Queen Grace Reigns Over 1960 Homecoming
THE CONCORDIAN VOLUME LII THE CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, OCTOBER 14, 1960 No. 4 Queen Grace Reigns Over 1960 Homecoming One dozen royal roses told the Chosen by the student body in secret an eager auditoriumful elections Wednesday, Grace will had come to hear: Queen of reign over the 1960 Homecom- 1960 Concordia College Home- ing festivities Oct. 21, 22, 23. coming is Grace Iszler, stately beauty from Fessenden, N. D. Grace is the daughter of Mr. Student body president Bob and Mrs. Otto Iszler. An Eng- Alexander presented the tradi- lish major, she is president of tional floral tribute to Queen Bard, Book and Canto, campus Grace I in a short ceremony organization of English students. following chapel this morning. She is a member of Alpha Zeta hi society. In her sophomore Attending Her Majesty are year Grace was chosen attend- Deanna Brollard, Elsa Christian- ant to the Winter Carnival sen, Lorna McCleod and Mary Queen. Smedstad. Attendant Deanne Brollard is a psychology major and Cobber Voters Designate cheerleader from Staples, Minn. Elsa Christiansen, Moorhead, Iszler smiles from her tem- Leod, Mary Smestad, Elsa Christiansen and De- has a double major in psychol- REGAL GRACE Class Presidents ogy and physical education and porary "throne" in the stu- anna Brollard. Recent campus elections in- is an active participant (follow- dent government office/ attended by Lome Me- stalled new leaders at the helm ing father's footsteps) in coed of class affairs. athletics. "Pick a Peck of Pipers" Rein Uritam was elected pres- Co-chairman of 1960 Home- ident of the senior class, with coming Lorna McCleod is a Bob Stefonowicz as vice presi- home economics major from dent; Joan Meland, secretary Fargo and member of Concert Coronation, Concerts, Musica and Larry Larrabee treasurer.
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