Participants List for Working Party on National Accounts


Session Start End Working Party on National Oct 27 2011 2:30PM Oct 28 2011 5:30PM Accounts

OECD Member States or Permanent Delegations Australia/Australie Ms. Parmjeet BOUFFAY +33 1 40 59 33 74 Research Officer Treasury Department [email protected] Permanent Delegation 4, rue Jean Rey 75724

Australia/Australie Mr. Michael DAVIES +61 2 6252 6035 Head of Division +61 2 6252 8045 Macroeconomics & Integration Division [email protected] Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ABS House, 45 Benjamin Way ACT 2616 Belconnen

Australia/Australie Ms. Amanda SENEVIRATNE +61 2 6252 5338 Director Financial Balance Sheets and [email protected] Improvements Section Australian Bureau of Statistics ABS House, 45 Benjamin Way ACT 2616 Belconnen

Belgium/Belgique Mr. Rudi ACX +32 (2) 221 24 03 Head of the Statistics Department +32 (2) 221 32 30 Statistics [email protected] Banque Nationale de Belgique DE BERLAIMONTLAAN 14 1000 Brussels

Belgium/Belgique Mme Catherine RIGO 00 32 2 221 44 08 National Accounts - Sector Accounts Division [email protected] Département Statistique Générale Banque Nationale de Belgique 14, Bld. de Berlaimont Brussels

Canada Mr. Joe WILKINSON +1 (613) 951 2663 Assistant Director +1 (613) 951 3618 Income and Expenditure Accounts [email protected] Division Statistics Canada 100, Tunney's Pasture Driveway R.H. Coats Building Floor 21 H K1A 0T6 Ottawa

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Canada Ms. Marie- CHOUINARD +33 1 44 43 20 16 Programme Support Analyst +33 1 44 43 20 95 Permanent Delegation of Canada to the marie- OECD [email protected] 15 bis, rue de Franqueville 75116 Paris

Chile/Chili Mrs. Carmen Gloria ESCOBAR JOFRÉ +56 2 670 28 43 Head of National Accounts Department +56 2 670 2419 Central Bank of Chile [email protected] Morandé 115. 1st Floor Santiago

Chile/Chili Ms. Claudia MAISTO +56 26 70 2695 Financial Analyst National Accounts Department [email protected] Central Bank of Chile Morandé 115. Piso 1. Santiago

Czech Mr. Jan HELLER +420 274 052 865 Republic/République Director +420 274 054 144 tchèque Department of Quarterly National [email protected] Accounts Czech Statistical Office Na Padesatem 81 100 82 PRAGUE 10

Czech M. Miroslav KALOUS 420 224 413 396 Republic/République Senior Analyst 420 224 412 329 tchèque Monetary and Statistics Section [email protected] Czech National Bank

Czech Mr. Vaclav RYBACEK +420 274 052 596 Republic/République Head of Financial Account Section +420 274 054 144 tchèque Czech Statistical Office [email protected] Na Padesatem 81 100 82 PRAGUE 10

Denmark/Danemark Mr. Søren BRODERSEN +45 39 17 3051 Head, Public Finance & Financial Accounts +45 39 17 3059 Division [email protected] Statistics Denmark Sejroegade 11 DK-2100 Copenhagen

Denmark/Danemark Mr. Timmi Rølle GRAVERSEN +45 3917 3865 Deputy head of division National Accounts [email protected] Statistics Denmark Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 Copenhagen

Denmark/Danemark Mrs. Katja MOLLER HJELVANG +45 3917 3472 Senior Adviser Statistics Denmark [email protected] Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 [Ø] Copenhagen

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Estonia/Estonie Mr. Tonu MERTSINA +372 625 9353 Head of National Accounts Section Statistics Esnonia [email protected] 15 Endla Street 15174 Tallinn

Estonia/Estonie Ms. Agnes NAARITS +372 625 9323 Head of National, Financial & +372 625 9370 Environmental Accounts Depts. [email protected] Statistics Estonia 15 Endla Str. 15174 Tallinn

Finland/Finlande Mrs. Eeva HAMUNEN +358 9 1734 3385 Senior Adviser +358 9 1734 2291 Statistics [email protected] Työpajakatu 13 00022 Statistics Finland

Finland/Finlande Mr. Timo RISTIMÄKI +358-9-1734 2324 Senior Statistician +358-9-1734 2291 Statistics Finland [email protected] TYOPAJAKATU 13 00022 Tilastokeskus Helsinki

Finland/Finlande Mika SAINIO +358(9) 1734 2686 Senior Statistician +358(9) 1734 2291 Statistics Finland [email protected] Tyopajankatu 13 FIN-00022 Helsinki

Finland/Finlande Mr. Risto SUOMELA +358 9 183 2414 Advisor, Financial Statistics +358-9-183 2311 Statistics Unit [email protected] Bank of Finland P.O. Box 160 00101 Helsinki

Finland/Finlande Mr. Jesse VUORINEN +358-9-1734 3363 Senior Statistician +358-9-1734 2291 Statistics Finland [email protected] Työpajankatu 13 00022 Statistics Finland

Germany/Allemagne Ms. Irmtraud BEUERLEIN +49-611-75-2130 Head of Department +49-611-75-3952 National Accounts, Labour Market, Prices [email protected] Statistisches Bundesamt Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden

Germany/Allemagne Mr. Wolfgang EICHMANN +49 611 75 2357 Head of Section +49 611 75 3952 National Accounts Department [email protected] Statistisches Bundesamt Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden

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Germany/Allemagne Ms. Oda SCHMALWASSER +49-611-75-2680 Head of Section +49-611-75-3950 National Accounts Department [email protected] Statistisches Bundesamt Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11 65189 Wiesbaden

Germany/Allemagne Ms. Marit WEHNER +49 69 9566 8499 Expert +49 69 9566 4317 Statistics Department, International [email protected] Money and Banking Statistics Deutsche Bundesbank Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14 60431 Frankfurt am Main

Germany/Allemagne Ms. Lilli ZIMMERMANN +49 69 9566 6206 Economist +49 69 9566 4317 Economics Department, Monetary Policy [email protected] and Analysis Deutsche Bundesbank Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14 60431 Frankfurt am Main

Greece/Grèce Mr. Dionysios NIKOLAOU +30 210 320 3817 Head of Money & Banking Statistics +30 210 3231752 Section [email protected] Bank of Greece 21 E. Venizelou Avenue 102 50 Athens

Hungary/Hongrie Mr. Richard ADORJAN +36 1 79 51 560 Head of Budget Department +36 1 79 50 331 Department for Central Governement [email protected] Agencies & Bodies Ministry for National Economy József nádor tér 2-4 1051 Budapest

Hungary/Hongrie Ms. Petra BIRKAS +36 (1) 795 15 03 Consultant +36 (1) 795 03 31 Public Finance Statistics and Methodology [email protected] Division, Budget and Financial Policy Department Ministry for National Economy (NGM) Jozsef Nador ter 2-4 H-1051 Budapest

Ireland/Irlande Mr. Michael CONNOLLY +353 1 498 4006 Senior Statistician +353 1 498 4020 National Accounts Division [email protected] Central Statistics Office Ardee Road Rathmines D6 Dublin

Israel/Israël Mr. Uri BARAZANI +972523839677 Economist, Capital Market Unit +97226669003 Information & Statistics [email protected] Bank of Israel (BOI) BANK ISRAEL ST 91071 Jerusalem

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Israel/Israël Ms. Noemi FRISCH TSEKHMAN +972 2 659 2627 Director Capital Formation, National Balance [email protected] Sheets & Financial Accounts Sector Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) 66 Kanfei NesharimCorner Bachi St. 91342 Jerusalem

Israel/Israël Ms. Maayan KELLERMAN +972.3-5640664 Economist Financial Markets, Banking & Insurance [email protected] Bank of Israel (BOI) Information & Statistics Nahalat Binyamin St. 69 Tel Aviv

Israel/Israël Ms. Soli PELEG +972 2 659 2601 Senior Director +972 2 659 2603 Macro Economics Department [email protected] Central Bureau of Statistics 66 Kanfey Nesharim Corner Bachi St. 95464 Jerusalem

Italy/Italie Mr. Federico GIAMMUSSO +33 1 44 39 21 57 Economic Counsellor + 33 1 42 84 08 59 Permanent Delegation [email protected] 50, rue de Varenne 75007 Paris

Italy/Italie Ms. Paola DE RITA + 39 06 47614746 Debt Statistics Unit +39 06 47613352 Department of Treasury [email protected] Ministry of Economy and Finance Via XX Settembre, 97 00187

Italy/Italie Mr. Giovanni DI IASIO Economic research Bank of Italy [email protected]

Italy/Italie Ms. Nadia DI VEROLI +39 06 46 73 31 14 National Account +39 06 46733020 Italian National Statistical Institute [email protected] (ISTAT) Via A. Depretis 74B 00184 Rome

Italy/Italie Ms. Maria Emanuela MONTEBUGNOLI +390647603716 Tax Policy Department Ministry of Economy & Finance [email protected] Via Pastrengo 22 00100 Rome

Japan/Japon Mr. Hidenobu ISHIBASHI +33 1 53 76 61 44 First Secretary +33 1 45 63 05 44 International Economic Affairs [email protected] Permanent Delegation 11, avenue Hoche 75008 Paris

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Japan/Japon Mr. Kosuke SUZUKI +81 3 3581 0631 Deputy Director Research and Coordination Division [email protected] Cabinet Office Department of National Accounts Tokyo

Korea/Corée Mr. SungHwan KIM +82 2 759 4496 Head, Flow of Funds Team +82 2 759 4340 Economic Statistics Department [email protected] Bank of Korea (BOK) 110 Namdaemun-ro 3 -ga, Jung-gu 100-794 Seoul

Korea/Corée Dr. Kwon Soon MOON +82 42 481 2206 Director +82 42 481 2599 Regional Accounts & National Wealth [email protected] Team Statistics Korea Building III, Government Complex- Daejon,139 Seonsaro, Seo-gu DAEJEON 302-701

Korea/Corée Mr. Yunghwan PARK +82 2 759 4376 Economist, National Accounts Coordination Team [email protected] The Bank of Korea 3 Ga, Namdaemoon-Ro, Jung-Gu 100-794 SEOUL

Luxembourg M. Charles Henri DIMARIA 00-352-478-8450 national accounts - statistical analysis STATEC [email protected] 12 RUE DE LA TOISON D OR Luxembourg

Luxembourg M. John HAAS +352 2478 42 32 Head of National Accounts +352 2464 289 Unité MAC1 [email protected] STATEC Centre Administratif Pierre Werner 13, rue Erasme 1468 Luxembourg

Mexico/Mexique Ms. Blanca VILLALÓN +33 1 56 59 29 10 Third Secretary +33 1 45 63 03 53 PGC, CSTAT, CSTP, ICCP [email protected] Permanent Delegation 8, rue de Berri 1st floor 75008 Paris

Netherlands/Pays-Bas Mr. Bram DE BOO +31 703 374 260 Head section Financial Institutions, +31 703 375 980 Markets & rest of the World [email protected] National Accounts Department Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Henri Faasdreef 312 P.O. Box 24500 2490 HA The Hague

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Netherlands/Pays-Bas Mr. Mark DE HAAN +31 70 337 4824 National Accounts +31 70 337 5981 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) [email protected] Henri Faasdreef 312 P.O. Box 24500 2490 HA The Hague

Netherlands/Pays-Bas Dr. Arthur DENNEMAN Statistical Researcher Statistics Netherlands [email protected] Prinses Beatrixlaan 428 P.O. Box 959 2270 AZ Voorburg

Netherlands/Pays-Bas Mr. Vincent OHM +31 70 337 5296 National Accounts (Nationale Rekeningen) [email protected] Statistics Netherlands Henri Faasdreef 312 kamer B3.036 2492 JP Den Haag

Netherlands/Pays-Bas Mr. Harry OLDERSMA +33 1 45 24 99 35 Economic Counsellor +33 1 45 24 99 38 Permanent Delegation [email protected] 12-14, rue Octave Feuillet 75016 Paris

Netherlands/Pays-Bas Mr. Marcel POMMEE +31 70 337 48 60 Project Manager, Quarterly Accounts +31 70 337 59 81 National Accounts Department [email protected] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Statistics Netherlands) Pr. Beatrixlaan 428 Postbus 959 2270 AZ Voorburg

New Zealand/Nouvelle- Ms. Rachael MILICICH +64 4 931 4240 Zélande Head, National Accounts Division +64 4 931 4042 Statistics New Zealand [email protected] Statistics House P.O. box 2922 The Boulevard, Harbour Quays Wellington

Norway/Norvège Mme Ann Lisbet BRATHAUG +47 21 09 48 52 Head of Division for National Accounts Statistics Norway [email protected] Kongens gt. 6 P.O. Box 8131 Dep. N-0033 Oslo

Poland/Pologne Ms. Ewa SZCZERBINSKA Central Statistical Office of Poland [email protected]

Poland/Pologne Ms. Zofia WNUK +48 22 608 3735 Head of the Unit +48 22 608 3876 National Accounts Division [email protected] Central Statistical Office al. Niepodleglosci 208 00-925 Warsaw

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Portugal Mr. Pedro OLIVEIRA National Accounts INE [email protected] Av. Antonio José de Almeida PT-1000-043 Lisbon

Slovak JáN SEMAN +421(2) 5787 2680 Republic/République Head slovaque Department of Financial Accounts [email protected] National Bank of Slovakia Imricha Karvasa 1 813 25 Bratislava

Slovenia/Slovénie Mr. Marko ROZANEC +386 1 2415 168 Senior Counsellor II +386 1 2415 344 National Accounts [email protected] Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia VOZARSKI POT 12 1000 Ljubljana

Slovenia/Slovénie Ms. Nina STRAZISAR +386 1 2415 172 Senior Counsellor II +386 1 2415 344 National Accounts [email protected] Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Vozarski pot 12 Ljubljana

Spain/Espagne Mr. Alfredo CRISTÓBAL +34 91 583 9141 Director of National Accounts Department +34 91 583 9353 Institut National de Statistique (INE) [email protected] Paseo de la Castellana 183 28046 Madrid

Spain/Espagne Mr. Luis GONDO MORA +34 91 338 6736 Banco de Espana C/ Alcala 522 [email protected] Madrid

Spain/Espagne Ms. Beatriz SANZ +34 91 338 5682 Associate Director +34 91 338 6023 Statistics Department [email protected] Banco de Espana Alcala 522 28027 Madrid

Sweden/Suède Mr. Mattias BJÖRLING +46850694160 Head of the unit Fiancial & Sector Unit National Accounts Department [email protected] Statistics (SCB) BOX 24 300 104 51

Sweden/Suède Maria FALK + (46 8) 5069 4572 Economist + (46 8) 66 777 88 Financial and Sector Account Unit, [email protected] National Accounts Department Statistics Sweden Box 24300 SE-104 51 Stockholm

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Sweden/Suède Ms. Monica NELSON EDBERG +46 8 50 69 4566 Director of National Accounts +46 8 70 556 5701 National Accounts Department [email protected] Statistics Sweden Karlavägen 100 Box 24300 S10451 Stockholm

Switzerland/Suisse Mr. Jürg BÄRLOCHER +41 44 631 3959 Advisor +41 44 631 8194 Statistics Department [email protected] Swiss National Bank Börsenstrasse 15 8022 Zurich

Switzerland/Suisse Mr. Olivier STEUDLER +33149557461 Conseiller d'Ambassade +33145510149 Permanent Delegation [email protected] 28, rue de Martignac 75007 Paris

Switzerland/Suisse Mr. Samuel TURCATI +41 32 713 65 76 Collaborateur scientifique Section des comptes nationaux [email protected] Office Fédéral de la Statistique Espace de l'Europe 10 2010 Neuchâtel

Turkey/Turquie Ms. Nilgün PEHLIVAN +33 1 42 88 50 02 Economic Counsellor +33 1 45 27 28 24 Permanent Delegation [email protected] 9, rue Alfred Dehodencq 75016 Paris

Turkey/Turquie Mr. Abdullah BAYAZIT +90 312 204 6126 Assistant Expert +90 312 212 8786 Undersecretariat of Treasury [email protected] Basbakanlik Hazine MustesarligiInonu bulv. Emek 06510 Ankara

Turkey/Turquie Mrs. Burcu CAKMAK BARCIN +90 312 507 69 05 Expert Statistics [email protected] Central Bank of Turkey TC Merkez BankasiIstatistik Genel Mudurluðu Istiklal Cad. No10 41US ISTIKLAL CAD. no:10 06100 Ankara

Turkey/Turquie Ms. Arzu TARMAN TOPKAYA +90 312 507 69 04 Expert Central Bank of Turkey [email protected] TC Merkez Bankasi Ulus 06100 Ankara

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United States/États-Unis Ms. Elizabeth HOLMQUIST +1 202 452 2378 Financial Analyst, Flow of Funds Section Federal Reserve Board [email protected] 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW 20551 Washington

United States/États-Unis Ms. Susan Hume MCINTOSH +1.202.452.3484 Senior Economist and Special Project +1.202.728.5889 Coordinator, Flow-of-Funds Section [email protected] Division of Research and Statistics Federal Reserve Board 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW 20551 Washington

United States/États-Unis Mr. Brent MOULTON +1 202 606 9606 Associate Director for National Economic +1 202 606 5311 Accounts [email protected] Bureau of Economic Analysis US Department of Commerce 1441 L Street, N.W. 20230 Washington

EU/UE Mr. Andreas HERTKORN +49 69 134 48365 Senior Economist-Statistician Euro Area Accounts and Economic Data [email protected] Division European Central Bank Kaiserstrasse 29 D-60066 Frankfurt

EU/UE Mr. Francis MALHERBE European Commission Batiment Jean Monnet [email protected] 5, rue Alphonse Weiker L-2721 Luxembourg

Russian Ms. Elena KILYACHENKOVA +7 495 771 4766 Federation/Fédération de Senior Economist Russie Banque Centrale de la Fédération de [email protected] Russie

Russian Ms. Elena LUZHKOVA +7 495 771 9143 Federation/Fédération de Chief Economist +7 495 771 9143 Russie Department of International Financial and [email protected] Economic Relations Central Bank of Russian Federation 12, Neglinnaya Street 107016 Moscou

Russian Mr. Andrey TATARINOV +7 495 607 31 33 Federation/Fédération de Director +7 495 607 2435 Russie National Accounts Department [email protected] Federal State Statistics Service, Russian Federation (ROSSTAT) 39, Myasnitskaya Street 107450 Moscow

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India/Inde Mr. Rakesh KUMAR +91 022 2261 0746 Research Officer National Accounts Analysis Division [email protected] Bank of India 400001 Mumbai

Indonesia/Indonésie Mr. Eko ARIANTORO Senior Economist Directorate of Economic and Monetary [email protected] Statistics Bank Indonesia Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.2 10350 Jakarta Pusat

Indonesia/Indonésie Mr. Hendy SULISTIYOWATI Director Directorate of Economic and Monetary [email protected] Statistics Bank of Indonesia Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 2 10110 Jakarta

People’s Republic of Mr. Jie CHEN +86 10 6878 2525 China/République Deputy Director of Division +86 10 68782524 populaire de Chine Department of National Accounts [email protected] National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 57, Yuetan Nanjie Xichengqu 100826 Beijing

People’s Republic of Mr. Lihua DONG +86 10 6878 2505 China/République Deputy Director-General populaire de Chine Department of National Accounts [email protected] National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 57 Yuetan Nanjie, Xicheng District BEIJING 100826

People’s Republic of Mr. Wen JIAOYYUE +86 10 6619 5843 China/République Section Chief, Market Statistics and +86 10 6601 2727 populaire de Chine Monetary Analysis Division [email protected] Department of Statistics and Analysis Central Bank of China No.32 Chengfang street, Xi Cheng district 100800 Beijing

South Africa/Afrique du Mr. Gerhardt BOUWER +27 12 310 8241 Sud Acting Executive Manager, National Accounts [email protected] Statistics South Africa De Bruyn Park Building 170 Andries Street, Private Bag X44 Pretoria 0001

South Africa/Afrique du Ms. Karen KUHN +27 12 313 4318 Sud Economist, National Accounts Division +27 12 3134916 Research Department [email protected] South African Reserve Bank 370 Church Street 0001 Pretoria

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Albania/Albanie M. Gjergji MANO +355 4 222 411 (ext 130) Director +355 4 228 300 National Accounts Department [email protected] INSTAT Blv. Zhan d'Ark, Nr 3 Tirana

Azerbaijan/Azerbaïdjan Mr. Nuru SULEYMANOV +99412 387450 Head, National Accounts Division +99412 382442 National Account Department [email protected] State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic Inshaatchilar Avenue AZ1136 BAKU

Bosnia and Ms. Dijana MLIKOTA +387 33 222 948 Herzegovina/Bosnie- Coordinator of National PPP's team +387 33 220 622 Herzégovine Agency for Statistics of Bosnia & [email protected] Herzegovina Trg BiH 1 71000 SARAJEVO

Bulgaria/Bulgarie Mr. Milen KOLEV +35 92 9857 402 State Expert in Non-Financial Accounts +35 92 9857 488 Dept. [email protected] National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria 2, P.Volov Str. 1038 Sofia

Latvia/Lettonie Mrs. Dace TOMASE +371 6 736 6844 Director +371 6 783 0137 Macroeconomic Statistics Department [email protected] Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia 1, Lacpleša Str. LV-1301 RIGA

Lithuania/Lituanie Ms. Jurate SINKUNIENE +370 5 2364 844 Deputy Head +370 5 2364 845 National Accounts Division [email protected] Statistics Lithuania Gedimino ave. 29 2746 Vilnius

Romania/Roumanie Ms. Mihaela NUTA +40 21 318 1824 Head of Division, Institutional Sectors +40 21 318 1875 Department of National Accounts & [email protected] Macroeconomic Synthesis National Institute of Statistics 15, Libertatii Boulevard Sector 5 050706 BUCHAREST

San Marino/Saint-Marin Ms. Diana POLENTA +378 549 885146 Expert +378 549 885154 Office of Economic Planning & Statistics [email protected] Via 28 Luglio 129 47893 BORGO MAGGIORE

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San Marino/Saint-Marin Mauro SAMMARITANI +378 885 128 Statistics Expert, National Accounts- Social Statistics [email protected] Office for Economic Planning, Data Processing & Statistics Statistics Office San Marino Via 28 Luglio 129, 47893 Borgo Maggiore

Singapore/Singapour Ms. Hwee Hwang CHANG +65 63327763 Singapore Department of Statistics 100 High Street, #05-01 [email protected] The Treasury Singapore 179434

European Central Bank Mr. Ilja Kristian KAVONIUS +49 69 1344 8417 (ECB)/Banque Centrale Euro Area Accounts and Economic Européenne Statistics [email protected] European Central Bank Kaiserstrasse 29 Frankfurt

International Monetary Mr. Manik SHRESTHA +1 202 623 7202 Fund (IMF)/Fonds Deputy Chief, Real Sector Division +1 202 623 6028 monétaire international Statistics Department [email protected] (FMI) International Monetary Fund (IMF) 700 19th Street, N.W. 20431 Washington

UN Economic Commission Mr. Carsten BOLDSEN for Europe Chief of Economic Section (UNECE)/Commission UNECE [email protected] économique pour l'Europe des Nations Unies (CEE- ONU)

United Nations/Nations Mr. Herman SMITH +33 1 212 963 4679 Unies Chief, National Accounts Section UN Statistics Division (UNSD) [email protected] 2 UN Plaza DC2 1516 United Nation 10017 New York

OECD/OCDE Mr. Nadim AHMAD +(33-1) 45 24 88 47 Head of Section STD/NAD [email protected] OECD Annexe Delta 7080 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

OECD/OCDE M. Sébastien MIROUDOT +(33-1) 45 24 13 94 Trade Policy Analyst 0145497257 TAD/TSD [email protected] OECD Marshall Building 4295 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

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OECD/OCDE Mr. Maurice NETTLEY +(33-1) 45 24 96 17 Head of Unit CTP/TPS [email protected] OECD Annexe Delta 7158 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

OECD/OCDE Mr. Peter VAN DE VEN +(33-1) 45 24 94 03 Head of Division STD/NAD [email protected] OECD Annexe Delta 7118 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

OECD/OCDE Mlle. Marie VIRIAT +(33-1) 45 24 88 18 Assistant STD/NAD [email protected] OECD Annexe Delta 7116 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

OECD/OCDE Mr. Colin WEBB +(33-1) 45 24 96 77 Senior Statistician (Structural analysis 33 1 45 24 18 48 data bases) [email protected] STI/EAS OECD Marshall Building 1013 2 rue André-Pascal 75016 Paris

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