CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 26867 B 1515 Packers, a Community-Owned Organization; Compete with One Another

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 26867 B 1515 Packers, a Community-Owned Organization; Compete with One Another October 9, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 26867 b 1515 Packers, a community-owned organization; Compete with one another. Do your and personal best every day and move up. COMMENDING GREEN BAY PACK- (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- ERS QUARTERBACK BRETT These 3 ideas tell the story of the resentatives to transmit a copy of this reso- Green Bay Packers and their quarter- FAVRE FOR ESTABLISHING A lution to Brett Favre, to the Green Bay NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Packers organization, and to the Commis- back Brett Favre. They reflect the RECORD FOR MOST CAREER sioner of the National Football League. spirit of the people in both Wisconsin and in Mississippi, and they will con- TOUCHDOWN PASSES The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tinue to be lived out by Brett Favre ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- during his career in professional sports linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman er, I move to suspend the rules and and beyond. from Indiana (Mr. SOUDER) each will agree to the resolution (H. Res. 697) I ask my colleagues to join with me control 20 minutes. commending Green Bay Packers quar- in recognizing the accomplishments of The Chair recognizes the gentleman terback Brett Favre for establishing a the Green Bay Packers, the hard- from Illinois. National Football League record for working people of Green Bay and the most career touchdown passes, and for GENERAL LEAVE people of Wisconsin and our future Hall other purposes. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- of Fame quarterback Brett Favre. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- er, I ask unanimous consent that all If I may read the resolution, which tion. Members may have 5 legislative days reads, H. Res. 697, ‘‘Commending Green The text of the resolution is as fol- in which to revise and extend their re- lows: Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre marks. for establishing a National Football H. RES. 697 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there League record for most career touch- Whereas on September 30, 2007, Green Bay objection to the request of the gen- Packers quarterback Brett Favre established down passes, and for other purposes. tleman from Illinois? ‘‘Whereas on September 30, 2007, a National Football League (NFL) record by There was no objection. throwing his 421st touchdown pass; Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Whereas in addition to the career touch- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Favre established a National Football down mark, Brett Favre also holds the NFL er, it is my pleasure to yield such time League (NFL) record by throwing his record for greatest number of wins by a as he might consume to the author of 421st touchdown pass; starting quarterback and the NFL record for this legislation, Representative STEVE ‘‘Whereas in addition to the career playing in the most consecutive games as a KAGEN. touchdown mark, Brett Favre also starting quarterback; Mr. KAGEN. Madam Speaker, I holds the NFL record for greatest num- Whereas Brett Favre is the only 3-time thank my colleague. ber of wins by a starting quarterback winner of the NFL’s Most Valuable Player Madam Speaker, Green Bay, Wis- Award; and the NFL record for playing in the Whereas Brett Favre’s 16 consecutive years consin, the Green Bay Packers and most consecutive games as a starting of dedicated service with the Green Bay quarterback Brett Favre have a great quarterback; Packers has enhanced the lives of the people deal in common. They’re hardworking, ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre is the only 3- of Northeast Wisconsin and exemplified the dedicated to the community and be- time winner of the NFL’s Most Valu- Wisconsin work ethic; lieve in competing with, not against, able Player Award; Whereas Brett Favre’s contributions to his one another to bring out the very best ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre’s 16 consecu- community have extended beyond the foot- performance possible for each and tive years of dedicated service with the ball field; every athlete and every time on the Whereas Brett Favre was born in Gulf Green Bay Packers has enhanced the Port, Mississippi, was raised in Kiln, Mis- field. lives of the people of Northeast Wis- sissippi, and attended the University of Today, the United States House of consin and exemplified the Wisconsin Southern Mississippi; Representatives offers its praise to work ethic; Whereas Brett Favre’s loyalties to his Brett Favre, to his family, to the ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre’s contribu- home State of Mississippi and adopted State Green Bay Packers and to the people of tions to his community have extended of Wisconsin are reflected in his participa- Wisconsin who together own the most beyond the football field; tion in and organization of numerous chari- storied team in professional sports. ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre was born in table activities in those States, including In fact, the Green Bay Packers, un- the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, the Gulfport, Mississippi, was raised in Special Olympics, the Make-A-Wish Founda- like any other corporate entity in Kiln, Mississippi, and attended the Uni- tion, and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Amer- America, can never be offshored be- versity of Southern Mississippi; ica; cause the team is owned by the people ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre’s loyalties to Whereas the Brett Favre Fourward Foun- living in Green Bay and Wisconsin. his home State of Mississippi and dation aids disadvantaged children in Wis- There are three things our Nation adopted State of Wisconsin are re- consin and Mississippi and has raised more can learn from the success of Brett flected in his participation in and orga- than $1,000,000 for people affected by Hurri- Favre and the Green Bay Packers. nization of numerous charitable activi- cane Katrina in Mississippi; First, the team competes with one an- Whereas Brett Favre and his wife, Deanna ties in those States, including the Favre, co-founded the Deanna Favre Hope other to bring out the very best per- Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, the Foundation, which provides assistance to formance from every athlete. Special Olympics, the Make-A-Wish women in need affected by breast cancer; and Secondly, Brett, like successful Foundation, and the Boys and Girls Whereas Brett Favre has demonstrated Olympic speed skating champions that Clubs of America; that hard work and single-mindedness of I’ve come to know, does his personal ‘‘Whereas the Brett Favre Fourward purpose can bring success, and epitomizes best every single day, in practice and Foundation aids disadvantaged chil- the words of NFL Hall of Fame Coach Vince on the field. If one does one’s personal dren in Wisconsin and Mississippi and Lombardi: ‘‘People who work together will best each and every day, no one can win, whether it be against complex football has raised more than $1,000,000 for peo- defenses, or the problems of modern soci- criticize you. ple affected by Hurricane Katrina in ety.’’: Now, therefore, be it And lastly, the two words that form Mississippi; Resolved, That the House of Representa- our American competitive spirit: ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre and his wife, tives— ‘‘move up.’’ Don’t settle for second Deanna Favre, co-founded the Deanna (1) commends Green Bay Packers quarter- place. Shoot for the gold and settle for Favre Hope Foundation, which pro- back Brett Favre for establishing a National the silver, but at all times, never, vides assistance to women in need af- Football League record for most career never stop trying to move up. And re- fected by breast cancer; and touchdown passes; (2) recognizes Brett Favre for his out- member, we know from our experiences ‘‘Whereas Brett Favre has dem- standing community service in Wisconsin that everybody falls. We all have fail- onstrated that hard work and single- and Mississippi and his 16 consecutive years ures. But it’s not how far you fall; it’s mindedness of purpose can bring suc- of dedicated service with the Green Bay how high you bounce back. cess, and epitomizes the words of NFL VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:40 Jul 29, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H09OC7.000 H09OC7 cprice-sewell on DSK89S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 26868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 19 October 9, 2007 Hall of Fame Coach Vince Lombardi: passes completed and, most impor- nesota against a tough divisional rival ‘People who work together will win, tantly of all, the most games won as a shows that his hard work and deter- whether it be against complex football starting quarterback. mination does pay off. defenses, or the problems of modern so- It’s only fitting that Favre continue Throughout his career, Brett Favre ciety.’: Now, therefore, be it his run on the NFL record books be- has proven that his perseverance and ‘‘Resolved, That the House of Rep- cause he’s always been a man ahead of love of the game have helped him over- resentatives— his time. He started on his high school come adversity and succeed at such a ‘‘(1) commends Green Bay Packers baseball team as an eighth grader. He high level. quarterback Brett Favre for estab- started at 7 different positions, includ- Most importantly, Brett Favre has lishing a National Football League ing offensive and defensive line, as a remained humble while leading the record for most career touchdown ninth grader on a varsity football Packers to four wins and only one loss passes; team. so far this season. I realize my good ‘‘(2) recognizes Brett Favre for his In 1987, he arrived at Southern Miss, friend Mr. SOUDER has already given outstanding community service in Wis- and at age 17, was listed as the sev- the Packers their fifth win.
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