A Study of Dehzado Records of the 1881 Census of Baroda State
Article Sociological Bulletin Population, Ethnicity 66(1) 1–21 © 2017 Indian Sociological Society and Locality: A Study of SAGE Publications sagepub.in/home.nav Dehzado Records of the DOI: 10.1177/0038022916688286 1881 Census of Baroda http://journals.sagepub.com/home/sob State A.M. Shah1 Lancy Lobo2 Shashikant Kumar3 USE Abstract At the Census of India, 1881, the former princely state of Baroda published data for every village and town, called Dehzado. After presenting the general demo- graphy of Baroda state, this article presents an analysis of data on caste, tribe and religion. It provides classification of villages and towns by the number of castes and tribes found in them, and discusses the issues posed by them, especially the issue of single-caste villages. This article describes the horizontal spread of various castes, tribes and religiousCOMMERCIAL minorities and points out its implications. In the end, it discusses the problem of urbanisation, classifying the towns by ethnic groups found in them. FOR Keywords Baroda state, caste, Census of India, Dehzado, demography, Gujarat, religion, rural–urban relations,NOT tribe Introduction This is a work in historical sociology of the former princely state of Baroda in Gujarat, based on records of the Census of 1881. These are printed records in Gujarati, known as Dehzado (Persian deh = village; zado = people). They are 1 Archana, Arpita Nagar, Subhanpura Road, Race Course, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. 2 Director, Centre for Culture and Development, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. 3 Director, Green Eminent, Novino-Tarsali Road, Tarsali, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Corresponding author: Lancy Lobo, Centre for Culture and Development, Sevasi Post, Vadodara – 301101, Gujarat, India.
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