01 1. Pu Hiphei, Hon' ble SpeaKer ':1. the CLai~ 8(eight )T~;~ Minister and 14 fvIembers '.vere pr.es errt , " 1

QUESTTOi\I e. 2. Questions entered in seper-at.e :lei.st to be asked and answers given.

ANNOU:r-JCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ~. The Hob' ble Soeaker is ~o announce names of new Members for Pu b.li.e Acc ount s Committee.

4. (a) Pu Lalrinchhaila, to move :_

"Kum 1989-90 a kut hnethawll t ut en Sawhthing an ~~-3nchhuah ~tan?8 hr'aLh an d uh :;awug 7.a·:mgt~ chu 1 IW 1. zor am aawr-ka r-Ir RG. 'l. 5np per (kg khat a cheng t hum leh ppwisa saWlDl},ga) zelin ah leisak vek ni rawh se'i .

(b) Pu Andrew Lalherliana to move :_

"Aizawl leh District tc hi Distriot hrang hr'anga thendarh a, Aut onc.nous District District Council pek vek ni r-awh sev ,

S PEA KER The Lord is my strength and my song, 'Jnd he 1"...a3 become my salvation, tbic is my God~ end I will pratse him, my father's Cou and I will exalt hirr.. Exodus 15:2 We shall now take ~D Question No. 1('~, Dr R.. Lalth3n~11ana to ask• •••• 4;Z9'1- - 429 - DR R.LALTHANGLIANA Will 'the H~n'ble Minister in-charge Public Work~ Department be p Lea sed to state - Tlhe r-eason wry Lung Lei District has not received the Bllldo""er and J. r~.B. meant fr.>r their District.

PU LA L THANHA 1tVLA Pu Sp~2ker, One Bulldozer had been CHIEF MINISTER service fur a Lonz time in the District of LungLei., Another 3. ''::. B. and Bulldozer was issued to the Executive Engineer, Lung Lei, Division last year. The number plate of the Bulld?zer issued to the Executive Engineer was no.20~41.ThlS was 1:0 be t8ken from . The 3.rj.B. was issued on 20-9-1989 but a~:., the c:Jndi­ tion of the 3CB was not good , it 1.S under-aoLng repair.

DR R.LALTHANGLIANAPuSpeaker, it appears that the' P:ND 'has at its disposal 6(six) 3~Bs, 12 Bulldozers and 40(forty) Road Rollens. If it can be released soon, the project of the Buanpui> Lunglei Road and Thingsai raod wou Ld be quickly r-eaumed, As the Minister has scated , the 3eB is in constant need of r'?­ pedro We would be very grateful if a service engineer can be postedat Lunglei for the neces.sar-y repairs to be done. We also need other 3CBs and Bulldoze,rs for standleys. It also . appears that we will be needing road rathers too. We would be very grateful if one road rather ~an be despatched to Lunglei. Thank you.

PU IAL THANHAWLA Pu Speaker, I understand the con­ CHIEF MINISTER cern showed by the Hon'ble member. However,our resources one very limited. In future we will have to make over purchases on need bases. It also a npear-s that our r-ock and soil formationS have not been properiy analysed. When these 3CB?:; one in need of rt:tpai:ro, we have to s8!l'rchfor spare parts in <,Titferent 'plaees and the companies one o:rten not the same. The number of ~80812 Bulldozers cum Excavator and 3rjB ane as follows :- There are 6(six) Bulldozers out of which'3 is under Mechanical Division-I, Divisi-on -I, Saitual Division-I, and Division -I. At. present J(three) of these are deployed on t he Ko­ lasib- Road which has been given priority in anti­ cipation of Bairabi Railroad. Another one is deployed at the Khadicherra - Damcherra - Zamuang - Kawntithawveng - Lui­ lutkawn r-oad (KDZlcr). One' isa1so deployed at the Saitual ­ Phullenr'oad and another one at the Lunglei - H.lanpui road. One under the Mechanica,l Division is under repair, and so is the one deployed at theSaitual - Phullen road • ••••430/- - 430 - SPEAKER Question No 1°7, Pu Lalrawnlian2 is absent but the question will be asked by Pu Vanlalauva who has bee authorised.

PU K.VANLALAWA Will the Hon' ble Minister in-charge Agricultu:::e Department be Dleased to state .:..

(u ) 'I'ne arrourrt of gr::mt r e ce Lvod ., by each family whose main accuoat Lon is Agric i Lt;..re ?

(b) The rate of the grant (c) How many families have received ;j,}ch ,~rant ?

SPEAKER The Hon'ble Minister in-charge ·Pu S2ikapthianga has authorised Pu Liansaama i~ his absence.

PU L IANSUAl'JIA Pu Speaker, the answer to the MINISTER Agricultural grant fot e h 'Y .: 81" 1989-91 has n~t been furnished by ~:n,=? Depe r-tmerrt of Ag r-LcuLtu re ,

The Agriculture Department will carry out the sc~em€ ~hrough the Rural Development uepartment.

PU VANLALAr.NA Supplementary question please. why is it not possible for the Deuartment of Agriculture to furnish the amount ? It is also learnt that the ~rant given under NLUP in Vaphai vas only Rs , 500/- per family. This was given to ~O families. ,Is the Government awar-e of this fact? If so, what 8t~p have been taken against the same ? ~I

PU LIANSUAMA Pu S~caker, all questions to be MINISTER asked in the Assemblv are sent to the Departments concerned fIJI' ~urnishing the reqlJ.ired answers thereto. The rule is that the questions should be sp90ified by tne member. • ••• 4"'1/- - 431 - . The Department of Ag r-Lcu Ltur-e and the Minister in-charge are not aWare of the fact th8t 20 families in Vaphai have received only Rs .500/- each in the New Land Use Policy programme. '

PU VA NLA LNGENA Pu Spc~ake:"i t i sle8rnt th8t the DEPUTY S!?EA.KER aid for WR~ at Su&ngpuilawn was not rnce:' ved in full. Can the Cove r-nmerr': find out the re8Eon?

PU LIANSUAMA Pu Speaker, th~ Hon' ble Chie t MINISTER Minister'''1ad'C:llreE:dy answerE:d a 1fUe­ stJon semilar to this one.

SPEAKER Then let us take up question No. <108, Dr R.LalthanfSliana to ask ,

DR R. LALTH.A.NGLIANA .e ' Will the Hon' ble Minister in-charge Local Adm.i.n i.st r-at Lon Department be pleased to stBte -

~That step dothe Government j ntentl to take regarding the: const ruct Lon of three subj1Bazars . in Lunglei ?

FJ ZALA WfIJA . : Pu speaker,-it has "bee-on p Lanned MINIS'.l'ER to oons't r-uct; three subji B~'7,ars at Lunglei under the Revenue De- partment.' However, a. bi~e;er sanction of Rs. 5 lakhs had been obtained from I-DSMr f'or- a bifSger project. The prev~ OUR. scheme has ~her'efo-reb~en r-e p Leaced by the lett.~r and It WI'II soon be liDplemented.

DR R.LALTHANGLIANA : Pu Speaker,' I am geld' to know that sanction has been made for Rs.5 Lakhs , t It ffip.ans that we will be albe to stant work substantially. I hope that the project will soon be implemented. Thank you.

SPEAKER Question~N0.. 109 ~ Pu Aichhinga to ask•..

• •••432/- I !

- 432 - PUA ICHHINGA l,'1ilJ the Ho n ' b he Minister in­ charge Power- and Electricity Department be pleased to stAte -

(a) Is there ar.y .i nverrtt on on the par-e of the Government to c orrti.nue the Eairabi HyCl.el p r oject ? If yes, what ~teps have been taken ?

(b) How f'a r- has the Lnves t LgacLon for Tuivai, Chhim­ tuipui s Tu5:~i81 and Tui.c Lni Power Pr-otec t been made ?

(c) Has work been s t ated on t' ... 2 Se rlui' B' Power Pro ject ?

.3 PEA 1: ER We request the Hon' i:>~.e Chief Mini-­ ster. in -charge vf ti:e Dep a r-tmerrt to g"Lve the reply.

PU LAL THANHAwLA Pu Sppaker, I have already answere~ enIEF MINISTER ~uestion (a) Yesterday. (t) 92% ewe field work has been furnished on the Lrrve s t Lg at Lon of Tuivai P~oject. The team is satisfied with the result of the Lrrre s't Lg at Lo ns • The insvesti~ation of Chhim~uipui has not yet be-.n a t a r-t ed \ but Tuirial has been investigated, and esti.mated to g e ner-at e 70 megnawat t s of energy.

Tuirini investigations one also yet to be made.

(0) Construction wor-k on Serlui i B' Powe r P:::'oj~ct has not ~et b~~en started. Howevo ,... , the s t atc works have been"C8rrJpd out ~LO a great extent. The Pro,ject is to be I6pc.~soned by the North Eastern Council, there­ fore we cannot sta:ct the construot Lon works right away. Should any problems arise financially , it will he consjd8:::,ed whether or not we can abtain a loan from would bank. The ExecutJ"e Director of Asian Development Bank hos also agreed to help if we have a 'substantial project t,) -take up.

SPEAKER Pu Af.chhi.nga ,

PU AICHHINGA Pu Speaker, 8 eupp'Iemerrtar-y que- stion. Will the Hon'ble Chief Minister pl?ase clarify the re­ letion between ewc and the ~tate Gov2rnment on the matter of Lnve s'ti.g atLons c ar-r-Led oct 'f ..... 1133/- .- 433 - PU P. C. BAWITLUANGA Pu ,spea ker, another auppIemerrte rv question pLe a s e ; The Tuirial Pro,;ect iSj~stimated to generate 70 Megha­ watts Of ensrgy , It has been Lear-nt that sonie problems have been created by individJals claimLng ownershing of the Dam sitos. How is- it possible to put forth such olaims after the area has oe e n d s o Lar-cd to belongro the Forest De par-t> ment ?

SPEAKER Fu Tawnluia seems to have ar.oc her­ supplementary question.

PU TAWNWIA Pu 3~!:>~:ker, \Ilill t he Hon' bIe, Chier r'E~ister please clarify tIle .i.ocat l on fot the Dam site of 'I'ui vo L Project ? How energy interms of Meghawat-Ls will be g ener-ated from this pro ject ? As the area lies on the bor­ der of Jv1anipur what will be the drrangementsbetween the two state~of Manipur and Mi~ram ? An~ as these ,a pro1ects of NatLona'L importance, should not the Government o onsLder­ we expensive ways of pr-ocur-r-Lng the required areas of land ?

PU LAL TllANHAWJ..\ ;"'! Speaker,. no matter what Project CH IEF 'MINISTER is,taken up by the Government, our present system ibvery unaat Ls rac-. tory. Eve r-v time a cer-ta I n prv.;ect i3 taken up by the LToverment, certain LridLvi duaLs create problems in the hope of in1uiring compensations.

I believe this is case in ev,~ry Ministl'y_ Therefore, t:1'?' coat .Of C ompe-rsa'tLons one ve ry high and sometime 3' even higher'than the cost of t he project. This system has to go. ' At present system followed by the power- Department is to negotiate if the land genuinely :>e­ longs to any Lnd LvLdu a L, A.s sach. c Lr.Lms have bp.en made in the Serlui Project , The Govgrl1~ent Ls mak i ng enouI r-Les on the matter, and if the land c La.im is genuine , the De pa r-t « ment will negav iate for a bagain'~'The r;w'] is an expert in Hydel Projects. If they conaf.dervcer-t a tn ri vers t", have .,. Hydro potentials, they discuss 'the; matter-tlith the Deparrt e­ ment of Power and Electricity !nvestiga"tionsfollow and the ne.oes aar-y clearances obtar.ned.. Regardin~ the Tuivai P~oject, I cannot say the exact location complet a , and 'We' cannot say how long it will remain in the hands of the Cerrt r-aL Govern­ ment. However, If I am not mi8~aken, this project wi 11 " gener-ate about 4?.0 Megriawattsof energy , I do not know exaetly wrst terms and (')l1ditio7's one to be made with our- neighbouring s t at.es , In this o onnect Lon , the Dam s t t e' constructed by the Government of Assem and Manipur 0~ our

••• #>-134/------•__•...... -...... 1--01.-_ .__._.

- 434 - border is going to bloou certain areas of our state. The Br~maputra Board is considering »hat measures to t8ke in t 'thf.s matter. We are trying to rna ke some benefits out of this situation in c onsuLtat Lon with the Chief Enp,ineer, BRTF.

SPEAKER Whnt is qu i t e clear, we s ha Ll. take up Q. No.~1n, Dr R.Lalthangliana to aks ,

DR R.LA'L'j,'HANGLIANA Will the Hon' b Le Mimi.stel' in-charge be pleased to state -

What J.s tho. reason for- the recent LnconsLst ance in power' sup o Lv ?

PU LAL THAtrHAwLA Pu Speaker, th? reason for the ::;HillF MINISTER poor supply of Power is due to the line bresk down of gred Power from NEEP'-=:O and Assam. As a result there was great ahor-tage of Power. The total erie r-gy we did nut receive vee about 11IvJeghawatts. We hope the s t turtI on will normalise SOOD.

S PE A K ER Asupplemcntary from Dr R.Laltbang­ liana.

DR R. LALTlIANGAIANA Pu Speaker , it appear-s t h8t we get our supply of gred Power from NEEP~O and Assam. ~hat is the Annual expenditure for these two sources ?

PULAL THANHAW1A .PuSpeaker, I do not h a v e the exact. CHIEF MINISTER_ figures at present. The c ost vpe r­ unit is d iffeygt.'l:".'·Jatts t o meet our daily peak lOad require~ment. We have made more r-equLr-emarrts to NEEPCO and Assam t a meet the short fa 1.1 of 11 mez hawat t s , We are trying our b'?s~ to convience the North Ea s t e r n Reg::' anal Power Board (NERflB) in this ma't r e r- .....43S/- • 435 - PU P.~.BA.WITLUANGA Pu Speaker, a supplementary ques- tion. Sometime ago there was a line fal~in Chhingchhip because the line had been list by a bamboo. The,T.E. told the con­ cernedparty to pay ~~fine of Rs , 6'""0 and urrti I. the 'pavmerrt was made, he would cnt thef.r- power supply. And these s ome of the reason for power cuts?

?'.PEAKER Fu Aic:lhi'1ga m8Y a Lso ask h f.s qU2stion ,

PU AICHHINGA Pu Spcc~kpr, the Departmer.t of Po- wer and Electrii!!t" co-ratarrt Lv , face pr-ob.Lems regar-Q ing Power- line installations. In a g-rowing t O':!TI like AizBwl Pr-obl.ems a rise when houses waS constructed below the installation of l~. 5.gh tension lines. It takes up great expenditure and e- . ffort to remove and transfer the 1 Lne s el.~rewhere. It wo.iId be much lighter for the Department if some Rules are framed for these matter. I would like to aak -!fthere is a poss L« bility to frame s~ch rules ? .

PU LA L THANHA WLA : Pu Speaker, th~ hon'ole member CHIEF MINISTER f:::,~")'I1 Lung oh o-wasweng well t nrr.rmod , I ~ould qppreciate it if he can furnish us with mo~e infnrmations . so that we will know ""hat to do. Pu Aichhinga 's ques'-ians was mor-e of a pr-r-poaa L, it was agooa suggestion, yes it is ~ very dfffioulttask to alter t ne exfs t f ng pover- Lt.nes Lnst a Ll.ed in the oit y , We are tru}.y at a loss as to what steps'Ne Should take. I do not know how the Department handLe s such problems. I am als 0 fac-ingthis pr0blam right now t a high tension line()f .about six or' seven lines are installed ,just between my house 8nC' the h-use next to us. It is verv dan- g e r-oua and we,.have requested the De par-tmerrt t· shift the line e Lse where, however nothing has been d cne so far. It is also a. veng e~pensive job to shift the~e lines. However~ these prrblem will be solved whe, the Department installs the ca­ bles underground which is an on-god ng scnems at pr-e serrt ,

PU TA1-TNW .IA : Pu Spcake-r , thel)epal"tment of Po·' war and Electr':'city has Lnst a Tled lines thr-ugh,~ut the JU,l~ les in the rural areas. Cou Ld th'~se inflict pr-obl.ema if these areas are ~llottedfDr land use pclities?

SPEAKER lkwill reqUesL the HJP'ble Chief Mini.Jter t" 'reply ~ .....436/-

-- -~ ------1136 - PU LA L' T:'LANHA tvU P,.1 Sr?2ker, these plwer Ltnes "',re CHIF,F MINISTER similar t~ the telephone lines. It can be r-bstructed bv trees and over-eg r-owt n o f gl'Jss and bamboo , The G~"ernment has L)t2:X~')ctly c o n-:idcred e ha t steps to take in these mat t e r s • A lot d eperids on the· convLni ence o f the De par-tme.rrt s Lr; 'th e infr8str:h~tulo. of t he t r w0rk. H0 1rleVer, Lcng range p Laris h2ve t be mad e s: th8t t',ese Loric s I"'1s:r net cJ..~"1s'1. wi+h tl,e devel'oment in future.

S PEA 1\ ER 'I'hat would. b . E"lOllf?h fer today. J::.. davs ba o P 8 mrt Lc.n Was m-ved t,.. fill ...... ry the v rcancLe s ir ttl\~ PAC and Est Lmat.es ~omr'itt .... e. NcmjY)~tio"ls ~.,ere fi1.( '1 and as the c andLda't.e s vwe re lesser in numb, r t uan the vacanc Le s , the foLl.ow Lng members were' decL~reG. elected.

Pu":Jlic AccDunt s C'imm'; ttee - ~!" 1. Pu P.C.ZorarnSanglisna 2. Pu LaLr'ewnl.iana '). Pu H.Rammewi 4. Pu K.V anLa Lauva ,

Estimates__.. __Committse:--.-0...;,.;_

1. Pu P.~.Bawitlua~~a 2. Pu Lalhutha~~d 3. n- R,L:::l1thPtI1giiar..G 4. Pu J.:f.R.'thuama 5 • FU :{Lmawia There are the member wh~ will have their tenune along with the eXisting members. 'tIe shalln:Jw take up private member' 3 Re s oLut Lori ,

I shall read 'Jut ,='u Lalrinchhana If, . resC'l'.>t i em :- "This h_J·.1s'e is cf thf::";,iniJn that, the gi.nger har'lest of 19[-59-9" marketed :'\1 the cult i v::.t,., r-s be purchased by Gcvernment of Mi, .ir-am "t- the rate cf Rs < 7),5"p per Kg. in Aizawr~

The move r' o f th,? Re;;r")luti'-m mov move and each member' will be,- given ~O mtnut.e s fer the debat e ,

PI.,; LALRIW.£HANA Pu Spe"ker, ';"h''1''lk vou ff",1' all,'wing Me nove mv r-e s c Lut t.on in f'av our: )f the cuLt Lva t r's S') thr. t t hev may re(;eivetneir d u e pX')fit cut thEir j\~riculT'Jr'11 p rv-duot s , (Deputy Speaker t2l>;:2S -:h2 Ch:1i1'). I."J1' the Ls s t t,JO an t,lr:e~ y ear-a , Ginger cuLt.f.va t . r:.... have m3'--;rg(ft t o sell thcLr p1'0Q lets ... _ ~37/- _. 437 - with:)ut much difficulty. Knwwing teat it iaa g ,)od cash cr-op the cultivat or-s have increased their cu:.Ltiv8ti'~n I")f Ginger. The harvest this year has' been better th.J . the past years. f-kwever, GLnge r pr-oducer-s are still left without a market for their products. Many hAve tried to sell it at where the price is Rs , 'A),5 0 p per Kg. But the de,~ydraticn Plant atSairang is net capab.Le of pr')-. c ur-ri ng large arnourrts at a time. P ltheugh the price is not; very high, ginger p r-odi.ce r-s need .to s e.LL their products ':"n bulk £:0 it is Lmpor-t arrc thai the Government shou Ld pur­ c hase it at least at the price of Ps , 7j, 5'"'p per Kg.

When we ccnsider the pr-ob.lem '}f Ginger market in our- state, it does not appep.r'that the mar-ket outside Miz.Jram has gone d cv.n , It is mainly , ~":cause the Govern~ent of Mizoram has n0t taken ad~Quete steps t~ upgrade the mar-ke-t of Ginger ,,:~thi11. ou:..~ stef-e. The price is .-ghat the buyers fixed from Cahohar, The I·ierchants fr"m S~_l­ char- procure our- Ginger prvaucts accordLng t) their' rate. Tnat is why it is difficult to sell Gi:.rlger at a pr-ice higher than R~.2 .QO pel' Kg w5 th~_nour st8~\; e •.. If the Government can buy it at the price ·)f Rs , 3,50p per' Kg. her-e , the o o-cope r-at Lve De aar-tmerrt may find means or d Lspozs Lng it outside Mizoram, say in Calcutta wit·nout any loss. Thiswotllagreatly ~.ift the cur-d e n of the cultivations, as the Jhum corrtroI scheme are being introduced by the Gcwcrnmt,.nt. If the cultivat tons can be assur-ed of the fact l:hatthe G:)ve·rnr:.?nr will buv at ttle rate of Rs:4.o0 TJer Kg 9 th2 p'-::O~ cu LtLvat or-s will be very 5peedily up lifted frem v-'"erty.

It is theref~re degrading that one or two -manwan,' s s h cuLd c »rrt r-c1 the r8te)f Ginger in Mizoram7 'I'her-ef'or-e, i1 this AUF',1Jst House r-e scLves that the Go vc r-r.merrt shouls_p,l:r'chaseGinger at the rate :)f Rs , ":5,50p here, tne Gcvernment couLd pr-ovLde Leans to the cO-'Jperative 'Jr Mizcfed t·) disposetbese same':'lutside our state. It will bea ,fruitful step t cwards t~1P po Lic y .of ,Land Use in OLlI stAte. I therefore" request this August House to pass this resoluti~n. . Thank you.

...."'. DEPUTy SPEAKER Pu Lfanauama may speak• .,

PU LIANSUAMA ': Pu De ptrty Speaker, Ginger market has MINISTER been our- pr-vbLem '!·)rrnany ye-a rs even during the pr-ev.ieus rJIinistpies. Per-s onaLl.y , I have had amny t hought s about the Ginger Dehv­ dr-atLon Plant we hgve at Sairan';, • The G'lvernment o.f Mizoram has 'had this prohlem sitlcethe incepti:-"nof the Uni.cn Ter:-i­ tJry Government pr.i.'.:r' tc "1977. The Ginger P'larrt at 8ai-" rang"· is of 'two type:.>. Tne project was ~ponsorEd by th~ Central Food Technclogicsl Research Inst'itute (r.;f'TRI)

•••• 4~8/- - <138 - , Our main problem is in th.e dehydration section. It is because this dehydration process. does not work ·enough to supply the man mill, that mere SU9Ply of raw Ginger:>cannot be purchased in bulk. The two mill are 8JOut ~ Kms apar~ and if they are ama Lvamat cd in one place it would solve alot of labour. ' I feel that it is necessarv to discuss in this House the possibilities of purchasing more dehydration mills ~o as to meet the need of the locaipro­ duct s , At 'ther-at e we are going now , l..he f'u t ur-e is not Mysore, and ~_t is expected to he-Jetwo shi f't s of eio;ht hours work load and est Lrnat ed to t!... rn cut 12, 'Ir)r) quirrt e 1.::; pG:Y' season. H0i11ever; ONing to lack of sufficient power supply> work cannot be (;8 rriE:1. out as it sho 1 h~. The use of Di.e.re L oil is vp.ry expensive but the DeD!'1rtmr",nt tried its best knowing that it was tl"(= or Lv means of "irocur.cing our local products. First, the Gingpr is dehyd rated ellen it is grinded into fine power. Next i J;: is processed for the extraction of oil which is known as the olio-resin 0il. The capacity can be increased per year ac~ording to the supply of power, very bright for GLH;ser cultivators in Mi,zoram. As I have alr,;adysaid • it would te a big difference if we can assure the pUblic'taa~ th? Government will purchase thc:.ir prodt'cts I1t Rs.7),50p 01' Rs .4. OOp per Kg. Th2 Department of Industries i-: a Lso quite ignorj,nt about ~il':: olio-resin 'machinery. When the machine arrived for Lnst a L'La t Lon, it had to be installed in the open e ir becaLs2 nothing had been constructed to house the machine. After four y::ars in 1984 the macrrine waS pulled (Jut f'rom the wild overgrowth of g ras.s ar-ound it. It had rusted due to the exuosure to w:i no and rain. It is therefore, important to take,first i.oces s i t Le s first before in<'talling any ot r-e r-vmachLner-Le s in future. The Department of Agrjeul.ture has also ,roposcd cer-t af.n pl'eser"latio~ of crops. We mush the­ refore .ear in mind tha~ things half dorie will be of no nenetit even if t.he schemes are pr-og r-es s Lv e by nature. We need to have new lines of thinking our J~hese matters before pluying into them, that is all. Thank you.

PU AISHHINGA Pu De;r.1t7' Speaker, our res olut t ci. is indeed a vry good one. We are all aware of its import8Dce. It­ is the obli!'.ation of the' Government to find means of dis­ ~o'3sing thL:local products of each. Crops very yeo.r. The New La.nd Use Policy will take about fIve year-s to have ,ceal Lmpact on the economy of the rural pe aple • At present VIe a r-e in the .~ rans-seesonal period, Ginger cultivation is a good cash crop wbich.~ould be albe to save the rural peopJL: from their trans-seasonal difficulty. If such is 1-:1e situation, the GO'Jernmc_~lt is .. e .. 439/- -~------

PU DEPJTY SPEA KER Pu P. Siamliana may now t aks his time.

RJ P.SIAMLIANA Pu Deputy. Speaker, this resolution MINISTER is a resolution tltIat concer-ns us very much. Not that we are s;)ea- king ill cf others, these rri-::tters are mentioned only in ''.:ime of election csmocg ns and ne~10~­ ted later. \ve ~ften ask 'I!~'Y we cannot market our Ging"'r when the rates in CaIcu'tta and Delhi are RS.7/- per Kg.

It is tha same case with Chillies and other casn cr-ops , 'I'h e public have to be educated :n this matter. The publ.Lc sr.ouLd' 1?8rn thAt i-: is better to sell.their pnodac'ts -:'n bulk at a lrMerprL~2 than sell at a higher price 111 small amounts; T~1e pri'::f:: of Gin~er faces great fluctuaticm "in th,'~ big citips, w.e have to con­ sider many espect::: in evcr.~Y arig Le , That is all I h ave to say, Thank you.

PU TAWNWIA Pu Deputy Speaker, I beLf.cve that move of the Hon' ble members pre­ sent here would disag r-ee 'f'ith this resolution. The Ruling party had this as its election mani­ festo and so did thefillF. The Hon'ble Chief Minister alse mentioned this in his speech on the eve of 's 42nd Indenpendence Day last year. He said that the Government would purchase all the e8sh crops produced in Mizoram and pare way for the cu'ltIvater-s , Tbis wou],d be taken up by the marketing corporation. 'fhis resoLut Lon is only to confirm the "manifesto of the Ruling party, and we are" pre­ sent here to confirm it. We are obliged to carry out thj s resolution no matter Who si+:s in the I'u.Ling Part:V • ••••440/- ---;------._•.•• _~. .L.~ __.

.- 440 - The ~overnment pur-cha s e d Ginger at Rs , 3.90 per Kg for theSairang Ginger Plant. If it could purchase at Rs.2.50p per Kg at the doorsteps of the cultivators I am sure l:hey would be very happy .. -, The Go­ vernment will also k.iow hJW to d Lsp oae the Le f't e-over-s of last yenr's product s , vie nesd n-vt r?peat the fact t hat Ginger rate in ~'1izoraJ11 is c orrtroLLed bv a few Marnva r-Ls in SiJchqr. . The amin prv.b'Lem faced bv Ginger cuLtivat or-s is thest,.J~~8ge. 11: wc.u Lo -'-herefore he a grant blensing in the Gover-nmerrt o ou Ll purchare at their d oor-st e os even if t~1e rate is only Rs.2.5~ PE~ K~. That is 311. Thaak you.

DEPUTY SPEAKER Pu LrLhut i-ang a rna" no take his time.

PU I..ALHUTHANGA Pu Deputy Speaker, it is the ma- nzrest o ')f every party that cash crops bhould be sold at a good price and marketed by the Governm'::?Dt.. However, all good tLings are not easy tv aoo omp Lish , During the nr-e v i ous cungress Ministry, I waS Cha.irman o t the Gi'1fl'er JV1nrkcting society. We made great efforts as to how we could mar-zet our pr-oduot s and lIVe c orrt acr.r-d tLe :lealers Ln calcutta se­ veral times. In the course of our dealings. we wer-e tald tha~ moct of the Ginger trey pr-ocur-e d was from SOLth India and Sikkim. These were of very hig;1 qua.lity Ginger,' much J.onger 'taan the ones we p or-duc e ber(~ in MizorQm. T''1e market value c0111d tLerefore Dever 'Je the same. Thev also l.ald us that South Tnd i a and Sikkim s u o p.li.ed them e nouch, We had a great 10A8 of over 11s. 1'1,'0,01)(1/- in th,~ Y0ar 1'"')85 due to lack of marxet tnz , The sto r-ag e is our belSgerst pro­ blem. Half of the wight is reduced during d shor-t period of one or two months. ~n the year 1185, we purchased a huge amount which was left to not. We ha.ve to we:rk out thi.3 problem otherwise, we wild be r-o pca t Lng +,;1€ same rni stak> ye8r after year, I do undpl's'bnlCi the ur-ge f'r-on, the cuLt Lv a t or-s , but the frnakly speaking the cult i vators bring up this iS5U only when the price is low, I therefore would 1ik"· t () request the Hon'ble member mover of the motion to pl~ase withdr9w his resoluticm. Thank v cv: ,

PU NIRUPAM CHAKrtJA Pu Deput V S'[;,~aker, the r2S ()lutiC'n MINISTER. moved by Pu Lalrinchhana in such again bv the Gover-nmerrt for pur­ chas Lng the Ginger at the rate of Rs. 3.50 per Kg. at Aizaw]. I t~~ink ..Lt is 3 ~ ood re E J­ lution but purchase of Gi'l'1ger by the Government it s oems ..... 441/- - ~--~~------~-

- 441 - to admit that because rna:•.ket Lng should b> done by any mar­ keting agency on some other corporations. I sinserelv ad­ mit that Agriculture marketing is an i~p6rtant comoonent of co-operative movemerrt , But due t ,Jsertainconstrainants several difficulties we cannot wquip LnseLf to do our best and I would like to Lnf'orm the Rouse that as we have expe· ­ rience Ginfl,er mar-ket t nz in Mizoram unde...taken by Mizofed at a joint- bank servLce with NAFE0 and this .loirrt banks are get J. very serious set 'back, because of these MIZOFED is till auf'fer-Lng r-nd s t a Ll. ~j~lld not re~over0d itself.

There rna} bp. sever8l at the rp8­ sorrs 'but among those reasons the mos t Lrnpor-tance are the failure, what I mean is the failure of the Ginger rates is that firstly Mizoram Ginger is normally grnded as secret and prices 0' :tside Mizor<=,m is :.:.."t e ncoo r-ag ing • s~c(' ndlv , tne MIZOFED is not e qt.Lped with grading an-t for'lstirw: a rr-a­ g emerrt because it is a still i~~ a 000r s t a t e , Then there lS lack of managerial expe r-Le nce at the r-e si'l t of wh i.oh large quantity of Girlger wasdamge • Fourthly, be Lrrt T'leui­ s hable items Ginger mere trans pcfrted by train to r.;alcutta for terminal market serve at heavv shrikage and damage.

So these are '~he most important factor why the joint banks by MIZCiFED and NA.FED was the f af.Lur-e , And, due t,', this NA'li'ED or TRT1?ED they are ne-t ca­ r-ctuI these days to undertake Ginge~·market.ing par-t Lcul.ar-Lv f:2orn Mizorarn ,state. N 0""'1, we s houLd n-vt discharge f'rom embanking a fresh market Lnr; activities, but t o t8ke ini~ia­ tives how tc ovsr-ocme the.3f-': d i f f t cuLtLes ,

N'1w, the ')J-Jperat i"n Depar-tmorrt has 8St Lmat ed Ginf,er pr-oductLon, I m"'8n the h?l'vest of this year is apprc'ximately30 t.houaand quinto Ls th-;tis 8 t.housaad met ::.... ic tones. 'f'his is. ~ v8rybif.S h~:n v ::~t infact and mar-keclng agencivs ahouLd be very c ar-e fu L J_f they ~':8nt tu take any sort of mar-ketLr-g with in col1eberat Lon on en­ joyment Self'v1.ce either- NAFE:C 0r TRIFED or arry vrtner- marketing agencies. However the o o-eoper-at Lon Depart­ ment has written to Naticnal c o-ioper-atLve Department,Na- cLona L Agriculture and CO-Qperatilte mg:""'ketin.!? Federatinn which we called NA.:s'ED or TRIFED. Trit.sL c"-()perE.tive mar­ keting deve Lcpmerrt vrede r-at Lcn li~1i-~ed its headouar-i.e r' at Delhi, and they had branch in Gauhati a Ls o to exnLor-e the feasibility of marketing of GinfScr. -G2ullati branoh tray response Centre that means TRIFED has responded us. And they have written into see th8twe can make a Ileal with rvIIZOFED. Acc cvdi ng to their request as here it is written, as here it is applied I mp3n, replied to the managing Irlr-ector- TRIFED, Jew Delhi in wnichwe had given terms and c ondt t Lona so as to make a deal. N0W a~ong this terms and conditions it ie written that purchase c an be made through C0-0l!erative societies in the areas where there are marketable surplus of Ginger • ••• -442/-


------442 - Secrndly, to purchase right fr~m Village and bring them by the MIZOFEDln Tr8nsp0rt to Aizawl. MIZOflliD would like 'to hire ti1e Cerrt r a I warehouse Gxi"'wn a't Aizawl. Hiring change wilY be born ~y MIZ0FED.

If TRIFED ~alle~t Ginger fr0m Aizawl, the d e Liver-y can be made frC'}n r;t,ntr8l war-e house Godwon and the onward 't r-anspor-ta'ti r.n will be r-e a nonsLbi Iltv of TBIFED. In ca..e how much THIFED Lns i s t s fJr our delivery at S1lchar MIZ,'.L·ED can ar-ra nge tr3nSTy,,·t­ ation by hiring "trucks which rra l.n Lv go emrrt v to Silchp,r on cy their 0wn tn~ck. Nov" these ar-e the c c nd t t Lr ns mad e oy MIZOFED 80 as to make c_eal v::': ':h 'lRIFFD and the 1"8',;e we have given to them is -'::hat, if they want they C[·.l lift Gin­ gp-r at Aizawl, it can be Rs , 7)50/- t~le lowest PI' i.ce , If they .iasi s t us to deliver Gjnger ~t ~ilcnar it sh.ouId be Rs.28n/­ But if this deal is finalised on if they ":lgree wLrh terms and conditions also the MIZOFED will not be able to buv at rate of Rs.350/- what the resoluti0n written here.

N 0 w, the price Maximum will be fixed by MIZOFED if the cl?al is afjreed between the two par­ c12s. Otherwlse, no positive act that can't be taken which is mainly depend on the TRIFED with which they 0re m8King the deal, and also NAFED'I they have not given any reD:~ied here.

1': (j"', under t his circumstances Mr Deputy Speaker, I don't think t.hat this resolution 'A':,ll make any gap whether ~'!e pass on it i~ passed in the House unless and untill "v.'e as cur-e that Glngel' can be mar-ke t ed in suitable ter:ns and oondi t Lo ns ani MIZOFED C8n c ont r-i b.rte notbing. So my personal opinion is t hat Wf~ s hcu Ld be with­ d r-avn and let the Gover-nmorrt 't a ke initL t.Lve br-caus e 1:-Je had been t8kin,& and we 2,l'e very much awar-e ·Cl18.t t he prv-duct i on of our state will go to 0:,.,;,ts11.e S0 f'arrne re can q:qin nF3ru;ne­ th~ rated prices and a::";jo to help them f not onLv grower but the Government and any other agencies. Thank you.

I PU R.ROlVJA\I/IA Pu Deputy Spesl{«,r, it appear-s .t hat we have {1reat :fC'lith in QUI' Minis­ try as t&l.S is onlv a privste re­ sclution.. We cannot Lherefr,re say it is a nrr-t v orient.-a. resolutio•• Last Augu.st, t.r,e New Ministry a­ nuounced its intention to purchase +he Ginger hn r ves t ed bv local cult~vators. The public th::ref·-1"e expect;s the I"linistry to s t ad on its prv-m.l s e , N·] mernbe r' should give eXCUSE~ r-eg ardi.ng t.he r-at e and prices of Ginger. It""c~d one of the Ca~ty's manifes~c. Nn"t only Ginger, it alE' LncLud e e other c aah crops harv -::sted .m M~tz0rart. We exoecc them tc fulfill their V'~;1ilS and t hat j s \"11Y we are d I s ouss i ns; 4A~./_ this d8Y. ". .. • 'J- , ------

443 - Accordin~ t·~ the H~ntble Minister in-nharge Co-r:peratim Denar-tmerrt , the Ginger r8te at Sil­ char is Rs. 380(- per quint31. If that is so, the Miznfed c ou Ld hire 't r-uck.s from Trans p cr-t De par-trnerrt for Rs , 7'10(­ ans s't f LL make a pr- fit ('f Rs ; 200rJ/- per "truck Lr-ad , This d;)2S net .appear-, t D 'lie a difficult·· tc.lsk.

PUD~ruty Speaker, I am ab(~ut t~ finish speaking. Our main nc Lrrt is that the Mir.ic ;:ry Sh')'ll"'. s t and on the pr-omi.ses it has made re~arding rGilfgi?r marketing. ~I'his is the-mly "'ay t~ lighter the bur-den ')fthe people. It is a service to the natLcn , I do nct think much caoital is needed in this prcject. t: meagre sum of Rs.5'1,'100,00/­ will suffice. That Is all. thank you. Recess t iII ? ~ OOP. r,'T.

••••444/- t144 - .~:oo P.M.

DEPuTY SPEAKER Pu Anarew Lalherliana may take his time.

PU AJ:..:DREW L,P.LHERLI'\NA: Pu Beput} Speaker, thank you for giving me t~is apportunityco ppeaY, The Hnn'ble Member mover c.f th,= rc:'301ucion appears to feel for the welfare of the rural :reeplee This is a great trL.ng~ IIowever, .."hat comes into my mind is why other cash crops have not been Ln c l ud ed here ?

In our Budaet this ye'ox, there :ES ample allocation of fund for tb.:: rLral p e opi e , xuch as Land Use Policy. distribution of SeC.r wheets etc. If I am not. 003 taken, t:1e Govern­ rr.ent; h'2S plans to Get up new marketing Co-onerations soon .. Therefore the governmalt appears ~o be pre~aring the nece­ s s ary infrastructure for such marketing Co-operatives. Ear exarnp Le , if we look at the S":.ate of Maharash'tra tn,_::. state pur'cbase.s most of the crops cuLt.Lvat.ed by the rural people. rrhe:i look for "·!ays and means to di.spose the local p rocuot.s 0

However, it i2 not easy to bU7 ¥p these Loca L r.z-oduot.s u n.r e s s t.r.a re is a proper set up of infrast.ructure. Tr.Lbal Development Corporations an~ set up with revolvin0 funds which are the Capitals used to p rocure rural p roduot.s ,

Sll.ch infrastructure is still Lae­ king in our government C'..'Jd t.rus is whe:e we are stuck. The governmen t is having plans and projects to build up these i r lp o r t a nt frame-works and we have to bear patiently for S'lCr-J devclopmen t to corne , We will have to h ave relolving funds therefore what we expect now is like'putti~g the carttbefore the horse'. Let us bear paulent.Ly for the set up of t[1(; infrastructure and the rest will come up automatically, tI at is all. Pu DepuW Speaker thank you.

FU DBPUTY SPEAKER . we whalJ now ·:::all upon Pu P.C. Bawit.Luan qa to speak.

PU P.C.BAWITLUANGA Pu Deputy Speaker, most the Hon'ble MembE..:.;:'s who hcr~;'e spoken on this resolution opined th:-.'t it is a good relulution but no t yet prac­ ticalble.

I believe that this is a rether formidable problem. The Han 'ble member' PU Lalhuthal:.gCi had already in±oLmaed the hry~8e about the marketing probtms faced outside Mizoram. We b ave also he3.rd abuut the rrreat amount we have lost in the gingP.r bnsiness. ~ .... (1.r45/- - '145 - Inspite Qf this, ginger CUlti­ vat~on is still going on in many parts of the rural areas ,

The election manifesto and the speech of the Hon'bRe Chief Minister was mentioned by the member. W.e have also hear-d from t.he Hon'bleMinister, Industries that the gove:mment is purchest no the cash c r ops of funds and the ,I ilnited e ap~ci ty of the De hydration Pialit &t Sairang. It is therefore 3 great risk to purchase ?enishable gocds ~;h::,c::1 cO-..lld zr.L nLlS. It is therefore, very important to re-conSicier :::1.is resolution and if nece­ ssary, the Hon'ble member m~ywithdraw it. That would ~e th'~ best thing to do.

Th2nk yor.,


PU ~.C.:Z;ORAMSANGLIAN.\ : Pu Deputy Speaker, the Hon'ble member mover of the resolution appears toha7e the welfare of thE. ru.ral people in his mind. En view of the rural peaple I feel th.:=>t: thisis a very appxop.rI a te n~solution.

However, in consider~ng any bl.,:;,siness of p ubl Lc imiJort.anc.'e, the gover.nment has to be extreme.y cautions. TLe MIZOFED har' been the ginge~ agent of the go\. e rnment fc: tv-lO c onsecutive times.

Therefore. accordi ng to the mover of the Resolution, the goverument should pur:chase at the ra+.:e of RS,3.50p. This would be a gr:-c>lt d Ls ast.er-, 'lhe annual p r'oduot.i on of ~~inger in M1.zoran', is about; 8u"OO, auintals. The fi ndLJcia~ involvernent therefore wouLd b~ "- quite high. . It is t;heref0re clear tr.:ltthe amount of loss incurred in. purchasingeO,l'OGO qnintels of ginger at ~.3.5Cpwould he tremendere~,. 1 The loss between gj,za~vl and silch~r alone would be Rs.20,OO,40.

Can our State afford such loss? We talk about over-Drafts and m-,:.d-slinging t.he government and its policies. Wi th the ginger market l:ising, it is not month the,e€fe.o.:'t of CUl':tivat.ic:-~. It is there­ fore my op-Lni.on that the Hon'hle mover member may k i r d Ly withdrdw his resolution. 'ii-.ank ycu. 0 ....146/-

-~------~---_._-- ______------,-,,-,LL-,~--

146 - PU x, Vk.\JLALAUVA Pu Deputy SpeakeL, thank you for giving me this time. The debate had been slightly stay­ ing off the ~oint I think.

Ginger can survice for about three years unJ.ergrcnnd. On the secon~ year it multiplies arid this grov'!th continue::: till -I--11e thind year. We know t'hic b8cause we h2ve s~en it ourseJves.

Ho\'S fer. it is not in the CJl­ tivati(J;J s mind to leave it urr-barves t.ed for thrpe . yrsars. CuI tivators are eage-c to c1sh in their harves t as sooon as possihJe. The' grec..test mistake we :lave r-ade is t 1la".:: every ~ol i tician encourages ·the c u Ltrivet.Lon giving them f<~lse hopes._Not,·:. si'1<;le poL.. LiC::"':'an has given them the bitter truth that the yuveI'nment rrd qht; n r :: be al::>le t.c purchase their ginger harvests.

I am therefore uf the opinion that this Resolution has been moved in a c.esperate marmer-e 1'he GOven'.lIlent is the only hope of the ~ublic. They look up to it as the.i.. r parerrt.,

If me are yoinl!+ to m<:ntion only :1 i:he handships and p r obLems of the ginger market, I :~~i ty the plight of the ouI tivaters 0 How are we £,oin9 to tell tnem about this? h'1Y haven't we told them tv cultivate less ginger if the Dehydrc,U.on Plant cannot absorb such amm.:.nts? :r.t is alreaJ.y kr.own r.o us 1.dat t:he Plant has very limitAd capacities 0 We have not oe en brave enough to face these facts • «> The reason why ginger faces such a crisis i'~ dl1e~c its vulnerability. Unlike other o as h crops such as sesame et.c, g-Lnger is d err.aqed ve--:y easily on s cor-aqa , 'rhe cuLt.Lvacors wre facinc s esrene b I ows both tinaI'-::iaJ i.y 'and mentc.lly, The 'hurt is very deep. Their only hope is the government and not some wealthy sontract..or to lift them up f Lorn this sorry si Llla+-'ion. That, Pu SpeakEU' is our present positi..on. Thank you ..

:!?U ZORAM'I'HAN GA . Pu Deputy ,s~eaker, I am qlad to have thi S ol-Jport.unity t.oday ,

This Resolutiun has been sidcussed rather thox'oughly in th~s House xegarding all the pmos dID. cons of th,e Lss ue , Ginger is a very expensive crop in that it devas,tates the s odl ,

If stored f or o nq pe~iodsUJP ~rop is prove to decay and drastic weight loss.

Had ~he government warned the cu~tivators of all these hazards it is p03sible that the punlic would ~ave,list~ned.

RegardinG the rate vf ginger the government had already fixed it at. Rs.3.50p per KC" .. The Hon1ble Chief Minister h e.d

I really ap~reciate b~e steps ttat have been taken to .....:p-gradp. otherrat:es of cash crops Ln iIi z oram , We ar8 de,""ply thankful. fot:' this.

we x .;ly strongly on the Ele'~tion Manifesto which the Hon'ble Chlef Minister stated on t ....":: eve cf Independence d ay , (D8Puty Speaker:_ You may have a glass of water, you seem to need it) The member mover of the Resolution reques tea purchase only in Aizawl =tnd not in oche r-t.own s of MizoraTlo Th::'o:.: ',Tould not be h anr; for the governmen t to d 0 ;:~ 0 • :r:f we c ou.Ld make a p r-ovLs Lon of at least Rs ..50,OO,OOO it would suffice ai'1U the rest would go as revolving funds, of course, this is only my personal opinion. I am sure t~ governrnen t must have tak en care of the rates and mode vf disposal at­ Ctllctltte and e Ls 0 t:-:p s to rage p r.ob.l.em for stockage. Ou.r ',1nly proLlE:1l1 is to j rn,... lement the a l ready existi ng policy of the -::rovernment. Thank you.

PU Z AL A~'l]Vi'.A : Pu Deputy Sy-, ec.ker, this g i nge:;,.- MINISTE·R problem cou Ld be polit.LcLse-" and "Ised we a :::_JOlit":"c al p r oparanda ,

It is not a new problem to us .. We have had this goiny 0n since Mizoram was a Union Te­ rri1:ory.

The guvernn..,;nt h ad us ed the MIZO:rFID :.sthe ma r ketd nc agent and tried to :tind ways am means of marketi ng p:r.oducts ..

v.7hat we have to consider is whether On not ginger cultivation is mont~ as a liveli­ hood in Mizor'am. As we know, ginger c u L tivation j takes up a grat amount of soil fertility. On:~E: ginger has been cultivated, the soil is not good for any ocher crops the next year. It has to tie fallow for some years to regain ~ertilitv. Therefore th~ governn,ent :tried to find other means of stable livelihood otter than ginger cuL tivation. In thi S JTt:"SI:elt ·the introdue-Lion of pet·.T Land Use Policy WaS rnaCle. - . 1 J.. " ••~ ...... 448/------_._.._--~ ...~ --

- 4,18 - It als 0 appears that fermers do not thi nk tha t ginger cultivation vlculd be the best means of lovelihood o They have not opteJ for it. The rate of gir.ger also f Luotrvaces to a great extent in the whoLe of India.

EvE:':"l t nose who a :,.-e now s i tti n ] in the Opposition w::'ll next day be i.n t1le Rulin~: p~.:cty.. It wouJd be wrong to rnake a nrescr:dent. of a;)ything s uch as thi:=; • FovJever, the 90vernment is go.ing it:; best co procure local products arC "Jill c ontdnuo to do so. It would t'hererQre be very 'oJood if the Hon 'ble "'Iembe.c mover of the ::::;,solut.-lon satisfJ..es in the ]:".ursuance of t~he governmen t's ginger prccurement. Thank you '!?u Deputy !3peaker.

DEPUTY SPEAKER Pu H. Rammav,i wi 11 speak bei ore the Minis ter i/c winds up tre de­ bate.

Pu Deputy 3peak2~~ we all unders­ t3.nd the P"inciple of ·the rescr

lution tod;:..:l 0

If:' vdew of our prosent day sitlla­ tion, it mc..y not be casy tc implement the resolution right away. However~ from the discussions we have had so far, t.he r o is a tende~,·;.f to G.8pict gi:1ger as a total failuTe, a crop not month "~ultivating. It is also dLpLct.ed as a n agent f o ; ciarnaging the fert.~_lity of soil.

In my opinioD r c~sh cr~s in~ clude not only ginger but other varieties suer. as 2hillies, cotton, cabbage etc. TnCLe is alsc 2 tendency to think that money spent on ginger market:.i.ng isa s o r t; of wastage the government. It Nould be good to consider t:lG amount- of money t--ha~ the governmE:.nt has spen t on wet r:i.ce c u Ltication ( \'iRS) in Ule Depart-me::.-+.:, of Agriculture TheI...: iE' a ~1arketing Divisio'1.

in the :MIZOFF'.D whi c~! some or us mf1::" not be . 'auare of 0

::'h,. H0D b::'.e rneRlber from S:-:titual aLs o Lamen ced not h avi n': a corporation. ,\1e have :::.1 2xis­ !--in~' seper.':lte He-:fl for this, "-herr"fore it \"Tjl1 net h2.1T:J8J.' .'::', ' -: -t- .. ,

449 - All the money spent'on purchasing Bulldozers during the M. N.:t' Ministry Was also .reflected in . the Budget, so i·TEIS the expenditure on the New, Land Use Po­ Iicy,

It is 'iL the hands of the Govern­ ment to divert funds whe-:-e too lieed arises.

Therefo~e ~ do not think th8re is any tear of disrupting the f udget. ~t is also good to point out cur ollt.c'tanding debts f o r future vigiihance.

Gn the ,,,hole, there i:, t.oc much s pec oLa'tion aDQ1t tlrjs girger b ua l nes s .. Some say the price fluctuates teo much others s2.yth<.,t the go,erJ.i:-Llent is 170 blame. What we s houLd lcnow is that in business cve~y~hing is at ris~~ Tn India there is no c omrnod i t.y t.ha t; does not face fluctuation, inclu

Yes, we are aware of the .1 C'.JS o n ::h.e p az't, of ".he gOVt~rrl.lt..-nt., Eut if this is -he only means by w-hich ::ll.Iral peop ·;.e can c ash in their crops, Le t the Loss b~ los s , It is in c ornpLet.e keepif.\g. vii th the E12('tion Man.Lfes b. wteth3 I' it be of. r.be Pulino Paty on nut",

Is it n o c t'le obigat:i.ofl of U""'B qovo.i nmei. t to establish ,1 [,1erket f or the disnosal of agri­ cultural products rl; Why have "le established.the Co-opera­ tive Bociety '? Is i"C r:ot to check t.he high rising p.rLc ea

It is all in keeping wi t.h -che New Lend USe Policy of t,he goverri,:,.,ent.

A pE:~:scn does not gain any pro­ fit "hen he purchases ·3. Bus. ~n fact at that moment he Ls in great loss. The prufi t will carne gradually as it plys in service why can l t; we understan(_ t.hfs 7 God bas glven us this small land for ~s to cultivate and reap the h3.rvest. We should he ready to suffer in order to gain profets.

'rheret:ore, in order to e~lcJurage rural cult':'vators J feel chat WE;; should p ass this Resolution. I am SU1.8 thai: your august pprson 7_3 a Ls o mu~h cc.nvf.noec, . , in this rna·tter 0 .. - 450 - PU R.TLANGHIVIII'JG'i'HANGA: Pu Deputy S;Je8ker, Gini2;er marketing p r-o b.l e ,u had be en a mdj "":,r issue du­ ring the MNF Ministry in 1917/38. I was also assigned to find out same meriat to he Ln solve the crisis. Orie c on.panv ()ffered te nur-chas e at'ur door' step fer Rs.2 .50 pervKg, Howeve r , WP. .nanaged t . sell at Rs.4.S0 per Kg. without qnv further pr~blems.

L, this "tiJY'~ of crisis I feel that it Ls I-'il;,h time f 02.' t.hc GO\'er~m:'nt +0 ste p in ,3 nd evaLuat e +he price cf Ginse~ c.) soon pos.s LbLe ,

If this r-e s oIut i on is d r-opped today, th~re wi:il be a gener-a L fee Ling of f ru str-at i on arne 19 cul- 't Lvat cr-s of all cash Cl')PS =_n Mizoram.

Our Lar.d usc p r Li.cv an'"': s Log an that Iv:izoram rJlarches tcwards prosper':'-:y and self sufficiency

would have no meaning. All s e c rLond of cuLtLvat c r-s wou Jd se~ no poi rrt til La bcur-Lng if their c i-c p s have Ag rLc llture .::. t seLt wouLd be total f'a I Lu r'e ,

The previus Min~strv's debt fnr sale of Ginger W8S a Lso checned du r ing the MNF !'Hnistrv. Wha-J:I wish to emphas J.zs. t.oda y is that if we d: D'It pass tn,i.s resolution todaYt our ouLt t vat o.:s pr-oduce ml~rl'? than 'c- thdr family's this Lmpor t a r-t r-e sr- Lu't Lon u na n Lrn-us Lv , Thank vou.

VA~IV:2:NGA PU Pu Deputy Sneaker, 'J u r, r'li.Scussj,m h8S been s r-mewha t Len-,thy. One + h Lna is c Lear' t we had a Lr-eadv pro­ m~,secl the )G.blict:h':1t the Gcwernment w,;...ld purc no s e all c a s h c rvpa pr-ouuced in MizoraL.

8 Gingc:l' liJi:::ll'kct; h~J;;; VC;Cy, a prcml.nerrt issue f or- a Iong time, 'i he G,'vl':?rnlJlent has a Ls c Lr-1Ad to trlDr­ ke'~ G:i.n;,;er .~t. tlie ll'iehcsL r-at e pJs,S2.ble.

However. err,~ '\Teu h ave made is th e fixaticn of the price. NegatiatiJns with NAFED .is 81s0 R;oin~!, on and we are mdkine neadway gradually,

Marketing policy of casb cr~ps in I'Iizoram is be ing proces aed at present 3:nd :'1' yC'i.l 1'1a ve fixed +:he r-ete s for Ginger it will poae pr-rble ms in th:o n8fS8tia­ t.Lons , The Gcvernment s.nd this H:mse is w,t in 8. p,-siti'n to accept tfu'is fixed rate o f Ging>~r.

This res

This G.w rnment ha s is i.ven seLfLes S .J.. aids t)· the rural P2 1)1)l e . Distribution '''f Gr:::l s be e't swer-e tectallv wi.t hou-t any payment. 1,'/2 gre2tly appr-e o Lat.e this gener)usity)f the G;)vernment. In such c t.r-cnms tances wh v can I t this s ame G,,,,vernment purchase purchase 't h.: Ginc/(~r pr ...duct s n1' the rural pe cpLe ?' It sb ou Ld be 3. tr1icy -.1' ~ t» , TlJ...'~") I -' s s n -._- r-~cr '_.' 1·, n ' • '

.0( Reg~:'lrding th? r8te o.f Ginger mo r-ket , we shcu-Id know th:1t prices carmot remain the S8m2. Fl'ic­ tuation is increasing' and what we fix 't od av wou Ld be VETV the nest year. I' If the Governtnent'cannot our-chase the Ginger produced in Mizorarn. If such is the c~se, it is useless to h3ve th~ Dehydration Plent etSairang if there are no rt3w materials to be fed. .'

Our nei g hbour'Lng stat e Megna Laya is for a head of us in this business. They have m8rketing systems very well planned. For Example, they produce a lot of brooms which is sold for only Rs.)/- per one broom­ stick in their state. Howev::r, they s,':?ll it at every good price in states like Mah8r8strawhere such types of broom are not produced. ' Therefor-e, weare to r-e a TLv mean business, we have to work out our problems a nd t8ke "? bold s t e p , .....452/- •

- 452 - DEPUTY SPEi-I KEn. We have had 3 len~thv debate in this matter. We shall now renu~st the Honfble Chief Minister and House Leade r to wl nd UD the de bate ..

PU UL THANHAi'lLA Pu Deputy Speaker, the:, r?solution CHIEF MINISTER . moved by the Hon'ble member froID Ratu is '3. very good one. It ha s also been thouraou~hlv discussed by most of the members. It is also party correct to say that the Government is not yet needy to market Gin,g;er produced in Mizoram. I also agree with the Hnn'ble member who opined that Ginrser cultivation is dam<:t,g;ing the frrtilitv o£ the Emil. That is why I find thi$ resolution v0rv per- t LcuLar , .

One thing we have know is that there is a tendency to think that the dovernment can use any amount of money at any ti~e for any purpose. 'This nation is. pre- va Lerrt even among G)vernment employees 3nJ this" is verv re- g r-et f'u L, \ve have to do away with this way o f thinking • • Our condition till today is very denenJent cn other states. If any pr-vbl ern arises in the sr pp Iy aDJ. 'I'r-ans por-t via Silchar, we can be s t r-anIed t, face f'arc i.ne , That is also the case with our budget we 8rf? s t I lL dependent on the Centre. , Inspite of this we ar> aware of the constant accusations made by other political oerties 311e­ g irig that this Ministry is mts -eppr-opr-tat.Lng f'u nds etc. It is therefcre important that we are careful in s oe nd.inz monev ,

Frrm all the speeches nf th~ Hon'ble members, it reflects great compassion and care for rlrgl cultivat~rs in our land. While this is highly aporeciated, we have to be aware of our own capacities.

The Department is at ptesent pur­ chasing Ginger at t he pr-o posed rate of Rs , ~.!)f) oe r Kg. However, the assesment of the co-operative Departm~Dt ~f a boirt 80,000 quintals to be harvested this year will not be fUlly produced by the Department.

The Gcve r-nmerrt has s hown g re8t crn­ eern f)r Ginger g r-ows and has done all things p r-ss Lb'le fT theirbenefit , The Department:>f Industries has ":' Is ' .... 0453/- - ,153 - summoned ',)fficials t) ccnsi.d e rupgrading the rate of Ginger f'rom Es , 300/- per. qu Lrrt a L t o- Rs • 351'..:. per qul rrt a L,

Meeting were held to discuss the matter, Pr-ccur-ernerrt has been made t hr-ough MIZOFED an i vt her-. cor-p vr-at Lcns under the: De pa rtmentJf Industries. Miz vf'ed rs a I.so pr-ocu r-Lngro'ther' ca sh er-e ns such as seS8 mum iand mus­ tanj. Pr~pcsals have also been made t o pr">cure c")tt~n and - br-ooms in the near future.

At present n[':,p:,~tiati')ns ar''?D;")ing )n with NAFED and TRIFED t'find me3ns~f absankLna all these cash crups with Jut causing Any or-ob.Le ms t'1 the cul­ tivator-s , The G vernment is intend i.ns; t(, fix the price of Ginger at a rate net less than Rs.7,.5'1D per Kg. net withstanding any Loss on the prlrt">r the Gnvernrnent. It does n vt mEa.ke any difference as to 'It/hat eF10h members ''1i­ nes , The principle is the same the H--,n't>le Ministers has laready stated the steps alfeady taken in this matter and I do m..)t think there is any reasen why Ginger cuLt tvator-s s houLd be downhear-ted ;

The G,)v(::?rnment has ~'Dt:? t such extent as t'J say that they would purchasee~l their Draducts even if it has 'to be thrown away at Tl,nvng River.


As such I am 't ruLv 'g lad that this r-e s o.lut Ir-n ha s been moved t ,)dBY.

Pu Deputy Speaker, I d n n'1t knnw exactly how I sh u Ld wind up t his d ebate.; We neerl t n h8ve a g :)-::d work.ing system between the ~('-operatinn Deo8r:t;rn:?nt and Industries Department.

Hcwever, we are nnt in 8 position to c orrtr-oI th,j r ate s and as the Ho n ' bh:: member- has a Lr-eadv said, our Ginger is n.rt of :3 very high quality.

Qua Li,t Y Lmprovemerrt sh 0ULd 81s n be ou r aim in order to ha1lea is')d mark'i:?t.

What is most imD'H't"nt is thst we shJuld be satisfied at any reas~nable rate ~auld the ne­ gJti2ticns with NAFED and TRIFED pr'r-ve tn be unsuccessful. I believe that this is the only w~y this H~use can find anl.mcus Iy . Gould the He n'ble member from Ra t u cr-nst i tuency think Llkow ise ? ., •••454/- - - <154 - DEPUTY SPEA KE R We shall now request the m~v r of the Re soLut Lon t, take upqb~ut 5 minutes. , PU U\ LRINCHHA NA Pu Deputy Speaker, I am iY'j::-:dd h'1­ p pv 't h a t mv resGlut i"ln has been th~urcughly dis~lssed in this Au­ gust H("',J.S e •

None 'f th(~ Ginl?:e",'r g rower-s are we L.'. t de people. There is a tendency t~ think that rich pe~­ pIe are mcn op Lis Lnz the cu Lti vat Lcn c-f Ginger fr>r bus i nes s r-e as crrs , This is nt s o , rural gr"wers eire the p'-'rest "f the P)~T wh. Lc k f:;rw8r-l t,J ae lling their c r-ons t '\ ~Jr"vi Ie s me meSns nf livelihrod. The c'nceDt has been ~re2tlv mistaken.

At the time of p r-cce ss im>; ill'{ Res'­ Lut Lon , tb: r3te0f Ginger waS Rs.4.50p is pur-ohase d by the Department of Agriculture, end Rs.~.5np as purchases the Dt~'Ja rtment '. f Jndust r-Lc s , That is why we he, ve fixe'} a rate f KS. 3.50p per Kg in the. Res(">lution.

The u\3partment)f Agriculture pur>- enas at a higher rate due to the fact that the Ginger qua Lit y , 'I'h e r-e fr.r-e , we did n rt think t hat Rs.4,'5')D o,-,;[ld O,C fixe! fo r- the.."rdinary Ginger prvduced "n mo s s e , The oresent r a t e Jf Ginger is Rs.~. 5 "p as pr-ocur-ed bv the G .wermnent tfuis y''''1r. \Ye have th2ref're f i x ed t rste acc;j'd.ing t th2 exi s t Ing r,"lteof the G:wernmcnt. It 14,"'u1,,:] n nt be fair t) find a diff'''' rent rote while there: is an exi s­ t ing rate>f the G'vernment.

Our main concern at present is that Ginger h8S already been harvested and the gr »set-e 8re 8n- x ious to sell them as t.hoy do not have any s toraz e focilities.

This principle shoulj be 'ur main key for c ons i.de r-atLon whether we beling t,~ t h s Ru Li.ns; Par­ ty.T riot , The harvested Ginger is nothing away. t I therefcre, reauest this House to consider c3rejully casting .aside Party feelings and pass this Res o Lut Lon in f8V .u r- o f the grrwers. Thank wou ,

D .. It D (I~55/- - 455 - PU LAL THA NHA itfU... Pu Deout v Spe~",ker, if this rl'?s .... lu- CHIEF iV1INISTER is nrt passed we d o n-vt .ccnsi1.er . it t'")c,'ntr3dict~ryto our mani f'e s t o , We have informed the House all the ne~atiations and dealings the Government has made regarding the sale yet f'a i Lcd in , our Ginger. We have not yet fai1e0 in O1Jr n,""'g8­ t iations with NAFED and TRIFED, th8'fefore .we do not think it wise to try other new mathcIs , he HonbLe membr S11 0 '11 i not forget that tP2 Government is considering not only the m3rketfor Ginger hut al150 the market for oLe on e s Ln as well.

Ginger growers should not be dis­ couraged s h ouIxl this resoluti on be dropped.

Lastly, if this resolution sho r Id be passed not with standing our pleas to wai.t f or- the results of our negatiations, it would t arrt nmourrt tc' .listruct and no confidence of the steps taken by the Gove rnmerrt ,.

In such a case, we are sorry to say that we will not be able to take ryart in it.

DEPUTY SrPEA KER ' Nineteen members' have participated in the debate. It is difficult to have o ne mind. If you one to withdraw your res01u­ tion you will hav-e to ask promission of the House ,

PU LALRINCHHANA Pu Deputy Sneaker, I cannot with­ draw my Resolution,'

DEPUTY SPEA KER 'ife shall now take voice vote on the Resnlution ofP~ Lalrinchhgna which reads.

This House is of theopinion that, t he Ginger harvest of 1939-qa mar-keted by the cuLt Lvator-s be pur-onased by Gover-nmerrt of Mizcram at the rate Qf Bs , 3.50p Kg." All those wh. agree to nasa may SaY 'Yes' and thJse who d) not wish t!::, P8SS the r-es oLutLon mAY s a v 'No'.

The maj('rity !S( .... es tcth,)se '."'h",'·do not wish to P8SS. The resolution is therefore droDDed by the House. We shall now have a short breack fc'r refresh­ ment and resume our sitting aga i n at" 5:.20 P.M.

Reeess till 5:20 P.fvJ.

~",!.456/- - 456 - SPEAKER I shall read 0Ut the res~luti~n ~f PLl Andrew LaLher Ltana ,

"This H~use is of tbe ~pini~n that th2 District of Aiz8wl and Lunz Ic I he re-''1rgrmise,.t:i s eve r-a L Districts an.l be given Aut oriomous District C>uncils". 'I'he rescluti,,:,n m2Y nL'\~ be mov cd by the Horr' b Le member.

PU ANDRE\v L..4L.l1ERLIANA: Pu Speaker, thank vou f"r ?ccepting mv Re s c Lut Lcn, I s ho LL n-vw m-w e my Res c lut i '"'n wh ich r-eads , "This r House is)f the opinion that the District of Aiz::l1rJlc:md Lunglei be divided into severAl Districts and given Aut onomous Distric Councils". I am sure we can see the diverse effects it will ha ve and :-.Jther interests t he t C3n c.-me Jut of it. As we know, the Central Gnvernment has 1Jr,~vid,=:cl soecial provi s iona to safeguard our- interest 88 schedulei Tribes and Castes. This pr-ov La i on has been made in the 6th Schedule of the Constituti on of India. The se are reasonable restrictions to safeguard our interests as tribals. We did not have any complaints or problems dur-Lnr; the times when Mizeram was a Union Territory. However, as time went by, we had expected our brothers from the underground to c orne heme with better provisions • The Ac6ordbrought about certain pr-ovl s Ions but on closer study there arc; certain things , that are not exactly as we e*pected. A

No specific mention was m~1e in respect of Trade and Commerce. Our nejghbouring state Meghalava is a g end example regarding autonomous district c -unci.Ls , We have surrendered what we had so it is now very d,ifficult to regain what we have lost. At present the 6th Schedule is not applicable in the districts of Llnglei and Aizawl. In Jrder to make this app;icable again it is necessary to con£er the status of District Councils in both these dis­ tricts. There have been proposals to bifurcate 0r trifur­ cate the district of Aizawl. If that is so, the same could be done in Lunglei District and could be given Autonomous District Councils. This would be our c oncIus I on ,

Although we are Tribals, we are not in the Tribal Area. As the 6th Schedule is no l~nger applicable in Lunglei and Aizawl, it is necessary to impose the statu~ of District Councils in these two Districts along with de~centralisation of Administration.

Thi~ would again be in keeuing with t.e proposal to break up the Di~trict of Aiz8wl and Lunglei int smaller District. - 457 - There is nn clause in the cnnsti­ tut Lon jf Endi.a which can justify our- exempf i on fr em Lncvme tax payments. This would be a hand hl ow te' us. As it is t we can hardly manage to ,jrint in the? m~:dnstre8mJf India due tc severe financial of e conom.i caL backwardness. All our ea r-ni ng s would have to f'Low down the rna t.rrt r-e am 'If our country" s e concmy and it is therefore imperati.ve that we return tJ the status of Dist:rictjouncil unier the sixth Schedule Jf the Indian constitution.

The late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's policy cf the Panchayati R3.,j on de-ce.ntralisatLm of power appcars t o be the grass roads of the '1flh" Le t.h i.ng , In Miz )r3rri, we have VillAge Councils but they are very mLc r-o-csc ooi,c Units. Hcweve r , 't her-e is 8 powe r vacoum between the Villagej"uncil and the Stat.e , S2Imething has to bridge this gap 'between the Pa nchava't L Raj and t.hc State as it is d one in ')ther s't.at ea ,

Other states of Nor-th East India have also ad oo't ed their District Council status under the Umbrella of the Sixth Schedule o f the Indian Gonst t tut t vn, It is we wh", have mode the mistake. We have 'to ratify this by passing tl1is Res I"lut Lr-n , I am sure that the Central Government will give importance to this matter to be siscussed in Parliament.

SPEAKER Let us try to restrict our s peeches to 10 minutes.

PU H.RAMMAWI : Pu Speaker, the Resolution has come frbm a part 'If the Treasury Bench, theMNF'D'. We shall listen to what the Congress party members have to say. • ••• 458/- - 458 SPEAKER Ar~ y'JU s021ldngJn bcha Lf o f all the members of your grouD ?

PU P .SIAMLIANA Pu Speaker, I wou Ld like t, 9.dd MINISTSR a few more war-is to what h3S been S8i'1 bv the Hr-n' b'l.e , L"'''king back at h i s t or-v , MizJr3m hal. been an Excluded are' as defin.1 in Sec t Lon )11 of the G~)vernm:at of India Act 19~'). It is also to be found in the Chin Hills Regulation 1 cqF, where Go~ernmerit r'~Vis. I t.pr-o't.ehe ot the mativeshad madeof theem... p.le.Lu s hP.. a i H'i LonTl.s , t.. 0 OuS8fPr D'siti-n...-« 18rJ ... c.'.,n:1till the struggle for indenpendence was verv nr-vt e c t et , I feel that it is necessary to safeg ia r-d our' status u r the: Sixth' Schedule. I ~f disturb8nc~s At the 0utset the in Miz:Jram in '1966, 'prDfessJr G. G. SWE 11 8S ked C1 ques t i'~n in Parliament as to why the G'l:D~of India'3ttacke-i a nd treated M~zora.m as though ,it. w9..s n0t. 9. D8._.rt of Ind...l."a , Unless I am mi s t aken , we were c onaLde r-e-I a Lrnoet ,utsi-:1e the Indian Territ0rial Jurisdicticn. That waS the debate rin Parliament. ' In 1972, Mizoram became Uni"n Te­ rritwyend the District and the District Couno i.L ceased to exist.

H,wever, we had 9. Rf?gi ,n:-il C,'uncil in the Pawi and Lai regi~n. If we study the Historv 0f India :-mel the Indian C>mstituticn, TIt where d o Wi' find a ).., Regi~nal C~uncil. The state 0f Megh81aya still retains its DistrictC- uncils upt 'J this day. It wou Ld there f'Jrc be inrelevant t: say that we c annvt have District r:;,uncils')nee we h~)V'2 bee me a state. The present Administrative system has a l~Jrge gap or vaccum bet wee n the V.;., ML\ and Mi.ni s t er , The Administratirn is suffering and a~ministrat0rs are ha- v .i ng ,:1 terrible time. Looki nr; back at the time when we were under District Ccunci L Alministratinn, it a o pea r-s th'lt Pri­ mary SchooLs were in better c ond i t i-n, It is') f a ot t 118t there were less funds a t that time. We seem t, have sln­ kened in ur Educa't ion systems since Miz f T 8 m be cvne a Urri>n Territory. We have 8 lesson to learn from th~ N8gas. The different tribes of the Nagas,'are United undor are n-vme , Similarly if LushaL, Pa Lte, Hma r , Pawi ani L'}khe r 11<'1V'.: se­ perate District Counel Ls anI be United Urid e r- the nam?·f Mizo, it would bring us together.

AnctherAdministra~ive err'r is that we still have Villages in the towns, an-i sub...t'wns '·~r satellite tDwns, where as we have subordinate c currts ;--n the other hand. Ass Lm i La'tL: n would a Ls o be Drevent,-:;] if weare Dr )tected under the umbrella:=o:f'fu Si5Ct11Scn~dQle:- We would like t(:,~r:;::w-the o pi n i.o ns ,)f th",,-H"n' ble members f'r-r-m the oppcs i t Lon party. As f·)r us we will have 't o abide by the decision )f our leaders.

Thank yeu.

0 .... '159/- 459 SPEAKER If others are nat inclinin~ to spe­ ak, We shall request the Leader of the Hcuse t r wind u n th,:, d="b8te.

PU tAL THANl::lA «u. Pu Speaker, I d o n-t kn-vw why s ome CHIEF MINISTER ')f the Hon' ble members d"' nrt wish to express this r.p t n Lr-n in this mat t e i

The RasoLutLcn aODi:?9rS t ~ave tw"' tiers. First, the districts')f Aizawlai1d Lu nz Le I art'> tr r be re-crganised Lrrt » several districts, Secrnd Lv , t - r-;'ive Autcncmous District Councils to these districts.

The principle is a v2ry g'-"Jd ,...... ne, however itwill require a bi~ budget _ '

Re-crganisatian of districts has been discussed since the time "f Po Ch.Chhunga's Chief Ministership. The princiDIe was we lcomed but the real action was nJt taken due to the great finane131 in­ vc Lvemerrt , Seccndly, it is a poLftically v~ry diff~cult.

This Ministry also feels it nece­ ssary tJ re-)rgf-l.nise the districts. 'Inr;rderto d') this, a p"worful Comm.i ttee has to be set u o , This h-a s t,., be j"'ne without Political c onsLder-at i en therefClrem seni'r Officials will have c ons Lder- the p,ssibilities'with the Ge"'gr30hical cJnditicns in view. In re-organising th? District nf Lunglei, I am afraid th?t it may hunt the sentiments of the pec pLe there. The qu.e s t Lvn is th~ref"re very s e nsi t Lve 8nd delicate •. It s h.uLd therefere be free of politics sale Lv 't o be handled bv sentrr- Officials. 'we will c on s Lde r' it "nlv when it has to reach the p,Jliticalleve:).. .. '

The Distric~' Counci L itself 38 mnv,cd by the H;)n' ble member, Pu Andrew La Lhe.rLi.a na. :1-)2sh0 ve its merits and de-merits. Our neighb0urin~.tribnl state 0f Nagaland d o not want district CJuncils.Wetheref--'re d o .n-vt knrw exactly which of t~ese is better.

At the time of ou r u nz r-adnt t on f'ro m ( Distric~ Counci~ t,) Un.i>n Ter.. rit()rv,·deleg8t.i(~nS .we:re sent tc DeLhl, marry 'ti.mes to c onvey to the;entre that ft would n.rt be wise t ) have District Ccunci.Ls in the name ('f ~1iffe- rent tribes. "". . However, another- mem.. randum was sub­ mitted tribewise such as Chakma, Pawi and Lakher. It is 8 Lso soLd that at that time':! Lakher' Chief went and intim8­ ted t) the centre that it was imp »ss Lb'Le tC' work t(~gether with the ethers unless a seperate C')uncil W8pg Lven t ..~ them. Sh rtly afterwards, t he Ni-r-t h Eastern R~-('rg~nisati'n was .•••460/------• ...... L.o~ _

- 460 - set UJ and the district c ounc tls)f Ch8kma, Pawi and Lakber were creAted. There was a grant d831 6f mud slinpinq em'na the poLi.t ica.l.--{)8rt ies'''·''bfc..:c8use r~ f th i~_~--e:--Th~rt-'h3v~' always been tWJ W8yS ..,f thinking as tc havtna District ~~un- cils ~r n~t. . .There is a tendencing 't..... think th8+ the District )f Lunglei is being ne~le8ted. Thev S8V th~t the Chh.Lrrrtu.i.puL Au trnr-mous District have better f~cilities having their "wn Gcvernment, an:l--:::entral f i.nanoiaI as s.i s tsnce.

Whereas , it 'is t houg bt thqt the Dis­ trict of Aiz8wl has most:f the benefits 8S it is the 88pit21 )f the st at e and the station o f all the Ministers and Offi­ cials. Suggestion have theref~re been mAde on these g r ounds tc give Aut . nomcus District ~"llncil 'to the District of Lung Le I , In this c onriect Lon t,is Ministry c"n­ ,isiderel setting up LungLe.i District De ve Lo pmerrt Board with '3 senier lVIinister at the Chair, D.--:::. as SecretarY8rd)ther lsenior Officials as members. , . Such CC' nsiderat Lon are cp i nfS'n and giving mer-e p owe r- t o t.he pe o p Le in Local Self-G:-'vernment is alse being c)nsidered.

There is 8 tendency t i' think -thct we are Los i ng all bener i t s as Scheduled Tribes in 'I'r-Lba L areas just be c arae e we are no longer unJer the Umbee TLe o.f the Sixth Schedule. SJ far, we dr- not see a nv s ..i ch draw- back~. . Our ne i.gh bour-s the Nao:as 1," n-vt 'A/ant

District C>·uncils. D.., they mt s s v outs r-n the benefits beoause f, )f this Jption ? It wou Ld be wise tc find nut. 'rve hrwl'=: t o ccnsider all th~ merits and demerits ~f the matt0r.

Personally I feel thgt w~ shsuld '~'anchayati do somet h l ng a bcut t ' i S Raj system. It is e vi » dent that scme s r-r-t of Aut onom JUS bodv h8S to bri e the gap between the State Government and the Vil18i!,E. Crunoi L, The re-urr;;anisaticn of Aizqwl and Lung Le i is D'J'!'1 an',:,cessitv.

However, we cann-vt sav whe tner Ai- zawl District will be befuncated ()r 't r'Lf'unca t e d , ither d) wo kn iw exactly what sort o.f Autonomous will be 112C2SS8rv.

Theref)re p a I thoug h th<"::, n r i nc LoLe of the resoluti)n is greatly appreciated, it rn~y n~t be wise to pass .it n.w , Gn t0P of that, it 8Rpears that Parliament has to offer Autonomous District 0 0u nc i l s t~ the re-)rganisea distri.cts. It th::ot is to be ,S'J, we will have to consult e xnerrt s In the matter. ~f at al~ we are tn have District Councils it should be such t.hat no p.-l~-3:em;jnds can be made thet CAn ccuse dis-inte~.fInof our unity.",

We will have t,.., feel the pulse of Ceri t.r-a L Government in this mat t e r-, Let no have a th)rough .... ~461/- - .. ~---~------

- 461 -

study first. befor-e we leap int D anything as this will have

a Long i Laat.Lng effect. If the Hon l b.Ie Member mov e r- of th e Re s oLu't ion wouLd please restrain and appr;~ciate the matter.

Let us see how our nei ~h bour-Lng states one doing and refraim r-ushLne into the matter. If we could all se·e it in t' is light, Mr Speaker- I feel t h-rt we will be wise tc wait and see., that is' all,

Thank you •

• S P E h. KER Can the H0n'bel member Pu Andrew Lalherliaha, agree t, Withdraw his .re s o l.u't ton"?

PU ANDRE vV LA LHERLIA NA : Pu Speaker, I d o no t think the Han' bl& Chief Minister megnt withdrswal If you Cou Ld give me give minutes I shall try tl explain in conclusi em.

The Hon' ble Chief Minister mor-e or less gave us an assurance. In moving this r-esc Iu't t on I made 8. mistake in not consulting the other membern of the .. joint Ruling Par-ty , In 8 joint ruling party like our-s , the pattern followed by the Centre is a good examoLe , ' The ., Ultra- rightists BJP for instance are very matur e in their stand. They do not wish to brims about any orecedente that C3n cause disintegration of the nation. In the Kashmir issue the BJP accepted the decision of the Prime Minister a Lth oug h their views were not exa ot Iv'vthe sai.me.

In our case, the Hon'ble Chief Mi­ nister has given assurance that the matter wouLd be const> dered and if n6cessary action will be taken in pursuit of the resol1ltion. He has reques t ed post oonemsnt of the re­ solution, which I do not object. Secondly, it is true that we have much to study from our neighb0uring states. In Meghalaya, there is a feeling that· the Sixth Schedule has better prr)­ peets while the Administrators think that it will diminish their powers. Howe'yer, they are now content in their nre­ sent status. ,. Any way, the. Sixth Sched;lle is beLnz amended, :it will be up tJ us whether or not\l"e will accept it us it is. Therefore, it is ag"ood proposal that we postpone the resolution and have a thorough study of the matter. • ••• 462/- - 462 - PU VANI.ALNGENA Thereis one sensitive p~int there4 DEPUTY SPEAKER The Chief Minister has not given assurance as the member has Dresumed. The matter is being examined cri- tically at present so, it is not an assurance.

PU P .SIAMLIANA It does net mean th8t the Res o Lut Lo n • MINISTER has t o g:) t hr-ough at all.. c ost ,

SPEAKER' We have an assurance Committee which w~ll pursue the matter. The Resolution cannot be p 0stponed, it has to be withdrawn.

PU ANDREW LALHERLIANA.: Pu Speaker, if it is under c cnsl» deration, the Resolutinn does not have to be through. I shall with­ draw the Re s oLut Lcn without u ndc Lng' the policy )f the Party. I therefore request to withdraw my Resolution.

, l.. SPEAKER The consent of the House is neceSS8­ r ry, Does the Hr-use cr-n serrt t hav- )_ the r-es r- Iut t on w.it hd r-awn ? ' (All agree)

The Res c Iut Lon v-f Pu Andrew Lalher­ liana which reads :- 'This House is of the ")oinicn 't hat the Districts of Aizawl and Lung Ls L be re-crganised into several districts and be given Aut, ncmous District Cnun­ cils~' is declared withdrawn.

We shall now adj ou rn the sitting till 2-4-1990 at 10 : ,0 A.M.

Meeting ad.jrurried at 6:47 P.M.