Oct 2004 The Arab Gas Pipeline

Aims to transport and distribute Egyptian Natural gas to , and in its first phases. The project can be further expanded to allow and other Major gas producers in the region to export their natural gas to Europe, or even in the opposite direction through additional networks and loops thus forming the “Arab Gas Network”. Main Milestones for the Arab Gas Pipeline

(December 2000) : Signature of the MOU between , Syria and Lebanon to construct the Arab Gas Pipeline (Jan. 2001) :Jordan joins the MOU. (June 2001) : Signature of Gas Sales Agreement between Egypt and Jordan (September 2001) : Arab Funding agents agree to finance the Project (September 2004) : Iraq joins the MOU. Arab Gas Pipeline Project ( AGP)

Arab Gas Pipeline Phases: - Over all length= 1500 km

Syrian - Nominal capacity: 10 BCM/Y /Turkish grid connection is the bridge to Europe ,There are excellent market opportunities for AGP

Syria has Potential to play a role Lebanon: a Gas in export, and gas transit. importer Turkey


Iraq: Large gas reserves.

Egypt: Adequate gas reserves Jordan: a Gas importing for domestic demand, regional and transit country supply and export to Europe.

Features of the Mashreq Gas Market Damiatta

Port Said

Stage I

248 km of 36" onshore pipeline and 16 km offshore completed in July 2003 Phase II

393 km, 36" completed and commissioned Fabruary of 2006. AGP complete phase 2 Responsibility : (Fajr Company) • completed and commissioned March of 2008 (35 million USD) SYRIANArab Gas Pipeline Phase III Via Syria /TURKISH NETWORK CONNECTI ON POINT

645 km and 36 in , From the Syrian /Jordanian Border up to Killis at Syrian/Turkish border and to Syrian/ Lebanon border, consists of two sections. Section I: from the Syrian/Jordanian border up to Al Rayan Gas Station about 320 km. And 80 km , 24 “ to Lebanon border. •Section II: from up to KILIS at Turkish Border about 245 km Arab Gas Pipeline Phase III Via Syria SYRIAN /TURKISH NETWORK Part I 62km CONNECTI ON POINT

Part II This Section Consists of: 183 km 245 km , 36in from Homs to Killis at Syrian/Turkish border . Arab Gas Pipeline Project - Phase III Section II - Via Syria

PART I Kilis 62 km , 36” Status : tendering the closing date was 20th of Feb 2008. • 3 offers were received and under evaluation up to the end of April 2008. • contract award and LC opening forecasted at the end of June , start up expected by end 2009.

Homs •Finance will be secured through Arab Fund (AFESD) and Islamic development bank (ISDB).

PART II from Homs to Aleppo Gas Station will be constructed and connected with the first section of Arab Gas Pipeline in accordance with the future requirements Future Phases

 Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary And Austria Have Signed A Declaration Of Intent Under The Patronage Of The European Commission To Study Extending The Arab Gas Pipeline To Europe By Linking the Arab Gas Pipeline With . Kilis – Turkoglu pipeline

Length 94 km kilis Dia : 36 “ Arab Gas line pipes has already procured , the tendering of Pipeline the project construction is at the latest stage