THE Changes to Honor Code Underway

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THE Changes to Honor Code Underway THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 132 TUESDAY, APRIL 26,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Changes to Honor Code underway Dome Following survey, officials and students call academic integrity a difficult issue to analyze regilding Huccio was concerned about "It's maybe a bigger problem cheating at Notre Dame, By TERESA fRALISH student apathy- but he did not than students realize- we don't although a variety of factors and sticks to New' Writer expect the response he got. talk about it that much," senior underreporting previously made "I was pleasantly surprised by Megan Casserlie said. it impossible to compile an accu­ When neonomics professor the student reaction, many of Casserlie serves on the rate campus-wide picture of' David Huccio announced to his whom spoke up in class, met University Honor Code cheating - and difficult to schedule micronconomics class that cheat­ with me outside of class, or sent Committee, a student, faculty design remedies. ing had occurred on a recent me e-mail messages indicating and administrator group that By MARY KATE MALONE exam, every student in the 150- that they understood the issue," oversees the code and its imple­ Cheating at Notre Dame J>Prson section listened as he he said. mentation. Last fall, the University partici­ News Writer proc1wdnd to sp11nd the entire For all the debates over llonor The current llonor Code, pated in a national study on atti­ rlass discussing academic C~dc revisions and which the University periodically tudes toward cheating conducted The unexpected dusting of intPgrity. - an online service that allows revises, commits students to a by Duke University's Center for snow that sprinklnd campus "I rlncirlPd to spPak ... about Notre Dame faculty to check stu­ high level of honesty and Academic Integrity, of which last weekend did not affect tlw prohl!~m of dwaling at Notre dent papers for plagiarism - requires that they report any Notre Dame and many other the regilding of tlw Goldon l>anw and what I perceived to be academic integrity ranks low as cheating they observe. national institutions are mem- Dome, despito the proce­ tlw g1~rwral complacency of' stu­ a subject for dining hall conver­ Still, administrators have often dum's heavy reliance on idnal denL'> in thP course." he said. sation. wondered about the level of see HONOR/page 6 weather, said Jim Lyphout, vice president of' Business Operations. Since the procedure takes place during tlw summer months in ord!'r to avoid tlw Springtitne attracts prospective students chance or frost, which Executive Vice President John Afllerk Craves has said could By KATIE PEHRY potPntially caus1~ major darn­ N<w' Writer age to tlw rngilding, thP weekend arrival of fall-like Whilt~ most memlwrs of the weather promptl~d some to fear the worst. Notn~ Danw community havn alrnady bngun pn•paralion filr the But Lyphout said tlwre was annual 1md-of-senwstnr exodus, a "zero percent chance" that ollwrs are bracing for a large the Dornr would not be fully inllux of studmlL'i on campus. gilded when the scafliJiding is "This wnnk is our busiest week removed for graduation on of visits for admittnd students," May 15. Univnrsity admissions eounselor "We will complete the t.m;ks .Jill Borun· said. on schedule," Lyphout said . Notm Damn will welcomn ·tfi5 The n1gilding process !i. Intens1~ famili!~s during tlw final wnek of began on March I dass1•s. By th1~ end of April, morn opposition from the senior than 400 fiunilins will haw visited class caused the administra­ tlw Uniwrsity during this month tion to agree to partially aloru•. Borufl"said. remow the srafl"olding down to tlw Donw's basP for gradu­ Till' OITirl' of Und1~rgraduat1• .-\dmissions providl's many sPrvic­ ation . Lyphout said rontrartors I'S li1r admiltt>d studnnL'i. Tlu• studt>nt's litmily is giwn llw will bPgin n•moving llw sral'­ (J opportunity to llll'<'l with admis­ fillding on May acr.ording to sions cotrrlst'lors for a personal srlwdul!~. allowing th1• DumP llll'nling to addrnss spncifk quns­ to b1• fully uncown•d llw fol­ tions, go on an nxclusiv1~ campus lowing we11k li1r graduation. tour and rl'lJUI~Sl a lwst if thny ~HAN<.;IoS(;A Slo I All t\e Ubserver Prospective students, accompanied by family members, flock out of the Main Building before Contact Mary Kate Malone sec PROSPECTS/page 8 embarking on student-led tours of the University last week. at [email protected] COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES CAMPus LIFE CouNCIL Group votes to purchase NDBay Metnbers pass ne-w By KAREN lANGLEY Nt•w,Writer diversity resolution In rnsponsn to tlw graduation Department and students. of llw foundnrs. the By MARY KATE MALONE ldPally, the SBPI> would e-mail Council or" HPpri'SPntatiVI'S News Writer studnnl<; to alert them of crimPS vowd al Monday's IIWPting to taking plaw ofl" campus. purrhas1~ tlw WPb silP as a stu­ The Campus Life Council "WP spokP with I Dirnctor of !li~nt-usnd book Pxrhangn. The pass!'d a resolution to continue SPcurity I l'lril .Johnson. and hP H-7 vot1~ concludl'd a two-wnnk discussion regarding diversity has PVPrything ready to go," dPI>all' about llw bl'st plan !'or and ofl"ered suggestions for next Istvan said. "W1~'V1' got South pmviding tlw stud1ml body with year's Council at il'i final meeting Bend l'olicP Departnwnt on a way to pun:hasn usnd books or the 2004-2005 school year board, map files, graphics and onlinn. Monday afternoon. the database for Jan e-mail list]." T lw Co u n c i J' s disc us s i o 11 s Former student body presi­ Istvan told members the plan nxamined tlw options of pur­ dent Adam Istvan also updated would be best impl1~111ented chasing NI>Bay from its the Council on the progression of when the next school year founders. Chris Kelly and the security task force- a com­ begins in the /ill!. Aaron Wnnger, or accepting an Observer mittee seeking to establish a "If we start1~d it now, it would Jimmy Flaherty, left, Darrell Scott, Emily Chin and Mike stronger communication see COR/page 8 Marshall contemplate the acquisition of the NDBay Web site. between the South Bend Police sec CLC/pagc 9 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, April 26, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS NOTRE DAME'S BIGGEST DRAW TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS? I love LaFortune Some places you have to experience firsthand. I've heard Europe is like that. You can see it in the movies, maybe get a Aubrey Candler Avery Mortimer Gabriel Samudio John Larson John Mrugala postcard from a friend studying abroad, but it's really difficult to imagine the Starbucks junior sophomore freshman freshman Eitfel Tower or St. employee St. Ed's Keenan Stanford O'Neill Peter's Square Kate Gales without being there in person. "Football; "Definitely not "The diversity. " "Good financial "The aura of I think rock con­ Associate statistically, we the weather. " aid and great Notre Dame." certs are like that. Sports Editor get more study abroad. " An Incubus concert, for example, is something that's difficult prospective to explain to the uninitiated. Is it accept­ students after able to wear khaki and argyle to an having a good Incubus show? Of course. It's all about the attitude. season. " On campus. maybe the Dome is like that. Perhaps the Basilica, the Stadium or Touchdown Jesus elicit similar responses. It's hard to imagine a Notre Dame football game from the student section without actually being there. But out of everywhere on campus IN BRIEF where seeing is believing, I think LaFortune on any weekday night is the Kay Londergan will lead chil­ experience that is impossible to convey dren's storytime at the Hammes with words. picture or an other techno­ Notre Dame Bookstore today at logical invention. 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. She will n~ad Midnight is probably the peak time for "The Worm Family" by Tony LaFortune aficionados. This is when Johnston. quarter dogs go on sale, group meetings are concluding and people are making The Saint Mary's tennis team quick "LaFun runs" for a midnight will face Alma today at 3 p.m at snack. Saint Mary's. However, there are people for whom LaFortune is an expedition that will last Arun Majumdar. of the UC­ until the Huddle closes at 4 a.m. It's Berkeley department of mechan­ more than a waste of waking hours and ical engineering, will give a semi­ a drain of your Flex points. It will ruin nar entitled "Fluidic and your sleeping habits and double - at Thermal Transport in least- the time it takes you to do any Nonstructure Materials and remotely productive work. Devices" today. It will begin at But LaFmtune is a mecca for those 3:30p.m. in 138 DeBartolo Hall. who value the social networking of col­ lege. There's always companionship 2004 U.S. Professor of the Year when you're pounding out a paper in the Rhona Free. NO alumna and computer cluster or pulling an all­ professor of economics at nighter outsi9e Irish Gardens. Eastern Connecticut University, Wireless networks and laptops have will give a lecture entitled made LaFortune a place where you can "Tsunamis, Cincotti, and Silk go and convince yourself that this time, DUSTIN MENNELLA!The Observer Sarongs: Bringing Lil'e to the you'llleave by 2 a.m. and finish all your Brent Bruish, left, and Chelse Prather check out the work of Rod Dugal, Brian Kakas and Classroom and the Classroom to homework.
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