Health orders threaten NWT businesses: letter Chambers of commerce fear lack of 'sense of urgency' from GNWT Online first at St. Pat's graduates! Volume 49 Issue 30 FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020 75 CENTS ($1.00 outside city) New grad focused on food security Blair McBride/NNSL photo Recent university grad and award winner Aimee Yurris with her vegetable plot at the Yellowknife Community Garden Collective site June 27. Read the full story on page 13. Comment: Former NWT Dene artist the secret commish creates life of rabbit honoured in MMIWG droppings new book VR video $1.00 outside Yellowknife Publication mail Contract #40012157 "It's just fun times since I've been here." 7 71605 00100 5 – Bunches of kids with interest in tennis attended a camp run by Jan Martinek Tuesday, page 16. 2 YELLOWKNIFER, Friday, July 3, 2020 news YELLOWKNIFER, Friday, July 3, 2020 3 Did we get it wrong? Yellowknifer is committed to getting facts and names right. With that goes a commitment to acknow- ledge mistakes and run corrections. If you spot an error in Yellowknifer, call 873-4031 and ask to speak to an editor, or email
[email protected]. We'll get a correction or clarification in as soon as we can. NEWS Briefs Powerful opioid carfentanil found in NWT Public health officials are "very" concerned about the lab-confirmed presence of the power- ful opioid carfentanil in the NWT. "Confirmation of this drug in the NWT is very concerning to all those involved in addressing the opioid crisis. All those who use, provide, or are part of the response to illicit drug use in NWT, including experienced users, should be alarmed that carfentanil is present in NWT drugs," Dr.