Effective Collaboration at Any Scale

A Social Technology for Evolving Agile and Resilient Organizations


flexible principles based free

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2020-01-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest, B. Bockelbrink and L. David     


A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-01-09)   



A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink !'$  %! % $&"&! %"! %( %%

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-01-09) - based on original material by - J. Priest, B. Bockelbrink and L. David History & Evolution

Agile & Lean SOCIO~CRACY{power / rule} Sociocratic {social group} Circle Organization 3.0 Method Kees Holacracy August BOEKE Open source Engineering COMTE Lester Frank Sociocracy 3.0 Quakers Social ideas WARD 2.0 James PRIEST Meeting Bernhard Scientific practices Brian method BOCKELBRINK ROBERTSON Gerard 1.0 2014 ENDENBURG Liliana DAVID 1851 1881 1926 1970 2008 2015

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-11-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink Seven Principles

me you Equivalence Transparency Involve people in making Accountability and evolving decisions Record all information that is Respond when something is that affect them valuable for the organization and needed, do what you agreed to make it accessible to everyone, and take ownership for the unless there is a for course of the organization confidentiality Raise, seek out and resolve objections to decisions and actions Continuous Empiricism Improvement Test all assumptions Change incrementally to Effectiveness you rely on, through Devote time only to what accommodate steady experiments and brings you closer towards empirical learning continuous revision achieving your objectives

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-11-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink   

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-05) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink  $ 

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-08-05) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Building Organizations

(Double) R

Role Linking

HelpingTeam R Circle

Representative Open Domain

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-11-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink ( ""$#$"$  $    $%##"

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-05-05) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink      



A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-08-05) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink (&!%"!


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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-30) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink  


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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-03-11) - based on original material by - J. Priest, B. Bockelbrink and L. David     


A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-09-01) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink



A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-12) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Describing Drivers

We have considerable resources and potential to further utilise our production capacity. We need to develop new opportunities to innovate, to make the best use of what we have .

We’re expanding our operations with increasingly distributed teams and see potential to improve our approach. We need to evolve how we manage the department,to build and maintain coherence and performance as we grow.

We want to better harness our co-creative potential to create and deliver value to the world. We need to develop our business. model and how we work together, to get the best out of our collaboration and help customers to do the same.

Information is unstructured, kept in silos and sometimes unrecorded, leading to inability to understand and contribute to the whole picture. We need relevant info to be shared proactively, to provide improved solutions for our customers.

A Thrive-in Collaboration resource by J. Priest and L. David (v. 2020-02-20), based on original material from - J. Priest L. David and B. Bockelbrink     !  







A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-09-01) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink      $   !             !   

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-03-06) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink  %!%" !# "


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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-10-01) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Organizing Work

To Do Doing Done Appreciations Improvements Backlog WIP To Do x 2 Done

Pull system X for work Limit work Prioritize Backlogs To Do Doing Done in progress Retrospective

To Do Doing Done To Do Doing Done

To Do Doing Done

Daily Planning & Review Visualize work Stand-up Meetings

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-30) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink Co-creation and Evolution

Tension R Evaluate and Navigate Evolve Via Tension Agreements Role Selection Describe Resolve Organizational Driver Objections Drivers Mapping

Respond to Organizational Objection Drivers

F Those Affected Decide F Consent Co-Create Proposal Decision Proposals Forming Making

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-30) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink $  "


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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2017-10-08) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink  "










A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-09-01) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink &$%$'!$&" #

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink  %(%$) (* %$)))

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-05) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink 6 Collect ideas

... that offer a complete solution to the driver or address specific, important considerations. defer dialogue and sharing opinions

7 Choose tuners F

Who should be there? Who wants to be there? Other significant contributors? No objections!

8 Design proposal Proposal title

Driver Proposal text Who's accountable for what?

Evaluation date Evaluation criteria

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-11-29 - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Consent Raise, seek out and resolve objections to decisions and actions. Objection A reason why doing something stands in the way of (more) effective response to an organisational driver.


GOOD Objections reveal... worthwhile ways unintended to improve consequences No Objection I have a possible Objection I have a Concern

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-11-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink         

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink             

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2017-05-03) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink %$)$* ) %$! $

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-03-11) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink  "+'#"&  '"  # )" #("(& ) #"%" #'# ' " #'#" ' "&"&'#&#* +#(%%&$#"&+$ &!( '"#(& ++

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-09-01) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Start here Qualifying Objections Listen to and understand the initial argument Qualify objections to the Note: If at any stage, 2 initial argument individuals oppose each other’s Invite reflection: do you (process one argument at a time) arguments, invite them to think this argument have a timeboxed dialogue to qualifies as an objection? Listen to and understand the argument identify and synergize valid information from both sides Does anyone disagree, yes entirely or partly, that this Invite reflection: Do you Seek the ‘both/and argument’ argument qualifies as an think this argument objection? qualifies as an objection to no Qualify objections to the the initial argument? preceding argument Argument qualifies as an objection Listen to the argument Does anyone disagree with yes this argument, entirely or Is there anything left of partly? etc yes the preceding argument? no etc no yes Are there any more no yes Argument does not qualify arguments to listen to? any more arguments? as an objection no

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David (v2020-02-19) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink Does this argument reveal how proceeding in this way will, or could, lead to consequences we want to avoid? Or Does this argument reveal a worthwhile way to improve things?

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink  -)&0 $ .#)(-

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2019-05-19) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink  "/,)2"0,*"+!*"+0 /0.0#.,*0%" "$&++&+$ &+!+*"+!*"+00,  &/0"+0,0%".$1*"+0 3%& %0%"."."+, 1), '"  0&,+ , '" 0&,+/  .,-,/"+*"+!*"+0 %&+( ,0%+!!    '" 0&,+/0,*"+!*"+0 +2&0"0%"-",-)", '" 0&+$ %"."/)35/+ 0,%2"0&*" ,4"! &0".0&2"+"40/0"- ,+2"./0&,++  6,,*,100,0%"3%,)"-.,-,/)$&+ ,."0,*"+!"!-.,-,/)

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-03-11) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink    







A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-03-06) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink Driver Mapping organize start-ups progress quickly Inspired by Gojko Adzic's kick off projects from concept to action Impact Mapping evolve orgs in self-organizing teams

2 Who 3 What 4 1 Why Who What How are we here? Who What How

...will be impacted? needed? ...can we respond? (actors) (drivers) consent to who has expertise? primary driver lose help add names to "They/We need... driver cards benefit obstruct + impact "

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2020-01-29) - based on original material by - J. Priest, L. David and B. Bockelbrink   ',# 0(&#'+  ()-%,  )) #' %-+, *,(*+%-+-( * (*+ (&#'+ '(**#. *+ #',((" * '',((" * (("((" * , &  (&#'+ *#&*0*#. *

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  % *,   ", %+" (/ '  ,(('+# *,(* +)(') ,(," )*#&*0*#. *

A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink 

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A Sociocracy 3.0 resource by J. Priest, L. David and J. Cumps (v2018-01-21) - based on original material by - J. Priest and B. Bockelbrink