Statement of Community Involvement
Statement of Community Involvement Communications Management April 2021 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR CLIVE BOOTH STUDENT VILLAGE, OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY April 2021 1: PURPOSE This document represents a formal ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ (SCI) that provides evidence of how Oxford Brookes University has proactively and extensively engaged with the local community to encourage and to respond to their views, comments and ideas in relation to the latest proposals for the University’s Clive Booth Student Village (CBSV), at John Garne Way, in the Headington Hill and Northway ward of Oxford. This document supports a full planning application submitted to Oxford City Council for the following: Demolition of twelve buildings (including main accommodation Blocks C, F, G, H, J, K, L and M) and erection of twelve buildings to provide student accommodation, with ancillary communal and social facilities and associated administrative building (Class C2). Erection of children’s nursery (Class E). Alterations to car parking, installation of cycle parking structures and associated landscaping works, including reorganisation of existing footpaths and cycle ways, drainage features and ancillary development. Installation of a waste compactor unit and alterations to an existing road to enable access. 2: HISTORY It should be noted that Oxford Brookes University was previously unsuccessful in its submission to Oxford City Council for planning permission for a quite different set of proposals to redevelop the CBSV, which were considered by the East Area Planning Committee on Wednesday 5 June 2019. During our more recent community engagement programme (to support the newly evolved and much- changed application) we specifically held in mind the reasons for the Committee’s rejection in 2019 - including: the impact on the Headington Hill Conservation Area and on the neighbouring allotments, the loss of trees, and the perception that the case for public benefit had not been sufficiently proven at that time.
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