On finite generation of Noetherian algebras over two-dimensional regular local rings ⋆ ⋆⋆ Amartya Kumar Dutta , Neena Gupta and Nobuharu Onoda†∗ ⋆, ⋆⋆ Stat-Math Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B.T. Road, Kolkata 700 108, India. e-mail :
[email protected] and
[email protected] †Department of Mathematics, University of Fukui, Bunkyo 3-9-1, Fukui 910-8507, Japan e-mail :
[email protected] April 21, 2020 Abstract Let R be a complete regular local ring with an algebraically closed residue field and let A be a Noetherian R-subalgebra of the polynomial ring R[X]. It has been shown in [4] that if dim R = 1, then A is necessarily finitely generated over R. In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for A to be finitely generated over R when dim R = 2 and present an example of a Noetherian normal non-finitely generated R-subalgebra of R[X] over R = C[[u, v]]. Keywords Finite generation, subalgebra of polynomial algebra, dimension formula, Nagata ring, complete local ring, regular local ring, Krull domain, excellent ring. 2010 MSC. Primary: 13E15, Secondary: 13F20, 13J10, 13H05 1 Introduction Let R be a Noetherian ring and A a Noetherian R-subalgebra of R[X], where R[X] is the polynomial ring in one indeterminate X over R. Then A need not be a finitely generated R- arXiv:2004.08869v1 [math.AC] 19 Apr 2020 algebra, in general. In fact, by an example of Eakin [5, p. 79], even when R is the polynomial ring C[t], there exist non-finitely generated Noetherian rings A satisfying R A R[X].