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HWY. 14 EAST $500,000 780-842 5518 $0.5M WAINWRIGHT $400,000 MON-FRI 9:30-6:00, SAT 10-5 $300,000 PRESIDENT’S SALE $200,000 THURSDAY - SATURDAY $100,000 $000,000 UP TO 50% OFF MATTRESS SETS! PLEDGED COMMITMENT UP TO 30% OFF DINING & BEDROOM! CT SCANNER PROJECT SOFAS WHEN AMAZING Building Better Communities 75% OFF PRODUCT YOU BUY THE MATCHING OFFERS! Donations can be made at all LOVESEAT OR CHAIR Wainwright Banks and Each October 23, 2020 Saving You More! Encompass Credit Union in the area. Star News Inc. Wainwright AB. Volume 8 Number 1 Our mission: To serve our readers with news and advertising of high integrity. MD takes possession of house and property north of Chauvin for unpaid taxes

[email protected] and may be disposed of by public auction or as the council directs. he Municipal District of Wainwright has taken The MD recently offered the real estate for public Tpossession of a house and 10.87 acres of land 4 sale at auction with a $300,000 reserve bid but re- miles east and 8 miles north of Chauvin for non- ceived no offers that met the reserve. payment of $8,628.71 in taxes. The outstanding taxes on the property of $8,628 A notice placed on the door of the property ad- represents 4 years of taxes. If the taxes are paid dressed to Mrs. Joy Linda Gordon of RR1 Chauvin while the MD holds the property under the tax for- dated October 15th states they have done this un- feiture laws, the property is returned to the former der the Municipal Government Act Section 424 owner. by way of Tax Forfeiture which the MD registered Under the tax forfeiture laws in the MD with land titles on August 27th. can sell the property at “fair market value” as es- The notice also makes reference to other personal tablished by an appraisal. The prior owner may be property items at the location that need to be re- entitled to the proceeds of the sale less taxes and moved in 30 days or will be deemed unclaimed expenses incurred by the municipality by making property. Any property not claimed within the claim to the court of Queen’s Bench. 30 days becomes the property of the municipality EDGE

This house on 10.87 acres of land located at 10078 range road 444 in the MD of Wainwright has been Photo: Roger seized by the MD for $8,628.71 in unpaid taxes. Holmes These notices are taped to the front door of the house.

$FFHSWLQJ1HZ3DWLHQWV! Dr. Jacob Dr. Chauhan (780) 842-6838 “We love to make you smile” 2 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Alberta Paramedics Association talks paramedic fatigue with Town Council

Zak McLachlan On top of the individual issues [email protected] Myshrall says the system is causing, it can also lead to slower response times and fatigue concerns for Alberta’s para- he Council of the Town of Wain- medics. pressed their support for Myshrall and rick Moroz said. wright was paid a visit on Tuesday T “From the public perspective, it pro- the Alberta Paramedics Association’s “I appreciate your comment when from Dusty Myshrall, President of the longs the response times too. And that’s endeavours. you said Albertans deserve better. Alberta Paramedic Association, via Go- not okay. We think Albertans deserve Councillor Bruce Pugh said he hopes And I think paramedics deserve better ToMeeting. better” he said. a solution can be found which will as well. There’s a lot of burnout, and Myshrall spoke to Council about the Myshrall said the Alberta Paramed- benefit rural Albertans. this model is difficult not only from a unfair and potentially dangerous Core- ics Association is visiting with commu- “Quite often, decisions are made on work perspective but for your hearts Flex system to which Alberta paramed- nities all around the province to talk population density and sometimes and minds to serve in the roles you’ve ics are currently subject. about their initiative and gain support we’re forgotten in rural Alberta… So I signed up for. I appreciate the advocacy He explained that paramedics to eventually bring the issues forward thank you for coming out and doing and action you’re trying to take,” Coun- around the province are working on a to the Rural Municipalities Association this. We shouldn’t be at a disadvan- cillor Ariel Haubrich said. 96-hour on call system, which is taxing (RMA) to create change. tage compared to someone who lives EDGE on their physical health, mental health “Ultimately all of us are paying the in a larger area,” and family life. same provincial taxes, which are used Councillor Pugh “Paramedics are working on ex- A screening mammogram is to fund EMS services. Our end goal is to said. tended on-call hours, which is about the best wayto find breast go to RMA and ask for a resulting say- “It’s astonish- 96 hours on average. Some places do cancer early. And it can truly ing rural municipalities will no longer ing and concern- seven days straight and up north some save your life. be treated as second class citizens when ing that you places do almost two weeks straight… it comes to response times,” Myshrall have these kinds From our perspective, we see that as 7KH6&5((17(67PRELOH said. of working con- PDPPRJUDSK\XQLWZLOOEHLQ negatively impacting the well-being of “We’re trying to work with munici- ditions. I sup- our paramedics. They’re limited to their 3URYRVW1RY palities to get a better understanding of port everything work-life balance,” he said. this issue and put pressure on the gov- you’re doing, and +DUGLVW\1RY “They spend four straight days living ernment and Alberta Health Services hopefully we can $SSRLQWPHQWVDUHUHTXLUHG3OHDVHFDOO at a base or a residence by a base, then to amend their policies so their 96-hour come to some they get to be home for four days. But it  WROOIUHH Core-Flex can’t happen anymore. We sort of resolution makes it a challenge to have a family want our communities to get the ser- on this to try to VFUHHQLQJIRUOLIHFD and a career in this field, and it’s con- vice they deserve.” change things,” 'XHWR&29,'6FUHHQ7HVWLVWDNLQJDQXPEHURI tributing to the mental health issues SUHFDXWLRQVWRHQVXUHWKHVDIHW\RIRXUFOLHQWVDQGVWDII Councillors around the table ex- Councillor Pat- we’re seeing out there.” 'HWDLOVZLOOEHVKDUHGZKHQ\RXFDOOWRERRN\RXUDSSRLQWPHQW


BUS DRIVERS! The Town of Wainwright in the Province of Alberta, proposes to amend Land Use Bylaw 2009-02 by changing the land use designation of Lots This year more than ever, the Board, staff, and students of Buffalo 27, 28, 29, 30 & 33 Block 12 Plan 132 3496 (2709, 2711, 2713, 2715 & Trail Public Schools, would like to thank all of our School Bus Con- 2721 – 11th Avenue) from R1B (Single Family–Small Lot Residential) to tractors and Drivers for their dedication to school bus and COVID-19 R2 (Two-Family Residential) as shown on the diagram below. safety. BTPS has asked bus drivers to take on the task of making sure everyone is wearing their masks, sitting in their assigned seats

and submit seating plans every time someone new comes on the school bus, make sure their buses are cleaned twice a day, and get the students safely to and from school. The bus drivers know how important having students in school is and they are doing their part during this pandemic. If you see your bus driver, make a point this School Bus Safety Week to say thank you for the wonderful job they do. Just like it is the bus driver’s responsibility to safely transport the children to and from school, it is the parent or guardian’s responsibil- ity to make sure their children get safely to and from the bus stop, wear their mask and don’t go to school if they are sick. It is everyone’s responsibility to STOPÜ i˜Ì iÞÃii>ÃV œœLÕÃÜˆÌ ˆÌÃÀi`y>à ˆ˜}ˆ} Ìà activated. Please do your part to help bus drivers keep our students safe, DO NOT PASS a school bus from either direction when the RED LIGHTS ARE FLASHING. Amber lights are a warning to motorists following or approaching a bus that they are slowing down to make a passenger stop. Passing a school bus puts children A Public Hearing will be held in Town Council Chambers (1018—2nd at risk. Together we can continue to make the school bus the safest means of student transportation. Avenue) at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 where persons vޜÕÃiiܓiœ˜i«>ÃÃ>ÃV œœLÕÃÜˆÌ ˆÌÃÀi`ˆ} ÌÃy>à ˆ˜}]«i>ÃiV>ޜÕÀœV>, *̜Ài«œÀÌÌ i“]ˆÌ claiming to be affected by this change may voice their concerns. is a fxÈÇw˜i and È`i“iÀˆÌ«œˆ˜ÌÃ. Some of our contracted school buses are equipped with video cameras Concerns may also be expressed through written submissions mailed œ˜Ì iœÕÌÈ`iœvÌ iˆÀLÕÃiÃ̜V>ÌV ۈœ>̜Àð/ i*ÀœÛˆ˜Vˆ>-V œœ ÕÃ->viÌÞ-œ}>˜vœÀÌ i,i`>à ˆ˜} or delivered to the Town Office at 1018–2nd Avenue Wainwright AB Light Awareness Campaign is “REDS FLASHING…NO PASSING!” The campaign’s goal is to reduce the T9W 1R1 Attn: Scott Flett or presented at the public hearing. Written ˜Õ“LiÀœvÃV œœLÕÃyއL޽ði«`œޜÕÀ«>À̈˜“>Žˆ˜}Ì ˆÃ>Ài>ˆÌÞ]>˜`Žii«œÕÀÃÌÕ`i˜ÌÃÃ>viÜ i˜ submissions must be received before or at the public hearing in order getting on and off the school bus. School bus safety is a shared responsibility! to be considered. Copies of the proposed amending Bylaw 2020-07 and Land Use Bylaw 2009-02 may be seen at the Town Office during SCHOOL BUS SAFETY WEEK normal business hours. SCOTT FLETT OCTOBER 18-24, 2020 Director of Planning & Development EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 3 MD meeting Oct. 20 highlights

up with an open fire hot dog roast at issued in the same time frame for drill- installing a culvert to remedy the prob- Club Root found in MD Camp Harkness on the Oct. 24/25 week- ing in the MD at a value of $164,597. To- lem in the north west corner of the lake. Agriculture field man James Schwindt end. tal drilling permits for all of 2019 were told council six quarters in the MD $47,520 and in 2018 were $113,429. Clear Lake shoreline modification of Wainwright have been positively Boat docks being removed issues discussed identified with Club Root. Club Root is Docks at Salt Lake have been removed Ribstone land sale questioned Alberta Environment is suggesting that a soil born disease of canola, mustard from the water and there are plans to The issue of selling two lots in Ribstone the MD of Wainwright come up with and cole crops and is a declared pest remove the remaining docks at Clear to an adjacent property owner was dis- construction standards for work being under the Alberta Agricultural Pests Lake and Arm Lake shortly. cussed. Questions arose whether a pre- done in the municipal reserve around Act. Council was told it has been found vious moratorium on land sales in Rib- Clear Lake. in three different areas of the MD and Cat determent in Fabyan stone would apply. Council directed affects three different land owners. The Playground may cost $12,000 the development officer to get the land Meeting with Husky regarding affected land owners are being or were A quote to install a cat deterrent fiber priced as excess land. A question was pipeline crossings notified following harvest. mulch in the Fabyan playground has also raised at the meeting regarding the The development officer will be meet- been received. Further discussion on possibility of “buried stuff” on the land ing soon to discuss with Husky their Water tests in Greenshields other materials to help deter cats will in question. The matter will return to joint responsibilities regarding pipeline and Fabyan good be discussed at the 2021 planning meet- council for a decision later. road construction agreements. The MD Greenshields and Fabyan water test ing. would like to send notifications rather results for lead in municipal drinking Camping Site #97 at Arm Lake to be than enter into full facility crossing water are within guidelines. The water Masks in MD Vehicles eliminated agreements. in these areas is being tested five times The MD Safety Director is encouraging A concern has been brought to council a year. all MD employees and elected officials by a seasonal camper regarding stray Controversial Tax Bylaw 1658 to go golf balls veering out of bounds and in to wear masks in vehicles when there to council again in November some cases striking the campers trailer Salt and Sand mixed is more than one person in the vehicle. The planning commission will be tak- The Director of Transportation Preston and other belongings. Following a dis- ing by-law 1658 to council for second cussion of the options and liabilities of Iverson reported Site Energy has mixed Additional road line painting and third reading. The by-law had first the MD pertaining to the matter, a mo- reading on March 20th and a public winter salt and sand for the MD and approved tion was passed to simply eliminate meeting was held on noted they will be hauling 600 tonnes Council approved additional line that site. It was noted this is the only September 15 where several ratepayers for the Town of Wainwright and 1000 painting on MD roads. The additional site at Arm Lake with this potential objected to the taxation of their proper- tonnes to CFB for their use respectively. 15.2 kilometers of line painting will problem and other sites are available. ty. At the council meeting of September cost $12,700. It will be used on TWP 15, the by-law was tabled. It was noted Road Construction progress re- 45-2 from highway 14 to highway 41 ported MOST Grant for COVID Costs that during the discussion at the plan- and TWP 45-4 from old 41 to highway Council directed administration to ap- The surface on Giltedge road is almost ning commission meeting on October 41 and TWP 45-4 from highway 41 to ply for the $450,000 Federal Grant to finished and Fortis has completed 13th , Reeve Barss removed himself RR 6-1. Some councilors expressed con- help with unexpected costs relating from the discussion to bring the by- most of the power line moves required cern about painting lines in the colder the COVID 19 outbreak. It was noted law back to council because he had not which will allow for the removal of weather and were told it can be done the application needs to be signed and been in attendance at the public meet- the power pole mounds adjacent to the with oil based paint. It was noted if completed before December 14th ing. Clr. Wilkinson, Clr. Valleau, Clr, road. Gravel crushing at the Mclean the lines wear off completely they will Lawson, Clr. Cummins, Clr. Buck, Clr. pit is completed and the crusher has have to be re-marked at extra cost be- Municipal planning Anderson and Development Officer moved into the Kraft pit. fore painting in the spring. commission report Kim Christensen were present during The planning commission met on Oc- the discussion at the planning com- Campgrounds winterized 11 Development permits issued tober 13th and made several recom- mission meeting October 13th when it Both Riverdale and Arm Lake camp- in October mendations to council. was agreed to move forward with sec- grounds have seen the completion of As of the October 20 council meet- ond and third readings of the by-law the winterizing of water lines. ing, the MD development officer Clear Lake Drainage issue be taken to the November MD council had approved $1,961,256 of develop- Council approved spending approxi- meeting. Girl Guides nature walk ment permits for the month of Octo- mately $1,000 to hire an engineer to It was reported the Girl Guides of Cana- ber. This made the total so far for the assess a flooding situation at Clear Lake da will be taking a nature walk through year $6,710,256. The total for 2019 was and examine the feasibility and cost of the Arm Lake area and will be resting $8,957.300. In addition, 25 permits were

Shop the le & g ng Min le Wainwr of your Ji ight ʔ community 2020 Begins Nov. 12 Light Up @ 5pm See next weeks EDGE for full details.


1026-16 AVE 1017-16 AVE 338-5 AVE 821-28TH ST A1026970 A1019109 A1017377 1918-5th Ave LL66178 $152,000 $168,800 $214,900 $245,000 $279,900 Valerie Moroz NEW PRICE NEW PRICE Broker/Realtor Licensed since 1985 780-842-0343

1637-3 AVE 1115-18A ST CRES 80035 Twp Rd 452 1118-26TH ST SW 20-43-6-W4 “WOW check out these great prices with A1024482 LL66783 A1035953 LL65818 A1025077 great interest rates NOW is the time to $299,900 $348,500 $478,000 $575,500 $695,000 ƓQG\RXUKRPHŐ Valerie VALERIE’S LISTINGS [email protected] 4 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Wainwright Town Council assigns councilor committee appointments for the year

Will Challenger Bruce Pugh Ariel Haubrich Mayor Deputy Mayor October 21- December Deputy Mayor March 1 – April 30, 2021 Deputy Mayor July 1 - August 31, 2021 Brian Bethune 31, 2020 Finance and Administration -chair Property Planning and Development Municipal Planning Commission vice- Transport, Airport and Utilities Public Health, Welfare Public Health, Welfare - chair chair Property planning and development – Wainwright Public Library Protective Services Inter-Municipal Collaboration Com- chair Emergency Advisory Committee Recreation, Parks and Cemetery mittee Municipal Planning Commission – Ambulance Society Municipal Planning Commission C.U.P.E. Negotiating Committee chair Battle River Foundation Board Parks and Recreation Board Emergency Advisory Committee Wainwright Regional Waste to Energy Cemetery Association Emergency Advisory Committee Economic Development Board Authority Northern Lights Library Board - alter- Intermunicipal Economic Develop- Family and Community Services Board nate ment Board Emergency Advisory Committee 911 Call Answer Society Ambulance Society Handivan Society Economic Development Board Intermunicipal Economic Develop- ment Board Council also appointed the follow- Heritage Advisory Board ing persons to the Assessment Review Municipal School Reserve Committe Board: Doug Rawluk, Joanne Fraser, Eric Nis- sen, Bill Long, Allan Keller, Bill Law- son, Bruce Cummins.

Ed Chow Chief Administrative Officer was appointed to the Inter-Munici- pal Collaboration Committee and the C.U.P.E. Negotiating Committee. Scott Heather MacDonald Walker and Karrie Gau were also ap- Patrick Moroz Deputy Mayor September 1- October pointed to the C.U.P.E. Negotiating Deputy Mayor May 1 - June 3, 2021 18, 2020 Committee. Larry James, Wainwright Finance and Administration Property Planning and Development Assessment Group was appointed As- Transport, Airport and Utilities Public Health, Welfare sessor. The Director of Parks and Rec- Protective Services Protective Services – chair reation was also appointed to the Cem- Recreation, Parks and Cemetery – chair Recreation, Parks and Cemetery etery Association Board. Municipal Planning Commission Municipal Planning Commission The following were appointed Bob Foley Parks and Recreation Board Family and Community Services Board to the Emergency Advisory Agency; Deputy Mayor January 1 – February 28, Emergency Advisory Committee Emergency Advisory Committee Director Duncan Campbell, Deputy Di- 2021 Battle River Foundation Board- alter- Municipal School Reserve Committee rector Trevor Miller and Deputy Direc- Finance and Administration nate Handivan Society tor Ed Chow. Transport, Airport and Utilities – chair Heritage Advisory Board Council also appointed Chelsey Wainwright Regional Waste to Energy Wainwright Golf Course Board – non- Eklund as Returning Officer for the Authority voting Town of Wainwright and Carley Her- Wainwright Public Library bert as the Substitute Returning Officer Inter-Municipal Collaboration Com- mittee C.U.P.E. Negotiating Committee Emergency Advisory Committee Battle River Foundation Board Intermunicipal Economic Develop- Our New Door is ment Board Municipal School Reserve Committee Northern Lights Library Board Open for Business

Same Building, Happening? New Door! 1027-3 Ave. (North side of the Bulding) CALL Zak @ Email: [email protected] | Phone: 780-842-4465 | Fax: 780-842-2760 (780) 842-4465 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 5 ANNOUNCEMENT News and notes from Wainwright is pleased to announce Council

Zak McLachlan sultants Ltd. in the amount of $24,300 [email protected] plus GST for preliminary engineer- ing services and disbursements for the Wainwright Lagoon Expansion Project. he Council of the Town of Wain- Select Engineering will be providing wright held their regular meeting on T preliminary engineering services to fi- Tuesday, October 20. nalize the design concept, construction Council discussed a number of topics, quantities and general project require- many of which are highlighted below. ments for the Wainwright Lagoon Ex- Council Chambers pixel glass tender pansion project. A motion was brought forward on Bylaw fees, charges simplified Tuesday night for the purchase and in- Council approved a motion to re- stallation of pixel glass partitions be- ceive the fist reading of Bylaw 2020-06, tween seats at the Council Chambers which is a bylaw to establish the fees table. and charges for the provision of various The motion was to accept a quotation goods and services. from local business Eagle Lock & Glass, Andrea Pettipas The bylaw combines information re- but Councillors discussed the motion garding administration fees, animal li- has beeen appointed to the position of and decided the most fair option would cense and control fees, business license be to put the project out for tender and fees, cemetery fees and planning and give businesses the opportunity to bid Advertising Sales Consultant development fees. on the purchase. Lot prices, recreation facilities and effective October 13, 2020 The revised motion allowed Coun- utility rates all fall outside the scope of cil to approve the purchase of the pixel the bylaw. glass partitions at a cost not exceeding Andrea can be reached “Hopefully this is easier for residents $2,200 including GST while putting the and management to know they can purchase out to tender. DWWKHRIêFHH[W look at one place and find the informa- Wainwright Lagoon Expansion proj- tion in the bylaw they need,” Councillor RQKHUFHOOSKRQHDW ect Haubrich said. Council approved a motion to accept a RQHPDLODWDQGUHD#VWDUQHZVFD The bylaw will come into full force on quotation from Select Engineering Con- January 1, 2021.

WEEKLY SALES Forty Creek Grey Goose Bacardi Rum SALE DATES: OCTOBER 23 - 29 Barrel Select Vodka White, 750ml 1.14L Gold,Black 1.14L $2195 $5295 $2995 Pabst Blue 95 Ribbon $18 15 pk cans

Moosehead 95 Ryan’s Irish Prince Igor Bombay Lager $19 Cream Vodka Sapphire Gin 12 pk Btls 750ml 750ml 1.14 $1295 $1495 $3195 Pilsner 95 24 pk cans $27

Michelob Ultra 24 pk btls Ribstone Creek 95 95 Grapefruit Blonde $10 Starborough Picnic Basket Copper Moon $39 4x473ml pk Cans New Zealand Australia 750ml 750ml Smooth White, 750ml Smooth Red Sauvignon Blanc Rose

Guinnes 95 95 95 95 Irish Heritage $18 $11 $9 $6 Pack 8x473ml cans

Twisted Tea 95 Original, Half & Half $21 12 pk cans

Santa Rita Fetzer Hommage Nutrl 7% 95 Chile 750ml US France Mixer $19 Chardonnay, Cab 750ml 750ml Sauv, Sauvignon 12 pk cans Gewurztraminer Cotes du Rhone Blanc, Merlot, Moscato 95 95 $10 American Vintage 95 95 $9 Mixer pack $39 $8 24 pk cans

PLUS MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS Ř6WUHHW:DLQZULJKW VISIT US ON WAINWRIGHT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOURS: “Your Community Minded Liquor Store” Locally Owned & Operated BUSINESS OF THE YEAR 2010 MON. - SAT. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Please don’t drink and drive /wainwrightliquor by Jay & Sandra Robinson 2007 Alberta Retailer of The Year SUN. 11:00 am - 7:00 pm 6 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020

COVID-19 STATS - October 21 M.D. of Wainwright Active cases 0 $%&RQƓUPHGFDVHV22,996 AB Active cases 3,203 $%5HFRYHUHGFDVHV19,500 Covid Diary AB Deaths 293 &DQGD&RQƓUPHGFDVHV201,760 &DQGD'HDWKV9,779


Grab a pen or a computer and chronicle your COVID experience. The Edge would like to publish your COVID Diary entries. Please send yours to [email protected] A Smile Pandemic Projects in a time of COVID How did the barber By Phyllis Holmes This cook book is as much a repository rates at near 100% in some parts. Perhaps win the race? [email protected] of family memories as it is a recipe book. our Christmas will be like our Thanksgiv- Way back in the 90’s I put together a cook ing, with a roast turkey breast and Face-

book for my mother and her four sisters. Time. History professor, Catherine O’Donnell cut. short a knew He Answer: tells us that keeping a diary of our experi- The recipes reveal a lot about that time, This Pandemic is taking a toll. I hear ences during the Pandemic could help fu- our parent’s era. But perhaps what is about people experiencing anxiety and ture historians. “In a moment like this, the most meaningful are the little notes that depression and am grateful for the out- need to gather people’s experiences of the were added here and there, telling about lets in my life that mostly keep me feel- pandemic, however mundane they are, is their day-to-day lives. Many things we ing okay. I am grateful for Roger and for glad to know this. I have been writing to important.”. O’Donnell explains that with- hadn’t heard from them as we lived our the time we spend together. He puts up out the stories of ordinary people we will my granddaughter each week to thank end up with “an archive that is hopelessly lives in a different time, in a different with my grouchiness. He puts up with her and encourage her for writing her di- slanted toward the famous” . way. Now my siblings, our generation, me. ary for the paper each week. I have writ- It is Monday, October 19th. are the “old” generation. Now it is our I read in the weekend edition of the ten to my grandson, who is eight and can It has been so cold! I am having trouble turn to put together a cook book and Journal that it can be helpful now read letters for himself. I am draw- keeping my resolution to walk. Last week add our own notes about what our lives to people who are anxious and depressed ing pictures for the younger grandchil- I could walk to the mail box wearing were like growing up when TV was a if someone writes them a letter. There dren who can’t read yet. I want them to a hoodie. This week I need a parka. The new thing and when microwaves were has been research to support this benefit. know that there is someone besides their week has gone by quickly, mostly inside, a much later addition. I have been work- It needs to be a written letter, involving own parents who loves them and cares watching with dismay the wind and the ing on this project for well over a year. It paper and pen and an envelope and a for them. While they are small and per- cold settle in. At least we have not had is time to get it done. stamp. The requirements to source all haps their challenges in life might seem much more than a skiff of snow. I have Another project is to learn to play the these things, to make the effort to write small, I know that they can be huge to lots to do. That’s not a problem. But there piano better. To that end I have selected by hand shows a caring that is not as evi- them. I wonder who else in my life could is so much that I do that involves sitting. five hymns from the front of my one book dent in electronic communications. I am use a letter. I have spread out the quilt blocks on that I think I have a hope of learning. I a spare bed and I spend several days ar- have been playing these over and over ranging and rearranging them. I am be- each day. I am getting some better, but ginning to think that a random pattern of I still make mistakes. I feel clumsy and quilt blocks is not as simple as I thought awkward and have a renewed apprecia- it would be. If I move one block in an tion for those who can sit down and play attempt to balance out the colours and with what appears to be no effort at all. various prints I find I need to move an- The hymns I am working on are from other block and then another one. I don’t the Advent and Christmas section. They want two blocks the same butting up to are mostly slow and mournful sounding. each other. I have to move them again. They suit my way of being right now. I It takes a while but finally I am satisfied play them slowly. I feel the penitential with the placement. I chain piece the tone of the melodies. I think about the columns of blocks together. Next I will Advent season and Christmas not that need to snip these blocks apart and then far away. Maybe by the time they come I can chain piece the rows together. I can I will be able to play these songs. imagine the finished quilt from here. The Prime Minister said we had “a shot Another project I am working on is a at Christmas”. I wonder if we do. The CO- cook book for my family – for my siblings VID numbers are high in many parts of and their children and grandchildren. Canada. There is concern about the hos- pitalization numbers, with occupancy The Covid Hearts of Wainwright.

Airbender. It’s an animated series. You base des arbres. Nous avons dû l’enlever COVID Halloween can find it on Netflix. car il était si grand qu’il bloquait le che- Translated to French with the help of min de notre porte d’entrée. Nous al- Jennifer Holmes lons le remettre en place pour la nuit By Amelia Holmes tween them, and pumpkins at the base of d’Halloween. Nous allons préparer des the trees. We had to take it down because Halloween pendant COVID sacs de bonbons pour que les enfants Grade 4 French Immersion it was so big it was blocking the way to Airdrie, Alberta Cette semaine, ma famille a parlé viennent prendre sous l’arche. Ma mère our front door. We’re going to put it back d’Halloween. Nous avons mis des ci- va nous emmener tromper ou traiter up for Halloween night. We’re going to This week my family has been talk- trouilles gonflées dans notre cour avant. à quelques maisons de personnes que put together goodie bags for trick or treat- ing about Halloween. We put blow up Nous l’appelons le Pumpkin Patch. nous connaissons, puis rentrer à la mai- ers to come take from under the arch. My pumpkins in our front yard. We call it the Nous avons six grandes décorations gon- son pour une fête de danse. Je vais être mom is going to take us trick or treating Pumpkin Patch. We have six big blow up flées! Nous avons un nouveau cette an- Katara d’Avatar: The Last Airbender. C’est at a few houses of people we know, and decorations! We got a new one this year. née. C’est deux arbres avec une arche de une série animée. Vous pouvez le trouver then go home for a dance party. I’m go- It’s two trees with an arch of ghosts be- fantômes entre eux et des citrouilles à la sur Netflix. ing to be Katara from Avatar: The Last EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 7 OPINIONS

Zak McLachlan Roger Holmes Aaron Holmes Editor

Shop local Who cares! Spooky Saturday


Circulation 4,863 Published by 1027 - 3 Ave., Wainwright, AB T9W 1T6 Ph: 780-842-4465 Fax: 780-842-2760 website: www.starnews.ca Just Looking Around 2008 WINNER 2009 WINNER Roger Holmes Zak McLachlan Andrea Pettipas Carrie Baumgartner Tuesday morning lots of people in 7KH0'FRXQFLORUVPHHWLQSHUVRQ Publisher Editor Sales & Promotion [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Graphic Design the area woke up to see this year’s ZLWK VRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ 3HRSOH HQ [email protected] êUVW VQRZ RQ WKH JURXQG ,W ZRQWÍ tering the building are required EHWKHODVW to sign in but not required to wear Gale Aykroyd Terry Hunka Phyllis Holmes Financial Accounts Receivable Projects **** PDVNV 1R YLVLWRUV DOORZHG WR DW Administrator [email protected] [email protected] Jack’s Place is still open while the tend council meetings due to the [email protected] front of the building is covered in VL]H RI WKH FKDPEHUV 3URFHHGLQJV The EDGE has 9,646 followers in print, i.e. 4,823 published with an average of two readers per printed copy. IRU D IDFH OLIW .LQG RI PDNHV \RX DUHEURDGFDVWOLYHRQOLQH ZDQWWRSHHNLQVLGH * LETTERS POLICY: **** 7RZQRI:DLQZULJKWFRXQFLOPHHW The Wainwright EDGE welcomes letters to the editor 7RZQ FUHZV GLJJLQJ XS UG $YH LQJV DUH KHOG LQ SHUVRQ ZLWK VR for publication. Letters must be signed and a phone We've got you covered! across from the Star News building cial distancing and no wearing of number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. The Wainwright EDGE reserves the right to edit letters WRê[DZDWHUPDLQEUHDNDFURVVWKH PDVNV9LVLWRUVDUHDVNHGWRSURYLGH for legal considerations, taste, and brevity. VWUHHW1LFHWRKDYHWKHPFRPHGRRU notice to attend in person to allow Please mail, e-mail, or drop off to door with a printed notice to let IRU VRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ 3URFHHGLQJV your comments to: everyone effected know their water DUHEURDGFDVWOLYHRQOLQH Letter to the Editor would be shut off while the repairs * 1027-3 Ave, Wainwright, AB T9W 1T6 Phone: (780) 842-4465 Fax: (780) 842-2760 DUHPDGHWRWKHOLQH Buffalo Trail Public Schools trustees E-mail: [email protected] **** are meeting in person and are open The letters appearing in today’s paper have been edited ,QWHUHVWLQJWRVHHLQJLQSHUVRQWKLV WRWKHSXEOLFDQGDOOSHUVRQVDWWHQG for length and other considerations. Please try to keep week how our local authorities are LQJDUHUHTXLUHGWRZHDUPDVNV9LV your letters under 300 words to ensure your Letter to the Editor appears as close to its original form as pos- Read The Wainwright EDGE E-Edition online weekly running their meetings during the LWRUV DUH UHTXLUHG WR VLJQ LQ 0HHW sible. Thank you to everyone who took the time to send at StarNews.ca And check us out daily on facebook &29,'SDQGHPLF LQJVDUHQRWOLYHEURDGFDVW us comments on the important issues of the day in our facebook.com/WainwrightStarNews community. Keep your input coming.


Order to vacate

This house at 730 7th Ave. in Wainwright has been ordered vacant by Alberta Health Services Photo: Roger due to unsanitary conditions. The building was boarded up and the yard cleaned up by the town Holmes This order to vacate was posted last week on the front of the Photo: Roger of Wainwright last week. A notice has been posted on the doors to the house, see photo of the boarded up house at 730 7 Ave. in Wainwright. Holmes notice.

Family Recipes Served with l ve

By Phyllis Holmes [email protected]

Some years back Roger volunteered with the orga- We, as members of the NGO population experi- 1 – 8 ounce can unsweetened, undrained crushed nization, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression enced a relative privilege. We ate in various local pineapple to help rebuild the newspaper industry in Sierra Le- restaurants where the menus offered options of Juice of one lemon one after civil war ravaged the country. He worked ÏPHDWÐÏêVKÐDQGVRPHWLPHVÏJURXQGQXWVWHZÐ Warm the oil in a large covered soup pot on low with local reporters, photographers and printers The offering of meat was too vague for me. Ordering heat. in the city of Freetown, making four trips to this ÏêVKÐUHVXOWHGLQDZKROHêVKRIXQNQRZQOLQHDJH beleaguered country where UN troops from around appearing with its head lolling off the edge of the Add the onions, garlic, and salt and cook until the the world were in force keeping the peace. I tagged plate. I learned to choose the “groundnut stew”, a onions are soft, about 10 minutes. along for one month long stint. staple food of West Africa. Although some versions Stir in the spices and add the sweet potatoes, cab- While Roger was busy, I worked on a distance add meat, such as chicken this version does not. bage, zucchini, and red pepper, stirring frequently. learning course. The place where we stayed did GROUNDNUT STEW (Add 1/3 cup water during this process if the veg- not have internet access. Once or twice a week I 2 tablespoons olive oil etables threaten to stick). would go the British Council Building where I 1 large onion, diced Add the remainder of the water and increase the could use a computer and keep up with the course 1 clove of garlic, minced heat, simmering covered for about 10 minutes. requirements. 1 teaspoon salt Stir in half of the tomatoes and simmer until the I had been warned about the horrors of the war ¼ teaspoon turmeric vegetables are tender. – the people maimed, the youth brutalized, the 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, grated millions displaced. It seemed every person I met }WHDVSRRQUHGSHSSHUëDNHV Blend the rest of the tomatoes and the peanut wanted to know how they could come to Canada. 3 cups peeled and coarsely chopped sweet butter until smooth, then add to the stew with the Few had much, if any education. Life was precari- potatoes pineapple and bring to a simmer. ous. I remember two young brothers selling pea- 3 cups cabbage, chopped Add lemon juice and adjust the seasonings to taste. nuts on the beach. Two years later, on a subsequent 1 cup zucchini, chopped trip, Roger ran into these same brothers on that 1 red pepper, seeded and chopped Serve on rice. same beach, still selling peanuts. The cost of school 2 cups water and its requisite uniforms was out of reach for most 1 – 28 ounce can diced tomatoes (divided) children. ¾ cup peanut butter

͞ŵĂŶǁŚŽƐƚŽƉƐĂĚǀĞƌƟƐŝŶŐ ƚŽƐĂǀĞŵŽŶĞLJŝƐůŝŬĞĂŵĂŶǁŚŽ GOT SPORTS? ƐƚŽƉƐĂĐůŽĐŬƚŽƐĂǀĞƟŵĞ͘͟ For coverage of your event contact - Henry Ford Zak McLachlan CALL US TODAY! (780) 842-4465 (780) 806-8404 (780) 842-4465 www.starnews.ca • 1027-3rd ave. [email protected] EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 9

Sergeant Wes Bensmiller Constable Matthew Leblanc Corporal Norm Weber Constable Greg Bamber Corporal Kirk Smith Constable Charles Lambright Constable Ben Dixon Constable Lisa Harrower Constable Michael Hamilton Constable Jennie Reddick Constable Karanvir Nanuan Constable Mitch Gardipee POLICEBEAT “The Police Beat” is a joint effort be- ing appeared to be stolen. vehicle which was parked at a busi- Wainwright. Owner of the cash has tween Star News and the Wainwright » 1:30 p.m. - Vehicle driving eastbound ness overnight. No suspects. Vehicle not been determined. RCMP and is put together by a repre- on Township Road 442 missed a stop entered into police database as stolen. » 7:45 p.m. - Complaint of two suspi- sentative of both organizations. sign and drove into the ditch. Driver » 11:00 a.m. - Members observed a cious males at business in Chauvin January 11-17 sustained injuries and was transport- suspicious vehicle in the area of 6th acting suspiciously. Members attend- ed to hospital. Collision report com- Avenue and 6th Street. Upon investi- ed and identified both males. Mem- Zak McLachlan with files from Sgt. Lane Newton pleted. gation, members determined an occu- bers could not determine anything » 1:35 p.m. - Complaint of a theft of a pant of the vehicle was in possession criminal had occurred. Males were vehicle. Complainant advised his ve- of drug paraphernalia. Individual was advised to leave town and return to There were 19 complaints/incidents, four hicle had become stuck in the mud. also found to be in possession of meth- . deer-related incidents, two ‘not a police When he returned to retrieve it, the amphetamine. Individual was arrest- » 10:00 p.m. - Members on routine matters’, one false 911 calls and seven vehicle had been stolen. No suspects ed and later released on court compel- patrol on Highway 14 east of Wain- false alarms were reported during the at this time. Vehicle added to police ling documents. wright observed a vehicle failing to week. database as stolen. » 1:30 p.m. - Complaint of two suspi- obey a traffic control device. Driver » 2:00 p.m. - Complaint of a possible cious males walking in the area of 7th was issued a $162 violation ticket. October 5 Street and 7th Avenue. Members made » 2:00 a.m. - Wainwright Detachment break and enter. Complainant advised a neighbour found the complainant’s patrols and located the individuals, October 11 advised of a vehicle heading into the who advised they were attempting to » 10:50 a.m. - Female attended Wain- Wainwright area which may have garage door open. Complainant re- turned home to find a shed had been locate a friend to help them move. No wright Detachment to advise she had been involved in a break and enter further complaints received. been assaulted by her ex-boyfriend. from the Viking RCMP area. Members broken into. Tools were stolen. No sus- pects. » 3:30 p.m. - Complaint of a vehicle Members investigated the matter. made patrols, but they could not lo- Male was subsequently located, ar- cate the vehicle. » 4:00 p.m. - Complainant advised he westbound on Highway 14 passing unsafely and swerving all over the rested and later released on court com- » 10:30 a.m. - Complainant advised of located an abandoned cargo trailer on pelling documents. his property. Members attended. Trail- road. Members made patrols, but they striking a concrete barrier while back- could not locate the vehicle. » 5:30 p.m. - Complaint of a male who ing out of a parking stall, causing dam- er was determined not to be stolen. Members attempting to locate regis- » 5:20 p.m. - Members on routine pa- had entered an abandoned property age. No injuries were reported. Colli- in Wainwright. Members made pa- sion report completed. tered owner. trol performed a traffic stop on a vehi- cle with a driver who was known to be trols in the area, but they could not » 4:00 p.m. - Members on routine patrol October 7 operating the vehicle without a valid locate the male. on Highway 14 east of Wainwright » 10:00 a.m. - Complainant attended driver’s license. Driver was issued a » 9:00 p.m. - Members on routine pa- performed a traffic stop on a vehicle Wainwright Detachment to advise an $324 violation ticket. trol performed a traffic stop on a vehi- for speeding. Driver was issued a $126 unknown individual used her iden- cle operating a vehicle without valid violation ticket. » 5:25 p.m. - Complainant advised of tity to open a credit card in her name. finding a bicycle on their front lawn. registration. Driver was issued a $324 » 4:05 p.m. - Complainant advised of Matter is still under investigation. Bike did not have a serial number, so violation ticket. finding casing from copper wire at a » 12:00 p.m. - Complaint of an erratic the identity of the owner could not be least site northeast of Wainwright. No driver which had swerved into the determined. suspects at this time. complainant’s lane, causing him to hit » 7:00 p.m. - Complainant advised WAINWRIGHT PHOTO the ditch. Members made patrols, but » 4:30 p.m. - Members on routine patrol she had not heard from her daughter TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT on Highway 14 east of Wainwright they could not locate the vehicle. No in some time. Members conducted performed a traffic stop on a vehicle suspects at this time. a well-being check on the daughter, LOCATIONS FOR NEXT WEEK: for speeding. Driver was issued a $126 » 12:30 p.m. - Complaint of a break in who was determined to be safe and violation ticket. OCTOBER to a number of storage units in Wain- sound. 26 - 14 ST @ 1 AVE » 5:00 p.m. - Members on routine patrol wright. Various items were stolen. No » 10:00 p.m. - Male who was on curfew 27 - 18 ST @/NEAR 11 AVE on Highway 14 east of Wainwright suspects at this time. conditions could not be found at his 28 - 5 AVE @/NEAR 4 AVE 29 - 1 ST @ HWY 14 performed a traffic stop on a vehicle » 5:00 p.m. - Complaint of a known sus- residence. Members determined the for speeding. Driver was issued a $100 30 - 11 ST @/NEAR 5 AVE pect breaking a window of a residence male was out of the Wainwright De- 31 - 27 ST @ 1 AVE violation ticket for speeding and a in Wainwright. Suspect has been iden- tachment and are seeking a warrant $324 violation ticket for operating a NOVEMBER tified, but the complainant did not for his arrest. 1 - 18 ST @/NEAR 11 AVE motor vehicle without valid registra- wish to pursue charges. tion. October 9 » 9:00 p.m. - Complaint of a distur- Additional locations may be photo enforced on the above dates. » 6:00 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious bance at a residence in the area of 6th » 12:30 p.m. - Report of a two-vehicle Photo enforcement may not operate on all dates listed above. vehicle driving around rural loca- Avenue and 6th Street. Complainant collision in the area of 6th Avenue For more information call 780-842-1691 tions. Members made patrols in the advised a male and female were argu- and 11th Street. One vehicle south- area and later located the vehicle. ing and throwing beer at each other. bound on 11th Street was struck by an Members spoke to the people in the Members attended and spoke to the eastbound vehicle after it failed to stop vehicle. Members could not identify safety at the stop sign. Collision report individuals, who were separated for Student of the Week anything criminal. the night. No further police action re- completed. No injures were reported. École Saint-Christophe, » 7:00 p.m. - Complaint of suspicious quired. » 5:10 p.m. - Request to assist EMS with Student of the Week, individuals at a rural property in » 10:30 p.m. - Members were advised of an elderly patient. Members attended, October 23, 2020 Fabyan. Members made patrols, but but police assistance was not required. a social media post about an attempt- Nous voulons souligner le suspicious individuals were gone pri- ed abduction of a child. Members in- EMS transported the male to Wain- or to police arrival. wright hospital for assessment. professionnalisme des enseignants et vestigated and determined the social du personnel de soutien pour l’excellent media post was over-exaggerated. No » 11:20 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious October 6 report of any child abduction was vehicle parked near a business and travail qui a été entrepris depuis ce début » 3:00 a.m. - Complaint of a suspicious made. playing loud music. Members made GōDQQ«HXQLTXH1RXVVRPPHVWUªVƓªUHV male looking in vehicles with flash- patrols and located the vehicle. Mem- de nos élèves qui suivent les règles misent lights. When approached, suspects October 8 bers believed the occupants were sim- en place dans l’école et un grand merci à took off running. Nothing appeared to » 12:30 a.m. - Complaint of uttering ply using WiFi in the area. nos familles pour leur collaboration. Nous be stolen. Members made patrols, but threats. Third-party complainant ad- formons une belle équipe! they could not locate the suspects. vised a male in the area of 6th Avenue October 10 » 10:00 a.m. - Individual attended and 6th Street was being threatened. » 10:00 a.m. - Bicycle was turned in to Wainwright Detachment to turn in Members attended and located the Wainwright Detachment. Bicycle not a cell phone found on the street near male, who advised it was not true. No believed to be stolen. Owner yet to be 6th Avenue and 6th Street. Owner of further complaints received. identified. the phone has yet to be identified. » 10:00 a.m. - Complaint of suspicious » 12:00 p.m. - Complaint of a theft » 11:00 a.m. - Complaint of a break in vehicles parked at the ball diamonds of fuel from a rural property east of to a lease site near Chauvin. Nothing north of Wainwright. Complainant Wainwright. No suspects at this time. Sponsored By believed to be stolen. No suspects. advised the vehicle had been there for Vehicle which was involved in the a few days. Members attended and de- theft of fuel was believed to have been » 11:30 a.m. - Complaint of a possible termined the vehicle was not stolen. stolen out of Marshall, Saskatchewan. break in. Complainant observed a BUFFALO AGENCIES LTD. window pried open at a residence Registered owner was contacted to re- » 7:00 p.m. - Individual attended (780) 842-4357 they were watching. Members attend- move the vehicle. Wainwright Detachment to advise ed and cleared the residence, but noth- » 10:30 a.m. - Complaint of a theft of a they found money on Main Street in 10 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Small

Week Shopping October 18-24, 2020 Local Creates jobsjobs inin youryour communitycommunity

FORGING THE WAY FORWARD Recognizing entrepreneurial resilience and forge a way forward in uncertain times. 5 Priorities of entrepreneurs in response to COVID-19

Your local dollar makes a difference! Check out these 27 businesses

who employ over 272 people in our local community EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 11 Small Business Week a reminder to support local business

Zak McLachlan berta’s small businesses. and local businesses start to feel the in the province, with 161,337 small [email protected] CFIB surveys have shown that more pinch. businesses. than half of Alberta’s small businesses Almost 70 per cent of all private sec- Nationwide, small businesses ac- are concerned that consumer spend- tor employees in Canada are employed count for more than 20 per cent of the mall Business Week is usually a time ing will remain low even after the CO- by small businesses. total value of goods and service export- to celebrate small locally-owned S VID-19 crisis. In Alberta alone, small businesses ed from Canada. businesses in the community, but this Those surveys have indicated that represents 98 per cent of all businesses EDGE year it serves as a reminder that small nine in ten small businesses across businesses need community support. Canada say the dominance of big busi- Small businesses around Alberta nesses selling online, such as Amazon, have been suffering since the start of threatens Canadian small businesses. Among Canadian the COVID-19 pandemic. That dominance is expected to contin- entrepreneurs Right now, 71 per cent of Alberta 87% ue and even worsen heading into the preparing for recovery: businesses are fully open, 42 per cent of Canadian entrepreneurs holiday season, as Canadians are re- of them are fully staffed and 24 per cent are confident they will make it portedly planning to spend two thirds of them are making normal sales. These through the crisis. 4/10 intend to consolidate of their holiday budgets at big busi- numbers are are the rise, but are still their financial position nesses according to new public opinion dangerously low. and want to increase their research conducted by Matchbox. investment in technology within “Small businesses have been pum- “Small and big businesses didn’t enter three years melled by months of closures and re- 56% the pandemic on a level playing field, strictions, many have had to lay off val- of consumers have made more and things have only gotten worse. 6/10 will make telework a ued staff and sales remain dangerously purchases online since the During lockdowns, big box stores like business practice low. They need our support now than crisis began. Costco and Walmart were allowed to ever,” said Canadian Federation of In- remain open and sell all kinds of goods 1/4 plan to make reviving dependent Business (CFIB) Executive because they have grocery sections, growth after the crisis a priority Vice President, Laura Jones. while many small businesses were 21% Small retail businesses rely on the shut down,” Jones said. holiday season each year as a key boost of small SMEs do not plan “Small businesses really need a good to the businesses’ success. But this year, to make any changes to their holiday season to even things out.” studies show that many Canadian fam- business practices in the current Small businesses need support of ilies are doing their holiday shopping community members during this dif- pandemic environment. This online or at big box retail stores, which ficult time as holiday shopping begins proportion is only 4% among could cause even further damage to Al- large SMEs.

Your Thank You to Our Small Businesses! Success Small Business Week, October 18th through October 24th, will again be is recognized across Canada this year. As we all know, due to the pandemic, 2020 A Partnership between the Town and M.D. of Wainwright our has been an extremely difficult year for our local businesses. We want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our businesses for the strength and Success resilience they have demonstrated. It takes a strong person to be a small business owner and that strength has never been more evident than it is this year.

We would like to say thank you Take a drive down the main street of any of our communities and you will be reminded that if it was not for small business there would be no need for a Main Street. Take a drive through any of our industrial or commercial districts and you will soon see the reality that the vast majority of businesses are small to each and every small business business. The same holds true throughout the Wainwright Region - without our small businesses there would not be a local supplier of so many of the things that we use daily. Whether in our homes or as a supplier for the crops we grow owner in the Town of Wainwright or for all of the other things we do; it is our small business community that helps keep our communities thriving.

Our small businesses are also great supporters of our communities, whether by and surrounding communities sponsoring sporting teams, volunteering at events or fundraising for important causes. They are a crucial and sometimes overlooked part of our community.

Small Business Statistics Throughout the pandemic, our small businesses have been on the front lines ‡ Almost 70% of all private sector employees in Canada are employed by a ensuring that the services we need and want are available. We cannot thank them enough for all they have done this year and always. Please support our small business* businesses by shopping local! With the Christmas season coming up, we would ‡ There are 161,337 small businesses in Alberta representing 98% of all like to encourage you to shop locally whenever possible. Keeping our business businesses in the province* community alive helps ensure that our community continues to thrive. Please ‡ Small business accounts for more than 20% of the total value of goods and join us in thanking and supporting our Small Business Community! services exported from Canada* *Industry Canada Small Business Statistics November 2019 Mayor Brian Bethune Reeve Bob Barss 12 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Small Shopping Local Creates jobsjobs inin youryour Week communitycommunity October 18-24, 2020

Locally owned & operated since 1993 by Gary Miller, Bruce joined in 1994 & Shelden in 2004. Now moving into 2nd generation with Josh & Ty Miller on staff. Both experience & industry driven knowledge keep this GM dealership at the top of their class in Encompass customer service. Denwood currently employs 24 full time people Credit Union in our community. PRIORITIES OF employs 64 people L to R: Shelden Welch, Josh Miller, Ty Miller, from Your Bruce McCluskey, Gary Miller ENTREPRENEURS Community. IN RESPONSE TO YOU SHOULD BE COVID-19 TREATED LIKE A CUSTOMER AND We put people above all. That means your bottom NOT A SOURCE OF line is our bottom line. 2202-14th Ave. Wainwright #youfirst REVENUE FIRST bankingsecond 780-842-4459 842-4459 Toll Free: 1-877-842-2438 1 $IFWSPMFUt#VJDLt(.$$IFWSPMFU5SVDLT www.denwoodmotors.com Wainwright Branch | 780.842.3391 | encompasscu.ca RESTORING THEIR 0ƞƚƭƜƨ WƢƥƥƞƫƭƨƧ FINANCIAL HEALTH SKI-DOO & GOLF CARTS LTD The pandemic has greatly affected 6ƚƥƞƬ/ƭƝ Canadian SMEs’ finances. Many 780-842-4168 102 - 17 St. Wainwright experienced a drastic drop in rev- (across from the Stampede Grounds) Willerton Ski-doo has been family run since 1971. With the addition of enues while their costs fell only third generation family members, this business will serve our area for years Meatco has been owned & to come. Their suppliers ensure their product knowledge is current through marginally. An imbalance between operated by the Pfisterer family for shows, seminars & more. The store now has a standard look putting the cash inflows and outflows has over 50 years, first with Herman, Wainwright location on the same level as any other BRP dealership. and now son Chris runs this world The Willerton family has always tried to give back to the community they forced some to take on more renowned business (the Canadian Military love their jerky!) currently employ 12 staff members. Meatco offers professional meat cutting & wrapping and operate debt. As a result, the proportion of their own smokehouse. The retail section offers the freshest meats Wainwright, AB Parts, Service & Sales 780-842-4775 SMEs whose debt accounted for and tasty treats and a great selection for customers to choose from. They have always loved to support the community and currently 25% or more of annual revenues employ 6 staff. more than doubled, from 10% to 22%. To prosper tomorrow, the time We Care... Please, Don’t Drink and Drive! Thank You Wainwright to clean up the balance sheet is 780-842-5752 www.wainwrightliquor.ca :HHNO\ HOURS: today. MON. - SAT. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm & Area for supporting our 6DOHV SUN. 11:00 am - 7:00 pm To achieve this, entrepreneurs are L to R: Rory MacDonald, Jay, Sandra & James Robinson Cheryl MacIsaac business for over 40 years. Broker/Owner [email protected] first seeking to reduce their operat- 780-806-9665 Employing 3 People ing costs. Those working in whole- sale trade, accommodation and food service are among the most likely to put this goal at the top of

Angela Ford their list. 7KDQN\RXIRUVKRSSLQJORFDO Baughan Realty Realtor INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED [email protected] Owned & Operated by Jay & Sandra Robinson for 26 years. Son James joined 780-842-0002 Controlling cash flow and reducing the business team in 2012 and son-in-law Rory joined in 2016. They take pride in knowing their product in order to help customers make their selections. This NEW LOCATION 1114-10 St. next door to Wainwright liquor & cold beer. debt is also a priority. Real estate community minded business focuses on customer service every day and love to Phone: (780) 842-3855 | Website: baughanrealty.com and leasing businesses are among give back to the community. They currently have a staff of 12. the most likely to reduce their #1-2205 23 Street FULL SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE TT debts. (North of UFA) Wainwright BA LE RI . REPAIR & MAINTENANCE VER TD 780-806-9178 ELECTRIC L [email protected] Some businesses are also plan- www.wainwrightautorepair.ca In business since 1974, ning to set up a contingency fund. L to R: Brian Doolittle, Curtis Battle River Electric This would represent an average of Fletcher, Chris Mclean employs 22 people, has moved into the 3rd seven and a half months’ revenue. generation of the Foley Entrepreneurs who have been in family and has a sec- ond location in Provost. Wainwright business for 15 to 24 years are Residents can depend on this business for the best service more likely consider setting up Wainwright Auto Repair opened its doors in 2017, While the owner- for all electrical needs whether it’s residential, commercial, ship may be young, Brian, Curtis & Chris are all licensed mechanics DJULFXOWXUDORURLOƓHOG7KH\VXSSRUWPDQ\VSRUWVWHDPVDQG such a fund. with 27 years combined experience & all 3 have dealer training as RUJDQL]DWLRQVLQRXUDUHD7KDQN\RXIRU\RXUORFDOVXSSRUW well so this well rounded automotive shop can handle all your service & repair needs with up to date training & technology. They all are family orientated, raising their families in the community Wainwright (780) 842-4485 they do business in. They thank their customers for their support and Provost: Call Jamie (780) 704-0596 love to give back to their community through volunteering with local groups and various donations. www.battleriverelectric.com email: [email protected] EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 13 Small Shopping Local Creates jobsjobs inin youryour Week communitycommunity October 18-24, 2020

Curtis Curr got his Mechanic’s license in 2009 and went 780-842-9199 into business on his own in 2011. He and his team pride BIG VALLEY Fabyan Trading Post themselves on making sure their customer’s vehicles run VISIT US ON    ;-1()45/): smoothly. They are happy to handle all automotive repair SALES Inc. and maintenance jobs and have a passion for the “old Z[\Ɉ¹*\Y[PZSPRL[VZ\WWVY[[OLJVTT\UP[`^OLUL]LYOL %0-/:/26,-1+ WORKING can and thanks Wainwright & area for their support. PRIORITIES OF 2652* 6:/)52*2265 Curr Tech currently ENTREPRENEURS *248)4:21) MAN’s LTWSV`ZZ[HɈ STORE! IN RESPONSE TO %4+)56 62'. 203)6-6-8)4-')5 COVID-19 -4) )6%4(%16#24.- 9)%42269)%4 %4+)18)1624: *%02/26,-1+ #3 1235-1 Ave. Wainwright, AB. 2 #%166252'-%/(-56%1') -.)4)%4 Bus Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-12, 1-5:30 pm "-5-62749)&5-6)999&-+8%//):5%/)5'% '')5524-)5

Gibson’s Hardware has been a part of Wainwright’s business TAKING ADVANTAGE community for over 60 years. 3rd generation family member Troy Gibson took over the business in 2013 and prides him- OF TECHNOLOGY self on extending the At PlanWright Financial our same great customer professional advisors can help service his family has Many entrepreneurs are deter- you achieve your financial always offered. They mined to modernize their busi- goals with sound planning and currently employ 10 investment strategies. people from the com- nesses and make them more pro- munity and thank the ductive by investing in technology. residents for shopping They have clear reasons for getting local. Tim Parchewsky, CFP Myla Large, Camille Kalveram Wealth Consultant, Mutual Funds Investment Associate started, have a solid strategy for Credential Asset Investment Specialist Credential Asset Management Inc. Credential Asset Management Inc. Management Inc. Gibson’s success and are ready to tackle the challenges ahead. Planwright Financial employs 4 people 780-842-1370 780-842-6111 [email protected] 1025 - 2 Avenue, Wainwright Bigger company, bigger invest- from Your Community. www.planwright.ca ments

(780) 842-4008 For all Entrepreneurs who are among the Bay 5, 1206 - 14 Street your Family Wainwright, AB T9W 1E8 VALUE DRUG MART needs... most likely to prioritize investments www.hako-oja.com & HEARING CENTRE in technology are those who run [email protected] 306 - 10th Street, Wainwright, Phone: 780-842-4488 After Hours: 587-281-5885 Fax: 780-842-6262 companies with annual revenue Bryan Boyenko has owned Wainwright of at least $10 million. Businesses Value Drug Mart since 2006. Along with V;@41><4->9-/5?@?;:?@-Ŋ >E-:<>501? in professional, scientific, technical 459?182;:A?@;91>%1>B5/1 1:?A>5:3 Christine & Mina the cat. customers not only receive their and financial services are also more prescription but understand it. likely than others to plan to invest Christine (Hako-Oja) Hasenhündl opened her framing business in 2004. Bryan and his wife raise their family here She has been a professional artist since 1989 and is also an award and are very much part of the community. in technology. winning, internationally renowned framer. While most of her talent is natural, she has gained further knowledge >E-:A>>1:@8E19<8;E?UZ?@-Ŋ919.1>? from the industry itself and loves helping her customers turn their memories into a meaningful display for their home or business. Open 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Open Late Thursday 'til 9:00 p.m. She is involved in the Wainwright Art Show and loves to support the Thank you for shopping local! Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 40% community that supports her business. Hako-Oja has a staff of 2. OF ENTREPRENEURS ARE DETERMINED TO INCREASE THEIR MOTORS INVESTMENT IN Wainalta Motors Ltd has called the M.D. of Wainwright home since 1988 TECHNOLOGY WITH- and has been a proud employer of both the local and military community. We have over twenty professional staff members including our Mopar IN THREE YEARS. NEW Menu | NEW Competitive Prices :ljɨɽȈˎljǁěljƺȃȶȈƺȈƃȶɰӗ:ȃɨʰɰȢljɨӗAɁǁǼljӗ°ljljɥӗĄƃȴ ČƃȢljĄljɥɨljɰljȶɽƃɽȈʤljɰӗ:ljɨɽȈˎljǁĀƃɨɽɰӣČljɨʤȈƺljǁʤȈɰɁɨɰƃȶǁɁʍɨǁljǁȈƺƃɽljǁ NEW HDTV’s - Sports Bar Atmosphere ǁȴȈȶȈɰɽɨƃɽȈʤljAljɥƃɨɽȴljȶɽӝ We are a local business helping other local businesses! 780-703-1979 | Hwy 14 Wainwright CALL US TODAY Deep-rooted in Wainwright, but under new 1-888-842-4255 VISIT US ownership, our restaurant is ready to serve you and www.wainalta.com 2110 - 15 Ave. Wainwright make your experience a great one! 14 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Small Shopping Local Creates jobsjobs inin youryour Week communitycommunity October 18-24, 2020

Originally opened as PRO-STRATA Work World in 1997, Owner Grant Mills ENTERPRISES INC. I[\TJ\XV YW\\"4wI[\TJ\XV ZYUV-Dw\U] W>0B1 CCC <>;?@>-@- /- became a Mark’s fran- 19-58 ">;%@>-@-:@1><>5?1?39-58 /;9 chise owner in 2013 2702 15 Ave. Wainwright , AB and shortly after the (780) 842-3244 ‹www.marks.com store moved to a new PRIORITIES OF ">; %@>-@-4-?.11:8;/-88E expanded location. ;C:10.E-B1-C@4;><1 Manager Lydia Roberts ENTREPRENEURS ?5:/1U]]VC5@4;>E4-8- HUKZ[HɈ^VYROHYK 81:31>6;5:5:3ŋ>?@-?-: to extend the best in IN RESPONSE TO -2@1>?/4;;819<8;E11  customer service. The @A>:10/->11>@41:; ;C:- selection is extensive 1>UYE1->?-3; &41E<>501 HUK`V\»YLZ\YL[VÄUK COVID-19 @419?18B1?;:@415>C;>7?- what you need. This community minded 9-:?45<C5@4.A5805:3-:0 business supports 5:?@-885:3/-.5:1@?@4-@/A?@;91>?0>1-9-.;A@ &41E?A<<;>@@41 Casual Clothing, Footwear, Workwear & More Wainwright & cuurently 3 /;99A:5@EC41:1B1>@41E/-:-:0@4-:7@415>/A?@;91>?2;>@41 LTWSV`ZZ[HɈ ;<<;>@A:5@E@;0;?; -:0/A>>1:@8E19<8EZ?@-Ŋ

REVIVING GROWTH Your Underground Specialists with Over 30 years Experience! Sharp Underground was started in Many Canadian businesses have 1988 and employs 8 people in the experienced a significant drop in community. Wainwright, AB (780) 842-4686 WE DELIVER! revenue as a result of the pandem- The Rhodes family came to Wainwright back in 2006 with the ic. Canadian entrepreneurs now Co-op. It wasn’t long before Ken & Deb decided it was a great want to rectify the situation and place to raise their 3 boys so in 2012 when the opportunity arose to buy Wainwright Water Conditioning, they did. Ken along refill their order books. C5@4?@-Ŋ919.1>&1>>E ->/4A7:;@;:8E?1>B1)-5:C>534@ OFFICE: residents, but also the surrounding communities on a weekly basis. Among entrepreneurs who expect (780) 842-2529 Their customers include both business & residential. Knowing DISPATCH: to still be in business a year from (780) 842-7200 @4159<;>@-:/1;2/;99A:5@E?A<<;>@@41E8571@;35B1.-/7.E ?A<<;>@5:3B->5;A?1B1:@?;>3-:5F-@5;:?@4>;A34;A@@41E1->  now, nearly a quarter are prioritiz- www.sharpunderground.com email: [email protected] Thank you for your business! ing expansion after the crisis. Some 71018 HWY 14 - 3km West on Hwy 14 see great acquisition opportunities. Locally Owned & Operated Others want to take advantage of a H&R block has been operating in Wainwright since 1981. for over 25 years, with 3 sector that is still doing well. One We employ 4 staff throughout the year and up to 8 during owners plus 4 employees. thing is certain: entrepreneurs are tax season. not losing sight of growth We are very community minded and are committed to make sure our w$1-8?@-@1<<>-5?-8w">;<1>@E??1??91:@w Vˆi˜ÌÃÀiViˆÛi>Ì iLi˜iwÌÃ>˜`Àiv՘`ÃÌ iÞµÕ>ˆvÞvœÀvÀœ“Ì i w;:?@>A/@5;:">;3>1??:?<1/@5;:N$1<;>@5:3w In the wake of the crisis, many ,æ°>ÃÌÞi>ÀÜivœÕ˜`Ì œÕÃ>˜`Ãœv`œ>ÀÃvÀœ“՘wi`Ì>ÝÞi>Àà vœÀœÕÀVˆi˜Ìð entrepreneurs realized the impor- œ“iˆ˜>˜`ÃiiˆvޜÕ >Ûi՘wi`Þi>ÀÃÌ >ÌÀiÃՏ̈˜>Àiv՘`° tance of diversifying their clientele Q All Types of tax returns prepared and their offer to ensure their busi- QAccurate & affordable ness is robust. This is especially QExperienced, trained tax associates QYear-round service H&R BLOCK the case for entrepreneurs running Q>ÃÌiiVÌÀœ˜ˆVwˆ˜} Gary Barber Larry James André Guilbault www.hrblock.ca QAudit assistance AMAA AMAA, CRA, P.App. AMAA, CRA, P.App. businesses with annual revenue of 934 6 Ave. Wainwright, AB T9W 1E2 QInstant Refund A? (780) 842-5002!>I[\TJ\XV YTTWPZTX UT%@ )-5:C>534@ less than Tel (780) 842-3146 Fax (780) 842-6236  9-58 -<<>-5?-8?C-5:C>534@-??1??91:@ /--D I[\TJ\XV YTTW HRS: Tues & Thurs with extended hours through tax season. Call for more info or to book an appointment. $2 million. Those with annual rev- enue of over $10 million are more inclined to say that they are in an For all your building needs! enviable financial position and that Wainwright Lumber started in 1982, and is now in the 3rd generation of family O P T O M E T R I S T S running the business. They pride themselves on knowing the industry and its there are currently good acquisi- products in order to best serve the community they live in. Very much involved, Dr. Shmyla Chaudhery, Optometrist has owned tion opportunities, particularly in this business gives back to the community and currently employ 12 staff. Eyes in Town since 2013. She prides herself on L to R: Kurtis Keller, serving her customers with the latest in technolo- the real estate and leasing services Dave Keller, Kim Baier gy to monitor her customer’s eye health. There is a vast selection of frames to choose from as well. sector. Dr. Chaudhery, along with her husband, raise their 3 children here and love to be part of the community. She likes to support the community -:0/A>>1:@8E19<8;E?W?@-Ŋ

E1D-9?;:@-/@?1?53:1>1E1C1-> 1706 - 1st Ave., Wainwright ?A:38-??1?%-21@E38-??1? 780-842-6100 Toll Free 1 (800) 665-9682 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 5:30pm 617 10 Street Ph: 780-842-4224 www.wainwrightlumber.com Open Late Thurs. til 7:30pm Wainwright, AB T9W 1P2 Website: www.eyesintown.ca EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 15 Small Shopping Local Creates jobsjobs inin youryour Week communitycommunity October 18-24, 2020

PRIORITIES OF BISON PRINTING Jerry Rentz has owned & operated Integra Tire since 2011. His 2000 LTD. hands on business approach as well as industry driven product ENTREPRENEURS Phone: 780-842-4217 knowledge allow Jerry to extend the best in Customer service. 410-10th St.,Wainwright, AB Jerry & his wife raise their family here and love being involved IN RESPONSE TO 5:@41/;99A:5@E@41E85B15: 1>>E/A>>1:@8E19<8;E?Y?@-Ŋ  COVID-19 The Stone Family has operated Thank you for shopping local! Bison Printing since 1980, with Johnathan taking over the business 4 in 2000. Learning from his dad, John started helping at the age of 5. ;>:>-5?1041>1 5@5?59<;>@-:@@;;4:-@4-:@;;Ŋ1> his friends & neighbors the best possible service. He likes Ph: 780-842-1500, FOCUSING ON to give back to the community he lives in and currently 1-877-842-1505 1613 - 1st St. Wainwright REMOTE WORK 19<8;E?W?@-Ŋ

Reasons why entrepreneurs continue to permit remote work Canadian entrepreneurs want to con- tinue to integrate remote work into Allowing for physical distancing 57% their business practices. Not only does working from home go hand Responding to employee requests 45% in hand with physical distancing, Reducing employee but employees are also asking for travel time 44% Seasonal Hot Drinks it. Whether or not remote work will Through 15 weeks of Covid, Sonjia & Madison served our Following industry trends Homemade Hearty Soups 33% continue or become more important loyal customers via take out and curb side pick-up home- Fresh made sandwiches, made soup, fresh sandwiches & warm drinks. When the salads and treats. Attracting or will depend, however, on the sector: AB Government started opening up we added 2 more retaining employees 27% a higher proportion of information staff then slowly as we experienced the “new normal” OPEN 8am - 5pm Weekdays we increased our staff to present 9. We welcome 3 new Reducing real estate costs Saturday 9 am - 5pm (offices or production 27% technology and telecommunications part-time students to the Jack’s place team and have 2 space) 218 10th Street, Wainwright staff that can speak French & Russian. We take pride in 780-842-5262 entrepreneurs, as well as those in our customer service and warm inviting atmosphere. @jzplace49 Reducing environmental 19% footprint professional, scientific and technical email: [email protected]

Other 2% services, will rely on remote work. The same can be said for those in

Source: BDC, Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian SMEs, June 2020. finance and insurance.

20104AA3 16 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020

THE EDGESPORTS SaskAlta Senior Hockey League gets the go ahead for 2020-21 season

Zak McLachlan Rustlers general The Rustlers are going to be tough to run. But as a league [email protected] manager Josh Co- back on the ice for we felt we are important to our com- peland said if re- informal practices munities, and all of the teams wanted strictions loosen right now, but they to play,” he said. he Wainwright Rustlers are begin- and become simi- will be ramping Albertan teams are currently allowed ning preparations for the 2020-21 T lar to Saskatch- up the intensity in only 100 fans in the arena, which Co- hockey season after the SaskAlta Se- ewan restrictions, the near future to peland said will definitely impact the nior Hockey League officially voted to which is five days prepare for the No- team’s bottom line. But he added that move ahead with the season. off in between vember 6 season he has faith that the community sup- The league will operate as two com- opponents, the opener in Wain- port which has always been there for pletely separate divisions this year, schedule may be wright against the the Rustlers will continue to come with Saskatchewan teams playing adjusted to allow Dewberry Mus- through. only against Saskatchewan teams and for more games. tangs. “We’re going to rely heavily on busi- Alberta teams playing only against Al- “If anything The SaskAlta nesses around town like we do every berta teams. changes or if our Senior Hockey year. We’ve always been extremely As it stands, teams on the Alberta side restrictions are League is the only lucky with sponsor supporter, and will play a ten-game regular season lessened and it ‘AA’ Senior hockey we’re definitely going to need their with a home-and-home against each turns into some- league running a help this year,” he said. opponent. The playoff format is cur- thing like a 10-day season this year. “This is definitely going to his us fi- rently set to two best-of-three rounds in break instead of a 14-day break, we do Copeland said it is going to be a lot of nancially, but it is what it is. We’ll just the quarterfinals and semifinals with want to play more games and we can work to ensure all the precautionary have to make the best out of it. It’s go- a best-of-five round in the finals, but change things then,” Copeland said. measures are followed, but it will be ing to be different, but we’re definitely that could also change down the road. “But we’re really looking forward to well worth it. excited to play.” Alberta hockey teams currently must playing, so that’s really exciting.” “It’s going to take a lot of effort and it’s EDGE take 14 days off in between opponents.

New Construction

Mid West Auto Supply on the highway in Wainwright has bro- ken ground with a large addi- tion on the back to more than double the size of their building.

Photo: Roger Holmes

This building, part of the Brothers Directioal Drilling new Wainwright location is going up in the light indus- trial area near 23 Ave and 20 St. on the north side of Wainwright. Photo: Roger Holmes

The Wainwright Curling Club is preparing for Photo Submitted by the upcoming curling season. Pictured here is an Josh Copeland ice maker’s perspective as Josh Copeland floods the curling rink to create the ice which will host hundreds of curling games this winter. Do you have someone you would like to nominate for ATHLETE of the week

Call or email your nominations to... Zak McLachlan (780) 806-8404 [email protected] EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 17 EA Sports NHL 21

Rod Oracheski and a Be A Pro overhaul into an RPG. Game Guru Let’s see how they did. Distinctive skating strides? Not only did that make it in, but your created play- ’m not sure if EA is finally getting the ers can have their own custom-made Imessage or if this is just some kind stride thanks to a toolset that includes of trap 2020 is laying for fans of the EA the ability to change your body angle, Sports NHL franchise, but NHL 21 final- your stride style, your arm movement - ly gets the kind of improvements players the whole nine years. Expect to see some have wanted for years. truly horrific skating styles come out of The skating, revamped last year with that tool. RPM Tech 2.0 to allow ‘on the fly’ puck What about overhauling Be A Pro pickups, gets subtler tweaks this year into a ‘live the life of an NHL player’ with the addition of chip and slip dekes mode with RPG-like choices and reper- to avoid contact either in open ice or cussions? It’s all that and more. Not only along the boards. There must be a Crosby does Be A Pro now feature conversa- fan of the development team, as they’ve tional dialogue choices with your own- added the back-of-the-net bank self- ership, coaches, teammates, and media, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins heads up ice against the Flames. pass that he uses so effectively to create but there are also luxury items you can The body types room, as well as the Mohawk turn he’s buy using your salary to give yourself are generally been known to use to open up for cross- permanent or temporary stat boosts. good, but the ice passing. In addition, Svechnikov’s improved, and behind the scenes there’s After years of the mode largely being a new system of valuing players and faces could use some work. Understand- lacrosse-style goal is in the game and ignored, it feels like Be A Pro finally got able, given the restrictions COVID-19 technically possible to pull off, though I draft picks in trades that feels a lot closer the overhaul players wanted. From the to reality than in past years. placed people under, but it seems like haven’t managed it yet, as is Kucherov’s menus to the content, everything feels there were no new player faces scanned ‘no move’ shootout deke. For all the improvements, there new and exciting at long last. I’m loving are still some things that need to be for this year’s outing. I’m one of the big- Changes are also found on the defen- the off-ice conversations I have with gest Oilers fans out there, for example, sive side of the puck, with AI that makes addressed though. Legacy AI issues, for my agent and teammates, and getting but I couldn’t pick fully half of the team’s much smarter decisions about gap con- example, continue to haunt the game – called over to the bench by my coach NHL 21 player faces out of a lineup and trol, do more to challenge and limit zone particularly in the offensive zone, where during a game ramps up the tension and that probably includes Leon Draisaitl… entries, and there’s more dogged pursuit teammates can’t seem to figure out how pressure. Do I promise to keep the oppos- who won the Hart, Ted Lindsay, and Art of the puck by opposing forwards. Goal- to run the systems I’ve called. They do ing team from scoring, or do I want to Ross this year. tenders are also improved, even after a better job of filling open space on the call my shot and promise I’ll get a goal NHL 21 is one of the best NHL games the overhaul last year that saw them rush than in past years, but if you settle instead? EA has ever put out. The focus on Be A get over 400 new animations, with bet- down into a puck cycle it quickly goes all While Be A Pro was clearly the center Pro really stands out, and the upgrade ter reads on developing plays allowing to hell and looks like a bunch of 8-year- of attention this time around, Franchise to RPM 2.0 Tech last season continues to them to get in position and give up less old players chasing the puck. I’d love to mode also got some great upgrades. The pay dividends as well. I can’t wait to see cheap goals. see that fixed for next year’s release. trade deadline is now a race against the what the team can do next year with all There were two key things listed in Another thing for next year, and the clock, simulating the real world’s tension the power of next-gen systems to play my NHL 20 review that I wanted to see game’s first appearance on next-gen sys- for GM’s who must either find a deal or tems, would be revamps to player faces. with. in NHL 21: distinctive skating strides risk being left out in the cold. Trade AI is

UFA Bulk fuel sta- tion on the north side of Wainwright is currently doing some serious exca- vating around some of their pumps.

Photo: Roger Holmes

Are you tired of having to drive for hours to your vehicle’s dealership? IMPORT At Vic’s Service, we offer local, warranty approved, service SPECIALISTS and repair on all imported makes and models. Not only can we service your imported car, we can access, track, and manage all of your vehicle’s maintenance intervals and send you reminders on when these warranty required services are due.



2YEAR (780) 842-4172 40,000KM or Book online at VICSSERVICE.CA Email: [email protected] Warranty 18 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 MD releases Riverdale Campground and Golf Course 2020 Survey results

t their October 20th meeting MD would indi- comments campers. Four differing recommenda- Acouncillors reviewed the follow- cate an over- include: tions were received and they include ing results from users of the Riverdale all scor-  Increase the following: Campground and Golf Course. Reeve ing of very the number Ô$QRXWKRXVHQHDU*URXS6LWH& Bob Barss commented that it looks like good. Rat- of speed lim- When asked of other possible im- they did “fairly well”. The last previous ings have it signs provements that could be made, a va- survey was taken in 2018. decreased  Apply riety of suggestions were received in- Surveys were made available from since the last dust control cluding: the Friday August 28 to September 31 survey was to gravel  Better cell phone service, cell tower, this year. 17 completed surveys were completed roads internet, WIFI received back from Riverdale. in 2018 in Clubhouse   Age restriction on private golf carts Survey respondents rated the follow- most areas hours  More full-service sites ing criteria as either very good, good, except for Improve   Ant treatment on greens poor or very poor. If a rating of very the value of camping fee, safety and cell phone service  Online booking good is considered 100%, good 75%, security, cleanliness of washrooms and Regulations for children driving   Increase clubhouse operating hours poor 50% and very poor the conditions of the golf course. golf carts  More 50 amp. sites 25%, the results can be quantified as Overall, 88% of respondents rated Regulations regarding people clean-   More child-friendly areas e.g. splash follows: their level of satisfaction with the ing up after their dogs park Friendliness and courtesy of staff campground as very satisfied; 6% said Regulations regarding barking dogs    Encourage Star news to maintain pa-  Safety and security they are satisfied; 6% said they were  Monthly farmers market by the per dispensing unit at clubhouse  Cleanliness of grounds very dissatisfied; no respondents were clubhouse  Condition of facilities neutral or dissatisfied. These ratings are  Extend the camp sites to provide A variety of positive feedback was re-  Control of noise an increase from the 2018 results when more level pads ceived on the surveys and some of the  Responsiveness of staff to visitor con- responses were 63% very satisfied, 37%  Clean out fire pits after each stay comments include: cerns satisfied and 0% neutral, dissatisfied  Would like to go online to see avail-  Overall a great place to camp and  Value of camping fee and very dissatisfied. able sites golf!  Cleanliness of washrooms Based on those responding, the aver-  When asked of their golfing recom-  The golf course is very well main-  Condition of golf course age number of people per party is 2.18, mendations, some of the repeating tained.  Park signage with a range of 2 to 5 people. All respon- recommendations for improve-  Clubhouse staff – great job at the  Value of firewood dents had previously visited Riverdale ment included: clubhouse. and each one of the respondents plan  Dandelion Control on fairways  The friendliness & caring attitude of 89.3% (very good) 95.6% (very good) the Riverdale staff makes every expe- 81.9% (very good) 90.6% (very good) to return. 24% of respondents had used  More control of people using course, the MD website to plan their visit. All people going on without paying or rience all summer a happy & satisfy- 91.2% (very good) 87.5% (very good) ing one! 96.2% (very good) 88.2% (very good) respondents live in Alberta and 76% of memberships  Grounds Crew crew did a wonder- 89.7% (very good) 83.8% (very good) respondents had made a planned visit,  Enforcing 4 golfers per tee off time rather than a spontaneous stop.  Return to the plastic membership ful job of maintaining the course & 78.1% (very good) grounds. The responses were very positive, Trailer types varied from tow behind tag to place on golf card  Overall great job. Thank you! with 60% of the responses being very to fifth wheel to motorhome and the  Checks on the golf course through-  Great facilities. good, 39% good, 1% poor and no re- average length was 32 feet, with many out the day units having slide-outs.  Thank you for allowing us to camp sponses for very poor. Based on the Many positive comments were re- and golf this very tough year with scale discussed above, the average rat- When asked of their camping rec- ceived in regard to the group sites and COVID. ing of all eleven criteria is 89.5% which ommendations, some of the repeating these sites appear to be appreciated by

Village of Irma NOTICE The Village of Irma has passed First Reading (motion 20-259) on Municipal Borrowing Bylaw 20-04 at their October 13th Regular Council Meeting (7pm) at the Village Office, 4919 - 50th Street. A copy of the Bylaw can be inspected by the public at the Village office located at 4919, 50th Street during Tuesdays to Fridays between 1pm and 4pm. COVID-19 guidelines applies. Anyone wishing to file a petition to this Bylaw may do so in writ- ing by emailing [email protected] or drop a letter through the Village mailbox or write: The Village of Irma 4919 - 50th Street Irma, AB T0B 2H0 The Bylaw and grammar and interest rate (up to 7%) amendments and corrections will be reviewed at the November 10th Regular LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: Council meeting @ 7pm at the Village Office 4919, 50th Street. IN THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF PROVOST NO. 52 This meeting is open to the public and COVID-19 regulations apply – bring your own mask and hand sanitizer. MERIDIAN 4 RANGE 3 TOWNSHIP 39 SECTION 28 QUARTER SOUTH WEST CONTAINING 64.7 HECTARES (160 ACRES) MORE BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH GRACE UNITED CHURCH ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH NOTICE TO CREDITORS 906 - 6th9*28*>     7-9*28*>     7-"75**7>    OR LESS. Saturday at 5:00 pm- Anticipated Sunday &1%356-.4-*0).27-*"&2(78&5<  &1%356-.4"82)&<"(-330 EXCEPTING THEREOUT: AND CLAIMANTS !*93/:&). #&6*0* !*922&5.* .(/0.2 Mass 0.910 HECTARES (2.25 ACRES) MORE OR LESS AS Estate of "82)&<&66&7  &1 JEHOVAH’S WITNESS CONGREGATION email: &43670*77*0862*7 SHOWN CANADIAN MARTYRS’ CHAPEL (CATHOLIC)   9*28*>   WAINWRIGHT PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY ON ROAD PLAN 5744JY Robert William Holmberg 8.0).2, >%&.2:5.,-7 &1%356-.4   7-9*28*>   EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS who died on May 27, 2020 Sunday 9:00 a.m. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH  &1"82)&<"(-330  &141%356-.4 If you have a claim against this estate, you must &.7-31182.7<335).2&735  7-9*28*>   The highest and/or any bid will not necessarily be  4132%*)2*6)&< file your claim by December 1, 2020, and provide 52732<%*582,& &1%356-.4"82)&<"(-330 accepted. .'0*"78)<.)=32* details of your claim.    *;7  &6735)!367* &67356&28)<&5(-8/ CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE LORD OF THE NATIONS FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Bids are to be accompanied by a deposit for 10% with NICKERSON ROBERTS CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS &1)807"82)&<"(-330   "75**7>   payable to: Peter Van Winssen Professional Corpo- HOLINSKI & MERCER  &1%356-.4 "*59.(*6&7 &1 41  7-9*28*>   ration, barrister and solicitor and hand delivered to "*59.(*"82)&<"(-330)85.2,%356-.4  &1%356-.4 at 608-10 Street ST. PAUL’S CHAPEL (PROTESTANT) 1013-5 avenue, wainwright, alberta, t9w 1l6 and "*59.(*+35&00&,*6 &6735!<&2%33) THE GOSPEL Wainwright, AB 8.0).2, >%&.2:5.,-7 shall close 12:00 noon on october 30, 2020. T9W 1E2 EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH &00  >"82)&<  41 "82)&<  &1 %&07*585/.26-&:    If you do not file by the date above, the estate   7-9*28*>   &.7-31182.7<335).2&735 For more information or to view the property &55*0#852*5    &1352.2,%356-.4"*59.(* !*9*273561&2 please call ron at (403) 506-3619 property can lawfully be distributed without "*2.35 &6735&59.2 *22*5    *;7 regard to any claim you may have. EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 19

The Business&ProfessionalDirectory

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YOUR AD HERE FEED GRAINS CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT FORWARD THINKING. PLAIN SPEAKING WANTED Sunhaven Farms Milling, Irma, AB Kevin D. Tower, CPA, CA ONLY $117/MNTH FOR 3 MONTHS! We are looking to purchase Feed Grains: Carmelle Nickel, CPA, CA Wheat, Peas, Fabas, Barley. CALL ANDREA TODAY We offer competitive pricing and prompt payment. 780.842.4465 OR For more information and pricing, please contact: 409 - 10 Street | Wainwright, Alberta | T9W 1N9 T: 780.842.3501 | F: 780.842.6217 780.806.8401 Ted Ratte, Manager Cell: 780-806-9245 Phone: 780-754-2708 Fax: 780-754-2709 W: www.kdtpc.ca e-mail: [email protected]

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NEWSMEDIACANADA.CA * Totum Research; Canadians 18+, weekly readership, March 2019 20 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020

As a result of the arson on September 19th at the Wainwright High School, a total of $278,000 worth of costs have been incurred so far, with $150.000 of that in cleaning alone.

One Year Compiled by Phyllis Holmes from the newspaper archives Ago [email protected] October 25, 2019 “History cannot give us a program Local writer, Pauline Gedge, who has for the future, but it can give us a fuller become famous for her books dealing understanding of ourselves, and of our with ancient Egypt says she is work- common humanity, so that we can bet- ing on an occult horror story for a Ten Years ter face the future” Robert Penn Warren change of pace. Ago October 22, Voters in Wainwright, surrounding 2010 communities and all across Battle River – Crowfoot headed to the polls on Monday, October 21, electing Con- servative Party of Canada candidate Damien Kurek as their new Member Twenty of Parliament. Kurek won the election Thirty Years Ago Wainwright Town Councilor, Brian in this constituency with one of the Years Ago October 24, Bethune, earned the most votes in largest margins of victory in the coun- October October 27, the Town of Wainwright municipal try with 85.5% of the vote. 24, 1990 2000 election. Bethune had 835 votes and Wainwright Fire and Rescue hosted returns to Council after an absence of a Firefighter’s Ball for the commu- 9 years. nity at the Elks Hall October 19th and The teach- Mayor Norm Coleman was elected with the community’s support raised er lockout by acclamation after the September 20 $10,000 for the CT scanner project. scheduled nomination closed. The Wainwright Commandos foot- to begin last Friday within the Buffalo Irma natives Mike Soucy, Lennie ball team, led by Coach Keith Cornish, Trail Regional Division was avoided The two local Buffalo Trail Public Mark, Gordie Mark, Howie Jackson, won their side of the Wheatland Foot- when Alberta Human Resources and Schools trustee positions will be filled Dean Jones, and Charlie Soucy were ball League regular season play with a Employment stepped in and estab- by two newcomers, Heather Dewling inducted into the Softball Alberta Hall perfect record. lished a Disputes Inquiry Board. This in the Wainwright area and Sheldon of Fame this past weekend in Camrose The Volksmarch organized by Camp means no lockdown or strike action Archibald in the Irma area. as the Alberta Amateur Softball Asso- Wainwright had good participation can occur until November 23rd. ciation recognized the 1997 Vector Oil Tool Fastpitch Team which dominat- on the weekend in spite of the chilly The Arrogant Worms kept the audi- ed fastpitch in Western Canada that weather. ence in stitches Friday night as they season. The boy scouts, beavers and cubs opened the Wainwright Encore Enter- were out selling apples on the week- tainment Society’s 2000-2001 series. end.

AW NA These blanket classified ads are produced through a joint agreement with The Wainwright EDGE and Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association (AWNA). These ads appear in all AWNA member papers (111 BlanketClassifieds papers) for the cost of $269.00 for the first 25 words, $8.00 per word over 25. To place a blanket classified, call The Wainwright EDGE at 780-842-4465.

ANNOUNCEMENTS KEEP people in the loop. Experienced Reporter Roadex Services requires Pickup” Westcan Feed & thritis, Asthma, Cancer, ability Tax Credit allows Why suffer employment/ DO YOU NEED TO Our 89 Weekly Commu- Required Immediately for 22  WRQV IRU RXU 59 Grain, 1-877-250-5252. COPD, Depression, Dia- for $3,000 yearly tax licensing loss? Travel/ TELL THE PUBLIC nity Newspapers can help. weekly newspaper under GLYLVLRQ WR KDXO 59V FOR SALE EHWHV'LIÀFXOW\:DONLQJ credit and $30,000 lump business opportunities? Call this newspaper NOW the Local Journalism Ini- throughout North Amer- Fibromyalgia, Irritable sum refund. Take advan- Be embarrassed? Think: SOMETHING RIGHT WHITE SPRUCE NOW and would like RU HPDLO FODVVLÀHGV# tiative. Must be willing ica. Border crossing re- Bowels, Overweight, tage of this offer. Apply Criminal Pardon. US en- awna.com for details. to relocate to Swan Hills, quired with valid passport TREES. 5’ average $50. Trouble Dressing...and NOW; quickest refund try waiver. Record purge. this message seen across Installation ONLY $19. Alberta. The Blanket 1-800-282-6903, 780- AB. Send resume to sga- & clean criminal record; Hundreds more. All Ages Nationwide: Expert help. File destruction. Free 434-8746 X225. www. ]HWWH#WHOXVSODQHWQHW ZHRIIHUEHQHÀWVDQGIXHO Includes: hole augered. & Medical Conditions 1-844-453-5372. consultation. 1-800-347- &ODVVLÀHGV RU 9DOXH $GV Wurzel Dip enzyme injec- reach over 600,000 Al- awna.com. *K’AWAT’SI CON- cards with substantial dis- Qualify. Have a child un- LAND FOR SALE OR 2540. www.accesslegalm- FRXQWV $SSO\ RQOLQH # tion, bark mulch applica- der 18 instantly receive jf.com berta readers weekly. For BUSINESS STRUCTION COMPA- tion, staking. Minimum REAL ESTATE as little as $269.00 + GST OPPORTUNITIES NY IS NOW HIRING* www.roadexservices.com more money. CALL THE GET BACK ON TRACK! or for more information, order 20. One-time fuel BENEFITS PROGRAM DUCKS UNLIMITED IRUDEODQNHWFODVVLÀHGRU %/$1.(7 7+( 3529 -Red Seal Carpenters charge: $125-150. Crystal CANADA is selling 6 Bad credit? Bills? Unem-  IRU D9DOXH$G JHW -Third and fourth year call 1-800-867-6233 xtn 1-(800)-211-3550 or Send ployed? Need Money? ,1&(ZLWKDFODVVLÀHGDG 481. Springs. 403-820-0961. a Text Message with Your project lands in its Re- your message out! Busi- Only $269 (based on 25 apprentices -Experienced Quality guaranteed. volving Land Conserva- We Lend! If you own your ness changes, the need Carpenter’s helpers. If FEED AND SEED Name and Mailing Ad- own home - you qualify. words or less). Reach 89 HEALTH dress to 403-980-3605 tion program in Beaver, for staff, items for sale, weekly newspapers. Call you are interested in this HEATED CANOLA Camrose and Minburn Pioneer Acceptance Corp. cancellations, Tenders. great career opportunity, IRU \RXU )5(( EHQHÀWV Member BBB. 1-877- NOW for details. 1-800- buying Green, Heated or GET UP TO $50,000 package. counties. Call Brent Thy- As people are increas- 282-6903 Ext 225; www. please send your resume Springthrashed Canola. from the Government JHVHQ EBWK\JHVHQ# 987-1420. www.pioneer- ingly staying home, they awna.com. DWKU#NHGFFDRUFDOOXVDW Buying: oats, barley, of Canada. Do you or HIP/KNEE REPLACE- ducks.ca or 780 678-0150. west.com. will rely on this informa- 250-230-5498. wheat & peas for feed. someone you know have MENT. Other medi- tion even more to stay EMPLOYMENT any of these conditions? cal conditions causing SERVICES OPPORTUNITIES PUT YOUR PICK UP Buying damaged or off- informed in your area TRUCK TO WORK! grade grain. “On Farm ADHD, Anxiety, Ar- TROUBLE WALKING CRIMINAL RECORD? and across the province. or DRESSING? The Dis-

Join us for Regional Meetings WANTED Making changes DEAD OR ALIVE November 17-26, 2020 to your farm? All meetings will be held in person from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. • Expanding farmable with an online option available. land Organizations Canadian Prairie Pickers • Fixing drainage issues Date Location & Regions Venue are once again touring the area! • Land use changes • Fencing Nov 17, 2020 AWC & ABC The Coast Hotel Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Region 1 You may not think you AWC & ABC Silver & Gold Coins, live near a pipeline, Nov 18, 2020 Strathmore Region 2 Strathmore Civic Centre but are you 100% sure? Prevent pipeline incidents AWC & ABC Bowden Community Royal Can. Mint Sets. Nov 19, 2020 Bowden Region 3 Hall by finding out what’s Also Buying Gold Jewelry below, BEFORE you start Nov 23, 2020 Bonnyville AWC & ABC Bonnyville Centennial your work. Visit www. Region 4 Centre clickbeforeyoudig.com to $ $ We purchase rolls, bags $ AWC & ABC $ request a locate at least Nov 24, 2020 Westlock Region 5 Westlock Inn $ or boxes of silver coins $ 3 days prior. Safety can be that simple. AWC Region 5 & Nov 26, 2020 Rycroft ABC Region 6 Rycroft Ag Centre PAYING HIGHEST PRICES albertabarley.com | albertawheat.com To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit 1.800.265.9111 call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647 Bonded since 1967 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 21

With traditional Halloween activities like indoor parties and trick-or-treating pos- ing an increased risk for COVID-19 spread, the CDC recommends the following activity guidelines for safer celebrating this year:

Create a “candy hunt” by hiding treats throughout Host a the house virtual or yard. costume contest or party. Carve or decorate pumpkins with members of your house- Plan a Halloween scavenger hunt. Give hold. If you carve pumpkins your kids a list of Halloween-themed with neighbors or friends, do things to search for while you walk so outdoors at a safe dis- Have some fun crafting decora- tions and dressing up your home. Enjoy a Halloween movie night at the neighborhood admiring Halloween tance wearing masks. home with spooky snacks. decorations at a distance.

If you decide to participate in these activities, here are some tips to help protect your family and others:

Outdoor Parties & Parades Haunted Trails ÷6WD\RXWGRRUVLQWKHRSHQDLU ÷0DNHVXUHWKHVHDUHRQHZD\RXWGRRUDFWLYLWLHV ÷/LPLWWKHQXPEHURISDUWLFLSDQWVWRDVPDOOJURXS ÷ Make sure protective masks and social distancing are ÷ Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between people at enforced. all times. ÷ If screaming is likely to occur, distancing of more than 6 ÷ Wear protective masks. A costume mask should not be feet between people is advised. The greater the distance, Trick-or-Treating used to replace a protective mask, unless it is made of the lower the risk of spreading a respiratory virus. ÷6HWXSRQHZD\WULFNRUWUHDWLQJZLWKLQGLYLGXDOO\ZUDSSHG two or more layers of breathable fabric, covers the mouth goodie bags lined up at the edge of your driveway or lawn and nose, and leaves no gaps around the face. Wearing Pumpkin Patches & Orchards for families to pick up while maintaining a safe distance. a costume mask over a protective cloth mask can make ÷ Use hand sanitizer before touching Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at it difficult to breathe, so consider using a Halloween- pumpkins or picking apples. least 20 second before and after preparing goodie bags. themed cloth mask instead. ÷:HDUDPDVNDQGSUDFWLFHVRFLDOGLVWDQFLQJ

The CDC recommends avoiding high-risk activities like traditional trick-or-treating, trunk-or-treat events, indoor parties, and haunted houses and hayrides. Please remember, if you feel ill or may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, avoid in-person Halloween activities and do not give out candy to trick-or-treaters.

Wainwright BATTLE . RIVE TD R ELECTRIC L Value Drug Mart MOTORS Electrical Instrumentation 2110 - 15 Ave. Wainwright, AB T9W 1L2 & Communication 780-842-4488 780-842-4471TOLL FREE $6W:DLQZULJKW 1-888-842-4471 (780) 842-4485 0DLQ6WUHHWŘ:DLQZULJKW

1. Never trick-or-treat alone. A parent or responsible adult should always accom- Safety pany young children, and older kids should walk as Services a group on a route preapproved by parents. 2702-15 Ave. A Division of 1027 - 3 Ave. Jaws Contracting 2. Don’t be invisible. Wainwright Wainwright, AB WK6WUHHW‡ Carry a flashlight at night. Opt (780) 842-4465 (780) 842-3244 www.marks.com 780-842-6733 for a bright or reflective costume, or use reflective tape on costumes and treat bags.

3. Stroll safely. Stay alert and stay on the sidewalk. Use crosswalks to cross streets after looking both ways, and never enter the street from between parked cars.

Gibson’s 4. Be afraid of the dark. Home Only approach homes that are lit Hardware up, and never go inside a home (or a car) for a treat. Stay in well-lit areas with other trick-or- 1025 - 2 Avenue Wainwright treaters, and avoid shortcuts through alleys or yards. #50, 2840-13 Ave. (Wainwright Ph: (780) 842-6111 Crossing) 780-842-5297 Fax: (780) 842-4314 5. Check candy. Discard any unwrapped, spoiled or suspicious treats, and don’t eat all of your candy at once! 22 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 Municipal Assessment - a win-win resolution reached

Dear Editor, an outdated system, this was not a good ance between industry relief and mu- warnings and ground the ship or we There was tangible consternation time to be taking such bold action. Con- nicipal viability. can keep testing the depths and cor- back in late July of this year when the versely, an appreciation that the oil These policy changes have the sup- rectly trim our sails to ride out storms in government’s proposals for an altera- and gas (O&G) industry was suffering port of the Rural Municipalities As- the perpetual task of keeping the ship tion in Municipal Assessment were and that keeping the status quo would, sociation, Canadian Association of afloat. In this matter (despite initial made public. in the short to mid-term, likely result in Petroleum Producers, Explorers and threats to me of keel-hauling!) I defi- Municipality representatives acted a complete loss of revenue led to many Producers Association, Alberta Urban nitely felt the “all hands-on deck” call quickly to make clear to government agreeing that some relief for them was Municipalities Association, and the Ca- to action was responded to and I was that they felt the proposals were not desperately needed. nadian Energy Pipelines Association. delighted how all concerned pulled to- reasonable and would have significant All rural UCP MLAs fed into the re- Alberta’s government will provide gether. impact on property tax payers. view determined to ensure that no companies with a three-year tax break This spirit of cooperation and finding As a consequence, in late July and unacceptable property tax rises were on new drills, which will create jobs in resolution defines who we are. early August I met with the councils made necessary but also that our O&G communities across the province. The of both the MD of Wainwright and the industry was given appropriate en- government is also eliminating a well- MLA Garth Rowswell, Vermilion- County of Vermilion River to get to the couragement and practical support in drilling tax, and reducing assessments Lloydminster-Wainwright heart of the issue. these difficult times. on less productive wells to reflect their In addition, I spoke personally with On the September 15, I hosted a meet- value and maintain their viability. a number of individuals around the ing with the recently appointed Minis- I am grateful to all those who partici- riding and I also attended, along with ter of Municipal Affairs, the Honour- pated at the constituency level for their Reeve Bob Barss, a Town Hall orga- able Tracy Allard, and representatives contributions, their honesty and their ROSE compliments of nized by the Wainwright Chamber of from each of the Municipalities, Towns willingness to accept the fiscal reality Wainwright Commerce. This produced a full house and Villages within the Riding in Ver- Alberta faces. I am also grateful to the Rose Flower Cart with constituents airing their opinions milion. The Minister spoken openly RMA and AUMA for working with the to you and providing good feedback. and promised that she would take into Minister to reach an agreement. I’m These were all very productive inter- consideration all parties perspectives sure the O&G representatives are also actions. All those involved were recep- and seek to find an acceptable and satisfied that these changes will assist tive to ideas aired and brought with workable remedy. The information and them to continue to be productive in Rebecca Fletcher @ them sound suggestions. At the meet- conversations I had with the munici- a hostile environment and also to con- Ropin’ & Ranch For a thoughtful & kind act. ings with the Municipality represen- palities and individual constituents tinue providing a major contribution tatives in particular a welter of good significantly informed the Minister in to the municipalities tax base in which data and open discussion cleared away her subsequent deliberations. they operate. many misconceptions. On October 19, Minister Allard, as We are all sailing in the same ship of If you know someone I believe these discussions left all promised, announced the changes to state. As crew members or passengers, who deserves recognition, with a sense that, while something sig- be made to the Assessment Model. The we all share the same fate on a never- email The EDGE at: nificant needed to happen to change UCP government is striking the bal- ending voyage. We can ignore weather [email protected] or call 780-842-4465 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 23 Classified ads get results! To place a classified ad by, call (780) 842-4465 CLASSIFIEDS email [email protected] or visit our website at www.starnews.ca. We take credit card payments by phone for your convenience.

FOR RENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT REWARD OFFERED J $9$,/$%/(,0 )(55,(5 6(5 YLFH6XSHUYLVRUV Canadian Pickers 0(',$7/<  9,&(6 $9$,/ /RFDWLRQ  Request for Holiday Recipes are currently touring %HGURRP WRZQ $%/(6KRHLQJ WK $YHQXH $ the local area KRXVH WULPPLQJ&DOO :DLQZULJKW $% $$ $$ $ PRQWKSOXV  7: $ The Christmas holiday season will paying CASH for SRZHUDQGGDPDJH 7HUPVRI(PSOR\ be here soon! The Edge would like GHSRVLW  LQFOXGHV EMPLOYMENT PHQW 3HUPDQHQW all Sterling Silver JDVDQGZDWHU &DOO )XOO WLPH 3DUW to publish the Christmas recipes of  5 & *5$17 For a Free In Home Appraisal Canadian 7LPH'D\(YHQ its readers in the coming weeks. If Pickers +ROGLQJV/WGRD LQJ1LJKW:HHN call AMY 778-257-8647 7LP+RUWRQV VWRUH\EHG HQG 6KLIW 0RUQ you have a to favourite family rec- Bonded since 1967 URRPKRPH$OODS ,V FXUUHQWO\ ORRN LQJ(DUO\0RUQLQJ ipe you would like to share, please SOLDQFHV1RSHWV LQJIRU)RRG6HU 6DODU\KRXU 1RVPRNLQJ %HQHILWV email it to [email protected] XWLOLWLHV LQFOXGHG 6$,176WDUW'DWH$6$3 RUGURSLWRIIDW7KH(GJHRIêFH $YDLODEOH2FWREHU 6$9,285 6 ([SHULHQFH\HDU  &RQWDFW .HYLQ $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK WROHVVWKDQ\HDUV attention Phyllis Holmes.  /OR\GPLQVWHU6DVN (GXFDWLRQ1RGH A photo would be nice, but is not LVVHHNLQJD3DUW JUHHFHUWLILFDWHRU  %('5220 7LPH5HFWRU3DU GLSORPD necessary. Recipes will be %$6(0(17VXLWH LVKSURILOHLVRQWKH 3OHDVHFRQWDFWIRU published as space allows. 1RQ VPRNHU QR $1L& ZHEVLWH MREGHVFULSWLRQ SHWV PRQWK 3OHDVHIRUZDUG\RXU +RZWR$SSO\ SOXV GHSRVLW LQ UHVXPHE\HPDLOWR ,Q3HUVRQRUPDLO Visit foodbanksalberta.ca/open FOXGHV XWLOLWLHV %LVKRS7UHYRU:DO $WDERYHORFDWLRQ $YDLODEOH6HSW WHUV DW %\HPDLO &DOO .HYLQ  ZDOWHUV#VKDZFD ZDLQWLPV#JPDLO  )RUIXUWKHULQIRUP FRP DWLRQFRQWDFW&DU %\ ID[   ',))(5(17 RO +DUELQ DW  EMPLOYMENT %8,/',1*61RZ  RU 6HFXULW\ &DPHUDV HPDLO IRU\RXUSURWHFWLRQ FKDUELQ#VDVNWHOQH %DFKHORU $SWV W'HDGOLQHIRUVXE CUSTOM The Village of Irma 6WDUWLQJ DW  PLVVLRQV 'HFHP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 6PDOO%HG CATTLE EHU  HAULING Maternity Cover position URRP$SWV6WDUWLQJ Seeking EQUIPMENT OPERATORS $OOXWLOLW 53 FT Tri-axle and LABOURERS (for the Hand Crew to HOURS OF WORK: 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. (7-hour days) Tuesday - Friday  0RVWO\LQRIƓFHGD\VDZHHNRUDVUHTXLUHG LHV LQFOXGHG LQ Pot Cattle Liner clear sidewalks - shovel snow) for our ERWK HYHQ SRZHU Call Craig SNOW REMOVAL TEAM Ř'DLO\ZRUNLQFOXGHPDQDJLQJWHOHSKRQHFDOOVW\SLQJFRS\LQJVFDQQLQJFDVK UHFHLSWVFUHDWLQJXWLOLW\ELOOVDQGWD[QRWLFHVƓQDQFLDOVRIWZDUHHQWULHV 0XQL DQGFDEOH&ORVHWR Pickard We are a Wainwright based company seeking energetic - +RVSLWDO&DOO and hardworking individuals to join our snow removal ZDUH RUJDQL]LQJFKHTXHVLJQLQJVFRQWDFWLQJ&RXQFLOIURPWLPHWRWLPHDQG 780-806-1309 JHQHUDORIƓFHDVVLVWGXWLHVPDLQWDLQLQJDJHQHUDOSUHVHQFHLQWKHIULHQGO\RIƓFH  crew. Applicants need to be aware that work is geared towards snow removal. When it snows, you are com- Ř5HSRUWWR&$2DQGGHOHJDWHZRUNDVDSSURSULDWHDQGLQVWUXFWHG mitted to working hard and understand that work will Ř3URYLGHVRQJRLQJXSGDWHVWRWKH&$2RQGDLO\VHUYLFHPDWWHUV be slow during the breaks in the weather. Snow remov- Ř$WWHQGV&RXQFLOPHHWLQJVDVUHTXLUHGE\WKH&$2 al hours generally commence as early as 3:30 a.m. and Ř5HVSRQVLEOHIRURUGHULQJVXSSOLHVDVUHTXLUHGDQGPDLQWDLQLQJDQLQYHQWRU\ continue as needed based on snow fall. Late afternoon RIDOOVXSSOLHV & evening clearing can also be part of the job. 4XDOLƓFDWLRQV Please Note: All positions have the possibility of becoming Ř&ODVV'ULYHUV/LFHQVH GULYHUōVDEVWUDFWZLOOEHUHTXLUHG ZLWKRZQYHKLFOH CAREER OPPORTUNITY year long employment Ř0XQLFLSDO2IƓFHH[SHULHQFH 0XQLZDUHƓQDQFLDOVRIWZDUHSUHIHUUHG DQGGHDO- We are looking for individuals to enroll in H&R Block’s Tax CHARACTERISTICS: LQJZLWKSXEOLFLQTXLULHV (JHKLT`3LHYU[H_[OLVY`J\YYLU[[H_SH^ZHUKÄSPUN 74,!.%!* !+,!.0%*# '$+!+.(+ !.*//!0 Ř&RPIRUWDEOHZLWK:RUGDQGW\SLQJDQGDQVZHULQJSKRQHFDOOV practices all online in our virtual classroom. (Not needed for labourer positions) Ř*HQHUDO0LFURVRIW2IƓFHFRPSXWHUVNLOOV 74,!.%!* !3%0$/*+3.!)+2(*//!0 Successful graduates will have the opportunity to apply to Ř0XVWEHFRPIRUWDEOHDQGHDV\JRLQJDVZHOODVUHOLDEOH 7(// (% !* !3%0$#++  .%2%*#.! +.  Ř6SRQVRUHGWUDLQLQJFDQEHDYDLODEOHIURPWLPHWRWLPH ^VYR^P[O\ZHUKI\PSKHÅL_PISLJHYLLY 72!.!(%(!0.*/,+.00%+* 6XEPLWUHVXPHVWR7KH9LOODJHRI,UPD +YVWPU[VV\YVɉJL;\LZKH`ZVY;O\YZKH`ZMVYTVYLPUMVY- 7! +))%00! 0+3+.'%*#3$!*%0/*+3/ mation about how to get started. 7$5/% ((560* (!0+3+.'(+*#/$%"0/ YLDHPDLOLQIR#LUPDFDRUGURSRIIDWWKH9LOODJH2IƓFH 7+//!//,+/%0%2!00%01 !* 3+.'!0$% 9LOODJHRI,UPD >LVɈLYJVTWL[P[P]L^HNLZÅL_PISLOV\YZHUKHMYPLUKS` 7(!0+3+.'/,.0+"0!)+.%* !,!* !*0(5 &21),'(17,$/ Z\WWVY[P]LZ[HɈ 7/1 !//"1(.%)%*(! +. /$! '3%((!.!-1%.!  6WUHHW%R[,UPD$%7%+ if hired. $SSOLFDWLRQ'HDGOLQH2FWREHUWKDWQRRQ 934 6 Ave (!/!/!* .!/1)!/+.%*-1%.%!/0+ 5DWHRISD\SHUKRXU Wainwright AB [email protected] The Village of Irma thanks all interested parties for their applications but only those to be 780 842 3146 For more information email or call Sheila at

an EDGE 4-pack     interviewed will be contacted.

What’s Happening is a community events calendar intended for Non-Profit Groups only. $40 plus GST To Put Your Event on the Calendar for a 6-week maximum run (40 word maximum) We do not accept Bridal Shower, Wedding, Birthday or Anniversary Announcements. WHAT'S HAPPENING? CALL 780-842-4465 FOR DETAILS

OCTOBER Want a FREE! FUN! Program for your kids? 140 Cayuga, Sea Cadets, Age 12-18 or Cdr Owen Robertson, 25 The Wainwright Elks Royal Purple Sunday Brunches will take place the last Sunday of the Month start- Navy League Cadets, Age 9-12. On Wednesday nights in Bldg 27 on base. Open Registration begins October 7th. Navy ing September 30. Excellent variety for a wonderful Sunday morning out. 9:00am-1:00pm. Age 11 and up League Cadets are looking for more volunteers to help run the program. For more information please call 780-842- $15.00, 5-10 $10, And under 5 free. We will be following all Provincial health guidelines due to COVID 19. 1363 local 1398.(AD#58234) (Ad#58212) Wainwright Health Care Aide Program. January–August 2021. Coursework online. Labs at Wainwright Health 27 WMFRC Annual General Meeting 27 October 2020,11:00 AM, in person Must register before Friday 23 Centre(Hospital). Practicums in region. Program via College. Information found @wainwright.ca. Applica- October, call 780-842-1363 ext. 1253 Attendees receive $10 lunch gift card (AD# 58237) tion deadline: December 20th, 2020. Contact Carley 780.842.3381 or [email protected] for details. Spaces limited. (AD#58423) NOVEMBER Men’s Chorus Fall Festival of Music is cancelled this year due to Covid. In appreciation of our audience, the men created a 1 hour and 20 minute video of past performances, on USB Flash Drives, two 40-minute sets of songs. You 6-7 Wainwright Christmas Expo at the Elks Hall, Friday Nov. 6, 2-7:00pm, Saturday Nov. 7, 10-5:00pm $2 can borrow it free up to one week between Nov. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020 at Armstrong’s or contact George at 780-842- admission, 10 & under Free. Masks required. for more info call Gloria Erickson @ 780-842-0487 or email 4097 or [email protected]. In using the video, you agree it is for your private or group viewing only and not to be [email protected] (AD# 58347). uploaded to social media or You Tube. Albeit free, we invite donations to Wainwright & District Health Foundation for the CT Scanner or to Rainbow of Hope for Children. (AD#58432) MAKE SURE TO GET THE WORD OUT FOR YOUR UPCOMING EVENT! *under covid regulations ANNOUNCEMENTS *ALL LISTED EVENTS MUST FOLLOW CURRENT COVID REGULATIONS Al-Anon meetings to have resumed on Thursdays 8:00 pm at the Provincial building. Masks required.(Ad#58227)

STAR NEWS INC. 1027 3RD AVE. TEL: (780) 842 -4465 FAX: (780) 842 -2760 EMAIL: [email protected] 24 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | October 23, 2020 If Every EDGE Reader ŽÇ:ŹĄӳÃKěŽČ¶ÝŚӳ:AÝ{ÇӳĀĄÝřÝČěӳ‰ťěKĄӳ:‰ĩřŽÇӳKA{KĄěÝÇӳĀĄAŽČKř¸¸KťӳřKĄÃŽ¸ŽÝÇӳ ÃÇÇřŽ¸¸KӳŽĄÃӳ‰ĄAŽČěťӳÃŽČ¶ӳ‰ĩ{‰KÇAKÇӳ:ÝÇČÝĄěӳÃĄČAKÇӳÇKŽ¸9ĩĄ{ӳ¶ŽÇČK¸¸ӳŚŽÇŚĄŽ{‰ě took The $50 a week challenge

Helping friends, neighbors & families Žȶƃʰljƃɨ Our towns would be $24 Million richer

This is how it could work What’s Worth $50 a Week? very copy of the EDGE week. With each of 4,700 cop- Ӑ9ljƃɽȈȶǼƺȈɽʰɽɨƃǹˎƺ Ehas, on average, 2 differ- ies viewed by 2 persons each ӐČɥɁɨɽɰծƃƺɽȈʤȈɽȈljɰǹɁɨǹƃȴȈȢʰǹʍȶ ent persons look at it sometime week we have 9,400 readers ӐŽɽԇɰƃɥȈljƺljɁǹƺȢɁɽȃȈȶǼӗɰȃɁljɰӗǹʍɨȶȈɽʍɨljӗ during the week. We print 5,000 each week. If each one spent ȃƃɨǁʥƃɨljӗɥƃɨɽɰӗǹɁɁǁӗʤljȃȈƺȢljӝӝӝ copies of the EDGE every week $50 a week extra by not going ӐČʍɥɥȢȈljɰǹɁɨɥƃȈȶɽȈȶǼƃȶǁĄljȶɁԇɰӗƃȢȢ right here in Wainwright. We to the city or on line shopping ɥʍɨƺȃƃɰljǁȢɁƺƃȢȢʰ deliver over 2,000 of them that would amount to an ad- ӐȶǁȈǹʰɁʍǁɁȶԇɽɰljljʥȃƃɽʰɁʍԇɨljȢɁɁȟȈȶǼ house to house in Wainwright. ditional $470,000 spent locally ǹɁɨӗȢɁƺƃȢƹʍɰȈȶljɰɰljɰʥȈȢȢɽɨʰɽɁƹɨȈȶǼȈɽȈȶӗ An additional 3,000 copies are each week in our area com- Țʍɰɽƃɰȟӝ available in pick up boxes in munities. Do that every week ӐÃɁɨljɧʍƃȢȈɽʰɽȈȴljɰɥljȶɽȃljɨljƃɽȃɁȴlj Wainwright and surround- of the year and 52x$470,000 = ing communities. We recycle $24,440,000 that stays in our ljȶȚɁʰȈȶǼɽȃljƃȴljȶȈɽȈljɰŚƃȈȶʥɨȈǼȃɽծƃɨljƃ about 300 left over copies each communities. ȃƃɰɽɁɁǹǹljɨӝ ӐÇAɽȃljȴɁȶljʰɰɽƃʰɰȈȶɁʍɨƺɁȴȴʍȶȈɽȈljɰӝ

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We Have The Money - Let’s Keep It Here!