Partners 450 Sutter Street #2536, San Francisco 94108 Ph |415-391-5207 Fx |415-362-2412

FAQS Preventative Preventative dentistry is the basis for dental health and overall physical health. Regular checkups, professional cleaning and early diagnosis are the best way to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Regular checkups are key to early diagnosis, treating small problems before they become big problems. Our Doctors and hygienists excel in helping you understand how to keep your mouth healthy. We work with you to establish healthy routines and correct dental self-care. There is a significant relationship between healthy gums and teeth and overall physical health, regular dental care can be anti-aging and help you look and feel great!

Dental Implants Implant Dentistry is the most advanced approach to providing patients missing one or more teeth with a treatment that restores dental function and aesthetics. Dental Implants maximize the structural and functional connection between the dental implant and the living bone. Dental implants are a significant investment, but the results are natural, long lasting and superior to the alternative treatments. Dental Implants are our ; we excel in complex reconstruction procedures and full mouth rejuvenation.

Crowns Ceramic and Metal Ceramic Dental Crowns are prosthetic teeth designed to repair damaged teeth. Crowns are typically made from metal, porcelain or a combination of metal and porcelain materials. Crowns are a long lasting solution where a filling, inlay or onlay would not last. Today’s crowns can be manicured to resemble the natural appearance of your other teeth; they are aesthetically pleasing and can make the most of your smile as well as restore function.

Bridges A bridge, or fixed partial denture, is a prosthetic replacement of one or more missing teeth cemented or attached to the retained teeth or implant abutments adjacent to the space. They are less expensive than implants; bridges provide the next most natural results for the treatment of missing teeth. A removable partial denture (removable bridge) is a prosthetic replacement of one or more missing teeth on a framework that can be removed by the patient.

Fillings | Filling options

1 A dental filling is a type of restorative treatment used to repair minimal tooth decay, fractures or otherwise damaged surfaces of teeth. Dental filling materials, which include composite, porcelain and silver amalgam, may be used to even out tooth surfaces for better biting or chewing. We offer natural tooth colored composite fillings as well as amalgam type fillings. For the best aesthetics, composite fillings give the most natural results. Modern resin based filling materials are durable and long lasting.

Sedation Dentistry Sedation is offered to our patients who might find dental work stressful, anxiety producing or too painful. We can make your treatment stress and pain free with sedation dentistry. Advances in medication and increased treatment options make it possible for you to undergo dental procedures without feeling a thing. We also offer nitrous oxide as an alternative to conventional topical and injected anesthetics for those who dislike injections and want to have a tension free experience. We will discuss sedation options with you as part of your treatment plan, feel free to ask about alternative medications that will help you have a high comfort level during your treatment.

Smile Whitening Everyone knows the value of a beautiful, bright smile. is one of our most desirable services, and is great for removing stains and discoloration, resulting in a younger, healthier looking smile. We offer both in office and home whitening options., followed up with home treatments to lighten your teeth and keep you smiling. During your checkup you can discuss whitening treatment options with your practitioner that suit your dental needs and budget.

Bonding The dental bonding procedure utilizes a composite resin and is used for a variety of structural as well as cosmetic purposes. By using dental composite resin bonding your dentist can restore chipped or broken teeth, fill in gaps and reshape or recolor your smile. Resin compounds can be matched to your teeth or used to lighten and brighten your smile

Porcelain Veneers Veneers are custom designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material that, when applied over the surface of a tooth, can cover worn enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing and chips or cracks. Dental veneers fall into the category of , they are an option if your teeth are intact and functional, and they create a bright, white smile with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth. The translucent quality of today’s veneers provides a more natural look than what’s been available in the past.

Smile Makeovers We specialize in smile makeovers, treatment plans that include multiple treatment strategies and procedures to give you that perfect smile. Combined with preventative dental care, a smile makeover can take years off your age and give you a new lease on life. We really mean it when we say that we want you to have a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime! A smile makeover can be done rapidly or in stages, our goal is to help you find a treatment plan and timeline that suits your needs and budget. Full mouth rejuvenation is anti aging, it will improve your general health and make you look and feel younger.