Dear Cllrs

You are summoned to attend a meeting of Alrewas Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm on MONDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2021 in Alrewas Village Hall.

Kathryn Powell Clerk to Alrewas Parish Council, 19 August 2021

No Agendas and papers will be provided in physical form but they will be available to download on the Alrewas Parish Council website before the meeting.

Cllrs will be available for discussions with residents from 7pm.

If members of the public have a question/query or wish to give a report to the Parish Council, please contact the Clerk by email [email protected] with the details, at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Matters listed as “for report” will not normally be discussed unless a Cllr indicates to the Clerk prior to the meeting that they wish to raise the matter.


1. Apologies a To receive and approve apologies for absence. Cllr Moss

2. Co-option of new Cllr a To approve the co-option of a new Cllr Papers circulated separately

3. Declaration of Members’ Interests a To declare any new Interests

4. Minutes a To receive and approve the Minutes of the August 2021 meeting held on 19 August 2021 APC/21- 22/4/M To consider the updated action sheet APC/21-22/5/1

5. Public Participation a) Members of the public b) District Cllrs c) County Cllr

Matters for discussion/approval

6 Planning a To consider planning applications from District Council APC/21-21/5/2

7 Financial matters a To approve the Accounts for July 2021 APC/21-22/5/3 circulated separately b To approve the Accounts for August 2021 APC/21-22/5/4 circulated separately Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 1 of 37

To approve the Cheques for Payment list for September 2021 APC/21-22/5/5 circulated separately c To consider the completed AGAR received from Mazars APC/21-22/5/6 circulated separately

8 Environmental improvements a To consider and approve a Climate Change and Environmental Support statement from Alrewas Parish Council APC/21-22/5/7 b To consider a proposal to create a Climate Change and Environmental Support working group and approve proposed membership and the work plan APC/21-22/5/8

9 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022 a To note that consultations on possible celebrations will be made at the Parish Assembly

10 Parish Assembly a To consider arrangements for the forthcoming Parish Assembly APC/21-22/5/9

11 Working groups a To note that a revised membership list will be provided when both vacancies on the Parish Council are filled.

b Communications working group To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/10

c Development working group To endorse the appointment of a new Chair To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/11

d GDPR working group To note that ex Cllr Pegg’s papers have been sent for secure shredding To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/12

e Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Group To note, with regret, the resignation of Mrs Jane Pegg from the working group To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/13

f Quarry working group To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/14

g Transport Management working group To consider the notes of the meeting held on 26 August 2021 APC/21-22/5/15 To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/16

h Walkfield working group To consider the quotation from LDC for repairs to the play equipment APC/21-22/5/17 To follow To consider and approve the draft Annual Work Plan 2021-22 APC/21-22/5/18

12 Rural Service Village Group a To consider the information to join the group (papers already circulated)

13 Residents comments a To note/consider comments which have included • Request for information on the responsibility for cutting the verge near the Church and the allotments and for the hedge by the allotments addressed by the Clerk • Request to have the hedge trimmed in the alleyway from Wellfield Rd

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• Request to have a inspection cover replaced or repaired in Wellfield Rd • Request that the village defibrillators are linked to the Circuit network. Resident informed that the defibrillators are linked to the emergency services and are managed by the Surgery not the Parish Council • Concern that one of the pieces of equipment in the play area requires attention referred to LDC for attention • Copied into a complaint to Highways about the traffic using Park Road an Micklehome Drive during the A38 closures

Matters for report

14 Update on planning applications a To note updates LDC decisions on planning applications since the last meeting APC/21-22/5/19 b To note the application on which we have received complaints have been approved by LDC. The Clerk has written to the two residents.

15 To note correspondence received since the last meeting a To note that correspondence includes: • Updates from LDC re Covid 19 issues and support available • Updates from SCC on Covid 19 issues and support available • Information on fire safety from Fire and Rescue service • Information from Highways England on planned works on A38 • Update from the Together We Are Better NHS Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent team on the development of the NHS 111 First programme • Consultation from SCC on the future of Burton Library • HS2 Community Engagement Strategy report 6 • Request from LDC for comments on the proposed leisure centre in Stychbrook Park • Information from LDC on grants available to help residents affected by flooding • Contact information for HS2 contractors circulated to Cllrs

16 Police Smart Alerts (already circulated) a To note the alerts

17 Update from the Civic Society a To note a verbal report from Cllr Reilly

18 Parish Council Diary a Past dates: 20th Anniversary Service at the NMA 6 September 2021 6-8pm Cllr Reilly attended Primary Care Access Councillor meeting 6 September 2021 4.00-5.30 Cllr M Wilcox and District Cllr S Wilcox participated

b Future date: Service of Remembrance and Recovery for the Public Services at Lichfield Cathedral 26 September 2021 Chair and Clerk to attend 27 September 2021 Parish Assembly 27 September 2021

19 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting a To note that the next meeting will be held on 11 October 2021 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. b To note that the agenda deadline is 30 September 2021

Kathryn Powell, Clerk, Alrewas Parish Council, 6 September 2021

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Minutes of the Meeting of Alrewas Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9 August 2021 at 7.30pm in Alrewas Village Hall


PRESENT Cllrs Dave Whatton (Chair), Donna Moss, Janette Potter, Jane Reilly, Michael Wilcox

IN ATTENDANCE CCllr Janet Eagland, Mr Stuart Threlfall (Chair of the Quarry Working Group, for agenda item 13a), Ms Kathryn Powell, Clerk

The Chair welcomed all participants, including members of the public who were observing.

6. Apologies a Received and accepted: Cllr Denise Tolson, District Cllrs Sonia Wilcox and Derek Cross

1a Resignation of Cllr John Pegg a RESOLVED: with great regret, to accept the resignation of Cllr Pegg with immediate effect, due to his other commitments. Cllr Pegg was thanked in his absence for his considerable contribution over a number of years to the Parish Council and to the wider Alrewas community. He was a past Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council and had made an especially significant contribution to the consideration of planning issues, having chaired the Parish Council’s Development Group which had been closely involved in the Green Acres development. He had made a significant contribution to the creation of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Local Minerals Plan and had recently been a member of the Quarry Working Group. He had also been a generous source of support and advice to fellow Cllrs and Officers. The Parish Council wished him well for the future.

The Clerk would pass on the Cllrs thanks and comments to Mr Pegg and would notify LDC of the vacancy. ACTION: Clerk

2 New declarations of interest a Noted: that there were no new declarations.

3 Minutes a RESOLVED: to approve the revised June 2021 Minutes without amendment (APC/21-22/2/M) b RESOLVED: to approve the revised July 2021 Minutes without amendment (APC/21-22/3/M) c Considered: the updated Action Sheet (APC/21-22/4/1).

5 Public Participation a Noted: that a resident had wished to speak on the issues of the speed and traffic on the A513, but unable to do so as he was self-isolating due to Covid 19 restrictions.

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A resident spoke on the issue of traffic travelling the wrong way in the one way section of Micklehome Drive, causing danger to other road users and pedestrians. She reported a persistent disregard for traffic directions and one way signs and had been verbally abused by a driver while trying to get them to follow the signage. Noted: the one way system had been a requirement of the Secretary of State’ approval for the scheme. She had made a complaint to SCC Highways and had asked the Police for support. Cllr Michael Wilcox had spoken to the Crest Nicholson Site Manager who would remind construction related drivers of the requirements. APC was asked to arrange for a traffic camera to be installed to monitor traffic flow. ACTION: Traffic Management Group CCllr Eagland would contact SCC Highways. b District Cllrs: Noted: that LDC was seeking a plan for the development of the Birmingham Road site. LDC was applying for central government funding to develop the new leisure centre. c County Cllr The CCllr reported that a request had been made to divert a footpath in to accommodate more trucks on the Leavesley site opposite Alrewas on the A38. The Clerk would contact the Clerk of Fradley and Parish Council to see if a joint response could be made. ACTION: Clerk

6 Planning a Considered: planning applications from Council (APC/21- 21/4/2). RESOLVED: to recommend: 21/00989/COU Approve 21/01219/FUL Approve 20/00359/FUL Considered by Development Group – Objection submitted 21/01327/ABN Approve ACTION: Clerk

7 Financial statements a Noted: that the July 2021 and August 2021 Accounts would be considered at the next meeting.

b RESOLVED: to approve the Cheques for Payment list for August 2021 APC/21- 22/2/3. ACTION: Chair, Vice Chair, Clerk

8 Royal British Legion and Remembrance Sunday arrangements a Considered: the notice issued by the National Royal British Legion stating that it would no longer have public liability insurance for parades and other Remembrance Service activities, and it would expect local councils to arrange road closures, so taking on public liability for these events. Disappointment was expressed at the decision by the Royal British Legion. The Clerk would check with the Parish Council’s insurers concerning liability for such events. ACTION: Clerk

Agreed: that the Parish Council would not wish to see the Remembrance Service cancelled due to this change in policy by the RBL and would investigate issues with LDC and SPCA. The Clerk was asked to contact the Police and Crime Commissioner. ACTION: Clerk

Noted: that the RBL local Branch may ask the Parish Council to pay for the meal for invited dignitaries after the parade. The Clerk advised that this would probably not be covered by the Powers of the Parish Council, but that a grant request could be Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 5 of 37

considered for more public aspects of the service such as a contribution towards the cost of the band or bugler.

9 Flooding on Main Street a It was reported that Amey had agreed to undertake regular maintenance on behalf of SCC. Noted: that existing drains cannot cope with heavy downpours and further problems would be reported to SCC.

10 Land by the Pumping Station on Dark Lane a Concerns had been expressed by residents about the open land by the Pumping Station which looked unsightly and enabled children and others to access back gardens of properties. Agreed: to ask the Civic Society to undertake some planting to limit access to the area and screen the pumping station from local properties. ACTION: Cllr Reilly

11 Walkfield a Considered: the most recent Play Area safety report (APC/21/4/5). Noted: the issues which required attention. Agreed: the Clerk was asked to contact LDC and obtain a quote for remedial works. ACTION: Clerk

b RESOLVED: to hire a part time handyman to undertake basic duties that were not safety critical. ACTION: Clerk

12 Request from the Civic Society a Noted: that the Civic Society had asked the Parish Council to guarantee that they would take long term responsibility for the maintenance of trees planted by the Civic Society if the Civic Society was unable to undertake such work, or if the Society closed. This was required by SCC before trees could be planted. Noted: that this could create an ongoing charge for the Parish Council if the Civic Society did not undertake this work. RESOLVED: to confirm that the Parish Council would take on the responsibility for the maintenance of the newly planted trees but only if the Civic Society closed. The Civic Society was asked to produce a maintenance plan. ACTION: Clerk

13 Working groups a Quarry working group Planning application L.20/03/867M – proposed quarry and cement factory at Orgreave – Considered: a verbal update on behalf of the Chair of the Quarry Working Group, Mr Stuart Threlfall. SCC had approved the planning application to the great disappointment of many individuals.

The speakers who had made contributions to the meeting were thanked for their excellent work. The Chair of the Quarry working group had asked SCC if he can be part of a monitoring group to see that conditions are implemented correctly but had not yet received a response.

Agreed: the Quarry Working group would continue its work as the quarry and factory were developed.

Noted: There was concern that the planning process may have not been carried out fully in line with requirements. Considered: the issue of undertaking a Judicial Review. Noted: a private individual had paid for a barrister’s Opinion on the possibility of starting a legal challenge to the process. Noted: the Parish Council has the power to initiate a judicial review against SCC but that such processes are Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 6 of 37

expensive and time consuming. Crowd funding could be an option to raise funds. Agreed: the Parish Council would wait to hear the views of the barrister before making any decisions.

Considered: the notes of the meeting of the Quarry Working Group held on 12 July 2021 APC/21-22/4/7

c Development working group - Green Acres at Alrewas Noted: that the working group had not met since the last APC meeting, and the Chair had now resigned. APC had submitted an objection to the latest planning application and had been advised by Mr Milns and Mr Walton who were thanked for their work.

A complaint had been received about the treatment of the hedging in Dark Lane and was being investigated. d Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Group Reported: a meeting had been held and the draft Work Plan had been considered prior to submission to APC in September. The need for enhanced facilities for young people was a priority and proposals for the better use of the MUGA could be brought forward. Consultations with residents might be undertaken to ensure that issues identified in the Neighbourhood Plan remained current.

Considered: the notes of the meeting held on 29 July 2021 (APC/21-22/4/8).

14 Residents comments a Concern about the use of chemicals by LDC on land owned by APC referred to LDC. ACTION: Clerk b Concern about the speed of traffic on the A513: CCllr Eagland was asked to contact SCC Highways about this issue and the Clerk would make a written request to her. ACTION: Clerk/CCllr Eagland c Request for a 30mph speed limit from the Alrewas junction of the A38 to the Road turning: This was supported by the Parish Council. CCllr Eagland was asked to contact SCC Highways about this issue and the Clerk would make a written request to her. ACTION: Clerk/CCllr Eagland d Concern expressed about a BBQ held on Walkfield: Occurrences would be monitored and signage improved if this occurred again. e Concern over traffic travelling the wrong way along Micklehome Drive. Cllr Wilcox had contacted the developers to ask them to advise their staff and contractors. SCC would be asked to paint “No Entry” on the road. Noted that the slip road required clearing and CCllr Eagland would ask SCC Highways to undertake this work when she received a formal request from the Clerk. ACTION: Clerk/CCllr Eagland

Matters for report

15 Update on planning applications a Noted: updates LDC decisions on planning applications since the last meeting (APC/21-22/1/9).

16 To note correspondence received since the last meeting a Noted: that correspondence includes: Updates from LDC re Covid 19 issues and support available Updates from SCC on Covid 19 issues and support available Information on fire safety from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue service Information from Highways England on planned works on A38 Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 7 of 37

Information from LDC on the pedestrianisation survey for Lichfield city centre Consultation from SCC on the future of Burton Library Notification of PTTRO on Croxall Road on 11 August 2021 for one day. Consultation request on proposed Community Diagnostic Hubs – Concern was expressed that only a few hubs for the whole of Staffordshire might mean long journeys for patients. The Clerk was asked to check how many hubs were proposed and their locations. ACTION: Clerk Cannock Chase AONB Annual Review received

17 Police Smart Alerts (already circulated) a Noted.

18 Update from the Civic Society a Noted: a verbal report from Cllr Reilly. The Civic Society was keen to support the rewilding projects and would liaise with Cllr Tolson. ACTION: Cllr Tolson

19 Parish Council Diary Noted: a Past dates None

b Future Dates None

20 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting 1 at 7.30pm in the village hall. a Agreed: that the August 2021 meeting would be held on Monday 13 September 2021 at 7.30pm b Noted: that the agenda deadline is Thursday 2 September 2021

The meeting closed at 9pm.

Kathryn Powell, Clerk, Alrewas Parish Council, 16 August 2021 Unconfirmed.

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APC/21-22/5/1 ALREWAS PARISH COUNCIL UPDATED ACTION SHEET September 2021 Actions greyed out have been completed. Bold italics indicate an update Action Action Responsible Deadline Completed Comments no August 2021

1 Send Thank You Clerk 20/8/21 YES letter to John Pegg on his resignation

2 Notify LDC of Cllr Clerk 20/8/21 YES Pegg’s resignation

3 To investigate CCllr 1/9/21 YES and address Eagland/Clerk/Traffic traffic violations Management Group on Micklehome Drive and to request a no entry sign to be painted on the road 4 Clerk to contact Clerk 1/9/21 YES the Clerk of Fradley and Streethay Parish Council to see if a joint response could be made to the request to alter the route of a public footpath to allow lorry parking. 5 Notify LDC of Clerk 13/8/21 YES planning recommendations 6 Pay approved Chair, Vice Chair, 13/8/21 YES cheques and post Clerk

7 Check with Clerk 1/9/21 insurers, LDC, SPCA and Police

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and Crime Commissioner re the RBL decision not to have public liability for Remembrance Parades 8 Land by the Dark Cllr Reilly 1/9/21 Lane pumping station – to ask Civic Society to undertake planting 9 Ask LDC to Clerk 1/9/21 YES Request sent provide a quote 17 August for remedial work 2021 at the Play area 10 Advertise for a Clerk 1/9/21 YES Deadline 20 handyman for September non-safety 2021 critical repairs and maintenance

11 Confirm to Civic Clerk 1/9/21 YES Society that APC will take over responsibility for tree maintenance if the Civic Society closes and ask for a maintenance plan 12 Ask LDC to stop Clerk 1/9/21 YES using chemicals in ground maintenance 13 Speed limit on Clerk/CCllr Eagland 1/9/21 YES A513 – Clerk to contact Cllr Eagland and Cllr Eagland to ask SCC Highways for action 14 Request for a Clerk/CCllr Eagland 1/9/21 30mph speed limit from the Alrewas junction of the A38 to the Kings Bromley Road turning - Clerk to contact Cllr Eagland and Cllr

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Eagland to ask ACC Highways for action 15 Ask how many Clerk 1/9/21 YES Hubs are being planned 16 Contact Civic Cllr Tolson 1/9/21 Society about planting trees in the rewilding areas

July 2021

5 Submit working Chairs of working 23/8/21 YES group annual groups work plans to the September 2021 meeting of APC 7 Contact the Clerk 2/9/21 YES Cumbria Clock Company and Church Treasurer re future invoices 10 Contact SCC re CCllr Eagland/Clerk 2/8/21 YES flooding on Main Street

May 2021 16 Obtain quotations Clerk 30 May Ongoing War and permission 2021 Memorials to repaint names Trust on the War contacted 17 Memorial May 2021

April 2021 12 Contact the Clerk 22 April On hold hauliers 2021 responsible for damaging the

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war memorial railings

January 2021

5 Arrange start Cllr Pegg 8/2/2021 Mr Pegg date for drainage contacted by investigations in Clerk light of Covid 16/8/21 to restrictions ask for update so that the work can be taken forward by APC. He suggests no further action. Referred to Development Working Group

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Planning applications for consideration September 2021

Councillors are asked to recommend outcomes for the following applications

KP, Clerk, September 2021

Number Applic Site Proposal Case Obser Parish LDC ant Officer vation Counc decisi s by il rec on September 2021 21/01448/F Mr & Mill Erection David 5/9/21 UH Mrs House, of single Gibson Franks Church storey Extensi Road double on garage request and home ed office 21/01492/F Mr R Overley Two David 11/9/2 UH Kirkla House, storey Gibson 1 nd Overley extension Lane to rear and side 21/01397/F T 37 Mill Retention Caroline 3/10/2 UH Fletch End of new Burn 1 er Lane landscapi ng including decking and gazebo to rear garden

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Cllrs are asked to approve and adopt the draft Climate Change and Environmental Support Statement with immediate effect

KP, Clerk August 2021

Climate Change and Environmental Support statement from Alrewas Parish Council

1 Introduction The Parish Council will make its own contribution to support national and international efforts to slow down climate change and support and enhance the local environment. These considerations will impact on its approach to the following:

1. Planning applications All planning applications wil be considered for environmental impact including on drainage, green space etc Environmental schemes as part of major developments which be monitored e.g. Wild meadow and other replanting at Green Acres/Orgreave Quarry, adequacy of drainage systems ACTION: Development Group/Quarry Working group

2. Transport The Parish Council encourages Cllrs/officers attending out of village events to share transport whenever possible.

3. Local projects and actions The Council will undertake schemes to help the environment e.g. rewilding projects and will encourage others to do so by offering advice and small funding grants e.g. for litter picking, school projects etc

4. Air quality The Parish Council will continue to work with outside bodies to monitor and improve air quality from the A38, the A513 and from local quarries

5. Office practice Decisions on the purchase of new office equipment will consider equipment performance in terms of energy use, emissions etc

Printing and paper use will be minimised to avoid waste and emissions. No hard copies of papers will be provided at meetings unless a Cllr has a recognised need for them.

As many records as possible will be kept electronically and information provided on the website rather than in paper form.

6. Contractors All contractors will be expected to undertake good environmental practice as appropriate. E.g. grounds maintenance not using weedkiller sprays

7. Funding External sources of funding will be sought to support projects. Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 14 of 37

8. Working group It is recommended that a working group is formed to take actions forward in consultations with other working groups.

Alrewas Parish Council September 2021

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Cllrs are asked to approve, with immediate effect, a proposal to create a Climate Change and Environmental Support working group

KP, Clerk, September 2021


1 Introduction It has been proposed that the Parish Council create a Climate Change and Environmental Support working group to address issues of concern in the village and to facilitate enhancements.

The Group would take its purpose and working plan from the Climate Change and Environmental Support Statement, if approved by Cllrs. A major focus would be to work with other Council working groups and local groups to co-ordinate environmental projects in the village.

Kathryn Powell Clerk September 2021

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Cllrs are asked to note the draft programme for the forthcoming Parish Assembly KP, Clerk, September 2021


Dear Residents of Alrewas,

You are warmly invited to the Parish Assembly organised by Alrewas Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm to 9pm on MONDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 2021 in Alrewas Village Hall.

The theme this year is how to take Alrewas forward after the disruption of the pandemic and we look forward to getting your ideas and views to help us in our work.

Do come along and let us know your thoughts.

Cllr Dave Whatton Chair of Alrewas Parish Council, 2 September 2021

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1 Welcome from the Chair and overview of Parish Council 7.30pm activities in 2020 and 2021

2 Report from the working groups 7.45pm • Development Group • Quarry Working Group • Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Group • Traffic Management Group • Walkfield Group • Communications and External Funding Group • Rewilding projects

3 Over to you 8.20pm What are YOUR priorities for enhancing Alrewas? How would you like to see the community develop? Perhaps you would like: Better facilities for young people? Better facilities for the more mature? Changes to sports facilities? Improvements to transport, parking and electric charging? Support for the environment and green spaces? What else?

Local groups will be invited to explain what is already happening and available in Alrewas

4 Summing up and closure by the Chair 9pm

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft work plan KP, Clerk September 2021

Communications Working Group Annual Work Plan

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Communications Produce The working 31/11/21 annual group newsletter November 2021 Review the The working 31/1/22 website to group/Clerk ensure it meets local needs and keeps residents sufficiently updated on Parish Council actions and meets national accessibility requirements

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft annual plan

KP, Clerk, September 2021


Development Working Group Annual Work Plan DRAFT 1

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Planning Consider all The working Monthly applications planning group applications and make recommendations to monthly APC meeting Ongoing Monitor existing The working Ongoing developments developments to group ensure that they meet planning conditions Appoint a The working 31/9/21 member of the group and group to liaise ongoing with each on- going development e.g. Manor Farm, Green Acres and any new developments on future Funding Access external The working Ongoing funding if group projects are suitable

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft annual work plan

KP, Clerk, September 2021


GDPR working group – Annual Work Plan

DRAFT Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Ensure that Monitor Clerk 1 May APC meets against 2022 GDPR and law and other data report Requirements, annually including to May website Annual accessibility meeting All Cllrs to Any Cllrs/Clerk 1 Dec ensure that Cllrs still 2021 they only use using their APC e their mail account own for APC account business to contact Clerk All Cllrs/Clerk Cllrs/Clerk/Accounts 1 April and Accounts Officer 2022 Officer to ensure that they only keep e mails and paperwork in line with legislation. To contact Clerk for advice and report to Clerk for inclusion in the Annual Report of the working group.

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft work plan

KP, Clerk, September 2021


Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Working Group Annual Work Plan DRAFT 1

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Youth To survey what The November provision facilities younger working 2021 residents want in group the village, including at the Village Assembly September 2021 To survey what The November use is made of working 2021 the MUGA with a group view to changing its use In consultation The March with the working 2022 Communications group and External Funding Group make a bid for external funding (e.g. HS2) for a sports and community hall and a full or part time youth worker

Environmental improvement and development Consider The March developing working 2022 information group leaflets for residents and visitors to Alrewas e.g. local

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buildings of interest, walks etc (in liaison with Fradley local History Group?) Investigate The March installing working 2022 “Welcome” signs group at entrances to the village and finger post direction signs around the village Consider the best The February ways to maintain working 2022 APC land – e.g. group frequency of mowing, use of chemicals etc and make proposals to the Parish Council Support APC The Ongoing rewilding projects working and Civic Society group tree and shrub planting to reduce air pollution

Support litter and The April dog waste working 2022 reduction: group Support KAT Develop an information project/prize with local school?

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Create Flood Plan The April working 2022 group

Village Support the The Ongoing facilities proposal to working improve the War group Memorial Lighting


Produce a The November shortened version working 2021 of the group Neighbourhood Plan document for ease of use


Access external The Ongoing funding when working projects are group brought forward

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft Annual plan

KP, Clerk September 2021

ALREWAS PARISH COUNCIL Quarry Working Group Annual Work Plan DRAFT 1

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Planning To monitor The Ongoing approval compliance and working conditions make group recommendations to APC for action Future To monitor and The Ongoing applications make working amendments recommendations group to conditions to APC for action e.g. HS2 Phase 2 application Traffic issues To work with the The Ongoing Traffic working Management group Group on monitoring traffic issues, especially on the A513 Judicial To make a The Before Review recommendation working Judicial to APC on group Review whether to mount application a judicial review deadline of SCC’s planning decision Funding To access The Ongoing external funding working if projects are group suitable

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Cllrs are asked to consider the notes of the meeting

KP, Clerk, September 2021


Notes of the meeting held on 26 August 2021

1 Present Cllrs Tolson (Chair), Moss and Reilly In attendance: Kathryn Powell, Clerk

2 Apologies Cllr E Lawler

3 Draft Annual Work Plan Considered: the draft Annual Working Plan:

Parking: Agreed: to revise the Parking section to cover all issues: • e.g. Fox Lane by the Bromford Homes • Somerville Road • end of Fox Lane and A513 on the grass to be addressed by planting, “Careful parking” notices to continue to be issued • impact, if any, of NMA parking changes. This would be addressed by a survey when the NMA hold a major event and liaison would take place with the NMA if there is any impact noticed.

Bus shelter: This would stay as an aim and a positive meeting had recently been held with SCC (Mary Lee) to discuss the project.

Welcome signs: It was suggested that the NPIWG should include these on their work plan.

Traffic speed: This would be included: • Speed on A513 (agreed to ask SCC for 30mph limit near Alrewas at August 2021 APC meeting) • Speed on Rykneld Street slipway on/off A38 – better signage and road markings to be requested, including flashing speed warnings • Flashing speed limit signs at other entrances to village and on Main Street • Request for speed safety van to be in place on alternate visits near the British Legion Club, not just further along Rykneld Street

4 General issues for APC to consider • Given the overlap between the work of groups each group should have a designated liaison person to work with other groups on shared projects • A new working group on environmental issues should be created to consider planting (including to stop parking on grass verges), and rewilding, encouraging residents to become involved in green projects especially clearing weeds and gullies near their properties, etc • Work with Civic Society and other interested groups and individuals

Kathryn Powell, Clerk, 26 August 2021 Alrewas Parish Council Agenda 13 September 2021 Final Page 26 of 37


Cllrs are asked to approve the draft work plan

KP, Clerk, September 2021

Transport Management Working Group Annual Work Plan DRAFT 1

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? Parking Parking by Liaise with The working December Bromford Bromford group 2021 Homes Homes to properties improve parking issues on Fox Lane and Somerville Rad Parking To monitor the The working Ongoing implications of impact of new group changes to parking parking restrictions at restrictions at the NMA on the NMA parking in Alrewas Parking on Consider ways The working March grass on the to discourage group 2022 corner of Fox parking at the Lane and the location e.g. A513 No Parking signs Planting scheme (liaise with Civic Society?)

Bus shelter Finalise The working March whether to group 2022 erect a bus shelter and agree the location

Cycle way To work with The working March the group 2022 Neighbourhood Plan

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Implementation Group on the cycle way to Whitemoor Lakes


Access external The working Ongoing funding when group projects are brought forward

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Cllrs are asked to approve the draft work plan

KP, Clerk, September 2021


Walkfield Working Group Annual Work Plan 2021-2022 DRAFT 1

Issue Action Responsible Deadline Comment Done? MUGA Work with the WWG/NPIWG March NPIWG to 2022 decide on the best use of the MUGA space after canvassing local views Dog waste Consider The working November erecting signs group 2021 and have a publicity campaign Youth Work with the WWG/NPIWG Ongoing opportunities NPIWG and local sports clubs to enhance facilities for all including young people after canvassing local views External grants Identify likely The working Ongoing sources of group grant funding for projects Safety Monitor and WWG Ongoing address safety issues raised in safety reports on Walkfield equipment

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Outcomes of planning applications considered August 2021 – March 2020

Councillors are asked to note the outcomes of applications, where decided by LDC

KP Clerk, September 2021

Number Applic Site Proposal Case Obse Parish LDC ant Officer rvati Counc decisi ons il rec on by August 2021 21/00989/C Mr & The Change of Alex 12 Pendin OU Mrs P Cottage, use: Matthew Augus g Asker Homeste Conversion s t ad Farm, of existing 2021 Croxall building to Road canine therapy unit and light industrial units 20/00359/F Simon Land Amended Karen 30 Concer Pendin ULM Harris north of information Tate July ns g on Dark submitted 2021 raised Lane over Exte draina nsion ge grant issues ed to 10 Augu st by LDC 21/01327/ JD Orgreav Agricultural 20 Approv Approv ABN Leaves e Farm Determinati July e ed ley Orgreav on: 2021 Estate e Hall Replaceme exten s Lane nt sion Ryknil agricultural reque d machinery sted House store Ryknil d Street

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21/01219/F Mr P 7 Fox Erection of David Approv Approv UH Smith Lane a first floor Gibson e ed side extension

July 2021 21/01052/F Mr H 134 Erection of Sarah 15 WITHD UH Tasker Main summer Atherton July RAWN Street house in 2021 garden 20/00359/F Simon Land Variation of Karen 6 July Approv Pendin ULM Harris north of conditions Tate 2021 e with g on Dark 2, 6, 13 of regret Lane planning at loss permission of 18/0149/F smaller ULM houses relating to plot substitution of 51 of the 121 approved dwellings, updated landscaping and drainage schemes

21/01108/F Mr R Alrewas Erection of Sarah 21 Approv Pendin UL Virji Pharmac first floor Atherton July e g y, Main extension 2021 Street, to existing pharmacy 20/00359/F Simon Land Amended Karen 13 Concer Pendin ULM Harris north of proposal re Tate July ns g on Dark drainage 2021 over Lane ditch plan, draina house style ge issues reporte d to LDC

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21/01152/F Mr & Coach Erection of Sarah 21 Pendin UH Mrs House, single Atherton July g Reeve Church storey 2021 Road extension to gable rear of property

21/01233/F Mr A 51 Erection of Karen 29 Reject Approv UH Hough Mickleho a side and Bentley July ed me Drive front 2021 extension to form a store and sitting room

Number Applic Site Proposal Case Obse Parish LDC ant Officer rvati Counc decisi ons il rec on by June 2021 21/00465/F Mr J 7 Taylor Installation Sarah 30 Approv Approv UH Pratt Grove of 2 Velux Atherton May e ed roof lights 2021 and 1 gable end window

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21/00614/L Mr R Land at Works to Helen 3 Approv Pendin BC Piper 122 listed Sherratt June e g Main building to 2021 Street allow farmhouse to be converted into four dwellings, conversion of outbuilding to form 2 dwellings, formation of a new car port to the site with a single dwelling to the first floor 21/00613/F Mr R Land at Works to Helen 3 Approv Pendin UL Piper 122 listed Sherratt June e g Main building to 2021 Street allow farmhouse to be converted into four dwellings, conversion of outbuilding to form 2 dwellings, formation of a new car port to the site with a single dwelling to the first floor 21/00848/F Mr R Overley Proposed Sarah 3 Approv Approv UH Kirkla House, side and Atherton June e ed nd Overley rear 2021 Lane extension 21/00839/F D & A The Erection of Sarah 5 Approv Approv UH Turner School a single Atherton June e ed House, storey build 2021

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10a Mill to extend End living space Lane 21/00747/F Mr R 154 Erection of Sarah 9 Approv Pendin UH Richar Main a two Atherton June e g ds Street storey 2021 extension 20/01753/F Mr G 19 Installation Sarah 29 Pendin UH Cowie Manor of window Atherton May Reject g Fields & rooflights 2021 (revised to application) bedroom, roof lights and shower room and reconfigura tion of garden wall (part removal) with replacemen t post and rail fencing and erection of timber outbuilding

21/00955/F Mr R Overley Conversion Karen 27 Approv Approv UL Kirkla House, of existing Bentley June ed ed nd Overley workshop 2021 Lane into domestic gym/games room serving existing dwelling

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January 2021

20/01753/FUH Mr G 19 Works to Sarah 11/1/21 Strong Pending Cowi Manor listed building Atherto refusal e Fields to enable the n Revised installation of submissio window and n made rooflights to kitchen, new dormer window to bathroom, rooflight to shower room and reconfiguratio n of garden wall (part removal) with replacement post and rail fencing and erection of timber outbuilding 20/01754/LBC Mr G 19 Works to Sarah 11/1/21 Strong Pending Cowi Manor listed building Atherto refusal e Fields to enable the n installation of window and rooflights to kitchen, new dormer window to bathroom, rooflight to shower room and reconfiguratio n of garden wall (part removal) with replacement post and rail fencing and erection of timber outbuilding

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December 2020

20/01420/COU Land Change of use 20/12/202 Object due Approved M east of from 0 to loss of Ryknel agricultural agricultural d St, land to a land, WS13 formal vehicle impact on 8QS storage area local traffic under class levels and B8 Storage or flow on A38 distribution and for up to 300 surrounding HGVs and roads, enhancement cumulative of pond impact of developmen t in area

3 LDC outcomes of applications considered by the Parish Council in October 2020: Number Applica Sit Propos Case Observation Parish LDC nt e al Officer s by Council decisio rec n 20/01291/ Essingt Land Chang Vanessa 24 Reject on Pendi FUL on Park north e of Morgan October the following ng Ltd of use 2020 grounds: Dark from This is an Lane agricul area within tural the to Neighbourho keepin od plan g of designated horses as local and green space the so should erecti not be built on of on a Building here stable would block restrict public access to the west of the

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current building site in future limiting residents’ access to village facilities Animal security and welfare – as no residential accommodati on is planned it is not clear how the animals can be monitored and made secure The removal of horse dung would be an issue on this site

6 LDC outcomes of applications considered by the Parish Council between 9 March and 31 May 2020 include: Number Applican Site Proposa Case Observation Parish LDC t l Officer s by Council decision rec 20/00359/FUL Mr J Land Variation Vaness Approve Pending M Murphy north of a but of condition Morgan regret Requested Dark s reduction that work is Lane, of stopped Gree number because of n of drainage Acres smaller issues. houses Awaiting but LDC concerns Enforcemen also t Officer expresse action but d about no action drainage taken etc

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