaa apartment Pearl Harbor casualty, read the pUed wlth4dm oet mnial rigidity to out resistance. The bus driver most Important stogie factor — , •nd Tbun- Batifaof tba Coral aea. aultaat bnak cf ralatIcM with tba but also by the arrival of Ameri- yeoterday by two woman friends Dec. IS ncwep^icr account of hte toe Uveufaimote. ^ No lodleatloM sK^Htts con contribute to workenF bealto.” The Information Bureau aald United Btatas. jammed with automobilai. Down- Admiralty oold. At the local office appilcatloM Graham h£d oo many flreU— Mloeiiig Haifa: Sifa Bob Bnrna rounded up four more Just M easi- Capt. H. J. J kel bombers and damaged at least | on the applications. It Is expected otoera—toot a recital of bla / oc- Natloa Shipping; 1 0 ^ Rex fltout FUger Marks On Tkfaat Joir. 27, 1706. vIdBoootbwo wm ^ itoUtal general ataff g r^ o iM y Paris, aad Laval amt yaMarday at Moreover, ground organisation Ilirr— a t XanobMta^ tin ^ waapona, Imparlal Moulfaa, oa the F m ch daauufaa- offloas aad placas of biisinass suc- seven, the oommuntqoe said. that toe necessary information compUahmento Io n netwoik Mo- la reply to Norman Lying on toe floor betwoen twin and tba Hoiliatar granted tho foUi Uon line, aad laid tha groundwork cessively closed. By 9:45, walk has been improved, new ground wUl bo turned over to toe boeud to tory ^ BIM — 7:80 Broodt^ from beds. It bora finger marks oil tba raacript to tba oommani in chief plans have considered ^ah latest only tor workahi who deeply for the aapected meeting with fag waa dlffteult through tha cen- Both the Uvely and the Kipling take action this week. McMomiM, by the entoriStosm of India; 8 Cugat RumbM; 8;M Milt throat, acrotchea on toe neck and \ ■ aspaar at tba ragulw. I Termaru D riven Back of the combined Sect: ter. precepts of strategic defense** and ore comparative^ mw Jilps. The I Onab Ratton Coupone itio^dcUvfiy. olwaya mbmod oblr Berie; 8 Famous Jury triafat 9:30 over the right sye, sad the mouth appreciate that air t of the Gocriag. mllltoils of poimda have been sa(it to g et over vto loudspenker toe ox . T M aaa ^ nw win ^ After Four Days / bravely At Brink Of Big DacWOM A UtUa bafora 10, the rain Kipling 1,690 toM, was Completed The local rationing board wlahea —v«- ftkm sMwm'elsMft mne mm t e ■Fantasy to Molody; 10 Bri sad noee wen bloody, m though -wbo ara amptojrad at nlgbt combined Seat, lighting stopped and people in tho bleach- to nixka Joint war plans H near la 1089 and the Lively 1,930 tUM in to coll attention to toe pmed to citemfat of toe oocarioa, even to Flooring QB “Hoopitala to •be bad boaa struck. Loadoa, May 11.—W —The Rua- and gallantly In the Sea, Laval was said to have brought parfe^ as possible in the Ubm the pototwhere toe Itotsiier felt ea taana bava dilvan tiack Oannaa Franca to tha brink cf tttraa big ers folded their umbrellas. 1940. cash toe first of tbs sugar ration bfasettvis bogaa ifarrbtnr tbs WMtna at tebaala cruahod heavily ' Than at 10 sharp, the afa-rald avallabl^he added. ^ Target el Direct Attarim coupoM. Coupon No. I must be unreatraUfad deelrt to Join to. This MBS—8 What’s My Notoe?; hc^bortiood fw Bolteabarg. but local (Uvlalona which attaokad In tba Britiab' Seat’ ” dacfatonsi—rajactloa cf tha Ameri- despite the tact tbera were to- 8:80 Nod Jordan drama; 9:80 •aOttOB to tba IM Kerch panlnauto aftaf four daya of can piupeaala for clarifying the sirens—signal for the start of the In tha itrmy, sold Fmde, the Id the Battle of Creto, the Kip- cashed before May 16 or it will n o t' toe hnaband gave bimaelf, up sev- iiO- taai fiara tbaia baa ' Thia marked tba eighth paradw—sent a thrlU through the past four ^ five ihonths have ling, despttq repeated end continu- be good. '.etancea where hie style gave the Kyaer music. eral bmari after too discovery. flarca dthtlny, a BrlUah commen- alnca the PaclSc war began that aUtua of Martinique, tba degree of radio colutorifatiKjrieBty of opper- ‘fa ? Mm etban to aohmtoar tor Oia military coBaboratloa with tha crowd. brought revoUmtlonaiy changes— ed bombings; facked up the survi- Coupon No. 3 m ust be turnsd fa Bonriiberg, a New fitrk repre- V. tator aald today. an Imperial rescript baa been la- Lad by PoUeemea Army peraonaai'^M bfan substan- of the dmtrojreri Kelly aad for sugar, between May 17 and ' tunity to cominei What to Wodaesdoy. Tba Oaraab attack la the aued. Only yaaterday It was an- Axis, and at least a premiUarv i9 a- — —— Maawebw Grabam’s last ------NBC and p. m. yVem watative for a Richmond. Vs., |» 5n:53|^ setUement of disputed points with Ten minutes later, three motor- tially increased uid equipment is Kashmir which had been May 80; ' Coupon No. 8 between furaltupo boose, WM booked ca a 'S liia . ■apariatoBdant or Crimea, roadway to tba oU rlcbea noimced that the emperor bad sent cycle poUcoman swept up Main rolling off prodtMUan Unas as Two direct dlve-bon atUcka May 81 and J um 18 and Coupon April 34 te his weekfa aaatgnment Votlcaa aad Now Tork, Pope Pius ■ - iad aU o< tba laatnictloaa of Ruaalafa Okueaaua and ttaoaa at bla congratulations to his Army Italy. with Etas MaxweU’s ptogrom on 28Ui onnlveniuy c f bla eievatloo charge of botoicide. Pagnucclo Thaaa ware reported to have street—and than tba traditional never before. \ t were made on tho I to this No. 4 between J um 14 and June he could aot learn fVom him jd OB tba iMMliis oC three Iran b a y ^ , waa aald to have and Navy commanders In chief in platoon of policemen. Pleased. Bat Not action. 37. Bach coupon la good for oM the BLU. He also bod been heard M bishop; BLU 8:48 Holy Nome • waob to ^ Boo-aaaaB' touaddnd acaiaat the Rad Army*a the Southwest PaciSe area on been tha matters cf ‘imperious potmd of sugar. in toe BLU’s former Behind toe Society tribute ,to toe Pope cause, of toe argument and odfad: toncarn” which Vichy announced Tho demonstration, almost un- Fiwde described Imat JuM 3, the jBrltiab an- attdlbora Unaa aad to bavo folded their aucoesses in Burma aad the precedented in Hartford, began pleased, but still not nounced that with three other de- MHm NBC—3:80 Guiding Ugbt; 6:46 “It WM Just CBS of toofa tbtigx back into ita atartlnf poaiUon. Indian ocean. ' led Petala to cut short bla rest oa stroyers toe Kipling soak one OK late yoere be hod doM little Three Suns trio; dnO Btrila Unger They asvar quorrried befqfa. ”tt the Rlvlara and rush back by apo- when the head of the parade be enumaratad more rifles, more eports broadceettog. bis final op- was doM opparsatly oa JS5ff»Sr£”B5.» - FrallailaBty TO Itojer Drive The Navy Ministry announced swung Into sight led by Colonel anti-tank and anti-aircraft guaa Italian and two German subaia- oo Movlee. CBB—11:18 x m. Down jOaiAMdar Bigb aebool wiu Thia Informant aald the Nasi that Premier Hldakl Tojo alao bad dal train to tba seat of govaia- rinea operatfag against Brltlah peoroDM boing at too flftoonfb Bnuh Oeek Way; 8:80 p. m. U. fl. lmputex“ mant. Jamas L. Hoirard, awrshal, and more sub-machlae-gUM and great Suspense Put ROM Bowl football gomo Jon. 1. :bi olMm at tba b>|b acbp^ drive, la whieb lafantiT dlvlalona aaat oongratiilatlona to ASmlral bis staff. supplies of ammunitions being Sblpa to toe Medljefranaan. Navy Bond; 6:48 8cattergoo( floms ladlcatioB of yfast might I at tua acbod It la Wen led by taaka aad paced by Xsoroku Tamamoto, commabdar It aras said also that special The Uvely was" port cf a task 1941, to receive a special sword. Bolnex BLU—13:30 Form oaf have couaed toe oigument •*.•**. urgency was given to the French The clapping brokf into a roar noade available to the troopa Private funeral eerviceo were Home Program; 5 Army-Navy dlve-bomban aad htw-llymf flght- chief of tba combined Saet and as the historic 343nd Coast Artil- force which on'Nov. 9,1941, wiped Into Question from Police CXpt. TbomM V. Hob*- SSard BMtM wfll ro ^ en, waa baUevod to bava bean the commander of the units partici- altuatlon with the arrival of Goer-, Behind the Array at the front, out two meiMd Axis-convoys to conducted la New Tork today, Gome, Muole Qulx MBS—8 Mutual algoa. who sold bri had tearned UNITED at tba Web aebool o prallmlaaTy cd a major WItonaive lag la Paris while the German lery band came up Main street he said, there Is an “oveiells*’ with burial Wodneodey at Oolum- Goes OoUteg; 4:18 Belmont Pork patfag In tha Coral aea batUo, “on playing tha traditional liffantry tha central MedltarraaeaB. Tho that BoUeabtig tfas to haVa boaa ' \ I bavo' baan SS^dbriBa pro beeauaa *nbo Nasia m dlaa they tba brilliant achlevamanta of the Arialos wars making their first army in munitloM factorias aad Britlsb claimed the Axia loot ten Of Martinique bus, (Brio. Pallbearers Included roex tokoa by his Wife yootcfaay to most dear the iUrai paatoauUljupanaia Navy against tba Amari- major attack of tba spring 00 tho marefa “And the CaisaoM go Roll- supply shops with morale at a merchant ships, four dsdtroyera visit a paychiatrtst. but toot be ■rr«2SS«S5i bafofa advancing nvaa tkganrog | can-Brttlfa Seat.” Ruaalan front. ing AlongJ* pMk, andaavoelag to key produc- and suffered damage to a fifth d^ hod oppera^ refused to gx «r wbo wm apply.'rwa doaa oa to Rostov.'* / Da«m« Outilgh* AOtaaee In ainartly stepping platooM tion a t a still-ht^iar pace. (Oeattmeed Vhgoffasj ta tba outbeaid motoca Taakar Also Claimed Stank canoe the Coaat Artillery regiment, Forde praised the tralalng and stroyov. 'W T W 1080 EFENSE Tba Oarmaai^ made Uttla pro- Although-tba quaaUon cf mili- . Esrliar Imperial basdqusrtara equipment of Umted States forces -vf A mxj gjineyeke / rta aaaaU boate but to ^ la the faor-day b a t^ ibis tary collaboration waa to bo de- the Bradley Field band, tba men ’ gma SWp AflraUnlqtM and eth er frenC h ovaratsk ■ bora that are Mad la enoat aiid w an kaocked issued a communique ra tha Coral cided. fordgB diplomatic obaerv- from Bradley Field, tha Coast to Australia and declared that the I possiseloM today by the sudden , Enf^froed Hblida^r Sr aoibiBan^tf PW P^ aaa battle nviewing tba results Guard band and the unit from tba fighting services of the two de- A United States-buUt Hudson dedsioa at Chief at State Mar- Um iB tba taork 40 work* tbatr Uaaa with heavy ers said they doubted It would go bomber of toe R JtJ'. loft a 10,000- ^ Taooflmr. May 11 -tafaflqy. May IS OND,S and broadening its cialma to in- as far as aa outright -military SubnoariM Bose. mocracies would form the greatest ton merchant ship stopped aad on shal Petoin to cut short a Riviera P Jl. 3:16—Nevfa boaa aodnrad. Thara wIU tatoatrymaa wen able to clude tha ffinuing of a 30,00i>-toa alliaace. Military Ooatiageat striking foroa ever assembled fa | vocation and hootea back to Taken by Death] tba aaiba onaibar at tba the P o ^ c . ' . fire after aa attack on a German SUO—Against .The Storm 3:30—^m o ry Umd AMD itala aa advanced poattlon la tanker. The blggsst point Is the French It was the military contingent convoy within 200 yards of too Vichy. / 3:16*—Ma Perkina 3:38—Eileen Farrell—Sbiigs •Mb bat at Bocklaad It la caly OM saetor aad that now la Tba Imperial baadquartan again fleet, whim, with' French troops in | that set toe ksynote of the parade State Department officials sold \ ihM thara will ba air Norwegian coast early today, toe 3:80—^Pqiqier Young's Family 4:00—Winning The War—Hervey St Loute, May 13^-(J)—Death betog attacked savagely by Sovlat tost tha efxactlva strength Africa, would represent consider- and fired toe crowd. Ia toe serv-1 f'fgut} M ornheTt l e f t British announced. they hod bo information which 3:48—The Right To Happtoeae Olson talar aad tba a n ^ troops, ba adJM of the Brltlah-Amarlcaa Seat waa icemen toe specUtora apparently OTOmoergJLg/g would shed light oft Petoia’s move, bM token aa enforced boUday at lartBba bjofc Z able ralnforcemeata for tha Ger- The Air Mlaistry News Service 4:00—Backetage Wife 4:05—Ad Uner —Mueie Ooopefa- St Loute—and 14 peracaS, who by The Oenaaa drive was Inter- destroyed: that two United Btatea mans, who are seeking new saw the symbol ofitbe forces that Struggling in W ater aald toe Hudson bomber attacked but to other quarters It wm sug- 4:lfl—Stella Dx Um tive ;/ \ prated ben as awraly aa unauc- atrerart carrtar% of tha Saratoga have brought recent Allied victor- toe law of averages might- bavef sources cf power fa every poaai- AUied Hoadquorlefa; Australia. toe Axle Ship almost at deck level goated the Axis powsits might be 4:80—Leweaao Joaea 4:80—Just Mueie died to trafflfi accidents, ere still osartul attempt to remove an am- type aad the gorktowa class, w en ble aactioa: ies and eventually will win toe os it steamed slowly to a convoy exerting pressure on toe Vieby 4:48—Young‘Wldder Brown 4:48—Ndws ‘SR: sunk; **•»* a United Statao- batUe- May 13.—MV-Caught on tba sm- olivx J \- barrasalng Ruastaa posltioa oa tba Tbaaa forces—the flaat and the Allied cause. face by on Amecleaa pfaae, om of with two medlum-alsed abipn govenuaent to uadertsika sobm 8:00--Whea A Girt M artial 4:85—War Commentary Nasi flami, om of a aarias of op- of the OriUornfa type While toe cheering grew to City officiate, headed by Mayor _ _ j m a a y troops—would be especially valu- two Japanese .SutHnarines sunk or escorted by three 'anti-aircraft daqierate aetton ia retaliation tor 8:16—Portia Foees Ufa 8:00—Ad Uner William Dee Becker, were aroused I I Of g a M i t a a . b a v e aratloaa the tovadan muat under- that a British batUaahip of able if, as foreign salutary obaarv- volume, some of toe crow d^ damaged off the M rtb Queensland ships. toe Madagascar occupatlOB sad 8:80—Tba Story Club with J6 8:48—Scottotgood BofaM ^ take to asan tba way for a gaMral Warsplte class and a Bntlab motlMrs of men now overseke— by toe traffic carnage to toe first calwoa deltvand ers think, Germany noada a salu- coast this week crash-dived so ^ ' S e t a t 1 8 8 A M what they callod toe American DUloa 6.00-Jfew i three and a half montba of tba | pumpa. „ not ban gaao- oINiis Iv Bb ___ker of the Canberra type wan tary effort to epnaoUdata her wept. quickly toot ehe left several mem- itlos la the British em- “threat” to French wostera beads- 5;4S—-“Dmcs Miw Iit d.'^T^Hedda Hopper's Hollywood This battle aow has quiatad and aerioualy crippled and an unldantl' Hie parade moved on at a year and atorted a stringent en- rbot-^ • t b s i r o w a t r a c k s MediUrranaaa poatUoo tbU year. bers of her crew struggling in the plre's forces for the first phere possessions. 8:86—^Doyo O'Dril's Jingle OOn, 8:30—Heard and Ovorbeord—Jock forcement campaign A i^ 13. rtm eKm must ah» be- than a n no ladteatloM of opara- flad cniiaar was haavUy damaged; Om obstacle to Fraach abd snappy pace. I w g t e r , r e p o r t s to iUlied headouar- I two yeany Of too war ware 188A60, It was recollod tost pco-Nosl test tome of any atm alsowban, tba that a dastroyar was suidb Military utots gave plooe to Up to tost time 88 llvee were . It wm alao ba aeoasaary Axis miUtary coUaboratloo Is tba tera fold today. of which were klIle 8:45—The Wbrid Todsy . DIapatehas raportbig that «|aiiikiag of a ohiall-alae Japaneaa for dominion whin since toe first of toe year- X (tofan out aiW M eats. Rapidly, the crowd saw unfolding plane bod no floats to come down ggalra. disclosed■ t o * accompanied by reliable roports 8:SO-Strietly Sports 7:00^Amo8 *n’ Afaly one every 1.7 dajta—more toon C^wmaa Array of 9,00IM>00 men I aircratt carrier. They said alao Oonfarasitaa over a period of toe wof* on toe bhms frent. on the w ater. day to rotoy to a qfastton to the that be was considering a gran- 8:48—Lowell Tbomne, comm 7:15—(Ufa Mater's Ordiesfaa ^Sw w TSSm re^ tba hafa begun aa offanslva oa tha that 88 AlUed planes w an destroy- Air raid wordras, the forces of House of Oommona, totor double toe 34 fatalities dining a DoMta m a t w an ragardad by fa- many mootbs arlth the ItaliaM ^ Ooanlag Tower Open diose campaign to “reconquer" 7:80—American M r i^ Hour ainrifar period to 194L ' ~.wmIb- Then wan 8,800 of ed while 81 Japanasa planes wen ware stepped up after Inval re- law and ordfa. the big industrial The submartoss apparently was Other oasualUea, excrw dlag (prcsuawbly with German asrist- 7U0—Fred Waring la Plaaauze 8:00—^Ara You a wiMfag Heir T WA form: LSOO cf fali LWO of fonned London mOitary drclea aa miaaing. Since April 13 only three per- sumed power..., units, veterans organisations— all recharging batterlea Her conning deaths from natural causes, includ- once) toe French colonial possas- . T i m a 8:80—Bob BUrao—Gueoto aona have been tolled in traffic ac- “completely tmfouadad.'* (Gen. Douglas MacArtbur Laval’s wlllingntaa to onlar ful- passed to faUliont review. . tower was open omPstveral crew ed 46,sfa wouifaad; 88,468 prlsM- ta British and Free x7:10—News cf toe Wortd 8:85—Ebaer Davl*—News ^ ‘'• a S S t n n r a O a f d Australia called tba Japanasa era of war; sad 39,786 mimlag. cldenta, eltbougb three otbere in- ly into tba Oenaan . desire for Om spectocxilor part of the pa- members ware on toe- deck whoa Fraadi boada V. 7:80—George Buim and Grocle 9:00—Duffy's Tavern jured before toe drtva began, also No WBWn trill ha sdmlttod fa port on tba battle *Tantaatlc“ and French aid hhs roaulted ia a pro- rode waa too series of floats rep- toe plane, Nturniag from patrol, ^ Oeafeei WMh Jap Bavi. Alien 9:80—Report To The NsUoa Solicitor Call^ On To in the scbOola tba U. 8. Navy Departmeat to resentfag toe Vmted NauoM — 8:00—Johnny Prsoaats 10:00— PoweihouM •— Raymond died. X 1 MiiBBB t hiM e y yabowtbrir yV. Y. Stocks visional setUemant, It was said. lighted her. Germane Claim Three la tolB cwiMction It WM noted , Wasblngtoa aald It bad raeaivad no It waa baUavod that Germany Australia, Canada, China, Den- The Japanese did/aot ass the toat Lkral raeterdsjr 8:80—Horace Heidt's Treasure Scott / registntlonion as this la I npoits to subataatlate the anamy mark, England, Greece, Norway, plane until It was close. A bomb Cheat 10:80—Public Affcin fint step. persuaded both Italy aad Fraaoa Bombere Shot Down again wltlt Tokonobu Mltaai.^ haportaat Air Radnc Ra 88% cUUroOk) to agree to a long-tlnM program Poland. struric Just a few feet from toe BerBa (From German Jopsa's ambasesdor to Vichy. It | 8:00—Bottla of tba flexM • 10:48—Gen K fapa's Orchestra Vfeaslea Item ain Awaha Jua^ •1 % Imperial headquartara also an- All to an, it eras estimated that long, block submersible os toe coa* 8:80—Flbbw McGm sad Molly 11:00—N e w s 124% to a^u st territorial clalsoa or a cpsts). May 13.— e e a a a r e^ai.^ e a a e a oern" compoDad tho m of cf 61x10*01 raatralned1 imidnight report of tbq second distrlet of Connecticut wUl <« from Fsgo OM) Believes Air bad Ncctfa Afafab," tha hfah s e srotunl*' s - ^ to the cspRri qf unac*|___ time it remained amat aettra to Mew B A Q ...... a e a a a a s'* b • * a a a 9 Hours Planned hold a District Meeting a t Damon AM. 7:S0-^Bond Program Haven county, a ffiarp tocraaoe to ..^ t lafoaraation Burrau. rtanee, and refarrad to M- toe number of coaee of toe ttiereec •Thirlng ifay 11 la tba.Kerch Stl .... Lodgoi Rockville, tomorrow eve*, Raids Won’t od 48 aamem aw ran won loat U 1 sierinesd “events demanding Ids 6:00—Rovelllo, Agricultural News 7:85—News It mm, •‘our . troops ntog. This district .toeludes toe | tbs Japanese toe Mbtost anal Britain.' l ottoattan. Wbatoar tba “svsrits*’| 6:38—Ndws 8:00-NoWa cf too World in Hnrtfbrd oounUr wm noted. stubborn batUea against Borden (Oonttaned From Page Om ) lodges of MaaobesteivMfaekvilla,Iaeaktag shelter from tbs AlUeF DNBWMtoday the German A 6fa0—RovilOa 8:16 ghoppero Special — Music, Thera were 88 oaoea In toe city Oerro De P .. Hartford, TbompMavUlo, sad| soaMmiHnx sir patrolo wherever Itoolttdsd dovriopmonts sa of Hartford, 80 to New Britato Sam Is Asking Beat JapanI Force bad sunk thrm Bifttrii d •Oermaa Fascist troops who bad •eeeseooeoOS* M WM a matter ra con|se-| lUMl-dfews (3iaa ft Oh .. I tbsir pooV of forced labor, vdilch WiUimsaUe, and Is. recognised th « could flad I t strogren sotNh ra. ONta. neS^am, aad 88 to WethoitoMd. taken the oSanalve. On other se Chrysler •eoeeeeeaeoese I titrsL btat It WM iueaUad h 7:00-MSratog Watch has been reported nmning short throughout too stoU as CM of tbs la toe Oocal sea bottla ItaelL Mt a o w^ me w 6.'60-Nsv^ 808—Ueppors Spoetal ^ The i^ b e r of whooping eoukh ton of tba m at, aotblng of s ir 001 Gas ft D OSes O'S e • e e o e Pagd 4HM) IPraridsat Roesavatt oaaf .attcaaca occumd.** I of toe Nasi demand). most active fa too dosaafa. At toe JofM loot 17 ships, iP 6:l»-W ortd News 9ri)0—Prooi News coaes toeraaoed from fa toM. Col Inv Tr . Petala Bsttirae Te Vichy prssent tiaM tots district bos tbrea Moot cf tbsas were wm I r j b f a f O m p / F o u r John B. Hporar aad tala white lohar paeumonia deeUaed \ The tread of the flgbtlag waa Com) Sotv. . . I to Martoriqua only a fsi 6faO-Woawa’a I_ 9:18—The R i^o Rooder ’tmt announced. German goals bi' Simultaneously, Chief of State members fa toe Grand Lodge with ifaa Clarka 9:80—Soags In Tha Wind from M to 38 cMca,'nnd ocartot COM Edia . . . I PCtato returned to Vichy today oa well os members of the Exscu------. _ * aftortastod let R ha taam tb^ 8:45—HarWy and DoU fever from 38 to SO. Pledge 10% Of, Your Weekly 'Chida aeisure of cU and timber 6:86 Program Parada Com. Oil ... a special train from his middenly Committee and HospitaHsatlon| haslue grownnownamonsAuatrallaM among Australians tosttto t I unltiag dements of tbs populatlcapopulattca) Roms, Romo, (Fram (From ItalianItoUi Broad- the Uaitod fltataa stood squsr I ty p h o id f e v e r, o ne .'of tba Caucasus, turning of' the Coat Con ... pr esen tly o t-vvorlaaeo o r In a sbOse* — m— Itrceg bobtoil BrlUta to her ooeupbt 8:0^Tnaanty Star Farads 10:00-rVallaat Lady Allled'flank In Iran and possibly a toterirupted hol^y on the Riviera Bo^ sad has been one of tbs when toe whols story tbs 8:18—Food Nown Amorlca Loves to Bridgeport ead toe other te Corn Prod ■ eeooeeeee and Immediately began a aeries of most octlvo to gainfag new mem* | and Its aftermath Is kaowa It win 'ttvs datsnrinatk tp whh hs said' waves’ ra Gertoan bomhsrs■ S O l t o of stntogto hUdogMcar. Prertoa to New Londoa eounty. JuBCtlon w ith Japan a t the Indian Del L ft Wn to on fatarvisw. totM out ra foMBrttiah destroy •:30^unt JeanFa Rool Ufa 10:80—Stepmotoor I conferences with the-chief of gov- berohlp to the wdor. | ha faifad that jblpfaeds of ^apa- NS Wash —»«ei by telepbone three ^peetedtoAct Ara^M their eoigoM rastilctad Buy Bonds Bualan winter. Military obeervera Nat D airy,...... 1*14 |tlmea dolly wtaUa Petoin 3:30—Medical Talk to miUtaty F itpooex ,loag have forecast that Hitler tost toe aecuilty woa to the Oorol Nat Distill...... 19% I away,mmmv and and ths''dsy too day W ore Petoto a 1 gliQQlfl ^ flQ yiao . Sff^ ^ efln ta& to. *~w»y damaged sa toe ground." I 3:35—Lnara Goadst. ptoalat Oows ore too ma that ■ < would make his first major move NT Central decUlon to n tu n i Laval Saw too sex nxy only ba x roeplta aail He dselsnd.tlm'oomtag b n t^ j 1 S S M h id T sra m ^ ^ On Labor Policies and molntaiaed too pitaeo to - of the jqwfag there. Okxt It protaM y wm the ' Packard » s • s o s s s s s e a s hoods of the Froneb land, sea, and would prove tbs Osrmus assdsd| jlfffifar Defendere 15Sto goT^tof sutoority ■, - n pooiMma commercial serrioor on- / tJttdlrioM ooBoentratkxi of pow- Poram Pfat 13% Air Forcoo. runner at gioriar J^xm arrangmaeat by which the er. however,''Is obviously Mces- Penn RR 39% Oak St. Block forts. Fraaeh Ooribbsoa Tba communlqM onnounclag DvakafSsd dedorod that “Jo- Brttfah mdfa hewsfvM fal Down 14 Aide Plenee sozy. Preaflar Josspk Btolto's ef- Pepel - Ooia 19 Fetoin’s return wm m mysterioas « HOSdDsst heard to Now Tcekf .fisettvwi ore estiiMted by tbs Al- Fhelpe Dodge 34% jChanget |by CSS. quoted n t « ------. [other and Invalid Jlsd puhilcatloa Free Burope to to- os ever about too rsMon. Haaiy-itoyefa. Phil Pet 34 (Howevor, toera wm x poori- tbs Osrmsnrw to toeTCrtmantAris .sMsra tn the Mheorai to act M (tsl no dlvtalsM and tbs Aria’ 388 Pub gvo NJ 10% lad to tba tavosica roof at X aew -type bUty thxt tbs return xnd tbs Ftoraettoe_Boring PryriqW|gbcM AWnlfa, sad tont the at „ ___ Mata HUi w Bum to 'Death Ktofasate *pr M tatonatianal mri- ,: 7,000,000 men against Radio 3)1 aeries of txlks tovohred MarttolqM musk.) today to X ffC6lkm of labor poMetea ia tog la- Triplets AiriTe Rem Rond ..••••••••••••.. 7% cf tbs Oak Street Grill, saa immeim'ly probtoiy would otrlka again. Prtvioaaly. tot Britkh hU ssM H 'i. It was to tbs Crimea, a bloody and France's West Indian peoaes- Cstvtal,_ proprietor of the Oak Howevor,- be dedxnd, Asmt I- The embespednr told' far—* fa winning too war Republic Stl itoxt flgtton and gnnmd ~ The ■ oioaa oinco too Unltod BUtca last *vmining too peaox d* IfteMegreond stooe It was cut aU Rey Tob B ... 8trW Package etore, tide mora-lean and AMtraUaa olrmeu “Xre F in ilS -Itffp O ft Ruttien oa too tiny MedttoRim^ ■ea he bed aot come toi. Mag On Day Desired vlM a' the Red Armlss of toe Safeway Stia .. week-end requested guoraateoa the MxrtialqM. aagotfatloM > M e n t U g r r a a a O U from the fafal government of cf Oxk and Pumril plxoo.lpewsr at tbatr Id dewara 83 idsnlgiCB ‘y a V n i a m list flspi, 3L that toe goon Roeb .... Ni ------wmfld M a s A " fawDd OHL a )M|g)|bo(haod SM were rapoftsd by Taos to Soooay - Vac ... Martinique that toot ialand and to which bafldtog Mr. Oervtel hM |aad wbenevor. pMlbto. Wh« «b,l H.U11U. iU y umA ased poisaa gosabeUs m the other Frearii pomeoeinne to toe his borinoao. Ttw buUdtag ■ it Win break w ltb|—Tho Fnaiab command declared iar asarty tbrea ' wofa tir&to”MmSy* to*oSaS Sou P o e...... „M would aot be used by the tatos X bxihcr 'toop, x pxekxgallom ra tbelrf today th at a Soviet Ifatad caly to too To Victory. JtaSgM tha pr np oMl to to o ------Altar gottov half flouto Ry . . . . . lAxia or to any otoor wny becoam launebed ca toe LeuM fltd Branda . . . . ■tora. sMmnxksr's riiop aad txnar|ottarta.' k* NMl^oatrblled Pal en oxritodV l^ tha to- std oa cai Mnaces to too Uttitod fastox) I the ground Soar and twol Pndtala Aaofbos Thrani the acftoeiB treat eu ^ _ IS n g x h w t Ota “c>*rtr Std GO N J Ait imp* to Wrack Trola Its ca.too saecad Soor. M r.l The air minister pradteted toot loovtag thx-l farpoertoir ra toe American {,[ X. Tba VIeby news rigsaqy r«ort- ISoBhaigo hM hem Bvtag at UTlaaotiMr Japaaom thrust might bo Uwy dMFrtbc.l ra | Tea Oesapony...... 34 fatM l “ ■ I*. ______ThnkM Ren B ...... 33% od maanwbOa th a t tam rira s at- ■Mridgs strait aad wB aaeve tatolfrem Thaer m the w«t or from Un OiMdo ...... 81% tomptod to wrack a train soow- ! CM of too taacoMeta te toe build-1 too xumcrooa boaot m the W, ^ * tost he im Him iO Oris sNee-lfram hath bat he ferasnw farra ad f^ the vtetfam Unit iriro -4-• 3T whets te toe oceupfad bom but Private Arttag Unit Oo^p ■ F33 foiled whea a Vfaach youto opet- |Sq ^ lottasapt to-elSitoirae Mrt MMunlWO HWim UB Rnbbor 18 tad Ul imrit *v a e « e « a * a a e s * X* >....»-«.... • 4ff Bond EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 12,1942 MAN( 7 MANUrtlcarittlt KVgNING HgBAM). MANCHESTER. WN^NJI^Da V^^Y 12,1942 PAGE SI fliM aitta r cannot win a ooot- Bonu daflnlU Umlt, nonatlialaaa, on - \ jil^ victecy avaa tlioufh, M la tha anaount of non aaaantlal mo* KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR MayFaUBkde • SERIAL STORY \ I S o u A C h u r c h QliB9iionnaire9 Mailed Today fUta poaabic, IM ahould laadi ear> tortnf that can ba dona In an aac> -/ Jbratt B gaograpbleal ot^jacttvaa tha ttona.: it ilc if it On D i ^ Sale Hea^Reports 0|8 T-lSiS—Clarence•®®e tfck 062 T.I61U.:-Willi.» B X GkRIBBEAN CRISIS Strtridand, 20 Oolway s fo ^ 42 Lewis street z ' ' Caucaaui, lloaeow or^ IjaalnciM. lOMT. teas. 0 ^ Ne^rfWeek Manchester BY K GOLOTHW AITE SBRVICK. INC. A- Shedd. T-1702—Henry B. J. Lange, aviilas Oefeaae Pboae 2-eit7 — Red Grass Purity In The Bronx ik it it it it 02 Wethsretl street 47 Ckmpfleld road. Drag Store* of NirtifHi 2 " I Excellent Rafif. T-USfi-Oeorge U Rbpfiy, HogpHal Drlr* Keepa On Occasionally a grand Jury in- No Pkvfient Indien^pii of 20T Oaater stre e t aHtatar tor Pante VBOMAa fhfbatf World Sugar Bosrl »be returned to Spain, by treat Are Rapidly Beeoming Chapter 1 ! CtHipemHvt^y Built An Functions; All of C of ,C Units to > Adels ^Uantljr, Lucille Ratuma from the apaelal ^adge diets ttoelf. Instead of its rightfbl year later. In a thln^ice. "But if you don’t T $02 Robert Msson. 78 All Red Qroes truck ambulance Most famous of all contributors It was a little past noon when mtad,MUafiy and I wlU get dl- Vast ImprovemenlV in Bantoa street Wind ' Up Business tom. MSiJorle colleetloa drive conducted by tha target, and that. In a word, la the So it was more because of the Stripped of Gadget*. Cmgoshtp'h Beady Invited to Return. talvere, first aiders. Nurses’ Altes i&thawsr. Marion to the world’s supply of sweets, land’s key position than because the niaillboat reached Abas Islimd to work. U you’U J««t show 042 T-1421—Dsvla R. McIn- and women who have completed trustees cf Manchester Memorial record of. the Bronx Oounty grand and Bill Talcott, who had / Eastern Situation Uii- , T-lMl-r-Raymond A Dl- Until the Fall. Annette J. Ikggait. Cuba had perhSpe the bitterest of lU p^biUUes as a producer, of By Hadssa Phillips . „ the office.” the Moms Nuratag courses are ranee, ShirteyM. __ ^bapltal last week ware not ade- Jury which went Into the matter been up since dawn, noticed with BUI Talcott nodded ta mild sur- T^ fourth martetly cenfennoe' 042 T-T$T—Tborass F, Ooarsn. haUp. 126 Spruce street urged to register immediately tor aa toesaaj attar. struggle for independence in all wealth that Cuba was to suffer Nate York, May 12.—(Wide ' tU/W ar’s End. ' Msy"il—<*)—of the South Methoalst ehuteb, \ Scott, Peari C. Schend^ quate to meet tha hospital’s naads. of Democratic National Commit- more than others, and to win amassment the arrival Of f<~'~ prise. Such eagerness tq^ buckle Tlw OUver H assrd P e rn , first •M street av*w^ J. Kesveny. Different bureaus Of ths Man ^ parade this Friday, Regi^. itaTKa the long stmry of New World re- WorId)\^rha average drug stem visitors. He had no difficult down didn’t seem Just riitht. not with Dr. 67 B. Middle,Turnpike. L. Russell, gtances Loimm The ta^vldnal response of those teeman EdwanJ J. Flynn’s use of through to Independence later than By Isiaee Blsrtow sad cfirgoshlp built/cooperstlvsly Ikkiey. former paetor and 868 T-1486-Jo1ta F. chaster Ouunber of COmmarce will i^ g accepted M ^d Louise T. Johnson, Heton H^J _ a a a a a a a a a a a » fif.## w »2 volt against Old World tyranny. any other Amertcah republic ex- soon 'ipay''look more like—strictly spotting the new man Hate^, a after a 1000-mHe steamritlp ride by rival shipyards, to ready crose Headquarters, 902 , # « * a # a a a # a a # • # • Winisse nskertoa Idtotrict superintendent, presidtag. M Wsehiniton strei^'* ®’* ^ ’ bold mssUngs next wsek, the tost tom, MwFarat Hyde. B«| supporters of the hospital odio dty blocks, olty station wagons, rangy, liuitem-jawed Iptuvldual topped off with S' night u d .a for wartime fiervioe. Ow ■. WsslmtlloB ftreet. phone 6687,. i • • a a# oaaaaa oaaaaa a# ■#• Cuban sugar made' Its first bid cept Panama. There were to be 80 a drug store: Ru- 669 T-676-jclarence tor the season. There wUl be no and dty Ikbor for the construc- lA his forties, and he gjiuaed that morning on the Jolting maUhCfit. New Torn, May 12. — (Wide bfi^ N N ^ street L Lee, All men rnsrcblng li;titila dlvl- Holnies, Hsael R, Oreenway."- # T##V a aa aa us becoming "honor” airs gotag to make a lot er was Outfitted a t The Con- 50 Haynee street August *'“'■** ("users. The wom- ^n ra 8. Oioper, Otodys anlng. ' / tombus in 1402. Diego Velasques, Maximo Gomes; to culminate in a the company auditor. Sturthers seemed set on ttvtag up ' BOlldated Steel Corporation’s ^ oelebrattai 84T T - l$ n — A WlU wear white "blouses and I Aaaeautaa rraaa U aaolagra- Certain of the facts in tha situ- atrip^ped of gadgets, n m can’t get But the oC ^ two, a muatached to his role. Hinigglng, Taleott of dtitoreaoe ta the pleasure east- their IQOth anniversary. ton, 64 C hestnut__— H. Finn. on Monday evening the Dairy- dark skirts. ">1 CUra R, Charles, Jeaite S ia tha aaa ar laoaM ^ Tbs trustees hava srloely decld- sent by the Spanish Crown In ISll wiar between Spain end the United yartto. 888 E, Middle Turnrike. men’s Bureau wUl meet at the bera, Hulhad A> ButlerL V vta aawa diatatahaa ation, the grand Jury could not replacements because of^ahortagas character the worse, for tha pointed to a cluster of galvantasd ' era seaboard raotortote get out of Bverett T. MoKinnsy was stoct S a T-220—Robeft Sd then, to continue the drive un- to subdue the primitive Siboneys States, the Treaty of Paris, and and priorltiea. ShlpbuUten say this la the led a trustee to-W the va^wicy 872 T-704—^Thomas J. Bednare, YMCA a t 6:80: There wlU be a K to the diriy of each and every , Burrell, Iran# Brennan and a? aat otharwiaa etadltad la mid to govern their Island, tried Cuban freedom at last ride imraw Anegada Passage, and buUdlngs on the ridge and taking tiwlr^ automobiles after Friday first time one shipyard has iPosri street trainad maiv and woman in ICan* It: aaa aiaa tha local aat~ til avails' last contact .^has been escape. Noting that midway BcarclUea win edt Into . items a JM au hlond girl In plum- June Paterson, and tos wobbte 89,North street dtocuaeiaa on confining their deliv- |Bantiy. ^ harala. ' whether the newly discovered land Sugar still leads all else In th* tapw. • bum a ship up to the launch- 042 TaOTi—R i c h . eries to certain sections, which Chester to take part in thla parade, through the .paving project the made of metal, or other stnrifglc colptM slacks, were entirely out MacDoweU ta band, hq sst off W ^ t 202 Now Briton 878 T-074—fesrt W. Gardner, . In atraeto n Report hta of faaahlioaooa’ , made. Afe. noted above, the re- would prodUoe the luxury sweet. Cuban economy, with the island’s materials miected by priorities,^ ' Whan Leon Henderson, price ad- ing point and had it completed 84 Deepwood drive. been suggested, but not likely and they' ahould register a t once. naMtahaa harata ara al qionse In cases where definite con- Flynn srorkmen bsemmo aware of The result made news. Sugar,lugar. In peculiarly fine tobacco second. But place. It was only because the along the path to hla bungalow. by another company. , HO T-212-Rlehsid H. Pet^. to be adopted. M no entries wlU be received after Local Red Crore taatk-. in which supplies have been cult off girl was so positive la Ordering mlatotrator, eatd the estimated two ^ 8T4 T-620—Jacob Bass, 98 W. teve requested by Wf tact has been made baa been the fact that Investigators were those da^, whs prised chiefly as a it is by no noeans certain that the because of the war, trade to th M n llo n s of gaspUna non- f - «torrt Cbnn MIMs Tunmtke. On Tuesday tbere wUl be three tonight. Red Cross headquarters aaralaa aliaat at w. a \ a . medicine, though a tas.te for ftit was day will not oOme when they, as the transfer of her luggage that Tall, frosted giab ee appeared Homw- *” tH close St 0 p. m., and those un- Sschsrek to furnish cT heartening, which la adequate en- on their trail, the grand Jdry finds ■ay. Bill Talcott decided she must be luggage melted from sight, and ctoential driven can expect week- T-;i789-Jlenry D. RoUett DMttagx At noon the RetaU Mer- lita. spreading among the rich, who well as' the pineapples, oranges, 12 are. a "damned eight more than h street chants will hsva a lunch a t which ite to call before that time ara formation to Rad Cross That the result of this disclosure M g h t BventoMly a relaUve of Halsey’s who had Talcott relaxed with his gussta oh Five Worker$ Die tore. Aa yet. this has not - Bonahaf^ KaaraaiKapraaantatlaaa. Tha couragement for full completion ot ^ n e could pay the price. The grapefruit, and choice vegetables they a n entitled to under the situa- . — T -1 4 » -A lb ert B. Bom- ’-1451—Charles H. Fergu- time there will be a speaker mod m i ^ e d to get in touch with Mra. «a MaSima Spa- "11 ar- was the Immediate payment ot Spanish word "asucar” was' a sur- that go to swell Cuban exports, Products which mlg^avehtu- cOme along to see him settled In the terrsce. From comtortebie hardier. 84 Thonw street Betty Ladd, executive secretary of compUed with. AU In stru c tti^ Oatra the drive. \ ally disappear Include electric waf- his new home. chalfs they watched UwniiUtag tion,'’ho told only half the stoiy. Center street. a door prise. A t 0 o’clock in notified to send In thto informi t^ a rh . Chteace. fsm hills for labor and the return of vival of the ancient Persian "stok- will give place to minerals In the There to no present/indication In Mine Blast I 002 T-80—Frederick W. on 184—Samuel E. Naeslff. ^rnoon there to to be s taeet- tae local Red Cross, phone 0086. At the same time, a spontaneous er,” meaning small grains. Fam- fle Irona hair dryewTalxera, Juice ”l'm your successor,” the rangy fronds of royal palms against the 1118 BMridgo stm t \ ‘ at once ao that the offlcs fllw 1 gasoline and oil to the City <3a- sum of the nation’s wfalth. Cuba extractors, golf bfiXla, rubber bath- trade-wind sky, ejred tlw antics of a vast Improvementta the east- 28 No] Nttreet IS* •*««»>tive comiplttee ot No department is exempt from Imh aODrt^ ■OMAO o r demonstration of support for the ous Arabian doctors had used It In Im bitumen of exceptional purity man ad^tted after ha had gotten ern situstion from until the 88* T ^746—B v e r e 878 ______tala patriotic duty, snd local Red be up to date. rage, and paving blocks, to the ing cape, and pMstlc articles. the do^xunder his feet. “Not sur- of a tiny Utard perched' on the Strange, 670 No. Mata T-22dvArthur A. WllUsms, w Oismber. The reports of the IjtTIOIlS' hospital from sources not being their compounds. The Crusaders luidtogh quality. It la bellev^ that war’s end, ta niteX f sti the plana Fort Smith. Ark., May 12.1-(A>-- 109 Fostes s t r ^ business for the past year will be C r w snd CivllUn Defense offl- It to further announced than a t y Yards.” had form^ a Uklng for it in the the'island's asphalt beds will one Drugs baVm’t been depleted prised ycd.didfi't meet us In Saint swaying bough oif a flambagrant —pipelines and increased tank car 566 T-817—Frank Jj. cUls are urging all who can, to first Sid clssM wUl bs |t«a. Haraia rnatie approached by this drive hae Thomas. H ^ no Idea It was such tree. An exphMriion at The'Peerless Coal \ 808 Adame etreet coneldered and the year’s buitineas assanaa no tlDaBCli The grmid Jury also found that Holy Land fmdTiad done not a lit- day give it high place among the much n o r ^ v e patent medlclnea. usage—now being discussed to SiSh. S'^V 'etrS^ “ ® ** wound up. At 6:80 the Credit Bu- take part without the senctlon of Red It trpoafaphteal pleasantly surprised the trustees tle to promote its use in Central world’s producers. In the province they s ^ but they pose a queaUon a long trip. hi Strutbers, the June Paterson fidgeted and her esse the riiortege. So, regardless Company mine at nearby Itacel- 606 T-2S6—Angelo B. headquarters. Persons wtobtii^ IB aSaaitltcmanta ’Mr. Flynn’s high position in bis auditor, and Mr. MacDowell.” eyes glinted hbstilely. Sbe,>snUted. 680 T-1560—York Strang, reau wUl meet and there will be e ProdncUos Rocaas ' and' inspired them to ' hope for Europe. The 15th century saw of Oriente, and in other regions, aner perfumes and toilet of how tlw yretiontog works, the A®r» to which five miners were I Uni, 120 Mata street feld, 40 Franklin etree.. . form a claas ahopld firs; laatar BaaalBa HaralA political party was a'contrihutlng because manufacturers The auditor’s too-hsavy cloth- From what Low^ told bm 1 ex- speaker at the meeting. Betty Olmsted, who heads more eimilar gains. In this case, ipanlards and Portuguese extend- are deposits of Iron, copper, man- fact to simpUee are short, kiUed and two oUwra seriously In- 867 T-1148—Christian Henrlk- Ml T-7—Anthony Ca'iwU, 120 On Wednesday the Tourist and the local production work, an- the headquartera where rat cause” to the "Irregularities and ing cultivation of sugar cane into ganese, gold, meioury, xlnc, lead, in’t sure how much alcohol they ing gave him the appearance of tad to find you Uvtpg ta a cave.' MgM Have Grastsr foeesttre jured, apparently was caused by re, 20 Ortowrid street W claaMs are kept There' Tuaaday, May IS a dtlsen read of the hospital’s you’re leaving all thla to go >I s t r e e t \ ^vention oommlttee wUltaset ta nounced today that there wUl be abuses which have been found to the New World. silver and antimony, all a-waitli can use. having been Med In deep tat; be Ons commsntetor, however, —m gas or dust, W. H. Lewis, mining 1,-808 Harold A Osgood, T-1722—Albert G. Setawte. tbs Office of the Chamber at 4 no production work this Friday. been aome classes stertlng wl rteto. and of how the regular oper- Boda fountains have had a dawn- ■hook bands gravely and opened inthearmyT” th at If oil companies were sUowed IS Starkweather street tae knowledge of Red Ooos What Russia Faces exist in respect' \to the .use by But it was not sugar, not lus- further exploration and “I have to take up my commie- company prerident, said today. tlgh street \ ®'®l«ck in ta* afteraoon. The com- Hereafter, the rooms will not be atliig deficit drive this year was cious Cuban fruits, nor delightful ment. turn m profits because the cost of the briefcase to fuse with creden- higher prices for their products ta An official Investigation of the T-462-JameeR St Pierre, . ^T-eOO-Joseph W. MacNee cqien on Mondays. quarters, and this practice Flynn of city c a ^ and station raw materials was up and there tials. ____ The mustachad MacDosrell ■ion,” bs said, ami derided that 21 CSiarter Oak etreet ' \?r**** consider the number-of cease immediately. .Hris nonHns*s report of Oar* being omitted, and came forward climate, nor great natural beauty, Nor la this all. Only f e r r y in g ebe was horribly spoiled. He ths esft th ^ might have a greater aceitent, which occurred last night ly, 24 f l^ n g street pictures and drawings tbst have Nutrition Ctoas wagons.” nor even all combined, that lay at distance from Key'WMt; with reg- was a shortage In some ejrupe I responded with a grunt, mopped Incentive to bring more gas Into 1,500 feet underground, to planned 860 T-724—William A. Kiss. William M. Ewing, off analve action In the aoutb with a ^luntary donation. This and '-many tolnga compoaed of I peedg of sweat from hts heavy didn’t think It necessary to teU , ths area by more costly means. 112 Highland etreet. b^ presented to best represent a Tbs Nutrition anas being In- Buch conclusions haem plain the bottom of "Pearl of the An- ular steamers runntoc between Its ter thatt“aU thla” Included opera- by Arkansas mine Inspector, J. W. 640 No. M ^ street Buckland. sIgnNto be erected a t the different structed by Mrs. Claire Olmsted aaia sounds Uka tha opening dtiaen felt able to give something tilles” as romantic choice of title porta and those ym . the United gray face, and didn’t seem to see Hantereon said ther two-thres Fitxjsrrel.. T-446—Janwe A Oamara- n o Teacfcera Net Needs* ' enough, but- the grand Jury Itself sundry Items such Xs elec- tion of a ferUUser plant. Hir up- nH Bldridre street T-1116—Walter J. Tedford. Will not meet this Thutsdsy. It was In Hitler’s 1M3 spring drtve. to the hoeplt^now, as many oth- for Cuba. All played their part, States, the RepUDlIc of Cuba, Im- Talcott’a proffered hand. gallon aUotment to non-essential Those klUed Uved ta Greenwood. 18 Hawley s tre e t could not see them when tt came portant aa it,m in the world’s sea- trical goods, rubber articles, toys The girt ta the plum-colored tUted nose must bsve told her drivers would affect only about Ark. They were Georg* Young, BS; announced today. Next Monday, Loe Angelee, May 12.—y,- eadstance of a new and In- er Manchester atlsons must feel no doubt But the island's great that.t. He didn’t teU her, elthe^«/1 tae clase will meet at 7:20 p. m. at value, from the eq^ly days of ex- lanes of teday, stands, too, a t a and hardware, druggists gradually ■lacks was fresh as a asphyr, as 2.000. 000 of the east’s 10,000,000Arthur Bsaett, 82; Newt Dur- —v-W. Balph Ttoefi* Loe Angelee Board of B d u » batOe for the Kerch penln- to Its recommendations. It ''found bsve beto replairing with glass- Uwt the population of Abas pdti- u d risMtSeant aetivtUee of the Uototo »^ e yrom weu the Plnehurat Grocery on ar«i« has notified lio teachers they s able. If they considto.,their mesent ploration, conquest'-and colonixa- crossroads of the air commerce of cooUy unconcerned as a scudding motorists wtaUe tlw remsining ham, 22; WaUsce Smith, 40, and SS!^*®** H a s k in s s n d Is admitted by both BerUn it could indict no one, and^rim* ware and a line of wood products cloud. ‘T m June Paterson,” aistod of tough blacks; that fibA\ 7.000. 000 would be given hM er al- created by the death of Paul G. churen school departments street for a meat demonatratloa. not be employed after June Mi1 incomes and their domrnuid^ re- Uon to Indbpendence at the turn of tom• other Manches- porta of South America call at tha look after ms.” T akott smUed. "No. Tou’ro That there will be ao surprise If I Ward, Jr,,' noted the excellent Boclety had 'xpreaented to the mule’a hind legs and hoisted it shocking enough to form the basis with treasure for Spdin. French. clay goods. ' ' now In the Netherlands, or wbat’e church thto y e s^ a Sound-Koda- trict Superintendent request the called for at Red Cross hesdqusr- for a n ' attamptad adranoa ter peode' who would he respond- British and Dutoh buccaneers busy and beautiful Cuban republic Taking hot water bottles as an . Tou cotild have shouted at Bttl some of the group chisels and Delay in Training response given to all church func- Bishop of the coming annual con- out with an automobils wrecker. .ters. A groung blue whale •dds 'w— tha Caucasus. for formal action against a great both going and coming^ . left of them. It’s quite a Job to abusre ths word "honor” was tions throughout the year. He ■cope machine which has already ference to he held in Brockttm, at the rate of 220 pounds d a l ^ ing g^imolerousls^ to ttie regular op- sought repeatedly^ to wrest the example In rubber products, ons Tricott that a shark was swim- keep track ot the minor pawns bsen.uaed profitably. James W. Whather or not this devalopo In- naUonal ppUtlcal leader. port from gpain, and failed. With Conspicuously, Cuba 1s a coun- drug trads association official said ming within 50 feet of him Bute ctosr by Henderson when he I F i r e m e n C r i t i c i z e d commended the' organlxaUotis for Msaa, to return Mr. Ward to eratoiig deficit drive if it were ac- m the strategy of International their cooperation aad virile ac- Lewis repOTted for ths Young snatalned drive, w Is merely ah And perhaps, as has behn said Spain at umr with Great Britain try of the future: The full luster.of most of them now soil tor under be wouh|a’t have turned a hair. said he^ hoped It would not be South church for a second year. tually being held now, and' who, the "Pearl of the Antilles” has not gl Instead of around |S or $4 aa You could have told him that one chess.” ner w ery to ask local ration tivity, and spoke of the outstand- Married Couples Qub nnd Walter Bsports Printed ASK YOtJ^ NEIGHBOR ABOUT US and cqilofatory thrust at In New York, "it could h i^ y be and FrmiCe (h 1762, Habana was “Holland! Oosli!” IF. Myen for the Men’s Friendship considering the hospital entitled to taken^ a British army, ohly to yet been seen. formerly, because manufacturers of the blacks from the hltrato pits boards to "tfiks on the poUctag of Atlantic aty , N. j;. May 12—(») ing work of ths South Church An unusual feature of the quar- defenaa. It repreaenU tl^ expected that a District Attorney Talcott would bavs Uksd to ask gM users.” But If “honor" ^ choir under tho direction of J. a u b . Mtoe Mas W o d d e lK ^ rte d terly conference was the fact that a regular place in their budget, could n ^e more at a cheaper bad gone craxy with rum and beat him his connection with Halsey —The program of training aintill- tor the OecUlan Oub and ta her re- shift In Oerman taet4c4 elected by ^the Fly^ machine irice and would thus spread their and was crouched behind him* tt ta |dsia that more Thurston Noe, organist The parior all of the annual reports were will conM forward now and Strutbers; there hadn’t been ary firemen has been delayed ta made special mention of tho gen- port announced the •""■■el concert mimeographed snd. bound ta a an unpleasant winter would find anything wrong wl< uppUes farther*, ., with a naked macitato, and be any MacDowella mentioned ta the tosSffe stops wm be tekon, of the OecUlan Qub to be held May RE- though they ara not directly ap- llM ie are three varieties of hot would have accepted The warning U ritksitag to extended to other maay eastern oommualtiu T m- eroelte of "The Manchester Eve- ■Ingle copy snd one given to each hohhng off a persistent Rdward J. Flynn." hectic carraqicndenoe with Old ning Herald” ta reporting hto ser- 27 at South churrii. A. L,. Mac- proached by any Canvasaera. water bottles npids now, hs said, with a grin. But for an Attractive Winters. But be kept his arena of ths couatry,\whlcb to be- cause of the hesitancy of the pro- member of the conference, an— Ptaea Llyfas^ tha Nasls have ^ ground Man About Manhattap young woBwn to calmly announce may i leeelOiisl fireman to lend hto aid mens and the church activltiea. Lean as toy-leader presented hla Dorothy Rita relmeograpb^ the Hera't What MacDonald Dora Such voluntary cooperation, aad during tbs nsxt six moatha peace. After six yean qf same- tag eoosldsnd, the reasons ntoy report noting the fact that at the Room Sol tha world expara them to By George Tucker druggists etotect tlw amount to be that she was deUverUg hsreslf not be the same as thatr ta the «)ent to the tridniiig of Mr. Ward aad the secretary-treas- re^rta snd^prepsred them for dis- plus a continuation of last week's ness, a n e w face, even a clone- w of the trurteeo. Thomas J. Norwich .’district men's meeting tribution. In the absence of tsi.« RobfiiU fiod / / they can cut to two, then to one, aad In hla charge— mouthed one, was waloonw. Juns eaet wheis there tole an actual ^ * ^tsur," nys Joam M. Lan- tost March, held In Norwich, oiat pledge collection drive, may ac- finally sold only on preaoription. ''Wh-wbatT” BUI Talcott gasped. shortassL dto, director of the Office of avU - Rogers mate mention of the fact Mabel Trotter; Walter Holman act- Rocorered ia fan to mshe tha attempt, New York—It te a moth-eaten y history, and ha« Priced but It asems likely that the Nasls dynasty to climax many years of One man ih Kirby Bmingdte, an Club.hc already had a refrlganiter 1 toy aalA Again hla eyes held cf It brought ta by tankers, while ■ Mrs. A sl^ Oowell was also noted. I For tha aaatern^^bosud, plaaa- editor of “The Wenatchee (Wimh.) comp^ment fuU. of salmon. paste. yards a grean rilk. !T2 S” b swift appraleal. minoring perhaps Flw rial reports wen given by 855 Main Street Robinow Bnildinf // — —w Proporttolely Low atm have the same system .of war. ambition by installing 'one of ite a dossn years sinoe bs had riiarsd Incredulous dlsaiqiolntment. ure drivln^wUl-'M “out” after metebera in the govemor'a chair. World” and the other man la the Note: This observer wlU be glad I D i m J O u t M a y H i t Itobert J. Gordon, flnsnclsl secre- Hav# oar decorator ^ at year home with a ebmplete line of apholatery fabrics fraa Tbs te^inlque they desigded to be May 16. "nie car owner who celebrated > Sherman BUUngaley, to present himself oh Kirby B’S. a rodm with Lowstt Byrd ta eh- Baffled, Talcott got fio bis fioet- tanr; Herbert W. Robb, treasurer, **Wbera Tlirirty ShoBnem shna’* This ttnse the poaaibmty to ' ,gtne«rtag school. Suddsaly,^ bs- Tumtag to Juno Paterson ho said. jpiod enough for this war has can't prqvt operation of his car net that the move will be' bonlface of the noted Stork Club, preaenre as Sherman B’S. But iu>w there are ao tsaksre to and Bverett T. McKinney, chair^ 9 a. oi. to 9 p. m. or yisit oar office showroom frota 9 to 6. official representative If Sherman IIEALTH AND DIET eause you doat go In.tor tlw social ’T trust you wUl exeiiss sm. Tlw All Pacific Coast probabiy not been subject to any wttk oM ef the eagalai glamorous rendesvous of stage, cany that load aa Petroleum Co- committee. *— ■ ' ' ■ ■ • and thla wm Include screen and society celebrities in JB. to too busy to accept Kirby B'a ' AlestlM after six years ca a place boy win gH you anythiag yoU ordinator ftarold IckM disclosed The tataneial condition of the sadleal chahgfs during the winter. ADVICE Uke A ^ he beeanw soaa hssd.’* us, wlU not find hla f ^ 4boi«h Meads Is perlodleaUy^ ^the bright tight sector. kind invitation In persop. ^ week wb^ be aaid tankers on kras-reported as axceOent A Written Labor Guarantee With Each Order Armies don’t, generally chuge a week doing much ^ niore ' / that belted aeiUwr shaved nor ‘T h o a s h - b l o n d g i r l w oiat coast probal^ out San Franctoco, May 12.—(fiV—A at the present time with the bud- ^ tlio#ci mMitlooed m ^ the MeOsy changed hta.riothes, - with k qulsslcal safila. nightly dim-out. of . the northern I ^gheir habits of war in such a irby B. came to New York Never in all her hem days of w r th# dimttoitpx<)u# to A m y get fully Bubecrlbed for the year than carrying him on a few er- emidMste. ^ that it Hm HJi Ssrvtes *T suppose you . received Win- ta paradise," she laughed. "t>0 we Cellfbrnla coast for the duration Urns; the'Nasl mrmy has one Wm ba andde with that great to attmd a convention of .editors reading nice thiiM shout her- kad Navy nsods for them riso- w notable increase to ' rands. Tha man who has to bsve and, a s ^ had read ao much about ■slf has' K sthsilne OomeU bad ters’ cable 7” Hstasy wss saying. drees for dtaiwrlr” of the war to being extended to ^rld Service giving waa noted anila for suo iMily aad historlo ■ne^aacklng ape- “I prosuBw ymfr accounts qra ta *Tf you wish," he salfi eoldly. [eouthern California, and likely / gss for trsnaportatlon to woA, or clallst who, uatU .tecwtiy. was Sberm an% in Broadway columns, aueh poetic valentines printed UaliMr I M e i Of roak Qua for this year. Thomas J. Rcgcra Extra Special! atm adheres 1 for hla work Itself, will be raUon- he decldedrtq caU utxm him In his about her as appeared this week aha^ for the customaiv aifilitT” Whatever eonoon ba held at I About 48,000 tank cars—)* wfil soon cover the entire coast gave tlM flna'wrlal report of the always the ruaalag gudrd later- BssRh I The new man's critical eye the strangeneaa of Halsey’s msa-l from Canada to Mexico. ’ trustees, r . , MacDanald Upholstery Company wasnT good i Rus- ed sccording to his need. Pleasure fereaoe for the . Alcorn pony resplendent ^ u h and see if they In an the metropoUtan news- thaaoiw-tbtad of the nation’s were relatives. It was quite a papers. The drama obse'rven scanned tlw rocky, tauxen ner was stifled whan he entoredl Deairaed to prevent the sU- The church iSchool report 984 Main Straat American Indastrlal Bldg., Hartford \ Y o L l-d m sia'last year. more driving should out for him, too. backfield. FsrslyMs tour of . ’the iatanA Aizssdy the offica. In Its befi i liOiOOO tank can—an now.briu- bouetttag of American ebipa LEA^ MEATY . FRESH te m p te d encircle- meeting. In the first place Kirby B. minced no words In saving Shaw's sastera ssaboM 660.- pneentod by lUse Dorothy Rlu People who want to ido . aome We refer to none other than and Sherman B. look enough aUke "Candida” bad received . its finest was frstUng ta the riossnesi Strutbers bad surrounded againat shore inumtaatioa, the Of- who m ate menttoa of the Hiecial mil be what the State Police Commlsteoner Ed- ’ Psrstyalii Is not a dtoigs but the brtuiisy, su ita t heat; flaring his with books. Tbs auditor’s costl 000 bsfitoto daUy. It to hopm! thla ce of avilisn Defense and the ■■■■^■FREE estimate AND DELIVERY IN CONN,] plaasiire driving, or taka a trip, almost to, be twin brothers. Then presentation. That Mlax CoraeU HMN^m^he stepped up to 200.. VO t o w i t h s t a n d . ward J. Hickey, who'* has found they started, comparing family bad played “Candida” twice be- only a symptom. It rsfers to nostrils at tha smell. was off snd his Vrft shift riu ag | 12th Naval Dtotrtct toeued the win have to aave the gas th ^ his present poelUon an opportuni- _ of movement or feeling la a th^ng to his akiimy Abo.- His eyes Nasi technique, the Rus- history and Bli^rman B. ahd Kiito fore gives yrsrmlng tesUmony to Tm an set” Talcott sal dim-out order for thto area yester- need. 'They wm Im p riv U e ^ , If ty to experiencs a little Iteiejigbt the slaccrity and effort she has j aw* • paralysed sfm s^ ' 'M "We’U go np to the bouse for enormous briilnd thick-l< 178,000 barrels are day. a good and sufficient an- aU bis own, who Is sealoualy work- B, began exehmigiiiffto much In- ^ ¥ ley wish, to buy mi their ^ for formation about their nuito*^ ***' into her setivities In behalf . rafots a muscle ao longer drink. 'n u ’U be site to get ta glsaoes, and be snlffsd sad last year. .Their formuU. ing toward the creation of a. “rec- cestore that it appeared, late in the Army A Navy reUef. ’rbe'qtenta- trie of moveme n t As s symptona beforv lunch If you Uke.” Talcott, you spposr to bsfibertl one ration period at one time, and ord” for administrative efficiency, parslyste awy bs temporary or In your accounts ^ $186,000. il of 828,000 barrsb. That to 928,000 Ptetaei Water year, may well be more of night that .they weie well on tbrir neous Sow of critical tribute that! beritatod, a half-amlls kamto-leji tto half—below the, use It up as they please. ThU and who, according to some of his way to tempiUiig a family history cams from New Yoik’s^top critics perawasnt on ms Ifok find the sweating little suppose you’vs got sonw ssplaas-| stubborn fighting, /for means that you can tike a pless- friends, has developed some of the Movement ta voluntary anados tionT" eettfiM tei^, normal need. It Naugatuck. May 12 — ta tbs brainn ODOapd eachesen nanhalf le—stakes Parslyals das to aa acridant to ^ UtUlttos Oommtoeioa present Things^But There's NO Restriction On many, but in reality the gas rs- relinquished all front seat riding, aave your own beautiful skln.^ one of the artsrlaa of the brsta (Butter)- ^fffng Into eatai other, under oon- Warden Loo J. Brophy aald today again, ta the Vamess of their and now is ebauffeuryd strictly In ' . • • • of nttuddsqeWs of the opposite olderattoB to s ^ up the Inflow. tlonlng will do little more thsp ot tb# body.I An laterfereacs win follow tlw rite 1 have already Question: HUda V. taquirM:| tae commtoaioirs dectoioo wUl be oonatry. With their demonstrat- accordance with the beat decorum Washington "Would'you oonridar buttar ta OU B M e x p L ^ 1^ ptans as fol- based on the avMeaoe presented byi enforce the tire use rationing for commissioners. It is sdld that Tlnkbam's apartment In the old with tha loftt aSSa Of the brain srUl given you Of affeeting^^the oppo- Keeping Your Probity In Good Repair, ed sldll and .courage, that should which the ordinary motorist Arlington hotel la a veritable mu- ot the right aide site rite of tha bod^. ^ loss of constipating or non-cor borough residants at the hearing his new preference for tb* back cISasT I uas it freely nipdtas fran be enough to bring any blitzkrieg should have imposed upon himself ■ekt of hla Umouaine .Is valid Indl- seum of eklne. stuffed^ bMde, eta- of the botta a^^rioe veras. This Is movement may reiuta for a few in War Time tusks, art find curios col- hours to a low days to a tow vegetables, afim on such ■tl55s which HOW TO GET to aa eventual point of exhaustion. long before this. Making the only catt(m,of his potential UUng for a brought about by baked potatoes, ries and - wcoM httafi in an additbwisi 280,- AH Indications are that the reSlly front seat In the state |^ov- lected on theae expeditions. His 20- of the struotnros, weeks or sasy bs permaaaat 000 .barrsto daUy, but such a Uns aafe estimate, srhlcb la for a long ysar tenure of that apartment la tlw form of an X, Impulses Tbs foOowtag sttiriss by Dr. gbetta” We have You Can Get A $500 Loan On Any United Btetea and Britain have emment. It Is further alleged -In recent yean, Answer: would require previous steel. H m war, the amount of gsf which, la that, in .the course of building a one of the oldest and beet Waab- from the right batag ■ lYsak MoOoy srs now avallabls: Une .uM flret propoeed last sum- THEMOSr done a great part toward- supply- wwassi wsor svmswsssvss retirement^ has Ington stories. over to.tha left, aad Impnisss1 corn- TfilS....: FACIAL PA- tadlvldusl ueoB such a . forthcoming will sUU be sufficient moat efficient state poUoe depart- [taken a staggering toU.of ce colorful When be came here in 1014 be tivelv anwn amount of butter thaf I ®®^ 128.000.. ing Russia srlth new„ implements to wear out many tires before the ment, be is not unmindful of poli- lag from the IM hplf of the brsta SHAKINO PALfiT 000—but tbs Idea waa abandoned j figures In Congreaa Gone from liked the apartment, found the eroaelng over to the nerve fibers )....; and it wLld not have much e ffe ^ CASH OUT OF THE Urban Repair O r Modernization Job Of war. The Russian soldiers now war la over. tical potentlaUtlM for the future. Capitol Hfil now are Senators Bo- rent cheap aad leased It "for tlw lor way or the other. However, due' because It was sold the steel was leaving, for the front and this sum- la an this, there te aolhte« te eoatrUfing the right ride of the INFfi iTSlB, •••,•• I P-dsd more for MUpx That nssd Should gas become plentiful rah, i Pittman sad Aaburat and durationn of my stay ta Oongresa.” you srs its lubricating qiwUty, 1 to greater now than tt was ta 1941 hs ertttelsed. for maay gesd Oongressmaa J. Ham Lswis, to It n’t kmg. before t&~ hotel Chock ths artiris l Judge that butter would b seer’s test are traveling in Ameri- again, aa it may through uaa of saea are asabWoue. Ner to tttere taqmlses which esuae the taterestsd _ wr rs- ON HAND FOOOSTOUBUT! And $1000 On Any Farm Job. mention only a few. management iflecovered their mle- consUpattag, If anything. I , , ***• “ “ 8100,- can trucks. new methods of transportation, aay break Wf ef a faaseua leasa, mUsriee to move origtasta ta ^ quest to tho M c ^ Hed O i- * ^ 1000000 • Doa*t let imacopraraokias Ib. Blit 'of the men who have made taka, within a few years, rents propriste oeatets ot the brsta call- of ttte no A o n men believe that by dig- for You Allied planes fiy over them and the tire shortage should itself dic- for althoagh aene eay that the for similar iqiartmeate smre'dOO- los.ta of ««sctsblos tetray tat vala- Aleonm nmde Hickey and soese colorful oopy—reams of tt—none sd motor areas. Ths tmpulss trav- Ifitag W old ptpMliies aoattered Afociutely the Best for the Least Allied tanks precede thenv—not tate that car use he Just about lately win have left eny~ greater per cast higher than Ttakham sms els along the motor pathsmy by I around the country they could sMe food elementt so essential Uncle Sam Docan’t Want Yoa To Let Yonr Pntacrty Deteriorate. See U« enough, perhaps, for all ,the giant that Hickey amfie the AtoossA PkjrUg. Offer to Relax what it wm be under gaa ration- they have sever qu r elefi aheot gap In the pattern than Boston’a dlroct oaataet aad aay tatorrup- Jvide peibafis a 1,400-nilto •o good beolta.. Back Bay Rep. George Holden. Bvantuany, the Fraternal Order 00 T. B.' MweMid) Now Aboat A Loan If Yon Wish To Make Alterations Or Repairs To Yonr task that Is at hand, but enough ing. It la supremtly important It among theamtevee, ae ten* ae tloa at aay petat along Uria path- Questian: CRadys G. wants to Some OoDOsitif I*® ^ c ^ bat to this wouid'have i to make a great difference. Tlnkham,’ who has announced hte of Moose took over the hotel for way win break tlw connection aad l!® be kdayd sbottt 280 mttos of now Ihl: that this nation should stay on between them they s ^ retirement after 2S oonsacutivc national headquartera, the mfia- know: Tnould tho children of s sJlirf' *mo22r ** *^****^ Pilltbury Flour Proparty Not In Excess Of The Above Amoonts. But beyond all the material pcegieaa la the werM to prevMe the Impulse win fau to reach the tubercular aothor bo Matae to In- Itata^traZ ^ now stesL WINDEX wheels, for eaaentlsl ai^ neceaaary years la tha House. agement went to court to try to anwrie. Such aa tatsmipUoa may BO ye« seed eata fcr aote re- cooldag” tohkh s a ^ i r t ^ oetf they may ^bave at hand, the enmfert and repatotlen for a*. herit tha dtaeaee t ” purpoaes^ aa long aa poasible. Al- This has been-The tmm te tote, Only two soistora end six tep- g^ Tlnkham ooeted. The coort arloe ta ritiwr tbs bnita or tlw Waehlngtoa, 2toy Sm say thto aolvaged B pw s.ritahtog.ernttia»aeediP ttblo'" vtoamios aad m iaefsti BotUa 24i lbs. $1.15 Rnsslans have ‘the spirit of total resentatlvee hsiw keld their seats Mid that only death or defeat at 1 te not eonelder that lomuM bo a l 2- t i ^ afiTslr, oomo say though gaa rationing is made nec- wWeh nwkee H laptaal cord. If ths cord Is affectod, I tubsrculoels Itself-SMqr bs Inberit- ts farm Moc sw a Bocaaso of ita/aaM rg«r>Uae war. They* know'they are fighting la Oongrssi kmger than Tlnkham the pells could break Ttakhaa’s | Uw psrslyita win occur on tho today to relax ta part th e ^ If It were twMv*. it 2 aaaary hy the tanker sltustioa. It that there and nans of them has dons It with lase. Isd, howsvar It Is Okriy Uwt s ten- it Is oasy to ngnlato tao boat 5 lbt. 29c for BurvlvaL. and they consider, no ly shittlag ot inw rite Of the body. ■ttion to Mte of i**»*°” * y - bftng ta toss than UAOOOj startiMr single or Bwrrtod.’r ’jL ohe-s: la also -The only prscticsl mesns so Uttte campaigning, Even after the gdvenuneat took Monoplegia refta to that torn daoey toward tlw dtaasso may bs farm surphtaos briow parity | w got tas saaa dsgrso yon Mcrlflce too gmot. Hitler’s msg, * .* * over the building, Ttakham stayed transmlttsd fnae tho parent to thsr ra e MW Job or aa eU eoe. cf forcing America to conserve Ite When Hugh, Sr„ made his ,U1- of paralyels in which coo Umb 18 ta order ts ' ®T5 ^*®**‘ P»Jcets were •galL wlH be found complaining ^ A veteran traveler slace bis days on. FlrsL’It sms Rsxtord Tug* the chOdran. Children known to ^ cut tile two Itaes would Airs rubber. fsted run for the -ndintastloa sad ~ or one rite ef the faoo. a tubercular parent t simpitos tor PALMOLIVE t e t the Russians fight too fijiu- at Harvard uthen be Junketed to wen's Rural Resettlsmsat Admta- legla moans a -hsIf-strolM aad poultiy.'pouf *■ HtLOdO t S I L V E R D U S T It la from that angle that the for the offlcs, we remember well ■odi far ptaeee as the Greek is- IsUatlea. but ttaw couldn’t resettle ths benefit of Its- NOWIfiitoeiT bow tte genial Bd managed the and refers to a paiulyeis of the|” ~ -AftaSsaU (Dh Cto.) Sf; A Tbto and all tho rraredtos Cook ragstitlss la a mr UI SOAP > Oleuaiy, with too great a contempt grant, glaring g ^ In tha govam- taads in the Aegean and the wind- Tlnkham. Now the Army ooeiqpiss Appropriattaas to short ot that US kaew hew. ameh yea lor their own lives. Te this ^Irit. Aleom headquarters jU tbs Repub- swept wastes of Iceland sad Splte- the building,'and so does Ttakham. face, leg and arm on oew sida. IT * " T to t e velop the .meat — say aoMoat ffom 210 ■moaat of water aad as shott mant’a plau appears. The eastern Uesn stats convention, sad how Hemlplagia to a very eomi mlttoo itad 1,790,000 barreto eoatod- ^Sdufft...... 2 4 c .•b.the Job It did last year, and bsrgan, Tinkhsm has shrsys msa- ■ 1 • • • eod. pleatF of tsivptol IBS M m al aostera seaboard ta|Jra^loeaof$I69eotos a timo as paksiblsu ssahoard Is now going to conscrys efficiently, to the sstiafsetion ef tom ef psralyrie . aad ricqpiyl 3 ^ 2 0 c 'Ibn Job R stands every good ■ged to bs off on ens of ms world Hla long fighte for civU Uberttas, ee^eraa tost yeaFS L200A00 w emoffy wptod Its rubhsr, ss the whole ,us newspapermen, he helped us Jsuate whils ether cm _ for strict U. S. seutrsUty- tnt meane ^ t an of otw rite to to- ef bui to It aMafidy roaiicaUii la- Briagtoboili^polatqakfo THE- df doing again thlp year, forget the "dry” aapccte of the tiMtr tA non-partleipstlon ta tbs League of' voivsd. 'However, eome parts may late advisable. fur ~Xtorao toatoemta Nareraky weX eta Jy over U gh gas fiooto. taea teiould. R it the rSmsinder of the Alcorn record. escape, as for example the face or erorked cut wtacb ||M a tow but there aiU world owes much, tat re election sad be stwsys has Nations have kspt him ta the fore- w of wheat srmM be __ That toeta, tsdmtm ieao aad boil gootly. jCLEK OCTAGON nation Is going to be aOowsd to It weald bs qsMs ta bssB votsd hack to Iris tost 1^ s i^ front cf-OongTsee But probsMy trunk snwetoa, leaving aa eattreL all thase factors, It tabs- W Mid IMI WltbOUt iBOfMBMite I t) tattWBMBthOi Cook ia coratod oteosil aad be aa qiendthrift with ite rubber maJorlUss. of his he tries sme ao storaqr hs eaM, to do aot add soda. Soap Powd#r to hold great confldsnoe ss It plasaee. This Is neither Just One year tt sm s' a 4S,000-mtle as Iris fight against pwAIMtkm aad •The ooSo M ^Ss^STtoSte: Tho SOAP MANCHESTER tajnry to the awtor fibsts by sori-i«!»7e * p ^ j a a uftored as a ara rafabre, aad thus as tha < n the Russian nor good planning, for It can Bsriflg ta 220 Say* to tha islaadsof then for repesL * Mbcd and ths off suppl Lfiiffi ^ the South Paeiffle aad the leads cf Durtag prot^tton, whsa ho sms dw L toato nrainttfBw firiaettoMt.l«tmBSOff ■adea.’taitasw ttu ______the daily. so-ealtodM ^2 21c T^Ho ^ v C Is the Ctaw-fiea. Another year, be starting off on one cf his JnnkstA a. reqnirewiaita ariUtt bs mat ¥ ¥ of gns but no tiraa. And it te Just sms hanging np a record tor leop- hs sismys snnouneed solaaBly to efJw a Mood clot these awst of ths Seems JsM sit- to of say TRUST CO. 1 My ard Mwottag to British East Af- tlw aesmnwn:^2.fNew Tm gotag ttiesAt as amintial to nsttenal morals and tovsi ’Bnsmtd figure out natbswl efficiency to preserve rub- rica. Hs canm back that tUne dosm to Uw*DepsrtawBt of Jus-' Ths uansl esuae ef pvalyato t o l S ? " ^ k * *»• niVANCE CO. MdaOrofM NATIVE ASPARAGUS srtth the story that Us bag of ties and ten them to tn S f an ef ttefirtoSta la , ttota A ^aic Dor. ber for neoensry thtn^ tp ea mgr eUlar sotfl I git tawfc.' 2 BuMchcfi 254; W» fifiO BplMgr Apples BBETB nW O S Mni^PsdcralDepaiHIas.Cstp. %r ' - MANOHKBTBR EVENING HEBALB. ■' ' ■' •' X ■’ ' ^ ‘ ■ I. CONN. i,Y, W A Y 12, X • MANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALD^ IIANCHESTEB, CONN. TUESDAY, MAY 12,1941 A Bohon GIri to Urge Garden ColtCrashes HiiilnaLii to Sift Facts is Ma^cheiiter Man ipes ^ * Oi| Hears Lecturfei^ Is Dead Banquet asaaMBaa ^ , Froni Cox Case Claims .. Hepton-Gcdraltii ^ Chit Masks \ X. ^ ■ ! V on d io^ ose Mias Nettie OedralUa daughter ' V' _____ W«8t Hartford Enthusi VcceflflaryIcccssary to Destroyttestroy la ------iTwiChfMn;^ to M i^ e the of Mr. and Mrs. WUliam OedralUs. (Coadaoed from Page Oae>v X WlR Recommend Nei- of 73 Eidrldge street, and Thomas ast Speaks on Flor^j Animal After Runaway I nsrfncy ther IBsm issal N or R ^ hb«i|^ter8 At’ Hepton. son of Mrs. A . Hepton, of launch gas bombing raids against U. Alftod Sundquiat and Dr. xArrangem ents. Accident H^i^ ' ~ *'***'' All l^t fpr ElUngton, were married Saturday G^teany if the Nasis employed 4 Mortimer Mottorty an tha ten tid n ,\ Leavin g De-'^ Saecess. morning in St. James's rectory by noxious chemicals against the I ( 4iysiciaaB o f the Manchester^ A blooded one and a half year Rev.-.Vincent Hines. Miss Flor- Russians. Mrs. W. Hayden Brockway of I Medical Aaaoctotlon who will cision to B u rley. Hard Spasoii I I w y i a n d g i r l a ot Oon* ence Bassler was maid of hono/ Urges Speedy DtstHbntioB West Hartford, gave an interest^ old eolt,'aald to have been ready respond to emergency calls to- and John Gedraitls. brother of the _^er*n clmrch, mcinbefs Congress appropriated 329,893,- 1 ing demonatration oil Flower Ar- for tratclt training and owned by morrow afternoon. ^tortford. May 18-'

—It was \ Every Peony 't^Uected PoUsk-AsMriesM FtatarBMdUto LmUmt bride, was best man. The bride wore a blue ensemble 894 laat February for the pur- rangemente before “toe■* •Mancheeter ' • Norman Faxham.'of Benton street, up to. State Referee Qeorge F. N W ill Be Torne^^ Over Hold Mcntina Tdalght Manager ^cEvitt Ptc^ *^^ltlAaniup of Mm. Kart chase of gas tnaeks for clvtllaiw, Garden club night at Ito May Hartford, #hich was being board- ^wUa o f the putor. eerVed with white accessories and a cor- I^m ato today to sift th^ . facts Up Taloit for 1*942; Silences ^ Critics sage of white rosea The maid of and Senator H ill of Alabama, the meeting in Center Chulxh House. ed out on thdsfarm of Felix Kase- x^To R elief Fnhd; AD The Poiteh-Arnsrlean . basa- In Star T and entertained more wich, of 1717 TpUand Turnpike, from th^,voluminous record., of bbll taam~te aebaduled to at- honor wore a rose ensemble with Democratic whip, said he thought President W . B. Buckley, who About Town Three Good Hnriers Circuit dont ggothefa and daughters Industrial workers ought to be hae been 111, was weclomed sgslp. broke away toem a hitching tether evidence s ^ bonfllctlng claiiqa Star Attraction Is tend a ratettag at tha P. A. X the annual banquet, white accessories and a corsage at 12:4Sthia afternoon, and crash- presented duMng the lengthy hear- of red roses.' The fnother of the equlpp^ with them as quickly as His sister. Miss Ellen Biockley and Expected, to Raise clubhouM tonight at 8:801 Bolster Up S^ad Wins Gatne; Ai yeara they have been a nupitar of the membera^brought ed toUTUie side o f a car operated FiVe-]rear-oId OonstancA Moii- ing on ramoval ebaotos filed sharp. T ta team te getting ____particular Job each bride wore a blue hrepe dress with possible. . Zv' - •*. larty, daughter of Mr. and Mra. lasloner navy abcessoriee and corsage of ' 'T don’t anticipate any gas flower arrangements, which Mrs. by^ueorge Miller, of 199 Demtog , , n 4BOty; K eg fo r lU ds. ready tor the Twi toegue Fielding Offgel 4ay aoaann and doing it Brockway criticised from her own sttoet passing at toe time. Mathew Moriarty of High Street irney Gen- M and wlU practioe et the Mmiarty Brothers, current Twl red rosea, yrht bridegroom’s raids on this p^mtry." Hill told was crown bearar to toe annh^ Iriiamplona, have rounded up an- “*6werfnl Hittina; r a n d w e l l . ^ mother wore a green silk dress reporters, "but we can't afford point of view. She brought a The animal struck toe oar with WSta-Slde Oval tomorrow night the diners descended to quantity of flowers from her own terrific force, craahtog to the right crowning cenmonlee held Sunday The retired Supt^toe court Jus- Mbaohbster'a pops, moms, broth- at 8 o’clock, apth thora I other llluly lookteg ball riub tor with black accessories. to lwiv€. sny ston® , unturned to in St. Jamea’s church by too Chil- tice, who presided as Oovernor ers, risteirs and awosthaarta are Vs Best they found it beautiful- A wedding dinner tor the imme- protect odr vital war industries, garden and fashioned a number of aide of thobiur ta t toe driver was alons an importont and I tta 1888 aeaaou. Mtekay Katka- .-led with atreamera and artistic arrangements. Asked to untojitsed. Be called toe police and dren of Mary SodaUty. The name Hurley’s deputy, heard Cox de- axpoetad to wltnsra tha bassbail bars ara ariiad to diate families and close friends particuk^ly in the coastal areas.” was Incorrectly reported yesterday scribed by opportng counsM^Mfore Ivaek has aucoeedsd Jimmie P^ey j of crepe paper in rainbow followed at the Old ’JTown Hall Inn, Thera has been speculation in do a round arrangement, she ex- Lieutenam William Barron invest game at tha West Side Oval on promptly.. BaUey Jand white and purple Ulacs plained it was one of toe moat tigated. TOe borae waa instantly os Constance Brennan. the'twari^ concluded yeatwday ss I as coach of |ta team for this year -W fttra East Hartford. The bride’s gift Congress that Atlantic coast ciUes hOaS Jean Mnnra Thuraday svsalng tatwoen tta land through the afforta at Mana- rta^lea, in great baskets for to the bridegroom was a wallet diflicult of sll and required more destroyed. \ a poor manager unfit for thh ra- Oi’dlaarfly aflvbody who cm mikht become targets for token time and flowers, ss one works It ia bellavbd Oiat toe colt broke OrfOrd Pariah Chapter, Daugh- sponslbUlUea o f hia position, tad Twl All-Stars and ths crack Coast Sy Felix MpBvitt will save pteaty 1 dSooration and forming a and the bridegroom’s g ift to his raids by AjcIs planes launched Mr. and Nm- Harry A. Munro .8X8 ‘n a Ctera Xx minor M|^ wer doorways, ^ UblM at toe side toward toem and keeps loose from toe hitching tether, a tera of the American Revolution, as toe victim of "trivial'* chargw Guard BSan. This gamo will start |of goodmatartaltoatartwlth. bride was a string of pearls. The from submarines, carriers or even I of Bolton anhounto toe engage- Here te tta official list of play- can expect to hi^ flogs fl^ amUlabtb spot in bride’s g ift to her maid of honor turning toe arrangement around. part of which was found on him, will meet on ThuredSy afternoon at preeented to an effort by- "aome-'^s promptly at 6:15. Bvery penny ra- CloniiV F ^h L ^ with flowers, dirigibles with toe coming of sum- Mrs. Brockwsy had' excellent re- 'ment o f their daughter, Jean, to after toe accident, and this fright- toe T. M. C. a ; The meeting was one” to ramoVe him. ers tor Moriarty Brottars tiiie and huglra blowing fbq a ' ^ was a gold cross and chain. The mer months. I Roger W. McCormack, son of orivad will M tiisned over to tha yaar: ial erjss-ovor of tta pibk and white can- bridegroom's gift to his best man sults apparently uaing .a largo ened htoa and made him bolt blind- poatponed qn account of the Conti- Assistant Attorney General Navy Rolisf Pund^,fndruna',ua noI bettor ^’ M i t t e r e d p r o g r a m s BMdy to Use Oas humber o f flowers, whUe many pra- . Mr.—- and Mrs. W. J. McCormack sssnehsater of ly toto the highway. nental Confreaa which waa held to Richard F. Oorfiey, summing up Joe 01 Edward Welrcblekl, Herman gura' throobold. was a wallet cause could taI toaaa^tm■ a b s n e f l t WateaMcM, catchora, Joseph Me- ____ j in pink and yelt When leaving on a wedding trip, Ths U n lt^ SUtes is ready to fer to use toem sparingly ao that 58 Dougherty street, *^ ® **y**^ ...... ■ May to Chtoago. and raporU of for Pallottt, coutaaM that whila attraetioo. fayorr wniw d ^ ty uas gas If ths snsmy brsaks toe the value of each stands out by whtoh w fll ba iahmittod at Thiaa-1 each of Oi* I* charges preasntsd Bvttt pitehor, Jocklo May. Kaa- yllle in the Southern Aaaoi. thi bride won an aqua suit with itaeif. Manchsster High school and is day’s maattog,. Mrs. Chariea W. For thora who ara not famllla; mfr Wllkot. pitchora. Bud icateay, folded to atm- hslgs accessories, the return Cbmsva protocol of 1929 tat Sen- Japs Midte New by hia chief might not T m of any with tho wDridngs of aid to needy ^ken Left Himd Willi test year and was gunnteff ator Barkley of Kentucky, toe It was voted to hold a msmbsrs’ I employed in the tovast^Um Holman and lira. Arthur 3. Straw significance’* todlvidually, when !oifl Ke«teay. John Kraaiiaw. a loaguo record with anamad they win make their home for the will be hostesses. considered collectively they dem- and jrorthy famlUra o f those saU- J. Mays, Haydaa Grtei present with the bHde’s parents. Democratic leader, aaid he hoped show for too next meeting' which | office of toe United Aircraft Mr. orb, who have made the supremi Put Pastor in Ring ri .431 until ta was MeahadM] aeiiipd as that time would never Conae. will doubtleas be held st the T. M. McCormack U alao a graduate Yunnan Attack onstrated "a course of conduct .■ - I , ' / ' Wlnaler, Lso^Katka' douMeheador on tta final Of the tM g M . man- aaenfles, a Mt of aa explanation With Louis in Juljr* and t lS jS j^ assembled ‘If toey etart it, though, he C. A. -Nothing definite has beta of the Manchester High school Iha Twix-n-Tween Stu^ gtoup I hardly consistent with proper tta season. He tattod .678 Ea^-Pnlsifer •nd is a research chemist at the I win meet tUs^rantog kt T;80_wlto I agement." might not ta amteo. It /la true ___ i with dell' declared, "we certainly shall have decided with regard to a fau flow- that the government w ill eventtal- playoffs and .870 in tta ilrassinf and Miss Katherine Louise Jhilslfer Wesleyan Untvsrslty in Middle- sragaOaa) Miss Aritaa Rotanss of 88 Wood- Con’s attorney, Joaep F. Berry, ' By SM Ibdra Jaekte May, formor WofC Side rlea, too. / er show. ly gat around to make totogs right Thte te margin by w. . player, has gota over to fliie elob ' poUtoas, c a r r o t of IM Foster street daughter of Mrs. CL T. W illett ehalnnan town. Conn. No date has been bridge strsst. claimed on the other hand, that ^ N e b r Y o r k , M a y 18— The host for place in The Preokneea.. 8. which fin is h in a daad But Floaflng waa rriiteil Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pulsifer of *“ flmatoi^Oeorge ^ bacterial warfare against their . the oommlaeloner*a performance and proper tor tho tonflly, but it’s and agatoet thdxWlnstod team and cranberry J«»y- he was-glad that ChurchUl had again this year of toe annual set tor toe wedding. a slow cumboraonte routine. It punch B illy Conn landed on hte of vindication te that of SargS ridlcute whoa ta undwtoriM Woodstock, Vermont became the Armies. ' > The North Methodist W. S. C. 8.1 atoce April. 1938, when be assum- form. SwwflM. trainer of the oolt which t a y Uved up to ita 2 -y e a ^ Sunday playwl a ntee gdma at first “te wffltei first bosi were dainty cupe lllled brought'the poison gas quesUm pim,t sale, spoke of the dlfftculty He aaid the deepest Japanese has to ta. ntoi^ulsnt and hara. He te also a outfielder ^'likmato Juice, radish rokss, bride o f Harold Edward Eaton, of out in the open and had put toe j_ finding a suitable place, and wlU meet tomorrow afternoon at Tied the 10,000-a-year poet .*^ietight father-te-lav^B head, te a fight graat tta Cleveland ttiiY 2S Palm street son of Mis/ Oer- penetration toto Tunnan province o’clock, when the study■ ■ group willwU j to he rewarded 1^ aomelhtog other others not ao patriotic flood th f that startad out aa a ‘ktea-and- and one of the b o S T ^ -te m ta d Obrarvera aaid ta was too rolls and butter, and for Woodstod^ Ver- Axil on notice that toe United pmiaed toe kindneas of Miss Blary waa to a point 18 mllea northwest ponaion agsnetas. But when the hurlets te thte nook of wooda. the boys reappea^ a g ^ truda Blaton of Nations' would not hesitate to ra- (^ p m u i in permitting the oom- Visitors Day prasent a program on ^ theme, Itoan charges like these, many ot maka-up" toast, may coat, the and clumsy to, field hte raont, a" a ceremony performed of IdUhgltog tat that tha tovaders "Women’s Woifc to the Church’’. than trifles and an excuse on claim has bben found to ta Just Leo Katkaveek, tonnar and recalled occralona , , cream, coif ee and oooa^ this morning at nine o’clock In 8t in kind. b* nilttee to hold the sale tola oom- were beaten back SO miles to ths thara te Itomedlata add sw ift ac- PIttebufgh pretty boy a Ahab School first sackor, now at and her young peo- Tha hmitsaass wfll bo Mrs. La- Captures Public’s Fanev game laat fidl when Flemtaa James’s church. The rector, Rev. doubted, after thU Ing Saturday at her barn on Foreat At Memorial oouater-otfeaslve. Verne^olmes, chairman; Mrs. B. " S'S’" tion. •/ 8138,000 o r more. \ te due to retom eoon. Wink W l Wmie Pap ra mitt Juggling a taaira asany eompUmewta on the Germans would atreet. It Is proposal to hold the /Uliam J. Dunn, who officiated, At prasent Chinese foreea from A. Lydall, Mrs. Walter Lydall, 1 Dtoocted to File Briefs In tta msaaUBM. hoVsvor, tbs Tbatte what ha eouM have ter and Haydaa Grtewrid. Jr„ have ttiMw and barely menasad ta used the double ring service. Ueving that their cIvlUan sale from 9:30 a. m. to 3:80 p. m., the north and south are trying to Mrs. James * Pickles and Mto. | fapniira o f the aailora need aaatet------with tta ' and the program. tlon waa lass prepared than Htoihan dlrec^A oppoelng coun- psetod as hte share from hte “te *teirin hte batobSd/ The attendants were Miss MU' I contlnuoualy. Garden chib mem- andzeto the Japaheoa and the George Shedd. sel to file bruiSs^eflthin a week, and tace and that te When tha Navy planned lata J im or aesta July I By Getting Off/Floor to) ------and both dred Pulsifer ano Donald J. Eaton, Ihers are reminded to bring their Local Hospital Holdinf; /Kritef Fund comas to the rtociM. \------— ♦ _____ 1 win^ te good abapa. WI Ji^MUtoae are trying to dh- the after the htaring told newspaper- fight with Joe Loute,^hi«fli)ute\wbich vet- ktapa, unasler wfll Thiigli ra 88 home runs, dMn’t^ a *KaH**l2wS2sr*who waa both of Woodatock, slater and OvUsM Have .. IcontrlbuUona to toe bam any same tfitog to the i^insas, and Than te aa iavraUgation to be bold dqwn shortatop and Grtewrid saa in hia usual Jovl- While moet legislators thought Open House Toda; ’ Tbere wfll be aswlag for the men It wonH iiflce him at least •rail fight man figurad would By Barry Otnyaon x Ta-r-v _ _ “they wy aaid,said, becaura NaahvillNaahvilla brother of the bride and bride- ttoM through toe day on Friday. "srtio wUT succeed imnatas to he Red Croea tomorrow from 10:80 on two wetaa more to draft a report sura. I f the. claim appears to M ^Mflrdxwhlch leaves the aecond eallvfnsd pro- groom respectively. ■ tiM American snned foreea were reasonably ri_ tavs drawn at teaat threa-quar- New Torl^ May 18—One ef tta And Tonight. seen," the ^ kssm an commented, at Crater church house. of hia finding. / \ ~ right and proper aid te tan of a mimoa dollars. This Major League Standings , — ------—J wt etalmed by Olff Krimey, Niltxto Crack «d^irS^sr*M'»^^ “with bis w tt^coiniepto on The bride waa attired in weU supplied with both offensive lavaoloa Danger Brsiiatae Ha/made it clear that he wouM frathcoming and oontinura until towaa Itteenat raring fans, ao tta f this part ot the [would ta merely long ftas te ot tlM evening. green suit with yellow accessories tussle te off BOW, boeaura the state. During the afternoon hours to- The apokeamab draw attantlon The annual partat-teacher mast- neither C ^ a disfiflo- tta Fadaral agency can take over. Piueh btoko BUiys hand and-put Mory gooa, Journeyed to Balttmora ** -----X nteJorteaguraT'^ ^ " ot motbera and and yellow rose corsage. The maid ^tod'out^toiMSlr ‘dvUians to I C a s H o a r d e r s to strong onemy raaervoa to Burma ing wfll be heM this evening at 8 nor' retention ii) offU ^ leaving Every penny contributed to the The. inner datoflaM will eonstet . gnapo aituwm/Uly, hrblcb ,of honor wore a be^ suit with this country bad masks. day. VWtors started arriving at him out ot actloa tar tan weoka to see Tta iTeaknera. When he ar- uid said tha dangor of. tovaaton df o’clock at the Concordia Lutheran dedaioh to Governor ^urH y fuikl te aetaunted for and it ia un- or'moTA of this quarter with either Eddie Pj^.Op^.ieii^pight w«./2T,2TT*-«di, enactly up to standard. The I corsage of ’Talisman rossa. The Part o8 laist February's sppro- the Manchester Memorial hospital Vestertteya rived. ta found tta tariff beyond Tunnan provtoea still sxistod. Church. A large gathering Is ex- to whom the report ertll g6.\ . der tta direct eUpervteion of trato- Of ooutao, Fromotar Mike Ja- Staadtaga. or Hermaii WelnbiriU aa Might End Hiwtford .cniy,,atm era sspsrtaUy compossd mother of the biMegroom wore a nrtotloa was set aside tor toe con- Noticed Here to observance of "Visitors' Day’ Wang Shlh-Chien, minister of pected. One of the principal odntrationa ad and compotont men. Thera men hja mesne and after being rabuffsd ara not to moation KatkavoriL occasion and sung to fs -1 dress ot groan flowered chiffon itruoUoo at fscUiUea to msnufsc- know tho nquiremente and tho sajm BUlyTi n t a nturn Biaghamton 8, Hartford A at tta gate stood aside mourafufly L.d’. Vict'a t r a i n e r , " he used f«r relief work. ' X waa that thara saver waa a luMteni leading contender the 'world's ------tiod,, two T lltta 0R,L*e ThehrldelsagraduatoofWbod- M 'w 1 any auemptattempt to have cratatoerp this year than to the horseshoe Unking captured Mylb unnaaonabte to expect him t o ' Monchteter’a share must be rateod Laola Cte Off Pittabnrgh .. .16 XX nouabed, waa waved in promptly, TOnuvraw tho Paganl West tor la the history of our country, .stock High school, clam oC lflSk, tha urgent need for medlc^ tra^ | Bhamo to north and tbrdugh the medium of thte Billy was back at Fort Wads- WUkea-Bam at Hartford (8:80) Boeton ..... small fellow atroUed up to tho feather two out la tta Bteth aaffi I in I ^ |iif»vipM ced to homaaor garag*. Many _ _ ...... th^urma know every detail, tat ta 'arguod .18 13 Side team wfll ba Iteted in tho _^rw olght crown, faces Aaron beat the Detroit Tlgm ^~ we need to took to Ood for om . Academy of Hairdrees- V.FU XJ e kL7» J laa. V I were observed getting an | mrat to caae of an emergency. with Wanting and other pwhts on Uk Gerhard H. Richter.___ of...i. An< .that the chargee, covering-aa thay bafl gam al; te hoped that a good worth today taking up hte buck- Albany ( i ^ t ) . Clnrinnatl .18 18 Herald. Beltaer.voung Jewish feather proe- and strength than toe ] Worcester, Mass. She is em- To meet this need, the Memorial aopiia, la " " portion of ' that quota can ta prlvatteg whora ho loft off baton; W^msport at Anghamton St Louie ... 7"rra Ateab’a Jockey," he infOrra- Pf**.^ New York; in tta star bout It waa hte tMto roe tadiUonal supply of “gas" y ^ r - the Burma road. I a period ot nearly four years, (flight). ,.X8 18 / of tta sera st. He ctatlooed the older ployed in the productlw engineer'- day afternoon to containers. O flef hokpltal has completed' their new Another section of the fighting parents, and Mrs. Jacob Klein, | “a genaral condition to raised. \ ■ going to hte Pittsbiurih homo for New Tork .. .XX 18 d. In ta went. of sight heate. I mt Judging youth harsh- Springfield (8:80). / hatting avalavaroga, and tt office of the Pratt * Whitney Mrs. Lillian S. Bowers| Roy Griswold of ManebesUr Firs addition which to alreqdy aervtog front extended from Loflem toj ^ 38 FalrflaM street. the department that is the reepon- Every one must'pay to see the the chrtetoiflag o f hte month-rid Chloago ...... XX 18 Our litUe east side friend re- ^ k*® ktea the first to uawlei^ a ____ , _ „ „ ____ ''stiuntus and fa ll do not | Aircraft, Bast Hkrtford. TIm aon. D a^ PhUlp. n waa Only Nattonal turned to the line. Department and Chief Albert many local rertdents. Wanting, whila -another stretched ribiUty of the commisaioner." ball gatoe. KlddiM an to ta taxad PhfladelpMa . 7 19 I^ t Tony Falco of XOddletown in have had all eiainn 'tham tat to always look bridegroom was graduated fttm Chosen to Hear Cases Foy of the South Manrhesler de- 4MMM Ara BoaSy east from Loflem to tha SalvNtou AU members of the British Let Igaara Speelllratteas a penny, or more tait whatever a few hbuik after that ceremony Chicago at Boston, . / rioaa , "Whatddayub want 7" asked the I N e w s o m N a © the feature of a show hem a few! rtha haat la thoss. Touta today Woodstock High school, class of partment concurred to stating that FersonS aaay taapect tho build- river. The spokesman said another AnMrlcan club and tha Mona In generah tha attoraay general ttay toes In the keg must ta pen- Sunday that hte fathar-ln-law, ennrinaati at tataklyn. Now York .. .17 7 doorman gruffly. Itsalf vary wakh aUve 1938^ and ClarK Prop school, Han- ntoa, It’e the -pumy tapta tor the PitUburgh at New York. In F ed eral C ou rt. it wotfld he sxtremsly dangsrous ing up to the close of visitiiig JapanCM line extended f r ^ Man- rra root, Brttlah War Vcterana charged that on certain highway fanner National League. outlMder Clevetand .. . .16 1 '- The yteltor looked Mm te tta Tigers’ flags of Ufa whldi are over, N. H. He aiso attended aehool for 'householders to hoard this hours this evening. Quldra will daisy northwestward to Kalewa. [urated to partlcipato to the department Jobs contracton- were lads and among tho lebguo offi- Jimmy Smith, ounmumod - Conn St Lpute at Phlladelidiia. Detroit...... XT It ‘■'onned. _ , which require thinking and in Lsteland, Florida, and is also highly Inflammable stuff sround bi aUUoned at the front door of NavKUny-^ parade on Friday at 8 j flowed to depart ftom spedflea- ciate there te every reaaoh to be- through s Mend to tho Smith Amertoan Boeton ...... 18 10 Btatton. Ha praised the young Hartford, May 12.—(dV-Federal Chinera poaitiona to central Boeton at Chicago. Sa’*,: • empUqred a t the P ra tt tt Whitney District Judge J. Joseph Smith to- the home. the hospital, and visitors wifl be Btotna; be said, ran/from tha vi- po IL iemben wfll meet at the | tionii and that to some eases con- lieve that thte k a win itaks a home to straighten out their dlf- Washington . •XX 18 loventwocorktaglygoodiRotAfa aterafl£L.5^"A#HL la op le of tho Intermediate Aircraft. , formed toto groups at that point. club rookn on Maple street not tractors were favored by being ^ahowlng. Tbwre will ta no torenoee. nUadelphla at S t Louis. Philadelphia Prate box raperm prnm | E o n u e r D e ^ i t H u r le r ‘ gne fbr all they had done to day admitted nine attorneya to George H. Waddell, chairman of cinity c f Taunggyi to Maymya Washington at Detroit practice befwe the ' court. They the tbcal defense council, stated Local residents are urged to Thera Unea, the Army spokeemu later thanNl:80 p. m. and march given- Information about Job# tleketa tor tha adulto to buy. -Ita The two have been at odda

S rj(^‘.r: ■ TUESDAY, MAY 12,1942 ik atK ^ i^ EtwnteoBmito LVB »ralyn Aralaon, daughtar iW U lG et _ [Odd Fellows I • till m/ Mn and lira. Leonard AxalMUi. All Cooperate ^ Mandietter t i:mit Town ^ Tnmpika. aaBt, waa pra- At KAaoc^ Many loeid Odd Fallowa are \ itoA la bins that Ore scaled I Uon win meat at eight o dock ^ Local concema ara coot reevs aaW Idta.^ \ . to a high degree with the local making plana to attend Uta 102hd againat any poesiblllty of inlght in the A m etk^ Legion k iHoipa on Leonard atreet. ^ Rad Croaa Chapter In an aw ar^ | annual assskm of Uie Grand lAdge nMld. We also haro m 1 ad Ubarty. No. 115, their ^recant plea for flrat' aldeta of the Indei^dent Order of Odd fiiwii all varieties of fm i- X- wm hold a rununaga wlthln' each organiaation. The Red . FEA TU RE ------— ^ vacant atora in the tha annual meeting ot tl^ co*^ Croaa requeated theinerchanta Fellowa, srtaieh will liA held la tbe ____ le^snd. pomtora Of the Hotel Bond BaU Room,' tUrtford. 1100^ FEEDS V " Ward anna* n« t ^ honttal waa held at tha h^ to appoint ah employea chairman dostk Auto atora Wad- ffHmim± Mght o’clpCk laat ni^% who win aand to them tha number May 15 and 16. The activities vrtll COBBinlt” ■ml name# of peraona in the em- atart Friday at 6:00 p. m., with „ tfea aala ia Kia. Jrtto Judge W O ^ .S . ploy who win algn up to take the rtdlng. , Ohera ^ no tha Peat G r ^ Representotivaa* , M t a . A i m a J o h n - to the board of truataea a*®®* toera praecrtbed Standard Flrat Aid Mrs. TnUa lindiay. ar« no w «deaan^one oftha Course. meeting. The American Red Croaa haa reception wffl be tendered the 1*8 Feed Service nrcaant terma eapltad. roUowlng Ladga. NO. »*. NWSbta Saa^on the board of tiuat^ urged ell manufacturing plant# and preaeht Othad Master, Edward J. S8 DEPOT SQUARE " > TEL. 54C6 krtd a abort eOaoloa to dlacuae fl* places of business to form First ment^oie, of West Hartford, i^elodt tomorrow night of the InatltuUon. Ten cor- Aid detachments in their own oommencliig kt 8 p. m., canalatlng plant# ’tlieae detachmenta will be of antertainmant and dancing. Mr. poratora Ware In attendance. made up of trained First Aid to Hoatvme for tlm dl^ Stsotaford vrtll preside at. the seo- x- Tha rank of Tha Yankaa Dlalakm Valarana* workers, trained by the American slOB which wm convene at 10 a. Mtorrad on a lAMoelatlon wiU Inaat In tha Army Red croaa. m., Saturday. ___by tha degr^ Flrat Lsttar Received and Navy dub at a«ht The first letter received from a Robert L Brown, 'waa. of Mr. Ankmg the guests wtU be Mrs. Pact Oianeanor’a night to make plana for the g w - Former__ Govamor apd lira.local concern waa from O. R. Wil- and Mrs. Leslie D. Brown of 18 Frances Owens of Watarbury, Onnd Clhaaoallar erlng of tha HocrlWaa In BpHng- Baldwin win be ^ the president of the Ladles’ Auxiliary, ataff dt rLadiaa’ Night Oat Together of the Ua and Son, Inc. Thla letter UaU Church atreet, will get his degree flekl next month. several names of employees who In chemical engineering at North- Patriarchs Mmtant of Connecticut G.E. attend thia maet- thrda eervlce cluba of Mancheater, wm be wUUng to take the first aid eastern Unlveralty, Boeton, on and bar aaaoriate offleen; Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Samual Tulaa, of Klwanis,’ Rotary and Kxchange, courae and thus prepare the com- Sunday, June 14. H« «aa on the Clara Walker of RldgeSeld. preel- »1 Floranca at the "i u . C. A. tonight. Su^ pany to administer any onergeney Dean’s Uat for schdlastlc achieve- dent of the.RebMuh Assembly of Lntharan HairaTn on- Sunday, Mother’! Mr win be aerved In the "T’^ rnemcal treatmant should It be- ment all four yedra at Northeast- OomtecUcut'aad her AMOdate of- win.have 'Sav from their aon. Attorney numaaium at 6:80 and Oovemor llcers; Oolooel Alfred 8. La seen of at alght o6ms necessary. ern and held adveral class offices, Coal, Lumber, Tulaa, now with the U. 8. iludwin win ha the only ap^er. Watkins Rroa., Inc., announced , He la an effslgn in. the United West Haven, Department Com- nnnad forces in Auatraha. Ha la Thera wHl h4 a abort nmaieal pro- that they already have three em- States Naval Reserve and ^kpects mander of the Patriardis Militant, weU and rn w rta h a ^ gram. About 150 are expected )loyee»who have taken the courae, I.O.OJ'., and bU staff; Chartaa H. , Axat maU from town. to be called to duty Immediately <>««tor^»«g*l"^ calvad hU to attanA >ut more are wUUng to study if after / graduation. ^ During hU Gear of Eaaex, Grand Patriarch of -Mason’s Supplies, the class asaslons are to be held the Grind Encampment of Coo- Tha lesular monthly luncheon ] „ at NorUtieastem he has -2S^SS: Mary BuahneU Chanay AuxU- outside of working houre. cooperative work aa a labo- necUcut and hla aasocUte offlcara; CO n a t k r a , Imoitinr of the Retan Marchanta* The T. If. C. A. alao answered James C. WUUamson, Deputy supper in tha Mancheatw 0 » a ^ tary, United Spanlah War Veter- ratory aaslafant with the E. L. Paint aM Fuel Oil wm hold Ita meeting tomor- the communication with the state- Fetch 5»hapany, Stoneham, MaaSr Grend Master of Varmoiit; Percy the oiureh hsr of Oommerca will he held ment that the two physical dlrw 6-JO. The row evening at eight o’clock at the and hs research and development M. Wallace, Grand M a ^ of lM«k TiMdav IS noon nt tbo TJI.C-k. tors who hava been acting inJraa Wim Arthur D. UtUe, Inc., Cam- Maine; AMn HaOqalBt, *Orand Hm axT hla wm be the laat first aid capacity hav# been pdUed Master of Rhode Island; Focieat d aO na of tha bureau before sum- bridge. Maas. Hla father is In ]wfll follow, snd sll\m«nhere daughtats of Helen into the eervlce. and aa soon as charge of the automobile accea- C. M artar, Grand M aster .of New In thdi: panny ■ a t Paat cblaf the indoor aehedule gbee Into ef- 2 MAIN ST. 1 ' TEh. 5125 Davidson Lodgs------dgerNo. 98, Daugh- _ sory department at tbe Montgom- Jersey. fect In October, two more will be Tha AAboty Group of South tors of Scotia win meet thU eve- certified es first aldere. Tbe ery Ward store here. Many Important mattdra of leg lllathO duTv^.C S. wm m ^ In ning at tha home of Mra. Ssther laiatfod will be ctmaldered at Nlhe ______the air T. M. C. A. la alao designated aa Whs have not I fnonvna the church pattets Thuraday k I Walcott Madlaon atreet for aend la their reports In tha near seaaloii on Saturday. One — ----- of—^ the , I their monthly meeting. an emergency station, and trained itema of Wuaineaa wm bo tha elec- ^ ^ estda ssay gat th«d two o’ckx* for Its final meeting of pereonnel vrtll be on duty Were future, and more letters are being ^ to a stats'pdieo oOl- rtha 'iie ii^ AU money ahould be i sent out deny by local Red Croaa tion of offleen and the choice of I ®d- whenever an emergency ariaee. tuidty Houaa, turned in a t thla time. After th* Tha Brothorhood of Bmanuel Mrs. ' Kavanaugh’s Bakery on headquarters. Imeetlng place In 194A ^ ttmwm T and f &

|bave\----- ^invlM fECIAI-S A T wm preeent an entertaining pro- Tbe U. 8. Cleaners and Dyers gram. Roy Card, aaaistant scout are behind the action 100 per cent, )tee, of IBS Cantor Mr. and Mrs. wnUam O. Lag- axacuthre of Charter Oak Council end It la expected that several em- MbOms's Day ^th| gtot of 58 wm be the apeeker. A aodal time ployeea of thU eoneem will be on In Docobastsr, odvod a tabMigyam nom thalr acsi, with ref|«ahments wm follow the hand for the course.

Ocrporal S y d ^ lA gtett who la I brief bualneaa. eaaalon and pro- Other concema are expected to FO ST E R ’S! ^ m_ Auatn..ustralia. Ho says ho Is fMb®* gram. flnc.and wlahsB to hs femOmbsrsd to hie friends. RUMMAGE SALE FOR fINE FOODS Orde of tha Zm- Meinbere of Daughten of liber- ty N a 188. U L O. A„ are re- Given by JAMES’S ^ O O L HALL — TOMORROW NIGHT wm assst to- Mambem of the Army aad Navy DIAL 7386 “TJe ^ ~ hs boHM of chmrnixmmy a r e ^ n ^ quested to meet tonight at seven I Denghtefe ef Lfterty, L, L T., 84 OAKLAND STREET ck at the honm.. of Worthy Na 188 88 Gaidnsr tonight at Soda / FREE DELIVERY! tbop at oaven o ’cIocIl fM i^.^re ki^reee Mn. Mary Phelpa,_l8 I In Vaoaat Store Oa Mato StreeS Laurel street. ,F*om there they Next Ta Westetn Aato I they vrtU go to the homo of I Smith, to pay a Snal trib- wm proceed la a body to the THURSDAY AT S A. M. home of Mn. Hannah Smith, who ^ ute of respect to one who waa a 1 m e m b e r . waa a diarter member of the ilodge, Here Is The^iSesi Value PINEHIIRST ALICE COfRAN The F«"M#ni Oub'laatallatloo of (Rnom As Qweta ABea) ^ ^ wm take place tomorrow | yOenter Cburcn women's uuuu ^ ^ HEAT SUGGl SPIRITUAL MEDIUM ^ __ at 8:80 la tbe Elks home I will omit jts aFebng thU month. ■to Oaaghtar af a Sevaato Sea V We Off er^ to BockvOle. A dhmer wm bo aerv------MWttvsrWwL Bart With a VaU. ed a t smo a t Um Roekvlllo houoe ^ eoinmittee of the Brtt- ______OaBy, toetodtog Swa— ^ ■Nstirs meoedtog the e c re n ^ . ^ otar ReUef Society No. 808 • A. M. to t P. M. OrByAppotat- 1 L o r g e ^ l - u p Fowl ^m aa Oonraa and Mra Robert ^ ^ ^ specialspsdal xoet mooting Sun __ la the Scvvlea el the r Dower of tWa town a n pnsldoatr i - ...— (O rsB nrikr.) , C s B o i i i e . — day. May IT at jhna o’cldok at pto N r Se Yeara LYES’ LIV ER dlact aad vlee-praaldaht reo>ee- tha w m headquarters In the IN Ghareh Street, Hartfert, Oaaa. ^ tlvely. Past Prealdsat M ra James 1 Botkef Strdwberri^^ IS itf Lirtr. Britlah-American club on Mayis H. MeVsIgb is general chslyman street Imltortant busihaas wm bs MKf I iL saib Lhrcr. of tha oommittoa of arraaj|ementa transacted and all offloen, com SLICED DRIED BEEF am^reme Preeldent M ra' Charles mlttee, society memben and 1 Bunch Fancy Carrots • ^ lonnor of Lonm, Maas, and her u«gvqj ^ Vi P04to^ 24c. worken an wYnd 1® attend. All Ite vrtll be present to Install the B. W. A 8. kiUtUn are urged to ^^ W.'.I- ! ll/' ^ ^ ntum oompletid work aa soon as 1 Bunch C e l ^ ; IF . . .lb , SSc *100 In _ second consecutive year possible aa another riiipment wm go .out shortly.. ’a Men’s hnd Boys’ Shop U P FEATURING 1 Pound Rothes Pimento Loaf MPINEHURST the traditional class lanos ^ the memben, both male The Women’s League of the ifrrracB gn VEGETABLES ^ of the Junior elaao at Second Congregatlotwl church vrtll ijn.w a/T n| i Pound Pockoge ¥fhite Rose Teo meet tomorrow efUirnoon at two iim n ’Tnrn ity of Connecticut. The FREE GAME ' <4 BleasariBff SpooasAFree!) vear an at fine quality o’clock with Mn. Etol BuUer of SPRING SPINACH ...... with.... tha —Iverntyunlver 08 Phelps Road. Miss BAth Welker PLUS dinted ^ TOTAL VALUE 82,281 IStt G tM M . _____ pocket win be the speaker and a good ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ROMAINE LETTUCE turnout of the membtfiA la hopsd ^ REGULAR GAMES .COBiPLETE FOR ••••••••-«*• ^ Hie montbn meeting of the for. 15c head (K EM T (L iailt 1 tOE coBtoamr.) »l-w Board of HMdm waa held In the Bam ipcs or Rodtshes Four cases of mssslss to lac. 4 DOOR PRIZES Municipal bolUm this morning. 2 bandies 9e Routine burineea, waa conducted riieater a n nported thla Ureek to FURNITURB AND MUSIC ALL FOR 83.00 ORDERS the StaU Health DepartmeUt hul- ^ ^ Last DandcUoM of the Sca- Slid outstanding boto wars audited l76S M siaS t. TeLSigOl ^ I aad ordered pakL \ lletjn. \ ALLFOR25e f^n Pork Coops Ih. 35c \ GsMrins Soatheni r aad Chain Nr Bvaryaael ^ YAMS...... SIba.29e aty ef Paridag flwaeat Rib Umb Chpps > 1b. 35c ^ ^ ^ mawnDeara v^ooOpea d»EAt Tide• mr e M.

Jaley*norldh O ranfrt Fto^- ' ;S|am Slam .At iff# P. M. / Shoulder Ldmb Chops lb. 35c a^ 43c doMIL v, ^ \ Fredi Strawberrlca. W RIPE PINEAPPLES Lamb Stew . ^ lb. 15c ^

22cfodt Pure Pork Sousqge Meof, lb. 29c

[Two M s^rle Mills Radio ^

1 Advertised Iteaw Mach in Leon Ground Homburg lb. 29,c Come Out Tur/^Uhe I D o o i u d .

HY-TROUS a , LIQUID FERTILIZER Factory ahit Save - 3 Sites: ...... We wish to announce the opening today of Ifle 69e 95c

the gas station located at 575 Main* Street/ For Ladies and Misses f

100% PURE WOOL opposite the Library. We hove plenty of SHORT SLEEVE CARDIGANS • 1.48

Mobilgos^ and JSocony Products. Come in ^

^ Far Men Red Men' ^und let us fill up your cor. ^ ^



For Giris and Boys ^

do ug hertt w


OPEN FROM 7 jt) 7 aa-

^ ^

to an




Gorman Motor ^ e s ,

S M ilQ w