Livelihood Warning stage Trend Zone

Mixed farming Normal Stable

Marginal mixed farming Alert Stable

Formal Employment Normal Stable

Timeline Activities The hottest month Consumption of green crop Short rains start Long rains start

Long rains Short rains Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Short rain harvest long rains harvest normally a very dry Improved livestock month Conditions

Situation Overview ƒ Normally, rains in the district set in October but they have delayed. Light showers that were poorly distributed were experienced in four divisions Mutha, Matinyani ,Central & Chuluni ƒ The water situation in the mixed farming livelihood zone improved whereas in the marginal mixed farming zone it remained stable ƒ Livestock body conditions are good and free of disease outbreaks ƒ Prices of livestock slightly went-up ƒ Germination of the various dry planted food crops was triggered in the above mentioned divisions which received rains ƒ The price of maize and beans remained within the previous months ranges ƒ The malnutrition rates for children under five years remained stable.

Recommendations to DSG &KFSM ƒ Work on the bad sections of the roads to facilitate movement during the rainy season ƒ Continued surveillance about the situation on the ground ƒ Sensitization of communities about flooding ƒ Spraying of mosquito breeding zone. Current Interventions Food Interventions ƒ Food for assets program continued in , Matinyani and Chuluni divisions ƒ Food for the vulnerable was provided by ADRA in Yatta, and Mutha divisions. Non-Food Interventions Agriculture Base line surveys for NALEP selected sites ƒ Distribution of relief seeds ƒ Expansion of the micro-irrigation projects ƒ Road repairs in division ƒ Promotion of Jatropha Water ƒ Bore hole drilling by JICA and community capacity building ƒ Promotion of roof catchment water harvesting by World Vision in Mutonguni & GOAL in Mutomo district ƒ Water trucking to Mutomo district and institutions of learning and health by GOAL Ireland and department of water

Livestock ƒ Expansion of dairy goat farming and breed upgrading in both Kitui and Mutomo districts ƒ Range rehabilitation and demonstration sites ƒ Establishment of fish ponds for promotion of fish farming and improved nutrition.


1.0 Rainfall The rains have delayed and in areas where they have set the amounts are insignificant and poorly distributed. Light showers were received in sections of Mutha division within the marginal mixed farming livelihood zone and in sections of Kitui Central, Chuluni and Matinyani divisions in the mixed farming livelihood zone. In both livelihood zones the rains triggered germination of the dry planted crop and sprouting of grass.

1.1 Natural vegetation and pasture situation In the few sections of the district that received little showers pasture and natural vegetation have began to regenerate whereas in the rest the situation declined. Farm families are currently supplementing the available pastures with stored hay, particularly in feeding of draught power animals.

1.2 Water Sources and Availability In the mixed farming livelihood zone the water situation improved. Households harvested water from the roof catchments. In the marginal mixed farming livelihood zone the water situation remained stable as compared to the previous month. Mainly, the sources of water were boreholes and traditional river wells.

1.3 Implications on Food Security Communities in the marginal mixed farming livelihood zone continued to suffer from walking long distances to access water in the early part of the month Access to water improved and germination of planted crop triggered if the rains are sustained these communities expect to harvest. The current pasture situation guaranteed good livestock body conditions The late onset and the poor distribution of rain have panicked communities – there is fear of rotting of planted material and withering of the germinated crop leading to great seed, time and labor losses.

2.0 AVAILABILTY 2.1 Livestock Body Conditions Overall, the livestock body conditions remained good. These good body conditions are attributed to availability of pastures and absence of notifiable diseases and low worm load.

2.2 Livestock Diseases

Since the massive vaccination and treatment of livestock in the district in the first quarter of the calendar year no major disease outbreaks have been reported in either of the livelihood zones. The few reported cases of CCPP and Coccidiosis have been managed.


2.3.1 Timeliness and status of crop

In Mutha, central, chuluni and Matinyani divisions the rains have triggered germination of most of all the dry planted crop. In addition to food crops farmers in Chuluni and Central divisions who practice tobacco farming have started transplanting their seedlings. Mango fruits are at various stages of development ranging from flowering in Chuluni to ripening in Zombe. In all the other areas farmers are busy planting.

2.3.2 Pests and diseases

During the period under review no major pest and disease outbreaks in crops were reported.

2.4 Impact on food security

Good livestock body conditions guaranteed farmers better prices whereas the absence of diseases cushioned farmers from losses and ensured a steady supply of meat and milk. The absence of quarantine gave farmers an opportunity to upgrade their breeds by sourcing livestock from other areas within and without the district. Supply of mangoes provided families with essential vitamins and income from sale proceeds.

3.0 ACCESS 3.1 Livestock Marketing 3.1.1 Cattle

Average household cattle prices compared to long term mean prices (04-06)

18000 Price per head in Kshs16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 J F M A M JJA S O ND Base Year 2004-2006 9514 8929 10786 12193 13015 10607 9786 7283 6528 6857 7796 8562 2007 7675 7200 8350 6000 15433 8253 15750 12454 11,41512,400 Month

The price of cattle slightly went up. This rise is attributed to increased demand for bulls to provide draught power during the planting season. In addition the livestock body conditions are good and farmers are not under stress to release their cattle at throw away prices. The trend is normal.

3.1.2 Goats

Average household price of goats vs long term mean prices -Kitui district

1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 J F M A M J J A S ON D Base Year 2004-2006 1186 1300 1371 1507 1400 1225 1118 837 855 955 1037 1205 2007 1214 1173 1350 1306 1372 1591 1424 1373 1,433 1496 Month

The price of goats remained within the previous months ranges. This stability is attributed to the prevailing good body conditions and availability of food stocks at the household levels. No signs of stress were observed among the communities to warrant a significant decline or rise in prices. The trend is normal.

3.3 CROP PRICES 3.3.1 Maize

Average price of a kilo of maize-Kitui district

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4

Price per kilo in Kshs 2 0 JFMAMJJASOND Base Year(1998-2006) 17 17 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 16 16 16 2007 18178889991110 Month

The price of maize slightly went down. This decline is attributed to increased supply of the crop to the markets from within and outside the district. Farmers who have been holding their stocks speculating that prices will go-up have started releasing their stocks to the markets. It was also noted that families in the marginal mixed farming livelihood zone with food deficits are offering labor in exchange of food supplies from their neighbors who have surplus. The trend is normal.

3.3.2 Beans Average prise of a kilo of beans-kitui district

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10

Price per kilo in Kshs in kilo per Price 5 0 JFMAMJ JASOND Base Year(1998-2006) 34 34 33 39 40 40 39 39 38 37 38 37 2007 37 30 23 30 34 35 35 35 35 35 Month

The price of beans remained within the previous months ranges. This trend is attributed to steady supply of the commodity in the markets. The prices are expected to rise as communities begin planting in earnest.


Nutrition status for children under 5yrs (MUAC<135mm) compared to long term mean rates (05-06)- MUAC<135mm 22 20 %<135mmMUAC 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 J FMA MJ J A S O N D % Risk 2005-2006 12 13 13 13 16 16 16 20 17 15 16 17 2007 8 6 7 10 7 8 8 9 9 9 Month

The malnutrition status for children below the age of five years remained steady. This stability is attributed to availability & access to food at the household level. To supplement the available food stocks organization like World Vision, ADRA , Compassion Africa have been targeting vulnerable members of the community treatment and feeding. The trend is not normal.

4.1 HUMAN HEALTH No major human disease outbreaks were reported in the district.


Food Interventions ƒ Food for assets program continued in Mutonguni, Matinyani and Chuluni divisions ƒ Food for the vulnerable was provided by ADRA in Yatta, Ikutha and Mutha divisions. Non-Food Interventions Agriculture Base line surveys for NALEP selected sites ƒ Distribution of relief seeds ƒ Expansion of the micro-irrigation projects ƒ Road repairs in Mutitu division ƒ Promotion of jatropha Water ƒ Bore hole drilling by JICA and community capacity building ƒ Promotion of roof catchments water harvesting by World Vision in Mutonguni & GOAL in Mutomo district ƒ Water trucking to Mutomo district and institutions of learning and health by GOAL Ireland and department of water

Livestock ƒ Expansion of dairy goat farming and breed upgrading in both Kitui and Mutomo districts ƒ Range rehabilitation ƒ Establishment of fish ponds for promotion of fish farming and improved nutrition.