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Downloaded from Brill.Com09/25/2021 09:33:39AM Via Free Access  Correspondence Register CORRESPONDENCE REGISTER Abbreviations Cod. Bern. [Burgerbibliothek Bern] Catalogus codicum bernensium.Ed.Hermann Hagen. Bern, . Crato, Consiliorum et Epistolarum. Crato von Krafftheim, Johannes. Con- siliorum et Epistolarum Medicinal- ium,Liber.... vols. Frankfurt: Apud Andreae Wecheli haeredes, Claudium Marnium & Joan. Aubrium [Claude de Marne and Jean Aubry], – . DBI Dizionario Biografico Italiani,Rome: Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, . De astrologia. De astrologia divinatrice epistolae.. Basel: Pietro Perna, . De causa morborum. “De causa morborum continente, tractatus.” In Disputationum de nova Philippi Paracelsi Medicina Pars Tertia. Basel: Pietro Perna, . Disp. et Epist. Thomae Erasti Philosophi et Medici cele- berrime, Disputationum & Epistolarum Medicinalium volumen doctissimum. ... Zürich: Johannes Wolf, . Explicatio Gravissimae Quaestionis. Explicatio Gravissimae Quaestionis, utrum Excommunicatio....[London: J. Wolfe], . Goldast Melchior Goldast, ed. Philologicarum Epistolarum Centuria Una Diversorum A Renatis Literis Doctissimorum Viro- rum.... Leipzig, . Hagen Hermann Hagen, Briefe von Heidelberger Professoren und Studenten.Bern, . Hot. Thesaurus Hottingerianus, letter collection in the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. Charles D. Gunnoe - 9789004215061 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:33:39AM via free access correspondence register Koch Ernst Koch, “Die Badereisen des Grafen Georg Ernst zu Henneberg.” Zeitschrift des Vereins für hennebergische Geschichte und Landeskunde in Schmalkalden (): –. Miscellanea Medica. Smet, Heinrich., ed. Miscellanea... Medica. Frankfurt: Jonas Rhodius, . Rott Hans Rott, ed. “Neue Quellen für eine Aktenrevision des Processes gegen Sylvan und seine Genossen.” Neues Archiv für die Geschichte der Stadt Heidelberg und der rheinischen Pfalz & ( & ): –, –. Sim. Simmlersche Sammlung, letter collection in the Zentralbibliothek Zürich (mostly copies). Scholz Epistolarum Philosophicarum: medi- cinalium, ac chymicarum a summis nostrae aetatis philosophis ac medicis exaraturum, volumen . Nunc primum labore, ac industria, Laurentii Scholzii aRozenaw... forasdatum.Frankfurt: Apud Andreae Wecheli haeredes, Claudium Marnium & Joan. Aubrium [Claude de Marne and Jean Aubry], . U-F Uffenbach-Wolfschen Briefsammlung, Hamburg. Vulcanius Correspondance de Bonaventura Vul- canius pendant son séjour à Cologne, Genèvé et Bâle (–). H. de Vries de Heekelingen, ed. La Haye: Nijhoff, . Zedler C.G. Ludovici, Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste . (Halle: J.H. Zedler, – ). Zofingen Staatsbibliothek und Stadtarchiv, Zofingen. Charles D. Gunnoe - 9789004215061 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:33:39AM via free access correspondence register Johannes Acronius (alias Frisius) Arts Professor in Basel (–) NDB, :. Erastus to an unnamed mathematician [Acronius],1 Frankfurt Fair, April , . Printed in De astrologia, – (no. ). Erastus to an unnamed mathematician [Acronius], Heidelberg, . Printed in De astrologia, – (no. ). Erastus to an unnamed mathematician [Acronius], Heidelberg, Oct. , . Printed in De astrologia, – (no. ). Basilius Amerbach, Basel Jurist, Professor, and Magistrate (–) NDB, :–. Erastus to Amerbach, Heidelberg, May , . Basel UB, MS G II , fol. Bonifacius Amerbach, Basel Humanist and Jurist (–) NDB, :– . Erastus to Amerbach, Maßfeld (Henneberg), July , . Basel UB, MS Ki.Ar. a, –. Guillaume Arragos (Arragosius) (–) see Erastus to Zwinger Valentin Ampelander (Rebmann) Theologian and Humanist in Bern (d. ) . Erastus to Ampelander, Heidelberg, Nov. , n.y. Cod. Bern, A. , . Printed in Hagen, . Elector August of Saxony (–) NDB, :. Erastus to August, Heidelberg, Sept. , . Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Dresden), Geheim.Rat (Geheim.Archiv), Loc. , Sechs unterschiedliche Bücher, bd. ; –, fols. r–v.ExcerptprintedinKühlmannand Telle, eds. Corpus Paracelsisticum, :–. “Lord Baron”(Domino Baro), cf. Lazarus von Schwendi (also possibly Johann Philipp Freiherr von Hohensax) Basel Magistrate (not named) . Erastus to [a Basel magistrate; Heinrich Petri, Lucas Gebhard, or Balthasar Hanius?] [likely /]. Basel UB, MS G II , fol. (included with the letters addressed to J.J. Grynaeus in the Basel UB). Theodore Beza (Théodore de Bèze) Theologian in Geneva (–) . Erastus to Beza, Heidelberg, April , []. Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek, cod. chart. A , fol. Printed in CB, :– (Addendum to vol. , no. bis). Erastus to Beza, Heidelberg, January, . First fragment, BL, Add. MS , fols. – (copy); second fragment M.H.R., Archives Tronchin, Geneva, vol. , fol. Printed in CB, :– (no. ). 1 Stefano Dall’Aglio, “Da Girolamo Savonarola a Tommaso Erasto: Itinerari di una polemica astrologica tra Firenze e Heidelberg,” in Armando Saitta, Scritti in ricordo di Charles D. Gunnoe - 9789004215061 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:33:39AM via free access correspondence register . Beza to [Erastus], Geneva, []. Printed in Beza, Epistolarum theologicarum liber unus (Geneva: E. Vignon, ), – (no. ). Reprinted in Goldast, – (falsely described as a letter of Camillus Franchinus to Erastus). Reprinted in CB, :– (no. ). Beza to Erastus, Geneva, Dec. , . Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS lat misc. c , fol. Printed in CB, :–(no. ). Albrecht Blaurer, Medical Professor in Heidelberg; City Physician in St. Gallen (–) .ErastustoBlaurer,n.d.St.Gallen,VadianischeSammlung,MS(Tom.XII), fol. (Copy ZBZ (Hot.), MS F , fol. ). Martin Borrhaus (alias Cellarius) Theologian in Basel (–) NDB, :. Erastus to M. Borrhaus, Sept. , (copy). Landesbibliothek und Murhard- sche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, ° MS Hass. [. Heinrich Brucaeus, Medical Professor in Rostock (/–) Zedler, , col. Erastus to Brucaeus, Heidelberg, Oct. , . Printed in Miscellanea Medica, – (Liber VI; no. VI). Christoph Bullinger, Son of Heinrich Bullinger (–/) . C. Bullinger to Erastus, Sept. , (). ZBZ (Hot.), MS F , fol. Heinrich Bullinger, Theologian and Antistes in Zürich (–) NDB, :.2 . Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. , (). StAZ, MS E II , fols. & – a. Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. –a. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Jan. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. –a. Erastus to Bullinger, Schleusingen and Frankfurt, March & March , (). ZBZ (Hot.) F , fols. –. (fragment). Erastus to Bullinger, May , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. & E II , b. Erastus to Bullinger, July , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Sept. , (). StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Nov. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Dec. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. v&r. [B. [Erastus] to [Bullinger], [ca. Jan. ]. ZBZ, S , .]3 Armando Saitta (Milan: FrancoAngeli, ), –. The connection of letters in this collection to Acronius is confirmed by Erastus to Grynaeus, Dec. , (), Basel UB, MS G II , fols. –. 2 This list of the Bullinger-Erastus correspondences retains the numeration of Ben- rath with a few corrections and augmentations. Benrath, “Die Korrespondenz zwischen Bullinger und Thomas Erastus,” –. 3 This letter fragment in the ZBZ is likely from Erastus to Bullinger. See Janse, Albert Hardenberg als Theologe, , note . Charles D. Gunnoe - 9789004215061 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 09:33:39AM via free access correspondence register . Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Feb. , (). StAZ, MS E II , fol. b (fragment). Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, March , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, May , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. – . Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, June , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Dec. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Jan. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Feb. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, March , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. & . Erastus to Bullinger, June , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, July , (). StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, July , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, [Sept./Oct., ]. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. –b. Erastus to Bullinger, Maulbronn, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fols. v & . Erastus to Bullinger, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, May , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, July , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, August , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Jan. , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Jan. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, March , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, May , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Sept. , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Oct. []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Nov. , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Jan. , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, Feb. , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, Heidelberg, April , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, April , []. StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, May , . StAZ, MS E II , fol. Erastus to Bullinger, June , . StAZ, MS E II , fols. –. Erastus to Bullinger, August
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