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W."l- I STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Carson City View of Washoe Valley looking northwest toward Slide 'Mountain. I WATER RESOURCES-RECONNAISSANCE SERIES I REPORT 41 I WATER-RESOURCES APPRAISAL OF WASHOE VALLEY, NEVADA I I ROPE::\JY OF :fr· .f.. :./':j" - . - ... .... P LEA. SED 0 NOT ~~Me.c'toJe~"'~~ lhtf J S O~ Fie E Geologicol Survey, U,S. Deportment of the Interior APRil 1967 I .' , \;fATEr, RESOURCES - RECONNAISSANCE SERIES Report 41 :1, ~I I ";., I >,-, , ~I ',I HATER-RESOURCES APPRAISAL OF WASHOE VALLEY, NEVADA ~I" .. By -~ ~'i... " F'. Eugene Rush II- ~--"# - :1 I '-.1:.' ~I. 'I, t Prepared cooperatively by the Geological Survey, U. S. Department of the Intc1'l.or AprU 1967 ':1 -I CONTENTS Page Swmnary ••• 1 Introduction .) ~ Purpose and scope· of the study :0 Location and general features. 3 Hydrologic environment. 4 Landforms. • • , • 1+ Geologic units and structural features h Histo'"ical sketch. I, Climate ••••• '7 Valley-fill reservoir 'i Extent and boundaries. ') Transmissibili ty and storage coefficients. ') Ground water in storage. 10 Surface water in storage • -;r '-I .l ..... ' Ground-water flow •••.•• 11 The equilibrium condition. n ill1; '- -' - ,. Inflow to the valley" ~:..;~ Precipitation. • 12 ., Ground-water recharge. 13 RU!1off, by D. O. Moore and J. E. Parkes. 15 Importation of water . '. ld t Underflow. • • • . 13 Outflow from the valley .:9 Surf,9.c8 water" " , 19 , Evaporation from lakes. 19 O~tflow from the valley 19 Diversions for irrigation 19 Diversions from lakes. 1",7 -, Diversions from creeks 21 Water export. • ~~?' Ground water , " • . ,-.1.-') , --, Evapotranspiration. '. 21 Irrigation by wells ,,-,,-"') Domestic and stock pumpage.
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