Curriculum Vitae


Name and surname Tomasz Grochowski Address Kraków, Zaczarowane Koło Street 7/28 Phone nr. +48 789 296 605 E-mail [email protected] Birth date 2 December 1994


PHP Developer, 07.2014 - 04.2015 Development and support for e-commerce platform and CMS based on ESC S.A Symfony2 framework, creating databases architecture and dedicated applications. Working on Ubuntu 14.04

PHP Developer, 05.2015 - 08.2016 Supporting big Polish online shops -,, Making frontend and backend equally - creating full functionality from beginning.

Web Developer, 09.2016 - 04.2017 Implementation of Google AMP technology, creating parsers of CSV, S.A. XML feeds along with website crawlers, automatization of data mapping processes

04.2017 - still Web Developer, Developing applications built in 5.4, making plugins for Flex-Group S.A. Wordpress, creating plugins and themes for October CMS. Estimating

time for projects mostly for US clients.

Company owner 08.2015 - still “URIAS” Support for companies and individual clients. Eventually sale of proprietary software - CMS, EC, CRM, dedicated applications, games, mobile applications


Zespół Szkół Łączności 2010 - 2014 Specialisation - Internet applications - PHP, JavaScript, Java, basics of im . “Obrońców Poczty C++, basics of C#, PhoneGap, Adobe Flex, Cordova, Java for Android Polskiej w Gdańsku”

Certificates and courses 2013 Training Course ​Website’s Programming and Development (1/02/PR/KRK/2013) June 2014 Title ​IT Technician October 2014 Training course ​JavaScript November 2014 Training course ​Usage of Adobe Illustrator


Mother tongue Polish

Foreign languages English Full professional proficiency, both orally and in writing.

I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended.


Operating systems Linux (Ubuntu), Windows XP, Windows 7, Android

Languages and PHP 5.5/7, 2.*, Doctrine, Twig, MySQL, Git, SVN, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery 1.4-2.4, technologies Apache 2.4, Apache Jackrabbit, Java, Bash, PostgreSQL, ExtJS 4.4, C++, C#, Vagrant, Nginx,AWS

Other program PHPStorm, Eclipse, NetBeans, , MS Office, LibreOffice, Redmine, Asana, Podio, Adobe knowledge Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, GIMP


I think I can easily establish new acquaintances and as easily In addition to my interests in programming and learning about new find myself in a new environments. I am organized and I like to technologies, I also like to do sports such as cycling, running, work according to a predetermined plan. swimming and playing basketball. In my spare time I meet up with friends, sing on karaoke and in band. I try to self-improve myself by I am open for new possibilities, and I love to educate myself in gaining new experiences. Beside of technical related interests I am many different areas. I think I can make a logical and objective working as a Dj running karaoke near Cracow main square. From the assessment of the situation. I think of tasks more like beginning of October 2016 I have started studying in IT college on On challenges to overcome every day. the on the game development specialisation to gain new experience Sometimes I like to devote a little more time on the job in order and a degree. to refine and maximize performance.

I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended.