Time-dependent sensitivity and the legacy of anthropogenic emissions

Richard E. Zeebe1

Department of Oceanography, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822

Edited by Robert E. Dickinson, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, and approved July 9, 2013 (received for review February 8, 2013) measures the response of Earth’s surface tem- ΔT = Λ−1 ΔR + λ ΔT + λ ΔT + ... ; [1] 0 f 1 2 perature to changes in forcing. The response depends on various climate processes that feed back on the initial forcing on differ- where λi are climate feedback parameters. Eq. 1 is based on ent timescales. Understanding climate sensitivity is fundamental a linearization around an equilibrium state and says that the to reconstructing Earth’s climatic history as well as predicting system’s overall temperature response is composed of a contribu- future . On timescales shorter than centuries, only tion that directly depends on the forcing ΔRf and additional fast climate feedbacks including , , , contributions from feedbacks that depend on ΔT itself (for equi- and snow/sea ice are usually considered. However, on librium and transient response, see SI Text). The Planck feed- timescales longer than millennia, the generally higher Earth sys- back parameter Λ0 represents the change in long-wave radiation 4 tem sensitivity becomes relevant, including changes in ice sheets, ð∝ dT =dTÞ following adjustment of T required to balance ΔRf −2 −1 vegetation, ocean circulation, biogeochemical cycling, etc. Here, I in the absence of other feedbacks (Λ0 ’ 3:2W·m ·K ; ref. 5). fi introduce the time-dependent climate sensitivity, which uni es The λi are positive here for a , i.e., when en- fast-feedback and Earth system sensitivity. I show that warming hancing the Planck response. The ΔRf may be projections, which include a time-dependent climate sensitivity, due to changes in GHGs, dust, insolation, etc. For example, exhibit an enhanced feedback between surface warming and a doubling of atmospheric CO2 (2× CO2) results in a radiative −2 ocean CO2 solubility, which in turn leads to higher atmospheric forcing of ∼3.7 W·m (14). Thus, at 2× CO2, the global surface CO2 levels and further warming. Compared with earlier studies, temperature increase ðΔT2 × Þ based on the Planck response my results predict a much longer lifetime of human-induced future alone (all other λi = 0) would be only ∼1.2 K. The difference – warming (23,000 165,000 y), which increases the likelihood of between the Planck response and the likely range for ΔT2 × of large melting and major . The main point 2–4.5 K (15) is hence due to other feedbacks. regarding the legacy of anthropogenic The overallP temperature change obtained from Eq. 1 is is that, even if the fast-feedback sensitivity is no more than 3 K per −1 ΔT = ΔRf ðΛ0 − λiÞ and the climate sensitivity, S,is: CO2 doubling, there will likely be additional long-term warming from slow climate feedbacks. Time-dependent climate sensitivity ΔT 1P also helps explaining intense and prolonged warming in response S = = : [2] ΔRf Λ − λi to massive carbon release as documented for past events such as 0 the –Eocene Thermal Maximum. The sensitivity increases for positive feedback parameters (λi > 0, the forcing is amplified) and decreases for λi < 0(forcingis n the context of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emis- damped). Considering only fast feedbacks including water Isions, equilibrium climate sensitivity is often referred to as vapor, lapse rate, clouds, and snow/seaP ice albedo, the fast-feed- ff ff −1 ff the change in Earth’s global mean near-surface air temperature back sensitivity is S = ðΛ0 − λi Þ , where λi are feedback (after reaching a new steady state) following a doubling of the parameters of the fast processes (the typical timescale separating atmospheric (CO2) concentration. Generally, fast and slow processes is often taken as 100 y). Considering climate sensitivity may be referred to as the change in global mean fast and slow feedbacks including changes in vegetation, ocean near-surface air temperature in response to a forcing, taking into circulation, ice sheets, biogeochemicalP P cycling, etc., the Earth Ses = ðΛ − λff − λesÞ−1 λes account various processes in the that can either system sensitivity is 0 i j , where j are feedback parameters of the slow processes. Below, S and S2× = amplify or dampen the response to an initial perturbation (1, 2). − − − S × 3.7 W·m 2 is the climate sensitivity in K(Wm 2) 1 and These processes are referred to as climate feedbacks, which can kelvin per CO doubling, respectively (for more details, see operate on very different timescales. In addition, climate sensi- 2 ref. 3). tivity may depend on the type of forcing and the background EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC,

climate state (3). In the past, climate sensitivity studies were Time-Dependent Climate Sensitivity AND PLANETARY SCIENCES mostly based on numerical climate models and have focused on Until present, the fast-feedback and Earth system sensitivity have the preindustrial/present climate system over timescales of dec- generally been considered separately because the former oper- ades to centuries as this approach appeared viable for predicting ates primarily on timescales of decades, and the latter primarily future climate change (1, 4, 5). However, recent studies empha- on millennia or longer. For example, climate sensitivity in general size the investigation of past climate changes and the importance circulation models (GCMs) essentially equals the fast-feedback of feedback analysis for a more fundamental understanding of sensitivity and appears fairly constant on centennial timescale climate sensitivity (3, 6–12). Feedback Analysis Author contributions: R.E.Z. designed research, performed research, analyzed data, and A useful tool for a systematic examination of climate sensi- wrote the paper. tivity is feedback analysis (2, 6, 13), which can be used to The author declares no conflict of interest. disentangle contributions of individual feedbacks to the overall This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. response. For instance, the global surface temperature change 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. ΔT ðΔR Þ ( ) following a change in radiative forcing f may be This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. written as (6): 1073/pnas.1222843110/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1222843110 PNAS | August 20, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 34 | 13739–13744 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 (16, 17) [earlier GCM results suggesting an increase in the ef- transient ocean heat uptake (16, 19–21) or other seemingly tran- fective climate sensitivity (18) over centuries have been consid- sient effects in climate models (17, 18). The theoretical advance ered an artifact (17)]. Climate sensitivity in simple models used provided by SðtÞ is that it unifies fast-feedback and Earth system ff es for long-term integrations is often prescribed and constant on all sensitivity because SðtÞ approaches S and S , respectively, as c → c → SðtÞ timescales. However, a climate sensitivity parameter that pro- j 0 and j 1. The practical value of is that it allows vides a transition between fast and slow feedbacks seems to evaluation of climate sensitivity continuously over timescales from decades to millions of years. This includes analyses of past be missing. In nature, no separation between fast-feedback and climate episodes throughout Earth’s history as well as future Earth system sensitivity exists as climate sensitivity simply changes predictions of anthropogenic climate change. over time, depending on the varying contributions of the feedbacks Whereas it seems currently difficult to further constrain the on different timescales. Hence, I introduce the time-dependent fast-feedback sensitivity (5, 22), recent paleoclimate studies SðtÞ climate sensitivity, : provide new constraints on the slow feedbacks (3, 7–10). Below, I use these paleo-constraints to provide future warming projec- SðtÞ = P 1 P ; [3] tions. Given scenarios of anthropogenic GHG emissions, I have ff es Λ0 − λi − cjðtÞλj forecast the evolution of future atmospheric GHG concentra- tions and surface temperature change using SðtÞ and the Long- where cjðtÞ are coefficients that vary between 0 and 1—depending term Ocean-atmosphere-Sediment Reservoir on the characteristic response time of the slow process j [different (LOSCAR) model (23) (Fig. 2). Ocean heat uptake efficiency, functional relationships for the cjðtÞ are possible] (Methods which is known to delay surface warming over a few centuries and Fig. 1). Time-dependent climate sensitivity introduced here (19, 20, 24), was included using an effective heat capacity/surface as a theoretical concept (Eq. 3) should not be confused with responsetime(SI Text). Furthermore, slow processes such as changes in vegetation, ice sheets, non-CO2 GHGs, etc., were taken es into account by specifying slow feedback parameters λj and cor- responding response times τj (Methods and Table 1). (The slow A feedback from non-CO GHGs in response to warming is not Σλff 2 i to be confused with the emission of these gases due to anthro- 2 es pogenic activities.) The λj are constrained both directly by a Fast Feedbacks Slow Feedback 1 decomposition analysis of climate feedbacks during past climate

) Slow Feedback 2 episodes (3, 10) and indirectly by reconstructions of Earth system −1 1.5 Sum Slow Feedbacks sensitivity (3, 7–10) (Methods). Moreover, uncertainties in the K

−2 slow feedbacks are examined by varying the slow-feedback parameters (Fig. 3). Note that carbon release from permafrost 1

(W m and oceanic hydrates is also part of the feedback. However, these λ processes can be explicitly modeled and included here as carbon Methods 0.5 sources enhancing radiative forcing (Table 1 and ), rather than implicitly affecting λ values in a less specific fashion (Eq. 3). The individual contributions of the various processes to 0 future warming projections are discussed below. ff The fast-feedback parameters ðλi Þ entering Eq. 3 were taken B 1.8 Sff = such that the fast-feedback sensitivity, 2 × 3 K (Fig. 1). Although Sff 1.6 6 3 K is the most likely value for 2 × (15), there are uncertainties λff Sff ’ associated with the i (2, 5, 15), meaning that 2 × s absolute 1.4 5 value might be different. However, currently there is little in-

) ff S(t) dication from climate models that the λi vary systematically over −1 1.2 ) centennial timescale (17). In GCMs, the λff also seem to depend −2 4 i 1 (K) on the type of forcing and the background climate state, yet sys- 2x

0.8 3 S tematic relationships that can be applied in future projections Sff appear difficult to infer at this stage (3, 25). The present focus is

S (K (W m 0.6 2 the evolution of the slow feedbacks, whose systematic temporal 0.4 behavior may be constrained based on recent observations. The 1 present focus is not the uncertainties in the fast feedbacks. For 0.2 Fast Feedbacks the results presented below, it is important, however, to keep in All Feedbacks 0 0 mind that the calculations are based on the most likely value of 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 6000 10000 Sff = 3K. Year 2 × Results and Discussion Fig. 1. Illustration of climate feedback parameters and climate sensitivity ðλffÞ ðλesÞ The maximum global surface warming in response to a total over time. (A)Fast i and slow j Pclimate feedback parameters. The sum λff = : · −2· −1 ∼ of the fast-feedback parameters is i 1 97 W m K , yielding a fast- input of 2,500 Pg C over 500 y is projected at 4Kif ff = : =ð : − : Þ = : fi feedback sensitivity of S2 × 3 7 3 2 1 97 3 0 K per CO2 doubling (see ocean heat uptake ef ciency and constant climate sensitivity is τ = τ = text and B). The slow feedbacks are illustrated with 1 200 y and 2 included (Fig. 2); for other emission scenarios and parameter 5;000 y using Eqs. 3 and 6 (see text and Methods), the temperature anomaly variations, see below and Fig. 3. This “base case” also includes of the example shown in Fig. 2B (red graph), and moderate slow-feedback temperature effects on ocean CO2 chemistry and increased strength (lines labeled “slow”). The shaded error envelopes in A and B were fi ΔT λes + λes surface ocean strati cation. The surface warming ( ) falls be- calculated based on the likely range of 1 2 (Methods and Fig. 3). Note −2 −1 low 4 K within ∼1,000 y after reaching its peak value, even if the nonlinear horizontal time axis. (B) Climate sensitivity in K(Wm ) (left additional GHG emissions and carbon release from permafrost axis) and in kelvin per CO2 doubling (right axis). Considering only fast feedbacks results in a climate sensitivity that is constant over time ðSffÞ. and oceanic hydrates are included (Table 1). However, with a However, including slow, time-dependent feedbacks (A) leads to a climate time-dependent SðtÞ that includes additional slow feedbacks at sensitivity that varies over time [S(t)]. moderate strength from changes in vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs,

13740 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1222843110 Zeebe Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 ) Table 1. Processes included as forcings/feedbacks in the present A −1 15 study λ 10 Process Forcing Feedback 2500 Pg C/500 y Emissions

5 Fossil fuel CO2 emissions ✓ — Anthropogenic CH4,N2O emissions* ✓ — 0 Climate system Fossil−Fuel Emiss. (Pg C y † ✓ λff Fast feedbacks i 8 ✓ λes B Vegetation 1 ‡ ✓ λes 7 Non-CO2 GHGs 1 ✓ λes Low-latitude ice 1 ✓ λes 6 High-latitude ice sheets 2 Carbon cycle 5 Permafrost C release ✓ § — T (K) § Δ Hydrate C release ✓ — 4 { jj Ocean CO2 solubility ✓ — ✓jj — 3 Sediment CaCO3 dissolution Surface Weathering ✓jj — 2 Base case +CH4, N2O *Anthropogenic emissions. Not to be confused with the slow feedback of +Permafrost M12 1 non-CO2 GHGs. +CH4 Hydrates S09 † +Slow Feedbacks A05 Includes changes in water vapor, lapse rate, clouds, and snow/sea ice 0 albedo. ‡ 1100 Slow feedback. Not to be confused with anthropogenic CH4 and N2O emis- C sions. 1000 §C release from permafrost/hydrates are actually feedbacks but can be included here explicitly as a forcing (Eq. 1), rather than implicitly affecting 900 λ values (less specific). { Calculated as a function of temperature. 800 jj (ppmv) Explicitly calculated in carbon cycle model (23). 2 700

600 further warming. If sustained over centuries, prolonged warming 500 of this magnitude increases the likelihood of large ice sheet dis- integration and major sea level rise (26, 27) (see below, Eq. 4). In Atmospheric CO 400 addition, the continued warming may cause higher and extended 300 carbon release from permafrost and oceanic hydrates 200 than the estimates included in the present simulations (Fig. 2). It 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 5000 8000 10000 is important that the enhanced long-term warming predicted here Year is due to slow feedbacks from vegetation, non-CO2 GHG, and ice Fig. 2. Example of projected anthropogenic warming including various rather than slow ocean heat uptake (21), which is included in the forcings and feedbacks. (A) Anthropogenic CO2 emission scenario based on simulations but delays warming only on a timescale of centuries historic emissions until 2010 and a Gauss curve for t > 2010 with 2,500 Pg C ff (16, 20, 24). total integrated emissions (46). (B) Projected global surface warming ðS × = es 2 The slow-feedback parameters ðλj Þ may be constrained to 3 KÞ. The base case includes temperature effects on ocean CO2 chemistry, increased surface ocean stratification, and ocean heat uptake efficiency. a certain range of the parameter space using results from pale- Additional processes that can be included explicitly here as forcings include oclimate studies (Methods). To sample this parameter space, I

anthropogenic emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs), permafrost, have calculated future warming trajectories for various emission es and oceanic methane hydrates (Methods). Additional slow feedbacks include scenarios and appropriate values for the λj (Fig. 3). The suite of combined effects of changes in vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs, low-latitude projection results can be summarized by computing the maxi- /ice caps, and high-latitude ice sheets. Note: the slow feedback mum warming and a mean warming index for each projection i from non-CO GHGs in response to warming is not to be confused with 2 (relevant e.g., for ice sheet melting): the emission of these gases due to anthropogenic activities. The red graph is EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES based on moderate values for the slow-feedback parameters λ ; (see text 1 2 t and Methods). The shaded error envelope (light red) was calculated based Z 2 λes + λes −1 on the likely range of 1 2 (Methods and Fig. 3). Also shown are warming Wi = ðt2 − t1Þ ΔTiðtÞ dt; [4] estimates in Y10,000 from previous studies (orange symbols) that included t sediments and a negative, long-term weathering feedback: A05 (2,000 Pg), 1 S09 (1,540/3,720 Pg), M12 (3,000 Pg) = refs. 38, 40, 41 (total C emissions in parentheses; A05’s warming pertains to mean ocean warming). (C) Atmo- where ΔTiðtÞ is the global surface warming above preindustrial ½t ; t = ½ ; W spheric CO2 concentrations corresponding to the projected scenarios in B. levels; 1 2 Y2013 Y10000 . Thus, i represents the calcu- Higher atmospheric CO2 levels for given emissions are due to ocean solubility lated average future warming from the present until year feedback. Note the nonlinear horizontal time axis. 10,000. The maximum warming depends only weakly on the slow feedbacks and is hence similar for a given emission sce- nario (Fig. 3A). However, the average warming, Wi, depends Methods low-latitude glaciers/ice caps, and high-latitude ice sheets ( strongly on the slow feedbacks and predominantly measures the and Fig. 1), ΔT remains elevated >5 K beyond Y3,000 and >4K longevity of the warming (Fig. 3B). This is because the present beyond Y10,000 (Fig. 2). Elevated temperatures enhance the feed- simulations show a long warming tail, rather than intense peak back between warming and ocean CO2 solubility, causing higher warming and rapid cooling (SI Text). Given estimates of Earth atmospheric CO2 levels for given emissions (Fig. 2 A and C) and system sensitivity (Methods), I predict an increase in the

Zeebe PNAS | August 20, 2013 | vol. 110 | no. 34 | 13741 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 A Maximum Warming (K) for more than 4,000 y (SI Text). To avoid GIS deglaciation, total 0.6 5.8 allowed emissions would be ∼2,200 Pg C for a threshold of 3.1 K ff 9 and S × = 3 K if slow feedbacks are ignored (Fig. 3B). However, 8 10 2 4 5 including slow feedbacks, allowed emissions might be only 1,000– 0.5 6 5.0 7 1,700 Pg C (depending on feedback parameters). Humans have already released >365 Pg C from fossil fuel and cement over

) 0.4 4.4

−1 the past 250 y (28). 9 K

3 es

−2 Low ESS estimates8 S 2x Projected Warming Contributions 0.3 4.0 (K)

4 es 2x 5 6 The fast-feedback response to anthropogenic CO2 emissions 7 S (W m es j represents the largest contribution to the projected warming over

Σλ 0.2 3.6 the next few centuries. For the base case (2,500 Pg C/500 y, Fig. 2), the calculated maximum additional warming from an- 8 thropogenic CH4 and N2O emissions is ∼0.6 K, consistent with 0.1 3 3.3 previous studies (29). Carbon release from permafrost is pro-

5 6 7 ∼ 4 jected to contribute an additional 0.3 K at most on centennial 0 3.0 timescale. This is a conservative estimate, using a low sensitivity B Mean Warming Index (K) of the permafrost reservoir size to warming (Methods). Over 0.6 5.8 7 several millennia, carbon release from methane hydrate systems adds another ∼0.5 K at maximum to the warming (30). Note that 3 8 9 0.5 5.0 the carbon release from methane hydrates predicted for the fu- 4 ture does not imply releases of similar magnitude on glacial- 5 6 timescale. This is because (i) the recharge time of the

) 7 0.4 8 4.4

−1 deglaciation? (3.1 oceanic hydrate reservoir is on the order of millions of years and

K ii es ( ) the temperature swings during glacial cycles were more pro-

−2 Low ESS estimates S 2x 3 0.3 4.0 (K) nounced toward colder, rather than warmer conditions. Models es 2x

S that include these features predict a relatively small methane (W m 4 6 5 j es 7 release on deglaciations, in agreement with and deep-sea

Σλ 0.2 3.6 archives, including stable carbon isotope records (31). Note also 2 that, although the last interglacial period was warmer than the preindustrial era, deep-ocean temperatures appear to have been 0.1 ± 3.3 3 0.8 K) 6 only slightly elevated (32), preventing significant methane release. 4 5 The predicted future release is comparatively larger because 0 3.0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 the magnitude of the anticipated anthropogenic warming is un- Fossil−Fuel Emissions (Pg C) precedented over the past several million years (31). Over the coming millennia, an increasing portion of the ad- Fig. 3. Summary of projected future warming trajectories. (A)Projected ditional predicted warming is due to slow feedbacks, which also maximum surface warming above preindustrial levels ðSff = 3 KÞ as a func- 2 × maintain temperatures at elevated levels over this timescale (Fig. tion of total anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions and slow-feedback parameters ðλes + λesÞ. λes represents the combined effects of changes in 2) (for variation of the slow feedback strength over a wide range, 1 2 1 see Fig. 3). At moderate feedback strength (Methods), the slow vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs, and low-latitude glaciers/ice caps ðτ1 = 200 yÞ; λes ðτ = ; Þ λes λes 2 represents changes in high-latitude ice sheets 2 5 000 y . 1 and 2 feedbacks (mostly vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs, and low-latitude λes + λes ∼ were simultaneously increased to cover the likely range of 1 2 (Meth- glaciers/ice caps) cause further warming of about 1 K by year ods). The right verticalP axis showsP the corresponding Earth system sensi- 3,000 in the simulations, relative to the case including anthro- es = : × ðΛ − λff − λesÞ−1 tivity, S2 × 3 7 0 i j K. The horizontal line indicates pogenic GHGs, permafrost, and hydrates (Table 1 and Fig. 2). estimates of Earth system sensitivity (ESS) at the lower end of the spectrum By year 10,000, the calculated difference in surface temperature (3, 8). Thus, the white-dotted area below that line represents an unlikely warming between these two cases increases to ∼1.8 K mostly due parameter space for long-term future warming. (B) Projected mean surface to changes in high-latitude ice sheets, which add to the slow warming index Wi (Eq. 4). The stars indicate parameter values used for the projection shown in Fig. 2 (red graph). The magenta line indicates the feedback strength on this timescale (Fig. 1). warming threshold for the irreversible deglaciation of the GIS of 3:1 ± 0:8 K The implied future changes in high-latitude ice sheets, for given in ref. 26. example, may be illustrated by comparing feedback parameters (λ values) used in the future projections to those estimated for the (LGM) to transition. Note duration and magnitude of future warming. For instance, at total that λ values measure the feedback strength per unit warming, Sff = emissions of 2,500 Pg C and 2 × 3 K, the likely range of mean not per absolute warming (Eq. 1). For the moderate future – λes = : · −2· −1 Methods warming over the coming millennia is about 4 6 K, rather than scenario, 2 0 05 W m K ( ), whereas for the ∼ B λes ∼ · −2· −1 3.5 K when slow feedbacks are ignored (Fig. 3 ). This suggests LGM, 2 has been estimated at 0.70 W m K (3, 10). In consequences for long-term future climate change projections. other words, in the future projections with moderate slow feed- For example, the warming threshold for irreversible deglaci- back strength, the ice-albedo feedback for high-latitude ice ation of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) (equivalent sea level rise, sheets is 14 times weaker than for the LGM–Holocene transition ∼7 m) has been estimated at 3:1 ± 0:8 K above preindustrial (for further illustration using a simple model, see SI Text). This levels (26). A more recent study using a coupled climate-ice reflects the notion that changes in glacial-interglacial ice cover sheet model (27) puts this threshold at 1.6 K (range, 0.8–3.2 K). per degree of warming were much larger than those expected for However, at 1.6 K, GIS deglaciation may take 104 y. The study the future. Note that, although the discussion here illustrates emphasizes that the timescale of melt depends strongly on the changes for a single λ value, a suite of projections are provided magnitude and duration of the temperature overshoot above the using a wide range of λ values (Fig. 3). The moderate scenario W 4 λes threshold. This feature is better represented here by i (Eq. ) may underestimate 2 as several recent studies suggest that the than by the maximum warming. For example, all but one simu- future ice sheet response to warming could be stronger than lation with Wi > 3:1 K also include sustained warming ΔT > 3:1 K previously thought (27, 33–35). Note, however, that uncertainties

13742 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1222843110 Zeebe Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 in current estimates of ice mass changes for West and LOSCAR in the present study and model parameterizations, see SI Text. the Antarctic Peninsula appear to remain large (36). Below, the slow-feedback parameters are described, which are subject The feedback parameter for the combined effects of changes in to uncertainties. The effect of these uncertainties on the results presented here is examined by varying the slow-feedback parameters over their likely vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs, and low-latitude glaciers/ice caps in − − the moderate future scenario is λes = 0:35 W·m 2·K 1. For com- range (Fig. 3). − − 1 parison, ∼0.20 W·m 2·K 1 has been estimated for LGM–Holocene 8 − 8 Slow Feedbacks. The slow feedbacks include [1] combined effects of changes vegetation changes just in the latitude band 40 N 80 N, whereas ðλesÞ in vegetation, non-CO2 GHGs, low-latitude glaciers/ice caps 1 , and [2] corresponding estimates for changes in atmospheric CH4 and high-latitude ice sheets ðλesÞ. Changes in vegetation may occur over time- · −2· −1 ∼ 2 N2O are about 0.12 W m K (3, 10). This gives a total of 0.32 scales ranging from decades to millennia (15, 47). For the effects combined · −2· −1 W m K for the combined effect of these two processes for under item [1], the response time τ is taken as 200 y, whereas τ is set to – 1 2 the LGM Holocene transition. The moderate future scenario 5,000 y (for use of τ , see Eq. 6). The corresponding λ values are constrained λes j assumes a similar value for 1 but includes global vegetation as follows (Eq. 3). For the last glacial cycle, λ values for vegetation alone changes (not restricted to 40 8N − 808N) and effects of low- (only latitude band 408N − 808N) and ice sheets have been estimated at ∼0.20 − − latitude glaciers/ice caps. and ∼0.70 W·m 2·K 1, respectively (3, 10). However, changes in glacial ice cover were much larger than expected for the future and hence the corre- Conclusion sponding λ is considered an overestimate in the context of anthropogenic λes + λes Regarding the legacy of anthropogenic GHG emissions (37), the warming. The lower bound of the sum 1 2 may be constrained by esti- es ’ : main point of this study is that even if the fast-feedback sensi- mates of Earth system sensitivity at the lower end, S2 × 4 0 K(3,8), λes + λes = : · −2· −1 es ’ : tivity is no more than 3 K per CO2 doubling, there will likely be yielding 1 2 0 30 W m K . High estimates are S2 × 9 7 K (3, 10), additional long-term warming from slow climate feedbacks. which, again, applies to the last glacial cycle and represents an overesti- Obviously, the projections presented here are subject to uncer- mate with regard to future climate change. Estimates from periods with tainties (e.g., assessed via parameter variations; Fig. 3) and it is relatively small (or no) changes in ice cover such as the Pliocene or the – yet unknown whether high-end estimates of Earth system sen- PETM may be more appropriate for the near future (3, 7 9). For instance, sitivity are applicable to future projections. However, even low- the PETM represents the best paleo-analog for future carbon release as it end estimates of Earth system sensitivity such as for the Pliocene involved massive carbon input and global warming within a few thousand years. High estimates for the PETM are Ses = 7.0–8.0 K (3, 7), yielding fi 2 × (3, 8) imply intensi ed and prolonged warming on millennial λes + λes = – · −2· −1 λes 1 2 0.70 0.77 W m K . However, the individual range of 2 may − − timescale (Figs. 2 and 3). be taken as 0–0.1 W·m 2·K 1, assuming future ice sheet changes to be very My results suggest a longer lifetime of human-induced future small [this is probably a conservative estimate, given recent observations – B warming than previous studies (15, 38 41) (Fig. 2 ). Note that of warming and ice loss in Greenland and Central West Antarctica (34, 35)]. the cited studies as well as the present study do not consider λes + λes – · −2· −1 Hence a likely range of 1 2 is 0.30 0.60 W m K (Fig. 3). Moderate λes τ · −2· −1 changes in . In extended model runs with low and values for the slow-feedback parameters ( 1;2; 1;2) with units (W m K ;y) moderate slow-feedback parameters (Methods), the temperature are (0.35; 200) and (0.05; 5000) (Fig. 1). Note that λ values may also depend anomaly dropped to 1/e ∼37% of its maximum value after 23 and on the type of forcing and the background climate state (3, 25), which is 165 ky for total emissions of 1,500 and 5,000 Pg C, respectively. however not well understood at present. All model simulations presented here include sediment CaCO3 fi ð Þ dissolution and negative, long-term weathering feedbacks, which Slow Feedback Coef cients. The cj t in Eq. 3 could be chosen to increase smoothly from 0 to 1 over the response time of the slow processes. More tend to reduce the atmospheric lifetime of fossil fuel CO2 (SI Text). In summary, including a time-dependent climate sensitivity generally, the delayed onset of the slow processes may be viewed as a lag- Δ ð Þ in the projections suggests enhanced future climate change due to ged response to an average, past T and hence the cj t may be tied to the ðΔ Þ slow feedbacks that could amplify the warming and increase the integrated past temperature change T . For instance, for delayed feed- probability for large ice sheet melting and major sea level rise. backs, an equation analog to Eq. 1 may be written as: X Note that the sea level rise from deglaciation needs to be added − ΔT = Λ 1 ΔR + λ ΔT ; [5] to the sea level rise from thermal expansion (21). 0 f j j >∼ Long-lived peak warming ( 10,000 y) as suggested here is where more consistent with, albeit shorter than the duration of large Zt climate perturbations in the past associated with massive carbon Δ = τ −1 Δ ′ ′ release such as the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) T j 2 j T t dt [6] − τ (7, 42, 43). The PETM is considered the best analog for anthro- t 2 j pogenic carbon input and independent dating techniques suggest τ ð Þ fi > and j is the response time (delay) of process j.Thecj t are then de ned by a PETM main phase duration of intense warming of 50,000 y Δ = ð ÞΔ Δ ≠ ð Þ ð Þ (44). One hypothesis for the longevity of the PETM warming T j cj t T, T 0. In this case, the cj t and hence S t (Eq. 3) are not known a priori but depend on the evolution of ΔT. Numerically, this is

involves additional carbon release from various reservoirs, mo- EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, a nonissue as the c ðtÞ can be computed from ΔT at previous time steps. Eq. 6 bilized as a feedback to the initial warming (45). If the present/ j AND PLANETARY SCIENCES was used here to calculate ΔT j and cj ðtÞ for the slow processes. For simplicity, future carbon cycle operates in a similar fashion, future warming ΔT = ΔT was assumed for the fast processes. could be more intense and longer lasting than previously thought. Methods ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I thank the organizers of the workshop on Paleo- climate Sensitivity held in March 2011 in Amsterdam for putting together a The carbon cycle model LOSCAR has been used and tested in a number of great meeting, which prompted me to think about this problem. I also thank earlier studies (e.g., refs. 7, 23, 46). For additional information on the use of the editor and three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.

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