US 2005O249769A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0249769 A1 Zhu et al. (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2005

(54) METHOD FOR SOYBEAN APHID Related U.S. Application Data POPULATION SUPPRESSION AND MONITORING USINGAPHID-AND (60) Provisional application No. 60/568,640, filed on May HOST PLANTASSOCATED 6, 2004. SEMOCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl." ...... A01N 37/36; AO1N 43/16; (75) Inventors: Junwei Zhu, Ames, IA (US); Thomas AO1N 35/00 C. Baker, State College, PA (US) (52) U.S. Cl...... 424/405; 514/457; 514/159; 514/690 Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT PATRICAA. SWEENEY 1835 PLEASANT ST. Soybean Volatile compounds, Soybean aphid-induced vola WEST DES MOINES, IA 50265 (US) tile compounds and Soybean aphid Sex are of the invention used to SuppreSS Soybean aphid population. Methyl Salicylate is an embodiment of a (73) Assignee: MSTRS TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Soybean aphid-induced volatile compound useful in the Ames, IA (US) invention. BenZaldehyde is an embodiment of a Soybean host plant volatile compound useful in the invention. Also (21) Appl. No.: 11/123,668 useful as Sex pheromones are nepetalactol and nepetalac tone. The compounds may be blended in a preferred embodi (22) Filed: May 6, 2005 ment.

Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 1 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

?eun61 RS”(“…) ±%D:s&§“………..) Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 2 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1 Figure 2

Soybean aphid infested 25

24 20

21 22 --- Jull- w

Uninfested 12


ill. J. Artificially damaged 23 15 | 5 6 14 'll-u. la ul J.--N 400 5.oO 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Retention time (min) Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 3 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 3


1 5


0.5 - Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 4 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1 Figure 4

1 2O

1OO a



s N N9N s SSN s N s C.) SOs S2s s N 2 C2 S O es S& S. SS S SO S s2 c S a o s is P 2is a' W s wis & e. Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 5 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 5


EAD Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 6 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1 Figure 6


350 SBA-infested Undamaged 300






D-Limonene Methyl Salicylate (EE)-b-Farnesene Soybean plant volatiles


350 SBA-infested Undamaged







D-Limonene Methyl Salicylate (E,B)-b-Farnesene Soybean plant volatiles Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 7 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 7

16 Methyl salicylate (2-Phenylethanol OControl 111 O24.


Coccinella Harmonia axyridis Chrysoperla carnea Syrphids sepfempunctata Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 8 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 8





1g 300mg 100mg 30mg 10mg Dosages of Methyl Salicylate Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 9 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 9 Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 10 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 10

71 135

A: (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-Nepetalactol B: (4aS,7S,7aR)-Nepetalactone

(4aS,7S,7aR)-Nepetalactone (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-Nepetalactol Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 11 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 11

Male antennae

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 dosages (ng)

Gynoparous antennae

0.001 0.01 0. 1 10 Dosages (ng) Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 12 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 12

Gynoparae Males

Nepetalactol Nepetalactone Blend Control Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 13 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 13

B Males El Gynoparae

Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 14 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 14

Males Gynoparae

0- 0 90.0 35 - S5 - so 0 - 10 Control % of Nepetalactol - Nepetalactone Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 15 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 15

Blank Nepetalactone Nepetalactol Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 16 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1 Figure 16

Males Gynoparae


O N N N Sy SN N s s s s N s S s N s c s s s & S S. 8 S o KS N S SSS. s & S.w s & * e s s SS No v f Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 17 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1 Figure 17

ME-SA treated Control





150 , control without ME-SA Dispenser. 100


Days after ME-SA treatment thday 11thday Patent Application Publication Nov. 10, 2005 Sheet 18 of 18 US 2005/0249769 A1

Figure 18

-- trap catches - - - Scouting (aphidsx10/plant)

US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

METHOD FOR SOYBEAN APHID POPULATION thorn. This is the only Sexually reproducing generation, and SUPPRESSION AND MONITORING USING the only one in which sex pheromones are used for mating. APHID-AND HOSTPLANTASSOCATED The Overwintering eggs from these wingless females that SEMOCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS mate with winged males in the fall result in the first winged generation (alate viviparous female) that take flight early in CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED the Spring. These females migrate from buckthorn in Search APPLICATIONS of Soybeans, Glycine max, the Secondary host plant. On Soybeans, a Series of wingless generations (apterous Vivipa 0001. This application claims priority to a previously rous females) are produced, which are followed by a winged filed and co-pending application, U.S. Ser. No. 60/568,640, generation that disperses from infested Soybean plants in filed May 6, 2004, the contents of which are incorporated Search of other less-infested Soybean plants. During the fall, herein by reference. All references cited herein are also winged females (gynoparae) fly back to the common buck incorporated herein by reference thorn to produce a new generation of pheromone-producing oviparae. Males that develop late in the Season on Soybeans REFERENCE TO GOVERNMENT FUNDING Search for buckthorn and mate with oviparae, which lay the 0002 This application is directed to work funded by the overwintering eggs on buckthorn twigs (See FIG. 1, dia National Science Foundation SBIR program (Grant No. gram of the Soybean aphid life cycle). 03.19092 and 0450032); the United States government may 0006. Application of insecticides has been the first have certain rights in the invention. approach to Suppress this pest Species during the growing FIELD OF THE INVENTION Season, but there are the usual risks that beneficial will be killed or repelled and that the environment can 0003. This invention relates to the use of behavior become polluted. Furthermore, insecticides may not be modifying chemicals (Semiochemicals) to manipulate the entirely effective, and populations of Soybean aphids do tend behavior of the Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, and its insect to rebound after insecticide application by developing resis predators, in order to Suppress Soybean aphid populations or tance quickly (Cullen, 2004; Ostlie, 2004). The insecticides to monitor their densities. The invention is to use of newly labeled for Soybean aphid management listed in Table 1 are identified Soybean aphid Sex pheromone components and all restricted from use within at least 20 days of harvesting host-plant-associated Semiochemicals affecting the Soybean by the EPA; this is the most critical period of the life cycle, aphid and its predators, for directly Suppressing Soybean during which the overwintering population is generated. aphid populations as well as for monitoring their abundance, Further results from Soybean aphid Suction traps during the thereby reducing damage to economically important U.S. fall of 2002 have shown that the higher density fall popu CropS. lation in 2002 contributed to the most serious soybean aphid infestation during 2003 since the arrival of this in the U.S. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION (Voegtlin and Steffey, 2004). 0004. The Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, is a newly invasive insect Species that Seriously threatens U.S. TABLE 1. Soybean production. It is the only aphid Species to develop Insecticides Labeled for Soybean Aphid Control large colonies on Soybeans, Glycine max, in North America. Since its first appearance in Wisconsin, it has spread to over Rate Post Harvest 20 states in the U.S. and three provinces in Canada (Soybean Insecticide (fl oz/acre) Restriction (day) Class Aphid Watch 2005). Infestations of this pest whittle soybean Asana XL 5.8-9.6 21 Pyrethriod growers profits and cause hundreds of millions of dollars in Baythroid 2E 2.8 45 Pyrethriod Dimethoate 16 21 Organophosphate losses (CNN News, Nov. 25, 2003; Chicago Tribune Busi Furadan 4F 8 21 Carbamate ness News, Oct. 11, 2003). In 2003, the total acreage having Lorsban 4E 16-32 28 Organophosphate Soybean aphid infestations was estimated at over 8 million Mustang Max 3.4-4.3 21 Pyrethriod acres, with yield losses ranging from 32%-45% from the Penncap-M 32-48 2O Organophosphate three biggest Soybean-growing States (data digested from Pounce 3.2EC 4-8 60 Pyrethriod research conducted in Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota and Warrior T 1.92-3.84 45 Pyrethriod reported at the Midwest Soybean Aphid Workshop, Feb. 5, 2004). 0007. During the growing season, soybean aphids are 0005 The Soybean aphid is originally a native of China attacked by a variety of insect predators and parasitoids. The and Japan, and until recently, mainly occurred only in complex of these natural enemies plays a potential key role Several Asian countries, Australia, and on Several Pacific in regulating Soybean aphid populations. Field observations islands. It has a complex life cycle with more than 15 in Soybean fields indicate that Coccinella Septempunctata generations annually. Two different types of host plants are dominates early in the Season with an increasing abundance necessary for the completion of its life cycle. In Iowa, winter of Harmonia axyridis and ColeOmegilla maculata as the Survival of overwintering eggs occurs on the aphid's pri Season progresses. The most common lacewing Species, mary host, the common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica. ChrySoperla Carnea, also flies during the Soybean growing However, winged females (called gynoparae) are also Season, and their larvae have been observed attacking Soy found on the leaves of another Rhamnus species (R. alnifo bean aphids. There is also an abundance of larvae of Syrphid lia) in other north central states (Voegtlin et al., 2004). The flies preying on Soybean aphids. We documented a Second gynoparae produce a generation of wingless pheromone lacewing Species, Chrysopa Oculata, flying in the late fall emitting females (called "oviparae') in late fall on buck when gynoparae and Sexually active male and female Soy US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 bean aphids occur. These lacewings are predacious during 1997; Sanders, 1997). These disruption systems have both the adult and larval stages. The inventors here isolated resulted in a significant reduction in the number of insecti and identified Several plant-related volatile compounds that cide applications (Baker and Heath, 2004; Staten et al., attract the adults of Several Species of predaceous insects 1990; Baker et al., 1990). Earlier reports have suggested that (Zhu et al., 2005; Zhu and Park, 2005). the active range of male aphids responding to female SeX 0008. The use of predaceous insects, including coccinel pheromone is relatively short, which could be problematic lids, chrysopids and other predatory insects, as biological when developing mating disruption techniques against aphid control agents to SuppreSS population of pest Species on pests. However, recent Studies have shown that males of economically important agricultural crops or in home gar Several aphid Species can be Selectively attracted to traps dens, is widely accepted and recognized by the general releasing Synthetic aphid pheromones at relatively long public and by biological control practitioners (see references distances, as can gynoparous female aphids be attracted to in, Obrycki and Kring, 1998; Canard, et al 1984). There have host plant associated volatiles (Campbellet al., 1990; Hardie been Significant Successes in using Such insects to SuppreSS et al., 1992; 1996; Boo et al., 2000; Lösel et al., 1996a, b). whitefly, aphid, mealybug, Scale and mite populations (Ger These recent findings are encouraging for the potential ling, 1990; Frazier, 1988; New, 1975). Despite the signifi deployment of aphid mating disruption technique using SeX cant Success of employing these two groups of predatory pheromones. insects for biological control, two of the most important 0013 Another integrated pest management (IPM) com factors impacting the effectiveness of biological control are ponent, mass trapping of insect pests using Sex pheromones the timing of the abundance of predatory insects on targeted or host plant volatiles, has also shown renewed promise as pests and the dispersal behavior of many predaceous Species a population management tool (Kobayashi et al., 1981; Smit (Frazier, 1988; Rutledge et al. 2004). The use of attractants et al., 2001) for both moth and beetle pests (Baker and of predatory insects of Soybean aphids offerS Significant Heath, 2004). Mass trapping of male soybean aphids as they potential to manipulate these beneficial insects in aphid leave Soybean fields to locate females on the winter host, by infested habitats (Zhu et al., 1999; Zhu et al., 2005; Zhu and using inexpensive traps placed in Soybean fields, may be a Park, 2005). feasible approach to explore. Likewise, mass trapping of 0009. During the fall, gynoparae fly from soybean fields gynoparae leaving Soybean fields may reduce population to locate their winter host plants, where they give birth to densities of overwintering aphids. live, wingless, sexually-active females (oviparae). These 0014. There is a particular need to identify Such com females are the only Sexually reproducing females during pounds for use in Suppressing and impacting Soybean aphid the entire year. The mature oviparae emit a SeX pheromone populations, a pest causing economic damage. that attracts winged males from the Same generation that produced the gynoparae, these males have also flown out of Soybean fields to locate buckthorn plants. The eggs resulting SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION from mated oviparae are laid on buckthorn for overwinter 0015 The invention is to utilize plant-derived semio ing. The SeX pheromone is released from glandular cells on chemicals, including both the catmint-plant-derived Soybean the tibiae of the hind legs; this communication System has aphid Sex pheromone blend as well as plant-associated been demonstrated in Several aphid species (Pettersson, predatory insect attractants, to SuppreSS Soybean aphid popu 1970 and 1971, Pickett et al., 1992). lations directly or by using these compounds combined in 0.010 The sex pheromones of several aphid species that monitoring traps. have been identified thus far (Picket et al., 1992; Boo et al., 0016. In one embodiment, the semiochemicals are plant 2000) all involve compounds derived from the catmint plant, Volatile compounds including aphid-feeding-induced plant Nepata cataria. These include two compounds, (1R,4aS,7S, emitted Volatile compounds that can be used in Suppressing 7aR)-nepetalactol (nepetalactol) and (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepeta aphid populations. In a preferred embodiment these com lactone (nepetalactone), the precise blend of which we pounds include (E)-2 hexenal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, determined specifically attracts both Spring alatae and males (Z)-3 hexenyl acetate, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and gynoparous Soybean aphids (Zhu et al., Submitted). ocimine, 2-phenylethanol, (E.E)-O-farnesene, and methyl 0.011 The aphid olfactory receptor system shows a great Salicylate. In a preferred embodiment these compounds abundance of organs called Secondary rhinaria that are include the induced plant aphid-feeding-induced plant-emit located on the antenna of the alate morphs. The majority of ted volatile compound of methyl Salicylate. In an embodi these rhinaria are flat, plate-like organs (placoid Sensilla) ment of the invention, the composition deployed into a target (Anderson and Bromley, 1987), which suggests their comprises a range of effective doses from 10 mg to 300 mg involvement in host plant location and mate finding (Eisen when the volatile is methyl salicylate. bach and Mittler, 1980; Marsh, 1975; Pettersson, 1971). In 0017. In another embodiment, the Semiochemicals, sex soybean aphids, Du et al. (1995) reported that the olfactory pheromones, neptalactol or neptalactone are used to Sup Systems of Soybean aphid males and gynoparous females are preSS aphid populations. In a preferred embodiment, the quite Similar with regard to the abundance of placoid Sensilla amount of neptalactol or neptalactone released in the target found on their antennae. area is 0.1 mg to 50 mg in a 24 hour period. In Still another 0012. The use of synthetic sex pheromone to disrupt embodiment, the nepetalactone and neptalactol is combined, mating behavior has become a widely accepted and increas and in a Still further preferred embodiment, the nepetalactol ingly used IPM tool for Suppressing populations of Several comprises at least about 10% of the composition. In a key lepidopteran pests of agricultural crops and tree fruits preferred embodiment this blend consists of a ratio of 35:65 around the world (Baker and Heath, 2004; Baker et al., nepetalactol to nepetalactone. US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

0.018. A blend of the any of above semiochemicals may in Volatile release rates between Soybean aphid-infested and be used which combines at least one or more of any of the undamaged plants of Glycine max (Student T-test, n=6, host plant Volatiles and/or Sex pheromones. Either the host P-0.001). plant Volatiles, or the Soybean aphid Sex pheromones, or a combination, may be used to SuppreSS their populations, to 0027 FIG. 7 is a graph of the mean number of predatory disrupt the mating of Soybean aphids, to Suppress their insects caught in traps baited with 100 mg of methyl Success of the overwintering populations, or mass-trap Soy Salicylate and 2-phenylethanol, and the control from an Iowa bean aphids. In another embodiment, the aphid-induced host soybean field in 2003. Columns with no letters in common plant volatile compounds methyl Salicylate or (E.E)-O- in 4 different categories are significantly different (ANOVA farnese are used to attract insects predatory to Soybean followed by FPLSD test, P-0.05). aphids. 0028 FIG. 8 is a graph of the mean number of Coc 0019. In another embodiment the Soybean aphid sex cinella Septempunctata caught in traps baited with different pheromone, or Soybean Volatile compound, or combination, doses of methyl salicylate from an Iowa Soybean field in is used in monitoring traps to indicate population levels that 2004. Columns with no letters in common are significantly can be Suppressed by the application of insecticides or by different (ANOVA followed by FPLSD test, P-0.05). other means. In one embodiment the volatile benzaldehyde 0029 FIG. 9 Shows simultaneously recorded flamed is used. In an embodiment this blend consists of a blend of ionization detector (FID) and electroantennographic detec nepetalactol to nepetalactone mentioned above, or benzal tor (EAD) responses of male antennae of Aphis glycines to dehyde, or the three combined. two pheromone candidate compounds from extracts of air 0020. The invention also provides compositions compris borne collection of calling female gynoparous Soybean ing effective dosages of Soybean aphid and host-related aphids. Volatiles, Suitable dispenser Systems for emitting these com 0030 FIG. 10 The upper part shows mass spectra of two pounds, and trapping/trappant Systems for use in both moni pheromone candidate compounds identified from airborne toring and in mass trapping and mating disruption. collection of the female Soybean aphid. Nepetalactone is at left and nepetalactol is shown at right, which elicited Sig BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS nificant EAG active peaks from their conspecific male 0021 FIG. 1 is a representation of the life cycle of the antennae (FIG. 9). The lower part shows chemical structures Soybean aphid. of the two pheromone candidate compounds. 0022 FIG. 2 show graphs of typical gas chromatograms 0031 FIG. 11 is two graphs of EAG dose-response (On a DB-5 column) of volatile compounds emitted from curves from male (upper part) and gynoparous female Soybean aphid-infested, artificial-damaged and undamaged antennae (lower part) of Soybean aphids to Synthetic phero plants of Glycine max. Represented are: 1: E2-hexenal; 2: mone candidate compounds (n=4, different letters within a E2-hexenol; 3: toluene; 4: unknowns; 5: Ethylbenzene; 6: series indicate significant differences, ANOVA followed by 1,3-dimethylbenzene; 7: benzaldehyde; 8: 6-methyl-5 hep FPLSD test, P-0.05) tanone; 9: Z3-hexenyl acetate; 10: decane; 11: 1,2,3-trim 0032 FIG. 12 is a graph of total number of male and ethyl benzene; 12: dichlorobenzene; 13: D-limonene; 14: gynoparous female Soybean aphids caught in traps baited ocimene; 15: unknowns; 16: linalool; 17: 2-phenylethanol; with different combinations of the two pheromone candidate 18: unknown; 19: naphathlene; 20: methyl salicylate; 21: compounds in Soybean fields (n=5; columns with no letters unknowns, 22: tetradecane; 23: unknowns, 24: C-humulene; in common are significantly different, ANOVA followed by 25: (E.E)-C-farnesene. FPLSD test, P-0.05). 0023 FIG. 3 is a graph of EAG responses of winged 0033 FIG. 13 is a graph of mean number of winged Soybean aphids, Aphis glycines, to Some Soybean associated Soybean aphids caught in traps baited with different dosages volatile compounds. Means (tstandard error) with different of the blend of pheromone candidate compounds (n=5; letters are significantly different (ANOVA followed by columns with no letters in common are significantly differ FPLSD test, P-0.001) ent, ANOVA followed by FPLSD test, P-0.05). 0024 FIG. 4 is a graph of the number of winged soybean 0034 FIG. 14 is a graph of mean number of winged aphids caught per trap baited with Some Selected Soybean Soybean aphids caught in traps baited with different ratios of volatile compounds (synthetic) in the Soybean field. Means the two pheromone candidate compounds (n=5; columns (tstandard error) with different letters are significantly dif with no letters in common are significantly different, ferent (ANOVA followed by FPLSD test, P-0.001) ANOVA followed by FPLSD test, P-0.05). 0025 FIG. 5 Shows simultaneously recorded flamed 0035 FIG. 15 is a graph of EAG response amplitudes of ionization detector (FID) and electroantennographic detec males and gynoparae of Soybean aphids, with or without tor (EAD) responses of antennae of Coccinella Septempunc pre-exposure to pheromone disruption dispensers (10 min), tata to extracts of Soybean aphid-infested plant of Glycine to puffs of aphid pheromone compounds loaded at 10 ug in fiti. odor cartridges. Different letters on top of bars indicate significant differences (Student T-test, P-0.05). 0.026 FIG. 6 is two graphs of emission rates of three Volatile compounds from plants at first and Second vegeta 0036 FIG. 16 is a graph of mean number of winged tive stages of Glycine max (V1, upper part and V2, lower Soybean aphids caught in water traps baited with different part). Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences combinations of catnip oil and the two pheromone com US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 pounds (n=5, columns with no letters in common are sig composition, including more than one compound, which nificant different, ANOVA followed by FPLSD test, P-0.05) either directly or indirectly, Such as initiating an optomotor 0037 FIG. 17 is two graphs; the upper part shows mean program of steering down-wind, causes the insect to dis number of Winged Soybean aphids found on potted soybean place away from the Source of the chemical composition. plants with or without treated with methyl salicylate 0045 “Predatory Insects” refers to those insects that prey (impregnated at 100 mg on cotton rolls); and the lower part upon aphids infesting plants. By way of example without shows their effect on soybean aphid growth. limitation, Such predatory insects include members of the 0.038 FIG. 18 is a graph of comparisons between num family Coccinellidae (lady beetles), Syrphidae (syrphids), bers of alate Soybean aphids captured in pheromone traps Chrysopidae (lacewings), and Anthocoridae (true bugs). and the numbers of apterous females found on leaves during Further specific examples include, and are not limited to, Standard Scouting Sample procedures in a 5-acre soybean Coccinella Septempunctata, Syrphus sp., Chrysopa oculata field in Decorah, Iowa, 2004. and Orius insidious (Say). 0046) "Applying” and "Application” includes any suit DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE able method of emitting an effective dose of the semio INVENTION chemical to an area. By way of example, without limitation, is included the broadcast or restricted localized spraying of 0.039 The invention describes methods to use attractant a Volatile in or around an area, with or without first microen compositions, including Semiochemicals such as soybean capsulating the Volatile, emitting the volatile from one or aphid Sex pheromone components and host-plant-associated more controlled-emission point-Source dispensers placed in Volatiles, to behaviorally manipulate the Soybean aphid and or around an area, and integrating the release of the volatile its predators to Suppress Soybean aphid populations as well with an irrigation technique (“chemigation”). as to monitor the aphids abundance. Further, the invention 0047 "Dispenser” refers to any device that disperses the is to a blend of more than one volatile, a blend of more than Semiochemicals. “Controlled-emission point-source dis one Soybean aphid-induced volatiles, and/or a combination penser' refers to any Suitable method for controlling the of the volatiles and soybean aphid induced volatiles. In yet emission rate of the volatile compound from a concentrated another embodiment, the blends or combinations can be Source reservoir of the compounds. Such methods include, further combined with one or more soybean aphid sex but not limited to: pads, beads, rods, spirals, or balls com pheromones. prised of rubber, leather, cotton, wood, glass or wood 0040. The invention provides several innovative and products, polyethylene, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride environmentally benign biologically based pest manage that are impregnated with the volatile compounds, micro ment approaches, such as mass trapping and mating disrup capillary tubes open at one end; sealed polyethylene or tion of the Soybean aphid's fall generation and also the polypropylene tubes Sealed at both ends; laminates com monitoring and prediction of Soybean aphid movement and prised of layers of the volatile compound alternated with outbreaks using the Soybean aphid sex pheromone. The plastic and cut in various sized flasks or preserved as large invention also provides novel methods for attracting insects ribbons or sheets; permeable or semi-permeable membranes that are predaceous upon Soybean aphids to target soybean covering a non-permeable container serving as a reservoir aphid-infested areas using compositions of soybean plant for the Volatile compounds; large porous beads or sponges; Volatiles, thereby enhancing biological control. In particular, micro-capsules; Sealed envelopes or bags made of polyeth given the adverse economic impact on Soybean crops in ylene, polypropylene, paper, or other permeable substances, particular, the development of this system against soybean metered aerosol Systems utilizing pump or pressure tech aphids will give soybean farmers in North America a new nologies to emit aeroSolized droplets of the volatiles into the tool against this pest, and may especially be helpful to atmosphere, onto plant Surface or dirt, or onto any of above growers of organic Soybeans who currently have no means controlled-release point-Source dispensers; and non-aerosol of non-insecticidal population Suppression against this pest. micro-pump technologies that cause metered quantities of the compounds to be dispensed and volatilized by any of the 0041) The following definitions are used, unless other above methods. When referring to “traps” any means of wise described. trapping an insect is included, such as adjustable pan traps, 0042 "Attract” refers to causing an insect to displace Sticky traps and the like. toward the Source of a chemical composition. 0048 “Target area” includes any place where the pres 0043 “Attractant” refers to any chemical composition ence of the Semiochemicals of the invention is desirable to that causes, either directly or indirectly, an insect to displace achieve Suppression, attraction, monitoring, trapping or the toward the Source of the chemical composition. A chemical like of Soybean aphids, and/or attraction of their predators, composition causing attraction can be an individual com Such as, for example, a farm field, a garden, or a horticultural pound or a composition, including more than one com or floricultural nursery. pound, which either directly or indirectly, such as initiating 0049) “Semiochemicals” refers to naturally occurring an optomotor program of Steering into the wind, causes the biochemical signals used by insects, plants, and other organ insect to displace toward the Source of the chemical com isms for communication with other organisms in their envi position. ronment and includes plant volatile compounds insect-feed 0044) “Repellent” refers to any chemical composition ing-induced plant volatile compounds and insect sex that causes, either directly or indirectly, an insect to displace pheromones, among others. away from the Source of the chemical composition. A 0050 “Volatile” refers to compounds, compositions, or chemical repellent can be an individual compound or a mixtures with a Sufficient vapor pressure so that at least US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

Some of the matter can be readily vaporized at ambient be desired. The adults of female and male predatory insects temperature or temperatures slightly above ambient, and the can themselves consume the prey, as well be afforded resulting vapors can be detected and responded to by, for increased probability of locating mates and laying eggs, example, the living insect, or the insect's extirpated antenna. their Subsequent larval offspring will also prey on the aphids. In addition, the attraction of Soybean aphids can also be used 0051 “Odor” refers to an individual compound, a com as an indicator for predicting the outbreak of Soybean aphids position of Volatile compounds, or a specific blend ratio of during the Spring. The Soybean-aphid feeding-induced emis two or more Volatile chemicals. sion of volatiles from the plants has also been shown to 0.052 The semiochemicals of the invention are plant decrease infestations, the aphids propensity to avoid Such produced and Soybean aphid-produced volatile compounds compounds results in reduced populations. to be used to repel or attract target insects. By Soybean Volatiles is meant those compounds produced by Soybeans 0054 Optimal amounts of semiochemicals needed to (Glycine max) and include volatiles from their host plants evoke attraction (attractive amounts) or aphid avoidance of (both primary and Secondary host plants of Soybean aphids) plants (repellency) will depend on the application technique and their prey host plants, as well as the pheromone of the employed and on the Specific conditions of the area at the Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (prey associated). Preferred time of application. From the controlled-release point plant volatiles useful in the methods of the invention include Source dispensers the reservoir amounts will typically be general leaf volatiles, terpinoids (monoterpene, Sesquiter about 10 mg or higher, and the release rates will be 10 pene and their corresponding alcohols), and phenolics, Such ng/min or higher. as phenyl alcohols, phenyl esters and phenyl ketones. For 0055. In preferred embodiments of the invention, the example, see Liu, et al., 1989, J. Agri. Food Chem. 37:496 amount of methyl Salicylate from a dispenser comprises 501, Du, et al., 1994, Acta Entomol. Sinica, 37:385-391; about 10 mg to 300 mg of methyl salicylate. When nepta Zhu, et al., 2005; Pickett, Wadhams and Woodcock, 1992. lactone or neptalatol is used in the composition, a preferred Annu. Rev. Entomol. 37:67-90. Preferred compounds amount released from a dispenser comprises about 1 mg to include (E)-2 hexenal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 about 50 mg/day (mating disruption). A further preferred hexenyl acetate, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, amount is 0.1 mg to 5 mg/day (mass trapping). When ocimine, 2-phenylethanol, (E.E)-C.-farnesene, methyl sali blending nepetalactol with nepetalactone, it is preferred the cylate and 4aS,7S, 7aR)-nepetalactone and (1R,4aS,7S, nepetalactol is at least about 10% of the composition. 7aR)-nepetalactol. Note that when referring to nepetalactone Another embodiment provides the nepetalactol and nepeta and neptelactol, it is not necessary to use the compounds lactone at a ration of 35:65. from any particular Source. In fact, experiments discussed below indicate catnip oil can be the Source of nepetalactone, 0056. The following is presented by way of illustration and the compound need not be purified. By the term Soybean and is not intended to limit the Scope of the invention. aphid induced volatiles, is meant the group of Soybean Volatiles which are produced by healthy Soybean leaves, or EXAMPLE 1. when the aphid ingests, damages, or otherwise attacks the Soybean, the Volatiles are produced under latter circum 0057 Materials and Methods stance by the plant as a defensive mechanism. An example 0058 Plants and insects. V1 and V2 stage Soybean plants of Such a compound is methyl Salicylate and (E.E)-O- (Glycine max), Garst Roundup Ready, variety. 80411203, farneSene. Sex pheromones are those Semiochemicals used greenhouse grown in Small pots, were used when for infes by members of the opposite Sexes of the same Species for tation and entrainment. This stage of Soybean plants was Sexual communication, and here Sex pheromones are those also reported when Spring winged aphids Started to emigrate used for communication for purposes of insect reproduction. from their overwintering host plant, buckthorn (Rhamnus By way of example, without limitation, a preferred phero cathartica) to the soybean. Soybean aphids collected from mone that can be used in the invention, is a Sex pheromone soybean fields at the University Farms (Ames, Iowa), were components of the Soybean aphid, (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalac maintained in the laboratory in a cabinet maintained at tone and/or (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactol. The pheromones 25+2 C., with a light cycle of 14 hrs: 10 hrs, L. D., as a can be blended together, or blended with other pheromones Stock colony with only parthenogenetically produced or host plant volatiles. One skilled appreciates that a blend females. Adults of C. Septempunctata were collected from of any of the Semiochemicals can be formulated, including Soybean fields during early Summer, and maintained in the blends with other desirable compounds. The compounds can Same condition as described for Soybean aphid colony, with be formulated to dispensers for pheromone mating disrup only Sugar water (5%) provided. tion and mass trapping during the fall for Suppressing their overwintering population. 0059 Volatile collection from soybean aphid-infested and undamaged Soybean leaves. The collection apparatus for 0053. The inventors have discovered that semiochemi volatile compounds comprised two glass half-cells (9.5 cm cals, including volatile plant compounds, Soybean aphid IDx12 cm deep and 10 cm ID and 15 cm deep), which when induced Volatile host plant compounds and Soybean aphid put together formed a chamber around the plant with the SeX pheromone compounds, Separately or together, can be Stem passing through a Small slit. The remaining Space used to in monitoring the outbreaks and to assist timing the around the slit was packed with glass wool, held in place application of pesticides, or other means of reducing aphid with Teflon tape. The moisturized and charcoal filtered air damage. For example, the Volatiles can be used to attract was pumped into the chamber through the inlet, and the predatory insects that prey Soybean aphids. The composi outlet of the chamber was connected with a pre-baked (200 tions and methods of the invention can be used to attract C. over night) glass tube (5 cmx0.3 cm ID) containing 100 adult predatory insects to any area where their presence may mg of Super Q (80/100 mesh, ALLTECH Associate, Deer US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

field, Ill.) Sandwiched with glass wool plugs. An air flow rate hexane. The rinsed hexane will be concentrated to a Volume was measured around 400 ml/min from the Super Q collec of approx. 50 ul for further chemical analytical analyses. tor using a HP digital flow meter. The entrainment was carried under the same condition as described for Soybean 0063 Chemical Analyses. For GC-EAD analysis, a growth. Hewlett Parkard 5890 Series II gas chromatograph equipped with either a DB-5 or a DB-wax column (30 mx0.25 mm 0060 Volatile entrainment was conducted from V1 and i.d., J&W Scientific, Folsom, Calif.), and a 50:50 effluent V2 stage of soybean plants. 302" instar soybean aphids split allowed simultaneous flame ionization (FID) and EAD were transferred on leaves of one Soybean plant, and col of the collected volatiles. Helium was used as the carrier gas lection was started after 6 hours of introducing. A control with a flow rate of approximately 30 ml/min for both FID plant (same stage) was set up in exactly the same way but and EAD. Extracts were injected in splitless mode. The without the aphids. Volatiles were collected every other day injector temperature was 250 C., and the split valve was from the first day to 12" day. Volatile collection from only opened 1 min after injection. The temperature program was Soybean aphids was also conducted in a 12 OZ wide mouth 50° C. (3 min) to 250° C. at 15° C./min. The outlet for the glass bottle with around 200 soybean aphids (2-3 instar) EAD was continuously Supplied with a purified, moisturized with the same method described above. The trapped vola air Stream flowing over the antennal preparation at 0.5 tiles were eluted with 2 ml of HPLC-grade hexane (Burdick m/sec. An adult of C. Septempunctata was restrained on a & Jackson BrandTM High Purity) containing 250 ng of block of dental wax with thin copper wires (32 Gauge) for pentadecane as an internal Standard, and then concentrated EAD recordings. A glass capillary recording Ag-AgCl to 200 ul under a gentle nitrogen Stream. Two ul of extracts electrode filled with saline (0.1 M KCl solution) was placed were injected into either combined gas chromatography and in contact with the distal Segment of the antenna. The ground electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) or gas chroma electrode, filled with the same Solution, was impaled into the tography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for quantitative and beetle body. The EAD amplifier (a high-impedance DC qualitative analyses. amplifier and an automatic baseline drift compensation) was 0061 Inducing pheromone producing female and purchased from Syntech (Hilversum, The Netherlands). A responding male Soybean aphids. The aphids are collected GC-EAD program (version 2.3) developed by Syntech was from local Soybean fields (Ames, Iowa) and are raised on used to record and analyze the amplified EAD and FID potted Soybean plants. They are initially kept in a growth Signals on a PC computer (Micron Inc., Minneapolis). chamber maintained at 25+2 C. as a stock colony with only 0064 GC-MS analyses of the volatiles collected from parthenogenetic females produced. To induce Sexual forms Soybean plants and gynoparous Soybean aphids were per of Soybean aphids to occur in the lab, 10 winged or non formed with a Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II gas chro winged asexual females are transferred and reared on a matograph interfaced to a Hewlett Packard 5972 Mass Soybean plant under fluctuating photoperiod and tempera Selective Detector (MSD). The GC-MS was equipped with ture programs as described above that mimic conditions the same columns as used in the GC-EAD system described during the late fall in the Upper Midwest. The progeny from above. The temperature program was the same as that these aphids are checked every week, and Segregated described for the GC-EAD analyses. Mass spectra were according to age throughout the next 4-5 weeks until winged recorded from 30 to 550 a.m.u. with electronic impact males emerge, indicating also that the winged females that ionization at 70 eV. The assignments of chemical identities emerge are of the Sexually reproducing type. During the last to the Soybean Volatile compounds were confirmed by week of the induction, common buckthorn leaves are pro comparison of the retention indices and mass spectra with vided for these females to feed on, which then promotes the those of authenticate chemical Standards and reference Spec biosynthesis and emission of Sex pheromone by these tra in a mass spectral library (Wiley 138K, John Wiley and females. The induced male and female Soybean aphids were Sons, Inc.). Separated and rearing in two different 16 OZ bottles for used in experiments. 0065. The structures of the MS-identified pheromone compounds were further confirmed by analysis by nuclear 0.062 Pheromone collection. Two methods, solvent magnetic resonance (H and 'C NMR) spectroscopy. extraction and air entrainment, will be used for collecting putative Sex pheromone components from pheromone-emit 0066 Chemicals. All synthetic standards of soybean ting females (oviparae). For the Solvent extraction method, Volatile compounds were purchased from Sigma/Aldrich 20 hind legs of oviparae will be dissected, and extracted with (St. Louis, Mo.), and the purity of each compound was 20 ul of diethyl ether. The dissections will be performed on analyzed in GC-MS ranging from 98%-99.5%. Synthetic oviparae at three different times during the photoperiod, 0-3 Soybean aphid pheromone compounds were Synthesized as hr, 3-6 hr and 6-9 hr while they are observed calling. To get described: the (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone was extracted the precise airborne released pheromone, the air entrainment from catmint plants Nepeta cataria (Lamiaceae) by Steam method will be deployed. Thirty mature oviparae maintained distillation. Catmint plants were collected from the Univer on leaves of the common buckthorn with ends of the cut sity Farms (Ames, Iowa). Cut leaves and stems of catmint branches held in a water-filled test tube, will be placed in a were placed into a 2-liter, three-necked boiling flask, then 1 ventilated glass jar (32 oz. wide mouth bottle). Activated liter of water will be added. The flask was heated to boiling charcoal-filtered air will be drawn from the container at a point. The distillate was collected and washed three times rate of 0.5 liter/min. Volatiles will be entrained onto a with hexane, then hexane was removed by using rotary adsorbent collector System (a glass tube containing 250 mg evaporation at 500 mm Hg vacuum at 25 C. According to of Super Q, 80/100 mesh, ALLTECH). The collection will results of GC-MS analysis of the distillate from our repellent last from Several hours to 2 days, the volatiles then being research project, it contains about 98% of the nepetalactone desorbed by eluting the adsorbent with 3 ml of distilled (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactone and (4aS,7S,7aS)-nepetalac US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 tone. The two isomers were separated by using either High 0069 Statistical analyses. The resulting differences in pressured liquid chromatography (HPLC) or Silica gel pre Volatile emission among different treatments in the Volatile parative thin-layer chromatography plates (TLC). HPLC collection experiments and trap catches (means of trapped was conducted using a Hewlett Packard series 1100 HPLC Species) were compared by either Student T-test or analysis with a Pirkle Covalent Phenylglycine hi-chrom preparative of variance followed by Fisher's protected least significant column (25 cmx10 mm I.D., 5 microns S5NH Modified difference test (FPLSD). Spherosorb). A mobile phase of 9:1 hexane:ethyl acetate at 0070 Results about 2.5 ml/min was Selected, and detection using a Spec 0071 Volatile compounds from soybean aphid-infested troflow 757 UV-Detector at 254 nm. For separating these Soybean leaf A total of 21 volatile compounds were tenta two isomers using TLC, TLC plate (20x20 cm, 1,000 um in tively identified from emissions of both infested and unin thickness, Whatman, Hillsboro, Oreg.) was used with a fested Soybean leaves by comparing their retention indices solvent system of 19:1 hexane/ethyl ether. The products and MS characteristic fragments with those of synthetic were visualized under 254-nm UV light, and the silica gel standards (FIG.2). Most volatiles released from the soybean was scraped off the plated and washed with ethyl ether. The plant were common plant Volatiles. Further quantitative solvents used by two methods were removed by rotary analyses from runs of extracts on GC and GC-MS revealed evaporation, and the purity of the isomer was assessed by that consistent differences in emissions of D-limonene, analyzing in GC-MS with comparison of authentic aphid methyl salicylate and (E.E)-O-farnesene between the Soy compound provided by Dr. Pickett at Rothamsted Experi bean aphid-infested and undamaged Soybean plants (FIG. mental Station, UK. The resulting (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalac 6). Among these three compounds, methyl Salicylate was the tone was reduced to the corresponding (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)- only compound emitted Significantly higher quantities from nepetalactol using the diisobutylaluminium hydride soybean aphid-infested soybean plants (both V1 and V2 (DIBAL-H) reduction of the above purified nepetalactone. Stage), relative to the undamaged ones. Significantly more The Structure of reduction product was finally characterized amounts of D-limonene and (E.E)-C-farnesene released by C NMR: peaks at 93.9 p.p.m (–OCHOH), 133.5 and from the soybean aphid-infested were observed, but differed 113.1 (C=CH-O) and 7 others upfield, and by H NMR: between the V1 and V2 staged soybean plants. characteristic peaks at 6.01 ppm (=CH-O), 4.85 0072 EAG responses of soybean aphids to soybean plant (O-CH-O) and 2.82 (OH), with 5 Hz coupling from the Volatiles and their attractiveness in the field. Antennae of 4.85 peak to both the OH peak and an octet at 1.64 (H-7a) winged soybean aphids responded strongly to several (3). The absolute Stereochemistry of the reduced nepetalac Selected most common Soybean associated volatiles, with tol at C-1 will be determined by NMR spectrum (5 Hz the highest response to (E)-2 hexenal, and followed by (Z)-3 coupling between Hs 1 and 7a). Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 hexenyl acetate, linalool, 0067. The effect of Methyl salicylate on soybean aphid 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Ocimene, 2-phenylethanol, growth. This experiment was conducted in the green house, methyl Salicylate, which all Significantly Stronger than the where cages of Soybean plants treated with dispensers control (FIG. 3). Field trapping tests showed that winged loaded 4 g of Synthetic methyl Salicylate. Newly emerged Soybean aphids were caught the most with traps baited with winged Soybean aphids on one cut-Soybean leaf (dried) were benezaldehyde (FIG. 4). All other compounds elicited EAG placed in the middle of the cage, which is 30 cm away from responses seemed not to be attractive to winged aphids the potted Soybean plants (V2 stage) with or without treat relative to the control. ment of methyl salicylate. For plants treated with methyl 0073 Responses of predatory insects to selected attrac Salicylate, the cotton roll was placed in the center of the tant compounds in the field trapping tests. Methyl Salicylate plant, and was replaced with a newly loaded one after one was significantly attractive to adults of Coccinella Septem week. The number of winged aphids on each plant were punctata, which is one of dominant predatory lady beetles counted 2 hours after introducing the winged aphids, and active during the earlier Season, while winged Soybean continued for a week. The number of wingleSS Soybean aphids migrated from their overwintering host plants. This aphids produced from those landed winged aphids was also compound attracted to Some Syrphids, but the Strongest counted everyday for about two weeks. attraction was observed from 2-phenylethanol. Although 0068 Field Test. Field trapping tests were conducted in Similar number of Harmonia axyridis was also caught in soybean field from 2002 to 2003 (Ames, Iowa). Synthetic traps baited with methyl Salicylate, but not significantly compounds at a dose of 100 mg (for plant volatiles) and 10 differed from the control. mg for Soybean aphid pheromones were prepared in either 0074 Soybean aphid pheromone identification. The com hexane or methylene chloride or ether. Medical peerleSS bined GC-Electroantennographic analyses (GC/EAD) of cotton rolls (5 cm long, 100% cotton) were used as dispens extracts from the airborne collection of calling oviparae on erS for loading plant volatiles, and borosilicate glass Vials antennae of male Soybean aphids have revealed that two (Chromal) were housed for pheromones. Two trap designs EAD peaks were elicited (FIG. 9). The GC-MS analyses of were used, and the first type is similar to that described in the same extract showed these two peaks with mass Spectra Zhu et al., (1999), and the second one is the most common (FIG. 10); 15 peak: 168 (81), 135 (94), 97 (82), 84 (79), 81 trap used for aphid trapping, the water trap. The trap was (56), 71 (88), 67 (52), 58 (59), 55 (66), 43 (77), 41 (100); 2" hung from bamboo stakes, 1.2 m above the ground. Within peak 166 (78), 151 (8), 138 (17), 123 (83), 109 (51), 95 (81), a replicate (N=5-6), traps were set at least 10 m apart. The 81 (100), 69 (95), 67 (66), 55 (39), 41 (72), 39 (65). The traps were checked daily, and trap position within a Series Second compound has the same retention time and identical was randomized to minimize the effects of habitat hetero mass spectrum with those of the monoterpene (4aS,7S,7aR)- geneity. nepetalactone, identified from the catmint plant, Nepata US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

cataria. The mass spectrum of the first peak resembles bean aphid antennae showed a higher EAG response when iridodial with M. 168 and was similar to one of the (4aS, pheromone exceeded a 1 mg dosage, particularly in the case 7S,7aR)-nepetalactol which has been reported as a phero of nepetalactone. mone compound from another aphid Species, MegOura viciae. The "H NMR data for peak 2 were in agreement with 0077 Field trapping of soybean aphids by synthetic sex those of the natural nepetalactone, (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalac pheromone compounds. Field trapping tests conducted in tone. The stereo chemistry of (4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactol has Soybean fields using Synthetic pheromone lures (10 mg) been established by H NMR (CD): characteristic peaks at showed that a blend containing nepetalactol and nepetalac 6.06 p.p.m. (s, 1H, =CH-O), 4.71 (d. 1H, O-CH-O) tone at a ratio of 35:65 caught the highest number of male and 3.18 (s, br, 1H, OH), with 6.05 Hz couplings from the and gynoparous Soybean aphids (FIG. 12). Significantly 4.78 peak to the octet peak at 1.89 (H-7a). The 6.05 Hz lower catches were found compared to traps baited with coupling between Hs 1 and 7a in the H NMR spectrum is either nepetalactol or nepetalactone alone. A Second field not Sufficient to determine unequivocally the absolute Ste trapping test using different dosages of the most attractive reochemistry at C-1, but it was claimed as (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)- blend was conducted in the same field at a time later in the nepetalactol by X-ray crystallography of the 3,5-dinitroben Season showed that traps loaded with 30 mg of pheromone zoate of DIBAL-H reduction product obtained from (4aS, caught the highest number of both types of Soybean aphids 7S,7aR)-nepetalactone (Dawson, G. W., et al., 1987 and (FIG. 13). We also tested effects of different amounts of Dawson, G. W., et al., 1996). Based on the results from nepetalactol in pheromone lures on the attractiveness to GC-MS and NMR analyses, we have confirmed identifica tion of chemical Structures of two Soybean aphid pheromone male and gynoparous female Soybean aphids. The results components, and their structures are illustrated in FIG. 10. showed that the minimum amount of nepetalactol in the blend has to exceed 10%, in order to maintain the attrac 0075. A comparison test was conducted on pheromone tiveness of the lure to males (FIG. 14). Gynoparous female titers and blend ratioS of oviparous Soybean aphids from a Soybean aphids responded equally well to traps baited with laboratory induced colony as well as those collected from pheromone lures containing no nepetalactol as they did to buckthorn leaves in the field. The results (Table 2) have those with nepetalactol. shown that there are no differences in pheromone amount released and blend ratio emitted from naturally occurring 0078 Pheromone mass trapping lure and mating disrup females compared to our laboratory induced ones. These tion dispenser. The Soybean aphid Sex pheromone lure is results have further demonstrated the reliability of using our comprised of a brown, borosilicate glass Vial with a pre laboratory induced oviparous Soybean aphids for pheromone drilled hole at the plastic cap (1 mm diameter), and with a characterization, which will be used for the development of loading of 10-50 mg of Synthetic pheromone components at mating disruption and mass trapping technology. a ratio of 35:65. The mating disruption dispenser is designed based on our EPA-registered MSTRS(R) pheromone disrup TABLE 2 tion dispensers (bags) (, in which phero Comparisons of pheromone titers and blend ratios between mone components were formulated inside a modified oviparae of the laboratory-induced and field collected MSTRS(R) bag having UV/photo-protected membranes. The soybean aphids (SBA working mechanisms of the current two Systems are that the Pheromone titers Pheromone ratios Soybean aphid pheromone release rates are controlled by SBA ng/hi/oviparae % using different loading (pheromone lure) and permeability of the plastic membranes comprising the bags outer envelope SOCCS Nepetalactol Nepetalactone Nepetalactol Nepetalactone (mating disruption dispenser). Our targeted emission rate for Lab- O38 O.13 O.82 - 0.27 32 O.7 68 - 0.6 induced mass trapping lure is 100 ng/hr (for 30 days) and formating Field- O.59 O.O3 1.14 - 0.06 34 O.2 66 O2 disruption dispenser is 1.0 ug/min (for 30 days). Soybean collected aphid mass trapping pheromone lure (in a water trap) and Data based on analyses of extracts of female pheromone-producing SBA mating disruption dispenser were tested on Soybean aphid either from laboratory induced colony, or collected from their winter host winter host plant, the buckthorn. Table 3 and 4 show its plants, buckthorns, in Ames, Iowa. For laboratory induced colony, phero release rates through a 30-day period. mones from a total of 106 calling females in three batches were analyzed. About 60 field-collected calling females in two batches were extracted. TABLE 3 0.076 EAG dose-responses of male and gynoparous Soy Release rates of a 10 mg soybean aphid pheromone mass bean aphids to the identified Sex pheromone compounds. trapping dispenser during a 4-week period The present electroantennographic (EAG) analyses on the antennae of both types of Soybean aphids have revealed the Pheromone released (ng/hr) presence of olfactory receptors tuned to the identified phero Mean + Std. Error mone compounds with different response profiles (FIG. 11). Male antennae are highly Sensitive to the two pheromone Duration Nepetalactol Nepetalactone compounds at relatively lower dosages, with the response 1st Day 734 - 39 1373 - 256 decreasing Significantly when the dose exceeded 1 mg. End of 1 week 273 - 39 982 - 123 These findings Suggest that Sensory adaptation does occur on End of 2 week 15291 630 - 286 male Soybean aphids. In contrast, gynoparous female Soy US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005

synthetic blend or synthesized 10 mg of nepetalactol (FIG. TABLE 3-continued 16). In addition, we formulated our mating disruption dis pensers with three different loadings of nepetalactol, 15%, Release rates of a 10 mg soybean aphid pheromone mass 23%, and 50%, respectively. The results of release rates trapping dispenser during a 4-week period from these three dispensers are displayed in Table 5. Pheromone released (ng/hr) Mean + Std. Error TABLE 5 Duration Nepetalactol Nepetalactone Release rates of soybean aphid pheromone mating disruption End of 3' week 12032 373 - 113 dispensers with different loadings of Nepetalactol End of 4 week 109 19 139 - 17 Total Pheromone released (ug/min) (Mean E Std. Err.) Data based on three analyses of Super Q extracts from airborne collections Nepetalactol of soybean aphid pheromone dispensers which were hang in the middle of a 200 ml glass collecting device (23 + 2 C., 50% humidity, the flow rate Time 50% 23% 15% at 100 ml/min). 1st Day 34.31 - 3.24 31.11 - 5.37 17.5 2.15 1 week 1861 7.94 18.31 - 241 8.37 - 3.7 0079 2nd week O.95 O.O9 O.91 OO6 O.8 0.08 3" week O.95 - 0.29 0.65 + 0.13 O.6 O2 TABLE 4 Data based on three analyses of TENAX extracts from airborne collections Release rates of soybean aphid pheromone mating of soybean aphid pheromone mating disruption dispensers in a closed col disruption dispensers lecting system in the fume hood (23 + 2 C., 50% humidity). The flow rate was maintained at 750 ml/min, and each collection lasted 10 min. Total Pheromone released (ug/min) After collection, dispensers were set in the soybean field. Time Mean + Std. Err. 1st Day 13.04 - 0.54 0082 Suppressing soybean aphid growth by methyl sali End of 1 week 4.49 - 140 cylate: A dose response test of methyl Salicylate to Coc End of 2 week 1.69 O.23 cinella Septempunctata showed that a effective dosages End of 3 week 1.55 + 0.49 ranging from 10 mg to 300 mg loading into the attractant End of 4" week O.79 0.26 lure (FIG. 8). This identified soybean aphid-induced plant Data based on three analyses of TENAX extracts from airborne collections defensive volatile can also act as repellent for inhibiting of soybean aphid pheromone mating disruption dispensers in a closed col Soybean aphid growth. The caged experiment with Soybean lecting system in the fume hood (23 + 2 C., 50% humidity). The flow rate was maintained at 750 ml/min, and each collection lasted 10 min. plants treated with methyl Salicylate showed that the appli After collection, dispensers were set in the soybean field. cation of this compound Significantly reducing the Soybean aphid colonizing on Soybean plants (FIG. 17, upper); and 0080 EAG responses of pheromone-pre-exposed soy also this compound Suppress the growth of wingless Soybean bean aphids We have pre-exposed males and gynoparae of aphids on soybean leaves (FIG. 17, lower part). The use of Soybean aphids to the pheromone mating disruption dis this compound obviously has double benefits for soybean penser for 10 min, then tested their EAG responses to both aphid control. A controlled-release plastic Sachets containing components. The results show that significantly lower EAG 4 g of methyl Salicylate is formulated using double-layer responses were elicited from antennae of pre-exposed Soy polyethylene sheets, and the release rates are adjusted from bean aphids than to those that were not pre-exposed (FIG. 36 mg/day (1st week); 29 mg/day (2nd week); 3.5 mg/day 15). These findings Suggest that sensory adaptation does (3" week) and 1.2 mg/day (4" week). occur on both male and gynoparous female Soybean aphids, 0083. The Correlation between the trapping catches and possibly reducing attraction of aphids and increasing the the field Scouting data of Soybean aphid number on Soybean chances for disrupting males mate-finding Success and leaves: We have demonstrated that strong EAG responses gynoparae's ability to locate their host plant habitat by from antennae of Spring alate Soybean aphids (the overwin cueing in on pheromones. tering generation that starts building colonies on Soybeans) 0.081 Cost-Effectiveness Tests: One of the most impor to the two Synthetic pheromone components and Some tant factors for Successfully developing these products will Soybean associated volatiles. Further field experiments from be a low cost and high effectiveness of the active ingredient June to August in 2004 showed that the catches of winged (the pheromone). In order to reduce the cost, we experi females from the traps correlated well with the abundance of mented with using as little pheromones as possible, while wingless spring alate aphid numbers in the field (FIG. 18). maintaining an optimal level of attraction needed for either REFERENCES trapping Soybean aphids or disrupting their mate finding. Results from field tests on effects of different loadings of the 0084 Anderson, M. and Bromley, A. K. 1987. Sensory two pheromone components on pheromone dispensers system, pp. 153-162. in “Aphids: their biology, natural attractiveness showed that to achieve optimal attraction the enemies, and control edited by A. K. Minks and P. minimum amount of nepetalactol needed is about 10% Harrewijn. Amsterdam. Elsevier. (FIG. 14). We conducted another field experiment to see 0085 Baker, T. C., and Heath, J. J. (2004) Phero whether it is possible to use the catnip oil (the starting mones-function and use in insect control. 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0115 Soybean aphid match 2005. http://www 3. The method of claim 2 comprising application of about 10 mg to about 300 mg methyl Salicylate to the target area. 0116 Staten, R. T., El-Lissy, O., and L. Antilla. Suc 4. The method of claim 1 comprising application of cessful area-wide program to control pink bollworm by nepetalactone to the target area. mating disruption. In “Pheromone Research: New 5. The method of claim 4 comprising application of about Directions” R. T. Cardé and A. K. Minks (eds.) Chap 0.05 mg to about 100 mg of nepetalactone to the target area. man and Hall, New York. pp. 383-396. 6. The method of claim 1 comprising application of nepetalactol to the target area. 0117 Voegtlin, D.J. and Steffey, K. 2004. The soybean aphid in North America: Background and Biology. 7. The method of claims 5 and 6 comprising application Midwest States Soybean Aphid Management Work of about 0.1 mg to about 50 mg nepetalactol and nepeta shop, Feb. 5, 2004 lactone to the target area. 8. The method of claim 1 comprising application of a 0118 Voegtlin, D. J., O’Neil, R. J., and Graves, W. R. composition comprising nepetalactol and nepetalactone to 2004. Tests of suitability of overwintering hosts of the target area. Aphis glycines: identification of a new host association 9. The method of claim 8 comprising application of a with Rhamnus alnifolia L'Héritier. Ann. Entomol. Soc. composition comprising at least about 10% nepetalactol. Ann. 97:233-234 10. The method of claim 8 comprising application of a 0119 Junwei Zhu, Allard Cossé, John Obrycki, Kyung composition comprising nepetalactol and nepetalactone at a Saeng Boo and Thomas, C. Baker. 1999. Electroanten ration of 35:65. nogram responses of ColleOmegilla maculata 11. A method of attracting a Soybean aphid predatory (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Chrysoperla carnea insect to a target area, comprising applying an effective (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) to Semiochemicals associ attracting amount of a volatile compound Selected from the ated with their prey and host plant. J. Chem. Ecol. group consisting of methyl Salicylate and (E.E)-O-farnesene. 25(5):1163-1177. 12. The method of claim 11 wherein the compound is 0120 Junwei Zhu, J. J. Obrycki, S A. Ochieng, T C. methyl Salicylate. Baker, J. A. Pickett and D. Smiley. 2005. Prey and 13. A method of monitoring Soybean aphid populations, habitat location by chemically associated odors in comprising applying to a dispenser in a Soybean aphid trap predatory insects: Perspectives in chemical ecology at least one selected from the group consist and Sensory physiology of lacewings Naturwissen ing of (E)-2 hexenal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 Schafien (in press) hexenyl acetate, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, ocimine, 2-phenylethanol, (E.E)-C.-farnesene, methyl Sali 0121 Junwei Zhu, and Kyechung Park. 2005. Prey and cylate and nepetalactol and nepetalactone. habitat location by chemically associated odors in 14. The method of claim 13 comprising applying a predatory insects: Perspectives in chemical ecology composition comprising benzaldehyde and Sensory physiology of lacewings.J. Chem. Ecol. (in 15. The method of claim 12 comprising applying to a press) dispenser in a Soybean aphid trap a composition comprising 0.122 Junwei Zhu, Aijun Zhang, Kye-Chung Park, nepetalactone. Tom Baker, Brian Lang, Russell Jurenka, John J. Obry 16. The method of claim 13 comprising applying to a cki, William R. Graves, J. A. Pickett, D. Smiley, dispenser in a Soybean aphid trap a composition comprising Kamlesh R. Chauhan, and Jerome A. Klun. 2005. Prey nepetalactol. and habitat location by chemically associated odors in 17. The method of claim 13 comprising applying to a predatory insects: Perspectives in chemical ecology dispenser in a Soybean aphid trap a composition comprising and Sensory physiology of lacewings J. Chem. Ecol. nepetalactone and nepetalactol. (submitted) 18. The method of claim 13 comprising applying to a 0123 Junwei Zhu, Jeremy J. Heath, Brian Lang, Tho dispenser in a Soybean aphid trap a composition comprising mas C. Baker, and Derrick N. Exner. 2005. Evidence of benzaldehyde, nepetalactone and nepetalactol. Enhanced Biological Control of Aphis glycines Mat 19. A method of monitoring Soybean aphids, comprising Sumura by the Application of Beneficial Insect Attrac combining with a control-release dispenser placed in a trap tants in Soybean Aphid-Infested Fields. Environ. Ento a composition comprising at least one Semiochemical mol. (Submitted) Selected from the group consisting of the group consisting of (E)-2 hexenal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 hexenyl What is claimed is: acetate, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Ocimine, 2-phe 1. A method of Suppressing populations of Soybean aphids nylethanol, (E.E)-C-farnesene, methyl Salicylate and nepeta in plants, comprising application to a target area a compo lactol and nepetalactone. Sition comprising at least one Semiochemical Selected from 20. A composition for Suppressing populations of Soybean the group consisting of the group consisting of (E)-2 hex aphids in plants, comprising a Soybean aphid Suppressing enal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 hexenyl acetate, effective amount of at least one Semiochemical Selected linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Ocimine, 2-phenyletha from the group consisting of the group consisting of (E)-2 nol, (E.E)-C-farnesene, methyl salicylate and nepetalactol hexenal, (Z)-3 Hexenol, benzaldehyde, (Z)-3 hexenyl and nepetalactone. acetate, linalool, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Ocimine, 2-phe 2. The method of claim 1 comprising application of nylethanol, (E.E)-C-farnesene, methyl Salicylate and nepeta methyl Salicylate to the target area. lactol and nepetalactone. US 2005/0249769 A1 Nov. 10, 2005 12

21. The composition of claim 20 further comprising 25. The composition of claim 24 wherein the composition methyl Salicylate comprises at least about 10% nepetalactol in the composi 20 further comprising tion. 22. The composition of claim 26. The composition of claim 24 wherein the composition nepetalactone. comprises nepetalactol and nepetalactone at a ratio of 35:65. 23. The composition of claim 20 further comprising 27. A composition for attracting Soybean aphid predatory nepetalactol. insects to a target area comprising applying an effective 24. The composition of claim 20 further comprising attracting amount of methyl Salicylate. nepetalactone and nepetalactol. k k k k k